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No. 1868793
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Ohaguro (tooth black) is nifty, I think it made sense in the context of traditional East Asian beauty standards and it's interesting how it seemed to actually have utilitarian use as a functional dental sealant. If things ever go tits up and mad max I'm gonna dye my teeth black, good dentistry will be hard to find in the apocalypse.
No. 1868798
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Maturing is realizing Michael Jackson was actually beautiful as fuck
No. 1868833
>>1868798Not one of you people..
>>1868815He was obsessed with Elizabeth Taylor and wanted to be her.
No. 1868904
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>>1868799tooth blackening was practiced all across Asia at various points and is most strongly associated with Japan but the type practiced in Vietnam is most interesting to me. While the Japanese tooth black needed to be reapplied every few days the kind used in Vietnam lasted a very long time, so it seems like they actually succeeded in developing an effective pre-modern tooth varnish/dental sealant. They're basically protective coatings that help protect against tooth decay and would prevent staining and other sorts of discoloration from other things. From some of what I've read about it the anecdotal evidence suggests it actually worked to maintain the health of the teeth but it's also been studied by Western ethnobotanists and dental researchers and they conclude that it probably was good for oral health.
It looks so weird to us but I suppose we would find it beautiful if we grew up with it or were exposed to it via otherwise beautiful, successful people.
No. 1869053
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Growing up is realizing that most of our parents didn’t have to struggle financially they were just bad with money or lazy and instead of changing that issue they’d just rather guilt trip their kids and make it seem like it’s our fault they’re broke. These were the food prices in the 90s and they STILL couldn’t afford to feed their kids?
No. 1869156
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>>1869053man, the strawberries are cheap even with inflation in mind.
No. 1869219
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>>1869053It's a bit of column A, bit of column B.
Plenty of people were bad with money then, and plenty still are but in different ways. Yes, boomers are obnoxious for gloating about how good they had it and saying it's all millennials/genz fault for buying too much Starbucks but I can name many things adults of today are doing wrong that isn't the fault of previous generations or economic crisis.
As much as I want to blame it on boomers, traveling back then wasn't as prevalent as it is now and people went on vacation to grandma's house or a local resort in the Catskills if they were really loaded. By car. Lots of things we overconsume now were way too expensive back then, but they were also made to last. Most normies had Folgers coffee at home that they made themselves, had one mid car per family, fewer clothes that they mended and cared for so it lasts longer, one fancy dress, one shampoo, a skincare routine of Pond's cold cream and soap, and eating takeout rarely.
If you lived like that now you'd have more money too, maybe not for a house but certainly to feed yourself. The difference is you are expected to have a skin and haircare routine, curated wardrobe, go to the gym, go on vacation abroad once per year or more, and I don't know any family in my home town that only has one car anymore. Kids and adults have way more things to spend money on now than they used to, as well. Product marketing is everywhere and you're encouraged to buy, buy, buy always. Thanks to social media you're not just keeping up with the Joneses who are your neighbors and friends, now the Joneses are everybody.
My unpopular opinion is that I really hate it when people simplify complicated topics like this one and make it out to be black and white us vs them. Congrats, you have the reasoning of a seven year old.
No. 1869461
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I don't get what's so beautiful in this "most beautiful boy in the world". I'm not saying he is ugly or anything, but I just go "???" when I see this aesthetic boner for him from people. For me he looks like your unfunny fuckboish classmate who thinks he can rap
No. 1869476
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>>1869461Mid af he’s very soft looking and soft looking dudes are always hot I think Edward Furlong was the most beautiful man in the world. He had good cheekbones and huge eyes oh my god they don’t make ‘em like this anymore
No. 1869491
>>1869476I remember I had such a massive crush on him the first time my father made me watch Terminator with him, he could have seen so hot if the drugs and abuse didn't fuck him up.
>>1869476what movie?
No. 1869504
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>>1869461Not being familiar with light eyed blondes does play a huge part, even to this day some tourists bring crowds around them in africa or asia.
but it was beyond his looks, the Japanese really like the 10-15 age range if you hadn’t noticed. Asian countries tend to be significantly more youth obsessed than western ones. He was seen as this fleeting beauty that disappears with age that they obsess over culturally, Bjorn wasn't godly amazingly beautiful, he was just underage. which is their loss cause he was hotter as an actual adult man then an underage boy.
No. 1869516
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So I used to think the naive, gullible, easily manipulated leftist trope was an unfair stereotype, but these past few weeks of progressives and liberal straight up allying with bigoted religious zealots and even outright open-fascists just as long as they put an “anti-zionist” coat on it are really making me realize that it's actually fairly accurate, and I'm worried that when this is over, and most of the fascists and religious conservatives will have learned how to effectively 'fool' these types, and what's going to happen to our countries then?
No. 1869652
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I don't really understand the appeal of cruises, tho I understand the appeal of shorter ship trips. But the only difference between going to a cruise or to a resort/park/spa is the increased risk of a horrible accident.
No. 1869748
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>>1869652I don't get people who go on cruises in the middle of the Caribbean Ocean just to be in the middle of the ocean, but I do think that Viking cruises through European rivers are very cool. I would love to have enough money to take their cruises, though it also seems like every time you'd stop you wouldn't have enough time to savor the locale.
No. 1869995
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You live a better life overall if you're not attractive
No. 1870025
nonnie. Why do you say that?
No. 1870333
>>1869219>The difference is you are expected to have a skin and haircare routine, curated wardrobe, go to the gym, go on vacation abroad once per year or morenobody expects me to do any of this.
>I don't know any family in my home town that only has one car anymoreplenty of people in my home town only have one car, or outright don't have any cars.
> Product marketing is everywhere and you're encouraged to buy, buy, buywho is 'you'? i'm fine personally. plenty of people exist that aren't brand-obsessed and materialistic.
your life is not the blueprint and it's weird to be arrogant over that nona making a fair observation when you're generalizing this hard kek. also lol at the makeup pic. women totally didn't wear makeup back then, beauty scams started in the 2020s. anyway
No. 1870345
>>1869053i sympathize with you 1000%. i used to blame myself for a
lot of my parents failures (and i pitied them and felt bad for them too), until i realized they were…36/45 respectively when they had me. and both of them went to the military, and both of them squandered their gi bill on partying drinking fucking etc. – their twenties were spent on nonsense, basically. none of that is my fault, especially when – as you've posted – everything was so much cheaper back then.
our parents were just lazy stupid retards who made a bunch of poor decisions and can't cope with it
No. 1870427
>>1870263I do not see sex workers having a great time though? The majority of their clientele are either old, ugly, or horrendously neurotic IF attractive…
No balanced, decent men need to pay for sexual relationships and them's facts. It's merely a numbers game if normie women wind up with shit scrotes cause they are ALL varying degrees of shitty.
Their "trips" are basically men paying the bare minimum to fly them to destinations where they really only get to spend time at the inside of an airport or at a hotel room.
The difference between a sex worker and a career woman is that the latter has the ability to walk away from men with dignity to do her own thing. The former grovels for it and will be disposed of when she no longer pleases men for one reason or another.
Men aren't loyal LOL.
No. 1870498
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I actually like the black hair/dark eyed isekai anime boy look and I despise all the self insertion bs surrounding them that makes it impossible to talk about.
I guess yeah, it's shit taste, but whatever. Seeing a cute lil dude walking around and eating cheese with a floating rabbit is cute to me.
No. 1870542
>>1870540i've always thought it was because younger men usually don't have anything to offer an older woman. why would a 30 year old woman want to date some young, broke retard who probably sees her as a hag or a cougar or some kind of fetish?
outside of sex of course but women aren't socialized into prioritizing sex like men are…
No. 1870551
>>1870546not just money, life experience and maturity too. everything bad and entitled in a 30 year old man is going to be even worse in a 25 year old man. younger than that? 18 - 20? fucking awful because they'll think they know everything already.
men however DESIRE immature, ignorant girls to fuck around with, so they have no issue with dating as young as possible
>>1870548report it if you really think it's a scrote nona. but do remember what thread this is
No. 1870557
>>1870554sadly I agree. My ex told me openly once that he doesn't want to be a better person. He's happy with how he is. He was cheating and lying again btw (found out later) and abandoned me when our shared pet was declining in health.
This concept is beyond my comprehension. Every single day I want to be better than I was the day before. I can't imagine not wanting to be better than I am right now. Even if I were incredibly rich and famous, I would strive to be better.
No. 1870559
>>1870542>>1870551it's a myth that old men are more intelligent and mature by default. massive amounts are broke and behave like manchildren domestically. I don't know why you frame it as the opposite as neuroplasticity is higher in younger men…a 50 year old acting the same as a 20 year old isn't any better, it's often even worse because there is 0 way of it improving ever even if he is in a good social circle. the older bad ones sometimes just have more lies and misdirections up their belt to use on women. even most poorly adjusted older women tend to show more basic cues of maturity and self-sufficiency than the average older man. each time a man doesn't behave like a screeching infant = he's a suave gentleman to a pickme's twisted perception. it's crazy, kek. I wonder if it's some type of just world fallacy type coping mechanism some women use to delude themselves to the fact most men will never, ever change for the better, nor do they want to.
>>1870558tbh the best way to avoid most of the double standards is just to not have a family nor kids. it's not a perfect fix, but it's much harder for people to actively police you.
No. 1870575
>>1870519The same tards saying cilantro tastes like soap kek
>>1870482I will never listen to someone with an autistic palate talk about food or give opinions about it. Cannot trust them or their taste whatsoevee
No. 1870607
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>>1870588>>1870604Disregarded. You are all autistic to me. Science who?
No. 1870682
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by the year 2025 I'm going to start losing empathy for women that have children out of choice (i.e., they could have had a safe abortion) in first world countries and end up struggling and regretting it. by age 14 I had heard from SEVERAL women how difficult child birth/care is and I am suspecting that a huge portion of women literally just do not listen to one another. like, what's happening here? do they think their experience will be the exception?
No. 1870889
>>1870682I agree. I want children so badly I’m willing to be a single mother. My want for children has absolutely nothing to do with a male or societal expectations. I couldn’t care less about them. That’s how I know I should have children and if I do I’m not going to act like a
victim of a choice I made.
No. 1870958
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>>1870956You don’t need an address to get food stamps. Most of them definitely have food stamps which is why they get uppity if you try to buy them food instead of giving them cash.
No. 1871033
>>1870947My husband once bought a bag full of groceries for a homeless man begging for food.
He gave him the groceries, went and did something else and then walked past the area the homeless man was.
Bag and food still there, homeless man had moved on.
None of the food was touched.
Thats the last time he ever gave anything to a homeless person.
The only homeless people I've encountered are ones screaming to themselves, and I'm not going to approach them to give them something.
No. 1871034
>>1870682I'm going to have many children and will not regret it or struggle.
Although I would abort if there was any medical issues, like down syndrome etc.
Its a shame autism isnt testable.
No. 1871035
>>1870682honestly same, i'm also losing empathy for women that date and marry moids too. it's like they live in denial of what the reality of being in a relationship with a scrote is like just so they can hear a hollow "i love you" once every fortnight kek
>>1870873just looked this up and literally the first few posts are proof we're never making it out of the trenches
>having multiple kids with an addict>moid asking her how to make mac & cheese>scared that her husband is going to leave her after 20+ years of marriage because he keeps trying to force sex on her>found out husband who was a recovered drunk is now into cocaine>husband of 13 years admits he cheated>"I hate being a mother, I'm exhausted, depressed, don't look or feel good, constantly have kids demanding my attention. I don't have time to even to process anything because all I do is cook, clean, and look after the kids">husband who works from home wants his wife to be "more present" after making her look after their child night and day while he does nothing to helplike how the fuck can anyone with more than 2 IQ points see how common this type of behaviour with men is once you get married or have kids and still think to themselves "sign me up!"
No. 1871049
>>1871045He said he was hungry, so my husband asked what he liked and bought it.
Just a lesson learnt.
No. 1871524
>>1871497>how it smellsI think you've just been exposed to over-ripe brie.
