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No. 193935
I had a very short phase. When I was around 13 I became friends with this girl who was a huge weeb. She introduced me to manga and gave me a list of good animes to watch…long story short I got really into it and became a weeb myself.
However once I got to high school I realized a lot weebs got made fun of and were generally the school weirdos who everyone hated. I was already a huge autist nerd, and didn't want to "stoop" to that level of cringe so I abandoned anything weeb-related.
Now I'm in college and don't feel the need to conform, so I've started reading manga more, watching anime, listening to kpop, etc. a lot more.
Part of me is happy I waited until I got older so now I can enjoy these things without going full retard/avoiding all the embarrassment associated with weeaboos, but I do regret missing out on all the fun. Like
>>193904 and
>>193847 said, weebs seem to be very happy during their phase and just seem to enjoy life a little more. Cringe aside, I praise teens who weren't afraid to be themselves instead of forcing themselves to be more 'normal'.
No. 194281
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I used to like kpop to a somewhat moderate degree.
However when I went on exchange in SK I got to know some industry insiders and also got to hang with a couple minor artists. what I heard from friends and experienced myself made me realize how fucked up the industry really is.
Literally everyone uses drugs in the industry. The scandal rolling with TOP at the moment is nothing compared to the amount of hard drugs some of the other major artists/groups do. I also once saw a boygroup being brought to a hostessclub/bordel near my old appartment, hushed in by, whom I assumed to be, their manager.
All made me realize how dirty the industry is and made me firmly believe that every single artist is never who they appear to be.
I think I have enough crazy stories to make some wild 'blind items' stories, but I asume most people who care about the industry would never believe me anyway and is delululu blinded by ''my bias would never'' lol
No. 194291
>>193785Never been into kpop but used to be a weeb.
I still like the Japanese language and culture, I just don't have time to study it anymore and it'll be a long time before I can make any kind of money off of it. I'm also tired of explaining myself to people whenever I wear something out of the ordinary or listen to strange music, and I used to be really cringey (as weebs are) so I don't want to remind people of that embarrassing phase.
I never had any money for a trip to Japan and probably won't in a while. Would love to go one day, just because it was a big part of my life.
No. 194292
>>194285I would prefer to not mention any names/groups because I want to remain anonymous and I don’t want to take any chances. But the whorehouse idol group is a lesser known, but I think okay popular, group from a smaller company.
I’ll give you a couple in blind items, maybe you’ll figure some of them out.
Boygroup 1:
>Member A who is currently in public relationship with another korean celebrity - the couple is seen as cute, and people are happy because A finally got his “first" GF - used to date an european model for quite a significant amount of time, while outwardly trying to maintain his >tfw no gf image
>Member B who has had quite the amount of public scandals has kind of recently been fucking and dumping another foreign girl who is quite infamous in Apgujong for being a huge golddigger. She desperately tries to climb up the social ladder to find a rich visa-husbando. Said golddigger angry posted about it on IG. She also fucked around with B’s good, solo-artist friend.
>The rumours are true about Member C, his penis is tiny. - I was also told from people who know him that he is bisexual, but I kind of doubt that.Bonus:
>Backup dancer for said boygroup, who has kind of his own cult following, stole a foreign girls' wallet and passport when they had a one-night standBoygroup 2:
>Person who is in a higher position in the concert arranging-business said he hated working with this (huge) group as they always left a huge mess back-stage after sniffing lots and lots of cokeRap and rnb artist:
>Tons of foreign Koreaboo fans are going to get their hearts crushed when they find out that he absolutely loathes white girls, while he has an almost obsessing fetish for black (only mulattos tho) girls. No. 194295
I think it's more of a public secret anyway
>>194294No, not really actually. My understanding is that most girl-groups stay out of the dirt except for having sponserships. But I would assume that SNSD are too big now for any of the members to have sponsers.
No. 194297
>>194296Can't say for sure. Maybe he is bitter from growing up under the ''asian masculinity''-meme in America.
All I know that everytime some of his crew members would bring a white girl within 10 feet of him he would start bitching like there was no tomorrow. He used an excuse about white girls would leak unreleased material once, but it never really made any sense and sounded more like a bad excuse.
No. 194298
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I feel like 96% of farmers were/are weeaboos…
>tfw Fruits Basket was probably a very mild sexual awakening for me as a middle schooler
>tfw started reading One Piece when I was 13-14 and I'm 24 now and up-to-date on it
Anyways, I grew out of it once I realized I had to pay attention to my grades to get into college. Pretty clean cut.
No. 194300
>>194299So I've heard.
Someone once told me that the drugs helps a lot of the idols to keep up with their crazy schedules, but I don't know how true it is.
