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No. 18443
This brings me back into my early weebhood. First song being this song where Miku couldn't get up, and she was struggling. It was an MMD video I believe. Then my first actual taste had to be World is Mine.
My favourite has changed constantly from MEIKO, to KAITO, then Len, then Rin, then Luka, then Yuki, and then that one Chinese vocaloid (she was an Angel or something). My current favourite is probably SeeU, while stanning Len&Rin in the background.
Just recently I was saying I have to get back into this fandom/MMD fandom.
Thing is, Idk where to find the western/English speaking Vocaloid community, and the MMD community sucks and dramatic so it's better to stay solo, but things are more fun as a whole you know?
I would upload some songs, but I'm on mobile, and going back and forth to YouTube and back requires more effort than I plan to put in.
Sorry for the paragraph, but this is giving me so much nostalgia.
On the other hand with UTAUloids, Teto has to be my favourite. Then Ritsu, and then Tei. Voice wise, is Teto, that one Maylasian UTAUloids, and then Ritsu.
No. 18455
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>>18443I love Vocaloids/UTAUloids etc but I never got into the fandom and I have no idea where to find people above the age of 13 who are into Vocaloid. I mainly just post about them on imageboards and hope for good discussion. I like Miku but I also wish that merchandise and communities were less Miku-centric. But I get it, she's OG or something.
My favorite will probably always be Luka, though I like Gumi and Len/Rin. There haven't been many over the years that have really stood up to the original ones.
They recently came out with a new English vocaloid (or will be coming out with one) named Ruby, designed by Natasha Allegri. She sounds a little better than the other English Vocaloids but I still don't love it.
No. 18464
>>18455Oh my, she's so cute! Depending on her 'fan personality', I can see HER being a protective figure for Oliver, Gachapoid, or Yuki!
Her name reminds me of Pokemon though. Did a sample of her voice get released yet?
Also, where did you find said image board? I'm looking for forums (image boards, anything) that has fans that aren't 13… I mean, we all gotta start sometime, but if they were like me at that age, I wouldn't want to associate too much with them. (I just realized how rude that sounded sorry?)
I gave up on my Japanese learning because they were less practical for my current classes. Sadly, I can't say I could communicate well with the Japanese comm (the English comm is shit and pretty much dead for the second time). Not like they'd accept me anyway, because it was the English comm that made them split away even more ffs.
No. 18471
>>18464tbh i mainly talk to vocaloid fans on /jp/ on 4chan but it's very much a once in a blue moon kinda thing. and tumblr. i'm pretty involved in the weeb side of tumblr and it's easy to make friends that way.
i'll post some of ruby's samples.
No. 49722
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len best
No. 49826
>>18443That made me think of my early weebhood too. Trading Windows 100% models on Deviantart was one of my favourite things to do in the MMD comm.
I kinda stopped paying attention to new vocaloids when V3 came along, they just all sounded the same to me. I was,and still am fan of Miku's voice. No. 49983
>>49960Kagamines best. I like Len's voice better but Rin's songs.
I never made any UTAUs.