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No. 189273
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>Be me age 7
>Be autist child who grew up watching a lot of american movies and TV
>Convinced I will one day have to take a drug test (for some fucking reason)
>Is 7 and has never done drugs
>Steals a glass from kitchen
>Pisses in it and decides "it is totally a good idea to save this, incase I have to take one of those american drug tests!"
>Hides it in the bathroom
>Forgets about it
>Months pass
>Mother one day decides to clean bathroom
>mfw I get grounded for my very sound logic of keeping piss in a drinking glass
Why the fuck was I such a weird child.
No. 189277
I slept with my mom until I was probably 11 years old. I always had a fear of my mom dying when she drove to work, dying in her sleep, just dying right in front of me or when I took my eyes off her. I would hear my own heart beat and think it was someone walking around our house, and any moment they would walk into the door way of the bedroom and shoot me, or my mom.
I also did a lot of playing with stuffed animals, but I ended up feeling "guilty" that my stuffed animals were "lonely", so I did a lot of stupid shit, like telling them who their friends were, putting them together in groups so they could play while I was gone, sleeping with them, talking to them while I brush my teeth, watch TV with them… etc.
I also just ate a lot. A lot of cookies and chips. On a few separate occasions I stole the Pokemon stickers out of a birthday card sold at Hannafords. I just kept going back in, ripping out the sticker sheet from the inside, and then hiding it in my pocket and walking out. Mom never asked about where I got them or asked why I had stickers on my wall or something.
God, I need help
No. 189407
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>>189279Do I know you, anon? I swear to Christ, I knew this girl as a kid who always tried to convince me to take baths with her. It was the weirdest shit.
No. 189427
>>189311>I think we all did weird shit as kids.This, most stories that start with "I was a weird kid…" just sound like the funny stuff you expect kids do
>>189273Coughing from laughter in work ty
In nursery I came in with a fact for show and tell, and proudly shouted in front of the class that "an octopus has 8 testicles".
I was a sickly deaf child so I mostly just played with my imaginary twin and freaked my Mum out by telling her about the faces in the walls etc, but when I did have friends we were just so fixated on porn that it was like some awful ecchi anime. When we were 12 a business-minded friend who was rich enough to have free reign of a printer at home came in with a stack of tiny (7 cm at the longest) print outs. They were grainy 2000s porn images, and he had individually cut around each image to sell to other kids for 20-50p each. I'll bet that kid has really gone places.
No. 189449
>>189435Fellow anon with a shitty memory here too. Shit sucks.
It's annoying because my childhood was the happiest I've been, and as I became a teenager and adult and struggled with mental illness I originally used my childhood memories as motivation. "You can feel like that again, that's what happiness and actual emotions feels like!"
Completely gone. I have the knowledge that I was doing pretty well back then but I can't pull emotions from the few memories that even stick out to me. It's a huge fucking bummer to be aware that I'll forget 99% of the things I experience. I used to try to reminisce more to hold onto memories but it didn't help and just made me stressed fighting against time and my own brain. Sage for OT woe is me drivel.
No. 189465
>>189453Different anon but good luck friend, you're on the right track and you can do this. I've come through something similar to your plans and I'm functioning a lot better myself, the body and the mind are very much linked!
Make sure you get all the healthy nutrients to sustain yourself too.
A fun memory for the thread was that when I was 12 my friend came back from somewhere abroad, where they had Fox Kids. She told me all about this show she had watched an episode of where a girl had 'bear ears' and she transformed in a show of rainbow and glitter. She fought with her magical friends and one could control lightning.
We made this into a game and played it every lunchtime, it wasn't for another year until I finally found out about Sailor Moon first hand.
No. 189499
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I was a really good kid- well behaved, made excellent grades, and was in a gifted children's class. My teachers all loved me, especially my first grade teacher. She loved me so much she'd call my art teacher during my art class to tell me to come back to her classroom and she'd give me kitty posters and other cool gifts in private, so as not to make the other children jealous. When I started 2nd grade it was completely different. My 2nd grade teacher was a total BITCH. The first week of class we all sat in a circle around the teacher so she could read us a book. As she showed us the cover, I recognized this book as the same one from the previous week's episode of Reading Rainbow. I raised my hand, because I wanted to tell her about seeing it on Reading Rainbow, but before I even said anything, she gave me this ice cold look and said, "I don't EVER want to see THAT [me raising my hand] again." All the other kids stared at me when she snarled that at me, and I slowly lowered my hand and sat quietly, trying my best to fight tears. It probably wouldn't be a big deal to some other kid, but it was literally a traumatizing experience for me. I never had a teacher flat out, so blatantly hate me for absolutely no reason that I could think of. [in retrospect, I wonder now if perhaps it's because I was a mixed-race child in a largely white school]. At any rate, I was so traumatized that I went home that day and bawled my eyes out to my father. I cried all night over it. My father was so incredibly upset over the entire incident he contacted the principal and school board, threatening to pull me out of that school system and god knows what else (I was too busy crying while this was going on). They urged my father to not carry out whatever threats he made and they ended up making the teacher call me at home and apologize to me. My father handed me the phone and I remember not even saying anything as that bitch gave me some phony, half-assed apology. I felt so scarred and humiliated by the entire incident I ended up becoming a painfully shy kid from then all the way up into my late teens. It became difficult for me to make friends, and I struggled with depression for years after that. Ugh. Childhood development is a weird, scary thing.
No. 189502
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I wish I knew as a child that the words I was saying had alternative implications. As an adult I look back with embarrassment on these events and wish I was just a little bit less naive, but how would a child have known any better?
