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No. 186506
>>186505>implying that good looks matters for things such as divorce.Regardless of looks, women have certain privileges.
ugly men < ugly women < good looking women ~ good looking men
No. 186514
>>186512are you high?
>a lot of powerful people are old men hence old men have the most powertell that to the thousands of old men rotting away in nursing homes. stop acting like this is some patriarchal conspiracy when you only pay attention to the few powerful and rich people in the world.
No. 186535
>>186534At least ugly men get representation and are still considered people, they can use their personalities as a crutch. Women don't get that because so much emphasis on looks, also men can be below average and still be considered average.
Women have to do so much shit just to be "average"
No. 186539
Honestly only people who haven't experienced the life as a woman can say that it's somehow a "privilege" that you have to be dependent on someone else.
>"You can always get a rich husband to take care of you, all you have to do is look pretty hurrrr!" Oh yes, what a secure life of living, especially when the society forces the ideal of a woman losing her looks after turning 25.
And yes I just LOVE not being able to walk outside late or talk to strangers at a bar and always put myself in danger this way, I might get raped and killed. Seriously, how many men are taught from the childhood to do numerous things in order avoid sexual violence? Men always laugh about women going to the bathroom together at bars but it's to have someone accompany you in a building full of drunken, possibly angry and sexually frustrated men. And if you don't do every precaution to avoid sexual violence you were "asking for it". You were on your way home from an evening shift alone? Ugghh everyone KNOWS women can't walk outside alone, it was your own fault!
And being treated "better", you mean being patronized and coddled because you're not considered an equal, adult person? Being told that having a career is "not attractive" to men because powerful women are scary? Everyone ALWAYS focusing on your looks first, talent and personality being secondary? People really need to stop thinking all women want to live the life of a stepford wife lap dog and consider it a bliss.
>>186535>Women have to do so much shit just to be "average"Amen. This sums up women's life tbh. We have to work so hard to be even considered "average". I know for robots it's all summed up in "put on makeup and don't eat so much!!!" but they're oversimplifying everything to a ridiculous degree.
No. 186543
>>186541>>many women don't even like doing it but feel obligated to, never crosses their minds.IDK anon, I'm a female and my experience is that most of our gender generally enjoy taking care of our appearance (just look at all the beauty related threads here on lolcow).
>>The fact that make up, skin, and hair care consume a lot of time and moneyIf you take care of yourself, chances are you'll save a shitload of money on food, housing etc. when you get a partner (who might even pay for all your beauty procedures etc). Unless you are insanely ugly or have abnormal beauty standards, it shouldn't take the average person
that much time or money to look presentable and attractive.
>>They don't have to do half of what women do, but they're convinced that it's so easy and doesn't really count as work because nothing women do every really counts.To be fair, men have a lot of pressure that is different from our pressures. Ie. They aren't offered much sympathy and if something goes wrong, people are less inclined to help them out. Females tend to be more coddled by society. If men want to be average or above-average to us, they need to either 1. be attractive (need to do their hair, workout etc), 2. be rich (if not inherited, then
this takes a lot of work to achieve including years of education and hard work), or 3. have an awesome personality (mainly genetics and how you were raised).
No. 186548
>>186512No I agree with the order. I guess by old you meant in their 40/50s.
An older man will have more power and be trusted in a position of power over a younger man or a woman of any age. I can't go and give presentations of our product because people (men and women) prefer to be taught by my chef cause he's a grey-haired man and I'm a twenty something woman.
And I don't blame them but they just assume he knows his shit more.
Add to that that women holding positions of power will be judged for their looks even when it has nothing to do with their job. It's like society has to judge if a woman is fuckable regardless of what she does in life.
Now privilege come with its drawback, men are held to a higher standard in some aspects so they're judged harshly for being seen as "weak" (enjoying cute shit, being dependant on their spouse, being gay, enjoying make-up and fashion).
I still wouldn't want to be a man because I guess I live in a pretty fair country but I'd like to not fear for my life when I get home alone, not have experienced being groped or molested by strangers or people assuming I'm not as qualified as my male coworkers.
