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No. 1932480
>>1932441Oh my nonna, have you
ever heard Kissin U?? And yes I went back and watched iCarly as an adult I guarantee she has acting chops. Triple threat.
No. 1932711
>>1932529A lot of these women either come from rich families or are under cover escorts. Like this
nonnie said
>>1932662 the rich ones hire nannies even when they don't work. The under cover escorts/sugar babies are easy to spot because a lot of dating advice they give sounds like borderline sex work.
No. 1933467
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Pandas may have pretty privilege, but there's nothing wrong with that. It is good to at least attempt to preserve most animals, especially the beautiful ones.
No. 1933529
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People need to understand how evil moids are in China. Nothing about Chinese men or their society is respectable. Their mentality is almost even worse than what you'll find in the third world. Any kind of evil you can imagine goes on there with full impunity, and there is no common respect for life.
The open animal torture and bestiality networks make me sick (this is not hidden). The pedophilic behaviors going unpunished. The rampant misogyny and unabashed pro-rape culture. Any normal-minded person forced to live there would quickly become a misanthrope.
No. 1933546
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It’s frustrating being called an XY and a scrote because you’re aggressive, I’m sorry do you want me to be some pretty little sweet soft flower who’s nice? That doesn’t work while posting on here kek, you have to be aggressive and mean and no it’s not always a fucking scrote telling you to stfu. God forbid women have a space to have extremely outlandish opinions. I hate the constant moid tinfoil on this website, it’s about the equivalent of twitters and tumblrfags constantly blaming someone as being “racist” or “transphobic” give it a break. You’re the same group of people who don’t like women being molded into one category but if you seem to break out of a stereotypical feminine mold on this website you immediately get scapegoated as a moid or tranny because wahmen can’t be aggressive. Well here I am, I must be the only ratchet, ghetto aggressive bitch on this planet apparently!
No. 1933551
>>1933529Jesus. I once saw a video of a chinese man
raping a hen on some shock website.
No. 1933570
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I don't trust this scrote. Idc if he's an ivy league bitch.
No. 1933591
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>>1933467quokkas deserve to be saved.
No. 1933602
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It's not normal for fathers to kiss their sons on the lips, especially not with the full fucking head tilt some Hollywood parents do in photos.
No. 1933604
>>1933583Oh 100% with men needing to be around women but what normie male is going to post here where women are actively hostile towards male behavior that males think is normal?
>>1933589Hmm, your complaints seem scrote like, you have to be female to post here you know. See what I did there? I randomly said something, did it change your reality? Are you suddenly a scrote? Have you sprouted a penis or suddenly realised you’ve had one all along?
You can have and post whatever opinion you want but other women aren’t wrong for calling it out for being scrotish because that’s their opinion. At least here you can say it without being permanently removed off the platform, at least here you can be wrong and the worst thing that typically happens is you’re called a scrote instead of someone calling your work and getting you fired.
No. 1933608
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>>1933602Samefag, and this guy (Liev Schreiber) literally went on to troon out his son and says he has "shockingly attractive children" in his Twitter bio. It's obvious and creepy.
No. 1933638
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weddings shouldn't be timeless. it should be a very specific time capsule of your love and who you were in that moment.
No. 1933650
>imagine the qualities of the man who you'd immediately marry. He's tall, right? Attractive? Physically fit? Makes enough so that you don't have to work, of course! Has his own house, naturally. Is a fair bit older than you, but not so old that it causes cultural issues. No strange sexual kinks, yes, yes. Now you have to add all the unique little hobbies that you're personally attracted to, such as reading, mountain biking, being an artist, a musician, etc.
Doesn’t exist. I’m probably the only person I know in my age group who owns a house.
No. 1933716
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>>1933626This would be more accurate if anyone on here was actually hot.
No. 1933725
>>1933717Spitting straight facts, they’ll try to hide their chinlet receding jawline faces with big nasty beards and get all muscly but can’t understand we are prefer noodle men with beautiful faces, luscious locks, and giant cocks. All things men have no control over, just genetics. If they don’t have these things they shouldn’t even bother with the gym, just give up porn and work on being perfect obedient slaves with massive wallets, it’s the only way they’ll ever get a woman. If they find time for the gym then okay sure, but it should never cut into their time making money for and doting on you.
Fuck this sounds like it’s bathed in irony but I’m 100% serious and also autistic kekk
No. 1933738
>>1933717considering all the ugly men irl and in the media who are praised, get pretty women and get called hot, faces MAY be more important to
some women, but i've genuinely seen more women be harsher on other women's looks or god forbid a woman has a nice body but a face not considered attractive (like Sydney), then women and men will go out their way to dogpile and "butterface" her.
Women can be weird looking and considered hot, but so can men, to a even lesser degree. Theres that guy whose face looks like someone poured hot water on his face, and I don't think he's tall, or has a nice body or a big dick, but he's considered a "Sex symobol", Look at how men and women bitch about Sidney or that lady from "Love is blind" because they have nice bodies but some people don't find their faces attractive.
No. 1933783
>>1933766True actual femdom would be basically treating men the way they treats women: use him as a maid or a nanny and make him do 90% of the chores at home, control how much he eats and if he gains weight either cheat on him or dump him,replace your man for a younger model,if he calls you out for somwthing start gaslighting him about how he is a crazy bitch and everything is his fault, be emotionally distant from him, try to sabotage him in any way possible whether that's at his job or family/friends, take all the money he makes and spend it on male prostitutes, commit DV on him, force him to have a threesome with his hot male bestfriend, oogle other men all the time, when he gets sick become hostile towards him especially if he asks for your help to do something while he is sick, if he gets a TERMINAL ILLNESS then dump his ass (or dicorce if married) and let him deal with it alone while you are together with a HEALTHY man, when you two break up make sure to let everyone and especially your new partner know what a crazy bitch he is etc etc.
No. 1933800
>>1933752Its crazy how fragile and butthurt men are.
The men malding in the comments is even funnier considering this woman is literally doing a fetish for her niche male audience. Lol it really does seem like anything that's not "uwu you are the best thing to happen to this world" or l-oli makes men seethe. Genuinely some of the most unstable ego's i have seen, every man is a narc at birth.
No. 1933847
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>>1933836True, younger women are being deluded it's going to be like in the josei CEO mangas and "crying in your pink porche" but in reality you're going to be on ozempic for a fat retard like pic rel who'll waste your time
No. 1933895
>>1933846Why? What happened with female gynos that you don't want to see them ever again?
Also, I've always wondered why a male would ever want to be a gyno. Out of all the jobs on god's green earth, he chooses to be a gyno? I don't understand. I sure as hell wouldn't become a balls specialist or whatever.
No. 1933908
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>Men have been helping women for a very long time and now that you ladies have finally gotten ahold of political power you're nothing but cruel tyrannical assholes to 80% of men
Based female tyrannical fascists turning the world into a “horrible” gynocracy (a gynocracy where moids stop preying on children, porn is eliminated, women are seen as actualized human beings, allowed to work and exercise autonomy, reproductive rights, economic freedom, sex isn’t PIV-centric and dangerous to our health, full control over our reproductive systems and family planning, men are practically genocided or turned into eunuchs so they can stop committing lovecraftian horrors against humanity) oh no, the horror of that!! So much horror! A bitchy dense retarded woman who loves collecting Stanley cups will always infinitely have more value and soul than you, kiwifag.
No. 1933912
>>1933836I'm poor so I don't know, but don't upper class men actually worth anything live in environments where they do get shamed for having uneducated and stupid wives? I've always wondered how it works socially with gold diggers, where the only previous experience is working part time at Costco and barely finished high school.
I imagine it's specifically a new money thing and everyone in that environment laughs at it.
No. 1933915
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>Women unconsciously overvalue the attractiveness of other women
>meanwhile men are like at 19 year olds when they hit the wall kek
No. 1933936
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Don't get why these fugly balding faggot crybaby incel moids bother coming onto our imageboard to seethe. You don't see us going over to 4chins or kiwifarts to scream at them kek. We just mind our own business and have a good time, while these testerical weaklings have their little mantrums over here KEKKKKKKKKK those sad little sacks of shit.
No. 1933962
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We should start sending death threats and sperging at game companies the same way moids do to get sexy men back on the menu. I can't believe companies get away with this level of censorship because moids are whiny faggots and we just sit and accept it. We need to riot.
