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No. 182004
>>182003I'm bi since I hit puberty, more or less, and yet I never had a proper relationship with a woman, nor gotten past foreplay (if any) so I don't feel worthy of being called bi.
Getting guys was obviously easier so I went with that. Recently I went on okc but there's barely any real bi or lesbian girls and they never like me back.
Pretty stupid but I realised I don't have any proper chance at dating because I'm not involved in any gay scene. Gay bars are usually more expensive but I guess I'll get used to it and become a regular, or attend gay oriented events.
That's my only advice so far :/
No. 182017
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>>182007OP here
I dislike bars, especially the music. I'm also under the impression that gay bars are like 90% gay dudes and lesbian bars aren't really a thing.
Those LGBT clubs sounds quite nice, but I'm afraid they're going to be full of tumblr and trannies.
Is that HER app any good? Tinder seems like it's mostly couples looking for a unicorn.
No. 182018
>>182017Idk where you live but bars have different themes/ambiances so don't think bars just mean loud defeaning music. They're also usually pretty quiet until 8pm (again, not from the US so I don't know how the bar scene is)
I think you're bound to bump into SJW short-fringed tumblrinas but you don't have to associate with them, besides saying hi from time to time.
I'm a bit afraid of joining a lgbt movement because there's a loooot of drama there and I don't have the time or energy, but I guess once you get in contact with someone "from within", you'll get aquainted with their friends and start building up a lgbt network, so to say.
No. 182129
>>182083I've seen a different numbering system, of which I'm a 2 on the scale ("Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual"). I like guys a bit more, but still find myself attracted to girls as well.
I have little dating experience unfortunately. It makes it worse that my standards seem so high/narrow that I rarely find people I'm attracted to.
No. 182138
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i think i have an issue. all of the women who call themselves 'queer' here look absolutely ridiculous. like a parody of tumblr. they put effort into their appearance but in all the wrong ways - like dying their hair pink when their haircut is ugly and they're 100 pounds overweight.
i just want a gay sporty gf that's actually qt.
No. 182142
>>182138In my experience, they do this to exemplify their ugliness.
As in, they already have something which gives them a horse face, so they may as well go full-on neon tie-dye hair so maybe this one part of their body they're self-conscious about isn't the focal point when someone looks at them.
I have a horse face, also. But not enough of one to justify shaving my hair into a buzzcut and gnawing at the callouses on my hands until the skin starts the peel. Which is a real thing my aunt does.
No. 182179
>>182082If you asked me that irl I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Maybe I'll finally manage to do all of my work remotely so I'll be able to live wherever I want because there's no way that in my tiny catholic country I'll ever find a soul mate.
> I'd actually love to have an inexperienced girlfriend and i believe many women would as well.That gives me hope, thank you for that anon. Being a virgin at my age is a bit weird, straight or not. But I just can't imagine anything more than a friendship with a guy. I'd rather become the typical crazy cat lady than lose virginity with a guy for the sake of being normal.
No. 182193
>>182172Thanks anon that's good advice. I'm eating my own words and looking up cute rainbow bracelets on etsy. Just had to vent. None the less, any gay spaces that are in my city are for teens or dominated by old blokes.
Do you generally find you approach other girls or the other way around?
No. 182196
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I'm bisexual but have never been with a woman, besides fooling around in my teens.
I'm in a long-term relationship with a guy right now, but I'm starting to really wonder and fantasize about being with another woman. I'm not a man hater or anything, but I'm a little tired of dating men and can't help but think being with a woman would be much nicer and not as many issues.
I'd probably date a girl if my boyfriend and I ever broke up, but I'm so shy, especially around cute girls, and have no idea how to even be "gay"; as in, figuring out if a girl is into girls too or how to flirt with them.
Plus, just from what I've seen, not a lot of gay or bisexual women are really girly/feminine? I'm not into the whole straight dynamic in gay relationships. I just want to date someone that's girly like me.
No. 182313
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The only real crush I've ever had was on a girl, who used to be a friend of mine in high school. I never dated anyone because I'm a social retard and insecure since I was very sheltered and wasn't allowed to do anything, I'm not remotely attractive, and I live with my homophobic and generally fucked-up family (not out of choice, I'm too poor to move out). I can't even date men if they're not black or north african and if they're not muslim because of my family, actually. I think I'm ok with the fact that I'll never date anyone, I'm just so used to the idea now. I feel weird saying I'm into women, I'm too used to people online saying shit about bisexuals because of people pretending they are, and if anyone knew that irl I would be in some deep shit
No. 182559
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>>182196>I'm in a long-term relationship with a guy right now, but I'm starting to really wonder and fantasize about being with another woman.>I'd probably date a girl if my boyfriend and I ever broke upa-anon are you me…. my bf is very sweet and was also my first relationship, but I want to date a girl. I realized I was bi in high school but I've been a fat greasy weeb with no social skills for most of my life, and didn't fix it until college, so flirting with other girls wasn't an option for me…
I am extremely sexually attracted to women as well as prone to developing intense crushes on them, but I feel awful bc my bg is really nice & loves me a lot. I'd never break up with him unless something terrible happened and we weren't happy, but god. I guessed I've just missed the boat on dating women.