No. 186555
>IDK anon, I'm a female and my experience is that most of our gender generally enjoy taking care of our appearance (just look at all the beauty related threads here on lolcow)I've never meet a women, even women who like make-up, who hasn't resented it at some point. Lolcow is also the only female-dominated site I go to that has any beauty related topics, probably because there's so many fucked up people.
>If you take care of yourself, chances are you'll save a shitload of money on food, housing etc. when you get a partner (who might even pay for all your beauty procedures etc)Lol this is a really weird statement, but okay. Even with a partner, those things still cost a shitload and are way more than men spend.
> Unless you are insanely ugly or have abnormal beauty standards, it shouldn't take the average person that much time or money to look presentable and attractive.The average women spends $2000 dollar son make up alone and most women spend and hour doing their make-up and hair.
>men have a lot of pressure that is different from our pressures. Not really.
> They aren't offered much sympathy and if something goes wrongWhat the fuck does this even mean? I someone's grandma dies no ones not going to have sympathy for them because they're a dude.
>people are less inclined to help them outIn what way? Do you have a source for this?
> Females tend to be more coddled by society.Lol nah. Men are constantly coddled, told they're special and good and they deserve things they don't. If they weren't then they'd be the ones plucking their eyebrows and starving themselves.
>If men want to be average or above-average to us, they need to either 1. be attractive (need to do their hair, workout etc), 2. be rich (if not inherited, then this takes a lot of work to achieve including years of education and hard work), or 3. have an awesome personality (mainly genetics and how you were raised).So you're saying men get two more options than we do to be average, but they somehow have it rougher? Lol okay.
By the way it's really obvious you're not a woman, sweetheart :^)
No. 186558
>>186555>The average women spends $2000 dollar son make up alone and most women spend and hour doing their make-up and hair.Lol this.
I mean, just off the top of my head:
>Pads/tampons>Birth control, because the boyfriend usually thinks condoms are icky :(, so naturally being depressed, suicidal and fat is a better alternative as long as he gets spared the icky feeling of French letters>Shampoo>Hair dryer, curlers, barrettes, pins, mousses, sprays, tangle teezers etc>Conditioner>Body lotion>Deodorant>Shaving every day, waxing at a salon (expensive) or epilating (painful)>skincare>makeup and makeup supplies>A variety of clothes because wearing the same outfit every day means you smell (unless you're a guy, in which case you've just got 'better things to worry about')>And don't you dare look outwardly sad, it's not attractive. Smile! Happy girls are pretty girls :) Otherwise you're a bitch and it's your fault you can't get laid.Whereas for guys it's
>Razor and shaving foam/soap>Soap>Toothpaste>A comb (maybe)>A can of LynxNobody cares how you dress because caring about looking presentable is shallow, and if you have acne a girl should love you for your 'personality' rather than your looks anyway
If you do the same as a girl, you get told you look frumpy and unattractive and guys treat your feelings and appearance like a running joke because you're not wearing tight clothes, and you get called a 'basic bitch'.
That's not even taking into account what happens when you age, and what you have to do to be considered a model employee.
No. 186560
>>186513Too late, thanks to our dear ex-admin-sama and cocksuckers this board is this scum's territory now.
God I miss when we could have misandry threads.
No. 186561
>>186555I'm a woman, but my experience is different from yours I guess. Men and women both have social pressures, although I can imagine it would suck to be female and not like doing hair/makeup/nails/dressing up.
>>this is a really weird statement, but okay. Even with a partner, those things still cost a shitload and are way more than men spend.Depends on the partner really. I know that I save a lot of money (easily more than the $2000 you mention for makeup) when I am in a relationship.
> They aren't offered much sympathy and if something goes wrongWhat the fuck does this even mean? I someone's grandma dies no ones not going to have sympathy for them because they're a dude.
Obviously for major events people will show sympathy, but for smaller things men are often berated if they complain. They are told to "man up", while us women are often treated more like children and helped out. If a woman is struggling financially for instance, she's more likely to receive assistance than a male for example.
