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No. 1828736
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Merry christmas dumbasses
No. 1828740
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>>1828737Hee hee thanks darling
No. 1828743
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Why am I always a few seconds behind someone else goddam you Michael chan
No. 1828751
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I mean I guess it's better than diva cup shot
No. 1828757
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No. 1828763
File: 1703572618490.gif (14.82 MB, 498x498, 168509cc45176ef5e2b9ec30631ace…)

Where my tuberous breast girlies at?? Sound off in the comments, I'm here nonnita
No. 1828773
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The celebricow thread is nearly full again.
No. 1828825
File: 1703579376983.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, 1692638508925.png)

thank you, yume gachashit, for motivating me to work so i can pay you to obtain a .jpg of an anime boy
No. 1828862
>>1828799I've read fanfic where the OC was just a stepping stone for the character to end up with another canon character and I'm still mad about it because the OC was better written and I don't get why the author cucked her character like that by killing her off in such a stupid, shitty way especially when the winning canon character sucked in canon and sucked in her fanfic. So it's rare but sometimes OC X Canon is OK. I think it can also work for stories where the Canon Character had no love interest and no other character in the cast that functions as a love interest.
>>1828753I think it is from In Bruges
No. 1828906
>>1828888I agree, the terms aren't specific enough. OC means
something and it doesn't really seem fit to characterize the original characters in a published novel or comic. When I hear the term 'OC' I don't think of an original character in a published story even though the entire cast might be original. I think of characters who are made to exist exclusively in reference sheets and doodles. They never actually
get used in anything other than maybe roleplay that most of the audience never sees. Maybe they get a series of illustrations made of them but that's kind of it.
It also bothers me when a one off character design for an art piece gets described as an OC, often by people who are
not the artists. Maybe the artist just wanted to make a nice fantasy painting of a fairy, doesn't mean the fairy subject should be referred to as an OC.
No. 1828946
>>1828888I mean I hate OC's in fanfic and in serious shows where it's all very cast driven and it doesn't make sense to have this new rando.
The best ones to have OC's in are established canon where there are huge gaps not related to the main characters like for example almost every hunger game has no named tributes, arenas, and circumstances so easy fit. Probably why the fanhungergame concept is so well used. But wouldn't be a good addition to the already established plot because the characters are so central to the conflict as rebels.
In art I don't care about them.
No. 1828948
>>1828946You're doing the exact thing here. Talking about OCs as an umbrella term when you mean fanmade characters specifically.
>>1828929I'm sorry you aren't creative enough to make up your own content and stories instead of only consooming fanart and fanfics but don't lash out at people who are.
No. 1828963
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Proof that demons are real
No. 1828965
File: 1703592172482.jpeg (297.64 KB, 2048x1420, EM4hFdeUEAELSF0.jpeg)

>>1828948>I'm sorry you aren't creative enough to make up your own content and stories instead of only consooming fanart and fanfics but don't lash out at people who are.i make original paintings with originals characters, but they arent shitty ocs. This is why i hate octards, it's no wonder ocs are so popular with shitty westoid artists but not with japanese artists.
No. 1828967
>>1828888>>1828906When I hear "OC" I always think about a specific community of artists and writers that's very tumblr-centric and has a lot of underage people. I guess it's not really well-defined as a community in the way that something like "harry potter fans" is, since it's not based on anything in particular, but I think you get what I'm referring to. There's a certain overlapping culture to it.
I recently found an old post I made as a teen simply saying I'm "not into OCs anymore" even though I still enjoy character building, I just outgrew the community and got sick of the constant sperging over gender and "
problematic" stuff and porn.
Maybe this is arguably more unhinged but nowadays I have fully original characters who participate in a loose narrative in my head that I simply do not reveal to anybody because I don't care to invite autism and I have fun with it on my own. Sometimes I see things in the world and think "ah, this is like x with y," and it's just a totally self-referential thing that nobody else would get.
No. 1829000
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bedtime, bedtime. p.s. watsky is CUTE
No. 1829004
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>>1828989has a billionaire wrapped around her finger despite looking botched and being middle aged, was smart to quickly bag him instead of letting him lead her on. also they look funnily ridiculous together and i like them together, even though bezos is a demon.
No. 1829005
File: 1703595518134.jpg (46.96 KB, 1200x1180, spagetti-tears.jpg)

>>1828795>>1828799>>1828862>>1828929>>1828946>>1828948>>1828952damn…i make a bunch of ocs to ship with my husbandos. do you guys hate me?
No. 1829011
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>>1829005I don't hate you
nonny I could never hate you
No. 1829032
>>1829017 anon said, I kinda like him for unapologetically being an evil billionaire stereotype. And I know it's pathetic and low-tier but I kinda like that he dates women his age (he still cheated on his wife but at least with similarly evil botched girlboss barbie and not some barely legal model) and doesn't think he's God's gift to mankind, he just wants to unethically earn more money. Compare that to Elon with his breeding obsession (Bezos has three bio children and one adopted daughter).
No. 1829036
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>>1829004i love this because it reminds me of picrel art and memes
No. 1829048
>>1829023nah OCs >>>> self inserts.
ocs at least have a modicum of creativity. self inserts are when you're so devoid of imagination you can't even project onto a character and can't relate to anything that isn't literally about your own self
No. 1829058
File: 1703601699948.png (4.92 MB, 2228x1742, 1669835863899.png)

>>1829054i have seen self insert art thats really interesting and creative, meanwhile i dont think i have ever seen an oc that wasnt the authors fetishes, something stolen from pinterest or some clone of an original character
No. 1829064
How do the "OCs are cringe stolen fetish fuel!!!!!!!!" people think new media comes into fruition? Someone just asks the lore gods to give them stories and characters and Netflix makes a show out of them? I genuinely don't understand this autism about them because it makes sense, are people just supposed to only contribute fanart and fanfiction without ever trying to create something on their own? Is there a certain sales threshold after which an "OC" becomes a "real character"? Are old painters cringe OC havers for drawing characters that don't exist?
>inb4 but it's different when you actually do something with them and create original stories!!!Oh gee, it's almost as if it's this exact shit described here.
>>1828888 No. 1829095
>>1829086you're the one who doesn't understand terminology. the discussion above your post was about OCs inserted into canon stories. OCs are fictional, self inserts are literally the writer inserting themselves, in both cases they're being shoved into someone else's existing story.
using "oc" to mean "non-canon character inserted into canon" has been accepted terminology for decades. the "original" part is to differentiate them from CANON characters.
characters that aren't inserted into someone's canon aresn't OCs they're just fictional characters. some people use the term OC too liberally but int his discussion we were very much talking about OCs in fanworks.
no one's shifting goalposts we were simply not talking about original fiction. hth
No. 1829140
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Do you think I could get away with making a fake car tag? How closely do cops even look at those, has anyone tried before?
No. 1829211
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>>1829205Imagine being this concerned with the opinions of anonymous strangers online. Live your life girl!
No. 1829217
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>self inserts
No. 1829253
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>>1829222I believe in you, follow your heart
No. 1829268
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>>1828740With such confusion, don't it make you wanna screeeeam
No. 1829270
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Someone decided to boil fabulouso and it's irritating my throat. It doesn't even smell that good.
No. 1829291
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>>1829280I hadn't understood anon's post cause I didn't know what fabulouso was, but seriously people are boiling cleaning products?
No. 1829293
>>1829289Thank you
nonnie I needed to hear that ♥
No. 1829299
File: 1703618700013.jpg (48.88 KB, 736x1181, kawaii.jpg)