No. 194309
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>>194292>Used to date an european model for quite a significant amount of time, while outwardly trying to maintain his >tfw no gf image
>Member B who has had quite the amount of public scandals has kind of recently been fucking and dumping another foreign girl who is quite infamous in Apgujong for being a huge golddigger. She desperately tries to climb up the social ladder to find a rich visa-husbando. Said golddigger angry posted about it on IG. She also fucked around with B’s good, solo-artist friend.Are you talking about beenzinos ex?
No. 194332
>>194292>used to date an european model for quite a significant amount of timeDoubtful. If she was high status enough it would have been revealed and if she were low status enough she'd not even speak Korean.
He probably was "dating" a Russian prostitute, if anything.
No. 194339
>>194332No, she's a model. But she's a catalog model doing 95% of her jobs in Korea, Japan and China. Not some big name.
I know her.
Anyway I'm going to do a sage for completely derailing the thread. Sorry OP.
No. 194479
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>former weeaboo from age 11 to 18
>also a huge goth/emo kid from 13 to 17
>went to school wearing chibi keychains, inuyasha bag, with huge Tripp pants, poorly dyed pink hair and long black trenchcoat
>perfect cringefest combo
i was self-aware to know that it was kinda weird at the time to like anime that passionately. i felt really childish and 'under-developed' and felt like i should be more 'normal' for an oldest sibling of three. everyone knew that i was into anime, but i never tried to be obnoxious about or even talk about it to others unless it was with my friends in private. but when i did talk about it to others holy shit its physically painful remembering it. example: for my 16th birthday, my mom made me a cake with a horrible drawing of sesshomaru on it with a fucking framed printed photo of sesshomaru right next to it. i never asked her to do it, but she thought 'oh she likes this character from this show, lets frame it so that her entire extended family and friends can see'. i was so mortified, but pretended to be excited. it didn't help that i had two friends in high school who never made it a secret that they were sexually attracted to cartoon characters in front of our classmates. yeah, i unfriended them quickly.
at one point i remember wishing really hard that i could get over my weeb phase, b/c it really did take over my life at one point. i remember ditching classes and going to my friends house across the street to read manga and smoke. if i was forced to go to school, i would try to get suspended sometimes if it was too much for me to handle. i didn't do my homework or even hardly leave my room b/c i was so wrapped up in watching anime and being depressed. i only used the library to print out fanfics. my whole life revolved around it and i really hated it. thankfully, i was able to finally grow out of my obsessive attached identity to nerd culture in general. i still like anime, but i watch it moderation, and actively try to look and act like a normie nowadays. i don't want to let others know who i use to be.
i do have some good memories of my weeb times. me and a friend of mine had the yugioh music to duel by cd and would play it while taking her entire yugioh card collection and throw huge handfuls really hard into her ceiling fan. we would memorize songs in japanese and sing them together when sleeping over. learning the hare hare yukai when it was still huge. lame teenager stuff but i had fun.
No. 194492
>>193785Yep I was a big weeaboo and I looooved Japan and anime. I was so sad that I wasn't Asian with an Asian bf hahaha.
At a certain point I started to get really annoyed about everything anime, started to like Western looks a lot more and grew out of it.
Sometimes I kind of miss it because I was so innocent and happy about it but then I realise I was a fucking idiot.
No. 194557
>>194554I think because of internet many nice interests got ruined by crazies, not just weaboo stuff but also fitness, health, makeup, fashion, dyi, comic books, fandoms like potter etc It all used to be fun because it was so pure and innocent but now it's mostly drama 80% of time.
>>193785>Sometimes I miss being a weeaboo because back then I actually felt passionate about something now I don't feel passion towards anything and I have no hobbies. I don't think growing out of my weeaboo phase was a good thing, yes i was cringey but I was happier then.I used to feel the same when I decided to leave my weaboo/koreaboo past behind, but after a while I found new ineterests. I got into art/design and I'm happy pursuing it now professionally. I have the same passion for it that I had for anime/dramas but in the end it's much more rewarding because I feel like I'm going somewhere with my life instead of just watching k-tv and reading gossip on idols.
No. 194700
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I'm not sure if I used to be a weeb or not, since the definition depends on who you ask. I always liked anime, manga and japanese video games, but I never particularly wanted to be asian or japanese. I started watching anime on TV and reading manga in public libraries since before primary school, but I really got more into it in middle school, what's with being allowed to buy my own manga from time to time and having access to the internet so I could read fanfics and lurk forums. English isn't my first language and once I could understand it well enough, I started getting more into fandoms and reading scans. And since I had access to more stuff in general, I became a complete fujoshi instead of just thinking that Touya and Yukito were into each other. Even now, I have the same hobbies overall, I just have less free time so I read and watch less series.
As for the behavior, I guess I used to be bullied in primary school for some reasons and didn't have friends so I guess it contributed to me getting more into reading and watching anime and manga since it's a hobby you can have by yourself. In middle school I was reading a bunch of shojo manga but I wasn't sharing my hobby with anyone.
