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No. 185461
>>185446Yes, it has the potential to do that.
>>185459The entire user base doesn't have to be intelligent to have an intelligent conversation. Only a tiny proportion of the user base does.
>>185431I don't have that mentality, even if I have some of the circumstances that lead to that mentality. /r9k/ was one of the most active Anonymous imageboards for discussing "general" topics, so a replacement is needed.
I'm asking here because this is an exclusionary, relatively secret board. I highly doubt anyone outside of /cgl/ even knows that it exists.
No. 185462
>>185434>/r9k/ starts up>Just a slower more intelligent /b/>Most people on 4chan are in some sense, socially awkward, abnormal, or whatever>Threads are created discussing this stuff>They are pretty popular because it's a common theme amongst the userbase>More and more of them get created, as people like getting easy discussion and replies>Board gets deleted>tfw no gf culture and memes spread throughout the entirety of 4chan >Entire boards now flooded with feel shit, spreading it to TONS of people >Board is created again>All the people come back, plus the new users who only like >tfw shit>Now the entire board has become an even worse echo chamber>Depressed losers becoming even more and more depressed, adopting illogical, irrational, spiteful views>New users, normalfags flood in because of media attention from various incidents>Creates a reactionary culture among the old users>They act even more deranged than they did before to try to scare off the new users>It doesn't work>repeat for 2-3 yearsAnd here we are.
No. 185471
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/r9k/ in a nutshell
No. 185544
>>185504I don't get it.
>>185534I want to live though.
No. 185611
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>>185590>That doesn't make me want to die.I hate Reddit.
>>185588I have a hobby, I have hobbies. This doesn't preclude having an interest in general chit chat with Anonymous users about various facets of life. That is what friends are for somewhat, but I have no friends. Imageboard people make better friends than the people in my current environment so I should find a place appropriate for that.
>>185592Off topic boards..? Where..? I'm not able to post here because it's too slow and I'm not the target audience.
No. 185618
>>1856138ch is dead, it was hacked, go take a look. What do I do?
It is becoming clear to me now that there is no hope for restoring my ancestral culture of old. Reddit has destroyed a once great civilization with their refusal to integrate, nay, the impossibility of their integration. I sit here in wistful sadness, tears flowing onto my keyboard, as I pine for an age long lost. There is only one thing that can be done, REVENGE!!!!!
I will dedicate the rest of my life to destroying every single Redditor that has ever existed. Unlike the totalitarian dictators of the 20th century, instead of killing people for no reason, I'll kill people instead for being Redditors. A worthy cause to be sure, yes, this is my destiny. It's time to blaze my trail of glory, embed myself into the fabric of history. Know what happens when you destroy a man's HOME!!!
Really though, what other boards are there? 8ch is now dead. 4ch is as discussed, cancer.
>>185612I don't want to talk to a bunch of girls, what do I have in common with them?
No. 185637
>>185619Please be more direct, I have no idea what you're saying.
>>185620Krautchan was shut down by the government a few days ago, no joke. No, I don't do drugs.
>>185621Thanks kid, I will check it out.
>>185622I'm not NEET or mentally ill, I hate those people. Did you even read the OP? Depressed people piss me off. They ruined /r9k/.
>>185634Intel gathering. The girls only club has hid their secret from everyone else, I only managed to stumble upon it months ago myself. What other secrets do they hold?
And no I am quite smart.
No. 185638
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>>185618Fedora levels over 9,000!!
No. 185648
>>185637You say you don't like the /r9k/ mentality, but then refuse to just integrate here because "I have nothing in common with girls, I don't want to talk to them"?
Nah dude, you've definitely got the robot mentality.
No. 185653
>>185643I have quite a lot of self awareness. More than most people do.
>>185648You don't seem to understand just what the /r9k/ mentality is, so I will explain it to you.
