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No. 1908863
Don't reply to bait
>>>/ot/1901243 No. 1908890
>>1908527She's disgusted by them too, I enjoy hearing her ramblings and she's appreciated a few of mine at times. The only thing I don't like is the run on sentences and ESL grammar.
>>1908478I appreciate your venting cocksucker-anon and know where you're coming from but the majority of the user-base here are male centered and involved so you'll be continuously reported for excising any amount of free- speech on this topic. I do think continually ranting about cocksucking and whore culture is probably not the best course of action for getting over this understandable trauma and disgust. I agree with you to an extent; I think all women with half a brain know about the degrading things you're speaking of honestly but refuse to acknowledge them but don't let others disgusting behavior eat you up inside.
No. 1908987
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i don't know if i can be christian. not because i can't hear god's voice, but because i'm afraid salvation is a lie.
No. 1908994
>>1908478I get you, it sucks. But I seriously think women, now more than ever, are realizing they never needed men at all. They were forced into bonding with men, withheld all they needed to live independently, because men need women. This wasn't exactly done with conscious effort, but capitalism, work, industrial revolution, muh economy, made it so women can earn their own income, have ownership, and live by themselves, not dependent on men that they are intimately involved with. Which is why, I think, a lot of women are decentering men from their lives. While of course, many women still believe they
need to be with a man, because that's what's been fed to us our whole lives, that we supposedly need a man, and that sex is given to men by us, it's a thing for them to take, a tool, means to an end. And maybe my optimism is retarded, but I think in the future, more women will wake up to this bs, I really think the tipping point is reaching for girls and women, this extremely porn-brained society can't last like this for forever.
No. 1909029
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looked at my ex boyfriends reddit account because i am super nosy & i seriously regret it – he is now posting nudes (penis included!!!) of himself in women's underwear to femboy and crossdressing subreddits, and also apparently goes by "he/she". when we were dating i encouraged his interest in dominant women because i thought it was fun & i like submissive guys but now i fear i sent him down the path to tranny degeneracy. i want to gouge my fucking eyes out.
No. 1909156
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She's trying to bait me into a response and it won't work. You have no control over me anymore.
No. 1909218
How do I get over an irrational attachment to a person who paid attention to me, whom I chatted with on the daily for like four months, who asked me to do stuff together all the time, who I had lots of fun hanging out with but suddenly lost interest on me/will now only reply to my messages very politely? I haven’t known her for that long, actually, but it’s so rare for me to “click” with others so im just left pretty depressed and scratching my head. The way we were getting along I was ready to make a move on her and everything lol, then after I didn’t reply to her for about four days, no matter if I initiate conversations or if our group hangs out together, it’s really like we’re just acquaintances. (I promise im not overwhelming reaching out or anything, im like at 1/3 of the energy we were at before because I want to try, but also, if she wants space…) I’m pretty bummed. I know there’s other people but I guess I wanna get over the whiplash.
No. 1909245
nonny, he has street cred because he was born and raised in that shed so he will probably come out, but also he's retarded(he got it from me) so i might have to get in a free him myself
No. 1909252
>>1909218This has happened to me before. It caused me a lot of obsession and something about me is different to this day, but sometimes you just need to enjoy the memories and let things go. Don't chomp at the bit wondering "why" they ghosted, I promise you did nothing wrong. People are just like that sometimes.
Time was the biggest helper. Time and rebounds. Gl
nonny No. 1909343
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>was chatting with a cute wasian guy
>showed him a pic of me
>he told me that he's only into white and Latina women and has high standards toward Asian girls
>pic rel he sent me
>shes a Japanese porn star
I need the neutralizer from MIB to erase this memory rn
No. 1909348
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>>1909215My day was already bad enough now they're dragging this shit to /meta/ with tinfoiling. Why do I even bother anymore…
No. 1909364
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>>1909347Lmao he beat me to it when he knew I wasn't his Japanese ~*kawaii uwu hentai*~ goddess he blocked me right before i could berate him like a coward
>>1909345I haven't gotten the chance to but funnily enough idk if he knew his goddess went through lots of plastic surgery to look like that because this is her before
No. 1909384
>>1909362My boyfriend's best friend was telling me a girl he started talking to on OKC randomly sent him a pic of herself and I just needed to question why are some women so bold like that? Even to go as far as send random snapchats to men you haven't even gone on a first date yet? It's so bizarre of a concept to me. We're all in our early 30s so it's even more weird to me.
I only send photos of myself to my boyfriend unless I show him a selfie I like that I took and he asks me to send it to him.
Is this the effect of social media obscuring appropriate boundaries in general relationships? I don't know… like sure a random selfie isn't revealing or anything, but I think technology's "convenience" gives a false sense of security.
No. 1909428
>>1909373>>1909421nta, but I think there's another massive factor in that it's just much easier to be pretty in life. I've seen the way people treat a friend of mine that's very conventionally pretty compared to everyone else and it's astounding. And that's not even mentioning the influence of social media and fake bodies and faces (whether because of photoshop or surgery) being hailed as what one should look like.
I mean, even in art circles I'm in people suddenly love the work a lot more if the person behind it turns out to be pretty. The halo effect is very real.
No. 1909482
>>1909459kpop has warped so many peoples brains into mush that they actually think botched AI character looking freaks like
SKZ hyunjin are hot. there's a point where those people don't even look human anymore and then they're walled at 25, it's fucked up
No. 1909497
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>>>/ot/1907844Nona I'm sure you don't look as bad as this troon
No. 1909506
>>1909485Yeah hitting my teens the privacy aspect added to the tension. We had to make sure he was never alone in the house. Because if he was you never knew what'd be gone when you get back. But he rummaged too. Wouldn't bin stuff while you're home but if you turned your back he'd be looking through the drawers under your bed. Like no my clean put away socks aren't clutter, the box where I keep my menstrual supplies isn't clutter. How tf is stuff neatly put away in a drawer that I'm going to need and use, clutter that needs to be inspected.
I turned out to be tidy on my own but I could easily understand someone going the opposite way and being like fuck you I finally have my own space now to relax.
No. 1909583
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Dear God please let this bile stent on my mother work and have her come home from the hospital. Things are truly fucking dire. Fuck this shitty, revolting cancer.
No. 1909659
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He freed me, it's done.
Cringe melodramatic vent.
I was obsessed with this scrote for 5 years on-and-off (3 FULLY in it, 2 dating other people but fuck he haunted me). He was all that was beautiful and all that was ugly to me. I wanted to rip his skin off and eat his organs and gnaw at his skeleton, but I never would because it would ruin his beauty. His face could bring me to tears, his body and scent inspired a raw carnal desire. Every detail of his life that he shared or that I discovered I treasured deep within my heart. In my dreams I possessed him in every way and could give him everything. He'd need no one but me to provide for and care for him. But in my truer dreams I knew this was unhealthy so I'd just encourage him to grow and be healthy. We could be partners.
Every other thing I did, I hoped for his approval. When he deemed me a close friend I could have sobbed.
In reality he didn't deserve this attention. He is very selfish, dishonest, a pothead, and he doesn't really do anything productive with his time. He also grew misogynistic with religion, only a shadow of the version I adored (who also sucked because of the former traits, he's always been a cagey liar).
We shared that friendship then recently we reunited after two years and he finally let me touch him, romantically and sexually. It wasn't supposed to happen, I was seeking closure. We didn't go all the way or even halfway but I think that made it more meaningful. A fitting climax was just awkwardly kissing and touching the nonsexual parts of his body that I'd always desired.
Anyway, he ended it for me today and I'm actually…relieved? The last times I was the one to end it and I always left the channel open because I was weak. I could have this time, but him ending it inspired me to block him and remove him on everything. I will never see him again. This is it. I'll probably sob and ache but I know I'm free. I can forge my identity and seek a good and pure love without thoughts of him knowing or judging.
I'll miss it, because I'm used to it, but it's finally dead and over with.
Also, anons would absolutely decimate me for what he looks like. He's just to my tastes but he's by almost no means conventional, and aside from being clearly nuts and spergy about this sort of thing I am objectively out of his league kek.
No. 1909673
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Canada's so fucked. Housing is so fucked. People are charging so much for a fucking shared bedroom. Hospital rooms offers more to this, and you get free food.
No. 1909687
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The realisation that I am the ONLY FUCKING ONE in my circle of friends that try to arrange shit, THE ONLY FUCKING ONE that asks to hang out or reach out in any way is breaking my fucking heart. I've been feeling a bit burnt out on being the one to reach out to do shit since a few months back so I've been taking a bit of a backseat in that department while I'm studying and now I wonder if I'm perhaps an annoyance to be with because since august only one of my friends invited me along anywhere.
And it's not like I ceased communication or anything because I'm chatting and calling with people like normal, the only difference is that I just don't initiate meeting up with anyone anymore, and it wasn't a 100% conscious decision but something I just realized with myself and kinda leaned into it for a bit when I realized how tired I was of it. I just don't want be the only one putting in the majority of the work in my relationships all the time, why is it so fucking hard for people today to put in the fucking work? I don't care about your fucking social anxieties it can't be fucking every single fucking person that is like this. I feel like while I fuss over someone whenever I notice something is off (and so far, 10/10 something is indeed wrong and they need someone to be there for them), I can pretty much drop dead tomorrow and no one would fucking notice.
No. 1909739
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oh sweet merciful motherfucker lord jesus above can March please be a better month than February?
No. 1909753
nonnie, I happen to be very attracted to the awkward neon mullet tattooed girls with non cohesive clothing, I just wish they didn’t have the stupid fucking trans shit tainting them
No. 1909759
>>1909753you are so lucky. For me, all of those things (rainbow hair, lots of tattoos, tryhard misc
"punk" fashion) are instant turn offs. And it's pretty much all there fucking is for any woman in my age range. I basically give up on ever finding someone i'm into for many reasons, but this is a big one.
No. 1909800
>>1909759It’s okay
nonnie, the pronoun stuff instantly kills any desire on me to hit on them so we shall both remain femaleless. I hope you find the nicely dressed women of your dreams asap, though! I wanna believe there’s someone out there for you!
No. 1909806
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>when you get dumped for being too frigid but also somehow too much of a slut at the same time
No. 1909854
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Do I need a different pill? Maybe. Is this one fucking with me too much? Maybe? Do I want to go through another medication circlejerk? No cunt, I don't. Work pill work pill work pill shut the fuck up side effects shut the fuck up
No. 1909855
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>be me, chronically physically and mentally ill with multiple serious suicide attempts under my belt
>think “that’s it, I’m ending it now”
>take more than the recommended dose of my benzo and have a few shots of alcohol to calm myself before doing the deed
>end up feeling too decent afterwards so I don’t go through with the act and just vibe
>feel even worse the next day but am too sick to get out of bed and do anything
I wish somebody would put me down like a rabid bobcat and dissect my fucked up brain for science
No. 1909865
>>1909659This is still for the best but I wish I'd known it was the last time then so I could have been fully present and touched more of him. And made him do some of those things a bit longer. Sighhhh.
There are other beautiful men I guess. No choice but to go forward.
No. 1909884
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My moid is leaving me alone all day tomorrow to be with his family who explicitly hates me(well technically today it’s 230 am) and said he’d come spend time with me like 2 hours ago but he’s just asleep and won’t wake up so I’m just drunkposting and having a mental breakdown and super not okay I hate being a physically chronically ill bpdchan with no friends and no support system and no way to make meaningful change in my life and I’ll probably get banned from here which is the only place I can vent my feelings and feel some level of support. I belong to 0 group chats or discords and am so isolated despite being extroverted. I just wish someone would come put me down like ol yeller.
No. 1909910
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I hate my freckles, theyre light because I barely go in the sun so they just make my face look blotchy and gross. I wish i could be like the girls that just draw them on instead of having them permanently on my face
No. 1909940
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Fuck up after fuck up at work this fucking week sucks already and the dumb bitch at work who is constantly getting time off requested ANOTHER day off so I have to work an extra day this week and some other fuck face called out today and there's something really expensive I have to return but I am a retard with agoraphobia and can't leave the house and I only have 9 days left to return it. Fuck.
No. 1909961
>>1909884Anon you deserve to feel at peace and happy. I know it’s not easy and that your mental illness presents unique struggles, but you can and should find it from within.
Loneliness sucks and I won’t pretend that figuring yourself out solves everything, but it gives you a foundation to stand on. Sending hugs
No. 1909980
>>1909967Either say it or don't. Don't play coy. There are other abuse
victims on here that deal with actual abuse and not vague discord drama amplified and schizofied.
No. 1910047
>>1910045I'm not american, and I dont think unwanted hugging would be reasonable enough to get away with shooting someone if I were
>>1910044Yeah I might do that. Or if my mother gives him my number like I fucking know she will despite me saying not to I can say dont touch or hug me because I dont want to get sick and harm the baby.
No. 1910048
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Me and my mum really don’t get along at all and it’s like two massively clashing aggressive female personalities in one house so it’s extremely jarring. Especially because she’s a pickme and constantly compares my behaviour to my brothers. She’s one of those ‘moids are so much funnier and less dramatic and I get along with moids better than women1!1!1!’ types even though she’s never had any scrote friends and constantly talks about how middle aged men disgust her. Anyway recently she’s been unironically watching matt walsh and candace owens even though we’re British and it’s making me cringe so hard, this is from someone who says they are labour and all of that shit and it’s just cringe in general anyway. I keep asking her why the fuck she’s watching it and she’s like ‘stop controlling me!!!’ It’s so fucking annoying. If we weren’t related I really wouldn’t like her at all
No. 1910073
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It makes me sad I will never see pre-90s corporate maximalist USA. Ever since i was a kid i have dreamed of going to the USA and walk through their malls filled with interesting and unique stores, seeing the videostores with gigantic neon signs and seeing those weirdos with ''the end is near'' signs. It's still the n1 country i want to go to once i save up enough money because of it's vast culture, but i am sad i will see it in it's boring corporate minimalist era.
No. 1910076
I hate that I like women. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and ashamed of it, of wanting to be with one. Listening to a woman speak what's on her mind, helping her with her hair or going shopping, studying, working alongside and hearing her talk, I feel like an uninvited creep. She doesn't know I love women, that I think she is so interesting and smart and pretty and that I would like to be with her or I feel happy when she is comfortable with me enough to hit me when she laughs or leans on me. I don't know what to do with these feelings, I long for so much sometimes. I've never been with someone. It's a part of me I'll have to hide for as long as I live where I do, as long as I want to be with my family. I sound like a teenager. Somehow, even still, I wish I didn't like women and I hate when I become aware of this part of me, usually I do a good job of pretending it's not there since I am not really romantic or sexual naturally, but it unburies itself somehow, sometimes.
No. 1910108
>>1909271I feel your pain
nonnie. When I was younger that shit really lowered my self-esteem, some people should understand that not everyone is photogenic or knows what expression to put on the camera.
>>1909271 No. 1910175
>>1910163So I was working on my own because it's a small pub. We have a group chat that my bosses and coworkers are in which is how I told them.
nonnie, I'll try not to but I'm such a ruminator I know it's gonna be bothering me for weeks.
No. 1910252
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I’m so sorry French anons. They need to be gathered up, put back in the boats and sent out to sea(racebaiting)
No. 1910264
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When I was 21 I rejected a woman who was in love with me because I didn't want to live a gay life. She was an amazing friend and so passionate. I didn't want to be known or seen as gay and I always imagined myself being "the girl" in a relationship dynamic.
6 years later, I've dated quite a few men and they're all so soulless. None of them even had a quarter of the depth she had. I wanted to be "the girl" in a relationship, but she made me feel more feminine, desired and loved than any of them. Men are so dead inside and I've found only women retain that zest for life we had as kids and genuine curiosity about the world and other people. I miss her and wonder what she's doing, she was studying architecture at the time. Miss her and her hairy legs. She always made me giggle like a shy little girl.
No. 1910296
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A while ago I complained about the disproportionate amount of males in my almost-exclusively female field of work and today I am here to report that one of them has taken up jokingly(? He's a bachelor in his early to mid-30s) flirting with those of us that are single or just haven't mentioned a boyfriend yet. He's stopped with me after I told him he's being a creep and to cut it out, but another co-worker of mine doesn't really know what to do and just avoids him now. He's sooo fucking incompetent too, and management knows about this, so I hope he isn't here for much longer.
No. 1910346
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>go to bed late
>wake up late
>brush teeth in the car to shave a few minutes so I'm not late to work
>spit into cup
>cup has a hole in it, my sudsy spit spills all over my jeans
>frantically grab sweater I'm not wearing and soak it up
>toss sweater aside
>it lands on my uniform shirt and stains the collar
>late to work anyway
No. 1910505
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>>1910410I agree nona.
Came on here to post about how grossed out I am by the popularity and rise of child YouTubers. Especially that Jordan Matter guy who only posts about his underage daughter and whose content is obviously watched by pedos. I went on to YouTube and clicked the search tab (didn't even type anything in) and out of the several recommended channels (based on what's currently popular I'm assuming), three of them are those popular underage girl channels.
No. 1910531
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Got an unexpected expense, now I have to spend some of my play money.
No. 1910575
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AHHHHHH I have swollen lymph nodes all over my body and none of my Dr's are taking me seriously and keep telling me since they can't feel them they're not a big deal. I'm going broke trying to figure this out and I have no help I just want to cry
No. 1910615
>>1910613i work for an emotional support/resource finder hotline. I am so burnt out it took me everything not to FREAK OUT at a woman who was explaining to me that she needs in home care because she can't bring herself to the bathroom so she's pissing all over the place in her own house, and she kept interrupting me, I honestly wanted to fucking lose it at her and everyone else and hang up the phone. I felt like punching a hole in the wall today. My anger is untethered and tomorrow I have to work at 830! after I get off my shift tonight at 11 pm!
sorry anon just ranting at you. good luck, I hope you get far fucking away from "customers"
No. 1910618
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I'm perfectly fine when I'm physically alone. I don't feel bad, can love myself, high on life.
But when I interact with people I just can't help it. It starts slow and at first I'm fine and most of the time, big enough crowd with nobody giving a shit and its okay. I don't act or feel off. But just a bit of a push and I feel like a everybody thinks I'm laughable, that I'm pathetic and ugly and useless and horrible. I start getting angry so easily, I can't handle it at all. I can't do anything but start internalizing it and I hate it so much.
At its worst when I'm forced to be alone with somebody one on one long term and can't leave, I get so mad I just want to tear my face off. I don't even get it. I feel like such a retard sped but I just feel so much hate and shame.