And in high school, I got accepted in a special class for students who wanted to learn Japanese. I was surrounded by the most stereotypical weebs you can think of, and I tried to fit in by acting the same way. It didn't work the friends I made liked anime and video games a lot too but weren't obnoxious weebs. Just thinking about it is really embarrassing. I think it didn't work because I wasn't allowed to do anything while they were all rich, going to cons, travelling abroad by themselves (while they were minors, yes), etc., so we couldn't relate to each other. And for reasons that were out of my control, I constantly looked like a greasy slob, so I guess I gave other people the impression that I was a weaboo too.
I guess the only things I regret from that period and that I could have done is that I missed on good anime and manga I would have liked back then and that I don't have time or motivation to get into, and that I didn't focus on studying because I was slacking off instead. And as I said, I regret pretending to be an obnoxious otaku to have friends because I think I just made a fool of myself back then. I do miss being more passionate about the things I like, too.
No. 194784
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I'm 27 years old and am still a weeb. I have enough sense, though, to not act like half of these people I see at a convention. It's embarassing when someone can be so loud, crass, unsanitary and go HAM whenever they see someone else on the street with ~weeb merch~.
Since I ride public transit, I have a Sailor Moon Luna backpack I got from Spencer's because why not. It's cute enough to wear also if you saw it from the side you wouldn't think it was Sailor Moon.
I had a highschool kid sit next to me and tap me out of my headphones to try and rant on and on about Sailor Moon. I know this is something that I instigate but it's embarassing to see people older than him to come up to me and try to be autistic about anime instead of a person who just watches it like any other tv show or movie…
No. 194931
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I still like anime, although not as much as I used to. I guess I'm more restrained as an adult, although it makes me wonder when I'll grow out of it. Am I still going to be looking forward to the inevitable Hunter x Hunter re-remake when I'm 39?
No. 194936
>>194935Just thought about my time in school when I was younger.
I'm still wondering how I got friends. I used to dress up reeeeaally bad looking back I wonder how my mother was like whatever let that kid buy all that bullshit instead of normal clothes.
Never was bullied or maybe I just didn't care to notice it.
My classmates all liked me because despite me being a weeb I was pretty chill.
And as some anons said before me I think I was the happiest during that time and even tho I looked ugly as fuck I'm still glad I went through all that weeb shit even tho I was never as bad as some kids I see now.
No. 194958
>>194936>I'm still wondering how I got friends>I used to dress up reeeeaally bad"I refuse to be friends with someone because of the clothes they wear"
This statement is true for you. Most girls are this materialistic I think.
No. 195040
>>194958Not true for me but whatever.
I used to get bullied by the way I looked before I changed schools so obviously I thought this would happen again. And we all know how mean teenagera can be.
No. 195078
>>195018If it makes you happy and doesn't interfere too much with other parts of your life, you should spend free time how you want. I used to be hard on myself for not yet growing out of things others might see me as "too old" for, but as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, who cares. Better to have a hobby that brings you joy. If it helps you live another day and a reason to wake up in the morning or get through the hard times, then continue on with it. We all need our special things to grab and hold onto
I think that's why I relate to Pixyteri a lot. Her and I are similar in ages and even though I'm not
as weeby or public about it as her, I'm still emotionally stunted and like "childish" things that she does. I'd rather live in my imagination and made-up worlds than this world.
No. 195185
>>195126Never really had that since I had two groups of friends. Friends I meet at cons and friends from my 'normal life' aka school.
But then I'm still kinda into all that shit to this day just more moderately
Didn't you stay in contact with your weeb friends ?
My friends grew up with me (not all of them some are still in the 9th floor of hell or whatever).
So we all made new friends kinda helping each other since making friends just on your own got fucking hard after your weeb phase.
No. 195265
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>>194293Are we really surprised?
No. 195298
>>195257damn dude, are you and i the same person? i still go to conventions but i don't really go for anime at all–i think the last one i watched was "your name".
i used to do the same things: traced photos, brought manga to school, used hetalia photos in my history reports…
No. 195344
I had a serious fetish for Asian dick from the age of about 12 to 18. I couldn't go into an Asian grocery store without getting moist af (looking back I'm disgusted at myself lmao) so I felt that in order to catch the right fish, I had to use the right bait so to speak.
So yes, I became obsessive about lightening my skin, lost weight, dyed my hair black, basically tried to look as cutesy and Asian as possible without being too obvious about it.
It worked and I finally got an Asian boyfriend, he sucked in bed and at boyfriend-ing in general, left him, and basically my Asian fetish just magically disappeared one day.
Now I thirst pretty much exclusively over white dick. Such a relief, let me tell you. It all turned out to be a phase. My creepy Asian fetish days are long gone. I'm glad I never ended up going to Japan and catching an STD from some ONS with a host, getting pregnant with a haafu child, or publicly making an ass of myself like so many cows in Japan do.