No. 1933963
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>mods when you want dumbass shit thread
>banned and auto-saged to meet its death
>mods when moids constantly stink up the threads
>lets then stay and bans users for telling them to fuck off
>mods when you forget to sage in /snow/
>banned and called a retard
KEKKK wake the fuckkk uppppp
No. 1933971
>>1933963>bans users for telling them to fuck off Good. Anons are retards for responding to moid bait and giving them the satisfaction.
>lets then stayVPNs aren't banned here
No. 1934044
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>>1934026Normie Teenagers have always typed retarded though. This is a xanga post from a girl in 2003.
No. 1934049
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>>1934044Samefag and it’s honestly because they think it’s cool to seem uneducated. Young people have always acted like this, it’s nothing new.
No. 1934058
>>1934050Not even the oldest zoomer would have been old enough to write that in 2003
No. 1934061
>>1934059Tiffany hwang*
>inb4 no kpop talkI just wanted to use her old xanga posts as an example of how retarded people used to type
No. 1934086
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Short pixie cuts rarely look good on women. Women have fuller faces and bigger eyes, pixie cuts make most faces look deflated and overall give early 2000s fuckboy style.
No. 1934087
>>1934082its weird to think that we are gonna be in our 30s soon kek, only 3 more years. Also I know this is gonna be disappointing for you to hear but the
bruh no cap fr fr doe slang was literally invented and pioneered by Zoomers, not Gen A. i remember that type of language started becoming popular amongst the youth back in 2015-16 and gen A was only 3 back then so yeah it is kind of our responsibility
No. 1934109
>>1934106Oh my fucking hell I'm saying it didn't fucking explode in popularity amongst the youth until 2015/2016. If you think Zoomers didn't have anything to do with the rise in its usage then thats totally ok because it still proves that Gen A didn't invent saying
bruh i cant crying emoji crying emoiji crying emoji . The autism in this thread is staggering.
No. 1934137
>>1934082>always talking the most shit but don’t have the brain power to back it up, zoomers are not the reason your lives are fucked upTo be perfectly fair, we're going to do that as well. It's just a generational thing, to always complain about the youth.
The post you quoted is super ironic though, since millennials loved leetspeak and gaiafag lingo.
No. 1934206
>>1934153Kek that just reminds me of french and German gcse and learning how to say left and right I don't know I've forgotten.
I have never known Street names I still get confused which one is main street and high street in my home town, people get exasperated trying to get me to hone in on a location in a story or giving me directions. I have to use distinct features like if you ask me about our main city you need to describe things in relation to either train stations. The university or the city hall otherwise I just nod along and take my mind on a journey that is no where near where the fuck people are talking about.
No. 1934465
>>1934430>prostitutionNot that I disagree that only fans is very bad, but there's like a pretty big difference between someone going out on the streets and having sex with strange men and some lady masturbating in her room for a camera. There's varying levels to this stuff (when it comes to danger and exploitation), I don't think it's fair to say that it's all on the same field.
But yes, people should stop turning to sex work when they're at a dead end or when they just don't know what to do. I was in a position where I considered it once because I thought it would be easy money, but it's not in any way worth it or fast and easy. Sex positivity convinced so many young women that sex work is a safe path to lots of money, it made so many women forget that there's other, better options that won't literally eat away at you and follow you for your entire life.
No. 1934523
>>1934430I don't like OF girls as much as the next anon but what's with non stop sperging lately? We have a cam thot thread plus majority of OF girls are just extremely desperate young girls on the verge of homelessness just trying to make money any way they can. At least the handful I knew irl.
>women who get triggered over men not dating them for having an onlyfansDid moids tell you this? Cause literal porn stars can have boyfriends kek and moids will pressure their gf into doing onlyfans. Never heard of a woman struggling to date because of onlyfans
No. 1934535
>>1934430>the easy way outOF girls are not rich, almost none of them make a long term career out of it, and even fewer make a liveable wage. Plus, there is a huge difference between prostitution and OF. Kind of weird to call it "modern prostitution" when modern prostitution literally exists. Besides, the whole "OF girls get
triggered because they can't get a boyfriend" thing is a meme moids came up with to cope with the shame of being so pathetic they pay women for nudes. Mind you I don't support OF, camwhoring, prostitution, or any other form of "sex work." And I think women who do it voluntarily have mental problems.
No. 1934541
>>1934536Weird? Even all of our cow e thots have boyfriends, moids literally brag on tiktok about their. If they're having trouble getting bfs it's definitely some other reason or they simply don't want to. Hell I probably wouldn't want one either if I had to deal with cheating moids and pedos all day. Don't moids brag about using their gfs onlyfans money anyway?
>>1934537I personally don't know the situation of women who got lured into but I don't let them live rent free never mind posting about them non stop. I'm convinced the OF girls sperg had her bf cheat with an of girl
No. 1934594
>>1934551I dont know them directly but would come into contact with them as I worked in a popular bar. Bar therapist yadda yadda. What I'm saying is the ones who whine about men not wanting to date them probably dont advertise that on their social media, where everyone is putting on their best face.
That's also why I said everyday joe blow from down the street arent willing to date everyday joeana blowana from down the street that also does OF. I'm more inclined to believe the women I've had direct contact with who isnt trying to advertise a certain lifestyle online to many followers.
>>1934553I have nothing to gain in bullshitting, I dont really care if someone on lolcow believes me or not.
No. 1934969
>>1934952I agree with
>>1934954 it sounds pretty implausible because most women will eventually abandon you for a scrote anyways. It could only work if you do it with a family member probably, but still, if your female relative gets swept away by a scrote you will still be in the same predicament.
No. 1934992
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This is literally how men feel. No wonder they develop cuckolding fantasies.
No. 1934998
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The Tribune Tower in Chicago is ugly
No. 1935001
>Ya know I hear this a lot, but try and consider it along these lines … imagine that you started dating a guy, he's handsome and basically everything you want. He's also a musician! About a year or so into the relationship you discover that he's kept love poems to his past lovers, kept their nude pictures and continues to masturbate to them. He claims the poems are music he wrote but he cried when he saw photos of you and your friends because you dated one of the guys in the pictures for a week in high school. The guy from high school is dating your best friend now but your boyfriend said the photos made him feel uncomfortable, so you were considerate of his feelings and took them down.
>How would you feel? I've seen women go absolutely ballistic over finding things out like this, and it's because they're experiencing the same level and species of emotional discomfort that men feel when they learn women aren’t living breathing flesh lights. A woman's body is an object for sexual gratification to men, it's something that deep down they cannot help but see as intrinsically belonging to them. It's like a favorite sex doll. So, if you've done porn or you've "sold" that flesh light to other men for a lower price than you're demanding from him, he's very likely to assume that you're the one taking advantage of him. This causes him to think "well, I need to balance this power differential out somehow …"
>And for men, cheating and spreading disease is one way to do that.
Kek this is a brilliant unpopular opinion nonnie. I’m just imagining a scrote gazing at a sandwich and whispering what a beautiful piece of art it is.
No. 1935087
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>>1935014My cats are my sons and daughters tyvm.
No. 1935100
>>1935091Well, human psychology and biology aren't very well matched in a lot of ways. It was only around 10,000 years ago that we even figured out sex results in conception.
There are still many cultures today that don't fully understand, at the collective level, the relationship between sex and pregnancy. So, under such conditions you'd certainly expect over the course of half a million years for there to evolve a biological mechanism such as that.