No. 182598
>>182579>I had quite a few crushes on girls in high school but I was too much of a depressed, gross neet to even attempt to befriend any girls. You weren't a NEET. Do you even know what NEET stands for?
Unbelievable how people who don't even know what NEET stands for use it like this. Do you think it's a synonym for being sad or unhygienic/gross? None of these traits are required to be a NEET.
Not in Employment Education or Training
That is all, it doesn't mean ANYTHING else about a person.
No. 182603
triggered Go take a shower you dirty NEET weeb
No. 182604
>>182603lmao, they're right tho.
hikikomoris would be a closer fit, i suppose.
No. 182634
>>182598I'm sorry I mislabeled myself and hurt your NEET fee fees, anon.
>Do you think it's a synonym for being sad or unhygienic/gross? Yes lol
No. 182712
>>182676OP here, fuck you. I have made out with women and I have slept with one, I'm not faking anything because I'm butthurt at men. Nor have I said anything about wanting to end up with men.
Stop projectibg your own insecurities unto others.
No. 182740
>>182712from your op
>The problem is that I have no idea where to find bi/gay women or how to flirt with them.>but I'm sick of dating men. Rellationships with them seem stuck in all these rules and gender dont know how to find bi and gay women nor even how to flirt with them but still.. you've slept with a woman and made out with others? um. okay. i hope you can believe your own bullshit to make you feel better about you being oh so bi. you just come across as the typical frustrated hetero gal. don't feel offended, im just pointing out obvious facts. maybe you're not like that irl but this is what your posts have shown.
No. 182754
>>182740We were both drunk and a lesbian friend came unto me. I don't particularly care if you believe me or not.
I'm not the one starting shit here, you are.
No. 182957
>>182753I'll date u
Signed, another femme who only attracts butch girls
No. 183443
>>183275so………. a lesbian?
No. 183446
>>183443no, a lesbian is homosexual.
a bisexual who chooses to only date women is just a bisexual who chooses to date women.
No. 184436
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>>184259>>184424Sounds like Utena.. yes, I'm kinda old.
No. 184445
>>184442Here's a protip:
Instead of going after drunk sluts that want to make out or lesbians that will get abusive, just go for normal types.
Ideally you want to get a girl who's all "I'm not into girls but we just ended up dating each other somehow.."
Basically do the regular friendly stuff and start holding hands and kissing etc.
No. 184460
Oh bo…girl, you gu…girls talking bout your fantasies here makes me dream.
I'm bi but I pretty much gave up on finding a girl because I'm not very confident in my appeal to women even though I consider myself decent-looking.. and my life is currently too much of a mess to let anyone in. And also, I'd have yet to come out and I dread that
Like many of you, I like femmes or maybe a little androgynous girls. I like butches, too, I guess, but I'd rather date a femme.
In my teens, I used to be on a screaming pink lesbian bi dating site from my country but there were too few people on there and it was basically incredibly cringy and awkward teen flirting with crappy selfies on a crappy layout lol. There were butches who liked femmes and femmes who liked butches and thirsty, pathetic het couples. That WAS IT.
(Following fantasy is heavily idealised. I'm aware that a real relationship would be much more complex)
… I'd also like to be really close with a gf. Be like, super proud of and confident about us. Be stylish together and have amazing photos taken every now and then. Look hot together. Push each other looks-wise and celebrate when we look cool. Give extremely detailed compliments and also advice. Do make-up together. Share accessoires and things. Do each other's hair (Also, I has this odd fantasy of getting shaved……….)
Have great sex and don't settle for less. Be dirty together. Be casual together and really honest. Watch shows and talk about who we'd fuck and why. Fart around each other (feels like a Rose x Rosie vid lol). Be honest about our bodies. Share a place and fight about the decoration but making it work. Share our hopes and dreams and fears, our good and bad traits and the best parts of our personalities. Have someone find out sth special about you you didn't know. Have countless inside jokes. Annihilate the notion that girls aren't funny by being each other's fav entertainer. Have pets. Be each other's rock, haven, soulmate.
