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No. 1910399
>>1910295I liked it a lot at first but it quickly took a direction I couldn't give a shit about. I'm glad I sold my volumes and stopped caring long ago. I think I stopped reading the scans not too long after we got Erwin's backstory
and when I learned he dies at some point I didn't feel like ever going back to it. Seeing people talking about the last arc was pretty funny, it seemed like they were shitposting all along given how bad it made the ending seem out of context.
No. 1910489
>>1910359Pregnancy is a roll of a dice.. but I don't get people who are dead set on having a certain number of kids and when the first kid is clearly not ok they don't stop and reassess at that point. Their whole identity becomes online campaigning for kids with disabilities and how the world needs to do better because of course 3 out of their 4 kids are affected by the same shit. They act like saints fighting for the kids. Raising awareness. If your first child has something that bad you are not a saint for gambling again when by then you could've known you have bad odds. And I know families like this personally. You'd be the devil for daring to tell them this
Sure anyone can have a disabled kid, you don't always see it coming and everyone loves to think they have alright genes so it could never happen to them but if or when it happens.. put your attention into that kid and not into creating a whole fucking army of them to leave behind.. who will still need help, care, funding and minding after you're both already dead and gone.
No. 1910510
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christopher walken is hot. christopher walken in 1976 was ideal
No. 1910524
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frenchaboos are worse than westaboos. At least visual kei boys and husbandos are hot imagine simping for grey haired fat old men that must have smell like sewage.
No. 1910530
nonny its been a while since we had an actual old school cow that isnt a pedophile or fat whore
No. 1910593
>>1910587That ain't an unpopular opinion.
I work in the tourism industry and me and my colleague would kill for more benches in the town I live in, for all the tourists coming to visit and spending their cash money here. If some towns can't fucking build public restrooms, benches would be already one big improvement as far as I'm concerned, especially since the population is getting older.
No. 1910603
>>1910359I wish genetic testing was more common and encouraged. It's the least you can do for your future kids to make sure they won't die of tay-sachs or something.
>noticeable FASWe really need to start mom-shaming again, sorry not sorry. Everybody knows alcohol during pregnancy is dangerous and this hasn't been news for decades.
>>1910489>I don't get people who are dead set on having a certain number of kids and when the first kid is clearly not okI don't get it either and tbh think it's profoundly selfish of parents to do. One disabled kid is hard enough to take care of and often require more time/attention/resources, it's unfair to both the kid and their potential siblings to have more children in those circumstances. It almost always ends up with the non-disabled kids resenting their sibling, or worse, multiple disabled children in the same family who have conflicting needs. Pure selfish ego from the parents.
No. 1910731
>>1910725Once you pass BMI 18 the EU ships you out to Tajikistan to work in the natural gas mines.
>>1910593If it's not unpopular then why are there no benches!! What could a bench possibly cost? 25 dollars? Why do I have to walk for 2 or 3km before finding a singular bench made of rotting wood. It's a sad state of affairs.
No. 1910980
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reddit spacing-kun dont you have any fucking thing else to do on a monday morning?(taking the bait)
No. 1911018
>>1910705Leon after witnessing the horrors.
>>1910987I agree but newfags suck at ignoring bait.
No. 1911257
I hate how women are pushed towards vegetarianism/veganism way more than men are. I don't think it's healthy for young women and I think it makes us weaker and malnourished. Some (saturated) fat is good, red meat, offals, and seafood are perfect sources of iron for us while plant iron is barely absorbed, we need B12 to function, calcium/vitamin D3 from dairy for bone health (women are more susceptible to brittle bones), and so on.
Also, vegetarian/vegan diets usually have way too much fiber, more than you need, your body is spending all of its energy trying to digest (making you feel tired, sluggish, and weak) and you absorb way less vitamins because the excessive fiber blocks absorption. Plus certain phytochemicals like lectins and oxalates which also block mineral absorption if you eat too many raw vegetables. I don't see these diets being beneficial for women in general, excluding the special cases who have some health issue where they can't eat animal products. We're meant to have a varied diet, not just eat one thing or the other.
No. 1911367
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>>1910603Another thing I really despise is the zoomer/millennial social media mommies who love to show off their retarded newborns as if it’s some kind of achievement or something to be proud of. Like, your body was tasked with the duty of reproducing a child, and that’s the best it could do? Now your whole personality is being a tardmom. It’s bewildering how much more common it is to see a young mom with a SPED baby now. I don’t understand how anyone can see this and not feel a visceral disgust.
No. 1911402
I'm really not trying to racebait but I've noticed an influx of very obvious LSA posters and they're insufferable. I'm not just talking about black women, we've always had black farmers and they always integrated just as well as anyone else. I'm specifically talking about LSA farmers. It's obvious from the words they use (not talking about AAVE, but more so about concepts specific to that online sphere such as "divest" etc), and they also bring their LSA mentality with them. They're very very obvious and I wonder why they're not getting banned, since imo, it's a form of avatarfagging. This is an imageboard, we're all supposed to be anonymous and interchangable, and now there's suddenly posters who go on and on about Travis Kelce's ex gf, but have never watched an anime in their life. I'm not even a weeb, but you should be very familiar with internet culture to post here, and internet culture has always been associated with weebshit. I don't even understand why they come here if it's just to post about the same things as on LSA?
No. 1911415
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Narcissists are not common. People are just retarded. They talk like they're cartoon villains. And assume anyone who's done something shitty to them is a narc. I'm esl and didn't understand "dupers delight" and got linked pic related This article could be about literally any cluster b diagnosis… But of course, they are the evil boogeyman narcissists!
No. 1911440
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>>1911430>Being mean and making fun of retard babiesFuck girls I hate this shit
No. 1911460
>>1911435Isn’t it like, everyone has narcissistic traits to some degree and it’s an actual disorder when they’re too prominent and cause problems in everyday functioning? Anyways it seems like it’s just a new boogeyman like psychopathy/sociopathy which is not even fully verified yet, I just wish tards would find something else already bc it got quite stale. Quora and Reddit are goldmines of pity parties for
victims of ‘narcissistic abuse’, countered by Tumblr self-diagnosed DID larpers who claim this term is actually ableist kek.
No. 1911530
>>1911491I never stated that I feel visceral disgust at that baby specifically, because there are a lot of genetically disabled kids in this world, I'm saying that I feel visceral disgust when I see that another product of deeply self-important individuals with unhealthy genetics is reproduced. There are many young (35 and under) mothers who decide to have a baby with their scrote, whos either a chairbound lazy neckbeard or an autistic twink. They often find out that their child is abnormal around the beginning of the second trimester, but instead of accepting your lack of suitability for parenthood and throwing in the towel, they say to themselves
No, I would love to have a retarded child who will never be capable of leading their own lives! I need there to be offspring of myself in this world! I need someone to take care of! and decide to give birth to a child that will only have the capacity to maintain relationships with their parents for the rest of its life. I feel disgust at that level of self importance. I don't think men are even capable of taking all of these complexities surrounding starting a family into consideration.
No. 1911533
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This is unironically the optimal way to sit. I'm engaging my core and legs while resting. Sitting "normally" just makes your ass numb and flat.
No. 1911554
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>>1911549You are why these exist
No. 1911633
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Little Caesars is the best pizza fastfood restaurant. Dominoes and Papa Johns are some of the worst pizza EVER.
Another pizza opinion, frozen pizzas are better than fresh.
No. 1911653
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>>1911633the pretzel crust was amazing
No. 1911672
>>1911257I always thought it was based on guilt, because it's vey easy to make women feel guilt over stuff they have no control over. Men don't give a shit about their personal and local environment. Also it might be a "feminist" thing, with female animals being exploited for their milk and eggs.
Also veganism is a useful screen to hide eating disorders behind. It's so easy to reject most food with "I'm vegan" and most people will back off. They'll only do something if you're exhibiting severe symptoms.
No. 1911710
>>1911476The government should never have this much power over body autonomy and forcibly sterilizing someone is inherently unethical. Besides two healthy people can also have an ill child because of gene mutations, medical malpractice etc.
You can argue in the same vein that abortion in countries with low birth rate is also illogical since it creates economic problems.
No. 1911732
>>1911367ayrt and, um. Okay then. My post was about the quality of life for hypothetical children and why parents should be doing more to make sure that their kids are as healthy as possible and not continue to make more children after one is born disabled, but it really seems like you took the mom-shaming about my post and decided to apply it to more than just prenatal alcohol. It's telling that you'd rather say inflammatory crap like
>your body was tasked with the duty of reproducing a child, and that’s the best it could doI mean way to blame what is probably genetic degradation from the father's shitty old man sperm on the mom. Glad to know that misogyny is still alive and well among other antinatalists I guess.
And my unpopular opinion is that the handicap stall shouldn't be the baby changing stall. There should be at least one of each so disabled peeps don't have to wait for parents to vacate the only stall meant to accommodate a wheelchair.
No. 1911739
>>1911732Both the male and female bodies are tasked with their own respective duties for reproducing a child. The male produces the sperm for it, the woman holds it in her womb. They're equally responsible. I didn't think I'd need to specify
Wow the fathers sperm and mothers egg were tasked with the duty of reproducing a child and thats the best it could do? but I guess the autistic zoomers need everything painted out for them.
No. 1911923
>>1911914The whole blackpill political lesbian volcel autism is never going to work. Try living in reality, the "blackpill" subreddit is dead and all the remaining followers on Twitter turn out to be larping troons or failed FtMs addicted to rape porn.
Straight women will always exist, and they will seek companionship with men because humans are animals. Your options are to abandon them (and therefore abandon feminism) and mind your own, or adapt and look into damage control.
No. 1911939
>>1911913Not at all. If a doctor says no to you however, you have the right to pursue legal action against them, and having a lawyer just send them a letter is enough to shove them into doing it; which most lawyers will either do for free or very cheap. And in most states and developed cities, its quite easy to secure a tubal ligation operation with a clinic so long as the employees are getting paid. Not only is it against medical ethics for employees to impose their own beliefs against an insured Americans freedom to get rid of your uterus, but I also can't imagine a doctor who would study womens reproductive health long enough to get a doctorate in their field, purposefully apply to get a job as a surgeon or obstetrician in a womens reproductive health or fertility clinic, just to then say
no to a gig where he would get paid? It doesnt sound realistic especially because it risks litigation so heavily.
No. 1911983
>>1911923wanting companionship isn't the same as wanting codependence and centering men. it also is misogyny to insinuate straight women are incapable of finding kinship with anyone that isn't a male sexual partner. many women have awful, unfulfilling sex lives and get barely any genuine companionship from their male partner…this is a cue that it isn't just "biology" that drives them. the bubble of propaganda-addled fantasies surrounding romance often pops, which is why so many experienced nonblackpill women end up opting out of dating altogether or at least not centering men as much. only very few straight women find a real quality companion in a male partner indefinitely. I know this is a crazy concept but women aren't headless chickens doomed to run into a wolf's den.
hell, that's not even how an animal would act either, in fact the companionship argument in terms of animals is odd because our closest animal relatives do not act like this; i.e., bonobos and chimps. chimps are insane and bonobos often form female cults. mating is often very brief and not the primary source of companionship.
No. 1912001
>>1911895I'm the anon who couldn't get my tubes tied for five years, and I don't even live in a rural area. Gatekeeping from GPs and OB/GYNs is frightfully common for many of us seeking tubals or bisalps. I had to go through three GPs as an adult before I finally got one willing to refer me to an OB/GYN in the first place, and then that doctor didn't approve me to a surgeon without a psych screen. Compared to a lot of post-tubal women I've met, I got off easy in that I was able to procure the procedure at all before age 25.
>made it sound a little bit like doctors shy away from doing it or arent willing to which in the US isn't really a problemI am in the US and my case isn't that abnormal among burgers. There's a reason r/childfree has a list of doctors willing to refer tubals because most of us have had hell trying to find someone who won't just shove an IUD in our faces and tell us to think it over just a teensy bit longer.
No. 1912028
>>1912021Good thing you have proper reading comprehension skills and can read in the post you're responding to that I did not say that they put in equal efforts, I said that they are
equally responsible for the babies retardation since the baby is genetically related to both parents. You can read that where I said
equally responsible in the post you tagged, thats why I didn't say that them having sex is equal to the gestational period. The only duty that is singular to the father is producing the sperm, which I specified.
No. 1912164
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Crust is the best part of bread you're all gay and weak
No. 1912198
>>1911923Just say you want to fuck men and pathetically can't control it kek. This mental abstraction is too much. Stop projecting it on all women. Bleak to see women here pulling nature bias shit to justify their idiotic decisions.
>>1912177They are taking up headspace moid obsessor, I agree with
>>1912069 anon. The reddit thread is hilarious but the moid takes one is a little too on the nose with handmaidens projecting about shitty moids in their lives.
No. 1912206
>>1912204Samefag: Prioritizing female friendship won't stop straight women from seeking out male partners. They're more likely to support eachother and build a good network, which is good (and why I didn't reply to the other anon who spoke of that, even if I disagreed on some points), but that's also not in contradiction of what I said about
at least the practice of refusing to sleep with men without vasectomies being better than what's going on now.
No. 1912324
>>1912315an ideological and political movement does not a sexual orientation make, nonna.
>>1912318does no one know what a late bloomer is anymore?
No. 1912336
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>>1912324Do all late bloomers have to mediate and concentrate on being attracted to other people for a period of several months? I was not aware. You see, every late bloomer I've talked to had it occur naturally, just at a later age. But I'm sure you're right nona as everyone knows that abnormalities in genetics never ever occur and everything occurs only to pattern. Which you personally observe.
No. 1912354
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Genital piercings are not cute or sexy. Especially not vagina piercings. I only post this here because whenever I see anything about genital piercings everyone is saying that they're so hot or whatever. They just look ugly and awkward to me. I will say though, I do make an exception for nipple piercings and sometimes prince Albert piercings.
Also, I know that piercings can reduce sensation so I always wonder if people who get genital piercings receive less pleasure.
No. 1912362
>>1912343I don't know. I think asexuality exists, but that it is a genetic mutation and is incredibly rare. I think the fact that I was able to experience sexual desire at all means that I can't be asexual. The reason I feel like it was fluid was because I could have as easily been attracted to women if I had focused on them instead of men. It was just that it would not have been advantageous and I would have been socially ostracized if I did.
>>1912353It was like studying for school. You know how you read the material, sit with it, and give yourself practice tests? Like that, but having crushes on boys. I would think about men, think about what people consider sexually desirable in them, imagine myself living with one and being sexually attracted to one, and when meeting boys in real life I would quiz myself on how they were attractive (did I like their smell, was their facial symmetry pleasing, were their movements aesthetically pleasing?). Eventually I was able to develop crushes on men and date them, and now, years and years later, the sexually and romantic attraction comes naturally.
No. 1912380
>>1911923women making the choice to not fuck men isn't autism, if anything poor boundaries is howe got here
>>1912068That's too easy for
abusive parents to exploit
No. 1912392
>>1912385When did I say any of what you greentexted? I didn't even mention ugly or
abusive men specifically, lmao. I'm saying straight women will remain straight. We can't politically meme them into all not wanting to have sex and live with men, no matter what pipe dream you have. Take your meds.
No. 1912395
>>1912380Monitoring your kids devices and social media accounts isn't
abusive. You get "private conversations" when you are 18. Giving a child unrestricted accounts or devices is a good way to raise a slut or a druggie
No. 1912405
>>1912380Thinking that vehemently insisting to heterosexual women in a heterosexual society that their natural preference for sexual activity and romance is inherently degrading, no matter what, and the only way to not be enslaved is to live as asexuals (or try to brainwash themselves into being lesbians) will ever work or be accepted on a mass scale is what I'm calling autism. It's become clear to me that when people say things like that on the internet, they don't actually have practical visions or ideas, neither do they really care about any of that. They won't even try to start female separatist communes IRL. They just want to LARP and complain all day while doing nothing, not even suggesting anything or supporting women's causes online.
>poor boundaries is howe got hereYes, which is why I said here:
>we live in a woman-blaming/pickme sort of society where we're told it's empowering to let men fuck you, though. No. 1912437
>>1912336if you hadn't felt pressured during your adolescence to conform, i'd bet actual money that your innate sexual attraction to men would have manifested naturally for you eventually, too. instead, you're taking a decision you made while in your teens, one that was actively prompted by fear, and letting it define you in a way that paints you as unusual well into adulthood. i'm sure you're plenty eccentric in other ways, nonna, but in this instance you're as typical a woman as it gets. do you honestly believe other women haven't felt pushed to more quickly meet their peers in the middle of the social pecking order? to adapt to their surroundings so as to disguise what sets them apart, especially when noncompliance means living in misery? please. isolation, abuse, and the real fear of never escaping either has always been a particularly affective motivator in inspiring the socially rejected, especially women, to fall into line. you are not the exception, you are the rule.
No. 1912541
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It's not a terrible show. It's not a bad one. It's a nice show, but holy mother Mary is it overrated. The vast majority of video essays and pages-long written speeches about why Avatar is "incredibly genius and the best written show of all time" are consisted of reaches and mental gymnastics. These reaches and mental gymnastics stretch so hard, I just have to laugh because they're on the same literary English teacher bullshit with the "curtains are blue because XYZ123squarerootofpi" kind of thinking to create dumb theories, justify dumb takes, to cope with objective plotholes, or to make hours-long videos about themes that are cookie cutter but only appear world-changing just because ATLA preached it. This show is not bad, but it's definitely not perfect if we're looking at aspects like the forced and rushed romance between various characters, and even how these 10-16 year old characters are able to defeat almost every single soldier at bending. You mean to tell me that a ten year old girl earthbends as good as King Bumi just because she has seismic sense, and did some bending matches for several years? Or how Katara became so good at waterbending that she was able to undermine Azula on multiple occasions, even though Katara is relatively new at bending while Azula has been trained to fight since she was able to walk? KEK. Redditors and cartoon-adults need to understand that just because a kid's show has more substance than garbage like SpongeBob and Cocomelon doesn't mean that it's a masterpiece.
No. 1912560
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>>1912551Idiots unironically think that quitting your job will make the war go away. Imagine being so preachy, privileged and detached from society that you unironically think that billions of people should just suddenly stop going to, or even quit their jobs and even risk becoming homeless just because of some war between a bunch of jews and muslims. Were people always this unrealistic in their their approach to war, or is this more of a zoomer thing? Because I'm still seeing zoomers cry type about why people should stop getting groceries to, you know, feed their own families just because Walmart or something is pro-israel.
No. 1912706
>>1912560The war on Gaza is already hurting Israel economically. They're credit rating has been down graded and the economy has shrunk by a fifth. While I do boycott Israeli made products, the Israeli government isn't going to stop bombing Gaza because of it and it's going to get to a point that it does more harm to Israeli civilians than anyone else.
Pressure needs to be put on the US government to stop supplying Israel with weapons.
No. 1912725
>>1912711I guess it depends, I got lucky tbh, one of my bullies died of a cerebrovascular accident when he was like 21 years old (good) and a girl who bullied me is now fat and full of shitty tattoos.
I don't know about the rest because I genuinely don't care and I actually forgot about their asses, but since my family interacted with their families or friends, they got the news and told me so.
In the end the best thing anyone can do is to try to make their owm lives better as in trying to heal from the bullying and forget about the people that hurt them.
Looking for information and "updates" on a bully is just a waste of time and only makes people remember the bad times.
No. 1912743
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No. 1912796
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Because statistically it’s less likely. Most men don’t want anything to do with kids that aren’t theirs which is why it’s a red flag if one is super excited to step up and take care of someone else’s kids. Most men avoid single moms like the plague.
No. 1912809
>>1912395I get what
>>1912380 meant, that
abusive parent would abuse such a system to further control their kid
No. 1912869
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>>1912711My bullies got fat and have the weathered alcoholic face and 2 of them split up with their husbands/wives. I bet you they divorced cause the fat
No. 1912883
>>1912855I understand the anger. Seeing women constantly in the position of the
victim is embarrassing and degrading. I don't really feel that anger anymore though because it's futile. Everybody wants to be the special exception one way or the other, for normie women it's the idea that you will meet prince charming and be happy, for the misandrist radfems it's to be unabusable through a limiting access from moids in theory, not allowing them to occupy your positive part of your mind or see you be vulnerable. If you have decided in your mind that you want nothing to do with men, it's a personal decision just like it's a personal decision for women to stick with awful moids or risk being
victims of abuse. It sounds like i am
victim blaming, but interactions with people in general tend to come with a cost that you do not like and it's a waste of time to worry about that kind of thing on behalf of somebody who literally doesn't give a fuck.
No. 1912903
>>1912874I grew up around trad east african women who kept popping out babies until their mid 40s. Only sheltered people think women become infertile at 30.
Honestly the age women are supposed to "hit the wall" get slower every year. It used to be 40, then 35, and now 30. Do redpill men think are walking corpses at 25? Fucking pedos
No. 1912919
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I don’t understand people who get mad on Sydney Sweeneys behalf because Hollywood sexualizes her so much. She clearly likes the attention. There are some women who Genuinely like being portrayed in that way.
No. 1912937
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>>1912931She’s 27 playing sexy school girls even though she looks 30. Sydney strikes me as the type of woman who was considered ugly when she was in highschool but then got tits and she’s running with it.
No. 1912949
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>>1912937She’s not a girl’s girl so she doesn’t care about larping as a ~sexy teenager~ in every role and sleeping with married men, she complained about being sexualized for her implants but she keeps doing pornographic roles and photoshoots. She’s at the point in her career where she could say no if she didn’t want to do it, and yet in her snl performance she literally played a hooter’s waitress who has men offering to buy her cars kek
No. 1912953
>>1912906Imo people who whine about dumb relationship problems that are easily fixable and get mad when they get told they are dumb have serious
victim complexes. I also think in some cases people overestimate the "oppression" they go through each day just because they read a little too much crime statistics and think posts about certain things in the world, not to say they shouldn't care or anything. I think another thing is that as most of us live in first world countries hear or at least come from families from decent wealth, we tend to forget about how much we privilege we have and overblow the problems that are very small and insignificant in contrast.
>>1912950She's a conventionally attractive woman, finding her hot doesn't make you porn sick even if she is a bit of a hoe.
No. 1912956
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>>1912955Sydney Sweeney has big boobs, blonde and blue eyes that’s why she’s sexualized more and she plays into it. She rarely wears anything without her tits hanging out after she used to get bullied for being ugly. Before she started sexualizing herself people really forget the era when she was consider ugly lol
No. 1912959
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>>1912931She already has a career and could play normal roles if she wants. She keeps playing teenage girls despite being in her late twenties, it’s weird. It’s always a sexual character who does nude scenes too. There are countless actresses who didn’t choose to play minors in pornographic roles, she’s the one choosing to act like this. Why would she use her time on snl to dress like this if she didn’t want to be perceived this way?
>>1912953It does make you pornsick, because she plays teenage girls and strips down naked with her implants swinging around kek. In madame webb she acted like an uwu innocent little girl while wearing a school girl costume from party city. She’s gross and if you like her than you’re gross too, you’re probably into ddlg pedopandering. It doesn’t matter if you think she’s conventionally attractive, it’s exactly like fawning over Belle Delphine and saying you’re “weak for her”, everyone knows what kind of person you are
No. 1912967
>>1912963So now she’s doing the “women fuck dogs” incel joke too? Disgusting. There’s also an old urban legend joke thing about a teenage girl getting caught fucking a dog, there are different versions of the story but it’s disturbing and that’s what she’s leaning into here. She’s the biggest pickme, she’s choosing to degrade teenage girls by sexualizing them for pedo attention.
This video also made me realize that her ribcage is bigger than her hips, weird.
No. 1912971
>>1912950liking a woman with big boobs makes you porn sick now
>>1912949can we retire the dumb normie 'girl’s girl' phrase? it’s not about sydney sweeney but it’s basically meaningless and it’s ironic to use it on lolcor.
No. 1912982
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>>1912963This skit is really creepy. She's definitely pandering to the pornsick market at this point. Why would someone agree to that role?
No. 1912997
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>>1912984dunno if i want to see the world you live in if children there are dressed like that
No. 1913012
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>>1913011She's retarded anon.
No. 1913034
>>1913022>>1913011There are multiple anons, you aren’t talking to one person.
>>1912997Re-read this and try to comprehend it this time
> She dresses exclusively in childlike outfits in roles and magazine porn shoots, stop lying. The joke is that you’re the stunted one if you like pedopandering teen porn garbage>>1913016I don’t think we can report someone for defending pedopandering, teen fetishes, and dog fetishes, it doesn’t seem like bait it seems like an extremely misogynistic pickme
No. 1913040
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>>1913034Imagine being in your late 20s still wearing school girl uniforms for no reason
No. 1913101
>>1913082This but about outdoor cats
>>1913091Kek, the absolute state of lolcow 'misandrist radfems'
No. 1913106
>>1913099But the anon said she’s ’weak for her’ in response to the snl skits where she’s wearing a hooters uniform and a high school cheerleader costume, and the picture of her in Madame Webb where she plays a ~sexy teenager~, so no, the anon did not say she’s only attracted to her outside of her sexualized pedo pandering roles.
Are you slow?
No. 1913116
>>1913113It’s literally a schoolgirl outfit and she acts like a child in the movie. This person said here
>>1913099 that you said you weren’t attracted to her while she pedopandered and only knew of her red carpet outfits, and I said that your original statement, which got you called pornsick, was in response to her roleplaying as a sexualized schoolgirl
No. 1913134
>>1912906Basically what
>>1912953 said. There are very dramatic posts about Western feminism and detachment and unresponsiveness to the women of the Third World countries. Also pointless infights like the one about tall vs short women from the last thread, like what do you even want to accomplish with that?
No. 1913135
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>>1913124It looked indistinguishable from the fashion editorials I get sent daily, guess everyone here literally wears full Amish gear
No. 1913138
>>1913101It was on twitter. She's pregnant and talking with other Nigel havers in between her misandrist tweets, responding to retarded Hettie relationshit problems and using misandry as a dating strategy. Most if not all misandry is performative like this and I agree with the "misogynistic radfems" who hate male lovers because actually they are fucking insufferable and since birth they were exposing us to retarded trauma content and problems with their Nigels, at least one space should be free of this bullshit but they constantly whine and complain and bring up their Nigel who's a faggot prostitute with body count over 100(real story) or a Nigel she she met 2 months ago and he waited to have sex with her for months! (It was less than two months, another real story from another woman) therefore he's a god or he slapped her during sex once but other Hettie radfems coddled her politely and she stayed with him until he raped her and then she still raged at separatist a day after the rape that happened during a bdsm play(because she was into bdsm while being a "rAdFeM") like yeah actually they are the problem!!
Go to hell with these male lovers and their shit misandry and their moralfagging and their endless complains and their retarded relationship stories that are fucking
No. 1913158
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>>1913149Haven’t seen it and I don’t think it’s as obvious as picrel, seifuku or Gossip Girl ones. I could easily see girls my age wearing it at uni, in the public transport or on the street.
No. 1913164
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>>1913153I know you’re trolling now. Anon literally posted the picture of her in the schoolgirl outfit because we were talking about how she plays a sexualized teenage girl who has sex scenes in every role.
>>1913158Yeah your picture is a Halloween tier version, the creepy anon knew she was in a school uniform and playing a sexualized minor because that’s what the entire conversation was about, and her response was “I’m weak for her” because she’s a scrote-brained creep
No. 1913188
>>1913184Jfc and what about it, doesn’t mean that anon thinks of it as of a schoolgirl outfit and it’s not really obvious, regardless of costume designer’s intention. If I find a man in a blazer and with a tie attractive am I a paedo since it’s an uniform in some boys’ private schools?
>you’re sick in the headShut up already, you’re repeating yourself.
No. 1913209
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I think it's very important to post about a deceased relative online. It would be one thing if you were remembering the anniversary of your mom's death, but your father just died. Give it some time
No. 1913218
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>>1913072Looks like a school uniform to me. It doesnt look sexy or anything because it’s baggy but don’t act like men don’t sexualize these outfits just because it’s associated with little girls.
No. 1913234
>>1913134>youMe or in general? I'm not from the West and I try to avoid fights.
>>1912953Yeah, you have a point here.
No. 1913377
>>1913373The ones who do end up with younger men always do the sugar momma shit and I don’t think they should. They should treat him exactly like the men their age. My brother used to date older women and treated them like atms but was still
abusive and horrible.
No. 1913378
>>1913360>>1913362I think it's about power. moids feel emasculated when they're younger or not providing because they know they can be told to kick rocks at any moment and be left with nothing. moids know if they're with an older woman they're basically a replaceable piece of meat. that's exactly how older scrotes treat their younger female counterparts after all.
>>1913368women being able to navigate relationships without fearing being jobless or homeless is still better than being forced to marry a scrote to have basic human rights. not to say it's a good thing we have to work AND do domestic chores but now women can just choose to be single which was a way harder thing to do decades ago. scrotes have to pick up the pace if they want to keep getting married.
No. 1913430
>>1913428seriously, i mean think about it
>'straight' moids are into traps, straight women arent into reverse traps>men masturbate to trannies, women don't>famous moids are almost always caught fucking troons, women arent>moid had entire civilizations centered around fucking young boys and trannifying men to fuck them, women didnt>lots of men are into futashit, barely any woman is into cuntboys>men simp for trannies/trap ethots, women dont simp for reverse trap ethots>moids ''desirable bodytype'' is gay porn/Schwarzenegger roidpig, rather than the lean fit type that's attractive to most women and has been popular since foreverthink about it, the average man is bisexual.
No. 1913524
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>>1913490It's a combination of the chemicals added during modern tobacco processing and atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Lung cancer rates spiked during the cold war because both NATO and the USSR were detonating nuclear bombs. There's still increased rates of cancer in Nevada around the original test sites.
No. 1913556
>>1913545I think lot of them just don't realize how racist and fucked up Arab countries (and Islam) actually are. These are countries that literally still enslave black people, but Americans don't talk about that because it contradicts the whole "
POC solidarity"/"all of history can be summed up like this: everyone was chilling, but then white people showed up" narrative they have going on.
Also, non-black hyper-lefties tend to get very mad when black people don't acquiesce to these sorts of things. I've liked pro-Palestine stuff on social media just so no one suspects I'm pro-Israel and wants to cancel me or whatever No. 1913593
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>>1913557You know what? I like you. Fuck everybody else, you and I are both sick of this world demanding us to break our backs to support everyone while we still get look at as dirt. Fuck them and fuck everybody's faggot, pedo-worshipping religion.
No. 1913610
>>1913586> i hope both sides just kill each other off.extremely based. this is what most people in the civilized world think about the conflict, btw. which is why they keep silent on the issue.
if u ever get stopped by a tiktok cringer with a mic on the street, and they ask u to comment on the war, just say Israel is Albania (fact) and move on.
No. 1913627
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>>1913621it’s starting to smell like /pol/tard in here
No. 1913651
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>>1913630NTA but ikr? Only hyper emotional zoomzooms with hero complexes truly ride for random Muslim scrotes overseas, anybody with an IQ above single digits knows better than to support either sides of this faggot war. The only humans I hope make it out alive in big numbers are the children caught in it, and even then that's not a
given. These Muslim scrotes wanna preach about how their religion is so good when it enables their pedophilia and wife-beating tendencies? How their countries are so good even though they fought and bombed each other until their own farming soil went to shit? When they flee from their own countries to go make their braindead opinions and detrimental behavior Europeans' and Americans' problems? How they want black people to be their little soldiers when they have enslaved and abused black women and children on a scale multiple times higher than the fatality of jews dying from the holocaust, and for many centuries? I'm not having this "Free Palestine" bullshit, especially when braindead zoomzooms think we should boycott and stop buying groceries for the sake of those overseas pieces of shit. Fuck both sides of this war, and I'm
happy that those war-headed religitards are perishing from their own stupidity. I am going to order Starbucks
right now.
No. 1913660
>>1913657Ntayrt but why is barbaric in quotes? They are committing very extreme,
barbaric atrocities that they should be put to death for. Do you think the people who wanted Hitler and his employees put to death were /pol/tards?
No. 1913663
>>1913651funniest part is them having their shit country's flag in their bios, usernames, hanging on the wall in their room, but they live ANYWHERE BUT said shit country.
even funnier?? they claim to be the nationality of whatever country decided to allow them to come in. not kidding. a dude said he's italian because he's lived in italy his whole life (parents are full african muzzers).
they're literally embarrassed of their own heritage. can you blame them? must be the biggest culture shock coming to a country where women aren't stoned to death for showing hair, and people go to jail instead of being publicly executed.
can't tell whether it's more funny or pathetic. the women and children of europe aren't laughing, that's for sure
No. 1913667
>>1913627Nah fuck all of them. Religious scrotes all suck but some religions have no reason to exist and it's even worse when these religions are the cause for literal wars and the death of countless women and children over centuries.
>>1913657Nta but sorry are we supposed to put palestine flags in our bios and send loads of money to the poor muslim scrotes so they can win and have their state after they're were the ones starting all this by murdering random people? So everyone can go back to ignore all the shit they caused and still cause to all women and children? And yeah peoples that allow honor killings and menstrual huts are barbaric.
No. 1913669
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>>1913660so based,
nonnie! kikes and mudslimes are barbaric subhumans, I hope they all die so that the aryan race can finally be free from such vermin! picrel
(racebaiting/alogging) No. 1913684
>>1913682ayrt, do you see me defending moids committing war atrocities? no. I’m merely stating some anons here are fucked in the head to celebrate civilian deaths if they happen to “barbaric” races. moids are not the main
victims of this conflict, women and children are
No. 1913685
>>1913667I mean, these women will have any chance to improve their conditions if they won’t get killed by IDF right now so maybe that’s why you should care about them getting bombed.
>>1913665It’s not a place for meaningful political discussion besides complaining about troons, faux misandry and performative feminism.
No. 1913690
>>1913684>Barbaric racesReligions aren't races. I personally care for the women and children, not for the male civilians that contribute to the rape and oppression of women even outside of this conflict.
>>1913685I care about the women but you're naive if you think they'll ever have a chance to be free from their rape pedo religion when everyone insists on sucking the dicks of dumb subhuman religious cavemen.
No. 1913695
>>1913586I don't know, intuitively I have some sympathy for the palestians but I also know what braggarts Arabs would be if they won a single Arab-Israeli War. They cry crocodile tears but you know if they were literally able to slaughter the Israelis and drive them to the sea, they'd be gloating about it.
It's like watching a violent, alcoholic neighbor be financially ruined over a minor technicality by some shifty lawyer, and having to sell his house over it. He then tries threatening and killing said lawyer several times over the past few years and gets an increasingly severe sentence and restraining order put on him each time, sinking further into debt. That's the best analogy I can think of, a shitty person being in the right but behaving so terribly you struggle to have sympathy.
No. 1913712
>>1913689I said everyday this week, not everyday for my entire life. But you are right that it is expensive in the long run, but its tax season so I'm in "treat yourself" mode
>>1913669Are you a Jew or a Muslim nonita? You seem a bit upset.
>>1913684I'm not celebrating civilian deaths, I'm celebrating the deaths of rerarded religious scrotes who make everyone's lives worse. I hope the scotes on both sides kill each other off. I'm tired of hearing about how we should all boycott McDicks and Starbucks for some religious retards who think its perfectly fine to rape and abuse women who aren't part of their religion.
>>1913665So stop using LC and get back on X, formerly known as Twitter. I'm sure they have extremely rational and well thought out takes.
No. 1913779
>>1913682It's an American problem. I once complained about old moids from a certain country in Asia that killed off its baby girls "bride shopping"/exploiting young women from third world countries, and I got sperged at by some burger who claimed I was somehow being racist. They don't ever want to be reminded that both white and "
POC" moids can be evil. Muslim (of any race) and Jewish moids are some of the worst, but it's simply not politically correct to say.
No. 1913795
>>1913780Your taxes are deducted out of your paycheck each pay period, and at the beginning of the next year, your taxes for the year prior are filed to the government and your state. Your state and the government will refund the amount of taxes you paid after you file your tax paperwork.
>>1913790I don't know what shithole you live in but in the United States taxes are utilized by the government for the purpose of paying employees across different disciplines, buying school supplies, cleaning up the streets, and other random shit. It's not like they just take the money kek, it's kind of like getting a little present its nice to get a random extra deposit of money into your account
No. 1913919
>>1913795Nona as a fellow burger I’m sorry to inform you but you have late stage burger brain. You need to protect yourself from this disease by listening to non-burgers sometimes before its terminal. We don’t even know what we need to ask for because most of us think our way is the “best” for no reason when it’s actually fucked. It’s depressing.
It’s not a “treat” it’s your money and it was always your money. You gave them them the money first, then you got the money back. There’s no reason they couldn’t have calculated how much money they needed to tax based on standard calculations and simply never taken the money.
No. 1913920
>>1913919oh my goodness you're reading a little too far into what i said. Also I don't really think its "fucked" to pay taxes, and yeah it was money that I earned but I take no umbrage with a little getting deducted every week so that I get a big check randomly deposited into my account at the beginning of the next year. It
feels like a treat kek!
No. 1913942
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Over 28 Million Africans have been enslaved in the Muslim world during the past 14 centuries While much has been written concerning the Transatlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been given to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. While the European involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade to the Americas lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the slave trade has lasted fourteen centuries, and in some parts of the Muslim world is still continuing to this day. A comparison of the Muslim slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some interesting contrasts. While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Muslim slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims. While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Transsahara and East African slave trade was between 80 and 90%. While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems, and for military service. While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East even fucking survived. While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth. It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States). While Christian Reformers spearheaded the antislavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America, and Great Britain mobilized her Navy, throughout most of the 19th Century, to intercept slave ships and set the captives free, there was no comparable opposition to slavery within the Muslim world. Even after Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807 and Europe abolished the slave trade in 1815, Muslim slave traders enslaved a further 2 million Africans. This despite vigorous British Naval activity and military intervention to limit the Muslim slave trade. By some calculations the number of victims of the 14 centuries of Muslim slave trade could exceed 180 million. Nearly 100 years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in America, and 130 years after all slaves within the British Empire were set free by parliamentary decree, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, in 1962, and Mauritania in 1980, begrudgingly removed legalized slavery from their statute books. And this only after international pressure was brought to bear. Today numerous international organizations document that slavery still continues in some Muslim countries.
“Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 million to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others believe over 20 million enslaved Africans alone had been delivered through the trans-Saharan route alone to the Islamic world. Dr. John Alembellah Azumah estimates in his 2001 book “The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa” that over 80 million more Black people died over that route”.
Key facts about Arab enslavement of Africans:
1. Arab enslavers practiced genetic warfare
The Arab slave trade typically dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves. Black boys between the age of 8 and 12 had their scrotums and penises completely amputated to prevent them from reproducing. About six of every 10 boys bled to death during the procedure, according to some sources, but the high price brought by eunuchs on the market made the practice profitable. Some men were castrated to be eunuchs in domestic service, and the practice of neutering male slaves was not limited to only Black males. “The calipha in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th Century had 7,000 black eunuchs and 4,000 white eunuchs in his palace,” writes author Ronald Segal in his 2002 book “Islam’s Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora.”
2. Arab slave trade inspired Arab racism towards blacks
Its important to note that Arab is not a racial classification; an Arab is almost like an American in that people classified as Arab today could be Caucasian (white people), Asiatic or even Arabized Africans. In the beginning there was some level of mutual respect between the Blacks and the more lighter-skinned Arabs. However, as Islam and the demand for enslaved Blacks grew, so did racism toward Africans.
As casual association with Black skin and slave began to be established, racist attitudes towards Blacks began to manifest in Arabic language and literature. The word for slave —abid — became a colloquialism for African. Other words, such as haratin, express social inferiority of Africans. As casual association with Black skin and slave began to be established, racist attitudes towards Blacks began to manifest in Arabic language and literature. The word for slave —abid — became a colloquialism for African. Other words, such as haratin, express social inferiority of Africans.
3. Arab enslavers targeted women for rape
The eastern Arab slave trade dealt primarily with African women, maintaining a ratio of two women for each man. These women and young girls were used by Arabs and other Asians as concubines and menials. A Muslim slaveholder was entitled by law to the sexual enjoyment of his slave women. Filling the harems of wealthy Arabs, African women bore them a host of children. This abuse of African women would continue for nearly 1,200 years.
4. Arab Slave trade ushered in European slave trade
The Arab slave trade in the 19th century was economically tied to the European trade of Africans. New opportunities of exploitation were provided by the transatlantic slave trade and this sent Arab slavers into overdrive. The Portuguese (on the Swahili coast) profited directly and were responsible for a boom in the Arab trade. Meanwhile on the West African coast, the Portuguese found Muslim merchants entrenched along the African coast as far as the Bight of Benin. These European enslavers found they could make considerable amounts of gold transporting enslaved Africans from one trading post to another, along the Atlantic coast.
5. The Arab Slave Trade Sparked One Of The Largest Slave Rebellions In History
The Zanj Rebellion took place near the city of Basra, located in present-day southern Iraq, over a period of fifteen years (A.D. 869–883). The insurrection is believed to have involved enslaved Africans (Zanj) who had originally been captured from the African Great Lakes region and areas further south in East Africa. Basran landowners had brought several thousand East African Zanj people into southern Iraq to drain the salt marshes in the east. The landowners forced the Zanj, who generally spoke no Arabic, into heavy slave labor and provided them with only minimal subsistence. The harsh treatment sparked an uprising that grew to involve over 500,000 enslaved and free men who were imported from across the Muslim empire.
6. Arab Enslavers Avoided Teaching Islam To Blacks To Justify Enslaving Them
According to some historians, Islam prohibited freeborn Muslims from being enslaved, so it was not in the interest for Arab slavers to convert enslaved Africans to the religion. Since converting enslaved Africans to Islam would grant them more rights and reduce the potential reservoir of people to enslave, propagators of Islam often revealed a cautious attitude toward proselytizing Africans. Still, if an African converted to Islam he was not guaranteed freedom nor did it confer freedom to their children. Only children of slaves or non-Muslim prisoners of war could become slaves, never a freeborn Muslim.
7. Time period
The Arab slave trade was the longest yet least discussed of the two major slave trades. It began in seventh century as Arabs and other Asians poured into northern and eastern Africa under the banner of Islam. The Arab trade of Blacks in Southeast Africa predates the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years. Some scholars say the Arab slave trade continued in one form or another up until the 1960s, however, slavery in Mauritania was criminalized as recently as August 2007.
8. Arab Slave Trade Not Limited To Africa Or Skin Color
One of the biggest differences between the Arab slave trade and European slaving was that the Arabs drew slaves from all racial groups. During the eighth and ninth centuries of the Fatimid Caliphate, most of the slaves were Europeans (called Saqaliba), captured along European coasts and during wars.
Aside from those of African origins, people from a wide variety of regions were forced into Arab slavery, including Mediterranean people; Persians; people from the Caucasus mountain regions (such as Georgia, Armenia and Circassia) and parts of Central Asia and Scandinavia; English, Dutch and Irish; and Berbers from North Africa. Arabic Slave trade that gets little to no attention in Western media or educational system and is practically a non entity as a subject in the Arab World.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1913943
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>>1913802I'm the anon that mentioned the Arab Lsave Trade, and I absolutely care more about the enslaved and abused African women and children that were and still are regularly taken from their homes or trapped inside those middle eastern shitholes more than any Muslim piece of shit scrote getting blown up in the name of being an Allahcuck. Anyone who is too retarded to research THAT tragedy can eat shit, and everyone that tries to water it down to "petty
victim hood" can eat one of those Israeli missles. I'm sick of Muslim scrotes and Palestinecucks thinking the world owes them something just because some jews hate them, but go to other countries to dip their toes in sexual slavery and to treat natives of foreign nations like dog shit.
the kidnapped and mistreated African women and children caught in the middle east are 1000% more important than the corrupted Muslim human turds that plague that litter box region, and all the mad Palestinetards can absolutely keep crying about their muslim history getting exposed. They can try to hide this side of their history all they life, but the truth is there and it's here to stay and be shared to every fuckin retard that loves to dickride and baby these muslim sons of bitches so much. By abuse rate, fatality numbers, and time length, muslims as an ethnic group are quite literally worse than Germans at the height of World War-fucking-II, and I'm SICK of every single western cunt with a hero complex trying to sweep all their fucking bullshit under the rug. They cannot hide from their disproportionate crimes in Europe, the continent they mooch the ever loving shit out of, and they damn sure can't hide the truth of why they're even coming to Africa and what they REALLY think of black people. By numbers, worse than the white American slave owners that would rape fourteen year old slave girls, I fucking hate Allahcucks and I fucking HATE the way Muslims exist. This is an ethnicity that was raised to be narcissistic sociopaths from day fucking one,
and now they're trying to belittle black people in this goddamn thread about the problems MUSLIMS made and still perpetuate? You dumbfucks even wanna credit yourselves for having Dubai: "the city of gold" when the majority of that gold was taken straight from African countries and soil? You stupid, war-torn dog shits wouldn't be ANYTHING without African resources and labor, but you STILL want to act like you're
so original? That you're the real deal?
FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR DOG SHIT, WORTHLESS RELIGION YOU CORRUPTED MUSLIM ALLAHCUCKS. You will NEVER deserve any empathy from the war the Jews are bringing to you, no matter HOW many braindead cocomelon zoomzooms scream at the top of their lungs for everybody to stop and feel all sorry for your stupid, worthless rapey, smelly, pedophilic, misogynistic, dog shit society, men and culture. I have savored every single fucking second of these Muslim scrotes getting hunted and put down by these missles like the wide scale, parasitic dogs they are, and
I will continue to savor their suffering as my lips sip this Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino.
>>1913490I wonder if tobacco leaf by itself the way the American
Indian smoke it is better than processed cigarettes.
No. 1914038
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>>1914014Is it a lung? It looks like a triple chocolate chip cookie.
No. 1914048
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>>1914014It's crazy that after the industrial revolution THIS is what our lungs look like thanks to the pollution, sickening… I wish we didn't ever discover industry so that we could still have good lungs but it's just not happening. To think doctors pin this all on cigarettes is wild and I think it's because Big Tobacco doesn't bow down to pressure like other companies doctors can bully into submission.
>>1913959Best kind of cigarettes is picrel, they are sooo good and taste just like menthol so it keeps your breath fresher than gum (chewing gum repeatedly can cause tooth damage) and they are slim as well so they make your hands look more delicate and pretty. People that smoke king sized cigarettes look like barbarians in comparison.
No. 1914075
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>>1914048Companies are definitely covering up the effects of heavy air pollution but people can and do get long term health impacts or die from smoke inhalation, even if there weren't any chemicals in cigarettes there's no way that smoking regularly wouldn't fuck up your lungs. You're just coping with your nicotine addiction nona
No. 1914083
File: 1709775891687.png (86.15 KB, 1024x512, cigarettes are "unhealthy".png)

