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No. 186644
>>186639is it against the rules to be a guy or is it the equivalent of saying "lol btw im a girl" on other imageboards? dick or gtfo?
>>186640do you girls know how to doxx? im reluctant to share my face
No. 186645
>>186644>dick or gtfoYeah…pretty much. Don't be too surprised if you see it soon.
>do you girls know how to doxx?Post and find out. :^)
No. 186650
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>>186640>>186645>>186649im pretty inexperienced, although not a virgin
mixed race btw
No. 186651
>>186650easy 6/10
go back to reddit
No. 186654
>>186653this is a website of women who unironically gossip about other women on the internet. The girls here are as normie as anywhere else.
Moral of the story is LURK MORE YOU FUCKING NEWFAG
No. 186669
>>186635Why does do many guys always place looks on the first place? Everytime I hear one of them questioning the reasons they don't have a nice gf, they blame it mostly on their appearance or if is not that, they blame it on money. They really should try to learn to love themselves before seeking for love. Don't wanna judge, but OP gives me superficial-guy vibes. Maybe that's the reason he hasn't find an interesting girl to date? You know, human beings tend to hook up with other people that are alike. But yeah, that's me judging a stranger in the internets (who's posting in female imageboard, were he isn't supposed to. smh).
Anyway, founding the one requires lots of energy and searching. Be prepared for a journey of boredom. So good look for the OP. Now gtfo.
No. 186671
>>186669Trust me im not superficial, i place compatibility before everything else i just cannot find women i connect with on profound levels
>>186664im not a fucking arab
No. 186676
>>186671But my problem is that girls find me intimidating, and rarely approach me. The only girls that ever do are the "confident" girl type which i dont like. I have resting sad face and dont look approachable because im often lost in my thoughts. I want a cute nice girl but im stuck in this limbo where nice girls dont try to engage me and stacies just think of me as a low tier chad because i dont have status, just looks
>>186673thanks for the sage, sorry im not your type :)
>>186674im interested in lolcow because it is filled with women, /r9k/ is filled with socially retarded misogynists
No. 186689
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platonic relationships with men it is
No. 186690
>>186676Maybe start by stopping calling people chads and stacies? That's retarded /r9k/ meme shit, and says a lot about your mentality.
You're okay looking, though the photo is atrocious, but the reason people aren't approaching you has nothing to do with people finding you intimidating.
No. 186693
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This is what a misogynist who trolls your board looks like.
I don't have a gf because I have a "bad personality" (cough no money).
No. 186694
>>186690>implying society isnt a bunch of memesyes the photo is atrocious its a bathroom selfie i quickly snapped, i dont have any good pics of myself
>>but the reason people aren't approaching you has nothing to do with people finding you do you know this? I see girls give me looks all the time but they never talk to me
>>186693who is this chode
No. 186695
>>186694Me, and I'm assuming you're not even the "mulatto" in this post
>>186650 until you post a timestamp.
No. 186699
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>>186693>posting shitless pics>with arms that smallLMAO @ UR LIFE
No. 186700
>>186693Kek, nice arms dude. Maybe try posting again when you don't look like a wacky inflatable waving arm man?
>>186694>yes the photo is atrocious its a bathroom selfie i quickly snapped, i dont have any good pics of myselfIf you're going to say you're good looking and that's the reason why you can't meet people, then you need to have photos where you look good to back it up.
>how do you know this? I see girls give me looks all the time but they never talk to meSomeone looking at you doesn't mean they'll approach you, or necessarily want to, even if they think you're good looking.
No. 186701
>>186697White people naturally have visible moles.
Post your chest and let me see it. I know you probably have lop-sided boobs, that's natural don't worry, I'm very understanding, I just want to see them.
>>186699>>186700See, proof women only want ultra-Chad on steroids, they don't like natty physiques.
No. 186705
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>>186697I believe they're mimicking headlamps on a car with those cat's eyes on the side to reflect light
No. 186708
>>186703i want a femautist gf to take care of me
>>186700I personally think im good looking, as does my mommy and lots of other women in my life. I dont care if im not your type, beauty is subjective.
>>186695Why are you assuming thats not me? Also why mulatto in quotations, i have one black parent and one white parent
No. 186711
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Nice quad nips my dude
No. 186712
>>186711BDSM clamps
dont judge
No. 186713
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No. 186715
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>>186712oh boy oh boy we've caught one, fellas
No. 186718
ITT: Human anatomy 101
>>186697This things on my back that cause me to look like a "flying squirrel" are called lats. That's actually a compliment.