> Females tend to be more coddled by society.Lol nah. Men are constantly coddled, told they're special and good and they deserve things they don't. If they weren't then they'd be the ones plucking their eyebrows and starving themselves.
But couldn't you also say that men have to go to the gym and work out, while we can be chubby and still get attractive boyfriends? Most men don't need coddling more than women. It depends on the individual (ie. some women constantly need to be complimented)
>If men want to be average or above-average to us, they need to either 1. be attractive (need to do their hair, workout etc), 2. be rich (if not inherited, then this takes a lot of work to achieve including years of education and hard work), or 3. have an awesome personality (mainly genetics and how you were raised).So you're saying men get two more options than we do to be average, but they somehow have it rougher? Lol okay.
Fine, here are some more options for women who want to be average or above-average to men:
1. be attractive
2. have large breasts or ass or be extremely fit (face can be ugly)
3. have an awesome personality
4. be rich (same as with rich men, you'll likely attract someone who only cares about your money so it's pretty even)
I'm female and I love beauty products and shit, and all the men in my life have pretty much gone above and beyond to make sure I am happy (even when I wasn't attractive). I've only felt objectified by creepy strangers, so I'm sorry that so many anons here are angry at men…I think you just need to meet better people or get off image boards populated by neckbeards.
No. 186563
>>186561Yeah, totally a woman. And BTW, your two first options? The same fucking thing.
Great, I can choose being attractive with my face or with my body. Awesome.
And also try having a great personality and being ugly. That'll work out real great.
No. 186564
>>186555Just because you don't agree with that anon (I don't really agree with them either) doesn't automatically make them a guy. Just look at those horrible misogynist backwards women you get everywhere, they're still women too unfortunately.
I personally enjoy typically feminine things like that anon too, like cute dresses and makeup, but I can't separate out how much of that is my own personal preference from whether I've just been brainwashed. It's not a simple topic, which is why it pisses me off when the robots say women have it easier. Like, bitch how is anything that simple? Are we talking about how a woman might win a custody case faster in America but yet won't be taken seriously at her engineering job in Poland?
No. 186568
>>186566When you talk about "societal pressures and expectations", you're somehow blind to the fact that YOU are the society.
All women could stop wearing makeup, shaving, and all that shit tomorrow, and men could do fuck all about it.
It's you choosing to do all this. In order to keep in line or get affront of other women.
Just look at this website. Body and hygiene shaming galore. Men-dominated imageboards? "I'd splurge all over that bushy bush", "I'd eat her out until I look like bloody murder" etc.
No. 186571
>>186568Right. How do I pay my bills when I'm the only one stopping using tampons? I get a man to take care of me? Or do I magically snap my fingers and everyone suddenly change their minds?
Hypotheticals are nice, and they mean fuck all.
Also, weirdly, what men say on image boards are not what men say in RL, dude.
No. 186578
- Over 80% of the homeless are men
- Over 80% of suicides are men (women have more "suicide attempts" though)
- Over 80% of workplace fatalities are men
- Women overwhelmingly usually get custody of children + money in the case of divorce
Let's talk about why 80% of the homeless are men.
Even ugly fat women with literally zero money and a terrible personality can still EASILY get hundreds of offers from men to have sex and financially take care of them.
On a sinking ship women are given priority to get on the lifeboat first, that metaphorically applies to EVERYTHING in society.
Yeah, females have it way easier. You never stop complaining though. Keep on bitching about how hard you have it because of petty shit like biological functions of your vagina.
>>186566>Or how I could just stop complaining about having to take care of the birth control for me and my partners, 'cause, hey, what's the worst that could happen if I stopped? Having a painful abortion?I'm mad, your privilege is that you're allowed to have sex like that, average men don't get any sex without paying for it. Tons of men are lonely and get absolutely no positive attention from the opposite sex at all.
You fucking baby killing whore.
>>186571What men say on imageboards is the more honest version of what they think.
No. 186580
>>186579>Yes, I have sex, you degenerate.>for me and my partners>what's the worst that could happen if I stopped? Having a painful abortion?You have sex with multiple people, and your main concern is that if you get pregnant and have to kill your baby, is that it will be painful
for you.