No. 1910619
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I can't stop worrying over my cats' stitches. They both got spayed on Thursday and I've only had a wink of sleep since, I'm so fucking stressed out. I try to focus on things I enjoy (reading and drawing) but then my brain randomly goes "what if x happens because you were too shit at taking care of them" and I go right back to shitting bricks. It doesn't help that they've been jumping on and off the bed and even though I rectified that today and yesterday by carrying them, apparently that's bad too. I'm a NEET so I can keep a watchful eye on them all day but I also don't have anywhere else in the house I can put them in aside from my bedroom. both bathrooms have shit they can climb on so it's a no-go. I don't even know what to do to calm myself and I can't stop feeling like I've failed or I'm going to fail. Every hour feels long and drawn out compared to a week ago. The only thing that's been helping my conscience is the fact that they're wearing sweaters so they can't move a lot, can't nibble their incisions and are pretty much forced to relax. I haven't been eating properly and I've legit never felt so out of it. the 14th can't come sooner enough
No. 1910661
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Having a consistent income is nice and all but after only 5 months my sped-wrangling job is starting to burn me out. I got a verbal warning for coming in late for a couple days and I didn’t even know what to say. “Sorry I’m late I don’t care to be here at fucking 8am on the dot. Every morning I’m dragging my feet and reaching my limit.”
I’m in charge of a very difficult kid because no one else wants to do it. I’m barely strong enough to handle him and constantly have to sit behind him or else he’ll either get up and hit another kid or run out the class. I was constantly getting stupid comments from other workers about being too soft or how I should handle him. I’ve only worked with these kids for 4 months . If YOU know better then you be his fucking one-to-one. I have to treat him gently or else he’ll pummel me too. I only offered to work with him because he hits me less than the other workers.
Last week I was so close to quitting. But I need money. That’s all.
I don’t see myself coming back to that place when the school year ends. I got to find another career path because I just do not want to handle these untrained sped children anymore.
No. 1910708
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>wonder why I’m feeling depressed and crazy
>supposed to get my period soon
I’m so annoyed that my body reacts this way because now im suddenly feeling better? Is it even normal to have such crazy mood swings before your period? They were never this bad before…
No. 1910755
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on a scale from normie to autist i must be a retard's pet retard.
No. 1910784
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God someone please tell me not to reach out to either of these people. I need to stop pestering my friends about it.
I miss them but it's so unhealthy. I'm reflecting on a past that can no longer be returned to. For one of them, a person who no longer really exists.
But I want them back! FUCK I also don't.
No. 1910861
I'm really really jealous of people who are popular and loved solely because of their personality. There's always that one person with average looks and average skills but a ton of charisma that puts them on top and people adore them. I can't even get people to want to befriend me and the only way I can get attention is by showing off my body (and it only works with moids) and doing good at my job, but other than that people have absolutely zero intention to talk with me. Even if I try to talk with them, they get bored of me. If even I'm nice and friendly, they always keep their distance from me. And this happens both online and irl, I don't understand what makes me so unlikable. I usually don't talk shit about other people, I ask the other person normal questions about themselves, I try to be understanding and yet there's apparently something wrong with me because the other person always ends up ghosting me. When I told my mom people reject me she said I'm probably not trying enough or that I need to meet new people, but this happens online too! I'll talk with people who seem to have similar interests with me and then they jusg randomly ghost me. I befriended someone on IG and I thought it's going fine and then she ghosted me a week ago and stopped replying to me. Unfortunately moids are more willing to talk to me but I always get weird vibes from them, they only talk to me cause I'm a girl not because they actually care about me. Also when I'm hardworking people seem to respect me but they still refuse to approach me…
I don't smell, I don't look freakish, I don't have a resting bitch face I just want companionship WHAT AM I DOING WRONG
No. 1910871
>>1910861Just to add in but I know multiple people who have tantrums, gossip, beg for pity from others, but they have no problems gaining a lot of friends! Somehow people still stick to them despite being very blatantly
toxic. This is what I'm not getting, cause it means you can be an asshole and still loved by others, but what is the catch? Is it because they have a better smile? Their face looks brighter?
No. 1910872
>>1910852The average woman has been sexually abused in some way before adulthood. the average woman is straight, too.
My grandma talked once about how a guy jerked off over her clothing and she only noticed much after, all while being too young to understand what was it. She's very straight. I got raped as a little girl and then molested as a preteen and I'm bi. It's not really a lesbian experience, it's sadly just a female experience.
No. 1910877
>>1910871 Nonnie…
>>1909551It does get lonely. I don't know what I'm doing wrong either. I don't get how other much boring, rude, mean people can still have friends and I don't, what's so wrong with me?
No. 1910879
File: 1709531218257.png (523.38 KB, 862x498, Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 12.4…)

>Be me: poorfag, autistic, addicted to delicious Diet Coke.
>Buy 2L of refreshing Diet Coke for $4.49 after tax.
>So excited to open crisp Diet Coke, I clumsily (thanks to Autism) spill 50mL of fizzy Diet Coke on counter.
>$4.49/2L = ¢449/2000mL
>¢449/2000mL = ¢0.2245/1mL
>¢0.2245(50mL) = ¢11.225
I just wasted over a dimes worth of my wonderful Diet Coke. I want to cry. Crying over spilled Diet Coke. I wish I wasn't retarded. Picrel is me figuring out the math behind my failure.
No. 1910966
I feel like I'm one of the only few women who can see right through "nigles" and see that the truth is much darker than the Nigel owners claim, nobody gets me. I don't have a prey mind like other women, anytime I see a woman in a relationship speak I just see a servant who's extremely naive or is like a mother who's gushing over her child taking a shit and posting a picture of it on instagram. Nigel owners write disgusting posts about sucking dick anytime their Nigel shows basic human decency (as a reward for a crumb of empathy like they are so proud of themselves and of making men scream in pleasure). This one specific "not my Nigel" woman literally has extreme mood swings caused by her relationship, her mood is dependent on it, when the relationship is bad, she's suicidal. When good she has mania and starts praising him after he acted like a child trying to sweep some shit under the rug and the mother believes all these lies and excuses. When they are about to break up, she talks about finding another moid as soon as possible, when they are fighting she pretends to be a bisexual woman who's totally okay with lifelong celibacy and prefers women actually but only when she dates a man. He leaves her on read for week/s. It's just so retarded. It's just not equal, it will never be, I can see why I spiraled so much and become so bitter, under any circumstances I can't fucking perceive straight relationships ever again for the sake of my well being, I cannot take lies, lies make you psychotic but in this system you read false things 24/7 and you see women act like a dogs for men and other women join and it's just ughh. I think women interpretation of men actions and of relationships with men is what created the idea of romantic hetero love. Cause they see a man walk out of the room to fart so his gf doesn't have to smell it, then they say "ohh men in love do things like that!" And it becomes a popular saying or an idea and other women follow this idea to experience the "love" and project what women feel about men, onto men thinking men are women inside.
No. 1910967
>>1910955Thanks. I've been crying for days and haven't been able to sleep. Today was just the cherry on top. I just don't understand their game plan with that shit move of putting me on a shift before asking me. As for my cat, he's still hanging on through treatment. He ate an unknown toxin. If he didn't make it I wouldn't be on lolcow for sure.
They even tried a fear tactic of "I think you'll be more stressed without a job"
Like seriously fuck those guys. I'm hoping I'm snagging my seasonal floral job next month. I'm just skipping the med spa this month and trying to pretend I'm on vacation. I just really wanted that extra cash for my cat.
No. 1910988
My sister and her boyfriend are getting some rescue pit mix from Mexico in a few weeks, she already has a very sweet and small cat whose around 5. They've never met the dog because we live in Canada, the website could be a complete scam, the dog could be aggressive, they have no idea what the dog is going to be like around cats. The website says the dog is friendly with cats but that could be a lie just to sell a rescue dog to some dumbass bleeding heart Canadians. I don't understand her reasoning, she just wants a dog really bad and doesn't want to wait until her cat passes away naturally, which could be like 15 years but like why get a cat in the first place if you're just going to impulse buy a dog? And if she is going to get a dog why not get a rescue dog in our city so she can vet it out first and see how he interacts with people and cats and return him if necessary, and why a fucking pit mix? Her boyfriend is one of those "it's the owner not the breed" retards who thinks pits are just as dangerous as a chihuahua. She's even said she never has time to play with her cat and now she's adding a dog into the mix, her poor cat is going to be completely ignored. Some of the decisions she makes are so fucking dumb I just don't understand, I'm really sad for her cat. They don't own a house they rent so if they're landlord ever gives them the boot they're going to have a tough time finding a new place with both a cat and a dog, not to mention once they breakup who's going to take the dog? She works all day she can't leave a dog alone with her cat for like 10 to 12 hours that's so unsafe and unfair for her cat and the dog will be bored out of his mind. And I haven't told her yet but I'm not going to hangout at her house with that pit mix there, I'm not trying to sound like a fussy uptight bitch, I understand the risk of it attacking is very low but the fact the risk is there at all is enough for me to feel extremely nervous around dogs like that. I'm not going to be able to chill out watching a movie while wondering if the dog is suddenly going to bite a chunk of my face off if he senses my nervous energy and panics. She can't bring him over to our parents house either, we have a cat and my mom uses a walker and doesn't want a big dog running into her and knocking her over. She's seriously retarded and I feel so bad for her cat and the rescue dog that's probably going to eventually be somewhat ignored like her poor cat. I'm just so mad at her and I know I sound dramatic but I really care about her cat and I want to spend time with her and hangout at her place but with a pit in the mix I just can't get past that, I hope she's okay with us not hanging out much for the next decade or so because I'm not a dog person and if it's a big pit I'm not taking the risk even if it is very low. Sometimes I wonder how she got so fucking retarded honestly
No. 1911024
This hellsite is genuinely making me go mad, I'm so sick of it all yet I can't stop using it because I have nowhere else to go for anonymous discussion about my autistic interests. I feel like half of the users have untreated BPD or some other mental illness that makes them addicted to infighting and out of control spergery, just utterly incapable of scrolling past someone talking about something completely inoffensive they don't like without engaging in a ridiculously aggressive and combative manner. The cows are so boring and uninteresting now and I can't believe how every single thread on every single board regardless of topic devolves into circlejerking about trannies. I honestly can't deal with the obsession over them and the "b-but this is the only place we can talk about it" excuse has been so worn out over the years when that conversation goes in endless circles like a neverending groundhog day, /2X/ has been reopened and you have multiple threads you can vent about them without derailing every other one on the site into a rehash of 2018's r/gendercritical. Armchairing so is fucking annoying and cringe, especially so when it's missing all nuance and is largely based on projection and "that could've been me!" blogging. I barely even see good old manhate these days, it's all just about trannies, troons and troids now. The same goes for the constant fujo infighting, whenever anons aren't bringing up how they hate them out of completely nowhere in a thread that has nothing to do with them or they're being purposefully inflammatory by conflating them with pedos and trannies despite having a containment thread for that brand of shitflinging too. Enough is enough.
Farmhands either drag their feet doing anything about any this, have extremely inconsistent banning practices or use a shotgun approach and ban literally everyone in their sights without reading the discussion only for this shit to start all over again tomorrow. The temporary closing of Kiwifarms was the last nail in the coffin because with the influx of those migrates turned the final remains of the original Lolcow into just an extension of the cancerous Kiwifag culture, the threads literally read like theirs now with the endless amount of trauma dumping, blogposting after blogposting, infighting, exceptionally poor literary comprehension and chronically online edgy bullshit. Fuck shaymin for throwing this site to the dogs, it should've all ended with oldmin leaving. Lolcow is a reanimated corpse of itself.
No. 1911050
>>1911043>I don't understand the complaining that "the site should have ended" but you're still here. Like… you wish the site was gone but you're here. Yes, that is the curse that I have. I said it in my post. I want to leave but have no other options so I'm just stuck enduring and trying to grasp onto what's still left.
>You can contribute to meaningful conversations. You could make a thread about a milky cow.See this post:
>>1911037 . It literally doesn't matter if the cow is milky or not, the actual milk doesn't interest anyone (possibly because they're guilty of such behavior themselves or desensitized to internet retardation to the point they don't consider it abnormal) and they'd rather nitpick selfies and out of context posts in bad faith.
>You can report baiters and infights.See the part about that as well:
>Farmhands either drag their feet doing anything about any this, have extremely inconsistent banning practices or use a shotgun approach and ban literally everyone in their sights without reading the discussion only for this shit to start all over again tomorrow.Many times I report bait and explosive infighting yet nothing happens. Sometimes anons get redtexted for the pettiest shit imaginable but sometimes an infight gets to go on for hours and hours or even days before anything is done while other threads on the same board are being moderated which makes me tinfoil if the farmhands are tripdropping and dipping into the screaming matches themselves. I get it, being a volunteer monitoring an imageboard that gets constant raids is taxing as fuck and the costs come out of your own pocket while you just get shat on but a little transparency would be welcomed every now and then.
No. 1911055
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minor mistake at work, 3 dead 11 wounded, committing seppuku in front of my boss to change the trajectory of his life forever etc
No. 1911070
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>>1911061Don't do it nonna picrel Please don't do it even if they got hurt it iwll be okay please don't do anything rash Picrel.
No. 1911086
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>>1911070your words have given me the strength to carry on despite my heinous fuckup
No. 1911093
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Right now I'm just like. Bruh. Pic somewhat related
No. 1911129
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>>1911115It's the newest edition of autism.
No. 1911130
>>1911104There are many women but if she's that then her other traits wouldn't matter cause the moid loving thing is
triggering, idk how to feel safe around straight relationships and hetero dating culture
No. 1911137
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>>1911129I'm dying
nonnie No. 1911158
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No. 1911160
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>>1911152That was too a vent!
(ban evasion) No. 1911183
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>>1910966I'm a nigel owner and this shit your wrote is so based it's embarassing.
No. 1911204
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Who is using a VPN to ban evade because I haven't been here for a few days and I remembered why because this(take it to /meta/)
No. 1911211
>>1910966Men just aren't worth it and anyone choosing to be with a man, even though she knows deep inside all this is true, is retarded and hopeless.
>thinking men are women inside.This is the biggest mistake.
No. 1911249
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>>1911244you seem like a sweet person but you mustn't feel sympathy for male tweakers. meth head moids are soulless, unwashed, constantly sexually aroused, and will strip apart anything they can get their hands on in order to sell it to get their next hit. they are repulsive creatures and should be avoided at all costs.
No. 1911262
>>1911244Nonna I want to share a story with you from when I lived in a very rundown grimy place during my years at university. I want to share this story with you because I want you to know to be careful and to not feel bad for these drug addicted people. I want you to know that I was very lucky. It was January and it was very snowy. I used to have to walk about 500m up one street to get to my gym. I would always walk at night because I am fearless and stupid. On this particular snowy January night, I was walking up to the gym at 3AM. In this part of the city, there was very little activity past 11PM on weekdays, and that night was no exception. The entire way up, I had a very eerie feeling. At night, I take 10 steps and then look behind me, to be careful and keep aware of my surroundings. I trudged along through the snow, I was wearing heavy boots and a thick coat and I had my gym bag slung across my shoulder. I only had to walk up one street to get to the gym, and then at the end of the street I had to make one turn and another 20m was my gym. All the way up, nobody was in front of me, and nobody was behind me either. I could see my exhaled breath as I walked, and it was very silent. When I rounded the corner, I noticed a vagrant in front of the gym. Usually, I do not make eye contact with these people, but as I went to walk past him the homeless man said to me "hey," and I foolishly looked up and made eye contact. Suddenly I was trapped in his gaze. He was taller than me, but much skinnier. His face was covered in sores. He was shoeless, and his feet were blood red from the cold. He asked me if I had any money, and I told him no, and that's when he got angry.
>"You fucking bitch, I know you have money">I really don't,>"They wouldn't let me in the shelter because I wouldn't let go of my knife. They know how I get when I'm like this."I quickly glance towards the huge glass windows of the gym only 10m away, nobody was inside, nobody could catch my gaze, nobody would realize something was amiss outside.
>"Where's your fucking money, baby?">I really don't have any. I don't bring my wallet to the gym.>"You're lying to me, I know you have money"He lurched towards me and I could smell the stench of tobacco and infection. I knew then that if I were to go into the gym, he would just wait outside and lurk around, waiting for me to leave in a more fatigued state. It's cold but I'm sweating now. I know the Lord is with me, but I'm getting nervous. I know what to do. I have to leave. I have to get far away from this man.
>"I need money. I need to buy shoes. Some asshole stole my shoes and I couldn't stab him before he got away. Fuckers. This town is full of scary guys like him. I can be a scary guy too."He's lurching closer to me and he's put his hand on my shoulder. I still can't move. I'm frozen in the cold, my mind is moving very fast. I'm more nervous now but I know what to do.
>My house is only a 5 minute walk down the street,I point towards the opposite direction of my apartment,
>I'll go back and get my wallet and I can give you the money for your shoes.>"You're a smart bitch. I'll come with you."Our eyes are locked. His pupils are tiny. Even though he's frail-looking and shoeless, I know the hand in his coat pocket is gripping onto a blade.
>No, you don't have any shoes, it will be painful for you to walk in the snow, I'll go grab it and I'll come right back, it's only 5 minutes that way.>"Okay, okay. I'm gonna wait here for you. Bring me back 50 dollars for my new shoes.">Of course I will.He sits down on the curb before I turn my back on him. My first few steps away are quick, and I hear the loud crunch of snow beneath my boots in the silent night. I'm walking in the direction opposite my home now, I don't want him to have any idea of where I came from or where I'm going. I'm walking because I don't want him to know I'm scared. It's been 10 steps now, but I haven't looked back. I don't know what just happened. 20 steps now and I still haven't looked back. I'm really scared and nobody knows where I am. 25 steps now and I haven't looked back. What if he's following me? I'm getting closer to an intersection. When I get to the intersection, I will look behind me and if he's behind me I will run. 30 steps. I'm at the intersection, I look behind me, trying to act nonchalant, and I see him. The man is following me. He's staggering, but he's moving quickly. Maybe 15 steps behind me. We make eye contact again, and maybe it's the fear but I think he's moving a lot faster now. I turn the corner left and I run. The snow is up to my calves but I run. I don't think to scream, my mind is focused on running. I pass the next intersection and I make another left. I stumble in the snow and I fall, I get back up as quickly as I can and I don't have time to look behind me. I keep running. I'm at the next intersection and I make another left, I see my apartment in the distance. I'm running as quickly as I can through the snow. I'm in front of my apartment building's doors, fumbling for my keys. I find them after what feels like an eternity and I push the lobby's door open before slamming it shut behind me. I'm safe now but I can feel beads of cold sweat dripping down my forehead and back. I'm out of breath and I'm coughing with my head between my knees. I walk back up to my apartment unit and I'm nervous. I check to make sure my door is locked twice. It's 3:30 now and class is at 8. I swallow three tablets of escitalopram for my shakes and I go to bed. The next day I'm in class and I'm talking to my friend sitting beside me, I'm ashamed but I recount the story of what happened the night before. She's concerned, it all happened only a few steps from her own apartment building. She asks me what the man looked like, and when I described his appearance I saw the colour drain from her face. She asks me if I'm sure: I am. She tells me that the week before, in broad daylight, she saw the same man from a coffee shop window on the same street. He was banging on a stalled car's windshield screaming like a beast and threatening to rape the girls inside the car if they didn't give him money. He only left when police were called. She says she's seen him a few times around, but never at night alone. We talk about how the police never get anywhere on time, how unsafe it is at nights, how horrible drugs can be. After that night, I stopped going to the gym. I didn't go out past dark for a long time after that. I'm sorry this is such a wall of text. I guess typing this out is my own vent. I just wanted you to know nonna that you shouldn't ever pity the addicts. They're where they are for a reason. Be safe at night.