I am flexing them in this picture, it makes them widen up, it is the human equivalent of a male peacock spreading it's feathers, I'll admit.
>>186711Serratus muscles under a small layer of fat. No. 186720
>>186717Thats some mighty projection skills you got there corn girl
I grew up in in a city with a metro population of 4 million people in eastern north america.
>>186718I know you're showing off your lats you dumbass, but taking a shirtless pic with such small arms is like a guy with a 4 inch cock sending dick pics to every girl he knows
the contrast between your lats and arms makes you look ridiculous
No. 186721
>>186718The thing that makes you look like a flying squirrel are your pathetic arms combined with you flaring your lats.
And since when is the serratus over your lats?
No. 186723
>>186722my city is on the cutting edge of culture, unless you live in london your city is behind mine, rest assured.
also why are you saying my parents are cousins? Im mixed raced ffs not a goddamn arab my dad is from the midlands you cunt
No. 186727
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>>186724this is your future, not mine
>>186725Im not a motherfucking indian, im half northern euro half african
>>186726>also i can't think of any other reason you'd be amongst the hottest guys at your schoolathletic physique, green eyes, nice hair, defined jaw line idk, i look better irl than that pic if it helps you any
No. 186729
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>>186720>>186721>but taking a shirtless pic with such small arms>pathetic armsIf a muscular guy's arms don't look "small" compared to his torso when he's doing a front lat spread, then his proportions are unfortunate.
I understand you girls are just trying to troll me and say anything negative you can about my (natty) physique.
My testicles have to produce a lot of natural testosterone to build a physique like that, compared to just injecting test…
I really love you girls and I'm drunk. I'm a loser that trolls your board all the time and ban evades.
No. 186731
>>186727If you shaved and took a half decent photo you might not look crappy, but that angle doesn't suit you at all.
>>186729Nah dude, you legitimately just have sad arms, I've known guys who's arms look like that when they start lifting, or just after a month or two.
And just so you know, your obsession with testosterone but lack of any real understanding of it was sad in the other thread, and it's still sad in this one.
No. 186733
>>186728err what? You guys have been trying to roast me since the first reply, obviously this is not going to be an amical vibe, you guys want me to leave
>>186731>if i shaved stop projecting your preferences unto me. ive been getting more female attention since i grew the goatie since it makes me look older
No. 186734
>>186733Feel free to continue to look like a 20 year old that exclusively dates teenagers then my dude, but no-one really sees it as a good look.
If you could grow more facial hair it could work, but it doesn't look like you can.
No. 186735
>>186731I've already been arrested for possession of small arms once, I went to prison for it. I've been working really hard to fix it.
>>186730I have a 6.5"x5.25" cock, that's above average but you will call it small because you hate me because I'm a misogynistic NEET that trolls your board.
No. 186736
>>186734>Feel free to continue to look like a 20 year old that exclusively dates teenagers thencouldn't be further from who i am…
>>186735what a fuckup lmao
No. 186738
>>186736Then don't make it so that you look that way.
>>186735>I've already been arrested for possession of small arms once, I went to prison for it. I've been working really hard to fix it.Did this seem funny to you at some point?
No. 186740
>>186735I just want to let you know that this is a forum dedicated to making fun of and documenting autistic retards and other people who act like idiots online.
You're not trolling us, you're contributing, you're a primary source of milk.
No. 186741
>>186737>calling them vapidi made no judgements on lolcow anons i dont know the crowd here. im talking about the normal girls at my college. i get categorised as a certain kind of guy because my looks and you girls have more or less confirmed that. they probably think i watch UFC and like to drink beer…
>>186738beards are for numales with flesh for jaws
No. 186743
>>186742What behaviour? i go to class, dont talk to anyone and then go browse 4chan in the computer lab or read in the garden during my breaks
what behaviours are you projecting unto me?
No. 186747
>>186740Drink my milk
>>186739Why won't any women love me? I love them so much but they hate me.
I love the bitchy girls on /cgl/ and lolcow that can't stop gossiping. They hate me so much though. I would help them with their cosplay and stop being misogynistic and talk about anime cons or lolita fashion with them, srs.
I'm drunk and it's forcing me to be honest, I don't drink often.
No. 186749
>>186744>>186745Y'all aren't getting it
See the thing is, my dating pool of potential partners is large because im attractive and when i want to be, charismatic. Obviously personal preference precludes me from certain women, but thats the case for anyone.