Hey nonnies i want to wish you all a merry christmas. The internet is full of copypasted christmas messages, that people don't even read and just like. I don't like that. I like to write what i deeply wish and what comes from my heart. Our friendships, from the most deep ones to the most virtual ones are very important and will never be represented by a simple message copied from elsewhere. This being said I would like to thank all of you. You are the best group of spergs i've ever interacted with.
No. 1829302
File: 1703618832330.png (497.22 KB, 761x1145, Screenshot_20231226-202348.png)

I hate men, there should be research done on testosterone and brain damage kek. For reference, this is from a fantasy rpg app where you barely even chat
No. 1829355
File: 1703621929695.jpg (98.42 KB, 1200x790, Simulating-newborn-face-percep…)

Those influencer parents who make their kids nurseries and bedrooms completely beige and grey are so fucked up knowing that babies can't fully see until they're like a year old. Just wait, in ten years there's gonna be studies showing that those kids have worse vision than children who had regular colorful rooms and toys.
No. 1829358
>>1829355i didn't even know that this is why children's toys are so colorful and bright until i saw the comments under vidrel. fucked up how beige parents are messing up their kids for clout.
No. 1829388
>>1829358She should just admit she's doing this for herself and not for the child. Plus the idea of the bright colors is to, and you may not even have thought about it,
teach the toddlers important shit like colors while playing because that's what matters, not the fact that it's cute or whatever, she could've just made new ornaments for the tree so it was some actual diy craft shit that she could've done with her child, so they could've bonded, made memories and other things. But content comes first.
No. 1829450
>>1829284I had the same dream two nights ago WTF?
Nonny are we synced up?
No. 1829458
File: 1703629844569.jpeg (215.28 KB, 1280x880, i'm on my seventh cup rn.jpeg)

I'm an elitist tea snob that denounces herb tea as leaf water but anon isn't every tea leaf wat–no shut up you know what I mean for the peasants and nettle tea is my secret lover that I'm hiding from the plebs.
No. 1829472
File: 1703631308160.jpg (92.42 KB, 1280x720, epigenetics-tea-1280x720.jpg)

Here I lie at night and ponder,
how big is my husbandos dick I wonder?
No. 1829478
>>1829458I've always been open to the idea of trying different teas but I just don't like the taste of anything other than ordinary black tea
with milk and sugar.
No. 1829576
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I love eldritch pineapple
Are you schizo?
No. 1829577
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nta but what the fuck
No. 1829624
>>1829595People primarily kill themselves on Christmas so it's a very sad time for very lonely people.
>>1829608You take the 'dumbass shit' thread too seriously but maybe the dumbass shit was the friends we made along the way.
No. 1829626
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anons please give the name o characters you like or think would hate troons and something they'd say (has to be tranny hate related), i want to draw but i don't have any inspo
No. 1829635
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Everyone shut up! Who would win in a fight?
No. 1829650
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I was just scrolling through silly youtube shorts and then there was a gross one with a fleshlight outta nowhere, wtf
No. 1829657
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>>1829632The only one I can't see a reaction for is Sakaki
but I guess that's in chara, too.
>Chiyo: Is confused and tries to be polite, ahaha-s her way out of conversation>Osaka: Doesn't get it, stares at him with her eternal Osaka-stare>Tomo: Can honestly see as trying to be all buddy-buddy, but then ends up being shitlord-y, also probably doesn't get what the difference to a crossdresser is>Yomi: Sees them and calls them out for being the perverts that they are and probably ushers Chiyo away from him>Kagura: Same as Tomo>Kaori: Sees another Kimura in them, runs on sight>Yukari: Same as Tomo but actually has malicious intent>Nyamo: Same as Yomi, just stays polite No. 1829661
File: 1703642403136.jpeg (491.99 KB, 828x1043, 1702870827887.jpeg)

I just found out Ariana apparently got married to a rich guy. Good for her honestly. She looks really nice.
No. 1829681
>>1829668>prettier looking version of youbut still looks like you? Acts like how you would act?
It counts as a self-insert, but there isn't anything wrong with that.
No. 1829686
>>1829682I understand that but
you are not the perfect partner for your husbando. I mean if you're just writing fic do whatever I guess
No. 1829688
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It's so funny when wannabe-celebs resort to posting nudes for attention thinking it will get them work when it just makes them look super desperate. You don't have a career babe maybe think harder about the decisions you're making because looking like an OF thot isn't going to get you an acting role.
No. 1829705
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Never feel sorry and always remember that this is who you are sympathizing with
No. 1829716
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The reason men are stronger than women is because they were made to serve us, it's so obvious. We need to bring the male literacy rate down to restore order, not like it's gonna be too difficult anyways they're already borderline retarded and all flunking out.
No. 1829720
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>>1829705this is what men don't understand, wallets won't be taken seriously because I'm thinking of the nice beach house and ring you'll get me while I fuck the drug dealer with good cock on the side as you tell me how much you love me. I don't on a fundamental primal level respect anyone but the most brutal, dirtiest cock. You exist to give me money, that's your purpose. Deal with it.
No. 1829722
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Celebricows capped on a pic of a foot
No. 1829734
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Someone make this into a roll sheet
No. 1829735
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>>1829734She will decide your fated one
No. 1829736
>>1829721>schools are somehow actively working against the male gender and "making them perform worse than girls".lol that shit is so wild, as if men didn't create those fucking schools for themselves, at the exclusion of women! All this time they claimed women wouldn't be able to cope with academia, but now it's obvious women are particularly suited to it so they pretend they didn't establish the entire school system for their own benefit.
Not to mention the fact that modern schools are also desperately trying to help boys do better in school even if it's at the expense of female students (sitting feral ADHD boys with quiet studious girls etc).
No. 1829749
File: 1703649155816.png (51.01 KB, 300x268, 39.png)

