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No. 1936458
Don't reply to bait
>>>/ot/1927216 No. 1936489
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I don't get people who try to spin suicidal thoughts into anything meaningful, helpful, or positive. "When you say you wish you were dead it's really because you wish you could escape your situation so just focus on what you can change and try to be positive uwu" shove it entirely up your ass. Sometimes you just sincerely wish you were dead. Sometimes there's so many things you would need to change about your circumstances to be happy, that it's almost as futile a thought as "just shoot yourself in the head".
No. 1936512
>>1936508I’ll try to convince my moid to drive me to world market in a couple days and see if they have one for you
nonnie can you post a pic
No. 1936531
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I spent all day today trying to find these vintage mermaid bath toys from my mom’s childhood that I always loved so much, before I moved I was planning to fix them up and display them, so I know I packed them! But now, 4 years after the move, I’ve looked through all my boxes (yes, stuff is still in boxes because I have no place to put the stuff I unpack) and I didn’t find them, I only found the one I bought on eBay to be their friend, but that one isn’t the special ones I remember from my childhood that belonged to my mom. I don’t understand why I can’t find them. I wasted an entire weekend day searching piece by piece, taking everything out of the boxes and organizing, and they weren’t there. I’m really sad about this. Once I found them I was gonna add to the collection because there are so many cute ones, I saw an adorable black mermaid on eBay and I want it so bad… but if I’ve really lost the originals forever, I would feel guilty buying other ones while my original little mermaid friends were abandoned somewhere… I know I’m far too old to be personifying inanimate objects, but I can’t help it. I feel terrible for losing them. I loved them so much.
(Picrel is just a random one I found online)
No. 1936538
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I met a cute bisexual girl the other night at a party and we were talking over Snapchat when I got home. She called me “my love” and I told her she seemed really cool and I wanted to get to know her better. I messaged her again to say good morning and showed her a couple pictures of my pets and she responded pretty dryly. Then I asked her if she had any and she didn’t respond (it’s been a couple hours). Is this worth pursuing?
No. 1936568
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Men being pro “sex work” makes me irrationally angry beyond a point I can even put into words.
No. 1936613
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My boyfriend treats me like a whore. I fucking hate it. I want to break up with him. He accuses me of wanting to show off my body when I wear leggings and basically talks down to me and acts like I’m trying to show off my body… I’m very physically active and fit and go to an all female gym for fuck’s sake. I never go out to bars and I’m a complete shut-in besides going to the gym and university. I have to dress this way or my movement will be restricted and I’m starting to hate this retard. I also just have a natural desire to be beautiful and I am simply not going to wear baggy, unflattering clothes 24/7 when I worked hard for this body as someone who was formerly out of shape (I think all fat nonas are beautiful too, it’s just that I worked hard for these personal fitness goals!) I want to stop letting this controlling man dominate my life, I want my life to no longer involve male approval at all. Please pray that I get the courage to break up with him and stop being a retarded handmaiden!
No. 1936639
>>1936613Leave him. I'm sure you are a beautiful girl. He's probably insecure because he knows he's punching. Maybe break up with him in public because I worry a little bit about your safety and his reaction.
>>1936609I'm proud of you, nona.
No. 1936647
>>1936613I dated a guy like this and if you wear the baggy clothes it will not be enough he will start complaining about you going out in public at all and if you stop that he wants you to stop interacting with people online too
just fucking get out while you can, there's plenty of guys who'll treat you as an equal
No. 1936660
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I've been completely mistreated by a friend i was extremely close for more than 9 years, it was like i was a stranger to her and now it's been some months since i've tried to move on.
I just feel like i want to forget everything, she was the only person in the world i really trusted and cared about. I don't even want to think of her in a bad way, i just want to really forget everything since there is nothing we can do to be friends again, she was like a part of me and i was ready for anything just for her, that's all. I miss the person she used to be, at least i don't feel terrible because i know she is happy in another way, but i just want to forget everything, i miss her so much, and i'm also still very hurt but i just don't want to cry because of her.
No. 1936661
>>1936657He’s real, what the fuck would I even gain from getting replies on an anonymous website? How would anything feed my ego if it was a fake scenario? This isn’t a roleplay website. You know damn well women go through these experiences and they are common.
>>1936647Yes, I’m realizing that the end goal is them completely socially isolating you and claiming it has to do with “making sure you’re safe from creeps” when they really just want to be the ruler of your world.
No. 1936668
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I know it could be worse but i just wish things were a little better. I feel constantly stuck in life.
No. 1936759
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I've been sick for the past week and a half, in and out of the hospital, and today is my husbandos birthday but I'm not drawing him a card because I have course work I need to do because I've been so sick that I've put it off and I need to do it otherwise I will fail this semester. Pray for me, please.
No. 1936839
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No. 1936843
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Honestly all I want at this point is to be a recluse in peace.
No. 1936846
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>>1936839Go where the money is
No. 1936848
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Being able to experience love even after inhumane cruelty is a blessing. Cant wait til you fucking die though.
No. 1936875
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I wish he cared about me as much as I care about him
or anybody did, for that matter
No. 1936891
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my boyfriend's mothers treatment of me makes me so fucking depressed and confused and it just sucks so much, i really don't want to be that girl that accepts the 'shitty in-law' pill.
she's very cynical about relationships and love because she was in a super abusive relationship with my boyfriend's dad.
she's also very guilt ridden because she didn't protect her son enough throughout all of this and at times was also the problem, so this has lead to her just being so obsessed with absolving that guilt to make herself feel better but not what makes her son happy.
she has had a problem with every single significant other he's had, i'm not an exception to this.
even though all of his previous partners have been a detriment to his mental health in some way, she didn't care about that, she only seems to target nitpicky things. her son and i were unemployed for almost the same amount of time, even though i was studying full time and he wasn't. guess who she called lazy?
she thinks i'm a leech because i don't have a drivers license despite the fact that i never ask my partner to drive me anywhere, he likes having me in the car with him to help him look out for things he might miss.
i've had to hide the fact that i'm planning on converting to catholicism because she hates religious people. I got hospitalized because of my endometriosis and i have dealt with some debilitating menstrual issues that she just makes fun of me for and challenges the validity of it for no reason because she thinks i'm being a victim.
I still do my chores, work, study, whatever else even with my condition and i don't make it my business to complain about it.
one time i took my partner out for dinner to celebrate him getting his license and she sounded angry and made a really off handed comment about it over the phone to him.
She's insanely overprotective and has admitted to my face that she's jumping at the bit to fight someone (physically AND verbally) because of all of her pent up anger from all of the things that happened to her. The fact that she said that to me directly has made me super fucking uncomfortable and i'm genuinely willing to end the relationship over this. She's very mentally unwell but she seems to act like she's the only person who's allowed to be mentally unwell.
She's done some incredibly nice and caring things for me but in contrast to the mixed messages i constantly get from her,it doesn't change how i feel. I'm starting to get emotional-incesty vibes from it because she randomly said a few weeks ago that her son is the "only man in my life that i love" so i'm not feeling great about it. For all the nitpicky criticisms she has, anything good i do for him is met by silence or "well you should be doing that anyways!" She claims to care about me deeply and has a tough love approach but i don't really accept that. I don't deserve to be treated this way. I feel like i get demonized for being autistic as well even though i'm high functioning and have good social skills and awareness and all that shit.
I was literally one of their only supports during their DV case against his dad a few years back and voluntarily made myself homeless just to stay by my boyfriend's and her side, i feel like i've proven myself to be a good partner and she still doesn't care and treats me with suspicion.
My partner has been good about this, he's also frustrated by her behavior and has offered to talk to her about it but i told him no, because she's going to straight up explode over it and i'm setting myself up for more mistreatment so i need to think it over to figure out how i'm gonna go about it.
She's just an angry and bitter person by nature and i can't change that, nor will she change for me.
I've told my partner that if she keeps treating me this way that i'm going to leave, he was understanding but he doesn't want to lose me because he's told me multiple times that "you're the only person i've loved who actually seems to care about me and my wellbeing." and i can vouch for that, i knew most of his previous relationships and how they treated him.
sorry for rambling but i genuinely have nowhere else to post this.
No. 1936903
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I'm so sick of my friend bitching about her shitty life and neglecting to make any effort to change. She's been dealt a bad hand but some things are genuinely her fault but she has the maturity of a toddler so she refuses to accept any responsibility and resorts to begging for money instead of finding resources or accepting non monetary solutions.
I can point her to every solution in the world, hell even hold her hand or offer to do things for her, but she refuses to act, or she'll say she do it and then fails to meet deadlines or do paperwork because "muh ADHD" and "I self sabotaged because I don't deserve good things" or pulls out a bunch of other pop psych self-dx excuses, but never admits it's her fault. She's never going to change. She's been like this since we were teenagers. She lives in the moment and has no concept of thinking ahead. She needs instant gratification and if solutions require pain in the moment for later rewards, she doesn't do it.
I don't want to abandon her but her life's been a downward spiral of poor decision after poor decision and I can't help but just watch now. I can't blame her fully though because her dad is an abusive and manipulative piece of shit but she constantly forgives him and refused to renew the restraining order against him, then he went back to manipulating her. Everything is so, so bleak.
No. 1936938
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I’m obsessed with a girl my ex seemed to be friends with after we broke up because I can’t tell if they dated or not. It seemed like she liked him a lot. My gut says they didn’t date but it stills messes with me. I don’t think he just hooked up with her either because he has massive mommy issues and gets attached really easily. He’s a massive people pleaser and especially goes out of his way for anyone he feels bad for, regardless of attraction. She’s not very pretty either, sorry From what I’ve seen he’s spent most of his weekends with his guy friends and whenever the two of them hung out it was always with other people and he always seemed to be sitting next to his male friends instead of her. When he started going after me he was pretty much glued to my hip. She also never vagueposted about them being together or at his house or his dog which she does with a lot of other things. She always seems to be alone on her days off. She posted something about missing a guy and it pissed me off for some reason. It just pisses me off because my ex has pretty much spent the entirety of our separation with people he fucking hates but acts like I don’t exist because he hates himself. Like I just don’t understand how you can tell me how I made you extremely happy but because that’s scary you’re going to spend the next year punishing yourself bending over backwards for people you don’t like and who treat you like shit. He’s a massive people pleaser who is creating a self fulfilling prophecy because he constantly pushes the people who care about him away while waiting hand and foot on massive losers who only take advantage of him. I think he’s really pathetic but I still pity him and wish he would come back and build something healthy with me even though I know he’s too far gone. I can’t get over him because he came in at the most painful and vulnerable time of my life, showed me real care and affection, and then just pulled the rug out from under me because he was “scared”. All I’ve really heard from the grapevine is that he apparently doesn’t do much anymore and is hanging out mostly with people he told me he hated. I know these people too and I seeing them hang out makes me want to a-log and tell them all of the shit he said about them but I know I’d just look insane so I just keep my mouth shut while I slowly die inside.
No. 1936939
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She didn’t mean anything by it but when I asked my mom what makes her feel most fulfilled in life she said her career when she was a nurse and not raising me and my sister. We’re both intelligent and positive additions to society, more accomplished than our peers for the most part. It hurt my feelings. I’m sorry mom no one at work will care about you when you’re gone in 30 years but I will.
No. 1936952
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Anon from
>>1925335I finally applied for it, all it took was distracting myself by filling the form out on my phone while cooking dinner. I'm surprised at how I didn't really feel anxious or excited after I was done and showed my mom, I got more excited thinking about writing this post and thanking the nonnies who encouraged me, thank you anons!
I know I'm gonna feel some anxiety if they actually hire me and I start working, but I finally did it after 2 damn months and 24 fucking days!!!!! I think the final push was seeing how my distant friend just came back from a meeting across the country while I was spending the time playing games. And yet with their debt and leadership roles and going on boats while in an expensive college, they've still played and completed more games and gone places than the actual longtime NEET. Every time I feel bad for the rage and jealousy I feel, I remember the moid shit he did, how his friends made comments about us kissing, moved their seats so we sat next to each other, looked surprised when I talked to other guys near him, etc. Like it was all a big ploy to "help out their boy" making me feel like a trophy to eventually be won because I'm a girl and exist around him. Well, still a khhv and will never touch him, but it's good jealousy and motivation bait to better myself.
No. 1936978
>>1936894considering she's his only parent left given that his dad is an
abusive tard who wants nothing to do with anybody, probably not and i wouldn't want him to do that.
He does love his mum, and they support each other a lot so i've never considered the idea but i'd rather just leave than make as big of a decision as that.
No. 1936989
>>1936903been there, she won't change and if it's genuinely affecting you or it's coming back to you in a way, leave.
don't feel bad for it, the only way she's gonna learn is if she gets a good kick up the ass in the form of realising that her friends won't tolerate her retarded behaviour. you're doing her a favour by giving her a reality check. she sounds dopamine addicted.
No. 1937026
>>1936999whats wrong? id give you a hug if i could nona
>>1937014I had that happen when i was drinking like 200mg+ of caffeine daily.. do you drink coffee or energy drinks?
No. 1937120
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not to be mean, but i really struggle to understand why this happens so often. what possesses a western woman to carry herself to all these islands in the carribbean and african countries for random moids to "marry"? they all end up finding out the men already have local wives and kids. did these women just think they'd be worshiped over their race or nationality? moids are scumbags all over the world, ffs. these men in particular are happy to mistreat young and conventionally attractive women from their own country. a relatively wealthy first world woman is nothing but an easy mark, and it's even more apparent when it's an older or less attractive one. if you live in a nice country and moids disappoint you, it's time to look into other ways to find fulfilment in life.
No. 1937121
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>>1937120samefag, she has a daughter too. this shit can't be anything but embarrassing to watch a parent do. the moid that swindled her wasn't even handsome.
No. 1937183
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I feel bad about it but I'm starting to get sorta peeved about being surrounded by people with low self esteem. I think it's getting to me.
No. 1937187
>>1937171>>1937173Same anon, he’s a great partner in every other aspect besides how retarded he is with the dog. I’ve tried to give leeway because it’s his first dog, and the dog still is very young so I’ve been hoping he’ll calm down as he gets older. I just don’t know how to set boundaries within this situation because it’s new to me.
Is it fair to make the dog entirely his problem by refusing to be the one to take him on walks? My boyfriend is very adamant about not having anyone else train him, for a few different reasons. He’s way too crazy to go to someone else’s house and my boyfriend definitely doesn’t want a stranger over at our house. I don’t even know what “training” he specifically needs, he just has general behavior issues. I’ve never dealt with a dog like this, that just refuses and physically fights against you trying to give him commands. I’ve never dealt with a dog that I have to worry about hurting me. I just really don’t know where to start handling this issue
No. 1937197
>>1937193Men never give closure, they're too cowardly to even break up with women. They just start treating you terribly so that you'll break up with them. Men are masters of slow ghosting/mentally checking out of the relationship. I've been there. You can try ANY kind of approach to get the closure you so desperately need, HE WILL NOT GIVE IT TO YOU. He's way too emotionally unintelligent to sit down and even just write out a text stating why he's done. But most of all, he doesn't give a fuck about giving you peace of mind.
>"It's a game at this point"We're just playing ourselves doing that. They love the "crazy ex" clinging on crying for an explanation.
No. 1937198
>>1937187>Is it fair to make the dog entirely his problem by refusing to be the one to take him on walks?Yes
>He’s way too crazy to go to someone else’s houseBut a dog behaviourist is specialised in handling difficult dogs with behavioural issues.. (You're also still walking him in public.. he can't be both safe enough to expose him to people outside but too crazy to have a trained professional who knows what he's doing handle him)
>My boyfriend is very adamant about not having anyone else train him, for a few different reasons.Are there any other reasons than you mentioned?
If that dog is truly beyond training and there's truly no options available to have him trained, don't you think your boyfriend should be rehoming the dog? Shouldn't your safety be more important than the dog? Your bf is not being fair to you. I especially find "we can't have him trained at our home because I don't want a stranger over" to be beyond reason considering how severe the situation is.
