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No. 191065
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i think about this so often, i'm so glad you made a thread about it, op.
2008-2010 was my favorite tumblr. my dashboard mainly consisted of high definition pictures of scene hair or candy or emo band gifs. the fanart was really good back then too. idk why but content seemed much more fun and relaxing back then even if most of it was actually retarded.
i remember jamjars being really big back then too.
No. 191122
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I used to lurk some tumblr blogs in 2011 and made an account in 2012. I was in some video games and anime fandoms and following some cringe-worthy blogs but it was fun because we were talking about a bunch of stuff and making up stupid theories and sperging about ships. At the time there was some sort of rivalry between hipsters/normies and fandoms iirc too?
Then as time passed, they became more and more SJW, first by posting more often about representation in media and pop culture and personal stuff, although in a reasonable way, then by insulting pretty much anyone who didn't think Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa and Naoto from Persona 4 were trans. I think at some point some of them became really self-conscious about being weebs and tried to compensate by insulting anime and Japanese video games that don't fit their Western/American ideals too or had too much fanservice for straight guys. Shit was weird. And right after all of these things happened, I noticed a huge increase of shitty fanarts and headcanons that uglyfied established characters, racebending, fetishization except it was called representation, etc. I only really started to stop caring about fanbases after some controversy about Attack on Titan (the mangaka supposedly being a far right wing supporter and the anime being sexist in the last episodes of season 1 I think?) and just decided to only reblog pretty fanarts, and I got fed up with it and my bad habit of checking my dashboard all the time to pass time so I deleted my account in the end of 2016 and migrated to twitter. Except now a bunch of tumblrinas seem to do the thing.
One thing I actually regret is that the website had more and improved features while the user base became more and more cancerous. Sometimes And I admit that I kind of want to remake an account to lurk some of my former mutuals and see if they're still rabid SJW. This post is too long but I still feel like there are a lot of interesting things to talk about.
No. 191153
I don't have particular bloggers I miss, the artists I followed there are more present on twitter anyway. I do remember that the first non-sensical SJW I've seen was someone whose url was yamino I think. Claiming she wasn't a woman but genderqueer while calling herself a lesbian, and all sort of things. I followed her for her art at first because she was a bit into Ace Attorney at the time, I noticed that even her fandom related posts were stupid when I saw her compare two AA characters, saying that a killer who had a fucked up and sympathetic background was unforgivable and sexist because of stupid reasons while claiming that another completely evil serial killer was sympathetic because she was a young woman with a probably tragic past
said tragic past was manipulating everyone and causing the death of several people for money and fun since she was a kid and if you liked the guy more than the girl you were a sexist piece of shit. Was yamino actually tumblr famous? I remember that some people were trying to kiss her ass at the time.
>>191136>>you can't have an opinion or voice you cis white non-handicapped maleThey think you can't have an opinion if your none of this and you disagree with them anyway, they'll claim you have internalized some sort of -ism. They're making actual minorities who do their best to live in peace and be respected hard to take seriously.
No. 191176
>>191162I definitely like twitter better, a lot of pretty quality art on there. I'm starting to gear towards instagram and twitter nowadays, seems like a better place to post art and talk to people.
>But yeah, i never understood the sjw rage, just don't follow/interact with them?That's the thing, most people don't but it's more of them finding you. If you draw/are a fan of something a psycho doesn't like or that would be considered "
problematic " in comes the tumblr police to send anon hate and run you out of the website.It's the same with them, they don't have to follow you or see what weird stuff/pairings you want to draw, but they still get involved anyway.They grab their pitchforks and come after you because they think it's the "right" thing to do.Look at fucking Zamii, she was nice and participated in fandoms and got a bunch of shit and driven to suicide over fucking NOTHING;just because someone didn't like the way she drew certain characters.
I mean, I try my best to avoid these kinds of people because I do still like a lot of the content that artists post but garbage still manages to find it's way and bleed into my dashboard.
