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No. 1868538

Previous thread

No. 1868766

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Grateful for natural selection

No. 1868784

Kek, goodbye to my consoomer sister who was screeching about stanley cups for months.

No. 1869805

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>In 2008, Kendrick Morris — then 16 years old — was convicted for a brutal rape that left a young woman blind and paralyzed for life.
>he attacked high school student Queena Phu as she was dropping off books at the Bloomingdale Regional Public Library in Valrico. Morris dragged her behind the building, where he raped and beat Queena so violently, he robbed her of the ability to see, talk or walk on her own.
>Morris was convicted and sentenced to 65 years in prison for that crime and another rape. Nearly a decade since his crime, Morris, now 25, appeared in court Thursday to ask for a lesser sentence.
>Queena’s family and friends called Morris a “violent monster” who didn’t take away her life, but took away her future. They say she is serving a life sentence of her own. She can’t walk, talk or see. She has close to 20 doctors and needs a lifetime of therapy, as well as 24-hour-a-day care.
>Her care costs $80,000 out of pocket each year, and the family relies largely on donations through JoinQueena.com, though they say donations have slowed over the years
But women are emotional, hysterical, paranoid, Karens, etc. It's so much easier to turn a woman's mental illness into some funny two minute viral clip than it is a mans, considering that their constant and unending onslaught of tantrums generally end in rape or murder.

No. 1869914

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Palate cleanser: leaked video from inside a prison of an alleged convicted pedophile being walked like a dog

No. 1870047

most of the time when video or images of prisoners being mistreated by their fellow moids leaks they try to say the victim is a sex offender of some kind but it's just as likely that it's someone who was simply targeted for sexual violence. there's a documentary about prisoners who are perceived as weaker being given women's names and pimped out for commissary snacks

No. 1870055

Is this supposed to generate sympathy for violent moids? It’s a net positive they’re abusing each other rather than innocent women/children

No. 1870066

that wasn't my intention. i'm only saying that imprisoned moids are particularly insane and will assault other inmates regardless of whether or not they are there for violent offenses. moids also get hard for revenge fantasies and when they can't enact them on women they will craft a narrative that allows them to victimize weaker men while other moids cheer them on either in person or online.

No. 1870130

Good. This is why moids should begin their lives in prison and show that they're worthy of being with the rest of society.

No. 1870145

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Nta but can you shut up. You’re being anti intellectual. She was simply stating a fact but you want her to shut up because you’re worried it might “generate sympathy”? Whether you want to feel sympathy or not, most moids being brutalised in prison aren’t even violent offenders let alone sex offenders. Most prisoners aren’t interested in avenging people they don’t even know, no matter how heinous their crime is. They’re interested in satiating their own needs.

No. 1870186

I never told her to shut up? Remember that there's more than three anons.

No. 1870431

i've done an extensive amount of reading about prison violence because i am fascinated by the way moids tear each other apart when there are no women to victimize. something to consider is that even when prisoners torture or murder sex offenders their crimes are often not the primary reason for the assaults, even if they are used as a convenient excuse. in the early 80s there was a huge riot at a prison in new mexico where dozens of inmates were killed after some prisoners accessed the protective custody cell block using blowtorches left behind by construction workers. the inmates were killed in extremely gruesome ways, including being tortured to death with the blowtorches, but although some of them were rapists and child molesters the reason they were targeted is because they supposedly snitched on other inmates. none of the rioters actually cared about any of the victims who may have suffered at the hands of the dead inmates, they were just high on narcotics stolen from the prison pharmacy and looking to partake in some sadism. one of the murdered men was very young and was serving a sentence for shoplifting food when he was gang-raped by several prisoners. he reported his rape to the prison staff and was placed in protective custody. when they found his body he had been heavily mutilated and his genitals were stuffed into his mouth. the rioters also raped numerous inmates and guards they held grudges against. prison justice is a myth designed to cover up the simple fact that incarcerated moids are savage animals that lash out at anyone weaker than them regardless of whether or not they actually deserve it.

No. 1870497

Omg I remember this, the inmates like “this is what happens when you don’t give us good conditions!” Like whatever dude you’re not gonna get sympathy from me just because you acted like an animal because muh unjust prison system.

No. 1870511

I have always had my doubts about the "rapists and pedophiles gets beat up by other prisoners" claims. The sad truth is that most men don't consider rape or pedophilia a real issue. Even the most law obedient model moid citizen will defend or downplay a rape case at some point in his life. Most men slips up at some point and plays the devil's advocate towards a rapist or pedophile. The violence in prisons stems from men having a need to establish a violent hierarchy

No. 1870543

I always believed it because my dad had stories about it from being in prison (he knew exactly how child molesters were treated because that’s why he was in there lmao.) guess I’ll never know myself because I’m not a man or in prison, I just took his word for it that he got called a “snapper” constantly and the others “tried” to rape him (I think they did and my sister claims he admitted it to her once but catching him telling the truth was like seeing a triple rainbow). Sorry for second hand anecdotal comment.

No. 1870877

I believe it because I have family in prison and have friends with family in prison my whole childhood. I feel immense sympathy for men who go in for smaller offenses that get brutalized and hurt, but that doesn't stop me from relishing in the fact that in the right prison environment, a sex offender will receive the vigilante punishment that is deserved. I believe it likely depends onenvironment, location, etc. but I am very aware that many incarcerated men are victims of csa and csv. It isnt to say they focus all their violent urges on sexual offenders only, but its a blessing when they do. It does not mean I encourage or relish in 'innocent' (you know what I mean) men being sexually brutalized in any way. I think all rapists are horrible, bar none.

No. 1870919

This >>1870055 was me
This >>1870130 was not me
Two people with similar opinions, crazy, right?

No. 1870965

you're right that it depends heavily on the prison's environment. some institutions are notorious shitholes. a prison run by administration that does not adequately punish inmate on inmate violence is never going to be anything more than a cesspool of brutality. in many cases they are well aware of the rapes but do nothing about it because if the inmates are preoccupied with assaulting each other then they are less likely to direct their attention towards the staff. correctional officers will turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse and sometimes even participate in it themselves. one officer would jerk off when the inmates had to spread their asses during processing exams and they would have no choice but to stand there until he was finished. moids absolutely love having jobs where they can traumatize other moids and get away with it consequence free.

No. 1871127

Men are just violent for the sake of being violent. It's like it's engrained in them. Look at lord of the flies. We should be segregated from men in most of society because they have proven time and time again they cannot be normal human beings. They are obsessed with sex and violence.

No. 1871733

What difference does it make? You’re both stupid and annoying. Might as well argue with you as if you’re a single entity.(infighting)

No. 1871748

God I want to cry, what a vile freak

No. 1871770

I hate this fucker I wish he got the death penalty.

No. 1874596

>Man kills his daughters and wife
>Lets his son live

Also i agree with one of the commenters who said 'The son was spared because he is his son. His daughters were not spared because they were his daughters.'

No. 1874598

It makes perfect sense, a gay predator would love to be a guard at a mens prison, just as a straight one a woman's prison, a pedophile a pediatrician or dentist, a weirdo a gynecologist etc

No. 1874602

I believe in the death penalty for airtight, solid cases like this. If there is verified cctv proof, DNA, etc that could not be planted, get rid of it. There is NO way to fix that. Get it off of resources as soon as possible, that is a rapid dog that needs put down.

No. 1874946

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This isnt spooky or anything but I had no idea about this guy or that he's considered "the most prolific" serial rapist in British history. They found footage of over 100 men being raped after he drugged them, they only identified around 40 guys and 70ish weren't identified. He picked up guys outside of bars and offered them drinks or that he'd call them a cab and fetisized straight men and considered raping them a trophy. He was only caught because a man he lured woke up mid assault, beat the shit out of him, and called the police where they found hundreds of hours of footage of his conquests on the cellphone. The assaults were committed between 2015 to 2017 but it is thought hes been doing it for much longer, and that had the guy not woke up he would just continue to rape 100s of guys. I wonder how many men are raped and have no idea because they black out and are clueless of the signs. All these guys just thought they got too drunk and passed out on some chill guys couch or whatever.
They identified 136 different rapes on his phone alone.

No. 1874971

not surprising that he also raped women.(and likely was a pedo as well)

No. 1874974

"I don't understand how this happens. I come from a third world nation with shit everything, but our prisons don't have gang-related issues or widespread problems of sexual assault. This is because our guards intervene, they lock the offenders in cramped cells, provide them with shit-quality food and subject them to severe beatings. I had a cousin who was in prison for causing a car accident and injuring someone. He wasn't afraid of other inmates, everyone feared the guards and the beatings they would receive for any misbehavior. As a result, everyone had to be like robots.

No. 1874988

He did? The fuck, I only see male offenses and it says he was openly gay so idk what you're on about.
>At the time his sentence was announced in January 2020, almost all of Sinaga's victims were known to have been heterosexual young men, with three exceptions.[9] He saw "turning" heterosexual men as a sport.

No. 1874998

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Here's his mug after getting beat up by a rugby player. Deserved!
>Sinaga's earliest established offence occurred on New Year's Day, 2015. The man was heterosexual, like the majority of Sinaga's victims, and could remember nothing when he awoke the next day in his abuser's flat covered in vomit.[11] Because of the false concern from Sinaga, he (like many others) apologised for imposing on his host before leaving; he had been raped twice.
He raped them and then pretended to care about their wellbeing when they woke up after blackout so they thought he was a friend, omg it really be all men.

There is literally no account if him going near women and children, you're just retarded.

No. 1875029

samefag, here's an example of what I mean, in prisons of my nation, prisoners are made to read the Quran daily and pray five times a day. According to my cousin, if you had an issue with another prisoner, you would report him for not doing his full prayers, and the guards would beat you without needing any proof. This created a stand-off situation where everyone had the power to get another person beaten just by reporting on them, and this happened frequently. The beatings were horrible, according to my cousin. they involved being beaten with metal rod for hours, leaving the victims in severe pain and agony. My cousin even said that he thinks hell must be like that. I assume that in the case of rape, you could report it and the guards would give the rapist a beating. The same would apply to anyone forming gangs or trying to sell drugs within the prison. A single report was all that was needed, so this threat of violence prevented the prisoners from ever attempting to rise up or act rowdy in prison.

No. 1875047

This sparks joy

No. 1875576

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>he beat her

>froze her to death in front of a live audience
>there were at least 50 people in the audience cheering for this

I hope everyone in that audience gets a papercut on the dick

No. 1875593

>6 years
That’s basically nothing

No. 1875598

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gerald and charlene gallego were a married couple. together they raped and murdered several teenage girls and women. charlene was an active participant in the rapes and aroused by the violence they inflicted upon their victims, though her primary motivation was to gain gerald's approval and affection.
>gerald grew up in poverty and was married multiple times prior to meeting charlene. unsurprisingly, he abused his wives. he also raped his daughter and her friends. when the pair abducted one of their victims, gerald told her "you're going to be my (daughter's name) tonight".
>charlene came from a well-off family and had severe behavioral problems, including acting out sexually and abusing drugs. her relationship with gerald was extremely abusive but charlene remained obsessed with him. when he suggested they take on "sex slaves" because she no longer satisfied him sexually, charlene agreed.
>charlene would scout locations like malls in search of girls gerald would be attracted to. she would then lure them back to the couple's van, where gerald would attack them as charlene drove around. they took turns assaulting their victims before gerald murdered them. later on they would abduct their victims through different methods and in one instance killed a victim's boyfriend before kidnapping her.
>eventually the couple were caught, arrested, and tried. charlene testified against gerald and claimed that he had forced her to commit the crimes. gerald served as his own attorny and cross-examined charlene for six days. he did an extraordinarily poor job defending himself and was ultimately sentenced to death. charlene was sentenced to sixteen years.
>gerald was never executed. instead, he died of rectal cancer in a prison hospital.
>charlene served her sentence and was released. she created a new identity for herself as a grieving mother in the military scene after her and gerald's son was killed in afghanistan. she along with her new husband founded two charities for military members, both of which have been accused of being scams. she continues to minimize her role in the killings.

No. 1875604

how is it not longer? it's not like it was an accident. did she sign a contract or something fucked up that gave him a legal loophole?

No. 1875618

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I remember this story. Russian moids are fucking vile. Picrel is an automatic google translation through browser, some more info can also be found here, only in russian https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-55238100
Meanwhile, they sentenced a woman for protest art to 7 years - just for comparison.

No. 1875631

read a news article about it and
>"She expresses with facial expressions and sounds, yelling out, crying,” said the victim’s sister, Anna Donato. "We forgive him and we have compassion for him but that does not mean we believe he should be out of prison.”

what the fuck. this 'be kind' propaganda aimed at women is pure insanity and women everywhere need to be way less compassionate

No. 1875638

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In Russia, domestic violence is only a criminal offense if it results in hospitalization and first time offenders only receive a fine. The problem is really bad over there. I remember reading a statistic about how out of all deaths caused by domestic violence, 10% occur in Russia. Just last year, Putin pardoned Vladislav Kanyus so he could go kill some Ukrainians instead.
Russian moids are evil, and Russian women rarely ever receive justice. So 6 years is not surprising in the least. He almost certainly won’t serve the full sentence either.

No. 1875646

It's Russia, he will be passed around and skewered like a hot dog until he thinks he's in hell

No. 1875827

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Retarded moid randomly punches child thinking they were alone. Tmany such cases. This video felt like watching an unhinged pit bull attacking unprovoked. Reminder that these are the same creatures that try to block women from leadership roles because they think we are too emotional.

No. 1875835

In a store? Why is he so bold? I’m glad the dad was there.. this made me so mad, I fucking hate moids

No. 1875929

He was ready to beat the child more, what the actual fuck. Zero impulse control. Subhumans.

No. 1876040

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Apparently he did this because he thought the child was a mannequin but why would he A push a mannequin like that, and B surely he saw the boy walking? Like if he thought it was a mannequin he’d push much more gently but he looked genuinely full of rage when he did that. So bizarre. Also heard another story in the UK of a man punching a baby because “he thought it was a doll”


No. 1876046

I have so many questions? Why did he even think it would ever be ok to punch a baby doll? I never had that behavior, even as a child. Moids. Yuck.

No. 1876049

Is this a different case than the russian streamer that locked his girlfriend on the patio outside in sub zero temperature and she froze to death?

No. 1876074

Notice how both of them are geriatric old men? Seems like they are old, alone and miserable and taking their jealousy out on children.

No, it's the same case.

No. 1876195

He definitely lied. There wasn't a moment of surprise and realisation that it wasnt actually a mannequin, he immediately went for another punch.
He lied. He got the impulse to hurt or even kill the baby. Obviously punching baby dolls and child mannequins is not normal, but that's the best they could possibly come up with.

No. 1876696

This is EXACTLY what I thought of whenever I saw the footage of that man yeeting that little kid. Men are genuinely an aberration

No. 1876702

>'He says in his statement that he said [he thought it was a doll] to the young child standing next to the shopping trolley. It is backed up in the statements of the witnesses that when he realised what he had done he was described as being shock.
>'It is conceded by the defendant that what occurred was unusual, bizarre and he acted rather foolishly. The prosecution suggest that this was intentional.
>'This defendant has been on the verge of suicide and his family will have to go through evidence which is already in their statements. I asked for this case to be moved forwards because Mr Hardy wants it dealt with as quickly as possible.'
Okay, so it still doesn't make any sense you fat disgusting old invalid. I can't compute his actions regardless of how I try to look at it. Even if he did believe it was a doll (why would it be?) the act of approaching a stranger and punching their personal property in front of another child is violent and bizarre. I truly hope he considers suicide, he's worthless omg.

No. 1876715

I hope the dad beat him unconscious. I hate old moids so much it’s unreal.

No. 1876748

I hate that callous, miserable elderly men think they're invincible because they're old. Such brazenness only comes when you truly don't think anyone will reprimand you for your actions. Thank god that kid's parents immediately swooped in. The way that he was fully prepared to continue attacking that poor child is so deeply disturbing.

No. 1876750

Old men are genuinely the most useless dregs of society. They don't know how to do anything except eat and shit and use up resources. They're violent and now their dicks don't work and their brains are so retarded from led poisoning that all they can do is attack people and shit themselves. Major L.

No. 1876759

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Reminds me of these two fucks.

No. 1877029

one time i was sitting in my car and an old moid walked by, bumped into the passenger side mirror, and started furiously swatting at it like it had sprung to life and attacked him. they retain the same desire for violence that they had when they were younger men but now they're too feeble to physically assault anything that isn't extremely vulnerable, like a small child or a pet. it doesn't help that old age makes them even more retarded and quick to anger.

No. 1877214

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No. 1877270

Lmao im just imagining him instinctively attacking it like startled confused animal. men are such retarded beast .

No. 1878079

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Especially since this is what he’s walking round looking like. British police share 1 single brain cell and there’s a lack of communication over which constituency gets to have it on any given day.

No. 1878132

Ughh read about this case yesterday and made so mad. Was it ever established if he knew the victims? Or he just wanted to ruin a random family's life?

No. 1878136

is it possible that his injuries were severe enough to be fatal if left untreated? if so maybe he's holed away somewhere close to death or has already died. that would explain why they haven't found him yet.

No. 1878151

Just look at that name, definitely not someone I’d expect to commit a chemical attack. /s(unintegrated retard)

No. 1878152

Yes he was known to them and I think in a relationship with the woman. Though they haven’t said if he’s the father of the girls.
That does seem likely. It could have gone septic. Maybe he just offed himself.

No. 1878162

how did his face get injured so badly? did he fuck up and get chemicals on himself too? did the people chasing him off the woman and her kids get a shot in or was it from when he crashed his car?

No. 1878183

yeah i read that he was burned by the chemicals he used. a woman who intervened during the attack had both of her eyeballs burnt and she's been having to receive daily treatments for her injuries, so if he's been walking around with untreated burns on his eye then surely he must be dealing with some serious medical issues at this point.

No. 1878207

can't believe Abduls are out here acting like they're still living in their disgraced shit holes, it fills me with rage, such ungrateful violent fucks, ruining everything they touch and causing havoc for no damn reason. I'm sick of reading about the same mfs fucking around (I'll take my ban)

No. 1878220

I don’t care that I caught a ban for this, it’s true.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1878271

You deserved it for the Reddit /s.

No. 1881222

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Apparently his last known sighting was at a place known to have a lot of muslims living there.An Afghan man who "converted" to Christianity on the say so of some rando priest.

AND he had an assailant that's been bonded out already….instead of keeping him in jail and waterboarding him until he came clean.

No. 1881565

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No. 1882272

It's interesting how they knew Richard Allen was the murderer soon after it happened. He murdered the girls in February of 2017 and they did not arrest him until October of 2022. For more than 5 years, they were aware that this man was the perpetrator and yet they had to maintain absolute constraint as they watched him from afar. All the times he thought he got away with it, got comfortable, thought disposing of evidence later (by killing the family cat) would make any modicum of a difference when he was already caught. He thought he was a free man for almost six years. Having to watch someone so monstrous and remain quiet would be very, very tough, especially knowing all of the things he did. Being tasked with quietly watching someone so evil for that long must have really taken a toll. At the end of the day, he gets what he deserves. Nothing could ever measure up to the amount of suffering he put those girls through, but hopefully he comes close.

No. 1882623

apparently he's been decompensating in prison, lost a lot of weight and appears to be in extremely poor health. i believe he thought he was going to get away with it for the rest of his life and getting arrested was too much of a shock for him to process. i wouldn't be surprised if he dies before the trial even starts, either from a medical event or a guard fucks up and he gets the opportunity to kill himself.

No. 1882625

I find it fascinating that so many men think the passage of time saves them from consequences of their actions. They want everything to be instant and think that if nothing is actively happening, they got away with whatever thing they've done. They thrive off of Duper's delight.

No. 1882654

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Please be real

No. 1882676

Based if true. They don't need their genitals.

No. 1882895

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Based Kazakhstan. Madagascar is also chemically castrating pedophiles.

No. 1882996

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This just reminds me of how much it bugs me when people say Utena is impossible to understand, when it's obviously an allegory for how men abuse young(er) women and girls to fill up the corrupt black hole inside of males, with incomprehensible motives and rituals that even the scrotes don't understand. Having a 7th child at age 80 is definitely an incomprehensible ritual. Trying to steal the youth and goodness of a woman and a baby, even though it's definitely not going to work at age 80.

No. 1883006

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Very nice!

No. 1883012

>when people say Utena is impossible to understand
do people actually say that? are people that media illiterate these days?

No. 1883021

Nta but so many retards don't understand what Utena's about. I saw someone in an anime thread in /m/ say that Nanami wanted to fuck her brother when the whole point of Nanami and her brother was that Nanami wanted to stay in her childlike phase with her brother to protect her, but her brother thought she was literally in love with him because he's a moid and was shocked when he came onto her physically to manipulate her and she freaked the fuck out because, again, she never wanted to fuck her brother.
Nanami was like the most based chatacter because she realized everything was fucked up very early.

No. 1883097

Even if these gross old men truly thought that toddler and baby were mannequins and dolls it speaks volumes that their first instinct when seeing a fake child/infant is physical violence. Most normal people wouldn’t try to randomly destroy someone’s property upon seeing human likeness in it but men aren’t human so I guess I’m not shocked, I also don’t believe them.

No. 1883106

Late reply but fuck yeah on that other guy punching that fat old fuck to the ground and then punching him again when he's down. Moids who do retarded shit like what that old retard did NEED to be put down like sick dogs.

No. 1883243

I genuinely think most of them are mentally retarded, unironically and actually. They think they're so logical but they're genuinely just apes. Cold, empty, sociopathic, only recieve thrill from distressing or using women in some way, become murderous or at least a nuisance when their every whim isn't satiated, fixate on women and amplify their flaws to feel better about the gaping black emptiness within themselves, etc.

No. 1883277

Post this in the positive thread kek

No. 1883300

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No. 1883681

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>On Friday, Commander Jon Savell said CCTV tracked Ezedi to Chelsea Bridge. Up to this point his demeanour had been calm, but just before 11.28pm cameras show him agitated, peering over the railing, and then disappearing from view: “It is our main working hypothesis that he has now gone in the water.”
>Savell said they had looked at the angles of the cameras covering the bridge as well as footage from cameras from three buses passing the scene at that point: “There’s no sighting of him coming off the bridge.”
>“He can be seen leaning over the railings before there is a loss of sight … he’s no longer visible on the CCTV.”
>Police said it could be a month or longer before a body surfaces. The River Thames at this time of year is fast flowing, and searches over the coming days will take place at low tide: “The other possibility is that he may never actually surface,” Savell said.

No. 1884692

The website just protected me from my own curiosity kek. It's not visible to europeans.

No. 1884693

This is why you rarely see popular videos of "male Karens". The phenomena of female Karen is so popular because rarely is someone actually hurt in some way, people love to gawk and laugh and claim it's just women. Meanwhile, this is what Male Karens do. They're violent and murderous but that's not good clickbait I guess.

No. 1884694

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is anyone else following the lacey fletcher case? new photos were released a couple of days ago. despite being blurred they're still very gruesome. the coroner wanted them released to the public to illustrate the insane level of her parent's neglect and how horribly they made her suffer. a fitting punishment would be to subject them to the same horror they put their daughter through for fifteen years but at least they'll probably die in prison. because the photos are so graphic i don't think i should post them here but you can see them in a video at the link. NSFL descriptions:
>the first photo shows lacey lying on the couch covered with a blanket. only her upper half is visible because the rest of her has sunk into the couch.
>the second photo is of her uncovered. though the photo is blurred you can see the remains of her t-shirt (it was so short that her breasts were exposed i believe this indicates she also suffered sexual abuse) and her extremely matted hair.
>a photo of the rotted couch
>a photo of the floor beneath the couch. the wood is warped from collecting lacey's waste and bodily fluids.
>the last photo is of lacey's body on the autopsy table. her upper half is not blurred. she is severely emaciated, withered, and covered in marks. her hair is long and extremely matted from not being brushed for years and coated in shit. her lower half is blurred but it is clear that she is covered in enormous weeping sores on her legs, bottom, and genitals. her legs looked like they were stuck in a bent position and possibly fused together.

No. 1884696

I remember seeing accounts from her classmates saying they were puzzled by this whole ordeal because before they pulled her from school, she was seen as high-functioning and plenty of students wouldn't have even known she was autistic. What could've happened to her that caused such a rapid decline? They isolated her and then she went unnoticed for that long. Whole thing is so weird.

No. 1884708

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this feels dystopian, i hate nuclear power

No. 1884709

it's very strange. her parents were supposedly highly focused on their appearance and wanting to be seen as well-regarded members of their community. it's been theorized that they were embarrassed by having an autistic daughter and confining her to the couch was their way of both hiding her from public view and punishing her for ruining their image. their attorney claimed that their lives revolved around lacey and that ate lunch alongside her everyday (keep in mind that the only thing lacey had in her stomach when she died was foam from the couch and her own shit) but the coroner said that the entire house smelled like a septic tank and he didn't believe the parents lived there because the stench would have been too overpowering.

No. 1884710

Look at Canada too, every single time there’s a stabbing or a murder, guess who’dun’it.(racebait)

No. 1884714

I saw the couch photos, more than enough for me.

No. 1884718

I looked at a different article that showed only the couch pictures, and even blurred it was far too much for me. I don't even understand how the lower half of her body could deteriorate like that, it literally just looked like her torso and head. Her parents are absolute monsters.

No. 1884721

For me it's crazy that it somehow leaked to the point there was an anon on 4chan namedropping "Richard" in a few Delphi murders thread that popped up over the years.

No. 1884734

It’s really upsetting how fucked this entire case is
>A friend and former co-worker of attorney Andrew Baldwin, who was one-half of accused Delphi murderer Richard Allen’s original defense team, is being charged after he admitted to taking photos of sensitive crime scene evidence related to the Delphi murders and leaking the photos online.
>On Oct. 5, law enforcement were notified of a leak in evidence related to the slayings of Libby German and Abby Williams in Delphi in February of 2017. The evidence, including sensitive crime scenes photos, had been spread online and distributed to Youtube and podcast content creators.
And this isn’t even going into all the shit involving the Kline father/son pedophile duo that were catfishing girls in the area

No. 1884738

Although I also hate nuclear power and everything money-hungry men come up with (that end up fucking us over), it's fascinating how life still seems to thrive in areas where a nuclear disaster happened. I remember seeing a documentary about Chernobyl's dogs, the descendants of abandoned pets at the time, that seem to be regular feral dogs despite the amount of radiation their ancestors were subjected to.

No. 1884754

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This poor woman. None of it makes sense to me. Did they study her brain in autopsy? If she were considered high-functioning in school, what on earth could change that so severely that no one saw her publicly for 15 years? Was there a brain injury caused by abuse that they tried to keep hidden? What on earth happened in that span of time that did this. Not to sound like a facebook conspiracy toad but the parents are obviously hiding something huge.
Schoolmates, neighbors, witnesses all say she was a normal girl. What the fuck did her dad do to her?

No. 1884759

What a stupid fat old idiot, like the other nonnas ITT said , I hope he considers suicide. >>1869805
Stories like this make me scared for women everywhere, stay safe ladies.
Omfg I remeber this pencil dick alcoholic, he beat that girl and left her to freeze, fucking loser, I hope he dies in prison.
And of course it’s a fucking moid inflicting violence on women and children.
Oh my god is this an older case? I remember hearing about a case about a girl who was unseen and died in this same way, so fucking sad,

No. 1884764

r*ssians aren't human.(racebaiting)

No. 1884771

It was an "open secret" to several and im assuming one of them sought out mention of him on 4ch due to the anonymity. Anons trusted it and just referred to him as Richard, and it ended up being right. I wouldn't say it's haunting necessarily but it does show the amount of restraint they had to have to watch him for over 5 years, knowing what he did to those girls. I could not imagine how hard that must have been. He did horrible things to them, staged their bodies in the most disrespectful way possible, and now wants to claim its some satanic cult. Horrible fucking person, really thought he was just going to live out the rest of his life without any consequence. You really do have to watch bad people from afar sometimes. I wonder if they ever found accomplices or groups and also have to wait that out to see if it comes to fruition that more girls are exploited or hurt?

No. 1884841

oh God, such a bizarre case, that poor girl. I hope the parents get jailed for life. I cannot wrap my head around how she was completely functional for 14 years, she went to school, she had friends, the neighbour saw her exercise in the garden regularly, then she stopped going out altogether and lived on the couch essentially. Something must have happened to her. I fear we will never learn what though, since the only source of information we have is the parents

No. 1884849

I wonder if it was sexual abuse or traumatic brain injury to be honest.

No. 1884850

Excellent, more countries should follow suit

No. 1884868

How did the parents even live in the house? The coroner said the whole house smelled like sewage

No. 1884880

wait what what's dystopian about genes mutations that could help fight cancer ? am i misunderstanding ?

No. 1884887

This story breaks my heart so much. i followed it when it first appeared. Thank you for your spoilers of the descriptions.. This one is truly hard to to think about how much she suffered. The parents should be made to suffer as well. There is no humane punishment that suits them.

No. 1884888

They let these people in because they wanted inclusivity.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1884889

This is what being diverse and woke gets you.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1884906

Shut up bitch(infight)

No. 1884925

This. "Diversity" will never amount to anything else.

Do not speak unless you are spoken to, handmaiden.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1884932

>making the harm of women about "wokeness"
You are an animal

No. 1885054

The ones who let in and the ones who support letting in these subhuman scrotes are the animals.(racebaiting)

No. 1885149

What an amazing addition to the conversation, you must be very smart. It’s nice your husband allows you internet time, inshallah.(racebaiting/infighting)

No. 1885152

>Dylan and his brother Cory Reddwine are on their dad's laptop and find pics of him in women's underwear, a wig, and eating shit out of diapers.
>Both sons distance themselves from dad and but don't say anything about the pics to their mom
>They spend Thanksgiving with him for some reason and Dylan decides to confront his father about the pics
>Dylan Redwine then goes missing
>Human remains then found in a secluded area near where the father lives and are confirmed to be Dylan Redwine's.
>Dad sentenced to 48 years for murdering his son in a fit of rage when he was confronted about the fetish photos

This one shakes me up because the photos are so foul and if they'd spoken up they probably would have been protected from the dad. Also the amount of men into shit and wearing women's clothing is so fucking weird. What is it with scrotes and being into the most degenerate things possible?

No. 1885193

ironic that he killed his son to keep his disgusting fetish a secret and as a result anyone with an internet connection can see photos of him with shit all over his face

No. 1885195

there are no "male Karens." Just males. They act like that all the time. I remember being embarrassed by how some older male relatives of mine spoke to customer service people. It was far angrier than any "Karen" I've ever seen.

I feel bad for women named Karen, one is an assistant at my university and the nicest person I've known irl

No. 1885234

This case made me feel so sad. His dad feels like any other ghoul posted on the mtf thread. I want to believe if he showed these images to his mother and child services, that maybe he would never had to see him again, but then again, how many people have fathers who are like this or worse but are forced to remain with them? It's disgusting that all he'd have to do is flap his gums a little in objection and he would have likely still retained parental rights no matter what.

No. 1885498

He should have gotten the firing squad instead.

No. 1885501

Another victim of “fathers rights”. Dylan was under 16 and forced by the courts to see his father.

No. 1885545

I have a pretty strong stomach when it comes to crime stories or “edgy” stuff in general. But this, and the Junko Furata case are two instances that made me cry and almost vomit. That poor, poor girl.

No. 1885557

She looked like such a normal girl, she looks like someone who would have been my friend. She was failed on so many levels I can’t even imagine.

You’re exactly right. It’s simple when you remember that men are so retarded, that they think if something isn’t happening in the present moment, that it simply doesn’t exist.

No. 1885731

>They spend Thanksgiving with him for some reason
Like >>1885501 says, Dylan was forced to visit as he was still underage. Both boys lost all respect for the father after seeing the photos and wanted to completely cut ties with him. His older brother was no longer required to visit as he was an adult and was allowed to choose to not to see the father, though now regrets not going with Dylan that Thanksgiving.

>Dylan decides to confront his father about the pics

Dylan asked to spend the night at a friends house because he didn't want to stay with the father. He even made plans to meet the friend before his disappearance and confrontation. It seems like Dylan confronted his father about the pics after his father refused to let him go over the friend’s house and after the father had been badmouthing his mother and her parenting the since Dylan’s arrival.

>if they'd spoken up they probably would have been protected from the dad. Also the amount of men into shit and wearing women's clothing is so fucking weird. What is it with scrotes and being into the most degenerate things possible?

It’s tragic, everything could’ve been different had the truth come out sooner. It should have been a major red-flag when the sons were vehemently against any contact with the father, if only the father had been investigated. In my ideal world, scrotes wouldn’t be trusted with caring for children.

No. 1885752

shit like this will never stop shocking me because I have two friends with abusive fathers who were forced to stay with them every two weeks or every weekend by the court when their parents divorced and it fucked them up. One of them nearly got violently kidnapped by her father and managed to leave the car at the right time, then she never saw him again. In France last year a bunch of actresses were speaking about a case where a woman "kidnapped" her daughter to Switzerland because she divorced and the court decided to force the daughter to visit her rapist father every weekend or so. The actresses said they would have done the same thing because the mother got arrested not that long ago after hiding, not that the daughter is an adult. I bet in Dylan's case the reasoning would have been the exact same if he told someone else first: "yeah he's weird but he's not harming you, he's your daaad, pls understand uwu"

No. 1885779

>man murders his own son out of anger that people would know his deviances
Not even surprising

No. 1885856

A dumb moid who used to be a bully from my school got arrested for beating his son half to death (apparently it was because he got low grades in an exam). Abusive behaviors just don't stop like that. Any man with any sort of violent history should not be allowed to bear or be near children.
This is why I'm terrified with fetishists, they are degens with no shred of decency of morality.

No. 1887528

Yeah, men have terrible object permanence, don't they?

No. 1888800

>deputy mistakes an acorn falling from a tree onto squad car as gunfire coming from inside the car, falls to the ground, unloads his clip into the back of the car where a man is currently cuffed, proceeds to shout he's been hit by gunfire, thinks he is dying
You can't tell me men aren't literally retarded

No. 1889126

moids that gravitate towards careers in law enforcement tend to be particularly retarded. giving an idiot with an authority complex and rage issues a service weapon and teaching him to view everything as a threat to his life is frequently going to result in disaster. combine that with their well-documented lack of accountability and it's no wonder even other moids hate them.

No. 1889267

Someone on Twitter said “if you fart next to him you’re dead”

No. 1890242

This is cool though, good for them!

No. 1890934

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Men are awful

No. 1890992

Posted this in the old thread, but I was reading this (old) article about a scrote who went and got himself chemically castrated because he couldn't stop cheating on his wife with prostitutes.


No. 1890996

>moid just randomly disappears on his wife and two young sons
Only moids could do this

No. 1891010

This headline is so fucking bad, what the fuck is it even saying

No. 1891012

He has a bf in Bosnia that's about to take his kidneys

No. 1891227

I’m usually apathetic when it comes to moids being victimized but this actually got me, I can’t imagine how fucked up it must have felt for the boys to find those images, the shock, confusion, anger, disgust. How uncomfortable they must have felt around their dad afterwards, it must have been so jarring to find out the man they thought was someone else turned out to be something disgusting and depraved. The boy must have felt so overwhelmed, I can imagine confronting him must have been extremely difficult but also something hard to avoid. Only to be murdered in response, it’s honestly heartbreaking, I hope the mother and the surviving brother are okay.

No. 1891468

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reminds me of nicholas francisco, a man with two small children and a pregnant wife, who went missing back in 2008. there was a large amount of speculation regarding what had happened to him, including theories that his wife was somehow involved in his disappearance. because she had co-signed on his student loans she was stuck paying them off in addition to supporting their family on a single income, leading them to suffer immense financial hardship and lose their house to foreclosure. eventually nicholas resurfaced a year or so later.
>In the fall of 2009, Christine received a child support check. To her astonishment, Nicholas was alive and well, living in California under his new legal name, Alex Martin. Unbeknownst to him, Washington State garnished his wages when he opened a new bank account. He even had the audacity to request a refund before disappearing once more.
>However, when news outlets reported that Nicholas was alive and had abandoned his family, the public reaction was unexpected. Rather than condemning Nicholas, many vilified Christine, questioning her role in driving him away.
>In 2010, a reporter tracked down Nicholas in Los Angeles and questioned him about his actions. Nicholas remained nonchalant, stating, "You know, it’s sad that I can’t be a part of that, but I don’t want to be around for the rest of that." He showed no remorse for the friends, colleagues, and strangers who had invested time searching for him. To this day, Nicholas Francisco, now known as Alex Martin, has not contacted his children and has never met his third child.

No. 1891640

Reminder that pickmes are not your friends.
>middle school teacher with three kids gets married to cop with track record of domestic abuse, stalking his ex wife, inappropriate behavior with minors, etc
>they live an outwardly normal life until an online tip gets submitted to the police on CP being uploaded, and the offending IP address is traced back to their house
>police conduct an investigation and find videos/photos of the husband and wife sexually abusing a 12 year old girl, the husband sexually abusing a dog, the wife pretending to be the girl and wearing her clothes while husband has sex with her, clips of the husband ejaculating into energy drinks and batter for cupcakes that the wife gave to her students
>aside from the first girl and the dog, there was one more child victim and two adult victims who were drugged and sexually assaulted, one because she refused a threesome (there was a video showing said victim was assaulted with the help of another female pickme who worked for the police department with her husband)
>the wife would show her students "inappropriate photos" and take photos of random children at school, then send them to her husband so he could photoshop them naked and/or edit his own penis next to them
>the wife had a graphic note on her phone fantasizing about "punishing" the 12 year old girl with her husband - in real life, before the sexual abuse, she would brutally abuse the girl and blame her for her previous failed relationships
>when all this comes to light, the wife makes a deal to speak against the husband for a lighter sentence
>final outcome is the husband getting 100 years in jail, the wife getting 41 years and the other rapist pickme getting a life sentence

No. 1891712

It's good they got arrested, but what even is the point of having them be in prison for a 100 years, just give them life till death.