My problem is that finding intelligent, rational, modest and family oriented women is almost impossible. And its not women's fault, its society's and the way women are socialised and raised. Most of the women I would consider suitable partners are probably wrapped up in some high octane career that doesn't necessarily satisfy them because they fell for jewish tricks. Any woman with ambition has absolutely sidelined the idea of a family while children are the most important thing to me.
And also because women dont tend date "below" them, all these professional women are off limits to me because i dont occupy a particularly high rung in society.
No. 186751
>>186750Im a non-white socialist from a big, left leaning city
this hick fantasy is creeping me out
No. 186754
>>186752I dont want a large family 3 kids max
and you saying i look like i fuck my cousins is highly racist
are you a bigot?
No. 186755
>>186754hicks are generally white and you'd assumed i meant you were a hick so what is it :^)
also that's a bigger family then apparently any of you girls want
and this ain't /pol/, i'm here for fun not to talk my beliefs with anyone
No. 186756
>>186755i thought you were the one that called me achmed.
this thread just contributed towards my prejudices… white girls are awful brats
No. 186761
>>186693women want men who don't sperg on image boards and don't self describe as misogynists.
would not fug even if you were rich tbh, you seem cringy.
same with
>>186650If I ever found out that my boyfriend sought validation from a gossip website I would be so ashamed. Nobody here is looking for love, go back to soc
No. 186765
>>186758Not even sure what im trying to accomplish but from lurking lolcow for a day i feel like most girls on this website would ignore me because i dont look like their type (which is all too often skinny white/asian dudes)
Its like a sexy vs. cute girl if it makes more sense. Certain guys go after cute girls, other guys go after sexy girls.
>>186760besides the fact that i described myself in a positive light which
triggers people, how was i unpleasant? yes i come across as a tool saying "im hot" but it was for the purposes of this thread.
>>186762i thought this war your /b/
is that your /b/?
No. 186766
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>>186765Please go back to whatever hellish pit you came from. No one wants to fuck you now go away.
No. 186767
>>186765you're whinging about how vapid women are again, and also you can't take a point and are like NO YOU'RE WRONG, despite far more people agreeing that you have a pathetic, assblasted personality.
also we don't have a /b/, if we had a /b/ it'd be called /b/ like our /g/ is /g/.
No. 186768
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>>186701Actually I'm a boy my arms are just bigger than yours you low t beta male.
No. 186769
>>186766>No one wants to fuck you now go awaythis is exactly my problem, im a sexual object when i want to be viewed in the opposite way
sex is overrated and i want a woman that can be my best friend as well as the mother of my children
girls see me and want to fuck me, but i dont want to open myself up to women because they might break my heart like has happened in the past with women that werent as mature as i thought they were
>>186767>cant take a pointthese points are wild speculation based on the less than 1000 words ive typed into a troll thread, but yes this stupid thread is a mirror image of my personality that i put on display for other people
No. 186770
>>186769you're pathetic and assblasted enough to be posting on a female orientated imageboard wanting asspats. real life women can probably smell the desperation on you.
ps try online dating, i think it's go real well for you.
No. 186771
>>186769nobody wants to marry you Ahmed. Get your mom to find you a nice muslim girl from the homeland lol
I'll bet you she kills herself out of shame when she finds out your a big enough fag to facepost on any anon board, much less a girls one.
No. 186772
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>>186768>Actually I'm a boySure thing, "boy".
I could rip off your tiny female arms.
No. 186773
>>186770I know its extremely difficult you for you to not imagine me as a socially inept robot as many of them wash up here but that's not what i am at all… Im just a regular dude that can't find a good girl. And I know they exist, but its extremely frustrating because I feel like I'd need to date a girl thats 25 to get what I want from a woman…
And yeah i might be pathetic, i mean being a lolcow user is pathetic too, no? Youre pointing and laughing at people with mental illnesses for the most part.
>>186771jeso cristo for the last time i am not a freaking muslim or arab or whatever, and i only posted my face because it was requested, twice
No. 186776
>>186773as someone in her mid twenties i'd want to date someone with the emotional maturity not to be posting their face on anon image boards. but go wild finding an adult wanting to deal with you.
and yeah i'm pretty pathetic but i'm alright with dating the heap of shit i am and don't whinge about it to lolcow :^)
No. 186780
>>186779That's a pretty retarded idea, it's not the gender that's the issue, it's the fact that they're retards.
It's already bannable to go "guy here btw" isn't it?