>biological dad liked to play a game of tickle torture with me and my stepsister
>loved this bc otherwise my dad was a prick and never gave any sort of affection like hugs and kisses
>used to beg to sprawl myself over his lap just to see what new 'torture' he'd inflict
>"Torture me daddy, do it!!" I'd plead, with joyous laughter after he'd indulge
>I'd also ask "Can I sleep with you?" because I liked being with my dad and hated sleeping alone
>I thought everyone was out to play games and be in my interests
>I was a child thirsty for any kind of human contact which I often didn't get from a divorced home
>my mom worked all the time and my bio dad was a distant dirtbag who when I had visitation, would leave me in bars alone to flirt with whores
>another physical form of contact I liked giving/receiving was back scratches and rubs
>thought it was normal for everyone to eventually give or receive a rub of some kind
>as long as they weren't a stranger
>so when my mom couldn't get our usual neighbor's daughter to babysit me, and instead got their son, I thought I could expect the same
>his name was Brandon
>I was watching Nickelodeon and had asked Brandon for a back rub
>he obliged
>"Under the skin!" I demanded, which meant I liked having rubs on my skin and not over my clothes
>Brandon started to rub my back as I tuned in to the tv
>eventually I could feel him move his hands down to the crack of my butt
>I thought it was strange, but perhaps he was trying to scratch me real good as nobody had done that before
>mom had taught me about "private parts" but people, esp babysitters, touching my ass had never been brought up
>I froze
>Brandon turned me around and said it was fair that I give a rub in return
>I nodded
>I see him unzip his trousers and unfurl a white, teenage penis covered in red bumps (zits?)
>remember being grossed out
>Brandon sensed my hesitation
>"IT'S OKAY!" he insisted
>I knew it was wrong though, but he was telling me to do something and after all–was I not supposed to listen to the babysitter? Wasn't I doing a fair trade?
>tried touching it but my eyes welled with tears knowing in a guttural sense it was wrong
>after the second shouting order I ran to my room and locked the door behind me
>could hear Brandon chasing after me
>cried my eyes out
>Brandon pounded at the door demanding I come out
I don't remember what happened because a part of me tried to block out this memory.
I don't remember if Brandon ran home in fear, or if he stayed until my mother came home and acted like everything was fine. But I didn't tell my mom, thinking that I had touched someones "privates" and therefore I was a naughty girl who would've been in trouble too if I had told.
I had nightmares. Nightmares of a dark beast approaching me closer, and closer, with his netherregion exposed. Yet I didn't quite know what a penis was so there was no detail.
All I knew from these dreams was that I felt complicit in something wrong. I'd wake up crying, my mom asking why, and being unable to tell. I couldn't even describe what was in my dream, I hadn't the words. All I could tell her was that it was a very bad dream. Thinking I had brought it partly upon myself asking for "rubs."
It haunts me to this day, farmers. I occasionally think about it just so it doesn't become a vague memory that I question ever even happened.
Sadly enough, I brought it up to my mom once when we were having a heated argument when I was a teen…but she didn't believe it had happened. Something so specific. So detailed. Clearly it was my teenage mind making something horrible up to spite her with and criticize her parenting skills. I recall her straight up calling me a liar.
I figure I'll never get closure on this.
>inb4 thread turns into child diddler stories
No. 189504
This is a small story I always like to laugh about and tell my friends.
In my old apartment, there was an old sofa in the living room that was next to a drawer with brass handles (I still have it today). As a kid, for whatever reason, I watched the movie Tarzan a lot. I'm pretty sure it was against my will, because I'm not the biggest fan of Tarzan (or maybe it's this memory that makes me not like Tarzan? hmm). Regardless, one day, there was a helium balloon in the living room, and there was lil ol' me who just watched Tarzan god knows HOW MANY TIMES. You know what I REALLY liked about Tarzan? The vine swinging. That shit looked so god damn fun. So I have the most brilliant idea to take this balloon, climb up to the arm of the sofa and then jump while holding onto the balloon to swing. My parents were sitting in the area on the other side of the brass handled dresser (where you generally sit facing away from the dresser and sofa- so they didn't see me climb up).
So I jump. And I hit my head. Surprise, surprise.
There's a lapse in my memory, but the next thing I remember is that my dad had boiled an egg and was putting it to the bruise on my forehead, and I was wildly screaming because this egg was really fucking hot and my forehead really fucking hurt from slamming into the handle.
I'm sure this was pretty tame stupid kid shit, but I can't remember any weird things I did. This memory is the one I always remember though, because I think my logic back then was so stupid and funny (and I always wondered about why the fuck my dad put an egg to my head- when I asked a while back he said it was something my grandparents would do, and then my aunt gave me a more logical reason but it was just some weird chinese medicine shit).
No. 189535
>>189504One time I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and sitting on this short concrete wall outside of a school. I started pacing back and forth on it and saw a pile of garbage bags leaned up against the side. I jumped down on them thinking they'd react like a trampoline.
Ended up just sliding on the garbage and smacking my head against the concrete wall.
Physics is the enemy of little kids lol
No. 189538
>>189502This is terrible, anon. I hope you'll find closure somehow.
My contact with a child diddler was not very intimate, thank goodness, but it still scarred me.
My parents always told me never to open the door to strangers. But one day I was alone and my gross old neighbour rang on our bell. I used to go to his house to play with his grandson, so I thought it was ok to open the door. He stood uncomfortably close to me and told me I was "really pretty". Then he asked me to give him a kiss. I felt he was acting really creepy and the whole thing didn't feel okay at all, but I was scared and thought I had to or he would hurt me somehow. I kissed him on the cheek and he hugged me, then told me not to tell my parents. Then he returned to his house. This happened on my doorstep, he never got inside my house so nothing more serious happened. But I have no doubts that this gross dude is a pedophile.