How come we basically never see TIFs with the name Adan? It feels like the perfect solution to Aiden and variations like Aidan, Bayden etc becoming overused.
No. 1829914
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>>1829905A line and skater dresses because they're comfy, they're flattering on everyone and you can dress them up or down. Wear them with sneakers in the summer and tights+sweater in the winter.
No. 1829919
File: 1703664902474.png (17.46 KB, 554x124, IMG_20231227_021246.png)

Who the fuck is this retard who keeps mentioning "Mima" in the get it off your chest thread?
No. 1829952
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me and my cat
No. 1829967
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>only in America
No. 1830048
>>1830032You're funny kek
>>1830039And you're trying way too hard…
No. 1830061
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One thing I like about the really mediocre movie Mute (2018) (Paul Rudd, Alexander Skaarsgard, Robert Sheeran) is that they do a really good job at capturing the nuance of a pedophile. So many people see like really creepy, 60 year old balding men as the quintessential face of pedophilia but dont account for early signs. Many pedophiles are 'quirky' dudes, say sort of meteosexual shit like babe and darling flippantly, have very "sassy" personalities (Drake), basically try to stay on trend or reference pop culture or snark a lot because they want to appeal to young kids and teenagers. They show no interest in adult women or adult men, and kind of emptily parrot it when forced. They're though gay at first, but they always have this draw to children's and teens media that is hard to miss because something is always sort of off about it, and they seem emotionally distant to adults because they aren't who they dream about engaging with. It absolutely is the lisping, knit sweater wearing Anthony Keidis types that people call 'zesty'. Being autistically into nickelodeon as an adult is a big red flag as well, my first thought about the Sam and cat nine hour video dude is oh he's probably a pedophile kek.
No. 1830106
>>1828816nta but it was indeed funny nonna!!
>>1829722this pic is soooo cute
>>1829735he is so cute hahah based concept
No. 1830228
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What color should I get if I get one of these? I like orange but 2 of my walls and my comforter are black and it'll be right next to the black wall and my bed so I don't want it to look like Halloween colors, I might just get Ivory.
No. 1830248
File: 1703695349086.gif (1.07 MB, 480x270, 1651267198743.gif)

>hear Lana Del rey singing about a handsome man in jeans, comparing him to james dean
>google james dean
>it's an ugly manlet
Fuck you lana and fuck your psyops
No. 1830291
File: 1703697814710.jpeg (188.54 KB, 563x478, IMG_8589.jpeg)

Do we still say nonny here or is that now bannable? Haven’t been here in a few years
No. 1830330
>>1830297Thank you nona!
>>1830321A calendar of our cats which was cute, some hats for the cats and a drawing book for us to sit down and learn to draw together.
He has a big expensive packaging coming but it was delivered to a different address so he didn't come before Christmas
>>1830322Sorry nona most of them has probably been me complaining about my symptoms in venting or asking dumb questions in stupid questions, the mother thread is slow and I'm an overthinker and don't really have a group of people to ask if X thing is normal. It's my first pregnancy so I'm on edge a bit
No. 1830368
File: 1703701177201.jpg (949.35 KB, 4160x2340, 1000012329.jpg)

I will not be mean I will not be mean I will not be mean I will not be mean I won't start an infight I won't start an insight hnnnnnn please tell me nonas how you take your coffee
No. 1830390
File: 1703702189793.jpg (117.52 KB, 562x960, a5f442246cb89555eaf7f992dfae75…)

I have terrible anxiety today. Could you nonitas please post your best pics of fluffy round cats to cheer me up?
No. 1830394
>>1829986If it's a femdom game then I'll be your biggest supporter.
>>1830358Best invasion ever in that case, they're based as fuck.
No. 1830421
File: 1703703960607.jpg (552.2 KB, 1667x1667, photo_eastern-blocks_13.jpg)

I wish America would start building these bad boys
No. 1830440
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>>1830431Wow I didn’t know the word “users” would make someone a Twitterfag now KEK. LC never change pleaseeee
No. 1830448
File: 1703704486599.jpg (107.98 KB, 1108x1477, 29475.jpg)

nonnie! Sorry to hear your anxiety is so bad today, I completely understand. Here's my grumpy little floof. I got her 2 soft fish plushies and sprinkled a little catnip on them, so she's been bunny-kicking them all evening. I hope you feel better soon; anxiety is such a bitch. Take care!
No. 1830451
File: 1703704523317.gif (485.87 KB, 420x315, 1000012335.gif)

Infight of the day is starting, I'm ready
No. 1830456
File: 1703704689611.png (35.47 KB, 450x438, 1629189568451.png)

the way i can tell The Devil Wears Prada movie was directed by a man bc the movie tries to portray Andy as being slobbish by including a scene of her not trying to match her underwear
No. 1830457
File: 1703704690923.jpg (3.54 KB, 319x158, so perfect boi.jpg)

I'm the "is this tie cool" anon from a few threads back and just wanted to say the gift was a success. He said it had a main antagonist vibe which I think is a compliment, anyway thank you nonnies who replied to me
>>1830390Is this one good ? I saved it because the watermark was funny
No. 1830465
File: 1703704848057.gif (3.64 MB, 498x498, bubbles-michael-jackson.gif)

>>1830451Telling the nonnies to stop infighting
No. 1830478
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It's $3 whopper Wednesday and I'm trying so hard to resist the urge to get one. I'm just too lazy to cook and so tired of Christmas leftovers….
No. 1830516
>>1830506Damn I sometimes type in lowercase but it's not deep at all.. I'm just too lazy to press the button that day.
Reminds me of the time my photography professor at Uni bursted into the door and went on a 15 minute rant about a guy in cafeteria holding the fork like a shovel. Some people need real problems in their life I can give them some.
No. 1830534
File: 1703707212291.jpg (765.79 KB, 599x856, B0BPBH4CJH.01.S001.JUMBOXXX (1…)

God, I fucking wish we could have a furry thread on snow because the drama and milk that community produces is near endless and so hilarious. On another note I wish a group would pick up this manga cause holy shit.
No. 1830540
>>1830532Do you really,
truly, believe that anyone who is willing to risk seeing cp or gore to shitpost about garlic bread on a site that is for nitpicking women and alogging men isn’t some kind of mentally ill? Like do you genuinely?
No. 1830553
File: 1703707689899.jpg (614.47 KB, 600x856,…)