No. 191192
>>191187Anon, it just takes
one SJW to reblog a picture with complaining commentary or one single person to send an anon ask and that is it, they hound you in droves and the witch hunt commences. SJW's have their communities and one comments on something they don't like, they multiply like cancer. Some times it's sparked by jealousy or 'old fans' who didnt realise the person they followed didn't advocate their own beliefs
>accidentally makes fan art with screen brightness too low>causes fan art to be too pale>"I used to be a fan but quite frankly this revelation of your true character has made me very angwyyyy you fucking hitler descendant REEEE die in a concentration camp along with ann frank you antisemitic trash" No. 191195
>>191187>SU fandom attacks girl for drawing character 'too thin'>then begins to attack all her other art>created 40+ accounts to harass her>she disappears for a few days then reappears in the hospital after suicide attempt>people continue to harass her and claim she's faking being in the hospitalthis kind of shit is actually damaging, it's different than critiquing someone. pesonally attacking people who are trying to do what they love, forcing them off of a website and then not even listening to them after they apologize and want to die. that kind of shit is fucked up.
it's different than calling out bullshit for real, it's disgusting.
No. 191199
>>191187Oh no she lived, she was only hospitalized thankfully! She's doing fine now and actually works for Frederator or something.
Perhaps your blog was tame enough not to attract crazies, or you didn't participate in any super popular fandoms?
Zammi was/is pretty popular and had a stroke of bad luck when people/someone with a vendetta started to go after her because of her SU fanart. It also doesn't help that the Steven Universe fandom is fucking insane and full of sjws.
I know fandom porn tumblrs are more susceptible to hate and bullying, because porn, but the thing about that is they're just fictional characters and people are gonna draw whatever they want. If they don't want to see it they can just not follow the blog for christ's sake. I know incest/ or whatever the fuck is out there, isn't eveyone's cup of tea, but to hound people for it and accusing them of serious crimes over a dumb drawing of some cartoon character is kind of ridiculous(unless of course it actually involves an actual person/is serious but that's rarely the case.
No. 191202
>>191199Ah, she lived! That's good to hear.
>I know incest/ or whatever the fuck is out there, isn't eveyone's cup of tea, but to hound people for it and accusing them of serious crimes over a dumb drawing of some cartoon character is kind of ridiculousYeah, no I agree, but I mean, what kind of padded safe space privilged world do you think you live in if you draw animated child porn but get your knickers in a twist when people call you fucked? You are completely right in stating that it's not illegal and it doesn't mean that the artist is a pedo, but damn if it doesn't creep me out. Like it wouldn't even cross my mind to draw a child getting fucked, and I bet a lot of people feel like me, and then a percentage feel it so strongly that they start bitching? While in this situation they def went wayyy to far, I still feel that an artist who decides to hop on the incest/CP train should be prepared to get some backlash, no?
And you're right, I was never active (or involved at all) with the homestuck/hetalia/SU kinda tumblr thing, probably why i never got attacked. Idunno this whole thing is hard to take a stance on. No people should not bully, but personally i do feel fucking disgusted by a lot of stuff that gets drawn, and I don't believe in posting your shit online and expecting everyone to kiss your ass over it, no matter how insane your art/content is.
No. 191217
>>191202The thing is though, pretty much every fanart is technically cp, because most media, especially popular media, is made for children. An anime is almost guaranteed to have a pre-teen/teen cast. Any western cartoon- same thing. Most popular books are YA, again with a minor cast. Fandom has always worked because you glossed over the fact that you're writing or drawing things involving minors, and for 15 years online and ages before that in fanzines that system was perfectly fine.
Then the SJ hivemind decided to out preach each other and the current 15-20 year olds decided being "protected uwu" was the cool thing, and things like YKINMK became ignored because words are LITERAL VIOLENCE. And now we're at a place where people aren't producing works, or only producing very clean ones of ugly fat black people in the hope of getting noticed and making it into Cal Arts, and it's fucking boring and dead. It's pushed a ton of people of of fandom, and has kept many from jumping it.