No. 1937202
>>1937187>Same anon, he’s a great partner in every other aspectHe cares for neither your physical or mental well being. He is a fundamentally bad partner. Are you fucking insane?
>is it fair to make the dog entirely his problem by refusing to be the one to take him on walks?THIS IS THE BARE MINIMUM YOU SHOULD BE DOING. IF YOURE GOING TO STAY, DONT DO SHIT FOR THAT DOG!!
if you stop doing everything for him, he will have to do it himself, and he will realise that he doesn’t like it and trust me; HE WILL FIND A SOLUTION. But it’s because he cares about himself, his own time and his own comfort. He has proven that he doesn’t care about yours. You are his fucking dog nanny. Please for the love of god STAND UP! I am genuinely enraged by your spinelessness.
No. 1937208
>>1937198We live in an area with a lot of land so he’s never walked in public, that’s been part of his issue is that before I lived with my boyfriend he wasn’t really exposed to other animals or people. Now he’s too big and crazy to take out in public
>>1937201Bernese mountain dog
>>1937202I’ll try to have a serious conversation with him tonight about it all if I can actually manage to get some sleep and not be so irritable. It’s just been hard because like I said, his behavioral issues are so far beyond what I’ve ever had to deal with in the past. I grew up with literal pitbull rescues and still have never dealt with any dog behaving like this. My last 2 terrier mixes I had were full of energy and they were so much easier to manage
No. 1937220
>>1937208>bernese mountain dogOh dear lord
nonnie these dogs are walking medical debt and grief time bombs even when they’re the best dog ever temperament wise. They legit only live 6-7 years before inevitably dying of expensive to treat cancer. You need to dump this man. If you won’t you should contact some breed specific rescues because these dogs are not for first time dog owners and definitely not for anyone who is even vaguely strapped for cash or unwilling to put tons of work into the dog. And of course as soon as they’re adults they tend to get some aggressive form of cancer and die. I wish people like your moid didn’t exist cause this dog breed only exists because people keep buying them. They’re not inherently bad tempered but they are inherently genetically fucked up.
No. 1937231
>>1937229This is only a
valid take when applied to distressed/discomforted and sickly humans as well, kek
No. 1937234
I fucking hate how unhygienic boomers are. Just wash your stupid hands after taking a shit and don't give me a weird look when I caught you not washing your hands. Fucking gross reeeeeeeeeee
>>1937163>>1937187>My boyfriend’s dog>Is it fair to make the dog entirely his problem by refusing to be the one to take him on walks?Well, as you said. It's your bf's dog so yeah it's also his problem. You're just being a doormat for your bf and his dog in this situation. Leave or continue to suffer.
No. 1937238
>>1937236I’m happy at the thought of
you dying simply because you’re fucking annoying.
No. 1937249
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>>1937242Same! I really wanna live in a mommune. The way moids acted like this was a fate worse than death, this is literally my dream and seems like an idea way to raise a child.
No. 1937260
>>1937254As a stalker ex I am not trying to
victim blame you or say you even owe him this but you have told him to fuck off right
No. 1937281
>>1937271Aaaa you are the
nonnie that got chased out of discord servers and pickmes were feeding him infos?! How are you doing??
No. 1937293
>>1937280I disagree, if someone blocks you leave the alone.
>>1937281Yes, I found out it was 2 of the girls in the girls server I was in and thought they were my friends. I had no clue they were even in the same circles let alone knew him and would feed him information. Even if they didnt believe half of what I said, clearly the fact he is still obsessively talking about me 4 years on would clue them in that hey maybe we shouldnt be total cunts and throw this clearly distressed pregnant woman under the bus for… ugly balding fat male praise? The thought they know everything he did to me and still back stabbed me in such a way makes my skin crawl. One straight up said she wants to torment me? I literally thought we were friends. I swear on my unborn baby I did nothing to deserve such vile actions from people I thought were my friends.
No. 1937298
>>1937163Sorry to be another anon to jump in on this, but if you want nothing to do with this dog, you gotta tell this guy that it's either you or the dog. I won't go too far into it but I was in a similar situation, though we both wanted to train and rehabilitate the dog. (different breeds but a working dog like a berner) Even as we trained he got worse at some points before getting better, and with no training, this dog will only get worse and worse. From the dog's perspective, he's only seeing success with his behaviors and to him he sees nothing wrong with it if he's not being trained to do otherwise. It doesn't sound like this man wants to do an iota of work on the dog.
On the off chance this guy wants to keep the dog and do training. I still think he should get an easier breed as a first dog but, As this dog is already aggressive, I would not recommend shock collars or prong collars. Or trainers that use them, at least not as a first step. It can make behaviors like this worse (biting, attacking).
No. 1937300
>>1937282And what about retarded humans, vegetables, microcephalic babies, people suffering from crippling dementia, advanced cancer with no cure in sight, etc? Lots of doctors complain about hospital beds being filled up by people rotting and stewing from horrible ailments. It gets even less rational when you remember that most people, even able-bodied ones of average or above average intellect, don't go on to do great things. It's even worse when you factor in severe mental disorders.
I'm just saying it's dumb to hand-wring about things like MAID, aborting fetuses with down syndrome or pulling the plug if you can accept it for other species.
No. 1937310
>>1937280>that honestly brings on stalking and deserves itDon't be retarded and
victim blame here just because you were an ex-stalker.
Nothing warrants stalking. If she had an
abusive or turbulent relationship, do you sincerely think it would do her good to not ghost or cease communications with the guy afterwards? Fuck off.
No. 1937319
>>1937311They already knew him, without my knowledge. I had joined with my original account and trusted them enough to rejoin with my new account after I abandoned it because of my exs harassment.
I had no way of knowing they knew him or that it would get back to him, because they were my online friends for over a year (which I assume that whole time was feeding information back to him).
He talks about me and would send people to my old account every month in clusters, he posted my old username in so many servers each time. I dont know if thats where the girls linked me to him or what. Either way they knew I was his ex and laughed with him about me being scared of him, I've read the conversation.
Exs would come up in conversation and I opened up to my friends about a stressful situation and looked for advice from people I trusted.
I was trying to get pregnant and shared that with people I thought were my friends and had been kind to me up until I found out they had been feeding information to him. I dont even know if they know that I know it was them, I had already left the girl group before I found out the girls were talking to him.
No. 1937336
>>1937327I just wish I knew what they got from it? Hes gotten so gross since I dumped him, I swear evil people rot from the inside out.
If he was some desirable handsome charming guy I could understand it but hes not, he looks like Gru but has balded and is so fat now and spends so much time talking about me. Its just baffling.
No. 1937434
>>1937404>>1937431I don't think staying over at his appartment for 1 day is using him tbh
>>1937411music is for your entertainment not to prove something to other people..
No. 1937459
>>1937455Kek the nair is a great idea, I just might. I hadn't thought about messing with his stuff.
>>1937456Well if he doesn't I'll just send the stuff to his family.
No. 1937463
>>1937460I'm not asking anybody to defend it, I just wanted to mess with him and laugh about it. I'm still gonna do it even if you think it's a bad idea. You can call me retarded and disagree
nonnie, it's ok.
No. 1937468
>>1937404if he was
abusive, i'm worried about you staying over
nonnie, even more so if you plan on messing with him. he definitely deserves it, but keep your own safety in mind.
No. 1937486
i learned while my mom was dying that my dad and his family had been harassing her, calling her on her phone and sending schizo letters to our house. she told me the last time we had spoke over the phone and was going to contact him, but i told her not to worry about it and just let me deal with it. after she passed, i let my father know about everything that had happened and come to found out, he's been obsessively googling my name (i legit have no idea why) and found out i am living in paris now as i had written some articles for a class i was taking in university. he had flown all the way from the usa to paris to try to stalk/confront me at university…thank god our campus is spread out all over the 7th arrondissement so he actually went to the administrative center as opposed to where classes are.
i wish i could be angry but i'm not. maybe it's because i'm emotionally exhausted from my mom dying, but i just wish my father would leave me alone. he doesn't even care that my mom is dead at all. it just confirmed to me he had no feelings for her whatsoever and it's just me me me me. i've met other people who divorced their partners and they still often times have feelings for their exes and still get sad when something bad happens to them. but my "dad" (i use this term loosely) just started raging in my emails about how he wanted to see me because boo hoo, he wished he had fought harder. blah blah blah, he wanted to ask for forgiveness. then he had the audacity to try to invite his retarded sister and mean ass mother to MY mother's funeral. i literally asked him, the fuck is wrong with you? my mother is dead and all you can think about is yourself. he wasn't even sorry that she was dead so i know he is probably lowkey happy she's gone.
nothing that he said to me made any sense. this is the same idiot who tried to take me from my mom, had a whole ass blog where he never mentioned my existence, admitted to having an emotional affair with another woman, and the only time he did talk about my mom, it was only to whine about her gaining weight and not having the energy to entertain his weirdo friends whenever he wanted. he dropped all his blessings he reaped from my mother's support, such as becoming a professor at a really nice college back home and auditioning and writing scripts for tv, because he claimed my mother and i were "holding him back" somehow and that he was going to become super rich and famous the moment he left us. now he's a broke dusty doing grubhub deliveries, living in a house in the mountains with like 5 other people he is not related to. i told him that he's paying the price for all his sins…he dumped us, shat on us, and nearly ruined my life all to chase after "superwoman" and whatever pipe dreams he was smoking on.
i just don't even know what to say or think anymore. i just wish he would stop bothering me, and let me live my life in peace. nothing he said to me in our email conversation were convincing in any capacity; it was just your usual emotionally manipulative bullshit. he just expects me to allow him into my life and let him do whatever he wants like i'm sort of slave. why is it so hard for some people to accept that you don't want to be bothered with them? i didn't even go into all of the emotional issues i had growing up due to his abuse, like having an eating disorder, being suicidal, low self-esteem, depression, dropping out of high school. issues that i had to work on, alone, because he was too busy being an arrogant prick and terrorizing my mom. it's a miracle i never hurt myself, and he's never apologized about it. he just says he was "bad father", but doesn't actually own up to how he was a bad father to me. it's just always about him, not me, and i told him that i don't believe anything he's said is sincere or that his apologies are genuine. he's still a controlling narcissist and i hope he falls into a hole the next time he delivers someone's nachos.
No. 1937516
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my stupid retard boss is supposed to give me feedback on my writing and keeps procrastinating out of sheer laziness or anxiety or whatever. this isn't even the first time it's happenned, but i finally confronted her and she caved in. her recent comments are such a fucking waste of my time it enrages me. instead of providing the structural feedback i asked for, she keeps going over the same background section for like the nth time. the section that multiple people have seen already and that has been fixed according to their feedback. she also keeps squeezing in misguided comments like "why is the font this size?" and asking me to state something that is factually incorrect, which she would know if she had fucking payed attention to the work she is actively supervising. i swear to god this is early onset something, because no matter how busy you are, how the fuck do you forget some detail that has been relayed to you at least five times unless, of course, you don't give a shit? i am quite literally on a countdown with this thing and can't afford to waste more time, but she's so out of touch and/or fake empathetic i want to scream. what sucks the most is that i have no way out of this and just need to see it through and be done and done, but it's like she's deliberately prolonging my agony. mfg i break down and cry almost every day cause i'm so fucking burned out and i just can't take time off right now.
No. 1937614
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i need someone to get inside my car and run me over please and thanks
i cant take it
No. 1937630
>>1937607I don't know. Closure
But perhaps talking to an
abusive scrote will get me nowhere. He won't admit he did anything wrong or it was all my fault anyway
No. 1937631
>>1937621Nta but no it’s a larping tranny/scrote.
>>1937630That’s exactly what he will do so don’t bother.
No. 1937641
>>1937635NO!!!!!!!! SHE DOESNT LOVE ME!!!
>>1937637that is correct. who wanna come bash my head in with a hammer.
(integrate) No. 1937645
>>1937632>>1937641Horrible flashbacks to an old bf I had who spoke like this. He ended up being violent and
abusive and did not indeed feel grateful when he finally had me.
No. 1937699
>>1937697I switched from Google a few months ago. I had already switched to Firefox from Chrome in 2019, but I had some affection left for Google search. It's been totally fucked since 2023 though, and I finally got tired of it and switched to
DuckDuckGo, I like the search engine so far but I find Google Maps is still the best out of all the maps.
No. 1937702
>>1937601>>1937696>The biggest revenge is just success.Seconding this! And shit talk him to everyone you know, let them know what an
abusive loser he was. It usually prompts more women to join in and you get to bond over shitty men kek nothing is going to hurt him more than to seeing you happily thrive and be successful.
No. 1937727
>>1937696Nta but this was so inspiring to read.
>>1937690When that happened to me in my relationship he did start cheating later because we weren't having sex even though it was his fault. I think it's probably over.
>>1937725This post is also inspirational.
No. 1937752
>>1937739We will never be the most
abusive sex considering how men act
No. 1937768
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>>1937765Me too
nonnie hugs we will make it and be happy someday
No. 1937786
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>>1937781Open that email and read it so you can go to bed
No. 1937790
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>>1937787i'm proud of you
No. 1937802
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The family thinks I'm crazy, dramatic, retarded, they never take what I say seriously, act like they're smarter than me, belittle me, treat me like a young child without basic common sense, and don't trust me with the simplest things like staying home alone even though nothing happens. These are the same people who speak in tongues, believe that a rapture will occur every single year, believe in various multiple dimensions, accuse random, real women of being trannies, talk about seeing visions and hearing things that aren't there. All of this despite receiving higher education. Yet they think I'm crazy.
No. 1937884
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My tongue and eye has been twitching for the last 3 days and it's "only" one of many anxiety and stress related symptoms I've been experiencing, I tried to ignore it and I just started hyperventilating on a friend group call so bad I had to leave. I hate giving in to panic attacks and I live with my mother and I don't want her to be worried about me plus I hate not feeling in control of my body and feeling like I'm dying but at the same time I think that once this "big bad" will be over, I'll feel better. I'm actually forcing myself to write this so I distract myself but damn, when does this hand…am I cursed to suffer panic attacks all my life? Id on't want to take medications all my life and therapy isn't working because I can't accept all the bad things that happened to me and apparently I'll be happy once I see the karma hit back.
I wish I could disappear rn
No. 1937971
>>1937798I WISH I has a boyfriend who didn't fuck me but treated me well.
Actually I wish I had a sexy lil' armless/legless moid, missing one eye, maybe his tongue cut, just really cute. He would have nubs and walk on them. I would clean/wipe him, brush his teeth, jack him off, BUT force him to clean the floors by attaching some towels to his nubs and watching him go, and make him workout somehow so he maintains a good physique (of whatever is left of his poor little mangled body).
No. 1938007
>>1937621I swear everyone woman I know has period syncronization this month.
Is this part of some prophecy?
No. 1938064
>>1938009if you wanna feel better you can laugh at me
>start great college in dream city, doing well and leader of teams and such>have to drop out because of my first pregnancy>right after I was about to move to Australia to work for a magazine, can't do that anymore>get shit in order, go back to school>get recruited by Ivys, get recruited by NFL cheer squad>get pregnant againI love being a mother more than anything but I am a complete poster child for childfree anons kek do not be like me unless you are insanely in love with the idea of being a mom
No. 1938119
>>1938056That's the spirit kek
>>1938064I'm sorry anon, I'm happy you enjoy motherhood though. You sound like a very talented person, at that. I'm in my state school and not involved with anything or anyone else at there, I just come and go like an NPC.