>>1830537Nope. Actual manga.
No. 1830574
>>1830562there has to be a one
nonny whos a stacy autistic radfem furfag with a hyena fursuit or something. I want to believe.
No. 1830583
File: 1703708889847.png (2.1 MB, 991x1015, autismfags.png)

this is who i imagine is behind every post
No. 1830587
>>1830399Close enough and very cute kek
>>1830401Aww you can almost feel the floof
>>1830448Yeah, anxiety is a bitch. Thank you for the sweet comment and pic of you kitty nona! She has such pretty face and paw colors.
>>1830457It's funny because it's true, cats are perfection.
No. 1830602
File: 1703709511709.jpg (52.24 KB, 436x500, 528ae37d58719d8c287ae8af1434ff…)

>>1830583Carly posters
>dutifully report bait>organize threads and events like movie room, drawthread>direct and correct newfags>delete and repost their posts with spelling errors>types long vent posts that no one replies toSam posters
>uncontrollable urge to post bait>cannot resist joining an infight even if it's irrelevant to them>dedicated to their flavor of autism whether it's fujo sperging or other de/g/eneracy>reverse subtype: vehement anti-autist autist who loves to clash with the above and tell them they're autists>replies to scrotes every time, even if it's cock and ball torture >ban evasion No. 1830616
nonnie wants to be Carly but they’ll stay a Sam. Sad!
No. 1830617
File: 1703710013817.png (371.14 KB, 700x525, 1000012919.png)

>>1830615Based chaotic
nonnie keeping things interesting
No. 1830658
File: 1703711510102.jpg (21.32 KB, 600x315, miranda_cosgrove_michael_jacks…)

>>1830602Michael jackson posters
> post michael jackson pics for no reasonCarly posters
> useless, don't even post michael jackson pics No. 1830680
File: 1703712499578.jpg (30.35 KB, 640x360, 1000012345.jpg)

I'm kinda scared to watch this movie because I think I might develop a crush on him and he's ugly. I know absolutely nothing about the plot or his character but idk I just have a feeling
No. 1830714
File: 1703713873998.jpg (92.09 KB, 720x960, 584abc1c19ac5b4fa39d3b39b02bcb…)

>>1830711I diagnose your baby with autism.
No. 1830723
File: 1703714177439.jpg (395.97 KB, 2112x2112, 1000012924.jpg)

What do you think about those uterus plushies?
No. 1830745
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>>1830733That wasn’t her it was the dryad from Round the Twist pretending to be Pete (because boys can’t post here)
No. 1830759
>>1830735>>1830741wouldn't cute male autists be basically any stoic anime guy? those are everywhere. i was gonna say
L is the best example but some nonnas consider him ugly
No. 1830762
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>>1830759Wait, anons think L is ugly? I mean he's not panty-soaking hot, but he isn't
No. 1830763
>>1830757Bringing a child into this world is simply a very difficult and mature decision to make. Therefore the thought of such a person at the same time still spending time in this online daycare for retards (and I'm totally including myself in this) is a bit worrying.
I too already have 2 mommy friends and their kids are the sole focus of their lifes, they don't even own a computer. Any second they don't spend with their babies is either spent sleeping or meeting other adults irl. Free time as a mom is rare, so normal moms use it for really important things and not this.
No. 1830770
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>>1830761How they picture lc moms
No. 1830771
>>1830763Nta but to be fair she's still pregnant so her time isn't being occupied by the baby yet, also it's possible she posts sometimes and doesn't spend all her time here. But I don't really get the
>Therefore the thought of such a person at the same time still spending time in this online daycare for retardspart cause like this site isn't that far removed from normalcy is it? We're just shooting the shit and gossiping?
No. 1830772
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>>1830759no, i meant autistic in the tomoko nerd way. I want a male version of this
No. 1830773
File: 1703716423184.png (Spoiler Image,452.52 KB, 1026x619, Screenshot 2023-12-28 040328.p…)

(spoiler for ugly fat moid) omfg, they can't be serious, they can't possibly think this could be considered an attractive man, you're fucking kidding me
No. 1830774
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Was Kira right in killing criminals and rapists? If Kira was real, should it be a woman instead? And should it be a lolcow user?
No. 1830778
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>>1830764Well apparently L isn't even a full bloodied britbong, he's an ethnic mutt, so it makes since that he's not TERRIBLE looking kek
No. 1830784
>>1830771When she gives birth her baby's brain will be ingrained with all the gossip posts she as a pregnant mother read on here. So that means anon will have a based baby
terf (if female) or an autistic failure (if male)
No. 1830785
>>1830762My dad still bullies me about him to this day, and it's been almost a decade since i had a crush on him kek
>Anon i know you like your guys all emo and weird as hell like that pale anime guy>>1830767what do you think about husbandos from 3d videogames?
>>1830772The 1st and 3rd are so me, i finally feel represented
No. 1830788
>>1830782This site isnt that serious for me nona its just something to pass the time. I'm waiting to walk to a Drs appointment which is why I've replied so much today
>>1830784Maybe if I read a bunch of tranny hate threads it'll make the boy baby get a repulsion to that degenerate shit
No. 1830799
>>1830795Yeah, like watching TV or reading magazines, it's not crazy different lol
>>1830794NTA but I also finishy sentences like that, isn't that normal?
No. 1830801
>>1830771If it’s not that far from normalcy why don’t you tell your friends and coworkers you hang out on lc? You know you’ll get rekt for being a
terf manhating extremist homophobic ableist bitch
No. 1830804
>>1830785I'm still not attracted to them and I don't really get it but I respect the anons that do, I'm sure they'd think the men I find attractive are disgusting so fair enough kek
>>1830794You can tinfoil if you'd like but I've never said that before, that's why I said it now cause I had never seen any anons mention that before. And I've seen tons of anons end their sentence with kek, and I never say lol. What are you so mad about kek, why are some of you so determined to offended and infight over the most benign things?
No. 1830813
>>1830800I over use kek and lol and have done it since forever, idk what you're on, nta btw
>>1830795I agree, mothers are people too and deserve to have fun. You need to relax to keep yourself happy and stress free too you know, I don't think anyone out there could be baby mode all the time. My question is why lolcow though? Not judging, just wondering if she wouldn't enjoy something with less infighting, I'm not pregnant and yet this place stresses me out a lot sometimes
No. 1830831
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>>1830762>>1830764It's funny because some months ago I was playing a visual novel called slow damage
pls don't judge and pic rel (Rei Izumi) is canonically considered "beautiful" because he was born to a Japanese father and a British mother, I just side eyed it tbh. They even make it a point to say that he has the same pretty features as his mom, idk kek
No. 1830834
>>1830824You literally start an infight over the dumbest shit every day, around the same time, and always itt
>>1830827She's clearly doing that on purpose to piss you off more you fucking dunce
No. 1830846
File: 1703718402898.webm (2.94 MB, 576x1024, gabe.webm)

