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No. 187766
Most medical professionals working in hospitals have become very desensitized to human suffering, and they're forced to act like robotic cunts behind a facade of "professionalism".
I don't blame them, it's the only way they can retain their sanity while working in an environment with hundreds of sick/dying people. Very few people have the mentality it takes to work in a hospital and still be a nice person. The way you act has a big impact on patients though.
>>187764>be put in psych ward against your will>perhaps involuntarily drugged>treated like a lab rat>probably in the psych ward in the first place because you're already upset/angry>mad at staff"How can I get revenge on the staff?"
>be prison inmate>fake heart attack just to go to hospital for fun>be mad at the world, hate people>"I especially hate this 20-something privileged bitch taking my blood">"I'm gonna flick my HIV+ blood at her" No. 187772
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CNA here. Worked in a hospital for a while, currently working in a mental institution. I've seen so much and still manage to be surprised.
I love caring for people but the work is so demanding on my body. I want to move further up in the medical field, but client interaction is important to me and I don't want to lose touch with them.
The only super annoying part is that my family thinks I'm some kind of doctor and expects me to check out every fever or cut our sneeze.
No. 187774
>>187763I didn't have much psych ward experience and luckily most of mine was actually not bad, but I can believe it.
>>187764To be the biggest fucking cunts they can. They're the one's who murdered or raped or stole from someone, but they're the world's biggest victims, and also to world's biggest macho-men, so infecting the evil COs and completely innocent health care workers with your HIV/Hep C infected blood and wasting the tax payer's money shows how much of a bad ass you are.
No. 187780
>>187739CNA/nursing student here, had a stint in a nursing home but moved to a hospital thank god
>last two weeks in nursing home>work afternoons so it's pretty calm, the residents eat dinner and sleep most of the time I've been here>the cna students from the local community college are starting their rotations here for two weeks as well, bless their innocence >there's this one old guy, sleeps 75% of the time>wife feeds him dinner>stupid bitch fucking force feeds the poor guy, like you can tell he can't take anymore food but she keeps on insisting>can't say shit because I'm an underling cna>stupid bitch doesn't even know that at least once or twice a week he projectile vomits because of her feeding him and I have to clean this guy up>usually clean him up by myself because other cnas are pussies about vomit>bitchwhyyouhere.jpg>anyway, doing rounds as usual when I hear that awful heaving sound>start running, two students start to follow because I guess they're curious>open door, vomit smell hits>old guy has a roommate, he's doing whatever the arab version of "ay-yi-yi" is I guess>one of the students is prepared as fuck since she's already wiping vaporub on her nose>patient starts shaking>hold him down so he doesn't fall down the bed while the student removes the dirty bed linens>look at his face>ohono.jpg>projectile vomit spray incoming>narrowly dodge it>vomit splatters on floor, spreads outside the room>vaporub girl went out to get new linens and nearly slipped on it walking in>top it off the student's supervisor heard the commotion and came in, but hey I'm not gonna refuse three sets of extra hands>fast cleanup, old guy back asleep>stare the students dead in the face>welcome to your real job kiddos No. 187794
>>187758That's horrible and I'd be legitimately scared. Are you allowed to refuse the prison inmates/hiv clients? Maybe you're stronger than me but I could not risk that whatsoever. I think the most logical solution would to have the nurses who are already hiv positive to work on the same infected blood to not cause harm to a clean human.
Or am I an asshole to be so scared of a disease?
No. 187799
>>187794The risk is fairly small nowadays, especially with hospital health and safety, PEP and HIV drugs, so I bet they aren't particularly concerned about poor OP and her blood throwing savages. Plus the nature of OP's work kinda means she will have to face risks like HIV. If she refused to treat people with anything she might catch, she'd be kind of limited in her job.
She should be allowed to reject the idiots though. If you're making a professional's job harder for absolutely no reason, then you don't deserve to make use of their profession. Part of me wants to say that inmates like that should just go fuck themselves and die of whatever treatable shit they end up getting because the doctors can't be arsed with them anymore.
No. 187800
>>187794It's always within your right to say no to something if you feel legitimately unsafe on the job but for something like this, you'd probably be better off looking for another position.
Semi related:
>Be lab technologist about a month ago on Friday morning>tube of blood explodes in my face>High chance it was hepB positive given the population we were testing >Be a non responder to the hep B vaccine, cue internal screaming because it somehow got under my safety glasses and was all over my regular glasses too>hustles to get it washed off, coworker thought I gashed my face open on something because I was so bloody. >Be sent down to emergency for blood and body fluid exposure>Told they wouldn't have serologies from the source blood until Monday but also told I had a transmission rate of 67% for hep B and some sub 5% for hep C and HIV of they were positive for any of them.>Go home to take an hour long hot shower and go to sleep because what else is there to do Sure was a great weekend. "It's just a 5mL tube" sounds like not much until it isn't in the tube anymore.