The men of /r9k/ are at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy. Whether their placement at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy is as a result of genetics, or a self deprecating spiral downward is irrelevant. Despite the circumstances that lead to their placement there, they carry with them the mentality associated with the status. For the average non-normal /r9k/ poster, their regular emotional state is that of either despair or listlessness. In interacting with the external world, they act with a mixture of jealousy, resentment, and self deprecation. In all of the ways that they conduct themselves, they project their low self worth to the world. Yet, at the same time, they manage to blame women, or to blame Chad, or to blame their parents. Anyone other than themselves for their current situation, they refuse to see the truth. They fail to acknowledge just how unattractive they are, not just to women, but people in general. Even worse is their failure to acknowledge that their position in the dominance hierarchy is not fixed. If they did not like the state that they were in, they could take steps to remedy that. They know what can be done to begin to fix their problems, yet, they do absolutely nothing. At most, they will complain and cry and beg for help, but that is just a facade. They already know what to do, most of the time, they just don't want to exert effort to do it. They have given up on life. It would be for the best that they just die, yet they won't. They continue to destroy the board and drag down everyone else to their level, accelerating the entire male population into some sort of resentment fueled, despair death spiral.
I don't fit into that mentality. Almost every single thing wrong with /r9k/ in terms of status is wrong with me. I have no friends, no girlfriend, I'm a virgin, I'm perhaps a bit behind on life, I lack the capability to socialize adequately. Yet at the same time I do not hate women or blame anyone else for my problems. I do not feel sad, or despair, and say that there is no hope for me. I do what I can to fix my situation, I do not complain or blame. To suggest that me saying that I don't have much in common with girls is the same as exhibiting the above behavior is not true.
The truth is, I don't have much in common with girls, this is because I am a 23 year old man. This website is about /cgl/ drama, trying to look pretty, talking about boys, and other uniquely female experiences. There is little room for me here. What is so controversial about that?
No. 185666
>>185659Actually, I felt rude saying that, so here's an actual reply.
It's good to hear that you don't subscribe to the "I'm the biggest victim, pay attention to me but also don't try to talk about things you like" bullshit that goes on at /r9k/, but you can still have elements of the mentality, which you definitely do.
People here talk about all sorts of shit, which you'd see if you checked out the boards a bit, pretty much all the topics you said are in one board. And I mean, sure, don't browse /g/ if you aren't interested in that, stay on /ot/, where all sorts of discussion happens, exactly like it's happening now.
Your shit about reddit is just massively autistic and more evidence that you still have the retarded /r9k/ mentality too, reddit doesn't give a shit about 4chan, the stuff that's fucking up 4chan is stupid teenagers acting like stupid teenagers. If you want to discuss stuff, reddit is a decent option, it's pretty easy to find a sub that fits whatever you're looking for there. I'd recommend you let go of the memes and at least try to check it out if you legitimately want another forum.
No. 185673
>>185667Males aren't at all banned here, that's a shitty attitude that seemed to just come out of nowhere. Only place it's ever been true was /g/, and even then it was just "Don't go around adding that you're a guy unless it's specifically asked".
If he's willing to not be a dipshit, I see no reason why he wouldn't post here, and if he acts like a moron, he gets banned, it's not like this board is some super fast place where it's hard for mods to keep up with what's going on.
No. 185686
>The truth is, I don't have much in common with girls, this is because I am a 23 year old manThen why are you here, shitting up our board with your sad problems? You wanna find a board up to your speed, you go find it. We're not your mom, nor are we responsible to let you know where to go with your sad self.
All this wasted time here that you could have used to find somewhere else to go, sad.
No. 185746
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>>185430it's trash regardless anon
No. 185763
>>185666>>185666>but you can still have elements of the mentality, which you definitely do.How?
>Your shit about reddit is just massively autistic>If you want to discuss stuff reddit is a decent optionPeople who post on 4chan (or anonymous imageboards) do not care about having a personal identity, while people on Reddit THRIVE on having a personal identity. On Reddit, anyone can instantly click on your profile and see a complete history of everything you have said and how other people viewed it. On 4chan, you are completely Anonymous unless you choose not to be. The fact that people despite given this option, choose anonymity, says a lot about what it is that 4channers value. When an identity is not tied to an idea, it allows that idea to be evaluated independent of who created that idea. It is not possible to independently evaluate an idea on Reddit. You have the identity of the person who has posted it, and a numeric representation of how it is the community feels about the idea.