I feel like I was incredibly lucky and dodged this bullet because his wife was always there when I was playing with his grandson. I never went back there and also never told my parents. I still remember the clothes I wore that day and never wore them again. The feeling of disgust with myself and also guilt for putting myself in a possibly dangerous situation didn't leave me for a few years. I can't imagine how it is for someone who was actually abused.
No. 189542
>>189538Thanks anon. Even though your experience wasn't as physically intimate, that's still pretty traumatizing to trust an adult and have them take advantage of you like that.
I missed my only chance for closure a few years ago.
My parents (stepdad and mom) and I were visiting my hometown for a carnival before we all moved out of state for good. We happened to run into my old female babysitter, Teneal. My parents recognized her. She was good to me so I didn't mind seeing her. She was happily married, had kids, and pregnant with another child. She deserves a happy life.
I wanted to ask her where her brother was. I wanted to know if Brandon was still around, or what exactly he had moved on to. He just didn't get brought up in conversation though. Teneal was her own adult person and asking her about her family felt intrusive considering I hadn't talked to her in 20 years.
Tbh regardless what she would have told me about him, I can't pretend like I would've done anything with the information or have told her about it. It would have burdened me with more guilt if she believed it, or shame if she hadn't.
No. 189545
There's one story about my childhood I've never told anyone before. Now that I look back I really should have gone to the authorities, but eh. I'm not the type of person to make a big deal out of stuff like this and I wouldn't want to stir up drama from a decade ago.
When I was about 11-12 years old I was a beginning weeb and I had met a guy at a small cosplay meeting in my town. He seemed nice and wanted to meet up sometime. I, craving attention, having never really had friends and certainly no friend as "cool" as this 24 year old creep, was happy to oblige. We met up a couple of times and each time he'd tell me more private things about himself. He was autistic, lived at a home for autistic people, the works. He told me all about his weird fetishes and sexual preferences and made a lot of in hindsight horrifying advances on me that were lost on my naive 11-year old mind. Hell, he told me all about how he touched himself to me but somehow it just didn't compute.
I still don't know why the hell I didn't think anything of it, but I suppose I was just this trusting or dumb or something.
So the third time we saw eachother, he pulled me into an alley all of a sudden and kissed me. Gross, sloppy tongue and everything. I was terrified and ran away that second.
When I came home, I told my mom that I had been meeting a guy this old. I didn't tell her how creepy he was. My mom works for a mental health care organisation that happened to also be the one he was registered to. Took a look at his file and found out he had been reported many other times, for "dating" girls aged 11-14. So glad I dodged that bullet for the most part.
I don't feel like I'm traumatized or whatever, but I have had a hard time remembering it without cringing and have never been eager to trust greasy weeb dudes that are slightly overweight and have a disgusting stubble again.
>>189502I'm sorry for the bad memories, anon, but I just wanted to say that your writing is very pleasant to read, even though it's not exactly how a greentext story is typically written.
>>189277I slept with my mom for a long time too, anon. I had a lot of insomnia as a child and it'd help to sleep next to my mom, so even as I got older I put a camping bed next to my parents bed in the worst months.
And I did the stuffed animal thing as well! I would tuck them in bed every night, making sure none of them were in an uncomfortable position. And when I took them with me on a trip I'd always have them stick their heads out of my suitcase because I felt bad if they had to stay all the way stuffed inside.
No. 189550
>>189277>I also did a lot of playing with stuffed animals, but I ended up feeling "guilty" that my stuffed animals were "lonely", so I did a lot of stupid shit, like telling them who their friends were, putting them together in groups so they could play while I was gone, sleeping with them, talking to them while I brush my teeth, watch TV with them… etc. Oh man, me too anon!
I went through this phase where I was deathly afraid of housefires. I felt like my house could go up in any minute, and while myself and my mom could escape, my poor stuffed toys were defenseless. I had a baby carriage and for a month or so I placed all my stuffies in it so in case of a fire in the middle of the night I could wheel the thing out with them inside it. Hahaha. Also I had to make sure I was treating them all equally and didn't leave any of them behind, I didn't want to hurt their feelings.
Thanks for that memory.
No. 189866
>>189435>>189449>>189453Oh shit. I have horrific memory and had bad depression throughout my teens. Didn't know there was a connection but it explains so much. Was such an intelligent child (used to memorise encyclopaedias and maps) and then once I hit my teens, suddenly I couldn't remember basic info for exams and got a lot of anxiety about being asked questions in class and seeming like I wasn't listening.
Hope you guys are doing well.
No. 189981
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I wasn't diddled or anything like that, but what I remember of my childhood is just either being miserable or briefly excited by material things. I was bullied pretty badly all through primary school, for being a dork and mixed race. For a while, I was the only person in the school who wasn't white, and I sure copped shit for it.
Surprisingly, I wasn't bullied by other girls that much like most cases seem to be but boys gave me absolute hell; kicking and punching me, humiliating me in front of the class, stealing my stuff, throwing my stuff in the trash, etc. I also got made fun of for not having as much food as other kids. I remember being almost perpetually lonely as any friends I made either ditched me or moved school, and I spent a lot of time alone. The teachers didn't like me much either lol
There was another girl who had it the same way and was pretty damn miserable too (her family were middle class and she had a lot of stuff but man they were nasty as hell to her) and we used to hate each other for some reason, but eventually we became best friends. She used to get the stuff of mine the boys chucked in the bin out for me even though they called her a bin rat as result which still warms my kokoro to this day
Though it seems opposite for a lot of anons here, my life was a lot better after my childhood was over. Being a teenager helped me get a grip and though I had mood swings all over the place it was better than just feeling like shit 24/7.