Regarding pregnancy specifically there's luckily no chance of it for me because I'm a lesbian
and a virgin and would probably get it aborted if, uh, something bad happened. But I still appreciate the sentiment lol
No. 1938131
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got like 20cm of my hair cut off at the hairdressers when i asked to get my ends cut didn't even get the layers i suggested and i can't stop crying. i don't give a fuck that hair grows back and that at least i'm not bald it took me three years to grow it to that length and it was one of the only things i felt good about i'm fucking gutted
No. 1938141
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>be me
>have made great strides toward becoming less chronically online
>try to make plans with irl buddy
>experience disproportionate mental anguish (weeping and gnashing of teeth) because she hasnt responded yet
>"she hates me"
>extreme urge to block forever and never speak to again for not answering fast enough
Why am I like this? It's hard being retarded. NGMI nonas
No. 1938145
>>1938141Don't gnash your teeth nona. When I was younger I used to be the same way, always worried that people didn't like me or something. What helped was that I had a very personal conversation with Mary, mother of Christ, and she told me stuff. If you don't believe in Mary that's okay too I'll sum up what she said basically: so other people have lives and they're busy, just like you, and sometimes you yourself don't respond to people right away because you're busy with other stuff, so when someone doesn't respond to you, you should extend the same favour they'd extend to you. In other words, just think in your head "hey, she's probably busy, she'll get back to me when she gets back to me!" We can't control others, only ourselves and our reactions to others. If you want other people to treat you with kindness, you have to be kind yourself and be graceful with people even if they're not perfect people.
No. 1938167
>>1938159But that's not what op said kek… like, if only the fat sized shapewear is left… then the fat people weren't shopping for shapewear… right?
>>1938163I honestly hate hearing that you even allowed a scrote to see lc. I feel grossed out by that. You should do better.
No. 1938379
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>>1938141>>1938358bruh….i do the exact same shit, im actually going through it right now. do i have fucking bpd? im not hypersexual and dont engage in risky behaviors but i get so fucking obsessed with people, definitely to unhealthy degrees. when the person im thinking of doesnt talk to me i want to scream and cry and i get so mad at them and want to go no contact.
>>1938145the first half of this is weird but i have been trying to keep it in mind. even though it also makes me feel bad because they have busy fulfilling lives while im sitting around thinking of them all day. detaching for a short while. trying to get my brain to calm down. pray for my mental health nonnas.
No. 1938389
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>get out of emotionally abusive relationship
>start dating new moid, feel severe hatred for men at this point and i don't even like him but he pays for stuff and even helped me out with a few bills
>realize you can't rely on men for jack shit so if they're not paying there's nothing they can do for you
>always tells me he's there if i need to vent, calls me his wife, literally wants to get married and seems to worship me
>asks me how i'm doing
>tell him doctors suspect my mom has cancer and i'm scared to see the results
>his reply: "Ok"
Men are so male it's unreal.
No. 1938486
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I was so excited to get shit faced and smash some pasta and watch a movie but there are people! Everywhere! 6 adults and a baby is too much for one house with paper thin walls im gonna blow my fucking brains out bro
No. 1938496
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>>1937971I'm actually screaming. I swear I always tell my nigel about my fantasy of cutting his legs and arms and secluding him into a well. I'm gonna add the mopping workout routine but I guess I can integrate it without removing the well, I can use the little basket attached to a rope I would use to send him food to lift him up for his gcleaning/workout time! Thank you very much. This is why I come here and have been doing it for years, where else can I find this type of blessed connection,
No. 1938499
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aaaand he came back. he unblocked me and texted me seething and asking who i was fucking right now. if it was his discord friends or my ex. ignored him and kept seething and texting, but then he started playing victim and saying he was sorry for everything LMFAO. continued to ignore him until he started seething again, and the moment i replied and told him to fuck off, he instantly started to talk about his perfect madonna ex missing him and being with him right now. that he cheated on me and i totally deserved it. it was actually scary, because i realized that such an insecure and anorexic motherfucker didn't cheat on me and was actually lying. same with his ex, i can see your steam activity and you were playing your autistic games instead of being with her. anyways, it's wrong to talk to me doing all this pathetic show while you're, alledgedly, with your madonna virgin perfect ex. stupid and extremely insecure flaite being creepy and delusional, using a poor and retarded woman as a narc supply, without her knowing.
then something stuck to me. he said if me coming back with my ex was all a lie to put him away. and as we know, moids alwways project. this is a pathetic vulnerable narc. i'm starting to think all this convo about his ex wanting him back was a lie to test me and break me a little more. but it backfired as i told him to fuck off. he can't cope with the fact that i don't want his boring ass anymore so he texted me again to make himself sure that he is the one discarding me. it's ridiculous at this point because he will come back again, with the same modus operandi.
No. 1938501
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>>1938144This is so cringe and autistic and servile. Sorry I just can't.
No. 1938504
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>tfw 24
>never had a first kiss
>never had a boyfriend
>never went on a date
>don't have friends
>want to kill myself
>love my computer games
it's over.
No. 1938506
>>1938504>tfw 24still young, just not a teenager
>never had a first kissthere's still time
>never had a boyfriendthere's still time, many men are single, the problem is finding a man worth dating and trust me, being single is better than dating a shitty scrote
>never went on a datego on a casual date at first, like a coffee shop
>don't have friendscan't help you with that, my social group is tiny too
>want to kill myselftherapy
>love my computer gamesnothing wrong with that, just don't overdo it
No. 1938518
>>1938504Learn to love yourself nona, it's the best thing ever and the only true thing you will hold on for all your life. Better than being surrounded by fake people, stuck with someone
toxic, or insecure if someone is being honest. Enjoy your life and don't rely on others, maybe you will meet the right people or not, who knows, i wish you the best and i know it's not something easy to do.
From a
nonnie that wanted to kill herself since she was born kek.
No. 1938530
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why the fuck is insurance so difficult to navigate!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1938545
>>1938437This anon
>>1938537 is right. Seriously. Seek professional help if you have the means to. When I was 18 or 19, I was in a similiar situation you are in now and I distinctively remember my mom telling me "(name) I think you have depression, you should talk to the doctor about it." And I refused. In hindsight she was right and I could've saved myself so, so many years wasting away. Learn from an older anon's mistakes who also thought her life was doomed, it really wasn't but I just couldn't see it at the time and neither can you. You're not the big freak you think you are, your life is not doomed, you just need some help to get your mental health and life back on track.
No. 1938551
>>1938542i used one of those dumb hasbro ouiji boards AT a cemetery b/c i was so certain fuck all would happen. after like 15 minutes of asking politely for ~any spirits~ to come out and talk i gave up and drove home. to this day when i tell people i did this they freak out because "ghosts are real!!" and "ouiji boards are dangerous!!". the only people who believe that shit
want to believe it, you just have to roll your eyes
No. 1938552
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male aggression is so fast its scary especially in teen moids,theres a stray cat in our neighborhood that sometimes sneaks in our house to steal food shes quite energetic as shes still very young and i can coax her out with some food or just carrying her out but my father and my brother literally kick her out or try to hit her with a broom to get her out ive tried time and time again to intervene and always get hurt in the process just today it happened moid brother was angry and decided to let his anger out on her i stopped him and got my chest punched atleast the cat got away safely but i did call him a faggot afterwards for attacking a cat, it scares me how moids easily lose to anger i hate them so much
No. 1938591
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Does anyone else have a friend group where you're constantly wondering how they REALLY feel about you, because you get the feeling that they're so non-confrontational they'd stick around with you long after they were sick of you?
Sometimes I feel like I'm a little monkey doing a dance for people, and going please look at me, please laugh at me, please interact with me, acknowledge me, consider me - I'll do the same for you! look at me do it! now you do it!
and I'm going crazy. I'm really paranoid, I guess. I have this pit in my stomach that nobody would actually be there for me, nobody would try for me like me with them, nobody is going to help me, I am actually alone at the end of the day and ultimately people will drop me if I don't 'get over' something quick enough or sweep something under the rug
No. 1938597
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A friend of mine got so defensive earlier today when we were shit talking her dad, I am still upset at her reaction but still laughing my ass off at this level of copium.
This joke of a man used to refuse to hold hands with her mum in public (probably to seem single to other women), constantly bought porn mags, taught his 12 year old son to watch women's bodies on the beach with sunglasses, and was a drunk verbally abusive father and husband. I told her that one of my family members behaved similarly and that he was a cheater, that if this guy (family member) was my dad I wouldn't have left him get away with hurting my mum, and she immediately defended her scrote dad saying he would NEVER sleep with another woman. That I shouldn't immediately think he's like my family member and that she knows him enough to know he's an imbecile but committed to her mum. He always defended her mum when other people had an argument with her, and not only that but he's also better now!!! They're so committed to each other now that he's borderline elderly. So that means he loves and respects her right lmao. It isn't just because he is getting too old to get shit women that easily, or because he wants someone to wipe his 80 year old ass.
Um, ok so you'd have known right? If he cheated on your mum when you were 7 or 10 they'd have told you, his little kid, about it? How can you be so sure with all his shit behaviours? He already cheated with mags and by trying to sell himself as single, is it really that far fetched to think he went to bed with another woman?
I'm struggling to comprehend if she's just coping hard or if she genuinely thinks all these red flags don't heavily imply he fucked other women on the side. Maybe the truth hurts too much.
No. 1938601
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Woke up today and felt like Moscow is going to be nuked at midnight.
Finally freed myself of shitty male stalkers and my first sensation was to conquer the world.
Pride will be the end of my world if I fail to control myself.(newfag)
No. 1938602
>>1938591all the time nonna, im a disgusting excuse of a human being that i constantly believe the world is an awful place that is only nice to me because of how much pity i cause, they know im a doomed soul who's fate will be self inflicted, my existance is probably something that people keep up at night beacause they might think im under their bed or might jump out of their closet.
so even if you feel bad or you probably your friends are a bunch of fake bitches that want you dead you are atleast better off than me, im sure even my family want me out of their home as soon as i learn how to drive.
No. 1938607
>>1938602You're not a bad person.
Forgive yourself and help others escape your fate.
(namefagging) No. 1938682
>>1936660Extremely late but
nonnie, are you me? I could have ghostwritten this post myself, right down to the dates. I feel for you and I understand you completely. In my case I know we can never be friends again as the bridge has been burned utterly but I miss her so much. She was a daily part of my life for 9 years and I could have done anything for her. I thought we cared for each other and it broke me to find out she didn't care for me the same way and was willing to throw away our friendship without even wanting to try and fix it. I tried, on my end I did all I could. It's been months but I still care about her so much even if I know it's best we're no longer in each other's life. I guess therapy changed me too much and we're no longer compatible people, even if I still wanted to have her in my life. I hope she's doing well wherever she is and that she's happier without me, even if it hurts so much to think about.
No. 1938737
>>1938656Yeah, yeah. Boohoo. It's not their fault, the poor children can't choose their shitty home life so that justifies them being everyone else's problem.
And no shit if I were renting the property damage wouldn't be my problem. If I were renting, I wouldn't have paid out of pocket for a security system.
No. 1938741
>>1938717Ayrt (second anon) but she took our entire friend group in the divorce, let's say, so on my end there's a zero chance we can ever go back to what we used to be. She shittalked me and smeared me so hard she got most of our mutual friends (that she knew longer) to block me. Meanwhile I tried to stay dignified and not talk shit about my best friend even though I felt like she wronged me and look what I got. Mind you this is all online people so it might change your perspective. I'm happy you managed to mend things with her though and I applaud you for your strength of character to contact her again. I'm still bitter at how nuclear she went and at the person she turned out to be, but I wasn't her first "
victim" so it shouldn't have surprised me. I guess to our mutual friends seeing me stand by her side even through her numerous explosive friend breakups must have made me seem untrustworthy. I did love her and I forgave her for her flaws for a long time until I couldn't. I even tried to fix it but she didn't want to. Oh well.
No. 1938817
>>1938796>I was always under the impression you had to nod off with a droopy head all day long to have narcolepsy, but nope.i also learned about this when doctors suspected i have narcolepsy years back, it's not just people who pass out at random. which sucks because people don't take you seriously when you say you might have it.
>Holy fuck doctors are so incredibly useless. Now it's time to find some sleepfag doctor to schedule an appointment for in 6 fucking months. I hate everything. Why couldn't I have just been a normie that isn't 50 mental and neurological illnesses in a trenchcoati feel you
nonnie. weirdly enough i had a similar experience as well. my sympathies go out to you. when you have a sleep disorder that isn't insomnia, nobody understands, not even doctors. i was in treatment for 4 years and absolutely nothing got done, and i mean nothing. not even a diagnosis. they just shrugged their shoulders at me 90% of the time. doctors are genuinely useless. i hope it gets better for you and that you can come to a resolution with it. well wishes to you, i feel your pain
No. 1938844
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>>1938841we’ll never be free
No. 1938853
>>1938817Thank you nona. My hatred for doctors just intensified even more at your story, fuck them all. I hope you could resolve some of your issues through other means, even if these fuckers absolutely failed you. It's absolute bullshit how lazy they are when it comes to anything that doesn't have an immediate solution they can slap on it like antidepressants or useless live love laugh type advice.
>>1938831They're so incredibly useless. Going to the doctor is such a lose-lose situation when it comes to little known disorders like these. Either you don't bring up anything and they don't do shit, or you mention what you suspect you might have and they assume you're self diagnosing. Especially because narcolepsy is often treated with stimulants, which makes their ant brained alarm bells go off in case you're drug seeking and not just a hypochondriac.
No. 1938942
>>1938857"yeah there's this place called lolcow dot farm, like four chan, it's an online board they talk about. Like. Everything. Gossip. All these posts and Internet drama"
I felt like running out of the building lol. Not out of shame for lolcow just out of pure cringe.
No. 1938989
so fucking pissed right now. literally just 2 days ago my sister (lets call her br) suddenly and unexpectedly told my mom that they (her, her husband and their 2 toddler sons) are going to move back in. they moved out over a year ago and my other sister (sz) moved out permanently last year to live with her bf after a huge fight with my dad. so it used to be 11 people in one house with 4 bedrooms. i've shared a room with my twin sister my whole life, so thats what i was doing before they all left. my sister and her family lived in one room, parents in another, two younger sisters together, me and my twin, and then my eldest sister had a makeshift room in the attic when she would come home. so after br moved out, sz moved to their room. after a few months she fought with my dad and moved out for good, that was last summer. about a week after that i realized 'hey finally i can have my own fucking room for the first time ever wow privacy for once' so i moved there, which is where i've been for the past 8 months. so until 2 days ago all was well, until br announced her homecoming. eyeroll. ofc we all wondered where tf they were planning to sleep since there's literally no space anymore. she texted and said that i shouldn't worry, i wouldnt have to move out. i was relieved until just 15 minutes ago. this biotch has the nerve to tell me that she "didn't want me to be blindsided, but dad is going to talk to you about the room tomorrow". the fuck? talk to me about what exactly and what kind of wimpy ass text is that lmfao this bitch clearly realized that theres little to no space for them and asked my dad to get me to leave the room. fuck that shit lmfao i told her im not leaving. the audacity has me raging rn. like you rlly just expect me to pack up all my shit at the drop of a hat and move out again for you? fuck no….and on top of that idk why the fuck her and her gamer loser ass husband can't keep a job. my sister gets a new "job" every few months but something always coincidentally goes wrong and she quits it within a week or so. she has quit 4 jobs this way i swear. families always want to do trifling shit to you and act like its nothing
No. 1938991
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Fucking sucks that everyone I've dated had a thing for skinny women with big tits. Even if I was "the exception" or they were open to other body types I still knew the truth.
I'm not even fat or overweight, I'm athletic but I'm solid and bottom heavy. I know this body is attractive to someone, it's attractive to me.
I just feel like the last person on earth attracted to women of my build because I found a string of people who weren't actually into my body.
They weren't all men by the way! Which is even more fucked.
Only after being single did I realize the pressure I was putting on myself to not eat. I eat enough now and I love my body again, if only I could find someone else who does.
