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No. 194165
>>194159For me, incest in a fictional setting is acceptable. Even typing that feels fucked up, but what I mean is that whenever in reading a book/t.v. show/film, and something incestuous comes up, I kind of think 'thats messed up' but then accept it. What always feels hypocritical of me, is that I can not stand loli/shota shit at all.
I should also mention, whenever I read 'incest', I think of siblings. Parent/child does disgust me even in fiction.
No. 194168
>>194164I know, what is your point? I mean, people can't help, but their ideas can change even after years of exposition. I don't know if I follow you, anon.
>I should also mention, whenever I read 'incest', I think of siblings. Parent/child does disgust me even in fiction.Yeah, me too. Siblings or cousins. I can't think about trying to fuck someone you gave birth and raised. It's fucked up on so many levels.
But makes me think about uncle/nephews, tho. Ugh
No. 194173
>>194159I'm absolutely disgusted by the idea of it but I couldn't care less if people do it as long as it's between two consenting adults, they're not having kids, and they keep it in the bedroom.
That being said, I am a bit of a hypocrite since I think if I were to find out someone I knew was in an incestuous relationship like that, I'd probably distance myself from them.
>>194165I feel the same way. The only time that sorta thing would bother me is if it is actually being promoted through the media.
>What always feels hypocritical of me, is that I can not stand loli/shota shit at all.I don't blame you, anon. I still don't mind it in fictional settings as long as it's not being promoted and/or it actually helps stop pedophiles from harming actual children. But I still can't stand it because (obviously) it's disgusting and it feels like it's become a huge trend to be into that sorta thing.
No. 194177
>>194174TBH all people that I personally knew that shipped incest don't have siblings. As a matter of fact, I still know this particular girl, she ships Satsuki and Ryuuko from KLK, even her fb cover is a ship pic of them, and jesus, I get so disgusted by it.
>>194173I'm still on the fence about fictional depictions of pedophilia and also children real dolls.
No. 194187
In fictional settings I don't really care what people choose to portray. I think it says more about the person who chooses to ship incest/loli than it does about the person who creates it - unless the creator is very clearly into it themselves/glorifying it as a good thing, they are just portraying things that unfortunately do happen amongst human beings. Pretending that they don't would limit a huge amount of creative works, and be sanitising the human race. In ancient civilisations paedophilia and incest was very common, but as most very clearly know the dangers of both, it is definitely an individual thing to admire it.
As for IRL incest (obviously IRL child abuse is absolutely wrong and disgusting) I don't have a problem with adult siblings/cousins (of similar age) incest, as long as both consent to being made infertile ("getting the snip" or whatever). As long as they're not procreating and both able to legally consent, it's their own choice I guess. Inter-generational (parent/child, uncle/nephew, etc) is wrong though. It just seems like an abuse of power, no matter how old both parties are (and realistically these pairings don't tend to happen when both parties are 40+).
Many societies still have cultural practices of incest/paedophilia though. It's hard to think about as a modern-day West European woman because it's never been acceptable (or legal) in my country in my lifetime.
>>194173That's a point I've always wondered about. I'd much rather paedos were getting off to loli drawings in private than abusing actual kids, but you're right in saying that the more it's "normalised" the more people seem to be casually into it?
No. 194194
>>194177I actually have incest in my family. Siblings. It's not me thank the gods. I won't get into details. I'm only bringing this up because I think I get your point here in the sense that real life incest is very shameful to the family. It carries a huge stigma. If you think that incest is hot in fiction then yeah, you're probably an only child. Because it's not like it is in the animus where brother and sister are usually related via adoption anyway. I think that's a bit bizarre if you are actually raised as siblings related or not.
Real incest is usually formed from a very unhealthy relationship between family members. It's not some cutesy "I know Onii-chan is my brother but he's so kawaii desu sugoi!"
I have no real issue with people liking fictional incest. Like whatever you want as long as it doesn't involve children, animals or unwilling participants. I draw the line at that stuff. But just remember that the real thing is neither romantic or positive.
>>194187I learned about where incest applies in anthropology. Some societies have certain situations where it is ok. But there are still taboos against certain relationships. I don't think there are many societies where everyone is game. The taboo exists because on a genetic level we sense that it's bad for our offspring. It's an inborn taboo to protect us from damaging our lineage and producing unhealthy offspring with lethal genetic traits. Even gorillas raised together who are not related usually won't mate. Because they will recognise themselves as siblings. That's why Koko and Michael never had a baby. Michael was introduced to Koko when he was only three. So it became a big sister/little brother relationship.
As for loli, I think maybe there's some use in it if it does keep the pedos from harming real children. Don't they have those real dolls that look like children? It's just that I worry about what could happen when fiction isn't enough to get it up anymore. I wouldn't be quite so iffy about loli and shota if it could be guaranteed that it provided an outlet for urges that would otherwise harm real life children. But it's impossible to guarantee. Some pedos just can't resist the real deal.
No. 194198
Nearly all footwear is designed wrong, and we're all retarded for wearing it.
When you step, your toes are supposed to spread quite a lot, but no male or female shoe allows it to the natural extent. This leads to deformed toes/feet, and unnecessary spinal/skeletal/muscular problems, which get worse as you grow older.
It's like a low key-version of foot-binding we're all culturally subjecting ourselves too.
It's nearly impossible to break out of this stupidity, because a) the there is no commercially available alternative for the masses, and b) even if you do craft/buy expensive alternatives, you're be ridiculed or considered a weirdo, and definitely won't be able to wear those at work.
It's a prime example, in my opinion, of how we're still stupid savages in the 21st century, following harmful practices because 'that's just how things are' without ever giving it a second thought.
