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No. 184830
>>184823I used to rp for Naruto on Gaiaonline lmao, created a character picture, profile and everything.
One day I cheated by deleting my post to re-roll the number generator. It was for good intentions because it would determine if some characters would die. But it was still cheating - they found out and banned me.
Although I'm glad that I left rp-ing at an earlier age (so I wouldn't be cringy into my teens), it also felt kind of sad because I was really attached to the community there. But yeah I think it was better for me in the long run.
No. 184832
>>184827OP here, aaaaah yeah I used to edit the fuck out of those "original stock" photos day and night until it was perfect lmao.
I used to do the novella RP, and would make my myspace profile minimalist as possible with small text and weeb ass music haha.
No. 184834
>>184830There's actually a website now called "AniRoleplay" that uses the CSS of old myspace.
But it's filled with one liners and non anime RPers, I've seen some decent Anime ones too but it's not something I would get back into.
Back then it was just more pure and better idk??? I do miss it though.
No. 184835
>>184834I've checked anirp out of curiousity, there's actually some people that have carried on there that I recognize from years ago on myspace.
I also remember how people would post their
rules on their profile and no one ever read that lol.
No. 184847
>>184838I MEMBER
But I always thought that was weird because I always saw Blaise as being black? Just something about his description made me think, handsome black teen.
No. 184853
>>184848Yup. This was before the sixth book came out so it was before we had a detailed description of Blaise. I think the original mention of him was so vague that many fans even thought he was a girl, hence Blaise being a chick in the Draco Trilogy fics haha.
Honestly my favorite thing about the olden days of rp was that you could have a silly anime dude as your avatar and nobody would question it. The last time I tried to rp for fun, probably like 5-6 years ago, the boards were all so strict about what you could and couldn't do, that you HAD to have a celeb face claim or whatever, etc.
It was more fun RPing before the HP series was compete, anyhow. More fan speculation and theories and it was way more fun. Now JKR won't stop inserting things and the fandom is cuckoo.
No. 184934
>>184835Aaah. I didn't take the time to actually look through the people, but that's cool. I made a lot of close friends from RPing back then it'd be nice to reconnect with them. :c
I was one of those people LOL
No. 184947
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Got my start on Neopets and continued to roleplay all the way from junior high to high school and even a few points after that. Moved on to Avidgamers and then Proboards after the former turned to Acornrack and kicked the bucket. My last roleplay venture was for Mass Effect, I freaking loved making alien OCs.
I feel like such a curmudgeonly old fart when it comes to roleplay, though, because I started disliking the general community and expectations near the end. I hated how every character needed some face claim and how people felt it necessary to have overly elaborate HTML in their character profiles/posts. Then there was this supposed need to write five paragraphs when all their character did was respond to a question and fart, and you were expected to match the other person's output. It got so draining. It felt like it became less about the writing vs. years ago, but that could be me wearing rose tinted glasses.
Thing is, I would definitely still roleplay even though I feel a bit old for it. I always thought it would have been nice to have one roleplay buddy to go back and forth with without having to worry about drama and focusing more on the ~adventure~.
No. 185015
>>184947I agree, even though I did enjoy the overly long replies for a roleplay.
I do miss it, I'm tempted to join AniRoleplay but I don't know.
No. 185207
>>184947I role-played warriors cats, and briefly
twilight on GROPHLAND of all things.
It was fun, I'm tempted to get back into it, but to be honest I would rather just turn my fictional ideas into something that could potentially make me money.
No. 195711
>>184947>that could be me wearing rose tinted glasses.I think age plays into it too, I had such great times RPing at 11-15 but I think maybe everything is new enough and and you have a fresh imagination that you don't get bored by it. Now you've lived life for real, RPing it is stale.
My favorite memories involved a 'vampire bar' on Gaia. And looking back on it I'm sure most of the key players in it knew each other irl or just had a close online connection to each other because these was this huge hierarchy in place with established backstories, but I just started hanging out there and trying to insert myself into it. I think I became some kind of pet or waitress, so they humored me, and I genuinely cared what was happening. It was my soap opera.
I always imagined they were cool older 90s style goths, because of everyone's avatars, but now I'm getting really curious after looking at this thread.
I think this week I'll message some of those key users and ask what the deal was with the place, I'm sure at least a couple of them must still log on once a year or something. Maybe I'll gt a disappointing reply in time for Christmas.
No. 195728
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>twf I still have all my old profile pics saved on photobucket with tons of albums full of RARES pc4pc pls
But for real, I was huge into myspace rping, I still am friends with two people I met on there back in 07-08. Changing how my oc looked every week, befriending the most POPULAR rper in everyones friends list all while hardly ever roleplaying(I did at time but everyone else didn't seem to want to.) I went by Scream Harkero for a very long time. Managed to get cat-fished pretty hard at one point, I always thought of getting back into it on Aniroleplay but just doesn't seem like anyone seriously does it anymore.
No. 196725
>>195930 oh shit dude, I used to hang out on the keep! i think it's still around.
i got started rping harry potter in aol chats, moved on to neopets and gaia, and in irc for a super short time. it was a stuggle to find any non-anime/fighting/sex rp tho