Honestly I would think you're trolling me, but I know females are too dumb to troll like that.
>Depends on the partner really. I know that I save a lot of money (easily more than the $2000 you mention for makeup) when I am in a relationship.You keep implying that women who don't go these things don't get partners, which is false, and on top of that whether it's gets you a partner or not doesn't matter because it's still an extra expense that men don't have.
>They are told to "man up", while us women are often treated more like children and helped out. Everyone gets told to man up, and in case you haven't noticed women don't like to be treated like children.
>If a woman is struggling financially for instance, she's more likely to receive assistance than a male for example.No, she isn't, and I would like some fucking sources for this dumb statement.
>But couldn't you also say that men have to go to the gym and work out, while we can be chubby and still get attractive boyfriends? Lol fuck off with this shit. Did you miss the part where there a more fat men than women? Chubby girls, hell any girl who isn't underweight is constantly shit on and used by men. It's men who place unreasonable standards on women, not women going around demanding that every guy be a fucking body builder.
>Most men don't need coddling more than women. It depends on the individual (ie. some women constantly need to be complimented)It doesn't matter what they need, they get it anyways because society pats mens asses. And ohhh nooo, society constantly shits on women and it makes some women needy, how terrible of those women! What privileged bitches, having to seek compliments because your whole live you've been told you're never good enough.
>Fine, here are some more options for women who want to be average or above-average to menLol your first two are the same, and your second to are bullshit. Men don't care about personality or money, only looks.
>I'm female Lel
>all the men in my life have pretty much gone above and beyond to make sure I am happy (even when I wasn't attractive)No, that isn't what happens to women. In fact it's usually the opposite.
>>186564Normally I would agree with you, but when a posters opinions are so full of retarded /r9k/ shit arguments it's just pretty obvious.
No. 186586
>>186581>Being pregnant is a big concern when you have sex and are a female, yes. As weird as it seems to you. And yeah, I'm mainly concerned about myself. You're a robot and a pro lifer? Wew lad.The only reason I'm not pro-life is because abortion kills more non-whites than it does whites, and we need all the white people we can in the west to stop the racial invasion of it.
It's quite hard because the large majority of women act like you. Of course men don't want to get married or have children with western women anymore, it's setting up for a disaster because they're like you, and you could ruin their life with the current marriage/divorce laws.
Women being allowed to slut it up and then kill their babies infuriates me though, especially when it's paid for with tax money.
>>186582>Most people's concerns are selfish, nigger.Most women's concerns. Men more commonly have values/morals and show generosity.
>It's why you have an autistic meltdown whenever you can't get laid I hope some Elliot Rodgers clone kills you.
>>186583>Being able to select a man any time I want and never having to be single if I don't choose to be? Being financially taken care of by a man while I don't have to ever work at all? How oppressive and horribleWomen actually complain about this privilege. You have no clue about the loneliness and pain that adult male virgins who never had a gf feel. If you were in their shoes you would be whining harder than most of them.
No. 186591
>>186565>>186568That works both ways, you know. Men could just start crying when they feel like it. They could also stop being assholes to other men, since other men, not women are the ones who call them fags.
> Men-dominated imageboards? "I'd splurge all over that bushy bush", "I'd eat her out until I look like bloody murder" etcMen dominated boards call any girl not anorexic a fat cow and talk about ways to use and trick women for sex, while whining about how the 8/10 won't sleep with them.
>Over 80% of the homeless are menAnd the majority of homeless and homeless by choice because it's easy living when you're a man and don't face rape by other homeless.
>Over 80% of suicides are menAs you admit yourself, women make more attempts.
>Over 80% of workplace fatalities are menBecause men are careless. How's it women's fault you're fucking idiots?
>Even ugly fat women with literally zero money and a terrible personality can still EASILY get hundreds of offers from men to have sex and financially take care of themThey may get offers for sex, but being taken care of? HAHA, fuck no. and if they do take the sex, then there slut whore bitches. THERE'S NO WAY FOR WOMEN TO WIN.