No. 1891725

Women like this are the ones calling you a femcel when you make fun of male pandering women kek

No. 1891734

they're probably going to convert to some protestant bullshit in prison and act like angels so they can shave years away and try to get into probation. don't know how the law works in that place but usually that's how it works with these very long sentences.

No. 1891747

I remember when this first came up and the internet and news focused almost entirely on the cupcakes due to the novelty of it all and not any of the other horrible crimes they committed.

No. 1891764

I believe each count they are charged for is for X amount of years and they add them together?

No. 1891815

>talks about wanting to “punish” other female children and blames them for her failed relationships
why are they always like this? pretty much all female accomplices to rapists and murderers want to see little girls “punished” and feel desirable for helping procure them.

No. 1891863

I watched this case and it made me want to puke, something that sticks with me is how he made her pretend to be the victim and behave like a minor sexually, it makes going into Shay's thread even more angry. I wonder how many scrotes asked her to say certain things, wear certain outfits etc. to mirror minors/or their actual victims they want to sleep with. Just imagine how many of these retarded "It's just a kink!" sex workers who act like minors, have slept with actual pedos/scrotes who were literally had them mimicking not only minors but a spefic minor without knowing or in some cases knowing. It just makes me hate scrotes and scrotettes.

No. 1894842

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the audrii cunningham case makes me furious. women face prosecution for suffering miscarriages and killing their abusers in self-defense, yet this filthy fucking moid with a criminal record as long as his arm (including a conviction for enticing a minor) was allowed to walk to the earth free to do whatever he pleased. her father brought this man into his home and permitted him to drive his little girl to school, proving once again that many fathers are utterly useless at protecting their daughters from their fellow moids. her disappearance has been getting a lot of coverage and every time i see the photo of her with her toys it makes me think that she will likely never play with them again and i feel like throwing up

No. 1894852

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No. 1894858

i read that they've already fished out two bodies that weren't his while searching for him so it's possibly someone else, i know he's got distinctive facial injuries but after being in the water for so long i'm not sure if they'd still be distinguishable

No. 1894861

I’ve been keeping an eye on this case too and it’s so horrifying. That poor baby. There’s almost no chance of her still being alive. This sick fuck pleaded guilty to trying to rape a child and was only sentenced to 2 years, of course not even serving that full time. Less than a year served for a third degree felony. And why was he not required to be put on the sex offender registry? Who the fuck gets to make a call like that?
I’m so fucking sick of our misogynistic society not taking these monsters seriously. Moids will pretend to be protective of children and performatively act like they hate pedophiles, but you can literally try to rape a child and get a slap on the wrist. Her life is ruined and he can just move on with his like nothing happened. Never leave your child alone with a man. I’d even be hesitant to do it with family members. They’ve proven they can’t be trusted.
Also the phrasing “enticing a child” is gross. He snuck into bed with a little girl and tried to pull her underwear down to rape her

No. 1894862

Proof that pickmes are all severely mentally ill and they're also as bad as men. I will never trust a woman that's too close to a man.

No. 1894867

i wouldn't be surprised if he thinks that if he holds off on confessing and divulging the location of her body then they'll offer him a plea deal that spares him the death penalty. there is a lot of pressure on law enforcement to solve the case due to all the coverage and they've already found some of her belongings so i suspect he'll end up on death row

No. 1894951

It was his distinctive clothing that made them think it was him.
I had no idea that was the case. How horrifying! I’m sure the Thames is absolutely chock full of undiscovered bodies.

No. 1895082

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I’m just learning about this case now and fucking hell who looks at this literal swastika wearing cunt and thinks “he’ll be a great babysitter for my girl child”???

No. 1895087

Another swastika wearing cunt I expect.

No. 1895734

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No. 1896039

>his sentence was deferred by Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown, who imposed a three-year supervision order instead of prison time. She also ordered Todd to attend a sex offender rehabilitation group.
a woman gave him this sentence?! this is what happens when pickmes have positions of power.

No. 1896089

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>A two-year-old boy starved to death next to his dad’s dead body after social services failed to save him, his family has claimed.
>A social worker went round to the property on January 2 but received no answer after knocking. They revisited two days later but again, received no reply. After both occasions, the social worker contacted the police.
>It was not until January 9, two weeks after the pair were last seen, that the social worker was able to obtain a key from the landlord and enter the home. It was then that they stumbled upon a horrifying scene.
>Bronson Battersbys’ body was found curled up next to his father Kenneth, 60, who suffered from a heart attack soon after Boxing Day.
>Bronson had been left alone in the dark with no food and water for 14 days.
>Emergency services rushed to the property but it was too late and the pair were pronounced dead.
>Post-mortem results show that the toddler died from dehydration and starvation, while Kenneth died of a heart attack.
>Bronson’s mother, Sarah Piece, 43, claimed that social services missed multiple chances to save the two-year-old.
>She last saw her child before Christmas, after having a row with her ex-partner.
>She told The Sun: “If social services had done their job Bronson would still be alive.”
>”I can't believe it. They can't let them get away with this. We have to be able to rely on social workers to keep our children safe.”
>The devastated mother said she was unable to hold her child when she went in to identify him. She wept as she said: “I couldn’t pick him up because his body was too fragile, I could only touch him. He had been left there too long.”
It’s just so fucking horrible, that poor boy. I can’t imagine how scared he must have been before he died.

No. 1896103

My grandfather's sister, who lived in the middle of nowhere, died in a similar way. Her caretaker got into a car accident, and my grandfather's sister, who was bedridden, essentially starved to death. I can't even imagine how awful that must have been, I was a kid back then and at her funeral, they didn't let me the see body cause of how gaunt she apparently looked.

No. 1896107

absolutely awful. i don't understand why the mother couldn't check on her child and it was being left up to social services. the article said she had a fight with the boy's father, was he forbidding her from seeing him?

No. 1896128

>Bronson Battersbys’ body was found curled up next to his father Kenneth, 60,
Yet another tragic reason to not breed with expired males.

No. 1896154

The Uk is an actual dystopia. this is beyond insane. People like this should be killed on the spot

No. 1896156

Definitely racist trash. I feel sad for the kid.

No. 1896163

I really don’t see how this was social services fault? It’s poor communication and preparation on the parents’ part. They knew his dad had a weak heart yet absolutely nothing in place to ensure the child’s safety if something happened to him. His mother didn’t want to go round because she had an argument with the father? Grow up! Make it fucking work without getting social services involved or don’t have kids. The baby died because of his parents, especially his fathers incompetence.

No. 1896168

The same bleeding heart prison/crime reform types who say violent and pedophilic men just need some emotional support or life coaching and it’ll magically reform them. Moids can do the most horrible things and some women will put the blame on anything except the guy wanting and choosing to do the crime. Male behavior is to always escalate and continue if you let them get away with it. I have no idea what it’ll take to get idiot women like that to fucking realize the truth and stop babying evil men like they’re misunderstood creatures.

No. 1896229

>I have no idea what it’ll take to get idiot women like that to fucking realize the truth and stop babying evil men like they’re misunderstood creatures
These type of people only react when the blood reaches their door

No. 1896246

>they only react when the blood reaches their door
Reading this…gave me chills? Idk why. It’s so true though.

No. 1896257

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>The search is underway for a Florida woman who went missing in Spain shortly after a man with his face covered spray-painted the security cameras at her building, according to media reports
>Ana Maria Knezevic, 40, was last seen on Feb. 2 in Madrid, Spain, according to the National Center for the Disappeared in Spain
>Loved ones said the businesswoman had traveled to Madrid amidst a difficult divorce to get away, according to a police report obtained by USA TODAY
>The blacked-out security cameras coupled with some out-of-character texts from Knezevic led her loved ones to push for answers

I have a hunch that her ex-husband is behind this. He is Serbian (which would explain the oddly worded Spanish texts, he likely used Google translate) and I read somewhere that one of the reasons for divorce for her was that she felt like sex with him was like abuse. I mean merely the fact that as soon as she disappeared, he lawyered up and didn't even travel to Spain is suspicious in itself

No. 1896269

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No. 1896348

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Channel 4 put out this awful documentary on Biance Devins and the presenter makes an absolute butchery of it.

There is zero journalistic integrity and seems to be more about how the presenter, 'Yinka Bokinni' feels. The number of times 'I feel' comes up in this documentary from Bokinni is distressing considering the gravity of the topic being covered.

The film seems to be more centered around the presenter and her gaudy, SHEIN 'fashion sense' and clown outfits.

Picrel is a fit she chose to meet a criminologist in, like come the fuck on, have some respect. I swear any retard can become a journalist these days, she seems like a talentless diversity hire.

I could NOT believe this woman was 35 years of age, her behaviour and narcsissism is so characteristic of gen-z, she comes off like an un-self-aware teenage girl. Fuck you Yinka Bokkini you have no business in this industry.

No. 1896653

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>Mr Fresh is a famous internet cat known for his side eyes from a cat feeding livestreams, where you donate money to feed stray cats.
>Chinese zoosadist group puts out a 600 ustg bounty for whoever kills Mr Fresh and posts his body online.

Thankfully, Mr Fresh has been captured by volunteers to treat an eye infection, and now he’s in the process of being adopted. Moids from all over the world are deranged. I’ll miss seeing Mr Fresh on the livestreams, but I’m happy he’s gonna be safe.

No. 1896705

Sounds about right. Marital abuse is completely ignored by authorities in the Balkans and the police sometimes even lecture the wife about being too paranoid, or tell her to be quiet and do as he says "for the kids". In Bulgaria where I'm from femicides are treated as just a source of gossip.

No. 1896765

I'm worried about the other cats, too. China still doesn't have any laws against animal abuse/torture, so subhuman moids are running wild. I wish we could put hits on them. At least more people on an international level are finding out about this and applying pressure.

No. 1896798

I find it interesting that men make fun of women for taking interest in ~true crime~ the same way they often obsess over political figures or like communism. You think women shouldn't know what your kind is really like? Lol of course you don't like it and it makes you uncomfortable, you can't even empathize with the victims because you empathize with no one.

Only genuinely stupid people believe you can reform rapists and pedophiles. Time and time again it has been proven that they not only reoffend, they also murder violently as if it's second nature to them. If a man is proven to be a serial rapist or an offending pedophile, he should be euthanized and taken off the hundreds of thousands of dollars a year he costs. There is no life for him where he does not hurt others.

No. 1896799

Paid corrupt Spaniards to kill her. She probably died horrifically. Tale as old as time.

No. 1896803

>Lyons added authorities also used cell phone data and video to help find her remains.
Do not want to know how cell phone video helped them find her body

No. 1896860

no i think a lot of women who are true-crime fans go a bit awol.. from a different viewpoint than what you're talking about. I don't wanna say it's just women doing this but I've only ever seen women exhibiting this behavior, where they will compile like a folder of all their information and documentation about their identity incase they ever become a true-crime victim. They're indulging in this strange fantasy where they become victims. Literally self-inserting themselves in situations that are mostly women-centric crimes. Empathising with victims is one thing, but they all seem to take it a step further ?

No. 1896865

I agree with that and I hate beauty youtuber chit chat true crime ladies and the moms in reddit groups that think they're solving murders but it really isn't anymore wacky than men and their q anon tier autism about literally everything besides true crime

No. 1896990

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"Porn isn't harmful" "they chose this life" "they had problems before porn that's the real reason they did drugs/ODed/suicided/etc" porn is the problem.

No. 1897005

Men are going to watch all her porn in mass now that she killed herself and get off of to the fact that she hated her life. Sickening.

No. 1897047

That's a horrible way to die. Poor woman. RIP

No. 1897126

Brazzers donated 2k to her memorial gofundme, it’s disgusting. And yes whenever something horribly tragic happens to women from the sex industry, moids demonstrate their complete lack of humanity by posting “haha I’m going to watch her porn now RIP” as if it’s some quirky joke. Why some women are so blind to this depravity to the point they still defend sex work as empowering is confusing in the least, betrayal at worst.

No. 1897159

I've been seeing about this on social media. Honestly, I hate how males are just using it as feul for their depravity ("I'm going to jack off in her honor" "I didn't see her as human", etc.) and everyone else is just using it as fuel for their argument that being a pornstar is harmful. It is correct that sex work is not empowering but I think it's all just inappropriate when that poor woman's body isn't even cold yet.

No. 1897166

>everyone else is just using it as fuel for their argument that being a pornstar is harmful
If using her death to make a point about the harm porn causes prevents even one girl from doing it, or to quit doing it, it's worth it.

No. 1897188

Not only is “sex work” not empowering, it’s what lead her to put a shotgun in her mouth and blow her brains out. It’s what lead another porn star that died this month in a coma to abuse drugs until her death. Like >>1897166
Said, if even one girl is saved then she didn’t die in vain at least.

No. 1897202

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>Not only is “sex work” not empowering
Yes, that's what I said.
I don't think it's wrong to acknowledge how evil the porn industry is. I just didn't like seeing twitter users use it for their interweb discourse and men degrade her.

No. 1897205

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She’s already being posted by men in the process of degrading her, so what difference does it make if they comment? It breaks up the endless stream of
>she took her last load!
>I’ll fap to her one last time!
>nothing of value was lost!
God knows why you’d be so bothered about it. Are you this anon by any chance?

No. 1897212

Hypersexual mentally ill women roleplaying as their moid's cum rag really want all other women to be the same huh

No. 1897215

No I'm not that anon. I don't support casual sex and I'm honestly not sure why you would think I am that anon when my posts have nothing to do with casual sex for the record, no man has or will ever touched me. I dislike those men and find them disgusting and I made that clear in both posts, if you actually bothered to read them. I don't think the people saying that stuff are as bad as the men saying they're going to go jerk off to her. I think they're both callous and in poor taste but obviously one is not as bad as the other. I saw multiple tweets like the one in the pic so it just bothered me a little. I think a lot of times people on the internet do this kind of stuff, using real situations as "gotchas".

Anyway, I can tell this is going to be one of those things where anons misconstrue what is said and purposefully ignore certain parts of posts so that they can infight, so I'll stop now.

No. 1897217

Well you're right that something like >>1897202 is unnecessary, spreading a message with good intentions shouldn't involve mean spirited gloating. But at the same time, so many women have been tearing our hair out at porn culture and 'I told you so' is a tempting thing to say.

No. 1897224

>spreading a message with good intentions shouldn't involve mean spirited gloating
My wording may have been poor, but yes this is pretty much all I mean.

No. 1897389

A young woman in my city got murdered by her husband or bf and the guy tried to kill himself this week. She's the little sister of someone my own little sister knows and I have no clue if the guy actually died or is in the hospital but according to my sister the guy was already suicidal. Never give the time of the day to any mentally ill men. Ever. I'd rather be the most ableist women on earth than entertain someone who would rather shoot me in the head and film my corpse as thanks. Fuck that shit. Not to racebait either but I'm definitely avoid men from my own race after that, I keep seeing shit like this and it's always them.

No. 1897494

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sorry for posting such an old article but i just stumbled across it and i read it thinking it would be interesting but it was horrifying

>before david was born his dad, kenneth, was an anthropologist, he was studying this tribe in the amazon for a long time

>the village headman says to his dad oh you are here so much you should take a wife
>they marry girls young, like very young, so he is assigned this child as his bride
>he estimates she was 9 to 12, he was 36 and saw no problem with this
>he claims he knew she 'had feelings for him' as she would follow him and bring him food (wtf is this guy thinking)
>he says he waited for her to be 13 before he consummated the marriage but he was not sure as this tribe only counts to 2 before they just say many
>he said that her age didn’t matter as its the jungle
>he brought his 'wife' to the usa to meet his family

>he then leaves his wife in the jungle when he goes back the usa

>they apparently have no respect for women when the husband is not around
>30 men gang rape his wife over a period of a week, beating her and nearly tear of her ear
>the article says what the dad had to say about this “Kenneth says, as if recalling a flat tire, or some other minor nuisance."
>he doesn’t seem give a shit
>he takes her to caracas, so she can have medical attention
>oh she was also 9 months pregnant with their son (the guy the article was about) at this point
>he left his 9 month pregnant child wife in the jungle to be gang raped over a week and he views it as a mild inconvenience
>he takes his wife to america, after getting a doctor to lie about how pregnant she is so she could fly
>she is traumatised by the culture shock
>she gives birth a week later to their son, david

>the press gets wind of this and it becomes a sensation at the time, they call it an 'amazon love story' (how disgusting)

>there was a book deal, CBS then wanted to do a tv show, but the dad, kenneth, said no I want it to be a movie
>big actors and directors were interested
>the dad lets this all go to his head and ends up arguing over rights so the film is never made
>he then goes on to teach so would leave his wife home with $20, she had no idea how much she could buy as she cant count, she found the culture a shock, wasn’t used to wearing clothes, couldn’t speak english and thought cars were predatory animals
>it is now 1991, they have just had a daughter the dad agrees to do a natural geographic documentary where they go back to the jungle with
>the wife says she will not return and will stay
>he takes their 2 very young kids back to america, the son was only 18 months old

>david the son grows up with a massive issue about his mother being in a primitive tribe

>when he was 10, his class took a field trip to the Museum of Natural History, in a tribal exhibit he saw photo of his mom taken by his dad, and he had a breakdown
>he would tell everyone his mother died in a car crash rather than the truth
>he said his father would take him and his sister to anthropology conferences and show them off as if they were exhibits
>david says his dad would force him and his sister to record themselves crying begging their mother to come home
>his dad would tell them his mother abandoned them
>at 14 he started to drink to escape the world
>his dad doesnt seem to give a shit when asked about how he feels about the son all he says is he feels sorry for how short his son is
>david at 20, then reads his dads book, says he found it very hard
>at 21 he quits drinking and decides he would go to the amazon and find his mother
>after 3 years raising the money he travels to the amazon, against his fathers wishes and he finds his mother they immediately recognise each other and she weeps


No. 1897504

that was a fucking ride, anon. god damn. men really are inhuman in every culture and civilisation.

No. 1897508

That’s so deeply fucked up. I hope the father rots in hell. I feel so bad for the mother and her children.

No. 1897513

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What the actual fuck. At least they were able to find each other, it must be hard but I hope they have somewhat of a relationship. Did the daughter go to see her too?

No. 1897529

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A graphic novel about his experiences is being released in May.

No. 1897541

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I have some good news I found his instagram
He continues to travel to the amazon to meet with his family

He is part of a charity that advocates for the Yanomami people and other indiginous groups and promotes better understanding of these groups and advocates that no harm is done to them

There is no mention of his sister but i do see that at one point his mother returned to the US to visit family (pic related)

during one period when he was living with the Yanomami he was presented with two women and told that they were his wives, he declined as he felt that it was not right

he seems to be happily married and has two children, and he has taken his family to meet his relatives in the amazon

No. 1897543

Aw. Maybe this is a good moid.

No. 1897585

i am sorry but some cultures shouldnt be preserved what the fuck

No. 1897590

part of the charity's work is educating them about what is acceptable and what is not

No. 1897718

I get he wants to do good for his mother and her people, but willing let people live like primitive tribals in the name of perversions, feels cruel tbh.

No. 1897749

Holy fuck. That's so sad.

No. 1899324

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Her stepfather, who has been dating her mother for 10 years. These men need to be euthanized like a dog.

No. 1899325

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No. 1899326

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My mouth is agape in shock.

No. 1899332

This is so incredibly heart breaking. I am happy he went back to find his mother, but holyshit… I cannot believe I live in a world where some tribes normalize this.

No. 1899333

100 percent. When people say 'we are not in the civilized world,' this is what they mean.

No. 1899346

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No. 1899641

Thank god the mother is prioritizing her daughter instead of her pedophile husband. I keep hearing about young girls being sexually abused by their step fathers and the mothers not believing the daughters, ignoring them on purpose or even being jealous and abusing them too.

No. 1899667

This is so disturbing

No. 1899689

Low impulse control heterosexual women are a danger to themselves. No ones rounding women up and forcing them to be in porn.(bait)

No. 1899832

just because someone isn't being forced into doing something doesn't mean they aren't being manipulated or otherwise taken advantage of. do you think it is coincidental that so many women in the porn industry come from abusive backgrounds, were raised in poverty, or suffer from mental illness and/or drug addiction? sex industry professionals are experts at exploiting vulnerable young women

No. 1902819

Paul Ferguson was sentenced to 30-100 years. Do you think that is a fair sentence? I always thought people were WAY to kind to him and dismissive of the role he played in Timothy Fergusons death. I hope those people learn something from this. I'll post some parts of the video, bare with me I'm phone posting and can't spell kek.

A doctor involved in the case said
>"in my opinion, he (Paul Ferguson) was clearly neither psychotic nor suffering from symptoms of a mood disorder at the time of the current interview, and he was apparently functioning within at least the normal range of intellectual ability at this time, thus in my opinion he does not suffer from a chronic psychotic disorder, a chronic mood disorder or an intellectual disability."

Another doctor
>"from a diagnostics standpoint I did not find sufficient evidence to support Mr Ferguson meeting criteria for any specific mental disorder. While one may consider whether his presentation suggests that a neuro-developmental condition for example autism spectrum disorder, I did not find this to be an appropriate label instead I attributed his overall demeanor and presentation to factors such as a lack of socialisation, normalisation of abnormal dynamics and experiences, poor interpersonal skills and emotional disregulation."
>"I was initially asked to evaluate whether Mr Ferguson had a mental condition or traits that would have rendered him susceptible to coercion, manipulation or suggestiblity at the time of the the offense. Ultimately I could not arrive at this conclusion based on the totality of the available information. It is noted he (Paul) was capable of appreciating the abuse towards his brother, that he was capable of recognising the detrimental impact it had and that he had at times disobeyed Ms Vanda Ark and tried to provide his brother with aid and support. Furthermore, despite reporting that he was under Ms Vander Ark's quote "Pychological hold" he adamantly denied that he was coerced and manipulated into enforcing the abuse. Additionally he recognised to some degree pleasure in having power and control over his younger brother. In this sense while I acknowledge that he reported experiencing fear and concerns of disobeying Ms Vander ark I could not reliably substantiate his involvement as being a byproduct of suggestiblity or coercion.

>"she (they aren't sure who said this, possibly step sister) said she doesn't know how involved Paul was in this situation but he is the biggest bully she has ever meet in her life and he found genuine joy in tormenting timothy whenever possible."

>"in one of the interviews Mr Ferguson indicated that he liked getting praised by Shanda and admitted that he liked having control over Timothy. He reportedly admitted having power over somebody feels good."

A report mentions cruelty to animals but nothing specific. I'll leave it at that because my fingers are going numb.

No. 1902831

This is a pretty indepth video on the case for anyone who isn't familiar.

No. 1903308

I watched the sentencing video yesterday and I agree with the judge's take on it. He gave an information that wasn't fully shared during the trial, namely the text messages he'd exchange with his mother. And while there's one instance where Vander ark threatens him, the rest of the time, he tells on his brother in a clear attempt to be validated by his mother that he can bully him. Granted, like the prosecutor said, Paul didn't become this person in a vacuum, there is a normalization of bullying behavior at play, but he's been examined enough times by therapists and they assessed that he isn't autistic or in other ways mentally impaired, so he understands what bad and good is. And he chose deliberately to bully his brother and do the things maybe his mother couldn't and/or wouldn't dare to.
So I think the judge was absolutely fair in his sentencing.

No. 1905868

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NYP article essentially said she died because she fought back during rape. She should've just let it happen!!!1

No. 1906113

And if she didn’t fight back, he would bleat that it was consensual and everyone would believe him. Then she’d be an evil white woman trying to falsely accuse an innocent immigrant.

No. 1906316

moids say things like this then brag about how they'd blast away anyone who tried to harm them or their family. self defense is only acceptable to them when it's moids defending themselves because if we ever suffer harm we somehow brought it on ourselves

No. 1907378

Yes but i think he's being sarcastic imo, "venezuelan rape customs" seems like a parody of the "it's their culture!!" angle that i have no doubts that journos are trying to pull off. Or maybe it's true liberal males are insane like that

No. 1907471

maybe this particular person is being sarcastic but nevertheless it is a common attitude among moids. you are correct when you say liberal men are insane.

No. 1908128

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I am actually really shocked this wasn’t a much much higher sentence for plotting out a terrorist attack hate crime. Bleak that violence and hate against women isn’t taken seriously despite it being the most blatant thing ever.

No. 1908150

This is pure evil on both their parts. giving your 5 year old daughter to a grown man to have sex with.. I cannot imagine being that inhumane. RIP to that poor child. This isnt fair to them.

No. 1908152

Oh good, he'll be out in less than 10 years to actually go through with his plan. How is this not a life sentence or mental asylum immediately?

No. 1908154

It feels like sarcasm, but it's still incredibly sad none the less. It makes me think of 'not all men. it's their culture' super libs who want rape apes from third world shit holes in the states. South america is a nightmare for women

No. 1908424

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But remember, women are neurotic and paranoid Karens and this is just modern day satanic panic!!
>Meyden laced mango smoothies with benzodiazepine and served the drinks to his daughter’s friends, according to a probable cause affidavit written by Lake Oswego police Detective Nicole Palmeri. Benzodiazepine is a depressant that slows the nervous system.

No. 1908431

>WRAL News later reported that Davis said, “I want to say I did the best I could with my children. I never said I was a perfect mother, but I was a good mother. I did what I had to provide for them. I did what I had to to make sure they were alright. I didn’t have any help from anybody.”
But anon, she was a good mother!!!!!!1!

No. 1908432

absolutely horrific. I'm glad one of the girls stayed awake and contacted her family. She probably saved all of them from whatever else he was planning

No. 1908434

This is why my mom never let me sleep over in anyone's house

No. 1908470

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Checked another article about it and it seems she really came through for her friends. She apparently got picked up by a family friend who helped her fake a family emergency, then she went back home and woke up her parents so they could contact the other girls' parents. I can't imagine how scared she must have been for them. The article also said she texted the family friend that he was physically moving the girls away from each other to isolate them.

No. 1908500

> 2006 Werribee DVD incident
> Believed to have been filmed in June 2006, the DVD shows twelve boys – all aged under 18 – making chlorine bombs, harassing a homeless man, throwing eggs at taxi drivers, and participating in fights at local parties.
> Footage depicts the group sexually assaulting and humiliating a 17-year-old girl, who has a condition described as a "mild development delay".
> Several of the boys were filmed urinating on the girl, setting her hair on fire, forcing her to participate in sexual activity, and also throwing items of her clothing into the Werribee River
>  During this time, one boy approaches the camera and states, "What the fuck, she's the ugliest thing I've even seen."
> It is alleged that the group posted segments of the DVD on YouTube during 2006, with a video entitled Pimp My Wife viewed over 2500 times.
> On 29 October rumours emerged of a sequel, titled CTM2, which apparently depicts some of the youths involved in the first DVD breaking into houses, smashing property, and defecating into kettles and cups.
> On 7 March 2007, eight youths were charged over the DVD and appeared in the Melbourne Children's Court on 27 April 2007 on charges of assault, manufacturing child pornography and procuring sexual penetration by intimidation.
> Eight of the youths pleaded guilty and were required to participate in a sexual offenders program.
> On 5 November 2007, eight of the boys involved (aged between 15 and 17 at the time of offending) were ordered to participate in a rehabilitation program for male adolescents about positive sexuality. Seven had convictions recorded against them. Six were placed on youth supervision orders for between 12 and 18 months and two on probation for 12 months.
> On 13 April 2009 it emerged that one of the boys had put a rap video up on his personal website gloating about the fact that he was not jailed and is unrepentant of his crimes. The lyrics include: "I’m still untouched. When her hair got flamed. They didn’t show her nude, when you look on YouTube".
> Mary Bluett, the president of the Victorian branch of the Australian Education Union, which represents teachers in the public education sector, stated: "Parents and schools have to be ever vigilant and aware that young people will act in that way and imitate shows like Jackass, which humiliate people."
> Johnny Knoxville, the principal star of the Jackass series, denied suggestions that the series may have inspired the DVD, saying: "We're not mean spirited, we're not evil…Shoot those little bastards."

No. 1908505

There was an anon that once said something along the lines of "men will goad eachother into ruining their own lives because they automatically trust eachother instinctively." She was so right. The pack mentality in men makes them feel powerful and untouchable, and they're so shrouded in their own delusions that they know no object permanence and believe themselves invincible to consequence. They really are an aberration of humanity, mentally retarded.

No. 1908508

Mind you they genuinely see nothing wrong with the sexual assault of a girl, filmed it, pissed on her, and got nothing. Wonder how many of these boys are rapists now.

No. 1908515

This made me fall down a little rabbithole
> Happy slapping
> a fad originating in the United Kingdom around 2005, in which one or more people attack a victim for the purpose of recording the assault.
> 18 June 2005: Police arrested three 14-year-old boys for the suspected rape of an 11-year-old girl who attended their school
> Eight youths set upon a 31-year-old man, Curtis Mulcare, in Brighton, who turned out to be an amateur boxer. Two of the youths were hospitalised by the intended victim
> July 2007: Anthony Anderson, 27, of Hartlepool, urinated on a dying woman while a friend made a video of the incident. He is reported to have yelled "This is YouTube material!"
>  May 2008: A teenage girl fell to her death from an attic window while trying to escape a "happy slapping" girl gang.
> August 2009: Ekram Haque, a retired care worker was assaulted and killed by two teens as he left his house of worship.
Wtf bongers???

No. 1908521

No. 1908538

I remember hearing about this while growing up, this kind of shit is actually becoming more common in Australia

No. 1908539

Would of been nice if you posted some links to articles. For all we know you’ve just made all this shit up.

No. 1908542

No. 1908545

How do you explain the “happy slapping girl gang” then?

No. 1908548

pickmes, if they were based they would beat boys

No. 1908570

I think pickme women like this are evil actually. If you blame every bad thing women and girls do on male influence then you’re a coward.

No. 1908577

Blaming everyone but the perpretators. Johnny Knoxville is right.

No. 1908607

Oooooh the very rare 1 case of non-sexually motivated girl violence out of every 3000 cases of male violence (often sexually motivated) oooooooooohhh oh nooo women are just like men

No. 1908610

except they are the only 'girls' doing this clearly moid type of violence, they are obviously influenced by scrotes and therefore pickmes

No. 1908618

>>July 2007: Anthony Anderson, 27, of Hartlepool, urinated on a dying woman while a friend made a video of the incident. He is reported to have yelled "This is YouTube material!"
Jesus Christ, this just ruined my night.

No. 1908621

Also look up the killing of David Morley. A girl gave the killing blow but she was with a group of moids. It’s another happyslap bonger incident.

No. 1908625

Do you know how fucking obnoxious and stupid you are that you can't have a genuine conversation without trying to reduce everything including real tragedy to "hurhur pickme"? They were 13 and 17 years old, they weren't "pickmes" they were influenced by a trend that they thought made them cool and badass. They were sociopathic bullies and one was said to continue to bully women in prison, urging them to hang themselves with their bedsheets. It was more likely that they themselves were either sociopaths or had a history of abuse on their childhood. God please stop being so retarded.
>The pair, who were 13 and 17 at the time of Boxall's death, blamed each other for telling the 19-year-old to jump when she climbed up to the window.
Although I think anon here >>1908545 is some faggot desperate to prove that somehow women ~can be like men~, the statistically slim case of female predators compared to the rife swarm of men who do so says everything I dont have to. Those girls didn't sexually assault or piss on her, either. They were human apes, but not pickmes. Maybe gain some literacy and learn a few more vocabulary words.

No. 1908632

I think there's a certain level of pickmeism that is pretty much inescapable for all girls growing up in patriarchy. Can be worse depending on so many factors, also exposure to male violence. Idk what their ages have to do with anything.

No. 1908637

You genuinely are such a loser that "pickme" is all you have to say. Like I hope you know you sound autistic and incapable of understanding or computing nuance. Not listening to you anymore because you're clearly a jackass and I'd have more social reward conversing with a brick wall, it probably has more intellectually stimulating things to say as well.

No. 1908642

I'm not the anon you were responding to. I really don't know what's so awful about saying that it's a thing. Teenage trends are definitely a factor, but removing men from an environment doesn't change the fact that most girls have internalized misogyny. There could of course be other factors, but I'm saying that the element of internalized misogyny can be a sizable motivator too

No. 1908653

"Pickme" isn't a real word. Reducing a social contagion to "pickmeism" to write off the (very few) girls involved is in itself a lack of cognition. Why can't you talk normally and have to use some stupid buzzword to just brush off reality constantly? There were no men involved. They were kids involved in a social contagion. I swear some of you need to learn to emote and express yourself in full sentences that aren't just buzzwords and phrases that don't actually mean anything.

No. 1908679

Every woman is a pickme, pickme is about being patriarchal and a handmaiden doesn't matter if men are involved or not

No. 1908686

Oh god your life is so bleak and pointless isnt it

No. 1908705

Seems like you're threatened, I'm just recognizing female pattern behavior and you sound like any other threatened pickme. what's wrong with making correct observations, even my mom is a pickme. Even lesbians are pickmes .(bait)

No. 1908713

I'm not threatened, you think solely in black and white buzzwords.

No. 1908935

The opinion was valid

No. 1908962

why do lawyers get all the heat when judges exist?

No. 1909015

That poor baby. Women that have done things like this should be sterilised and the men killed.

No. 1909080

Meant to reply to >>1907313

No. 1909093

This anon >>1908625
Is right. They’re sociopathic bullies. Not “pickmes” and if they are they should still be held accountable.
Also >>1908625
There are women and girls who have been treated absolutely disgustingly by other women and girls, and it’s got nothing to do with men at all. Women are human and capable of being evil. I’m not a “contrarian faggot” or whatever you called me, but people who INSIST that their social group are eternally innocent victims are usually guilty of something themselves.

No. 1909646

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3 arrested in India after Spanish tourist gang-raped during trip with husband, police looking for more suspects

Three men were arrested on Saturday after the gang rape of a Spanish tourist on a motorbike trip through India’s remote east with her husband, local media reports said.

The attack took place on Friday night in the Dumka district of the eastern state of Jharkhand, where the couple had stopped to camp the night in a tent.

The woman was able to reach a police patrol van at around 11pm and was taken to hospital for treatment, police officer Pitamber Singh Kherwar told The Times of India newspaper.

Kherwar said police had detained three people in connection with the attack and were on the hunt for more suspects.

The woman was being treated at a local hospital in Dumka and an investigation is underway, reports said.

An average of nearly 90 rapes were reported in India every day in 2022, according to data by the National Crime Records Bureau.

However, large numbers go unreported due to prevailing stigmas around victims and a lack of faith in police investigations.


No. 1909702

All the posts you're replying to are mine lol so I was confused but yes I agree. Trying to reduce the human condition to buzzwords will never work and only cheapens whatever argument you're trying to make.

No. 1909708

Women should not travel to India. I remember watching a video of a girl who traveled to India and all night for hours and hours the male hotel staff would ring her phone every couple minutes and bang on her door. All day, all night whenever she was in the hotel.

No. 1909715

I remember seeing a vid of some guy filming his white and blonde gf surrounded by indian men trying to take pics and film themselves with her. It was so fucking weird. Not to racebait but indian scrotes are different breed.

No. 1909744

Lots of women also have shared that when they went out and tried to participate in the festivals, men would incessantly grope them and surround them. Why the fuck do women go to India

No. 1909973

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I feel bad for Indian women especially because for the most part many if not all the Indian women I have met over the years have been really well-mannered albeit a bit blunt but often hilarious and very smart. I cannot imagine what they are required to put up with.

No. 1909994

It's really bad in the UP and Bihar regions, but still bad over all, cause only the two civilization upon India were Hinduism and Islam, and any attempts at trying to improve our culture, you'll get accused of trying to follow westerners.

No. 1909997

Something's telling me Indian men are just as creepy but less direct about it with Indian women only because they would worry about potentially getting beaten to death by male relatives of said Indian women.

No. 1910056

>Indian men are just as creepy but less direct about it with Indian women only because they would worry about potentially getting beaten to death by male relatives of said Indian women.
I'm not incredibly well educated in this, but I've seen nonnies posting about this topic before and actually it seems to be because white western women are seen as easy whores as opposed to women from their own culture. There is a very open thing around Eastern men that dating/sleeping with white women for fun is ok but they never bring them home to their parents or marry them because, in their view, only a woman of their own culture is honourable to bring into the family. It seems to be quite literally they see the naive white women going in some kind of spiritual quest through India as a plaything

No. 1910069

i'm just gonna say this, i think porn is the reason why they think like that. they constantly see white women in porn and that shapes their opinion about them.

No. 1910098

>, but I've seen nonnies posting about this topic before and actually it seems to be because white western women are seen as easy whores as opposed to women from their own culture.
It's exactly this more or less, and >>1910069 is also correct, a combination of porn and american sex comedy films convinced these men that's what all white western women are like.

No. 1911106

> clips of the husband ejaculating into energy drinks and batter for cupcakes that the wife gave to her students
This is the final black pill nonnas I can’t take much more.

No. 1911222

thirteen year old girl goes missing. her mother appears on the news along with her boyfriend, who cries and says "it's hard not to blame" himself for her disappearance. he is later arrested and becomes the primary suspect in her murder.
>“It’s hard not to blame myself,” Sterns told the outlet as his eyes appeared to well with tears and his voice became thick with emotion.
>“I dropped her off [at school] early, I could have waited longer. She looked okay she was walking towards the school,” he explained. “I went on with my day.”
>“We don’t know where she could be, and we’re scared,” Sterns lamented. “I just want her home.”
>Now police say that on Tuesday Sterns already knew exactly where Madeline was: In the wooded area in Osceola County where he allegedly left her body after killing her on Monday morning.
>Sterns was arrested on Wednesday – one day after the TV interview – on unrelated charges of sexual battery and possession of child sexual abuse material stemming from a search of his phone.
the moid also liked to post on reddit, including subs oriented towards teens. one of his hot takes included telling a woman who feared that her husband was sexualizing their daughter that she was overreacting.
> Imagine how it would feel to be treated like a monster, constantly, without the benefit of the doubt, without having ever given you a reason to, simply because you had a bad experience with someone else. He shouldn't have to defend himself all the time from your accusations and misplaced suspicions. Stop projecting your father's horrible actions onto your innocent husband. They are NOT the same person. All men are NOT automatically predators and lurking monsters. JFC, we get enough of that treatment from random karens out in the world. We don't need it from the people we love and trust, whom should love and trust us too.

