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No. 19195
>>19177Nono, any politics you want.
Anyway, here about the rape scandal involving the Trump that recently came out?
No. 19200
The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.
“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified…It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.
“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.
Can they get anymore fake
If anything this'll improve on the female vote
No. 19207
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>>19200that sounds like some weird fanfiction kek
No. 19215
>>19207I know right
I actually think I could've gotten off to it
No. 19222
>>19215I-I thought it was a plot for a porno until I considered that anon might have been serious.
Was that what
>>19195 talking about? I only knew of that thing going aroung where someone threatened to rape, kidnap, and maybe kill his doctor to get back at him for saying those things about the Mexicans.
With that, I feel that no one should be threatened, no matter what their views are.
That being said, that whole "take back" culture(??) the US has going on.
If the people already said what they said, why demonize them or force them to take back what they said?
If you force them to apologize they won't change in heart, they know that right?Unless they have some weird Epiphany, they shouldn't have to take back what they said. They can say, sorry, HOWEVER, people have to realize that you can't force people to fucking change. Just stop supporting them, and don't support backpedaling again.
Its like those gay people (not saying all) that purposely go to religious places, or religion driven places to get service. I mean. If that restaurant doesn't want to serve gay people, you shouldn't force them to. There are many more places, why sue and possibly loose money for that one store?
If they lose business eventually, they will learn business wise, but people who think they are changing people's minds when they sue for not serving them are delulu as fuck in my opinion.
And eh, I'll rant about our government tomorrow.
>>19177>>19195 No. 19309
>>19306As long as there is this thread, you will get them friend.
Maybe some other anons will contribute.
No. 19312
>>19311I don't cook, I despise cleaning and all i ever do is talk about politics
Am also going to be a wizard someday
So byeee
No. 19319
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>>19312I found your perfect match!
No. 19407
>>19406You could
>Hillary wants to do bdsm>drugs>plot twistYea I suck but its all I got
No. 19616
>>19610Trump is naturally funny, but him actually being president would be absurd.
And no, he was not right about mexicans. The real worst of the worst stay in mexico to profit off the lack of real law enforcement. Immigrants from mexico, legal or otherwise, generally work blue collar jobs and contribute to society. Only a small percentage are members of a gang or cartel.
No. 19974
>>19628>>Obama was chosen for being blackBefore becoming president, Obama:
>>Harvard graduate >>Former director of the Developing Communities Project>>Former civil rights attorney>>Senator of Illinois for 11 years>>Chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee>>Only won cuz he's black despite all his experienceI read a study somewhere that said that 50% of Americans host prejudice towards blacks. Wouldn't that hurt his odds?
>>Went to private catholic college>>Was given millions from his father>>While in debt, he builds a casino >>finances it with junk bonds and it goes bankrupt>>no experience in politics>>Wins the heart of the public by having strong opinions and being obnoxious No. 19979
>>19974Well, if you asked some people back then about Obama, and why they voted for him, some would say "Because he is black," or because he's charismatic(aka: he tells us what we want to hear).
Not saying that he was a bad pres, I mean,he aint the worse, but /some people/ DID vote for him for reasons other than his background.
For example, before I knew of his background, I liked Donald Trump simply because he didn't give two fucks for what he said. A fresh breathe of air after hearing what I want to hear, and not what they have to say.
No. 20005
>>19979and some people voted for mitt just because he was white, so i dont see your point here
and liking donald trump because he doesnt have a filter is a horrible reason to like donald trump. political candidates (and business owners) should have some public decorum.
lolcow is trying so hard to be antisjw that its gone backwards into liking donald trump.
No. 20021
>>19974went to columbia too
and definitely. i live in the midwest. even places like new york, if you're not in a major city the rest of your state is still republican/conservative and backwards as fuck.
No. 20023
>>19985that's not even most of the black population though.
younger blacks don't vote because there's never anybody running that appeals to their political needs. they don't feel like it'll make a difference. after the voting rights act, which black americans ironically went through hell and back to get, finally could vote…people were being murdered and harassed for it. and the ones that actually did start voting, it didn't matter who they voted for they were still going to be screwed over. if not because they were black, because they were lower class.
there's hardly anybody appealing to the middleclass regardless of race if you look at what their policies have been.
america's shitty educational system barely covers the political process unless you take advanced classes your last few years anyway
No. 20024
>>20005"lolcow is trying so hard to be antisjw that its gone backwards into liking donald trump."
