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No. 181848
>>181841Yes please! if only I could read it too though
>>181844I'll bookmark all of these, I've been stalking through the /fit/ thread on here and it is a treasure trove compared to 4chan's /fit/!
>>181847I'll start to try this- I do get cravings into the night as my sleep cycle is out of whack, I need to work on that too. Any tips to avoid comfort eating? that was my main issue in uni. I appreciate this!
My second part is: becoming more attractive overall, so any guides on beauty and looking after the body, nails, hair removal, hairstyle, makeup and other things would be appreciated- I never know where to begin ;-;
No. 181850
>>181848>Any tips to avoid comfort eating?Self-loathing. More seriously, though, try to distract yourself with other things, like reading, talking to friends, watching movies, playing games, browsing chan boards, etc. Drinking water, tea, or coffee may help, too. Or, sabotage your snacks in some way to prevent yourself from wanting to eat them.
If you absolutely can't resist comfort eating, aim for low-calorie things, or only eat a small amount of whatever your chosen comfort food is (this takes willpower though, so be careful!).
No. 181851
>>181850Thank you!
I always get put on work shifts from around 11 in the morning to 5 or 6 at night, the ideal eating hours for this intermittent fast, could I somehow convert that to another point in the day? I'm behind a till so no chances to eat at all!
No. 181852
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>>181851You can, it just takes a little calculation. As long as you have a fasting period of (at least) 14 hours before your eating window, it doesn't matter the exact timing. There are all sorts of way to do IF, and different schedules. It's just a matter of figuring out what works for you. This timeline thing was pretty helpful for me, just for measuring out my hours (you don't actually have to follow the recommended schedule if it doesn't fit with your lifestyle).
No. 181853
>>181852I'm trying to work out where I'd fall onto this
Wake at 9, work from 11-6, window for eating 7pm onwards, and I sleep quite late….
No. 181933
>>181850>watching movies, playing games, browsing chan boardslmao literally the worst ways to distract yourself snacking/overeating
Things like knitting and crocheting are better because they keep your hand occupied.
No. 181994
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Mananon here
>go swimming
>eat yogurt
>cut out soda completly, drink water and choccy milk instead
>have lots of sex
you'll be skinny in 2-3 months bb(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 181995
>>181840Good morning anon
Don't listen to these other people. If you do something drastic then you won't stick to it. Your weight might go down a bit and then you'll slip back into old habits and end up hating yourself for it. Not many people can stick to these things.
Change little things at a time. Start off by cutting out drinks that aren't water or tea. Drinking lots of water makes you feel hydrated and generally healthier. Once you get used to that you'll start finding sugary tastes overwhelming, and start appreciating more natural flavours. Go for a walk every day to make you feel brighter and more awake. You don't need to cut out foods that you like, just keep yourself occupied or restrict how much you can have. For example buy multipacks of chips rather than sharer bags so you can't mindlessly munch through the whole bag.
Don't overwhelm yourself, just little steps!
No. 181996
>>181994>Chocolate milkIs this a meme I'm missing?
>>181848>tips to avoid comfort eatingCook and pre-portion all of your food and meals in advance, become a tupperware queen. If you have a big freezer you can make up large batches of healthy soup and just freeze portions. Don't ever trust yourself to eat anything straight from a bag, measure EVERYTHING out
drink a large glass of water before you eat any meal or snack. Remove habitual eating e.g. feeling like you should eat when you do xy, or replace it with munching on carrots/celery. Get yourself used to not eating past 10pm
Also never create a thread for yourself without looking in the catalog ever again, or you will balloon to a size XXXL
No. 182002
>>181993That's a meme. Starvation mode happens when you're literally starving. As in virtually no body fat, emaciated, dying.
Eating fewer calories than burned every day leads to weight loss no matter what. Everything contradicting this is a lie. Super simple stuff.