No. 1935102
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Sigh, it’s the same Chat GPT scrote from yesterday. And you didn’t create shit, the only thing you do is sit your matted hairy ass on a chair and post on a website where you’re clearly not allowed. Back in the 1920s-1930s you would have been factory made cannon-fodder for the war led by scrotes who’ve actually done something with their lives, which is less than 1% of men while the rest were mostly criminals, failsons and ingrates cheating on their wives and raping children. You’re virtually useless as fuck and rely on other men as much as women that are practically forced to rely on other men to survive. You’re getting high off of the crumb of power those elite moids have given you and it won’t last long, go kill yourself.(responding to bait)
No. 1935115
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>>1935012>>1935014>>1935025I really don't understand your logic. Cause yes, it's a human desire to seek love and affection, people can and do become mentally unstable due to isolation, so having a reliable companion like a dog or cat is important. If there was a society where there was joint motherhood and women can assist in raising children and if our communities would have stronger bonds, most these issue would be less common. However for now, it exists. but I do also believe that people should prove their responsibility before owning a pet. I guess that's my unpopular opinion
No. 1935119
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No. 1935124
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No. 1935146
>>1935012>>1935014>>1935025>wahhh why do other women care for living beingsWhy does this bother you? Do you realize people are different, and you don't have to do the same? Usually, it's undesirable men that get mad about this because they see the pets as interlopers taking up space that could be filled by themselves or their spawn. What reason would a woman have to care, unless it's some pickme "noooo what will the moids think?!?!" thing (spoiler: they think you are dumb and defective for not taking their dick too, and they will still find you dumb and defective if you do take their dick)?
Companion animals like cats and dogs are forced to share a planet/society with selfish,
abusive humans, and they can't speak up for themselves or carve out good lives on their own. It's good if not all humans are scumbags and choose to care for them to the best of their ability.
>but why not just have babies or adopt kidsNot everyone should be reproducing, sorry to tell you, and a child is a much bigger responsibility than a pet (but both kinds of lives are valuable). If someone feels an urge to care for a living creature, why are they wrong for not wanting a kid? I'd rather deal with millions of zealous dog and cat and rabbit and pigeon moms than the swathes of neglectful,
abusive and poorly-equipped parents we see today. In fact, I'd say it's more narcissistic to deliberately bring a child into the world (or choose to put them under your authority) unless you know for sure you can give them the best life possible for a full 18+ years.
No. 1935153
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Stop responding to him you dumb ass hoes. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson
No. 1935154
>>1935146>it’s undesirable menNo I’m an anon who can’t stand seeing you retarded freaks everywhere online and in public by letting them loose to go shit and run on everybody’s property and aggressively attack you just for moving a muscle. The amount of brain rot you must have flying into a frenzy just to defend some constant shit-pisser and eater always makes me laugh, are pets supposed to be better than humans or something? Because I rather take humans over a pet any day, not like that’s a choice I have. It’s not normal to dress up a pet in child’s costumes and treat them like a toddler because they’re animals, not babies or infants needing of constant care.
>companion animals are forced to share a planet with selfish, abusive humans The
abusive humans that created the internet for you to post your retarded opinion on? The
abusive humans that’ve created everything necessary for you to survive? Maybe you should be attacking unethical animal breeding and domestication itself tbh. If you’re emotionally reliant on an animal, you’re just weak, cowardly and deflecting deep-seat emotional issues on something that acts like you haven’t fed it in 5 minutes. Case closed.
No. 1935182
>>1935154You are psychotic, and it's clear in how you jump to "everyone who doesn't mald about this must be the kind of person I'm complaining about". I'm allergic to most animals, and it still hasn't turned me into a scatologically-fixated autist like you lol. I don't care if someone wants to put a kitten in a little dress, I'd rather see that than a child in old, dirty clothes because someone didn't have the finances to care for all a human child's expenses (many such cases).
>The abusive humans that created the internet for you to post your retarded opinion on? ThThe internet exists, so humans can't ever be
abusive. Got it, kek. History and the current world we live in are all lies because some humans made good advancements as well. Please don't have kids, I'm sure you'd have deranged melties like this at them whenever they don't kowtow to even your worst thought out opinions.
The weak cowards are those who are insecure over other's choices and have unresolved reproduction/cuck anxiety.
No. 1935196
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>>1935176You've clearly never been in the line at the vet. These type of ladies and her dog are the sweetest bunches together and they're super proud of how well they treat their dog. I've never had a female dog owner be rude to me or ever heard of that kind of trope.
No. 1935237
>>1935223I already have kids though, weirdo.
>quit yappingGo back to twt, zoomertard
No. 1935239
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I also hate people who bring their dogs places they shouldn't and/or don't train them, but being mad that people love their pets is weird as fuck. Humans will imprint on a roomba ffs, it's built into our instincts to love other creatures
No. 1935240
>>1935237So, you're just mad other women aren't making your same choice? You sound kind of unhappy, maybe you have regrets. I'm quoting you with the "yapping" thing, in case you have early onset dementia, see
No. 1935273
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>>1935255ban VPNs and then we’ll listen, us responding to them is not going to stop them from trolling when they can just vpn hop all they want all day long. scrotes exceed the amount of LC tranny jannies, so stop placing your lack of mod resources on to the userbase and bring back dumbass shit thread ffs
No. 1935297
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boo(take it to dumbass shit)
No. 1935299
>>1935290Not a male no matter how much your dick-obsessed self wants me to be.
>use the full word >gets banned >attempts to censor word >will still get banned for censoring it>damned if you do damned if you don’tThis website is turning to literal shit. All of the censorship and scrote accusations makes you walk on fucking eggshells, I’m tired of censoring my speech for hysterical people. Ironically enough you have to act like a huge fucking stereotypical woman just to be accepted and say the right things when this is the unpopular opinions thread. Did your parents drop your head in the toilet when you were a child?
(infighting) No. 1935310
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What are you guys arguing about?
No. 1935320
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>>1935168My mom has one of those. And the way she talks to him makes me ill. Sometimes he eats his food so fast he chokes himself. And he's literally allergic to grass and needs to be given pills daily so he doesn't break out in a rash. Those little dogs are dysgenic as fuck. My unpopular opinion is that I hate dogs in general. They're gross, and take up resources. They bark all damn day and shit up public spaces.
But it's sad to me too when women do this crap. It's like, she spent so much of her life with her sole purpose being a "mom" that she feels existentially unfulfilled without an ass to wipe. Having pets is one thing, but talking to them like they're a literal human infant is cringe as fuck
(there is a dog hate thread) No. 1935351
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No. 1935354
>>1935043Real. One anon once put it the best, and I quote (paraphrased): "the opposite of love isn't hate, since hate implies the presence of passion, it's apathy."
I can't call myself a misandrist because I don't take any actions against men in any way because it's out of my power, and I can't call myself a feminist either because I can't take any feminist action without dire consequences due to my situation and circumstances, I just don't care about men. There just there I guess, I minimally interact with them and don't pursue them in anyway for now, so they're rarely on my mind and I never feel the need to vent about them since I don't even come in contact with them that much. The anons who complain about men 24/7 seem to be hanging around heavily male populated areas either online or offline, or are into dating and relationships and need to vent their frustrations of it not working out, but they still go back to it for some reason.
No. 1935355
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Men can’t be leftists because they all want private property (wife)
No. 1935356
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Baby monkeys are cuter than human babies.
No. 1935376
>>1935130Nta but middle eastern women also don't have the right to live and are threatened by murder or life imprisonment in "rehabilitation" facilities if they step out of line. They're not guaranteed to live 100%, it's a gamble.
>t. arab woman unfortunatelyNot saying the suffering of Jewish people didn't matter or something, I personally think it's really strange how many people hate Jewish people but never give real reasons as to why, and all the reasonings seem to be based on bullshit religious beliefs. But people in Israel and Jewish people all over the world still have better lives and rights than the average arab/middel eastern woman. Some arab women even think of running away to Israel and converting to Judaism just to get a chance at a better life, since Israel has better human rights conditions and a more advanced society focused on scientific research. Unlike arab/middle eastern countries that think science=disbelief in allah and the end of society, and only consider science if it's gonna get them money or good reputation. After all, it was Jewish people who invented DNA testing before marriage to avoid genetically inherited diseases and disorders, Einstein was Jewish, and some great writers like Kafka were Jewish, but arabs have 0 real achievements, and the only known arab scientist had to flee to America to get support for his scientific research about lasers, while his home country fought him for daring to advance physics.
No. 1935410
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Old lolcow was a lot more fun
No. 1935437
>>1935423I'm sorry
nonnie but what
No. 1935455
>>1935176Nah ,it's the husky owners,they are maniacal Karens.