>On a sinking ship women are given priority to get on the lifeboat first, that metaphorically applies to EVERYTHING in society.That hasn't been a policy for 100 years, and no it doesn't apply to society.
>average men don't get any sex without paying for itNo they don't you stupid fucking robot.
>Tons of men are lonely and get absolutely no positive attention from the opposite sex at all.Yes they do, from the chubby 4/10 girl who is actually on their level, but who they sneer at because they're entitled. Put pressure on any and every robot and they all admit, oh yeah, this girl asked me out and signaled she liked me, but she was fat so it somehow doesn't count lol.
No. 186593
>>186587You're just repeating the same stupid shit that isn't true and, in an alternate reality where it is, still comes with major downsides that men don't have to deal with.
>Women don't actually care about looks, personality, or anything, except money. 10/10 Chad Thundercock with great personality is still completely unwanted by women if he's a NEET with no moneYeah, because expecting someone to have a job is on the same level as demanding your gf be a 9/10 when you're a fat ugly slob.
No. 186595
> You have no clue about the loneliness and pain that adult male virgins who never had a gf feel. There are as many female virgin as male, only male virgins don't get told how easy it is to lose their virginity.
Fuck off you entitled little shit. God, I wish I could give you the ass beating your mother should have given you when you where a kid.
No. 186599
>>186591>As you admit yourself, women make more attempts.Exactly, they make "attempts". Over 80% of completed suicides are from men, so for women to have more "attempts" means they're just attention whores.
>Men dominated boards call any girl not anorexic a fat cow Go to /r9k/ right now and I bet there is some thread up about how they want to fuck fat girls, or specifically want to fuck average/cute/ugly girls (as opposed to "hot" girls).
>They may get offers for sex, but being taken care of? HAHA, fuck noNah, if they posted the right ad online, they could easily get serious offers from hundreds of men who will let them move into their house and financially take care of them.
>No they don't you stupid fucking robot. Even almost all above-average men have to pay for sex.
Can you think of one example where an adult guy didn't have to pay for sex? If it's something promiscuous, he at least had to pay for the restaurant/club/drinks/hotel/transportation, if it's his girlfriend/wife, well she wouldn't have ever been with him if he was NEET with no money. Technically all women are whores.
>Put pressure on any and every robot and they all admit, oh yeah, this girl asked me out and signaled she liked me, but she was fat so it somehow doesn't count lol.Fatty-chan detected, you're like the female version of a robot, you're projecting so hard right now, I would love you even if you're fat but you won't love me because I have no money.
>>186595>There are as many female virgin as male,Doubt, and even if they are, they're virgin by choice (Good for them, I'm glad).
No. 186604
>Exactly, they make "attempts". Over 80% of completed suicides are from men, so for women to have more "attempts" means they're just attention whores.No, it just means the ways they try to do it are different.
>Go to /r9k/ right now and I bet there is some thread up about how they want to fuck fat girls, or specifically want to fuck average/cute/ugly girls (as opposed to "hot" girls).And for every thread like that there will be fat hate threads, not to mention that the majority of those threads will be hate comments, ON TOP OF the fact that robots views of what is average are completely skewed.
>Nah, if they posted the right ad online, they could easily get serious offers from hundreds of men who will let them move into their house and financially take care of them.No, they don't. What you're describing only happens to the top 1% of women, it has never happened to the average girl.
>Even almost all above-average men have to pay for sex.Do you think just saying shit makes it true?
Men can get sex as easily as women AND have no consequences for it,
>Can you think of one example where an adult guy didn't have to pay for sex?Every time a man has sex with someone who isn't a prostitute?
>If it's something promiscuous, he at least had to pay for the restaurant/club/drinks/hotel/transportationNo he doesn't plenty of men get laid without paying for any of that.
>if it's his girlfriend/wife, well she wouldn't have ever been with him if he was NEET with no money. Technically all women are whores.And all men are sluts. Men don't pay for ugly NEET women either, so what's you bitch?