No. 20025
>>19610Holy shit this board is full of ignorant autists.
Please never vote. Never do anything. Continue eating your cheetos and watching vines quietly.
No. 20041
>>20018>>20025>>20024First of why are you people talking low lolcow users are some kind of special people? LMAO. Second of all no one gives a fuck you tightwads. BUTTHURT MEXICANS AND SJWS GET OUT.
No. 20044
>>20005>lolcow is trying so hard to be antisjw that its gone backwards into liking donald trump
>What is opinionOh well, I didn't know.that a website could alter my favoritism just because it's 'antisjw'.
Listen, I don't agree with everything Trump has to say, but for years I've agreed with him on most things.
Finally I have an outlet where I can be openly shitted on and don't care because I'm anonymous.
>So I don't see your point hereWell if you see who I replied to, and read my comment again, I hope you notice that I'm pointing out that some people don't care about their background. After, I gave examples of what I meant. I explained that some people only voted for him because he is black, or because he is charismatic. Why? Because they pointed out some other anon's quote which said
>>Obama was chosen for being blackAnd then listed their credentials.
Which, as I presumed and interpreted, was denying that some people DID choose him because he was black, or did choose him because he was charismatic. And I didn't deny what anon listed because some people do vote from their background.
You see, everyone is not a hivemind in the US, therefore, people are going to vote for different reasons, no matter how much you try to fight the issue.
You're gonna have people who vote because
>They're liberal or conservative>They're republican or democratic >They have no filter>They have a filter>They're rich as fuck>They're dirt poor>because if their race>Because of their sex>Because of what they sayUnderstand now that everyone isn't trying to be an antisjw edgrlord and that they have different reasons to like that man?
That's my point you missed. If you still don't get it, I'll be happy to explain over and over until you do. Unless I notice if you're going to be blissfully ignorant to my posts.
I like Donald Trump because he says shit that I agree on but don't have the guts to say in a place where I'm the minority. Is that so wrong?
Call me a racist shithead if you want, but I not even eligible to vote as I live in a territory abd all they give us are mock elections that don't and can't mean shit to the nominees. However we are part of the US, so sadly we have to sit back and take whoever comes our way (if they include us in their laws and policies). So don't worry about me.
No. 20047
>>20025Do you even know what an autist is?
>>Calling someone ignorant while telling people not to vote and sterotyping them. Dumb bitch logic.
No. 20214
>>20178Well yes, it's fact that I agree with. Donald Trump on most things, but what he says and what I feel is right, are mostly opinions.
Besides, an opinion is a feeling or something that can not be proven by facts.
Which means, if I feel DT is the best out of all the candidates, that's my opinion.
If someone else said Bernie or Hillary were the best that's their opinion.
Why? We all can't prove that these three are the best due to everyone's different thoughts on the matter.
Why do you feel that what I think about Donald Trump are opinions and other people are apparently obligated to stand by what I said because it's apparently a fact.
Because what I felt about DT aren't facts anon. Or are you going to come up with a plausible argument pertaining to your comment?
No. 20217
>>20178yes if she agrees with Trump that's literally her opinion
how is that greentext-worthy in any way lmao
No. 20219
>>20217because its stupid as fuck
not that it mattered, /pt/ is nothing but /pol/ these days
No. 20273
i seriously can't wait to see their reaction if a republican is elected, that will be a popcorn-worthy event
No. 20709
>>20214>>20217Doesn't change the fact that it's a fucking stupid opinion. If you're only defense is "it's my opinion" then it's a stupid opinion.
I hate Mexicans and I agree with what trump said about them, but the man is still a massive fucking idiot who would run this country into the ground if he were ever given authority over anything.
Aside from all that, a person who completely lacks a word filter would get us into hot water pretty fast if they were president. I want a president who takes a harsh stance on immigration through policies, not someone who makes derogatory remarks that are bound to offend people.
No. 20716
>>207091) I'm fine with you calling my opinion stupid, because it's your opinion lmfao
2) I agree with what Trump says therefore I would probably vote for him (I would go for Bernie, but I would go for Trump. It'll probably be a last minute decision)
3) Don't you see what I'm talking about anon? You don't like him because he doesn't have a word filter, but I like him because he has a word filter.
Two different sides of the spectrum. Two different opinions. That's my defense. I like him because he is like a breath of fresh air.