No. 195358
What is the working definition of a weeaboo?
I've watched anime and different Japanese/Korean reality shows/talk shows, read manga, obsessed over kpop/jpop, active interest in fashion and makeup/skincare trends…
And I still do all of those things, I turned 22 a few weeks ago. Obviously these interests and hobbies are within reason now. As a child, it's all I would ever do or think about outside of school.
Now it's kind of intertwined into my adult life and responsibilities. I don't mind being called a weeaboo but I always kind of thought you had to be a NEET and literally fetishize Japanese/Korean people while appropriating their culture to be considered a dirty weeb. I've never wanted to date people from those cultures (never really liked boy bands anyway) and while I would genuinely love to learn the languages and visit the countries, I would have the same perspective as visiting Mexico or Sweden for example, in the sense that international travel is fascinating, I love learning about history and linguistics.
Idk to me these entertainment industries and surrounding pop culture was always meant to attract foreigners, hence why their tourism industries advertise to weebs and it's boosted their economies. If you ask the general public from those countries they are generally ecstatic over the international recognition that their entertainment companies bring in.
So I enjoy these things the same way I would indulge into American pop culture if I wanted to, but western entertainment rarely manages to enthrall me. I have enjoyed seeing the Hallyu wave grow over time, I feel as though I grew up alongside it.
The only thing I'm really growing out of was my childhood dream of being a ~harajuku gurl~. I spent years wearing alt fashion (as tastefully as I possibly could) but I realize now I've always looked like a mess and in general western girls look fucking awful in Lolita and other harajuku styles. Very few can successfully pull it off, and while I may be jealous, i'm not going to sabotage my networking connections and career opportunities just so I can look like i'm attending a con every single day.
No. 195365
>>195358most ppl call themselves weebs ironically, its not worth getting butthurt over if u feel like ur better than that
but a true and true weeb, the ones you wouldn't want to associate yourself w/, are the ones who fetishize japan or korea to the extent they think its the most god dahm perfect place on earth just based off their pop culture
nerds who have yet to pull their head out of their ass about functioning as a member of their current society
basically if asian pop culture is ur livelihood, ur a weeb
if its ur hobby then ur fine, just nerdy
No. 195370
>>195344I'm 27 and still date pretty exclusively asian, but I can totally relate to this cringe:
>>I couldn't go into an Asian grocery store without getting moist af (looking back I'm disgusted at myself lmao) so I felt that in order to catch the right fish, I had to use the right bait so to speak.
>>So yes, I became obsessive about lightening my skin, lost weight, dyed my hair black, basically tried to look as cutesy and Asian as possible without being too obvious about it.I'm no longer creepy, nor do I dress like a weeb or do weepy makeup, but that's because I also dated asian guys, so I guess my fetish died down once I finally "caught" one ugh. But yeah, I can totally relate to your creepy weeb shit lol as I did the same things.
As for me, I still don't find white guys attractive, but no longer have any real fetish thankfully. I still prefer asian guys to other races because I prefer asian cultures/the relationship dynamics and am moving permanently to asia soon (lived there a couple years) BUT I look at a lot more criteria now than just "OMG cute Asian BoY".
No. 195375
>>195344did you seriously think all asian guys were hot? most of them look pretty nerdy, unless they were blessed with good facial structure or actively try to look good. like i can understand liking anime or kpop, but i don't know how it can brainwash you into thinking every asian guy you see in a grocery store is hot. like i'm not trying to say they're all ugly, but they're not any more attractive or ugly than white guys.
>>195370what about asian culture/relationship dynamics appeals to you? and do you prefer guys who were born and raised in your country, or FOBS?
No. 195407
>>195375>>195370As a /fit/ asian guy in Aus why do I hardly encounter any weebs acting like you describe?
Is this like an American or EU thing?
No. 195444
>>195375>>what about asian culture/relationship dynamics appeals to you?
>>asian cultureI lived in asia for a while (2 countries) and also lived with an ex-boyfriend's family for a few months (they didn't speak English and were very fobby). Frankly, I just felt 1000x happier in asia than in other countries I've lived in. It was SOOO safe, men were respectful, women weren't so jaded. I cried for weeks after I had to leave China and 3 years later and am still not over the feelings of sadness tbh. I'm on a high dose of antidepressants because being back in the U.S. with all the crime, drug addicts, homeless, crazies, angry ghetto people, old buildings, shitty public transit (I like driving, but sometimes it would be nice to take a bus without creepy, crazy people), run down houses etc. caused me to plummet into complete hopelessness. And I live in a wealthy/desirable part of the U.S. :/ When I returned to the San Francisco airport and drove home, I was honestly shocked by how…decrepit everything looked. I don't have any interest in poor asian countries, but the wealthy asian countries are so ahead of the U.S….
Luckily, in 2 years I will be able to move to asia permanently and will be eligible for permanent residency after another 3-5 years.