No. 1911361
>>1911354"I hate scrotes and wouldn't even get why'd you date one, but mammals physically can't fall asleep on command within literal seconds"
>Defending a scrote…?Okay lil retard
No. 1911611
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Went to a doctor's appointment for unrelated stuff and something crazy happened, in the middle of the appointment doc told me I acted very much like an "indigo kid" or "an Asperger woman" out of nowhere, and they said it as a simple description or even a compliment. Mind you, I consider myself a normie to some extent and I was in fact trying to cover up any weird behavior as much as I could, what are the chances of getting called an autist by a doctor out of nowhere?? Damn I should get myself checked man, who knows atp
No. 1911655
>>1908863Me and my partner have been struggling to find somewhere to live. He gets universal credit and were both out of work so most landlords will avoid us. I don't know much about private renting though.
We stayed with a friend who didn't pay the rent. So we had to leave. Now we're living in a shared house which is probably illegal. It's the only place we could get. I came here right after leaving alcohol detox and its hell.
The other tenants are crackheads. One was jn prison and currently on the run. He pissed in the kitchen sink with our dishes in it.someone tried to break in to our room. There's no fire alarms either.
I don't know what to do. Need to get a job but only have gcses and agoraphobic. Would prefer to study but I'm 18. I don't see the best future admittedly. I could vent for hours but I'm bored now.
No. 1911674
>>1911647Do you still have the job listing available? If so, review it and at least then you might have a gist of what you
should be doing. Otherwise, don't listen to your anxiety. Starting a new job is overwhelming and comes with some growing pains. That's to be expected and I don't think anyone will fault you for not having your sea legs yet. Definitely meet with your manager when you have the opportunity and discuss your job responsibilities, goals, and expectations. Take notes so that if you forget, you can return to them. Better yet, write them down in a follow-up email to your manager so they can clarify if you've missed anything or misunderstood. Is it possible to shadow one of your coworkers in the meantime? You mentioned that there's not a good way to approach it, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'd be happy to give you more advice if you give additional details on what field of work you are in or any other specifics that come to mind. Good luck,
No. 1911744
>>1911655Get yourself on universal credit/ESA/PIP, whatever it is in your area and get housing benefit. Apply to be put on the waiting list for social housing. In the mean time there are plenty of landlords that will accept housing benefit. If you're having difficulty filling out forms, go to your local citizens advice.
>>1911688Have your had your B12 levels checked?
No. 1911802
>>1910575Oh no
nonnie! Are you in the UK? Glandular fever has been making the rounds and I've been off work for nearly a month with it. What other symptoms do you have?
No. 1911847
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i know sex sells and all but what the FUCK is this
No. 1911850
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jon taffers boobs are so big
No. 1911859
while reviewing some paperwork and financial information from past years, found out my ex was paying hundreds/thousands of dollars to onlyfans and porn sites each month during a substantial portion of our relationship. While complaining to me about how he didn't have money, and I needed to cut costs & expectations. I worked and contributed more than half of our expenses (aside from 5 months, during which I had 2 surgeries, but I never lived paycheck to paycheck, so I still contributed some) and paid so much myself: almost every date, trip, thing I wanted to do. Dog's medicine and vet visits. Never made him pay a cent when we visited my country: I took care of it all. We were together nearly 8 years and there were years I never got a single gift from the man, while I would plan elaborate or thoughtful ways to celebrate him and his accomplishments. I tried to justify this in many ways, he is the youngest child by 10y in his family and was used to getting everything he wanted. I tried to tell myself that eventually it would change. Then he cheated on me with a bunch of women, I forgave it, then he cheated with some nondescript moron for 6 months while my dog was dying. Good riddance, you'll never find someone as naive as I was again. Of that I am sure. Porn-addicted sponger, enjoy your miserable life as you lose your hair and get fatter because you never exercise, lazy shithead. I hate that you took advantage of me and my heart, I'll never be the same. Now I know where all your fucking money went.
I found out because he left a folder of his cc statements here after I kicked him out in the summer. only saw it now
No. 1911860
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Nonnas I hate this moid I'm messaging and need to cut him off. His previous antics
>>1882342 >>1904691 he's also been weird about how much he hates body hair (I have it) and his preference for petite women. The only reason I'm still talking to him is my self worth is hideously low and I'm wondering if I can get anything out of him that'll benefit me. He knows I don't have any sex drive right now (I'm an anachan with no period = can't get horny) but doesn't seem to understand it and today messaged me to brag again about allegedly hooking up with two women he met on Reddit and having a threesome. I don't even know if that's true and left him on read but I'm ready to cut him loose, he's conceited and thoughtless. My question to anyone reading is how is the best way to do it? Ideally I want to inflict any damage to his ego I can.
No. 1911864
>>1911803We don't live together so it's difficult for me to do chores for him. I don't particularly want to do things for him in his absence, he's pretty particular about things and feels bad I do things for him because he knows he's too exhausted right now to give back.
Like is there a way for me to just replace the anger? Like I do go and do things by myself and for myself, but I don't want to turn it into a pity party for him. Like I'm already past that, I just feel like there's this control freak, hyper-independent part of me that freaks the hell out.
No. 1911865
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>>1911847KEK what the hell? I found the channel and there are dozens of these videos—all the same just with a different half naked woman pasted over the background. Not even white noise/asmr videos are safe from male degeneracy
No. 1911878
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Trying to resist self harming lately. My dumbass found a full bottle of sertraline and just downed it. I swear I thought those were all gone. Thank god I had USP food grade activated charcoal and made my retard self gulp down at least 50 grams or so within 10 min. So nasty, but I’m a brave bad bitch. It’s been 3 hours and I’ve redosed with about 15g since, gonna redose again soon. I’m a bit jittery with a mild headache, no vomiting. Last time I did this (sans activated charcoal) I had already puked my brains out and was having intense tremors.
No. 1911899
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>>1911884A blend of BPD, autism, ADHD, PTSD, a chronic physical illness that is incurable and degenerative. It causes me a lot of pain. Also I don’t have more than three close friends and they all live far away. I can’t travel to hang with my acquaintances and I have no energy to make new relationships. I haven’t hung out with anyone besides my moid since September and haven’t been able to leave the house for more than an hour once or twice a week for nearly a month without my blood ox levels going way down and me feeling like shit.
at least I’m not fat but that’s hardly a consolation when I’m never feeling well enough to shave my legs so I’m a hairy fucking beast and don’t come at me with oh it’s no big deal, it is, I’m a hairy hairy bitch and my leg hair is thicker than some males’ No. 1911932
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Geniunely starting to hate everyone I know, thinking of maybe cutting them all off in one fell swoop. I've done it before, the only thing I have to worry about is not making it too suibaity and not retracting by giving into my brief attention seeking phases.
Also have been weirdly very physically exhausted lately, like I try to do all the necessary things despite it but every other day where I don't need to I'm stuck in bed all day. Should have that checked out but I also don't really want to bother.
No. 1911934
>>1911092Update on the "I can't find any female friends in uni cause they all are dick suckers" cause I've seen something so disgusting I'm gonna pass out. I went to the account of one of the women who were attacking this post and she has a bf… Okay, makes sense but after scrolling further there was something insanely embarrassing… A ss of their dm's, him asking her if he should buy her food from McDonalds or other place and… She captioned it with "he's getting the craziest head tomorrow" it was months ago. I screenshoted it for myself as a reminder that these women are in fact mad at that girl caaus they're a cocksuckers. No man gets mad at being called a pussy eater. It's all out there if you search. I'm going crazy, I feel like a prophet
>Nigel owners write disgusting posts about sucking dick anytime their Nigels show basic human decencyAm I gonna get killed for my prophetic powers
No. 1911943
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>>1911878Update: been 5 hours and I’m doing well! Redosed a couple times with the activated charcoal, the taking of which is the least retarded thing I’ve done in days. Due to my diligence following my retard moment, I don’t even feel jittery and my head actually hurts less than it usually hurts. Last time with no AC I was having insane nausea and vomiting, a killer headache, shaking and trembling tremors, couldn’t walk on my own, ocular clonus (one of the scariest and gifrel), and involuntary twitchy body movements.
i took 3000mg of the sertraline, same amount I took last time I did this I’m glad I remembered I had the AC and decided to take it quickly, I was fucked up for like a month after the last time I did this. This is why I can’t go to the Grand Canyon, the urge to jump, I’d succumb. Most of my pills have to be hidden from me and dosed out because I have a history of downing bottles of antidepressants and stuff. The only med I can be trusted with is modafanil.
No. 1911946
>>1911934shut the fuck up stupid fucking bitch. Can you stop talking about women and their sexual preferences or choices in a degrading manner?
Maybe she likes it. Maybe she was conditioned by patriarchy. Maybe she has low self esteem. Just shut up and stop judging and hyper focusing on women you dislike. Why not find nerdy women with similar interests that you can relate to?
You sound like a fucking schizo.
>I went to the account of one of the women who were attacking this post and she has a bf…How do you know the accounts of anonymous posters that replied to you on lolcow?
Learn proper English by the way.
Can mods ban this sperg that obsesses over women being "dick suckers". She makes so many posts about women sucking dick it's hilarious. I've recognized many of them.
>I can't find any female friends in uni cause they all are dick suckers"IT LITERALLY SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING AN INCEL WOULD POST.
Sorry if it comes of as infighting
No. 1911971
>>1911957It scared the living shit outta me because it’s completely involuntary when it happens.
>>1911952Kek I had a lot of friends in my hometown but I’ve been getting sicker and sicker ever since I moved many hours away. Idk how to make friends when putting myself out there is so rarely an option, can’t work so coworkers aren’t a potential source of friendship either. The last time I could work I made friends with an enbie but called her the wrong pronouns (which were he/him but she looked so much like just a baby faced feminine tomboy I used she once and they twice) by actual accident like 3 times and even though I corrected myself and apologized she hated me after that and stopped interacting with me. 3 strikes and I was out kek.
No. 1911975
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>>1911946Because it's not okay to attack women and call them crazy for hating male worship and degradation? Nobody would hate a man for hating male degradation and for not being feminine. And how is calling women that degrading but sucking dick not degrading? Maybe she doesn't wanna be friends with monsters who live at men's feet and joke about the taste of cum(yeah I'm traumatized) and giving filthy blowjobs to worship their masters just to and up crying about them or bringing them around and putting other women in danger
(ban evading baiter) No. 1911976
>>1911092Glad I have female friends because I'm not a
femcel who imagines how many dicks another woman has sucked in my day to day interactions while pretending I have better virtues for those very unhinged thoughts. Faggot.
No. 1911992
>>1911860You're pathetic
>>1911847>>1911865"sex" doesn't sell, if sex sold you'd see dicks on every sign post as much as degraded women; humiliating women sells. Stop being idiots.
No. 1911993
>>1911975if it don't apply let it slide tbh. only women who suck cock get mad about being called cocksuckers. i totally get what suzy is saying by the way, a woman can be perfect then BOOM she's bringing up her nigel and ZOOM she's revealing her latent misogyny and bias against women (and for men – you see this a lot with kpop fans. they'll vivisect women all the time under the pretense of "
valid criticism" then go simp for their busted plastic untalented freak husbandos. pathetic behavior)
No. 1912003
>>1911994Because you're wasting your time on a worthless sack of shit. Stop asking for an appeasing response here. You know what you're doing.
>>1911975>you're just as bad as these women degrading themselves for pointing out that these women are degrading themselves!>sucking dick is what normal ass girls do!>stop calling women misogynistic for engaging in misogynistic behavior because they're not lesbians>not being lesbian means by default you degrade yourself>last picrel is an exchange of fast food for prostitution proving OP rightkek this moid didn't really think through his responses well.
>>1911946>the patriarchy hypnosis>sexual preferencespick one.
>wahh stop criticizing self-degrading behavior wahhh!!nta but no libfem. Women have agency and critical thinking skills. Go back
No. 1912006
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I’m bisexual but I’m considering quitting dating moids entirely because I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a man who actually liked me for who I am and didn’t have some fantasy of “fixing” me and molding me into his perfect submissive tradwife. Even my male ex who was shorter and skinnier than me and wore more makeup than I do mocked me when I told him that I never want to take on the sexually submissive role in a relationship (even though he was a submissive bisexual bottom bitch himself).
No. 1912050
I know that I’m preaching to the choir here, but I need to reiterate to all of you how important it is to protect yourselves even from the men that you love. Even from the men that treat you well. You have to do your due diligence in keeping yourself safe because you truly never know.
I know a moid that is young but so infatuated with his current girlfriend he’s started affectionately calling her wifey, and he just cheated on her and did not use a condom. He talks about how he can’t wait to marry her, and he potentially just gave her an STD. Another moid I know regularly hooks up with different girls, at least a few a week, while his girlfriend he claims to be serious about is at college. His excuse is that he loves her and she’s a good girl, and he doesn’t want to disrespect her like he does the “thots” he hooks up with. Another moid is engaged to his girl, they’ve been together for 4+ years and he just bought her a van cleef bracelet, if you asked her you’d never know he has sex with prostitutes and strippers every time he goes on vacation without her. All 3 of these men also send nudes of the girls they hook up with, one of them send nudes of his actual girlfriend. Videos they’ve taken of them having sex, pictures taken both with and without consent. These are men doing these things to girls they claim they love. You cannot just assume your boyfriend is different, and I say this as someone also dating a man. You have to know for certain, do not ever assume.
No. 1912055
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>>1912050I'm so tired of moids acting like they love their girlfriends and then turning around and cheating with sex workers. If sex with their girlfriends doesn't suffice then maybe they need to learn to conquer their porn addiction as opposed to cheating. It's disturbing enough that rich men are constantly swinging sex partners and by proxy infecting normal women with STDs but it's even worse that normie men are now engaging in the same gross behavior with normal women and endangering their girlfriends. Fuck i hate scrotes. I'm bi and
>>1912006 makes a strong case that if i had the choice I'd be fully identifying as lesbian by now because I'm so done with men's psychopathic hypocritical bullshit.
And I'm also tired of moids saying "herpes is normal". No, the common type of herpes that's incidentally passed in the mouth is the "normal" kind, and that's not normal. Genital blister herpes is not and should not ever be normalized. herpes is gross anyway. No one should have it. Did you know that most STDs from what i read originate from someone contracting the disease from animals? So basically beyond unclean food prep, the prominence of STIs came to be when
men engaged in bestiality. Disgusting.
No. 1912063
My boyfriend's mom added me on Facebook, I've never met her, but he's told me he's had a difficult time trying to find a way to contact her and her misses her dearly, she's supposedly been out of the country for a couple months. I've accepted the Facebook friend request and I'm very close to sending her a message to arrange a meetup. At the same time I'm wondering how my boyfriend is saying he can't find a way to contact her, unless either her or him blocked the other and there's some part of the puzzle I'm missing? If she's adding me on Facebook it doesn't seem like she'd be the one to block him, and there's no way he would block his own mother and then tell me about how much he misses her and recalling fond memories about her while in tears. Either way, I'd like to surprise him with something sweet if I can, also considering his mom's birthday is in a couple days. I think, if she's back in town, it'd be nice to actually be able to meet her in person and to give him time to catch up with her. We've been going through a bit of a rough spot regarding his exhausting work schedule, so I want to make it up to him with this surprise as well. Is this a good idea or an I maybe overstepping some boundary?
No. 1912082
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Love hurts so bad fr. I miss having a bf
No. 1912095
>>1912073He doesn't know. I want to wait to see him in person before telling him. We don't live together so it might be a day or so until I can see him again. For my boyfriend, it sounds like he wants to contact her badly and I don't get it either why the connection hasn't been made, she is Facebook friends with his sister and a childhood friend, and now me. Maybe mom has been trying to add him, but he's got about 40 friend requests he's been sitting on, he has 3k friends. Mom on the other hand only has 100 Facebook friends, I'm the 100th, so it is odd to witness the disconnect he has with her. He has told me the rest of his family has basically estranged themselves from his mom and he was the only one to be so close to her after his parents divorced. When he was suicidal during a medical scare a few years ago, he had the urge to find his mom's whereabouts and he ended up living with her for a bit while getting back on his feet.
I'll for sure let him know first, I hope this should spark something good.
No. 1912128
>>1912124And another thing I've noticed is worshipping the idea of a hot stacy who has all the men wrapped around her fingers while mocking uglier "
femcels". It's misogynistic but for some reason you guys allow that here. It's almost a rehash of "ugly women become radfems cause men don't wanna fuck them".
No. 1912141
I feel like it's not a coincidence that there's two human sexes, just like there's light/darkness, masculine/feminine, being served/serving. That's all physical therefore straight sex is physically unequal and gender dysphoria is you being "upside down" which means your head tries to change the physical reality and decide your physical identity while that physical identity can't be changed. This is why I have these weird psycho sexual issues, not many people understand how terrifying it is being a woman who's not into femininity or submission mentally while my biology is inherently that because my sex is female. I had a distorted view on life my whole life because of this, because of me projecting masculinity onto womanhood… This is why I don't understand other women, motherhood, wanting to have sex with men as a woman aka submitting… My heart is not awakened also because of this reason which makes me feel like I'm demon possessed. To awakened my heart I would have to accept things, including my biology which is the feminine/darkness/serving then I would feel more free and well I can do this only under certain circumstances and while being 100% sure that I don't have to have sex with men at all, ofc then I strat seeing sex as non degrading while before I saw it as degrading because an unwanted submission is a degradation. I also stop seeing straight relationships as a prostitution even tho they are that because of the physical inequality which suggests that sex is something women give men in exchange for the male presence and the male picking them, women have more empathy than men for a reason, empathy is non physical, female pleasure in sex is psychological more than physical while male starts with physical. Am I cursed? Probably just upside down. And payment for mental freedom is achieving some weird monk state I had the privilege to feel for a brief moment and it's basically a complete removal of any attachment to material things… The only way out is through and the through is your physical vessel
No. 1912142
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>>1912125You dont get much attention, do you?
No. 1912144
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I graduated pharmacy school back in 2020 but had multiple life changing events occur plus covid that ruined my life and kept me from taking my licensing exams (I needed the pass 2 major difficult exams in order to actually practice pharmacy). After multiple horrible things happened: I got cheated on, divorced, sent into a mental spiral, then severe depression, I was finally able to gather myself back up in late 2022. I just passed my licensing exams this past February after studying for them all throughout 2023. Ive been applying for jobs but no luck so far. I knew I was going to have difficulty regarding the large gap in work history on my resume (since I graduated in 2020 and have no pharmacy experience since), but now im scared im not going to get hired at all. Of course my ex-husband is going to graduate as an accountant soon and already has a job lined up. Life is so unfair. Im considering killing myself if I cant get hired after 8+ years of school.