No. 1911223

>teens violently rape a developmentally delayed teen girl, beat her, piss on her, set her on fire
>get charged with “procuring sexual penetration by intimidation.”
Are you fucking kidding me? Wtf? Throw the fucking book at them, fuck it. If they’re this fucked up in their teens they’re only going to get worse as time goes on. But no god forbid we blame the actions on the individual, it’s Jackass the movies fault. Jfc

No. 1911224

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Lately there has been a debate in the UK calling for a ban on social media and smartphones for kids under the age of 16 in the wake of a young 14 year old girl who killed herself because of bullying from a bunch of boys on Snapchat. A lot of the news articles confirmed that the boys were making reference to a particular TikTok video and making fun of it. This news story has made the news cycle today due to the emergence of the school she attended having an assembly and instructing the students to delete any of the messages in relation to the incident (aka, deleting the evidence). As I was reading about this, I had a gut feeling that deepfake porn was involved. It had to have been something so horrendous that this poor girl felt that it was necessary to kill herself. This suspicion basically got confirmed when I read the next section (second picrel). It's beyond frustrating how unlikely any of those boys will receive punishment, and the school being an accessory to that by telling students to delete messages is absolutely criminal.

No. 1911226

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No. 1911228

those boys deserve to be charged with creating/sharing cp and placed on a sex offender registry for the rest of their lives

No. 1911245

Also, the fact that the school instructed students to delete the evidence makes me think something even more is going on here. I feel like there is a scandal looming surrounding this school.

No. 1911246

This is so beyond disgusting. These boys are so young but they're doing this?? I agree with other anon. They need to be investigated, put on a list etc. Honestly just kill them

No. 1911247

This is why women should never take nudes.

No. 1911251

Unfortunately young girls are often pressured into it or it is presented as a good thing or something normal. So sad how vulnerable teenage girls are treated in this world. We as females must always be vigilant.

No. 1911256

This is one of the reasons why I hate the "sex positive" movement. All it does is hurt women and girls. Imagine the backlash we'd receive if we started launching a campaign encouraging women to never take nudes. I bet those girls took them and gave them to one of the boys they were going out with, who then go on to share it in that depraved group chat. I feel so blessed and lucky that I never fell for that.

No. 1911259

Remember that when you post on reddit asking for advice, this is the type of guy who's answering.

No. 1911320

I wouldn't be surprised if male teachers were involved.

No. 1911343

in the era of deepfakes it hardly matters

No. 1911466

Good lord there’s been so many of these cases recently, I fucking hate moids and knowing how common it is for them to be pedophiles and freely act on their urges is horrific. his post history only confirms the obvious that all the guys pissed about women watching out for their creep asses are projecting their anger at being correctly sussed out. It’s crazy that this isn’t treated like the epidemic it is. I’m so exhausted hearing about a new rape/murder every day and we can’t even name the problem right in front of us. Even the comments will go on about it’s the parents fault and not even throw one insult at the literal child rapist murderer. It’s so normalized in peoples subconscious for men to be evil that the knee jerk is to blame anyone else.

No. 1911933

Except not exactly, because if they thought the women they brutally raped really wanted it, they wouldn't be decapitating them and leaving their bodies on the roadside?

Indian women are also groped, raped, ejaculated on in public. They are more vigalent and less naive than white women that go tourist there.

No. 1911936

"Imagine how it would feel to be treated like a monster, constantly, without the benefit of the doubt, without having ever given you a reason to, simply because you had a bad experience with someone else. He shouldn't have to defend himself all the time from your accusations and misplaced suspicions. Stop projecting your father's horrible actions onto your innocent husband. They are NOT the same person. All men are NOT automatically predators and lurking monsters. JFC, we get enough of that treatment from random karens out in the world. We don't need it from the people we love and trust, whom should love and trust us too."
–a man who raped and brutally murdered the 13 year old daughter of his girlfriend. Never forget, it is all men.

No. 1911938

>Officers reviewing surveillance tapes found evidence incriminating the boyfriend, including video throwing items into a dumpster at an apartment complex in Kissimmee at 7:45am on Monday morning.
>The objects were later recovered and found to be Madeline Soto’s backpack and school-issued laptop. Sterns was then captured for a second time on video as he returned back to his neighborhood with Madeline’s body said to be visible.
>Just days earlier, Sterns was arrested and charged with child p*rn charges and sexual battery after the man’s phone was discovered to have illicit content.
>The boyfriend’s arrest raises questions as to how the man came to potentially sexually abuse the teen girl and to what degree, Jenn Soto should have been aware, or was she, of any abuse and who she had become ‘romantically’ involved with?
>Speaking to Fox 35 the mom said Madeline didn’t have a history of running away. The mom at the time declined to address her boyfriend’s arrest on child sexual battery charges.
>Police had previously said Sterns had dropped Madeline off near her school, but they later learned he never dropped her off at all, Mina said. Video footage appears to show that when Sterns returned to the apartment complex, Madeline was in the car. Police say they think she was already dead at that time.
>According to an emergency arrest warrant shared with HuffPost, police alleged that Sterns was in possession of several images that were criminal and sexual in nature and videos that depicted an underaged girl.
>It’s unclear whether the girl in the videos was Madeline, but authorities said in an earlier news release that the “crimes were committed at the family home in Kissimmee.”
I dont even know what to say about any of these anymore that doesnt make me feel like I'm going to have an aneurysm. How many more children are going to die before people realize the epidemic we are in is caused by, because of, forever perpetuated by men. I swear to God once they reach 30 they genuinely either become average or start fantasizing about murder and rape all the time.

No. 1912472

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I’m not victim-blaming here but I do think she was incredibly naïve to be travelling round India and camping in the countryside with her geriatric husband and whilst dressing like this with her bolt-ons on display.

No. 1912476

I don't think any women should be doing tourism on india. it's literally the capital of rape. doesn't even matter if you have a male chaperone. just don't fucking go there ever.

No. 1912486

I could not imagine being so fucking stupid to travel india with my grandad looking bf.
I've had an argument with some woman who was telling me india is as safe for travel for women as the US.
I'm sure some places in the US are huge shitholes, but like come on. The issue is this sort of retarded take is risking more than just "being wrong", its risking rape and even her life.

No. 1912521

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More humorous if anything

No. 1912523

That is the definition of victim blaming, anon.

No. 1912606

ntayrt but yeah they probably would have attacked her even if she was wearing more conservative clothing. Just based on the fact that they were out there alone in some backwoods foreign country that has the highest rape rates sleeping in fucking tents. The general issue is India and Indian moids. I still think as women, we should consider our general safety in degenerate moid-centric countries and not be so willing to give people benefit of the doubt out of some inclusive garbage and fairytale ideals about traveling the world. I wonder if her geriatric boyfriend talked her into it with the typical "don't worry I'll protect you from anything" bullshit

No. 1912633

Indian men have zero respect for their own mothers. They are raised in a culture where women mean nothing, which is beyond heart breaking because some of the best people I've met in the U.S were indian women just trying to live their lives. Indian men are worth not even a grain of salt. Their mindset will never change since the men think it's normal to treat women like nothing. rapes and killing of women are common place there

No. 1912636

You sound like a piece of a shit victim blamer. So her existing and being a woman is her own fault? There are too many stories about indian men attacking women even with their husbands present, being held down and helpless. fuck you(infighting)

No. 1912642

>90 rapes a day
I want to save the women in that country, then burn it down until all the men are dead. i fucking hate india

No. 1912644

nayrt but this response makes you seem reactionary and low IQ. I don really see what's wrong with anons statement – if you're going to a country where the men are known to be particularly disrespectful and intolerant to women of other cultures, specifically because these women express sexuality more freely than the local women – then WHY would you have your tits hanging out? just because you feel like you SHOULD be able to?

grow up.(infighting)

No. 1912666

Nta but it really does not matter what she was wearing at all. They would've raped her regardless, the whole clothing thing is just a lame excuse. Also, that photo looks like they're in a secluded area. They likely thought they would be alone, I highly doubt she was wearing that while exploring cities or whatever they were doing there. Dare I say she was even probably just wearing that to take "aesthetic" photos.

No. 1912672

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Samefag, but who's to say that's what she was wearing when she got raped anyway?

I also wanted to add this pic (also from India) where she's actually around people. There were other photos like this from the same post and in all of them she's fully covered. Put your thinking caps on anons, please.

No. 1912678

File: 1709671425023.png (2.29 MB, 2146x1116, Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 12.43…)

Nonnas, I'm disgusted that a 27 year old is dating this 60 year old that looks like he's a melting wax figure. I'm trying to read the comments for clues on how he met her- possibly found her in Brazil a few years ago. he's just so gross and old

No. 1912690

The entire discussion just reminds me that a lot of you don't really care about or even like women, you just hate men and troons.
>Inb4 this isn't a feminist site
Of course not and farmers have never been nice to women, but the way the new userbase gets on their high horses, preach about misogyny and call themselves TERFs, you would different(derailing/infighting)

No. 1912693

I agree on the camping, disagree on the clothing. As horrible as it is, a woman in a foreign country is always going to be a target and any woman needs to take appropriate precautions. We don't live in a perfect happy world, we live in a world full of violent rape apes and this needs to be accounted for every time a woman leaves the house. I am not saying that she deserved it but it was it is and that's the reality.

No. 1912699

Nta and I agree that no woman ever anywhere regardless of what they're doing deserve to be raped, but holy shit the level of naivety here is astounding. Rule 1 bare minimum level of even trying to keep yourself sage from moids is to not draw attention to yourself by intentionally having your boobs out in a country notorious for sexual assault of female tourists

No. 1912705

You're getting so mad (understandably considering the crime) that you completely forget common female sense.
I can wish death on a huge part of the male indian population while also wondering how an adult woman can be so naive and sheltered that she 1. traveled to fucking India, 2. slept outside(!!!) and 3. did that while being young and hot. She lacks any kind of survival instinct. One would think that any girl over maybe 13 has already realized that sadly in order to get by in this male-run world, you can't trust any of them and sometimes have to push your wants and believes aside in order to survive. It kind of reminds you of tourists in Saudi Arabia getting arresting for wearing hot pants. I totally get not wanting to be modest, I'd never ever cover my hair, it goes against everything I stand for but because of that I'd also never enter a place that demands this of women.

Seeing the reactions here vs on lsa is interesting, lsa immediately jumped on her useless "boy"friend for being so dumb as to bring her to India and for failing to protect her.(derailing/infighting)

No. 1912709

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>any woman needs to take appropriate precautions
Exactly. Fwiw I don’t think the original post everyone is chimping about about was victim blaming - they didn’t say she deserved anything, just that it was very naive to be camping in one of the most rapey countries in the world and cutting about in skimpy clothing as a western woman. In an ideal world we’d all be able to do and dress as we pleased without men ruining it for us all but we don’t live there, we live in hell.

No. 1912710

Ayrt I don't. India is a hot country and the thing about hot weather is that it's more comfortable to wear light clothes. She could have done this if she was beside a pool, at a resort, on a balcony, etc. but she made the mistake of doing this in a pit of fucking rape apes with 0 help for miles and the only shred of protection available being a geriatric sugar daddy. We need to start developing awareness of our surroundings and realise that sometimes it's really not a good idea to go boobs out near the boob grope gang

No. 1912712

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>I also wanted to add this pic (also from India) where she's actually around people
Cool, here’s another one.

No. 1912715

she could dress in hijab or be naked and in doesn't deserve ro be raped in either. However, it really is common sense to not dress sexually while mixing with a high population of sexual assaulters

No. 1912718

What anons are doing is pretty textbook of what people (especially men) do when a woman publicly reveals that she's raped. They immediately go to her social media to find a pic of her scantily clad and say it's her fault anyway. This is why I don't really understand why women with media platforms reveal when they've been sexually assaulted. Even if you publicly out your rapist, the comments and interrogation will 100% be on you and not the rapist.

No. 1912724

Well since you replied anon, can you answer how we know what she was wearing when she was raped?

No. 1912737

Nta I'm sorry but you can clearly tell from her social media that she was inclined to wear a floor length Ebenezer Scrooge nightie to bed each night in a shite tent in rape country with 0 protection. Nonna, grow up, its ok to say what happened was fucking awful while also being aware that she made a very grave mistake dressing light with rapists everywhere. We can not ignore that we need to at least make bare minimum attempts to protect ourself

No. 1912738

You’re retarded for this but back to the geriatric mood she’s with, he’s obviously super into taking these pics and showing her off in public since he gets to flaunt his decades younger girlfriend with a nice body. He doesn’t even think about her safety or the fact that he’s taking her to dangerous countries for women- he just thinks about himself. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t be riding a motorcycle through all these degenerate Middle East countries.

No. 1912782

>he’s obviously super into taking these pics and showing her off in public
And did he choose her because she wasn't already like that or are you implying she is always modest except for when he wants her to be half naked? This random 27 year old woman was just a plain Jane normie until he told her to start doing that?

No. 1912856

Nta but the objection is because the idea what you wear has any bearing on if you're raped is a myth that was designed to blame women for their own rapes. Even women who claim they're not really blaming women, it's just we need to "protect ourselves" are still subscribing to the idea that men rape because of women's behavior. It does not matter if she "dressed light" or not, this idea has been debunked many times. Nothing could have protected her from this except simply not going.

No. 1912860

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It seems they've been together since she was 19… yuck. He groomed her. They made a video claiming that while India has its share of good and bad aspects, and we shouldn't generalize Indians who are good people. Despite having "collided with some undesirables", they still think India is a "great country worth visiting." They should probably stay off social media.

No. 1912865

the male employee staring at her makes me feel sick

No. 1912868

Holy fucking shit. Imagine being groomed into dating and being with a past-prime scrote that's old enough to be your dad or even grandpa, just for him to fail at protecting you from street-gutter rapists. This is why they resort to grooming barely legal women all the time to even have romantic relationships, because older men are always fucking useless and any woman that knows any better is most likely not going to waste her time on a scrote that'll fall and break his hip when trying to defend anything. Dating a man that is 40+ doesn't seem to have any substantial benefits, other than biting off pieces of his wealth.

No. 1912870

I'm a woman working in a library where the customer base is ninety percent Indian men and for years I tried to not feel guilty that the common issue has always been how sexually aggressive they are with me and my other colleagues but reading this thread has just reminded me that no, Indian scrotes really are just on another level. Fucking vile

No. 1912884

I spent my late teens and 20s being in relationships with older men because I grew up in a misogynistic trad household. All abusive, whiny, expired manchildren with a massive ego and zero life prospects. No exceptions. Normal men worth a shit simply don't enter age gap relationships. It's why so many of these expired husks 'want kids some day' and 'are open to anything' at 37.
>inb4 but my Nigel is different!
Nah sis he ain't.

No. 1912890

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reminds me of that story of the Japanese girl who travelled to India to attend Holi and subsequently went viral for a video of her getting molested and manhandled by strange Indian moids. She also issued an statement on twitter claiming she still loves India and apologizing for ruining India's image. I wonder if the government is threatening them or if they're really this stupid.
anyway. derailing a bit but speaking as a burger anon. this is why I'm so annoyed with our government's big "pivot to India" geopolitical ploy. even doing dumb, asinine shit like rebranding "Asia-Pacific" as "Indo-Pacific". there are some serious, serious issues with that country and consistently turning a blind eye on it (look at how planned and actual extra-judicial assassinations on Western countries lead to nothing more than a stern talking to kek) and outsource service, tech, and manufacturing is going to backfire spectacularly on all of us one day.

No. 1912896

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I'm wondering if the government made them make that post defending India too. Someone on twitter shared an anectode of sexual harrassment in India and the chief of India's national comission for women was accusing them of "defaming" India.

No. 1912912

I thought someone had said they were ai?

No. 1912915

It was an incredibly stupid thing to do, but im also going to point out that it really does say something that they had traveled to 50 different countries and never ran into issues camping and hiking there until India.

No. 1912922

Your reply means nothing. Your commentary on her clothes means nothing. She wasn't raped because of her clothes. You are right that it was absolutely in poor taste and incredibly dangerous to think she could camp in India, but she would have been raped regardless of what she was wearing because of the opportunity.

No. 1912923

He's looking at the camera.

No. 1912927

No. 1912929

Holy shit this woman got raped by SEVEN poo in loo moids and will live with that trauma for the rest of her life and her old man moid thinks this is the perfect time to post on social media to defend the moids who raped your girlfriend. Idk the whole thing is making me sick. Like let her recover physically atleast jfc. I’d be on the first flight back to my western country to go into therapy for life.

No. 1912974

Please stop derailing/infighting/baiting about the spanish couple in india and if she was dumb or not to dress in w.e way she did and other related sperging.

No. 1912978

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…yes ma'am.

No. 1912985

I agree. I hope she recovers from this and leaves him. When I heard about this story, it was some tweet of a dude emphasizing how dangerous India is for women, but then being like "India is my favorite country in the whole world! It's so great".

No. 1913148

You really think the reason she got raped is because she showed a small amount of bobs, and not because Indian men are barely a step above being savage apes? Are you that stupid and delusional? Men in general are savage rape apes, but Indian men are the most coddled moids on the planet. They rape children and animals who don’t have any boobs at all. Get a grip.(continuing to infight after farmhand post)

No. 1913150

Why do you accuse any woman who doesn’t have knee-slappers of having “bolt ons”? Are yours really that disgustingly saggy or wha?

No. 1913222

This. There are literally news articles of Indian men raping dogs, cows and goats. It's not about the 'sexiness' of the victims

No. 1913256

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No. 1913402

This should be spread far and wide across the whole internet. Just because men get butthurt and whine about suspicious women doesn't mean they're not malicious. This guy whined and guilt tripped, then raped and murdered a child.

No. 1913554

I wish more women would post about how india is a massive shit hole. I hope she recovers from this horrible trauma and leaves him as well.

No. 1913555

>raped for fun
Indian men need to be executed from this earth.

No. 1913572

Time stamp is 28:00. It's the last story of the video
This disgusting man child who reviewed doctor who toys faked a live stream in December 2023 in order to cover up a murder.
>He beat and stabbed his 32 year old girlfriend to death as she was returning home. She was 15 weeks pregnant and her family didn't know yet.
>He still has no pleaded to guilty of murder in the first degree, but he was arrested. He got a bus and followed her home just to pretend to be someone else.
>he pre-recorded his first ever xmas live stream just to kill her
>she has signs of defensive wounds and blunt force trauma to her head and neck even before the stabbing
>he even pretended to grieve with the parents about their murdered daughter

This story makes me fume. He still hasnt admitted the reason for murdering her, but evidence found out he unlocked and checked her phone 9 times the week of her murder. Her name is Natalie. RIP to her and her poor unborn child. This story really stuck with me. You cannot ever trust moids, especially the 'safe' nerdy ones. They are all the same.

No. 1913576

File: 1709750149873.png (1.95 MB, 1170x1143, wow .png)

How did she make the post after dying of cancer? Was it a scheduled post? I’m confused

No. 1913585

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The first line.

No. 1913587

Wow post mortem parasocial media posts are now a thing kek. Thats kind of weird to me.

No. 1913661

That's honestly pretty weird, but I guess this was bound to happen, dramatic post-mortem letters and notes were a thing, now it's just digital.

No. 1913741

I've heard of people doing this on facebook before but posting this on linkedin, of all sites, is a new one. usually it's full of workaholic asskissers competing to see who can kotow the hardest

No. 1914123

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No. 1914150

I feel so bad for indian women, they live in hell.

No. 1914158

I watched this video on this case and it was an interesting perspective from someone who was a genuine fan of this man's content. This case is so awful but i worry he won't get put to justice because of how soft the UK justice system is. His youtube channel is even still up! I wonder if it's because it's being used as evidence.

No. 1914193

When they're lucky enough to survive infancy, that is.

No. 1914218

Shit, bile duct cancer is one of the most horrible deaths I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing. I guess it helped her cope to write and share this posthumously but the linkedin thing rly is kind of weird. Wouldn't it be nicer to leave a private letter or something to your spouse and family instead? I don't want to judge a dead woman but I'm really confused…

No. 1914235

Woah, I didn't even know that was a kind of cancer. I was looking it up, I dont understand how she possibly could have got it? I think its interesting saying that it can be caused by working with rubber or in auto plants.

No. 1914311

That’s such a stupid thing to say. Why else do people rape anything? They’re depraved and they think harming others and being sexual deviants is fun.

No. 1914395

I cringe so hard when women think that they should date a nerd, loser, geek kind of man because he will be safe. They're even more dangerous than males who are moderately successful, because they all have a chip on their shoulder. And they will look down on you for dating them, and attempt to cheat 24/7. She probably thought he was a unique, creative, genuinely special guy, and he just hated her and thought she was a dumb useless slut getting in the way of his eternal 12 year old lifestyle.

No. 1914489

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the mahogany jackson case makes me sick and is a terrible reminder of how dangerous pickmes can be. women that she considered to be her friends set her up to be gang-raped, beaten, and tortured for hours before she was shot to death.
>At a two-hour hearing in Birmingham, police described five videos they say were made by some of the eight suspects in the young mother’s torture and murder.
>Jackson, the 20-year-old mother of a toddler, went missing last month and then texted her sister and mother that she had been kidnapped. A day later, she was found shot to death under a mattress at a dump site.
>According to AL.com, police believe Jackson went to one suspect’s home with some of the other defendants, whom she considered her friends. At that location, videos show, she was stomped, spit on, punched in the head, stripped nude, and dragged into a car.
>Taken to an apartment complex, Jackson was forced to perform oral sex on one man while another held her at gunpoint and threatened her to “do it right,” police testified.
>“This was a horrific attack perpetrated against Miss Jackson,’’ Jefferson County Deputy District Attorney Charissa Henrich said. “She was subjected for a period of time to… there’s really no other way to say it… torture which ultimately led to her death.”

No. 1914496

I’ve never heard of this before what the actual fuck. Literally gritting my teeth with rage, that poor poor woman

When will it end anons. When will it fucking end

No. 1914532

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I assumed the perpetrators would be all men but it was 4 men and 4 women. Ugh.

No. 1914534

What compells women to participate in this? Are they the girlfiends of the moids?

No. 1914642

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This case is so bizarre.

Aristocratic lady shacks up with unemployed, wifebeating thug and has 5 kids with him. 4 of those kids get taken away by social services, and they attempt to have a new baby 'off the grid' to avoid it being taken into care.

They then neglect the child resulting in death.

This woman was extremely privileged and had a trustfund and they still managed to fuck this up?


Any social workers explain this please

No. 1914698

No. 1914712

Yeah, a drug induced folie à deux I think is probably going to be what shakes out as the main factor here. It’s really sad, the baby’s body was found in a supermarket bag in an allotment shed.

No. 1915247

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Sexual predator is released and on the basis he can attend an equestrian course to help 'reintroduce' him back into society where he attends and ends up sexually assualting an 11 year old girl. Poor girl.

No. 1915349

>Three of the suspects - Brandon Pope, 24, Francis “Ace” Harris, 25, and Jeremiah “Kodak” McDowell, 18 - are charged with capital murder during a first-degree kidnapping and capital murder during first-degree sodomy
>capital murder during first-degree sodomy
I'm going to cry, does this mean they killed her while raping her?

No. 1915358

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The women involved look disturbed and dead in the eyes.
>Robinson, Detective Green said, got there not long before the ordeal ended but was seen on video “getting in Jackson’s face” and pinning her against the wall. She was reportedly not there during the sexual assault.
>Suspect Green and Clapp had left at that point.
>Jackson was then taken from Lewis’ apartment by Pope, Harris and McDowell, the investigator said.
>Authorities believe she was then fatally shot shortly after sending the help messages to her family.
So at least two of the women were not present when she was being sexually assaulted, then, I think. They intended to jump her but its hard to tell if they were fully aware she was going to be raped. This is disgusting. When I googled her name, the first autofill result was "mahogany Jackson video"…

No. 1915360

Both of them need to be jailed for life or killed off. Those poor children. Women who constantly get their kids taken away should be sterilized

No. 1915362

When are they going to learn that some people should never be introduced back into society? This shit is infuriating

No. 1915366

His channel is still up? Yeah, it's infuriating how soft UK is on crime. I know a lot of people watched him because there are a lot of Doctor who fans. It just makes me sick to my stomach that he ended up murdering his pregnant girlfriend instead of just leaving her. I hope that the parents of Natalie push for a death sentence. He lied, his evidence and pretended to grieve with the parents. I'm sick of moids like this

No. 1915418

Never because sex offender and criminal men are always given second chances as well as sympathy and the benefit of the doubt.

No. 1915419

>I hope that the parents of Natalie push for a death sentence.
The UK doesn’t have the death sentence anymore, the worst punishment he can get is life in prison.

No. 1915442

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Canada is infamous for giving predators lenient or no sentences. Pic related, the dude has been caught and released THREE TIMES. courts literally treat it like fishing season.

No. 1915444

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SA but different story: immigrant family is murdered (all but the father who is in ICU) by 19-year old immigrant student. There’s talk of it being a landlord tenant dispute but the family WERE tenants, as was the student, and the landlord lives in a different country and has been unable to be reached.

No. 1915557

Why is it always Richmond? I feel like it’s either always Richmond or Abbotsford, it just draws creeps in for some reason

No. 1915578

The trash brings out itself.(racebait)

No. 1915590

I just googled the name of the killer and like nothing came up, some random Facebook posts and a 4chan thread but no real articles. I turned on my VPN and set it the US and got a daily mail article with the info but still nothing else, no real articles or anything. I hate how Canada is so secretive with crimes like this, they often don’t even name the perpetrator and they never post their mugshots or anything. It’s sad how they value the murderers privacy more than everyone’s safety. And in part I think it’s because so many crimes are committed by male immigrants between the ages of 20 to 50 who have no business even being here in the first place

No. 1915602

Samefag I googled “family killed in Ottawa” and got a shit ton of results, so I guess maybe their just not posting the name of the killer

No. 1915905

This is so fucked up, I will never understand how anyone could murder someone in cold blood, let alone children.

No. 1915995

Being arrested that many times in the span of a couple weeks is a major red flag and means he is desperate to commit the crime. So they let him out. To victimize children. Omg.

No. 1916196

if they invited men to participate in attacking her then they should have known that she was going to be raped or that at the very least there was a strong possibility of it happening. a moid who is willing to beat a woman is not going to have any moral objection to sexually assaulting her too, especially if he has weapons and other moids to aid him and egg him on. that they believed she somehow deserved to be beaten and tortured makes it even more likely that pornsick low-iq scrotes would feel justified in raping her.

No. 1916233

The press seems to be going out of their way to not mention drugs. I am 100% certain the scrote was just focused on keeping her naive ass around him at any cost, to eventually get at her family's money, and he needed the baby to extort cash from them. Her family knew what was going on, but he convinced her it was just muh racism and not that he was a proven broke violent bum. The last thing a wealthy woman needs is a shop cashier for a boyfriend.

No. 1916287

im sure their sex-positive rehabilitation program has turned them into upstanding citizens, anon! victoria, fucking cancer in the colon of this faggoted island. could not be less surprised that they handled it like that
ermmmmm not very restorative justice of you anon, dont you know that moids are suffering victims of a society that MAKES them sexually torture scared developmentally disabled girls? feminism is for EVERYONE okay.

No. 1916310

how many abused little girls are acceptable for rehabilitative/restorative justice people? seems like a lot. personally, i feel that zero is acceptable, and these moids must be executed after the first offence.

No. 1916641

>rehabilitative/restorative justice
I hate the doublespeak with these terms. Nothing gets restored for the victims, and the criminals aren't even capable of being rehabilitated unless it's a drug possession offense.

No. 1916687

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It's nice to just have it in print. They don't even have to hit you to drive you insane, one of my exes spent years manipulating me, it ruined me emotionally.

No. 1916835

I hate that term and all those activists so much. if the moids who commit these sorts of crimes felt any genuine remorse, they would volunteer for castration and to keep themselves locked up forever. that they still think they deserve to roam free after ruining girls' lives, to the point of sometimes causing permanent physical disabilities on top of psychological damage, for no reason should be sufficient proof that they're not actually rehabilitated.

No. 1916902

This seems obvious, as well as the effects of living in a world knowing you’re constantly objectified and looked down on with your only value being how attractive you are. Looking back as a kid, I was well aware of this and hated being a girl so much because I saw how they were treated or expected to act. This issue is much worse now in a lot of ways.

No. 1917047

But men downplay and make a mockery of the abuse they face and claim it isnt real and that they're making it all up.

No. 1924821

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No. 1924840

I just feel like mothers in law in these sorts of culture spend their entire lives looking forward to their son marrying a punching bag for them, so they can take out all the misogyny they’ve experienced throughout their life on them. No longer do they have to be a slave, now they have their own slave to order around.

No. 1924842

News at 11. Women suffer more physical and mental abuse than men, yet we are gaslit and ignored by supposed medical professionals.

No. 1924844

These are the people in Europe wants to welcome into their countries with open arms. It's disgusting how headlines like these aren't a joke..

No. 1924846

basically, it's a fucked up cycle that creates these women with fucked up "son complexes" and emotionally stunted men-children.

No. 1924848

It's true. Women in this culture punch down and abuse other women because they can't face the truth that their religion and culture is one big sexist shit hole no matter how much they fast and pray.

No. 1924852

that's a whole other thing in certain asian cultures, anyone who is "senior" to you on in wealth or status basically has free reign to bully you as much as they want, so this is true in the workplace, this happens in school, this happens in the home, this happens in all aspects of society and people just want to find a position where they can abuse others, I know some westerns find the over top bullying of Korean Manhwa to be completely unrealistic but it's not that far from the truth.

No. 1925695

Disappearance of Timmothy Pitzen
> On May 11, 2011, six-year-old American boy Timmothy Pitzen was dropped off at school in Aurora, Illinois, by his father.
> He was picked up shortly after by his mother, Amy Fry-Pitzen.
> She dropped her vehicle off at a repair shop. An employee of the shop drove Fry-Pitzen and her son to the Brookfield Zoo.
> They returned and retrieved their vehicle and drove to the KeyLime Cove Resort where they spent the night.
> On May 12, 2011, the pair drove to Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin.
> May 13, 2011, Fry-Pitzen telephoned several family members, including her mother and brother-in-law, telling them that she and Timmothy were safe and not in any danger.
> Fry-Pitzen failed to contact her husband, however, who had been attempting to locate the pair after being notified by his son's school that he was not present when he arrived to pick him up at the end of the school day on May 11. Timmothy was heard in the background during the calls, saying that he was hungry.
> Fry-Pitzen was seen, alone, on security cameras at a Family Dollar store in Illinois, where she purchased a pen, notepaper and envelopes.
> She checked into the Rockford Inn at Rockford, Illinois, where sometime that night or the next morning, she took her own life by slashing her wrists and neck and overdosing on antihistamines.
> May 14, 2011, her body was found by a hotel maid along with a note. In the note, Fry-Pitzen apologized for the mess she had created, and explained that Timmothy would never be found, but was safe with people who would care for him.
> Police found that the knife Fry-Pitzen had used to kill herself contained only her blood. It was also noted that Fry-Pitzen's cell phone was missing. In 2013, Fry-Pitzen's cell phone was located beside Route 78, but the discovery did not bring any new evidence.
> James Pitzen has stated that he believes his son is still alive, and was kidnapped by someone that Fry-Pitzen gave him to.

No. 1925704

Anyone who isn't a brain dead Koreaboo knows Korea is shit. They have the highest suicide rates, and lowest birth rates for a reason.

No. 1925907

He is obviously dead, she probably killed him and got rid of his body before killing herself.

No. 1925986

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some crazy guy claimed to be him back in 2019. he was 25 at the time and timothy would have been only 14.

No. 1926058

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>Royal Caribbean cruise ship worker allegedly admits filming young passengers — even hiding under beds
By Social Links forYaron Steinbuch

No. 1926060

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All men with voyeuristic obsessions claim they can't control it, it really is a very small step directly below being a fucking rapist or turning into a full blown serial killer. Men get away with abusing women and say they "can't control it".

No. 1926206

He should get the death sentence. Any man who hurts women and says that. Immediate death

No. 1926332

I will never forget an interview with a 10yo muslim child bride telling the story of how her "mother"-in-law held her down so that her son could rape her…

No. 1926823

Gosh that's so sad, we should castrate and blind him to save him from his helplessness, he's only a sweet boy who means no harm after all. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

No. 1927169

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No. 1927406

mark my words, within a decade at least one of those boys will have committed a violent offense towards a human being

No. 1928789

Genuinely what do you even do when you think you're raising a normal moidlet and age 10-11 he starts showing extreme serial killer signs? Like you can't abort him. What do you even do? Give him up for adoption, absolving yourself but guaranteeing he'll become a serial killer who kills women who look like you?

No. 1928790

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No. 1928798

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>Tfw when you realize the vast majority women in jail are there for pickme crimes
Including Jodie sadly

No. 1928799

At least that resulted in a dead moid. She finally saw sense and took her rage out on who deserved it.

No. 1928800

Therapy and a form of rehabilitation for under 17s is usually done. I don't know how much it works, though.

No. 1929757

jodi may have been a pickme but she saw the error of her ways, albeit too late. her story serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when you sacrifice your dignity for a moid

No. 1929813

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>Google’s and Microsoft’s search engines have a problem with deepfake porn videos. Since deepfakes emerged half a decade ago, the technology has consistently been used to abuse and harass women—using machine learning to morph someone’s head into pornography without their permission.
>Now the number of nonconsensual deepfake porn videos is growing at an exponential rate, fueled by the advancement of AI technologies and an expanding deepfake ecosystem.
>A new analysis of nonconsensual deepfake porn videos, conducted by an independent researcher and shared with WIRED, shows how pervasive the videos have become.
>The issue is global. Using a VPN, the researcher tested Google searches in Canada, Germany, Japan, the US, Brazil, South Africa, and Australia. In all the tests, deepfake websites were prominently displayed in search results. Celebrities, streamers, and content creators are often targeted in the videos.
>Maddocks says the spread of deepfakes has become “endemic” and is what many researchers first feared when the first deepfake videos rose to prominence in December 2017.
>The proliferation of these deepfake apps combined with a greater reliance on digital communications in the Covid-19 era and a "failure of laws and policies to keep pace" has created a “perfect storm,” Flynn says.

No. 1929818

It's only been a few years and we need laws to tell moids not to make fake porn of women, despite their already access to hundreds and thousands of porn already. Why cant we kill men already?

No. 1929820

If you are a woman helping men hurt other women, you deserve to be charged like a man. I hate these kind of women so much

No. 1929826

And this is why porn online should just be out and out banned, because you can’t know if it’s fake and non-consensual or real and “consensual”. Men can go back to their seedy adult shops and more pressure can be put on the adult industry to vet their actors better. Naturally this is with the intention to ban it ultimately but first the rape apes need to be deprogrammed by only being given access to vanilla content that eventually gets watered back down to soft core porn then to nudie pics. It’s a shame scrotes are so damaged by their libidos, they really are just brains attached to a dick… I think some of them would be happier if they did die after ejaculating.

No. 1929903

Same and I really don’t care “oh she’s being abused she has Stockholm syndrome!” That only goes so far. She’s a fucking sexual predator.

No. 1929925

This. There is no excuse for these women.

No. 1930484

I do not respect a single person who uses AI for anything. I don't care if it's to pretend they're better at art than they are, to put in prompts and trace it, to make memes, whatever. I don't care. I don't respect them for partaking in it.

No. 1930647

Jesus Christ women truly aren’t allowed to go anywhere or do anything without fear/paranoia

Agree completely. A dog that can’t control itself gets euthanized

>”did not have any intention to hurt the animals”
>footage of them throwing, slamming, and stomping on the animals
Are they legit arguing that middle school aged boys didn’t understand that using physical violence against a living being would cause that living being harm?

No. 1930789

Yeah I agree. Even for shitposts and memes I fucking hate it. It should be banned jus t because everything it makes is ugly and dumb. Everything that gets shat out by AI is completely soulless and devoid of beauty.
You know it anon! But 11 - 12 year old girls are accused of leading on fully grown men when they’re abused.

No. 1930922

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An 11-year old girl was raped by a group of older teens (14-16) and it's presented as "her gift for these boys for day of motherland's protectors" (aka day of moids for no reason). A mother of one of these moidlets found a video of the assault on her son's phone and went to the police to complain on the girl for molesting her son (wtf??). Turned out they have been forcing her to have sex for 6 months and they keep on blaming the child for allowing them to do it. Now these retards are facing 6 years in prison.
I fucking hate the way women and children are blamed for shit that's happening to them. On social media there are tons of comments how "these 12-year olds look like grown ass women and are having sex all the time!!!".

No. 1930931

They will always blame the victim

No. 1930980

Those don't like teens; they look like they are in their 20s

No. 1931136

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disgusting yet completely unsurprising. there was a case in texas years ago where a girl was gangraped and many community members blamed her for the assault. she later ran away from the group home she was living in and was assaulted again. people will invent any excuse to pardon moids that commit violent acts and pass the blame onto the women and girls that suffer at their hands.

No. 1931146

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Don't you know anon? it's always somehow womens fault for men being monsters.

No. 1931208

Agreed 100%

No. 1932351

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A couple of days ago an anon posted a story of an 11 year old boy who was murdered by his mothers ex boyfriend and i found out today that he went to dance school. The school that he went to posted a tribute to him of a compilation of his performances and it makes me so sad. He had a lot going for him and seemed like a nice boy. I pray that man who took him off this earth burn in hell for all of eternity and that his soul never finds peace.

No. 1932430

Males: the only time they get along is when they're gangraping an 11 year old.