No. 194211
>>194194Oh, for sure. It's definitely some sort of mental/genetic failure, to be brutally frank about it, to be sexually attracted to a close family member. I know that the cultures that do allow incestuous relationships tend only to allow cousins, rather than siblings or parent/child.
I've done a lot of research on paedophilia, including speaking to people who self-identify as paedophiles but have not abused children. I think there needs to be a strong distinction between the people who feel sexual attraction to children and the people who are morally deficit enough to sexually interact with children, because often these people are not one and the same. Sadly, loli/shota is never going to stop child abusers, because they aren't necessarily getting off on it being a child per se. It might help non-offending paedophiles though. But it's very hard to research, for understandable reasons.
No. 194217
>>194216I have a coworker who feels to the need to air her grievances about her pregnant, 17 year old daughter. She complains about it for multiple reasons, one of which being how "either way" (aborted or no), she has to pay for it. She has to put the baby up for adoption, not her daughter. She has to pay for the hospital visits, not her daughter.
So, I mentioned to her, she's not very far along, you could ummmm.. and I trailed off. She got the picture and said "oh no, I don't believe in that."
Really you stupid cunt? You don't want to pay 8 or 9 months of hospital care for your daughter, who you clearly raised to not give a shit about birth control, and you don't fucking give her birth control, although our work insurance covers it … but you also won't pay 5K for an abortion? And 5K is by Planned Parenthood standards, you can go to another family planning place in this area and get an abortion for probably 2K.
I'm sorry, I'm all over the place. I had an abortion, I had full support from my mother, I fully regret having to go through the process, but I do not regret not having a child. My life would be changed beyond repair if that was the case.
Stupid cunt, I just am so sick of this stupid cunt. She should have been aborted. Her life would be better, her daughter's life would be better, they'd be given a second chance. But because of her magical rules towards life in general that she doesn't apply towards her own behavior, her daughter will have to carry this thing and then give it to the first person they find walking down the street.
Fuck that bitch. I will support abortion for as long as I live.
No. 194218
>>194216Completely agree 100% its not even a baby yet its a bunch of matter.
>>194217Sounds like ignorant white trash fuckibg dumb cunt
No. 194219
>>194217>"oh no, I don't believe in that."Lmao. I would've said abortion is real and she has every reason to believe it!
When shit gets bad enough then that bitch will be sorry. The smarter parents, who initially say they don't "believe in" abortions for their teenage daughters, quickly change their minds once they realize how much fucking work is in it for them.
My mom was a staunch Catholic, but when I confessed I was pregnant at 15 (statutory), suddenly abortion was the right thing to do because she personally would've been in the shit had I gone through with it. Our local reputation would've been bruised. Suddenly, certain Bible passages no longer applied. "Be fruitful and multiply" and having girls marry and birth was just some outdated shit some goat fucker said a long time ago.
After I had the abortion my mom switched back to "jesus wuvs u" but by then it was too late. I wised up. Educated myself about birth control and safe sex practices, and all the things I should have known about if my mom hadn't shunned sex for years. That's when I realized people only take advantage of religion when it suits their needs, and abortion and sex weren't wrong at all.
No. 194222
>>194217wtf, that's a steep cost for abortion.
And yeah, I love the 'it's so costly now'. Like a baby is not fucking going to cost 100 times that. That's not even rationnal.
No. 194226
>>194220Me too. I fully believe in eugenics and can't fathom why people think it's so important to ~*~pass down THEIR genes~*~ as if they're hot shit.
We've evolved far enough to get chemo and penicillin and boobjobs but forbid some trailer trash has her right to pop 8 kids taken from her
No. 194227
>>194222Right? Is it different in other states, though? I had amazing insurance (at the time), and we still had to pay 2K out of pocket. That, in itself, is a bigger story, and is a reason why a lot of people don't get abortions, which is completely understandable. I was so lucky to be in a financial situation where it was a matter of just getting and doing it rather than having to race against the clock before it becomes a different kind of abortion or completely undoable. The state I live in has a few family planning centers, we are certainly not anti-abortion but we have an idiot governor. (Who doesn't?)
I just cringe. The place I work at has a lot of people making little money and are on some kind of welfare, whether it be disability, rent-paying programs or food stamps. This bitch is on two of the three, and her anti-abortion stance and obsession with how much a baby "costs" are probably going to be the determining factor in her picking up even more welfare.
I'm full on ranting now, but I'd like to mention this woman is white as hell and native to the state. And she, and all these other bozos I work with, want to complain about the Sudanese kid we work with because his drunk mother also saps off the state. They just don't like that he doesn't fully understand English, and has actual brain issues related to epilepsy and probably his drunk mother. Stupid people. Stupidity like that, from this bitch, is the reason my own political alignments with social programs came to be. Come to the whitest state in the world and watch all the drunk, ignorant, teenage-baby-having, pill-popping motherfuckers vote for people who hate the brown-skinned version of their own society. That's it. That's all it is.
Okay, I'm done now, I'm sorry.
No. 194228
>>194226>can't fathom why people think it's so important to ~*~pass down THEIR genes~*~ as if they're hot shitThey're biologically programmed to act like that. Intellectuals don't always let biological urges dictate on how they behave if it's not rational. There's the difference.
>>194227>This bitch is on two of the three, and her anti-abortion stance and obsession with how much a baby "costs" are probably going to be the determining factor in her picking up even more welfare.Here's your answer anon. The bitch just wants another dependent, welfare baby. Lots of white trash bitches are just as guilty of it.
No. 194229
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I'm in a relationship with someone that went through incest. Let me tell you, it's not cute. I know it's none of my business with what consenting adults do with their lives, but after seeing how damaged both parties were, it fully changed my opinion on it. I had to deal with jealousy from the other party for years on end cuz I was with the person they loved it was crazy. And I know its my choice to be with this person but deep down I feel as if they wanted to be with me just to get out of that incestuous relationship.