No. 1938994
having adhd and being type a is the worst brain combination. recently moved and during it, our ikea platform bed that had huge drawers underneath it broke. i had an extra bed frame, but we stored everything under the ikea one. we spent so much money on the move that i can't justify buying a new frame with pullout drawers again or a dresser and everything is so expensive to ship here. IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE having nowhere to put any of our clothes. we have one closet with just stuff strewn everywhere, i put all of my nice clothes/work clothes on a clothing rack, but for my every day stuff i've been using those little fabric cubes and laundry baskets and it's making me rage. every time i take something out it messes up the organization and gets all fucked up. previously i made dividers in the under bed drawers so it was easy to find everything (e.g. favorite tshirts, shirts that can be messed up, nice leggings, fucked up leggings for gardening, etc). i fucking hate mess and not being able to find things easily bc if i can't see it, it may as well be in narnia. i've been scouring fb marketplace/craigslist/thrift stores but there is nothing. and unrelated but i've been so stressed i haven't colored my hair in three months and i look like i'm balding but i don't want to spend 2 hours fucking with my hair when i don't go anywhere anyway but it would probably make me feel better. if any nonnas read this thanks for listening, i'm super isolated in the place we moved to so i don't have anyone to vent to and even just word vomitting anonymously helps
No. 1938999
>>1938994samefag but our large ikea bookshelf also broke during the move, and we have a metric fuckton of books so there are just boxes and boxes sitting around that i can't put away and it's driving me fucking insane. i just want to be moved in so we can have fun decorating and not feel like i'm living in a storage container. i hung some artwork up in a few rooms yesterday which has helped a lot for my mental state because it's not just blank speckled white walls, but it still feels like i'm living in this weird foreign place (because i am)
>>1938997 take your time. grief is tricky in that it never stops hurting, you just get better at accepting and dealing with it. i wish i could give you a hug, and fuck anyone who doesn't understand that you can't just immediately 'snap out of it'. if you don't process it, then it will fester and come to bite you in the ass further down the line. good luck
No. 1939016
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Goddammit I hate this gay ass generation. We all joined this group for making friends but now because I dared to come up with an idea for us to hang out aside from the shitty event coordination everyone thinks I’m weird and doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. Guess I’m the retard on the playground now haha! We were all supposed to be doing this as only self care and totally ironically hahaha!
No. 1939064
nonnie: thank you for the hug. I can deal with being depressed and grieving for a long time, it will not going to stop me to enjoy stuff, but "snapping out of it" is no gonna happen.
No. 1939227
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>all i want in a boyfriend is long hair and not watching porn
>this is somehow too unrealistic for modern scrotes
at this point i have accepted i am dying alone, but it hurts looking at photos from the 70s/80s/90s and seeing all the cute scrotes i could have dated if i was born a few decades earlier. I would accept the hideous modern scrote look of rugrats twins hair and stubble beard if they at least had a good personality to compesate, but they are more misogynistic and lazy than scrotes from prior decades. No wonder scrotes are currently ''suffering'' from a male loneliness ''epidemic'' when they are ugly, porn addicted, lazy and don't have fun personalities anymore.
No. 1939260
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A lot of my issues come down to seeing things for what they are, and getting yelled at for trying to say something.
I know it's not just in my head because when I show or explain it to other people (including strangers), they come to the same conclusion as me. When I spend too much time in a place or group, I see things I didn't know about before, but other people around complicit or naive and they all start getting upset when it's brought up. Don't get me wrong. Some things are negligible. Life is full of little hypocrisies. My problem is when it crosses into justifying harming someone who didn't deserve shit, or excusing (sometimes praising) the exact same behaviors in one person and punishing the next for it. The naive people are the ones that make me the most sad, because it's not that they're trying to manipulate me. They just don't see it, or they don't want to believe it. Then, a week, maybe a couple of months (or even years) later, everything I said and suspected ends up being true. This is how I felt with the tranny thing. You can throw all the evidence and signs in their face, and they just fucking ignore you.
I suppose the solution is to play the game, be manipulative and bread crumb people into coming to the same conclusions on their own, but I don't like doing that. It's slow and frustrating. When there's something important, I want people to know. I want everyone on the same page, and I want problems solved. And it's always too fucking late by the time they accept what I said. Fucking mass gaslighting, I feel schizo sometimes.
No. 1939312
>>1939227They exist nonna. My ex and best friend has long hair and is disgusted by porn (he is so granny like kek) and my current bf with long hair too thinks porn is distasteful and an offence to his aesthetic and moral sensibilities. Both were raised by strong female figures, highly educated and critical of the stereotypes of manhoodness.
Don't shut yourself off from meeting scrotoids but set your boundaries and standards high, apply a cero tolerance policy, and don't gave the benefit of doubt: he has to prove himself to you. Good pet material scrotoids will stay and trash tier scrotoids will run.
No. 1939325
My vent is that I need an urine sample from my cat and Im waiting for the pee since five am without results. In an hour I have uni and my family is retarded when it comes to pets.
>>1939313I met both in social media. With both we bounded having long and rich conversations (which we have too meeting irl as acquaintances) about music, politics, spirituality, philosophy, films and with my bf fashion was and is a current topic. They both showed respect towards me and my boundaries and let me made the first move.
I guess is a matter of being open to meet new people but not actively seaking. If someone grabs your attention go for it.
No. 1939343
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I have ADHD and keep fucking up tasks at my job and have this constant anxiety that I will be fired. I did something incredibly stupid yet again which prompted a 'catch up' call with my manager. I'm tired of making mistakes which leaves everyone around me wondering if I am retarded, then being told what to do only to forget it or mix it up and do it badly later.
Also, my bf has a bit of an anger management problem and shouted at his manager at work and so another thing I have to worry about I guess is both of us losing our jobs
No. 1939367
>>1939226kek that was my plan last year but then they moved out so i just moved to a different room instead and now they just fucked it all up again
>>1939062>>1938992thanks nonas and its so infuriating bc they didn't even come up with a plan b or even a plan a for that matter, just immediately started moving back in. they finished moving everything last night and now they're using the dining room as a makeshift room which is what they used to do 3 years ago before their first son was born…its so obvious that they just expected to be able to move back in to their former room and now that that plan's impossible they don't even know what to do. i don't want to / can't move back in with my twin bc she is filthy, smokes weed all day which stinks up the room, has poor hygiene etc. plus she has a cat with bladder issues or smth that she never even takes to the groomers, and her room literally stinks so bad that you can smell it from downstairs
No. 1939385
nonny? The stress from dating a moid who is so unstable he yells at his boss at work raises your baseline anxiety level and affects your performance at work (among other things). If you live with him, it's that much worse. There is no future with moids like that.
No. 1939506
>>1939231This is literal bio hazard and your company could be shut down for not reporting that shit (literally.)
>>1939367Yeah, just move out at this point. You cant even complain because you are still living with your parents and as retarded as it all is, they still have the ultimate say in what's going on under their roof. Find a way to move out, and you'll have true freedom. It sounds like you're
valid in complaining about your situation, but it doesnt mean anything unless you do something yourself to get out of it. Good luck
No. 1939522
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i dont know if i can take it today. my cat woke me up by meowing in my face and knocking my water bottle over, i got stuck in traffic and barely made it to work on time and now i have to sit in this office that smells like fucking eggs because one of my bosses loves to pretend he's a fitness junkie and has to make eggs at work every morning and then brag about how bland his chicken and rice is at lunch. its going to be a long day
No. 1939690
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>>1939669Obligatory image I must post.
No. 1939700
>>1939661nonna, are you me? Especially because of the Linkin Park quote at the end, kek. My advice as someone who just can't call anybody, except for one person, do it after you wake up. Wake up, go to the toilet, brush your teeth, get a glass of water on your table and then, call whoever you need to call. It will give you anxiety, sure, but your mind isn't really awake at that moment and more on autopilot, so you just make the call and don't have much time to think about it. Hope you can do the call again very soon, it's annoying that not everything works through e-mails.
No. 1939735
>>1939712>Does he look more like the dadYeah exactly that
Its sickens me a little because my dad was domestically
abusive. My brother is emotionally manipulative and she doesnt even realize it because he doesnt hit her like my dad used to. I just want to leave these people behind.
No. 1939745
>>1939629this is what started it after I saw an instareel yesterday about this
I did not know this was a thing and that some doctors do it WITHOUT THE WOMAN'S CONSENT
it's fucking wild
No. 1939785
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Same anon that talked last thread about finding out i was living in a alternative reality my brain created, and i just found out yesterday my face (and body) is not only fucked up with acne, but also possible ridden with type 2 rosacea and i'm losing my shit, as if my life wasn't hellish enough. I can't fucking believe i got rosacea as a fucking 19 years old (i'm 25 now) and now my face is fucking disgusting from it. Everybody treats me like i have the leprosy and even tell me my face looks fucking ugly. The dermatologist i saw yesterday prescribed me a lot of shit to put on my face and said the scarring is already inevitable, i will be taking antibiotics for 3 months and i want to fucking kill myself. As if i don't fucking hate myself and my face enough already, i just feel fucking deformed. My face looks like shit, my body looks like fucking shit, looking in the mirror just fills me up with enough despair to make me cry.
My mental health is on the verge of being completely broken and i'm about to be unapologetically insane.
No. 1939790
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I hate it when people like things I like. The only people who should be allowed to like my liked things are people I like. Reee. Yes, I'm salty my favorite manga series is the fotm anime right now
No. 1939799
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>>1939791Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
No. 1939801
>>1939760Ok, thank you for answering
>>1939791not Op but Uzumaki, Junji Ito. It’s a really good horror manga.
No. 1939841
>>1939731And his bullshit attempts at trying to approach me have come to the surface within 2 exchanges, this is the second time in the last two years. Now I'm forced to be somewhat rude, and I hate this, just leave me alone.
On the other hand I'm low key enjoying seeing his come crawling to any woman he's known and is near his age to take him. This is the reality of the fantasy of men thinking men become valuable over time, when you have Mickey Mouse hairline, a boring high-income job, no 20-year olds want you because you look old as fuck to them and no 30-year olds want you because you're icky as fuck.
No. 1939904
>>1939897post a pic
You seriously have to go to a derm ASAP
No. 1939918
>>1939735I’m sorry,
abusive family sucks. I hope you get to leave them soon.
No. 1939919
>>1939897As other anons have pointed out, please go to a doctor ASAP (within 5 days) or ER. If you go to the hospital to have it checked out and are concerned about costs, ask for itemized receipt at end of your visit to cut down costs. My initial guesses, without photo, would be: A)
Tinea capitis, B)
Lichen Planopilaris, C) Some sort of
psoriasis or common
dermatitis, or D) Skin cancer. The last example is the least likely, and even if it is skin cancer, don't fret as the majority of cases aren't fatal and they is a very good chance it can be excised successfully if you catch it in time. Since you've had this for over three months now, you need to go see a doctor immediately to get a proper diagnosis. I can't stress that enough, you
need to go to a medical professional and get it checked out. It's abnormal that you've had an open wound for this long.
No. 1939960
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>>1939943Fungus amongus
Also, get one of these, better be safe
No. 1939962
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this is a retarded vent but why does everyone in college seems to make friends so easily, man like i can't see my close friends but i'm jealous because they have other friends who they constantly talk with and hang out meanwhile i don't eat lunch with anyone or talk besides work stuff, it's like they're moving on with their live but i'm getting stuck and it's not like i can just stop caring about social interacion while every time it's shoved in my face that i don't have friends. or at least i don't see my friends because of schedule. i dont wanna depend on them and wanna make friends outside of them but i just dont know how and im not asking for advice on how to make friends. idk i just wanna stay home if im gonna be as useless outside but if i stay inside too much im gonna start feeling guilty because ik its obviously just a big cope that i cant socialize with people and that no one sees me
No. 1939975
>>1939962You can
nonny, trust yourself. You can make friends. It's never too late
No. 1939977
>>1939962Do you talk to people in your classes? Do you take part in any clubs?
>I'm not asking for advice on how to make friends.You don't need advice nona you just need to be yourself and talk to more people and they will gravitate towards you if they're your kind of people. Give yourself time.
No. 1939996
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>>1939962you have to get the flavor of this website off your aura or probably take a shower, wash your hair, don’t wear hoodies, or don’t be a greasy dingy bitch mayhaps. at some point socially awkward people have to face reality that normies can smell what’s off about you without you having to open your mouth, you have to play the game to make friends nonners. the secret is that dont seek out to make friends, you have to create pawns for your own use. it sounds awful but that’s what friendship is really all about but normies don’t want you to know that so they like to call it “friendship” and “relationships”. you have to get ahead of the game if you want nice and reliable friends, you have to play with their minds. be inviting but not too inviting, smile, stay quiet, when it gets too suspicious do a couple of favors or niceties for them to keep your motives out of the radar, collect all of their secrets, observe and don’t say a lot and only enough. socially awkward people say nothing and see too much so they’re threats, extroverts talk too much and know too much people so they’re seen as reliable, you want a healthy balance of both, and keep people as pawns and never get too in-depth with friendships especially with people around your age.
No. 1940011
>>1939971i'm only taking classes but only go twice a week because most of my classes are virtual
>>1939975thanks nonna i wanna make friends
>>1939977i go to a guitar club but apart from three people no one ever talks between each other. i talked to a guy twice but that was it
thanks for all the replies, im gonna sound stupid but im really self sabotaging when it comes to friends because a big insecurity of mine is that i always approach people but no one approaches me. it feels like while some people dont have to do anything i have to do twice the effor of a normal person to have friends and they dont approach me naturally so i feel like im just bothering them and since i entered college i honestly gave up the idea of being close friends with someone. like i can be friends with someone but not go all out like how i usually do with my close friends primarly because i dont think well ever talk again after the semester ends. also sometimes i feel like i only want friends because they make everything easier in the sense that i usually feel nervous when im alone in public but friends just kind of cushion that, i also fear that a lot of my identity is based on my friends because when im alone idk what to do. like i straight up feel very uncomfortable everywhere because i feel like im making unsettling expressions or just being uncomfortable so i sometimes think i just want friends as a part of my identity, but at the same time loneliness is one of my biggest feelings. i don't like some people as persons but i envy their happiness. even if i was never a good student or got the best grades or had strict parents i neverl felt free because i didn't do the things i want. i do reckless things for fun sometimes but it's just one lived moment like a caroussel effect. i do something that defines as a person with people and feel good for a moment but when im alonei go back to how i am. or well i did because like i said i don't have friends. i just dont want to feel lonely and envious everytime i go outside. sorry for the text but i had to vent
No. 1940040
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>>1940011I am the 3rd ayrt, I didn't wanna give advice because I didn't want it to be unwarranted so if it's still not wanted don't read but if it is here it is:
>A big insecurity of mine is that I always approach people but no one approaches me.Do you look approachable? I know this is weird to ask, but a lot of people will read body language before making contact. Doing something simple like wearing brighter colours, looking up more, or smiling more will draw more people in. When I was super self-conscious and friendless in university, I dressed like a goth and I don't think I ever looked up, so it was no wonder that people didn't want to talk to me since they thought I'd be uninterested in talking. Once I developed more self-esteem in my fourth year, I began to smile a lot more naturally, and I found that a lot of people were more open to talking to me - even for small things like asking for directions. I'm not saying a big toothy smile or anything, but I find just a small smile or even just smiling with the eyes alone will draw people towards me moreso than if I just rest my face with a scowl as I usually did.
>I can be friends with someone but not go all out … because I don't think we'll ever talk again after the semester ends.This is a self-sabotage. You can't make true and honest friends without first going through that awkward acquaintance stage. Two of the friends I made in university were just peers that I always sat next to and talked to during lecture breaks, we ended up studying together, then once the term ended we just kept talking and even chose the same classes together. Good friends take a few months to make, it's not something that just happens overnight. Even if you do grow apart after the term ends, not all friendships are forever and some have their natural conclusions. You won't stop being friends, you'll just be acquaintances, and those are great to have too.