No. 1932433

Most males want to rape girls and ALL will stay silent when their friends do exactly that. You can't argue with them or outsmart them because they only speak the language of violence. If you want to protect girls go after your local sex offenders. This is the only way.

No. 1932585

I hope they get sent to some GULAG tier camp in Siberia.

No. 1932889

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>A Florida law is keeping the families of the elderly and young people killed by medical malpractice from suing hospitals and doctors.
>Doctors and hospitals say it may be necessary to keep medical professionals from fleeing the state.
>Melody Page lost her mother, Elizabeth, and father, Ken, in 2016. Elizabeth died from complications with the flu.
>When Elizabeth passed away, Ken, suffering from dementia, refused to let the paramedics in to their Broward County home. Police arrived on scene.
>Paramedics eventually reached Elizabeth, who was already gone. Ken was taken to a nearby hospital, sedated, and placed on a three-day mental health evaluation under Florida’s Baker Act.
>When I came into the hospital, he actually sat up to hug me. He said, ‘Oh Mommy’s gone,’” remembers Melody, reacting to the last conversation she had with her father. “And in that moment, a nurse injected something into his IV and he fell back out. As he was falling back out, he said, ‘You gotta get me out of here, they’re going to kill me.’”
>Ken died Nov. 18, 2016, three days after his wife. His death certificate lists the primary cause of death as “cardiac arrest,” but Melody had the records reviewed by medical professionals, who believe Ken died of over sedation.
>After her father’s death, Melody discovered that, under Florida law, she was not allowed to sue the hospital that her family believes caused Ken’s death.
>Section 768.21 of the Florida’s Constitution only allows spouses and minor children of a deceased person to sue for pain and suffering damages, but only in cases of medical malpractice. Melody and others call it the “Free Kill Law.”
>That means adult children over 25 cannot sue if their parents are the victims of medical malpractice, nor can parents sue for adult children over age 25 who died at the hands of medical professionals.
>“You have to be married to the person or a minor child of that person," Melody said. "And in no other circumstances can you bring it to a court of law."

TL:DR: Woman's father dies, she cannot sue hospital due to a Florida law that prevents those 25 or older, unmarried or widowed, and without children under the age of 25 to sue for medical malpractice, or for others to sue on their behalf.

No. 1933458

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>52 year old sex offender moid sexually assaults and tortures two elderly sisters (78 and 85 years old) in their own home
This is why people shouldn't open their doors to strangers at all. He said their roof needed work and forced himself inside. This is genuinely terrifying.

No. 1933714

Does anyone know where I can see the leaked crime scene photos of the Delphi murders? I've been following this case since it started and I'll probably regret looking but I want to know more(not here)

No. 1933979

How is a minor supposed to know how to sue a hospital? It’s really telling that the state felt they had to implement this law to ‘prevent doctors from fleeing’ Jesus Christ.

No. 1933993

This makes my blood absolutely fucking boil. Moids are so disgustingly depraved. I hope he rots in prison for eternity and gets raped and tortured every single day.

No. 1934002

Samefag but
>>Holcomb, a registered sex offender, stood mute while his charges were read, which the judge said is the same as entering a not guilty plea.
This is backwards, his fucking silence should be assumed as a guilty plea. Fucking sick asswipe.

No. 1934556

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No. 1934584

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The maggots around the genitals are suspicious. I don't think she just suddenly became autistic and reclusive, it sounds like something dark happened to her. The fact so few in the community questioned the disappearance of a functional 14 year old athlete is bizarre. poor girls body was so decomposed it may never be known what exactly her parents subjected her to, but they can rot in hell and it's far too light a sentence for them

No. 1934599

Maggots around her genitals were there because she urinated and defecated in that spot on the couch iirc. Just looking at her picture makes me suspect she had a serious but undiagnosed physical issue like muscular dystrophy or something similar. There’s numerous uncommon muscular issues where those afflicted don’t have overt signs as children but gradually lose abilities as they get older. Her neck just looks extremely weird to me and having a progressive physical issue would make the situation make a lot more sense to me. Obviously still horrifying and awful that her family neglected her to death but I have a hard time believing a girl who wasn’t physically disabled could sit there and rot alive like that without being restrained.

No. 1934600

Oh my God, then how long did it take for people to find out she was in there? Did they get an estimate on when she passed from the autopsy? There's no way she could've been on that couch for 14 years right? This is all just absolutely wretched.

No. 1934612

The parents called 911 as she was dying so all of this happened while she was alive. The coroner suspects she’d been on the couch for 12 years which is why I suspect she had an underlying medical issue in addition to autism. I just can’t wrap my head around someone being so mobile for so long unless they don’t have the ability to simply stand up.

No. 1934614

The last time anyone saw her outside, she was around 21. So over a decade ago

No. 1934620

People have been speculating that she had a form of locked in syndrome after a stroke or other complication- although I wouldn't put the idea of severe trauma past the parents consindering their treatment of her.

No. 1934622

Forgot to add she sent some emails around age 27 that were speculated to have actually been written by her and not the parents, but that's still a decade ago

No. 1934803

i agree that it's too light a sentence but since they're already old there's a strong chance they'll die in prison. if they serve the full twenty years they'll be in their eighties when they're released and probably won't have anything or anyone to go back to. i know some people in their town still made excuses for them but i doubt they'll give a shit twenty years from now. they've gone from a comfortable middle class lifestyle (they likely did not live in the same house lacey was confined in) where they were hyper-focused on their image and valued in their community to having their abuse of their daughter globally broadcast and spending their golden years in a cell. their lives are essentially over.

No. 1934844

Absolutely sickening.

No. 1934853

It genuinely, truly evades me how people can be so evil. I don't understand why people decide to have children together and then proceed to abuse said children. I cant ever even think of what to say about it, I just cannot compute how not one but two people together can abandon their child on a couch when something is clearly wrong and just watch and smell her rot. There's no way they lived in that house with her…? I don't understand.

No. 1934855

>On the day of execution they were begging for forgiveness and had to be carried to the gallows crying. Mukeshs mother begged Jyoti’s mother to forgive her sons and told her to ask the court not to hang them. Her mother’s response was “as my daughter begged them to stop, they tortured and beat her more so I cannot”
Execution was the only way.

No. 1934862

as someone in the comments mentioned, what would be the point of keeping them alive for 40 years, execution was the only solution.

No. 1934882

They should have made a stallion rape them to death. Execution is too nice they need to get Mr Hands'ed to death. Indian men are like the "ugly bastard" h*ntai (ew) trope in real life. Hideous, short, smelly rapists. Idc if mods ban me for racebait they're all completely undesirable. Just tiny little rape gremlins.

No. 1934889

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Watched the netflix documentary on the Outreau case last night, what an insane and vile case.
>The Delay children tell police their parents have sex with them and make them watch porn.
>Police investigate and their mother (Myriam) confesses its true.
>She starts naming other people that also took part in raping her children including multiple neighbours, a priest, a court bailiff and a local baker
>One woman who was accused confessed she and her boyfriend took part in raping the children once after a drunken night at the Delay house. Said they were hesitant but the Delay parents encourage them to do it.
>Myriam continues to name random people
>The children are telling police extremely disturbing details of years of rape and abuse, including beastiality.
>Multiple other children are also coming forward and accusing the adults of rape.
>In court, one of the children starts to contradict himself after being pressed by a defense attorney. Myriam stands up and tells the attorney to leave her children alone, that she's a sick woman and a liar and she made everything up. She starts apologizing to the random people she accused, admits she never met some of them and is sorry for ruining their lives.


No. 1934897

as a Asian women your right to say it, India is what happens when the worst type of men are allowed to breed continuously, without end and we see the obvious results.

No. 1934981

>The Outreau affair contributed to harm the consideration of the child's voice in France, with a 40% drop in convictions in the decade following the acquittal on appeal.

No. 1935103

So… were they raping them or not??

No. 1935170

i believe the Delay children were abused by their parents, their stories were so graphic and detailed its hard to imagine a young kid could make that all up.
There were like 50 adults investigated and 40 children who were potential victims. a couple kids confessed to lying about the abuse because that's what they heard other kids saying, some adults confessed to accusing innocent people but some kids insist that some of the acquitted were actually guilty. one of the accused confessed that he witnessed a young girl being murdered and some of the kids backed up his story, saying they were forced to help dig a grave but the body was never found despite police checking where the kid said he dug.

No. 1935750

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Reading male TikTok replies on videos about Riley Strain show exactly why men die earlier than women, and nobody usually cares, istg. There are so many women asking why his "friends" just abandoned him drunk in a strange town, and then butthurt men accuse them of being crazy and "infantilizing" him. This is why you idiots die and nobody gives a fuck. You don't give a fuck about yourselves or your friends.

No. 1935765

he was cute, what a waste

No. 1935769

So did he just fall in the river because he was out of it? I can't seem to find out

No. 1935808

>You don't give a fuck about yourselves or your friends.

Literally this though. Moids literally don’t care about eachother kek

No. 1935825

It looks like he ran away from other people fighting at a food cart, and smashed full speed into a pole he didn't see. So he might have had a head injury in addition to being drunk.

No. 1935893

What a fucking retard. Good riddance.

No. 1936061

if i saw a woman stumbling around by herself i would check on her and i'd like to think many nonnas would do the same, but moids will completely abandon their own friends if it means their fun will be negatively impacted in any way

No. 1936211

Dearborn Michigan? Wow not shocked at all. Fucking vile, castration immediately.

No. 1936384

Peeping tom targeting random womens homes.

No. 1936410

I’m glad they’re taking this seriously at least. The police say they want him in custody before he escalates. A lot of killers start out as peeping toms.

No. 1936655

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Some of the perpetrators and enablers in this are women. I'll never understand how people like this live with themselves when they should know from experience how awful this poor woman's situation was
>The family who allegedly left a bride unconscious for days before calling for help after she 'failed to meet their expectations' have been pictured – as she continues to lie in a vegetative state.
>Ambreen Fatima Sheikh was called 'smelly' and criticised by her in-laws for not cooking her husband chapatis after moving to the UK following an arranged marriage in Pakistan, a court heard.
>Ambreen, who has been in a vegetative state for eight years, was also allegedly given drug-filled cigarettes to smoke by her husband Asgar Sheikh, 30, and there had been talk of sending her back to Pakistan by her new British family.
>She 'wasn't meeting the expectations of her husband or family,' the court has previously heard.

No. 1936673

of course it's UK muslims. most unwell lot!

No. 1936718

this might be an unpopular opinion but archaic practices such as arranged/forced marriages (because fuck anyone who says this poor woman entered this marriage willingly) shouldn't be recognized by a court of law. how many women are beaten by their moids and their disgusting families?

No. 1936747

Many such cases

No. 1936749

I saw a guy comment that he had a "child's brain" for not going out drinking usually

No. 1936753

Men with voyeuristic habits of any kind should not be trusted.

No. 1936920

I'm late and blogging but I wanted to add a story, my friend was almost raped in India. She was 17 (but really, trust me, looked 12. She had that Autistic moon face) her mother (narc divorced new age mom) dragged her on a trip there. They were at a host house and a moid there asked my friend if she wanted to see his dog. They went upstairs and he Led her to a room and locked the door. She started screaming and the man let her out. She went downstairs crying to her mom and she scolded and yelled at my friend for embarassing her. Awful story, but happy ending as she is n/c with her mom now. So yeah nonnies never ever go to India even if yourself are from a 3rd world country (like me and my friend até)

No. 1937066

I agree with you but they can't do that. If the UK decided to pick things up and say no, there would be major backlash. It isn't even a case of people being ignorant to the truth because some of the most major crime cases in the UK from the past 20 years are honour killings, and there are some fantastic women like Nina Aouilk (raped by her dad and his friends, sister was sold to organ traffickers, abused within an arranged marriage, etc.) who speak out about arranged marriages and abuse within the communities, but the UK doesn't want to hear any of it

No. 1937112

Nina’s story is so heartbreaking. And when she went to the police after her family attempted to honor kill her, they got annoyed because they knew they couldn’t do anything about it. They have to honor their “culture”

No. 1937181

Ayrt I always wondered what would happen if this kinda thing was as prevalent outside of western Europe (for example, if they were doing this in America or Australia or wherever) would they still get away with it as much. Interestingly enough it doesn't seem to be even half as bad in Ireland, NI, or Wales despite all being right next to England

No. 1937184

sometimes women who have been abused by moids will join them in tormenting other women and girls because it's a way of gaining their approval and transferring the abuse onto someone else. if they come from misogynistic cultures then they've also been led to believe that their entire purpose in life is to be submissive to moids and view any woman who pushes back against this mentality as basically saying that everything they've been told is a lie and they've suffered for nothing. instead of confronting and accepting this painful truth, they punish her.

No. 1937226

They’re disgusting creatures rotten to the fucking core. The patriarchy would never have gotten to this point if it weren’t for women helping and endorsing men like this and I hate them every bit as much as the men.
>they’re victims of the patriarchy too!
At this point, THEY ARE the patriarchy. Hang them and burn them all.

No. 1937232

>they are the patriarchy
Okay, totally false lol but you do you.

No. 1937241

How is it false? They have assimilated into the patriarchy and now enforce it on other women and girls. None of it would be possible without them.

No. 1937253

I remember hearing about this case back then but I guess my parents spared me the worst details?
Naively I hoped they killed her with a knife and that made her intestines spill out of her stomach but it was due to the rape and she was alive and suffering for so many days???
So many "normal/good" moids downplay rape and think it only hurts because you feel shame but in reality it damages girls and womens bodies so badly that they get disabled or die…

This is so weird to me, you kind of always assume that muslim women who just wear hijabs, who wear colors and even show a bit of hairline are more moderate? But I guess not. It's been a while since the last honor killing in my country but most of these girls are likely simply brought back to their original country and then killed there.

No. 1937255

They put some bent metal object inside of her rectum and it dragged out her intestines

No. 1937259

I now know, I just hoped that it wasn't because of this.

No. 1937262

It’s so fucking horrifying I swear I’ve never gotten over it. The one who did it was only 17 at the time so he was spared the death penalty and did like 6 years. He still blames it on her to this day and says she shouldn’t of fought back and bitten them.

No. 1937274

Pakistan is one of the lowest ranked countries on the planet for women's rights, it's kind of insane looking back and knowing that they had a female prime minister at one point (unsurprisingly she was assassinated in the 2000s)

No. 1937279

They are more afraid of being called racist or bigoted than the consequences of abandoning innocent women and children of all races.
When this sort of thing spills over on (white) women from Christian or atheist backgrounds, the actually racist far right will raise their tongues because leftists are still afraid, and then the whole thing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you can't talk about it or else you'll be lumped in with unironic racists. I hate it so much, lmao.

No. 1937286

this. i would understand feeling this kind of sympathy >>1937184 towards women who, i don't know, police other women's body hair or clothes or mock them for being unfeminine because they've been socialized to do so, but these women permanently disabled someone. some of these women let other women be killed and raped. fuck them, if they are ready to torture other women like that there's bit more going on with them than just bein mere poor victims of the patriarchy.

No. 1937291

>police other women's body hair or clothes or mock them for being unfeminine
Nah. Fuck them too.

No. 1937294

The UK really fucked themselves over hard.

No. 1937299

Agree with you so much, which is why I have no empathy for the womennof these places since they raise their sons and men to keep doing this to other women. They have this "at least it isn't me" mentality, and will literally help their precious sons commit murder.

No. 1937301

i'm not saying they're good, i hate them too, but what i mean is i understand this "they're victims of patriarchy!" stance far better in those kind of situations than women literally disabling someone.

No. 1937385

Indian men will get upset that western women won’t date them because we find them ugly. well yeah but besides that it’s their reputation for being gang rapists and violent misogynists that make them 100% undateable to any sane western woman

No. 1937392

Not to mention, they are physically repulsive.

No. 1937405

It’s nice to see that he had such a large community of people who cared about him

Florida once again wins the award for Biggest Hell State

Exactly. This is part of why I love being a woman. We look out for each other, even when it’s a complete stranger. United against the moids of the world

No. 1937406

I gave one a chance and HE STUNK EVEN AFTER A SHOWER and he was like do you like movies and I was like yeah and then he was like “do you like porn movies?” I was like uhhh no wtf I literally noped out of sex because he was so pushy and tried choking me, I legit was like I’m scared you’ll murder me and then I drove him to his hotel as he was passing through town and then I blocked him on everything, he bought me cute underwear though, he told me latinas are good at sex but like we are not a monolith and that was a bad (almost) lay, he was 26 and not getting all the way hard.

No. 1937496

As someone who lives in this culture, I have a level of sympathy for some of these women but with limits, it's a culture of bullying and hierarchy, women bully each other and men bully each other and seemingly the only in goal life, is not to end the practice, but find a position where they can get a victim of their own, whether that's a young boy or anyone lower on the social ladder on them a poor abused teenage girl, it's beyond fucked up.

No. 1937497

Any time I read about a woman being gang raped in India, she always suffer multiple bite wounds from her rapists. Not sure if this is common among all rapists, but it’s practically an Indian rapist calling card

No. 1937524

My employer almost sent one of my female coworkers to Pakistan for an assignment. I asked if they’d get hazard pay. Later got a talking to for sounding racist.

No. 1937563

Talking about the rampant issue of femicide should not be considered racist.

No. 1937957

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There's a discussion on Twitter right now about women being raped after death and how celebrity women are paranoid about their corpses and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I didn't know Marilyn Monroes corpse went missing for hours after she died. Saw this comment.

No. 1937961

But remember Nonna, men are the logical sex that never does anything wrong unlike the silly women who are just paranoid.

No. 1937981

There was an account calling women hysterical and paranoid in that thread of posts and it was literally a man with the @ n*ggersmasher. Men are not people.

No. 1938209

There's a day of reckoning coming for "recycling" when even PBS is running a story like this.

No. 1938460

They're seriously messed up. Whenever I see a reel of some random, innocent Indian girl doing anything normal, the comments are ALWAYS filled with Indian moids harassing her / saying she looks ugly or like a man / calling her a prostitute….etc
Pure projection. Some of the worst, vile men on this goddamn planet. They need to be dissected and studied

No. 1938467

People are always confused when I tell them I'm against immigrants when my parents are immigrants themselves, because they expect me to be the last one to think such a thing. The difference is that we're normal and actually fucking integrate. I don't know a damn thing about my parent's culture and I don't want to either, looking at all these rape cases and all. I don't want to see evil, rancid people like that becoming my neighbours.

No. 1938470

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No. 1938471

Ah, the lovely perks of having a beautiful marriage and having a moid son.

No. 1938474

For fellow euros, 4 stone is 25 kilos… meanwhile they're fucking pigs.
The title is even misleading, they only got 3 years each. Somebody in the comments pointed out that a woman in the US got 30 years, ten times their amount, for neglecting her children.

No. 1938478

Samefag, it's 2 years and 8 months, they're gonna be out like tomorrow…
This part reminded me so much of the poor girl left to rot by her parents:
>For several weeks she had been left lying, immobile, on a heavily-soiled downstairs sofa.

No. 1938514

When I lived in the west midlands this was the opinion of most of families that had come here in the 60s and 70s. I knew a lot of Sikhs and Hindus from South Asia and they all saw the increased level of immigration as a threat to their safety.

No. 1938534

Of course they’re fat and brown(racebaiting)

No. 1938689

Exactly, they're right to think that. Not only are these new immigrants a threat to all of us, but I sure as hell don't want to be lumped in with them. If I could rip off my skin, I would.

No. 1938708

>Yet no help was summoned until January 25 when her husband dialled first an on-call health operator and then 999, saying: 'I've got a problem with the wife.
>'She looks like something from a death camp. She can't go on like this.'

He's letting his wife die and has the gall to criticize her appearance.

No. 1938716

Those scum who murdered Cody Fisher in the nightclub were sentenced today. Stabbed him to death in front of his girlfriend. He was white and the two thugs were black, imagine if the races were reversed? He would be being buried in a gold coffin and the BLM mobs would be looting the shops(racebaiting)

No. 1938718

Indian men are some of, if not the worst kind of moid. Perverted scum, they make me gag

No. 1938735

Seriously wtf is wrong with Britain's legal system? Ive seen so many stories of people getting less than 5 years jail time for doing horrendous shit like this

No. 1938752

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in the uk you can strangle your wife to death and serve 2.5 years prison.
>The sentence that I pass upon you is one of five years in prison. You will serve two and a half years of that, however that will be less the time that you’ve already spent on remand.

No. 1938756

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>The Texas Supreme Court has overturned a court order that would have allowed a Dallas woman to get an abortion.
>The ruling came down hours after Kate Cox’s lawyers announced she was leaving the state to terminate her non-viable pregnancy.
>Last Tuesday, Cox, 31, filed a historic lawsuit, asking the courts to allow her to terminate her pregnancy after she learned her fetus had full trisomy 18, a lethal fetal anomaly.
>The lawsuit, brought by the Center for Reproductive Rights, said continuing the pregnancy posed a threat to Cox’s health and future fertility, but her doctors refused to perform an abortion due to the state’s near-total ban on the procedure.
>Travis County District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble ruled Thursday that neither Cox, nor her husband or OB/GYN, should be criminally or civilly penalized for terminating her pregnancy.
>Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed an emergency petition, asking the state Supreme Court to overturn that ruling. On Friday night, the high court put Guerra Gamble’s order on hold
>Meanwhile, though, Cox’s condition was deteriorating, and she was in and out of the emergency room, according to her lawyers.
>The Center for Reproductive Rights told the Texas Supreme Court that it intended to continue litigating her case, despite Cox no longer seeking an abortion within Texas. A few hours later, the court issued its ruling, overturning the temporary restraining order.
>“No one disputes that Ms. Cox’s pregnancy has been extremely complicated. Any parents would be devastated to learn of their unborn child’s trisomy 18 diagnosis,” the justices wrote. “Some difficulties in pregnancy, however, even serious ones, do not pose the heightened risks to the mother the exception encompasses.”

No. 1938764

This is not even a abortion its a miscarriage. Its scary that tradthots are trying to create a world where women get punished for a miscarriage when a miscarriage is something that can happen to any pregnant woman and that includes tradthots too.

I remember this tradthot who died from a miscarriage after she voted to ban abortion and then couldnt get help for her miscarriage.

No. 1938801

this is not baiting. it is true

No. 1939105

Can you fucking please stop trying to put the blame on "tradthots" and use real vocabulary words to describe the men that want to control you and your body

No. 1939109

What else do you call women who actively campaign and support that though? You can’t blame it all on men, tardthots affect the political climate. It’s just shorthand for anti choice women.

No. 1939111

It always disturbs me that people will essentially murder someone and then smirk whenever cameras are around. It doesn't look friendly, it looks evil.

No. 1939114

But it is men.

No. 1939117

You always hear that the mother in law bullies them the most and uses them as an actual slave as well.

No. 1939120

Very interesting that in cases like this they're always fat and greedy

No. 1939199

Women can shill male interests and actively work against their own interests. That’s probably more common than the alternative actually. Men police their own ranks ruthlessly, we should do the same.

No. 1939241

Males shouldn't be allowed to be judges.

No. 1939341

sorry but anti-abortion women are just as much a part of the problem as men are. men may be the ones with the power but self-hating women do what they can to make sure it stays that way. many of these women are just as misogynistic as their male counterparts and they feel absolutely no sense of comradeship or sympathy towards other women. the blood of women who will die because they can't seek medical care is on their hands too.

No. 1939342

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This case is so heinous, a pedophile (who previously raped and abused niece and nephew) and his husband were commissioning a baby through surrogacy, which they planned to sexually abuse and then share those videos online with other pedophiles. he was caught bragging about it online and caught before the baby was born

>According to the charges against him, the FBI began investigating King in October, as part of a child pornography investigation in New York. Agents learned a subject in the New York case had been chatting with King using the dating app Scruff and the messaging app Telegram, and King had sent that person several videos of child pornography.

>After that person was arrested, FBI agents posed as him online, and continued to chat with him. During those chats, King used the handle @pervchiguy, and wrote that he prefers children under age 10. In one message, King wrote "0-9 [years old] my fav…B[oy] and g[irl], though prefer b[oy]," according to the charges.
>King also allegedly sent the person in New York several videos of child pornography, including at least three different videos of men sexually assaulting preteen boys.
>During their chats, King also claimed he had drugged and sexually abused his nieces and nephews.
>King allegedly wrote "I generally use Benadryl," noting that it provides a "wide safety margin," and is "easy," claiming, "it generally takes 30-45 min[utes]," and "I usually double an adult dose," according to the charges.
>King also allegedly claimed that he and his husband were expecting the birth of a child by a surrogate on March 29, and that he planned to sexually assault the child after it is born. He also allegedly sent the person in New York an ultrasound image of the unborn child, and a photo of a baby outfit he and his husband got for Christmas.
>"I do love the idea of inviting a buddy over when I have my boy … just has to be someone I can trust obviously," King allegedly wrote in a message.
>During the search of his home and a forensic search of his iPhone, the FBI also found images of child pornography, the ultrasound image he had shared, and the baby outfit he had shown off.
>King was arrested on Friday, days before he was scheduled to fly to California to visit the surrogate mother ahead of his son's expected birth later this week.
>King is well-known in the dog-showing community, and has also been featured on podcasts.

No. 1939344

>commissioning a baby through surrogacy
even gay moids feel a sense of entitlement towards women's bodies and see us as products to be purchased. i will never support surrogacy under any circumstances.

No. 1939346

what the fuck this is horrifying. I hate men so fucking much.

No. 1939347

he had a perversion towards both boys and girls.

No. 1939348

most homosexuals are pedophiles. In fact this is the main drive behind why they are so keen to purchase babies.

No. 1939352

I agree 100 percent with you, and I wish others would see women who are also anti abortion are just as bad or worse than this men. They help the men confirm these laws. if every women protested against anti abortion laws, we could have freedom, but some women genuinely believe life begins at conception and are insane. They dont care about other women's choices or freedoms. They only care about themselves. I have no empathy for these kind of women, they are progressing backwards.

No. 1939353

I will never in my life trust a moid with a child. They are all pedophiles to me, but gay moids are especially vile. This man needs the death penalty. Nothing else would suit him

No. 1939360

Most men full stop are pedophiles. Why would being a homo make them any different? People only say that because they don’t care about straight pedophiles since they target girls.

No. 1939407

well he did abuse girls though.

No. 1939651

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"the homophobia is just directed at gay men, it doesn't and wont ever be about lesbians at all!"

No. 1939670

who said anything about lesbians in that post? lesbians are the ones who kicked nambla out of the lgbt. why do you lot always want to insert lesbians when people are talking about gay men?

No. 1939673

Nta but the homophobic shit anons say can always be applied to lesbians too. She was replying to a comment that said “homosexuals are pedophiles who purchase babies”. Lesbians adopt children and they specifically said homosexuals not gay men. I’m not suggesting that was their intention, but with how anons talk about “homosexuals”, I get how this is a recurring point.

No. 1939676

are lesbians not homosexuals

No. 1939702

Which homosexuals are being discussed? Who is in the news article? Use context clues.

No. 1939703

Farmers love to cope nOt duH LEzbIaNzzZZ!!1! whenever an anon says some homophobic shit. That's not how it works. Just say it with your chest and go—or don't say it at all. A bunch of fake "feminists" abound.(infighting)

No. 1939706

why not talk about gay men then? you retards are so easily played "teehee of course i just meant gay men when i accidentally said homosexuals teehee not like i am boiling you like a frog"

No. 1939751

why are homos even brought up when the scrote in the article is bisexual? he harmed girls and boys

No. 1939764

Just shut the fuck up and stop lumping lesbians in with gay moids who buy women's bodies and babies as they please. They are not the same and never will be. Stop comparing women to men. You sound like one of those "um-um akshually not all men!! Women can be bad too" pickmes. Lesbians and gay men are very VERY fucking different and you lumping them together just so you can scream "homophobe!!!!" to some anons stating facts is insulting.

>Lesbians adopting/having children are the same as men purchasing a womb from women in vulnerable positions just so they can have their own special baby to use as a prop
Do you realize how you sound?

Because they think homosexuals are just one big category and the crimes of gay men and tranny men are also the crimes of women. The "gay" in from of "man" cancels out the fact that they're sick misogynistic pedophiles and makes them totally the same as women. These "feminists" think men are on the same level as women and it's pathetic and embarassing. And I'm tired of these men hiding behind lesbian women so they can just scream homophobe and not take responsibility for any of their sick actions.(infighting)

No. 1939808

there is ALWAYS some retard who needs to defend faggots when faggots NEVER defend us, whether we're gay or not. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the precious defender of the prolapsed butthole never actually spent their time with those faggots, they HATE US. IF they have a dick, the are dicks.

I just wish surrogacy would be banned forever and everywhere, it's inhumane!!(derailing)

No. 1939831

I remember seeing a statement from gay pedophiles about how'd they "make due" with girls and childlike women, even though they weren't fully sexually attracted to them.

No. 1939878

>lesbians are the ones who kicked nambla out of the lgbt
I love you people, I wish I could be one of you

No. 1940047

No. Most homosexual men are whiny annoying bottoms, but they aren't pedophiles.

No. 1940101

i'm >>1939651 and i'm a lesbian you retard. why not talk about gay men then? these assholes are doing nothing but testing waters how far they can take their homophobia and start including us dykes too. this shit's been going on for a while.

No. 1940104

like if you male obsessed dear fellow saphics (negative obsession is still obsession) actually paid attention instead of seething about males you might have noticed how there's been more and more directly anti-lesbian posts here. they could have written gay men, but they didn't. they did a "whoopsie tehehee" and wrote homosexuals, for a reason.

when this shit gets worse hope the male obsession gets you through it lmao

No. 1940106

Sorry anon but I do think they really just meant homosexual men. They're wrong either way but I dont think they were throwing strays at you

No. 1940118

whatever, tried to warn you. i know where this is going and it's getting dark, it's just not this place but everywhere else too. i'm sorry when people start positioning homosexuality itself as the reason why some moids act like violent moids they are, sooner or later people will start including female homosexuals too because they see the homosexuality as the source of the problem, not moids being moids.

No. 1940119

I agree with you to an extent and I have regularly been vocal to homophobic retards on here. I don't think gay men are pedophiles but I do acknowledge that there has been a growing amount of media stories about gay male surrogates sexually abusing their adopted children and that needs to be dealt with somehow. I've never seen anons call gay women pedophiles on here though.

No. 1940120

yes they're not there yet, but little innocent "just speaking out my mind" posts about actually it's lesbians who are privileged over poor straight women, gosh lesbians are just so annoying amiright guys heh, little things that will sooner or later start to pile up. in general, culturally we're heading towards a very familiar direction, i would say i had fun while it lasted but lesbians and gay people in general weren't actually really tolerated during these so called woke years, just the men in dresses were kek

No. 1940127

I'm sorry but I haven't seen posts saying that myself so I'm not sure I follow

No. 1940132

why sorry then i was just hallucinating all of that since YOU didn't see it. YOU are the only one that matters please forgive me for thinking things i read or see matter at all.

No. 1940135

I think you probably need to take a break from this site

No. 1940139

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it's always so predictable, obviously i am the problem and it's all about me just being crazy. don't worry i have seen this played out million times already. right from the start of the troon menace years ago to this day's slip to the good ol' days with recycled homophobic slurs and everything kek. everything will go on as i've always predicted and there's nothing i can do about it.(infighting)

No. 1940147

i've seen an uptick in homophobia here as well; it's not just you. right now t's mostly underhanded shit so heteros don't notice but if they get too comforable (and i don't see mods putting a stop to it) it'll be more overt soon

No. 1940343

My theory is they are, they just wont tell most people. Because of my work, I get into spaces where gays talk honestly to eachother and I was surprised to find a pretty big amount of pedo men amongst then. They sperge about pedo rights when they thik they're in a safe space. Obviously it's not all of them, i have gay friends who are kinda normal, but the amount of pedos is way bigger than people think. like WAY WAY. It's sad.

No. 1940479

They were talking about gay men. You are forcing lesbians into it because you're a slave to gay men and want all left-leaning women to be, too, lmao. Nice try, retard, but it won't work. Gay men will never be the same as lesbians, and it's not because of their attraction, but their behavior.(infighting)

No. 1940575

Omg no one cares about fucking faggots shut up guys(infighting)

No. 1940625

All of this is based and true

>the homophobic shit anons say can always be applied to lesbians too
Nta but no it really can’t, men are sex pests and pedophiles, women are not. How are you equating the two?


No. 1941202

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This is really crazy to me.

>Turns out, these drugs can affect absorption of the birth control pill in the gut and reduce its effectiveness. Patients should use alternative methods of birth control while taking these medications. The drugs may also boost fertility by promoting weight loss. But patients should not use these drugs to try to conceive because these drugs could potentially pose serious risks to a pregnancy. In fact, it is advised that patients stop taking Ozempic, for example, at least two months before trying to conceive and to discontinue these drugs as soon as one discovers they are pregnant.

I also think its funny that Dazed used the poster for 17 Girls as their headline image KEK

No. 1941290

Is this a lie? Your job specifically puts you around homosexual pedophiles, so many that you think you can generalize and say there are tons? Anyways it's because men are pedophiles. End of.

No. 1941535

I thought it was interesting and informative

No. 1941538

AYRT and I just was fascinated because in the last 25 years we've seen so many women suffer with fertility issues that we think are just random but are really caused by medications they've been exposed to in their lives

No. 1941540

Stop trying to bully them over one post faggot

Wrong thread for this but anon is being weird

No. 1941544

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No. 1941545

Ok pardon me for reading about news that popped up on my screen today I guess. Sorry guys.

No. 1941550

File: 1711602892933.jpg (191.98 KB, 1600x895, guard_by_wlop_d9kmnxu-fullview…)

ignore them nona they're just baiting

No. 1941560

It puts me around homosexuals and there are many pedofiles amongst them yes, what's so hard to undestand about it? Besides you answered your own question at the end so why do you ask if it's a lie when you know it's true kek

No. 1941561

I thought it was interesting too nonna, maybe there’s something in Ozempic that can be used to boost fertility for women trying to conceive. That sucks for the women who got pregnant while on birth control though, I hope everyone’s okay

No. 1941569

It doesn't boost fetility, it just keeps birth control from absorbing into the gut and makes fat bitches more fertile because they're losing weight and becoming a size suitable for having children.

No. 1941579

nta but im choosing to believe that ozempic is a magical fertility drug because how else does it not absorb birth control if not magically

No. 1941581

…are you alright? How do you think ozempic makes people lose weight?

No. 1941584

by meltnig the fat off, nonners. how else.

No. 1944161

it's not so much a news story that fucks with me but the realization of how warped and anti-woman "journalism" can be. I once read years ago about a nice young man who got lured to his death by a female friend and the men she manipulated into killing him. she invited him over to her house and some guys were waiting there to ambush him. they beat him to death then burned his body. the video i saw basically described her as this femme fatale mastermind. a while later i stumbled upon an article about the same case. lo and behold the reason she had a falling out with this wonderful young man was because he tried to rape her. her name is mundill mahil and the man who died is gagandip singh. her version of the story is that she invited him over and had some of her male friends there to give him a talking to so he wouldnt try to do it to other women in the future, and she never expected the guys to kill him. whether she's telling the truth is irrelevant to me honestly. a potential rapist died. who knows how many other girls he raped or tried to. thankfully she is free, happily married and trying to rebuild her life. Another case is Steven Davis' murder. 27 year old sexpat met 17 year old Evelyn Bohol at a bar in the Philippines and bought her for 500 pounds. They got married and had kids. She eventually had an affair and enlisted her boyfriend to help her kill her husband so she could get the insurance money. She swears she's innocent and she is obviously lying, but am i supposed to give a fuck? dude went to an impoverished country and bought an underage girl to have sex with. makes me never wanna read/watch the news. it's so biased.

No. 1944535

Honestly, this shit pisses me off so much, where I'm from, almost any news story, where a woman is involved, is so focused on putting her in a bad light. It's always shit like "Autolady crashed into a tree" vs. "BMW ran over people on a bus stop" when it's a moid. "Prostitute was beheaded, 4 photos of her body here!" vs. "Father of two was mercilessly killed" even when it was a deadbeat dad killed by his fellow drunktard. It's always focused on running through the mud the name of a woman and to protect a moid in any situation. They always add tons of photos of a woman and might put maybe one photo of a moid. I'm so desensitized to dead men now, because it's so rare that they are not at fault or hasn't done anything bad in their lives.

No. 1944539

Currently, in Russia, men convicted for killing people and who supposed to rot in prison for years can just apply for a contract with russian army, go to war for 6 months and come back as free men. This is current reality. At the same time, moids who were sent there during mobilization are there for years at this point.
In this video, a moid is basically a pedo, who used young troubled teen girls for sex and abused them, have impregnated one at 15 and married her at 16 to avoid trouble, abused her and ruined her life, she ran away from him and sold drugs to get by, was sent to prison for 8 years. The moid was left with their child, the father of the girl he abused was still in contact with him to see the grandchild, so he helped him with something, but the moid killed him during an argument. Was sent to prison for 9 years, but only served 1 year, because he then got a contract with army to be sent to Ukraine. He only had to be there for half a year or so, then he returned to russia as a "hero" and a free man, who now goes to schools to speak to children on patriotism lessons. The moid who raped 13 years old girls and allowed his friends to rape them at his place. Unbelievable. And this is not the only such case, there are more similar cases.

No. 1946992

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No. 1947159

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A 12 year old is dead in a school shooting in Finland, the shooter was also 12 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68712104.amp

No. 1947182

"Creature genetically engineered to be violent is violent, boymoms shocked, more at 7"

No. 1947199

What baffles me the most is how did a 12-year-old get a gun in this country. Guns are extremely regulated in Finland.

No. 1947218

One in ten people has the gun license in Finland. The article said that the gun is registered to his relative.