The karma system discourages unpopular opinions from being expressed on Reddit. Popular opinions are more visible, and this encourages a very predictable hivemind mentality that exists on every single subreddit. Using an example I'm familiar with, we'll use /r/theDonald. You cannot even begin to criticize Donald Trump (and I am a Trump supporter by the way), because the collective idea that was selected for was Donald Trump is good. Over time this was amplified and transformed into "Donald Trump is ALWAYS good". On 4chan the idea that withstands selection is not the idea that is the most popular, but the idea that can withstand the most amount of scrutiny. On 4chan, nobody cares what is or is not popular in terms of evaluating an idea. It's possible to discover truth because it's possible to express an unpopular idea, and defend it on the basis of it being logical. This is NOT possible on Reddit.
Not only do you have to deal with the karma system, which is effectively user enforced censorship, you have to deal with the actual rules and moderators. If you express a sentiment on Reddit that is against the rules (most of which are very broad and include things like no racism, trolling, etc) then your post is removed. The moderators themselves of course hold the same majority opinions that Redditors do, and use these very general rules to remove posts (and posters) that they disagree with yet CANNOT argue against.On 4chan you are free to express any opinion, no matter how racist, sexist, anti-semtic, transphobic, whatever. This means that these cannot be used as justification to get rid of a disagreeable but truthful post. Not at all possible on Reddit.
So, you must ask yourself, what kind of person would be attracted to a place like Reddit and what kind of people would be attracted to 4chan? The core value of Reddit which is social approval and the core value of 4chan which is anonymity, who is attracted to each? 4chan is no longer a "secret" place. If you were attracted to the ideas of free speech, truth, and evaluating an idea solely on its intrinsic value, you would already be on 4chan. If you spend the majority of your time on Reddit, no, if you spend ANY time on Reddit, it means you don't value ANY of the things that 4chan does. 4chan and Reddit are in complete opposition to one another.
Redditors who are here now do not value truth, freedom of speech, and the marketplace of ideas. If they did, they would not be Redditors and would have left Reddit as soon as they knew what 4chan was. For most people would have been around 2011-2014 when 4chan was getting flooded with Redditors who also came here for the wrong reasons. Redditors who are here now only value the social factor of being in a group of people who agree with some of their core suppositions. This is why they tend to isolate themselves off into an unnecessary, constantly running, general thread. They don't want to integrate, and when enough of them are here, they start to feel welcome and change the culture in ways listed in my original picture (which I also wrote by the way). Redditors have ruined /v/, /r9k/, countless other boards and are now ruining /pol/. They have completely decimated 4chan and destroyed its unique culture with their cancerous behavior. 4chan was one of the only places you could actually have a great discussion unhindered by moderator restrictions and other such nonsense. Redditors have RUINED it time and time again by not integrating.
So yes, my anger is quite justified.
>reddit doesn't give a shit about 4chan sure about that?
Despising Reddit, which basically everyone on 4chan before 2011 does, has nothing to do with /r9k/. Don't even try to compare it.
No. 185765
>>185763I'm not replying to all that shit, but you have the "Girls are all completely different to me" mentality, and your ideas about reddit are fucking retarded.
Just because someone uses an anon forum doesn't mean they hate others, and vice versa. 4chan also has hugbox shit, and are you seriously saying that because there's one sub where people repost stuff from 4chan, that the entire site gives a shit about 4chan? The reason anyone goes to that sub is because they can't be fucked going on 4chan.
>Redditors who are here now do not value truth, freedom of speech, and the marketplace of ideas.Plenty of subs do, reddit is not a single place, and 4chan has never been about any of those things anyway. The global rules on both sites are the same shit and are pretty much just "don't do illegal stuff". If you honestly think 4chan is about "evaluating an idea solely on its intrinsic value", you're delusional and should stay over there, because you're going to shit up any other forum you find.
You shit on a site that you don't even understand how it works. There's not a single group of mods or anything like that, and the communities change massively with that. Li
No. 185768
>>185765>"Girls are all completely different to me" mentalityYes, to be more accurate, "Girls are different from me" this is true. Denying so is to deny both society and biology. The question then becomes, just how different is too different for having productive general discussions?
>and your ideas about reddit are fucking retarded.I don't think they are.
>Just because someone uses an anon forum doesn't mean they hate othersIf you post on a website over another website, you do it for a reason. There are qualities about the site that appeal to you that other sites don't have. For 4chan that is anonymity and freedom of speech. If you value anonymity and freedom of speech you will not value identity and censorship. Reddit is the opposite of 4chan and embodies identity and censorship. It is not a surprise that people on 4chan (before it was invaded by Redditors) hate Reddit. They do, I do, it is common knowledge. I'm not sure why you're denying it.