Its funny when you're bullied in primary school, cause when they see you later in life they're extremely nice and obviously feel really bad for what they did. Any other anons have the same experience meeting childhood bullies later in life?
No. 189982
>>189981>I wasn't bullied by other girls that much like most cases seem to be but boys gave me absolute hell; kicking and punching me, humiliating me in front of the class, stealing my stuff, throwing my stuff in the trash, etc.I was in the same boat as you. I always thought that girls would make fun of girls but nope. Through my entire childhood I was bullied by boys and girls were pretty nice to me - not "lets be friends" nice but they actually didn't talk shit about me behind my back etc.
>my life was a lot better after my childhood was overSame. It took a bit to recovery from all that shit but I'm doing waaay better than I used to.
>Any other anons have the same experience meeting childhood bullies later in life?I see them often around town since I live in a small town. They actually don't talk to me or have forgotten about me. Maybe they also just pretend, idk.
Sometimes I really want to confront them about the shit they did but it feels petty to bring up something that happened more than 5 years ago.
No. 189984
>>189550Woah there. Yeah I did the same shit. My family would buy me so many stuffed animals and my crazy ass would stuff them all under my blankets so that they wouldn't fall off the bed and be eaten by our house ghost.
We moved to an apartment and I had to put them all in trash bags to transport. I had about 10 mega gallon bags full of them. My mom never pressured me to dwindle my hoard down but eventually I felt so guilty that they were in bags unable to be displayed. It was the hardest thing to sort and pick which ones I would keep and give away. I've sorted through them several times since and just have a few drawers full of small ones but holy fuck was that hard, with my autistic projection of feelings onto them. I hope they're being treated well.
No. 189989
>>189984Oh man I loved my stuffed animals. I have always hated dolls, but stuffed animals were my babies. I used to rotate sleeping with them so none of them would get jealous. I would also give them personalities, and some of them were dating others and had kids with them. I roleplayed so hard with them.
(I never gave mine away though, and still have stupid feelings towards them. I still sleep with my favourites when I'm lonely and sad)
No. 190033
>>189989Not the anon you replied to but I was pretty much the same! My most important stuffed toy is actually this little pillow I've had since I was a baby. Next edition was a dog toy that I appropriately named "ice cream" (dad took me out shopping for toys and lil ol' me went for the dog toys wow), then a watermelon plush named "mr. watermelon" and finally a stuffed turtle named custard. I would feel an insane amount of guilt if I couldn't hold ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME while sleeping, but eventually I let go and now I only sleep hugging my little pillow.
When I come home he's the first thing I go to grab and I hold him around the house and take him with me for extended trips. My extended family thinks I'm nuts but I honestly have trouble sleeping without him lol.
No. 190091
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when i was in preschool i vividly remember stealing a little plastic robin's egg from the classroom. something about the color and smooth texture was so alluring to me, i just had to put it in my pocket. i was wrought with guilt over it for a ridiculously long time but i was too ashamed to return it. i didn't wanna get outed as an evil dirty egg-stealer. i doubt anyone ever even noticed it was missing
No. 190134
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>Be 11 or 12 years old, playing on VMK
>Adopt a cute bay.bee boy from the adoption centre
>He looks rich af, has a bunch of magic pics
>"Can I try your bat pin? I want to see what it's like"
>"ok… but wear to dog that you will give it back?"
>"wear to dog (mickey smiley)"
>Trade, gives me the pin
>I try it out in front of him, then immediately boot him from the room
I still think about it occasionally. Here was a nice, probably younger kid who has so naively sweet and trusting and I stomped all over that. Damn.
No. 190151
>>190134Holy shit VMK.
>will u be my mummy?I also regularly used a pretty awful fan forum for it, vmkmagic, I think.
But yeah I played that game religiously.
No. 190164
Thought I guess it is kind of a nerd gun.
No. 190221
>>189504One time when I was six, I decided it would be HILARIOUS to do an assflop off of a couch onto a floor. Said floor was hard carpet ontop of concrete.
I had to pull myself up on objects to stand for the next week.
No. 190468
>>189277I did something similar with my stuffed animals too!
I used to be really scared they might be alive or somehow sentient so i tried to "feed" them with water and always made sure I placed them comfortably on my bed or a pillow.
I also would say good night to each one individually, which took up some time since i roamed every single flea marked for lone pokemon plushies.. i still have some misshappen pikachu ones because i feel a bit sorry for them.
No. 190469
>>190312>>190313back in like 4th grade i traded some lame pokemon card to one guy in exchange for a pretty rare one, he thought he made a good trade because the one he got had high HP (a wailord with 200HP)
then in the break i stole it from him, and traded it to him again for another rare card. i feel a bit bad for him, dude legit believed me i had it double and there's nothing suspicious about that transaction
No. 190475
>>190312Did a similar thing when i was 8 but with the tiny pokemon figurines you bought in pokeballs, except after the kid found out i had tricket him into trading some useless pokemon for 3-4 of his he told the teacher who forced me to trade them back.