No. 1912159
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>>1912144I believe in you!! Your situation sounds very understandable to me, but you have your qualifications now and I'm sure you will find employment soon! Btw, there's loads of guides online about explaining a gap in the resume like this one No. 1912220
>>1912202Thanks for your input! That makes sense, though the more I think about it I guess it's hard for me to see how I'd be inconvenience her; I'm expected to babysit and keep her 6 year old entertained whenever I travel with her, if that changes anything. Last times I've just chosen to use the bus, but I still can't help but be offended at her charging me kek I wouldn't ever imagine charging them when I'm the one doing then favors. I appreciate your answer
>>1912209I can see it on the corner of my eye. Ty for answering anon!
No. 1912263
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>>1912261Ntayrt but I'm in Italy too. Am I invited to your wedding? I'll bring the Peronis.
No. 1912267
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>>1912263I’ll join with Ichnusas
No. 1912272
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I miss 24 hour Walmarts, there’s no reason to be a burger anymore without them
No. 1912281
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truly nothing more humbling than thinking your outfit is cute and that you look good only to realize after taking a photo that you actually look fat and ugly
No. 1912282
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>>1912271We need something stronger. What about acquavite made by farmers in their cellar? It's shit 90% of the times but it works and the lucky times they accidentally make it good it is amazing (and gluten free my poor celiac bride to be nona). It's like our moonshine I guess??? Btw I'm poor so that's why I can only come up with folkloristic cheap solutions for your wedding. But I'm invested now.
No. 1912349
nonnie, i know they're going to boo you but you're right. like how do they see the constant vents other anons post here about their scrotes and still want one so badly idgi
No. 1912369
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truly, schools, especially average american schools, are so fucking wasteful. so much fucking crap getting printed on a daily/weekly basis and for fucking what? some snot nosed 8 year old to use it once and then everyone forgets about it because the kids don't give a shit and honestly, the teachers don't either lol. what is the point of decorating the classroom with this much crap that the kids don't even get any use of mostly? i swear the average teacher has some sort of neuroses because how can you be fucked being this wasteful and wasting so much time for what is essentially minimum wage…
No. 1912390
>>1912369I don't really think what's shown here is wasteful considering most teachers will reuse this stuff every year until it needs to be replaced? At least from what I remember growing up teachers didn't throw everything out at the end of the year
> swear the average teacher has some sort of neuroses because how can you be fucked being this wasteful and wasting so much time for what is essentially minimum wage…God forbid someone be passionate about their job despite the low pay kek
No. 1912413
>>1912369I gave a shit about colorful classroom stuff when I was a kid, and it usually meant one had a teacher who cared about their students.
Now can you please tell major corporations to stop polluting our planet with their greed?
No. 1912415
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Having IBS and a stressful job sucks every morning you have to set aside twenty minutes to painsquat on the helltoilet and feel like your intestines are being pulled out of your ass for an hour afterward. Why was I born.
No. 1912444
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>>1912430Yea I can't really get into the flavour of the month shonen shit like I used to. So much of it is just power levelling fight scenes and scrote fanservice. Plus I don't really have a lot of time to sit around watching anime like I used to.
Lately I've spent time researching and looking for more of what actually interests me and have found some gems. I recommend Futari Escape, it's a cute slice of life manga with some yuri undertones about two girls living together who try their best to escape their mundane daily lives and procrastinate on work.
No. 1912452
>>1912369I'm less mad about the waste than I am about the amount of effort teachers are expected to put in at American schools compared to the reward they get for it, they get paid wayyyy too little. I was so sad that most kids in my class refused to behave or pay attention despite these teachers giving 120% and they took it for granted.
I moved to the US from Eastern Europe when I was in middle school so I have a pretty good frame of reference for how things can be elsewhere. Over here my teachers bought colored pencils for the class, gave out snacks, made up fun activities to do and I had support from other staff like the school nurse.
There was no nurse back home, or a school cafeteria. My teachers back home rarely made up fun activities and they never bought anything for the class out of their own pocket, nor were they expected to. You get the same boring lessons every year no matter where you are. Some teachers were better at their job than others, some were mean, and one was a creepy pedo but that's about it. Each class had a school play for parents a few times per year and we got snacks and drinks for that ourselves.
The only thing that's the same in both countries is nobody giving a shit about bullied children and letting kids with behavioral issues run riot with no repercussions.
No. 1912465
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I just found out that my bf was about to pay £300 for some visa assessment thing about moving to Australia permanently. Keep in mind we haven't even visited Australia for vacation and never seriously discussed moving there before.
We both live in the UK and live together and while I don't like the UK and think it's shit, at the same time, the concept of moving across the world and having to start all over again is a difficult one. I've always said to him that it's "not a no, but also not a yes" and that it's something I'd consider after I've established a proper career here first and I've got my life sorted. We are both 26.
So I walk upstairs to him and hear him about to pay the £300 for both of us to even see if we're eligible. 300 fucking pound towards an idea I don't even KNOW if I want to do yet. Now, it wasn't a single penny out of my personal finances but it's still absolutely retarded and I asked him if he was going crazy or having a manic episode to suddenly bring this up or something, considering we've only mentioned moving country very casually before or just joked about it and we haven't even briefly visited that country before?
Now I'm being talked to like I'm the retard because I said, ideally we should be almost certain on wanting to move country before we even put money into things like assessments. I know that things cost money and I'm careful and don't want to waste money on stupid shit I'm not certain about. Holy fuck I don't know what's wrong with him and I don't care I just need to work on my own things and let this man waste his own money on spontaneous shit so I can leave him asap when I can afford to.
No. 1912489
>>1912469Thanks for your insight nonna I agree. I don't expect to be informed of small things that he does with his own money but things like that aren't exactly small are they.
>>1912477>>1912479Yeah he was checking the assessment for both of us, not just him.
>>1912478I don't like this country but I also have friends here and I'm currently working on setting up my business here with the resources that are available to me. I'm trying to work on my own bad habits while I can before just leaving everything and everyone behind and potentially moving country. I think it's perfectly fine for me to have criticisms of my country and also
not want to suddenly drop £300 and move to the other side of the world when I'm not even sure of it yet. You do you, though.
No. 1912491
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I think it’s time I get an irl boyfriend. I’ve wasted a decade of my life in some ldr and he’s never once visited me in person….
I just want a boyfriend to do cute things with…
Like going to get groceries or going to restaurant. The thing is…. No one local is attractive. And if they are handsome, of course they already have a girlfriend. I don’t even know where to look if I want a bf. I would just… end up looking online again. Sigh
No. 1912495
>>1912465As an Australian, good luck even getting a rental here. The market is so bad right now, even slums are getting hundreds of applications.
A rental I viewed had over 70 people already in line to view, with more coming down the street. Husband and I just left the que and went home.
If you do move here, expect to be paying for at least 4 months of hotels. If only one of you have a job lined up, good luck you wont even be looked at. Even my rural hometown is having a rental crisis, we've taken in 700k immigrants this year and there is just not enough buildings to accommodate. Families are begging on facebook for a room to stay in.
No. 1912504
>>1912495Thank you for your input aussie nonna, this is the type of varied opinions I wanted before I even considered moving there because I know from experience that the grass isn't always greener. The only reason he did the assessment thing today is because some random dude in one of his hobby groups mentioned that he moved from UK to Australia on one of those programs where they pay for your moving and how amazing it was. Obviously that isn't the case for everyone and I heard about the housing crisis and how it's worse over there, more so that I'd have to start my business p much all over again because of the time difference.
The thing is, in the future I wouldn't even be opposed to moving there but only if I knew I would be wealthy and independent enough to cover any issues that arrives with moving to the other side of the fkn world pretty much. The way he's treating it as if this is some sort of movie where we end up with dream jobs in some dream part of the country is retarded.
>>1912496KEK I already told him about the issues over there from what I've heard of people who actually live there already but it's like talking to a brick wall.
No. 1912510
>>1912504Also a bit of a meme but the heat will really suck for you. Depending on where you live the rentals don't have air conditioning.
I moved from the north to the very bottom south, winter is beautiful but not even having a fan in the apartment when it hits 45 degrees down here is honestly hell. At least up north every bedroom had an aircon.
No. 1912522
>>1912510Yep that was another thing I considered. I really don't do well in the sun and have issues with my skin when it gets too hot and I get super exhausted in the summer. I could barely even cope being outside in Spain in the spring so Australia wouldn't be much better.
I can't even handle British summers and heatwaves either so I really don't see why I should apparently be excited to move there. At least in somewhere like Canada the time difference isn't as bad and I can deal with the weather.
No. 1912538
Fuck, I am so sick of moralfaggotry poisoning every single crevice of creative work. It's shocking to me how fast it's happened. Just a few years ago, you could review creative writing that tackled all manner of controversial topics, but now, it's "woww, I can't even review this piece because it included a slur, yikes, do better, let's report them." Like we are adults, what is wrong with you? What the fuck happened? Every new wave of staff fresh out of grad school seems to be more retarded than the last, and it makes me wonder if this is the standard in MFA programs now? It's genuinely like fandom-tier "including a villain means you endorse the villain" levels of media comprehension. A litmag including a piece where a character saying something racist to establish that character as racist is suddenly something that can force half the staff to resign and restructure and then hire sensitivity readers with 5 long-winded apologies and a vow to donate to charities. Fucking insane. I don't understand. I liked art and writing because it was a place where you could explore ugly, messy aspects of life and human experience, but now it's all hyper-santitized rated E slop. I guess I just naively assumed this would all be limited to Tiktok zoomers, but I guess they're growing up and entering academia and changing the culture. I'm so fucking bitter about it but I can't even say anything without them all sperging and crying about being hate crimed.
No. 1912575
>>1912538Me too,
nonnie. It’s depressing. I don’t write for anyone besides myself anymore. Writing was my dream career and that dream is gone now.
No. 1912597
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>friend cries and spazzes about how another friend is talking to someone who "betrayed and replaced her"
>she goes ape, cries about it to me for 2 weeks, complained if i say i need to sleep for work
>suddenly goes cold turkey one day, doesn't respond to me for a whole week nearly 2
>find out her and other friend are suddenly buddy buddy again doing the things they know i also enjoy
why do i even bother
No. 1912628
>>1912616I don't whine about it constantly, I just don't like the country and have criticisms of it. However I do get on with my own life and enjoy my own hobbies. You're bringing up "constantly" like it's a regular occurrence when I never even mentioned doing this a lot, and right now the downsides for me moving literally across the world are far worse than any criticisms I have of my country currently.
>If you have issues with your country, deal with them instead of just venting and complainingThis is the vent thread. I'm allowed to vent. I'm working on my own life and my business at the moment. I even planned to move to a part of the country that's significantly better and has more fun things to do.
>Just don’t get mad at people for trying to make you happy when you whine and complain constantly.Can't tell if this is just bait atp but his entire Australia obsession spurred from one faggot on discord telling him about how amazing the country was. It didn't come from some sort of mutual serious discussion between us, and again I don't complain about it constantly or even regularly. I feel like you've only read half of what I've said and then assumed the rest.
No. 1912700
>>1912679the posts in that thread kind of scare me kek
>>1912686i use that sometimes but some things i want to discuss are about a male in some way
No. 1912772
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Found out through a friend that they got told by another when they went on a night out my ex was following their group around and borderline harassing them to the point where one told him to leave. It’s left me feeling really uneasy and uncomfortable, this man actively tried to destroy my life and made me homeless after our breakup on top of more fucked up shit. The fact he thinks it’s appropriate to try and hang around people who I’d consider my friends and aqainetnses who think or speak no bad of me and KNOW all the shit he’s done is fucking me up. Like he’s trying to get to me through them or even the possibility he’s so brain dead he didn’t think “hey these people probably don’t like me I should just go home”. Either way it just shows that he’s so full of himself that he’s had no awareness of his actions even now. It’s just bringing up a lot of emotions I haven’t fully processed and idk how to go about it.
No. 1912773
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I've been trying to think of types of volunteering I could do to help bulk out my CV, and I considered the Samaritans (a helpline for people in distress or feeling suicidal) as I have used it before in the past and found it extremely useful, so thought it would be nice to give back. I submitted my application and then decided to look into it a bit more. I wish I had looked into it more first. I googled what people's experiences volunteering with them were and I ended up coming across this Mumsnet thread about how often they get sex pests ringing the hotline so they can wank (or worse like in picrel). Of course, if a man answered they would hang up and continue ringing until a young woman answers. The attitude of the charity seems horrendous, as seen in picrel. When will women ever not be seen as collateral for depraved men. Sick of this.
No. 1912774
>>1912762that's so ghetto
nonny I'm sorry lmao
No. 1912793
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>>1912704same nona I've been playing since the first game came out and there's more trannies than ever. I understand why this game attracts so many pedo troons but I hate them so much
No. 1912802
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>>1912704The european plaza is full of yaoi tifs since day one so I completely understand your pain. Salmon Run gets the fake lesbian tim names while Turf War is full of "boykisser", "gayocto", "yaoi king", etc, all super clockable tifs.
Also the fact that they turned dedf1sh into a themlet also pisses me off infinitely.
No. 1912804
I just came home and as I was coming out of the subway station, there was a homeless man right outside begging for money. He was only wearing a thin sweater, and it's rainy and chilly today. Something about it just struck me and made me so extremely sad. On one hand, I'm always hesitant to give homeless people money. Everyone around me always says "what if they use that money for drugs? I'd rather buy them food" but now I think, so what if I give a homeless person $5 and they use it to buy alcohol, or drugs, or food? It's really no skin off my back considering I earn a steady paycheck, have a roof over my head, and plenty of food on my plate.
I didn't give that man any money but now I'm starting to really regret it. I wonder if I'm exactly the sappy loser he hopes to get a few pity dollars from, but I can't imagine being in his position, on his hands and knees in the wet cold, having to beg strangers for money. There is a part of me that imagines my family or even myself in that position, and how terrible it must feel to be in that position. Yeah, maybe he did "do it to himself" to get himself into that position, but I think that maybe he might have had a safe and warm childhood and a series of unfortunate circumstances landed him where he is now. Even if he's actually a crusty drug addict, it doesn't change that I can't help but feel for someone in his position as someone who has so much comfort in my own life.
There is also a part of me that's hesitant to help out the homeless people in my neighborhood, because I'm worried they'll continue to recognize me as a giving person and hound me every time they see me for more money. I had a friend who would always give a homeless man near our job some money, and he would wait outside on our path to the train station for her because he knew without fail she would give him a couple of bucks (she was also very extroverted and they would have a friendly chat, so he didn't seem very threatening and they had a good rapport, but still). Maybe I should just suck it up next time and give a couple of dollars and get some food from the nearby bakery if it bothers me so much. Maybe I am just a sappy loser, I don't know. It just made me so sad tonight.
No. 1912821
>>1912804I'll always help out a woman in need. Their lives on the streets are scary. I've gotten to know a few women who experienced homelessness at some point and their stories haunt me. I don't ever support the homeless men who abuse vulnerable women, and since I can't tell who has or hasn't, I assume they're all guilty. Outside of just those women's experiences, homeless men have proven themselves to me to be entitled, predatory, and violent. I've become callous to them for better or worse
Anyway, you sound sweet and thoughtful,
nonnie. If you do decide to give them some money, listen to your intuition and do it outside your neighborhood
No. 1912834
>>1912816>>1912808It's true. I get compliments and have never had issues finding a boyfriend, so I'm certainly not hideous but I don't get catcalled. I've been catcalled once in my entire life, and that was until I turned around and the men called me a scary movie bitch. It was dark and I was having a panic attack which does make me have a blank thousand mile stare kek. I also have weird mannerisms and tics which makes strangers think I'm a nutter until they talk to me.
One other thing is environment, there are areas where catcalling doesn’t happen and that's usually where girls at my workplace go out.
No. 1912844
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I need to make the most out of my life but I’m not sure how to do that at 24. All I do is go university and consoom games and anime. I started going to the gym but its only 1 hour a day and I feel like its not enough. I want to create or do something I can be proud of but I have no real skills.
No. 1912866
>>1912844> I started going to the gym but its only 1 hour a day and I feel like its not enough.This is fine nonna! Even as a regular gym goer, I only get to go 2x a week. I will tell you right now that I used to go 5-6x a week but I would dilly dally around just to get my hour in, and eventually I burned myself out (multiple times throughout many years). Just go, even if it's just for a short run. I hope eventually the gym will become a place you look forward to going to, but even if it doesn't that's fine! Whatever is enough for you, is enough. I happened to turn to lifting as my main hobby so I go regularly and look forward to it, but you are not me, and I am not some super buff bodybuilder. As long as you are moving your body, whether following yoga videos at home or taking a walk in your neighborhood or dropping by the gym once a week, then I think that's fine.
You have so much control over your life, so you can do whatever you want. If you really want to go more, then go! Maybe one day you'll run, maybe the next day you'll just hop between whatever machine is free (sometimes I do this and it is my favorite thing to do kek), and then maybe another day you'll try out an exercise you saw on tiktok from squat university because it looks fun or you thought "that looks easy as shit" and it turns out you are sorely wrong and it is actually really hard! Who knows! The world is your oyster and there are actually no rules as to what you must do for things to be "enough". Maybe it turns out that you don't really like the gym at all, and that's okay (though I implore you to keep your body moving for the sake of staving off weird body aches).
I think the same applies to creating or doing things you can be proud of. There are no rules, all you need is just a little tiny bit of willpower to go out and do whatever it is you need to do. Draw, knit/crochet, sew, sculpt! Whatever your heart desires (and wallet can afford, of course)! Maybe look into volunteering, or just go somewhere and pick up litter.
I hope you will mold your life into what you want it to be. I hope in a few years you'll look at yourself and realize you have become the person you have always wanted to be. You can do whatever you want nonna, I believe in you.
No. 1912880
I "ghosted" all of my friends around three months ago. I miss them dearly every day but I've reached a point in my life in which I want nothing but to disappear. I've been abusing pills and drinking when I can't get my hands on them to forget that I exist. Some tougher nonas would probably ask me why I haven't ended it yet, and it's because I fear eternity too much. I am not an atheist, far from it, and even though I believe in universalism to some extent, I cannot see my sins being forgiven. And I cannot leave my father, who had dedicated his entire life to making my own comfortable and happy, alone in this world. It's our mutual codependence that has put me in this state, because I have outgrown his trust, there are things a woman my age cannot share with her dad.
This is all senseless. I see no future for me. I have always, always, put love first, I have always done my best to act lovingly towards my friends, to show them how much they mean to me, but I feel defeated. I thought that by taking some time off I would rediscover this light within me but I haven't, and I am soon starting my final semester in university, which requires me to spend 5 days a week with children I know I will be incapable of helping. I feel like an empty shell, I feel like reaching out to my friends sometimes, both online and irl, although my online friends have always meant more to me, but I am paralyzed. I cannot find the words. I cannot find the love within me that I once used as a shield. I try to pray at night but I can't do it with an honest, open heart, because it brings me too much pain. I used to not fear pain, but every day is full of it, every day. I am so tired. I am so so tired of everything. I asked my dad last week if he would still love me if I was dumb, if I was a loser, and he said of course he would. This only made me hurt more. I have always felt that I need to earn/repay the love I've been given. How can I ever repay his unconditional love in my current state? All he ever asked of me was to finish my university studies, but even that seems hard for me to do now. And he would still love me if I didn't, but if living with what I am right now is hard enough, I can't imagine how hard it would be to live knowing I failed him in that.