>>1830759>>1830735Your post made me think of that super autistic teenage boy that had lesbian moms. There were a bunch of weirdos and creeps leaving comments about him on their account.
but I really do wish majority of autistic males were more like this.
No. 1830857
File: 1703718898086.jpg (78.8 KB, 735x695, 1000012859.jpg)

>>1830856Those anons might wanna delete their comments then.
No. 1830873
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>>1830857>>1830856It's not like they'd be the first one's, if you go to any sort of video about him, the vast majority of comments will be about how "attractive" gabe is think his mothers are aware of that fact, but care more about potential fame and money.
No. 1830896
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>>1830884I would be a tortie or calico
No. 1830903
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>>1830901Yup, you got me.
No. 1830904
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>>1830896I would be this one (has a live grenade concealed inside)
No. 1830905
File: 1703721417071.png (126.71 KB, 340x520, Screenshot 2023-12-27 185716.p…)

>>1829914tbh i love skater dresses. plain ones are better or floral patterns to me. i have seen some mighty ugly ones in my travels.
>>1829923that's actually a good way to style them! my biggest issue is that spaghetti straps (thin straps in gen) and i never get along. i did find one on hot topic i may buy lol. i have seen it on their site for years but never snagged. i have the extra crimmas money so… why not? was thinking some tights (fish nets feel too like.. idk wrong) then a pair of boots or smthin. its very black parade-esque and i feel like i should be embarrassed (i am not)
No. 1830912
>>1830883I think the quality of the local cuisine of a place should be used as a method of determining whether or not a specific area/climate is feasibly livable for humans. The worse the food, the less livable that place is. Because of this, I believe that most of northern Europe is fundamentally bad for humans to live in, but most of Africa, Asia, southern Europe, and the Americas (starting from the southern half of USA extending downwards to the bottom of South America) are very livable climates for humans.
This is not a measure of whether or not we can physically survive in these locations, nor is it referring to the quality of life that happens to be associated with these locations as a result of sociopolitical factors. Rather, I believe this to be related to the psychological reactions we as a species have to specific environments. Think of it like a zoo—An animal will be most psychologically sound when in an environment that resembles its natural habitat.
No. 1830934
File: 1703722706682.jpeg (60.84 KB, 500x474, まんだらけまんだらけ 渋谷店 【ゆく年くる年】【少女レトロ…)

Pinterest has been showing me 70's shoujo merch and it hurts me so much that I'll never have all this crap.
No. 1830939
File: 1703722973619.gif (3.95 MB, 320x240, IMG_7005.gif)

>>1830935I don't mind the freckles (on my face)
And I like my flat nose
I love being tomboyish and playing practical jokes,
I love racing and skipping
I am, I am, I am Candy!
Being alone,
I feel a bit lonely during such times,
I stare at the mirror.
Smile, smile, smile Candy
Say goodbye to your crying face, isn't that right, Candy, Candy?
I don't care about my (fashion) style
I think I'm cute being a bit chubby
I love throwing up a rope and climbing trees,
I love whistling and chatting
I am, I am, I am Candy
Even if you are unkind to me,
I don't care about it
I can take insults
I love cakes and cookies,
I also love my green dress
I am, I am, I am Candy!
When I am counting the stars,
I feel a bit lonely during that time, I wink to myself
Smile, smile, smile Candy
Say goodbye to your crying face, isn't that right, Candy, Candy?
No. 1830986
File: 1703725656245.gif (2.95 MB, 540x310, 1000012370.gif)