>>1914068Virginia Slims are just the best brand I fell in love with them when they were doing all the tennis advertisements way back when. They have such a smooth smoke and they look so much better than a king sized cigarette. You can also get cigarette holders shaped for slim cigarettes that elongate the smoke even more, and then you can avoid that smell you get on your fingers.
>>1914063So in picrel it's a graph measuring average air pollution in some major cities across the globe. These figures are from 2015, so assume that these pollution levels have increased since that date. The health detriments of living in those cities and breathing in that air is measured in terms of how many cigarettes per day the pollution is equivalent to in terms of negative health effects. We can see that in Los Angeles, even someone who doesn't smoke cigarettes is still smoking the equivalency of 30 cigarettes per week. The average for the US is about 3 cigarettes per week. If we use the Los Angeles data, so 4.3 cigarettes per day, and with 52 weeks in a year, with an assumed lifespan of 80 years, a person born in LA has inhaled the pollution equivalent to smoking ~125k cigarettes by the time they turn 80 (4.3 cigarettes multiplied by 7 days multiplied by 52 weeks multiplied by 80 years = 125,216.) If we use Paris' data in place of LA's, that number goes up to ~175k cigarettes. If living in congested urban areas is already unhealthy enough to be compared to smoking cigarettes, what is the difference of smoking 1 or 2 cigarettes a week for the pleasure of it? Even famed Hollywood superstar Gwyneth Paltrow (founder of the highly-esteemed wellness company GOOP) smokes one cigarette a week, every Sunday. It's a massive cope to say "oh cigarettes are sooooo bad for you! they are the real reason we have cancer!" when just being alive in certain cities, like Paris, can be just as detrimental to your health as smoking 2 packs per week. I think it's a failure of government that we let medical organizations gaslight us into thinking that stimulating nicotine is the ultimate evil when industry is pushing much more noxious chemicals into our air.
>>1914077Yeah but it's fun and a little bit sexy. If you live in an urban environment, try it out! It's better than just inhaling industrial fumes and getting no stimulating effects.
No. 1914157
>>1914083>>1914048You do realize that like. Two things can be bad at the same time right. Both smoking and living in a polluted place are bad for your health, so if you care about it, you should avoid both and advocate for laws that combat both.
Also laughing because I live in a place with super low pollution, like less than half the U.S. average. I'm at like. 70 "cigarettes" per year, except at least pollution isn't addictive and draining away my money. How much do you spend on cigarettes each week, nona? The financial burden is the main reason my mother quit.
No. 1914169
File: 1709783078298.jpg (108.91 KB, 640x892, virginia slims ad plz buy.jpg)