Try to find newer brie, they are harder while still soft and have a very soft taste and smell.Good for cooking pasta and stuff if you can't stomach it cold.
No. 1871536
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as cringe as zoomers get, as a gen x-er, there are multiple reasons i am jealous of their generation. i was suffering in illness and loneliness and could hardly find anything online. and now we have got:
>discord servers, niche groups, voice chats, simps
>easy name changes on discord upon embarrassment
>groupchats for any theme or topic in the world
>multiple personality disorder acceptance
>creepy youtubers get called out
>attention whoring acceptance
>anime becoming mainstream
i would have loved being a teenager during covid-19. even the pedos predating on this generation are nicer, like, you mean to say you get discord nitro for saying meow on vc, while my groomer called me, an anorexic autist, too fat?
No. 1871750
>>1871715Reminds of all the stans of Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada, they clearly never had to deal with an
abusive boss.
No. 1871801
>>1871722it's ridiculous to act like these are people in control of their actions and not narrative devices. they don't have any agency outside of what the author makes them do, they don't have a morality of their own
>>1871750i've had
abusive workplaces and i like miranda's character in the movies. because she's not real, she's just a character meant to be simultaneously horrible and fun to watch. just like i can think darth vader is a cool villain without condoning murder by laser sword. because they're stories
No. 1871845
>>1871833Shut the fuck up, sashimi is the superior way of serving salmon
>>1871841Isn't that the opposite of autism?
No. 1871847
>>1871801>anon shits on one fictional character>that’s ok>another shits on another fictional character>”u guys are so dumb they’re not real!1!1!1”Are you stupid? You can like both of them and if you do then good for you, but the whole discourse started because anons were defending one character while calling another one psychotic.
>>1871845So every fictional author that has ever existed and written a story based on their personal experiences is autistic now?
>>1871833Tbh I can agree on ramen, noodles suck ass in general. But sushi is just fish, it tastes good.
No. 1871906
>>1871845Agreed. Salmon sashimi> sushi. As long as they're fresh
cuz I've also had some half frozen ice still encrusted in it and it was yikesBut overall the yummiest to me when it comes to Japanese foods is katsu curry. Katsu curry is so underrated.
No. 1872152
>>1871712Oh my fucking god. Did my post say that? No. Milennials are so fucking annoying I'll post it again for you so you can reread it:
>why was janis so obsessed with regina. like really girl your life was ruined because they called you gay? why not just prove them wrong by getting a boyfriend? and to be honest it is kinda gay the way she was deadset on making her uglier and fatter. like it feels like something a gay man would do to a woman. especially holding the grudge for what was it like 3 years? if a girl planned some kind of psychotic revenge plot like that to a popular stacy zoomer girl, that kid would get 51/50'd and cancelled by everyone in her hometownIt has nothing to be with being fat or gay or fucking anything it has to do with being a weird stalker who forced her only other friend to pretend to be regina's friend just so she could get access to her personally and sabotage her? It never made any sense to me because it seems like a Boomer fantasy about what teenagers act like now
No. 1872167
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Women who dress and look 100% like women but want to be called him/he make less sense to me than troons. You go through all this work with your hair and clothes to look traditionally female but you want to be called a man….this category of human is more mentally ill and annoying than troons.
No. 1872186
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>>1872152Nta. Here’s the history of Janis and Regina’s relationship from the Mean Girls wiki. I’m unsure of what you’re trying to say with your og post.
No. 1872231
>>1871847i'm not the one who was talking about mean girls, idc about these characters. sorry about the confusion, i should have added "nayrt".
i just find it weird to talk about characters like they're whole people with built in morality sytems and all.
and my point was that some characters are designed to be cool or memorable even when they do morally bad things (hence the vader example). so i don't think liking a psychotic villain reflects in your morality when the character is specifcally meant to impress on the audience.
No. 1872325
>>1872277>it’s dehumanizing to say women who act in bad ways are acting like men then it’s time for us all to really cut out the
No. 1872341
>>1872263Compared to vegetarians who are nowadays seen as "out" or hypocrites, vegan food diets cause more ecological imbalance on a worldwide scale because vegan nowadays isn't just eating veggies like in the 80s. Vegan grown crops are being sprayed with pesticides to all hells because the moment an animal/insect gets in contact with the crop, it isn't considered vegan and can't be labeled as such on the market. Same if a wild animal gets into the field and ruins the crops. The owners of those lands kill wild animals if they eat or are about to eat those crops. Tell me that's against animal cruelty. There are also crops, like quinoa that used to be cheap produced crops that were grown in reasonable measure and fed to animals in Latin America that have risen in price because of the Western consoomers that crop owners switch to mono culture. Which is a bad ripple effect for the neighboring communities that might have bought fresh veggies at this producer's farm, the availability of other veggies goes down (and the communities' health goes down), the soil doesn't get more nutrients from mono-culture either and of course for the people who used to get quinoa for their pet birds for cheap, now the price has doubled because either the local producer only exports his quinoa to North America/Europe anymore and doesn't sell locally or he sells to outrageous prices. Everyone that is at least a bit curious about the world knows about how avocado mono culture has ruined the original importing countries and the quality of the produce. I don't eat quinoa really, but I'm willing to bet that the quality issue will come soon too.
Let's not talk about the cheaply produced vegan meat substitutes made out of leftovers tofu that they dry up and mix up with cheap chemicals and salt that cost maybe 1,80-2€ in production but that they sell vegans for 4-6€. The biggest scam in the food industry in the 21st century as far as I'm concerned. Vegans are the butt of the joke despite their very morally noble values, the economy has seen them for what they are, cash cows with blinds on.
No. 1872346
>>1872341All of this is bad, but not even a fraction as bad as the meat/dairy industries.
>the moment an animal/insect gets in contact with the crop, it isn't considered veganThis is blatantly false, have you never heard of insect-mediated pollination v
No. 1872353
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You're talking permaculture methods, which is not what producers for big brands use in 90% of the cases for "vegan" products that are going to be sold in big grocery stores where all the products have to have a certain look (which is called calibrating). Picrel is from a blogger's site that can at least be face that truth. There's also a 2018 research In field death in plant agriculture I could link. Not all the wild animal death in agriculture is done maliciously but fact is, it happens still. And mono culture (like quinoa, like avocado) won't help solve a thing.
As far as my other points go, the consequences of it those vegan foods that are produced, they're far more impactful, including for the farmers who get exploited by the food industries (because they're sharks when it comes to negociating prices with farmers), in the end the people who used to get their veggies locally, maybe will have to resort to get cheap fast food instead. It's a lose lose situation.
No. 1872358
>>1872263I see a lot of folks irrationally hate vegans and always found it weird. I'm not even vegan
>>1872167I agree, ofc all they can come up with is that "it just feels better to be a he" like okay? if it was making you that uncomfortable to be called a woman you wouldn't go out of your way to present as a woman
No. 1872398
>>1872263I swear that I need to type this out at least once a month.
Veganism not better for the environment than animal agriculture. Both can equally bad. The issue is not if it's livestock or crops, it's that agriculture on an industrial scale is hugely damaging to the environment regardless of which foodstuff is being farmed.
>fertilizerThe three main ingredients for artificial fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Industrial scale nitrogen production uses fractional distillation, this requires heat which is usually achieved by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels don't just release CO2, they also release aromatic hydrocarbons into the atmosphere such as benzene, toluene and xylene, all of which are known human carcinogens. Excess nitrogen in rivers is
toxic to aquatic life and when it makes in way into the oceans it causes algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels and cause dead zones. Dead zones are areas of the ocean where the oxygen levels are too low to support aquatic life. A good example of this is the Mississippi and the Gulf Coast.
Phosphorus is obtained from phosphorite and potassium is obtained from potash both of which are open pit mined. This causes destruction of natural habitats and environmental degradation. It also leads to long term environmental issues such as acid mine drainage. Acid mine drainage contaminates rivers with heavy metals, killing fish and injuring birds. Heavy metals are also carnogenic, teratogenic and neurotoxic.
>pesticides and herbicidesThese are highly
toxic chemicals manufactured from petrochemicals. Obtaining oil is hugely damaging to the environment and it can also cause environmental disasters such as oil spills from drilling platforms or tankers. The industrial production of petrochemicals also releases aromatic hydrocarbons into atmosphere. Again aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic. Once sprayed into crops pesticides and herbicides contaminate the environment. This causes the death of insects and animals. The
toxic effects can also cause birth defects and cancer in both humans and animals. It runs off fields and then contaminates ground water used for drinking and kills fish in rivers. Atrazine one of the main pesticides used in the US, is banned in the EU because it is known to cause cancer. Glyphosate is a suspected human carcinogen and a suspected endocrine disruptor. Pesticides and herbicides that were banned decades ago due to their toxicity are still found in human breast milk and fat tissue.
>monocropping and cash croppingThis is an extremely destructive agricultural practice that causes soil degradation. As the nutrients in the soil are depleted and increasing amount of artificial fertilizer is required to keep growing crops. The crops grown also have a lesser nutritional value due to the lack of nutrients in the soil. Natural landscapes such forests are cut down to intensively grow crops that are in demand. Examples of this are canola and soy.
Please tell me how any of this is better for the environment than a cow eating grass in a field.
No. 1872464
>>1872459That's not even condescension though. It's just an attempt to save face.
Gendered condescension does of course exist but I just feel like the term is used to describe "awkward man explaining something passionately". The autist rambling about how much he loved writing in LISP isn't doing so to condescend in my experience, he's just a chronic monologuer. Spending a lot of nights out at the pub taught me this is something men do to each other all the fucking time. There's usually one guy among a group who just never stops fucking monologuing.
No. 1872472
>>1872468I took CS and I'm a SWE. I studied and worked with these men all the time. There's a cohort that condescend specifically to women, and a much larger cohort that condescend specifically to anyone who they feel isn't as intelligent, and then an even larger cohort who just like yapping on and on about their favourite language, IDE, text editor whatever to whoever will listen.
My point isn't that it's not applicable per se, but that 99% of the time it's not applicable.
No. 1872557
>>1872531 >>1872514
I do oops
No. 1873422
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Those "anti-racist" books you see on display in public libraries are horrifically vile, most people wouldn't know because they just walk past them. They're at least everywhere here and have been proliferating over the last three years. I think I'm quite literally the only person to read them where I am since they've been put on the shelf.
There's nothing more cynical, morbid or miserable than these texts. It's all utter ingratitude, and all the writers seem to be the same sort of selfish, horrible people with a superiority complex and a fragile ego. I think white supremacists would actually be gleeful if white people actually bothered to pick these books up for a read instead of walking past them, because you get the idea that racial conflict will never end and it's better to separate. That's how bad these books are.
No. 1873506
>>1873147You have clearly never seen someone whipped… Even a single lash can break the skin. You would be dead before they got to 100.
I'm happy for you that you don't realize this though.
No. 1873508
>>1872643Truth. I can't wait for zoomers to become the new millenials & to finally realize how fucking embarrassing it is to film yourself lipsynching and tik tok dancing.
They are all so cheugy before their time.
No. 1873557
>>1873532regular morning shits is usually an indicator of good GI health, especially if it comes out as one discrete turd. maybe add more fiber to solidify it
>>1873536In general I think limiting sugar intake is a good idea if it's coming from processed foods instead of fruits or other whole foods. You might want to look at your fiber intake, but also being underweight/under-eating can stop you up. Regular exercise also contributes to more regular bowel movements.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor
No. 1873602
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>>1873597Porous plastic/jelly dildos can't be cleaned, full stop. They're not safe and shouldn't be used (or sold but companies are immoral and sell them anyway). Dildos behind spoiler.
No. 1873605
>>1873584I think it is a combo of a few things. First being the resurgence of smoking/vaping nicotine. That alone does a huge number on your skin & how old you look. Secondly, a lot of the zoomer trends that are en-vogue (e-girl, manic pixie dream alt girl etc) are very juvenile and only really look good on teens. When you see a grown adult woman with orbital hollows that are accentuated by e-girl blush, and a large adult face shape accentuated by teenybopper pigtail-type hairstyles, it comes off very jarring. I think that zoomers saw how dated hairstyles were making women look older before their time (ex. the Golden Girls' hair). But they went too far in the opposite direction. It also ages you to wear childish hairstyles and clothing when you are clearly an adult woman (cough cough Shayna).