No. 191220
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I joined in 2010 during my Freshman year. Maybe I was just young, but Tumblr felt so fun back then, despite it just being pretty pictures.
Some stuff I remember:
>'Quality' blogs; HD photos of random stuff
>Vertical blogs (pic related)
>That swoopy scene hair every girl had
>Acacia and the shitstorm around her
>Homestuck (never liked it though)
>'Do You Love The Color Of The Sky?'
>John Green
>Cream-colored lace on EVERYTHING
>Upside-down crosses on EVERYTHING
>Every alt. girl wore Creepers
>'Indie' kids
One a side-note, does anyone remember the chick that was obsessed with pink whose boyfriend hung himself?
She seemed sweet. I remember the day her boyfriend went missing and how sad it was. After that I think she deleted but idk. Anyone know who I'm talking about?
No. 191242
>>191217>The thing is though, pretty much every fanart is technically cp, because most media, especially popular media, is made for children. Okso, I hear you. Kind of, but statement above is reaching, and you know it, lol. I bet there are a lot of bitchy spergs on tumblr that will attack people for drawing porn of 15 year olds, but I'm willing to bet that most of it is directed at the ones who draw literal children, like my south park example. And also, "can't draw fanart if i can't draw kids fucking" is the exact attitude that makes me shake my head at the whole thing, like… chill? I guess I'm just not understanding the appeal. Anyway, I do understand that it might feel like sensoring, but crying cus people don't like to see Butters being rimmed by Randy Marsh is beyond autistic imo.
No. 191244
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Op are you me? To this day I look at her old blog at least once a month for inspiration. I miss her so much.
I got so excited when I saw this thread.
No. 191247
I joined tumblr in 2011, I was really into to homestuck, I loved averyniceprince so much (finding her thread on /snow was interesting kek), reblogged lots of elf-ish shit and forests then moved onto 'indie' scene and pastel goth girls, I was a bit of an sjw and reblogged lots of feminist posts, although I was a cringy shit it was a fun site to just waste time on
it stayed that way till about 2014 when I got really into aesthetics, so I become a goth/high fashion blog, I posted outfits too and I got semi-popular. I unfollowed most of the sjw blogs I used to follow and since I started reblogging gore photos (like bruises and black eyes) they unfollowed me too. I got a lot of angry messages for reblogging 'eye tramua' and not tagging it even tho I was practically a gore blog at that point lmao, tumblr users think they are so entitled to have people to just go out of their way to make them feel safe
I rarely go on tumblr now, mainly bc I was using it sort of like pinterest to collect inspiring images and I feel like it all started becoming more of the same, theres not much fresh content out there anymore
No. 191252
>>191135Hi, former starpowerrr clone here. One of my friends was too. We were very cringey and I apologize but at least none of my pictures have been passed around and I never got copycat tattoos thankfully. I was too young (14) so I couldn't have.
>>191220You're talking about Lexi Bee! There's a thread for her in /snow/. She's into sex work and DDLG now apparently. :/
No. 191317
>>191315i dont even like voltron but yeah that fandoms totally fucked. even the creators and voice actors would support their yaoi ships on twitter. then when they said one guy's 18 at comic con tumblr went full retard, they have full blogs of 'block lists' of people who ship the 16 yr olds with the 18 one, 'BECUZ MINORS NEED A SAFE SPACE!!1!' 'as a minor i am literally shaking after seeing that ship fanart on my dash im li,t ter ally a panic,, att.ack'
these people need to go outside
No. 191319
>>191317>'BECUZ MINORS NEED A SAFE SPACE!!1!'This is something I'll never understand, because the internet is the least safe space there could be for your average western teenager. You don't even have to move anywhere in particular and find porn, disturbing or straight illegal content, you can even find it accidentally. And tumblr had the reputation of having a lot of porn, rl people, written and drawn, and the features to hide explicit content used to be existent or shitty so I don't understand why these people choose tumblr of all sites as a safe space. It's also weird to me because when I was a teenager, every other teenagers were actively looking for nsfw fanwork and joking about filling forms on lj and to say they were 18.