>When I'm alone I don't know what to do, I feel very uncomfortable everywhereBeing in university is about individuating and self-discovery, it's normal to feel this way at your age. If adolescence is about individuating from the parents, then young adulthood is about individuating from the friends. We are all unique, other people can help shape our identities but we can't rely on them to
be our identities. When I was in my freshman year of university, I was so terrified to go out alone, but then I started to go places alone, at first places like the library, the café, but then I got to the point where I'd even go to sit-down restaurants and bring a book, or go to events on my own just to drift around. It's a good feeling to be secure in ourselves to be alone, but not lonely. Continue to explore your interests, make hobbies, go on walks around the city and see what places you're interested in like museums, galleries, restaurants. Your early adult years are meant for creating hobbies and interests that you can devote your spare time too; when I didn't have any hobbies, I felt very alone and awkward all the time. I had too much free time, and I would end up intellectualizing about it and being philosophical instead of just sitting down to read a book or go out for a hike in a new park.
>Loneliness is one of my biggest feelingsFeelings are fleeting; don't let them become an identity. You feel lonely now, but it won't always be this way, especially if you continue to branch out and socialize. Like those peers in your guitar club; since you're all together often, talk to them more! Even if it's just boring small talk, try to talk and joke with them. You'll be surprised at how people you see often will open up to you quicker than people you see rarely; research something called the
proximity effect. If you feel extra lonely one day, don't be afraid to call your family if you're on good terms with them. My grandmother helped me a lot throughout my university career even though she lived 1000km away, we used to spend hours talking when I was particularly lonely and I learned a lot of wisdom from her.
>I never feel free because I don't do the things I want.You're the one in control of your life and your destiny nona, you have the power to change everything you want whenever you want. In my motivational psychology lectures, one of the biggest things I took away from the course was that change comes to people spontaneously: one day they're one way, and the next they decide to be a different way. There's no "right" time to grow because growing is a lifelong process. You'll be alright in the end, just have faith in yourself. You aren't broken up or different or stupid, just an insecure young person that's trying to navigate the world alone for the first time: everyone has been there, some earlier than others and some later, but we all find our way through it one way or another. It's a part of life and you'll make it.
Sorry if this was long winded I just wanted to offer you some advice about this because I related to you No. 1940052
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>>1939972>wunjo poster was a maleLol I knew it
No. 1940061
>>>/g/387660his posts in the doll thread on /m/ are wiped out too
No. 1940068
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>>1940061His post on cc after he was found out to be a scrote… pmsl this is so pathetic
No. 1940088
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A bf to kiss on the head would make me better
No. 1940091
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>>1940082He ain’t shit, girl
No. 1940126
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(I would post this in the get it off your chest thread, but its very schizo over there)
I have told you to book a therapy appointment to save this relationship and all you do is cry and make excuses about calling the super scary therapists to book a fucking consultation. I have given you a list of therapist you can email to book. I have complied online options.
look, you stupid lil bitch of a man. I have been patient, I have been flexible (to a fault), and I have now given you my final demands. Book the damn appointment and face your fucking issues or I. AM . OUT.
This is a waste of time and a waste of energy, and all you do is throw temper tantrums about having to fix your fucking issues.
That why I have moved upstairs and avoid you!
I want to move out and all thats keeping me here is the rent free living while I save to move out!
You are not worth this stress you giant man baby. You are not marriage material. You live your groundhog day over and over and OVER.
You are a little bitch who wont face your issues. You rely on mommy and daddys money to survive. And my god! You are so lucky to live in a 4 bd home rent free, and yet you never consider school or trades or anything that would offer retirement. Why would you?! You have had everything handed to you.
I will never fuck you again, you spineless pathetic excuse of a man.
I am only 3 k away from being comfortable moving away and on in my life.
Now that I dont smoke weed all day to numb myself I cant stand even the most basic task involving you! I had to be retarded high to tolerate your bullshit day in and day out.
Holy fuck when your parents die you will not handle the house, or the taxes, or anything correctly and you will be shit out of luck. Thankfully I avoided the engagement and I am moving on! I would rather be broke and hustling everyday and single than deal with you any longer.
Your parents failed you, and you have tossed life into the trash.
So FUCKING pathetic, I cant believe I saw any potential in the first place.
No. 1940155
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I love coming into this thread and seeing how pathetic most of you are sometimes, makes my life seem 10x better. And most of it is surrounded by men or friends, you should know by now that none of those people are dependable lol(bait)
No. 1940243
>>1940235>I get excited but then it's just a repost and I punch my pillow and get angry for 5-10 minutes before calming down it seriously makes me see red I hate itKek
nonnie this is so dramatic but I feel you
No. 1940286
>>1940233Noooo Im so sorry, that was me. I double checked actually, but when I realized there were images that just weren’t loading for me, it was too late to delete. I’m sorry
No. 1940303
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im so lonely. i feel like i dont even know how to be a person anymore, what do people even talk about. i need a walkthrough for my own life. i just want to be someones favorite person, i want someone to like me and think about me when im not around. a guy i used to talk to a long time ago went to a concert and messaged me afterwards telling me that they played a daniel johnston song and it made him think of me and i still hold onto that as one of my happiest memories. to be thought of, to see or hear something and think of me, its so simple but thats all i want. for someone to love me as much as i love them, for once, please. please.
No. 1940305
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>>1940303I understand how you feel nonna. You aren't alone. The phrase in pic rel always makes me feel better in moments like these
No. 1940311
>>1940306i have thought about using it but im so nervous and i have nothing to talk about. i added a nonna from here a few years ago but we only talked once and then never again.
No. 1940326
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If I kill myself, would I be doing the world a favor?
No. 1940397
>>1940377Honestly it's that juxtaposition between being considered a gross dyke in real life but on social media seeing female same-sex attraction being fetishized would make one believe they're only
valid for a sexy aesthetic to shout horny lesbian memes at but not as what you are and becoming a "non-woman" would distance yourself from that experience. We all know young women troon out often as a cope to being sexualized but with lesbians it's even more pronounced.
No. 1940429
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>>1940022Can't stop won't stop but I'm taking better care of hygiene now and I got all my shots. Trust me anon it was worth it, it was a fully intact residential home with floor to ceiling goth/metal and avril lavigne magazine cutouts pasted to the wall and all kinds of things.
No. 1940448
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I want to torture this man to death. I want to put a blowtorch up his rectum and scorch his insides while he screams in agony. I want to disembowl him alive. I want to see him in the worst agony a human can possibly feel.(alogging)
No. 1940453
>>1940444I was originally told by two friends that I was 'clearly autistic' when I was pondering to them if I had ADHD, since I was struggling to be functional (NEET shut-in). After doing some reading, I went to the doc's office that specializes in autism diagnosis and got the test done. Had interviews separately done for me and my older siblings among other tests. I got the diagnosis after all of that but I don't believe it because I pass as a normal just fine in person? I went with a private doctor since public healthcare here is slow/scrotebiased/on public records. But now I'm just thinking that I got the diagnosis because I paid for it? Why wouldn't they entertain you if it means money for them? I
could get a second opinion but it's not worth spending more money on this and just pretend that I'm normal.
No. 1940475
>>1940471I think he’s a faggot too. And he’s Irish. I
said the other day that Irish men are all disgusting and evil.
No. 1940478
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>>1940469Why do men dress like this
No. 1940509
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Stupid shift work gives me Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Everyone is busy so I'm just hanging out by myself and drinking wine at noon watching anime in my PJs. I have to use my annual leave to do anything social. JFC I need to get a new job. This is becoming a habit. God I wish I didn't do environmental science in college.
No. 1940510
>>1940364Your post made it seems as if she's a giant naked huge-titted thot when in reality she mostly dresses as cute male characters. What would she expect if she does romantic roleplay with fans while dressed as their fav anime boy? Of course they gush about her. And all of that has nothing to do with you, you are not her. According to that logic all straight women everywhere should go mental because tons of cosplayers who sexualize themselves for moids exist (and worse).
What I find way more crazy is what happened with her husband: apparently he babytrapped her and financially trapped her to get her to stay in China, then cheated on her causing her to get depressed. And then he mysteriously drowned while they vacationed in Bali…
No. 1940514
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>get some money
>Finally buy pro microphone, to record music
>Install it
>Can't hear shit
>"Sorry but this micro won't work without an additional tool called phantom power"
>No more money left, nobody wants to spare some
>Microphone catching dust as we speak
>People staring at me like I have two heads everytime I ask for a "phantom power" tool
I wish god stopped trolling me, it's not funny reeeeee
No. 1940518
>>1940510apparently her dead moid also sexualized their daughter
said he can't wait for her boobs to grow and pinched her chest so good for her if she just let him drown kek
No. 1940547
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Those period simulation devices that men get so they can “know what it feels like to have a period” is an entire meme. They know the pain, cramps, mood swings, being called hysterical for wanting things during your period, they know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it is to navigate the world with something that comes naturally to every healthy woman every month, it’s a shitstained form of bragging and gloating in the form of virtue signaling when every single one of those weasly little scrotes make those videos of faux-empathetic algorithmic outreach for the handmaidens that lap it up. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, they know, what women forget is that they don’t and will never care about making your lives easier. They’re bragging and gloating they never would have to endure the suffering and perception of their own bodies that are placed on women. Our physical pain is embedded into our bodies and everyday living, men have the luxury of eschewing pain by deferring it into other channels instead of experiencing it themselves firsthand and that’s what that entire meme encapsulates in a horrific way. It heavily implies men will never ever get women and our pain and strife unless they turn our pain, suffering and oppression into costumes (trannyism), entertainment, and pre-packaged experiences and even then they still don’t get it, because it’s like a sick enjoyment for the privileged class, akin to horse-racing and tourism. Male “empathy” is exactly like tourism matter of fact into the female human experience.
No. 1940555
>>1940493It makes
everything into a business email. I once asked it to send a flirty message and it was like something a divorced 50 year old man would write on e harmony. Absolutely soulless, no edge, no genuine humour.
No. 1940562
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>>1940364Karina coser? I only learned of her when I saw some clickbait title about her husband dying, he apparently was a pos
the chinese are OBSESSED with her
No. 1940648
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Brains been fried I just recovered from a 3 day fever from a stint with mastisis and it still feels like I'm viewing life through a telescope. I am active and lively though.
No. 1940661
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I'm so bad at confrontation. On MS Teams I'm great; I can give multiple paragraphs about why their approach is stupid, they are stupid for suggesting it and the company is stupid for allowing fuckwits like them to be hired here. During IRL meetings I'm a mumbly mess. I'm all "yeah… ok… yeah…i think we should… no yeah that's good…". This isn't a hostile situation like getting mugged I should be able to speak up. God I'm so useless. I wish WFH never ended.
No. 1940804
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I fucking hate it when work is slow!!!!! I have to track all my time, so I'm just sitting around with nothing to do but knowing I'm gonna have to figure out a place to "use" them, which means maybe working over the weekend. I was put on too many hours for a project that is just starting and the meetings are too spread out for there to be tasks to actually work on. I've already asked for other work to do in the mean time and I'm all caught up. FUCK it's torture just being chained to my computer and waiting on other people. I can't even properly fuck off and use my afternoon as a stand-in weekend.
No. 1940919
>>1940876>>1940880Seems like you still haven't grown.
You're in a shit situation because of a shit moid, yet your first thought is to shit on imaginary female haters before anybody even said anything to you…
No. 1940924
>>1940923I don't hate you,
nonnie. You have a friend here.
No. 1940959
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>want to see men dominated
>after 5 layers of mental gymnastics get accused of being a misogynist
No. 1940961
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I'm making an online dating profile for the first time in over 5 years and I feel like my entire profile is so boring. I have some normie interests, but I'm really mostly into weeb shit and vidya, but those things would only attract pornsick nice guy weirdos. Doesn't help that all my pictures are selfies because I'd rather skin myself than ask someone to take pics of me.
Nonas save me from single hell, I just want to speedrun dating and get to that comfortable part of the relationship where you can be retarded together
No. 1940965
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Spoiler for gross picture (my hair was washed earlier in the day)
>>1939904Pic request
>>1939919I do have HSV-2 so I don’t know if that could be a factor. My head has been itching lately but I don’t know if that’s just my paranoia.
I’m so nervous to go to the ER. I went last year because my throat kept hurting but they just turned me away saying it was nothing (I thought they would do a biopsy or something but they just shoo’d me away) the cost of that visit just to shoo me away was 1500$ I’m nervous they would look at my sore and do the same again and costing me an arm an dollar (I make less than 10000k a year so these costs really stick it to me)
I know is absolutely retarded to come to the net like this for medical advice but I just need somewhere to vent. I feel like if it is something serious, it’s something that I’ve manifested.
No. 1940978
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>>1940510Kek I think tweet in picrel was pretty accurate though. I have to admit it's jarring to see this when a non-pretend lesbian would gross the average CCP-grown Chinese girl out.
No. 1941013
>>1940996KEK this was my experience downloading a dating app too, there was maybe ONE cute guy out of the hundreds I swiped through. Like I'd rather be single for life if NPC-tier scrotes are the only options out there.
> God damn why do people think traveling and going to concerts is a personality traitSame with going to the gym, why the fuck are all the men on dating apps obsessed with the gym or wanting a "gym wifey" it's retarded
No. 1941022
>>1941013And under the "I quote too much" prompt they always have shit like HIMYM or Spongebob. Bonus points if their grammar is absolute garbage or they're already balding in their late 20s. Bleak as hell.
>>1941019Not if they make it their entire personality though. They're all either fat fucks or men whose entire profile is cycling
No. 1941023
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>why are you in this art class if you're not sure you want to have a professional art career
Because I'm going to draw fetish art for money and don't feel like telling you that.
No. 1941031
>>1939812It's still so unfair when i can see women with perfectly fine looking skin while i look like i'm turning into freddy krueger. I really can't have shit in this life. It hurts
nonny. Literally too since my face hurts like hell.
>>1939700>>1939661Crippling social anxiety ridden Linkin Parkfag nonnas, rise up!!!!
No. 1941033
>>1940978>>1940997She mostly dresses up as a guy tho, so most of her fans see her as a irl anime boy not a lesbian. Her husband might have been shit but he wasn't ugly and was said to be rich, plus she also got photoshoots while dressed as girly girl, so she was also liked as a feminine woman who just happens to be tall.
I feel like most of the domme mommy shit by lesbians is only said in a poor attempt to make very tall women feel better about themselves - at least I often got "compliments" like that in response to saying I hate being tall.
No. 1941047
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I'm so fucking retarded.
Almost every lab class I do something very basic wrong in the microscopes.
One day I had accidentally moved the coarse focus while in the 2nd objective len, today, I had to quickly change microscopes (because mine was very dirty) and forgot to adjust the coarse focus.
No. 1941051
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>video of a chicken laying an egg
>all the comments are calling it a 'he'
No. 1941169
>>1941149kek it seems like it! maybe i'll just send her a link to the website that i learned how to make macramé on.
>>1941151i seriously ask myself this all the time. she stresses me the fuck out sometimes but we've been friends since childhood and i cant just kick her to the curb. i try to give her advice and point her in the right direction but sometimes she's just too obtuse and/or lazy.
No. 1941178
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trying not to think about how I've convinced myself that my low sex drive is "normal". Like objectively my bf is attractive, he's sweet and never pushy, and when we do have sex I have a good time. But I almost never WANT it except when I'm ovulating. Meanwhile thinking back to my ex gf I was like a feral creature, couldn't keep my hands off of her kek. I've never felt as horny for a moid as I did for her, all she'd have to do is like kiss me or touch my thigh and I'd melt. I fucking hate this so much. My bf and overall life is otherwise perfect in every way why am I broken like this
No. 1941183
>>1941178This could be a million things including simply being more attracted to women than men, so please don't think I'm trying to tell you otherwise. But have you had your hormone levels etc checked?
For me specifically my iron deficiency can completely kill my sex drive. So just wanted to throw it out there as a possibility.