I can say you have a stupid opinion too, and you can say the samw thing I'm saying to you: "It's my opinion". So what's the point of calling my opinion stupid, when yours could be just as stupid to other people? I understand you don't like Trump, and I respect that. I'n not going to call you nor your opinion stupid.
People DO get in for charisma, by hearing things that will benefit them. Evidently, not much will benefit where I live because I live in a territory. I'm not allowed to vote for the mainland, so I don't care. Still won't call someone's opinion's stupid.
>Inb4 "Why are you here then?"Still the US, just not the full benefits, and a separate government.
No. 20743
>>20716All your doing is complaining about someone calling your opinion stupid and going on about how "it's just your opinion", and therefor, no one has the right to call it stupid.
>>You don't like him because he doesn't have a word filterNo, I don't like him because he's an incompetent fuck with no experience. He's never been elected for any kind of office before and now he wants to be president? Aside from that, do you really want a greedy fucking business tycoon running the country? He's not even a good business tycoon, he made his money from building a tower and renting out the rooms. He made a casino go bankrupt, how the fuck do you even do that? Come on, I have every right to call your opinion stupid.
No. 20744
>>20743Well yeah, that's my whole point. That it's my opinion.
And sure, go ahead and say that my opinion is stupid, I can see that this is just going around in circles over and over.
I'll admit, I don't have a lot of reasons for liking this man, but I still do have my reasons, and if you want to call my number 1 reason stupid then so be it.
Just remember that others have the right to call yours stupid too. ♥
No. 20751
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>>20749Eh, I didn't pay too much attention to the most importance bar at the bottom of the questions, so that could've affected my score a bit.
Honestly, I'm going to do it over later when I have less of a headache.
Pic is a screenshot of my scores.
No. 20838
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>>20749Why do they hide more questions under the drop down menus? So irritating
Anyway here's me
No. 20867
>>20817I really hope that one of those users don't become president one day….
But that's another opinion because I called the minority vote on half of those questions.
No. 21336
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Trump may be polling well, but I don't think he could win against Hillary.
Check the primary results for NH. Bush and Walker both win vs Clinton but Trump loses by a lot. If he's chosen as the GOP candidate I'm certain that Clinton will win the presidency.
No. 21343
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No. 22902
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If Donald Trump becomes POTUS I will kill myself.
I'm not kidding. I will buy a handgun and just end it. I just could not take this fucking world if people will vote for that money geubbibg fuck.
God dammnit I'm not even american
No. 23569
>>19170Real /pol/ here.
Step up your game, bitches.
No. 28167
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Some interesting new polling data from Quinnipiac.
I still think Rubio is the GOP candidate with the best shot at winning. And although Biden might've polled well here, it's obvious that he has zero chance of being the Dem nominee.
Pretty interesting that Fiorina is the highest net fave out of anyone, but unless something major happens, it's extremely unlikely she'll be the GOP nominee.
No. 28247
>>21344Hey there. Sanders has some good damn ideas. If only people weren't so up Clinton's ass with her being a woman/Bill Clinton's-wife-behind-the-man bullshit.
- working towards $15 minimum wage throughout the country
- jobs for those youngsters who complain that they can't find jobs
- free college
- single payer health care system
- cares about the shit happening with the police killings; most of the candidates have glossed over it or haven't touched on it
- cares about the goddamn environment
Fucking shit. I know it's going to come down to Hill vs Trump- but goddamn, can't we at least try to have someone who has good fucking ideas for this country.
No. 28323
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I am not from the US and I didn't really care about US predident elections before, but if Trump wins it's gonna be a whole new level of entertainment
No. 28332
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No. 28442
>>28247-Raising the minimum wage is a fine way to increase inflation.
-We'd have jobs if the boomers would retire and there weren't as many Mexicans taking the entry level
-Free college is worthless because the state colleges are worthless. State colleges shouldn't exist to begin with
-I'm not educated enough on this topic
-single-payer healthcare should be an option
-police killings aren't an important political event, unless you think the president somehow has the power to scrub out all the corruption in police stations across America
-I'm all for protecting the environment, but what does "caring for the environment" mean? Is he going to wash out EPA corruption? Is he going to make more National Parks? America isn't stable to go green yet on Energy so that's not happening, I don't care how many times he says it is.
No. 28458
>>28442Not to mention that there is no such thing as "free college." There is only "taxpayer-funded college." Nothing is fucking