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No. 184844
>>184490You're doing the exact same thing incels do, looking at cherrypicked photos of people who are already really attractive, and are good looking enough to get a following based just on that, and then assuming all people only are attracted to that.
They're not, no more than you're only attracted to male models (I assume). You should for sure try to be the best version of yourself you can be, but if you're not doing that sort of insta modelling, or actual modelling, you're going to be giving up a lot of stuff in your life for no reason, and you'll feel bad anyway, because the version of yourself you see in the mirror will never look as good as the shit you post online. Even literal supermodels have said that they struggle with self image as a result of that.
Stop spending your time obsessing over the very small amount of the population that looks that good (probably just get rid of instagram honestly), and I guarantee your self esteem will improve at least a little bit, because you'll start to compare yourself to the people around you, who are much more human, and you'll see the way that guys really view stuff.
No. 184953
>>184873I think you're absolutely right, I think it's important to point out that going "Wow, this person is really attractive!" doesn't mean you only find someone that hot attractive.
You can look at it like musical ability on some level. You might see someone like Steve Vai or another virtuoso (literally any would work on any instrument) and be impressed by the sort of shit they can do with it, right? That doesn't mean that you need to be a literal virtuoso to be considered a decent guitar player, there's plenty of people who are nowhere near that level of talent and yet are still good.
Same goes for looks. Sure, some stunning person might get a lot of attention for being good looking (and taking good photos), but that doesn't mean there's not people who might not be as good looking who are still considered attractive.
Or that everyone is necessarily attracted to the look that person on instagram has. To compare it to music again, Yngwie Malmsteen has insane technical ability, that much is pretty undeniable, but I don't like his music at all, I find it kind of boring and it doesn't really interest me. That's the case for a lot of those instagram people I find, that people who just follow trends and don't really have any personality of their own are just kind of generic and boring, regardless of if they're pretty. I don't find most of the male "models" on instagram attractive for that exact reason, it's just shallow people copying the latest trend with kind of generic looks.
No. 184979
>>184490Hey, I don't wear makeup, have no fashion sense and generally look awful because I don't care about my looks at all other than being passably clean.
But I still get hit on by pretty attractive men. Where did you get this idea?
Do you think women relied entirely on their looks before the instahoe look became popular? No. Some women will always be prettier than others whether it's natural or not. It sounds like bullshit but your personality is far more important, look up women like Anne Boleyn for example.
I look like trash but men constantly compliment me on my mannerisms and such, how "delicate" and "feminine" I am despite displaying no such physical attributes.
No. 185050
>>185009Well at the end of the day when a girl takes off her makeup and PS filters she is no different than "normal" women. Or worse, because at least what you see is what you get with simpler women.
Unless the guy is a complete dumbass who thinks those women always look like that, or just wants a girl to show off. In which case they aren't "quality men".
I'm not saying you should be ugly or look like shit, but if you're at all decent looking you're not any uglier than most instahoes underneath it all.
I mean of course guys are gonna lust after them but it's like porn… just a fantasy, not what they really want in a girlfriend.
No. 185062
>>185018Do guys think women who don't groom themselves are decent either?
>>185050Well theres nothing wrong with combing hair dressing up and wearing some makeup. Men tend to ignore even naturally beautiful women who slack off in those because they're retarded so
No. 185066
>>185062>don't groom themselvesSo you think everyone who doesn't blow dry their hair, obsess over physical appearance and wear tonnes of makeup is automatically an unwashed slob?
How insecure you must be.
No. 185119
>>185113Actually, I'm quite confident in that I'm attractive as an instagram model. I know girls who look ~amazing~ in makeup who are plain without. You'd never believe what shoop, light, and angles do.
How would anyone know none of us are attractive? lel
No. 185165
>>185066Never said that. The OP described herself as having sloppy hair and wearing terrible clothes. You might just be ugly and strange.
>>185104Another ugly and strange one.
>>185112I was replying to the poster I responded to two posts back.
No. 185179
>>185165>I was replying to the poster I responded to two posts back.Well, some women ARE naturally beautiful or at least pretty without makeup and such. I know a few. But you can't achieve that look without surgery, that would be those who won the genetic lottery as you said.
It's one thing to enhance yourself, but we're talking about women who just paint and photoshop their faces and bodies into something unrecognizable. Anyone can do that really as long as they don't look like a troll.
The OP of this thread was asking how to look like those women, and the simple truth is that it isn't possible to look like that for real. Those that come closest to that, can easily be actual models/actresses/porn stars, that or they simply aren't interested in marketing their looks so they wouldn't be on instagram trying to gain followers in the first place.
No. 185227
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>>184507they pretty much are all the same though. from what i've seen online.