Also, I have to agree with some people though. While great and exceptional female x female relationships exist, bi girls tend to idealise them sometimes (me, too) to a point where no girl can meet their standard. Compromises exist in most constellations
No. 184811
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>>184259>I've always been attracted to the idea of being the 'male' of the two. But like in a princely way.ahh same
No. 184815
>>184414>>184442whoa I'm bi and in socal too. unfortunately…yeah, that seems to be a thing with not just the ones here, but the ones I meet online too. my bff is gay and says the worst thing is all the other girls she finds are basically tumblr sjws or only have a personality consisting of "I'm gay lol."
I'm just kinda happily surprised about seeing people from the same place on this thread lol. I'm taken but it's nice seeing I'm not the only non-terrible, non-pixie cut-ed, non-insta-thot, and non-"make out and get drunk" bi chick here.
No. 185297
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I'm bi, and although I had absolutely no problem pulling "straight" girls and occasionally gay girls at parties, none of them ever wanted to actually date if I talked to them after because they're liek totaLLY Str8 except when im durnk haha and the lesbian chicks just brushed me aside becuase I was younger.
Those experiences put me off trying to pick up girls irl so I turned to dating apps, and then it would just be waves of thirsty dudes crying threesome and all the girls never messaged me back, or messaged me at all
I'm now happily settled with an also bisexual boyfriend but man, I really wish I had had at least once positive lesbian relationship that I could fondly recall
No. 185533
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>finally coming to terms with my sexuality and soft-butchness after so many years>want a fellow gender noncomforming gf that i can connect with so badly>waited too long and now every woman like that is either straight or a transtrendero-oh well….it's not like i'm well adjusted enough for a relationship anyway…..
>>184824i feel you, anon ;-;
she's my idol tbh. when i was younger i wasn't sure whether i wanted to kiss her or be her…now i realize it was totally both lmao
No. 185542
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>>185533wife goals or life goals, am i right?
a qt sportsy gf is the ideal
it's so funny how sailor moon impacted me when i was a kid
No. 185549
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>>185533>she's my idol tbh. when i was younger i wasn't sure whether i wanted to kiss her or be her…now i realize it was totally both lmaosame omg
>>185542that gif tho, ugh I loved Yuga Yamato as Mamoru
The idea that a woman would play the dude absolutely fascinated me
No. 185551
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>>185549yuga yamato is so princely. she looks better dressed as a dude than with long hair and a dress on.
i'm in love with her.
No. 185566
I wish I could meet a butchy anon from this thread and be happy with her. I am bi and very feminine but I like women better sexually and romantically and I think there's nothing more wonderful than a sweet butch lesbian girlfriend.
BUT WHERE ARE THEY? apparently only around lolcow as I can't find any IRL unless they're really old late 30s and beyond) compared to me.
>>185549It makes sense that they only chose women to play the characters. Even the sailor stars who most assume are actually male (and just transform into female) are women in the manga. The 90s anime made that a bit confusing. Seiya is actually a beautiful lesbian, not just some guy who becomes a sailor scout and has a crush on usagi
No. 185576
>>185551i am slain
"princely" women are top tier. i wish they existed irl.
No. 185694
>>184460>I'm bi but I pretty much gave up on finding a girl because I'm not very confident in my appeal to women even though I consider myself decent-looking.. and my life is currently too much of a mess to let anyone in. And also, I'd have yet to come out and I dread thatAre you me, anon. This is literally my life right now. A stupid mess and I'm so stuck in the middle of a rut, I can't even imagine being worthy of being in any relationship, so it's better to not try at all, lol.
Though you sound like a chill girl, I-i'd totally be into those fantasies.
I can't even imagine all the retarded comments from everyone if I ever dared to date a girl. I always presented myself as hetero because I never thought it was possible that I might be bi, and surely those crushes are platonic! It sounds retarded, but I just grew up in the mindset that it's simply impossible to be bi for me. Because, that can happen to other people, but certainly not to me, right? It's just a phase, right?
Idk, and now I'm 24 and feel like the window of opportunity has passed. It just feels pathetic to come out now, and I don't know who would even want me. As said, I only recently came to terms that bisexuality exists, and I feel like if I admitted it out loud, everyone would just call me a hypocrite. Not sure if any woman would even want to date me, or if they would just see another desperate bisexual in me. Not that I would know how to properly approach a woman in the first place, ha.
Eh, long story short, life's a mess and not trying is better than ridicule and rejection, I guess
No. 186114
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>>184460Shit anon, i had to shead a little tear at that last paragraph. I hope you find that.
No. 186173
>>182634>>182603you're both actually stupid.
le i'm so introverted and gross xdddd makes me a literal NEET you guizzz
e-girls smdh