Good news I am not horny for him, but I did like it when he was bloody and limping. Great fuckin movie though
No. 1830992
Mixing vodka with water sounds so dumb but I haven't had a hangover since I started doing it. Also I have a weird rash should I go to the doctor? It's not itchy or painful it's just there.
>>1830943I used to be so nasty but then I met someone who reeked of sweat all the time and ever since I've been paranoid about smelling bad.
No. 1830998
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The Jungle Movie was kind of anticlimactic because even though Arnold learns that Helga likes him and they kiss, they still act regular friends at the very end. Like, at least make a shot where they're holding hands back at school.
No. 1831018
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Once, I went to a Hibachi Grill restaurant, and a chef did a trick with sliced vegetable bits. He would toss a piece of vegetable and fling it at customers for them to catch with their mouths. I tried catching a piece or vegetable, but it bounced right off my forehead which made the a crowd of other customers laugh. I was so close to catching the vegetable, I still think about it now.
No. 1831039
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Chris Angel looks so bad now holy fuck
No. 1831045
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>>1831039Can you guess who HE was?
No. 1831049
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>>1831040>Penelope CruzAnother example of "women hit the wall" being such a myth. Men don't age like wine, and women don't age like milk. Switch the ingredients to the genders because that's how it truly is.
No. 1831067
>>1831016I’m pissed I had a link but it got taken down
What would you pair it with? Something else misunderstood by males like American psycho or something like There Will be Blood
I honestly want to do A Prayer Before Dawn but I’m afraid the tranny will freak nonas out. also Bronson because it’s crazy and I put it in the same category
No. 1831085
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>>1830935>>1830934This reminds me of how much I love looking at vtg mimi/jenny dolls
No. 1831087
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>>1831077I dont 90% of the zoomer scrotes making misogynistic tiktok memes with Patrick even watched the movie or read the book. They always act like they're so "based" and all-knowing about shit they discovered two days ago, when they don't even read the source material. Do they even know about the rat torture from the book? Little punk baby ass faggots.
No. 1831090
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>>1831085Her frosted lip Britney moment
No. 1831095
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>>1831092They had the cutest lips
No. 1831113
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>>1828726kek Chai is honestly so wild
No. 1831116
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>>1831113You wake up one morning to a knock on your door. You throw on a pair of uggs and put your long flaxen hair into a messy bun paired with a teal camisole and Hollister shorts and walk to the front door. You can't believe your eyes–
Michael. "Eh he he," he says shyly, "I am here to take you away to work with me on tour and shine my shoes." Your face drains of color as you remember your father's gambling debts, and you are trembling at the site of this sensuous man. Suddenly your father leaps from behind the kitchen island and runs straight toward Michael. They begin to fight for your ownership with mixed martial arts.
No. 1831128
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All countries need to become this brutal about males weight
No. 1831166
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I've been watching kamen rider black and most the villains' evil plans are basically just picrel. Not that I'm complaining, I find it amusing how the plot gets pushed aside for fight scenes and costumes. But the villains are like we'll kidnap talented artists, then we'll get them trained under espers to become psychic, then we'll send them to infiltrate different technology corporations, then we'll put them to compete against each other, then we'll just destroy the data they're both working on, then they'll despair because it'll all have been in vain, ???, humanity is destroyed and kamen rider loses.
No. 1831167
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>>1831157cutting into my bedtime hours waiting for someone to post some dumbass shit and start a riot in here BUT NOBODY IS AWAKE WAKE THE FUCK UP RETARDS
No. 1831169
>>1831168Wait what?
1) I wouldn't even marry a fat fuck moid.
2) Okay, let's say I DID marry him. I would immediately file for divorce.
No. 1831178
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>>1831174Singing killed his grandma!!! Okay?!?
No. 1831191
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Y’all don’t know how excited little me got back when Meapless in Seattle dropped
No. 1831202
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>>1831195So if the girl is pink and the boy is blue, will the baby be purple?
No. 1831235
>>1831228>>1831230Pretty much. Unless those aliens are going to do one of the following
>Kill all of humanity swiftly, quickly, and efficiently >Fix our crises such as rent prices, inability to afford healthcare like medication, sexism etc.>Enslaves all of humanity and treats humans as their expensive pets like a pitmommy treats her pitbullsthen I genuinely can't bring myself to give less of a shit.
No. 1831246
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I'm entering my microbangs/winged eyeliner/full black baggy attire era, i'm tired of the cute pinky aesthetic and i'm sick of looking "approachable" and men/people acting like i'm retarded just because of my babyface, might as well dress how i actually want and stop giving 0 fucks, if they get "intimidated" so be it. I love me some black and long ass skirts. Whoever likes it, likes it
No. 1831270
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>>1831230>>1831245They're ugly. Look at the dudes from Roswell and Varginha in Brazil. Also did you ever notice how those greys don't seem to have females in their ranks? Thats why they abduct us for hybrids, cus just like human men, they are weak and need us to reproduce their nasty genes. I'm telling you, they did something to their women, just like men are trying to cull our numbers, same shit everywhere, Earth, Nibiru, Zeta Reticuli, doesn't matter where in space, males will male. Only thing they gonna give you is an ugly baby and cancer… so, they're exactly like human scrotes but without noses. The ones that aren't so bad are fucking manlets and will still give you cancer and the ones that are hot don't care about humans, they might be humans themselves. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I'm onto them since I was a teen, and the invisible ones keep coming to my house and I know that they know that I know that they saw me when I saw them turning off the engine or whatever was that weird light. I almost had proof that day but they were fast, fucking spineless twats. Don't trust the aliens. Stop this Hat propaganda that aliens are hot, there is no Garrus Vakarian, there are only space rapists and eugenicists. The galactic police is too busy for us puny humans.
No. 1831286
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It's so funny to me when someone gets so accustomed to the wannabe celeb way of talking at people that comes with convincing yourself you're an influencer on twitter or Tumblr that they say the stupidest statements ever about themselves like theyre dropping an announcement. "One thing about me is I [do something literally everyone does]" nobody cares bitch
No. 1831289
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>>1831227I really wouldn’t mind if this were the type of alien we’d got tbh.
No. 1831292
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>>1831288Damn nona you're kinda right
No. 1831319
>>1830414>I feel like some new users take it to the far extreme and messes up the vibesI know exactly what type of posters you're talking about. All of them are manhaters supreme but in an edgy 11 year old way, and they're massive consoomers, ironically of loli figurines and moidy shit like that kek. Some lc bunker discord has a few of them and I can recognize their posts, they're legitimately half retarded and love to avatarfag as well.
I'd rather interact with pregnant and married nonnies than neet womenchildren that have nothing interesting to say except which figurine they're adding to their massive collection next and how they totally want to kill scrotes, speaking as a womanchild weeb myself.
No. 1831331
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>>1831321I watched twbb for dano and i found it extremely boring but it was worth it solely because of that one scene where he gets roughed up ♥
No. 1831337
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>>1831333Ooooor could it be THESE blue men?
No. 1831339
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fuck marry kill?
No. 1831344
>>1831339marry left since he's the prettiest
fuck middle i guess
kill the right one he's ugly
No. 1831422
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>>1831113Dayum that's hot
No. 1831423
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No. 1831455
>>1831452Bitch I made
one post about it and I wasn't that fucking anon piss off schizo
No. 1831463
File: 1703762663426.jpeg (1.24 MB, 5000x2813, IMG_9145.jpeg)

>>1831462do men know how attractive the idea of a tarzan-type innocent manual laborer is? I don't think they do with the way they compulsively share their porn habits all over the place. but if they knew how attractive it is to be an innocent man they'd change strategies for sure
No. 1831481
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Im going to use this post to cause a friend group breakup
No. 1831511
>>1831491Dunno what you're talking about
nonnie. We all made the decision a few hours ago that this is now the michael jackson fangirls of lc thread and there's been no other discussion outside of that
No. 1831518
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Some of the anons in /g/ are like viciously retarded but you can tell they're like one minor inconvenience away from suicide so you have to let them have that one thing lol
No. 1831552
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Why is there a faggot accent but there isn't a lesbian accent?
No. 1831553
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And looking at these gifs made me wish there was a game like nintendogs but with boyfriends.
No. 1831581
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>>1831289Wait, are we team xeno or team pred
No. 1831582
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Malding about your fictitious opps and their fictitious supersized vaginas is so deliciously incel-adjacent
No. 1831592
File: 1703771376908.png (994.21 KB, 855x787, heroin.png)

Why are heroin fags so weird? Kek
No. 1831620
>>1831605I have never had Moro bars but
>This type is similar to the Mars bar or American-style Milky Way barBarf I fucking hate those candy bars gtfo
No. 1831624
>>1831615I told you she'd say this about you
>>1831607 not only is your pussy huge in her fanfic but it also REEKS omg she's on a roll
No. 1831666
File: 1703772789068.png (1.19 MB, 1024x1024, CD08F48A-A841-45FC-836D-B14B2C…)

