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No. 188653
>>188626>>188630i honestly have no fucking idea how i get away with it all the time, but i guess i'm 'good' at it and know a ton of methods like camera blind spots and concealing in a way where it doesn't look like stealing on camera (i.e. having the bag you lift with in your shopping cart so that it just looks like you're putting things in the shopping cart), also i always buy at least a few small things which makes it a million times less suspicious than walking in with an empty bag and out with a full one, lol.
i actually have anxiety and a couple of close calls/ paranoia have led to some pretty unpleasant panic attacks, but like the other anon said the rush and satisfaction of getting away with it/ getting things for free kind of evened out the panic.
one thing i WILL say is that the most mortifying thing, almost worse than actually getting caught, is becoming a 'regular' to employees who recognize you, and either dealing with the guilt of duping decent hardworking people, or the embarrassment of just KNOWING by the way they look at you that they know or suspect you but haven't caught you yet or don't bother with it because you still buy things (which is why there are one or two stores that i've avoided even shopping in for like a year now)
but on the plus side i'd like the think i'm a super genuinely nice person outside of that habit, so maybe all of my good deeds and actions in helping others will make up for my bullshit someday?????
tl;dr don't shoplift, it's a fun but shallow pasttime, it's extremely addicting and ruins ur life
No. 188678
>>188674The thing is, though, people have been laid off from stores owned by big chains over shoplifting.
If you're a shoplifter, there's a pretty good chance that you're fucking up someone's life with your shitty habit.
>I'm really okay with them gaining a bit less money.Who do you think gets the short end of the stick to cover the losses, though? Someone suffers, and it's not the richfags who own the corporation, it's the people at the fringes scrambling to get by.
No. 189728
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>>188211that's not too bad anon.
when people get catfished it's really they're own fault especially since the beginning of the internet there was the joke of it's a fat guy talking to you not a hot 18 y/o before catfishing became a word used this way.
>>188709there's plenty of pedophiles online anon they're not hard to find lol.
No. 189730
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When i was like 12 i catfished a bunch of people by pretending to be a scene grill that i found on myspace and being older than i was (i was a cute kid, just not "old enough" kek). Worked pretty fine and almost never got caught cause the girl wasn't that popular and it wasn't an english platform. But i kinda fucked up by getting involved romantically with a dude.
Dated that dude as that grill via internet for 3 years, actually kinda fell in love with him and started to feel horrible about what i was doing, plus he wanted to meet which was an obvious nono
So since i was a retarded kid i did what thought was best, i dumped, first by telling him i never loved him and that he was a distraction and i found another person in real life which i actually loved (baically being the meanest bitch to the dude who literally worshipped where i walked).
When that didn't work because he loved me "so much" (which is understandable, since we were "together" almost 24 hrs, feeling asleep together and all that sappy bullshit lmao fuck), then i told him i was a catfish, but the dude stilltold me that looks didn't matter that he fell in love with my personality, everytime feeling worse about what i was doing.
Finally i tried it by ignoring him for 4 months and deleting all my profiles as that catfish and never speaking to him again as he literally cried on to me not knowing what he did to deserve such hate from his girlfriend, because, get this
I did all this while talking to him in my normal real profile as a friend of that "other person" and a friend of his, giving advice to how to date her (me) and consoling him when she (me) left, calling her (me) a heartless bitch and telling him he wasn't at fault, but dude entered a deep depression for months thanks to what i did to him.
We fell out and don't talk anymore because i feel horrible everytime we speak and i don't think i will ever be able to confess what i did because in retrospect not is it only horrible, it's fucking stupid. Kinda sad, considering he was the only dude i've kinda loved so far in my life, but it felt too fake to try and become closer as the real me, so i dropped it.
I still feel bad sometimes about it, i was such a stupid kid kek
No. 191700
>>189730Damn, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets emotional attached while catfishing.
When was the last time you guys speak?