>>1935237I feel bad for your kids already
No. 1935470
>the scientific revolution in renaissance europe was largely inspired by the ottomans, who at the time, encompassed most of the arab worldThey didn't, it's a cope arab came up with and gaslit the world to believe in. The truth is half their "inventions" are stolen from Indians and chinese scientists they came in contact with during their trade journeys, and the other half is either by persians or by arab men who weren't Muslim and were alchemists (which is haram in islam), and they murdered those people brutally because they believed science, and especially medicine and astronomy, are huge sins that somehow lead to disbelieving in Allah, so they executed anyone who was into it. They had their own equivalent of witch hunts basically but for scientists. The sources about this are censored and blocked and I don't feel like using a vpn to fetch them, but you can find them if you use the right words to look it up. And if they were truly as loving of science as they claim, it wouldn't still be frowned down upon to this day. I remember growing up watching science related youtube channels and following an arab science magazine, and they both were attacked and sent death threats for their posts 24/7. And there's this guy calles Ada7ee7 or something on youtube who's in a similar situation because of his passion for science, but he continues on posting and doesn't care. People went as far as claiming he's a "zionist" who supports Israel or whatever because he signed a contract with a TV channel to sponser his youtube videos and make them high budget. They unironically think science=infidelity to this day, despite benefiting of scientific research and inventions. Sorry for the spergy long rant but I just hate my ethnicity and its people so much and wish people would wake up to how truly retarded and vile they are and stop defending them, not referring to you, just in general.
On the topic of the holocaust, I think it's
valid for Jewish people to keep bringing it up since they still face discrimination to an extent and people who deny it (I still don't get why do they feel the need to do that? What do they get from it?), and the whole Palestine situation which is the consequence of the holocaust and Jewish people's need to flee Europe. If the holocaust didn't happen, this whole conflict wouldn't afaik. It's a tough situation to be unwanted wherever you go, and I kinda understand the feeling, so I sympathize with the racism Jewish people face, despite not agreeing with the religion.
No. 1935650
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The clermount twins are sexy and I’m saying this as a non troon woman
No. 1935679
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>>1935650They look like shitty imvu characters.
No. 1935947
>>1933676Ngl I don't care about looks that much and neither do many of my friends. There's a broad idea of what he should be like: same race, not fat (chubby can be ok) etc, but beyond that I've mostly been attracted to more abstract things. For example with my most recent boyfriend I found it hot how good he was with his hands/DIY stuff.
I feel like a lot of this inversion/reflection of male cruelty back onto them from people here is more of a cope than anything.
No. 1935951
>>1935043Uncannily accurate post. In my experience those ranting about men the most and constantly injecting conversation about men into every conceivable fucking topic on here are the sluttiest. Usually been fucking since they were 14 or 15, meeting men from 4chan and other cesspool nerd hangouts, screwing around at conventions if they're a little more social etc. If you've ever met these women online you know they're always with a man, even if it's just some casual thing, they quite literally cannot go without dick for more a week or two. It's a BPD thing through and through.
It's pathetic and embarrassing. Telling men you hate them and then begging for their dicks and acting out degrading sex fantasies BPD freaks are usually into is a massive L of face for all of us. Men just end up laughing at us and call us "dickmatized".
>I remember the old LC discord admin who would constantly brag about her wedding to her disgusting fiance despite men being banned from the entirety of the discord.Reminds me of the FDS discord: the admin was in a relationship with an Indian man who didn't even tell his parents about her. She was only
No. 1936333
>>1936147I've known more than one family with a son and a daughter combo that used the parents' genderswapped names for the kids, and it always weirded me the fuck out for some reason. I'd never name a kid after myself.
But I really hope the father-side family name inheritence will die out soon because a woman risking her life/health condition for a kid for them to carry on the name of a man who risks nothing and will probably provide less for a child over lifetime is such a fucking scam.
No. 1936585
>>1936578thats insane as fuck, if anything cheese would wake
me up from a coma
No. 1936591
>>1936580Are you stupid? Why would i even say that if i was that kind of moid i'm talking about? Or do you think i'm a moid that got hurt over reading that? I'm just saying i always feel uneasy about reading that kind of stuff online because of them.
>>1936585Yeah, it shocked me how something like that happened over a tiny bite of cheese.
No. 1936615
you (general you) have to like manhate but if you don't, you can find a billion website where people post wholesome stories about nice dudes. this isn't the place. let us haters have this space
No. 1936633
>>1936627I've always wondered about that. How did it turn into a radfem board? I was shocked when I scrolled through the catalog to find the oldest threads and saw moids posting here kek
I'm glad lolcow is the way it is now though. The only place on the internet I've found people like me
No. 1936649
>>1936633I think it does a disservice to actual radfems like Gail Dines to call LC radfem. People like Dines have never been about seething at men and when I send her content to my brothers they're actually sympathetic to it and support it.
I guess this is an unpopular opinion so I'll colon it: I think lolcow is just a place where a lot of women who were groomed online as teens have congregated. BPD women who often had a slutty past and were unfortunately taken advantage of too. These women aren't really systematically radical feminists. They don't really have a radical feminist worldview or anything and as others have pointed out many of them cannot go for longer than a month or two without dick. They just see radfem rhetoric on its most surface of levels as some weird catharsis to their experiences of grooming or casual sex.
No. 1936654
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>>1936650girl you aren't understanding me. it's not about politics i just can't take these people seriously when they complain about manhate on a site made for hating people in general. i don't believe this is or should be a radfem website either
No. 1936662
>>1936633>How did it turn into a radfem board?It hosts radfem discussion but the site itself isn't radfem. There used to be a sticky years ago reminding anons that LC is not politically aligned to any ideology.
>>1936634It's not about hating men and it's not about loving men either. Men deserve the criticism of them that gets posted here, that doesn't mean the entire site needs to be dedicated to hating men.
>>1936649Radfem discussion on LC has always been shallow and very surface level. As much as anons claim the label, it's clear that very few anons bother to read or study radfem theory.
No. 1936695
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>>1935940ayrt, but no? not trying to start an infight, just a bit of a history sperg kek
No. 1936705
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>>1932470As an alastorfag myself, I don’t quite understand it either. I have no idea exactly why I find his design attractive but I do, I’ve always been into skinny moids with pointy features IRL so maybe that’s it and the exaggerated features
trigger that part of my lizard brain kek
No. 1936706
>>1936700no, I was originally saying that scientific achievements from the arab world (under the rule of the turks, at the time) influenced the scientific revolution in renaissance europe, as that’s what I was taught in my college studies, though another anon stated otherwise here
>>1935470. the anon I just replied to said that the scientific revolution happened several hundred years apart from the renaissance, so I was just showing how that specifically is not true
No. 1936719
>>1936706But things like the Copernican Revolution were indigenous. The Islamic World believed in the Ptolemaic Geocentricity, including the Ottomans.
If anything the Renaissance has more to do with the Greeks of Byzantium fleeing West to Italy following the Turkish conquests.
No. 1936758
>>1936695The true answer is that there is no such thing as a "scientific revolution". The way we're taught the scientific method at school is a total lie, nothing like that sprung up and became widespread. And it's full of nonsense as well, why exactly do you need a "hypothesis" to test something? You don't, you can have no hypothesis and still go through with it all the same. The charts themselves used to promote the scientific method can't even agree with the placement of the hypothesis. The causality assumptions the scientific method is predicated on go as far back as Aristotle, it's not from the age of enlightenment.
It's marketing done in the early 20th century by the "WAOW SOYIENCE" crowd to promote this trusted elite in labcoats that are morally and intellectually better than everyone else. It fed into the Technocrat movement in the 1950s, where these autistic engineers sat around sucking each other off about how they were the ones who should run society, because they're so smart and rational, completely without personal interests. It's exactly like Plato thousands of years earlier just so happening to come to the "rational" conclusion that philosophers like him should run everything.
No. 1936819
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>>1936810Byzantine, beautiful gowns
No. 1936855
>>1936426We became friends afterwards. Her family owns a tech shop and I go there when I need stuff fixed.
>>1936471I'm asian myself though.
No. 1936864
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I’m not usually attracted to scrotes who are old and balding but I’m into ruby frankes husband. He’s so innocent and ruby abuses him and that personality trait is rare in men. She pretty much kicked him out and he told him his job is to live far away from her and pay her bills and he did it.
No. 1936880
>He totally had no control over the abuse of his childrenSure thing…
No. 1936968
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I wish the royal family would just abolish itself already and hate everyone involved but I kind of wish Kate and Meghan would leave their husbands for each other just so both sides can seethe
No. 1937061
>>1936968You know you can write this down on AO3,
No. 1937075
>>1937059i wish
nonny, i wish. I am roided so i would be such a good fucking butch but god hates me and made me straight.