No. 1941212
>>1941180idk I'm sure I'm bi but I do think my attraction to women is much stronger. for much of my life I considered myself a lesbian and only dated women, until one day I got blindsided by a crush on a beautiful moid and had like an existential crisis kek. maybe it's just a longing for what I'm "missing out" on, especially since I'm in a pretty serious long term relationship and will probably never date a woman again unless something drastic happens
>>1941183holy shit I didn't know iron levels could affect sex drive?? I have always had low iron and used to take supplements but they absolutely wrecked my stomach so I didn't take them for long. Maybe I'll finally get that fixed, and get my hormone levels tested too since I've never done that before. Thanks nona ♥
nonnie pregnancy does freak me out kek
No. 1941214
>>1941207Nta but I’m to the point where I will send an attachment style quiz to a man so I can weed out the honest ones who are avoidant. Sure some will lie but in my experience most of them are too stupid to figure out what it is I sent them and then reveal their actual attachment style.
Personally I feel like it’s my right as I overcame my fearful-avoidant attachment style when I treated my BPD so now I have a secure attachment style. I dated an avoidant for 2+ years and I am never doing that shit again. I notice most men are avoidants. I also notice that most avoidants end up dating anxious/fearful avoidant women who (out of insecurity) are doing everything for a moid that doesn’t give a shit about them. I wish avoidant men would meet their match instead of the other way around so they can feel unloved and worthless themselves.
No. 1941234
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>>1941214AYRT, there is this great book I read called "Attached" by Levine & Heller (picrel) that goes into detail about this and something I learned from it is that most people with avoidant and anxious styles actually date each other because it fulfills their internal biases in regards to relationships. I don't blame you for taking the test, I usually do it together with the person on the 3rd date along with a bunch of other tests to "get to know each other better!" but really it's just for me to weed out the losers I shouldn't waste my time on.
>>1941216Most accurate that I've used most frequently was Griffin and Bartholomev's Relationship Style Questionnaire (RSQ), its questions are based on the participants past experiences in their relationships, so it's best used by people that have been in 2-3 relationships. If you want one that takes into account only the relationship you're currently in right now, try the State Adult Attachment Measure (SAAM) instead: this questionnaire is better at measuring your present state.
Had to delete and reupload this post because I forgot to attach the picture kek No. 1941239
>>1941214My friend, you do realize that bpd doesn't work that way.
>I cured my unsecured attachment style. I now have a healthy and normal secure style>Also, take this attachment style questionnaire so I can feel in control of the situationLmao
No. 1941244
>>1940804I feel your
exact pain because my job also deals with budgets for our projects, and I absolutely hate having to track my time spent on each projext. There have been a lot of slow periods lately here as well. I calm myself down by saying that it's all on my manager, and he will tell me what to charge to in the end. Keep hanging in there, nona.
No. 1941248
>>1941236>I have to check that book out!I really recommend reading the book because it helped me learn a lot about myself and relationships in general. I recommend it to everyone I meet that asks for advice about their relationships and so far everyone that read it really enjoyed it and learned a lot!
>Do you actually give the scrotes the full questionnaire?Yes. I've had dates take questionnaires before, the most I did on one date was 3, and honestly they don't take that long to complete and once you've had some wine or drink it can become a decently fun activity to do together (e.g., a chance to see how the scrote feels about certain questions, read: past partners). I'll usually prime them by talking about a "new friend" that takes a bunch of questionnaires and talk to them about it for a while over dinner, then after we've eaten dinner and drink a cup or two of wine I'll laugh and and say "hey we should take some of those questionnaires, my friend left a copy here wouldn't it be funny just to see what they're like?" half-jokingly, most of the time they'll laugh along and agree to it once I show them that it's only a page or two. I then act super concentrated and like I'm really thinking about the questions (even though I've done them a hundred times kek) so that the date takes my lead and acts seriously and answers thoughtfully too; in the end, we both actually learn a lot about the other and it does help us (at least me) make choices about whether it's right to continue on with seeing each other. It take it slow in relationships though, like I'll only get 'serious' with a person after 12 dates and never sooner than 4 months.
>Is it available online?Most psych. questionnaires can be found online with a little bit of digging, you might find a .pdf or something like that, but you can also check reference books at your local library or use an online pirating site to find them. In my case, I just copied the test I found in that book I mentioned and typed it out on my own and print it out beforehand.
No. 1941250
>>1941239You have no idea what you’re talking about and you have no idea of my history/medical records so I suggest you get over yourself and stop being so condescending towards an anonymous person. People like you are the driving force of why people with BPD are often demonized as monsters who can never be loved. BPD can actually be overcome with DBT therapy and a full psychological evaluation to confirm that you don’t meet the criteria after. Yes you will have had BPD formerly and nothing changes your upbringing and past emotional responses but with the right coping mechanisms and skills you will be able to self-regulate and thereby reduce the criteria that you meet, effectively overcoming the BPD diagnosis. BPD is mostly rooted in bad coping mechanisms and emotional regulation in my experience with others in group DBT classes. Most of us learned very shitty habits from a narcissist parent as a child, were scapegoats, and developed poorly because of these circumstances. But with hard work and active efforts in changing your behavior you can get past those things.
I also have to wonder if you ever consider that maybe you have some issues yourself and that’s why you’re so hellbent about trying to spread misery regarding BPD? I notice a lot of people who are obsessed with BPD people are punching down and projecting their own issues onto BPD people. DBT therapy is helpful for a variety of personality disorders fyi. I won’t reply after this as interacting with you is a waste of my time but I want to reiterate for all the people with BPD that you can have a life worth living and foster securely attached relationships. Cheers.
No. 1941251
>>1941239If you knew anything about psych you'd know that attachment styles can change over time, especially with therapeutic intervention. You sound like a Scientologist or something.
>>1941250Don't let it get to you nona that poster was obviously huffing glue or something.
No. 1941287
>>1941276I can’t imagine a woman on here being so
triggered by a discussion of attachment styles of all things.
He’s probably seething because he knows he wouldn’t even get a first date with the attachment style anon. It could also just be retarded bait which is sad because it’s not even clever, but simply a display of how much time they have to waste. It’s time to get a job babe.
No. 1941350
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i ruined my friendship with this one girl and i still feel really bad about it. we're still friends but we dont talk that much and when we do its really awkward. ik shes distanced herself from me on purpose. i wish i could talk to her about it and apologize but i have no idea how to bring it up. god why am i so socially retarded im gonna cry
No. 1941425
>>1941420This. It's so annoying. No one is forcing women to spend hundreds and thousands on fake hair, nails, eyelashes, shaving, makeup etc. You are doing that shit to yourselves. I've never went into a nail salon more than twice in my life, and it was to support a coworker that got a new job. I dont wear makeup unless it's a special event like a wedding. No one is forcing women to be extreme femininity. And these online women are crazy fake. No one looks like that 24/7, and if they do, they need therapy.
Once you realize the real world isnt tiktok, you'll live a much better life.
No. 1941439
Things can always change for the better
nonny, don't give up
No. 1941440
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tfw growing random skin tags
wtf man, is this genetics?
No. 1941478
>>1941476>I don't know where people are seeing these crazy dolled up women.They're basing their worldview on what they see on their phone screens.
>When I go outThey don't go outside nona. That's why they think that way.
No. 1941515
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fucking sick to bastard death of being in a relationship, the only reason i choose to be in one is because of financial reasons (splitting rent and bills etc) while i drag my ass out of the worst i've ever been in my life. it's just so fucking disappointing.
i'm going back to my local college, i'm working, it's not enough to support myself to live elsewhere during a super bad rental crisis/shortage where i live so i'm working hard to get myself a career so i can fucking have some financial stability and fuck off.
i am genuinely convinced that men are fundamentally incompatible with women. they're childish retarded apes. i used to fantasize about marriage but I cannot view it as anything other than imprisonment at this point. i'd rather go insane from isolation than live with a stupid, emotionally retarded and volatile moid who i can't depend on for shit. fuck this gay earth.
No. 1941558
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I’m obsessed with beautiful young men and I draw them and have pictures of beautiful men at my house hanging I’m just so boy crazy I spend lot of time in g ogling dudes and their bodies, and I get cuteness overload at them, I like don’t even get horny just goddamn giddy and I feel like I’m falling in love, I don’t think I even can get Horny sometimes.. which sucks I can’t masturbate to sexy men, I just have to stare at them and admire it all, and idk what to do with all this burning desire and passion so I just stare and let my heart rate go up
Also my bf reminds me of Miyavi so delicate and pretty in the face his eyelashes and eyes are womanly almost. And the skinny body, he also has such a kind of soft voice I feel like a shotacon but he’s 2 years older than me he’s just super boyishly handsome and frankly that’s how I like em. Never liked beards or dad bods i will never like that shit either. I may just be a weird pervert
No. 1941577
>>1941572Yeah I mean it’s not overbearing but I do draw a lot of cute shirtless guys, and yeah there is nothing wrong with it but I’m probably gonna be a cougar like ATJs wife
>>1941573he kinda has bad skin so if I posted him anons would be like EWWW HE HAS PIMPLES, BURN THIS OILY SCROTE I don’t mind it tho I think he’s truly the most beautiful man I’ve ever met even with his acne
No. 1941592
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You won't be doing any of that.
No. 1941599
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>>1941594jokes on you i dont have one, looks like youre going doing with the dead rat!
No. 1941687
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I envy people who can sleep naturally. I'm tired of relying on meds to sleep, tired of needing to take them twice when they don't work, making me a braindead zombie and fucking my metabolism up. Insomnia is ruining my life and I miss being able to fall asleep without worries
No. 1941702
File: 1711625794823.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

>mom asks me to help her access her hotmail
>i trie inputting the acc and password she gives me
>ofcourse, she fucking forgot her password
>whatever i can get a code from her phone and reset it
>nevermind she changed her mobile phone number
>literally cant do shit anymore to save her retarded account
>she starts screaming at me and telling me i dont wanna help her and when i explain her i literally cant do nothing she starts shouting about how ''everything is possible you just dont wanna help me''
Like holy shit why did god give me such a fucking retarded cunt of a mother every single time i try to help her do something and it doesnt work out because she's retarded i get blamed for not trying enough. She's so selfcentered and thinks the world has to revolve around her and her retardation. I fucking hate her so fucking much.
No. 1941711
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i'm 28 and have been chronically online since i was 10 years old. and i don't know how to cope with the changes that have happened to the internet and the direction it’s going to, even though i now am a functioning member of society. this post is probably going to sound really schizo, but idk how to put all of my thoughts into words.
>severe social anxiety from ages 10-12, parents don't bother to get me any help so i spend all my time on habbo hotel (kek) and various forums and boards
>my punishment is literally to go outside and be away from the computer instead of being grounded
>as i get older my anxiety decreases by itself i still spend 85% of my free time online
late 00s and early 10s internet culture shaped my identity, but more importantly it was a place i could find people who were 'like me' (retards). i could become a part of communities and make friends who also struggled socially and talk with them through webcam for hours. i really miss those times, and i know it's not just nostalgia speaking. the internet wasn't as corporate as it's now and instead of platforms hosted by profit driven companies, like twitter or everything in meta's portfolio, you had more 'independent' forums. i miss forums so much, nonnies.
i've used online communities as a crutch my entire life, mainly because i was a friendless loser. and now, even though i've done a full 180 from who i was at 10 and to who i'm not, i still rely on online communities. i don't know why? i think i see the 'connections' one makes in places like lolcow as more valuable than those in real life, due to my chronically online way of growing up and thinking. i just hate the direction the internet is going and has been for a while. it's crazy to see just how different things were pre-pandemic and how they're now. and i can't imagine how bad things are going to be with ai and algorithms on steroids.
No. 1941721
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I hate the fact that I likely sound like a major league muncher to most people. I try not to talk about my fucking myriad of conditions but when you’re beholden to as many mental and physical health issues as me, it’s bound to come up relatively quickly. I mean one of the first fucking things people ask others when getting to know them is what do you do for work or school? I have to explain I’m working on my case for disability and can’t do either.
>but nonnie you’re young and you look so healthy!
I don’t even know how to respond to this. I generally just don’t respond at all. Almost wish I could go back to before my celiac disease was diagnosed/under control, at least then I looked sick because I was a fucking skelly-chan. But no, gluten free diet actually made me be a normal BMI for the first time in my entire life and I admittedly do look very healthy as long as I’ve eaten some red meat in the past couple weeks. But celiac is only one of multiple bullshit problems with me that make my life a living hell. In a way I’m glad I’m usually either too physically sick to leave the house and that when I’m physically kinda sorta okay enough to leave the house then my agoraphobia often comes into play. It’s just all bullshit. The other day I had to go to the ER and the registrar asked me the what do you do questions and then hit me with a “you’re so young and look so healthy” spiel and I just didn’t have anything to say back. I’m tired of living with all these nerfs and the constant fear of getting nerfed by god even harder since once you have one autoimmune condition (I already have multiple) you’re more likely to develop more of them. Fucking great, it’s like there’s a timer set for me getting lupus/RA/etc in the background of my life.
No. 1941764
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Cannot decide whether I will be fired or if this is my usual premenstrual paranoia
No. 1941774
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I saw this random clip on ig and thought the girl had a cute outfit while she was dancing. Then this Neanderthal walks into the frame. Why are men so hideous? Men like this deserve to be bullied
No. 1941806
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The glitter text maker I use isn't working
No. 1941826
I'm so tired of these pseudo-intellectual lana del rey fans who stopped maturing at 19.>My husband isn’t my partner. He’s my mentor, my lover, and, only in certain contexts, my friend. I’ll never forget it, how he showed me around our first place like he was introducing me to myself: This is the wine you’ll drink, where you’ll keep your clothes, we vacation here, this is the other language we’ll speak, you’ll learn it, and I did. Adulthood seemed a series of exhausting obligations. But his logistics ran so smoothly that he simply tacked mine on. I moved into his flat, onto his level, drag and drop, cleaner thrice a week, bills automatic. By opting out of partnership in my 20s, I granted myself a kind of compartmentalized, liberating selfishness none of my friends have managed. I am the work in progress, the party we worry about, a surprising dominance. When I searched for my first job, at 21, we combined our efforts, for my sake. He had wisdom to impart, contacts with whom he arranged coffees; we spent an afternoon, laughing, drawing up earnest lists of my pros and cons (highly sociable; sloppy math). No. 1941843
>>1941826>I had high breasts, most of my eggs, plausible deniability when it came to purity, a flush ponytail, a pep in my step that had yet to run out.lmao female hands
did not write this piece
No. 1941876
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I've been annoyed all day having to deal with sharing a room with two coworkers that sit around doing fuckall and now I just walked into the break room and a third coworker was using my salad dressing…
No. 1941880
>>1941744You'll be okay nona. Losing a job and not being happy with where you live are two very difficult things to go through. Somehow, when things are going wrong, we blame ourselves and think we must have ended up here because of some personal failure. Things might be hard right now, but I doubt that it's all your fault that things ended up this way. I know that you'll be able to get yourself out of this rut! It might take time, but many things do. It sounds like your situation is hard enough as is, so don't add to it by beating yourself up over it!
t. nona who was in a similar type of situation a few years ago
No. 1941930
>>1941699I need to sleep in complete silence and hearing people talk just makes me more alert if anything. I have neurological damage so its a lot harder for me to fall asleep by normal people means
"Fell asleep" around 9AM woke up at 1PM, not including waking up every hour in between. Go me.
No. 1942020
>>1941967the thing is I've always eaten healthy. I never really ate takeout, sweets (very rare), fried or any kind of processed foods. And I don't drink coffee either. That's one reason why this shit pisses me off so much.
I'm pretty strict with it too, only eating a few type of allowed veggies, steamed or cream soups, chicken or turkey breast and oats. I have no problems eating bland/simple foods, but god do I miss tomatoes and salads with tomatoes.
I'll be thankful if I get rid of the bacteria and focus on healing my gut afterwards. Stress definitely didn't help with this.