I also once got my hands on some super rare Lugia card from a 6 year old, whom i fairly enough told could have any one of my cards in exchange for her Lugia. She chose one of those 1st edition rattatas everyone had hundreds of and probably was the most common card. I didn't tell her that though…
No. 190577
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Growing up I was mostly an outdoors child, playing with the other boys on rock hills, riding our bikes through the muddy woods(I was a huge tom boy, there wasn't many little girls in my plan).
But mostly my childhood was filled with getting bullied by my sister.
>Sister has profound distaste towards since day 1, any time we were alone she would be mean towards me.
>Forced me to get ontop of a woobly table to grab a chair, ended up falling off and cutting my face on the tracker
>Would have her friends gang up on me, insulting me how I looked or how I dressed(I was alittle kid?? How are you suppose to dress? I didn't look weird, I was a cute tan little girl with medium brown hair and blunt bangs) Pinning me to the floor and putting disgusting things on me.
>In front of my friends she would shove and punch me, causing me to cry. All my friends liked her more because she was older, liked to get in trouble.
>One instance her and the older kids forced me and another boy to strip naked behind a house and have sex(fyi it didn't happen because I kept crying)
>When I got in my preteens she would make fun of me further, calling me fat and ugly.
I'm 23 now and I still have trouble talking to her. we can talk civilly to each other now but every now and then she reverts back into how she was(she was diagnosed with bipolar) saying I was the black sheep of the family, I was adopted, out right says nobody cares as a reply in a conversation together. If I try and be more close with her, something I say or do sets her off and we get into a huge fight(it's happened three times in the past 3 years, reason being why I slowly stopped talking to her again.) My sister is was my biggest bully and the reason I have bad self image issues, and anxiety.
No. 190589
>>190582My boyfriend sees past how she acts and thinks I just don't know how to talk to her, that she has "changed" since then which she hasn't..
Same, I get jealous at other siblings who had fun and good relationships. My sister is a flakey, nicotine addicted stoner.
No. 190614
>>190577My brother is the same way anon. It's gotten to the point that I refuse to be around him because any wrong thing said will
trigger him to start acting crazy. He's 29 years old and acts like he's 16 still.
You don't owe anything to your sister. Sometimes it's best to cut family members out especially if you've tried being civil with them.
No. 190639
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>Be 5-6
>Learn that birds come from eggs that are warmed
>Shared apartment yard has a bird cage
>Put an egg from the carton in the cage every day thinking the sun will hatch it
>Sweet neighbor lady sees this and tells me to keep trying
>Day is same as usual
>Mom comes to pick me up from Dad's apartment
>Tell her I need to go check on the egg first
>Freak out and tell them it finally worked
>Parents put chick in an open, small box with water, food, etc
>Bedtime so I put chick in Mom's bathroom in its box
>Wake up
>Chick is dead
Believed I actually hatched a bird for years after that.
>Going through Dad's books
>See baby photo of me with angel wings
>Dad tells me they were real and had to cut them off because I kept flying away
I believed that too for far too long.
No. 190655
>>190651Not the original anon but I doubt the police can do anything about it if there's no proof of it happening, plus with how much time has passed since. But its super fucked up, I wonder if the OP told her parents?
Op anon if youre reading this, dont give your psycho sister the time of day for your own sake
>>190639Thats adorable, anon.
No. 190664
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I spent most of my childhood alone, mostly because my older siblings went to school & my little brother was a toddler. My dad worked from 4AM to 10PM everyday which led us to have very little to no bond. Mom cleaned, cooked, & took care of my little brother. My mother was also very sick all the time & I didn't want to stress her more than she already was to interact with me. I played with carpet hair & the walls because I felt bad to ask my parents for toys since I knew they struggled with money. I would imagine doors would talk to me everytime they opened & closed. It was strange now that I think about it more. I also would catch spiders & put them inside old Easter eggs. I would pretend the spiders would ask me to bring them flies ( yes I somehow caught flies with my hands ) & throw them inside the Easter eggs to be eaten by the spiders. This sparked my obsession with bug torture as a kid. I would catch house flies, roaches, beetles, & dragonflies & put them in clear containers to freeze them in the refrigerator freezer. Surprisingly house flies are easy to put to ' sleep '. Then that grew out of hand where I was feeding roaches clorox, pulling their legs out, drowning them, & burning them with our candles. When that didn't fulfil my curiosity, I started to ' give surgery ' to the bugs. I mostly just stabbed them with a needle to see where they would still live with it pierced in them. If I wasn't stabbing them I was pulling dragonflies wings and trying to glue them on beetles so the beetles would look prettier. I would hide Easter eggs with spiders, dead bugs, & my experiments in my little cabinet. Then a hurricane happened & my cabinet was destroyed & thrown away which made me cry for like a week. To this day I really aesthetically love bugs, especially roaches & house flies which I never tell anyone because it sounds concerning. I'm glad I stopped doing that weird shit when I started pre kindergarten & made real friends lol.
No. 190686
>>190651I was 7 years old, over 16 years have passed. I don't believe police could do anything, the only proof is my own memory. It's all he said she said with no physical evidence.
>>190655As for telling my parents, I did tell my mom when I was around 17 years old and said something to my sister about it during a fight(I believe her reply was calling me a liar). Nothing went forward with it though, it just got buried.
No. 190689
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>>190639So adorable I think I cried
No. 190762
>>190667I haven't tortured a bug ever since I was 6 -ish because I grew fond of raising them. My teacher gave me a walking stick bug to take care of which sparked a new obsession to replace my cruel one. I occasionally kill flies, roaches, etc. if that's what you mean.
>>190695Your reply makes me wonder if I'm a demented person for a soon to be a cardiac surgeon.