>>1914162Ohhh those white chocolate macadamia nut cookies are so good. I love those cookies.
>>1914157>How much do you spend on cigarettes each week, nona?I spend 20 dollars a month on cigarettes. If I can't treat myself to beautiful and delicate Virginia Slims branded 120 menthols, with a smooth and full flavour and a refreshing hint of menthol, then what's the point of working? I might as well be dead at that point.
>I live in a place with super low pollution! Only 70 cigarettes per year worth of pollution-based negative health effects!Right so then what's the harm of having another cigarette or two a year and actually getting the stimulating and euphoric benefits of tobacco? If you live in a super duper clean-air place and you STILL live with that much pollution, isn't that kind of fucked up and evil and a reason we should start seriously limiting industry and looking towards greener sources of energy?
>>1914163Big Tobacco has been yearning to expand its marketing into the traditional basket weaving forums for years. It's one small step for a smoker, but one big leap for smokerkind.
No. 1914350
>>1914251"I can't make friends because all of the women in my college are dick sucking whores"
Said by a radical feminist.
No. 1914458
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>>1914356>Men always support each other, unlike women who are catty. Mega kek. Is this ritard?
No. 1914495
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>>1914402It depends. Men in East Asian find this girl attractive but anyone outside of there would find her creepy and weird looking. What’s attractive depends on where you live.
No. 1914509
>>1914402>but the specific body policing and "you're fat if you're not 16 BMI or below" sperging they engage in comes from themselves rather than typical male demandsHow is this an unpopular opinion?
Apart from moids with a skeleton fetish, the majority of men don't find anachan attractive.
No. 1914516
>>1914514The kind of homeless who live on the street are genuinely too antisocial to be able to live in society. A lot of them are
abusive as well. I heard some seriously fucked up stories from people who worked with them.
No. 1914719
>>1914669you sound super young and have only ever seen "estimated mortgage" monthly payments on Zillow. First you gotta save for a down payment, a lot of people are kicked out completely on their own and have to spend their every last penny on bills. If you're not in a situation where someone can help you out while you save that won't work
you're also not understanding mortgage is.. simply just the house itself. A lot of renters include utilities, trash, land tax etc. even if you do get that 500 a month house, you realize utilities and tax alone will equal well more than 400-500
No. 1914720
>>1914669People forget about repairs, property taxes, insurance and just look at the lump sum mortgage cost. If you save the rent/mortgage difference and invest it, you make about the same amount of money. Buying a house is made out to be a 150 IQ financial move but it often isn't. On a $300,000 mortgage you're often paying like $550,000 over the entire course.
It's about ten years of you being financially worse off and stuck, ten years of it being about the same, and ten years of you being better off than renters, then your mortgage is paid. But people are often selling themselves into hardship when they're young so they can enjoy luxury in old age. Which is fine to an extent, but a lot of millennial couples go overboard and spend their entire 20s and early 30s working second jobs and living like poor people to get that house bag.
No. 1914727
>>1914722>It’s really not that hard if you have realistic goalsI bet you're conveniently covering that you either weren't paying rent living at your parents to pay for the deposit, they went guarantor on your mortgage, they gave you the deposit or you're american and got in when interest rates were 2%.
You're genuinely an outlier. Where I live couples grindmaxx for years to even get that starter home.
No. 1914732
File: 1709836589905.jpeg (51.11 KB, 1069x366, IMG_2717.jpeg)