>>1937073i am not blackpill-chan, i just feel jealousy of lesbian anons because real men are so disgusting
No. 1937345
>>1937118You're right that the competition just stays with him seething about the chad, how much the world owes him. and posting his face on some looksmaxxing sub asking how he can improve or if it's ogre for him.
>>1937172Isn't the hating on women you think are better part of it? Competition or whatnot. I was also thinking about if a woman expresses wrongthink she's immediately cast off, or hating on girls who are tomboyish, don't shave, etc or just any way 'undesirable'.
No. 1937346
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I hate Jeremy Fragrance, I have a sick feeling he has skeletons in his closet and has committed crimes against women, I don’t like seeing him as a meme
No. 1937349
>meanwhile women ostracize women who don't conform, but I honestly don't think it's that pronounced irl,Only women have subreddits like this, though, to put other women down. yeah I know you said irl, but it doesn't matter really.
In men's communtities, they get along in spite of their differences, I've never really seen that pettiness because they weren't socialized that way.
No. 1937370
>>1937366Nta but I feel like people argue more and are more
toxic to each other on places like 4chan. Theres really no place women can go and just be a full blown bitch without being heavily modded and controlled. Anywhere that has majority women people have to act sweet and civilized towards each other and it’s annoying.
No. 1937622
>>1937581i dont mean like taking it to a court and
askingh for a lawsuit, i mean storming up in there and threatening to sue for discrimination. usually thats an easy way to get your job back because why would your boss wanna go on the stand and admit to the whole jury that he fired you just because he felt like it kek? even if you don't get your job back, you can still squeeze severance out of them
No. 1937650
>>1937639I highly doubt this unless you live in an extremely liberal area that cares about workers rights. In literally any other situation it's "too bad so sad, back to indeed shouldn't have been unlikable". I've even seen anons pull this card to other anons
specifically to sex workers who rely on sex work because they keep getting fired or very poorly paid.
On top of that Americans are wayyy too at each other's throats and would rather tell people to suck it up or give bizarre and unrealistic advice instead of ever admitting it's the system that should change kek. I even had some retarded Republican moid to tell me to move to a different city and be homeless until I find work and then wash people cars in hopes of getting 25 cents, in which he claimed "you can buy a couple of clothes and food with that". Yeah, not even joking. Also seen people claim they made 7.25 min wage while paying for a 1k apartment all by themselves while going to school. The giving poors awful advice cycle never ends, in fact I'm almost certain listening to these "tough it up and do this you fucking retarded poor people!" crowd is what dug me deeper into trouble in the first place
Anyway I'm glad it worked for you but in reality employers are protected like empresses around here.
No. 1937856
>>1937848I agree completely, the issue is that you see so much insanely crappy advice given towards poor people that borderline seems predatory, same tactics mlms use. Telling people to shut up and listen especially when people are given as bad advice as I've seen anons here give or like
>>1937650 it's just gonna result in failure. It's like you have to search a sea of trash to find good advice. I have seen anons give good advice here like job corps suggestions or telling anons struggling to get good job security to get a union job. But I've also seen advice as poor as credit card debt, losing sleep and eating crappy and buying and equally crappy home, etc
Telling poor people to just listen to anyone that tells them something can lead to some extremely dangerous situations or failure, and they need to understand not everyone has their best intentions in mind and people who see them as stupid and not deserving of sleep, healthy food, etc doesn't care about them
No. 1937863
>>1937858"I didn't say EVERYONE turns ugly as an adult I just said SOME people do"
Is Brooke Shields actually ugly or does she just not look like a child?
No. 1937883
>>1937878>>1937874Kek I know middle class people who would barely be able to cover a few hundred ER visit or car repair, nevermind dropping 5k on floors directly after spending 3k and god knows what else just to make the floors fit the aesthetic. My mom gets disability and my dad makes $30 and even they wouldn't be able to cover that, especially not for aesthetic reasons
>Inb4 they're just idiots because..Nope, their mortgage is reasonable, they never go out and I don't even know when the last time they brought new clothes are. You can't just use your magical budgeting powers to save up 8k and drop it likes it's nothing, especially 5k being for something so frivolous. Even if this was true an actual poorfag wouldn't treat 5k like it's nothing just to make the floors pretty
No. 1937901
>>1937896But with your super smart budgeting skills they should be living in a mansion right? Kek
Also it's not like I was born yesterday, my dad's salary was upper middle class back in the day. How delusional do you have to be to think the economy stayed steady for the past few decades? Oh right I'm talking to the moron who dropped 5k on flooring to look pretty while insisting it's no big deal
No. 1937917
>>1937913>>1937913Let's say you work 18 an hour, that's about 30k a year, give or take a little less after tax
That's 2500 a month. You'd have to be putting away about 1600 a month to save 10k in six months like you claim. That's 900 left, minus 500 for what you claim mortgage is that's 400 a month left, minus another hundred for gas, electric, etc. how are you paying health insurance, phone bills, car maintenance and insurance, gas for work/transportation, and food? That's barely 13 a day left for food, probably closer to 5-9 after you paid phone, unless you're constantly taking out payday loans or living off of gov benefits that's not even possible
No. 1937938
For most people gaining wealth has little to do with their own abilities. Being from a family that isn't poor and buying an asset at the right time isn't something most people have control over.
>>1937934The world's lingua franca will probably be Chinese by the end of the decade.
No. 1937975
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See everyone? Just got my own cabin master gave me. If you put in all the extra hours for master, save your manillas and skipped your bread you could've been just like me. Just keep working lazy morons
No. 1937991
>people would come to my home and tell me I'm lying and really rentingShe absolutely is paying to own a house that belongs to a family member
No. 1938033
>>1938030Doesnt change that your house is in a shithole neighborhood.
>>1938031She posted a photo of some house thats 25 minutes away from her place as proof that the area isnt a shithole kek
No. 1938526
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Mario games and the overall franchise is boring as fuck. I get it that it's a starter game for little kids but to this day, do kids even play with consoles? Kids are glued to phones and ipads, there's no reason for Mario to exist anymore. All the games, except for Odyssey for some little details here and there, are the fucking same, the designs has always been trash and it's not even fun. At least the Zelda franchise tried to go into a different path, Pokemon is doing whatever the fuck that is (even if open world games suck but at least is not the same shit) and Mario is just there. Mario fans are the Disney adults of videogames, it's pure retarded brand loyalty.
No. 1938617
>>1938596im so glad that adults who are into sonic have the stigma of someday becoming the next chris chan so they get spooked out of their obsession.
the most derranged mario adult is MovieBob but he is still pretty obscure to normies so liking mario as an adult isn't seen as bad as liking sonic.
No. 1938620
>>1938526If you like platformers they're still some of the most consistent best imo. Plus if you like cute aesthetics the Yoshi spin offs are guaranteed fun and cute. Super Luigi Bros is legit weirdly hard and Mario Kart is probably one of the most fun racers out there to play in a group if you're not in the mood for a serious racing game. If anything they're also very adult-friendly since you can pick them up and put them down anytime.
They're certainly all-ages games but I don't think you can really age out of them because they're that enjoyable level of cute without being too mindnumbing. Serious games with plot aren't suddenly "adult" and if you chose the games clearly built for all ages than towards the younger demographics you'll still get the same challenge as with Super Meat Boy or whatever platformer you'd play just in their style. Arguably I've played more childish "serious adult" games than Mario through the years just because by trying to be adult it feels more childish.
Though I might be biased cause I got a DS emulator just recently on my phone so I've been playing Mario and Luigi Partners Through Time while on the bus. Also jailbroke my wiiu recently so Yoshi's Wooly World has been a fun play with my little (adult) sis and we've got a bunch of other Nintendo games on the docket kek. I've been having a blast with them but no idea about the recent Switch games but I've got a switch emulator now too so I guess I'll find out if the wii/ds era was the best and if I'd agree with you now once I've tried those.