>>asian relationship dynamicsFor relationships, besides being more physically attractive, I find asian men more gentle, sweeter, and more family/marriage-oriented. I don't like manly men/bad boys, so being around so many awesome, well-educated guys made dating much easier. My ex boyfriends would carry my bags, open doors for me, cook, buy me lots of gifts, etc. When I compare them to my friends with non-asian boyfriends, I feel I'm treated better in my relationships.
>>do you prefer guys who were born and raised in your country, or FOBS?I only date FOBs or NOBs (Never on Boats). I wouldn't date an asian who was raised in the west because culturally they are different. Also, since I want to permanently move to asia there is no point anyway. I'm planning on marrying a man in either Japan or China to help ensure that I never have to leave (permanent residency + native husband = set for life).
>>Sorry for the blogpost reply. No. 195509
I'm 23, and I'm still a weeb. I don't watch that much anime, but I like J-fashion, wear lolita sometimes, listen to Japanese music (from 10 years ago lol), and play JRPGs. I spent 250 hours playing Persona over the last year, and now I've been spending a huge amount of time reading Persona fanfic/yaoi doujins. I'm now inspired to write fanfiction again.
Currently, I'm playing Earthbound and catching up on the Touhou fandom since I didn't read about it for the last couple of years. Also getting back into Pokemon.
I don't see what's wrong with it. I don't think people would guess I'm a huge weeb just from casually interacting with me, but who knows?
Now that I have some extra money, I'm actually importing yaoi doujins from Japan, and I'm planning on paying my friend to translate them.
People giving weebs crap is kind of sad, and I think a lot of it is because people are too conscious. As long as you aren't embarrassing yourself in public and your life is on track, what is wrong with what kind of hobby you have?
No. 195511
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I'm pretty sure I'm still a weeb, just not the obnoxious dA tier kind. I still listen to a lot of J-music, watch anime and read a crap ton of manga. I'm very much into J-fashion too.
I don't act like Japan is superior or anything, I just think every country is shitty equally.
I'm also very open minded, I'll get into western media if someone reccomends me it. I'm not going to avoid watching or reading something just because it isn't from great nippon.
There isn't anything wrong with having weeby interests, just don't be obnoxious about it and act like Japan is #1 and everything else is shit when it isn't.
No. 195537
>>195521Japan is a beautiful country, it's just the people are awful. Exchange students are even worse, being a weeb is fine but these people could only focus on Japan to the point where they were constantly shouting about how "crazy Japan is!!"
If I studied and practiced for two months I could speak Japanese again. It's a very easy language.
No. 195551
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>>195506mfw I wish I was in either of those places
No. 195552
>>195537I know what you mean. I've never actually lived there but I was a tourist quite often and I know a bunch of people who lived there.
Anyways Japan as a vacation place is cool but living there…, I would go crazy.
The people are just too different there. I noticed that it's hard to get to know anyone unless they are drunk. Always being super nice too you but that's it pretty much nothing beyond superficialness.
Also there are soo many creeps I mean that whole loli bullshit.
Also there are soo fucking many neets. I still know that one time a Otaku talked to me asked one question and than just walked away. Thr way he looked at me still creeps me out to this day.
There are normal people of course but I feel likke compared to other countries they got more socially awkward people.
Idk and then the whole country just kinda ignores that there are other countries. Just look at how they learn English. Most people in high school that I talked to couldn't even speak a little bit while when Ibwad their age could form sentences in English (not a native speaker obviously).
I know it's not all the students fault but the school System in general. I also noticed that there are many young students studying English but I'm still baffled how the general public doesn't seem to care about issues going on in the world. Sorry for the rant.
I'm still a weaboo regarding some things but Japan as a country kinda sucks after I visited it a few times.
No. 195565
>>195458China is 10x safer than the U.S. I take it you've never lived in the United States.
>>195453>>So you went to China? How did you meet guys who were interested in western women AND marriage-minded? Were you ever worried that any of them were just playing with you, and not truly interested in marriage?In my experience most Chinese men are marriage minded (I also lived in Japan, but preferred China). I think a large number like western women. White women are pretty popular among most races abroad. Keep in mind, I'm 4'11" so shorter than most men, which in itself makes dating easier. I meet the men through the same means you'd meet anyone such as activity clubs, classes, meetup groups, hanging out with friends, etc.
I'm positive all the guys I dated were interested in marriage. They introduced me to family and friends/met my family, and it went like any other relationship. Also, I didn't sleep/make out etc. with the majority guys I've dated.
I honestly think this whole asian/black guys using white women for pump and dumps idea originates from women who go to clubs, have one night stands, and somehow believe they are dating some wonderful guy JUST because he is such-and-such race (a la Kiki and Taco for example). If you look for good men through normal means you'll generally find them in any culture/country/race.