>>184844dude, go on 4chan and reddit. those are the places men let all their thoughts and truths free. men can say they want some girl with a nice personality, but the first thing they'll say when someone else asks them what their girlfriend is like is that she's "beautiful." even Bruno Mars has a song on the radio for fucks sake that states "bad bitches and your UGLY ASS FRIENDS." and nobody batted an eyelash because ugly girls are never stood up for and some people don't even know they exist.
i'm not attracted to male models nor am i attracted to pretty boys or anything else. i take what i can get as an ugly woman, and no i'm not fat either. the only thing that can fix me is plastic surgery to fit in with the standards that men have today. which i plan on getting within the next year. i don't post my face online and don't even have a Facebook. the only people who have ever called me beautiful are my parents. i'm 26.
obviously i'm going to obsess about what men find attractive because, as a straight woman, i want to fit into that and i've always wanted to have a family. no man approaches a girl and says "wow i just find your personality so attractive." and no, i don't show what you might assume is my ~super negative attitude~ towards men. i only project it when i'm anonymous online and stay my ~happy go lucky self as a woman should~ when i'm in person.
jesus man, i compare myself to people around me all the time and they're ALL better than me. I sometimes cry and want to go home when i'm out in public because of all the pretty girls. i'm never checked out, never cat called (even though i'm downtown in a major urban area every day for work) and never hit on even by drunk men in bars. i'm always rejected when i approach men as well. you'll never have any idea what it's truly like to be ugly and then maybe you'll understand that men only want hot women. but the ones with such a "good personality" of course.
>>184979are you fucking kidding me. it's because you're attractive. jesus fuck i would kill to be able to go out in public without makeup and without being stared at like i'm in a zoo.
MEN ONLY WANT WOMEN FOR THEIR LOOKS. do you really think a man would have sex or be in a relationship with a woman he didn't find attractive? BEING HOT IS A PREREQUISITE FOR MEN.
you obviously DO NOT look like trash if attractive men are hitting on you when you're not wearing makeup. christ i want to cry that you even say that. i must look like the scum of the earth then because men don't hit on me even when i do wear makeup.
No. 185248
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dude, literally all you have to do to get men to notice you is pay attention to your makeup, your clothes and your health. overly thin, overly muscled or fatasses are imediatelly ignored by anyone but fetishists, so having a feminine, plump but not fat, trim but not way too skinny shape already will make A LOT of people notice you. this is fairly easy to get if you have some diligency to exercise regularly and eat healthily(which doesn't mean dieting, see a nutritionist.)
know how to do your day-to-day makeup. look at tutorials, but remember that less is more and that practice makes perfect. have a "go-to" look in mind, do you wanna look like you're perfect naturally/with little makeup or like you really put effort in your look? watch at videos that pander to your preferred look, practice on your own face, get those skills.
get clothes that fit and flatter your body and look either cute or sexy. pay attention to instagram trends, fashion shows and what's hip and what's not in this season, etc. develop your own fashion sense, see what works for you. there's no right or wrong in fashion so long as you know what you are doing.
and finally, TAKE FUCKING CARE OF YOURSELF. have a skincare routine, sleep well, take care of your hair, avoid foods that you know that will be bad for your body but don't starve yourself and allow a treat from time to time, remember that exercise is good for mind and body.
No. 185291
>>185227Anon a lot of men only care about looks but I promise, not all of them do especially after a certain age.
Just take care of yourself if you aren't, take care of your skin and work out if necessary. There's no way you're as unattractive as you think you are.
I feel like really down about myself too when I go outside and so see many beautiful girls that I could never compare to. I also average or ugly women with attractive, decent guys. Don't give up.
No. 185312
>>185291exactly. if anything, it's your looks
and your personality with most decent men. my bf actually told me for him, what makes someone hot or really attractive is how they act, so more than just how they look.
I'll worry like fuck about aging like milk but he tells me nah you'll be hot. so a good guy will love you for who you are as a whole person, not how you look right now, or your looks alone.
(sidenote that I'm bi and had crushes on "unattractive" or "average" girls because they had such lovely personalities)
No. 185356
>>1852274chan is teenagers all trying to fit into a certain culture, it's not full grown people expressing their honest heartfelt beliefs.
I remember /fit/ did a survey once, and a good 40% were under 16 (and of course like 60% were above 6'3), barely any were above 21.
You're not exclusively attracted to male models (who don't look as good in real life either), and neither are men. Sure, there's stupidly good looking people out there that people talk about as far as their looks go more often, but there's lots of people who aren't that exceptionally good looking who are still attractive.
Stop looking to 4chan for your idea of what men are really like, because not only are they not like that in real life, but they're not even men. I fucking 100% guarantee to you that if you find a healthier forum to spend your time on, or just generally try to cut your time on 4chan way, way down to like an hour a day, you'll feel much better within a month. It happens to guys there sometimes as well, the attitude on certain boards that you're only good looking if you're a 6'2+ model with an insanely good body all the time is incredibly unhealthy, and it's the same thing you're struggling with now, just with less "CHAD eats PIZZA every night while YOU spend hours COUNTING CALORIES and still don't look as good as HIM" shit.
And please, go see a therapist, you've clearly got huge self esteem issues that like I said, are bordering on dysmorphic.