No. 1938705
>>1938693Yeah legalizing drugs sure does
sound fun and everything but then you look at a city like Portland where you can buy MDMA at the grocery store while some guy aspirates on the sidewalk and realize it’s not all hunky dory
No. 1938765
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>>1938763easy solution, just play the OG. the best version
No. 1938829
>>1938763I play the Sims 3 to this day and you do need a slightly buffer setup for it than an older gaming laptop, which most people played it on back in the day, but it doesn't need to be a high-end PC at all. You do need to cap the FPS and install core mods for it to function without imploding on itself. The problem for me is that after experiencing the open neighborhood, I can't go "back" to any other Sims iteration as my main game.
But I'm also the type of autist who'll change everything from their socks to their bedframe to the given Sims' "color theme" which would probably traumatize anyone with taste
No. 1939171
>>1939156you can join me
nonnie cmon
No. 1939189
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This is what a dad bod is to me. No fatties please.
No. 1939503
>>1939454yes, everything you said has already been rehashed to death in this site. and there's a huge difference between fictional male characters and irl moids. collecting figurines of some animu character and writing fanfic about him is not the same as allowing moids control over your real life. the character is essentially a construct of your mind, you decide what to do with him. it doesn't have remotely the same implication as an irl relationship with another person.
even fujos/yumes who go to great lengths to devote themselves to a character don't usually do the same to 3d moids. usually they don't even give irl men the time of the day
>>1939484some fujos go for characters they're attracted to, some go for characters they relate to, or whose story they find intriguing, or a ship whose dynamic they like.
No. 1939655
>>1939462Anime men are better in every way possible, that's for sure.
No. 1939678
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>>1939674True Joseph Smith was literally inspired by Muhammad
No. 1939734
>>1939726Both of their leaders were polyamorous and pedophiles too.
>>1939732I know quite a few JWs and I still think Mormonism is closer. JW is still quite nutty lol.
No. 1939744
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>>1939678Really unpopular but Mormonism was unique as a white supremacist ethno-nationalist religion specific to the United States. It had its own style, aesthetic and feel to it, manifest destiny manifested as a religion.
Then in the 1970s it reformed and became just another generic evangelical church. It's sorta just boring now and not really a unique thing.
No. 1939804
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Koreans are the ugliest group of Asians, so it's understandable why they're all hooked on plastic surgery and even after spending thousands they can only hope to look average at best.(racebait)
No. 1939809
>>1939752I saw a clip lately where a guy was raging out about chubby women wearing tops that show any cleavage. In his mind they're massively showing off that they've got tits and they're not allowed do that because
>having tits only counts on thin women Its my new fave retarded quote
No. 1939822
>>1939804>Koreans are the ugliest group of AsiansI honestly think it's Southeast Asians.
t. SEAsian
No. 1939825
>>1939724I think it differs from girls to women. Skinny girls/teens have it a lot easier to find a boyfriend while it's often near impossible for the chubby girls to find one. As adult men prefer curves it becomes easier for slightly chubby girls as they are now seen as normal and approachable. The skinniest ana-chan level of women now find it near impossible to find a boyfriend. And for the ones who as teen girls were seen as the attractive one simply
because they were the skinny one suddenly have to rely on their adult face, which may not actually be attractive. And suddenly when being skinny isn't as important anymore the previously "undesirable" chubby girls are suddenly pretty women, who also likely have bigger boobs than them.
In every school class I've been in the skinniest girl(s) was considered the prettiest by both the girls and the boys, even though looking back objectively… they were not lol as adults some of them are frankly less than average looking, yet somehow they had all the boys after them and the cuter chubby girls had no one. I think teens are more susceptible to think beauty standards are "true". There's something about the undeveloped brain that attaches to labels to make out what is good vs bad. It's like they can't make out for themselves what they actually like so they have to rely on the social hierarchy to tell them until they're mature enough to know on their own. They're told skinny is prettier so they all believed it and it became their truth.
No. 1939827
>>1939804I agree. Chinese people are the most attractive naturally out of all east asian, probably because of the genetic diversity.
>>1939811KEK anon, you're not wrong tbh. They don't have an identity or style of their own and all their stuff are derivative of Japanese, chinese and American culture. I remember back in the mid 2010s there were culture wars between china and korean on who invented the hanbok or whatever it was called. But, there are 2 exceptions to the tacky stuff, "Iron Kid", a cgi show about a kid with an iron fist stuck to him a la omnitrix, and gives him an armour with martial arts powers. It's very cool, I recommend it. English dub is on nyaa. The other is "legend of blue", 2000s 2D animated show with fujobait and a good female character, but there's no English subs or dub unfortunately. It was very unique and interesting, where it takes place at a futuristic world where everything relies on sea transportation and water surrounds cities, and there's an agency that protects the sea from a mafia and they have submarine fights kek. And they're all looking for a legendary gold boat that has all kinds of treasures, and the only person who's worthy of it is the main character who is named after a real korean historical figure who was a huge sailor and trader, named "Jang Bogo". I'm guilty of liking some korean manhua though but I'm too lazy to recommend them.
No. 1939851
>>1939840Only thing I'd go to japan for is authentic japanese food for a reasonable price, ain't no way I'm paying 15$ for 4 maki rolls that have mayo and cream cheese in them, which is the only thing all "Japanese" restaurants in my city sell. They overcharge and have the American versions of the dishes, it isn't worth it at all.
>>1939848Nta but I agree, he also needed skin care and some kojic acid for the unholy dark lips, and to grow his hair properly since having it shaved increases its size and looks horrible.
No. 1939902
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I don't think it's ever accurate to label female rulers of the past as feminists. I'd go as fat to say that before the late 19th century there were no feminists, there were certainly women who sought certain freedoms, but their aspirations were not even close to equality or even liberal feminism, let alone structural changes of actual feminism .
I think the worst case of this is with Queen Christina of Sweden, everyone knows that she was a lesbian who caused a scandal because she didn't want to marry. People gloss over the fact that she was deeply religious, spent fortunes on various religious texts, gave up the throne so she could convert to Catholicism and live the rest of her life in Rome and yet really not a single modern telling mentions that reality about her, I actually think it's disrespectful to take away the genuine religious faith she had in her life.
No. 1939951
Women who give birth should be ruled as mentally/physically disabled for the rest of their lives. The amount of women who are mothers and have birthed any children, especially scrote babies, their minds are probably metabolically at the same level as a serial killer when you think about. The amount of sociopathy and general disregard, lack of concern, lack of compassion, lack of understanding and foresight for other people just to defend your son should rule you incapable and unfit of ruling an independent, free life. I came to this final conclusion after watching a video about how women are attached to their children when they are born and probably for the rest of their lives and that’s how women are always stuck with the childcaring and childrearing in situations where she’s turned into a single mother and the nature calls the scrote to evade duty and responsibility. So take this natural process of bonding with your child (to the extent of defending them when they’re accused of DV, sex trafficking, rape, etc.) then nature curses you with the 50% chance of a male infant, the fact that it’s even more dangerous to birth a male infant, male infants require so much resources and attention even when they aren’t even sentient humans, it’s probably sucking all of those life-sustaining nutrients from the mom that relegates her brain to the only amount of logical brain power that you see in an anachan, your mental processes and faculties are slower and therefore your decision-making is less reliable. The fact that childbirth already is physically stressful and dangerous should tell you how much it chemically changes your brain and the fact that being a happy little barefoot mummy shitting out scrote babies is promoted and seen as the peak of human altruism should tell you why it’s promoted, it’s just like the promotion of fat women, it’s the make women less intelligent and more physically and mentally incapacitated. Pregnancy makes you less intelligent as a woman. So scrote mums should be barred from jury duty, voting, because if you defend and coddle your son to the death because society has been able to exploit that biological function where you put your scrote baby above morality and law, then… we’re fucked.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1940009
>>1939974That's not at all what she said.
>>1939998Cause lightning can't strike the same place twice?
jk No. 1940031
>>1940009>Cause lightning can't strike the same place twice?What's that supposed to mean?
>>1940015Ooh ok! I never knew that. Im usually a pistachio person but I definitely should eat more almonds
No. 1940046
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>>1940026Picrel. Only the fun people will admit that they're boring; the boring people will die clamoring to claim to be fun.
>>1940016I agree with other anon that thick haired women have big brains, but refer to my hair texture post for the level of fun that they are/have.