No. 194230
>>194220tbh I agree with you in some sense because I actually think humanity is doomed and intelligence will go down further down the road. On the other side society does need dumb idiots who are doing simple jobs like factory or construction work. I rather think there should be intelligence testing and only people above 110 or 120 should be allowed to vote on important matters regarding society and politics.
Ideocracy anyone?
It was constructed as a comedy but has become some kind of horror movie, especially with trump (who will be president next? Hulk Hogan?).
No. 194231
>>194220I think that there is a different route towards a solution than that approach. I believe the slight sentiment behind it, in hoping that stupidity and obesity would decrease, but there is no way that will occur if we're just taxing citizens.
I'm talking specifically about the US now when I say the whole damned system needs upheaval. It's impossible to make people less stupid unless several different situational factors within a person's life can be altered. Sometimes a single factor alone is influential enough to encourage development of bad habits. This is slightly off topic, but our every day habits are literally ingrained into our brain. A specific pathway is created upon repetition of a certain habit for a certain period of time. Although you can create new pathways, you cannot erase them. I have no institutional knowledge of anything neurological, so I'm just speaking off of random articles I've read and a conversation with a therapist, but that one week you ate leftover halloween candy as a kid could determine whether or not that becomes an actual pathway that demands you eat that candy every day. Point is, poor decisions at any age for a somewhat short length of time can haunt you for the rest of your life. It makes things infinitely more difficult for people who start any kind of self destructive habit young.
I think we need to completely change how we approach the necessity of education. If you're poor, you most likely will deal with state education, and we probably have the worst standardized curriculum in the developed world.
I'm not obese or overweight, but I definitely have a sugar problem. That is definitely on me. I repeatedly make poor choices about how I spend money for food, spend money on other addictions, get cheap fast food instead of cheap regular food… I am a representation of the lack of responsibility. Although I think things need to happen on a higher level than taxing citizens, I believe health insurance companies are heralding the fight against lack of personal responsibility by using higher premiums on people who have pre-existing conditions, are obese, smoke, etc. That is, I suppose, one semi-reasonable solution that meets somewhere on the plane of punishment for obesity.
The problems do have solutions, but to see any real change it has to be ingrained into our systems rather than punishing people who have become a product of it.
No. 194238
>>194227Uh yes it is. I live in the best state in the USA (I think you can guess which one it rhymes with balifornia) and my abortion was 300$. And this was relatively recent
Red states are the fucking worst lol
Here's my taboo opinion: bomb the middle East and bomb the midwest /Bible belt/appalachians. Those people are stupid and will never learn. Fuck Republicans and libertarians
No. 194241
>>194235>breeders>crotchfruitHi, reddit
For the record, I don't have or want kids, I just think your bitterness is misplaced and you sound entirely too butthurt about something you know very little about.
No. 194243
>>194237I completely understand your point, but this is why I said more research is needed. From the (very limited) research I've done, the paedophilic urge seems to appear organically as sexual development happens. The majority of the people I spoke to had never been subjected to abuse, or viewed inappropriate material young, or any of the things people might assume about a paedophile. It seems to be some sort of legit sexual orientation for some people, which means "addressing the problem" kind of isn't an option, the same way you couldn't train yourself out of your sexual orientation.
Like I'm not saying for one second paedophilia is normal and should be accepted, but in order to understand and deal with it you have to remove the emotion and look at the facts. Biologically we have a sex drive so that we can procreate - so anything that isn't being sexually attracted to an adult of the opposite sex to yourself is kind of a biological fuck-up. Obviously the difference between being gay and being a paedo is that being gay doesn't hurt anybody, whereas paedophilia without exception ruins lives. In that instance, I think an outlet that doesn't ruin lives would be the preferable route. I completely agree that Tumblr communities that encourage widespread normalisation and acceptance of every fucking thing, damaging or not, are a huge problem though. DD/LG is a disgusting example of that.
(Obviously this is only relevant for non-offenders. People who are abusing kids seriously have a fucking problem to address, and it would be resolved with a gunshot to the head.)
No. 194249
>>194243Yeah I haven't studied anything about the biology behind even normal sex drives, so my post was just my own thoughts on the matter. I can understand the logic of helping non-offenders with their attraction by providing them with safer outlets but man oh man I don't like the thought of engaging that behaviour at all.
I've also though that with the content of the internet today, it's just so much easier for people to develop a paedophilic fetish through loli/shota whereas in an earlier time, when this material wouldn't be so easily available, they probably wouldn't have.
No. 194250
>>194159My male relatives are really attractive but the thought of anything incesty just feels instinctively repulsive. I don't know what it would be like if I'd meet them for the first time not knowing we're related but that's just too theoretical and absurd. I've heard of genetic sexual attraction and it's creepy stuff. I've always wondered about twins too since they're often incredibly close and I'm sure there's often some sexual experimenting when they're kids. Hell, even among regular siblings there is. People just don't talk about it but I suspect it's common.
Any farmers willing to admit the embarrassing shit they've done with siblings as kids? I remember some stuff that now seems a bit weird.
No. 194255
>>194251Fuck, alright. I was maybe 8? My bro is a bit younger. We were on holiday and sleeping in the same bed. At that age I was already into masturbating. I don't know what I said but I just kind of got him to pull down his pants and got on top of him. That memory is weird as fuck and I sure as hell hope he doesn't remember.
Nothing happened but shit, that seems fucked up now. Also there were some undressing games with a cousing and my brother.