Vaginismus is real and if you have a boyfriend you’re gay. Argument over
No. 1831676
File: 1703772964704.gif (3.56 MB, 500x318, tenor.gif)

>you ALL have loose dumpster cave pussies!!!!!!11 your pussies are foul lagoons!!!!!1111 you are stretched gaped like men's anus!!!!!111
When will someone tell her that's not how it works
No. 1831699
File: 1703773411732.gif (237.43 KB, 400x310, 1703710993196254.gif)

>this thread right now
No. 1831740
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>>1831737Wait your guys husbandos are real
No. 1831788
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I choose to believe this is what Jesus Christ probably looked like, just with longer hair.
No. 1831815
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What do you guys think Jesus looked like? Respectfully. I don't know if I buy the mainstream depiction, even if it's cute.
Weren't there accounts of him being considered unattractive and short?
No. 1831824
File: 1703780907143.jpeg (70.88 KB, 800x1000, IMG_9162.jpeg)

>>1831815Also this is for sure the prettiest Jesus portrayal
No. 1831825
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>>1831824another one just to cleanse this space from despicable moids
No. 1831827
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too many bored people on xmas break/vacation posting here lately, worse than it was over the summer
No. 1831828
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>>1831815Middle eastern and extremely buff
No. 1831835
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>>1831815>What do you guys think Jesus looked like?probably like picrel more then anything.
No. 1831851
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>>1831815egyptian jesus vs boring non bird jesus
No. 1831886
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Early racial scientists' descriptions of other white people are always so confusing and yet oddly hilarious. like imagining seeing someone from Ireland and genuinely thinking they are somehow closer to monkeys then human beings.
No. 1831887
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>>1831886It's kind of confusing when poltards do that thing with the Irish, slavs, or the Italians. Like, they're all white…how are they genetically different from Germans or Scandinavians? Please educate me lol
No. 1831910
>>1831908Nta but that's because you're thinking in modern american terms.
As a Scandi I can tell you that Italians and Slavs definitely weren't considered white-white but instead exotic and dark by older generations.
No. 1831914
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>>1831910That's kind of strange. When I look at native Italians and Russians…I just see white people. How did anyone think any other way?
No. 1831921
>>1831246You sound really stylish nona!
>>1831544God I hope so.
No. 1831937
File: 1703789585611.png (2.19 MB, 1440x2581, Screenshot_20231218-071216~2.p…)

>>1829661I agree, good for her. These bangs kill me though.
No. 1831964
File: 1703791324880.jpeg (Spoiler Image,267.14 KB, 860x1061, IMG_5951.jpeg)

Throwing up(spoiler nsfw)
No. 1831981
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>>1831850lmao anon I agree with you but don't do geckos like that, they're pretty cute
No. 1832006
>>1831952Depends, imo the female faces ranged from great to ugly but the male ones were all terrible with tiny piggy eyes. the period fashions are nice too , especially for the female character.
seconding the suggestion to get the mod for alohomora puzzles. those are an annoyance
No. 1832007
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>>1832003Probably something like burgers, I can eat a triple meat huge ass burger with every single topping that's offered to me, and French fries as a side with ketchup and mayonnaise.
Just thinking about this is making my stomach hurt tbh, but it's so delicious.
No. 1832011
File: 1703793997587.jpg (49.65 KB, 480x475, 0663784e3d43025652a514bff07b13…)

>>1831999Chile created 31 minutos and I'll forever love them for that even if they are kinda odd.
No. 1832036
>>1831999Prove argentinos speak Spanish????????????mmmm????????????????? Yeah thought so ademas drink a cow
Please don't respond to this post, I'm sensible.
No. 1832043
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>>1832003like 2 times a week at least
No. 1832127
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No. 1832129
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No. 1832141
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No. 1832149
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>>1832146I think you and I both know who talks like this..
No. 1832150
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He must be one of those "memers" who make memes and pol-tier speeches about how black men are "stealing and ruining the women" and bring up BBC "as a joke", but we all know it's because they're faggots and actually just want to fuck black scrotes themselves. The moid in this thread is being slightly more obvious about how fetishistic and faggy he is.
No. 1832169
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No. 1832171
>>1831463>but if they knew how attractive it is to be an innocent man they'd change strategies for surethis, i still think about that /g/
nonnie with a christian nigel with a cross necklace that would move when they'd have sex, and some other
nonnie with a bf that was a virgin before he met her and she got to train him
i'm a bit unsure if she exists bc it could be smtg i read somewhere else or smtg i fantasized about No. 1832175
File: 1703804238767.jpg (19.67 KB, 481x449, 15a7ad2e9115add29160a6fa3ccfa4…)