I never watched Voltron but a friend of mine loves the new series and she told me to avoid the fandom like the plague, and we're both used to shitty and popular fandoms.
No. 191321
>>191319Yeah no I totally agree; tumblr, or the internet in general, is no safe space. that means that it's not a safe space to draw toddlers with dicks up their asses without backlash either. I don't understand why people can't create content without making it some paedo shit? Like I mentioned up-thread, how fucking weird are you if you
do draw CP for fun, but have so many feefees hurt when people react negatively? Pedo stuff is weird to most people. I also agree that 15 year olds drawing other 15 year olds etc isn't weird, and that flipping out for that is taking things way too seriously.
No. 191323
>>191321I don't get why people would want to draw that sort of things either, but I feel like it's one of these things that will be online no matter how much you could try to convince them not to draw and publish these things. I think that type of content is supposed to be forbidden on almost every social media I can think of so it's possible to block the artists and report them. If it works and these artists can be banned from these sites, I don't see the point of starting a witch hunt, but apparently reporting is still not working very well on tumblr.
Because of this, I feel like people are more prone to taking actions themselves, even when it's not necessary, like the other anons said with Zamii for example, although I only vaguely heard about what happened after her suicide attempt so I may have missed info on her case.
Regarding people in fandoms complaining about fanwork with teenagers where one is minor and the other is an adult but there's a age difference of 1 or 2 years, they think just shipping them is bad, not creating content and publishing it. You could say that Yurio and Otabek (Yuri on Ice characters for context) would make a cute couple in an innocent way or publish hardcore gay porn of the two, some people would think both cases are equally
No. 191354
>>191323sexualized fictional characters are not illegal regardless of the age, just taboo. the reason for this is because images don't actually harm people.they may affect -you- but they don't harm the depictions of children.
using the logic that lolicon makes you a pedo is the same as saying video games cause violence, they have no correlation. and in the rare case it does happen it's because the person was already not mentally sound.
it is often true the opposite way however, that pedos will enjoy 2d, and in japan lolicon is used to help calm the desires of pedos so they don't harm real children. being a pedo is a mental issue, like being gay, except being gay doesn't harm children. yes it's disgusting, but people who are actual pedos and not just fucked up some other way can't help it and it's sad.
now, i'm not advocating lolicon or pedo, but there's a distinction to be made, plus it's dangerous to censor things even if they're gross.
No. 191372
>>191354The good old "being pedo and being gay" in the same sentence, though. I'm not trying to start a fight here, but being gay is not a mental issue. Homofilia is found across a vast amounts of different species, pedophilia is found in very very few. Even though "lolicon" etc isn't directly harming a child, I personally think that something has to be wrong with you if you get off to the thought of fucking kids. The idea, of you will. Man, I'm not even talking morally, just, biologically fucked. Homofilia does not apply as both participants, even though they cannot reproduce, are of sexual maturity -a toddler, however. Oh sorry, a
fictional toddler. Either way, you might be right about it not harming kids, but I'll never agree that there isn't a level of pedo in a person who's fantasy is animated child pornography.
No. 191376
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>>191372if you guys want to discuss that further make another thread for it, we're supposed to discuss old tumblr.
No. 191378
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>>191244Ah I'm glad there's another person who remembers her! Same honestly, she had her own pleasant vibe going on and her pictures inspired me so much! Same with Kaiami.
I was always jelly of how she had her own circle of art friends, and they'd get together and draw or go to cons together. Wish I could do that but most art friends I have are still amateur/have no serious interest in AA or fandoms.
No. 191424
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>>191378I was kind of jelly of that too since I have to pretty much do everything solo.
Every time I would try to make art friends no one really wanted to hang out or do cons. It's kind of lonely.
No. 191435
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when i first joined tumblr i was into that whole hetalia/homestuck and superwholock fandom mess.