In hindsight I feel like I was a sexually fucked up kid and I initiated a lot of stuff with other kids. I don't even know what's normal for kids anymore but I was never molested or anything. It's just that child sexuality is a complete taboo in our society.
No. 194257
>>194249I hear that. I don't like thinking about engaging that behaviour either, but there's plenty of behaviour going on in this world I'd rather not think about, haha! Tbh my motivation in understanding this is helping to reduce instances of child abuse, rather than feeling sorry for paedos.
I agree with that too. That argument has been made about many things that are becoming more visible today, largely thanks to the internet. There's even a recognised medical disorder now where people begin to show symptoms of illnesses they've found on the internet and have convinced themselves into. However I do believe that those "suggested paedos" are far far less likely to actually act on it - I think going from sanitised depictions of weirdly sexual children compared to real life kids would be a huge leap. Kind of like incels who threaten to rape women all the time but in reality are too scared to say hi to them. Totally get your point though!
No. 194258
>>194250Sex drive kicked in when I was about 8, and I definitely displayed some really inappropriate behaviour to other kids as a kid.
Never anything to my sibling though. Was one time where we kissed (completely normal closed-mouth) for a few seconds too long. Quickly realised and pulled away, but felt like a fucking child molester for ages after, despite it being completely unintentional. However she did mention it numerous times over the next few years, so clearly she had noticed my discomfort. Ugh. Child sexuality just makes things that were normal and innocent 10 seconds ago super awkward and weird!
No. 194260
>>194254>I think it often just comes down to availability and if there's that kid around all the time, running around in their panties or what have you, sometimes the fancy just strikes.Holy shit no. This is not normal, and I don't believe that it's common at all. No adult should have sexual thoughts when seeing a naked child, least of all a parent with their own child.
Your entire post comes across as really dismissive of incest. Have you had an experience that's made you think this way?
No. 194262
>>194257You make a good point about the leap into reality, and the incel comparison is a good example.
And >helping to reduce instances of child abuse
That's a great reason to be so involved with understanding paedophilia, good luck with any future studies!
Also can I just say holy shit, from the OP I was fully expecting this thread to become a shit pile but it's somehow one of the most composed we have.
No. 194264
>>194259Anon, I have some questions:
Do you think your brother remembers?
Has it ever been brought up between you two?
Do you have any other siblings?
How often do you think about it?
How did it affect your relationship with him?
Only child so I'm really curious about these kind of situations…
No. 194268
>>194266I knew the video game + violence comparison would come up when I typed that lol
I didn't mean to imply that loli/shota content converts people into paedophiles, what I meant was that I feel like it's (slowly) changing paedophilia from what was a disorder into a more acceptable fetish because of the communities that form around it, and that THAT has potential to encourage actual paedophiles into accepting their disorder as normal.
No. 194273
>>194266There isn't scientific proof no. But other anon has a point about normalisation; it's not going to turn a completely non-paedo adult full-paedo, but there is a potentially huge group of adults who find teens attractive - that much is proven by porn. If they were part of a community that normalised attraction to even younger children, who knows how many would be influenced like that?
I don't think anyone (apart from hysterical 40 year olds) thinks that video games turn the average person into a killer - but there's a reason why a lot of people who do kill were obsessed with violent video games and the like. It allowed them to become immersed in a world that normalised how they felt. Same goes for this.
I do agree with you in essence that an image doesn't make someone a paedo, real or drawn, as is stated in my comments above. But, as this hasn't been researched, none of us can say how influential normalisation actually is.
No. 194277
>>194250One time I "kissed" my older brother on the mouth when I was about 5 and he was around 7. I remember he was furious and told on me like what I'd done was absolutely reprehensible. He screamed for my mom and when she ran in the room and asked what was wrong he haughtily went, "She
kissed me." I was actually trying to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation because he was playing dead as a joke, but I was too humiliated to explain myself.
Also when I was ~5 and my little brother was ~3, I poked his wiener because I thought it was funny looking and it made us both laugh. That's about as bad as it ever got. I was sexually abused before then so I'm shocked I never did anything weirder than that.
No. 194278
>>194262Sexual attraction and sexuality is such a huge spectrum, and there's plenty of disgusting but essentially harmless behaviour out there. Saying all of this, there has been an alarming increase in child porn/child sex slavery, so maybe you're more correct with your points than we know. If only people would research it…! Thanks for the well wishes, hopefully with honest and rational discussion we can make a difference. :)
Haha I know right! I do love it when people can get together and not bitch/shitpost.
No. 194305
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>>194260Oh my sweet summer child.
Research suggest only 10% of all child molesters (prepubescent children meaning below the age of around 14) are actual pedophiles.
Pedophilia is closely defined to
only it primarily become sexually aroused by actual children.
Most of The child molesters are just degenerate fucks that take advantage of children when they are able to.
>"It is very important for the public to understand that most child molesters are not pedophiles," Finkelhor told me over the phone. "[Many people] have the impression, when you talk about someone being a pedophile, that they have a permanent and unalterable sexual interest in children and, therefore, they are going to be dangerous under any circumstances and under any form of management—and that's not true," he says, adding that pedophiles constitute a minority of those who sexually abuse children, or who are child molesters.http://bfy.
No. 194325
>>194305lol what is this post
>>194307Only 10% of murderers are actual killers!!!
No. 194336
>>194305I agree with this post. Many child abusers aren't actually paedophiles, or if they are then their sexual interest range does extend into normal adult ranges. The reason that they act on it is almost never motivated by a desire to "love children" (as per the definition of paedo-philia), it's a desire to hurt and control them. Anyone who actually loves kids could never ever do that to them, which is potentially why this number is so low.