No. 1942036
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Mam called over unannounced and found my drunk ass engaging in a drink. I love her to bits but this was supposed to be a good, no connect, indulge in my vices day. She's posting in the family group chat that she's concerned. She's probably right but this was supposed to be mess day. Let me be a mess, I want to be a mess. This was mess day. Fuck
No. 1942058
>>1942027same nonna, I remember when I was depressed in 2009, at least the internet was still pretty comfy and gaming communities could be fun
everything is so fucking shit now
No. 1942064
>>1942020Do you skip meals alot? My flare ups have gotten considerably worse on an empty stomach. I eat shitty but I also have tended to eat very inconsistently so that must have definitely been another cause.
>but god do I miss tomatoes and salads with tomatoes.You don't have to skip out on tomatoes if it doesn't flare you up. Just do a very basic "salad" that has nothing but tomatoes, salt, and vinegar. I think if you add a small amount of vinegar (like 1 or 2 tbsp) it shouldn't be too much to cause irritation.
>Stress definitely didn't help with this.Stress could also contribute. I get flare ups again whenever I have something stressful or anxiety-inducing coming up.
No. 1942072
>>1942064>Do you skip meals alot?My meals and timing has been very chaotic before I got diagnosed, yeah. That and sometimes I did skip meals, ate very few and didn't drink enough water.
The past 8-9 days I've had 4 meals per day at similar hours and the difference it made was big.
> I think if you add a small amount of vinegar (like 1 or 2 tbsp) it shouldn't be too much to cause irritation.the doc who diagnosed me initially with gastritis did say that ACV is alright to get in small portions. And also the medication she prescribed helped, now my main doc got me the antibiotics to eradicate the H. Pylori (since I did the test after I went to the first doc) and I really need to stick to 4-5 smaller meals per day for my own sake.
> I get flare ups again whenever I have something stressful or anxiety-inducing coming up.stress fucked me up before so badly but it's literally affecting my gut rn, I'll do my best to stay as zen as possible, thanks for the support nonna, I know nobody who went through this irl and sometimes you can feel a bit down if you don't have anyone to support you.
No. 1942103
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>currently no job
>currently not in school because of burnout from taking classes back to back to back
>no money
>no more savings
>lives with actual tard brother who I extremely hate
>tard brother never goes outside and does things that subtly ruins all of our lives and opportunities and possibilities of happiness
>again no money no savings to move out
>literally stuck in a tard cage with a fat tard brother who can’t stop eating
>if I had a steady income and home that wasn’t occupied by fat tard brother it would just be me and my mom
>wouldn’t have constant hypervigilance
>wouldn’t have constant headaches and stress
>wouldn’t be boiling with rage every second
>me admitting my life would be 1000% more enjoyable if my fat tard brother finally keeled over and died
>hopes and wishes for this everyday
>manifestation girls are so wrong as i’ve been manifesting for this to happen since i was in high school and nothing has manifested in my favor
>literally trapped
it’s suicide or nothing at this point, this is why I’m a raging misandrist. moids get to shit up your and everybody else’s lives and were compared to incels who feel entitled to fuck women. i’m seething and malding rn
No. 1942202
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Finally got my period after not getting one for months and feeling like picrel. Thankful it came about on its own so I don't have to go to the doctors or get a script but now I have cramps and keep waking up in the night from hot flashes ugh
No. 1942207
>>1942194Ironically both of our jobs are understaffed (we work in different places) so our schedules are set in stone. Very funny average American job culture moment.
>>1942199I am extremely mentally ill and my job is the first one I ever had where I haven't wanted to kill myself unironically, as for him he wants to find something else but nothing around is hiring full time. It's so ass. We were planning on going to a con in very late July but that's so far from now and only a couple days.
No. 1942271
>"This is the wine you’ll drink, where you’ll keep your clothes, we vacation here, this is the other language we’ll speak, you’ll learn it, and I did."This sounds like an abuse
victim with Stockholm Syndrome. She married a bossy moid without realizing it. Now she's resigned to it and is trying to justify it.
By the way, why are so many articles written like such shitty, third-rate mini-novels? You'd think if the author has a Harvard education she'd be a better writer but it reads like completely obnoxious flowery word vomit. I keep being baffled how people like this keep managing to get published. They have no writing skill whatsoever.
(learn2integrate) No. 1942309
>>1942303mace him next time
No. 1942312
>>1942307He might aswell be. Goes around saying he has adhd but all my fellow zoomies lie about that for attention nowadays so it's lost all meaning kek. The worst part is that he only does this shit to me. Pisses me the fuck off.
>>1942309Will do, nona!
No. 1942361
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i've started looking for jobs, but 95% of the ones that i could easily get require a security clearance which i won't get because i was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2.
however, i want to switch to a more specific role, in the same professional field, with similar tasks to the ones i have atm. and luckily those jobs don't need a security clearance, but the ads always list 1-2 specific requirements i don't have. i think i'll just apply to those either way and hope my ego doesn't get bruised too badly. my current contract runs out in 4 months and even though i have time i don't want to start stressing.
No. 1942393
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I miss my mom and I feel so lonely
No. 1942400
>>1942372No, they aren't. Assholes that can't think for themselves are retarded. Typical zoomer teenagers tends to be a group that includes assholes who can't think for themselves.
I've been called a retard hundreds of times. I've done shit that a retard could never do and that certainly couldn't do it well. Trust your intelligence.
t. Someone that's doubted their intelligence for way too long
(integrate) No. 1942410
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trannies will always fucking ruin women spaces
No. 1942441
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It's hard to give myself any self compassion but I will say, a psychologist telling me to kill myself if I really wanted to at 13 wasn't okay
No. 1942464
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god i fucking hate AI and how its randomly used for everything now and i have to see nightmare fuel uncanny valley shit on every corner of the web. like what in the fuck even is this shit????? i wish youtube would straight up delete and ban channels that use weird ass AI pictures as thumbnails.
No. 1942465
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I'm coming to terms with the fact my ex sexually assaulted me several times but I'm also having trouble not completely blaming myself for it and feeling like a whiny attention seeker.
I remember waking up before we started dating, I was 19 and he was 26. I should've cut all contact when I woke up barely conscious after drinking way more than he did to him rubbing himself(undressed) against me and kissing me.
I should've realized something was very, very wrong when our relationship early on (only a year after that) was based mostly on me going to his house because I was an attention desperate alcoholic and he gave me both until I would black out, I remember several times he'd shake me awake for sex, most times I'd just wake up without pants.
I should've left when while I was under the influence he asked me if I was into CNC and how it helps people cope (referring to the fact I have csa trauma)
and then we broke up, six years later, due to not being able to go anywhere else I was (and still am, thankfully not for much longer) forced to continue living with him. One night after I took several D8 gummies to help me sleep, he started initiating sex with me, despite me repeatedly saying I was too out of it, and that it was weird/not okay because we weren't dating anymore, he still continued while telling me it was okay, and that I was clearly enjoying it.
I'm so fucking stupid and mental. It's all because I was too afraid of losing the only person who I felt cared about me. I could've avoided so much. It's all crashing down on me hard and sending me into a constant spiral.
No. 1942507
>>1942505Really complex reasons I couldn’t even begin to explain here
and it’s a her Also go home nonna you’re drunk kek
No. 1942511
>>1942465>>1942472All of this was definitely assault, he is 100% to blame for taking advantage of somebody in vulnerable circumstances in numerous ways obvious from this post alone. You already know this, even if you're struggling to internalize it as fact. I just want to be another person confirming to you that it's true.
If even the shittiest woman in my life told me all of this had happened to her, I would still say the ex in this situation deserved to be beaten by a mob.
No. 1942540
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Most of my friends take bad pet pics that they then send to me because I've mentioned i love pet pics. They're not even bad in a comical meme way, but like from behind at an angle while they're moving and it's at a distance in bad lighting. Or the pet in their lap so all you see is part of the back of the head and a big chunk of human thigh. And every time I still go "cute" to not hurt their feelings. I don't get how in a world of the Internet and carefully curated social media people still just snap a bad pic and think that's fine? They don't think including their pets face would make the pics a bit more fun and worthy of saving/sharing..?
Picrel is a insta video screenshot to stimulate roughly what I mean, but that's honestly still better than the pics I get sent.
No. 1942597
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Can someone well versed in economics please, for the love of God, give me some form of hope regarding rent prices? I still live with my parents but I desperately want to move out due to health reasons but when I take a look at the rent prices around me it's all $1000+. Will it ever go down? I am seriously, near constantly, thinking about hanging myself because of this. Like, what's the fucking point if I'll never be able to live a life free of destitute and poverty? If a single woman can't live alone comfortably without shacking up with a moid for financial reasons what's the actual goddamned point? Might as well fastforward to the finish anyways.
No. 1942807
>>1942736My food today has all tasted weird and off, do we have covid
nonnie?? My tea tasted like dirt and my mango lassi tasted STALE which doesn’t even make sense.
No. 1942818
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so painfully bored. so much so that i'm reading ancient threads. I didn't know stuff like picrel was allowed on /g/? feels like an /ot/ thread
No. 1942820
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I don't understand younger zoomers man it's kinda strange the perception they got on us 20+ people it's not even the first time this happens to me or my acquaintances, back in my day your 20s were peak young age, now apparently its old and you gotta "tone it down"? Wtf tell me why this genz boy (barely 18) was implicitly calling me "childish" and immature for my age outta nowhere. I was waiting for my bus then this zoomer boy sat at my side, we started chatting and shit, he asked my age I told him I'm 22, he said that not only I looked 15(? but that I also "acted" as such like in a bad way, saying "most college aged got this mature, professional vibe" (which apparently I don't have according to him) I don't get it, I'm supposed to be this jaded, stoic individual or something? I was just feeling energetic because I was in a good mood wtf and I cannot help my face/features
No. 1942834
>>1942818yeah it should've been ot but I'm not sure why it's on g lel
I also love reading really really old threads
No. 1942840
>>1942820People deadass wonder why I hate children so much and why my cutoff for what constitutes for child keeps raising as I get older. They are fucking retarded and there is no fixing them. He some absolute braindead moid tell me "I don't think people your age are old unlike what my peers think." They're retarded and should be thrown in the tin.
I hope your day gets better Nona!
No. 1942847
>>1942820I'm mis 30s, most 20-25 year olds are children (this is NOT a bad thing) and nobody can tell me otherwise
sometimes I feel like I'm 24 but when I talk to 22-24 year olds I quickly realize that I am actually mature, it's a weird feeling
No. 1942859
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>>1942853oh fuck, everything makes even more sense now, I'd try to immerse myself in a hobby and hope time passes as quickly as possible
they have some weird and interesting deserts, maybe try to find a norwegian kransekake to sweeten the situation a bit
hang in there,before you know it, it's gonna be over!
No. 1942883
Time to vent
>>1942869I'm 34 and dated a bit in my 20s but I agree. I'm still "cute" for my age and I'm considering getting a cute 20ish zoomer fwb because I didn't really have a bf in my 20s cause I was depressed and not interested in relationships. Some of these young boys are really good looking and quite fun/witty. I only met retards, narcissists and idiots during my 20s.
If the universe wants to give a husband I will be happy, otherwise I'll make do with what I have. I wish I had a family by now but I wasn't lucky. Meanwhile all the bullies, mean girls and manipulative girls are already married and with child #2. Most married guys then can walk all over kek.
Ghosting is very prevalent now nonna, I've noticed that nobody wants a serious relationship anymore, most just want sex/situationships bullshit. Men especially run away from responsibilities , I've experienced this in the past.
No. 1943074
I'm fucking sabotaging my romantic relationships
My brain
> I need emotional closeness
> Hey bf, we don't do a lot can we please be closer?
> What would you like me to do?
> uhh I dunno… Kiss and hug more?
> Then ask when you want those things
> NOOOO if I keep asking throughout the day I'll be too needy. I see women send their BFs cheesy shit, I can do better. ACTUALLY, I can fulfill my emotional needs myself. I don't need my bf's intimacy, I'll just speak to my friends. I just need friends. Oh actually, what if your friends are busy? You can't just reach out to your friends you have now. You need more friends, but you still should talk to your friends you have now, but don't bother them. Actually, your bf hasn't held you closely lately. Does he really love you?
> Hey bf can you give me a hug?
> Hugs
> This hug isn't genuine, he knows you're asking for it because you're too needy. Hey, you haven't been kissed on the lips until yesterday. He's not kissing you right now. Deeply. Does he really love you? What about being treated like a princess? Didn't he call you a queen once? Why isn't he treating you as such?
> Hey bf I want emotional closeness I want to be treated like a queen
> How does that look?
> I dont know… Open the car door for me?
> Am I not treating you well enough?
> I'm actually too scared to tell you what I need out of fear of being too needy. If I told you exactly how I'd like to be treated throughout the day you'd think it'd be too much.
> I would actually LOVE that, because I don't know what's going on in your mind. I've tried to put in effort to let you be yourself, but that isn't working. Our dynamic is not healthy.
> He's not really working on putting in effort and if you do tell him what you need now you're just forcing it. You're just faking it. This is so unlike you. You can do things for yourself. Telling him how you'd love to be held? Only insecure people do that.
No. 1943096
>>1943074I've been in a relationship similar to this and honestly, your boyfriend is just a lazy retard if he's making you tell him when to hug and kiss or spend time with you. He should do all that naturally because he loves you instead of being forced to do it or being given daily reminders to be nice to you.
I wasted so much time in a relationship where I had to constantly ask for all these things as well and now that it's over, I'm seriously wondering why the fuck I let myself be treated that way. Absolute waste of time, being single is preferable to having to beg for affection. Learn from my mistakes, nona
No. 1943113
>>1943081Kek. It would probably be better for him to cope with my disorganization. I think my bf is too disorganized with his own personal/work life & he's never been in a long term relationship, so he doesn't know of just random things to do that most people would know help soothe one another. Idk if it does matter, but he grew up with a dismissive dad and a tiger mom who his dad let be abused. It sucks he's like this, but it really lets me feel left out.
>>1943096Yes, he's explained to me he's overworking himself, but I got to a point in telling him it's just how he handles stress. Even when I worked 16+ hour days as a supervisor I would always try to ask me ex to give me attention. It's a cycle of asking for a need in a relationship not being met. Why do I attract men who don't know basic affection?
No. 1943181
>>1943163So is my brain/gut right about all this? It's a bit self sabotaging, but the pushback I'm getting from my brain has some truth to it all?
My therapist did tell me getting back with him was accepting a bar that was on the floor. I guess I'm trying to prove to myself if I just simply do x and x things, in this case just use my words more, this relationship will actually thrive.
No. 1943182
>>1943170Your sister sounds mentally challenged no offense anon. Who would say shit this cringe let alone in front of someone who she knows is affected by it? Agree with this anon
>>1943173 and no matter how bad she makes you feel remember she's the one you should feel sorry for because her behavior is actually insane at nearly 30. Hope she gets therapy or something.
No. 1943183
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I feel like an asshole. I started dating recently and it's literally the first relationship in my life. He treats me very well and I like him as a person, but some time ago it hit me that I don't actually find him attractive. Today we went to a restaurant and there was a waiter who looked like Mads Mikkelsen, but like 10-15 years younger, and I couldn't stop staring at him. I felt like an asshole for looking at a different guy while being on a date. I felt like he was also checking me out. I have a pretty low self esteem and I never dared to believe that I could actually date someone who was physically attractive, despite people telling me that I'm attractive myself, supposedly. I don't know what to do, I wanted to see where this relationship goes, but does it really go anywhere if I'm just not attracted to my bf physically? I feel so bad because he really shows me so much care, patience and support and understands my struggles with mental health, he helps me with daily tasks, he cares about me as a person, about my hobbies and dreams etc., I think it would be hard to find a guy with similar personality. I feel shame for even typing this, but I don't have anyone irl that I could talk to
No. 1943190
I think my mom is a covert narcissist. Holy shit. She gaslights me, she dismisses me, she’s mocked me, gives me the silent treatment (currently been 1 month, the longest she’s not spoken or acknowledged me), she can’t accept responsibility, she NEVER apologizes no matter how small the issue, she’s arrogant, self-centred, judgmental, passive aggressive…I think she must be evil. My dad is autistic and also a low empathy asshole who throws temper tantrums but honestly he’s probably the only think keeping me from being on the street. I can’t leave. I’m 30, I dropped out of highschool because I became agoraphobic, I’ve never worked. Even if the disability office or whoever helped me, I’d be poorer than dirt and living well below the poverty line. Even if I got a job I’d be screwed. What do I do. I’m stuck here. They’re only going to get worse as they get older and older. I just want to hide away forever. I want to die. There’s really no way out.