No. 1947221

My bet is that the relative didn't keep it locked properly

No. 1947269

Males are getting violent younger and younger. Wtf. They need to study this disease and medicate them already

No. 1947271

Even if that was the case, for a 12 year to bring a gun to school and use it. That's psychopathic behavior

No. 1948205

What makes this even more wild is that just a couple weeks ago authorities prevented a school shooting. She resided in Vantaa, too. Did her threat trigger this event or wtf is going on? There's been an alarming rise in violence in recent years, especially among children. I'm scared.

No. 1948225

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i wish i could fucking read this (damned paywalls) but the title says it all. in a way i am glad because at least people can stop denying how common this is, so many fathers are huge creeps/pedos. it happened to my own childhood friend when she moved away, she moved back here and confided in me that she ran away from her dad to live with her grandparents because he was molesting her for years and was extremely manipulative and disturbed mentally. in fact i found most of my friends' dads kind of off growing up, so glad i hit the father lottery, it just fucks with me to think about how common creepy fathers are and it pains me.

No. 1948250

I think there might be an app/website that lets you read paywalled stuff, I've seen it around but no idea what it is called

No. 1948254

you can just plug it into https://archive.is/ and hop the paywall 99% of the time. here you go.

No. 1948281

thank you!

No. 1948665

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I hate men so much it's unreal

No. 1949229

Chinese news talking about cat crush videos.

No. 1949249

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>A severely disabled Utah woman who was raped repeatedly by her stepdad on a camera her mom installed, has died suddenly - just weeks after the suspect pled guilty to five felony charges.
>Ashley Vigil, 31, had a rare disorder called Rett syndrome, a genetic mutation that affects brain development in fewer than 1,000 people in the U.S., almost exclusively girls
>It was revealed that she was repeatedly raped by her stepfather, Brian Kenneth Urban, 51, after her mother installed cameras in the bedroom to monitor her seizures as a result of her deteriorating condition.
>Urban pled guilty to five felony charges after raping his disabled stepdaughter. He will appear in court for sentencing on April 5.
>After the gruesome discovery, her mother and full-time caretaker, Paula Vigil, worked to pass 'Ashley's Law,' in order to help protect vulnerable adults in the same way that children and elderly people are protected by laws.

No. 1951635

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She didn't drink water for 6 years, relying only on fruit and vegetable juice

No. 1951685

Even very fresh corpses are FREEZING cold to the touch, their mouths hang open, they don't smell like they do when they're alive and they're not able to participate.

They're so cold, I thought cold is a boner killer, how are they even able to rape a dead body? Men are not human.

No. 1953576

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men truly aren't human

No. 1954355

Once again, yes all men. Every single one. Inherent evil.

No. 1954362

She must have shooped herself to hell and back because she looks surprisingly well in all her pictures.

Fwiw not drinking water and getting all of your water from food is actually OK. It really depends on what the food is. Something like watermelon is no duh, full of water. It's fine to drink a lot of water through the day but the studies where the whole '8 cups of water daily' thing come from have been misinterpreted because the study originally counted the water content in food as well as drink. Fruit/veggie juice is OK too if it doesn't have added sugars and keeping pulp helps.

Everything else about her diet is retarded though.

No. 1955649

Men should be forced to wear ankle bracelets and be home anytime their not at work or getting groceries. They also shouldn’t be allowed access to the internet at all. Fuck it, they should just be caged 24/7 tbh

No. 1955656

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Italy prime minister Giorgia Meloni seeks €100,000 damages over deepfake pornographic videos

>Giorgia Meloni will testify at a court in the Sardinian city of Sassari in a bid to send a message about the problem

>Italy’s prime minister is seeking €100,000 (£85,374) in damages after deepfake pornographic videos of her were shared on the internet. ‘Deepfakes’ are images or videos where the face of one person, in this case Giorgia Meloni, is digitally put onto the body of another. Two men accused of making the videos, a father and son aged 74 and 40, are being investigated.

>Detectives working on the case were able to track down the mobile device that was used to upload the videos.

The two suspects are accused of defamation, which can carry a custodial sentence under Italian law.

>The videos in question, which date back to 2022 - before Ms Meloni was appointed prime minister - were posted to a US pornographic website where they were viewed “millions of times” over several months, according to an indictment. Ms Meloni is now due to testify at a court in the Sardinian city of Sassari on 2 July as part of her case.

>If her claim is successful, Ms Meloni will donate the €100,000 to a fund to support women who have been victims of male violence, her legal team said. Describing the sum as “symbolic”, Maria Giulia Marongiu, Ms Meloni’s lawyer, said the demand for compensation was meant to "send a message to women who are victims of this kind of abuse of power not to be afraid to press charges."

No. 1955666

I hope she gets even more than 100.000

No. 1955709

>Two men accused of making the videos, a father and son aged 74 and 40, are being investigated.
That has to be the saddest pair of losers to have ever existed, please tell me their identities get released to the public.

>Describing the sum as “symbolic”, Maria Giulia Marongiu, Ms Meloni’s lawyer, said the demand for compensation was meant to "send a message to women who are victims of this kind of abuse of power not to be afraid to press charges."

Top tier Stacey shit, an absolute legend. Those crusty inbred moids don’t even deserve to be in the same courtroom as her, too unworthy.

No. 1955713

I can't remember where I read this but I remember reading that a woman had sex with a moid who had a necrophilia fetish, and would make her take baths in ice water so that her body was cold just like a dead body.

No. 1955777

sad fact is a lot of libs were actually against her for this, saying this event was manufactured to gain sympathy for her, and that's all part of her masterplan to become dictator.

No. 1955779

He's fucking freak but why did she go along with what that retard wanted? If a moid told me that, I'd be out of there so fast. Actually I would never be a with a moid in the first place

No. 1955792

Probably brainwashed by libfeminism that iT's jUsT a KiNk.

No. 1955809

I hope she fucks them up

No. 1955873

women and girls are conditioned to go along with the most sickening, degrading shit to help moids get off. anal sex used to be considered a taboo act and now it's become so normalized thanks to porn that teenage girls are suffering irreversible damage to their bodies because their boyfriends are pressuring them into it. even teen vogue published a how-to guide for anal sex.

No. 1958223

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During the Pinochet regime. they kidnaped, tortured and often killed student protesters and activists, but if they were pregnant or just women who were considered attractive, they kept them alive and in good health until they gave birth. then they murdered the mothers and then "gave" the babies to Pinochet's generals and political allies. Imagine being raised by people you think are your parents, only to realize that your real parents were protesters who were brutally tortured and murdered, and that the people who raised you were collaborators


No. 1958241

This also happened in Argentina.

No. 1958258

I was just about to post this, it was even more organized and regulated, they just didn't kidnap people, they specifically kidnapped entire families if they had young children, who would be taken away and given to allies of the regime.

No. 1958302

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It happened a lot of places. You guys should check out The Shock Doctrine

No. 1958310

NTA, but I grew up in a religious community and tons of sexual abuse happens there. If it’s the same story I’m thinking of, the woman was religious and got married as a virgin, and didn’t realize he was asking for something abnormal until people told her. Women in religious communities are raised from birth to believe being submissive and obeying men is their main purpose in life, and it’s sinful to refuse their husband’s request. So if he wants her to pretend to be a child or a corpse or do something degrading in bed, she doesn’t have the experience to know better, has no moral basis to refuse, and the atmosphere of sexual shame in her community means she has no one to go to for help if she wants the abuse to stop. It’s hard to describe that level of brainwashing if you haven’t been through it, but it’s happened to multiple women & girls I know and it’s deeply disgusting.

No. 1958375

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>A Florida pre-med university student killed his mother by stabbing her over 70 times without saying a word when he visited her from college over the weekend, authorities said.
>“His beautiful mother, who was so excited to see her son, opened the door. The second she opened the door, he charged in and started stabbing her,” Judd said.
>The mother ran from him, but "he stabbed her until she fell down and died."
>Judd said Emmanuel confessed to stabbing his mother repeatedly, even when he noticed her hands were still moving. He told detectives that he knew where to stab her for maximum effect because of his biology classes.
>Emmanuel immediately dialed 911 and confessed to operators.

No. 1958378

Now if she was a boymom and survived the stabbing, she would've found a way to blame another woman for this.

No. 1958380

Daily reminder to abort any moidlet.

No. 1958404

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>The reporter interviewing the speakers, Philine Sauvageot, then introduces a mother named Anna who allows a self-described pedophile named Pascal to babysit her children, and compares her tolerance towards his predatory desires as being linked to her personal experiences with sexism.

>During the episode, Pascal admits to becoming sexually aroused while seeing Anna’s children walking through the apartment in the nude. Anna asserts that the experience is not problematic because she has told her children to reject advances from adults, instructing them to “push his hands away."
>At one point, Pascal reveals that he has worked with children, and advocates for pedophiles to be permitted to interact with minors as a form of therapy.
>“Overall, the pedophiles are portrayed as strong and courageous people who, despite suicidal thoughts and social ostracism, dare to go public to prevent other pedos from becoming violent,” Basad wrote in her report for Nius.
>Basad spoke with Reduxx about the radio episode and expressed her concern about how men with urges to abuse children were being held up as praiseworthy. “It is evident that this aims to normalize pedophilia as a sexual identity. Men with perverse rape fantasies involving children are depicted as victims deserving of sympathy,” she said.

No. 1958413

Why are Germans ever stereotyped to be a hyper-intelligent society? With every other course of action their public makes to accommodate for sexual deviants and monsters, their society makes no sense to me.

No. 1958428

man i really wish the christians were right when they said the solar eclipse on the 8th meant the end of the world

No. 1958452

What the fuck?!

No. 1958458

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Germany is fucked up man

No. 1958482

The german government absolutely love to huff their own farts but then tuen around and allow this.

No. 1958510

This happens when you legalize the sexual abuse and slavery of women, all other degeneracy is soon to follow.

No. 1958533

Lol I live in germany and I hate it fucking germoids are disgusting. They're all such wimpy autists, if the government told them to offer their children to pedos for inclusion they 100% would.
Btw we are obligated by law to pay a fee every month to this radio service. Nice to know my money is being spent on interviews with child molesters. I'm leaving this place as soon as my job lets me.

No. 1958580

Germany is the most extreme case of this, but I think it's an issue with western liberalism, it's like their setting themselves up for being overthrown.

No. 1958650

Germany and Japan should have been nuked off the map back in WW2 for their war crimes alone.

No. 1958669

Is he muslim? wtf The punishment for killing your own mother should be death. This is so vile. That poor woman.

No. 1958799

These are the types of moids Canada and the US is importing in droves to fill in the gaps in employment for medical jobs. These will be the GP’s, oncologists, gynaecologists, family doctors, dentists, care home nurses, etc of the next few generations, we’re all doomed.

No. 1958997

Germans would never overthrow their government. They are such sheep and love rules so much that they'd rather see their country fall into ruin before going against daddy government.

No. 1959128

another reason they abducted entire families was so they could torture them by forcing them to have sex with each other, i.e. having fathers rape their daughters and sons rape their mothers. pinochet had an entire villa dedicated to sexual torture.

No. 1959614

They also still believe culturally in homeopathy as legitimate medicine kek and doctors in that country are notoriously dismissive of anyone with any medical concerns, apparently it’s not even normal to get routine blood labs done which as a burger is wild to me cause even on state welfare insurance I am supposed to get my blood tested quarterly and even healthy individuals are supposed to get it tested annually. Their medical system seems ass backwards and while I think the middle class is likely better off in terms of what they pay to receive medical care, the lower classes seem worse off and more likely to be stigmatized and have legitimate issues delegitimized by German doctors.

No. 1959615

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This makes me want to kill.
>Inside ‘paedo paradise’ The Gambia where sex beasts are buying African children and toddlers to rape​

>TRAGIC Gambian children are being sold to British paedophiles for as little as £2-a-time by their desperate parents, Sun Online can reveal.

>Huge numbers of predators are taking advantage of lax laws in the poverty stricken African country to embark on sick child abuse holidays where they openly target little boys and girls.

>Sun Online saw first hand how poor Gambian children can be vulnerable to British paedos when we visited the beach resorts that dot Kololi on the country’s picturesque Atlantic coastline.

>Our reporter was constantly shocked by the number of unaccompanied African minors he saw being cared for by middle-aged, Western men who did not appear to be their biological fathers.

>The encounters witnessed included a girl aged between six and eight having lunch with a balding, white haired man in a restaurant filled with similarly aged tourists.

>The same day we saw a stoutly built man in his 50s or 60s wading into the ocean gripping the hand of a tiny African child in white swimming shorts.

>Equally unsettling was the sight of a Gambian toddler watching wide-eyed with fear as a middle-aged white woman got into a fist fight with a young black prostitute at a popular beach bar.

>It was 11.30pm at night and the air was thick with cigarette smoke. The child, no older than two, was being held closely by a white man with a British accent.

No. 1959625

British "men" are as subhuman as Indian "men", Jesus.

No. 1959637

Not shocked, but still disgusted. There was another case in Kenya years ago where a british pedo would go and work in orphanages to rape children. I also know that a lot of men who go there for "work" like to go there to have sex with prostitutes. European men have done a pretty decent job at pretending they aren't as vile as other races of men imo, they are all the same. And shame on the parents of these children for allowing this, i would rather believe they are orphans than to think an adult who was supposed to protect and care for them would allow this.

No. 1959639

German males normalizing pedophilia. British men traveling to Africa to rape African children. Australian men traveling to Thailand to rape Thai children. You know, it's funny hearing "Western" men complain about other races being "senseless savages". Western men are, at the end of the day, the same as the males of the "savages" they go on pol to rant about. They just have white skin and "cooler toys".

No. 1959651

I think the funny thing is that they will say those things and will unironically have done those things themselves. If anything, it just goes to show that men as a collective need to be controlled and managed no matter what culture they come from and no matter where in the world they are. The weight of the consequences of acting on their depraved desires should weigh heavily on every man on the planet and follow them everywhere they go.

No. 1959656

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Speaking of male passport bros degeneracy:https://lacartita.com/u-s-man-found-with-two-minor-girls-in-medellin-hotel-escapes-colombia/

>The night of March 28 caused shock and outrage in Colombia when a concerned citizen reported the presence of a 36-year-old American tourist in the Gotham Hotel, located in the Poblado area, with two underage girls. The quick response of the authorities led to the discovery of Timothy Alan Livingston in one of the hotel rooms with the two little girls, aged 12 and 13.

>According to reports, this was not the first time Livingston had attempted to enter the same hotel with minors. The night before, she had been denied access along with two other girls. Although authorities found no evidence of sexual abuse or financial coercion of the minors, Mayor Federico Gutiérrez ordered the hotel sealed and its business activities suspended due to its apparent lack of measures to prevent the entry of minors in the company of unrelated adults.
>Livingston, who had arrived in the country a week ago from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was released after questioning and fled the country for his place of origin on March 29. Mayor Federico Gutiérrez expressed his outrage and promised to seek justice for the victims.
>The two girls are currently receiving medical and psychological treatment at a local clinic while awaiting the results of forensic sexological examinations.
>This disturbing case has highlighted the issue of child abuse and exploitation in Colombia. It is clear that more commitment to the safety and well-being of children is needed. This is a wake-up call to the entire community to be alert and report any suspicious situation that puts the integrity of minors at risk.

No. 1959658

But people said women were crazy when we said that passport bros is just a "cool" trendy rebrand of sex tourists looking to exploit young girls and women.

No. 1959659

They are probably being trafficked. It's such an awful thing to think about.

No. 1959662

Explain yourselves krauts, why is Germany so fucked up?

No. 1959710

Jfc that is so sad, I can’t imagine how desperate the parents must be but like how can prostituting your toddler to old men ever be an option? I’d sooner prostitute myself, or even try to rob one of the tourists. I don’t know what it’s like to be in their shoes but that’s just awful, a fate worse than death tbh

No. 1959738

most horrible information ive absorbed all week.

No. 1960064

It's bizarre to me, but, now that I think about it, I think they do this because the toddlers are probably the younger children of their siblings, so they're casted aside and expected to not return. Why? I don't know, but I guess that's a possible explanation as to why they even consider it.
I just know I would rather steal, kill or even sell myself than let any disgusting fucker even glance in the direction where my hypothetical children would be at.
And now I also think, they're from countries where women and children are treated like property, so moids probably go "hurr durr don't fuck the faggots, sell the children like cattle because ur muh waife and if u fuck another moid I will kill u and the kids" so yeah.
I don't know, I just got to live in Africa for a while and I kind of "get" how they think, but I could be wrong. In the end I still hate all moids and I wish all of them could just expontaneously explode violently.

No. 1960300

I wish countries where western men go for sex tourism would arrest them, try them in court and then give them the death penalty. Governments in the west are far too pro-pedo and weak to do it themselves.

No. 1960603

I thought that was the entire point of their thing though. That they’re mad women in their country have standards and independence so as revenge they’ll go to those poorer countries where they can exploit a woman who’ll be some kind of submissive slave. Everyone can read between the lines and realize that’s a slippery slope to more nefarious behavior like child trafficking. As if guys will ever say “oh no no no that’s taking it a bit too far” of course they’ll take the chance to rape a child when there’s no consequence.

No. 1961039

Not a krait but according to Renata Klein after the war the West wanted to ensure that neither fascism or communism would ever rise to power. In doing so they went to the extreme end of "freedom" and social degeneracy, where anything that might have offended the Eastern Bloc was considered acceptable. If you challenged it you were accused of being a fascist or communist, and that's how it remains even today.

No. 1961044

I hate this. I hate it so much. Why cant men like this die. They need to be killed immediately. These poor kids.. Pedos and rapists need death sentences. The law is too lax on them.

No. 1961408

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>A North Carolina murderer who tortured and raped his teenage daughter before slitting her throat has been sentenced to death.

>Joshua Lee Burgess, 35, killed Zaria, 15, in 2019, after 'psychologically and sexually torturing her for 22 hours'.
>The killer from Monroe was given the sentence after three hours of jury deliberations at the end of a three-week trial, the Union County District Attorney's Office said.
>At the time of the horrific slaying, Zaria lived with her biological mother but was visiting Burgess for the weekend.
>Afterwards, he walked into a sheriff's office and confessed to the killing.

No. 1961409

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And some old reactions from when Tariq posted about it in 2019.

No. 1961412

Sound just like 4chan scrotes. I fucking hate all men.

No. 1961422

Omg her own father jfc, heartbreaking. She must have been so confused, I’m relieved he’ll be dead soon though. I’m so used to seeing moids get away with horrific crimes I half expected to see 10 years or something abysmal like that.

No. 1961430

It funny how moids will constantly insist that interracial dating always will end up like this, especially black moids who contribute to black women having the highest likelihood of domestic violence in the US and making homicide one of the biggest reasons why a black woman would die pregnant. Black lives only matter if they are male.

No. 1961979

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No. 1961986

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least unhinged astrologyfag

No. 1961998

her family thinks she was suffering from postpartum issues but it seems like she was unhinged for years before she had her eight month old. it probably didn't help that she had an online audience and media outlets validating her delusions.

No. 1962054

Anon she was clearly having serious post partum psychosis.

No. 1962184

Sierra Leone declares emergency over drug kush made from ground up human bones
>addicts dig up graves in cemeteries to get human bones for the drug, security needed to watch gravesites
>dozens of young people dying from organ failure caused by kush each week
>only mental health institution in the country is overloaded by 4,000%
>only rehab center in the entire country has only 100 beds
This is upsetting. The worst part about it is the lack of resources the country has to even begin to help them. I couldn’t imagine a loved one being dug up so someone can get their next fix

No. 1962211

addicts sell their own children into prostitution, there's no bottom to depravity unfortunately

No. 1962390

Not sure how everyone doesn’t realize the fact and reality that the Russian Jews killing off the third reich was just the beginning to turn germany and the west into this hell scape. Le Hitler bad is the biggest psyop ever and you all still fall for it but germany losing WW2 is directly responsible for this. Who else pushes the porn industry and who else writes the manipulative New York Times articles about how we need ugly men in movies? The Talmud proves it all anyhow. RIP Germany you were so close before they raped and slaughtered all things good! Can’t have shit in jew land.(racebait)

No. 1962393

>hitler was actually le right and based!!!

No. 1962399

It's not jews, it's everybody simply being scared of doing something wrong again and as a result turning too nice. Perfect example are the masses of young girls happily welcoming millions of refugees despite deep down definitely knowing that these men won't respect them. Many people simply are willing to do everything or turn a blind eye to everything to not be a "bad" person. It's even in the laws, you can do pretty much anything in Germany and it nevertheless will be nearly impossible to get a longer jail sentence.
t. actual german

No. 1962400

Extermination of anyone wasn't the solution even if you're right anon, Hitler was a bad guy even by my very inversed reality which seemingly aligns with yours. Two wrongs don't make a reich

No. 1962403

true it still baffles me sometimes how much people romanticize uwu kawaii Japan

No. 1962404

And then when these women get raped or worse, what then? I feel so much anger when i see stories about france, germany, etc being plagued by refugees who hurt the women living there. They should be killed

No. 1962407

Should have added and that's why women, children and the few kind men also just nod and smile in response to degenerate moids normalizing prostitution, troon shit and worse…
As an example: in response to me criticising trannies my own mom said that this is wrong, because remember what Hitler did with the gays… Most normies are simply really scared of doing or supporting evil and therefore tolerate literally everything, some even pedos I guess.

No. 1962409

I have never heard of this. I am reading about it now.

No. 1962418

you're making shit up so you can be mad at a woman who died. come on anon.

No. 1962536

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>one chance at life and you're stuck with a pooner

No. 1962537

This is so depressing, those poor women must've never truly gotten enough psychological help.

No. 1962568

I’m actually kind of relieved they were a TIF because being stuck to an actual moid sounds far worse

No. 1962574

I can already see the tranny logic now
>I'm a woman, I must be a natural woman
>I am a natural woman because I was born conjoined to my sister, who is a woman
>therefore, I am a woman who was just born with an extra defect, which was a penis

No. 1962605

I don’t think their experiences could compare. They might be able to feel each others bodies and have to see the realities first hand. And their situation is so exceptional that I really doubt they have the same socialization.

No. 1962617

derailing but is it even possible for conjoined twins to have different genders? I thought they're all mostly due to an embryo who failed to successfully split, meaning they would all be identical twins who have the same dna. Mixed gender twins are all fraternal.

No. 1962623

>reminder that there are fates worse than death

No. 1962631

How do you troon out even while being conjoined? Holycrap– how do you even have enough time to be groomed into trooning out when you're attached at the head? What a horrible life

No. 1962632

Makes me feel extra sick these moids do this and then walk to the police to confess. Like, if they didnt would they just hang out free? That poor woman.. This is insane. Only men do this. Only men torture and kill women like this. For every 1 story a woman might do it, there are hundreds of men who have already. This is heart breaking… Where is the mother in all of this?

No. 1962642

I find conjoined twins to be so tragic, especially when conjoined this way. The pain to their spines had to be insane and living like this for 62 years?
Maybe it gave her a chance to feel some control over herself to separate herself from her sister as an individual in a spiritual way.
I looked into this story and it sounds like that not a single person could have guessed this would have happened. His mother seemed like a sweet lady and was very beautiful, he just randomly did this because she nagged a little, he doesn't even have a proper reason for it. Lord i hope to never have a son.

No. 1962652

It breaks my heart to hear the mother excitedly opened the door to see her son, only to be stabbed by him. It just hurts to know she probably was so happy in her last moments. How could anyone kill their own mother…

No. 1962772

the guy also stabbed a baby. this all happened in broad daylight

No. 1962782

Why? Why do moids do this?

No. 1962798

Because they're totally the logical sex and therefore they totally can't do wrong.

No. 1962845

NTA but he had severe schizophernia. Shocking that he wasn't at least monitored before but that's the QLD and NSW police force for you, too busy embezzling and getting paid off to do shit until it's too late.

No. 1962885

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Listened to a podcast about Eurydice Dixon. She seemed like such a cool chick, so intelligent, kind and likeable. Infinitely valuable as a human being. What a fucking waste that she was murdered and left like trash by a disgusting autistic fat scrote that should have never been born. And then her memorial was defaced by some anti feminist faggot. I’d actually sacrifice 10,000 men to bring her back.

No. 1962887

>severe schizophernia
Go figure. Moids diagnosed with any type of mental illness should immediately just be put down.

No. 1962889

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Samefag, I feel the same about Mia Zapata. I would put a bullet in the head of every member of Imagine Dragons, foo fighters, the neighbourhood, 21 pilots, my chemical romance, any scrote band, you name it, just to bring her back. She has infinitely more value than any moid. ANY moid. Yet she was murdered just to be raped, just for some creature to get his rocks off. Men are so destructive and worthless. Poor Mia and Eurydice.

No. 1962906

Sounds like you've never been to Japan. I'm not a weeb but it was the most beautiful place ever.

No. 1962911

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And that justifies war crimes. This bait is shit, and so are you. 

No. 1962912

Girl what? I said Japan is a beautiful place, wtf are you on about?

No. 1962917

Anon was saying that people still manage to romanticize Japan regardless of their horrible war crimes, and you go, b-but Japan pretty. Was that really necessary when the conversation was about their war crimes? 

No. 1962945

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No. 1962947

Why did he do this? He's not even ugly, it didn't have to happen

No. 1962951

>he's not even ugly
yes, he is. He looks like Null.

No. 1962952

Does attractiveness really matter though? I've seen "Chad" looking men online post cunny memes or are on incel forums. The whole "only ugly incels do this or that" isn't really true anymore.

No. 1962958

The babys’ mother Ashlee Good has died, apparently the baby is doing fine after surgery. God I hope they survive.

No. 1962959


No. 1962961

Men need to be put down.

No. 1962976

Why do men always feel the need to take pictures/videos of themselves doing degenerate shit and also make it so that they can circulate? If you have some sick mental issues at least don't fucking film it and put it on the internet, what a dumb faggot.

No. 1963151

We used to have homes for people who couldn’t function in society. I’ve gotten into literal arguments with people about the scrote who decapitated the man on the greyhound in Canada—“he didn’t know he was schizophrenic! he shows remorse!”
So are we supposed to just live every day hoping some fucking schizo doesn’t just suddenly snap because they don’t know they need meds/stop taking their meds entirely? Why do we have to live in fear or mentally unwell people?

No. 1963158

it's been my experience that many people who think like this either rarely leave the house or live in an extremely insulated bubble where they're unlikely to encounter a severely mentally ill or drugged-out moid. it's easy to say they should be free to roam as they please when it's not your own safety at risk.

No. 1963162

you missed my point, and you are the kind of person I was referring to

No. 1963221

I hate when police are aware of a person being a danger to the public and nothing is done before something catastrophic happens

No. 1963226

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It's not impossible for this to mutate and spread to humans.

No. 1963232

Don't we already have this called Mad-Cow disease? Proteins can misfold in humans as well and can just be because of genetics or bad luck

No. 1963261

Deers are so effed up, they eat small birds and stuff

No. 1963318

Ya but so do we? Unless you're veggie

No. 1963538

NTA but yes there are several different prion diseases and they are all incurable afaik which makes them scary. Just reading about them makes me consider becoming a vegetarian.
>The Fore people at the centre of the outbreak called it kuru – the word for shivering – as people lost control of their limbs and bodily functions before a tremor set in preceding death.
>Because the body was broken up and eaten in a ritualistic way according to spiritual beliefs, with certain tissues going to certain kin, women and children were worst affected by the disease – because they were apportioned the brain and spinal cord where prions are concentrated.

No. 1963835

Prion diseases can get you even if you're vegan. A prion disease is just a misfolded protein. It happens randomly.

>The host's normal prion protein can, for unknown reasons, malfunction and assemble into structured aggregates called prions that cause infectious brain disease

No. 1963865

Yes, but obviously not eating animal products does lower the risk of getting the disease even if it doesn’t totally eliminate it

No. 1963878

Typical homosexual male

No. 1963939

CWD isn't transferrable to humans, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease/Mad Cow is the only prion that's zoonotic in nature. Most often prion diseases are spread through blood transfusions, sporadically form or passed down through genetics in the case of Fatal Familial Insomnia. So you can literally just avoid beef if you're that worried, and while prions from cattle are scary but you're more likely to get it from other vectors.
There's never been a outbreak of human scrapie, just like there's never been a outbreak of human Marek's, most diseases that affect livestock don't jump to humans (and thank god for that, imagine Johne's disease in humans)

No. 1964863

a-logging but i hope the stabber had time to realize it was a female officer who killed him, he was targeting women.

No. 1964901

Mad-Cow disease happened because people used to crush up unused cows like their brain and spinal cord to feed back to them which got them ill and contaminated the meat. It's been illegal for a while so you can eat beef, but it's up to you

No. 1964925

It’s crazy how pretty much nowhere is mentioning that this was a hate crime against women, I was hearing that from the moment it happened because he was ignoring the men around him to purposefully kill women. It’s like misogyny is so normalized that everyone wants to ignore it or justify it while if it was injustice against any other group it would be called out right away. I wonder if we’ll reach the day where crime against women is realized as the hatred and terrorism it really is. Everyone wants to pretend like we aren’t oppressed to the point they’ll defend literal mass murderers in case women start to realize the dangers we face just by existing. It’s so obvious to me after noticing this pattern and seeing years and years of proof.

No. 1965227

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>gypsies desecrate gravesite with this monstrosity
>flashing lights and CD player
>threaten violence and unrest against the council if they tear it down, in true gigachav fashion
>somehow have 200k spare to squander on this nightmare
>not one but two 7ft marble statues are erected of this no-name faggot
>even Elvis Presley's grave isn't a fraction this extravagant
I am in such disbelief at this situation that I check on it occasionally since I first heard about it 2 years ago. I really hope the council do remove it. It's amazing the lengths travellers will go to to refuse to integrate into society and then play victim. This is insanely disrespectful to the other mourners who undoubtedly have to share a churchyard with this utter foolishness. Could they really not have just put this shit in their backgarden if they wanted such an imposing memorial to him?


No. 1965241

I think this is hilarious and based as hell. A literal solar-powered duke box?? That's incredible.

No. 1965251

It would be based if it was in their backgarden, but not in a public space where people are going there to grieve their parents, spouses and sometimes even children.

No. 1965291

Okay? I went to bury a relative recently and the plot next to his was bedecked in lawn flamingos and pinwheels. Several others nearby were covered in football memorabilia. Who the fuck cares if a grave is tacky? That's how their family has chosen to honor them, it was stuff that's significant to the dead person. Cemeteries should be celebrations of people's lives, and covered in things that made them happy.

No. 1965439

>duke box

No. 1965445

Agreed, imagine going to visit your dead child’s grave and there’s some giant mini golf looking monstrosity with music playing all in celebration of a moid, fuck that. If they want to be obnoxious about their grieving they should build that shit at home

No. 1965450

Nta but who, while grieving a beloved family member, would even be concern with someone else's grave? Honestly, if I saw that I probably would be like "interesting" and then go back to mourning my loved ones. I genuinely don't know why anyone would care about the gravesite of someone they don't know.

No. 1965568

Well if there’s music playing in the background it’s probably hard to ignore kek

No. 1965666

That's fair if it's playing music, I thought it was just a jukebox but not necessarily playing music. I do think it's rude to play music in a graveyard since they should be quiet. Anons focused so much on the site being gaudy and big though, which I don't think is offensive

No. 1965679

anon no offense but i can tell from your posts that you do not know nor understand what it's like to lose someone you love.

No. 1965707

File: 1713248040024.jpg (225.99 KB, 1505x1582, 1000003611.jpg)

Yeah. All men.

No. 1965710

Everytime I think I'm starting to be okay with black men as a demographic, they do or say something that thoroughly proves my defenses wrong, and makes me question why I ever felt like I should care about them. They don't care at all about black women. If I was beaten, raped, and murdered by the KKK right now, black men would not substantially care, if at all. They would just victim-blame because that's what they love to do towards everyone, yet expect the world to give a shit when white moids make them feel powerless and insecure. They give Indian moids a run for their money with how much they need to just fuck off and die.

No. 1965714

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Every single one.

No. 1965721

>19 year old girl murdered and dismembered
>moid immediately finds a way to make it her fault
Why are men like this? If it were a male victim he’d be calling on BLM to riot in the streets, and they would.

No. 1965725

Double post but
>they just wanna blame and point fingers
Oh yes, how irrational of us to blame a killer for murdering a young woman. It’s most definitely her fault for not psychicly knowing he was a psychopath before going on one date with him. Fucking retards, hope they get murdered.

No. 1965728

You might be a temp ban for alogging, but you're absolutely in the right.

No. 1965730

I’m expecting too but I just needed to put that out in the universe kek

No. 1965731

You did the right thing by getting it off your chest. More men do need to just die, and you were honest about that in the heat of your passion for the victim. You're a good person.

No. 1965732

I had an online argument with an Indian moid once in which he was saying India is a peaceful country that respects women, gang rapes never happen there and they're just lies made up by the western media to make India look bad.

No. 1965735

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And then these retards wonder why they die alone. I hate men so much it's unreal.

No. 1965738

I whole heartedly agree but your twitter pfp is showing

No. 1965745

>black men as a demographic
You should see how white men behave when a white woman is murdered.

No. 1965783

I’m the second comment you tagged, I’m not OP of the twitter pic I was saying double post because I posted 2 comments back to back. I feel bad for not seeing she posted her pfp while she could still delete it

No. 1965898

moids are obsessed with the idea of women, particularly young women, having their looks destroyed as punishment for not behaving how they want aka sleeping with other men instead of them. they share the same mentality as psychopaths who throw acid in women's faces.

No. 1966012

The cope of saying women in their 20s look old kek all these balding crusty moids on Twitter seethe at women for living while not sexually servicing them

No. 1966566

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>Marcus Anthony Eriz, 27, of Costa Mesa, was sentenced Friday for murdering Aiden Leos when he shot the little boy, who was riding in his car seat in the back of his mother’s car while on the way to kindergarten on the 55 Freeway in May 2021.
>An emotional Eriz apologized for killing Aiden, whom he referred to as “truly one of God’s little angels,” offering a prayer to the boy’s family, the Orange County Register reported.
>Authorities said Eriz and his girlfriend, Wynne Lee, were heading to work on May 21, 2021, when Lee cut off Aiden’s mother’s car. She responded by flipping them off.
>Eriz pulled out a gun, reached out the window, and fired a shot at the mother’s car that went through the trunk and pierced Aiden’s heart, authorities said.
>Eriz’s attorney argued his client didn’t mean to kill anyone, and didn’t know he had until days later when a co-worker commented that Lee’s car looked like the one authorities were searching for.

No. 1966572

>Eriz’s attorney argued his client didn’t mean to kill anyone
>Eriz pulled out a gun, reached out the window, and fired a shot at the mother’s car
What other reason would he have to shoot at the car? A prank?

No. 1967042

Oh wow, I remember these twins from way back, they used to be on all the trashy daytime talk shows. Dori, the one who eventually pooned out, first changed her name to Reba because she wanted to be a country singer like Reba McEntire. So she clearly had some serious identity issues even before the gender crap, which honestly is not surprising all things considered. Must be hard to never be thought of as your own person.
Regardless, may they RIP, 62 years conjoined like that must have been hell.

No. 1967068

God that's sad. I remember them from so many different shows they appeared when I used to watch docs about conjoined twins years ago. Dori seemed like she was really depressed most of the time and didn't really seem to have enough sense of self.. makes me wonder how the hogan and hensel sisters are doing, hopefully having a nice life.

No. 1967123

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No. 1967124

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No. 1967245

>Your Honor, I didn't know someone might die if I shoot them
>Now let's pray
How about instead of praying you, idk, die?

No. 1967328

moids will commit the most appalling, horrific, depraved, and violent acts and classify it as "i fucked up"

No. 1967520

>Brock had received scam calls from someone pretending to be an officer from the local court who eventually began making threats and demanding money, authorities said. The victim, Loletha Hall, 61, was an Uber driver who had been told to retrieve a package from Brock’s home, a request authorities say was possibly made by the same scam caller or an accomplice.
>Hall had no knowledge of the calls made to Brock, authorities said. When she arrived at the home and got out of her car, Brock pulled out a gun and demanded she tell him who had made the threatening calls. He also took Hall’s cellphone and would not let her leave.
>When Hall tried to get away, Brock shot her once, authorities said, then shot her two more times as they discussed the situation. Brock somehow sustained a minor head injury during the confrontation and he called 911 shortly after he fired the third shot.

It's stayed with me since I read about it. Having nothing to do with a situation and being killed by some man who wouldn't let you leave and shot you more than once. That poor woman.

No. 1967590

Sorry for responding to something so old but an innocent young girl was brutally raped and murdered and the first thing men think about is “OTHER RACES R STEALING MUH WOMEN!!!!” They are all the same. These are the types of scotes BLM riots for when they are (justifiably) killed.

No. 1967607

At what point did it somehow become more ethical to force babies like this to live instead of euthanizing them? There’s no way they experienced more than an hour of joy throughout their entire lives. Even animals recognize this fact when they kill their deformed babies. Sometimes death is a mercy.

No. 1967774

This is why I'll never be 100% on board with gunfags because they always brush off cases like this.

No. 1968421

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>DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. (WHTM)–A York City Police officer has been suspended and is facing charges after being accused of raping and seriously injuring a toddler, according to State Police.
>Steven Cugini, 28, of York, was arrested and charged in Dauphin County Tuesday after being accused of sexually and physically abusing the 1-year-old child, according to a news release from State Police at Lykens.
>Online court documents show that Cugini faces multiple felony charges that include rape of a child, aggravated indecent assault of a child, and aggravated assault. He is locked up in Dauphin County Prison on $200,000 bail.
>York City Police confirmed that Cugini is a member of their department and that he was suspended immediately after the alleged crimes that happened when he was off duty.
>The alleged crimes, State Police say, happened from April 11 to April 15 in Elizabethville Borough and in Springettsbury Township, York County. According to Troopers, they got a report of severe bruising to the child after they were dropped off at daycare.

No. 1968422

No. 1968430

I read the non-fiction book The Faithful Executioner and they used to just torture, do medical experiments, and execute these guys within the same week they were caught (after a few days of being chained up outside).