In the group I spoke to, around half were "exclusive" (only interested in children) and around half said their range extended from actual child to adult (one specifided "ages 6-60").
I would disagree with defining paedos as being at least primarily interested in children though. What makes you say that? Do you not think that any interest in a child of 12 would make you a paedo, primary or otherwise?
No. 194342
>>194336Most pedophiles don't "love" kids, which is why hurtcore CP (and arguably, CP itself) exists. They're just attracted to them.
I also don't understand how a child molester is not a pedophile.
>"I know I diddled that kid, but I'm not actually even attracted to kids, officer. No sexual interest whatsoever. Scout's honor." No. 194344
>>194342Have you read any of the other comments on this thread about this topic? A lot of paedophiles actually do love kids, which is why they don't abuse them. There are a scary amount of non-offending paedophiles who work with children so that they can be around them in a neutral environment.
Because they're sexually aroused by hurting vulnerable individuals. Their behaviour, once they have molested a child, is paedophilic, but they aren't paedophiles per se. Just like you can engage in homosexual behaviour a few times in your life without being homosexual. Something like 97% of convicted child molesters were abused (physically/sexually/emotionally) as children, and the damage that causes seems to be way more likely to motivate them to abuse than an actual sexual desire for children.
But I will say, for the 4398674586th time, there's very little research available on this subject because the only people that society treats as paedophiles are convicted child abusers. There are potentially millions out there who never lay a finger on a kid, and it's them we actually need to study.
No. 194345
>>194342Child molester can chose kids as targets because they are easy to threaten, easy to overpower and seen as less risky than abusing an adult.
Those predators are not interested by kids because they look like kids, they just want an easy prey. They can abuse just as much vulnerable adults (mentally retarded adults or runaway late teens for example).
No. 194346
>>194345This comment, exactly.
>>194342There is actually a documentary out there from a guy who is a non-offending paedophile, where he talks about how he wishes he could engage in a full romantic relationship with a child - build a home with them, get married, like you would as an adult.
In order to make CP, someone has to be willing to abuse kids. As has been mentioned in this thread, it's not usually actual paedophiles who are willing to do this - although I imagine sex tourism to the East will be changing this pretty rapidly, as it "removes" them from potential consequences.
All theoretical though. People seriously need to set their opinions and emotions on this aside so some real research can be done to help reduce child abuse.
No. 194368
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>>194320I kind of agree. I think it's only fair to explore and "colonise" space when we fix the Earth first. Like a Rendevouz with Rama kinda scenario kek
>>194315Holy shit, Onion made to this thread!
>>194282Speaking of Onion, yeah, I 100% agree with this. Where I live is completely frowned upon, unless the (usually) child actually needs it. The only two dudes I know that have had it needed because of medical reasons. I can't understand how some people over the US are still arguing that cut dicks have benefits.
>>194250Holy shit, you just brought back some memories from when I was like 5~7 and my older sisters (they are twins and 3 years older) were talking about kissing and kind of "made" (I don't know how to put it in to words, like they didn't pressure us, they just encouraged, but they were and are dumb as shit so I don't know if they knew what they were actually doing) me and my brother french kiss, of course we were just toddlers and didn't know what and how to do it, but just remembering it makes my neck hair crawl. Holy shit.
No. 194397
I think people are too happy to assume certain things, or trust what they've been told. I'd rather be seen as a rambling conspiracy theorist who autistically stays on top of things and is constantly connecting dots (so they're never actually surprised when something really fucked up comes to light) than someone who just assumes they're not being lied to on a constant basis (so they have their entire world shattered when the truth comes out).
I came to this conclusion after reading this really fucked up article on Australia earlier today.;dr: Asylum seekers who go to Australia for a better life are sent off to offshore detention centers that violate every human right. The Australian government literally covered this up, and it's (supposedly) illegal to speak about it. The only reason it came out is because someone from the inside leaked these files to The Guardian.
>The reports range from a guard allegedly grabbing a boy and threatening to kill him once he is living in the community to guards allegedly slapping children in the face. In September 2014 a teacher reported that a young classroom helper had requested a four-minute shower instead of a two-minute shower. “Her request has been accepted on condition of sexual favours. It is a male security person. She did not state if this has or hasn’t occurred. The security officer wants to view a boy or girl having a shower.”Not even children are exempt from abusive treatment. If things like this can go on in the world and remain a secret in this "era" (2014-2017), is anything really off the table? It's why I don't joke about Pizzagate and only outright reject the stupidest of conspiracy theories (eg flat earth theory). We really don't know shit. It's scary.
No. 194417
>>194408I'm sorry but North America just sounds so fucking screwed up. If doctors here tried to make claims like that loads of organisations would be out in force MAKING them tell the truth.
>>194413It's actually a pretty common practice in many places outside the US, thanks to religious/cultural practices: Interesting how evidence supposedly supports that circumcision reduces the chance of HIV infection. Wonder if that's the same for female circumcision?
No. 194419
>>194417North America -is- fucking screwed up, especially medicine, we have fucking prescription drug brand commercials here. I used to work for an insurance company and doctors have suck messed up policies, alot of them get paid more just to make things seem worse than they are, or do things like do surgeries/prescribe medicine when it's not necessary rather than do nothing. We also have opioid problems because doctors just throw hard pain medicine at everyone and everything.
>>194413People in the US get called crazy for being against circumcision, men get made fun of for being unhappy about it being forced onto them and people act like their child's penis is 100% their own decision, screaming and yelling at people who tell them the facts. No wonder we have so many angry male shooters here.
No. 194446
>>194336>I would disagree with defining paedos as being at least primarily interested in children though. What makes you say that? Do you not think that any interest in a child of 12 would make you a paedo, primary or otherwise?What makes me say that is the official definition of pedophilia.
