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No. 185331
>>185329I went through this same situation anon. I think I just got into slapping on makeup before I stopped wearing makeup, so the comparison of with and without makeup made me look better without. Once I threw out all my old makeup and started over with better product (that actually suited my skin etc – I used to use bb creams that were too light and eye makeup that was too dark etc) I suddenly looked better with makeup, like how you are supposed to lol
Makeup still works, you were probably just doing it wrong or grew out of your old style and it took getting used to not seeing shitty makeup everyday to realize that it didn't look good before. I actually use more types of makeup now than I used to, but less quantity, if that makes sense (ie. primer, spot concealer, light foundation, light powder) and thin eyeliner etc. instead of a pound of bb cream and a pound of eyeliner.
TLDR: Once I fixed my makeup style to actually suit me, I look better with makeup on.
No. 185334
>>185332I know how you feel with the drag queen shit. I have a very masculine (hollow/angular?) face and all of the beautiful makeup techniques that look gorgeous on other proper girls just make me look like a sleezy uncle that had a bit too much to drink and traversed through his niece's makeup stash.
I love androgynous makeup but I really have to be careful with how I apply. I love gothy red eyeshadow but there's a fine line between looking alright and like a preteen Hot Topic trainwreck.
On a day to day basis I wear BB cream, some brow pencil, and maybe the teeniest bit of darkish shadow or eyeliner for definition. Never quite got the hang of contouring, but I'd like to since I feel my face looks a bit flat with just foundation.
At the end of the day it's not all that bad because it takes a blink of an eye to get ready and I hardly need to worry about skin damage from caking it on. But the grass is always greener on the other side, and all that.