>4chan also has hugbox shitSuch as? And it is to the same degree of having your posts deleted, being instantly permabanned, or shadowbanned? When I first heard of Reddit back in 2011, I made an account and tried an experiment out. I went on some popular sub reddit and just started talking like I was on 4chan. Banned within the day.
>and are you seriously saying that because there's one sub where people repost stuff from 4chan, that the entire site gives a shit about 4chan?No, I never claimed it was the entire site. That subreddit as you can see has 10 million people though. It doesn't have to be everyone on Reddit posting on 4chan. For a small board like /r9k/, it just takes a few ten thousand or so. If just .01 % of the people who use that subreddit posted on /r9k/ regularly, then /r9k/ would be ruined (and it is). Is .01% an unreasonable number?
>The reason anyone goes to that sub is because they can't be fucked going on 4chan.People see "epic 4chan posts" and then become incentivized to actually browse and post themselves, it's not hard to understand.
>Plenty of subs doSuch as? I guarantee you I can get banned just for expressing an opinion on all of them, I'll even go so far as proving it to you.
>4chan has never been about any of those things anywayThat is what 2ch was about, and by extension what Futaba was about, and by extension what 4chan was about. It is what the structure of the site promotes as well.
>The global rules on both sites are the same shit and are pretty much just "don't do illegal stuff"**And don't be racist, sexist, discriminatory, etc. Oh and those terms mean whatever we want them to mean.
>If you honestly think 4chan is about "evaluating an idea solely on its intrinsic value", you're delusional and should stay over there, because you're going to shit up any other forum you find.That is pretty much why 4chan and other imageboards spawn such long lasting memes and content and why reddit fails.
>You shit on a site that you don't even understand how it works. There's not a single group of mods or anything like that, and the communities change massively with that.Yeah, yeah, it's obvious you're a Redditor lol. Is this is a Reddit site or something?
No. 185811
>>185749Wizardchan is full of people like described in the OP and is also not very active. I'm also not a wizard.
>>185728There is a healthy level of activity that is between 8ch levels and 4chan levels. We'll call it old 4chan levels.
Actually, fuck it, I'll just learn Japanese, get a proxy, and post on Futaba.
No. 185834
>>185810Please stay on /r9k/ you insufferable tool, jesus fucking christ.
Thanks for reminding me why I never post on 4chan anymore though.
No. 185836
>>185835I wasn't at all trying to make one, just saying you're massively annoying, everything you type is antagonistic and that you're really no better than the rest of the retarded teens on /r9k/.
Oh, and more than one person can reply to you, just so you know.
No. 185839
>>185837You came here, asked for suggestions, had a huge bitch about all of the suggestions given, mostly by just spewing out 4chan memes about websites, then when someone pointed out that was dumb, you replied with this
>>185810Robots aren't wanted here, and you very clearly are a robot, even if you're not spouting all women are whores, you're still just as bad as most of the posters on that board, and no-one wants to deal with that.
Seriously, you say how bad robots are but then bitch about normalfags? You're a robot mate.
No. 185840
Outright Aggression:
>you could try reddit if you keep having delusions of grandeur and your own intelligence. lmao>killing yourself is a valid solution>A big, leaky fanny by the looks of it.>Jesus christ you are truly a retard aren't you.>Your shit about reddit is just massively autistic and more evidence that you still have the retarded /r9k/ mentality too>your ideas about reddit are fucking retarded.>Maybe you should stop being a faggotPassive Aggressiveness:
>You could instead teach yourself to be an adult and not expect the outside world to complete your deficiencies.>you won't be embarassing yourself on the internet>>Fedora levels over 9,000!!>get some self awareness>Go find the rest of your robot friends or try reddits incel community. You'll fit right in.Yet I respond politely each time. I'm not the antagonistc one here. Having a different opinion from someone else, and defending that opinion isn't antagonistic. Calling people retards, etc, is. Sounds like you're projecting.
No. 185844
>>185839>had a huge bitch about all of the suggestions givenNo, not true. I politely explained why those websites did not meet the criteria or thanked the poster. Examples:
>8ch is dead, it was hacked, go take a look.>Krautchan was shut down by the government a few days ago, no joke.>Thanks kid, I will check it out.>Wizardchan is full of people like described in the OP and is also not very active. I'm also not a wizard.How is that bitching? The only "bitching" I did was explain in great detail why Reddit is not suited for discussion, and I got basically zero actual arguments in response back.