No. 1968433

Oh, I'm aware of it. They would say things like "toll paid" or "that's what coal burners get". Men put down women in their race whenever they want, and treat women outside of their race like sextoys, but it's suddenly bad when women find love or try to find it outside their race? Moids are retardedly jealous, it's a hazard.

No. 1968501

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What a bad choice to open this thread in the morning as now I'm sobbing into my coffee. And I just don't get these women that try to cover for these monsters.

A 4 yo little kid was tortured to death by his step-father in my country a little while ago. With a fucking steamer! Little Milo had other injuries, too. He had been bitten, was bruised, had internal organ injury to list a few. His mom did not take him to the hospital even though the skin on his face was peeling off. And the mother knew the step-father hurt him every time they were alone.
Step-father was sentenced to 7 years and 9 months. Mother to 3 years and 7 months. Yes, you read that right. And in here no one is in jail their whole sentence. Both have appealed the sentence being too harsh so it's not official yet and they might get even less.

I'd link, but all the articles are in Finnish. So instead take a picture of these bastards. Step-father Sebastian Simon Daniel Halonen, 26 and mother Muusa Tuulia Katariina Rissanen, 22.

No. 1968585

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WARNING: dead body
A woman tried to get her uncle who was dead for 2 hours to sign a loan over to her and she holds up his head and hand.
This haunts me because of how horrified everyone is at the clearly limp and pale corpse and how she insists he’s fine and to sign, also how greedy people can be. I don’t think I can sleep tonight

No. 1968586

Well now my nights ruined too.

No. 1968588

No. 1968596

I didn't need to see this

No. 1968598

I saw this a few hours ago too, there's a picture of her smiling and laughing while she's at the police station. I wonder if she came up with the idea before he died and just tried to do it anyways or if it was a sudden thing. Weird as hell

No. 1968622

At least the names and faces of these fuckers are plastered all over social media. I remember seeing they went out to party right after they got released from jail during the investigation?? Junkies shouldn't have kids. Knowing our country they will be released after like a year with a pat on the head

No. 1968668

i’m a gunfag and stuff like this bothers me a lot. i don’t make excuses (at least i hope i don’t) for other shitty people’s behavior when it comes it firearm ownership or how it encourages power tripping bloodthirsty fags to kill ruthlessly. he was determined to kill someone that day, any day, and you can see it in his face and body language. my heart broke when i read the transcript from the video (i can’t watch videos like this as it makes me too emotional), the circumstances that lead to her going to his house, and how he acted. i hated even more knowing that she had health issues, seeing her face, and seeing how he acted like he was literally getting off to her fear. i hate even more that this case, while it has garnered moderate attention in the media, still won’t get the same amount of cultural outrage if the situation was flipped and she was the one holding the gun as opposed to him.

just being honest here, but there was a case a few months back of a black woman shooting an older white man over a parking spot and the usual suspects on twitter were literally calling for a race war over it and spamming lynching photos whenever they were asked to stop. i recommend not looking it up as the discourse surrounding the case was awful and made me want to burn my phone in a fire. then this happens and of course they all go mum or start the “he wuz scurred”, “he wuz old boo hoo” nonsense. like if he was so scared, why didn’t he call the police? or they will claim that because she defended herself she was in the wrong and that makes her a bad person, like apparently you’re just supposed to stand there and let a violent man take your property, grab you, and throw you around willy nilly. they said that about ahmaud arbery, making it seem like a man who is being chased down like deer and is clearly scared for his life is somehow wrong for trying to save himself from three bloodthirsty rednecks. plus there are so many other cases of black people, particularly young black teens and women, being shot by white men for mistakenly approaching someone’s home or just doing their jobs, yet no one really cares because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the mainstream news cycle that all we do is steal louis vuitton sneakers or punch babies in the face on the metro. sorry for going on a rant but shit like this makes me hate living in the states at times.

No. 1968883

Both the man and the person making the scam calls need to done for murder. The person making the calls intentionally harassed a gun owner to increase his paranoia and then sent an innocent woman to be killed.

No. 1968985

bet he became a cop so he could have access to vulnerable children under the guise of a trustworthy authority figure. yet another example of why you should never trust law enforcement

No. 1969024

God i am so used to men concocting 99.9% of the horrific shit i see that i forgot women are capable of deranged shit too kek.

No. 1969036

Not much to add but this was in my city and Ive been to a bar where Anderson used to work called Victor's (a patron grabbed my boobs my first visit)

No. 1969136

Old men are so fucking retarded. Why do we let them have guns? God seeing this poor women be treated like that for no reason and being killed is infuriating.

No. 1969139

Also why does this old bag of dandruff feel threatened by an older women trying to get away from him? I stg men will take any excuse to kill someone

No. 1969351

Omg, I heard about this on BBC radio 4 this morning. What the fuck?!

No. 1970190


>The mother told Lockport Police that she left her two-year-old unattended for a short time and after hearing the baby scream, she ran to see what was wrong.

>When she got in the room, she told Lockport Police the dog had sodomized the toddler. The mother screamed, scaring the dog and it ran out of the house.
>One neighbor told 2 On Your Side, she heard the mother screaming "the dog is raping my baby." Neighbors ran to help, but only one man was able to get the dog and child apart.
>Anastacio Castillo says "I tried to get the dog away from the baby, the dog was already inside the baby." When the baby was finally free, he was visibly sick.
>The baby was rushed to Women and Children's Hospital where the toddler underwent reconstructive surgery.

Pitbulls: the moids of the dog world?

No. 1970280

This is the worst attempt at pitbull rage bait I've ever seen. You have to believe that not only did the mum leave a pitbull alone with a baby in the first place, but also that the dog was intelligent enough to orchestrate sexual assault

No. 1970302

I thought it was illegal to shoot someone who was visibly running away/not attempting to harm you?! Men are insane. they just want to use their guns to harm innocent people. I understand defending your harm from an intruder, but this was NOT it. I hate men with guns even more than normal men.

No. 1970304

I agree with you. it should be legal to kill siamese twins at birth. They will never live a normal or healthy life. I'm shocked they lived into their 60s.

No. 1970327

I mean my family has a neutered male dog who raped a puppy, it's not 100% out of the question.

No. 1970337

Samefag, I guess you were right nona about the fake ragebait. Still disturbing that a child got injured in that way

No. 1970357

Dogs will hump children without prompting, especially if the dog has been trained to view itself as superior to humans, as humping can be a form of dominance in dogs. It is also possible that the dog was trained to have sex with humans.

No. 1970679

This has been posted a lot over the past 4 years or so and thankfully I think it’s fake. It’s been circulating online for like 15 years, and it’s always posted by sketchy sites that aren’t actually news sites and post other fake stories.

No. 1971290

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>social services take autistic woman's baby for no reason
>autistic woman states her intention to kill herself if she is separated from her son
>social workers take her baby anyway, deciding that the child would somehow be better off with his mother dead, which is NOT a social worker's remit or decision to make

Fuck these arseholes. I hate social services. Fucking sociopaths.

No. 1972088

No. 1972094

I'm always skeptical about women sexually abusing children, I wonder if the moid used her as a bait so he can keep on producing CP.

No. 1972098

That's pretty terrible, if she wasn't completely fit they should've just offered support and help instead on mmf just taking away her child. Meanwhile children are genuinely being abused by their parents but stay in their custody cause CPS claims they can't find anything wrong

No. 1972111

It's always kidnapping over other options too. It enrages me how they'll give foster parents food help, money, and everything else but suddenly don't have enough funding to help parents who need financial help to stay with their children? Or how many foster parents get loads of exceptions made for them, like how they can shove 5-6 kids in a room but some states will take your kid away if you have 3 kids in one room

No. 1972115

The foster care system is basically trafficking. They are no financial insentive to reunite the children with their biological parents and take them away for the most arbitrary reasons. Whilst children that are physically and sexually abused get to remain in a perpetual hell.

No. 1972219

This. I do not believe for one second that a teenage girl molested a child without direction and input from the boyfriend.

No. 1972842

No. 1972851

fucking disgusting, wish we could bash these people heads in, this reminds me of that other sick fuck that would sniff unsuspecting womens’ butts in public. why are men like this?!

No. 1972854

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No offense but I would just kill him

No. 1972886

I really hate that this activated the old memory of an extremely creepy old man at my first retail job. He was obsessed with a younger looking cashier and told her that he loved sitting at the mall to watch the girls. He even showed up at the door at closing one night to ask her out and I locked us inside with a male coworker until he left. The manager couldn't believe it when I described him as an old guy in his 50-60s and not a younger person.

No. 1972891

Samefag. But this story reminds me of the creepshots taken of little kids on imgsrc. Men are so demonic I swear

No. 1973787

there was a customer at my first retail job who lowkey stalked me. he showed up multiple times a day, sometimes bringing his young wife and baby with him, to try to talk to me and stare at my ass until one day he put in a job application and my manager got so pissed that she had our male boss scare him off.

No. 1973788

Ewwww, you really think he was trying to work there so he could have an affair with you!? Can you elaborate a bit more on what he would do and say

No. 1973794

I hate men so much, why must they try to ruin everything for women and young girls

No. 1974692

I'm so proud of both women for confronting him and not backing down. I think most women would be too embarrassed to say anything. OFC he volunteered at a school and church.

No. 1974864

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Justin Mohn, a RW schizo murdered and beheaded his own father because he was a federal worker and so was convinced he was a government agent out to get him.

No. 1974883

i saw the video and he was displaying his own father's decapitated head like it was nothing. the dad's final moments must have been absolutely terrifying. imagine raising a child only for him to cut your fucking head off one day. reminds me of the tanya byrd case from like a decade ago

No. 1974955

Notice how calm he was? He definitely thought he'd get away because they're just women, if a man confronted him, he much more likely would have panicked. But it's mostly (other) women who have to be brave and call out assaulters despite that putting them at risk too (unlike moids).
Also, that girl in the video would be called a fatty by most farmers and yet that doesn't stop her from becoming a victim of a pervert. It really doesn't matter one bit how you look like or how old you are, moids get off to anything.

No. 1975170

Yeah, he’s a POS who lies like he breathes. He really tried his best to garner that female sympathy.
>I wouldn’t do anything inappropriate. I’m not like that.
>I’m shopping for kid’s books for my pregnant sister.

No. 1975618

Is this where that photo of a guy holding a severed head in a plastic bag came from? I saw those on 4chan a month ago and wasn’t sure if they were real

No. 1975625

yes, that's the one

No. 1975794

>Ten year-old "Bobby" and seven year-old "Billy" lived with their father, a vocational school student and former shipyard worker who was separated from his wife.
>Billy, the 7-year-old, had fallen down an airshaft two years earlier and required surgery for a plastic plate to be attached to his skull.
>The boys were close and often played together. Sometime in the early afternoon of April 14, 1971 they wandered down to the park, where they played on swings and in the sandlot.
>Melanie Alba, a 21-year-old mother of two, told reporters she was keeping an eye on her children at the park. About 2 p.m., her daughter Symanie returned to her alone, her brother Noah missing. As Melanie recalled at the time, "One moment he was playing nearby…then he was gone."
>The two brothers had found 20-month-old Noah wandering alone. Bobby said they asked the child where his mother was and when he couldn't tell them, they took the youngster by the hand and led him through the park asking various strangers if they knew his mother. No one did.
> As detectives would learn days later, the brothers had taken Noah down an alley and into a dingy, unfinished basement used as a "clubhouse" by neighborhood children. According to Bobby, little Noah Alba began crying in the dark, decrepit space. The boys tried to get him to stop. Growing increasingly agitated, Bobby said he thinks he slapped the baby and his brother joined in. The crying grew louder and the violence became worse until the child lay still.
>Police later told reporters it was more than slaps that killed Noah. They said the boys pounced up and down on the baby and furiously hit him with a brick, cutting his head open and exposing his skull. The cause of death was a ruptured liver with internal bleeding.
>For five days following Noah's disappearance, police scoured every district in the city. A handball glove spotted by a witness on one of the boys seen leaving the park with the toddler proved to be the vital clue. Police spread the description and a schoolteacher who knew that one of the brothers often wore a handball glove alerted investigators to his identity.
>Police said Billy led them to the dead child. "So I asked [the 7-year-old], if you were a policeman on this case, where would you look,…what would you do?" San Francisco Detective Dan Driscoll told reporters. The youngster responded, "I would look in an alley," Driscoll said.
The boy led police to an alley and pointed to a basement door, suggesting they "try in there." Driscoll spotted Noah's naked body in a corner, his arms and feet lashed to a crude wooden cross and covered in paper and debris. A bloody shirt lay next to him. 
>Once the police discovered the child, both boys confessed to assaulting the toddler. They said they were playing with Noah when a brick accidentally fell on his head. They explained that they took off the baby's clothes when he wet his diapers and tied him to the cross so he couldn't escape, police said.
>Bobby told FRONTLINE that the cross formation, which had mystified police and the public, grew out of his knowledge of Jesus Christ and a naive belief that the baby could be resurrected, too. "The only thing I could think of [was] I really didn't mean to do this, I didn't want this to happen," he said in his interview. "I don't remember being very religious, but I felt like [putting the baby on a cross] was the only thing to do…I wanted the baby back alive. I wasn't absolutely sure it was dead, but it wasn't moving and it was bruised.”
>Public reaction on the whole was one of sorrow and even cautious hope for the boys. Even the victim's mother expressed no anger and assigned no blame. "To kids, what's the difference between doing a thing like this or kicking a puppy?" she told reporters, tears streaming down her face minutes after identifying her baby's mutilated body at the morgue.
>A gag order banned discussion of the case outside the courtroom, and media attention quickly dissipated. Bobby, the 10-year-old, spent two months in juvenile detention before murder charges against the two brothers were dismissed by a juvenile court judge in favor of therapy. The judge ordered them placed in a special home, where for two years they received extensive counseling and psychotherapy before being returned to their mother's custody. Their names were never made public.
> Bobby has gone on to live a responsible life, working and raising a family of his own. Billy, however, has had minor run-ins with the law as a juvenile and struggled with substance abuse. As an adult, he has been convicted twice of physically abusing children – including his own 3-month-old son and another child, police and court records show.


No. 1975807

> Even the victim's mother expressed no anger and assigned no blame. "To kids, what's the difference between doing a thing like this or kicking a puppy?" she told reporters, tears streaming down her face minutes after identifying her baby's mutilated body at the morgue.
Being a boymom should qualify as brain damage. How can a mother look at her mutilated baby’s body and say “The killers were just boys, they didn’t know what they were doing.” Holy shit. Abort male fetuses

No. 1975810

men are defective

No. 1975815

A nearly identical murder happened murder happened in England too, horrible and sickening cases.

No. 1975816

BoYs WiLl bE bOyS

No. 1975839

>”To kids, what's the difference between doing a thing like this or kicking a puppy?"
Well for one thing kids shouldn’t be kicking animals either, I would think that would be a red flag. And second I think even at 7 most peoples reaction to seeing a little boy alone wouldn’t be to coerce him into a dark basement and then beat him to death. Most children react to seeing vulnerable animals and kids with a desire to help, that’s why the “lost puppy” ruse is so popular among kidnappers unfortunately. Wtf is wrong with people.. scary those 2 killers are just walking amongst people now, if I was their mother or the victims mother I’d have drowned them in a bathtub after the incident. They’re just going to go on to be terrible people, what’s the point.

No. 1976056

And the horrible thing is that both grew up and had children, guaranteeing that absolute bottom of the barrel sociopathic murderer genes live on.

No. 1977292

One of them also abused the shit out of his kid, so they're definitely going to pass on through due to nature and nuture contributing

No. 1979093

>tribal girl was attacked and killed on Sunday by unidentified assailants in the village of Deori Taluka, Gondia, Maharashtra.
>The Class 6 student's semi-naked body was found decomposing near an armed outpost in Ganutola.
>Since the tragic discovery, officers have been left scrambling for clues as they desperately attempt to track down the attacker who fled the scene.
>Near the body of the little girl who had been missing since April 19, a blood-smeared boulder was found.
>The corpse had injury marks on the head and cuts on the face and neck, reported Times of India.
>Cops revealed the boulder had not been moved, suggesting the girl was raised before having her head and face smashed repeatedly against it.
>She's likely to have resisted rape, triggering a violent reaction from perpetrators,' said an officer who is part of the investigation.
>This girl could have threatened to expose them or tried to raise an alarm,' they added.
>The girl had allegedly been en-route to a wedding in her neighbourhood, but at around 8pm she was spotted riding on the the back of a bike with someone.
>Villagers refused to identify the biker, according to local reports.
>It comes as a seven-year-old girl's body was also unearthed in a a drain in Masuri, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, on Sunday.
>The child's body had been hidden from sight by a pile of bricks placed on top of it, as it was laid just 50metres away from her house.
>An autopsy revealed that she had been sexually assaulted, before being killed, according to cops, who believe the attacker hit her on the head and dumped her body in the drain.

No. 1979098

>10 year old murderer
I say people like this deserve only the death sentence. There is zero rehabilitation for anything like this.

No. 1979099

Abort all male fetuses. this is insane. Killing your own parent should be a death sentence in all courts.


No. 1979165

Poor brave girl. She died fighting. This is exactly why some women/girls naturally freeze when being raped, because when we fight back like this girl did we get brutally murdered for it. It has nothing to do with accepting it. And what the hell is up with the whole village protecting the moid? I hate this planet.

No. 1979324

>Villagers refused to identify the biker, according to local reports.
What a degenerate “culture” these people have, I hope villages like this are hit with some incurable virus that makes everyone infertile so they stop reproducing more girls for their moids to rape and abuse.

No. 1979392

The worst part is that our liberals prevent any attempts at them improving, in the name of "indigeneity" they let them deliberately remain trapped in a backward existence

No. 1979422

>Villagers refused to identify the biker, according to local reports.
Kill everyone in the village.

And honestly they should have kept these two fuckers in jail for life. It's not "boys will be boys", 10 year olds and 7 year olds already understand death, they fully knew what they were doing. The baby was found naked too so they probably sexually abused him. Male children should be judged like adults tbh.

>in the name of "indigeneity"
This is so fucking stupid. Indigenous or not, if they're rapists and murderers they should disappear. I can never understand why human rights (especially women's) stop when certain "cultures" come in. These people never see indigenous people as human because they don't put themselves in their shoes, they never stop to think if the women there truly want to remain closed off in a world that treats them like cattle.

No. 1979497

I get what you’re trying to say, but liberals have literally nothing to do with how cultures in India exist. India fought to be liberated from western cultural influence in order to continue their degenerate ways

No. 1979549

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When the fuck will it be punishable by law for owning monsters like these? Like how many more people have to die

No. 1979578

pitbull owners are some of the most deranged, illogical, selfish retards on the planet. i once saw a pitty mommy blame the victim of a mauling for the severity of the injuries they suffered because if they had remained silent instead of screaming in fear and pain then the dog wouldn't have continued to attack them.

No. 1979606

You should nevertheless try to fight back, most often it's your best chance, most rapists are absolute cowards who assume women will freeze but they get scared and won't go through with it if she actually yells or defends herself. That's also why they go for kids more often than more mature women, because younger girls are the most easily intimidated.

No. 1979608

I once had someone say to me that they couldn't give a shit if children were mauled and killed by these creatures because "children are annoying". Utter psychopaths.

No. 1979684

I imagine never. It’s like guns in the US. Everyone realizes it’s an issue but nothing will be done about it because the defenders are so psychotically obsessed

No. 1979807

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can we now say that the #metoo movement is officially dead?

No. 1979814

Rape is basically legal in America now. So yeah

No. 1979836

Only for those who can afford it.

No. 1979972

He still has 16 years in California prison for raping women there. Not everything is lost. I hope this hideous pig dies in jail

No. 1980077

I'm sure he'll have some specialised cell that's basically a hotel room.

No. 1980232

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>Noga Weiss, an 18-year-old Israeli who was kidnapped from her home in Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7, and held in captivity for 50 days, said that one of her Palestinian captors wanted to marry her
>"He gave me a ring on day 14, and I stayed with him until day 50," she said during an interview on Channel 12 News. "He told me: Everyone will be released, but you will stay. You will stay with me and have my children."

No. 1980241

Thank god she could escape.

No. 1980262

This just in, Indian moids continue to be some of the most foul vile scum as all of India turns a blind eye and continues to be protected shocker my heart is absolutely aching for that poor baby girl. Burn that whole village and drop a thousand bricks with barbwire on every scrote

No. 1980602

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No. 1980605

As someone who actually is from Haryana, it is not uncommon. Muslim men in this region do this sort of shit.

No. 1980621

Has india always been so horrible or is it just in the last like 20 years or something? From all the news from there it seems like a true hell but i don't remember news like that from years ago… but maybe that was just because nobody cared about indian news here.

No. 1980626

The countryside has gotten even more unsafe, especially due to cheap internet. Now, unemployed moids have access to degenerate shit online, and act out more.
A decade ago, women could roam around alone in their village at night, but now do not even go in groups in broad daylight.
It is an absolute shithole. I am glad that my family shifted to Delhi (not that it is much better).

No. 1980642

oh wow

No. 1980689

In the words of grandma: kasooti biranmati
At times, I feel ashamed to admit that I am from this state. Even other Indians talk negatively about it.

No. 1980690

Don't be ashamed, it's the moids that should feel shame.

No. 1980695

Even the women here are apologists.
A girl was recently killed by her family after getting raped, and her own mother justified it, saying that it was to preserve the honor of the family.

No. 1980697

Every time I see a headline about animal rape it's ALWAYS in India. Wtf is wrong with them

No. 1980700

I'm going to be that person idc, some people will call these women liars and hoaxes because "zionism" and it makes my blood boil.

No. 1981182

In her dreams lmao(bait)

No. 1981216

why would you say that? suddenly there is a special class of moids?

No. 1981218

>gawk gawk gawk gawk gawk
Maybe you would have loved to be in her place kek. Anyway cheap bait.

No. 1981225

Anon, please. Her story reads like a Wattpad fanfiction.

No. 1981229

Have you ever heard of Stockholm syndrome?

No. 1981232

I do not believe for one minute that a guy was slavering over this woman and desperate to wife her, sorry.

No. 1981237

>Reeeee she’s too ugly to be abused/raped/etc!!!1! Foids always lie!!!1

No. 1981240

She didn't claim she was raped, she is a delusional fantasist who knew that Israel times would lap up any bullshit she told them and ran with it.

No. 1981245

Oh well, not that is matters, the guy is most likely full of bullet holes or splattered somewhere by now. So sorry you couldn't suck his cock in time, I'm sure he would have picked you as his fourth wife, you would have been the only one of age!

No. 1981249

Jfc anon is this a selfpost or something? Get thicker skin if you're going to concoct such outrageous lies to further your illegitimate country's genocidal agenda.

No. 1981250

I was merely parroting what your rhetoric sounds like since I’ll get banned for saying outright exactly what I suspect your sex to be. Regardless, the facts are she was kidnapped the day her father was murdered and then held captive for 50 days. It’s true that the Zionist media eats this shit up, but that doesn’t make it untrue

No. 1981257

OKay, I am not casting doubt over the fact that she was kidnapped, I am just pointing out that this woman is a teenage girl and her story mirrors the very common wattpad/fanfic template of 'arranged marriage'.

No. 1981261

Yes, because arranged marriage is unheard of in the Middle East.

No. 1981266

1. Did you actually read the article? 2. In what world is an adult man’s attempts to groom a captive 18 y/o girl during wartime some kind of outlandish, fantastical story that you’re unable to believe? Like… it’s actually quite par for the course

No. 1981268

>Arranged marriage
>Common wattpad fanfiction template
Ah yes, like the ones certain religious people like to do. But no, that couldn't have been true, the lying whore wishes!! There's no way the guys who murderer her father and held her captive would ever attempt to groom/rape her. Slurp slurp.

No. 1981278

Sometimes I think we should nuke india off the map. This is so disgusting. That poor goat.

No. 1981474

least misogynistic anti-zionist

No. 1981534

It’s depressing that in some places, not even female animals are safe.

No. 1981608

i looked up man raped cow in google to find a particular news story of some britbong couple who had a farm in thailands teenage son being caught breaking into someone elses farm and raping their livestock, but the flood of news stories of other cows being raped by people sure drowned that one out. nowhere is completely safe.

No. 1981617

i remember that story. it was an american family. the teenager was caught on tape assaulting and recording himself assaulting a pregnant horse. the owner says the teenager also assaulted another pregnant miniature horse caused the horse to miscarry. utter scum. at least it's good that they showed his face and his named is published and forever associated with this.

No. 1981759

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No. 1981763

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No. 1981885

What exactly are the logistics of raping a hen? Do they even have vaginas? How does it even fit

No. 1981944

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A pedo school resource officer knocked up a teenager, her family apparently didn't give one single fuck to find out what was going on. Then his wife divorced him, and he murdered the girl he was fucking and the ex-wife in front of his other son. And the thing that caused all this was he got caught molesting the minor girl's friend. So much shit in one story. The most fucked thing is that a 15 year old girl got pregnant and her family never gave a fuck enough to even find out who the father was. His ass should have been in jail 2 years ago.

No. 1981968

>sexual frustration
Ah yes, the thing that kills men, such important problems that will never get solved, society should definitely focus on making sure moids aren't sexually frustrated.

No. 1982096

One time PETA released footage from inside a slaughterhouse and quite literally there was CCTV footage of workers sexually assaulting chickens as they passed by hung upside down by their feet through a section of the factory. I attribute the fact I seen this at 14 years old to be a major contributor to my early disillusionment of moids because I did not consider men would diddle birds but here we are

No. 1982322

i went to school with numerous girls who got pregnant as teenagers and almost none of them came from functional homes. gonna go out on a limb and assume this poor girl's parents neglected her long before she ever met her killer.

No. 1983064

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No. 1983077

this was by the SDP, wasn't it?

No. 1983081

Vile. Hope he gets chicken aids.

No. 1983096

Germany is lost.

No. 1983103

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I guess no one remembers what happened last time they tried to push tranny shit in Germany.

No. 1983104

But definitely the good guys won. Long live Weimar II forever

No. 1983114

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Kek but weren't loads of the Nazi's into that degenerate shit too?

No. 1983128

Yeah she's just delusional.

No. 1983134

The German race has always been fucked up. Hitler knew that and was so ashamed of it, that he tried to cover it up and make Germans seem like superior "ubermensch" kek. Back then they were fucked up Nazis. And now they're fucked up wokie degenerates. They've always been degenerates and always will be degenerate no matter what way they lean politically. They've never done a single thing right. They're obsessed with scat, dressing as women, and all the other vile shit we've known them to do. Notice how many AGPs have Germanic blood. I see them all the time on reviews for women's clothes posting pictures of their hideous faces and bodies.

No. 1983151

You're delusional if you think I'm a nazi that wants fascism. Nazi Germany was a direct response to the Weimar Republic that proceeded it.

No. 1983159

A lot of Nazis were fucked up sexual degenerates but these aren't Nazis, they are members of Heer, basically every single male in german occupied terrority was conscripted
nta It wasn't the "degeneracy" of the Weimar Republic that led to the rise of Nazis(though it was a social factor) the fact was that the economy was messed up for over a decade. People really glorify that era because of its art and clus, but there was a huge issue of rampant inequality and prostitution that was ruining Germany but the communists kept on fighting each other and splitting apart while the right-wingers were adamant monarchists so even without Hitler or the Nazis, some insane quasi-fascist would have taken power.

No. 1983166

>leftists busy infighting
>rampant inflation
>economic crisis
>tranny and degeneracy everywhere

Yep, it's repeating cycle time

No. 1983206

I'm convinced that people who work at slaughterhouses legitimately have something wrong with them. It's not even just a matter of being unfeeling, they are disproportionally sadistic, low IQ and sexually perverse.

No. 1983211

Actually most male slaughterhouse workers get Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress which turns them ito raging psychopaths blog but a male relative of mine used to work in an abbattoir and ending up going to prison for two counts of 1st degree manslaughter among other things

No. 1983322

>they are disproportionally sadistic, low IQ and sexually perverse.
Most slaughterhouses in the USA (where the chicken rape conveyer belt was filmed) employ only ex convicts and illegal immigrants. There is definitely a link between criminality and abattoirs because you don't ever see retards working there, it's like straight up crackheads and gang members

No. 1983325

What the fuck, that's horrific. I've never thought that slaughterhouse workers would get that, since they're killing animals for food that they themselves probably eat. I thought it'd be much more common in places like fur farms or animal shelters. I'm sorry about your relative.

No. 1983558

You have to remember that it takes someone who doesn’t feel empathy to be able to do what it takes to work in a slaughterhouse. Someone who feels for animals can’t and won’t be able to kill tons and tons of animals regardless of whatever ‘humane’ methods they try to employ because there are always ones that have to be manually killed, therefore only a certain demographic of fucked up can actually do that for a living. Of course it will be the lowest of the low and vilest of men one can imagine.

No. 1983560

Samefag but men would fuck a microwave burrito and then eat it, they don’t care.

No. 1984121

Yup theyre most all sadistic freaks who often are caught on tape in investigations torturing and abusing animals who are already in the shittiest possible conditions, literally horrible shit like smashing baby animals against a wall and kicking them to death for fun. It’s not the “humane” shiny efficient factory death experience you might believe, those places are hellholes in more ways than one.

No. 1985811

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>in 1995 twenty year old steven pladl groomed a fifteen year old girl named alyssa over the internet. they married and had a daughter named denise. denise was later put up for adoption after alyssa caught steven physically abusing her.
>denise was eventually adopted and renamed katie.
>after katie turned eighteen in 2016 she found her biological parents, who were still together and had more children, on facebook and met them. she decided to move in with them.
>alyssa fights with steven over how close he is becoming to katie and moves out with their children. katie stays.
>alyssa reads one of her children's journals and discovers that katie is pregnant with steven's child. she calls the police.
>in 2017 katie and steven get married. steven's mother and adoptive parents attend the ceremony. katie gives birth to their son later that year.
>in 2018 katie and steven are arrested and charged with incest. a judge rules that they cannot have contact with each other and custody of their son is given to steven's mother. katie moves back in with her parents and tells steven that she does not want to continue their relationship.
>three months later, steven suffocates their infant son to death. the following day he stalks katie and her adoptive father before shooting and killing them both. he then committed suicide.

No. 1986564

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>A gang of voyeurs hid in changing rooms at swimming pools to secretly film more than 5,000 young women getting undressed, a court heard.
>Adam Dennis, 39, and Robert Morgan, 33, 'hunted' for teenage girls and made catalogues of their pictures to share and trade online.
>Father-of-one Dennis even made 'profile documents' of his victims using social media and swimming pool club records.
>Inner London Crown Court heard the gang spent days hanging around the pools in East London and Surrey for over four years between April 2013 and November 2017.
>Their sick videos were only discovered when police raided fellow conspirator Miguel Jose Sainz's home and were horrified to find thousands of pictures on his devices.
>The whereabouts of fellow voyeur Sainz is not known while the fourth conspirator, Declan Golden, has fled to the United States.
>The court heard that the voyeur gang would sneak into changing rooms during the day and lock themselves away in cubicles, lying in wait for unsuspecting victims.
>The conspirators would then conceal a small hidden camera in a bag and push it underneath the cubicle partition, allowing the camera, which was recording, to film young women undressing.
>The technique, which the four called 'hunting' meant their victims would only ever see the bag partially poking out.
>After capturing footage, the four would then select and edit their favourite clips into short videos and share them amongst themselves.
>Morgan and his companions discussed their techniques online and even met up in person to carry out their twisted fantasies together.
>They discussed 'hunting' for 'OTs' which referred to older teenagers who had reached puberty but were below 18.
>Gang leader Dennis, who has a 19-month-old son, and the group also cross-referenced their videos with swimming pool visitor logs and researched their victims, creating a huge database
>Ringleader Dennis was jailed for 22 months while Morgan, who describes himself as a part-time musician and senior webcast producer, was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment suspended for two years.

No. 1986817

Pitiful sentences.

No. 1986883

I once read about how some slaughterhouses as recent as the 1990s let workers just use hammers and mallets to knock out cows senseless. It's absolutely fucked up

No. 1986893

Imagine being one of the girls they targeted. Absolutely sick. I hope they both get it up the brown in jail as long as they’re there. 22 months is pathetically short as a sentence for this crime but it’s a long time to have your ass forcibly invaded. God it’s a beautiful day to hate men today.

No. 1987701

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>Christopher George forced his six year old son, Corey Micciolo, to run on a treadmill for being too fat

>Father was hitting the kid as he runs
>Kid slips off the treadmill because it’s going too fast, tries to force himself to keep running, slips off multiple times
>Father bites the kids head while dragging him back onto the treadmill
>He goes to live with his mom a week later, and Corey is taken to the hospital for slurred speech
>there was likely another incident, apart from this one, that caused a seizure and his death in the hospital
>cause of death is blunt force trauma with cardiac and liver inflammation from sepsis.
>death is ruled a homocide
>Fathers defense is trying to claim that the death was not his fault

No. 1987720

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Say whatever you want about third world countries, at least there's a chance of beating, lynching and whipping these type of motherfuckers yourself

This moid looks haunted as hell too, he looks like a demented caveman

No. 1987722

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>Killed his son by making him run on a treadmill because according to him the kid was "fat"
>The kid's slim and regular weight, while the scrote is skinnyfat, out of shape with a belly
Fuck this gay earth and fuck men

No. 1987732

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That’s the worst part, the kid isn’t even fat. I saw his photo (that Naruto band broke my heart, cause it reminds me that he isn’t just a photo, he had interests and a life), he’s got the typical face chub that little boys have when they haven’t hit puberty yet. Obviously, nobody deserves this even if they are fat, but this retard was just looking for an excuse to torture this kid. Probably projection because he’s a fat retard.

No. 1987841

Who's really behind the campus protests? Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they're causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a 'professional job'

>Many have pointed fingers at a company called Crowds on Demand, which provides paid protesters as a service, accusing it of hiring left-wing agitators to manufacture the movement.
>But in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, CEO Adam Swart denied that his company has any involvement with the protests, and has actually denied requests from both sides.
>'We have heard from grown ups who want to do activity on college campuses… lots of requests, including from very high profile wealthy donors on on both sides to get involved.'
>While his company is not taking the jobs, Swart believes someone is, because as an expert on this type of operation, he recognizes the telltale signs pointing to big money behind a cause, like similar tents and expensive banners seen at Columbia University over the last week.
>The People's Forum, a tax-exempt advocacy group who often hosts propaganda events for the regimes of countries like Venezuela and Cuba, has been accused of being behind the Columbia protests.
>The Washington Free Beacon reports the group, which has received $12million from Goldman Sachs, may have provided materials for the so-called occupation of Hamilton Hall.
>Daniel DiMartino, a PhD student at Columbia and a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told DailyMail.com The People's Forum is a group that aims to lobby for enemies of the US.
>Adams called Fithian 'the nation's best-known protest consultant', noting she gets paid as much as $300 a day to run demonstrations and teach how to take over streets during protests.

This clown world should end already.

No. 1987894

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Forced sterilization continuing to this day. This shit is nightmarish.

>What kind of nation forcibly sterilises girls as young as 12 to cut welfare bills? The shocking answer is Denmark, hailed as one of the world's most liberal nations - and as recently as 2018


>Like many teenagers, 15-year-old Arnaq took a part-time job in a local shop to earn some money. Appallingly, though, the store manager sexually assaulted her six times over the next two years – and then she became pregnant.

>Then, chillingly, after she had an abortion, doctors secretly inserted a contraceptive coil as part of a brutal, state-organised campaign by the Danish government to control the population in Greenland, its former colony.

>The device, also known as an IUD, remained inside her for five years until it was discovered when – mystified by her inability to become pregnant – she went to see a doctor in 2002. Then, after its removal, she found to her horror that she could no longer have children due to damaged internal organs.

>'I still feel empty today – it's like a bad dream,' said Arnaq. 'It really hurts that I feel I cannot become a full woman by giving birth to a child. It has taken me years to get over this. It's only now that I am starting to realise why I have been so angry.'

>No wonder this 41-year-old Greenlander is close to tears as we talk in a flat overlooking the harbour and snow-covered hills of Nuuk, capital of the world's biggest island.

>She suffered a terrible triple trauma: rape, forced birth control and then infertility.

>Yet her tale, which defies belief considering Denmark's reputation as one of the world's most civilised and egalitarian nations, is far from unique. Thousands more Greenland women were shockingly abused in this clandestine campaign that rode roughshod over medical ethics and human rights to slash the indigenous Inuit population, reduce teenage pregnancies and cut costs of 'modernisation' in a sordid saga of enforced development.

>Now these grotesque practices – which started in the mid-1960s, ensnared half the child-bearing women at one point and continued with cases reported as recently as five years ago – are sparking outrage as the horrific scale of them emerges.

>'I use the word genocide,' said Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam, one of two Greenland MPs in Denmark's parliament, who says her people were targeted due to racist concerns that the costs of a generous Nordic welfare system were spiralling out of control on the island.

>She accuses Denmark of trying to eradicate their Inuit culture and language – much like China's brutal repression of Uighur minorities.

>'They said in parliament one of the primary goals was to save money and reduce the population. There's no doubt the population has been reduced a lot.'

>The disturbing campaign began after the Danish government – having rejected a post-war offer from the US to buy the strategically-important island – elevated Greenland to county status in 1953, then unleashed 'Danization' policies of rapid development.

>This included forced relocation into cities, closure of some remote smaller hunting settlements and sending young children to Denmark to adopt their language.

>The family planning campaign was launched in 1967, with girls as young as 12 fitted with intrauterine devices – often without consent from them or their parents, and often with large coils designed for adults who had gone through childbirth. A study ruled out use of the Pill on the bizarre basis that Greenlanders could not be trusted to take it since a lack of darkness in the summer and camping on fishing grounds 'does not facilitate pill-taking.'

>Hedvig Frederiksen was 14 when selected, a naive virgin from a traditional village where hunters still used seal-skin kayaks.