No. 191452
>>191435Omg this reminded me of those posts that said "reblog is you support gay marriage" and everyone who reblogged it would add like 3 gifs of superwholock
I used to think they were so annoying but now I miss them
No. 191482
>>191435>>191452That reminds me of these posts that were like "reblog this before [insert date here] or tumblr will delete your account to make the unused url available" followed by why too many gifs and these posts had thousands of notes for some reason. And the guy who created tumblr whose name I forgot was often called daddy by teenage girls, it was really weird.
>>191476Same, superwholock was stupid and the fans were obnoxious but the SU fanbase is way more obnoxious and full of itself.
No. 191545
I used to like looking at shit like [] to bring myself down a notch, super curated waste of time though
No. 191691
>>191680Omg I think I remember that.
Didn't they find his car somewhere where he killed himself ?
No. 192270
>>192222I was in the Transformers RP fandom on Tumblr around 2011/2012. It was one of the things that got me to sign up on Tumblr. Me and a group of friends decided to join for shits and giggles, and because we were all big fans of Transformers. It could be really fun when you got a good RP going, and I met some nice people through there. But it could also be stressful.
The community I was part of split twice. Once before I joined, and once after. And there was drama too. In fighting from various personalities over what kind of content should be allowed and what shouldn't, and just arguing sometimes in chats. Also, one person was RPing as multiple characters (as many of us did) but was also pretending to be three different people within the RP. This nutjob would pick a fight as one person, then would turn around and act nice as another. She manipulated a couple of people.
I sorta just quit in 2013/2014 or thereabouts. Sometimes I think about joining a different fandom, because I see people RPing my favorite character and all I can think is "you're doing it wrong". But then I remember the stress and the effort and I just chose to not bother.
A good RP that flowed well was really fun though, and I do sometimes miss those genuine good threads I had going.
No. 660428
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>>660414Me too anon. Twitter has proven itself to be the fucking worst.
>tfw I made this thread 3 years agorip
No. 660447
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People should make gifs of themselves again. They were fun and cute.
No. 660567
>>191176It always feels like the people saying "lol just don't interact!" were the ones who were one of the SJW squads harassing people or optionally extremely lucky and oblivious. I was a literal nobody on Tumblr yet still got a few snowflakes riding my ass over petty crap who found me by god knows what means. I didn't even post that much and focused on reblogging fandom stuff.
>>191198I'd much rather be mad over the creators who abused/groomed real children than drew lewd fanart of the show characters. I never got how people had enough energy to be bothered over fictional characters, it's not like there's a shortage of perverted influencers who have damaged actual people. Think John Kricfalusi for one.
No. 660577
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Remember when every weeb on Tumblr had a Tukut theme? Good times.
No. 660578
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>>660577looking at it now, this is truly some graphic design is my passion shit.
No. 660580
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I remember a lot of people using this theme too.
No. 660816
>>660580Remember redux edits? God, that shit was so obnoxious looking back but it was so fun. It really was like Myspace pages.
None of the popular social media sites are customizable enough right now. I mean Twitter took away the ability to pick a custom hex color anymore.
No. 660892
>>660617You can still find the Redux code online and copy+paste it in as a custom theme.
>>660816The thing that I miss the most about tumblr is how customizable it was. You could really put your aesthetic out there compared to other social media that has you locked into their default theme, which is usually white, grey, and midtone blue or something equally boring.
No. 997647
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I miss Tumblr cows like Shmegeh and Felice, the Shmegeh and other cosplayers drama was my obsession, I loved reading exposés about whether this cosplayer was abusive, that one was a bitch, this one talks behind their friends' backs, that one trooned out, etc. Prime entertainment source.