>>1914728My heat is 50 dollars a month. Proof is pic related. People just make having a house so much harder than it really is lol
No. 1914742
>>1914731are you the anon who kept calling women who were
victims of sex trafficking stupid because you ate pasta every night and (yet again) beating around the bush when people point out weird missing elements of your story?
>My deposit was around 3k. That’s not that much to save in about a few months if you live with your parents yeah, you also previous claimed to also spend a few thousands on repairs before you even moved in too. there's absolutely no way you did that without some level of cush
>>1914732>My heat is 50 dollars a month.the average electric bill is 100-400 monthly, and is even more expensive in older homes. You're either bullshitting or aren't sharing full info. and then instead of acknowledging it you just blame everyone else for whatever reason
No. 1914744
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>>1914742Incorrect for me. My electric bill is only 36 dollars a month. Proof pic related
No. 1914762
>>1914758124 is still not 400 a month, please relax. i said in my original post that
my bill is usually $30-40 in a high cost of living area, and i guarantee i'm not the only person who doesn't overuse electricity
No. 1914766
>>1914761your rent was "too high" yet you were able to get 3k for a downpayment and another few thousand for moving costs, closing costs, furniture, etc? okay. All the while somehow being approved for a loan with a small downpayment with little to no credit history
>>1914762>i said in my original post that my bill is usually $30-40 in a high cost of living area, and i guarantee i'm not the only person who doesn't overuse electricityeven electricians have confirmed the "simple ways to save electric" barely saves a dollar or so a month
No. 1914790
File: 1709838653418.jpg (32.13 KB, 1098x368, kek.jpg)