I also think that our perception of their rapid ageing has something to do with overuse of both filters and fillers. Fillers age you prematurely for obvious reasons. And filters make it so that these young people who are growing into their adult faces would rather hide that for as long as possible than embrace the change. So they post mega-filtered pictures and videos trying to re-capture how they looked in their teens until it becomes impossible to hide the discrepancy between their posted pictures and reality. Instead of seeing them grow into their adult faces, it seems like a jarring change that happens all at once.
That's just my hypothesis anyway.
No. 1873613
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If you're someone with a round face, you should be wearing big, round glasses instead of rectangular ones like what is commonly recommended. Round glasses are far more flattering on soft features.
i feel like someone is going to be stupid and ask me if picrel is a selfie. I just grabbed it from Pinterest
No. 1873819
>>1873805>>1873816I don't think it's about the "challenge". I think on some gut level they just like women who exhibit cluster b tendencies. Although I'll admit if a woman is too BPD then they seem to just use her for sex.
I think more generally men fantasize about being this tragic lover with flames from the past. Even the man I'm currently seeing has pictures of his ex from a decade ago on his phone: she was a rave girlie and an absolute headcase according to him, but he still follows her on insta.
No. 1873829
>>1873816Men have more options? Kek. What world do you live in anon? Dick is abundant and low value. Any woman, no matter how ugly, can find a male to simp for her. We just don't want the vast majority of them. Men spend literal years swiping on dating apps every single day & will still only get a single match.
It's precisely why men get cucked when they try to browbeat their gfs into open relationships. They think they'll be swimming in pussy when really they're home alone every night. Meanwhile their gf has a lineup of men waiting for their chance to date her.
To say that men have more options is just delusional.
No. 1873835
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>>1873829As someone who is actually ugly the meme that men will simp for any woman is false. From what I’ve noticed women will simp for the worst looking men as long as he has cash or is nice. When was the last time you’ve seen a man on Adriana Lima level of attractive with an ugly woman? It rarely happens.
No. 1873842
>>1873829My experience is your typical white average man might not have as many options as your typical white average woman but he certainly has far more than the moidsphere online would like you to believe. It's astonishing how many completely unremarkable men have options. My younger cousin literally has four or five women he's chatting to at any one moment (without any of them knowing about each other). They're all pretty, and they're all people he has actually met up with.
Don't ask me how or why but average men have options if they actually put themselves out there.
No. 1873845
>>1873835>but what about muh 1%He would still simp for most women if he weren't with her. She is the exception to the rule, not him. Besides that, supermodels and actresses have crazy self esteem issues that stem from basing their entire life and livelihood around being perceived as attractive. Many of them will date down intentionally because they feel some security in thinking that at least one aspect of their life wouldn't crash and burn if they were to become ugly. There aren't many moid career paths that hinge exclusively on attractiveness in that way.
Celebrities aren't a good representation of normie dating rules.
No. 1873848
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It smells in here
No. 1873851
>>1873842Not to be crude about your cousin
nonnie but that's because he hasn't hit the wall yet. Young men have a much, much bigger dating pool than men past the age of 25-30ish. Twenty five is around the age when their options take a nosedive, as they become much uglier & start balding. By the time they reach the age when they're finally ready to settle down & marry (read: they realize that they've aged out of riding the cunt carousel) they have become so hideous that their options dwindle down to 0.
No. 1873856
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>>1873816>they have too many options unlike womenThis isn't true. Women always have options, only unlike men women have standards.
No. 1873865
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>>1873838No he actually looks like that
No. 1873911
>>1873895>>1873897>>1873905>>1873909To be blunt nonna, this is the natural order of things. Unfortunately it is necessary for some women to be alone if we want to stamp out the inferior genes of males who are unfit to be husbands and fathers (which is most of them). It will become less necessary over time. We are trying to undo millennia of men polluting the gene pool with their violent, rapist, pedophilic and just plain ugly traits. That's what men enslaving women through marriage has gotten us. The worst of them have multiplied, and now they fester as a blight on humanity.
Women selecting our mates is the only morally acceptable form of eugenics that humans have. We will eventually make men into something worthwhile. And at that point, the majority of men will be worthy of a partner. But to achieve that goal, some of us must be alone.
No. 1873932
>>1873923Bless you sweet
nonnie. I hope that you find that.
No. 1874026
>>1873787This is biologically not true
Men value monogamy HIGHLY in women they date, because their paternity is uncertain unlike women
No. 1874066
>>1874061She’s the biggest grifter out of these libfem YouTubers criticizing '
toxic beauty standards'. She brings absolutely nothing new to the table, just parrots common Reddit arguments with clickbait titles, at least the Breadtube Lite girls pretend they read something intellectual. Also before she went into this gossipy social critique she was your standard beauty guru caking her face, so I don’t believe she’s authentic at all, she was just smart enough to change her content when beauty community died.
No. 1874068
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>>1874066So much for muh 'body positivity love urself'.
No. 1874076
>>1874074Why do moids always do this cope where they pretend they're some sort of Newton or Tesla who don't congenitally lust after sexually alluring, sexually presenting, sexually easy women?
You're not some ascetic monk sitting at the top of a column. You're a porn addict who compulsively watches rage bait on tiktok and YouTube shorts.
No. 1874094
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Cillian Murphy is a huge fat slut and he’s obsessed with sleeping with as many of his zoomer fans as he possibly can, they all post evidences of it on tiktok. In this video he kept staring at a zoomer woman who is one of his rabid fans, and I’ve seen worse ones involving him winking and smiling whorishly at them and hugging them. I’m sorry but I hope his wife Yvonne abuses him behind closed doors.
No. 1874106
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He and his wife seemed to have such a cute relationship because they’ve been together since their early twenties, but in reality he’s had affairs with like 10 of his costars in the past, and all these random young women, and Robert Downey jr
No. 1874126
>>1873501Women have been shamed for centuries about their periods. I remember growing up and other kids thought it was weird that i would openly say I wasnt feeling good because I was on my period and cramping. My mother taught me to never be shamed. I know women who freak out and hide their pads or tampons because men shouldnt see . I dont know if youre talking about specific granola women who use their period as art, but periods are not gross. it's moid-tier to think women should hide them like it's some kind of witchcraft, when it is a natural thing that happens to every single women in existence. The lack of knowledge of periods is extremely shameful.
or the doctors that dont take women's period pain seriously. Men dont want to talk about periods, but will happily talk about the violence porn they watch or how they want to do anal with women irl. Periods should be spoken about more because they ARE natural and women should know more about it. I've heard the ignorance shit from both sides about mensuration and it's extremely sad to witness.
No. 1874131
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>>1873865I can’t get over how goofy his face is, sometimes I hear about the halo effect and how everyone thinks pretty people are just the best how they have a better time finding a job and I wish I were like gorgeous with a tiny ski slope nose and huge eyes and big lips and clear skin and luscious long hair good facial harmony whatever and so I can date an actual sexy man who’s ripped with a pretty face and cute hair like Leon Kennedy. but then I see pretty women and their boyfriends are always actually ogres, they’re not even loyal too. They still act fuckboyish like their pretty counterparts. They are just letting that cockroach put his penis inside your beautifully slender perfect body that you exfoliate and shave and work out to achieve. I knew this girl who was literally so gorgeous and her boyfriend was shorter than her and she was like 5’4” everyone was in love with her but she got with a midget swag fag who cheated on her. Guess I better start investing early like ATJ’s wife (kidding)
No. 1874179
>>1874094Oh my god his face is so horrifying what the fuck i hope i won't see him in my nightmares
>>1874161So you're pro-dildos, is that what you're saying?
No. 1874277
>>1874250Anon, have you traveled there and considered your budget and all of the legal requirements you need to fulfill to move to Japan? I mean, I think about these things when I think about moving out of my third world country and in the end it's a pain in the ass to do all of the paperwork to go anywhere even for touristic reasons.
So yeah, I'm honestly assuming you're not even tanned, that you may have lots of money to live in Japan and that you have been there before.
It's just that the sole idea of traveling to Asia gives me anxiety because of the racism, I can't even begin to imagine living there.
No. 1874457
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Gabbriette really does not have a face for modeling. And slapping a bunch of makeup on it doesn’t really make anything more appealing on camera.
No. 1874481
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>>1874458Women don’t like Asian men because they don’t wanna be with someone prettier than them
No. 1874496
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>>1874484People always wanna hate on weeaboos for liking Asian men as if women in America are dating good looking guys
No. 1874500
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>>1874481This barely looks Asian or human, like a badly done doll of an Aiden's OC. Pic related is the average Japanese moid.
I just don't get what's with the race obsession in general, of course hot people are going to look hot regardless of where that person was born at or the color palette of that person kek.
No. 1874510
>>1874500>I just don't get what's with the race obsession in generalI get the impression men come here to race war, like: "hey fellow girls I know we all hate moids but don't you think [x race] are actually the best moids regardless?"
I single out Asians because it's almost always the aznidentity crowd and they've been caught doing it elsewhere.
No. 1874515
>>1874500I think they're the only race group of men nowadays that are making an effort in how they looks more or less. Not japanese though probably.
>>1874510It absolutely is the case, don't even doubt it. They're baiting.
No. 1874521
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Asexuality is just glorified celibacy.
No. 1874566
>>1874553Assuming you're white and not fat they absolutely will date you. It's weird you think Asian moids have higher standards than elsewhere. There are Eastern European girls on weibo and douyin who are considered totally unremarkable in the country I grew up in (another Eastern European one) who still have millions of followers on there. All they have to do is point an over exposed and Chinese dudes start calling them Goddess.
If anything East Asian men have lower standards for white women than other men do. The whole "Asian women love average white men" thing works wrt Asian men loving average white women too. Although in China I noticed they have this weird cope where they invent a story where us Slavs are half Asian which is why they find us so attractive.
No. 1874588
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>>1874521You'd think asexuality would mean celibacy, but every ace 101 includes something about "no, we totally do enjoy having sex! It's just a myth that asexuals don't like sex!"
No. 1874593
is over the top and fake. They need to grow tf up instead of puffing out their cheeks and bullying their youth to suicide. Asians are the most racist group of people alive they need to be put in the frying pan for a bit theyre being given too much leeway recently due to kpop and anime kek
>>1874583Just as long as you understand that they expect the exact same from you and no less.
(racebait) No. 1874600
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>>1874593Yeah I know theyd expect the same from me which is why I said I’d never waste my time trying to get one because I’m too broke to even try to get to that level. If I was one of those kawaii type gaijin white girls like pic related or K-pop looking Asian girls i would for sure be dating plastic K-pop tier Asian men with no shame.
No. 1874651
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I don’t understand the women who get into relationships with men who are known abusers. I don’t even feel bad for them honestly because they must be aware he’s going to beat them too if he’s beat every other ex.
No. 1874822
>>1874816I’m sorry but I don’t believe women who say being pretty is awful ‘cause girls are mean to you. I for one am an average Becky and I’m overly nice to pretty girls because I am a
victim of the halo effect
No. 1874827
>>1874821You know that's not what she's saying. Truth is
any little girl in a vulnerable situation is more likely to be taken advantage of. Poverty, shyness, disability, whatever. I think anon is just pointing out that men love to hide behind the "but she's not even pretty" strawman to hide when they abuse one.
No. 1874941
>>1874873I agree with the statement with 100% homebodies. If they don't have a hobby they do at home, which there are plenty of (gardening, crochet, sewing, cooking, etc.).
But some are 50% homebodies and 50% adventurous, then I can't agree with that statement, cuz taking trips, doing things in your free time makes you find good topics of conversation.
No. 1875303
>>1875293its not my first hellweek, I'm mostly surprised by the posters that are
so glad its hellweek because there hasn't been any increase in bans, hasnt been less infighting, etc.