>someone pointed out that was dumbNo, they completely ignored my argument in regards to why Reddit is not suited for discussion then criticized me for "bitching" about suggestions when I've not done that all. Then they try to conflate their specific suggestion being rejected with all suggestions, saying I "bitched" about all of them when that's not the case. Basically what you are doing now. And my response is the same, see the above paragraph.
>Seriously, you say how bad robots are but then bitch about normalfags?Nobody likes normalfags, irregardless of robot status or not. Not everyone is suited for imageboard culture, normalfags are one group who aren't.
>>185842You're accusing me of being antagonistic when I'm not, while simultaneously being antagonistic yourself. See examples in that post.
No. 185846
>>185844> No, not true. I politely explained why those websites did not meet the criteria or thanked the poster.Yeah, because these posts are totally not bitching, right?
>>185618>>185763>>185768I could get that the first was ironic (i really hope it was at least), but the others are just using memes to whine about it, instead of going "Hey, maybe I was wrong, I'll check it out" or asking for more information on it.
>Nobody likes normalfags, irregardless of robot status or not. Not everyone is suited for imageboard culture, normalfags are one group who aren't. Yeah, no. Robots bitch about normalfags, most other people don't care at all about your social life outside the board. If you conduct yourself well, it makes literally no difference.
>You're accusing me of being antagonistic when I'm not, while simultaneously being antagonistic yourself.That's still not projection, you can't project an action onto someone else, that's not what the term means at all.
You project a feature or fault onto someone else.
No. 185859
>>185846>but the others are just using memes to whine about itNo, that is a ridiculous oversimplification and you know it. I wrote a great deal of stuff there to actually try to explain why it is I don't like Reddit. I was not just posting "memes". I could have just as easily said that you were cancer and to fuck off, but chose not to. In retrospect, a poor decision.
>"Hey, maybe I was wrong, I'll check it out"Right, you only say that when you actually may be wrong though. I've given Reddit its fair shot, but end up just getting banned or shadow banned for expressing my opinions. You can't have a discussion if you get banned.
>Yeah, no. Robots bitch about normalfagsNormalfag originated outside of /r9k/ and has been in use before it even existed, to say that you're a "robot" for using it is not true.
>you can't project an action onto someone elseYeah you can.
No. 185861
>>185859>I wrote a great deal of stuff there to actually try to explain why it is I don't like RedditWhich was either untrue, or was based on shitty meme. An example would be acting like 4chan is some bastion of free speech, which it's never been, and never intended to have been.
>Right, you only say that when you actually may be wrong though. I've given Reddit its fair shot, but end up just getting banned or shadow banned for expressing my opinions. You can't have a discussion if you get banned.I honestly don't think shadowbanning is really a thing anymore, I only heard about it with long term people posting illegal shit who just made new accounts if they got banned, so shadowbans made it less likely they'd know they were banned to make a new account.
There's some shitty subs who ban for opinions, sure, but you get you don't have to use them, right? I don't use TwoXchromosomes because it's a shitty sub full of self-righteous people, and they are more extreme with throwing out bans, but lots aren't.
The admins never really ban anyone unless they're a huge issue for the site as a whole somehow.
Incels exists despite being a shit place, there's plenty of racist subs, there's places dedicated to talking about pro-suicide topics, drugs, highly moderated neutral political subs (where posts are only removed if they make baseless claims without sources, if you can source content and are civil, you can post any opinion), extremely specific sites for learning certain instruments in certain styles, you name it, there's a sub for it.
You seem to be convinced that the giant subs are the only ones that exist.
>Yeah you can.Well, like I said, you don't understand psychological projection as a concept, and are just using it as a buzzword, so congrats I guess.
You ask for suggestions, then when you get one that people explain to you, just make up shit and throw around memes as to why it sucks. It sounds like you want 4chan, but only with posters you like, which you're not going to get.
>Normalfag originated outside of /r9k/ and has been in use before it even existed, to say that you're a "robot" for using it is not true.And being a reactionary moron in politics didn't originate with /pol/, yet if you're from 4chan and start posting that shit, you can sure bet you'll be told you should go back to /pol/.