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No. 185308
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>>185301Now it's all about girls with big lips and braided hair/cornrows who wear thrasher/ripped clothes/yeezy/slip dresses/adidas/nike/champion or basically anything from urban outfitters when they do a collab with a sportswear brand (like fenty and puma). Baseball caps too. It's the whole basic/ghetto girl look that ig girls have these days, or at least strive for. Tumblr girls are a bit edgier than that, if you look at the way they dress, I dunno how to describe it though
No. 185317
>>185316fuck, samefag but
*not identical
No. 185323
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Man I feel like Koreaboos came outta no where, they're on the same level of crazy as weebs it's pretty frightening and fascinating
That hipster shit is making me nostalgic, I remember I could not escape that stupid mustache trend when it was around, and it didn't help when it was mashed in with scene. Speaking of scene, was anyone a scene kid?
the worst trend rn is the drag levels of makeup people are encouraging to put on, I want that shit to die already
No. 185340
>>185323Koreaboos have been around for like 10 years anon.
I've noticed that in the U.S., it seems like fashion is at a standstill like
Not sure what other anons think, but it seems that subgenres like scene, emo, goth, punk, and even prep are fading into some kind of Scandinavian conformist shit. I wonder WTF is causing this.
No. 185343
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>>185340Scandi chic is edgy and gives them cool kid points but still 'fashionable' and easily accessible thanks to Zara, Mango, COS and their ilk who actively propagate the style. And nowadays Scandinavia is associated with a high standard of living and European education so everyone wants to be mistaken for a Swede or whatever. Also minimalism is in thanks to KonMari and her book as well as young students wanting to be stylish and look 'rich' without breaking the bank (which is why you see so many rhomboidal wire flower pots and large industrial light bulbs spray painted gold and shit in interior decor). Millennials are the new it-generation so understandably high street fashion giants cater to them the most.
Personally I find it cringey, everyone looks like a giant monochrome tent and the shoes and fabrics always look so cheap because of the cut of the fabric (and in many cases because they actually are). I guess it's supposed to make some kind of statement but instead it just makes the wearer look hilariously autistic (much like Scandinavians themselves, lel)
No. 185344
It's weird how, the crazier makeup trends have become, the more basic fashion is. I never thought I'd see the day something like
>>185308 would be considered trendy, but here we are.
I really hope that shit will reverse itself sooner than later. It's pretty inevitable, all trends come and go.
No. 185346
>>185323Wasn't scene but emo, still salty about the fact that the lines between the two are becoming more blurred. Emo is basically dead and replaced by scene.
>>185325I can only agree. It was a cringe fest for everyone involved but at least it was a more "carefree" time?
No. 185350
>>185325I was never scene but I was emo in my early teens and i kinda regret it lol that shitty hair did me no favors.
Anyone on here has heard about "normcore" back in 2013-2014ish? It was never a big thing but maybe it will be not since the gist of it is dressing uh… Normal. Interesting.
No. 185351
>>185350It will be soon
At least that's what I hope since I hate the instahoe look
No. 185359
>>185316Kinderwhore was more of an established look, yeah. Would be cool to see it come back.
If you're familiar with weeb fashion, larme kei brands often do throwbacks to kinderwhore and Courtney Love.
No. 185398
>>185397Minimalism can be nice but it often comes off as too fashion victim-y. It just looks like it says 'I tried really hard to not look like I'm trying too hard' (French minimalism a la Breton stripes, jeans and a Le Pliage is horrible about this), and 'I don't care what you think about me (as long as it's positive)' (this is what Scandi chic looks like to me).
There's a way to pull off minimalism but it's as if people get their inspo from the same 3 pinterest images.
No. 185425
>>185301"Athleisure" wear or whatever
Candy colored yoga pants and dry-fit tank tops
No. 185741
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>>185736The 70s/80s focused on a type of beauty that wouldn't be seen today. It was extremely sensual with its focus on feline-like aesthetics, big hair, glamorous and over-the-top outfits, naturally athletic bodies, heavy makeup, ect. You're right that this era is more minimalistic and fake but because of that it is less raw and less sensual.
I'm personally bored with the modern aesthetic. It shows more skin but it's less enticing and primal.