No. 1940149
>>1940131It doesn’t, you become a braindead disabled retard who birth’s anon #1940131, that’s enough to make an ancestor cry. I don’t see what’s wrong with stating the obvious about pregnancy, if women were truly not mentally disabled after they gave birth they wouldn’t even want to do it again but for some reason even after being crippled, helpless, and unintelligent for 8+ months women are enticed to risk their lives again by doing that horror show all over again, which is fucking insane to me. That is not a person who’s in the correct state of mind, I don’t care how much you want to ignore it, once you become pregnant you go full stupid that you can’t revert back to your natural ways. Having children forces you to live in an unnatural way that drives the female brain insane. You’ve practically bought into the grand conspiracy of intercourse that is only in favor of everybody else but ourselves and I really don’t want to be a helpless, braindead, mentally disabled and disturbed woman because of the affliction of pregnancy. The healthiest thing would have to at least let women have total full control over the world’s reproduction or plunging the earth into low populations, but there’s nothing healthy or gleeful with being saddled with kids and the post-care of people tending to your post-retarded state. Spooky and scary
(ban evasion) No. 1940298
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I'd date a scrote with a hair system over a bald one and if I had a haired man go bald I'd make him get one. Spoilered for puke balding
No. 1940850
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>>1940722We should follow pic rel
No. 1940878
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No. 1941052
>>1941040being an
abusive mother is not what the other anon is referring to, she's essentially baiting by talking down on all women who provide their undivided attention to their
newborn, hence why she used the word specifically.
No. 1941057
>>1940894ayrt Weird how this is labeled bait? I thought this was an "unpopular opinions" thread. I knew I'd get shit for it since I'm probably posting an Un Popular Opinion. I agree with this post to an extent. I'm calling it; not bait.
Don't have kids if your shit isn't together. Simple as. I'm legit confused how this can be misconstrued as anything else?
No. 1941060
>>1941052That's not it at all. I'm literally saying that your kid is the cause of why you can't fufill your obligations. This is your own interpretation of what I was saying.
Basically creating
>>1941040 's type of situation. Good try though. It's not the kid's fault they're born but holy shit do women of SPECIFIC TYPES do this and I hate seeing it happen in real time.
No. 1941110
>>1941100> what do they talk about?Everything.
> What do they do?Whatever you would normally do outside work.
>Don't they get overwhelmed with each other (especially if living together)? Ideally no.
>Do they hold secrets from one another? If so, how many?doesn’t matter, you’re separate people internally.
No. 1941129
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I think the Chanel Barbie clone aesthetic is cute. I wish I could pull it off but pink isn't my colour.
No. 1941139
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>>1941129hard agree, it's so feminine and luxurious if i had the money i would be one of those girls trust me.
No. 1941167
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>>1941136Black>>>>> grey > tortoiseshell> calico> tabby> orange> white
i dont' like it when they have pink noses idk
No. 1941208
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>>1941163>>1941167>>1941136Colorpoint and/or lynx point are the best. Bonus if it's a tortie point.
No. 1941245
>>1941175I think the daddy issues is just an excuse women use after they date older men and he fucks her over and she’s humiliated so they try to use trauma as a reason they let an old man clown them. Those women would’ve dated older men regardless if they had trauma or not. Tons of men have terrible
abusive narc moms but you don’t see them trying to get into serious relationships with women old enough to be their mom.
No. 1941256
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>>1941136Brown tabby > Black > Tortoiseshell > Calico > Grey > Orange > White
Picrel is nature's perfection, the original cat color. I may be biased because my very first cat was this color though
No. 1941311
>>1941261I work with a cat foster program and they call it "tortitude." While there are definitely extroverted, super-friendly tricolors out there, studies have shown that they
are more likely to have that sort of "tsundere" personality type than others.
No. 1941391
>>1941225i think it can be both since i've had some annoying people tell me i have daddy issues just because i have a bad relationship with my dad. but people do say it for what you've mentioned as well
No. 1941593
>>1941330Scientifically studied doesn’t mean much in a meme field like psychology, but even if the concept is sound some random on an imageboard isn’t qualified to diagnose you with anything so it’s silly. Sort of
like how everyone on Reddit sees red flags when you breathe.
No. 1941664
>>1941277Attachment-style self-report questionnaires seem to be accepted and validated enough to be to be used in counseling. What's not proper use is: "omg, this guy is totally X attachment style because you described one shitty interaction", and I really don't see men using this shit, they're more aware of the whole "love language" constuct, for which they obviously all choose physical touch, 'cuz sex.
A more apt comparison to "astrology for men", it's Myers-Briggs typology. Men will fucking wave INTJ/ENTJ flags around (because they intentionally go for those results) on their profiles while they make fun of women who put their astrological sign down.
No. 1941668
>>1941245They don't want to admit they liked the idea of having leverage and more power for being the young, attractive half of the couple. When it turns out that doesn't guarantee you decent treatment it's pretty pathetic. Embarrassingly short sighted (like they're not gonna age too) and selfish ("well as long as
I get a man, it's fine if it gives him the audacity to think he is too good for women his own age"). Women who date older men are throwing their future self and other women his age under the bus, full stop. You're only going to inflate his ego to the detriment of all womankind, no man deserves that.
No. 1941701
>>1941188This and I know it's a very unpopular opinion here but I hate when some edgy anons posts their Jody Arias ~UwU Girl Boss~ memes.
Girl is the ultimate pickme : ready to throw her life and freedom away for some mediocre, ugly scrotoid who refused to pick her.
Aileen Wuornos was infinitely more based imo but I guess she's not pretty enough for these anons to fawn over and make memes.
No. 1941710
>>1941277Eh, I don't know about that, I have a few friends that are into both various typologies and astrology (not only western one), and they're way too serious about it, like, they do let it affect their decisions and expectations. It actually drove me away from the group because it's hard to tolerate when people discuss some made up shit like it's a part of objective reality. I think the problem is that people sometimes get too obsessive with crap like that and act as if they've found an infallible truth.
Attachment styles can be useful if you don't turn it into typology shit and start looking at everyone through this lense, and also if you don't use it to justify your own or your partner's
toxic behavior. It kills me when I read the comments of those "accepting" people that wait for their "avoidants" to come back after weeks or months, it's devastatingly delusional. Pretty harmful for people who have shitty boundaries. But it can also help you understand your reactions/behaviors in the relationships and get better at self-regulation.
No. 1941727
>>1941712You're oversimplifying it though. I do agree that if another person is hot and cold, ignores you etc., it's irrelevant what
reason hides behind it. You can't read someone's mind so you'll never know, and even if he/she has some fears and automatic reactions that make them self-sabotage, what can
you do about it? It's something a person should figure out for themselves, they're the only one who can make a decision to change, and all you have to do is to prioritize your well-being instead of trying to be their psychotherapist. You can't know someone better than they do and you can't fix anyone.
And some people
are overly sensitive and paranoid for no good reason, so their anxiety is not necessarily an adequate reaction. Anxious style doesn't only make you misinterpret certain things and react disproportionately but it can also make you cling onto people out of fear of abandonment when they act like assholes, and the assholes will gladly use it. The behaviors like this aren't always enough to put a person into a personality disorder category imo but it's a good thing they have a name so you can research it for your benefit. It's just that any psychological stuff can be misused, and some people might exacerbate their delusions or manipulate others by using therapy speak. It's not a reason to devalue the whole thing altogether.
No. 1941798
>>1941762I know a couple of people who act like their friends and even siblings betrayed them when they got married and became parents, and complain those friends dare to
speak about their spouses and children, as if it was some obscure specific interest they impose on everyone and not a huge part of their life. Imagine being such a shitty friend you don't even want to hear about an important part of your friend's life while thinking
they are the problem.
No. 1941811
>>1941762I think it's important to prioritize your nuclear family to an extent but a lot of people (especially women) take it to a point that's self-destructive. It's not healthy to rely on your spouse for all your social needs and if you ever divorce or the relationship gets
abusive you're fucked without an existing support system. A lot of people become very isolated in their nuclear family and it's not natural or healthy, humans are meant to have community outside the home.
>Frequently women who complain about this are also the type who refuse to sympathize with their old female friends if their nigel is abusive because they don't spend enough time together anymore.Yeah because if you stop maintaining your friendships every time you get in a relationship, eventually those friends will fade away and stop giving a shit. It sucks but that's why it's important to have a support network outside of your partner.