No. 1875682
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Everyone is racist by nature. Whether you like it or not, but white people are the ones that get hated on for it. Arabs willingly move to my European country and look down upon white people, like why fucking bother coming to a white continent then? But they’re allowed to do it because they’re not white. As humans, it is in our nature to think differently of people who look differently from us; this comes from our tribal and defensive instincts we have, the fear of people who appeared different from out tribes. Anyway besides the point everyone has that one ethnicity of people you find annoying as fuck and whether you admit it or not it’s true. For me that would be Indians and Arabs. Rude, annoying as fuck, and the men are all mega perverts. Obviously you get the odd anomaly like with anything, but all I’m saying is everyone is a little racist.(racebait)
No. 1875709
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I don't like makeup (other than eyeliner kek) but Pat McGrath's looks are really beautiful.
No. 1875730
>>1875709>>1875714This is what women’s makeup would look like if they were “actually doing it for themselves” and “it’s just for fun/creativity” like so many say it is. The outrage at the Sephora thing just proves to me that deep down everyone subconsciously knows that the fixation women have on their appearance is abnormal and unhealthy when they see young girls harm themselves repeating the same “liberating” thing the older women they look up to are doing.
Anyway I also love these looks, I wish stuff like this was more popular.
No. 1875756
>>1875730I agree with your general premise
nonnie. But where I disagree is when people take that to the other extreme and say that women are solely wearing makeup to look sexy for men.
The 'trying to look sexy' critique only applies to things like big eyelashes, or the type of makeup that changes your facial features. A lot of women just wear makeup to make their skin look better. Some of us have acne & healing scars that can look really jarring if left uncovered. We are just trying to pass as 'normal', not sexy. There is surely something to be said for accepting your face the way that it is. But when it comes to acne & other temporary skin issues, it is only sensible to me that most people would prefer to hide when the state of their skin when it makes them look/feel abnormal.
Also, moids who say that type of thing fail to realize how deep bodily insecurities get. Even women who wear full facepaint every day are usually just doing it to quiet their own terrible self esteem because they conflate their worth with their appearance, rather than worrying about moids finding them sexy.
No. 1875757
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>>1875730Me too. She recently did a porcelain doll look which was so beautiful. It went viral and it's nice seeing women doing their versions of it, it's so fun.
No. 1875781
nonnie, same.
Not only do people change drastically from teen to early adulthood, but so many men will just stagnate and do nothing with their lives when they reach their 20s if they know they have a stable girlfriend who will enable them to waste their lives on vidya/weed/dead end jobs. The moid you date in high school will hardly ever try to better themselves when you're still dating because from their perspective, they've got everything they want. Males have ZERO ambition to improve themselves when partnered.
No. 1875816
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For me going to lolcow is like going clubbing
No. 1875826
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>>1875816Trust me
nonnie I feel the same way.
No. 1875837
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>>1875756This is me, but sometimes I forget I was made fun of for how I look and that I’m concealing my flaws and I get carried away and I feel like I’m actually hot, no harm I just wish I wasn’t bullied
No. 1875848
>>1875628Most yes
best lolcow example is Kaya kek . But. The minority are homebodies because they have a taxing service job. They have topics of conversation with situations at work and they use their time at home to recuperate from the madness that is dealing with people. Cuz people be fucking crazy nowadays.
No. 1875868
>>1874651Because some persons, for whatever reason, need to hit a wall to learn.
It's sad but no one can interfere in process of individual growth.
No. 1876030
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>>1875941Oh mein gott!! Dein Noneuropean uses dein automobile!! Hardy har har! In Hergen Dergen Europa we all usein dein Perfektion publikhin transportich every dag! Ich will never usen dein automobile, I limit mein self to the city for mein whole lifen! Never minden dein Fakt Europa hassen more automobiles than North America! Ich bin ein retard!
No. 1876035
>>1875941To be fair half those people driving shouldn’t be. The amount of times I’ve nearly been run over by some dipshit on their phone/ignoring road rules/just straight up not looking is monumental. It happens literally everyday.
Driving should be treated like a privilege and the moment you endanger someone’s life it should be removed. You can’t walk back killing someone with your car. And it’s no one demographic; old/young, rich/poor, male/female, they’re all potentially morons with a moving missile and they don’t care.
I long for the day where cars are banned and streets returned to their old world use of walking paths, naturally in this world any violent action a women takes against a man is considered self defense so women may still participate safely in society. Or some sort of standard model car gets issued that are programmed to stop at cross sections regardless of what the troglodyte driving wants to do.
No. 1876059
>>1876047Nah. They should be thrown into hard labor camps if they refuse to, at the very least, monetary provide for their child. If they don’t like it I hear abstinence is a brilliant form of birth control with 100% success rate. It has to be painful for them to opt out or they’ll keep doing it because there’s no physical blow back on them, if they’re given harsh physical permanent consequences maybe they’ll be more considerate of the plight of women.
Men who abandon their children aren’t capable of empathy/compassion for women otherwise they’d have stayed, so they’ll just see the rise of absentee mothers as confirmation they’re doing the right thing and that women are actually worse.
No. 1876084
>>1876077Samefag also with the kind men women let single mom them…the dad is doing the kids a favor by not being there because he could stay and be a child molester or
abusive. I was happier when my dad LEFT and never came back.
No. 1876112
>>1876024It's actually safer to ride a motorcycle in EU than it is to drive a car in US. That's how awful US licensing system is.
US driving licenses shouldn't be
valid in EU at all, they don't even differentiate between automatics and manuals.
No. 1876132
>>1876102I just don't give a fuck when women complain about other women having "
problematic" tastes when their husbands, boyfriends, brothers, fathers, male acquaintances/friends, favorite male celebrities/husbandos, etc literally watch porn and/or have even worse interests. I can't bring myself to care at all, kek.
No. 1876188
>>1875941What about people that grew up in a small town with a petty DMV tyrant who just fails everyone for the most arbitrary reasons, like identifying a hazard but not saying it was a garbage truck?
I knew people that failed their license test five times and there was absolutely nothing wrong with their driving. People started having to go 100km to the city for testing because this person was just that nasty and corrupt. They all passed in the city, but all failed here.
I only bothered going for mine when this guy retired (I heard rumors he was at risk of being assaulted).
No. 1876207
>>1876132>>1876147>>1876177Yes, it's so fucking annoying kek They can come back and moralfag about women's interests after they successfully stopped maled doing the worse. But we all know they'd never even try to control apes like this, because that's impossible. They go full force on women.
>>1876110Kek i just stop taking them as seriously
>>1876168I'm so sorry, nonna. I wish mods would stop banning anons who're just venting about their experiences like this. Real racebaiters usually don't single out only men of certain races/ethnicities.
No. 1876254
>>1876115>The majority of proto-feminists in the enlightenment and the majority of the first wave feministscool, do you think these women who couldn't own their own bank account, property, or vote, etc. had a
choice in being married? i'm not saying nigel-bound women shouldn't be included either, i'm just saying you can't throw stones in glass houses. you cannot insist someone is being "un-feminist" for enjoying some fictional shit when you're caping for your nigel irl. everything you say about feminism sounds hollow when i know you can't do something so basic as separatism and not shaving. turn your critique inward and stfu.
>>1876147>No one holds moids to these standards what standards? sticking to your political chops? if so yes, moids absolutely do. see incels (most incels are actually separatist!) and the mra movement, both of which are extremely successful, you have young girls romanticizing the idea of an incel now.
No. 1876302
>>1876254Feminists should act a certain way. Feminists who don’t act this way are wrong. Feminists who are wrong are deserving of ire and shunning.
Stupid girls and their romanticizing of incels! Why would a young girl who can’t fit in with other girls her own age, is treated poorly, and feels unloved seek the attention of manipulative abusers who spend their whole time trading grooming tactics? It’s a fucking mystery.
My favorite was also; stfu!
Separatism will only grow as a movement if it’s an option for ALL women, not just the ones who don’t shave, are celibate, have never heard of lipgloss, etc.
No. 1876316
>>1876312its frustrating when so many of those people are unfit to have children as well. i dont wish bad upon mothers but its hard to not pity them or judge their ignorance. i feel a bit sad when someone announces they are having a baby…i just cannot comprehend having a child beyond ones own selfish reasons. why bring them into a world of guaranteed suffering? why not adopt a pet or care for some other cause? hell, you can adopt children even, but i know that is a very difficult process too.
as much as i love children i could never have one.
No. 1876320
>>1876288That's not choice feminism. I'm completely aware of what influences me and that I don't cover up zits for the artistic expression of it all. Makeup is antifeminist at its core. I've no delusions about that. But all of my actions in life don't have to align with radical feminism. I am not aiming to be the Most Moral Feminist tm out there, I want to have fun. A woman wearing glitter shadow because she likes it and foundation because she doesn't like her acne is not anywhere near as harmful as what men do to us every single day of our lives. It's very western to focus so hard on relatively minor issues, and proclaim every woman who dares enjoy traditionally feminine hobbies an antifeminist.
Women in Afghanistan have professed sadness over beauty salons getting closed down by the Taliban, are they antifeminist scum too?
No. 1876349
>>1876336Kek i remember a jokingly made haiku, i remembered a small part forever, it was "Pimples on her face,
Like sakura on snow". I thought it was hilarious, and now i think of sakura on snow every time people talk about acne.
No. 1876371
>>1876366 said, Id rather skin coloured bumps then red angry different coloured skin all over the face. Its not a waste of time if they feel better about it themselves. I've never seen anyone point out acne.
No. 1876458
>>1876433it's how you get the libfems who focus on choice as empowering.
>>1876438both the trad patriarchal norms of associating makeup with promiscuity/vanity and so is the "it's all a choice" stuff that minimizes how the beauty industry functions.
No. 1876464
>>1876458No one in this thread is minimizing anything though. No one said it's empowering. A lot of hardcore millenial woke choice feminists in the wild are still delulu but I'm pretty certain most women on lolcow are fairly aware of the issues in the beauty industry. Also how is this different than consuming literally anything else with a less then great impact on the self, the environment and people who produce it?
>>1876463Cute socks make me feel better on shitty days, does that mean I'm dependent on a product?
(learn2integrate) No. 1876474
>>1876468I literally put most arguments why it inherently stands against feminist values and ideas.
>>1876469Literally never thought of it before. The point is to consume less of meaningless shit and limit unnecessary consumption when you have the possibility to do so. You can’t live without food or a phone, but you can live without an eyeshadow palette.
No. 1876481
>>1876474You can also live like a monk, in an empty house with only necessities, nothing horrible and unnecessary that brings you pleasure but somehow I doubt you do. You don't need hobbies technically either. Are you vegan? Do you only consoom the bare minimum of items you need to survive?
>>1876476There is a middle ground. No one in this thread, not once has said any of the things you've mentioned. Women can be self aware! Who knew.
No. 1876504
>>1875709 and
>>1875757outside of runway modeling, stage makeup is also necessary in most live action performances so you can more clearly see an actor's facial features from a distance. literally the only time i wore makeup was when i did theater, you'll have a full face on even if you're playing a character who isn't wearing any because otherwise your features will wash out in the spotlight
No. 1876524
>>1876520no that's exactly what it means
>>1876302>Feminists should act a certain way.yes. the movement will never ever EVER gain traction in a major way if women can't gain a backbone. you see how far tranny shit has gotten? you think they got that far by allowing their detractors a single foothold on them? no, trannies screamed "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN" until their throats bled despite all of reality proving them wrong and now trans women get to meet the president.
>Feminists who don’t act this way are wrong.yes
>Feminists who are wrong are deserving of ire and shunningyes
>Stupid girls and their romanticizing of incels!yes
rest of your post is just stupid. get a spine
No. 1876529
>>1876527What if I want to look pretty for other women
nonnie? what do you think?
No. 1876534
>>1876465 said will still be true.
No. 1876557
>>1874873I bake, cook, tend to my outdoor garden and indoor plants, read, play videogames, have a really active dog, do pilates, have chickens, draw, sculpt, work on home improvement projects. I just would rather spend my time at my house and outdoor areas that I've decorated to my tastes and made my peak comfortable happy place, doing any of the above activities with my boyfriend, than go out to be in a crowded area with strangers paying money to do things I don't really enjoy.