>>1914785>>1914786Just save more money by getting cheap everything, idiots. My power is only 5c a month because I sit at home in the dark.
No. 1914822
>>1914814> feel like a lot of zoomers don’t even you know this or just guessing? most zoomers I know are working multiple jobs and shoving tons of people into tiny apartments to eat ramen for dinner
also just like
>>1914797 said
sus you even got APPROVED for such with such a small downpayment
No. 1914824
>>1914822>most zoomers i know are working multiple jobs ok now
this i really do not believe KEK
No. 1914836
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>>1914822It’s possible. I hate to sound like a boomer but pull yourself up by your boot straps and actually try and stop whining you can’t all the time. Why don’t even need two jobs? Where I live the average pay is 16 an hour.
No. 1914859
>>1914786It could be a dilapidated house in rural West Virginia or Montana that's borderline illegal to live in, and the low price was just for the land because you're supposed to tear it down and build a new one. Legally, that is, in the middle of nowhere nobody gives a shit unless someone phones a government department.
That's the only explanation I can think of where this makes sense. But it's more likely trolling.
No. 1914863
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>>1914811KEK this is what I've been saying, you can't even get a fucking dilapidated garage for that cheap here
No. 1914882
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>>1914877This is a picture of a house I took that’s 20 minutes away from me. Detriot has nice areas.
No. 1914899
File: 1709842387131.png (883.13 KB, 976x673, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 3.07.…)

