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No. 18288

Why are asian people so cruel to animals?

>>eat friendly and loyal animals

>>torture animals because they think it makes the meat taste better
>>also torture animals for no reason
>>kill endangered species to make bullshit voodoo potions that don't work
>>love to eat things while they're still alive

What is it about the suffering of helpless animals that makes the slant eyes all tingly inside? Perhaps they were born that way and have developed certain psychological issues that are abnormal and aberrant relative to the rest of society. They simply lack the empathy most other people take for granted. Something just isn't "right" about them. Maybe they were abused or otherwise socialized to derive some sort of gratification from abusing or being cruel to other living beings.

No. 18352

i think they just lack empathy/try to be more logical because that is how they are raised

plus a lot of those countries are small or with not much food available for the poor so they eat random animals like cats/dogs vs cows etc

pets in asian cultures (at least china, maybe in others as well) are not traditional 'as part of the family' as americans are with pets. the pets are kept around as helpers/if times get tough they can eat them

No. 18357

pigs are actually smarter than dogs but that doesnt stop Americans from eating them.

I do have a problem with them torturing and abusing dogs but killing them for food in a humane way is alright by me.

No. 18358

asians dont have emotions.

No. 18359

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no matter what country a girl comes from. they love those small little dogs. lets just turn this into a cute asian girl with cute dogs thread.

No. 18422

i saw some koreans eating live octopus……fucking sick.

No. 18424

i feel bad for those small dogs because they were bred int obeing small, retarded, helpless, and with health problems. asian petshops are also the worst. never fucking buy one of those mutated dogs from there.

No. 18457

Yes, they love dogs. They love to eat them.
Dogs can detect human emotions on a higher level than any other animal. They've been essential to our success as a species, guarding our camp grounds and alerting us of danger, helping us with their superior sense of smell, hunting, ect. They are mans best friend, why torture them to death and eat them?

Aside from this, it's not just dogs. Asians torture all animals, they even eat dolphins and kill endangers species to grind up their bones like retards.

No. 18460






East asians don't give a single fuck about anything. They literally can't get hard unless some animal has been disemboweled and the organs rubbed on their peckers. If they ever become the dominant racial type, they're going to make white people look like fluffy rainbow unicorns that fart hugs.

No. 18466

Eastern Asia is frightening.
I once read a novel on WattPad about China invading the U.S. and forcing its people to a much lower status. It was brutal. They killed a girls dog in front of her and forced her to eat it. Apparently things like that do happen there.

No. 18467


and you all complained about blacks kekeke

No. 18468


cos they have to look little and kawaii like themselves

No. 18476

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No. 18478

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No. 18480

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No. 18481

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No. 18485

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No. 18501

No. 18503

No. 18506

No. 18507

>Posting screen captures from a video of that psycho, kitten-crushing bitch.

Nice try asshole.

No. 18508

No. 18509

No. 18511

No. 18513

No. 18515

No. 18517

(animal gore/abuse is against the rules)

No. 18566

No. 18576

I'm asian who lives in asia and i'm wondering for the same thing too. Do you know in china they eat rabbits, but only the head part? In bali some people would tie a dog to a tree and slowly tear its skin while its still alive. Some people hunt porcupines for its kidney stone which some people believe can cure any illness, but you can only find 1 in 1000. In my country some assholes stole your pet dogs so they can resell it or cook it. I'm always anxious to leave my dogs outside alone because there's no knowing what would happen to them :/ also there's little rascals who loves to beats dog just for fun.

Sorry for my bad english, i'm getting way too emotional.

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