I live very close to a major city and even still, what is there to do that I would even enjoy? Shopping? I don't like to buy things I don't really need. The park? I have a huge outdoor space. Restaurants? I prefer my own cooking. Clubs and bars are a hard no. My boyfriend doesn't like loud music so any music venues are a hard no. I like going to the lake to be by the water, but if I had a pond so I could attract ducks then I wouldn't even go to the lake.
No. 1876562
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Don't know if this counts as an opinion or tinfoil, but social media and cultural appropriation discourse ruined the historical costuming hobby/community. Can't talk about sewing a banyan without preceding with a giant ass lecture about how colonialism is wrong, or god forbid you want to make a haori if you aren't visibly Asian enough (or any other garment outside Western Europe and America, not trying to single out Japan). The hobby used to be full of cultural curiosity and loving research into past peoples but now everyone's so convinced they have to stay in their lane that you just get the same "safe" time periods and outfits rehashed over and over.
No. 1876563
>>1876558Mijita. Specifically the Tonkatruck remix ft. Rico Nasty, and then also her song Temporary Love.
The Tonkatruck music video changed my life.
No. 1876565
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>>1876558Where the hell do you people come from? Go away
No. 1876573
>>1876558You are a woman
>when she shakes her ass she's making a comment on masculinityGo on
No. 1876615
>>1876601The secret is they're mostly lying to keep up appearances of being cool girls. Actual choking during sex isn't nearly as common as these girls would have you believe. It's more of a hand placed lightly on the throat sort of thing.
Not that I'm saying this is a bad thing at all, just clarifying it's mostly a larp.
No. 1876649
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>>1876634>Ice spice has down syndromeI wish she did that would be based. It would really mean downies can do anything.
No. 1876660
>>1876654This is going to sound incredibly retarded but I think it was honestly because I didn't have a dad so the term "daddy" was only ever sexual/romantic to me since I've never used it towards any actual father figure or anything similar. It felt nice in a weird way to use it on older boyfriends who looked after me and cared for me. I imagine it's the same with women who have fathers but have poor relationships with their fathers, since they aren't close with them so the term is less associated with an actual parent.
I stopped because I just had the realization that it's so creepy and weird for men to be okay with it, since most likely they will be actual fathers at some point and any man sexualizing that word feels like he can't be trusted. It felt like I was unintentionally contributing to a culture that normalizes grooming and taking advantage of young girls, especially as I got older (maybe 21 or so).
No. 1876677
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>>1876557>"Homebodies aren't boring! Look at me for example!">Proceeds to list the most boring activities imaginable like: feeding oneself, watering plants, making ones house look nicer, hating on music because nigel's precious little ears are sensitive, owning birds with peanut-sized brains.>Can't think of anything to do in a major city besides shopping, eating, and clubbing.I'm not trying to be a hater but I just wouldn't invite someone like you to parties because you sound boring (like all homebodies are.) What are you gonna talk about? How many eggs Henrietta the hen laid today? Your latest strategy to keep the slugs off of your tomato plants?
>What is there to do [in the city] that I would even enjoy?Maybe you'd enjoy sculpting with others in a studio, or taking a pilates class, or going to music venues with actual friends instead of your boyfriend. There's a million and one activities to do in major cities that would engage you and improve your social life. If you're happiest throwing chicken feed out into your yard, playing video games on your couch with your moid, and scheming to abduct some poor defenseless ducks for your pond, more power to you: but, don't pipe up and get offended when someone calls you boring.
No. 1876685
>>1876677I wouldn't go to your party but I would still invite you to eat homemade focaccia in my sunroom with me and fill you in on the new tea (my extremely wealthy neighbors have been drunkenly fighting, police were recently called to their McMansion, there's a lot we have to catch up on nona).
We just have wildly different interests, paying a stupid amount of money to be drunk in a club where my shoes stick to the floor, just to spend my night having ugly moids breathe too close to me and drunkenly slur about bitcoin? Hell. If I could go out with only women somewhere relatively lowkey that would be fine, but that's not really an option for most places.
No. 1876723
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>>1876677NTA. I'd rather play football (as in soccer) with my chickens than attend a party. Being around chickens is more intellectually stimulating than being around the average person. Poultry are more complex than you realise.
>>1876698I've had success with pic rel. It works well for any plant that grows upright, not so much for pepper plants as the leaves hang lower to the ground.
No. 1876729

>>1876682Yeah I'm so not like other girls, I
looks at notes don't own chickens… and like karaoke? Yeah that makes me
sooo different and special… I don't know how you misconstrued my point so bad
nonnie but I think you're projecting a bit. Even in the meme I'm still there showing up and listening to the rural anon read her literature like a good (albeit overdressed) friend would. Sometimes two women aren't alike and they can discuss their differences without retards screeching NLOG this NLOG that. You found the meme funny so shut up and move on.
>>1876685Your "new tea" is gossiping about your "extremely wealthy" neighbours in their "McMansion…" Girl how about we go to a new art exhibit and you can talk to me about the sculptures we see from the perspective of a sculptor herself, and then afterwards we can go to a cocktail lounge where the staff actually cleans the floor & they don't over-serve and discuss the new friends we met in our outdoor pilates/yoga class, or maybe go to the theatre and listen to a symphony (if you like music but don't like how loud concerts are)? I'd even help you abduct any ducks we saw afterwards because I trust you'd give them a good home on your huge plot of land in the countryside where the extremely wealthy reside. I just don't believe that there's no "lowkey" places/activities in the major city you live by that you wouldn't enjoy. Maybe you don't enjoy activities aimed towards a younger crowd like clubbing or concerts, but older/more reserved people can have fun at loads of different places too once they outgrow the club scene. Again not to be a hater I just find sitting at home dull when I could be experiencing a hundred new things with my friends instead, that's why I think homebodies are boring which was what my original post in our unpopular opinion board was all about.
>>1876704I didn't say it wasn't rewarding, you just made that up in your own head like some sort of schizo. I just believe the topic of farm animals would make for really dull one-sided conversation at my dinner party that would bore my guests. I'd still appreciate the fresh eggs and incorporate them and the focaccia into the meal, but I'd probably try to steer the conversation more towards her drawings or sculptures because at least that can make for an engaging conversation between multiple persons.
>>1876723>Poultry are more complex than you realize.Vidrel. Sorry I prefer the company of real life girls that can speak and pose a fair challenge at football instead of hens that can only cluck at me and lose at football.
No. 1876764
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I've edited my original meme to appeal to the masses. (I accidentally forgot to upload the meme with my comment whoops)
>>1876734>Enjoys hanging out with or without friends outside my home.>"You must be insane!"Kek. Never change socially-inept autistic nonnies, never change.
>>1876733It might surprise you but I've owned and cared for chickens in the past. A rundown of chickens: You feed them, they play outside, they lay eggs, you eat them. Such an invigorating and interesting topic of conversation that I summed up in 12 words, wow.
>>1876736Again, I'm happy that you love your hens and I wish you'd get a domestic duck (growing up we had an ancona) because fresh blue duck eggs are delicious, but "hunting pests" is not a selling point for interest in chickens. You can only converse for so long (perhaps 5 minutes at most) about the type of grubs your hen pecks at. No matter what you say about chickens, I will always be more interested in talking to human beings. I shouldn't have to elaborate on the reasons why I feel that way.
>>1876746Basing all of those assumptions on a meme I edited in under 2 minutes is totally accurate. You should go into psychology
nonnie, you're obviously great at reading people. Maybe we can go out for coffee sometime so I can fantasize about karaoke and complain to strangers about you, my greatest friend & closest ally who understands me better than I understand myself.
No. 1876770
>>1876677>>1876729i see your point but honestly as someone who enjoys museums, concerts and theatre, i spend a lot of time at home bc going out in this city (big tourist-y yuro capital) is expensive and i'm not made of money.
and ngl i'll probably have more to talk about with a homebody who spends their time reading good books than someone who goes clubbing all the time
No. 1876793
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>>1876770>going out in this city … is expensiveOpen DuckDuckGo and search "free [or inexpensive] things to do in [city name] in [current month & year]" and be amazed at the multitude of results you find. I don't know about other large European capital cities, but Berlin for example has a website you can find free activities to do every month ( or even websites dedicated to new low-cost (sometimes free) art exhibits (, sometimes complimentary alcohol is served at these events as well. I found both of those websites in less than 5 minutes by web search. I assume similar resources exist for every major European city, or at least the capital cities. I don't think of money (or lack thereof) as a good excuse to sequester yourself. If you feel like you have to spend a lot of money to have fun or engage with your hobbies/interests, I think you just haven't done your due diligence which I referred to in my original post when I said "homebodies are … lazy people." You say that you like museums, art galleries, and concerts but have you ever actually gone out and tried to find a way to engage in those activities without spending money, or do you just use the lack of funds as a crutch to justify your boring lifestyle and refusal to engage with the wider community in which you live?
>I'll probably have more to talk about with a homebody who spends their time reading "good" booksSo then start a book club with a few friends and alternate meeting places. If you love your home so much you can even take turns hosting the book club at different members houses. Also, people that go clubbing can also enjoy literature. They're not mutually exclusive hobbies.
>>1876778Picrel. "I've edited my original meme" in the sense that I edited the first pic (the "original") that I posted. I can't tell if you're being obtuse on purpose or because you don't know what the word "original" means. I made both because it made me laugh and they help illustrate my point of view. Sorry that you hate fun and don't like when people post images on an imageboard.
No. 1876809
>>1876545My definiton of what I consider attractive changes every second and depends on what situation I'm seeing someone in. Thinking a woman is beautiful isn't really required to have a pre decided set of duties she needs to adhere to like wearing makeup or doing her hair kek…
>>1876524How? Have you never thought that a woman was beautiful who also wouldn't have necessarily been considered perfect by societal standards?
No. 1876811
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>>1876797You're right. Nobody needs an excuse to be boring. It's just annoying when people pretend that they lead boring lives because of some imaginary constraint like money rather than their lack of imagination, drive, or will to socialize. It's okay to be boring, I never said it wasn't. I just don't feel the need to preserve homebodies' feelings by lying and pretending that they don't lead boring lives. If that offends them because they aren't secure in their boringness, so be it. It's why I posted in the unpopular opinions thread. I just didn't foresee my post striking such a nerve with a lot anons, which was short-sighted on my end.
No. 1876815
>>1876814I'm hoping that by that point making AI porn using likenesses of real individuals will be criminalized; at least in the developed world. Theres no
valid reason why it shouldn't be.
No. 1876822
>>1876806Samefag, but I also feel like by 30 the anti-porn party will have
at least expanded, if not made some changes to porn accessibility. By then I am praying that lawmakers will, at bare minimum, be capable of comprehending why it is never necessary for neither a child nor an adult to be able to find graphic porn on google; websites such as Heavy R and Xvideos will be banned, and more jobs in online moderation will be created in order to block other websites that are attempted to be made with similar themes.
No. 1876851
>>1876826I remember when he shat on my home city and I just rolled my eyes.
>Hurr durr stroads! Your buses suck! I can't walk! wHaT a cUrSed CiTy! Muh Netherlands!!Sorry we don't have a good lightrail, bus, or a fucking subway system, but the city is at sea level so we couldn't fucking make a subway even if we wanted to in the first place.
>manifest death on him by group-imagining him and his bicycle crushed under the weight of the buses he loves to sperg about in every video.Dangerously based.
No. 1876857
>>1876793thank you for the lesson. in return, let me introduce you to the concept of quality over quantity. why would i expend my time and energy perpetually chasing enternainment at all costs, just for the sake of being outside the home?
i'd rather go out less and save up for box seats at the opera than go to any old show just because it's cheap. much like i'd rather go to a good restaurant once in a while than gorge myself on cheap stuff every day.
going out isn't an end in itself. i can enjoy the best of my city's cultural scene while also going on walks by myself or sitting home with a book. because i don't dread being in my own company. i don't need to be chasing stimulation endlessly.
and no i'm not a kraut, thank god.