>>195506It's nice to hear someone else understand this feeling, although at the same time it sucks because I know how shitty it is…especially since complaining about living in California is something many can't relate to. I'm moving to Europe in a few months, but just for graduate school. After that I'm going back to an asian country. Do you have any plans on moving back abroad again? How are you coping with the return home?
No. 195569
>>What do you hate about Japanese culture anon?I can understand hating annoying weebs, but Japanese culture is pretty sweet imo.
My Japanese was shit (still is tbh…you are fortunate to find the language easy!), but when I lived there I loved the culture and people. Most Japanese were so friendly, encouraging, patient, and well-mannered. Everything was orderly and peaceful.
If I can't move back to China in a couple years, Japan is my backup plan.
No. 195573
>>195375Yep, I found pretty much all Asian guys hot, aside from the out and out hideous ones.
This is because I had a legit Asian fetish. People overuse that phrase all the time, but in my case it was a genuine racial fetish, because A) I was 100% exclusively attracted to Asian men and B) I was attracted to them BECAUSE they were Asian.
As I said before it was creepy and gross and wrong, but thankfully that phase is over now. I guess I just got it out of my system.
No. 195580
>>195532As the poster you responded to, I totally agree with you. It's really sad.
I love plenty of grown up things like music festivals, clubbing, and partying in general. (Or I would go more if my friends were into these things) I also spent most of this year watching tons of international movies, some of which were Japanese (but definitely not weeb bait). All of my Japan-related hobbies are just another set of hobbies I have.
I do think it's weird when people only like weeby things or child-related things in general. My best friend from middle school, I haven't kept up in contact with her, but as far as i can tell she just watches weeby things like sentai shows and you couldn't persuade her to watch a regular acclaimed American show for adults like Breaking Bad or something. I think it's weird when adults just watch anime or cartoons.
No. 195582
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I discovered anime at 8 years old when they started playing anime dubs on tv. I kept it on the down-low, but was totally a weeb. By middle school I discovered visual kei and that's when the cringe truly started, I looked like a mixture between visual kei and hot-topic emo. Otherwise, I was just the quiet girl who sat at the back of class drawing anime. By high school I had discovered kpop, didn't watch anime as much, and my visual kei consumption basically stopped (the scene was kinda dead). I became kpop cringy instead, but luckily this comes with the added benefit of positive influence on self-styling and is a bit less obvious to normies, so I was able to blend in a bit more than before.
Finally, in university I became heavily into j-fashion/gyaru/j-pop and also took Japanese classes throughout. I met a lot of Japanese people and heard stories from our teacher that knocked some sense into me about how Japan is literally just a country like any other and even a bit backwards in some respects (horrible working culture, high suicide rates, etc.) I drifted away for a while and my identity was nothing without j-culture, I guess you could even say I felt some disdain for it but it was more disappointment than anything.
Nowadays I still like Japan and I occasionally check out my old interests, but I have more of a general interest in the culture and learning the culture. I've also branched out into a lot of Western pop culture that before I would have just dismissed because ~Japan does it better (^_^)b~. That, and j-pop websites are always shutting down or blocked in other countries, so it's become really difficult to follow the Oricon charts and I just don't have time anymore to hunt things down.
No. 195592
When I was a toddler my older siblings used to watch a lot of anime. Eventually I was old enough to remember watching Pokemon and Yugioh with them and it just sort of became bonding time for the entire family. We'd all sit together every Saturday and watch those shows. I guess that sparked my interest in anime early on. It seems silly but anime kinda has a sentimental value because it was something my family enjoyed and we all bonded over it.
As I got older I explored anime more on my own. I suppose this where I actually began my weeb phase. I still watched it with family but since I was one of the youngest everyone else was busy so it'd normally be me and my younger sister or an older brother. In middle school I got sort of cringy and wrote god awful fanfics and drew terrible pictures. I met a couple of weeb girls then and went completely obsessed until I entered high school. In high school I still watched anime and read manga but kept it more under the table and focused on school. The weeb friends I had in middle school were still obsessed nonstop so I distanced myself from them and moved on.
A little later in high school I found jfashion and got into Lolita fashion and mori kei. I've always been into cute clothing so it just clicked. That peaked my interest way more than anything so I've been into it ever since. Nowadays I don't watch anime much. I'm really busy with uni and other things so I really only focus on my jfashion. I still watch it here and there but I'm just glad it gave me lots of time spent with family growing up more than anything.
I look back on middle school weeb days and yeah I sometimes miss it but not enough to want to relive those days. It's more of the nostalgia it gives me cause I was so carefree back then. Besides, if I were still hardcore weeb, I might not be living the life I want right now. One of the weebs I knew in middle school now a college dropout who sits in her parents' house drawing anime and posting on the internet all day.
>>195365Agreed. Weeb is used so often it's not much of an insult unless you're the full blown stereotype. There's nothing wrong with liking anime or some other type of Japanese pop culture but to be an adult that does it at the level a lot of us did in middle school or perhaps worth is just no.