No. 1943198
>>1943183>I feel so bad because he really shows me so much care, patience and support and understands my struggles with mental health, he helps me with daily tasks, he cares about me as a person, about my hobbies and dreams etc.,Yeah he sounds like a great friend, because the difference between that and a bf is sexual attraction.
Though you should be careful to figure out - do you actually lack attraction to your bf, or do you just think you can do better? If you want to have sex with him and enjoy looking at him, it might be a 'grass is greener' situation. But if he gives you the ick and you straight up find him physically unattractive as a gut reaction, you should leave for both your sakes and NOT just because you think you can get a hotter guy.
No. 1943209
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i swear to god moids have the most fragile egos. they love giving out advice and criticism but as soon as you give them any kind of criticism they lose it. why the fuck are women considered the "emotional" sex when men will literally get riled up when you challenge their thought process even a little bit. I'm so sick and tired of men raising their voices at me over minor disagreements i swear to god i'm going to just stop talking to men at this point
No. 1943226
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my bf was making chili for us, and i got bored and opened his save of dragon's dogma. what the fuck is this?? i'm not sure what to think.
No. 1943227
All my internet friends I’ve had for the last few years or so started playing a MMORPG together, and have been really into with it. We all met through a small game fandom, and I really loved talking about said game with them. But now, they’ve moved onto this game, and said they don’t really care about the old game. I still really love it, but it feels weird to talk about it now. I feel dumb for still caring about it when they have found “something better.” Plus, when I try to get into the game with them, I just didn’t have fun with it. They were all gripped by the story and lore, and I didn’t feel the same. I put 60 hours into it, read and watched all the cutscenes, and still didn’t enjoy it. And it’s really sad because if I join a voice call with them, they’re all talking about this game, making jokes and references, and I don’t understand any of it. I’m employed and a student, so I already don’t have time to sink hundreds of hours into this game and catch up with them. It’s just very lonely. I don’t wanna force myself to “like” something just to fit in and keep up, but I also miss my friends.
No. 1943232
>>1943074I feel like a guy whos in a relationship with you should just do those things naturally? like without being asked.
>>1943226Its fun to push how ugly you can make playable characters in video games, I dont think its anything more than that
if you opened his skyrim save and it was some insane coomer mod shit then yeah that would be pretty bad lol
No. 1943260
I know I shouldn’t hate on my ex’s new girlfriend, she’s done nothing to me and doesn’t deserve me insulting her. But she really does feel like such karma for my ex.
He was a great, motivated, hardworking, funny guy when we got together. He was social, had a lot of hobbies, active. And then he legitimately got groomed by discord trannies and totally changed as a person.
He started smoking weed all the time, quit his job, quit his hobbies, gained a ton of weight, became a total pornsick coomer. All he did all day was jerk off or ask for sex, watch porn, watch anime, obsess over 3d printing, and scroll on Twitter. He got really into various edgelord twitch streamers and would hang out with them on discord all night and sleep at like 5am. He also started questioning his gender at this time and cheated on me with a tranny. I put up with a lot of verbal abuse and things I shouldn’t have because I was really depressed at the time.
I ended up working really hard on myself, changing my major, getting more active, just putting effort into myself in every way I could. And I would constantly encourage him to do the same, I was buying him groceries so he could eat healthy and not have to stress about food. I didn’t want to throw away the 5+ years we had been together so I moved past the cheating and was really trying to help him become a better version of myself. He never put in any effort though and when it got to be a year without any progress I gave him an ultimatum, and he said “you’ve changed, I feel like I’m in a relationship with the ghost of my girlfriend. I don’t know who you are”. And I realized he didn’t want to get better and resented me because I was happy and working on my life. So I left
Now his current girlfriend is an equally pornsick younger neet who he had to get a job to support. She complained a lot about having no money and being too anxious to drive or get a job so he has to do everything for her. And she’s always using his money to buy dumb shit like toys from 5 below and anime posters and stuff. She tweets racist stuff and is an extreme edgelord herself. She’s basically everything he wanted me to be and I know that it’s what he wants, but it’s not what he needs and she’s going to be so unhealthy for him. They’re the type of people who are going to completely drag each other down. It’s what he deserves, but I hope she grows up eventually and leaves him
No. 1943265
>>1943256as a crusty older alt person this has been my fantasy since i was a teen. getting a grownup suit-n-tie job and being unable to connect with normies when 90% of time is spent around them sucks. i hope you still get to engage with your hobbies and dress how you want in your free time
No. 1943301
>>1943299If you haven't already, try using this calculator:
> you input the time you want to wake up, and how long it takes you to get to sleep, it'll calculate how at what time you should wake up to optimize your sleep cycles. If you have all your data already (at least a month's worth), try the sleep cycle calculator for a week or so and see if your energy levels improve. If you continue to fatigue easily and feel tired, you might have to get a blood test done and make sure all your vitamin levels are good. I know for me, when my vitamin B12 is low, no matter how much sleep I get I'll be fatigued. Either way, make sure you check out other reasons for why you're sleepy if you're getting a good amount of sleep every night!
No. 1943305
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I love my boyfriend but this is the second time he’s lied to me about doing something gross. I don’t know what to do, I think I might actually break up with him. I don’t think he’d be able to handle it though. I wish I didnt have to deal with any of this. I feel so defeated.
No. 1943308
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when I was in high school, the drama teacher made us vote on who we would have come into a bunker with us to survive a nuclear apocalypse, and it was a list of 20 people of different ages, gender, status, health and shit, and we were supposed to pick who stays outside and dies based on who's most helpful and whose not
and one of the people on the list was a diabetic infant, and like I saw it, (I have diabetes), and just fucking my stomach dropped
Liek I knew everyone would vote kill the diabetic baby, and they did, and the teacher, because I was the only one who voted to keep the baby, made me explain to the class why, and then she took that opportunity to explain to the class why you have to be wary of biases that other people have that could get you hurt or killed and they don't care because they're more worried about themselves and their own kind
I have never wanted to go back in time to kill someone before, man
I did shrooms and remembered that and, wow what the actual fuck was wrong with her, looking back on that as an adult, holy shit
as a child I had no fucking idea how to react, just everyone staring at me like I'm a piece of shit cuz I had sympathy for a sick baby lmfao the fuck
No. 1943325
>>1943317I literally remember feeling sick for a second when she told us what we were doing that day, the whole room got uncomfortable, like we were kids but that was so fucked up, I mean everyone thought it was
weird but it's your teacher so it's not like you can fight it, right?
Why did she want to promote like, eugenics or racism to kids? What could I possibly be missing from the purpose of this exercise
No. 1943670
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Having depression making me feel like Faust. The blackpill knowing nothing can ever fully satiate you because nothing makes you happy and you’re in constant physical and emotional pain. Going through a spiritual phase and then realizing spirit guides don’t really exist and there’s no God and there’s nothing to possibly help you. Nothing gets better and you just exist so other people won’t be like you. I hate it here.
No. 1943777
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My friends have negative levels of empathy and I'm so fucking tired of them. They're only there when everything's fine.
I'm once again facing something very difficult in my life and I receive monosyllabic responses or even jokes in return. I don't do this to anyone and never dismissed their problems like that, even when I thought they were stupid. Nobody seems to understand that, if I'm unemployed, everything's over for me and that not everyone has mommy and daddy's house to run back to and their cash to rely on. I'm looking for other jobs, of course, but it's hard to not feel scared, deep inside.
Back to my "friends", I'm tired of those situations happening repeatedly and feel like cutting off everyone. They're the kind of people who'd be like "ooh, I had no idea she was going through this (sad emoji)" if I offed myself.
No. 1943799
nonnie, He seems fun and normal. As the other anon said, it is really fun for some people to play screwed up looking ugly funny carachters. I always do it too. Don't worry
No. 1943802
>>1943777I'm so sorry you're going through this,
nonnie. It sounds like you have awful friends. I don't blame you for wanting to cut those people out. Maybe it's for the best. Is there anyone you can talk to that's not a piece of shit, like a parent or family friend? If not, know that at least one anon here cares about you ♥
No. 1943898
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>tfw probably going to get my period soon because I’m feeling crazy and very suicidal again
Hormones are so scary. I hope these feelings stop.
No. 1943925
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I'm starting to wonder if I'm retarded, getting old or just don't understand how online discussion work or even all of the above.
I started to comment a bit more on reddit because I have the time and because I felt like I could genuinely give useful advice but every time I do that there's people butting in with comments "what is OP [extremely specific situation/illness]" and are mad at me because I didn't include that possibility. Or they just completely misunderstand my comment or the tone of it, like 180°. Especially because I don't give asspats for stuff that isn't a big thing, but I'm also not a rude asshole. I don't remember the Internet being this volatile before like 2018. Guess I'll go back to posting on imageboards only and be a lurker.
No. 1943931
>>1943677Move to the cruise lane and slow the fuck down forcing them to pass you. If they match
that speed that's clearly well under, then that's how you know there is an actual problem.
I let people like that pass me, and I don't want them anywhere near me in case their recklessness causes an accident. I'm normally someone who does 5-15 over speed limit too and I still get a douchecanoe like that every now and again.
No. 1943983
nonnie. It's difficult, but I think it'll be for the best indeed. I need to preserve a bit of my wellbeing for once. And yes, luckily I still have my mom to talk to, she's the best emotional support I have. Thank you for the kind message, it means a lot to me.
No. 1943994
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The other night I responded to a woman's anonymous personal ad and we hit it off so well. She told me she really liked me, that she wanted to be patient with me and not rush so she wouldn't mess anything up, that I seemed perfect for her… Nobody has ever responded so well to my personality before. I was completely authentic and she loved it. For literally the first time ever, I felt like I could get into the kind of relationship I've always wanted but seemed impossible. Suddenly here is this woman who says she wants to treat me exactly how I've been dreaming of! Then I told her I'm black and she stopped replying. I didn't even get to the part where I'm physically and mentally unwell and have weird hobbies, apparently my race is enough to ruin my chances. We only talked for a few hours but I can't stop crying. My first taste of romantic and sexual attention from a real human being… I'm happy that I got the chance to experience it, I just wish it wasn't over so soon.
No. 1944000
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>>1943994Don't let it get you too down nona, she sounds like an asshole. Better you found out now than after a long time of talking. Anonymous ads are full of people like that though, be careful going forward and remember that saying stuff like "you're perfect for me," after a few hours of talking is a red flag. Wishing you all the best; don't call yourself an idiot, you're just inexperienced and that will change as time marches on.
No. 1944006
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>>1943994where did you get that ad? also I'm sorry nonna, here's a cyberhug
No. 1944023
>>1944000Thank you. You're right that it's better to have ended quickly. If I'd gotten used to the affection, I would be even more devastated to lose it. There were other things about her that gave me pause or weren't exactly what I wanted in a partner, but I thought that the relationship had potential and could give me the experience that I obviously need.
>>1944006I don't wanna go into detail because I'll get made fun of. I was just feeling very desperate and lonely and I won't do anything like that again. Back to being volcel… Thank you for the hug.
No. 1944072
>>1944027>>1944050Thank you both. Everyone's been really kind… It's warming my heart.
>>1944060Yes, it happens to me, too, and other women in my family. It's called PMDD. Woefully understudied and underdiagnosed but at least we have a name for it. Tracking my period and basically taking two weeks off/forcing myself to slow down and be as gentle with myself as possible is my way of managing it.
No. 1944229
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>spend hours doing part of a group assignment than no one else has started
>it's challenging for everyone bc it requires using a programming language we just started learning
>it's especially challenging for me bc it's related to a subject I'm unfamiliar with but I manage to understand it and to that part anyway
>send it to the assignment group chat
>"lol anon why are doing this assignment at 2 am on the Saturday before easter"
bitch say thank you ik you could not have done it
No. 1944414
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"they're not MY friends, they're OUR friends"
no… they're not… they don't reply to me in the group chat, they go silent whenever I enter the call, and I don't have anything in common with them. I still try, but they don't, and that's okay. I don't need them to be my friends in order to like them and love that you have those close people in your life…
But it's lonely sometimes.. I wish I had a few more people that I click with. The very few people I click with have a lot of other people they click with and that takes up most of their time. Which is fine! I wouldn't want anyone to feel the need to be forced to reply or hang out with me… But it's lonely sometimes. And sometimes my chest hurts a little when I think about it for too long
No. 1944479
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>>1936458The grooming I suffered when I was 13 drastically ruined my life. I don't want to describe how it exactly happened, because at this point, situations like mine are really common online so I would just be adding a minuscule grain of salt to a huge desert of collective trauma but idk, I haven't told anyone I know irl and the few people I've told online (moids) don't seem to understand it completely. Anyways, one thing is my sexual behaviour. I have a mild pornography addiction and hypersexual tendencies but they only manifest online. I haven't been with another human being in 5 years (real life intimacy), so all of it is virtual yet it profoundly scars me that I've turned out this way just because of what happened when I was 13. Also I'm addicted to masturbation too but that's obvious, I do it to calm myself. Another thing is that over time, I've developed gender dysphoria. I wasn't too femenine before it all happened but I wore skirts, liked pink and other gender conforming stuff. However, since I found out about the abuse, I'm not able to look at myself in the mirror wearing femenine clothes or makeup since it makes me want to vomit. I haven't worn a dress casually in 4 years either because it all makes me think of how much of an imposter I feel on my own body. This is specially upsetting because I have a male preference, and it feels like no man will ever love me if I don't play pretend and be femenine. And I'm tired of pretending I don't need to feel loved by a man, but cosplaying as a femenine woman is too hard sometimes. And it's worse when you live in a country that worships femenine, high produced women on a higher level than other western countries.
Also this is partially unrelated but I have an issue with men who say they love the tomboy aesthetic because it's just simply not true. Where are said men who are into masculine women? None of them are into real females, they're into anime girls. It hurts my feelings a little bit knowing I have to be femenine for a man to like me, even if they're supposed to like masculinity.
>but why haven't you trooned out? it seems like the perfect cocktail of trauma to trigger thatBecause I know I'd be doing a mistake taking testosterone, and I don't want to be one more on the ftm detransition percentage thanks to a retarded pedo moid who decided to gain my trust and then ruin the percepcion I had of myself when I found out what he was doing, not to mention that when he got cancelled on Facebook, he decided to call me a whore and pretend I wasn't underaged when all of our conversations happened. I'm at a dead end alley where I must choose between pleasing men or indulging on deforming and then eventually chopping off my chest and developing baldness at 21.
>why can't you just be GNC like a normal person?I am, but I don't feel like I'm attractive enough for guys to like me. Sometimes it feels like all I have is the bitter memory of being sexualized when I was a pre teen.
There's more things to it but these two factors are my biggest issues with the perception I have of myself. I wish lobotomies were still legal sometimes
No. 1944609
>>1944462god is literally not real. if it is it’s some eldritch energy we can’t possibly understand, you are wasting your one life on earth bending yourself into shapes over some literal fanfiction written by males partially with the purpose to oppress and control women. you can be spiritual but not religious, or you can switch to a faith that isn’t as retarded as christianity.
i mean the fact that you even come here to basically go “how can i twist or interpret my faith so that it isn’t harmful to my world view?” should show you how flaky and unreliable it is. free yourself sis