No. 192369
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>>190312Oh god this just brought back long lost memory of me being a thieving bastard.
>be about 10/11 years old>sims 2 is the best thing to ever grace us>I only had 2 shitty "stuff" expansion packs since my parents thought it was a waste of money buying the 15 extra expansions that are out>My friend who was a bit of a victim throughout her school career had ALL of them>we used to play at hers because of this>"hey anon I know you like these expansions how about you download them and give me the discs back">omg thanks so much anon you're the best>go home and spend 3 weeks straight on the game till i burn out>I still hang out with this friend and she never mentioned wanting the Discs back>months go buy and my family are doing a trip to the game store>hey i don't use these 15 expansion packs >takes them to the store to trade and makes profit >actual day after I do this "Hi anon are you still playing with those expansion packs? I would like them back"> *sweats" Y-yes, sorry i'll give you them back soon i just want to finish this family till they get old>I think she forgot but she never asked again about them>to this day i still feel awful for doing it but then again i don't really care she was a weird kid>mfw i made profit from "scamming" my friend No. 192507
I stole something from basically my only friend from age 0-10.
I still feel shitty about it too.
I was probably around 7-8 at the time, old enough to know it was wrong. My parents were very poor, so I only got a new toy every once in a while, typically birthday and christmas, maybe one here and there if I was good. My friend's family wasn't wealthy but they bought her a LOT of toys. Basically anything new that came out (90's trendy toys), fancy new computer games, tech stuff/laptops, super nintendo games, etc. She had boxes and boxes of toys.
I remember once time she got this neat toy set that came with probably close to 30 cute customization figures. I really fell in love with one. I asked her if I could have it (lol just have it, not borrow it because I was a brat). She said no. I was really upset, because I really really wanted it and there was no way in hell my parents would buy it for me.
So before I went home after our sleepover, I snuck into her room pretending I forgot something and stole it.
She only asked me once if I knew what happened to it and I feigned ignorance. I still feel like garbage to this day.
On the flip side, I had a friend in middle school who I discovered stole from me tons of times, plus a lot of my stuff got wrecked (including some really now valuable magical girl toys) when part of our house collapsed when I was in high school. I most likely deserved it.
No. 192519
>>189465This is an adorable memory, anon
>>190577My sister was my biggest bully for years too! She was a lot like yours, really. Humiliating me in front of her friends, saying awful things to me, getting into physical fights with me constantly. When I was maybe three or four years old, she and a neighbor girl made me pee in the corner of her bedroom while laughing hysterically at me. That might be my earliest memory, which is fucked up. She would also do this thing when we'd fight where she'd gauge my arms with her nails really badly, but then accuse me of "cat fighting" when I'd kick her.
Needless to say, we're not close as adults. I haven't even seen her in maybe 6 years.
No. 192563
>>189220When I was in primary school kids from ages 4-7 had a separate playground from the 8-11 year olds. When I was around 4 or 5 I 'invented'a game called snake; I don't really remember the exact 'rules' but it involved walking around the base of the tree with one had holding it, I think you had to see how fast you go without having your hand slip off, and then you would get caught or something? No idea but ofc being 4 it made logical sense to me and my friends. The game started becoming popular because I taught it to everyone my class, and people would always act like THEY invented it. Fucking pissed me off to no end. I remember going up to one of my friends who I didn't really like because I saw her playing it, to boast about how I created it and the bitch goes to all her friends that I was lying and that she made it up!! Im still salty about it, people in class used to argue about who made, me or her, until we were like 7 and forgot about it. That girl turned into a huge scummy attention whore now, guess it starts from somewhere lol. When I was in year 6 (so about 11 years old) I would look after this 4 year old girl and play with her in the little kids playground with another classmate as part our prefect duty, the girl says to me one day 'Anon let me show this game we all play!' and you can see where this is going, it was the fucking snake game. I was so fucking happy that this game was still being played, so I told her I was the one who invented it, and she goes 'No, I did!'. FUCKS SAKE. NO YOU DIDNT. AHH.
To this day it still pisses me off to think about
No. 192565
>first grade, test time>teacher reads us the questions>murmur to myself "oh, I know this one!">get points taken from my test for "telling others the answer">didn't believe me when I say that's not what I saidFuck that teacher, I didn't even know how to lie yet
>>192563That is so fucking cute, anon
I have similar kiddie rage about a few dumb things that still make me mad to this day (see above)
No. 192578
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>Be in kindergarten, with our own playground separate from 'big kids'
>have a kick-ass giant wide plastic slide on the jungle gym
>Teacher makes a rule "If you go down the slide headfirst or anything other than sitting on your bottom, no more slide privileges for the rest of the day"
>Decides to lay all the way down to slide, instead of sitting straight up. Still facing forward
>Bitch teacher blows the whistle and says no more slide for the rest of the day.
urgh, still gets to me
No. 192725
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>>190091>i didn't wanna get outed as an evil dirty egg-stealer.Jesus Christ I'm crying from laughing so hard, I love this thread and all your stories anons!
I'd post mine but I have way too many and it'd become an entire essay kek, but here's a short super embarrassing one;
When I was about 7-8 I had an EXTREMELY unhealthy obsession with horses, like I literally wanted to BECOME a horse, it was fucking ridiculous.