I miss you, my friends. You all taught me a lot about the world. I wish I had been smart enough to listen to the advice and words you were kind enough to share with me.
No. 1912894
>>1912802>>1912793>>1912704I'm such a Splatoon fanatic that half the time I don't even check the names of people I'm playing my rounds with I just spam "booyah" when we kill salmonoids kek, but if there are names like this that bother you I suggest you complain about the names to Nintendo by reporting inappropriate names, you can find out how to do this by following this guide: as a side note please post more in the /m/ thread for Splatoon I need more Splatoon content in my life I have so many hours on this game I live and breath squid.
No. 1912907
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tried to take nudes for myself so i can see how my body looks from another person's perspective and i'm literally built like a troon fml. at this point i'm going to accept dying alone because i don't know how anyone could love my body
No. 1913021
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I got blackout drunk but also mixed the booze with a lot of benzos a few nights ago and apparently disappeared my handheld vacuum. My house is under 900 sq ft. Did I throw it away in a drunken rage? Apparently I dug through a ton of drawers and messed with a bunch of stuff in the kitchen cabinets and stuff was all strewn about. I also woke up in a pile of vomit. All I remember is puking in a trash can and then vaguely remember laying down in bed. Is this what happens to Venus, I wonder? Poor girl, this shit sucks, I’m just glad I rarely do dumb shit like this anymore, I’d been 4 months sober, alcohol sucks
No. 1913145
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i think my male (online) friend has a crush on me. fml. dont befriend scrotes plz
No. 1913179
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I'm scared and I don't know what should I do, my mom is depressed (although undiagnosed yet)
Yesterday she told me she needs to take treatment and I'm scared for eventual malpractice (shit like this is quite common where I live) and eventually the pills rendering her to a vegetative state (I might be wrong, never took pills for depression when I had to).
As of now, there aren't issues with me or my dad, it's mostly her workplace and her mom and siblings who made her life a nightmare while growing up.
Tried to convince her to try therapy first, but like she said, it takes a lot of time and money and money is tight at this moment. Idk what to say anymore.
No. 1913212
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I feel so behind in life. Im just planning to start my career soon, so maybe at least that will be something going for me. But i genuinely feel like Ill never get married because finding a good moid is pretty much impossible (plus my standards are actually really high). All of my friends are married though, so i feel like Im missing out on a crucial part of life. I wish being a single lady was more normalized in life so don't have to feel so left out. I genuinely cant see myself being happy married to the average man though and the relationships Ive had with men in the past have horrifically destroyed my mental health. Why cant I just be a single girl, buying herself stuff and possibly going on dates just for fun? Society just makes me feel bad about not being married at my age. And I don't think there's many good men left in the 30+ crowd either.
It just makes me want to isolate and pretend everything is ok and that maybe im not as abnormal as I think. But with most people my age married off, I just feel strange.
No. 1913215
>>1913123Pick me has lost all meaning because actual pick mes like her will call everyone who disagrees with them the same thing. Hope the schizo picks her instead.
Congrats on the baby nonna, sorry you have to go through the stress of dealing with those vermin at such a vulnerable time.
No. 1913243
We've been seeing each other for a year but never really had the conversation on our exclusivity or relationship status apart from right at the start where we coined it as friends with benefits. I've slept with other people and been on dates just for fun, he's slept with one other person but he couldn't really make it work with her. We've known each other a long time, I had a huge crush on him when I was 14 but he wasn't interested and was a teenage slut, it felt like he broke my heart because he wasn't interested in me so when he started trying with me after all those years it made me feel so special; like he'd chosen me. I put him on a pedestal so quickly and I'm just now bringing him off it in favour of myself.
We had both just gotten out of very long term relationships, 7+ years. I think he flirts, but so do i. I want to flirt and kiss other people but I don't want him to do the same. We have great chemistry, incredible sex. we spend time together, we go on adventures, share hobbies and write music. He won't let me cook him a meal and he will never stay the night, but he lives less than 10 minutes way and I like being a slob in my own bed too. I stayed at his one time but we didn't sleep well because of the heat. he's met my friends, I've met his. we aren't a secret.
He helps me when I'm panicking and getting caught up in my head, but I don't feel comfortable panicking in front of him. I won't cry in front of him. but I cry a lot.
We've never been on a date but we go places together. I've bought him flowers, he brings me Diet Coke. He calls me a goddess but it feels like he only does it when I'm naked. I brought it up and he said that was the best time to compliment someone because you're complimenting them and not what decorates them. It makes me feel like a sex object, he braids my hair.
He told me he loved me, once, in October, I said I love him too. We haven't said it since but we both say I love you to our friends when we depart from them, I think maybe the words hold too much weight when said to each other, too much to say lackadaisically. it's something that separates our companionship from our other friendships I think.
I feel like I'm either too much or not enough and I can't find that balance. I wish he told me I was beautiful more, but maybe I don't tell him that enough either. I'm torn between treating him the way I want him to treat me or not giving it to him at all and making him want to treat me the way he wants to be treated. But both ways I run risk, of either coming off desperate or coming off apathetic.
I think he isn't into me, but then tells me he was going to cut a sweater into a crop top because I always say how I think it's hot. He'd ruin his clothes to be more attractive to me. I'd dye my hair to be more attractive to him.
He isn't my person. If he was my person I wouldn't have cried over him so many times. If he was my person he would make me feel loved. I am not an option, I am a certainty. I'm just not ready to give it up just yet, but one day I will be.
He doesn't realise how good he has it with me. I wish someone would confront him, tell him he's a fool and runs the risk of losing me because one day I'm going to be ready to be someone's certainty.
This situationship has change me as a person, it's forced me to become secure in myself because no one has ever made me feel insecure before. No one has ever made me feel jealous before so I've had no choice but to become confident in myself, something I've been trying to do for years. I am enough. I truly believe that now because if I didn't convince myself I was then It felt like i was going to die.
I love life. I love these strange relationships and lessons and experiences. I'm grateful I get to have them.
No. 1913272
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I cant stop thinking about how I could’ve completed my core3k by now if I had stuck with 10 kanji a day instead of pushing to 20 and then getting overwhelmed and dropping it. I thought 20 was the norm so I didnt want to fall behind but now I’m just EVEN MORE further behind…
No. 1913273
>>1913268Tell them to wash themselves or something. Scrotes are
No. 1913313
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i almost passed out in public yesterday and i'm completely embarrassed over it. i hope no one noticed but i don't see how they couldn't have. this time i had someone with me but in the past when i've gotten sick in public and was alone i've had people ask me if i was okay and while i know it's a well-meaning gesture i am mortified all the same.
No. 1913326
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>>1913283Even when I was a child I had chronic UTIs (no I never wiped back to front or anything) and a couple yeast infections, never had BV or any STDs (other than one really weird obscure one that was easily dealt with). Before I settled on my long term partner I got a lot of yeast infections even though I used condoms. Nowadays no more yeast infections or UTIs or acne even though I’m not particularly clean and tbh now that I think about it neither really is my current moid, he may actually shower less than the dirty scrote that fucked up my skin. I think our microbiomes just mesh well together? Thinking back that ex that had the worst body odor actually was showering regularly and he’s the one who loaded my face up with acne and gave me a UTI and a couple yeast infections. I do think one difference might be that the stinky scrote didn’t wipe his ass properly or something??? I know my current one is meticulous about not having a poopy ass, is never without wet wipes, only man I’ve never once seen a skid mark on his undies.
But ass wiping hygiene aside I think it’s really important to find your partners natural smell non-repulsive. You don’t have to be into week old sweaty man smells but if you’re continually repulsed if he skips a day or two of a shower I think that’s natures way of telling you to break up and definitely not fuck. I can’t believe I fucked a smelly scrote for 2 years.
No. 1913355
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I want to write fanfiction about an 80s boy cartoon because I've watched the cartoon but never read the comics and the toys weren't in my generation so I just feel like a fake fan and that it'd be cringe to make an oc for this old fandom that most definitely made up of guys.
AO3 has about 300 works but I'm just so afraid of being judged.
No. 1913427
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>>1911262 I can't imagine how scared you must have felt, but you acted fast and very well. The best is always to run as quickly as possible but this is why I carry pepper spray despite being illegal in my country (the fact that it is illegal is a crime in itself).
Female socialization is an attempt to override our gut instincts nonnas never feel sorry for prioritizing your own safety above "helping" someone.
I wasn't in danger or anything, but recently I was waiting for the bus and I started thinking about this sort of issue because there was an old man visibly confused, mumbling to himself, and checking the bus times while walking in circles. He was carrying a plastic bag and occasionally yelling. At first he seemed like an old man with dementia, but maybe he was just drunk. I asked him if he needed any help and where he was going because maybe he was confused about the bus schedule. He started rambling but was overall nice and polite, just mumbling things I didn't understand. He was going in circles and every once in a while he came to me to mumble something. What stood out to me was that he showed me a paper from a cardio? medical screening he had gone earlier in the day and it said he was 57 and he seemed waaaaayyyyy older than that. I was trying to figure out if he had some mental illness or was just drunk, and didn't like that he was getting in my personal space a bit much sometimes, but other than that it was fine. I don't even know if I helped anything by talking to him since I dind't understand most of it and I might have made him more confused. The problem is these people are unpredictable and you never known what makes them chimp out. One moment they are fine the other they are yelling and assaulting you.
I struggle with not liking how sanitised and impersonal society is, like those videos of one person being hurt or needing help in public and no one doing anything. But also the risk of going out of your way to help someone is too great nowadays. Most of the times you can't do anything and you risk being injured/assaulted/hurt yourself. There is a "if you touch it, it becomes your problem" sort of mentality that is sad, but also true.
I like talking to grannies on the bus and they are generally easier to strike a pleasant conversation with, once I even met an older woman that used to be a nurse and she clearly loved talking so I just let her. She showed me pics of herself when she was younger, her grandchildren, and pictures of saints. Once I also met a canadian man coming back from a pilgrimage that I went on a few months after meeting him. Sometimes just a remark to a stranger about the weather or the bus schedules makes my day since I have long commutes and am alone most of the time. It makes life feel richer. Don't fuck with drug addicts or drunks tho, there's nothing you can do to help them and you might make things worse or put yourself in danger.
And as open as I try to be, I still get uncomfortable if a stranger, specially men obviously, gives me a compliment in public (even if it is polite, which most of the times it isn't), so I'm not sure an "open" society where we talk to strangers is better, because it just makes men comfortable to go around and pester women minding their own business.
Thanks for listing to my vent. Be safe.
No. 1913440
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I love my parents and they’re very supportive in their own way but I simply cannot comprehend how they live without wanting to scream internally. We grew up solidly middle-class, maybe slightly lower middle, but they are foul and I relate more to lower income kids than middle class. My mom uses the toilet without washing her hands half the time, she has chainsmoked cigarettes in the house since I was born — she said we’d get cable once she quit but that never happened. Not that I needed cable, but it made it harder to relate to kids my age (the few I got to see since I was homeschooled and my mom was agoraphobic so we never went anywhere). Even now the whole ‘Nickelodeon VS Disney kid’ memes, I don’t get them. I’ve watched maybe 15 episodes of Spongebob in my life.
I think I saw the kitchen floor get mopped 20 times in my childhood. I tried to mop it once and my mom got mad at me for doing it wrong. It’s covered in thick dirt in the tiles. The counter is always a mess of stains and coffee grounds and half-used cat food cans and used tea bags. The fridge is disgusting, hoarded, rotting food all over, always stinky. I didn’t know it was even possible to have a clean fridge until I moved out. I once got in trouble for talking on the phone to a friend when I was 6 and saying she could come over if we could have a cleaning party kek.
The dynamic was: My mom stayed in bed and drank all day and I was “homeschooled” AKA played Runescape and WoW. We usually didn’t eat breakfast or lunch because my mom “doesn’t see how food is important” (she actually said this). I always had obsessive compulsive tendencies and I kept myself sane by having an extremely strict bedtime routine that I couldn’t stray from (bed at 9pm, up at 5:45am) and daydreaming. I daydreamed all day. I had a year where I was insanely obsessed with the dishwasher and making sure the dishes were done and put away, my mom said that never happened. My dad didn’t see any of this because he worked a lot. He’s very nonconfrontational and he did his best on the weekends but he still played a part in it and is a hoarder too. I didn’t have real walls in my room (just the wood panelings) for like 7 years until CPS came and took us out until they fixed that and cleaned the house. We had to get monthly visits for a year and surprise surprise they would just not clean until a few days before the CPS lady would come.
My mom has gone from having no food in the house to having boxes and boxes of junk food. I do not understand because she doesn’t eat most of it, she’s very skinny and survives off hot chocolate and yogurt. There’s 1.5 bags of tortilla chips, donut holes, peppermint chocolate, two or three things of crackers half of which are unopened, pretzels, croissants, gummy bears, gumdrops, and probably more I can’t think of.
I try my hardest to keep my room clean but the dirt in the other rooms inevitably gets in unless I’m meticulous about putting my slippers on and off. I want to deep clean it all but I don’t even know where I would begin and my head spins thinking about it, which makes me feel so ungrateful and a spoiled brat. I’m not Miss Perfectly Tidy, I procrastinate doing my laundry and my desk is always messy.
I live here again due to financial reasons. I want to save up to move out of this shithole city and I’d be paying 80% of my income for a studio. Roommates are a no because of bad experiences. So I feel like I shouldn’t bitch and moan about this, they are my parents and they support and love me and let me live here rent free, but my GOD I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone sometimes.
Holy shit much needed rant.
No. 1913454
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>>1913355women invading male spaces is so based. Do it.
No. 1913477
>>1913440Don't bother cleaning, hoarders will simply have the house return to as it was or they will get mad at you for moving shit. There's channels like Aurikatariina and Midwest Magic Cleaning for deep cleaning tips.
>I’m not Miss Perfectly Tidy, I procrastinate doing my laundry and my desk is always messy. This is nothing, you don't have to put yourself down. Even if you are a messy person it's influenced by growing up with hoarders.
No. 1913505
>>1913123>Like has he charmed her so well that she thinks I faked all the screenshots she would have seen?I'm sorry you were betrayec like this. Female sadism is usually women hurting other women, they know he's dangerous and find it hot like hybristophiles. Hence so many female co-offenders to male rapists and murderers of female
victims. They may find it fun to vicariously live through him. Hope they get the male attention they crave by also having psycho males stalk them.
No. 1913519
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i was rejected from a position that i've been in the hiring process of since october (initial application in october, and in-person interview in january). i'm still in the alternate hiring pool if a spot opens (so i guess i wasn't 100% rejected but you know) but i'm just fucking bummed. it would've been life-changing financially and i hate that i'm still being led on with the possibility that i might still get it when realistically i won't. i kind of wish it was a straight no so i could properly plan ahead. ughhhh
No. 1913526
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Trying to draw my husbando and me for our anniversary this week and I just can't get it to look right for some reason. Like there's something off about it but I can't tell what and it's pissing me off kek. It's not like I'm going to post it anywhere since it's just for me to look at but my perfectionism won't let me waste time rendering an ugly piece. I just won't finish it if I think it's going to turn out bad. This is what I deserve for letting my art skills get rusty ugh
No. 1913548
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I'm so fucking sick of being told I'm overreacting by people who have never experienced what I'm going through. I broke into his college just to write graffiti on the walls about how he's a cheating lying bitch with multiple rape allegations and exposed all of his embarrassing fetishes. I know I look crazy from an outside perspective but I think I'm the sane one and everyone else is crazy.
No. 1913581
>>1913548You are
valid and based! Degenerates should be named and shamed.
No. 1913583
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it's just a slight annoyance, but there's fans of some male celebrity (who i'm purposely being vague about sorry nonnas i won't say) theorizing he could be bi for this one reason specifically. now i'm not saying it's impossible, we all know hollywood attracts more LGB and such, but how do they not notice the elephant in the room? their reasoning is "he's friends with all these 'queer' (bisexual and spicy straight) celebrities see!" and those friends of his just so happen to be mostly women who are half his age. he has a pattern of dating and hanging out with women around that age group for quite a while. what a funny coincidence. i'm not accusing him of anything evil though but i doubt his intentions are pure either. to me it comes across as orbiting these women so he could eventually date them or get something else out of them.
i do not understand how his fans come to a different conclusion. if they're right and I'm wrong, i will eat my toe. i can't imagine what he could have in common with zoomers, surely if it was just because of having the same sexuality he'd befriend men and people his own age who are the same way? something isn't adding up.
No. 1913590
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Sooo….who was in the wrong here?
No. 1913647
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So I made a post some time ago about the fact that I am constipated because of an antidepressant I am taking and I have the weirdest update. I'm not sure anymore if it's caused by the medication. I was travelling last week and the issue was completely gone throughout the whole trip, even though I was taking my meds. I had a sip of coffee in the morning and had to sprint to the toilet almost immediately, like I used to. Now the weird thing is, as soon as I got home and I got back into the usual routine, I am constipated again. Maybe it's the type of coffee I'm drinking? I feel so clueless
No. 1913715
>>1913548You did the right thing, I'll pray you don't get caught!! And for maximum outreach of your message.
Get that shitty moid, you deserved better and other women deserve to know
No. 1913747
>>1913647Could it be the water? If you went somewhere with harder water that can help regulate things. Plus meds can deplete various mineral levels in the body which makes me wonder if it was just the dose of minerals that helped. You can check the difference in minerals between the waters to get a guess at what you might have been mildly depleted of if it was minerals. Of course coffee is a laxative so maybe the stuff you'd just had had more of an effect on you than your usual stuff, but I figured I'd put water out there.
>>1913735Maybe not this particular trait, but when a guy can't do basic stuff it does indicate someone has always done it for him and it's going to be harder for him to start doing them. Especially if he expects it to keep being done for him in which case he won't bother improving and it'll land squarely into weaponization territory
No. 1913765
>>1913748lol. lmao. Yes that is weaponized incompetence or just straight up lying. No one “can’t tell” that time is passing. Some people are scatterbrained or slow but they don’t lie to you and tell you they can’t tell that time passes
Using a timer for every task is not realistic, no one should be doing that for feeding the cats or texting. You guys have a communication/expectation/compatibility issue and he doesn’t wanna work on it; he will drag his feet and you can comply and bend or leave.
No. 1913768
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>>1913688I’m so sorry
nonnie, I hope soon you will have plentiful weed and never even worry about running out. Are you in an illegal state or just broke? I wish I had a stoner
nonnie friend, we’re close in age. If you wanna drive to Florida we could totally meet up, I know a spot.