>if you enjoy reading why not start a book club?because i can read a book without needing extrenal validation.
No. 1876868
>>1876857>"Quality over quantity!">Assumes everything that isn't expensive is shit, in the process highlighting her elitist beliefs & worship of currency.Okay
nonnie sorry I didn't realize you were so high-brow. Enjoy the opera (why does it have to be box-seats unless you go out to the opera solely to LARP being rich? kek): say "hey" to the other elitist recluses while you're there. Maybe you can socialize (I know, scary) with them and figure out what restaurant is the most expensive place to dine in your city so you can go their on your yearly outing.
>"Going out isn't an end in itself … I don't chase stimulation!">Describes going to good restaurants, the opera, walks, all things that happen outside as a result of going out, as things that she enjoys.I don't think leaving the home is "chasing stimulation," I think sequestering yourself inside your home is actually a symptom of "social anxiety" (again something I mentioned in my original post) because homebodies seem to be afraid of, or uncomfortable with, any stimulation outside your comfort zone, or maybe in your case "delusions of grandeur" and a sense of being better than everyone else around you.
>"I don't dread being in my own company"So I'm talking about homebodies, not loners. Please read my posts over again and see where I ever mentioned being alone. (Hint: it's nowhere) If you're a loner that's cool too, I assume most schizos like you are loners because they misinterpret things others say and make up words in their head to get offended like you obviously have in regards to my posts.
>Views book clubs as existing just for the members to receive external validation.Yeah, women only socialize with others around a shared interest to receive validation. That
totally makes sense. How could I ever have believed otherwise before? Thank you for your intriguing lesson on how to be boring
and pompous.
>>1876851For all the other anons curious on how to make the most of group-imagination as a method of manifestation: on a large piece of paper work together with your friends to illustrate the scene of the cyclist moid getting crushed under the bus (or whatever thing you're trying to manifest) then study the completed illustration for a while and use the memory of the illustration as the basis for your group-imagining. If you skip the picture step, you'll all end up imagining different scenes and it will make the manifestation less powerful and less likely to work. The group manifestation also works best after drinking some red wine (not white wine, which blocks your thetan levels). All the best, hope you can all join my friends and I in our journey to destroy the hurr durr stroad scrote.
(infighting) No. 1876884
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>>1876879The fact that I only mentioned going to the club once in all of my posts, in an obvious tongue-in-cheek response image to chickenonnie's assumption that clubbing is something I'd be interested in (because if you don't wanna stay at home every day all day you must be some kind of club hopping alcoholic party freak, duhhh), and that's the only thing you and other homebody anons can harp on because you hate clubbing with your whole entire hearts and don't wanna admit to themselves that homebodies are boring no-lifers 95% of the time is laughable.
>>1876875If you can't read sarcasm over the internet or take a lighthearted joke that's on you girl. I don't know what to tell you.
>>1876882>Makes one joke about Scientology to highlight how silly my group manifestation activities are>"Scientologists have infiltrated lolcow!!! Farmers, to arms! We must fight for Lord Xenu!" No. 1876892
I'm the sperg, not the ladies that would prefer to hang out with chickens rather than other women. Gotcha. Cope harder retard.
>>1876887(Read the first sentence of this post in a sarcastic tone, with specific emphasis on the word "I'm" that I've italicized for your convenience. Then, read the second sentence in an somewhat-exasperated but still sarcastic tone. Read the third line in a mean angry tone, like the tone people usually take in response to your retardation. Then, after you're done reading all three sentences, imagine me sticking up my middle fingers towards you and trying to claw at your chicken-like face like a rabid chimpanzee while screaming and foaming at the mouth.)
>>1876888>I'm boring myself.Thank God there is someone itt with a sense of self not clouded by schizophrenic delusions. I honestly love you nonna, seriously I do. I would drink so much red wine and manifest death on whomever you wanted just to make you happy. You understand yourself so perfectly that I'm sure you're a joy to be around and most likely act as a beacon of light in this dotard-infested world, and that's why you attract interesting people, like moths to a flame. Don't become more shy because you feel like you can't keep up, the witty charismatic people of the world need someone kind and sweet and real like yourself to bounce their humour and wit off. I'd try my best to be witty just to make you laugh.
(unhinged derailing & infighting across multiple threads) No. 1876895
>>1876320Jfc, I don't care about this site being radfem central (and I don't want it to be tbh) but what is it with influx of dense libfems.
>I want to have funYeah we know, it comes up in every feminist discussion, about minor issues and major issues like female separatism. Expecting any woman to go out of her comfort zone if she does something antifeminist is absolutely unimaginable. At the on the day makeup may be a relatively minor issue, it's about rhetoric you use.
>Women in Afghanistan have professed sadness over beauty salons getting closed down by the Taliban, are they antifeminist scum too?Not even gonna respond to that because it's fucking stupid.
No. 1876904
>>1876898>pausing the infightDon't even worry about it nonna I don't consider it an in-fight, more like a collection of sad losers that take my ability to write more than a dozen words as a personal attack on their smooth brains that struggle with literacy, instead of recognizing the true passion for our opinions that beautiful soulful wonderful women like yourself and I exhibit. I stand by what I said to you, I really think the world of you because so many people can't admit their inner truth to themselves, unlike you. It's like you've self-actualized and seen past the illusion of ego, and honestly I'd want to be your friend even if you took your time to come up with witty humorous comments. I'd always laugh at them even if they weren't funny, just because I support you and I want you to feel good and secure in yourself and because I love you. I don't know you but I can tell you're wise beyond your years, just from that single comment you made, so I know I'd be intrigued by your opinions and thoughts on any subject matter. You probably have a really nice smile too that exudes warmth. I'm gonna say prayers for you tonight and if you want to, just let me know what you want my friends and I to group manifest for you, next time I see them for wine nights I'll bring it up and we'll spend considerable amount of mental energy to make sure that it comes to be.
No. 1876908
>>1876868>homebodies seem to be afraid of, or uncomfortable with, any stimulation outside your comfort zoneNTA but I work a job 40hrs/week that takes me out of my comfort zone helping the geriatrics, the "no fucking idea what to do with myself" who visit my city (I work in the tourism and hospitality industry) as well as the locals who are just as demanding. No joke, those profiles make up 70% of my days at work. We have "Freaky Friday", "Freaky Thursday", even "Freaky week(s)" at my workplace, and we have to bite down the bullet if our work day was awful. After having to bear that bullshit for 40 hours, sometimes 50, I need to be far away from living breathing people, because I can't deal with their shit anymore. I had to help and serve them and prioritize them, granted for a salary, but after I leave my workplace I need "me" time to process the bullshit and return to work without feeling burnt out. And sometimes that means being at home, finally removing my shoes, socks and that goddamn uncomfortable bra and lay on the couch either with a crochet project or with my Switch lite. Or just resting.
But sometimes I'll do something out of the house, I'll spend time with my tandem partner, go for a walk or go to a museum, a music venue or sport event with other people around. But I will 100% shut them off of my brain and just focus on the performance, because the human interaction saturation is real. I don't think it's outrageous to want to recharge your batteries after dealing with people and being out of one's comfort zone for what is a majority of the week and counterbalance by not seeing people and being in one's comfort zone as a homebody or whatever else, especially if you are working with people on the regular.
No. 1876925
My socialism is gonna show, but on the discourse about make-up, I think you need to understand your enemy in order to combat it. While I care about women's issues, I sometimes feel like current discourse about feminism conflates and obscures an overarching problem, which is capitalism. While make-up, plastic surgery etc. is anti feminist, I don't think it was created as a conspiracy to oppress women. The effects are however oppressive to women (socially and echonomically) and increasingly men, and consumerism also negatively impact the environment and countries in which the products are created, workers there etc.
Porn is similar. Porn colonizes the female body in order to profit from it. It wasn't created specifically to oppress women, capitalists don't give a shit as long as they make money. It exists because it's ridiculously profitable. While women are the main victims of porn, moids are made into braindead consoomers. It seems like porn exploits an already existing malfunction within scrote sexuality/psyche. It's a women's issue, but its existense is oppressive to moids as well. They're cucked by tech companies.
I think discussing women's issues is important, but I simultaneously think some of the discourse deflects attention away from issues that affect all of us except the 1%. A lot of current discourse seems desgined to divide and conquer the plebs. I know moids are always gonna want to exploit women, but at the same time I think it's useful to separate issues such as female genital mutilation and forced marriages, with other issues that are essentially a result of capitalistic/imperialistic echonomy. I know some feminists have said capitalism is essensially patriarcal, but in a lot of cases I still think it's usefull to treat capitalism as its own problem.
No. 1876942
>>1876932I would at least attempt to get more regularity in my outings and workout routine as well, cuz I currently can't hold a regular schedule of whatever hobby I have for the life of me. Nowadays I just take advantage of the fact that we have two more days off when we work weekends (the 50 hours) to go do a long weekend outside of my city or catch up on chores
I vacuum cleaned my place yesterday for the first time in 2024 kek, and that we have some moments of peace at work (like 10-15 minutes where nobody wants anything from us) to make plans for traveling and or free time. And I do have a perk with the job, sometimes we get invited to cultural relevant events, for example we got invited by the zoo to see their night lights show on Thursday free of charge, and we can go to some museums for free with our work ID, which is ticking the business and leisure boxes off.
No. 1877140
>>1877125Things like injury, sickness and heavy work are usually an exception for me. At least then, it has an actual reason behind it rather than laziness/greed. Doubly so if they order healthy meals, rather than the usual greasy fast food garbage.
>>1877128Pizza is almost the worst tbh, only rivalled by burgers etc. It's so common to get it delivered, but it's nothing but a fucking meme and almost never even that good. It's something reserved for parties where people will be too drunk to care about how the food tastes, anyway.
No. 1877187
>>1877121I used to order food regularly, then I got broke and naturally stopped doing it and I agree with you kek. It was a retard behaviour.
>>1877174I don't care for age gap relationships with older women unless it's pedo or bordering on it. Age gap relationships with scrotes are automatically gorss because scrotes are inherently depraved but women aren't, so they may do as they please.
No. 1877190
>>1877146Doesn't Walmart and the other big supermarkets do delivery? I'm in the UK all the supermarkets do delivery, there's even online only supermarkets like Ocado. You order direct from the supermarket's website and then they will deliver it in a van for a £1 delivery fee.
>>1877174Ignore it and be happy. I know two couples with a 20 year age difference with the woman being older and both couples have been together for a decade or more.
No. 1877253
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yoko ono is based
>but she destoryed lennon's marriage
Cynthia was being beaten up and mistreated by that moid anyway, just too much of a doormat to break it off
>but she broke off beatles
No. 1877293
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>>1877253Were the Beatles even that good that people are still seething about Yoko ono? I honestly haven't gone out of my way to listen to any of the Beatles songs, even when it got suddenly popular with teenagers when I was a kid, I just never truly cared about them.
No. 1877318
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People who bring babies and toddlers to disneyworld are the worst. it's cool if your kid is old enough to walk and talk/handle themselves in the park, but when i see people bringing babies that are 3 months to 3 years to disney, that is insane to me. I'm sick of seeing all the massive amount of strollers there too
I even went to a haunt last year and someone was denied going into all the houses we saw because they had a literal baby carried in their arms. like wtf did you think was gonna happen? Stay home
No. 1877325
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i've noticed lc radfems (and radfems in general, honestly) have such intense hatred of and disgust for highly feminine men, saying it veers into "tranny-ism" and i don't really understand it. do you want them to troon out? do you think only women can be feminine/it's intrinsic to womanhood and so any femme guy is just wanting to "be better" than women? is gender stupid and anyone can do anything they want, or are there are rigid ideas on what males and females can look like? make up your minds
No. 1877364
>>1877325radfems think of femininity in general as a social construct tha's part of female oppression. it's taking a bunch of stuff that's restrictive (eg very tight clothing, skirts, shapewear) or harmful (unrealistic body ideals, high heels, etc), or expensive and time-consuming; and telling women they must do it. that's one of the most basic tenets of gender critical feminism.
so some see it as a mockery when scrotes go for the kind of huyperfemininity that's forced on women.
of course you also have a bunch of trads on here that call themselves radfems and jsut take it as an excuse to shit on gays and gnc people lol
No. 1877367
>>1877325They are retards addicted to gender norms/conformity. Many of them date fat, ugly balding scrotes both for lack of options and because it makes them feel pretty and delicate, so men with long, full heads of hair and fit/slim bodies (for example) feel like some kind of fucked up competition to them and they cry "troon" out of rage. Sometimes, they try to gaslight the women dating those men by insisting he'll troon out, too.