I was pretty much a goddamn horse furry. And I think the main reason for that was because of this fucking movie, I would watch Spirit all the time and fantasize about being a horse and running free in the wild. I'd gallop on all fours around the hallway of my house and neigh and shit. I'd talk my younger sister into having races with me and I'd put a stuffed animal or barbie on my back because a horse can't race alone(obvi).I did it so much I'd get holes in the knees of my jeans and my mom would get so angry KEK. I'd draw horses all the time to impress my friends and also had a shitton of horse stuffed animals and toys, I'd even use my green VeggieTales VHS tapes as fences or use them to make stables/houses for my horses. I had 0 chill when it came to horses, but holy fuck I am so glad I grew out of it before MLP became a thing.
No. 192987
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I was alone in a room watching cartoons as a kid at my cousins' house, younger than 4 or 5 at the most. We had a TV that had access to Hong Kong channels, some of which showed anime dubbed in Cantonese. The scene on the screen was this girl falling (collapsing?) in a field of roses, and she looked like she was injured (hash marks drawn on the skin, watery sad eyes). Then I remember the screen turning red and her silhouette got impaled on a fuckton of spikes. I wasn't afraid, I just felt sad and nauseous. I never told anyone in case they thought I was crazy or they wouldn't let me watch the rest to see what happened to her (not that I remember). Trying to make sense of things in my head, I figured she was some kind of princess who was wrongly sentenced to death by rose thorns (because all pretty girls in flowing dresses are princesses, right?) No fucking idea what that anime was but that scene fucking haunted me for years.
Another time when I was even younger, I was in another room that stank of cigarettes with junk everywhere. My mother would never put me in a place in that condition and I've never lived in a home like that. When I told her this, she guessed it was my estranged father because when I was a toddler, she'd have my (maternal) grandmother babysit me while she was at work and my grandmother was too spineless to stop my father from just taking me off her to play dad whenever it suited him. So, during this time when I got whisked off to dad-land, there was hardcore animated PORN on the TV. If I thought crying would've done something, I would have. But I knew it wouldn't so all I could do was silently watch this ancient shrivelled old guy fondle a woman's tits until her boobs melted, fusing with his hands. Fast forward to recently and I see a video thumbnail with the image of the woman (on Youtube of all places) and click it because this could be the only chance of finding SOURCE without googling 'melty boob sex'.
>mfw this is 'Wicked City', an 80s hentai with tentacles and gang-alien-rape with like, 1 sole consensual scene.
>mfw this is who i call because my dad is a hentai-watching weeaboo degenerate with shit taste
No. 192991
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>>192725I fucking hated that movie so much. A lot of children's films traumatised me (The Lion King, Dumbo, Bambi, Homeward Bound, The Land Before Time, Neverending Story, Babe, Black Beauty, Lassie, Shrek…) and I still can't watch any children's films to this day because I'm terrified of seeing something again that will upset me for weeks. Tried to watch Ponyo years ago and broke down crying at the opening scene.
I don't know why a bunch of adults get together and plan such depressing films for kids. Shouldn't children be watching happy, feel-good films? The scenes where Spirit gets separated from his mom, broken in and horses collapsing while pulling a train really got me as a kid and they're still burned into my memory.
I figured up until recently that maybe kids are really curious about morbid things or that it might teach them that death and abuse is part of life until I was babysitting a child whose mother sat us down to watch Antz. One of the first scenes is the main character trying to piece together his dying friend in the aftermath of a war while talking to his severed head. Who the fuck thought that was appropriate for a child???
Is it just me or is anyone else still haunted by children's films they saw?
No. 192992
>>192991Antz was fucking horrifying and ugly, I remember my aunt and uncle gifting me the VHS on my birthday. What an awful movie. I still remember the scene with the magnifying glass burning ants alive.
Most sad/depressing children's films have a bittersweet thing at the end and are meant to teach a lesson of some sort, similarly to fairy tales (which tend to be much more blunt and horrific). You have to teach the grim reality to kids somehow. As a kid I didn't find the rest of the films you mentioned to be scary though, I did cry at Spirit and Homeward Bound.
I'm more glad my parents never forced princess shit onto me, IMO glorification of all the things in princess stories is more harmful than cartoon deaths, like ugly people being evil, female submission, etc. OT rant but I can't believe stories like Beauty and the Beast are still being glorified and remade for kids today because all I see is thinly veiled bestiality and rape romance.
>>192725Lmao anon, I remember running around with my friends during elementary school recess and pretending to be horses after watching this movie. I would nickname myself some edgy name like Shadow or Thunder kek
No. 192997
>>192725omg anon, I loved spirit so much and would rewatch it over and over again. I was really weird with movies I liked. I would watch a movie then rewind the VHS tape and watch it all over again. I kinda wonder how I had the patience for that.
>>192991The Land Before Time STILL fucks me up. The scene with Littlefoot's mother dying still makes me cry as an adult. I'm traumatized.
Trigger warning for the embedded video.
I was obsessed with dinosaurs, I had dinosaur stickers, figures, plushies, books, EVERYTHING. I remember going to the library with my dad and picking up documentaries about everything, but especially the ones about dinosaurs. I still remember the intro to one of the documentary series I used to watch.
I also remember an older kid from my neighborhood throwing my dinosaur plushie to the ground. Idk why I remember that. Fuck that kid.
No. 193015
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>>192998She got shot in the face, no joke.
Here's a wonderfully uplifting movie.
No. 193018
>>193015>when the wind blowswhy do you hurt me this way anon
I just found about that recently (video related,maybe some anons have seen some of the stuff mentioned in it as kids), if I would've seen that as a kid I'd probably would've fucked me up more
I distinctly remember covering my ears and hiding under my flinstones blanket when the theme to "Are you afraid of the Dark?" would come on, like the theme was 2spooky but I still watched it to see what the episode was about kek.
No. 193023
>>193018Here's another fun uplifting movie if you're in the mood. the Slab was what always got me as a kid.