Im 10% Anon from above. The number can actually be higher depending on the study, but as far as I remember the majority was always non-pedophile.
Is molesting a child less atrocious if the person doing so is not a pedophile per se but just a selfish disturbed piece of shit and an excuse of a human being? I don't think so, quite the contrary.
You can disagre with an official definition but that doesn't make it less valid. Preference for older children from around 10-12 to 15 is called hebephilia btw, sexual preference to mid and late adolescents is called ephebophilia.
No. 194457
>>194159i think incest is fucking disgusting and hate it, i dont like it in fictional media but at least with that i know it isnt real. i dont care about it in porn and pass it off as a weird fetish thing and just avoid it.
>>194181i dont understand this thinking since there will always be more oxygen, its a cycle. and sure they dont really contribute anything anymore but they are just regular people living their lives
>>194216im more pro-abortion than anything else. unwanted children should not exist in the first place, and abortion should be the very first thing suggested to women feeling unsure, there is also no point getting attached to it, the fetus has no personality. i also think if you know your child will be disabled you should abort it, what good is a life full of suffering?
>>194220you cant control how smart people are, no matter what there will always be 'stupid people' even if societies intelligence as a whole was higher all that would happen is that what we consider intelligent now would just be considered average.
obesity isnt something that happens willingly so theres no point in trying to change that, and they dont really impact the world that much, so my opinion is the same as my old people one
>>194282i am anti-circumcision and any type of unnecessary modification of young childrens bodies, such as piercing your babys ears, and modifying the genitalia of intersex babies
No. 194464
>>194158Eurofag here. I've always been accepting and a tad liberal but the recent attacks and the muslims attitude towards it is slowly making me racist. I'm tired of muslims putting the priority on how THEY're represented when people died. I'm tired of all the "moderate" muslims who still chime in and imply there's some conspiracy going on because "no one is too dumb to leave their ID behind". Tired of my colleague subtly trying to imply freedom of speech should be limited because it hurts their feefees. Tired of seeing them, as whole, post a ton of stuff and videos about Palestine and anti-racism stuff but never aknowledging the wrongdoings of their religion extremists.
Let me tell you, the muslim community is the most racist one and I think americans don't realize because they don't have huge communities like us. They have the biggest victim mentality ever for stuff that happened decades and decades ago. It's like if we went to Germany, failed something and blamed the nazis for doing us wrong in WW2.
No. 194474
>>194419Wtf. Every single day I become more grateful that I wasn't born in the US. It just seems like such a mess of a society. No offence to any NA anons here!
>>194446Okay, I'm asking you why you support that definition then. Would you not think that anyone who showed any sexual interest ever in a child is a paedophile? Or if it was just "one time" would you not think that? That position seems the direct opposite to your disbelief that child molesters don't have to be paedophiles.
I don't actually think I've ever said that not being a paedophile makes abusing kids less atrocious, because clearly that isn't true? Please quote the statement I made in which I said that. My only reason for making that point is that studying child abusers doesn't necessarily get us closer to understanding (and therefore attempting to treat) paedophilia. It would be like blaming cigarettes for every single case of cancer ever, and so only examining them in an attempt to stop it - you might get a few, but you definitely won't get most!
I'm completely aware of the different definitions as I've studied this. Most people don't know the difference, so I'm using a universally-recognised term for ease. Are you trying to sound condescending? Because there's really no need.
If anyone is actually interested: the recognised categories are actually 0-3, 4-7, 8-10, 11-14, and 15-19. The first 3 categories are generally collectively referred to as "paedophilia", although the first 2 are also referred to collectively as "infantophilia". The last 2 are "hebephilia" and "ephebephilia" respectively.
No. 194505
>>194457I agree almost 100% with you.
BTW, I never understood the drama of miscarriages. Especially early ones, like one to two months. Like… Just make another baby? You never even met they in the first place, how can one become so attached to an idea? I don't know, I just roll my eyes when people cry about their early misscarriage on shows and stuff. I don't know if I am too heartless.
No. 194511
>>194505As somebody who suffered an ectopic pregnancy, and resultant forced miscarriage, of a very much wanted baby at 4 weeks, I can assure you that it has very little to do with actually meeting someone.
You go through physical changes even at 4-8 weeks, especially in regards to your hormones, and you have to go through the physical process (and pain) of bleeding out knowing that you're losing the child you potentially could have had - which is magnified if you had been trying for ages to get pregnant, or really wanted the baby. It can even cause disassociative problems where you struggle to see your body as not being a "traitor", if you will, for not doing "what it's meant to do" and causing you so much unwanted physical pain and mental anguish. In my case, I ended up in hospital being pumped with painkillers because the zygote was expanding in my fallopian tube, then had to choose to abort my baby with Methotrexate in order to save my own life. I then bled heavily for 2 weeks straight, which meant putting my normal life on hold just so I could lay there and lose a child I really wanted. It was fucking shit.
Like, I don't think you're heartless, I just think you - like many others - have over-simplified a situation that is far from simple. I'm now 12 weeks pregnant, and I have battling anxiety all the way through because I've been terrified I will have to go through that all over again, in one way or another.
It's the people who get dram about chemical pregnancies that do me in. Like, you only knew because you're obsessively testing and the hormonal change in your body was there for less than a week? It's not even long enough to get symptoms or be classed as an actual miscarriage.
/sage for blogpost answer
No. 194534
>>194464Another Eurofag and I completely agree with you. I was a feminist before all of this intersectional bullshit and I remember other feminists talking about how disgraceful places like Africa and Saudi Arabia were for FGM, a lack of education for young girls, for enforcing buquas/niqabs on women, spreading misinformation about sex ed, arranged marriages, breast ironing, not having enough female politicians etc. The general idea among groups I was a part of was that every culture (without exception) was opressive towards women in some way and religion was heavily keeping women down. The country I'm from is mainly Catholic and my feminist friends despised the Catholic church for their attrocities towards women and children.
