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No. 190059
everyone has that song that is their song, whether it like describes them or they feel a deep connection with it, constantly insist on playing it at parties or listen to it on public transport to evoke special feelings, you know what i mean. I love asking people this question, I feel like it says a lot about them.
what are yours anons?
I'll post mine: No. 190110
I have more than one "my" song, but of them this is probably my favourite.>>190072>>190059Nice choices.
No. 190144'm currently obsessed with Blood in the cut by k.flay
prior to that, it was Rawks by K.Flay as well
No. 190148
>>190144yesssss, fucking k. flay anon!
..ha ha wanting men that don't want you back though, kill me
No. 190261
>>190256>At parties?That was just one of OP's criteria, I don't think most of the anons in the thread are requesting these songs at parties.
>Is this kind of uninspiring, depressing music what makes you feel happy?The songs I identify with the most aren't the ones that make me feel happy honestly.
No. 190264
>>190261That makes sense. Maybe it says something about me that I'm only into upbeat music.
But where do people even find hipster music like this? In the bg of films? All of my music is very mainstream as I'm not really interested in a song unless it's attached to a memory.
No. 190265
>>190264Cant speak for anyoone else, but for me its just going through the sidebar on youtube or randomly clicking on stuff in soundcloud.
I dislike being told to listen to whatevers popular, I like finding my own, but it means there's a ton of junk to wade through. No. 190272
>>190264I do sometimes find music from films, since I watch a ton of movies. I also like clicking around on soundcloud and youtube like
>>190265 said. Also Spotify has a Discover Weekly playlist with songs curated to your taste that updates every week, I discover some music from that. AND I browse suggestion threads on image boards and reddit and other forums. Basically I'm just obsessed with music.
No. 190278
>>190276>just a general term for music that isn't mainstreamwhich is childish and ignorant in itself.
not sure how grow up comes off as immature but whatever. if you're referring to the britney spears thing, she said she likes to listen to mainstream 90s pop so it wasn't a dig at all. relax.
No. 190289
>>190265>>190272Interesting, thanks anons!
>>190275You've misunderstood me.
No. 192955
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>>192952Oh hell yeah anon, Lovage is fucking awesome. It's great music to have on in the background for anything.