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No. 192882
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My body is ready. JoJo is my life.
No. 192885
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No. 192888
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No. 192889
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No. 192890
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No. 192891
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No. 192892
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Out of context panels are the best.
No. 192893
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No. 192894
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No. 192895
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No. 192912
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>>192908I thought the first season was boring (sorry I know there are lots of people who just loooove the first part so please don't get
triggered by this)
I watched the second part of the anime and it got much better.
When Josuke came along I totally fell in love with the show. Started to read the manga too recently.
So yeah in my opinion is was boring in the beginning one reason was because Dio was evil and Jonathan was purely'good'. It kinda felt like that was their only characteristic you know and it seemed very old fashioned but part 1 came out like what, 1980? So makes sense.
Anyway, as I said it gets much better starting around part 2.
No. 192942
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No. 192943
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No. 192944
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No. 192945
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No. 192946
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No. 192947
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No. 192954
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>>192949Eh, with Jojo, you either like it or you don't I think. I just love it for the wacky ass shenanigans. Part three onwards are when things sort of start to stray away from the usual shounen hero bullshit. If you want to get to the "good" bits, I'd say just skip straight to Stardust Crusaders. Phantom Blood is kind of a slog to read through, Battle Tendency is better, but like I said, things do get a lot more interesting from part three and so on.
No. 192966
>>192948You sound really pretentious, who the fuck cares how someone gets into a series as long as they continue it. Also, David Productions put a lot of time and effort into adapting it.
>>192908The earlier parts of part one are an acquired taste. Most people start getting more into it as they move to part two.
No. 192981
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No. 192982
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No. 192985
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No. 192986
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No. 193098
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Johnny Buttstar
(btw we already had a JoJo thread, here
No. 193140
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>>193098Oh fuck, whoops. I had no idea. And double fuck for me not using the catalog. Now I don't know whether to bump the old thread or keep posting here.