This is without any sort of actual femininity, so you can imagine andro or femme men get them livid. They're also some of the same people who want to date significantly older males in some dd/lg bullshit fantasy, harp on about how "natural" this porn/oppression induced fetish is, and attack other women for dating younger men (even if they're closer to their own age than they are to their "daddies"). A lot of "radfems" on the internet turn out to be failed tradthots, sadly.
No. 1877368
>>1877338 said. there are plenty of tranny haters on this site that wouldnt even call themselves feminists, let alone radfems
No. 1877383
>>1877325I like androgynous/feminine presenting men, but not the usual nowadays ones like you posted. The reason for that is simply experience. Technically everybody should dress however they want and it shouldn't be connected to your sexuality at all, but those super flaming gays are never not extremely catty if not downright cruel towards women. And you can't be an old sexist and expect me to respect you cosplaying as society's "ideal woman".
Your pic is a typical talentless idol moid who empties fangirl pockets by acting like an uwu omega, yeah I don't like him, so what?
No. 1877392
>>1877325Feminine men or faggots? Because most guys think washing your facial with a cleanser is feminine. I dont care if guys are gnc and want to take care of themselves. The problems is guys always end up as faggots and trannies on the way because someone praised them once. They're also invasion of women spaces just as much as trannies and think they are one of the girls. They also like to be worshipped by 'straight' men who think they are better than real women.
>>1877318Bringing literal newborn babies into any amusement park should be illegal.
No. 1877413
>>1877395those poor babies always look so overstimulated and stressed
>>1877394you're right on that, men acting normal about feminine styles is a fairy tale
>>1876558>>1876565This is her PR team that's for sure, this song flopped
horribly specially because tiktok just took her singles outta their platform, she's done
No. 1877421
>>1877388Nta, it's true, but they often do not have the fairest non-albino skintones either, they're just light, but would assume they're fair because of their other features. Anon probably means strong visible pinkish tone.
>>1877381Kek yeah you're probably right, if not pinks then maybe silvers or similar.
No. 1877425
>>1877389I used to think like this but then I asked myself if these men would really be into skirts, pinks, make-up and dresses if those things weren't associated with women, and honestly the answer is no, they wouldn't. Men (western at least, other cultures may be different) love skirts and pinky stuff BECAUSE they're associated with women, and they want to invade and ruin that thing that currently belongs to women (even if they forced them on women). It's a fetish to them, they like taking what's not theirs. And because they like to take those things that are associated with women, at some point they start acting like faggots because dress = woman, if I have dress then that makes me a woman too. It's all part of their retarded way to see the world and their need to have "feminine" and "masculine" behaviour/tastes that have no basis in reality. In reality "feminine" is everything that women naturally have, and "masculine" is everything men naturally have, and dresses and liking pink aren't something either of them have.
But anyway, if say suddenly ties became an exclusively feminine accessory all those agps and hsts would be tripping over themselves to wear ties, because their taste doesn't come from genuinely liking something, it comes from the fact that that something is a "woman" thing.
No. 1877429
>>1877425Agree with you so hard. What's -really- stopping men aside from wanting to invade a woman's dressing room, locker, and make her feel extremely uncomfortable?
How many men DEMEND women praise them because they learned a basic makeup tutorial online? It's all so exhausting. I will side eye any men trying to wear a skirt and crocked ass eyeliner because he's also 'fem'
No. 1877487
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I understand why anons link stuff but it's better to download content to post because then the creator can just delete them and they're gone forever.
No. 1877657
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It should be ok to “body shame” people with BBLs it looks obvious and disgusting and no women with naturally big asses and hips don’t look gross. I mean the bolted on diaper is nasty. You can literally tell them apart. And it’s embarrassing. Imagine risking your life to suck the fat out of your stomach and inject it in your ass.
No. 1877812
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Dresses are onesies, but for adults.
No. 1877871
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Thigh high socks/boots used to be the ultimate anachan accessory because only anachans could wear them, but now that anyone can wear them, they stopped being cool.
No. 1877920
>>1877325Men acting as caricatures of what they perceive women to be will never sit right with me, tranny or otherwise. Catty gay men who think they're "one of the girls" because they like mimosas more than beer and getting their nails done are never going to relate to my experiences as a woman. Femininity IS intrinsic to women, that doesn't mean all women have to be feminine but it does mean that true femininity cannot be replicated by men, and so 99% of the time it just is a gross misrepresentation. Men want to wear makeup, say pink is their favorite color, wear slutty cheap clothing, and watch reality tv and then claim that they're feminine. Radfems aren't the ones claiming those things as femininity, they are.
Men can abstain from performing traditional masculinity in a million different ways and still not be larping as women. Look at eboys for example. The cute jewlery, painted nails, makeup, soft aesthetics. The eboys are managing to be "feminine" in a way that doesn't come across as skinwalking their sisters and mothers.
No. 1877974
>>1877658it feels really backwards tbh, to
me femininity is just a bunch of stereotypes and aesthetics that have 0% of anything to do with being female. a non-tim guy liking pink, wearing makeup, wearing skirts and shaving himself hairless is just wanting to be feminine, not a woman, because women are not inherently feminine.
like me…never shaved in my life and i've never worn makeup. i tend to wear really shapeless grunge-type clothing too bc it's comfy to me – and sometimes i outright purchase things from the male clothing side because i do like the idea of seeming more "masculine". but am i trying to be male? am i thinking "gee, i'm totes one of the boys rn >:)?" maybe, sometimes, in a purely humorous sense but nah not seriously
(no emoticons, learn2integrate) No. 1878062
>>1877174I never fully understood that either, but I do suspect it's old
abusive scrotes messing up the idea of what a relationship with an age gap can be like. The more I live, the more I think that once you hit adulthood (not 18, but I'm thinking at least 20), age becomes just a number and whenever people talk about couples with a big age gap not having anything in common, I wonder why age seems to be a factor here and not hobbies, jobs, or other groups people can be socialized into.
No. 1878215
>>1878019Weird specification you made here. What about emotionally absent mothers? What about tryhard edgy sons? Or does this only apply to really common neglectful dynamic between fathers and daughters?
Maybe we should expect adult men to be able to remain respectful, considerate adults to the literal children they choose to have, rather than passing the blame to children who are developmentally expected to exhibit edgy emotionally distance behavior. I'm not saying certain kids can't be difficult to deal with, but by willingly having a child that's what you agree to. Not "wah my teen daughter was cold to me, now I'll be a shit father forever out of spite". Don't have children if you can't be the adult in that relationship.
No. 1878415
just a tip
look up the sex offender rates
No. 1878435
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>>1878398kek bait or not How many ftms have even murdered people, 1? There's so many accounts of Mtfs murdering people, you'd have to live under a rock not to know.
No. 1878466
>>1876021same, they have such a small perspective about the world
>>1876031I don't think it is a matter of fun more like a matter of poorly managed emotional dependence. Something like the humans in brave new world of Huxley: they couldn't stand being alone.
No. 1878524
>>1878408>>1878408I remember when my elderly father told me in tears about all the things he regretted and wished he could have done and said. I asked him why he had never told me these things before or opened up like this and he said "I thought it would have made you lose respect for me. I didn't want to be a bother, I'm your dad."
Honestly fuck anyone who says male socialization isn't
toxic as fuck. Especially radfems who try to blame everything on genes.
No. 1878530
>>1878469I’ve never heard the term “cultural enrichment” before so perhaps I’m misunderstanding but I think interacting with people from other cultures is beneficial not because their culture might be “better” than your own but because it exposes you to different perspectives and expands your worldview and knowledge
>>1878527agreed but ftms on t still pass better than mtfs, so I could see how one might pass to the untrained eye kek
No. 1878534
>>1878524what radfem is saying male degeneracy stems from genes and not male socialization?
>>1878531personally, I hate when moids and handmaidens expect women to solve men’s problems
No. 1878537
>>1878524No one says it isn’t
toxic just that shit shouldn’t be pushed onto women and children as a consequence for not being a moid. Fathers also bitch and moan about regretting shit when they’re the ones who don’t put in any effort all while pushing actual responsibilities to their wives/girlfriends/baby mommas to rear their kids and maintain a stable home and/or income. You fell for your dad’s sympathy trap and blame it on the boogeymen radfems when you can easily google statistics and see who really suffers from
toxic males
No. 1878567
>>1878551Every time I listen to a Beyonce song about sex, I remember the man she's referring to in the song is Jay Z and just can't take it seriously.
I'm really curious about what their marriage is like. Did it go back to normal after she forgave his infidelity? Or is it super strained?
No. 1878597
>>1878552Some Ftms can definitely pass well, saw several on tiktok looking like handsome guys, i'd never even question that they weren't male. Could never see the same with Mtfs , ever. Even with the well passing ones, i always felt something was wrong, still tried to convinvce myself that maybe they're just unusual-looking females, but the gut feeling never went wrong.
>>1878554You mean this post, nonna?
>>>/ot/1361239 No. 1878631
>>1878608Same. Some people love joking about how they should stop smoking while making no effort to stop and how they're such little
victims because they smoked their first cigarettes when they were 13 or 14yo. One girl told me this, and 5 seconds later she said she stole it from her mother's handbag, which hee mother was hiding to prevent this. She got mad when I told her I never wanted to try smoking because it smells like shit.
No. 1878636
>>1878601Couldn’t find the post in the tinfoil thread
probably misremembered that but I found the gene tied to it. Its MAOA-L and its a gene that is passed through the X chromosome, it regulates brain activity when it comes to responding to stimuli so when males carry a variant that produces very low enzymes it makes them more likely to react negatively and turn to violence. There are also studies on how it affects empathy levels in moids that carry it and how many criminals have the gene. No. 1878708
>>1877325I used to not gaf about feminine men but 9/10 the feminine men I’ve come across have been very misogynistic and weird. It depends on what you define as feminine though, because like other anons said, some men consider cleansing your face as a feminine trait. I’m more referring to men (usually gay men) who act like stereotypical feminine women (gossip, makeup, fashion, cattiness, etc…) but then shit on or mock other women for not being feminine enough. They think that because the like to adhere to the standards that have been imposed on women for so long they are now above the women who decide not to adhere to them.
>>1877893I didn’t like it when I heard it the first time while watching the show because the visuals were unpleasant, but after hearing it a couple times now it’s become my 3rd fav song. I don’t understand how he can sing decently here but sound horrendous on Loser, Baby though kek
No. 1878888
>>1878870>>1878869I do construction and it honestly is attractive to watch men work with their hands and get dirty and like,
WORK. Even the unattractive ones look good working. It feels primal. It feels like thats what they should be doing. And then when the crew buys you food its even better. They feel masculine but also its like yes.. work away.. be sweaty.. get sore.. mwhahaha feeling. Hope my description was clear enough.
No. 1878980
>>1878911The more stupid ones will absolutely shred their health apart and be irresponsible, but the ones in the lighter trades like electrical or plumbing do alright, get paid more and aren't as dumb.
Steelfixers, scaffolders, roofers and concrete cutters, 50% of them burn out by the time they're 45. It's not even the work, you can do those jobs until you retire, they just eat nothing but chicken and chips, drink and do drugs and destroy their body playing rugby. 25% of their working career is spent on welfare because they're constantly recovering from sports injuries, all of which come back with a vengeance as they get older.