No. 186781
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>>186779agreed, weenies out
No. 186782
>>186778Im 18. I want to date an older, more mature woman. 18 year old girls are painfully immature for the most part.
>>186779Are there rules for this board?
>>186775The musclebro is a fixture here apparently
>>186776how is it more immature to post my face on an imageboard than to post on an imageboard? youre throwing rocks from a glass house, the next siddhartha gautama is not spending his evenings laughing at insane women on the internet
No. 186783
>>186782i mean i have a full time job and a degree and a life outside of lolcow that isn't immature so my life pretty set to continue along its line of mediocrity.
also lol you're 18, go have some fun and wait to settle down tbh.
No. 186784
>>186782>18 yr old guy thinking hes more mature than an 18 yr old girloh
god i am laffin
No. 186785
>>186783ticking off "i am a functioning member of society" boxes doesn't make you a mature human being.
>go have some fun casual sex disgusts me and you cannot know if someone will make a good life partner unless there are hard times that test your relationship. having kids with someone you met 2 years before at the age of 29 is a stupid mistake that millenials make that will lead to divorce
>>186784you dont know me, i cannot relate to most 18 year old men
No. 186786
>>186782>older, more mature women>lolcow>not knowing image-board culture>not knowing you come off completely retardedgood bait m8, I replied.
these guys are just fishing for >you's at this point
Ignore them and move on.
No. 186795
>>186790I dont really consider it bragging, me being attractive has nothing to do with how i perceive myself and everything to do with how others perceive me. Ive lived my entire life as an attractive man, which leads me to have a radically different life experience from other men. Its relevant to the premise.
And none of these really apply to me to be honest, but I dont want a woman whose dreams conflict with her raising a family. Young children NEED a parent in the house, and 21st century kikery has ensured both parents will have careers even if they dont need the income.
>>186791I know what I like and who I am. Im assblasted because I've been burned in every relationship ive ever had with a woman. They enter the relationship for superficial reasons and get bored because we lack compatibility. They buy the product for the packaging and then return it when they realise they dont have the same likes and wants that i do.
And im sorry i just assumed thats what you meant in our fucked up society, after i was reeling from my most recent breakup everyone was telling me to sign up for tinder. made me rage
>>186794ah yes all these boys are too complex for me… no its not that i want to blow my brains out hanging around them, not its not their banal conversations and typical friday night activities like clubbing and reckless driving and stupid testosterone fuelled behaviour… no its their maturity and complexity that stops me from connecting with these wonderful young men
No. 186798
>>186795you're 18, how many teenage relationships that last to marriage and have a thriving marriage do you know. just go out and fucking live your life and someone will turn up eventually.
just learn to fucking imageboard.
No. 186800
>>186797well that isnt most girls ultimate ambition these days…
>>186798>how many teenage relationships that last to marriage and have a thriving marriage do you knownone, because all the people i know are spoiled urbanites with a laundry list of sexual partners and no hope ever having a successful marriage
No. 186804
>>186801You vilify wousewives, youre part of the problem. Being a housewife is noble. And it is certainly not easy.
but no! Both parents need to work overtime! Hire a Filipino to change the kids diapers!
No. 186807
>>186806>women may want things>women may be naturally curious and pursue a career in STEM or may want to contribute to society in a different way and work in the arts or literature areaShocking. I know.
>>186804It's only difficult because the other parent turns into an extra child once they're off their 9 to 7 job.
Men can also change diapers. You stay at home.
No. 186809
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I keep ban evading, mods know me by my user-agent probably.
Really I love you bitches so much. Please marry me and let me cum inside you unprotected.
>>186807>Men can also change diapers. You stay at home.Please let me stay at home and be your house-husband. I am
>>186693 No. 186810
>>186807You're confusing workaholic women that cant slot children into their career with intelligent women.
And my dad was a stay at home dad. It was shit, he ignored me all day and made microwave food. I was raised by video games and the internet
women are far better caregivers, typically
No. 186812
>>186807Men can also change diapers. You stay at home.
I think the parent with the highest income potential should work and the other should take care of the house and children, im not a sexist. Im just a traditionalist.
No. 186815
>>186810It's not our fault you had daddy issues. There are countries in northern europe where both parents are expected to share the task of raising a child. It works fine.
>>186812There's no reason for one of the parents to stay all the time at home. It's more harmful for the child even. And living off of only one income is a privilege.