No. 196731
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I use to be a huge weeb. It ended in my late teen years.
I am Chinese, born and raised in the U.S. I never got any attention from my parents and growing up I was a latchkey kid, meaning that I was highly independant at a young age and did everything on my own. It was a very lonely time for me.
I started playing alot of online video games to fill the void of missing parents and family. At the time there were many Animes that aired on T.V so for these games my user name would be my favourite anime character. I think it was Natsuki or something.
People would randomly come up to me in game and say hello, drop items for me and send me friend requests because of my user name, because they thought I was Japanese and wanted to interact with someone who they believed had a connection to the popular culture they so loved.
As I grew older I started joining Guilds, teams and clans. Being like many teenagers you wanted to stand out and have a face to your voice so once I started posting pictures of myself on my profiles it changed.
I started getting so much random attention and admiration from everyone because they thought I looked Japanese. Noticing this I used this to my advantage and started introducing myself as Japanese. And once I did, people started liking me more and more and soon I became pretty well known around the community.
It didn't really bother me that I was lying about my race because I thought that no one could ever find out about the truth because of my looks and my knowledge of the language. It was so much easier spinning a lie online than in real life, whenever someone tested me I would respond in Japanese.
For once I felt important and appreciated but the more I lied the more guilty and terrible I felt. I had a terrible feeling in my heart but I would ignore it.
One day my friend introduces me to his friend who is half Japanese, we'll call him Hikaru. I thought that Hikaru would be more drawn to me if I was Japanese so I told him that I was half too. He was currently living in Japan and had plans to come back to America to vist my friend and me now that we were friends, I was happy to meet a Japanese person to be honest lol. He then introduced me to his Japanese friends and they all spoke to me with intrigue and me being me I kept the lie on.
And again I would feel shitty about the lies. Later on I stopped talking to Hikaru and his friends, and met more people drawn to how "Japanese" I was.
A few things that made me realize how disgusting and fucking stupid for faking my ethnicity was two things. There was a boy that was immensely attracted to asians, especially Japanese. And he saw me a someone who could fulfill his own virgin Japanese idol dreams. I hoped the fuck out of that fast because not only he was crazy but he was unstable and abusive to everyone.
Ironically the last nail for me was watching another weeb lie but taking things to a whole new level. The weeb was a white girl who pretended/lied about being Japanese and Korean. She took the all the asian women stereotypes in a book and ran with it. She painted this story that asian girls where exactly like what you see in anime; shy sweet and timid but slutty. Used ps and makeup to "appear asian". And wanted to undergo extensive cosmetic surgery + first and last name change to keep up with her lie. I didn't want any of that shit and I realized that what I was doing was boarderline like what this stupid bitch was doing. All these things woke me up from the fantasy that I was living online was fucking wrong. I didn't want to lie forever and constantly be in fear of someone finding out. I was tired of being someone else, as cheesey as it sounds I wanted to be me for once.
Ever since my epiphany I deleted everyone whoever spoke to me when I was faking it and I started introducing myself as Chinese. Now in person I always correct someone if they ask if I'm Korean or Japanese. Instead of being flattered I would get pretty offended because it comes off as that person only thinks that 2 kinds of asians can attractive.
It's been a few years and looking back, it's shameful and I would never want my children to lie like how I did. I want them to be proud of their heritage and the history behind it.
I thought that being Japanese made me unique, I thought it made people like me. And I know there are some people who there who are still like that out there, trust me you wouldn't want to be near anyone who only likes you because of your race. I'm alot more happier now that I accepted who I am and I appreciate my culture much more now.
And that was my story of my lie
No. 196736
>>196731Damn anon, that's a crazy story. It's good that you got out of that phase though (mom, it WAS just a phase).
>>He then introduced me to his Japanese friends and they all spoke to me with intrigue and me being me I kept the lie on. I'm wondering if the Japanese you met realized you were faking it?
No. 196738
>>196731>I want them to be proud of their heritage and the history behind itThat's fair enough but depending on where you live lying might be preferable because of prejudice, not just cause people want to look cool. There aren't any truly negative stereotypes associated with China, at least not compared to literally everyone from the Middle East, Turkey, Eastern Europe or Brazil (at least here).
It's not crazy, it's sad that people jump to conclusions about who you are as a person based on your nationality but I've experienced a lot of hate myself and nowadays I prefer to either not say anything or say I was raised somewhere else. Because if I do say where I'm actually from people freak out and stop talking to me, and I'd rather have friends and a nice life than be proud of my heritage at the expense of being ridiculed and isolated, since I already have the privilege of not sticking out physically and I've seen really bad shit happen to people from Africa and the like who are obviously foreign. Even if they're not my real friends, I'd rather not have to find out and be alone like I used to back when I felt bad about lying. Not my fault people are bigoted assholes, they don't really deserve to be told the truth if they act like turds.