>Doubt, and even if they are, they're virgin by choice (Good for them, I'm glad) are the ones who are virgins by choice, they could fuck without any negative social pressure, but they chose not not because their standards are too high.
No. 186605
>>186604This is just all bullshit, and I'm not gonna go through every line to tell you that each one of them is bullshit.
What is obvious is that you're a fat female, and you don't get much male attention. You want Brad (step below Chad, because Chad is too intimidating to you) to approach you in public, well I'll admit that isn't going to happen, but you could easily get tons of guys who want you if you sought them out in the right way.
You're so obviously a fat bitter female that gets no attention from men (average men at least), and it's cute. I would love you but you hate me because I have no money.
No. 186610
>>186607>you're a hambeastI'm /fit/…
>You think life is unfair because woman way above your level don't want your fat stinking ass, but that isn't unfair, your entitlement is unfair. Even in your shit state you could easily get a girlfriend, but she would be a fat idiot like you and you think you're too good for what you deserve.No, I'd be happy with ugly/fat girls, and would even prefer them because they'd probably be more appreciative and loving.
I'm okay with you, you're not okay with me. How many times do I have to say it? I love you fatty-chan.
No. 186638
>>186629>Toxic masculinityStop using this term. Masculinity isn't a problem. Chauvinism is the problem, if anything men aren't masculine enough. Thanks Feminism.
I agree with you everywhere else though, I'd add family courts being lopsided to favour women as another male issue.
No. 186691
>>186503C'mon girls, let the guy vent, he's just another loser trying to get female attention and feel better about his shitty life. Just let him be. Also there's no way he'll understand any of what it's been posted, I mean there's no cure for stupidity. And there are so many arguments with no deep thought. For instance, claims women have it easy just because we have a vag, said there's less female homelessness because we can just become prostitutes (without taking into account how dangerous and deprecating it is) or get picked up by a man that will take care of us (again without taking in account how many times these relationships have huge amounts of abuse).
Then in
>>186638 blames feminism for "toxic masculinity" without any understanding of how the concept is formed. Toxic masculinity has always been there, it was after that feminism became a thing (imho feminism is a natural phenomena) that it was pointed it out and given a definition.
It's fairly obvious what this guy and other like them are. Take out your notebooks, we're in front of an example of Darwinism adaptation going on. They cannot adapt to modern times, after we changed our means of production, society drasticly changed to what is now. They are still fighting or whatever, they thrive as males to fulfill a male role even when they are on a below order. It's in their "programming". That's "privilege" to them: not being able to fuck (therefore not being able to pass their genes). So let's just let him vent, he's a weak link and there's nothing much he can change to fix it. This is evolution, I guess. The only thing he can do is to argue and gather data to sustain his way of thinking. Better that than accept his sad reality. Now, I know I sound robot as fuck lol. Is how I perceive the incel phenomena.
Again, trying to dialogue with him is pointless. It's kinda fun, though. Btw excuse muh funny English.
No. 186698
>>186629I agree completely with this. Suicide and homelessness are definitely massive issues that mainly effect men, and dismissing them is stupid, but those issues being there doesn't mean that there aren't still issues for women.
Women do attempt suicide a lot more, which says there's some serious fucking issues going on there too, as even if you assume none of them intended to die, a person who acts in pseudo-suicidal ways is still having issues with some serious mental distress, that's not normal behaviour at all.
Toxic masculinity is a good point, though I hate the word. I think that society in general teaching people that they're not good enough unless they're a certain way is the issue, not the masculinity itself. Magazines and media pushing the image that only roided up models and action heroes are attractive is a huge issue, the exact same as magazines doing the same thing with models and actresses for women, but I don't think that being an actually masculine person is necessarily a bad thing at all. If you want to be a stereotypical lumberjack or whatever you think is masculine, then good for you. But it's not okay to tell someone that they're not good enough unless they're a twisted version of that, and that the only way to achieve that is to buy Latest Supplement TM.
Also, ignore the robot, he's been btfo in two threads in /sty/ already, I have no idea why he keeps posting.
No. 186716
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>>186691Don't even know where to begin with how wrong this post is