>She was at a boarding school 60 miles from home when the head told a dozen girls in her dormitory to go to the hospital.

>She recalled: 'As I sat waiting, the other girls were crying when they came out. I was very scared. But I cannot remember much beyond the tears due to the trauma – although I remember the pain after they put the device inside me.'

>She felt violated. 'It was like being raped. I felt ashamed. I did not even tell my mother since I was so ashamed. But I did not feel good. It really hurt when I had my period –it was very long and meant for older women who'd given birth.' Complications arising from this 'Lippes Loop' being used on teenage girls and young women included severe bleeding, chronic pain, infections and infertility.

>It remained inside Hedvig, now 63, for a decade. Thankfully, she was one of the more fortunate ones as she was able to have children. 'A lot of the girls could never have kids because of the device,' she said.

>One woman in her 70s was unaware she had a coil in her body for more than 50 years until it was found by doctors. Often the coils were only detected after serious infections developed or women struggled to become pregnant.

>One teenager – sent to a Danish school more than 2,000 miles from her home – refused to have an IUD fitted but was told by the head teacher she had no choice. 'I had to spread my legs and when it was put in, it hurt terribly,' she said.

>The campaign supposedly ended in 1975 but many doctors carried on with the practice for decades, especially after performing surgical abortions.

>The most recent known case was a mother in her 40s who believes a coil was inserted during surgery in 2018, leaving her with crippling pain for a year until the discovery during a medical examination that it had pierced her uterus. Other women have told of waking up after surgery and discovering contraceptive implants inserted in their arms without permission and being forcibly injected with contraceptives by Danish nurses over the past decade.

No. 1987897

Imagine if they did this with balls. Scrote wakes up and can't see his twin tumors! There would be international uproar. Denmark would immediately be faced with ambargos and found guilty of genocide by the UN. But we're women, we're just castrated men in their eyes. So chop away!

No. 1987913

Didn't Sweden also do something similar in the same time frame? This is disturbing.

No. 1987914

>inserted at 15
>had already been trying to get pregnant for a significant enough amount of time that she noticed it at 20
Yeah, that's a problem. No one should be allowed to have children before 22, it's too young. I'm sorry she's infertile, but it's obvious that she would have made terrible reproductive decisions.

No. 1987926

I see no reason why there isn't prison for the owner in these cases. If dogs can be recognized as property just like a car, and you are responsible for it, then you have consequences when something goes wrong. Sick of these ugly ass beasts hurting people then others coddling them.

No. 1987929

>defending forcible sterilization and bodily damage on minors
Reeking of ballsweat and stegte sild

No. 1987935

Scandinavians pioneered eugenics, and they mostly targeted impoverished women. Germans learnt eugenics from Scandinavians.

I am of the opinion that anything a dog does, the owner should be charged as if he did it personally. Dog destroys property, get a vandalism charge. Dog attacks somebody, get an assault charge. Dog kills somebody, get a murder charge.

No. 1987941

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Nah, five years of working with the foster care system has made me an extremist. Personally, at this point, no one should be having kids before 24, no one should be having more than three, and if you can't afford to feed, clothe, and educate a child, than you should be forced to abort it.
People torture children in such unique and horrific ways, and the system is so broken and underfunded that there's no way to stop it. Did you know that pedophiles are legally allowed to have as many children as they want? And that there is no law in place to take away the children before they are molested? You just have to wait for it to happen, wait for sometime to make a report, hope the child cooperates, and only then can you save them. And then once that victim is taken away by the state, the pedophile and his monster wife just have another. The cycle then repeats every three to five years.

No. 1987949

>People torture children in such unique and horrific ways
Yes, like raping them and forcibly putting devices meant for older women into their bodies that cause them internal damage and infertility.
Your rant tells me you don't know the gravity of things like this, or you don't care, which puts you at odds with female bodily autonomy (and you're probably well on the path to rape apologia and defending pedophilia when faced with a certain level of moid justification). If you think this is better than educating people and giving them the pill ("w-well it doesn't get dark enough in the summer to take pills"), you are part of the problem.
Think for a second why a girl might be trying to get pregnant before 20. You probably have an idea of why and the factors that go into it, but you don't really give a shit, or you'd rather hand-wave it as "umm it's the culture (nothing to do with moids nonono)", and that's why you arguing about child victimhood/abuse to justify child abuse isn't convincing.

No. 1987959

I understand where you come from but forced sterilization on women isn't the answer

No. 1987973

>If you don't support 19 year old having children, you support pedophilia and rape.
If it makes you feel better, I think it's way more cost effective to sterilize males and that we should do it more often.

No. 1987977

The big picture here though is that Denmark colonized Greenland and is now trying to exterminate the natives through SECRET sterilization of women. This thread attracts the weirdest anons.

No. 1987978

>Instead of enacting laws against child rapists having kids, we should sterilize their female victims
Please never have kids

No. 1987990

Or what? You'll lobby your government to sterilize me against my will? I thought you were against controlling people's ability to have children in inappropriate circumstances?

No. 1987991

It's actually shocking how the scrotes crawl out and get brazen sometimes.

No. 1988003

I liked how the news article showed the contrast between Denmark's good reputation and this shitshow that violates like a dozen human rights all at once. If I didn't know about what happened in Sweden (iirc I learned about it in a previous thread a few months or years ago) I would have been shocked but now I'm not surprised at all, just disgusted.

No. 1988013

>You'll lobby your government to sterilize me against my will?
Thankfully, not everyone's as mentally ill as you.

No. 1988014

ppl who think they are entitled to biological children get really sensitive when their beliefs are challenged

No. 1988017

NTA but imagine derailing a discussion on ethnic genocide to sperg about teen pregnancy. No one's entitled to children, and you're not entitled to children's uteruses.

No. 1988021

I think having a device that causes infections inside teenage girls' organs is also a pretty big issue by itself, regardless of how their fetility was affected. I don't want kids but I don't want to be infected and end up at the hospital and deal with horribly painful periods if I can avoid it, I don't want to get surgery for literally no good reason without knowing the potential side effects, etc.

No. 1988022

the worst part is his poor mother tried to prevent this and argued that his father abused him, including by showing the judge this very video of him being forced to run on the treadmill, and the judge still made her give him back to his dad.
>DCPP had seen the video, and a case worker later told police that he photographed and investigated bruising on Corey six days after the alleged incident.
>The preliminary findings submitted by DCPP about the March 20 incident played a crucial role in the judge's decision, says the ruling
>The ruling notes, however, that the court "does not find that … Corey is in danger of imminent and irreparable harm. Therefore, the Court does not find a temporary modification of the parties' custody and parenting time arrangement appropriate at this time."
>Corey had been dead for a year by then, and Micciolo says it was heartbreaking to think how different things could have been if the judge and DCPP case worker who oversaw her custody bid felt as strongly as this prosecutor and judge when they saw the video.

No. 1988031

Fat men are more likely to expect other people to be underweight level thin. It's fucked up.

No. 1988033

It's so weird that they think it's this inherent right when even mother nature brutally murders babies and parents all the time because they're unfit for the environment. Biological children are like the opposite of a right.

No. 1988048


This disgusting 35 year old man sexually assaulted his 15 year old niece, impregnated her, then killed her to cover up his crime. Turns out he also sexually assaulted his other niece too, her 13 year old sister, and the family suspected something was going on so his wife told him to stop talking to the girls, and their mom banned them from communicating with him (before she ever went missing).

No. 1988112

I hope he's raped daily in jail. disgusting piece of trash

No. 1988206

You sound unfit for the environment because you're autistic enough to have read that story and only focused on a possible teen pregnancy.

No. 1988264

Why work in a job you clearly hate?

No. 1988341

You're totally right, you should have me sterilized for my thought crimes. Oh wait . . .

No. 1988457

Are you ESL? Or, are you, like, somehow offended by people discussing forced sterilization and that's the joke? Bizarre kek

No. 1988465

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“Man or bear?”

>Pony the Orangutan

>stolen from her mom as a baby
>sold to a brothel
>forcibly shaved every day, meaning she was covered in bug bites and wounds that her fur would have protected her from
>was covered in perfume and makeup, further irritating her sensitive skin
>had her ears pierced
>chained to a bed for years, would be raped daily
>took 35 police officers to save her
Thank god she’s safe and rehabilitated now, but not even animals are safe.

No. 1988469

paying to have sex with an animal? what the fuck… moids are irredeemable

No. 1988479

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Speaking of Denmark, they were one of the countries producing kiddie porn back in the 70s/80s

No. 1988483

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No. 1988484

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No. 1988489

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There are multiple depraved stories like this.

>Chinese man adopts multiple dogs to open a "dog brothel" in Chengdu, Sichuan

>advertises his "services" on QQ (Chinese messaging app) and posts videos in 200-member group chat
>offers group members in his area the chance to rape female dogs "in a way that serves us all" for 50 CNY (Chinese yuan)/$7
>undercover animal rights activists find out about him and contact him
>he takes off his clothes to "demonstrate"
>they collect evidence, expose and report him
>his neighbors (or volunteers) strip him naked and beat the shit out of him outside his house
>the dogs are sent to an animal hospital, and then an adoption center
>he gets charged for spreading pornography (not the animal abuse or prostitution)

No. 1988490

>the entire highlighted section
all degenerates think the same way and will use the same retarded excuses to justify their degeneracy. absolutely revolting.

No. 1988493

I made it up.

No. 1988497

God, i hate them so much…
I wish they beated him to death.
Absolutely. You can hear it all the time from them. I cannot believe such degenerates can tell their full names in newspapers and freely say this without any fear. They should be hunted.

No. 1988504

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Robert Black was a big fan of this magazine.

No. 1988511

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checks out

No. 1988525

It makes me feel better that even back then, people knew the "muh freeze peach" idiots were wrong, that it does cause harm, the mechanisms of grooming, and that the kids were relieved when a stop was put to all of it.

No. 1988542

Men are retarded. It's their fault for accepting drinks from strangers. Literally asking for it if they went to his apartment, too. I bet they consented to gay shit but then regretted it and blamed it on him. What were they wearing? Were they hanging in gay bars?

No. 1988607

They can't expect gay men to see cake and not eat it. It was entirely their responsibility to not get assraped, hahah. What kind of retard just does into a stranger man's house? You need to have a survival instinct, it's literally their fault for being so stupid. I bet they loved getting raped. None of their accusations make sense, they're lying, like always. They now have putted an innocent homosexual man into jail. Homosexual rape doesn't even exist, it's just a dick going in and out of ass a couple of times, suck it up.(bait)

No. 1988991

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No. 1989027

>tfw your tax dollars can't get you higher education or healthcare but that's ok bc it's all so brave lt. coomer can get his rotpocket for free

No. 1989029

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I feel like no one is talking about this, it was not covered at all in my country

No. 1989113

come to the conspiracy thread nonnie, we'd love to discuss it there! Or at least I would with my tinfoil hat on kek

No. 1989315

Unpopular but I agree with this. Why do women insist on having kids they can't care for?

No. 1989329

fucking shameful. If I ever move to the US i'm going to texas where there are no taxes.

No. 1989343

The lower your IQ, the harder and harder it becomes to run a simulation in your head. A stupid person does not control their impulses because in their head, they see no reason to. They want something, therefore they should immediately have it. They do not have the processing power in their brains to simulate possible futures where they hold off on immediate gratification versus simulating the future where they suffer the consequences of their actions. So stupid people go "I want baby." and they make it happen because it's within their power. They are unable to realize that once a baby exists, it will need food and clothes (which will cost money they do not have), because they can't conceptualize the future at all.
This is also why the lower the IQ, the more likely someone is to be aggressive. Not only are they incapable of realizing that actions have consequences, but they are incapable of simulating another person's mind. If you were to ask a violent retarded person the question, "how would you feel if someone ran up and punched you?" they may tell you how they would react, but much more likely they would answer "but no one has punched me." Rephrasing the question won't work, they're just incapable of realizing that others have complex thoughts and feelings like them.
Interestingly enough, this is actually why intelligent sociopaths can be normal members of society if socialized properly early enough. They are able to simulate complex situations in their head, so while they may not care that someone is feeling pain, they can realize that their actions caused pain, and that causing others pain results in consequences.

No. 1989482

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>Crown Prosecution decided to pursue a case against Caroline Flack for assaulting her boyfriend even though he WITHDREW the complaint
>she killed herself as a result
Can you imagine CPS ever doing this if the genders were reversed? The way that male DV victims are coddled and supported is shocking to me. One time, a member of the public called the police because they were concerned for MY safety because of how HE was behaving. When they arrived, my bf told them I slapped him and the British police took it sooper dooper sewiously~ and took ME in for an interview about it. Can you imagine UK police ever wanting to interview a bloke for slapping his girlfriend? It just wouldn't happen. The UK police have such a biased, skewed and misogynistic perception of women, it's ridiculous.

No. 1990185

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No. 1990299


No. 1990364

Newfag. Why do you think there is the automatic
>[Archived Copy]
link right beside it?

No. 1990368

Kek, I suddenly have clarity on all my experiences with moids thanks to this exposition. Thanks anon.

No. 1992580

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South Carolina pastor John Paul Miller is suspected of having murdered his wife Mica Miller.

John Paul did a very strange sermon in his church where he told people to not speak of or share of Mica's passing, he labelled his wife as mentally ill and said that she died due to a suicide. Though this was false because the cause of death was not revealed and it was under mysterious circumstances.

This led people to find out that Mica actually mysteriously died 48 hours after serving her husband divorce papers.

Family and friends of Mica alleged that the things John said were false stories and that Mica suffered from abuse.
Before her death there were facebook posts from Mica speaking about "leaving a dangerous situation" and "when terrible things happen to you (you know what im talking about", and her getting baptized in another church etc.

This led to people looking up John's past sermons and finding out even more weird things about him such as him saying that god can even talk through murderers amd that murderers can spread the word of god too and him revealing the fact that more than 18 people contacted Mica to ask her if she was okay and that she can confide in them about her husband. He then procedded to call those people demons and gossipers and said that even if someone does you wrong you should not go and tell other people about it. The way that he found out about this is that he monitored her phone and looked at all her text messages.

Mica met John when she was 14 and he was 28. He was her youth pastor.

John Paul was also pictured recently with a mistress whose partner also died in a mysterious way…

Also i tried to give a short summary but there is more info relating to this.

No. 1992829

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No. 1993604

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I looked up the full video and this is just straight up violent bullying, I don't think was ever about the kid's weight, he was just looking for an excuse to abuse people.

No. 1996284

>Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the sickening gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in a wooded area in Belgium by ten other minors.
>The girl, who remains unidentified for privacy reasons, was allegedly lured into a wooded area called Kabouterbos in Kortrijk, West Flanders (five miles from the French border), by her teenage boyfriend over the Easter school break.
>Upon enticing her into the forest, close to an area used by mountain bikers, the boyfriend is said to have attacked his young partner before allegedly allowing several other boys to sexually assault her as well. Reports said the group filmed the attack on their smartphones and posted clips to social media.
>Prosecutors have arrested ten suspected perpetrators aged between 11 and 16 and hauled them in for questioning, according to local reports.
>Belgian outlet Nieuwsblad said the suspects were 'believed to be young people of immigrant origin'. It added that six of the suspects had been placed in a closed institution, while the other four were placed under house arrest.
>The six minors placed in an institution were set to appear in juvenile court on Wednesday afternoon. It is understood that one of those six minors - a thirteen-year-old - has already been released on conditions
>The case in Belgium comes three years after another, similarly horrific incident shocked the country when a 14-year-old girl was raped by a group of young men in a cemetery in Ghent, in East Flanders.
>Aged between 14 and 19, the group filmed the attack and circulated the footage on social media. The victim later took her own life.

Gang-rape horror of 14-year-old girl - 'organised by her boyfriend' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13395857/Gang-rape-horror-14-year-old-girl-organised-boyfriend-DOZEN-children-aged-just-TWELVE-16-arrested-shocking-incident-saw-Belgian-victim-lured-ambush.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

No. 1996291

>Belgian outlet Nieuwsblad said the suspects were 'believed to be young people of immigrant origin'.
It's sad that I knew where this was going before I even read the article.

No. 1996367

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No. 1996368

> The victim later took her own life.
Holy shit… death penalty please

No. 1996372

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The criminals were so young. What the fuck do you do with 11-year old gang rapist? Since picrel isn't legal.

No. 1996386

ideally it would be juvie and then labour camps, but considering the state of the Netherlands, I'd predict they won't even even spend a month in jail,

No. 1996396

mtfs are never beating the white supremacist/neo-nazi to tranny pipeline allegations kek

No. 1996496

Reminds me of how the Nazis were okay with crossdressing as long as the moid was straight. Gay? Sent to a concentration camp. Transbian? Ok, have fun!

No. 1996504

lock him up for the rest of his life. committing an enormously violent act like participating in a gang rape at such a young age will have permanently altered his brain development and impacted his ability to feel empathy, and he'll only become more dangerous and capable of causing harm as he grows into a man. look at the james bulger case, one of the boys who killed him has gotten into trouble as an adult for possessing CP. even if he experiences genuine remorse later on it's still not worth risking the safety of innocent women and girls by letting him and his fellow rapist scrotelets roam free.

No. 1996506

as I said in the MTF thread, this is a rare case where I actually feel bad for him, cause he was a kid being taken advantage off and now it's the same thing.

No. 1996553

>live in buttfuck no where
>no internet, no porn, no violent misogynistic religious dogmas, no globohomo agenda
>still commit the most heinous acts upon women
>all the boys know, no one give a shit
Literal proof of male nature, they genuinely can not develop empathy, they can only be coerced into a facade of civility by social contract. These cases are bountiful and get millions and millions of views from women but there aren’t even 100,000 of blackpilled women is mind boggling.

No. 1996577

If they can’t look up all the atrocities men (but never women) were perpetuating long before porn and draw their own conclusions there’s no helping them.

No. 1996676

I don't think I'll ever understand the neo-nazi to tranny pipeline

No. 1996691

>These cases are bountiful and get millions and millions of views from women but there aren’t even 100,000 of blackpilled women is mind boggling.
Sadly true, you can't even convince the average woman that makeup and plastic surgery is bad for us as a whole let alone sell them on the idea that the entire XY gene is defective kek

No. 1996772

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This is the same country where millions of baby girls were killed for no reason, even the current modern guy said that people shouldn't look into it, so I have no problem accepting something like this could happen, I believe think the red guards should have been more free reign and I don't care about how much ancient chinese civilization got destroyed because it's a horrendous one and on par with Islamic patriarchy.

No. 1996791

While this woman's abuse may have ended, there are hundreds of thousands of women in similar forced marriages due to the complete disaster of china's one child policy and led to a massive bride trafficking industry. poor women from russia, pakistan, Mmngolia and vientam are trafficked and forced into marriage with chinese mne. our governments do not intervene because they do not want to upset china either.

No. 1998379

>Woman orders doordash
>moids try not to be disgusting and creepy challenge

I wouldn't have ate the food if that was the same moid who delivered the food.

No. 1998609

Unrelated but that woman is insanely pretty

No. 1998981

I just learned about Harry Harlow, a psychologist who for decades subjected rhesus monkeys to psychological, physical and sexual torture. This pathetic man conducted these experiments with the university's approval. these experiments included

>separating baby monkeys from their mothers and making them choose between surrogate mother dolls (one providing food and the other physical comfort)

>creating a mother doll that would give both but also randomly poke the babies to simulate child abuse
>confining monkeys in self-made pits for months and sometimes years to induce depression and psychological damage
>restraining the forcing the psychological scarred females, forcing them to mate(have them be raped) and get pregnant
>letting the psychologically scarred mothers starve and beat their babies
and these experiments went on for 40 years

No. 1998987

nonas idgaf where you live PLEASE stay safe and vigilant. there's an uptick in this and coomers are on the loose larping as innocent workers. all men should be suspect at this point.
check your nigel's phones if you need to, stay safe

No. 1999025

the exact same thing happened recently in austria, multiple other cases that are very similar keep happening in germany and austria now. at least they don‘t cover it up anymore à la swedens code 291 and we can see the relation to the muslim backgrounds of these scrotes. i wish we could send all of them back and exchange them for the poor woman from these backwards countries who live in hell. the immigrants that actually integrated suffer the most from this, next to women who get harassed and/or assaulted.

No. 1999034

No. 1999036

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(the video is about this story)

No. 1999041

Have been watching the trial this week and it just gets bleaker every day
>Chris was 21 and working as a TA in a school when he imgregnated a 16 year old and that's how Corey came into the world
>He was still somehow on his way to becoming a teacher despite him having several violent crimes in his past
>6 previous criminal incidents on file, most are violent, then robbery/burglary
>Chris's father is ex law enforcement
Can't help but think that his own daddy pulled strings to keep him from ever facing any consequences before this got to be too much to sweep under the rug.

When corey died, Chris told staff not to notify the mother her son was dead. He rang mom to get coreys insurance details but refused to tell her which hospital he was in. Chris up and left the area before his sons body was even cold. Then fled off with a tinder date. The defense are making a big deal about how the mother ringing desperately trying to find out where her (dying) son was is harrassment. The judge was even losing his cool listening to this bullshit from defense.

No. 1999043

Not wanting to get into an argument about israel/palestine so inb4 that please shut up. This scrote is in public in broad daylight and the way he's cornered that poor woman is disgusting. At one point she's backed against a tree and he keeps advancing on her. Males are the problem, males are always the problem.

No. 1999049

I also wanted to post about it, it's so disgusting.
- He was calling his psychic instead of ambulance to ask what to do with her and she told him that the victim is tired and let her rest, while she was dying.
- The whole trial they tried to blame her that she was a drinker, too argumentative etc.
- He claimed she bumped her head over furniture herself.
Just some stuff i remember. It's so horrible what she went through before her death and now they can't stop lying about her.

No. 1999091

>He was calling his psychic instead of ambulance to ask what to do with her and she told him that the victim is tired and let her rest, while she was dying.
what the fuck

No. 1999095

Unfortunately there are alot of zionisque anons who would defend this man.

No. 1999120

Just listening to the description of the beatings made me sick and homicidal. I fucking hate men so much it’s unreal.

No. 1999157

rottenmango covered it very well and included an interview with the brother of saltanat in case you haven‘t watched it. the marriage only lasted a year and it turned into a living hell very quickly.

the funniest thing about the story with the psychic was that he dismissed his wives passion for astrology, even though she was considered one of the best and most booked ones in her country. she only accepted female clients because scrotes saw it as an opportunity to hit on her, so the minister had to send a woman there to set her up. after they got married he made her quit the job and said astrology was a little girl‘s science.

….. but he went on to call his psychic to ask whether his wife was dead or not and a second time in the evening iirc. like you said, the psych convinced him she was only „resting her brain“ and will „come to her senses in the evening“.

he was also on a lunch date with an instagram model and called a sex worker while his wife was dying in the vip room. and the trigger of this whole fight was him basically cheating infront of her the evening prior at a concert and she told him she was done and wanted to leave but he didn‘t let her and then this happened..

No. 1999183

My heart hurts so bad for all the woman suffering through this. Even after they feed Palestine they're still not safe.

No. 1999222

It's sad she still feels the need to believe in her horribly misogynistic religion, but I would beat the moid against that tree until he can't speak another word with that annoying ass smug voice, same for his unwashed-looking friend.

No. 1999268

Emily Soo sucks ass

No. 1999299

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I don't even know what to say

No. 1999301

Men are lower than parasites

No. 1999304

This is something Onionboi would do.

No. 1999323

How are we even expected to have empathy for moids

No. 1999339

>Colby Trickle of Hays, Kansas, reported to authorities in 2019 that his wife, 26-year-old Kristen Trickle, had died by suicide in their home. However, further investigation and an autopsy led by Dr Lyle Noordhoek determined she had died three days before her husband claimed she shot herself.

>Months after her death, it was revealed that Trickle had collected over $120,000 from two life insurance policies taken out in his wife’s name. Authorities discovered that he spent $2,000 of this money on a life-sized sex doll shortly after her death.

>According to a report, the remainder of the funds was used to purchase video games, pay off debts, and buy music equipment.

>The details of how Trickle spent the insurance money emerged during the trial. According to CBS News, police detective Joshua Burkholder expressed concern over Trickle’s actions.

>During the trial, the suspect’s mother, Tina Kreutzer, defended her son’s purchase of the doll, suggesting it was for comfort and not for sexual reasons. She claimed he was suffering from nightmares following his wife’s death.

>The court convicted Trickle of first-degree murder and obstructing the investigation.

This is one of those those cases where the judge did their job because they gave him life with no parole.

He commited the deed in 2019 but he walked free until late 2023. I guess they were collecting evidence on him so thats why it took 4 years. Also not his pickme mother trying to make excuses..

No. 1999368

I also wanted to post about it, it's so disgusting.
- He was calling his psychic instead of ambulance to ask what to do with her and she told him that the victim is tired and let her rest, while she was dying.
- The whole trial they tried to blame her that she was a drinker, too argumentative etc.
- He claimed she bumped her head over furniture herself.
Just some stuff i remember. It's so horrible what she went through before her death and now they can't stop lying about her.

No. 1999624

Men need to die in a fire

I'll take my red text now

No. 1999692

People will molest children, assault strangers on the street etc for money from sick fucks online. My first thought with this was definitely that pedos were paying her. I cant imagine how sociopathic you have to be to do this. I believe the same for the men punching women in New York, an accomplic films it from a distance and shares it in a group, makes a little cash. People don't care.

No. 1999743

>biting his head
That is a faggot

No. 1999805

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These can't all be real right? RIGHT?!

No. 1999810

Still a mere small fraction compared to the amount of men

No. 1999812

>"MeN Do iT tOo"
I consider and hold women to higher standards than vermin(Men)

No. 1999816

>he was also on a lunch date with an instagram model and called a sex worker while his wife was dying in the vip room. and the trigger of this whole fight was him basically cheating infront of her the evening prior at a concert and she told him she was done and wanted to leave but he didn‘t let her and then this happened..
This sounds like a nightmare. I sincerely hope there is a hell for him to experience over and over for his actions. Subhuman filth.

No. 1999820

Implying a woman can actually sexually assault a teenage male is laughable.

No. 1999825

wow so now we know women can also be pedophiles, what a new discovery!

No. 1999827

they should title it as "adult abuses child" because thats the reality ,even though it cant compare to the cases that men do i still despise pedophiles like these.have some dignity and dont go after a child

No. 1999829

Yeah im sure the one woman to every 1000 men is surely such a huge and shocking demographic that totally speaks for women in entirety

No. 1999839

Youtube constantly shows you shocking "female teacher did … " videos, it's so grossly overreported in news and fictional media (same as female murderers), while a moid doing anything similar is just daily business. I work with children and a couple weeks ago we had an informational evening during which a police officer was supposed to tell concerned parents how they can teach their children how to protect/defend themselves and he basically flat out told them that a stranger kidnapping your child or teachers/trainers molesting your child is not happening, if a child gets abused it's the dad at home - or it happens on the internet because lazy parents give even 6yos unmonitored access to literally everything nowadays.

No. 1999840

>'we don't know the context'
Fucking US media. What could the context possibly be?

No. 1999842

I'm a teacher and I am so sick of these astronomically rare stories of us molesting boys being played up and sensationalized. Your fugly sons aren't irrestistable to us.

No. 2000029


No. 2000086

>raped by a vagina
Not a real thing. Those little moids couldn’t stop themselves from bragging. Can we imagine why all women who succeeded range from mid to hot? Males are only scared of ugly women’s sexual advances, they would never let an ugly woman “rape” them.

No. 2000098

If you can be raped by a vagina you can also be raped by a hug. In fact, the water you drink is raping your throat! (Sarcasm if it wasn’t obvious)

No. 2000101

men will see this and both go ''god i wish that were me'' and ''see!! women are JUST as bad!!!''

No. 2000107

>why don’t women take male victims seriously?
>holy shit I wish my 7th grade teacher fucked me too!
Man moment

No. 2000108

>Oh no my rock hard penis is being encased in a wet warm hug how horrible! It’s just like /ss/ irl!

No. 2000807

Yeah, there was a town where 3 female teachers got arrested for diddling kids around the same time, it's weird

No. 2000808

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No. 2000817

I'm not trying to bait/start an infight, but do you guys feel the same way towards women who are predatory towards underage girls? https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/03/14/broward-middle-school-teacher-arrested-for-inappropriate-contact-with-student/
>According to the report, the girl’s guardian believed the mark on her cheek appeared to be a hickey and eventually noticed another one on her neck.
>Later on at home, the victim began to cry and admitted to her guardian that the mark was a hickey given to her by Smith, authorities said.
>Police said the man immediately brought the victim back to school to inform the principal and assistant principal.
>According to the report, the girl claimed that Smith also forced her hand down Smith’s pants to pleasure her.
>Hollywood police said they are working closely with the Broward School Board as the investigation continues.

No. 2000821

I know anons will probably yell at me but I think these stories are disgusting regardless of gender. I know men say dumb shit like "hurrdurr I wish my teachers were like that!", but even when you remove how the minor feels, it still brings to question why an adult would be attracted to a child in the first place. I'm not gonna defend creeps and child predators just cause they're women, and idk why other anons want to claim them either. They're such a small minority of women that I don't understand the point in trying to excuse their actions. Some women are literally just trash, we don't need to excuse everyone.
But I will say, I get very annoyed that these topics only get brought up when men are mad that people are talking about men being predatory and assaulting people.

No. 2000823

I don't know if I would call it "abuse" if it's to a moidlet. I guess it should be called something more like
>pedophile coerces teenage moid into engaging in sexual activities.
At least when a woman does it to a teenage boy, you can easily assume that the teenage moid is strong enough to make her stop, we all know this, specially when you see how what anon says is true
The women that "rape" the teenage moids are just pretty, whether you like it or not, they're never fat or unattractive, they're wanted by the teenage moids which are usually disgusting beings that can actually rape others and that posses tard strength.
I still think that these women are fucked in the head for even considering going after some disgusting teen or child moids, like I get that there's not a lot to pick once the moid hits the wall at 25, but we can be better than the average moid that rapes kids and teens and just, idk, get a dildo or kill retarded thoughts with the logic that we have which moids lack.
I'm also a teacher like nonna
And if anything, all I think about while being at school is how I want the day to end so I can go back to teaching adults and not seeing another fugly school uniform for the rest of my life.

No. 2000824

Samefag but I do think it's funny that anons will excuse women like that because this is the same site that will a-log women for petty things kek. It's backwards, idk.

No. 2000828

I mainly don't defend these women because most would 100% side with male pedophiles. I've seen some actual pedophilic women online, and a lot openly interact with heterosexual male pedophiles. They're all mentally ill regardless of gender.

No. 2000834

rape has never and will never be solely about being able to physically fight the rapist off. even if you have no empathy for male victims, at least have some for the women who thought they could trust someone or were drugged that have to see even other women saying shit like that CONSTANTLY.

No. 2000855

Men are obviously worse than women when it comes to this, but being attracted to a child no matter what gender you are is fucked. I feel sympathy for people who have POCD because they can't control that but otherwise it's disgusting to think of children that way and I wish we had 16th century style punishment for hurting children like that. It's a grey area when it's woman on 17 year old boy because doli incapax doesn't apply, but I still find it distasteful and uncomfortable.

No. 2001133

Their dicks were hard, they didn't fight back and they can physically push off the "rapist" at any time, they wanted it. Most if not all teenage moids willfully consume porn and regularly rape their female peers, so I don't know why I should feel sorry when one gets hard and decides to have sex with an older woman especially if they spend most of their time wishing for something like that to happen.

No. 2001402

I don’t excuse these women at all. Like anon said, these bitches most likely condone fellow male pedophiles. But I think it’s important to consider other factors if we’re gonna compare degrees of evilness. Teenage boys are not in the same bracket of victimhood as little kids. Teenage boys are raised in rape culture. Teenage boys like all scrotes subconsciously believe that sex is something men inflict upon women, I think this makes a difference in power dynamics of heterosexual grooming. Even little boys who have yet been exposed to porn regularly harass female peers and even their female teachers, they already understood that girls and women are to dominated socially. Scrotelets are scrotes. Unless all of these teenage boys were already abused and broken down by a female caregiver in childhood, I have a hard time believing that they are truly vulnerable against female authority in the same way that girls are.

No. 2001417

I agree. For every one of these stories about teen boys getting groomed, there are hundreds of girls being SA'ed every day by their peers, teachers, family, etc. There was a report not too long ago about a girl in elementary school who was repeatedly gang raped by her classmates and the administration did nothing but try and cover it up. The abuse of girls and women has become so normalized, that stories like >>2000808 are so sensational. I think all pedos should get the rope, but at the same time I cannot take male SA claims as seriously. The power and societal dynamics are not the same.

No. 2001537

Well said anon. I know it's easy to fall for the "children are children regardless of sex and they should be protected" mindset, but male children aren't the same as female children. As you said male children have it drilled into their skulls (or maybe it's just that they're defective, who knows) that they have the right to dominate, humiliate and abuse females. It's not that rare for male children to abuse female peers or children younger than themselves showing no remorse (while female children typically do have empathy), and it's common for them to consume women, basically exploiting them since young. I don't care, male children shouldn't be held to the same standard as female children, and frankly when they offend I would judge them as if they were adults.

No. 2001702

There were two openly outed/fired (I don't think either got arrested) pedo males predating on girls in my high school alone in the time I was there, I never heard of any female teacher known to be dating or sexually harassing boys in any past year in my high school or any of my friends' high schools while most people I know had at least one pedo teacher at their high school if it was big enough. That's precisely why the female pedo teacher news stories are so 'shocking' and go viral, it's just really rare.

No. 2001834

I will be honest, I am apprehensive to use this sort of reasoning since it sounds too similar to 'she was asking for it'. Regardless, adults have an obligation to not rape children.

No. 2001990

Men pointing their finger with one hand and jerking off with the other. What's new

No. 2001998

I agree with you. And like the other nona said, normally it'd sound victim-blamey but this is completely different dynamic from a teenage girl and a creepy older man and you can't say it isn't. The moids always brag about it and get caught or their parent found sexts on their phone and then they cry that they were tAkEn AdVaNtAge Of!!! Not saying it's okay, but it's like - does anyone even REMEMBER high school? This is a 17-year old scrote we're talking about. My classmates said and did the nastiest, most disgusting sexual shit and we're supposed to believe that a horny almost-college aged scrote is an innocent little uwu baby. O-kay.

No. 2002011

It appears they always try to turn it into "stop defending pedophiles!!!" We aren't defending pedophiles, we just aren't reactionary to a gaggle of sensationalized headlines about female pedo teachers given the fact that the amount of men that routinely brutalize, rape, and murder children trumps it by a very wide margin.

No. 2002017

Ayrt, I say child because in the stories linked up thread, it was a middle school girl, a 13 year old and a 15 year old. Again, even if you remove the feelings/abilities of the minor, I don't really get the purpose of making excuses for women who go for kids that young when they're overall a minority.
>This is a 17-year old scrote
The discussion was actually about multiple different stories.

No. 2002042

File: 1715654090180.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.35 MB, 480x854, K0eCcP_6K9aKvoam.mp4)

>Horrifying video shows the moment a masked fiend used a belt to choke a woman unconscious on a Bronx street, before dragging her to the ground and raping her between two cars in a sickening attack last week.
>The terrifying ordeal unfolded around 3 a.m. May 1 as the perv followed the 45-year-old victim, who was walking on the sidewalk at East 152nd Street and Third Avenue, cops said.
>Video shows the man whipping out a belt and flinging it around the woman’s neck.

No. 2002043

I hope prison ass rape comes swiftly to the atrocious, worthless scrote rape ape.

No. 2002044

that's enough internet for me today

No. 2002051

This is the kind of thing that warrants genuine, literal euthanasia. There is no way to rehabilitate this kind of behavior.

No. 2002121

>literal euthanasia
too easy. rapists and pedos should be stoned to death.

No. 2002161

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His name is Kashaan Parks and he was arrested FIVE TIMES before this. His mother convinced him to turn himself in. Fuck. I hate men and I hate our unsafe fucking low trust society

No. 2002225

please tell me she at least survived.
I so wish I didn't unspoiler holy fuck

No. 2002264

He deserves to be raped daily in every single one of his holes.

No. 2002388

i'm glad his mother convinced him to turn himself in instead of helping him evade consequences like so many boymoms would. it just goes to show how dangerous giving birth to a male can be. even if you try to do the right thing as a mother you can still end up bringing a monster into the world.

No. 2002781

that retarded idiot who ran over all those people in a parade in Wisconsin and then blamed it on his bipolar disorder

No. 2003075

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No. 2003263

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The fact that there is an overwhelming chance Lucy Letby is being used as a scapegoat for medical incompetence in an entire hospital ward full of baboons is sad to see given just how many people have been crucifying her.

No. 2003264

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No. 2003265

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Misinformation driving everything into hell

No. 2003286

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No. 2003289

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Flood detection makes me forget to post all caps now

No. 2003292

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No. 2003304

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No. 2003327

I’ll admit this has been a concern of mine r.e. Letby for a while. Given the evidenced systemic maternity care failures leading to multiple dead babies we’ve already seen at Morcambe Bay and East Kent, it’s not unprecedented for these deaths to have been the result of a crap maternity ward which has since scrambled to scapegoat one person.

No. 2003344

The cruelty of the entire ward throwing her under the bus is astounding. Im embarassed I believed it but at the same time, the info being shared was so grossly inaccurate how could I have came to any other conclusion on my own? Collective negligence makes so much sense, and there are so many (scary) cases of hospitals protecting themselves when they basically murder scores of people in their care out of incompetence. I cannot imagine how she must feel day in and day out being told she's some sort of calculated sociopathic cold blooded killer, no wonder she had that emotional breakdown. I am fully on board with this as the case initially made no sense no matter how many articles I read.