No. 997663
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When I look back on Tumblr, I think of Slimetony. I used to check his blog on the bus home from college every day. His blog and some of the associated ones (the tapir one, the one with the wizard, etc) were top tier. I wonder if hes still on Tumblr and if he is still with his gf
No. 997778
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>>997763yes i member. It was intertwined with the bambi lesbian thing even
No. 997786
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Does anyone remember the heinous reboot chain that em-in-the-den and satanstrousers started with this post? I followed both of them after seeing this when I was 15 because I thought they were soooo cool, but ended up unfollowing bc em was annoying and satanstrousers was a massive beta even though she answered multiple asks saying that they weren’t together kek
No. 998139
>>997949I made my tumblr in 2010 in middle school but ultimately stopped using it by 2013. Reasons why I stopped were mainly because I had a terrible identity problem with myself (I had no hobbies, no fashion sense, literally nothing to set myself apart from anything). I just reblogged everything I saw that I even sort of liked, from big bang theory references to HD nature photos to psychedelic aesthetics to art to just anything that showed up on my dash) I had no consistency and it frustrated me mainly cause I just didn't undertstand myself.
Another reason why I stopped is cause my best friend who introduced it to me and I ended up having a falling out with eachother and it just became immesnsely less fun and lonely.
I had a lot of fun on there though and finally found images and styles I couldn't find on google images lol but I think overall I was just a floater so Tumblr lost its meaning pretty quick for me.
No. 998173
>>998151I remember the porn ban, a lot of the internet was pissed about it. Admittedly I use to browse some of the more erotic content occasionally before the ban.
What was the reaosning behind the ban? Was it just cause yahoo likes a clean image?
TBH the porn on tumblr was pretty contained to its part on the site. Occasionally when searching certain tags i'd come across some but it wasn't often enough to put me off. Idk how Tumblr was able to keep it contained considering how much of the content on there was literally just porn but I'll give them props.
No. 998273
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Honestly I feel bad for the kids growing up on a hyper-commercialised corporate-driven internet, especially if picrel is what they’re lining for. When I was a teenager the internet was a place to fuck around on and you actually had the chance to express yourself through things like theme editing on tumblr and myspace, and you could have a tightly curated experience if you knew who to follow and who to block. Now social media layouts are as sterile and mind-numbing as possible, and if a kid says one dumb thing on their genshin impact twitter, they’re going to have an entire army of users come after them for days, and it’s going to follow them around indefinitely. I feel like an idiot but I wish I could fucking go back.
No. 998311
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>>998276nta but I also browsed Tumblr for porn (I didn't use Tumblr mainly for porn tho) I liked it because it was easy to find a curated and asstetik~~ selection of porn gifs
>>998278Gross. I remember being exposed to lolicon through nicole dollanganger and pastel weebs (the Abipop type who would be creepily obsessed with randoseru and other japanese children related items); made me leave the tumblr alt-weeb community. Then I saw that everyone started reblogging lolita/léon movie gifs alongside pushing their ddlg bullshit, so I permaleft
No. 998312
>>998308samefagging bc sorry
nonny I didn't see your post but yes Nicole originated from Tumblr. She's still active music career wise, she has an album on the way named atropa belladonna
No. 998317
>>998308You may be interested in the sparse updates by people who were in touch with her during her tumblr fame. She used to send 13 years old naked body checks and the like.
>>>/snow/1111635Unless you've seen them, they were posted 1 year ago. Also another person uploaded letters they got from Nicole
>>998312I wish she still had drama or at least post blog entries. What I wouldn't give for someone to reupload he ~secret~ privated blog
No. 998327
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I came back to tumblr and I'm having a good time, it's so much fun to hunt for cute content to reblog even tho I know I'll run out of blogs with a good archive. My blog is so cute with a lot of post I like in it and there's a lot of queued post.
No. 998340
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>>998327you reminded me that i actually still have a kawaii pics blog on there which i haven't updated consistently since like 2015. i actually reblogged one thing in 2020 because i logged in and thought, oh i'll just reblog this cute pic of a shiba inu. picrel is what my archive looks like. good times.
No. 998344
>>998325this explains so much, why lolcow became a safe space for many of us. I sometimes feel like milk is drying up but I don't mind if the gossip threads die but /ot/ and /g/ are such fun places to chill at.
