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No. 188386

Transmisogyny mental gymnastics edition

No. 188387

I didn't understand a word of that exchange.

No. 188388


I imagine it that faggot was some ugly greasy transwoman

No. 188390

Fuck trannies.

No. 188392

Biological sex is offensive to trans women? Are people really this stupid? I don't hate trannies, I think they deserve to live as either gender they feel they should be, as long as they're consenting adults and making an effort to blend in as a true woman. They will NEVER be biological women, though. It's impossible. "Assigned sex" is not a thing. An adult should be able to swallow these truths and live with it. What the fuck is the point of diluting our vocabulary to where people can't communicate properly or you need a special tumblr dictionary? This does nothing to help anyone. Sage for intruding your tranny hating safe space kek. It triggers me that these people can be so anti-scientific and force others to follow suit.

>my children are going to be taught that gender is a spectrum and sex is a societal construct

>tfw i'm going to be the kooky old fashioned mom that pulls their kids out of school to keep them away from the blasphemy

No. 188395

lol social justice is nothing more than an excuse to be an abusive shit to people and exchanges like these prove it.

No. 188400

I feel like it's a mental illness that should get treatment for, not enabled

No. 188427

Where? The only thread I have seen was the r/passing one which is different and was getting derailed with general trans stupidity stuff which was why i made this one


No. 188616

tbh i'm one of the rare non-weirdly-transphobic ppl on here but like holy shit the OP on that post has a lot of patience…… like they're literally your ally and you're calling them a 'bad person', DANGER to trans people???? like lol chill out log off the internet for one second of your life

No. 188623

they don't want allies, they want subordinates.

No. 188627

Shit thread

No. 188664

I think this is a good separation thread, to keep the subjects clear. People were complaining of derailing.

https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCynical/ this whole subreddit is hilarious

No. 188743

Moved to >>>/sty/3423.

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