>>1914869Did you mean to say now? Almost every single detached house in Toronto is at least $1,000,000 even with no modern updates. I don't even live there and the housing market is like that here as well, it's so bleak. The house across the street from my parents place sold for 1.3m last year and it's a fucking bungalow that the previous owner renovated himself so god knows what the quality was like
No. 1914919
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>>1914903stop bullying me its not my fault my bill is cheap
No. 1915059
>>1915031some recipes were disgusting yeah but you're also not thinking of the cool whip and mayo obsession back then, or the insane amount of TV dinners and crap they'd make. People also drank way more back then too. Carbs and meat galore. Hell elvis ate like 10k calories back in the day and it took years for it to catch up with him, and even then fat elvis looks like the average blue collar moid who only eats a gas station burrito and beer
it's honestly mind-boggling people don't actually believe there's something wrong with our food when there's people in the 1950s who ate like damn cows yet were only mildly fat yet college students double their body weight eating a pack of ramen a day
No. 1915079
>>1915065you don't have to handpull the noodles and make the bread yourself
nonnie it takes like 25 minutes to make pasta
No. 1915080
>>1915069>just seasoning>air fryer for 30 minutes for RAW chicken>boiling veggies for 4>not even including cleaning, prep, etcso your entire ranting about fatties not wanting to cook is just you projecting your own lack of cooking skills. Got it
don't get salmonella btw
No. 1915082
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>>1915080It takes less than 10 minutes to clean raw chicken with salt, lemon and vinegar. How long do you think you been to bake chicken? Just llet it cook for 40-30 minutes. It’s less work than frying it.
No. 1915096
>>1915090Are you not putting in effort? It's definitely not that short. You sound gross
>>1915089Then anons would start screeching about how you're buying actual garbage and should've just spend an extra few seconds cleaning
No. 1915107
>>1915104This reminds me of when pearl said "women should shut the fuck up and clean after work because it's just throwing stuff into machines and taking a few seconds. Stop being
victims women"
No. 1915134
12-2 hours commute
10 hours, - 8 for sleep
2 hours
wow, I get an entire two hours where I can't sit down for a damn minute and spend my every living second working, oh and showering? showering is for lazy fatties. Just amputate your feet once you get plantar fasciitis you lazy fatties!
No. 1915149
>>1915143>Okay if your commute to work is 2 hours thats an extreme end of the spectrum,if you live in a lower income area like suggested sometimes the only livable wage jobs are an hour + away, not even including time to prep for work. I lived in the poorest small town and when I got my first job the only town that had any job was an hour away
>also does showering take you 2 hours? Does shower water even stay hot for that long kek whatif pointing out that some people who work a lot may only have 2 hours of free time and you take "I shower for 2 hours straight" out of that you should work on your reading comprehension
No. 1915192
>>1915188Nope not American. Just someone who doesn't really care to hear about poor people whining about being poor.
>Riots in the capital!!!!Okay pack it up Ursula Le Guin this isn't fantasy story land kek.
No. 1915211
>>1915156I purposefully avoid any recipes and meals that can cause a mess like that to avoid the extra cleaning, so yeah, I never spill anything or get anything stuck anywhere. I keep the messy recipes for my off days. I cook and eat 2 meals, breakfast and dinner, for lunch I just make a tuna sandwich or deli meat sandwich and take it in a lunchbox. I only use one bowl to mix my tuna with spices and condiments, and if it's deli meat, it's straight out of its container to the bread slices layed inside the lunchbox. I skip the weird prep steps everyone does where they measure spices and put them in little bowls/dishes and just pour it straight out of the bottle, I don't use spoons to measure stuff and eyeball it instead, I cut everything and leave it on the cutting board rather than setting it aside in separate plates, I reuse the same pot for pasta and sauce if making one that needs to simmer like ragu and put the pasta aside in a coriander, that way I have 3 utensils to wash with the wooden spoon I stirred with and the fork/spoon I eat with and the knife and cutting board which imo aren't that much. I also eat straight out of the pot and don't bother with presentation so I won't have an extra dish to wash. I cook on the same burner so all the mess would be in one spot and faster/easier to clean, and if there is any mess at all, I pour hot water on all the spots and some dish soap and let it set while I eat so I can clean it up quickly and it won't dry and get too hard to remove later. I use chlorine to clean mostly so spots get removed easily, and only use it on dishes if they're too stinky from food scents. I keep an eye on my pots and pans whilw it's cooking to avoid any overcooking or water drying out so it won't get stuck at all, and use the cooking methods that prevent that, like the east asian way of making rice, and the Italian way of boiling pasta in water and making the sauce then adding the pasta to the sauce. I don't bake because I suck at it but when I do I use one bowl to mix everything and put it in a baking pan, so I would have 2 things to clean only. The sink sort of gets cleaned when I do the dishes but I give it an extra wash after I'm done with the dishes. Hope this helps you on saving time in the kitchen. Another thing that helps is listening to music or some youtube video while working so you don't feel bored.
No. 1915217
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America is the best country ever I am proud to be a burger!!
No. 1915221
>>1915211Samefagging to add I sometimes get too hungry and make extra food for dinner and save the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch or dinner.
>>1915215Oh well, it might help someone else reading the thread kek
No. 1915245
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>>1915217i am not american but i unironically love the USA and it makes a me bit sad its only known as the land of mass shootings and mcdonalds
No. 1915407
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It’s silly when older women still worry about being thin because being thin and older just highlights the worse parts about being older. It makes people look more old.
No. 1915429
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>>1915422Not for pic related. She actually has a diet book and shares Ana tips on TikTok. She also got canceled for taking pictures in her kids clothes to show how smol she is. she would look better if she gained 20 pounds.
No. 1915528
>>1915522you know tv shows arent just family guy clones…right?
>>1915521to give two popular live action examples, both breaking bad and better call saul are art. There is also animation that's not Family guy, like Primal, venture bros, moral orel, metalpocalypse, the simpsons early seasons, etc.
No. 1915537
File: 1709873248881.jpg (710.27 KB, 2048x1003, it's not a television show.jpg)