No. 191740
>>190205wow this actually almost made me cry. Not because of a kitten death, but because of you, still hurting so many years after this happened. Like other anons already have said, you ARE forgiven for this. If you still feel that bad, try volunteering in shelters, or in a animals rescue group, whatever exists near your area, and think about it as an atonement. Sometimes it's what the mind needs.
The worst thing I did…
I was always a little ahead of kids my age and sometimes couldn't stop myself from using this power. I would troll people from my school, catfish girls pretending to be a boy and making them lowkey fall for me, and I even manipulated someone out of a bestfriendship to be the other person new bestie. I generally liked to mess with people's relationships, either helping them or else, slightly changing the dynamics. I wasn't malicious or hateful, I was doing it for the laughs and sometimes out of fascination by the human behaviour. But I guess I hurt people along the way.
From more recent stuff,
I still feel bad about this incident when I was preparing a horse for a ride, forgot to close the gates, horse broke his rope and galloped through the gates to the paddock where the herd was. Couldn't get in so it ran along the fence, where the roadway was… I remember screaming like crazy, a horse going nitro on the roadway, cars honking. I thought someone's gonna die. Fortunately the owner jumped out and caught the horse, they didn't even scold me… I guess they realized I would break. It's been few years but I feel like they secretly hate me. And I always check gates/doors/locks 192325 times.
No. 191967
>>191700Maybe around.. 2 or 3 years? Last time I talked with him was through my tumblr. We just kinda fell out of it, honestly, it was tiring pretending i didn't know him as well as i did and pretending i wasn't the girl who broke him.
I found his twitter and kinda wanna confess to get it out of me and maybe get him some closure, but i don't know if it's beating a dead horse at this point kek.
>>190205Anon, i am incredibly sorry, but it is not your fault, you were doing what you thought was best and trying to save the kitty. You were trying your best.
This reminded me of another horrible shit i did involving kittens.
When i was like 9, a mother cat brought a bunch of kittens to my home, they were a very recent litter, maybe 4 weeks max, basically hairless and no bigger than my hand, the mother would come every night and feed them and i took care of them the best i could, i played with them, named them and fed them during the day with food that was okay for them.
Unfortunately, i am pretty sure the mother died and she did not come home anymore, and eventhough i was feeding them it did not work out anymore.
One day i woke up, went to give them their breakfast and saw flies surrounding their bed, which seeemed very strange since i kept them incredibly clean. I went to their bed and found most of them dead, defleated, weightless, and the rest crying with eyes barely open, just lying next to their dead brothers and sisters.
I was panicking and crying because it was the first death i've seen, and it was of something i loved deeply, and nobody else was home apart from my brother since my mother was in the hospital (which just added to me feeling helpless) and my family with her.
I loved those cats to death, i quickly called the vet, crying and barely able to talk, and she told me that at that age, it's very difficult for them to survive without their mother's help and i could bring them to her and she would try her best, but it was basically not possible at this point to save them, plus it could be that they were already diseased and i just did not know about it, since her mother was a street cat.
She also told me to help them, i needed money (quite a lot) so she would be able to treat them, which was impossible for me to obtain with no one home. I hung up on her, andry and sad that no one would help me.
I tried calling my family, but they told me i was a piece of shit for worrying more for the cats instead of my mother and they hung up on me.
I started crying and doing everything i could, i searched my whole home for syringes and tried to feed the remaining 2 kittens, hoping i could maintain them alive, playing with them to keep them awake, at least until someone returned home to help me bring them to the vet, but they barely could walk anymore, one of them died on my hands as he refused to eat from the syringe, and the last one fell to the floor was i was trying to play with him.
I tried to get their hearts pumping again by what i learned from school since i did not really have internet to search what to do, but it was useless at that point.
I feel like i could've done a lot more for them if i hadn't been a fucking useless kid, at least for the mother that trusted me with them.
I still cry about them and remember them almost every day of my life. I feel like i basically killed them myself.
I swore on my life that would not happen anymore, that i would always help every single animal i found when i was an adult.
Now i go to all the places i know have stray cats that do not recieve help and feed them and help them maintain a healthy enviorment and take care of any abandoned animal life as if it was my own life.