No. 1913778
>>1913765I've tried to leave many times and can't for reasons I can't get into because they're too identifying. He claims he wants to work on it but this has been happening for years and now he's claiming that he just can't keep time. I just want to make sure I'm not the crazy one here because I feel fucking crazy in this situation.
>>1913774Sorry that happened to you nonna. This has been an issue for a very long time so I know it's not anything illness-related.
No. 1913813
Yesterday I randomly blocked one of my oldest & closest friends on everything. She just called & texted me from a friend's phone and another friend also texted me and I'm not answering but they seem to be concerned about my well-being. Truth be told I'm not suicidal or anything just feeling bored, lonely, slightly depressed but not terribly bad. The friend that I blocked used to be my favorite person in the world, we did absolutely everything together and she even moved to the same city I did when we started college (she goes to a different college). Soon after moving to said city she got a girlfriend and this girlfriend has basically become a replacement best friend for her. She rarely talks to me, never offers to hang out, and even when I offer she always postpones or makes excuses as to why she can't do something as simple as grabbing lunch, and is doing a lot of stuff that used to be an "us" tradition with her gf. We also live a close drive (but not a walkable distance yay US city layouts) from each other but my car's broken, otherwise I would drive to show up at her place all the time and ask why she keeps cancelling on me. Anyway I don't really know what to do now. Even though she's been a pretty bad friend for the last year and a half (did some other stuff that I haven't mentioned besides flaking) I still feel really bad for ignoring her now. I'm not sure how long I should ignore her, everytime I think about replying everything that made me dislike her comes flooding back into my mind. Conversely, everything I like about her and all the good memories we have soon follow after that, and the cycle keeps repeating. Even if I miss her bad enough to reply in a week or so I'm also not sure how to explain myself without making her really mad at me and permanently messing up our friendship even more. I don't really know what I'm thinking or how I feel towards her or anybody and it's making me feel more confused and annoyed if anything.
No. 1913895
>>1913865I have the same problem, have been doing it every day for all my life. I can't imagine not doing it, like what else are you supposed to think about all the time?
When I was a child I had imaginary friends (back then I had real friends too tho) and I came up with huge fantasy storylines and sometimes I couldn't even wait to go to bed because I wanted to continue thinking about my story in peace without getting interrupted.
But the older I turn the worse I become. My attention span has gotten horrible, I always catch myself staring out of windows, I got called out by my boss for not keeping eye contact, I just always slip away because reality is too painful. Right now I also no longer come up with plots, instead I just imagine that one of my favorite celebrities is next to me and I talk to them or I imagine being a youtuber or star who is showing a camera crew her life, basically narrating everything I do.
A while ago I came across a forum of daydreamers and people in their 60s talking about having basically wasted their entire lifes daydreaming scared me shitless. But whenever I try to quit and instead live in the moment I feel miserable because I'm lonely and have nothing nice going in my life, so I escape once again into my delulu brain…
No. 1913903
>>1913899Like I said, it was a while ago, so no idea about the name (plus it wasn't in english anyway).
I'd say the reason it matters is because not actually living those daydreams is depressing me. Sometimes I stop myself and tell myself that this isn't real, that I might never actually do that and then I immediately feel sad or panic. I', scared that I'd feel so much regret when I'm older if I just thought of all those dreams instead of actually trying and living them.
No. 1913909
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I'm so sick of my partner and I's most energetic times being so diametrically opposed! Like motherfucker how can you sleep until 2pm every day unless getting dragged out of bed? I'm up and about daily by 7am. That shit might as well be my bedtime (not really but you get it). Get me a partner with a similar sleep schedule next time around, fuck
No. 1913962
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>How long have you been with himOh, we aren't in a relationship, but we tried dating in 2017 which didn't work, so we remained friends. In 2022 he showed me he had feelings for me, but i fucked up. So, in total, we have been friends for 7 years.
>how long ago did you do the “awful thing” to him, and what was the awful thing?I did it back in september 2022, and the awful things was ghosting him after telling him how much i loved him and wanted to be forever with him. I was dealing with a lot of stuff when that happened, was being messed up with by a manipulative moid and was being sexually harassed by another one, so i just ended up panicking with all that and ended up ghosting him. The situation had nothing to do with him at all.
>Did you just cheat on him?KEK
nonny, i'm a loyalfag, unfortunately.
>he almost certainly cheats on you by way of watching are right though, that's always a huge possibility. I wish he would show signs of it so my brain and heart could stop nigelfying him.
No. 1913964
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Men in femanine clothes fucking DISGUST ME I know we should normalize people wearing what they want regardless of gender but I am so viscerally disgusted, even when it's a drawing of some anime boy in a maid outfit. I want men wearing boxers and baggy white shirts and sweatpants and sweatshirts. Anything past overalls is a nogo
No. 1914072
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>>1911860He’s ghosted now thanks to nonnies’ smacking some sense into me but feel free to kek at his last message.
No. 1914090
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>>1914080The lies become so much more obvious after ghosting, I hate that I didn’t even think too hard about it before the last message.
No. 1914092
>>1914085Aw I’m sorry
Nonnie that’s honestly nuts. Bongland is so weird when it comes to drugs, you guys can’t even legally import kava.
No. 1914093
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>always obsess over the people I'm romantically interested in to an uncanny, stalker-tier extent
>revel in sharing this with them once we're close (yes they enjoy it but this is a separate problem)
>I will never experience reciprocation of my intensity of love
They all want to marry me I guess, which is awesome. Not because of my personal value though, but because I'm so aggressive.
It's long past the point where I hope for it to be returned. I know any final relationship I have will be with me playing this role, but it still makes me sad sometimes.
I'll put it back out of my mind soon I suppose.
No. 1914116
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>>1914106Severe form of insecure (anxious) attachment style. See if you can find this book (picrel) and read through it to get a better understanding of how to fix your neurosis. It's not a healthy outlook to have when in relationships. Basically you confuse feelings of love with feelings of anxious preoccupation: when your lover isn't with you, your psyche gets very preoccupied with them, and you mistake those strong feelings of preoccupation with love until the two become associated in your psyche.
No. 1914120
>>1914106I think I just have autism (for this and other reasons).
Hot people inspire the same feeling in me as my interests and I have no idea how to flirt properly. So it becomes this.
But it works.
>>1914116This too but mostly I just want to know everything about them and see everything they have ever felt or experienced. I need to absorb their brains into mine.
No. 1914126
>>1914093Damn, I feel you
nonnie. I am either hyperfixated and obsessed with someone, or I'm not interested at all. Dating apps suck and I've given up on them because I think the only way I can develop a healthy normal relationship is if I'm talking to someone that I'm not crazy over, but the downside of that is that talking to them feels like a fucking chore and I hate it and have no interest in continuing talking to them.
No. 1914131
>>1914122I plan to do something similar when I'm in a better place. My streak of finding people who get turned on by it can't last forever and it's wrong because they're just as unstable.
Granted I'm at a point where I'm convincingly almost normal until my "reveals."
>>1914126Casual dating is my next step to try but I'm so fucking scared of it being like this for me.
I hope you can find balance too, anon.
No. 1914429
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>Make a wholesome post about something really inoffensive that you're really enthusiastic about
>Some bitch ass anon immediately starts insulting me and trying to pick a fight
I'm so tired nonnies, why is the nuLolcow like this?
No. 1914512
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>binged ate a whole ass bag of picrel after getting high and drunk with karaoke friends
I'll be at the gym all morning, pray for me nonnas.
No. 1914568
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My coworker is so fucking annoying that I'm thinking about quitting just so I don't have to see her anymore. I think I'll start looking for something else after my vacation, even though this job is so easy and literally right next to my house. I can't deal with this shit anymore, she makes me want to fucking scream.
No. 1914641
>>1914634I’m so sorry anon. It’s tragic that it has to happen to the woman themselves before other women heed warnings from women like you. You should post this in the porn-free boyfriend thread on /g/, the ladies in there need to hear it, even if they won’t believe it until it happens to them.
Do you think you can prosecute him and get your money back? Please do everything you can. I’d beat him to death for you if I knew who he was.
No. 1914648
>>1914638>>1914639>>1914640Thank you nonas. Thankfully he is in Canada for work. I am switching from mediation to the fault divorce option, moving all the negotiations to an smug-looking lawyer, I hope. I see him Monday. I wonder if it will be in the "xtian news" scene eventually. But first I want everything he has, we own a place and I want him to sell it and give me everything. I want alimony for all the camgirl payments he hid from me.
I don't give a shit anymore about him. Once I get what I am owed, I will out him. But if that church is paying his 120k salary, then I don't want to immediately fuck up the way he's going to pay me back.
We were married when I was only 22. Don't do it. I have a good case as well because of the length of the marriage.
I can barely eat. I wish I knew how to control myself until Monday. The infidelity part is only a big deal because he was so controlling. But having your account drained by someone you trusted is violating in a way I cannot even describe. Totally different from being raped, there's no comparison, but it's like a kind of assault on your soul
No. 1914653
>>1914641yes I will. Everyone needs to see it. We were married a long time. I never suspected a thing.
We have equity in property so that will probably be one option for paying me back. But now this changes everything. It's like starting the divorce from scratch. I hope this new lawyer will help me figure out how to coordinate the divorce, the theft/fraud crime, and everything else. I wanted a woman but I can't wait two weeks, I'm going mad.
No. 1914659
>>1914649I found charges from around our marriage, we were married (unhappily but still) 10y. Clearly escalated.
I trusted him with our finances and I'm not someone who trusts just anyone. He was very organized. He also wasn't a complete nutjob when I married him but I could have been less of a dumbass and waited, I guess
No. 1914729
>>1914696I feel the same. There's no exit in my life and nobody will be by my side. Sometimes it's the best to reconcile and accept death. When I was 8 I knew that I'd kill myself by 30. I am 25 and can say at this point that my life has been beneath mediocre. It's just an endless cycle of people abusing me, social isolation, having my needs dismissed, being ostracized. It won't get better. I don't even have the "black pilled" mindset. I placed a lot of effort in my life just to end up with nobody. I know people that are
abusive, have addictions, cause harm to those around them, they never went to therapy or even slightly tried to improve their lives, yet they have things I couldn't dream of. They are surrounded by friends, they have significant others and stable support systems. While, I placed so much effort into my life just to find myself completely isolated
No. 1914816
>Have terrible relationships since age 14
>Become a worse person with severe codepedency problems and extreme rejection sensitivity, start to think I'm losing my mind
>Become terrified of intimacy and cold turkey quit relationships during college to work on myself
>Meet woman a few years later
>She's nice
>Seems to really understand me and talks me through low moments
>After months, starts to joke about us dating and frequently flirts with me
>This goes on for over a year and I'm too scared to confess because I'm so used to being led on by women who end up hurting me and acting like it was in my head
>I test the waters with a joke about being her girlfriend
>She responds by jokingly friendzoning me
I've been so depressed all day over this and it seems so retarded to spiral so hard over it, but I seriously don't understand why I can't just find a woman who likes me and doesn't play games about it or change her mind every few days. Part of me wonders if she was just kidding because she is constantly, and I mean constantly, joking about me being her girlfriend/wife, but the mixed messages are fucking with me badly. I know I should just cut my losses and move on, but I really feel hopeless about finding a girlfriend who understands and loves me and also has similarly nerdy interests as me, especially the older I get. At some point I must accept it is a me problem. Every woman I fall for either cheats on me, troons out, jerks me around, or all of the above. Maybe I'm overreacting, but even that worries me. I am so sad.
No. 1914841
>>1914807I'm 37 too, anon with ADHD. I hate that you had to deal with someone like this. I work for basically my bills and my wife as well. I hate people like that who infantize themselves and ofc she's dating a techbro.
It will all better because she'll learn very soon that life changes rapidly as you get older, have bills, a house, etc. Something tells me this dude is already cheating on her or will leave her eventually because she sounds like an annoying chore. It's def embarrassing someone almost 30 is acting like that though
No. 1914849
>>1914634Men are trash. Mine walked off with a similar amount of joint money that he fucked me out of. I have hope for you though anon cause it sounds like you have more solid legal grounds than I foolishly did not have because of how much I had trusted mine.
You'll heal and recover. Although I am similar in that unless a man literally provides for me, I will never contribute towards another man again. My resources and money are mine and mine alone.
I have my flings but I do not trust men anymore.
No. 1914934
nonnie, don't feel ashamed to get your own needs met. A lot of the radfems on here that preach to other women how sex is degrading constantly go on tinder or have sex. They just like preaching to other women. Wanting to have sex is completely normal
No. 1914970
>>1914923Unless you find some unicorn of a guy like
>>1914945 the "human contact" part of it isn't even going to be that great. I don't think the risk is ever worth it and casual sex is way riskier for women than it is for men.
>>1914969It's completely normal for PIV to be underwhelming.
No. 1914975
>>1914943>>1914945>>1914948idk these nonnies get it, every penetrative toy i've tried has either been too rigid or too floppy and there's just more "drag" if that makes sense, even if i use lube i feel like i'm feeling every weird fake vein in a way that i don't with real dicks. maybe it's partially because i'm less aroused when i'm masturbating vs. having sex so even with lube my vagina still isn't like fully relaxed and expanded and so it feels worse? but in any case it just doesn't feel worth it to keep trying out expensive sex toys when when i could just have casual sex with dudes i'm not invested in who want to make me cum kek
it really does not feel like owning the patriarchy to be constantly sexually frustrated, my ass is about to be formally diagnosed with hysteria i need to nut so bad
No. 1915009
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friend's ex-moid cheated on her while abroad last july. had a meetup recently with some other friends, this moid and said girl to find out she's an 18 year old they/them… he's 23… huh? was this dude whoring around with a teenager??? (picrel, me rn) i'm so confused and disgusted, what a fucking scrote…
No. 1915033
nonny, i really get this feeling but i promise you as someone who finished her bachelor's at 26 you have plenty of time to pull it together and make something of your life. i'm 29 and in grad school right now, the possibilities are still endless for you. it's okay to take a while to figure your shit out. it might not be ideal, but it doesn't make you a shitty person for taking a little longer to find the motivation to do something more. it's sometimes a lot harder than we think to "do something" with our lives when we aren't sure what the thing we want to do is, or when we have other problems that feel more consuming than the problem of what you're gonna do with the rest of your life. at the very least, i'm proud of you, nona.
>>1915003what an incredibly purposefully obtuse answer! plastic is a euphemism for silicone, you fucking imbecile. additionally, have you ever considered that some women have no desire for ~commitment~? you sound bpd when you act like men wanting to have sex with you but not date you is a criminal offense. most of the men i have sex with i have no interest in dating. it's not "giving men free sex" when i am pursuing them exclusively for the purpose of sex. i'm sorry you're so needy that you can't fathom having a mutually beneficial transactional relationship.
No. 1915035
>>1914634>I was a good wife and didn't spend or ask for expensive giftsTbh you missed out because he used your money to go wild. With your next moid, do not be afraid to ask for expensive gifts and use his salary to spend on yourself. Never feel bad for a man, let alone your husband, doing so doesn't equate to you being a good wife.
I'm so sorry you experienced this. Fingers crossed you get your redemption very soon and karma will get to him.
No. 1915038
>>1914923It's amazing how nonas come in here ranting about sex as though all women are interested in fucking men, number one. Sexuality isn't a choice and you don't get to decide whether you're attracted to moids or not but approaching it as though everyone's being so cruel to you because you can't pleasure yourself without a dick involved is no one's fault but your own. Some nonas are vitriolic and repressed about wanting male company while bashing other women for doing the same, but a lot of women on the board are trying to warn that the man attached to the dick is usually not worth getting involved with for that little bit of pleasure and that you can indeed figure out how to either go without it or go about it safely.
No one's oppressing you for liking dick, they're just making the point that you're factually inviting bullshit into your home by seeking it out, even casually. If you can handle yourself and avoid negative experiences then by all means, but you can't blame women on this board for not wanting yet another thing to be about men and dick.
No. 1915043
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Just wanna vent and say fuck this annoying bitch on the only gaming youtube channel i watch. I decided to go on twitch instead of youtube this time because the layout is easier, and there's this bitch from Belgium complaining about ACAB and how she cant play RE5 because you're a white guy in Africa shooting black people, despite the fact that it takes place in Africa, with black characters. You aren't just shooting black people, you are killing parasite infected people.
No one raised a god damn eyebrow when Leon was in Spain because who cares tbh. I hate this virtue signaling mother fuckers who come into chat and sprout politics when people are literally just there to enjoy a cozy RE stream. like fuck offff
No. 1915093
>>1915038i'm not claiming to be oppressed, this is literally the vent thread and i'm venting about the standard discourse on this website?? i am perfectly capable of pleasuring myself without a dick. i simply think that it is a much less pleasurable experience. most people find masturbation less gratifying than sex, this isn't an abnormal stance? i am also attracted to women. this isn't even about being ~so straight i just can't help but need cock~. i engage in casual sex with men explicitly because i do not want to have a romantic relationship with one, but i am still horny and it's largely impossible to find women who are only interested in hooking up. my problem is not that i'm oh so oppressed for wanting dick, it is that i find the attitude on lolcow infuriatingly out of touch and autistic. i want to talk to women about my experiences, but because i have no interest in romantic relationships but still have a desire for sex i get told that i'm a dumb whore giving scrotes sex for free.
>>1915057i'm not "seething" because i think that someone intentionally misinterpreting what i'm saying to do a gotcha is a retard. you fully ignored my entirely positive response to another anon in order to say "WOW SO MAD HAHA CALM DOWN IDIOT" when i'm not mad, i just have no patience for people who choose to find one thing about your statement to nitpick in order to disregard every other thing you have said.
>>1915050man if you aren't interested in casual sex that's fine! i have no problem with women who only want committed relationships. i don't want to date anyone! i want to have sex! i would love to talk about my experiences with the other women on the stupid image board i frequent without being insulted! that's it.
>>1915075i wish you all the best!! you're gonna do great, and honestly sometimes starting later is an advantage in that your brain is a little more developed and you have a better understanding of who you are as a person. it's crazy that we expect teenagers to make decisions that will dictate the rest of their lives. don't give up, and don't be too hard on yourself. there's nothing wrong with a late start as long as you commit to it. <3
No. 1915114
>>1915093>not seething>called me like 5 different insultswhatever you say
>it is that i find the attitude on lolcow infuriatingly out of touch and autistic. you are literally on the autistic recluse women imageboard lmao, what do you expect? most people here hate men and yes they will judge you for sleeping around, if youre going to go on a huge rant and say you wanna punch walls about it maybe go to a different website?
No. 1915133
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There’s this fanfic author on tumblr that I follow that keeps on posting about freedom of speech and anti-censorship crap and it’s like girl. you make yandere x reader fanfics. Calm down
No. 1915136
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I'm just an afterthought to my supposed best friend
No. 1915140
>>1915114i called you an imbecile and i said that you sound bpd. that's two. i suppose if the comment about you being so needy you can't fathom a casual relationship really hit home so hard that you consider it up to three additional insults then i'm sorry that baby got her feelings hurt after behaving like a troglodyte. i'm soooo sorry that venting in the vent thread was so deeply
triggering for you that you think i should leave the website, it must be difficult to accept that some autistic recluses are also capable of having different opinions than you.