No. 1941856
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>>1941850Excuse you. Banjo is my husbando.
No. 1941895
>the aim is to reach a secure attachment style How about not getting attached to anyone and just living your life to the fullest?
No. 1941916
>>1941906Yeah I read the post and I think it’s dumb and shitty that every time any poster brings up their romantic relationships and marriages there’s always some little faggot at the back of the classroom who needs to be like
>oh well what about when he starts beating you? Like fuck off. Seriously. Go back to eating your cheez its.
No. 1941918
>>1941916samefag but i dont mean fuck off at you
nonnie i just think it’s ridiculous and egregious when abuse is brought up alongside marriage at every opportunity
No. 1941932
>>1941931>Why would he be able to cheat on you if you don’t give him the ability toOh, my sweet summer child.
I’m going to stop here because it’s clear that you’re very young and believe you have it all figured out. And the only way women like you learn their lesson is the hard way. Just do yourself a favor and make friends outside the relationship.
No. 1941938
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If I had one genie wish I could waste I'd make all online tankies be forced to live in the communism they made up in their head: the commune of 2000 teachers, 1000 self-proclaimed trauma therapists and 300 sex workers and zero actual workers
No. 1941942
>>1941920I do wear purples,oranges, and reds but I just love looking at the chanel Barbie clone aesthetic, it's so pretty and cheerful.
>>1941902Yup …
No. 1941973
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Honestly after all the 4 hour analysis videos and mentality unstable teenage girls, steven universe is not a bad show and doesn’t deserve it’s reputation. People were very impatient at the start and judged the show too quickly but I also don’t blame them, the setting seemed interesting but we were stuck with Steven’s pov who only becomes interesting when he grows up and we get to contrast his teenage self with his child self.
I know this is a double edged sword but I wish we had a SU thread here
No. 1941984
>>1941972This is just what I've witnessed in my years of life, but all of the people that
I have known who did get cheated on were combative and had 0 self awareness as to how they were damaging their own relationship, which is usually what resulted in the belief (kind of similar to your own) that their bf/gf simply cheated in spur of the moment just they saw a new, more physically attractive mate; not because they were actually unhappy and found someone else who made them feel more satisfied. Many are not willing to take responsibility for their own shortcomings, and make the decision to blame the entirety on the party who made actions to end the relationship that they were unhappy in.
No. 1942037
>>1942009Then you are lucky.
Sometimes, you feel like you have a good happy relationship (at least on your end) and he tells you he is happy too and how beautiful you are to him until you find out he is cheating on you.
He suddenly turns his story around and tells you has been unhappy all this time, how you are lacking in this and that. So you break it off and leave.
Then soon after he suddenly contacts you again telling you that he has made a huge mistake and how he loves you and can't live without you and recalls all your special moments.
If you go back, it's rinse and repeat.
No. 1942043
>>1942037You replied to a ban evading baiter, aka
>>1941956 and
>>1941937 No. 1942074
>>1942033I don't know a single
terf who defends gay moids. The same people who defend gay moids, love trannys. (And men in general. it's always straight women)
No. 1942160
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>>1942156Dumbass thread retards continue to be a cancer on every thread they post in
No. 1942173
>>1942108Ayrt, then why did a farmhand give you a "(ban evading)" rextext here
Go to meta idc.
No. 1942184
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>>1942170I remember an anon refusing to google this last time it came up and she acted like it was so much effort to take 30 seconds to do some research. Anyways, picrel explains it.
No. 1942188
>>1942170they're /pol/ shit to imply something or someone is jewish
using them here will probably warrant a racebait ban
No. 1942234
>>1942223I know, I wasn't trying to be mean sorry if it came off that way, I was just trying to get across that a lot of people have been misled about psychology by popular authors (particularly for online publications like Vogue, the Cut, etc.) outside the field of psychology and it creates a weird dynamic where people are using psychology terms without even understanding what they mean (e.g., gaslight, narcissist, attachment styles, etc.) and it creates a lot of dissonance. If you want to understand attachment styles, you can read about it in psychology journals or in peer-reviewed papers about the topic and it will help you understand way more than anything written for online mediums or magazines.
>>1942232I wouldn't say I'm a psychology expert but I majored in psychology and regularly attend conventions about the topics that interest me. Some people genuinely have knowledge about the topic, but those people are actually making money practicing it instead of writing clickbait for online tabloids kek
No. 1942240
>>1942235Attachment styles are a clinically studied phenomenon that have a wealth of research that started from early-childhood studies on how babies identify with the mother and respond to external stress and neglect. The love languages originate from a self-help book published by an Evangelical pastor from the 90s. They aren't the same thing, they're not even in the same category. That's why popular psychology is so damaging, because it conflates non-psychology with psychology and it confuses the average layperson.
>>1942237If you want to read more about it you can check out the book
Attached by Levine and Heller, they're both researchers with a ton of experience in the field of interpersonal psychology and the book is a great resource and quick read.
No. 1942462
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>>1941973The show is honestly pretty good for a burger cartoon aimed at preteen-age girls. It has some genuinely nice songs and beautiful background art, even if the character designs are super hit-or-miss. I think the backlash to it had way more to do with the psychotic fandom than with the show itself.
No. 1942481
I wasn't being passive aggressive you insecure retard, I meant that I understand now why that anon doesn't want to wear pink, because it would clash with her tomboy style. I thought she was talking about her appearance not fitting the color and needed clarification, got the clarification, and replied that I understood what she means after she explained it. Log off if you're going to misinterpret every post and get pissy about it.
No. 1942646
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You know a whole generation is incredibly useless and bitter when they’re allowed to make an entire hate thread against a generation of people when their gen is literally no better and are known to be pathetic, weak, cowardly, hyper individualistic and constantly made fun of even by other normies. Millennials have jump started all of that social cancer that zoomers eaten up, zoomers were basically too young to participate in it when the millennial social justice psyops were pushed to the masses and that’s all that they were given to work with so stop blaming them because you retarded millennials created such an ass culture and ass economy. I’m so glad zoomers aren’t weak and will make fun of you motherfuckers right back, you cannot be posted up doing shit and making faces like picrel and having young people living in your head rent-free. Reminder, it’s mostly not zoomers who are behind this social stratification, it’s mostly a bunch of money-grubbing beady eyed little millennial or gen x’er behind it and the zoomers have practically fallen for it. We’re doomed because of millennials but this website is so biased towards them because some oldfags can’t let go of the nostalgia for this website
No. 1942742
>>1942720Nta, but Gen Z were too young for:
>getting degrees in gender studies back in 2011 and sharing all the retardation you learned in class on Twitter and Tumblr.We were still in middle school in 2011.
No. 1942753
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>>1942738>MFAMull Fetal Alchemist?
No. 1942805
>>1942722Which would make them 15 or 16 in 2011 at the absolute oldest. Too young to be in college at the time that internet social justice was born. We know a lot of the rhetoric at the time was coming from college campuses. I was a teenager at the time and the first people I saw disseminating that stuff on Tumblr were in college. You had all these Superwholock dorks going to college and trying to mix their new "knowledge" with the fandom bullshit they liked.
The whole generation wars are retarded anyway. You aren't responsible for the retarded shit gender studies majors did fifteen years ago just because you were born the same year.
No. 1943006
>>1942932This doesn't make any sense at all? I don't know if you read this original post
>>1942801 but I was responding to the fact that she's trying to say that zoomers aren't actually zoomers kek. It sounds like the drunk millennials are really the ones with no literacy skills.
No. 1943039
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Ringlets are so pretty and more women should rock them. No more separating curls!!!
No. 1943073
>>1943067>Have my face raped with a knife and a buzzsawNona…. What do you think happens in the operating room….
>>1943069I don't care about looking retarded I'm on LC and I don't expect anybody to take me seriously. I'm expressing an unpopular opinion in the correct thread. Boo hoo.
No. 1943097
>>1943090Kek thank you I'm glad you're not taking me seriously like some others are I'm just giggling to myself about this honestly
>>1943093Right? I barely talk about it myself because I know the reaction I'm gonna get from people that are jealous of my nose for some reason. I.e., "oh so you fixed YOUR nose so what do you think about MY nose HUH?!" and it's like… I don't think about you OR your nose. It's my life kek.