But i can never forget how much i failed those poor kittens for being a useless kid and feel horrible about it, i honestly feel like i killed them by not being good enough or quick thinking enough.
No. 191972
>>191967awww anon, it's really not your fault.
when I was a child our cat that just got 5 kittens was shot by the neighbour (because he didnt want her to stray in his precious english garden
i hope he rots in hell), so the 5 kittens were left without their mother. And although
my mother gave them the best care including vet, feeding every few hours with replacement milk and caring for them 24/7 all of them died one by one in the following 2 weeks.
the vet was right, it's really hard to survive for newborn kittens without their mother.
it's also possible that the kittens indeed were diseased and that the mother cat didnt die but simply abandoned them out of instinct.
>Now i go to all the places i know have stray cats that do not recieve help and feed them and help them maintain a healthy enviorment and take care of any abandoned animal life as if it was my own life. If there ever was any you have paid your debt long time ago.
No. 191996
>>191967As someone who's struggling to raise street kittens I've just gone through this myself anon. I know how you feel and it's sad but mortality rates on orphaned kittens tends to be high. We love and protect them in the best ways possible but there's just nothing like the mother raising them. It's not that you were useless but there's things that as people we can't give the kittens without being a mother cat. Even then a kitten's life is not guaranteed. The mother will abandon them cause they're diseased or she needs to survive or is inexperienced with no clue what to do. It hurts so bad but at least you gave them love and names. That's far more than they would've had behind some trashcan outside.
I always try to save orphan kittens or really weak ones but it just never works out. I do everything possible but I'm no mom cat. My mother always tells ne there's no guarantee and they'll probably die even though we do all we can. You did that a young age which was very kind for you. Your age had nothing to do with it. Just keep saving animals when you can like you're doing now. I don't know if you see it this way but that is honoring those kittens imo.
>>191972I hate your neighbor. He could've just chased the cat out his garden like a normal person. I hope he feels remorde for that shit.
No. 192008
>>191967You didn't do anything wrong, you did every right. You tried to help them, you called a vet, you tried to call your family, and you kept trying to help them. You sound like you were a very compassionate and smart child, don't beat yourself up.
Your family however, sounds like pieces of shit. Who the hell yells at a distressed 9yo who calls for help because she cares about her kittens?
No. 192076
>>192073I wish I was brave enough to do that but I couldn't bring myself to.
>>192062>>192071Thanks guys. What makes it worse is the momma rabbit lives under our porch so I see her all the time and it makes me feel so guilty.
No. 192131
>>191968You are very kind anon, thank you ;;
The first day she stopped coming i actually went to look out for her since she stuck around and i know what she looked like, to no avail, so i just assumed she died. Maybe she did abandon them like you said though.
>>191972Wow, you neighbor was a piece of absolute shit, why do people have to be so shitty to animals instead of treating them like the human beings they are. He could have shooed the cat away instead of fucking shooting him, what a piece of shit i hope it comes back to him.
In my town some people poision or delibertalety run over cats because they think they are ruining their precious shitty town, i try and keep them safe, but i am seriously furious over people who value shitty materialistic stuff over lives, i fucking hate people, i swear.
>>191996Thank you, that makes me feel a bit better.
I always thought it was my fault, since most of my friends told me it was and i was at an age where i didn't ifnorm myself too much about anything, so i always though it had to be something i did that caused them to die, because i did not know about kitties dying easily.
I stressed over months remembering if i failed to give them one of their meals the night before or something, but knowing it might just be natural, makes me feel still sad, but more calm about the situation.
A year ago, i took in an orphan kitty, that according to my vet was around 2-3 months old max, he was very ill, severely underweight (he was only bones), full of infections (he lost most of his teeth and his eyes were very infected) and absolutely scared of everything (my dad found him in the middle of a busy street about to be run over by cars, meowing and scared), i poured all my money and love into him, taking care of him 24/7 and now he's incredibly healthy, happy and full of love.