>>1915528So, to you, watching the early seasons of the Simpsons is on par with visiting a museum… This is just incredible. You would honestly say that sitting down to watch Breaking Bad is an activity that isn't "wasting your life," for real..? Nonna come walk with me in picrel, and we can look at the beautiful flowers and butterflies, and we can live in the real world instead of succumbing to your voyeuristic impulse to live through the idealized scenarios presented by the unholy Television…
No. 1915539
File: 1709873326896.gif (1.9 MB, 400x297, tumblr_nllt9jOHx61u436p7o4_400…)

>>1915536you are so pretencious, it's sad.
No. 1915572
>>1915542>Get off the internet!!! Because the internet is the same thing as Doctor Phil!!!This comment gave me a hearty kek. I don't own a television set or any online streaming subscriptions because television is designed to rot a person's brain. I will watch films occasionally because they have the potential to be produced as art, but
television programmes? No. No television programme ever produced could ever claim to be art. It is genuinely fascinating to me that some people can believe that taking a walk in a park is wasting your life, but sitting down for hours in front of a television isn't wasting your life. Genuinely fascinating that people like that exist out there in the world.
No. 1915583
>>1915572>but television programmes? No. No television programme ever produced could ever claim to be artWhy not? Is there a difference in production between a TV show an a movie that makes one art but the other not?
Is it just length?
No. 1915586
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>>1915571Sorry you have bad taste
No. 1915594
>>1915573>I lazily half-engage with film while doing something else.Dividing your attention to consume more media is not the own you think it is.
>>1915576Gravity Falls is an animated children's show from the Disney channel marketed towards 8-12 year olds.
>>1915579Kek. They really don't hear how they sound to non-retarded people.
>>1915583Because a film can be recorded by anyone. There exists the potential that a film is designed for no particular audience in mind; it is only filmed for the sake of the artist behind it. There are many films that are avant-garde, independent, or otherwise unadvertised. Sure, some movies today are the result of corporate profit, e.g., the superhero movies, but still there are many examples of films that are created solely for the opportunity to create film. Television is driven by marketing, advertising, and profit. It exists to generate money for television companies. There is no television show in existence that was designed solely to express an artist's vision. Any television show that is not profitable is axed or not picked up by the network.
No. 1915606
>>1915594You have a very optimistic view of films.
Imo there is not a single film that was truly only one person's vision. It's impossible.
The only mediums that can truly be a single vision only meant just for the artist are books, illustration, animation, and comics.
No. 1915611
>>1915596You went to university to study sociology… and you wrote a paper about an episode from a children's television show advertised to children in the 12-14 demographic… This is incredible, like honestly this is fascinating.
>>1915601Please reread what I typed. I will type it in a different way for your benefit: drawing is a learned skill that requires an artist's attention. If you are watching a movie that's worth its time, you should be watching the movie and paying attention to it and enjoying its cinematography, the acting, etc., not just having it on in the background so that you can distract yourself while doing something else. It's like when I was a kid, my mum would put the television on when she was washing dishes: but she wasn't actually
watching the television, the noises and sounds were just going in one ear and out the next as she washed dishes. She put it on because it was a distraction from the chore.
No. 1915623
>>1915610My hobbies include: reading, swimming, playing with clay, gardening, taking hikes, I like to browse the world wide web, and take photographs when I go on walks around my city, and twice a week I like to go try a new recipe to cook, and once or twice a month I like to visit a new restaurant or art installation. All of these are more engaging than sitting down and watching television for hours on end.
>>1915618People like us wouldn't get the deep sociological meaning of the gumball-machine man interacting with raccoon boy and bluejay man. It's so advanced we'd have to attend countless lectures in the top universities across the country to fathom how meaningful and impactful the children's show
Regular Show is to the growing field of sociology.
No. 1915630
>>1915625>Taking one hobby out of a list of many to cope with considering children's television shows to be high art.Kek.
>>1915626I'm sorry nona I just can't believe you chose to liken a topic as wide-reaching as drugs in society and you decided to write about Regular Show. I just can't believe that. My jaw hit the desk when I read that. Was there nothing in our society that interested you more than the coffee episode of Regular Show? Or was it just you being a little bit silly?
No. 1915640
>>1915634>Coping with TV addiction by dreaming up situations about me (who is thin).Anon all this is because someone implied that watching TV was one of the only activities on Earth that don't constitute "wasting time." I don't know what made you seethe, was it being told that Gravity Falls is just a Disney-animated children's show? Or was it when we clowned on you for saying that watching Venture Bros. was on par with visiting an art gallery?
>>1915541Kek for real.
No. 1915644
File: 1709876670422.png (1010.21 KB, 665x669, modern art be like.png)

>>1915640modern art galleries are for money laundrey and prentencious spergs, they suck ass
No. 1915647
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>>1915645if you werent larping you would know art galleries are filled by begginer and ugly pretencious shit like pic rel
No. 1915648
>>1915645They don't go to art galleries nona, they watch Gravity Falls, the animated Disney children's show, all day long. They wouldn't know what art galleries are like, or what installations are popular right now. I assume they have never been in a museum either, too busy watching the adventures of Raccoon boy and Bluejay man.
>>1915646Television shows are designed to fit in between the advertisements to keep the viewer's attention, at least in the era of cable. Most children's programming, something that you seem to love, from the 70s and 80s were in fact designed for advertising and selling toys.
>>1915647Cope harder TV addict.
No. 1915653
>>1915649For what purpose other than to satiate your ego kek. Keep seething.
>>1915647>Unironically believing all modern art is pretentious and made by beginners while arguing that the early Simpsons episodes are art.Okay… We are losing the plot here…
No. 1915658
>>1915648You’re replying to at least two different TV anons. I just think it’s ridiculous to shit all over a form of art that is
valid and has real cultural and entertainment value. It’s funny that you aren’t even acknowledging that I mentioned The Twilight Zone? Yeah wow so low brow and only for the stupids. I like museums and ballets and orchestral performances and visiting nature parks too, but none of those things are as accessible as TV. Art is everywhere bitch.
No. 1915659
File: 1709877585714.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, kek.gif)

>>1915656you are seething so hard because no one thinks you are cool for paying to see pretencious ''dog turd on canvas, 2023 50''x 75'' '
No. 1915660
File: 1709877603559.jpg (37.55 KB, 736x531, guess who.jpg)

>>1915655Kek not what I said keep seething. Favourite painting is picrel by Chee Chee. I just wanted to upload it because I love the geese.
>>1915658Yes but the original point that we're disagreeing with is: "All things besides watching TV is wasting your time." No amount of MGMT music videos will change the stupidity of that original statement.
No. 1915669
>>1915657Kek I think the anon you're responding to must be autistic or something to be seething about people disliking animated sitcoms.
>>1915659Yeah, paying $5 for an art gallery is obscene. I should invest my money into Netflix subscriptions and paying cablemen.
>>1915663>>1915667>Unironically believing that only ultra-realist European artwork from the renaissance can be considered artwork.>Doesn't have concept of indigenous artform as a means of cultural expression and identity.>Unironically believes that there is good art and bad art.You sound so fascinating. It's enthralling. It's like I'm talking to a nazi youth with down's syndrome…
No. 1915672
File: 1709878155748.jpg (147.34 KB, 751x900, 1579213871504.jpg)

>>1915669>animated cartoon about blue bird bad>shitty doodle of bird made by autistic moid that sells for 7k good!at least learn to larp better
No. 1915678
>>1915672The hitler youth brigadier with down syndrome continues her sperg out about Regular Show. The poor retard cannot see the error of her ways. She sleeps at night wishing all art to be locked away in the
Entartete Kunst exhibit, the only things permitted to be considered
art are stills from the Cartoon Network show "Regular Show." The artists lament her restrictions, but alas they must start their daily regimen of watching 6 hours of Regular Show and committing various scenes from the children's show to memory. Later, they will have to paint Bluebird Man and sculpt Raccoon Boy.
No. 1915685
>>1915684what about
>>1915660 is art?
No. 1915686
>>1915680The brigadier continues with her retarded sperg out, she throws up her arm and shouts "heil Mordecai and Rigby, heil! Death to degenerate art!" but little does she know the Bluebird Man isn't real and doesn't care that his honour has been insulted.
>Everyone thinks your retarded and pretentious (not pretencious).If they think Regular Show is
art then I don't give a damn what their thoughts on me are kek. My 15 year old niece is too old for Regular Show. How can an adult sit down and watch Regular Show and actually believe deep down that it's more artistic than anything seen at an art gallery.
No. 1915688
File: 1709878888963.jpeg (451.41 KB, 880x1119, IMG_7128.jpeg)

>>1915678I’d rather look at trippy fanart of mordecai and rigs tripping balls than weird goose doodles kek. This is a fun but stupid argument. I’d take you more seriously if you actually posted some thought provoking art from an artist with a cool collection of works like Escher but you really think you’re hot shit and animation is dog shit while your favorite painting isn’t even thought provoking? And all that artists work is the same birds in different poses. It’s funny that you think you’re so much better than people able to see the nuance and cultural/artistic value in a kids show when your fave work of art doesn’t even inspire nor invoke discussion.
No. 1915695
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Picrel is highest form of art ever created by humanity.
>>1915688you need to take a break from the puter if someone insulting Regular Show is enough to make you sperg out to this extent
No. 1915698
>>1915690It made me think about stuff.
Reminds me of my dreams.
No. 1915704
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>>1915695There’s some really cool fanart out there that I find more stimulating to look at then chee chee kek
No. 1915711
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>>1915699Posting more Chee Chee so you can seethe more. This one is cute because there's 3 geese, not just 2.
No. 1915716
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>>1915091I made you in dragon's dogma
nonny No. 1915718
>>1915713Refer to
>>1915709 but you honestly sound like you’re trolling
No. 1915726
File: 1709879888635.jpg (895.19 KB, 1919x1182, 1593689011286.jpg)

>>1915722you will literally never meme me into liking ugly low effort garbage just because it hangs in an art gallery. Git gud.
No. 1915727
>>1915718>>19157231) i never claimed to be into regular show 2) i never claimed to like the bird 3) go worship your moid elsewhere
>>1915721good thing i didnt post the bird
No. 1915736
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>>1915175>me wanna sleep all day>me wanna mcdonaldsnvm, this is you
(infighting) No. 1915754
File: 1709880887533.jpeg (25.63 KB, 318x159, IMG_2074.jpeg)

You just dont understand art
No. 1915766
File: 1709881174409.png (324.17 KB, 640x480, image_2024-03-08_180210074.png)