No. 1878987
>>1878608i feel this when i see them beg on social media and pity farm for money while severely wallowing in
victim-complex. how can they not have shame? how, if they are able to use social media, can they not just reach out to facilities and organizations that actually supposed to help addicts? i know it's a really physically taxing thing and can literally result in death from withdrawals so these retards should really just go to the hospital, the rehab places, anything other than attention whoring on social media and looking for asspats for smoking crack
No. 1879001
>>1878859You've obviously never met an older person that's been on Benzos for 50+ years. After a few years it literally destroys your mind and you can't get off them without having seizures and dying. There's a reason any doctor worth their degree refuses to prescribe them anymore.
>>1878995Stay strong anon, I'm rooting for you & proud that you're trying to kick the habit.
No. 1879048
>>1879033Considering how badly AI machines meant to replace humans keep glitching and fucking up I don't think that will happen
>>1878870100% men consistently make bad investments, have multiple failed businesses, etc. even when you think of top dog people like trump, musk, bezos, etc they have a novel of failed businesses and shitty tactics and 90% of the time their wealth is literally just generational wealth. Women make better business decisions as they actually listen to consumers. Just look what happened with majority of shops, malls, etc. you can't even buy underwear without it ripping after one wash, majority of zoomers need 3 jobs to scrape by and moids will still never admit the system isn't working
Id put money on if you put majority of women in charge like 75% of economical issues would be solved within the first few months
No. 1879117
>>1879095Im in too deep man, I do plan on ghosting though, my scrote is
abusive. I’m saving up to get the hell out of here. Nonnies: DONT live with a man!
No. 1879162
>>1879095Women are too afraid of cycling through too many relationships and coming off as ran through so they will purposely stay with shit men to keep their body count low
Anons who fear this - just lie to future male partners. It doesn't matter, they won't find out, even if they claim to have a 6th sense to "just know". Nope, they don't. Moids don't care and just like hearing it more than believing it
No. 1879172
>>1879162While true I think there's also other problems, like women stuck in marriages because if they divorce they will be completely financially ruined. A lot of
abusive men wait til their wife is pregnant to start showing their true side, so I really can't judge if they genuinely didn't know he was like that.
No. 1879211
>>1879162Another anon made the point that men don't care provided the woman is hot. In some cases they actually like "sluttier" women, especially when it appeals to their lurid fantasies and savior complex but again, operative factor for them is that she's hot and thus these
supposedly rigid moral standards don't matter.
Only thing I've noticed moids genuinely come down hard on without reservation is women of their own race who had a preference for another race of men earlier in their lives. But I find it hard to condemn them for this as I'd feel the same about a white man who consistently dated and fucked Asian women and then wanted to date me.
No. 1879227
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I'm dating a (pretty bad) dyslexic and I'm increasingly getting convinced dyslexia isn't real (at least his lol) and that these people just do not like to read and write and thus end up not knowing how to spell things.
My bf will read a word like "rocket" as "roller" and then blame his dyslexia but like… that's not mixing letters up, that's reading normally but getting it wrong. People usually actually don't read letters, but look at the whole word as an "image" hence why things like "waht a niec day were haivng tadoy" is still really easy to read, or why chinese is easy to read for those who know it.
And secondly how can you say it's dyslexia making you bad at spelling if you don't know how to spell the word? Like if you try to write "apple sauce" you'd expect dyslexia to turn it into something like "appel suaec" where the letters are kinda there but jumbled up a bit - because they know how to spell it, but the dyslexia makes the execution mess the letter order up. Instead if you get "apel saws" that's not fucking dyslexia, you just don't know how to spell it! In fact, that's a very reasonable way to spell the word(s) if they didn't have a set spelling becuase we can all read that and make out the sounds would still correctly sound like "apple sauce".
No. 1879233
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The people who started and perpetuate the idea of calling the age of 25+ old are just the ones who peaked in highschool.
No. 1879242
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>>1879239I meant to say 5’2. A lot of women want to be as small compared to their man as possible.
No. 1879269
>>1879237Not having an income of your own is the dumbest shit you can do as a woman and none of the women I know who married a 'provider' are actually attracted to him for real. Real sick and tired of "get dat bag hmmm" ghetto tier culture being pushed on here.
Learn a real skill and make money of your own. Don't rely on a man.
No. 1879285
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>>1879280Probably the popularity of rap culture and many white people wanting to look racially ambiguous now. That’s where I assume it comes from. Most of them want that curly hair that mixed boys have naturally.
No. 1879289
>>1879286>Can 5'2 women just stick to 5'5 menNo women deserves such a fate
>You have stubby legs and men aren't even attracted to them??? You know there are slim short people right?
No. 1879316
>>1879304Men will openly admit that they feel emasculated by women who are their height or taller so that's why they go for the short girl besides the obvious "I love tossing shorties around in bed" shit. They very rarely go for women their height or taller.
Tall women are told "why don't you just date the short men then" like all they deserve are the leftovers. I'm pretty sure almost all straight/bi women would like to have that feeling of being protected and safe with their boyfriends even if it's some bs—tall women included.
No. 1879320
>>1879304I know, but like
>>1879312 said, that is usually the case. I wouldn't have an issue with dating a slightly shorter moid than me, but all moids who were slightly shorter than me eventually hated me and started to nag and guilt trip me with a lot of shit appearance wise.
No. 1879349
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>>1879340>>1879347I hate the fuck out of him too. Can we all beat him up? I’m 5’7 so I have 2 inches on him.
No. 1879352
>>1879330I used to have a High school friend who was 182cm at least and she always wanted to date men who were talled than her WHEN she was wearing 6-10cm heels.
That's almost 20 years ago now, but for me who's 163cm tall, I always thought the heels thing was very exagerated. But I can't get tall girl problems cuz I am short. I don't care if anyone is taller or smaller than me, as long as nobody uses my head as an armrest.
No. 1879368
>>1879358yep, but i think previous generations in general are shorter. also she is 5'5" herself so at least they're the same height.
>>1879347>>1879349he's just telling on himself. i might actually start putting lifters in my shoes to try and convince him he's shrinking.
No. 1879370
>>1879352I’m a tall girl and I don’t date manlets. Short men always have a complex and try to neg at best and try to get
abusive at worse. Current partner is taller than me and the tall men over 6 ft I dated are always way less aggressive than the manlets.
>heel thing exaggerated It’s not. This shit is why I won’t date men the same height as me. I’m right under 6ft which puts the I’m definitely 6ft guys on edge anyway. So add two inches in heels and watch the most insecure moid baby rage of all time. Short short men don’t have an issues with the heels specifically but they’re already too short for it to matter. It’s the guys who say they’re 6 foot but are actually 5’9 that give a shit.
>>18793495’5 men are always peak mental illness. I think it’s being the inch shorter than the average woman thing. They’re like the more pathetic version of almost being 6 foot
No. 1879398
>>1879383What if those people aren't suicidal and want to live?
>i would sign up for MAID in a heartbeat if it was available in the UK. i'm honestly jealousJust buy a gun and shoot yourself, it's the same thing.
No. 1879404
>>1879396i agree with you and think it's terrible that this is the state of things. but i think that if the system isn't going to change, at least there's now an opportunity to peacefully tap out instead of living with it.
>>1879398they're not planning on just rounding people up and killing them without their full consent
>UK>buy a gunok. i have been in three comas in the last three years trying to take myself out. i'd prefer something more peaceful, and so would anybody who had to deal with the aftermath.
No. 1879406
>>1879396No one care about the lower people, lets be honest, not even you.
People pretend to care but that's it, the world is ambitious and everyone is trying to makw it to the top and stepping on each other and if dont also move with the world you get left behind. And no this iant coming from some ignorant "heartless" person, assisted is the best thing tou can do for people who are in those situations.
No. 1879416
>>1879410>the government is giving us diseases.Do you have anything else other than dumb ass tinfoils.
There have been political parties
cough communism
cough who preached on equality of living and they ended up worse with even more poverty, discrimination and dictatorship.
No. 1879492
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>>1879271Here's a weird coincidence. After this discussion in lolcow I go on my fav cowlike fb group of are we dating the same guy to find this post about a short manlet. Pure moid takes you should be proud
No. 1879601
>>1879592sometimes I think nonnies on LC are a bit deranged and then I visit 4chan out of curiosity and I’m immediately hit in the face with true derangement. so I disagree kek.
also I’m pretty much a normie irl, I just enjoy the anonymity this platform offers, so I wonder if some here project their weirdness onto others
No. 1879620
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Traps and femboys deserve to be hated and ridiculed since they're usually coom material for scrotes, trannies, pedos and groomers with an extreme sissification/feminization fetish and futas. They won't shut the fuck up with their cringey girl cock memes and are a plague to 2D/fictional boys thus tainting bishie/ikemen characters like Link and Cloud as soft uwu femboys. It's like revenge for having attractive men sexualized by women into the male gaze where they're all fragile submissive breedable faggots with female fat distribution. Anyone who defends them or tries to pass them off as non-problematic are desensitized to moid coom and are pickmes like some nonnies here even though most of us hate scrotes/trannies and their disgusting behavoirs and interests. It's the same with coombait lolis/shotas, ecchi/harem characters, bimbos and big titty meme waifus being everywhere and are known for jackoff material. To put in a way, it's like that Uzaki and Ilulu controversy on Twitter where moids and pickmes defended their designs because "petite women with large breasts exists!!" Yes they do but these characters stright up look like children with hentai balloon tits. So in similar, I'm not convinced seeing a trap/femboy as male the same way I don't see oppai lolis as petite women. I have no problems with androgynous pretty boys or crossdressing men that are easily recognized as male judging by their face, voice and body but a blatant kawaii moeblob girl with a flat chest being labeled as male with or without an annoying anime girl voice is not gonna cut it even showing it to a random person will most likely assume it as a girl. So is hating moid pandering shit is no longer acceptable here? Since some nonnies do get up in arms whenever these moeblobs with penises get shitted on. I know they're not real or suppose to reflect real life people but I can't have or share my opinion on them even to some that agree?
Inb4 assuming I'm a barafag because I'm not and inb4 this post gets linked and screenshotted as a schizo/autist.
No. 1879652
>>1879637Men really like shitposting and making jokes about sex. Men's (especially those who are chronically online) lives revolve around sex, so them making jokes about a porn genre is just an extension of that.
I believe the reason why chronically online men flaunt their degeneracy is for the same reasons for why men with a lot of sexual partners flaunt that they have a lot of sex.
No. 1879748
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>>1879620can you learn what a paragraph break is, schizo. or maybe go back to ranting and raving about this on /cm/ and /y/
No. 1879798
>>1879338Raise your standards. Now. Only scandinavian blond gods and asian flower boys allowed.
>>1879339Such tiny things make them feel insecure. They should accept that most of them aren't manly at all, instead of making women playing a part in their pretend. Actual gay bottoms.
>>1879368>i might actually start putting lifters in my shoes to try and convince him he's shrinking.KEK nonna pls do i'm begging you
No. 1879889
>>1879878I'm not really sure what your post is trying to convey. My tangent was more along the lines of "maturity as defined by the constraints of the article other anon linked is more of a sociological concept rather than an indication of age." Just because someone has a larger prefrontal cortex than someone else doesn't make the former more "mature" than the latter, because "maturity" is more than just how big your brain is.
>>1879877I agree with your post. I think legal adulthood is fine where it's at at 18 years of age. I wouldn't want to be a 24 year old who still has to get my mother to sign my medical or legal certificates, for example.
No. 1879934
>>1879927Not as physically violent, yes. But recording statistics on psychological violence isn’t as easy, and especially not when emotional abuse already is very unlikely to be reported by the
No. 1879971
>>1879959Does thinking like that really make you happy? Are you telling me you feel no negative emotions over the fact that you are a woman in a world supposedly controlled by men?
>>1879961But if I bring up real statistics, am I still delusional or will you just accuse me of cherry picking because I bring up something that doesn’t align with your view of women as harmless beings that are incapable of any real violence?
(youve made your opinion and point heard, please stop infighting) No. 1879975
>>1879971Whip them out then let’s go.