Then at some point the Tumblr "intersectional" feminism became popular and a lot of groups I was a part of embraced the trendy change. I got in trouble with people I knew for years for saying that I didn't feel comfortable with trans women being in my bathrooms, that Islam is opressive towards women, that I don't see a problem with "cultural appropriation" as long as its respectful and not done out of mockery. Now some religions and cultures get a pass for having misogynistic customs while I'm supposed to direct my hate towards western customs and religions. I blame Americans for being really ignorant on world cultures, seeing them as ~exotic~ and religions for seeing them as untouchable, never to be questioned because
gasp no you can't ask that, that's their RELIGION.
I befriended a lot of muslims while growing up who seemed really cool (although had strict parents but hey, so did I so I could relate) but as they grew older (and epsecially recently) became more and more radical. A surprising amount of my female muslim friends have been married off by their parents and whisked away to the Middle East. People who once were happy to answer questions about the Quran or practises now snap at people and call them ignorant. I noticed women who never wore the hijab before wearing it in response to recent events (which confuses me, I never wear a cross in solidarity with the priests when they molest children or with the nuns after they find murdered babies in a mass grave…why do terrorist attacks inspire pride in these people??). My old friends whinge about the "discrimination" they face and how racist white people are while never speaking out against terrorist attacks (or if they do it's just to say #notallmuslims).
The terror attacks in London and Paris recently have made me sick to my stomach. Also, the recent scandal of the Saudi Arabian football team ruining the minute of silence for the two Australian women (obviously because they're women but we can't say that because we can't generalise~) I want this scum out of my country. Terrorist sympathisers only inspire more terrorists so the mosques that they gather in should be shut down. To think a future terrorist could be happily attending a mosque near me enrages me. Ramadan should be fucking banned if this is how they celebrate. If this was a European custom that was considered "
problematic" it would be shut down so fast.
Yes, I'm mad.
No. 194546
>>194534As another Eurofag I compeltely agree with you, at first I was very strongly agreeing to help the people who need shelter, even with knowing the risks, but seeing consequences, made me change my mind. We can't help others at the expense of our own people.
I know not all muslims are like that, but the threat is real and in this case it's stupid to take risks…
No. 194550
>>194534I can't fucking stand Islam, I can't even stand my own church but that trainwreck of a religion takes the cake. And we're openly encouraging it because
>condemning Islam only gives them propaganda fuel!Yet they had no problem condemning another prominent terrorist group in the 70s, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.
I don't even care if I sound racist anymore, I was born into a heavily segregated society and I'm not going to fucking stand for another religious piss up happening on top of it, those wankstains can't keep dragging out the muh colonialism/racism/Islamophobia card for much longer before the world gets fed up.
What's scaring me is how enthusiastic some people are about shutting down any opposing arguments solely on account of most conservative parties' political leaders being unedumacated ol thickos. Obviously I don't support them, but I don't think we should be letting those people walk all over us no matter what the yanks say.
No. 194553
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>>194550Being against immigration and Islam is probably the one thing I agree with Trump on.
No. 194559
>>194534Sadly this is 100% how I feel. Recent SJW feminists direct all of their hate on any western establishment, and while honestly I'm neither for christianity involved in our country, it's possibly one of the least
problematic religion in Europe.
Now they brand covered muslimas as the "true feminists" when those girls just enjoy the freedom of Europe. It's much more easier to start wearing a hijab when you know you won't be in any danger to take it off.
I'm tired of us bending backward to avoid looking like racists to our peers when it's obvious that some of their culture/religion is plain retarded and savage. Pixellating women's hair in magazines, censoring the mere sight of a woman in a advertisement or simply treating them like second class citizens. Not even talking about how they treat gays there, which is what baffles me the most about SJWs defending them.
No. 194567
>>194563Nah, I agree. I moved to the main capital of my country and will not even stop walking in the subway for someone asking for directions.
Outside of subway stations I'll answer that if it's old people or female only pairs.
No. 194568
>>194512>I don't know if you know this, but babies have heartbeats at 6/7 weeks.A heartbeat doesn't denote life. Maybe that's why people don't feel so bad pulling the plugs on mentally absentee vegetables.
I'd feel way more attached knowing I'd be losing a fetus with a fully developed brain and a capacity to feel pain. And way more distraught over a fetus in the second trimester compared to a zygote in the first.
No. 194613
>>194568I don't think I said that I only felt attached to my baby because I believed a heartbeat made it alive? I'm not one of those "it has cells therefore it's equal to a living human" pro-life twats. I'm just trying to explain, in my own experience: if it's a wanted child and you see it's heartbeat, an attachment forms. It's a biological necessity so that you will go through pregnancy and raise the next lot of humans.
And that's completely your deal, if you think that's how you'd feel (although until you've been there, you really don't know for sure). Like, maybe try reading what I said before you get edgelord about it.
No. 194618
>>194613It wasn't an edgy reply, it was the truth. Your previous post made it seem like you were placing emphasis on a heartbeat as the reason why you thought something was alive ergo important to you. The 'biological necessity' is purely hormones.
Also way to assume nobody else who feels that way hasn't been pregnant before..
No. 195579
>>194457I find that usually people who say 'disabled people's lives are full of suffering' don't know what the fuck they're talking about and have little to no experience of working with the disabled.