No. 2003463

>empty/crazy eyes
>commit acts so inhumane animals don’t even commit them
Can we just start mass genociding these things already? They’re not even human(racebait)

No. 2003679

hospitals also scramble to cover everything up when they become aware of care providers who purposefully cause harm, like moid doctors sexually abusing their female patients or photographing them while they are unconscious, and successfully keep it hidden until someone with a conscious blows the whistle. i have very little trust in medical establishments and believe most of them are run by sociopaths who don't care at all about any pain or trauma that patients experience while hospitalized, and i also don't find it difficult to believe that they'd think nothing of unloading the blame for rampant neglect and preventable deaths onto a single nurse when in reality it's a staff-wide problem.

No. 2004493

A woman can't rape a man, anon.

No. 2004547

update, he got 24 years which is surprising actually, hopefully he won't get out early, but it's still a possibility.

No. 2004551

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>Denise Nicole Frazier, 20, of Laurel, was arrested Thursday afternoon in Forrest County and charged with attempted unnatural intercourse and unnatural intercourse. According to WDAM, the new charges come after a video surfaced of what appears to be a pregnant Frazier having intercourse with a dog.
>This follows an April 2023 arrest in which Frazier was charged with unnatural intercourse and aggravated animal cruelty after multiple SnapChat videos of her and a German shepherd having sexual intercourse were turned in to authorities. A Jones County sheriff’s deputy, at the time, called it “one of the most disturbing cases” he had ever seen.
>Frazier, who later claimed that she was forced to make the videos, was released on a bond of $25,000 and ordered that she stay away from animals. Three dogs were seized from the residence where she was arrested the first time around.
>The latest video allegedly involving Frazier resulted in a Forrest County judge on Friday setting her bond at $10,000 per charge while revoking the bond previously set by a Jones County judge. Another person, Skyler English, 18, was arrested for accessory before the fact. His bond was set at $10,000.

No. 2004555

>a pregnant Frazier
what about the baby?? please tell me they didnt leave it with this monster

No. 2004556

I know it's a meme but
white girls fuck dogs
I gladly take my ban farmhand(retard)

No. 2004557

Imagine being a dad or a mom and your daughter does some degenerate shit like this. My dad would beat the shit out of me if I fooled around with a teenage boy.

American women are just so fucking nasty and pickmesexual. Never saw a random dick they didn't want to suck.(no blackpill)

No. 2004560

That stare tells me she will 110% do it again

No. 2004561

>American women
Tell me where you’re from so I can also be xenophobic

No. 2004564


No. 2004591

hope he's raped to death in prison. wtf is wrong with men. they're all the same

No. 2005196

update about the case, the baby will be going to the paedophile's husband.

No. 2005233

i wonder if the surrogate was horrified by the thought of handing a baby she carried and birthed over to a man whose husband planned to rape it. even if he isn't a pedophile himself and had no idea how depraved his husband is it still doesn't bode well for the boy's future that he's going to be raised by someone who was married to a child molester

No. 2005952

Kek I don't agree but it's funny

No. 2006182

I really don’t care. Moidlets ask for it. They sexually harass their teachers.
Also they have no soul so their spirits can’t be broken by abuse the same way a woman or girls can.
They should be grateful they’re not getting buttfucked by an old man.

No. 2006202

Tbf there's not a lot of difference between the average man and a dog. Maybe the dog is a little more intelligent.

No. 2006212

No. 2006213

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No. 2006298

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>CHAMBLEE, Ga. - Chamblee police have made an arrest in a disturbing case that unraveled at a Whole Foods on May 11.

>A woman shopping at the grocery store located at 5001 Peachtree Boulevard near Clairmont Road told police a stranger ejaculated on her.

>"I see this gentleman walking down the aisle who's pretending to be shopping and he's holding a basket, and he looked kind of like a normal gentleman, like late 20s, early 30s, nothing like extra suspicious about him," Dr. Sabine Lovell, a plastic surgeon, recounted to FOX 5 after the incident. "I bent over to grab the chips and as I was doing that, I felt something like wet and warm on my back, and so I put my hand on the small of my back, and then I saw that it was like this gooey, white substance, and I turn around, and I see this guy looking at me, and then he zips his pants up."

>Troy Calliste (DeKalb County Sheriff's Office)

>Surveillance showed Lovell chasing the man out of the store. She told FOX 5 that she wanted to draw as much attention as possible to the suspect and the situation so that there would be plenty of witnesses.

>Troy Calliste, 28, has since been taken into custody. He was arrested in Gwinnett County and charged with sexual battery and public indecency.

>He'll be booked at the DeKalb County Jail.

what is the psychology of scrotes like this? is it just another act of domination over a woman? getting off on the fact that he invaded her personal space? this reminds me of a video i saw of a woman who went through something similar a scrote was jerking off whilst walking in new york and ejaculated on her. it was posted on twitter too, other moids were just giggling over how he was a champ for jerking off and walking at the same time

No. 2006318

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>this is completely different dynamic
Even men (like picrel) admit this, anyone who is somewhat earnest will agree. Female pedophilia is serious but these women aren't primarily going after 17 yos they work with. They go after younger teens, children or disabled men. The part about implicit rivarly between their moms and teachers/adult women rings true, i've seen it play out IRL. There are tons of mothers infatuated with their sons (even if don't act like blatant boymoms) and they really loathe the competition. Now, it should be punished on ethical grounds and there's something wrong emotionally/behaviorally with female teachers who allow male students to date them.

This reminds me of the abhorrent shit korean moids do.
>is it just another act of domination over a woman?
It's just that. Sometimes they'll rub any kind of fluid on women's bodies/hair. Spit, pubes etc.

No. 2006323

Asian moids are absolute bottom of the barrel. Most misogynistic, ugliest, smallest dicks(racebaiting)

No. 2006477

My point is, don't fuck men because they're the same as animals, and you don't fuck animals. But also, the white woman fucking dogs thing is hilarious considering men fuck dogs regularly and also fuck many, many, many other things/animals.

No. 2006493

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Since we are on the subject of female pedos. Stupid fucking bitch had a BABY with a 16 year old that she started having sex with at 15. Allowed her whole class of moidlets to call her “bunda becky”, snapchatted them nude pics, bought another 15 yr old boy a Gucci belt.
Now her daughter has been taken away and put into care. Women get the slightest hint of moid attention that they were deprived of in school and lose their minds. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-69026069

No. 2006508

She got pregnant, which means he was hard and came… which means he wanted it. Men who don't want to fuck don't get hard.

No. 2006516

You sound enraged and for no good reason. The worst thing she did was being a simp. She should've been the one getting spoiled. No one was hurt except her, I swear you pick-me's will be the end of me. Reading your retarded alogging took a year off my life.

No. 2006520

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>bunda becky

No. 2006525

English isn't my first language so I don't get it but it sounds offensive as hell. That poor woman

No. 2006537

the only on i feel sorry for is the daughter

No. 2006546

Yeah you’re right but why did she fuck him in the first place? Stupid idiot has ruined her life AND brought a kid into the world under fucked up circumstances. She literally was wooed into bed by not one but TWO grotty disgusting teenage boys. She is still to blame even if they’re not exactly rape victims
That’s exactly my point? And
>no one was hurt but her
SHE HAD A BABY WITH A 16 YEAR OLD THAT GOT TAKEN INTO CARE? Her DAUGHTER! I’m not here pitying her “victims” I’m just calling her a stupid fucking idiot!

No. 2006548

Bunda is black Jamaican slang for ass. Very popular with the yutes innit.

No. 2006553

Bla bla bla. Horny makes you stupid. What's new?

No. 2006567

File: 1715963739265.png (26.74 KB, 1045x251, headline.png)

>Jane Wilson, senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West, said: "Rebecca Joynes is a sexual predator.

Meanwhile elsewhere in Manchester
>local authority indifference to the plight of hundreds of children, mainly girls from poor backgrounds, all identified as potential victims of abuse in Rochdale

>Children were being raped every day. Both the police and Rochdale children services told me and kept telling me it was nothing to do with them.

The police and the courts suddenly give a shit when a teenage moid voluntarily has sex with an older woman and the woman gets labelled as sexual predator for having consensual sex.

I don't condone what she did, it was wrong and retarded but the difference between what happens to men that violently rape girls and women that sleep with willing underage moids is stark.

No. 2007097

Pedophiles and rapists getting less time than a war crimes whistle blower, fucking hate this country

No. 2007739

fucking classic. and this shit happens everywhere. i'm sure the judge is probably assosates himself with these rapists and pedos and gives them basically a slap on wrist because he himself is one and someone should check his computer. moids should not be allowed to even exist if they allow themselves to rape or even touch someone inappropriately.

No. 2007865

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Rare british W

No. 2008488

A fate worse than death

No. 2008613

last year I was just standing at a bus stop and a dude in a car pulled into the gas station the bus stop was front of and said "could you help me with something?" I was like what and didnt move, so he drove a little closer. He said "can you show me where to go" or something similar so I thought he was asking directions so I stepped closer and see hes holding his dick in one hand just jerking it…
like??? is this just a rite of passage now?

No. 2009227

This happened to me a few times when I was 16. Since then I never go near a car with men inside. If they are truly asking for directions they can ask a man.

No. 2010107

Do you guys remember that Kenyan women-only village? I just learned the story behind that, and it's horrific.
From 1970 to 2003, British soldiers came to Kenya to "train". Over 650 women and girls from the Samburu and Maasai ethnic groups were raped by these soldiers. A girl named Oseina Thomas Koitat was 17 years old when 7 British soldiers gang-raped her when she was trying to fetch water to bring to her parents.
When the victims tried to get justice, they were called "liars" by the British government, and the Kenyan government (who make money off of the military training programs) conveniently "lost" all documentation pertaining to their cases. At 3:11, one mother being interviewed is crying with her mixed race child, but the British government would rather say she's lying than hold one of their own accountable for rape. Most of the surviving children born from these assaults face heavy stigmatization along with their mothers, and several infants were killed using tobacco. A woman named Beatrice Lenamunyi stepped up and started a woman-only village so they and all other victimized women could live in peace, support themselves/their children financially, etc. None of these women have gotten justice to this day, they're still exiled from their own community for being rape victims, and their children are bullied.
British soldiers are still going into Kenya to "train", by the way. In 2012, a 21 year old girl named Agnes Wanjiru was killed in 2012, and had her body thrown into a hotel's septic tank. The British soldiers involved were let off, even after one tried to confess (he was told to "shut up"), and were later exposed mocking her death in their private group chat. The case has been "under investigation" since 2021.
So many men do this evil shit the moment they're abroad in another country, especially military moids. They almost never face any punishment at all. There are multiple stories of American soldiers doing this in poor countries and getting away with it, too. I will never "respect troops". The "good ones" do nothing to stop this, and their fellow men in power are happy to let it continue.

No. 2010117

this is what fucks with you as a news story? This is so lame, I mean read the room we got gang rape in African countries and women being beaten and raped til they’re brain damaged, this is nothing compared to that.(infighting)

No. 2010233

this is more than stupid retard

No. 2010432

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No. 2010459

I know this is over a week old but this reply made me laugh so hard, thank you nona

No. 2010461

Feel free to post it yourself? We were on the subject of female “pedos” and this is front page news in my country. Ironically you’ll screech at me for this but >>2010432
Is allowed to whinge about a fucking stop sign.

No. 2010624

6 decades of this

No. 2010673

>daily mail
lmfao please learn to recognise outrage bait

No. 2011064

I don’t have any english version of the article but this shit made me so mad today!
A moid on a bike brutally attacked a woman because his wife, who was riding bikes with their bastards on the road, overheard a woman in the car talking to her daughter how irresponsible what they’re doing is. The wife made up a story about the car driving dangerously into the kids while the car actually passed them normally. So the moid followed the car, was beating the car yelling at the woman, reached into the car and tossed her phone outside when she tried to call the police. She got out of the car to get the phone and he beat her so much she died 2 days later in the hospital. Police didn’t even come.
Now it seems he’ll get 3 years of jail. 3 YERAS?! FOR MURDER?! I hate this clown country, they always give the littelest senteces they can (unless it’s weed), he deserves gulag! And i hate fucking cyclists, the worst type of people out there, every one of them is full of rage and thinks they own the whole outside.

No. 2011077

Can you link the article anyway?

No. 2011078


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2011824

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An absolute shocker. Who could have seen this coming??

No. 2011914

I like it when they get killed by their own dogs. I like to imagine what their last thoughts were. I hope they’re along the lines of “oh god, why am I such a fucking idiot?”

No. 2011927

he wanted to kill someone and used his wife being mad at her as an excuse. 3 years for murder like that is disgusting.

No. 2011969

Makes me happy when the owners get mauled and the dogs destroyed rather than an innocent getting killed

No. 2012003

Neighbors must be breathing a sigh of relief, that it was her and not them.

No. 2012008

No. 2012138

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This comment on that video makes me want to alog so bad. You witness depravity and still somehow mock the women in the process

No. 2012291

Thank you nonnie!

No. 2012794

What an evil comment honestly.

No. 2013641

Disgusting rape ape moid taking up for his fellow subhuman chYmps. Hope it happens to him, and that the world can see his delicately prolapsed anus, lips inflated with blood and nose normally dislocated. I'll accept my ban.

No. 2013714

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While Madagascar and Kazakhstan are castrating child rapists, Germany is busy softening its laws against child pornography. I can't make this shit up.


>“A downgrade to a misdemeanor is also urgently required in order to be able to respond appropriately and with the necessary flexibility to the large proportion of juvenile offenders,” the legislation reads, according to Reduxx. “Here, too, the perpetrators generally do not act in order to be sexually aroused by the child pornography content, but rather out of a drive typical of the adolescent stage of development, such as naivety, curiosity, thirst for adventure or the desire to impress.”

>But rather than simply address this specific matter in the legislation, the German government opted to reclassify the crime altogether, for anyone, regardless of age. The effect will be that adults who possess child pornography will now be simply charged with a misdemeanor rather than the felony treatment they should receive.

No. 2013722

I wonder which rich man’s son is a CP addict. Very on brand with Germany’s character though, knowing their state sanctioned rape policies for orphans that lasted into the 90s.

No. 2013917

I thank God everyday I'm not german or British

No. 2014139

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those poor children

No. 2014144

Where the fuck were the parents??? The dailymail article doesn't mention them at all, it's weird as fuck

No. 2014193

This might be a bit out of place here but I figured it's the most accurate thread for it.

>Mother of 2 calls police on herself because her car ran out of gas with her 2 young girls in it, it's late and very cold.

>It's unclear whether she went to pick up the car with her daughters from another location before realizing the car was out of gas, or if she was driving home with her daughters when it ran out of gas.
>Police show up and start asking questions. She is immediately aggressive, argumentative, and gives different answers to the same questions.
>She seems either mentally unwell or intoxicated.
>She suddenly drops this bombshell that her father was a police officer for 20 years and forced her and her cousin to engage in sexual intercourse with each other at the ages of 5 and filmed the incidents.
>The officer phones her mom, the kids Grandma, to come pick her up, and the mom tries to talk the daughter down by saying "they are not your enemies" and "they don't know your history, please cooperate with them" so it's obvious the daughter has severe trauma from her dad and feels extremely unsafe around male officers.
>The Grandma explains that to the officer, and says that the police were unhelpful when the daughter was being abused by her father as a child, indicating more distrust of male police officers. The Grandma (and the step Grandpa, not the abusive father) agree to come pick up the daughter and her two girls, although she is an hour and a half away so their in for a long wait.
>The mother of the two girls discloses she has bipolar disorder and is unmedicated.
>EMS shows up, they send more males instead of taking into consideration the trauma she has surrounding men.
>The police are uncertain whether her hostility is solely because of mental health issues or if she is intoxicated as well.
>The situation escalated when the officers force the car door open to talk to her, she starts shouting, her daughters start crying, the officers attempt to calm the kids by telling them their Grandma is on the way and ask them questions about their safety. She shouts at her daughter to not speak to the man, and repeats "you don't know him, don't speak to him, you do not know him." But then tells her daughter to "ask the officer why he won't close the door." And repeats this several times.
>The mother escalates further shouting "talk little girl!" before screaming "ASK HIM!" at her crying daughter, while the officers attempt to calm the girl. She's holding her daughter in the front seat while angrily repeating "ask him! ask him again!" while the young girl asks the officer "why won't you close the door?" while crying.
>The officers physically pry the young girl away from her mother and place her in handcuffs. The young girls are taken into a cop car to get warm.
>The officers are uncertain whether to place the mother in the ambulance or not, one asks "does she have a medical reason to go to the hospital?" They agree to place her in the ambulance to check her physical health.
>The mother is now completely silent until they wheel her stretcher into the ambulance, where she starts saying strange things like "don't look a bitch in they eyes bitch" and "button my pants up like you just fucked me" and "y'all know what a chicken wing is? ain't shit."
>Two officers volunteer to get the children food, the two girls seem so frightened it's really sad to see.
>The children are placed into custody with their grandparents, and the mother is charged with 3 different crimes relating to the aggressive behavior she had with the officers.

So this whole thing was sad, I feel so bad for the daughters being verbally, mentally (and possibly physically) by their mom. And I feel so bad for the mom who's obviously traumatized by what she went through and dealing with a mental illness. The way she treated her daughters is horrible, and should not be accepted, but what needs to be taken into consideration is she is very obviously unwell. I couldn't help but notice her kids seem to be around the same age she was when she was sexually abused, so that's also probably bringing up a lot of trauma for the mother. I don't think she is a bad person or intentionally harming her kids. The fact she kept bringing up the rape and sexual things kind of proves to me that she is still very traumatized by what happened to her, and of course she is, I can't imagine dealing with something like that. That being said her daughters don't deserve treatment like this, and it doesn't seem like a good home environment for them. I wish she could be given mandatory therapy and maybe courses on handling trauma and anger. I think the officers handled it really well although I wish they sent female EMT's but I understand that's probably a difficult thing to request if none were available in that area at the time. But yeah this was just upsetting to watch and so were the comments, even the title. She obviously wasn't "using her kids as a weapon." And one of the top comments was "you can't use your trauma as an excuse" failing to understand that the trauma altered her mental health for life, it's not an excuse it's an explanation of why her behavior is so bizarre and aggressive. Trauma can shrink parts of your brain, and I highly doubt any of the flippant comments are written by people who have experienced anything close to what she's gone through. Not to mention the untreated bipolar disorder, if she's in a manic or depressive state she's physically incapable of not showing symptoms of it. They also seem to blame her for it being untreated, again failing to take any nuance into account that maybe she can't afford the meds, or the meds don't work for her. Every single comment is about what she's done, not a single comment in the first 50 or so I read were about how evil her father is. One of the top 5 comments even called her "the most evil," another saying she "trauma dumped" on the officer, that she is "the most wretched person and her mother is an enabler." I just don't understand why everyone seems to be so retarded? They see one video and think they know everything about a situation, that they're an expert. And they can't seem to think in shades of grey, everything is either all bad or all good. Yes the treatment of her kids is unacceptable, yes they should be placed with their Grandmother until she is (hopefully, I really fucking hope) in a better state to care for them. But no she is not evil, she is not wretched and irredeemable, her father is. This is the very ugly side of trauma and mental health that no one seems to understand exists anymore, it's not all clean and cute so no one wants to face it. I hope this woman and her daughters can move past this, I hope she can get the help she needs. Sorry for how long this probably is, I'm not good at summarizing things.

No. 2014209

Hate this country & can't wait to leave.

No. 2014222

Everyone hates mothers the most, if she suddenly can't become a Disney mom that's always lovely and amazing then she's a bitch, vile evil bastard.
Like, she got abused by her father, surely for years but she's being blamed for not getting therapy as if it was that easy to even recognize the abuse, specially during her times in which mental health was a taboo even, like, it's only nowadays that people have begun giving a fuck about mental health and it's still basically a meme.
Yeah she's violent and aggressive, but this isn't something that she's doing because she's enjoying it, she was clearly suffering because she was also punishing herself by reliving her trauma.
But still, most of the people that are over 20 years old will be fucked mentally because that shit isn't taken seriously, most people use the drugs for fun or don't use them, don't use therapy properly or treat their mental illnesses/conditions as fashion accessories instead of actually doing something to get well.
I think the biggest fuck up was the fact that the officers saw the woman freaking out and didn't think that maybe sending another woman could've been a better idea, not even in a misogynistic way, they still decided to power through and take the issue and solve everything in the moidiest way possible.

No. 2014245

Man, this hit me. My mother was sexually abused by her father as a child, almost certainly has some sort of personality disorder and has never even remotely healed from the trauma. The way society treats women like her is absolutely shocking. People love to focus on the damage these women can cause (and yes, she certainly fucked me up) but never what damaged them. My mother recently told me she told her mental health nurse that she'd only see a female therapist and got hit with a "not all men" speech. I fucking hate this world. I hope all those YouTube experts who condemn victims rot in hell. They're part of the problem.

No. 2014311

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Samefag but I looked in the most recent comments hoping to find something less blackpilling but it made it even worse, people just really don't have empathy anymore. And everyone hates women, it'd make me feel better to think it's just men but lately I've seen more and more women acting this way towards other women too. People just hate women. The comments are fucked, there's even people saying she probably lied about her trauma because "traumatized people don't blurt it out like that." Which isn't true at all. A recurring comment which I've seen other places as well is "you're trauma is not your fault, but not getting help for it is" and other variations which is just insane, and a very naive viewpoint. It's literally just another way of saying "it's your fault your traumatized." Some people can't get over it, some people go through such horrific things they cannot recover. Some people can't afford it, some people have brain damage, some people don't have the capacity to make the decision to seek help for whatever reason. Everyone seems so stupid now, I know it's probably always been like this but it feels worse.

>I felt bad for her until she yelled, then I took it back.

>If you continue the abuse you're no longer the victim.

Like there can only be one? Like it's a badge to earn? Like you can only be seen as a victim of something if you're a perfect little angel who's never done anything wrong? Retards. And that second to last comment from the bottom, calling an incestuous child rapist who makes homemade child porn a "deadbeat" is the biggest understatement I've ever seen in a youtube comment section, and that's saying something. Also the comment in the middle, it's the moms fault and the Grandma's fault, it's only the women's fault of course, no mention of blame on the CHILD RAPIST who preyed on a fucking 5 year old. Jfc, sorry I'm done.

>My mother recently told me she told her mental health nurse that she'd only see a female therapist and got hit with a "not all men" speech.
Holy fucking shit this pisses me off so much.

Agreed, very well said. I noticed the comments seem to either condemn the mother or praise the cops for doing the bare minimum of not shouting or getting violent and being nice to the children. People hate women and men are put on pedestals, I hate it here.

No. 2014870

>she was charged for child abuse and was found guilty because of this video going viral.

No. 2015613

>white woman fuck dog
>white man rape and murder woman
And the cycle continues

No. 2015617

Was I wrong? The repressed homosexual male is one of the most violent creatures we know

No. 2015754

T. Low IQ Pajeetina's who bought into the meme that "white girls fuck dogs hur dur" like their equally stupid counterpart, the street shitting moids, to feel better about being the lowest class human to exist. 1 out of a million white women might fuck dogs but at least our eggs don't spawn the most degenerate subhuman moids on the planet, sterilize yourselves.(racebaiting)

No. 2015756

You're being way too kneejerk and missed my point entirely, it was sarcastic and highlighting that men who routinely rape and murder women are obsessed with this idea that women have this inherent evil and depravity that matches theirs. Relax.

No. 2015760

the white woman fucks dog thing is clearly moids projecting because they commit the majority of beastiality and consume and create most of the beastiality porn.

No. 2015766

You need to calm down Samantha

No. 2015771

If you're the most recent anon I was on the fence whether your comment was a joke or not so ignore me, but I'm pretty certain the first anon meant it. I've seen dumb Indian girls spouting that meme irl for brownie points with Pajeets.

Is your insult supposed to be that I'm white? Cause I don't really see that as a negative but good for you for trying, you can go back to scraping the diarrhea off your sandals now.

No. 2015777

Yeah im the short greentext. I read the article posted about the pregnant woman and everyone is so focused on the meme that they are completely ignoring that she said she was coerced and forced to do it and that a man was arrested with her as well.

No. 2015946

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Did yall see that? Idk if someone posted it before but sculpture pfp incel moid posted this on twitter, ofc he complained about her reaction

No. 2015948

how do you fuck up something as easy as cake

No. 2015950

File: 1716452941795.png (24.07 KB, 595x245, 5-23 102242.png)

No. 2015953

That cake looks like fucking shit

No. 2015954

No worries nonna 2millions people saw this and mocked him for it

No. 2015955

>cake looks oily as shit
>custard is basically spit and copium
>strawberry jam for no fucking reason
I would pick the strawberries off this abomination, run them under water and put this "cake" in the trash.

No. 2015957

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Weird this is him because he posts like those lame 55 year old Greek statue pfps that try to sound young

No. 2015958

the cake is too dense nonna, it's a brick hahahah

No. 2015959

damn that scrote is hot, something must be very wrong with him for him to struggle so much with dating

No. 2015960

usually that happens when you add too much oil, it makes it so that the dough doesn't rise so it becomes cemen t

No. 2015961

he said he didnt add baking powder

No. 2015963

he's probably severely mentally ill, look at the way he reacted because his first attempt at baking a cake wasnt successful, he was crying for hours on twitter justifying himself to strangers, backpedalling, adding lies to embellish his story, imagine dealing with a scrote like that irl, it's gaslight city. he probably is highly narcissistic based on the way he looks and thinks women have to worship the ground he walks on too. he's for the streets.
I know for a fact he added too much oil or used the wrong type of oil (butter instead of actual oil i.e.) because I've done the same mistake when I was 12

No. 2015966

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Sarah the pick me doesnt know what she's trying to get into

No. 2015968

File: 1716454160547.png (137.48 KB, 1177x753, bb.png)

the scrote on scrote violence kekkk
she said what he wanted to listen so he didn't call her fat, what a catch!

No. 2015969

I'm not even Indian, but good try I guess

No. 2015970

ThinkbeforeYousleep actually made a whole answer about this guy being a sped because he couldnt even make a cake

No. 2015974

File: 1716454422001.png (104.84 KB, 638x753, qdqdddd.png)

The pickmes are in HEAT wdym you'd cry if your husband did that for you????

No. 2015976

You can't see his face in anything and the way he talks is so odd. He probably looks like corpse husband

No. 2015977

you're right nona i'm getting ahead of myself, he could look horrible under that mask

No. 2015979

the bar is in literal hell. imagine you come home and your Nigel baked you a cement cake that looks and tastes like shit, then you try to say you meant another type of cake and you have to eat this garbage while he cries, shakes and probably punches a wall or throw shit on the floor because he put effort on something for once and he should be worshipped for it.

No. 2015980

Men have the tiniest brains just knocking around their massive skulls. It always reminds me of how Buffalo Bill in the silence of the lambs was asked about one of his victims and he says "oh was she a great big fat person?" They are so simple minded and dumb that to them the Mangum opus of all insult is "fat." Ugly as fuck, no significant others, no future prospects, Twitter their only calling card and they think other people give a fuck that some loser is calling them fat kek

No. 2015981

She saw that layer of shit bricks with a few slices of strawberry just soaking into it getting soggy asf and he thought he was going to get a blowjob and some bootlicking

No. 2015982

men really think they're slick when they want the praises but dont want to put the effort.

No. 2015983

i think i'd laugh so hard i'd cry, but that's the only type of crying i'd do kekkk

No. 2015984

He absolutely does. You don't develop that speech pattern or way of speaking from being prenaturally attractive. You don't see genuinely facially attractive men develop this affectation for a reason. This is for bitter, narcissistic men who get so twisted up into themselves and their self-righteous ego that they think obsessively tending to their body will make them superior to other people. His body is all he has in probably every sense lol

No. 2015985

Kids can bake cakes, if that guy is "doing his best" it implies a lot about his reading, comprehension, and motricity skills.

No. 2015986

he's a roidpig who maybe read a couple of books and probably listens to redpill stuff.

No. 2015988

The way he types mimics the 60 year old self proclaimed "aesthetes" larping as old Hollywood phenos on a specific side of twitter, so it's doubtful he has any friends. Probably autistic and his body is now his special interest so he's taking his lifelong wild insecurity out on anyone who will listen.

No. 2015991

Then your some other flavor of shitskin, or a self hating white woman with a martyr complex. I'm not sure which one is sadder.

No. 2015993

Did this guy kill someone? What does he have to do with this thread.

No. 2015994

he killed my desire to eat a strawberry shortcake for the rest of my life.

No. 2015995

Sorry nona i wanted to post it in twitterhate thread i didnt realize i posted it in the thread below, sorry sorry sorry. To be fair he killed our desire to eat cake.

No. 2015996

So bitter and for what lol

No. 2015998

Just being honest

No. 2015999

About what? You haven't said anything beyond being angry I called you "Samantha"

No. 2016001

That you're either a shitskin or a self hating white woman with a martyr complex, I'm not sure what's difficult to grasp? I posted, you responded, I responded, etc. It's kind of how it works here. And if your feeling anger it's not coming from my posts so I don't know what to tell you, but anger and confusion is very common among people with low IQ's so… here we are.(racebait)

No. 2016002

Nona's getting so pent up about the "fucking dog" thing that it feels like massive projection now

No. 2016004

Back to Pajeetina's "white girls fuck dogs hur dur" meme, you people really aren't clever. Sorry you're so mad though, I would be too if I were responsible for birthing the world's worst moids.

No. 2016006

She told you she did not mean it like that and you decided to unleash your frustration over someone's who's been apropriate and civil with you, yet you keep insisting you're not the sub-human here.

No. 2016011

I'm just responding, I don't who it is I'm responding too, just the posts that reply to me. It's kind of how it works on an imageboard. I'm also not sure why you keep perceiving me as angry? These are very tame posts, I'm just being honest.

No. 2016012

yeah i'm not surprised you don't have the cognitive abilities to be able to differ who's replying… anyways take a break, breathe in, breathe out, everything will be alright.

No. 2016013

Again that's just the norm for imageboards, I guess your new. But sorry I made you so mad, have a nice breathing session.

No. 2016014

Stop, you both are embarrassing

No. 2017388

Does anyone remember the Spanish politician who had that poop video leaked? Something similar happened to a German politician recently. He licked a toilet and smeared poop on himself https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thenews.com.pk/amp/1189710-german-politicians-video-of-licking-public-toilets-goes-viral

No. 2017519

What the ever loving fuck is wrong with men

No. 2017559

>He also made a mustache from feces while roleplaying as the former Chancellor Adolf Hitler in one more such footage.

No words. I'm losing my shit laughing rn

No. 2017588

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No. 2017589

I hate Indians so much. England should have finished what they started. They are the most misogynist, classist, racist, ugliest, smelliest, hairiest, shortest people in existence. Yes even the women. Fuck the lot of you. Indians stink and I hate them.(racebait)

No. 2017656

>I'm losing my shit
Careful anon, you don’t know who’ll get their hands on it.

No. 2017659

People are going to think you're me coming back to start shit again kek, but yeah I agree. There's a shit ton where I live in Canada and they all hate western women and bitch about "white girls" even in front of us. It's like go home if you hate us so much, oh wait you can't cause your own kind are a bunch of animalistic rape apes and there's shit and garbage everywhere.(ban evading)

No. 2017665

Did they already start defecating on streets?(racebait)

No. 2017667

Not yet but I'm sure it's coming, and no one will be able to complain because it's "culturally insensitive." Didn't know degeneracy was a culture but here we are.(racebait)

No. 2017678

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No. 2017682

Ew, I hate them so much. This is probably also because of all the homeless drug addicts in Van too.

No. 2017685

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No. 2017701

God I didnt first notice that anon was replying to another post, just saw that pic with "my sides."

No. 2017707

>just 11 years old
Despite being horrifying to read This is highly suspect in it self also considering its the dailymail where the fuck were the parents? And how do we not know this was not done by the parents? I can't imagine a child doing this to other children..I've heard there's a rise of child on child sexual crime but god I didn't think it was this much what the fuck has the world come to..

No. 2017721

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>can't imagine a child doing this to other children..
Then do imagine. You might save the life of your child or other family member.

No. 2017734

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No. 2017736

>(ban evading)
No I wasn't, you gave me a 7 hour ban 24 hours ago you retard. It expired.

No. 2017758

Believe it then because there are tons of cases like these, a couple are even famous. Most if not all of these are committed by moid children, and they don't always come from bad families either, some of them have caring parents, friends and live in a good place. They're defective. I say it again, male children should be judged like adults.

No. 2017940

File: 1716560262606.webp (54.81 KB, 760x369, mugshot.webp)

i have some bad news: scrotelets are more than capable of committing atrocities. it is not a recent phenomena, although having unsupervised access to the internet and a desensitization to pornography certainly hasn't helped the issue.
>in 1998 thirteen year old Don Wilburn Collins tied Robbie Middleton to a tree on his eight birthday and set him on fire. he had raped him two weeks prior.
>in 1993 thirteen year old Eric Smith strangled four year old Derrick Robie, dropped a rock onto his head, and sodomized him with a stick.
>in 1987 thirteen year old Craig Price stabbed a woman to death. two years later he brutally murdered another woman and her two daughters, aged ten and seven. he crushed the younger girl's skull and left a knife jammed inside the ten year old.
>in 1993 two ten year old boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables (pictured in the mugshots), murdered toddler James Bulger after abducting him from a shopping center. they inserted batteries into his mouth and rectum and left his body behind to be cut in half by a train.
those are just a few high-profile cases. think of all the boys out there who sexually abuse their younger relatives, torture and kill animals, or fantasize about violence. as disturbing and uncomfortable as it may be to accept, the truth is that many boys are just as irreparably fucked in the head as adult men are and you need to regard them with the same level as suspicion as you would a fully grown moid.

No. 2017950

Notice how the scrotelet "Craig" started targeting women exclusively.

No. 2017951

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stories like these make me think like picrel

No. 2017955

Saw this on the front page, this happened super close to me, but before I was born. I pass by the shopping centre James was abducted from every day

No. 2017961

I was sexually assaulted by another child when I was 7. It's more common than you'd think.

Children may have sexual urgers that they don't understand yet, and the part of their brain responsible for empathy will take a long time to develop. Most of the time it results in awkward sexual experimentation between children, but sometimes it ends up being violent and traumatic.

No. 2018018

>the part of their brain responsible for empathy will take a long time to develop
Bullshit. An 8 year old may not be able to take complex decisions and understand their consequences, but they can absolutely grasp the concept of death and abuse, and they can already tell when they're supposed to do something or not. I would never have acted out something like that as an 8 year old. Was I curious about sexual stuff? A little bit and that's natural, but I fully understood that it was something I shouldn't act out, especially when it came to other children. These moidlets fully understand and they choose to do it anyway.

No. 2018329

I was abused by another girl and looking back I really do think she was being abused by her mums boyfriend. Abused kids often abuse other kids, it's not acknowledged but a lot of CPS workers have ro handle cases where minors are difficult to place somewhere because they have a history of doing this which means they're often left at home with the abuse to continue

No. 2018527

I think anon means fully develop empathy (if they even can, and if they’re not male.) Most kids have a good idea whether their doing something wrong or not but might not fully see the consequences of their actions, because their brains aren’t fully developed yet. Like how a kid might jump off something high up, knowing they could get hurt but not fully understanding that they will break a bone or something. I’m not making excuses for the moidlets, if they’re already engaging in rape and abuse at that age it’s only going to get worse, they should be killed tbh. I’m just talking about small stuff like the dumb shit that kids do.

Me too, I don’t refer to it as abuse though because it was very minor and from her perspective I’m sure she thought we were both just “playing” or that I was wanting to engage in it too. I often suspect she was abused and was trying to sort of make sense of it by acting out certain aspects with me. But the stark difference I always notice with cases like these is when girls do this as children it’s usually because of curiosity, coping with abuse and trauma, and they’re usually cautious of not harming anyone in the process. But when boys do it they seem to be doing it solely for sexual gratification, and they don’t care if their victim is hurt or uncomfortable.

No. 2018581

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Don't unspoiler if you don't wanna see censored gore

>A furious gang caught a suspected rapist then tortured him by making a pit bull terrier eat his genitals.

>Horrific footage shows how he was stripped naked, handcuffed and pinned to the ground as five men surrounded him.
>Shockingly, a white pit bull terrier with brown markings then began mauling the man's genitals - tearing off and eating his entire penis and testicles.
>The victim is heard screaming 'stop, leave me now, leave me' while the group watch. One of the gang then covers his mouth with a rag to stifle his cries for help.
>A second dog, a brown pit bull, appears but does not join in.
>Footage taken by one of the attackers shows how the alleged rapist was castrated by the ravenous dog, leaving nothing but a gaping, raw wound.
>Video of the savage torture emerged last month. It was reported in local media that a criminal gang had caught the man after he allegedly raped a woman.
>The attackers are said to have made the video public as a warning to other would-be attackers in the crime-ridden city.

No. 2018582


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No. 2018630

Damn… a rare black pill antidote, I wish all men would take this kind of initiative in dealing with rapists and pedophiles. if their reasoning for the attack is true which I really really hope it is

No. 2018751

This is how we should deal with all rapists

No. 2018869

Is there any more information on this case? Did this guy rape a sister or girlfriend of someone in the gang? I just have a hard time believing that gang moids targeted this guy as a rapist, since most of them are deviant criminals and rapists also. I’m curious as to the full context of the story.

No. 2018963

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>He also made a mustache from feces while roleplaying as the former Chancellor Adolf Hitler in one more such footage.
>mustache from feces
>roleplaying Hitler

No. 2018968

It's also frighteningly common for boys to sexually assault younger male family members, whether cousins nephews etc. There are numerous examples ive learned about in the past decade or so of people I know/their own spheres and it sounds like a lot of boys ages 10+ think its perfectly normal and acceptable to force your younger male relatives to suck you off at sleepovers. Nasty stuff, the lack of humanity starts early

No. 2018975

I think this is absolute horseshit a lot of the time. In cases especially of younger children, I believe they are more often than not abused themselves in any manner of way, whether sexually, physically, or through being shown porn. I can't excuse all cases as that though, as a lot of the boys reaching puberty seem to do it solely for the sake of rape and gratification.

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