>>186809Sure. I also expect decent cooking skills and frequent oil massages. No. 186818
>>186815this is exactly the fucking problem you have that swedish mentality that has DESTROYED THE NUCLEAR FAMILY.
>It's more harmful for the child even.Yes its harmful for there to be a parent in the house at most times, making sure its clean, that there is good food being made 3 times a day, that the kids are okay and entertained and doing productive things…
Look, most of my peers come from perfect homes with parents that love each other. And these kids are well adjusted and going places in life. You cant tell me that having parents around that are loving and competent is harmful to a child. you sound like a jewish sociology professor that hates his loving but controlling parents.
>>186817selfish millenial retard, i hope you get mugged by the arabs that our leaders are importing to make up for your cat collection and booze cruise trips with your nu male fuck husband that shoots blanks
No. 186819
>>186818hopy shit batman I have been fucking OWNED
Have you considered that maybe I've got other ambitions? That no, do not have to do with kombucha farming with my beta cuck husband and cat collection and whatever the fuck. And that maybe I'd spend my time helping other peoples' children? Which are so neglected as I'm sure you believe in this horrible horrible broken world?
jesus christ get a grip son it's not that big a deal
No. 186824
>>186820honestly all this says to me is that you automatically assume people who don't want to live or think the same way are automatically awful people deserving of your derision
this, right here, is why you're having relationship issues. you are an eighteen year old who thinks he has the world figured out and that your teenage relationships are reflective of everyone else's adult relationships.
you need to really look at yourself, not in the mirror, but at who you are, and start considering why you're not getting along with people
No. 186825
>>186821You've oversimplified things. I live in a non traditional society and men are failing out of school in alarming numbers. If you look at the curve of intelligence distribution women cluster more tightly around 100. There are many more sub 100 IQ men then there are women, and these people are the most at-risk for dropping out of school.
And you sound like a misandrist, its not hilarious and you'll find that an undereducated and underemployed male underclass will create many social problems
I'm a pragmatic traditionalist, and I think that traditional family structures work. That doesn't mean that they aren't flexible, for instance I think the better educated parent should work, and that could be either. But I still believe that on average women are better suited to raising young children of both sexes.
No. 186827
>>186824oh no i made an assumption on the internet… no assumptions have been made about me.. not at all.
And the vast majority of millenials that i've met that dont want children have been awful, spoiled brats. im sorry i projected my brief life experience on you
No. 186831
>>186824Holy shit, this. You're barely an adult and you're acting like you've got everything figured out and everyone else is in the wrong, which is absolutely retarded.
You're not the mature adult who's totally better than his peers than you think you are, you're a kid with an ego.
>>186826kek, good post
>>186825IQ is not intended as a measure of how smart you are, it's a diagnostic tool.
I kind of agree with the rest of your post though, either class being undereducated is an issue, and there is some bias in the education system towards female students (not so much an opinion, there's been studies done on this), and family is important, though not the be al end all that people act like here.
No. 186833
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>>186815>Sure. I also expect decent cooking skills and frequent oil massages.I mostly just eat healthy whole foods, but I would cook whatever you want the best I could, and give you massages or do
anything for you. I would never cheat or leave you.
I wish there was some girl out there who wanted this, but instead I have to post misogynistic rants online.
No. 186834
>>186827Is it really selfish if people who don't want kids and/or know they won't make good parents spare their children from growing up in a broken or abusive home?
Point about your immaturity still stands.
No. 186835
>>186831>like you've got everything figured outI have figured everything out. "everything" being what i what from my life partner, that partner being a woman
>>186834no shit im immature, if i had finished maturing at this ripe age of 18 i'd be mentally stunted. I have a lot growing to do, which id like to do with a like minded woman
>>186833fam just get involved in a highspeed chase and suicide by cop you seem that like that tier of psychotic american
No. 186841
>>186840fuck, you ruined my punchline
the opinion was "u a bitch, lurk moar"
No. 186843
>>186841i dont intend to stick around lmfao this chan is oriented towards a very feminine activity imo
feminism is a joke because of shit like this imageboard, its a website dedicated to roasting special snowflakes (nearly all of whom suffer from mental illnesses) and its dominated by women
No. 186846
>>186845what if I told you…that a lot of the feminists I see pushing for ~secret sisterhood of the travelling ovaries~ are doing that exactly because women tear each other down so much? and that feminism like any ideology has a ton of different schools of thought?
your point still makes no sense, participation award for the attempt
No. 186847
>>186838You're 18, right? I really don't think a relationship started when you were fucking 14 at the oldest really counts as a serious relationship.