>>1915754Regular Show is ugly as shit and the story kind of fucking sucks- I still liked it and it was a big part of my childhood but it still is a bit shit and overhyped. Now Flapjack…
No. 1915778
>>1915772>>1915768>>1915766>>1915763Honest to God what are you talking about? This whole infight is making me giggle like a dumbass. All because we said TV shows aren't art.
>>1915774It depresses me too.
No. 1915781
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>>1915770Omg nona you're so right nona, the last season was incredible bar that one edgy episode.
>>1915773Bitch not Fantasmagorie? Are you a Disney fan or do you not know animation history?
No. 1915785
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>>1915781It was the first
full length animated film I dont have any control over that. Nobody gives a fuck about Fantasmagorie. Snow White actually pulled off a full film and massively profitted off of it during such shallow times.
No. 1915789
>>1915773A bit sad ngl.
From experience, if someone doesn't like animation or comics/manga they will never, ever give it the time of day no matter what it is.
No. 1915808
>>1915784You're right but also wrong, it's the artist's intent that makes it art or not. You wouldn't call the corporate style art, because it's not intended to be representative of any of the frames of art- it could be repurposed and transformed into art but in its normal state it's not. So yes, degenerate art can exist but sometimes something just isn't art.
>>1915790Nona I'm begging you to learn how to spell that word, it throws off your argument.
>>1915791NTA but you are very American-centric- Snow White was based on earlier animation techniques which are just as historically important. Also Soviet animation mogs anything Disney made and was made in far harsher circumstance (i.e not by retards who got into poverty by fucking around with money) and actually developed new animation techniques (paint-on-glass being an example). Yes, Disney did come up with the multi-plane but didn't really do much after that asides from developing pre-exsisting techniques.
No. 1915813
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Everyone come collect your honorary infight badge.
No. 1915816
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>>1915808NTA but I really like this art for example
(do not post porn here, at least spoiler it) No. 1915827
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>>1915790Do you not know other words?
No. 1915836
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>ctrl f "regular show"
No. 1915838
>>1915830Seethe about Chee Chee and other actual artists all you like. Your children's show will still never be high art.
>>1915831Kek I'd rather discuss slightly sexual art about the government than silly television.
No. 1915844
>>1915839Now she's trying to bait us by pretending to be me, or one of the other anons that agreed with me, by posting in creepy sexual ways like: (>>1915838,
>>1915816), even though all I did was post a painting of geese and say TV is stupid. It's insanity in here kek.
No. 1915867
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While we're on the topic of art, I kinda like this and idrk why(do not post porn here)
No. 1916058
>>1916037I agree. I can't stand the spergs who fantasize about torturing and killing them, but no breed of dog should have such sharp teeth, locking jaws so they can't even unclench if they want to, PTSD tier
triggers, etc. Society needs to stop breeding them, punish people who are into any of that dogfighting bullshit (because that's where all this stems from), eradicate puppy mills, heavily shame any concept of using dogs to "look hard", etc. Generally, people who can't be trusted to raise kids in their homes shouldn't be allowed dogs.
No. 1916104
>>1915949That's not unpopular, just a braindead take. Why would women even join competitive sports if they look even a hint better than the average, since apparently they already won if they're a tiny bit prettier than the golden medalist? The hell is this logic?
Female athletes don't speak up publically because they'd be torn apart and might risk their whole career, while they might hope to ride out a few years of insanity until trannies get ruled out.
No. 1916332
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I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but fingers do not go in a vagina. They have nails and do not belong inside.
Dicks can go in, as long as they've been cleaned. Likewise tongues can go inside but only if the entire moth has been cleaned beforehand as well. But not if either has piercings because that's just as bad as a fingernail.
No. 1916341
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>>1916332I could change your mind about that, sugar.
No. 1916430
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I think men who claim to be “abused” and assaulted are the real abusers. There’s no way for claiming to be the “superior” and “stronger” sex that you are able to be placed into the undesirable position in a power imbalance that would lead to violence or corruption. I think they pretend to not use their moid retard strength and fake patriarchal power in these situations because they know the woman who was a meanie~~~~ would have a whole wave of pitchfork wielders (his mommy, his friends, his retarded coworkers, mother-in-law, the entire public) that would demonize her until her fall or death, this resembles a lot of the Depp v. Heard civil suit case that was publicized heavily in that snaggletooth’s favor. Inb4 some anon talks about her nigel or her poor little father. Nah girl, fuck your daddy and your stupid nigel. But in reality I would sympathize with them because I’m not totally a monster but it always cracks me up that normies think the experience of living as man and the experience of living as a woman are one of the same especially in relationships, when it clearly isn’t and will never be. Stop trying to make them seem like they’re human, they know why they’re doing. They could wipe his female abuser out with one mealy punch after a tard rage episode of throwing pillows and lamps and punching walls, women don’t have that luxury unless they want to use a gun or are able to incapacitate him. My retard rant is done!
No. 1916450
>>1916430My unpopular opinion (at least here) is that men and boys can be raped and abused. But they need to be drunk, drugged or held against their will. Nobody can really give consent when they're several beers in, coerced and afraid. It's not a matter of sex, it's human. A lot of men lie about being raped but it doesn't dismiss the fact male rape can indeed exist, you have to look at every individual case. Boys are children, so they can't consent.
also, fuck menReposted to add a little detail
No. 1916465
>>1916446You're right. We went and saw him last year.
He started off saying "I'm going to play all the songs youve never heard of" and did so.
We walked out after 20 minutes.
It was so loud you couldnt hear the words, the dude who opened from him was creepy and gross. Super disappointing.
No. 1916515
>>1916512Season 6 episode 9
it aired first on 4/20/2004
No. 1916566
>>1916463Yes this is true, I see it manifest around me every day. My beautiful friends are actual webtoon characters walking this planet and somehow have days where they can’t get out of bed because of how “fat and ugly” they feel and are also getting used for sex by retard moids they refuse to let go. One of them keeps spending money she doesn’t have to buy new outfits and cosmetic treatments in the hope that somehow being prettier than she already is (which I’m not biased, she’s insanely pretty) will lead the man who sees her as a booty call to treat her better. The beauty industry sure knows how to market their snake oil!
But besides the fact that breaking the conditioning that better looks = better life is impossible unless it truly comes from within, some of the people like this that I know look down on me for not being emotionally attached to how I look and not spending tons of time and money on snake oil treatments like they do. so the secret that the beauty industry is a sham and that you’ll be much happier just not participating is something that they have to see for themselves.
No. 1916695
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>>1916690People think ugly men into certain hobbies are creepy and weird too but they’re not self aware enough to care. For example take a look at pic related she’s fat and conventionally unattractive but she’s still dressing the way she likes even if everyone else is making fun of her. To be ugly and truly free as yourself you have to be a little autistic, anyone with any bit of self awareness would get embarrassed.
No. 1916703
>>1916695she's so based, imagine being ugly and letting scrotes tell you you cant dress a certain way instead of owning it and having fun with your life
>>1916692then why keep perpetuating it? that's pathetic. I will never understand ugly girls who perpetuate all the ''pretty girls have it better ackshually'' cope.
No. 1916722
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>>1916714But you’re saying that only scrotes care about pretty women and that’s not true. I want girls who are in shape, nice skin, pretty hair and clothes too. I like women who take care of themselves and many bisexual and lesbian women do aswell.
No. 1916752
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>>1916748No I’m not saying you need to look pretty but don’t act like only scrotes like pretty women, that is false. I use to be an ugly greasy pizza face and on tinder I only matched with troons. Once I got some money and was able to improve my health, skin and makeup routine I was able to get girls who are my type(pic related). Which is why I roll my eyes when straight women start acting like the only reason someone would want to be attractive is for scrotes when women are just as shallow. Straight women think because they’d fuck any orge who is nice that lesbians have that same mentality.
No. 1916806
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>selena gomez dating a hambeast uggo
>taylor swift dating a roidpig uggo
>ariana grande dating a tard looking uggo
meanwhile horseface stacy is dating a pretty rich moid that loves her, while beckies wear the skid stained underwear of their fat piggies.
No. 1916809
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>>1916807he's still cuter than ariana/taylor/selena's uggos. Like whats the point of being pretty if thats the best you can do? taylor's moid literally wont stop going to strip clubs despite dating a millionare pretty woman, meanwhile horseface stacy nigel posts cute stuff like this. You have been coping about how being pretty is better, but the facts show otherwise.
No. 1916840
>>1916636Nta but anon literally said in the post
>Hell, even relatives show more favoritism to the pretty nieces and daughters.why is everyone ignoring this and thinks looking pretty is just for moids?
No. 1916849
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>>1916839it’s rare to find women who have the pretty and smart combo. Most pretty women are not self aware enough to be able to use the power they have. The only pretty woman I can think of who was smart enough and manipulative enough to know how to use her beauty is Candice Owen’s. She knew being a cute black girl saying alt right conservative stuff would get her easy cash flow.
No. 1916857
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>>1916852She has an ok looking husband and a good career that doesn’t require her having to show her ass. I think she did a good job for herself compared to other women.
No. 1916888
>>1916872Why was this woman brought you as some kind of counter example when
>married to ugly moid>makes a living by speaking against women(?)Hoe is that supposed to be any better than the pretty women stuck with ugly moids? I don't simp for horse faced Stacy but at least it makes sense to bring her up.
No. 1916890
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>>1916849>>1916857Candace Owens wasn't pretty or cute at all until recently when she got a better makeup artist and hair stylist. She was hit in the face when she started, and if you take off the makeup she will go back to being busted. She's not intelligent or "manipulative", she's just a loser, low self-esteem, conservative pick-me pandering for attention just like the white low self-esteem, conservative pick-mes. Her husband is probably racist, misogynistic and homophobic just like her. You bitches always try to make the biggest losers look like girlboss Stacies.
No. 1916895
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>>1916890Samefag but this dud literally had a Trump themed wedding. You're not going to make me believe she's somehow better than any other low-IQ politics obsessed hog.
No. 1916934
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>>1915076Like pic or the Patagonia types?
No. 1917462
>>1916877Same. I have never, EVER had a successful interview with a female lead interviewer. Ever.
Tbh I should just walk out of all future interviewers if the panel is all women.
No. 1917641
>>1917465same anon. Being pretty doesn't guarantee your life will be good or that people will treat you well. I suffer from severe mental health issues and physical illness plus I come from an incredibly
abusive and poor family. My life is crap. Despite me being above average in looks. Nobody has ever treated me well.
No. 1920432
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No. 1921862
>>1913943Love you
nonnie. Never forget drinking alcohol and having dogs is totally forbidden in Islam but (sex) slavery is 100% halal