There's too many ads and tracking this and that to feed you for more ads on most of the web, social media and its services. I don't wanna buy anymore stupid shit, show off said shit, engage in consumerism etc… I'm just here to laugh and talk shit in an unfiltered way and hopefully not get banned kek
No. 1013919
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>>1013875>>1013902god anons you two just unlocked a memory that was hidden deep inside my mind
i absolutely LOVE hikusa's art blogs and they're still up and running (askkyubey and askkagaminelen)
i also remember that one of the first ask-character blogs was the ciel phantomhive one by madelezabeth (her art is okay i guess? but back in the day it sucked lol)
No. 1013939
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I used to follow a guy called paolo raeli, i loved his photos.
No. 1016620
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>>1013875I miss the creativity/sense of identity too. I was a damn nut when I got into tumblr, waking up at 5am before high school to sift through my whole dashboard and queue for the day/week. I’d have my blog be seasonal, focusing on more naturey/aesthetic posts, but would mix in the wicca aesthetic, anime/ghibli gifs/screen caps, lotr/GoT gifs, kanken backpacks, fawning over girls with white hair and tattoos. I’m happy that’s how I partially grew up on the internet instead of watching my sister spend hours trying to decide which pic to post to instagram. But then all my nature blogs got mega woke. Also tumblr era was the best music era.
No. 1017278
>>997949I stopped using it in 2017. Started in 2012. I ran an extremely popular forest blog and when cottagecore became the hyped thing, everyone bandwagoned on that trend and it was increasingly hard to find good people to follow who posted forest, nature, and fantasy/fairy vibe shit. All us girls were really close with the same interests (metal and history) until we started to leave one by one.
Pictures of cows, farms, manmade ponds, and baskets of strawberries just fucked up the nature blogger circle. It was lame.
Neocities is cooler anyway and more personalized but I left that too since it felt meaningless. I found it just as easy to use as Tumblr and I don't know shit about coding.
On another note, who remembers those pastel blogs? Faded images of pretty people's webcam pics lmao.
No. 1045660
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>>997949Used it back in 2011 and slowly stopped using it around 2015-16 when tumblr had earned the SJW title and 2018 is when I deleted it because so many people had jumped ship to Twitter. Tumblr is a ghost town at this point and I only use my new tumblr to collect pics. I do really miss the early 2010s. It wasn’t perfect but I’m glad I got to be on the site before everyone started to go insane. Even my Pinterest feed was more tame but these days it’s filled with zoomers posting ugly as sin egirl outfits , fighting about terfs/pronouns in the comment section and tracing other peoples art.
I really do miss how casual tumblr was and how you could post large files that wouldn’t get awkwardly cropped, customize your blog with cute pastel colors and a cute tiny shitty little cursor that was hard to see, and you could tag things, and there were no advertisements everywhere. And whatever you were into there were always blogs for them lmao. It was a great place to find artists too. Sucks a lot of them have disappeared completely and deleted their entire blog.
KEK I even remember thinking the fat/trans/pronoun/nonbinary/queer garbage was a trend that would end after tumblr fizzled out but that shit only got worse!! Past me would’ve never seen it coming. Rip
No. 1046039
>>1045660About tumblr becoming a ghost town, I noticed that too when I remade an account last year. I wasn't following anyone because all the artists I liked from like 10 years ago or so migrated to twitter or just straight up vanished from the internet, or they only post once every three months at most. Do you think tumblr would have been less deserted if it weren't for the bots or staff mistaking normal art for NSFW posts and deleting content for the wrong reasons? I remember deleting one of my previous accounts in 2018 because most artists I followed back then had some of their posts removed over and over again for no good reason at all.
>customize your blog with cute pastel colors and a cute tiny shitty little cursor that was hard to seeTwitter was a little bit like that years ago too. Before an update in 2014 it was possible to choose any background and any highlight color you liked. Social media as a whole became sterile and now you can only pick a white theme, a black theme, and maybe a dark blue theme if the website is being a little bit generous. Tumblr seems to be the exception to this nowadays.