In a way, this made me reconsider all the kittens lives i had in my hands, thinking maybe it was indeed my fault, but even my vet told me i was lucky this one became so healthy. It is indeed rare for them to survive, unfortunately :(
>>192008Honeslty, in a way, in understand them. My mother was being operated for a very serious illness (which i did not know was serious at that age), so they were nervous and upset, and me calling them because the cats were dying instead of asking for my mother upset them a lot. Though they still like to tell me now i was a piece of shit for worrying about the cats for some reason, but i always tell them it was my first time experiencing death so it was very impactful for me.
No. 192276
>>192131You were 9 years old. It doesn't matter what was happening to you mother(although its very sad), grown ass adults should not yell at children and berate them for caring about animals. They honestly sound like awful manipulative people if they still are trying to guilt you for doing the right thing as a child.
You are a sweet and good person who did the right thing!
No. 192914
>>192668I hope both do, it's not any better to cheat on the other guy for personal gain just because she says she loves him.
I'd even argue it's worse in some ways, because she's showing she's not loyal to the person she says she cares about.
No. 192915
>>192558Seconding the other anon.
Not out to offend the spiritual, but I don't find abortions much different than any other kind of medical procedure. They're rather safe.
It surprises me more that people are so nonchalant about pregnancy considering all the complications and risk of death. Not to mention the baby consequences. My coworker recently had a baby, and she had to stay in the hospital for blood clots. She's only 23…
No. 193247
>>192924Sure but it won't be the same baby, and wouldn't have grown up to be the same person.
If I got pregnant now I would absolutely abort, but I'd still be sad because of what that particular clump of cells could have been.
No. 193249
>>193248Shit. You were a kid it's not your fault.
I've always had medium-to-big sized dogs but my best friend had very small puppy.
So picked him up and then I set him on the floor but it was way too high for him and he broke his leg. I was about 19 at the time I just had no idea small dogs were so fragile… I still feel horrible about it.
I really don't see why you would've caused this anon though, what breed is your dog?
No. 193713
>>193249Sage for a little off topic. You just made me remember my old pup that I miss dearly.
I had a tiny chihuahua/pomeranian cross that leapt off our high elevation deck into the yard to chase a bird. That thing was at least 8-10 feet off the ground. I was sure she'd died, but she was fine and took off running. She was a tough little beast. I felt immense guilt for even letting her up there unsupervised though.
No. 193753
I accidentally killed some wild krill today.
My nephew likes to collect frogs and other things from the wetlands by our home.
They usually die in his care, so I secretly let them out.
Well today I remembered he captured some krill and tadpoles.
Next to its container was another, filled with water and dirt and sand, a dead fish, dead tadpoles, dead krill.
Well I get up to walk down to the wetlands when it begins to rain.
It's humid, there are bugs, the ground is wet and squishy, could be snakes, etc.
Well my nephew took the liberty to put two big rocks in the container.
As I began to walk, the rocks slid around in the container. I tried to hold it better to steady it but it was a long walk.
When I find a suitable spot, I tip the container, again rocks sliding, and some get our, others are stuck in mud, but there, stuck to the rocks, are smashed in half krill.
I feel terrible because I was trying to stop them from just dying in their own filth you know? And like some weren't dead and had their tail fins missing and others lost other limbs. I just, I put them in the water too.
I just feel shit.
No. 193800
>>188674Yeah fuck you. In corporations shit always flows downwards and the people who end up getting screwed by the "stealing from big corporations teaches them a lesson!!" community are the store employees. They already go under intense supervising that becomes more strict if stuff starts disappearing off the shelves. When I was working at a supermarket I got yelled at for letting a shoplifter walk past the registers since I didn't notice them and the store owners jack up the prices if shoplifting gets more frequent. Stealing has a bigger impact than you think, a horde of thots bagging $50 makeup palettes every week adds up to a big amount and some chain stores work as a franchise, meaning the shopkeeper has the right to sell the registered product but doesn't get other benefits from the mother company. In other words every expensive product stolen is a huge loss for the shop owner.
>>193798You did nothing wrong, anon. If anything, you saved yourself from a mentally abusive relationship.