No. 193025
>>193023>Return the Slab was what always got me as a kidME TOO OMG
I'm laughing so hard, it's so silly looking back on it
King Ramsesssss
No. 193075
>>193018>like the theme was 2spooky but I still watched it to see what the episode was about kek.Yesssss. The theme scared the shit out of me (also the X Files and Goosebumps themes) but curiosity would always get the better of me. My parents used to tell me off if they caught me watching shows like these because they kept me up at night. Also does anyone remember Mystery Hunters that used to be on Discovery Kids? It was kind of refreshing at the time when there were so many creepy shows to have one that also debunked paranormal media.
I ended up with an obsession with aliens as a child. I used to scare my friends at sleepovers by telling them about how the universe is infinite and it's guaranteed that there's life out there somewhere and gave them detailed descriptions of the greys and reptilians that I memorised from books and all my ancient alien conspiracies.
Bit cringe but I have a really vivid memory of that time. I was convinced that aliens were keeping an eye on us and could either read our minds or were listening to our conversations. Every night before I went to bed I'd just lie there and beg the aliens to abduct me. I really wanted to be the first to make contact and show them how advanced we are by doing some primary school level maths sums, speaking different languages to them and drawing maps of the world with all the capital cities, mountains and rivers of the world (all things I was doing in school at age 8 lol). Then when I came back I'd tell everyone that they're peaceful and I could be a medium and people back home would praise me for being so brave at such a young age. I'd write books about them and learn their language so humans could learn more about them. It was kind of like how children pray to God before they go to bed except I was praying to aliens.
This is still a wild dream of mine No. 193092
>>192987Aaaa I watched Wicked City, I thought it would be good since I'm into 90's anime with dark undertones. Little did I know that it was an awful hentai. I was so disappointed, I was expecting some paranormal police thing.
>>192991I like Antz, I used to watch it a lot when I was a child. But you're right, now that I think of it that scene was terrible and I've always felt lowkey uneasy by how the characters were designed.
Another depressing movie for kids is "All Dogs go to Heaven", iirc you see the dog protagonist being killed. I won't watch that shit again
No. 193103
>>192991>I don't know why a bunch of adults get together and plan such depressing films for kids. Shouldn't children be watching happy, feel-good films?Consider that some kids don't grow up happy and feelgood because their home lives are chaotic. So films like Spirit (separation and abandonment), The Land Before Time (parental death), Babe (making purpose out of cruel circumstances), and Shrek (ugly people aren't always evil), are films whose morals relate to kids facing similar circumstances.
Films like Bambi, Dumbo, and The Lion King resonate with kids who had to learn how to grow up without parental figures. During WWII when Bambi and Dumbo were released, it wouldn't have been uncommon for children to have lost a parent.
A lot of this stuff is dark artistic expression for its own sake too.
Here's an interesting fact: In 1938, after Walt Disney had success with Snow White, he bought his mother and father a brand new home in Hollywood. Within the first month, his mother (Flora) reported problems with the furnace fumes. The problem was never properly fixed.
Shortly after living there his mother died by asphyxiation from the furnace fumes, and it made his father very ill.
Walt felt guilty the rest of his life. People speculate that the reason why there were so many Disney mother deaths in the 1940s was due in part to Walt trying to emotionally process the grief.
There are at least 22 Disney movies with absent or dead mothers.
I will agree, however, that some animated films were made with more mature audiences in mind. Like Antz.
I remember watching Antz when I was 8 or 9, but I knew it was more for adults and my mom only bought me that because she thought it was going to be like A Bug's Life.
Well, it wasn't. Lol. But I felt cool as a kid because it felt like I was watching something normally forbidden. It's probably why I'm a desensitized fuck these days.
No. 193216
Here's another story: I got nightmares over the floating pizza with a face from a Jimmy Neutron episode. Yeah.
>>192988Welp, I binge watched some of it and spoilt a bit of the ending for myself as well as watching the movie version but yeah, it's Utena. Hoooly fuck.
>>193092I did say it was a hentai, upon rewatching it, yeah it's more porn with a backstory to string the sex scenes together. It's not the most offensive thing I've seen but I feel repulsed by it for some reason, or maybe I'm disgusted that someone had this on TV with a toddler in the fucking room. That begs the question, what channel would let this even be broadcast, especially in the UK in the 90s? Or was it a shitty VHS? I will never know.
No. 193219
>>193092All Dogs Go To Heaven is fucking torturous. I don't think I could watch it again but it ripped my heart out. Especially messed with me since I had a basset hound and a german shepherd. If I'd see it on tv when flipping channels I'd end up watching but it'd destroy me. Even worse now knowing the voice actress of the little girl was murdered by her father I think before the movie was even finished (the same girl who voiced Ducky in land before time, mentioned earlier in the thread)
Oliver and Company is another one that fucked me up but I ended up watching it quite a lot. I always felt bad for the evil dogs who die at the end.
No. 193227
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Idk guys maybe it's because I'm from Germany and we had some fucked up stories people would tell us as kids I mean look at Grimm's fairytail; the original ones tho not thay disney shit or pic related is a book I used to read. They basically told you if kids don't stop sucking their thumps some creap will cut it off or Max and Moritz another good example.
Anyways most movies were not scary at all for me or my friends (at least the ones you mentioned so far).
Now that I look back some are fucking creepy but as a child I was scared for a second sure, but not my whole life.
No. 193230
>>193227If you want a scary movie, check out
>>193023That scared me as an Adult, and I heard it was shown to schools in the UK.