Not even a weeb btw, just saw your comment and wanted to say something on the topic because I used to do the same thing (and still do, albeit to a lesser degree because now I have money, an SO and a steady career)
No. 196741
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>>196736I don't know if Hikaru's friends suspected anything, even if they did I wouldnt know as they only did the shit talking behind closed doors. I'm not fluent in Japanese so they still saw me as a gaijin regardless of the lie, it was kinda ironic that I said I was half to fit in when they didn't even accept halfs to begin with
>>196735From my memory of Chinese class as a kid, it was difficult. But yet again when you're a kid your attention span and tolerance is different, I started Japanese lessons in my mid teens and it was surprisingly easy because of the similarities Japanese has with Chinese. I plan on learning Chinese again along with my SO, he's middle eastern so it's pretty exciting how he'll be able to conversate with my family
No. 196747
>>195370Don't want to start a flame war but it really isn't normal to not find men of your own race attractive. It's a kind of self-hatred since you don't want to see your own features mirrored in your partner to any degree.
Most weebs grow out of the Asian fetish thing. I used to find Asian men attractive but it was never an exclusive thing (ie to the exclusion of white men), and upon actually interacting with them and learning about Asian culture it put me off. Asian people and White people are really, really goddamn different to each other culturally, socially etc. No matter what we want to say to patch over the differences.
I'd agree about Asian cities being way safer but then again I've found largely white cities in the west (went to Riga and Krakow last year) similarly safe. And you don't have to feel like an alien while you're there.
No. 196780
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>>196760Thank you Anon for your post. I agree with you, my SO had a co worker whose sense of self was strongly tied around being black. Alot of his co workers were so annoyed of him talking and being obsessed over "black problems" and how everyone preceives "black culture" everything he talked about including his interest of how his day went has to somehow do with his ethnicity. Like you said it's a terrible idea to make my race all about me, I'll remember that.
No. 197024
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I used to have a huge cringy weeb phase, when I was around 12 or so up until I was 18. I was really socially awkward, was a hermit, and even considered myself only attracted to anime characters rather than real people which is super pathetic looking back on it, lol. As of now, the only anime/manga series I care about is JoJo, other than that I could really care less about anime/manga itself. I also really like Kpop and listen to it a lot, but I don't get into cringy fandom shit nor do I go around spewing out random Korean and think that Korea is a place filled with idols and celeburties everywhere1!1!1
No. 197049
>>195507uhhhh yes, they do drugs. It rarely gets caught because the entertainment industry is tightly knit.
It's heavily penalized for normal people, but not for the wealthy and idols with big companies backing them. If they get caught it ruins their career at most, they don't go to jail.
>GD>Park Bom>That trainee with rich parents that got caught with TOP and only got probation despite it being her 3rd time being caught and having been known for doing LSD before. No. 197052
>>197049Soooo basically like Muslim countries?
It's odd that entertainers would use recreational drugs, as I never met anyone when I lived in Asia who used any (speaking of normal people). It just seems like a huge divide.
No. 197054
>>197052Everyone who took drugs that I met, when I lived in SK, was richkids and people with connection to the entertainment industry.
They live a completely different life, it's crazy.
No. 197086
>>196747Glad anon said this, it bugs me to fuck when weebs or those dodgy neckbeard asian obsessed racists say whites and asians are the same. I would say… they're probably close? But different. Why the fuck would we call a white/asian kid a hafu and not just white or asian when it's half?
Different - not one bit the same. It's just Venus Weeb types who WISH it was the same.
No. 197090
>>195358Very similar to you anon actually… I love all that stuff in Japan too and still do at 23. I am currently doing a degree and I would love to dress in jfashion daily too but it just looks ridiculous half the time and where I live in the UK… people give you weird looks.
So what I do is just post cutesy outfits on Instagram in my bedroom? But just not over the top?I still dress nice and girly daily but just not over the top. I just do a balance of cutesy online but also grown up stuff too like cocktails, food ect? So it isn't too… otakuish?
No. 197134
>>197086People say it because whites and (east) asians preside over the most successful advanced industrial countries.
But yeah, we are radically different as people. East Asia for example is a hyper-competitive place where, to western eyes, people will compete past the point of diminishing marginal returns with each other.
No. 197183
>>197134Its because white has always been seem as the highest form of beauty all over the shit
Asians make money, clever ect plus smaller and small is good in the fashion department
So they both win in some shape or form
Im not even asian or fully white either but its obvious
No. 197263
>>197262The ones that avail of
>designated shitting streetsusually can't afford going outside of their slums, that's probably why. The chinks I see walking around are a prime example of new money, and while most of them are actually nice (I'm guessing) middle class folk who like fur and Hermés scarves a bit too much, in every tour group there's a couple hicks who
really don't know how to behave.