No. 1915146
>>1915133women into
abusive fictional men are so fucking creepy to me. Like those women who read shitty YA novels with romanticized abuse and rape.
No. 1915170
>>1915093this reads like "i got burnt in my previous relationshit(s) so now i'm a i love casual sex girlie!! i don't want a commited relationship ew lol"
i hope you find the right therapist for you
No. 1915187
>>1915170>>1915172i appreciate that you're both at least vaguely more respectful but this is such a frustrating take to me. why do women NEED to want a relationship? i am busy, i have shit going on in my life that i care more about than catering to the emotions of another person, and relationships are incredibly hard work. i am not in a place in my life where i want to put the work into a relationship, not because i'm so fucked up i need a therapist, but because i have things i care a lot more about than a romantic relationship, and relationships require a lot of time.
it's this attitude that if you don't want a relationship or commitment that must mean you're broken and need therapy and to learn to love yourself that makes me mad. i am not fucking men because i hate myself and need validation and if i just learned to love myself i'd totally want to be in a relationship. i spent the majority of my 20s in long-term monogamous relationships, and it was exhausting. it is not on me to "stop perpetuating the idea that we're just sex toys to men", that is not my fucking responsibility! i don't fuck men that do not show me respect. i don't fuck men that don't make an effort to make me cum. i'm sorry that you guys are having seemingly awful sex, truly, but acting like there is something psychologically wrong with me for not wanting to bother with the trials and tribulations of loving another whole person at this very moment is honestly a bit ridiculous.
No. 1915204
>>1915191so you think that, even though i have no interest in dealing with the emotions of another human being right now, it would be a better and healthier idea for me to get into a relationship i do not want to be in so that the sex i am having is not
problematic? why is it a "cope" when i simply do not wish to deal with a man's emotions? if you hate men so much that you think it's a horrible affront to have sex with one with no commitment what makes dating one a better choice? so that i can perform emotional labor for him? is that what makes it okay to have sex with men, is if you're performing emotional labor for them? because that is what a relationship is, mutual emotional labor, except by and large men are abysmal at reciprocating that labor. why is it such a pathetic cope for me to avert all of that and just have enjoyable sex with men i don't have to do anything for? i am truly struggling to understand what the cope is. do you all really think that the default state of being is "wanting a partner" and anything else is a sign of low self worth? i think that it has been a much more personally liberating choice for me to stop caring about men's feelings and just fuck them when i want to and ignore them when it's convenient. sure, i would love to find a partner eventually, but eventually is not right now, and not being interested in finding some moid to commit to at the moment is not a sign of psychological distress. it honestly feels a lot more antiquated and misogynstic to act like not wanting to date makes you broken.
No. 1915210
>>1915187>>1915187>it is not on me to "stop perpetuating the idea that we're just sex toys to men""It's not on me". It's good that you can at least sort of admit you don't care. Yes, you are perpetuating this idea, regardless of how you see it or if you like the sex or not. You need to accept this and stop or just confront yourself and just fully admit you don't care. Your last reply really shows you're still hurt because of your bad relationships and probably going through something deeper. You don't need to want to be in a relationship, marriage, or whatever. That's completely personal. But you're still negatively impacting women with your behaviour, giving these guys your body even though you say men are awful and they most likely see you as a hole/easy lay (even if they make you "cum") and just hurting yourself in the process too. Maybe you don't see it now because these guys are giving you casual affection or give you attention/validation. Nobody has to live their lives according to what other people think so ultimately it's up to you. I'm
>>1915172 and as I've said I'm straight/in a relationship, I understand the desire to have sex. But it's still better to make a guy put some effort into you as a person and partner than to just give yourself away like that because he's mildly attractive and "treats you well" (that's the bare minimum). While I've never had casual sex I've met plenty of women who did and it's usually because something is wrong or emotionally hurting them. I am not saying you don't have your own sexual desire or "slut shaming" you. I'm explaining my pov as a woman who don't want to see other women hurt themselves. Moids are fucking awful and you need to tame them and put them in their place. Either way good luck.
No. 1915248
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Abusive bpd moids made me cold…
I'm naturally caring and kind, at least people used to tell me that, I like to be the caring one of the group and I like to feel safe in exchange of that, I like…d? Making food for other people, offer my house if they needed to get away for a couple of days and I always carried around plasters and painkillers for my friends, gave them permission to go through my purse themselves if they needed it as long they told me and right now I feel so empty. I met an abusive moid who took advantage for it and since I'm a doormat and I also naturally fawn at conflict (what growing up in an abusive, screaming home does to you when you grow up), I always justified anything but cried at night. I never told anyone. I recently snapped, told him to fuck off after years since he really took advantage of me by using me for groceries, money, shelter, emotionally blackmail me with suicide to the point I used to sleep with my phone at the loudest setting so if he needed to call me at night I would hear it, despite him being unemployed and me working fulltime and studying and now I'm a shell of what I used to be.
I'm not sure where the line in between me being caring and me being terrified of his actions was but now I get irritated at every notification, I tend to ghost friends and dissociate, I do less favours and I'm very much unavailable, I directly turn off my phone at night because the thought of it being on makes me too anxious to sleep and I don't speak that much anymore, I also get tired much easier and I need frequent naps and more hours of sleep, maybe I need to catch on the sleepless nights I spent on that waste of a human being.
I hate that now I hate everyone who gets too close to me physically and I really don't want to sound or be rude but right now it's pure insticts. I hate that that moid used to tell me he loved me so if any of my friends tell me that they love me, I see it as some lipservice to get favours from me. It's horrible. I was so happy. I liked to be loving and now I can't seem to care like before, like I used to console my friends and right now if they ask me for a hour of my time it feels bad because I feel I already took too much.
This moid claimed to have depression so that's why he was so needy (his words) but right now I feel like I am the depressed one, not feeling anything but constant anxiety and distress and flinching everytime a message notification pops up.
No. 1915262
>>1915187Ntas but you're so real for this and I agree with you. I'm incapable of loving anyone, not even a pet, and don't want to force myself into a situation where I have to fake having affection, feelings, and love for another person and pretending I totally want a future with them, and force myself to tolerate their presence in my life just to get the "morally correct" way of having sex. It's retarded. I'll get the "immoral" casual sex and skip the bullshit. I know how materialistic, nihilistic and narcissistic I am and what way would suit me better, I don't give a fuck about or need the so called meaningful connection with another person or whatever, I just want someone to hit my g spot good who's good looking and stfu about themselves and fuck me in silence, once we're done we part ways and I never see them again, life is good.
No. 1915272
>>1915238It's fucked up but today is actually my first day entirely cold turkey. I tried to just smoke at night or on weekends but that didn't go well.
>>1915240I hope things improve for you nona
>>1915253Lots of things. Mostly my real life, stupid shit with my parents, assholes I know irl, shitty work situations, that kinda thing. It's online stuff too though. Honestly I come here to blow off steam because of stupid shit I see on other sites, mostly troon stuff. I was a
victim of old school religious homophobia so hearing the same shit from "liberal" gendies sends me into a blind rage. It doesn't bother me to laugh with my fellow anons but seeing it on instagram with thousands of likes? Disgusting. I could stand to browse less, that's for sure.
>mood tracker appI have one actually, I use Daylio. It's okay, I mostly use it to track when I exercise or my period.
>>1915267Lol you're good, I appreciate the response anyways. I feel very similar to you.
No. 1915299
>>1915286Yeah the memory thing just killed me. I remember I was having a conversation with someone and they had to tell me "Anon, you already mentioned this two times…" I was that bad with memory that I couldn't remember anything any of my friends or loved ones told me, so I was coming across super self-centred all the time because I couldn't keep track of anyone's life events including my own. I felt like such a bad friend. The friends thing also sucks, I lost a lot of friends when I quit weed but it's like that old saying: bar friends aren't real friends. I think being a stoner can be cute when you're like 18-22, but once you're in your mid-20s and you can't function without doing drugs every day, then there's something wrong. I remember promising myself that I would
not end up like the 40 year old stoners that spent 1/3rd of their paycheque on pot and had no friends outside their fellow stoners, who would sell them out if it meant getting a free ounce. Weed and alcohol can be fun if you're doing it like once a month to destress or have fun with your friends, but it's not right to be so dependent on those substances that you can't do anything else without them.
No. 1915520
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I fucking HATE bike week and forgot it was fucking bike week and got trapped in Daytona for an hour when I was just looking for a chill day out. Worst fucking “hobby” of all time, just being loud and drunk and blasting shitty music while shouting at each other AT GREEN LIGHTS. I can’t remember the last time I was so carsick. The noise. The NOISE. The vibrations. Bikers are my autism’s anathema and I hate everything about this bullshit hobby. The street that usually takes 10 min tops to drive down took 45 agonizing minutes because of these fucking douchebags. Causing traffic backups 1/2 mile long in an area that never has bad traffic and WHY is it so fucking LOUD I wished I could hurl on all of their stupid bikes. Fucking cacophony of epic proportions. I don’t want to hear any noise at all for a week.
No. 1915523
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If I see another nail tech cutting parts of the nail that isn't the cuticle for the sake of looking "clean", I'm going to need to be admitted into a fucking psych ward.
No. 1915538
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>>1915234No advice for you cause I’m a pothead and spend all my time high. I’ve quit before and I was just like oh damn this is why I have to be high 24/7 - when I’m not I’m in constant pain and taking the max dose of Tylenol a day just to deal with my insane muscle/joint pain. Then the ptsd symptoms come in and I become extra autistic and am just in a terrible mood cause of the physical and mental pain.
I think it was in my genes to be this way, both my parents are potheads and would take baby/toddler me for car rides and hotbox the car when I couldn’t sleep as a kid kek, it was over for me before it began. I can’t really understand people comparing it to alcohol though, since it is legitimate medicine, and healthier than the alternatives (max dosing Tylenol, opiates, Kratom) for physical pain. It’s also better than a lot of psych drugs for psych related shit. And it doesn’t age you the way alcohol does or wreck your body. The biggest thing it hurts is the wallet, and that’s due to the laws causing it to be BM or corporate cannabis being greedy. I will concede that a lot of daily stoners have no medical reason to be getting high all day but if you’re chronically ill in some way there’s a decent chance it’s better than the alternatives. And everyone’s body chemistry is different, I’m far less functional when I’m not high, whereas my partner is far more functional when not high, so he only smokes a tiny bit on occasion to unwind.
No. 1915620
>>1915553My parents were fucked up and
abusive and I don’t condone what they did at all. I’m not having kids but I’d never drug a kid to sleep regardless. They did worse shit too. When I smoked black market mids as a teen and would quit I experienced the coughing up tar stuff and it was very gross. Weirdly enough, since having a medical card, I’ve quit for a month and never experienced coughing up tar or anything. Doctors always say my lungs sound good and healthy. Personally I don’t shop for high THC percentage but rather terpenes and I like to mix CBD bud in with the high THC stuff. I do think most daily stoners aren’t doing it for medical reasons.
No. 1915628
why can't people stop worshipping the rich?? especially when they're celebrities and have done nothing to contribute to art, science or benefit mankind in any way whatsoever. is it because they think they're going to be rich someday too? is it the desire to be seen as rich when they're at best middle class? if we stopped celebrating the super rich we'd have a much easier time taking them down. but no, you gotta obsess over (insert rich celebrity/actor/billionaire etc) here and defend them with nail and tooth while they don't know you exist, don't care about you, and benefit from keeping people like you poor or middle class at best, while they buy a new yatch every year. I used to be in a group of women before due to a common interest and I could never connect with them because of their libfem wokeism, but I miss our discussions about poverty, billionaires, etc. ironically the "leader" of the group came from a rich family and was probably only discussing stuff like that because it was in at the time. another one was always buying shitty lipsticks from plastic rich women.
The older I get the more annoyed I feel at stuff like this. yeah I wish I had more disposable income to pursue my hobbies. But I want that for everyone. I don't want people to suffer because they can't feed themselves, or get proper medical care. but no, who gives a fuck right. we need to keep giving our hard earned money to these rich demons and making them richer
No. 1915643
>>1915538Ayrt, I totally get what you mean. Most of my family members are addicted to various things and there is rampant untreated mental illness. Often it feels like this is the "best" I can do because at least I'm not acting like so-and-so. I don't lean on that way of thinking if you know what I mean but it creeps in sometimes.
>ptsdYes I was enjoying some of that just now, it's why I'm online again now lol. I have no idea how to self soothe effectively, I never feel like I can be safely alone with my thoughts. Sometimes physical symptoms set in out of nowhere when I'm otherwise enjoying myself and it fucks my shit.
>>1915620 funny enough I'm the same, I've got a chronic weed cough but my doctor says my lungs sound amazing and my oximeter reading was like 99%
No. 1915661
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Just found genderswapped fat furry digimon art my brother drew don't know how to feel. On one hand I draw weird art myself so I'd be a hypocrite if I judged but on the other this is weirdly alien to me, like I never would've expect my own blood would draw something like this.
No. 1915731
Nothing bad happened in my current relationship to post in the other thread, but I'm in a very introspective mood right now after thinking about my life and other peoples, and I realised that if I could go back in time I'd have told myself to give up on romantic relationships, sex and all this stuff. That's my life tip. When they asked that 100+ yo woman what her secret was she said it's staying away from men and she was so right. Celibacy really is the way to go in current year. If any permanently single, virgin or femcel nonnies are reading this, trust me you're fine and not missing out on much. Focus on close, loving friendships instead and love your husbandos (I never understood the appeal but cherish your fictional perfect man, seriously). I doubt I would have listened because I have always craved affection, but I hate how much love, care and emotional energy I wasted on people who didn't deserve it. Most of the time it isn't worth it, especially as a straight woman who's been cursed with liking moids. Even the most respectful, harmless men like my current partner will never "get" me because of our immense differences as men and women with all these biological and societal walls. I was never a "fixer" of men, never wanted to kiss or fuck them unless they were serious about me, and I always had a spine even at my weakest lamest point in my younger years, thank God, but I had enough trying to "find the best" in mildly scrotey scrotes and I can only imagine the internal hell some women live in trying to live with their incredibly shitty men. If you try to fix a moid you'll always end up more broken than you were before. I love my partner, but if we went our separate ways for whatever reason, I think I'd choose to stay celibate/volcel. I just don't have the energy or desire anymore.
No. 1915880
>>1915798We're brainwashed since birth to accept moid behaviour and dream of our prince charming, so we must accept their wrondoings if we don't want to be single cat ladies forever… as if being man-less was necessarily bad or shameful, instead of neutral or even good. That comment about the little girl is disgusting and who the fuck thinks about penises when seeing a little girl struggle with food? But I bet if anyone said anything negative in response to it they got dragged by other women because that's just how it is. I wouldn't categorise myself as a radfem because I doubt most of my personal opinions match theirs.
i.e. I think most - but not all - of typical male shittiness is a direct consequence of centuries of entitlement living in a male centric world that caters to their worst behaviours (so in theory a baby boy raised in a completely different environment without the prepackaged historical misogyny would be a much better human than today's moids), and I don't think hetsex is inherently humiliating or degrading. But who knows, my opinions may change someday. I absolutely don't belong in the regular socially acceptable female circles with my strong opinions on ageism, beauty, casual sex, male entitlement, porn etc. It's crazy how even a small thing like letting your natural body hair grow needs to be turned into a discussion about moids, and how they dont like it, and how I am better than you because you don't wanna shave your pits uwu. Everything revolves around moids. Even my fucking vent right now. I hate seeing women suffer wearing painful "sexy" shoes because her scrote gets turned on by them. I hate how we're brainwashed to judge each other over looking "ugly", "fat" or "old" as if being "attractive" to men was the most important thing in the world. As if most men wouldn't fuck an "unattractive" woman anyway, when many of them rape animals and corpses. Maybe it wouldn't be if women weren't brainwashed to think that life without moids is empty. I know saying this stuff about beauty and ageism on LC is ironic, especially as an oldfag, but I've never fit in some boards here fully either especially as I matured. Sometimes men don't even need to do anything to call me names for my opinions because pickmes will do it for them and act like giving up on men means you're a loser legbeard, and then leave and cry because their moid makes them feel ugly, insecure and unlovable.
No. 1915882
>>1915731>cherish your fictional perfect man, seriouslyI will. In your honor, armed with my schizo powered mind I will devote myself to my perfect pixel man.
That being said, I understand. I craved affection and acceptance from others and that led me to terrible relationships. Most broke me or literally harmed me in some way. I did get into more peaceful and normal relationships, but even then it never really felt right. It was only when I made a female friend who I deeply connected with that I finally got to feel a fulfilling exchange. I also realized most of the affection I yearned had to come from myself.
No. 1915910
>>1915880>Maybe it wouldn't be if women weren't brainwashed to think that life without moids is empty.Most of my family are women. Aunts who never married, my parents are divorced, sisters, and so on. I'm so grateful for that. I'm not saying my family is perfect, but I've seen it first hand that life without a moid isn't the nightmare people think it is. It can be quite nice, actually. I'm not saying there aren't happy couples out there, but so many people force themselves into relationships just out of fear of being alone. We're not alone, we got other relationships in our lives beyond the person we choose to fuck. I'm not against romantic relationships, but I'm certainly very careful about them.
No. 1915931
>>1915880>and I don't think hetsex is inherently humiliating or degradingThis is another blatant lie or a false idea spread also by feminism sugar coating things or trying to make sex sound like it's physically the same for a man or a woman. If these two words are not the right ones to the describe it then the word submission is cause there's plenty of violence that happanes naturally in life like for example between animals. They have to eat eachother to survive. There's preys and predators. Sex is violent and there's no way to enjoy stimulation certain positions without letting go and accepting submission, the bottom of human body(genitals) are the most vulnerable part and it gets penetrated. There's also acts that are literally objectively violent and bruise women mouths because the penis can't fit into a human mouth, there's acts like men cumming on women faces or women kneeling to men. Literally there's millions of proof and clues, everyone subconsciously knows that the dynamic between a man and a woman body sexually is power-vulnerability/zero power I think that since the female body or rather the female reproductive system and genitals are evolved for pregnancy and piv directly leads to a male orgasm which means that sex=reproduction (and other non piv acts are violent as hell and a service to men or a job) which then means that piv is a preparation women go through to soften up to take on the role of a nurturer, servant/mother kek
Pain is a part of womanhood because of pregnancy, hetsex prepares the woman for the role motherhood is, violence is a part of life. So that's basically the proof… It's shitty how society blatantly lies about women position in straight sex ans motherhood cause uhhh seriously to be comfortable with this submission you have to be in a way that I can't be yet I'm a woman. And there are women who had sex for decades and regretted it and said that they were lying to themselves. Another thing is that evryeone subconsciously knows that men can use women for sex but as a woman it's less possible. Everyone knows how
problematic birth control can be and in the past sex basically meant pregnancy because there was no birth control. Rape also always existed, men were also always the oppressors of women so serving them is humiliating. But the main point here was the violence and being physically uncomfortable in sex, breaking your one boundaries,
triggering your gag reflex, all the masochism and degradation soo many women are into and the sadism men are into and its not a coincidence. It's because of their biology. If you're ok with sex you must be ok with possible motherhood on top of it all and pregnancy is PAIN. I wish I didn't have to say all of this but anytime I see people overshare their sex life then all of it gets proven. Yeah maybe its not degrading then but it's what I described and there's 100% possibility of degradation happening to you if you have a sex life as a woman with men
No. 1916027
>>1916022It won't, you need help and to work to overcome it.
t. been there
No. 1916040
>>1916019I'd call it biology like
>>1915931 anon.