No. 187880
I had to take up a summer job in a nursing home some years ago. I was not studying health care or anything like that, and my main job there was just to do things like some cleaning and watering plants and delivering food to residents and random little things like that. It was the fucking worst couple of months of my entire life because in my country nursing homes don't have much money so the staff is underpaid and really stressed and fed up. For some reason they made me force feed this 100-year old lady who was made to be bed-ridden when she wasn't eating. They ridiculed the residents while on break and left the helpless old people sit on a toilet or shower for hours on purpose. They punished residents who were too slow to do things they asked them to do or who didn't cooperate immediately. Some of the residents were kind of nasty, too.
>help residents to get their food
>a nurse who's also helping tells me not to give any tissue paper to this one woman
>said woman comes to me next, asking for tissue paper, I apologize and say that I can't give her any
>this happens every lunch and dinner
>after a couple of weeks I'm alone on the food distribution line
>the woman sees her chance and starts asking for tissue paper with teary eyes
>be a naive fool and feel sorry for her, and give her some
>next day nurses have a talk with me, clearly disappointed
>"did you give tissue paper to the lady?"
>they're looking fucking malicious
>be taken to her room
>tiny fucking pieces of tissue paper soaked in piss on every surface
>hundreds of them
>the woman starts screeching when we start cleaning it all up
>piss on floor, walls, tv, nightstand, bed, flowerpots, tiny spots even on carpet
>apparently she only does this when someone gives her tissue paper
>she's not even allowed to have toilet paper in her room, she's made to use bidet and a towel
>never give her tissue paper again
>scarred for life
>decide to an hero before too old to live at home independently
No. 187926
>>187800Fuck man I feel for ya. The place I worked wasn't nearly as bad but the residents were the same. Shit themselves on purpose when switching diaper, fake accidents to get attention or pick fights, had handicapped/schizo/other fucking weirdos on same ward. It was a damn circus
I'll kill myself too if I'll have to end up there
No. 188146
>>187739>>187800physician here
this story reminded me of that time a man cut part of his wrist and I was on my surgery practice so the surgeon told me to grab the arm…
and suddenly, a bloody stream shot right into my face and neck…
I had to walk a 20 meter corridor to the bathroom while patients looked at me and talked about how "bloody" I looked…
I have many stories like this one and that does not make me happy lol
No. 188167
>>188161Who are the cattiest people? The surgeons, the OR nurses, etc.?
During my OB/GYN placement, I was really disappointed to hear the nurses gossip about patients that were perfectly nice. A woman's in labour, and you're getting pissy because she brought a sweatshirt from your rival college? Jesus christ.
No. 188192
>>188167>>188188Wow is this common? One nurse told me that his coworkers like to talk shit about the patients but I didn't know it was a universal thing.
It's really disgusting to be making fun of patients, who are in their lowest moments and often beyond their control.
No. 188203
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Man, this thread makes me feel so much better about the fact that I decided against going to school for nursing and chose to go with mortuary science instead.
Not like my job is any less gross, but at least the people I'm looking after are dead, and I don't have to deal with a bunch of nuts or crazy situations. Props to all you guys who have to put up with that on a daily basis.
No. 188237
>>188213I'm not a nurse but I know a few nurses, EMTs and care worker.
You already know that nursing is a high pressure hell, you're overworked, underpaid and undervalued. At the same time, people who can really deal with it seem to flourish enough when they have that kind of gallows humor and don't let things get to them. I feel like it's fair to add that the ones who wanted to help people most are the ones that couldn't hack it.
Why not try care work as a start? They often hire people without any previous training and you'll see if you can handle stuff like
>>188227 No. 188256
>>188167It's like
>>188183 said. Everyone is catty, surgeons, anesthetists, nurses, even medical aid assistants. I don't think they do it on purpose, it's the whole high-stress, high-competitive environment that makes them act like that.
They're bitchy to each other and to the patients, but they're specially bitchy to medical students, I think. One night, during emergency rotation, a medical aid assitant started screaming at us for just being there and wanted to make us just stand in a corner for the whole night. I've also had bad experiences with nurses, in which they would purposely place themselves in front of us so we wouldn't be able to watch a procedure or they would just straight off tell us to gtfo from the OR. I think they resent the surgeons because many are insufferable jerks or they don't feel appreciated enough, but of course they can't act like that with them so they let it all out on us.
>>188190It's said that it's usually the smuggest gunner-type student who wants to be a surgeon, but idk if that's really true.
No. 188308
>>188280Aww thank you kind person!
>>187745, I want to share one of the worst that happened recently.
>be in general and familiar medicine rotation>pregnant woman comes in>has untreated aids>was referenced for it years ago but refused any kind of treatment>had unprotected sex with God knows how many people >got pregnant, didn't want go to any pregnancy appointment, already past the legal gestational age for abortion >doesn't care about the kid, is just worried about dying>lied to the father about knowing she had aidsWe should never judge patients but it shocked me how someone could have such little consideration for other human beings. At least she accepted being referenced to a specialist now, but I don't know if she'll actually go…