>>1045663>influencers shilling stupid shit to meTumblr doesn't really have influencers, now that I think about it, right? Maybe that's not the case anymore but being tumblr famous back then meant you just had a lot of followers and notes on your posts, not that you'd get money from it and posts thinly-veiled ads. Although, years ago I read that a user called "pizza" managed to get money by selling her blog or something to a company after her posts became popular for being funny but it's been so long since I read about and since that blog was deleted I'm not even sure anymore.
No. 1046491
I know this thread is four years old but I don't really think Tumblr is that embarrassing anymore. I actually loved the porn ban, now I'm almost never exposed to gross coomer shit, and I still follow quite a few active blogs and I still have a lot of really cool mutuals that I've "known" for almost half a decade at this point. I really think one of the major barriers preventing some people from getting into it again is that they log into an old blog for some fandom/subculture that hasn't been active anywhere on the internet for a while now, or start a brand new blog and don't know how to find their niche. I only really casually used Tumblr for fandom stuff back in the day, and there are definitely still some very active (if often cancerous) fandoms, but that was never the main appeal for me. I love radblr, even despite the drama, and I love my small group of cool people I interact with, and I love my pretty pictures. The typical sjw stuff is pretty much limited to like, picrew icon Steven universe fan blogs, and the only way they'd end up on my dash is if I followed one.
I think it's also so much easier to stay relatively anonymous on tumblr than stuff like twitter and instagram, and you can tell someone to kill themselves or threaten to murder a public figure with usually no repercussions.
No. 1048547
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I think what started the fall of tumblr was when good artists would take "breaks" to focus on school work etc., so they would lock their accounts because they know how addicting the internet can be. This allowed the 'crazy sjws' to takeover and create a toxic community that wants to create witch hunts than good content. I think Steven Universe was the pinnacle point of this sort of behavior and where it really took off to continue in the future.
I'm pretty salty tumblr 'died', I can't name a single site that has UI/site customizations as tumblr. Twitter is absolutely horrendous- even if you take out the culture, navigating the site is such a shitshow as you're forced to see hundreds irrelevant bullshit to get the few posts you want to actually see.
No. 1048698
>>1046491>I don't really think Tumblr is that embarrassing anymore. Same. It feels less immature and all the gendies went to twitter.
>I actually loved the porn banSame. And it really makes you think. Why did most of Tumblr go away when they banned porn? Banning porn is good isn't it.
No. 1057445
>>1057435Didn't know the joker was into Katy Perry's music.
Reminds me of stupid shit like video related for some reason. Tumblr genuinely made me laugh so much back then.
No. 1115203
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>>1115154Tumblr in 2012 was really fun for teenaged me. But I noticed that in the 2007-2010 period, there were a lot of more serious written blogs that seemed really cool but they all just died out. If I was new to Tumblr as an adult that'd be the side I'd want to experience.
No. 1141292
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pony ask blogs, definitely.
and pastel-toned pale porn blogs.
No. 1141340
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>>1141292Goddamn I miss the ask blogs era. It would never be the same with the way the internet changed, so I am glad the ask-blog trend is dead.
No. 1141908
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I miss the weird crossover era of tumblr. when people made fandoms out of nothing. my favorite was rotbd/rise of the brave tangled dragon. i used to read the fanfics about it and shipped merida with jack frost.
No. 1141913
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>>1141908samefag, i remember when everyone was making hipster edits of disney characters. there's an active blog on tumblr called welcome to walt academy that makes me nostalgic
No. 1232816
>>1142865Probably the mentality around JKR because it went from insanely beloved and "how could you hate HP!" to "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT PIRATING THE GAME/MOVIE!". I noticed that there isn't really a lot of fandom activity now it's mostly just un/funny posts and twitter screencaps.
I miss tumblr's memes, no other platform was able to recreate it.