No. 1916055
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i finally typed out a post about my severe sexual trauma and cringy but most likely harmless coping mechanism and I felt proud of myself for being able to explain my feelings without having a meltdown just to immediately delete it because of shame and because the thought of seeing a reply stresses me out, especially in a few hours from now when i will probably won't be feeling as proud for putting my feelings into words and opening up
No. 1916109
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I fucking hate my trashy next door neighbors so god damn much. They’re two retards in their late 30s. They’re constantly fucking scream laughing, yelling, fist fighting each other, screaming at their boyfriends, breaking shit in their apartment; having a bunch of dumb fuck scrotes over, leaving trash all over the hallways, and banging into the fucking walls every fucking week at night. The apartment complex is upscale in one of the most expensive places to live in my state, doctors and nurses live here for context, and I have no fucking clue how these fuck ups can afford it with all the weed they’re buy to stink up the entire second floor with. It’s not even legal here. I am so fucking tired of not getting any sleep before work because of these jobless pieces of shit. They were doing all of the above until 5:30 today, AGAIN, and my shifts start at 7. I am so exhausted I feel nauseous but I came in early because I know I’m not going to get any quality of rest and might as well get an early start to the day so I can go home and hopefully get some sleep faster. If the leasing office doesn’t fucking do something I’m going to, I don’t know, fucking gorilla glue their door shut or something, my fucking god. I just want to sleep. Pray 4 me as I drink three coffees in the office and fight the urge to cry lmfao
No. 1916284
>>1916109Call the police every time they smoke or fight. Look over your lease; theres usually paragraphs reviewing common courtesies like guest hours, volume, and nonsmoking/drugs.
Then, send a letter -in writing- about the lease violations that consistently occur with your neighbor. The written aspect helps to hold the landlord accountable. Lease violations are cause for their termination of lease, so you can be free of their trashy choices and sleep peacefully. Or, the landlord may offer to relocate you to another unit free of charge.
No. 1916288
>>1916040you're wrong, see
>>1916066 again. some of you are so blackpilled. blaming all of this crap on simply biology is just condemning other women to never wake up and keep suffering.
No. 1916289
>>1916012Now there people asking about how I stalked that poor women— I didn't! We followed each other on twitter for fucks sake. I noticed she was showing signs of gangstalking related paranoia and asked her about it. She straight up thanked me for reaching out and talking to her.
Now I'm on a fucking list for fucks sake.. for "giving a shit"
I fucking hate people
No. 1916315
>>1916299I hope you can spend some time doing something that makes you feel calm and minimizes that mental state.
>>1916297You can still find your own style, that's the only cool think you mentioned imho
No. 1916368
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This is so pathetic. Every time he's in the house all I do is stay in my room. What the fuck is he even doing on that shit??
No. 1916386
>>1916338If you want to focus solely on biology of sex between man and woman then "oral sex" aka felatio isn't even sex to begin with. It's simply a sex
act that humans came up with just like men inserting their dicks into each other anuses and not a reproductive act in any way whatsoever. I hate having to explain something so fucking obvious especially to someone so rude. Sex in nature, between man and woman = piv. Simple as. Sucking a dick isn't naturally part of sex. Thinking certain positions are humiliating or degrading are all your own opinions based on your own perspective of the world and the imbalance of sexes. Sex doesn't have to be painful and when given proper stimulation vaginas get lubricated to accommodate the penis. It isn't supposed to hurt. Female orgasm is believed to help send sperm deeper into the woman's body/aid in reproduction. Use your brain for once. I hate misogyny and male entitlement and violent, but sex isn't degrading by itself and screeching "nature! nature!" just makes you sound stupid. Do you want to eat males after reproducing too, like some spiders do? This BS about piv sex being violent and evil is alienating and stupid and it works against women because women who need to open their eyes about men will read this garbage you're spewing and and completely dismiss every other point you say.
No. 1916408
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my fucking sister is pissing me off so bad and it's getting hard to defend her. she's mad at her bf because he watched a woman die at work (he's a cop) and she's jealous because he's upset about it. the woman in question is an acquaintance he has known for a couple years and she was fucking shot, he was part of the response team. it was not even a week ago. i could literally grab her face and say "IT IS UPSETTING TO WATCH PEOPLE DIE" and she wouldn't fucking get it REEEE i'm about to a-log my own sister.
>inb4 "what did he do to make her jealous"
I'm telling you right now it doesn't matter what he did. she does this to herself every fucking time.
No. 1916414
>>1916408>shes jealous because hes upset about it She'd probably be complaining about how she thinks hes a psychopath or a sociopath if he
wasn't effected by the loss of one of his work members kek
No. 1916444
>>1916400Right, and I think even if it has no tangible part in reproduction, it's still important and pretty cool.
>>1916407Had no idea about this whole thing, hope she can find some help, or at least peace. It can feel crazy sometimes, especially if you're kind of coming to realize these things for the first time, but I hope she can slowly just come to accept the shit world as it exists and stop spiking her cortisol levels over it. A lot of this world is out of our control, but we still aren't completely helpless to it, or maybe I'm an optimist.
No. 1916453
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>Unable to just click on the fucking website and fill out the job application for a literal 2 months now
>Head caught up in possibilities of what could go wrong, how I'd be bullied by other people and customers
>Insulted and told I'm crazy every day
>Spend almost every day playing vidya(trying to 100% a game)
I was forced outside for the first time in 2/3 weeks to go look at an ugly table set but it was gone. I didn't argue because I wanted to get out of the house and feel the sun and avoid an argument. Now I'm eating chinese and getting bubble tea, is this an unintentional Women's Day win? Thank you sunlight in chill weather
No. 1916459
>>1916439I have a garmin watch, so I go by what it says, now how accurate that is, idk
>>1916441At the end of the day I usually have 10-12k, so like, 7-8k maybe?
>>1916445Yea, I wish I could afford a car just because of that, not to mention when it's summer, 30C+ and you have to walk
No. 1916626
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I really regret just saying what I'm feeling in the moment, I no longer care if it's frustrating to others, it's better to just wait out the feeling. Most of the time it just fades and never needs to be addressed anyhow and now I've put myself in a situation where the only 'right' answer to me is to not have said anything in the first place. My bf took the day off and went out in the morning vibing and chilling so we didn't walk our dogs in the morning. I was fine working and doing chores but when he came home was just at the time I was gonna walk the younger dog. I ask if he'll help me walk him and do a grocery run with me which he said yes. He dropped some stuff off in the house and came out to say he didn't know if he wanted to come anymore because the other dog was crying. I was gonna walk the younger one alone because he is reactive and the walk was gonna be one to help get him used to walking in the park with people and stuff. I got really annoyed and brought it up immediately when I usually will wait to see if i'm really upset or not about something since my bf finds it annoying I instead will bring up issues a day later (i partially have trouble realizing i'm upset by stuff in the moment since my first reaction is to people please or i have a super short fuse when i get frustrated or plans change.) and now i've upset him and he feels like I am breathing down his neck when he wants to take a day off but at the same time it's not fair to also take a day off from ALL your responsibilities. So I feel bad that I got upset but also don't feel like I'm wrong to still need help doing the day-to-day things just because my bf is taking the day off of work. I also don't want to ruin my bf's day off but feel like I've done that and ruined my day as well by saying anything.
No. 1916654
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No. 1916665
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>>1916418>>1916459>8km daily>40 minutes>10-12k stepssomething isn't adding up here, on average it takes me about 10 minutes to walk ~1000 steps so there's no way you're getting at least 10k steps in in less than hour. that's double the average steps taken when walking at a moderate intensity which is around 100 steps/min
No. 1916694
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>wears polyester panties for the first time in forever
>Gets a pimple/boil on my mons pubis
What the actual fuuuck. It's luckily not too painful but I'm still so uoset. Not to be gross but it's been super hot recently too so it honestly was probably trapping moisture.
No. 1916736
>>1916718>>1916721>>1916724Trust me I don't plan on staying. Apparently I'm the monster because I'm not comforting him this time. I told him he has no right to be crying.
He brought up a couple weeks ago how he comforted me when my cat was sick. But I shot back with "At least I know where my cat is and I'm aware when he's sick so I can take him to the damn vet"
I told him I'm sad for his cat, not for him and he can't even be responsible for a damn cat. Which to me, is so fucking easy to do. I'm still upset
No. 1916791
>>1913088Late but tysm
nonnie. I loved the video! The comments are what you would expect from a reddit trained bot.
No. 1916819
>>1916802Thinking about it, yeah parts of this is probably combination of pms and not having been able to afford to refill my antidepressants for a couple of weeks. It's a wonder I'm not a bigger mess.
I just want to sleep and not be in a constant state of slight discomfort and anxiety
No. 1916904
>>1916802Same nonna, I'm so tired but my body refuses to sleep. Hope it gets better, guided meditations don't make me stay asleep but at least they help with falling asleep.
>>1916844Oh my god I'm so sorry nonna
No. 1916910
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honestly i have a good life and i'm so grateful to have the opportunity to study, eat healthy and spend time with my family
i hate that time flies i just want things to stay comfy forever
i don't want to grow up
i'm feeling so emotional right now. i'm still young but time goes by so fast.
it feels like i was 17 just a year ago.
No. 1916942
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My husband is retarded. I bought myself a $40 t shirt and a $40 bag the other day, I never buy stuff for myself. I earned the money myself doing commissions. My husband got PISSED and started a fight, argued that I am spending money on unnecessary shit. Meanwhile we don't have money problems and he just bought himself a $500 MONITER!!! "But I use tha for work!" He already had two monitors and the one was a high end monitor. Everytime I spend money on myself it's like pulling teeth. I took commissions online cause I wanted money to buy the stuff I want, but as soon as I have $200 it's "our money" and I'm reckless for spending it. I can't earn cause I watch the baby. It's just fucking annoying. Besides that my life is pretty comfortable it's just annoying to know I'll never get the stuff I want cause I literally have to fight to buy a $20 face cream. Sucks. Picrel asuka figure I like wish I could get this but it's not happening
No. 1916962
>>1916736Update on the dead cats and the boyfriend being an idiot. One of his friends called and told me I was wrong for telling him no more pets. Then he said I was
abusive to my cat for not letting him roam freely.
"His cat may have died at 9 months old but he lived more than your cat!"
So there is the moid thinking. It's better to let your cats die horribly and not even reach adulthood. God I'm so angry right now
No. 1917002
>>1916988I had dreams like that. So what I understand is, you don't want your ex back, but it bothers you to see them with someone else. Like you don't care if they're with someone else, but you can't bare to see it.
Because they're doing happy moments that you two did with someone else.
Relationship grieving is a real thing. It isn't all about tears. It's a range of negative emotions. You're in the anger phase.
No. 1917019
>No pleasure without painThis is ruining my life. When I feel good around other people I can't see it in a positive light because everything good goes with something bad. It sometimes seems better to me to have an empty but calm life, people can make me so happy but so completely empty feeling at the same time. I've become so cold, I don't even appreciate the one friend I have. I don't hate her but I don't like her, the only other friendship I've had in my life were codependant but at least they were fulfilling.
Sage for the ultimate woe is me post>>1917011Why would you mess it up? If you've been chatting and you're going on a date surely there's a part of you he likes, worrying will make you act weird. Go in with no expectations of a second date, it's hard to do a mind switch but if you're not expecting anything you won't feel pressured to act different than usual. Good luck nonna!
No. 1917144
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i was trying on bathing suits because i've been clearing out my closet as of late and goddamn, i feel like shit now. the older i get the more i start to dislike how my body looks. i genuinely don't know if i just need to buy bikinis that better suit my body or if i need to work on my self-image
No. 1917163
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Just saw a post that MCr released Helena 19 years ago today and my resting smile completely dropped
No. 1917229
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finding out an artist i like with my dream style has been drawing for 20+ years and his first manga was already mogging my current skill is driving me insane. I just want to be good enough to make my own manga. Knowing i gotta wait and hone my skill for 20 more years is making me so fucking depressed. I wish i was rich so i could only focus on drawing. Being a poorfag is so painful.
No. 1917230
>>1917220I was just arguing with a group of retarded males about this, they were all insisting that men are supposed to be attracted to ‘young teenage girls’ because they’re more fertile and attractive than adult women, and that women need to reproduce in their early 20s at the latest and are ‘getting old’ at 18.
Women have the highest fertility and strongest pheromones in our 30s, and lowest fertility during teenage years so they have it backwards. Teenage girls have higher risk of all pregnancy risks and birth defects because they aren’t supposed to reproduce until after their mid 20s, literally a decade away. When teenagers give birth they can actually struggle with infertility for the rest of their lives because of it.
They were also screaming about how ~pedophilia used to be normal and all middle aged men had teenage brides~ which is blatantly false and based on historical myths but I won’t even get into that
No. 1917296
>>1917230>all middle aged men had teenage bridesanon, you can look back 20-40 years ago and this was, and Im sure is still happening.
Its not a myth.
Where I am a lot of the older people's mothers were forced to marry older men or even kidnapped to marry. Married at 17 to 35+ year old man was common and the marriage pics are repulsive and depressing
And Im the US not even a 3rd world country, its worse for them for sure
No. 1917298
>>1916047You are kinda proving the point by calling it a gender dysphoria. People are retarded and lack self awareness cause they can't comprehend the female-male sexual polarity and the inherent femininity in female biology and masculinity in male. Theres 8 billion people on earth that didn't appear here out of nowhere. Women birthed them with their bodies and motherhood is inherent to female. A woman with autistic masculinized brain wonders her whole life why she can't relate to womanhood but not being aligned with femininity doesn't necessarily mean they wanna be a man. I'm tired of seeing retarded ideas about sex, womanhood, men and relationships and less than zero self awareness as if the people are barely sentient. Gender is inherent. Womanhood is motherhood, it is also sexual, a feminine sexual role and autistic woman confusion and not relating to any existent woman on earth even a "trans man", lacking the feminine qualities which all other women have and not being able to comprehend why would women want to be mothers, not being able to comprehend the services women provide men with, lacking the nurturing side other women have etc. You all are just not self aware istg, but an autistic woman with a moidlike brain will notice the difference between her and other women kek you don't accept gender non conformity as much as you claim to accept it. Ok, but at least just stop lying, this was not a debate really, people just lie and spread confusion. Even relationship problems between men and women are literally the main topic on earth same with sex and it makes some things obvious to more intuitive people or women with moidbrain like I said because they are confused why they aren't into anything that involves being the feminine sexuality like motherhood or fucking men as a woman. More midbrain more ego, more ego less ability to relate to female sexuality, less ability to let go, less ability to serve selflessly, less ability to surrender. Do people also understand that being gender conforming or not is not just about appearance therefore people don't accept gnc women at all, but anyway. There are and were women who were burnt with fire till they died for refusing to conform. People should either admit their cruelty and admit that certain types of women are hated or don't lie, the vents are a reaction to other people in the world crossing the line. Moral panic is assuming that the vents of a max few unusual people with zero power are a threat to society and everyone will become like the venter yeah they shouldn't go to spaces like this or say these things around people who don't get it. Not the first time not the last time cruelty happens in the world. People are being literally slaughtered right now tho? And as much as people pretend to care, they actually don't care and see it as a natural order of things, same with wars, catastrophes, tragedies, motherhood and women self sacrificing themselves etc. Spiritual people even see it as a necessary lesson. Natural selection… Is a thing too. Nature is violent and that's the point. People lie and lied ITT but admitting is less cruel than confusing others, at least it's satisfying
No. 1917335
>>1917296The marriage records of the past thousand years or so in the western world show that most marriages happened between two adults who were writhing 5 years of age to each other, and often the woman was the older one. While teenagers did get married it was typically to each other, not a teenager married off to an adult. When it was between a teenager and an adult, it was usually between an older teenager and a young adult, with an age gap of less than 5 years.
Child marriages were more likely to occur with the aristocracy, because their marriages were basically just political alliances, so sometimes two children would be married to each other, and sometimes a child would marry an adult. When the marriage was between a child and an adult, they typically did a ‘marriage by proxy’ which is where a priest or someone similar would be sent to take the vows instead of the child. The child would live with his or her parents until ‘child bearing age’ which was considered to be around 18 as early as the 1300s. These child marriages often occurred between an adult woman and a male minor, not because of pedophilia but because of inheritance laws. The overwhelming majority of marriages between an adult and hold were never consummated, as they were just arrangements and not based on love or attraction. This is evidenced by the fact that the majority of these marriages never produced children (very rare in the past) and the couple often lived separately.
With peasants on the other hand, the majority of women got married between around 19-30, and typically had their first child in their 20s. While pedophiles have always existed of course, they typically preyed on children in brothels, as despite what you may think, people did love their daughters and didn’t want to hand them over to some older man for her to be miserable and die in childbirth because she wasn’t old enough to reproduce yet. Women were seen as incubators like we are today, but people didn’t hate their daughters or want them to suffer.
No. 1917345
>>1917307No, that isn’t true. Men have memed themselves into preferring teenage girls because of porn and the pedophilia/age gap fetish that was pushed heavily for the past few generations. Normal men prefer women their age, predatory loser men prefer younger women or teenagers.
There are a few studies that have convinced people that men find teenagers the most attractive, like that one that showed women prefer their male peers but men prefer 20 year old regardless of how old they get, but that was some weird thing made by a dating app or something, it’s not reliable but it’s pretty widely known of anyway. There are a few where they showed pictures of female faces to men to ask who they were the most attracted to, for example in one they were lied to about the ages of the women and they would always say the “youngest” was the most attractive, but the ages got switched around every time so they didn’t seem to have a clear preference, they just chose the one they were told was younger even if it was actually older. When they weren’t told the ages, most of them chose images of women in their 30s as being the most attractive. Women in their 30s also report having the most attention from men, which might be because womens pheromones are so strong in that decade.
There was also one where they morphed female faces at different ages together and the males chose the 14 year old one, but that study also isn’t reliable, yet it’s constantly brought up as if it proof that men naturally prefer teenagers
No. 1917430
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>>1915798Nonnie, you know you can fuck on top, right? Right?
No. 1917471
>>1916386>feliato isn't sexLmaoo I'm fucking crying the cope here is unfathomable. Sex IS violent and women aren't
brainwushiied into sucking dick. I'm laughing.