Since Gypsy Rose Blanchard is being released soon, I've been seeing people (on Twitter, of course) saying that Gypsy is a slur and that you can only call her Rose. Who the fuck just changes someone's name and says that they can only be referred to as that?
No. 1832179
>>1832175They're pulling that shit because she is white and no other reason.
Someone should say it.
No. 1832183
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>>1832175Actually she got out today. I wish her the best.
No. 1832195
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if i was a lesbian, i'd probably still go to Europe, and i'd probably fool around with women in Northern Europe so i can piss off Euromoids for stealing their women and Indomoids for having the women they want, and one actress i'd want to be with is Synnøve Lund but her last name is funny bc in some languages it can mean "dick"
No. 1832196
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>>1832181>>1832176which one of you is it???
No. 1832202
>>1832196I'm the one who trained virgin ex to eat pussy good.
Christian nona is someone different
No. 1832211
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>>1832207>that post wall dudeKEK
No. 1832229
>>1832222Skill issue
>>1832218It is and it isn't. In my country we use Rom/Romi but older people call themselves gypsies anyway. If a non-Roma person says gypsy it can be either a descriptor or a slur depending on whether they use it as an insult so people who want to be extra nice say Romi, but I don't know why Americans of all people clutch their pearls over it since the anti-Roma sentiment isn't nearly as strong there as in Europe.
No. 1832241
>>1832230Not really… You can’t compare a romanticised Disney character to the ones here in the uk that illegally move around fields in their caravans and cause havoc.
>>1832232Oh really! I agree though, it is sad for the children but gypsies leave such a bad taste in my mouth from what I’ve witnessed and heard about
No. 1832259
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You ladies remember when J biebs threw milk up all over the stage good times
No. 1832266
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>>1832259What did you say about my man
No. 1832269
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>>1832266What a stunning performance, Bieber.
No. 1832279
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Need me a menhera self-harming attention whoring pickme alibaba sanrio hoarding discord and instagram using terminally online unmedicated jobless nude selling on onlyfans shit dye-job having suicide baiting undiagnosed bpd croquette bf
No. 1832280
>>1831552Some lesbians put on a deeper voice, it's like the opposite of gay men
>>1832268I think anon is just trying to start shit, or carrying on some infight from /g/ into here
No. 1832282
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Do any farmers have snowflakes/cows that you love to talk about but aren’t milky enough that warrant bumping a dead thread without seeming obsessive or weird?
Mine was elizabunnii seeing how she completely catfished everyone only to turn OF thot.
No. 1832291
>>1832281>>1832272Ramsay Hunt syndrome is very rare. It only occurs in about 5 in 100,0000 people. But
never say never.
No. 1832314
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>>1832279Literally I would go into debt to support his plushies and gayming addiction if he were a cutie 3.14 with a thick dick and a brick build like…
No. 1832323
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Idk if anyone saw that but it looked so ugly the first time I posted lol
No. 1832338
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I know so many straight women say this and it's obnoxious but I wish I were attracted to women or could make myself attracted to women. Like a hot man who has "girl crazy" would be ideal. If men just cried and threatened to skip a meal or cut themselves whenever you fought or made them mad that would be unbelievably sexy. Can I handle friendships with women like that no? Would I do anything for a man I found attractive if he did the same thing? Yes. If men had the same kind of self internalized anger or emotions it would be hot because I think they're hot. Like yes hello kitty Xanax bf light of my life my moon and stars you are valid. A woman the same way? Get away from me. How unfair is that, why can't men impulse buy stupid sanrio plushies and post pics with a Xanax bar on top of my melody with my bloody valentine lyrics when they're mad instead of killing and raping people
No. 1832343
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>>1832338Mew and Mewtwo's reaction to reading your thoughts
No. 1832344
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>>1832343They are letting me express myself actually
No. 1832347
>>1832345Let her express her thoughts.
>>1832338You're right,
nonnie, if men were more like us, they would be very attractive.
No. 1832352
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I really appreciate how long threadpics stay up on here actually, it's kind of cozy. when this site isn't being raided or baited it's ridiculously comfy, nothing else is like it. yeah it's toxic and all, it's an imageboard, but lolcow really helped me heal from pickmeism and revel in being a weirdass woman. love you guys even if this site's going to shit
No. 1832364
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>>1832353Does whatever this is count or does it need to be even more slutty?
No. 1832369
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>>1832362I'm sorry and I love you
No. 1832377
>>1832364hideous body language, broad and undefined nose bridge, wtf are his eyes, hair looks like he snipped at a cosplay wig blindly and put it on his head, shitty tattoos, shitty jewellery, eyebrows desperately in need of threading, all in all, i can tell this faggot is "alt" just to be quirky and have underage girls thirst over him in his comment sections and the millisecond he hits 30, he's going to drop all this bc it really was just a phase. if he wants to be a real edgelord, he should spend less time making thirst traps and more time encouraging other fellow males to cut and hide in alleyways to jump moids. 2/10
No. 1832400
File: 1703813683642.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.46 KB, 640x480, C73BDCFF-CB3F-400E-BB3C-5A9EE2…)

What the fuck Goku has a hot dead dad
No. 1832445
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A youtuber put a comment i made in the thumbnail of his video and i feel like a celebrity right now.
No. 1832446
>>1832438samefag but I shouldn’t say “didn’t want”; because they know that it was
pointedly wrong for them to recycle their genes into another human being
No. 1832447
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No. 1832485
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>>1832473There will probably be something fun on in the moovie room come hang out here instead
>>1832472Fireworks sound nice, I hope you don't get sick too
>>1832475I'm very proud of you, one of those is difficult enough but both is seriously impressive. Good job anon, keep that spirit up in the new year
No. 1832503
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gonna roll tomorrow night with my bestie, he has some dmt too and i think i'll try a tiny bowl during. should be a real good stand in for actual new years celebrations.
No. 1832530
>>1832523What do you play nonna? I only browse for text games and most are trash teen fanfic tier romances or have an interesting plot that gets sidetracked in favor of boring ass romance. I'm so tired of romance heavy games. Twine is another full of crap, then there is choiceofgames that have some good games but the community is full of whiny babies and gender specials that want some
problematic romance but are too self righteous to say.
No. 1832534
>>1832532sometimes i feel extra retarded but then
>>>/m/166120 reminds me that moids unironically enjoy hyperinflated furry balloon animal tranny vore.
No. 1832546
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Bratz is finally releasing some new dolls, and they look pretty promising. They didn't stray to far from the old Bratz, although this is kinda plain I think
No. 1832548
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>>1832546Samefag, actually I'm not so sure after seeing all the girls. At least they all have good hair, Sasha's is really cute. Chloe's chaps or whatever those jean things are supposed to be are what's really ruining it. Doesn't even really look like her style tbh.
No. 1832595
File: 1703829351345.png (1.73 MB, 1170x1850, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 9.55.…)

Makes me smile kek
No. 1832622
>>1832618What ever happened to hi Or Hello?
But yes
No. 1832642
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Just found out that Ice Spice is not a member of the Spice Girls that I totally forgot about for some reason.
No. 1832676
>>1832548Maybe I'm crazy but all of their shoes look way too cheap and small tbh, bring back chunky shoes
I do like the hair, one thing bratz always did better than barbie was the soft hair
No. 1832699
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Damn NTA but you reacted like somebody with a coconut head themselves KEK
No. 1832705
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Mhm, sure Jan.
No. 1832713
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>>1832709>"I'm gonna delete all of my worthless, infighting posts just to make everyone else look bad!! Heheheheheh!"Okay freak lol
No. 1832737
File: 1703840917813.jpg (Spoiler Image,403.94 KB, 1280x1280, yms furshit.jpg)

i just found out YMS has a fursona an d uploads his nudes on his alt twitter account. Grooming allegations cant come any sooner.
No. 1832747
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>>1832737Now if they had one of his fine ass
No. 1832752
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No. 1832756
still schlick for Kovu?
No. 1832759
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No. 1832761
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>>1832756Sorry for knowing what's what
No. 1832763
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>>1832747not even a good ass can save that faggot. Cant believe he's just 30 he looks like he's pushing 40
No. 1832765
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i'm never getting a bob cut or any haircut ever again
No. 1832766
>>1832680I can see them finding their upbringing too traumatic (internet use, pandemic, shitty parents, poor education, consoomerism, etc etc…) to really be nostalgic over tbh.
>>1832737Ew the hair and dirt on the wrinkled sheet kek