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No. 192442
>>1924301.dope-sick Luna
2.Yumi bc I could do all the work while Aly would try to intervene all the time
3.That is a hard one. Prob fake bois
4. …eat a meal by Ginge
5.Outfit by Yumi def.
Thank u for this thread learned smth about myself today
No. 192474
>>192446Would you rather spend a day out with Ember or Aly?
Would you rather make a music video with PT or with Yumi?
Smell like Ashley or Lunas bed for a day?
Eat dinner with Tess Holliday or GingerJaysus?
Would you rather spend the rest of your life socialising with wannarexics or munchies?
Send Luna a bottle of laundry detergent every week or send Ashley a snack?
Wear shmegehs or Adora Batbrats second hand clothes?
Be fed by ginger or sip lunas container of lurches piss?
No. 192500
>>192446Ooh I've got one.
Would you rather be stuck in a convention hotel room for a full day with Ash or Mariah?
(Hard mode: Ash doesn't have any money for food or trinkets, Mariah has a nude photoshoot scheduled in the room.)
No. 192533
>>1924971. Kiki
2. Weaboo phase
3. Raven, Amberlynn would prob give me a heart attack with the shit and amount she eats
5. Poop brooch, Moomookunt doesn't look like she showers and she's fat so imagine the smell
6. Jessica, I always wanted to know how I look if I were a 2000s party bitch
No. 192554
>>1924971.Kiki, anyday.
2. Current, she will probably get over it.
3. Amberlynn, Raven would write up a bitchy post and pictures of me being a slut for showing my shoulders. Then stalk me for a decade.
4. Vicky, that shit is comedy gold.
5.Poopbrooch, moomokuns shit probably smells and is like XXL. I'd look like I stole a trashbag to wear.
6. Jessica, bring on the raccoon hair and 2007.
No. 192564
>>192500Jesus anon, that's mean
I guess I'd room with Mariah, at least she wouldn't take my money
No. 192600
>>1925911. Aly. As gross as it is, I can deal with it for one day.
2. Ashley. At least I have an excuse to eat junk food. Spending even a day in Amy's body weighed down by all that fat sounds horrifying.
3. Suzy. As long as I stayed at a healthy weight it'd be fine. Her twin sister has the same face but looks cute.
No. 192607
>>1925911) Aly's hair bc I think having a bad hairline is worse.
2) start at Ashley's weight, I can eat while getting "better".
3) Mira for 5 years. I'd rather not have either face permanently.