16-18 maybe more so, but it's still a teenaged relationship. You're learning basic shit about the start of a relationship and what stuff you really don't like in a partner.
Except, instead of being smart about it and realising you're stil la child, and it takes people fucking decades to figure out what works for them in relationships, you've convinced yourself you've got it all figured out by subscribing to some retarded fantasy about how life would be with a fantasy type of woman.
You've never even lived with someone, or had a relationship where you're both working full time, how the fuck could you possibly say you've got everything figured out?
No. 186852
>>186849that people have strong opinions about others, feminists and other sociological witchdoctors can try and narrow the range that these opinions are expressed until it is only interpersonal, private conversation or even self contained thoughts but the sentiments will always be there
>>18684716-18, i only fell for her because of her relative maturity, but it became clear to me after getting to know her intimately that she was just intelligent and rational, not really mature as a person. she was very childish in many, many ways. I cared about her way too much to ever break up with her though.
> it takes people fucking decades to figure out what works for them in relationshipsi know that, which is why i want to go on that journey with a like minded person, i dont want to have a serial list of exes and failed relationships trying to find the one
No. 186855
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>this thread
No. 186856
>>186852No-one at 18 is mature, including you, and you need to drop the idea that you are.
You don't have it figured out, at all, and you're not going to meet someone who just works out for you for the rest of your life at 18, because at 20, you won't be anything like you are now, let alone at 30, and for it to work out perfectly you'd need to meet someone who changed in a way that they stayed compatible with you forever.
Stop focusing on ideals you won't achieve, and focus on just living life, get some real experience, be in different relationships and find how it works overall. You clearly need to do a lot of work on yourself, not just bitching about how everyone else is bad.
No. 186857
>>186856>be in different relationships and find how it works overall.i will skip that part because im not ready for the pain that dating immature teenage girls will bring me
im not really that sexual of a person, so i foresee no real problems with voluntary celibacy until ive at least graduated from university or met a woman that really activates my almonds
No. 186858
>>186857No-one's saying to date random people, date people you legitimately have feelings for and learn from it.
Odds are they won't work out, but they don't have to. Learn to enjoy being with the person in the moment, not obsessing over the potential future.
No. 186860
File: 1492147578976.jpg (47.86 KB, 500x247, dankmemeage.jpg)

Why hasn't this thread been moved to /sty/ yet
No. 186861
>>186860because the worst quality thread on the board is the most popular
i beat your imageboard at its own game
No. 186877
File: 1492167827734.png (12.87 KB, 467x274, pajeet.png)

>>186863Good try Pajeet, you forgot to remove the EXIF/metadata! Hint, there are no extraction tools for tinder and the image was way too big to be off of tinder since tinder compresses them smaller. Also Tinder doesn't save any photo in PNG format, so raw extraction wouldn't result into a PNG. Also the it was conveniently taken just before you posted it.
Hint, it also has the GPS coordinated en-lodged within a String. You really aren't the smartest person out there.
No. 186880
>>186693You're not the only decent looking man on earth. Congratulations! But do you know what the other decent man have what you don't, which is why they have gf's?
They have personalities that don't make a girl want to turn it into a triple suicide. Seriously, you sound really annoying. Sure, you can bag some girl with your body and delude her maybe to marry you. Most likely though, the girl of your dreams will hook up with a guy who works out less, is less good looking and you can't understand what she sees in him. But what she sees in him is fun, interesting hobbies (which don't include attentionwhoring on a female gossip forum full of legbeards) and a future that doesn't revolve around crying about bitches & whores on the internet. Your post is the type of shit that would turn any sane woman off from you by the plain delusion your portray and the shitty attitude you have. No one wants a man, except mystery.jpg, who portrays madonna complex in its full fledge. I bet you're the king of manlets to boot.
Now please, fuck off and you too, learn to remove the exif/metadata you slavic hobo.
No. 186882
>>186880>But do you know what the other decent man have what you don't, which is why they have gf's?Money.
>But what she sees in him isMoney.
>slavic hobo.From a genetic test, 1/3 Italian, 1/2 Irish/British, and the rest is other European. No slav countries though.
>you too, learn to remove the exif/metadataOh no, now you know I made that image using GIMP.
>attentionwhoring on a female gossip forum full of legbeardsI wish one of these stronk independent legbeards would marry me and act like my mom and let me suck on her tits.
What is taking feminists so long to create the matriarchy so they can be my mom-wife?