The disabled people I've worked with are some of the happiest, cheerful and emotionally complex people I've ever met. Yes ofc there are disabilities that cause tremendous pain and suffering, but there are thousands of disabilities that don't, and if you're talking about down's syndrome or disabilities like that, rarely is there much pain or 'suffering' involved.
Also there are tons of people with really severe depression and they 'suffer' tremendously, probably a lot more than many physically disabled people. Are you suggesting they be culled too? All humans have a survival instinct, so no, it's not normal to encourage or promote suicide or killing people, because it goes against basic human instinct.
There have been stories where people who have been molested have been provided with euthanasia. There was a dude who found out he was gay, but really didn't want to BE gay, so with his doctors help, he was approved for using legal euthanasia.
And don't forget Dignitas makes $10,000 from every person who chooses to use their clinics. It's all about money-making for them. Dignitas isn't helping people commit suicide to 'ease suffering', they're doing it to make money, it's as simple as that.
Also, I question if many people who choose euthanasia really do so out of their own free will, or if they have been pressured or guilt tripped by family/society into feeling like a burden.
No. 195603
>>195579Despite working with people who have a disability I wouldn't want a child who had one.
I think they are a bunch of work and sure you can send them to group homes when they are old enough so they'll be more independent (if that's possible not everyone can live in certain group homes).
Some are really clingy and I would hate if that happens.
I don't think they should be aborted just because they have a disabillity though. If you don't have enough money or emotional support to do ot then fine.
But people who have a disabillity are still having a good life (of course not all of them).
Like srsly some people you will meet are the sweetest so I agree with you that people who say smth like that were probably never around them.
(Also they have jobs too so they contribute something to society and they are making jobs by having caretakers)
No. 195614
>>195579my post is not judgemental of existing people, people who are already fat, old, disabled, stupid etc. all i think is 'well what can you do?'
i focus more on life that is yet to be brought into the world, things like autism, down syndrome and other harmless disabilities still make it hard on the person and the people around them, thats just the truth. my point is that i dont want unwanted children to exist (at least in first world countries where we have a choice) if you know having to cater to a special needs child will make you resent it abort it.
No. 195615
>>195614Of course you're entitled to your opinion but I disagree. It's not as simple as saying 'just abort it'.
Some disabilities are not detectable in the womb. Some disabilities such as cerebral palsy, paralysis etc occur during birth or through accidents or trauma. And of course, more and more kids are getting cancer and leukaemia these days due to environmental factors. There are no guarantees when it comes to health. It's a very fragile thing.
I think a better alternative is 'if you don't want a disabled kid, you probably shouldn't have kids.' Because there are no guarantees in life that you will have a healthy child even if you use prenatal screening.
No. 195636
>>195634My taboo opinion is I think people who can't raise children shouldn't have them.
People don't have to raise the kids other people couldn't take care of. Their choice if they ruined their kid's life, not other people.
No. 195638
>>195636Ofc I'm all for abortion. Like disused in this thread I would rather a dumb teen mom abort than giving her kid a shitty life.
But for those people who "don't believe in it" and end up putting their kid up for adoption.
And of course all the women in third world countries that end up having to give up their kid.
So then the people who are making a conscious to have kids, there's not really a good reason to not adopt and give those unwanted children a chance of a better life and love.
No. 195644
>>195634They want a blood relative, simple. I hate the "there are millions of kids already so selfish" argument, it's stupid. I don't want someone else's kid, I want to raise my own. If I'm in a position to support a child, it doesn't make me less of a parent to choose to give birth.
Fuck off with that adoption > birth horseshit
No. 195685
>>194216I only support abortion because it kills more black and hispanic babies than it does white babies.
Demographically it results in an increase of white children.
No. 195689
I've had an abortion. I support abortion 100%, and would support anybody going through the experience. But women who have never had to go through the experience need to STFU about how people who have had abortions really feel. Whenever I hear people go on about how "People with abortions don't even feel bad!" It reminds me of those super religious people that say all women who have had abortions regret it and want to kill themselves. I'm not a sobbing wreck in my daily life, but dammit, sometimes I just want to have a good cry about the whole situation. But if you ever try to shed some emotion on the subject, you hear the same thing. "It was just a clump of cells! What is there to even cry about?" TBH, I feel like some of the more militant feminist wished they could have had an abortion just so they could soak up the attention they get from their ~choice~ and one up their fellow women.
I also think people look past the fucking traumatic experience that an adoption can be for a woman. Everybody always talks about how shitty the childs life would be, or how hard it is to adopt for adoptive parents. But why does everybody not talk about how depressing it would be to carry your baby for 9 months, go through a hard birth, and then leaving the hospital empty handed? And then sure, that first year you get pictures when the baby is all cute, but slowly the parents get busy with their lives and if you are lucky you can an update once a year. The kid will never call you mom, will never know you as mom, and some other woman will get all those hug and kisses. And then you've got your whole family seeing you pregnant, knowing you are going to give it up, so your pregnancy can't even really be a happy thing or be celebrated like it would be if you were keeping the kid. And everybody just knows you gave up your kids. I could never go through all of that.
No. 195693
>>195689TLDR: Being a slut has consequences.
When women get too much power they cheat on their husbands, cause >50% divorce rate, destroy the family structure, and murder their own babies.
Unless it was rape or some really serious birth-defect, I (and most of society) will never feel bad for a slut who makes bad sexual decisions, then gets pregnant and kills her kid.
You as a young female get to select almost whatever guy you want, but you don't fuck the nice guy, you
decide to get pumped and dumped, then get pregnant and kill your kid.
A 14 year old girl can't consent to sex for the same reasons that a 25 year old woman can't consent to sex.
Women are too stupid and childish to control something like sexual selection, that's why historically the father decided who got to have her virginity. You're still "given away" by the father in marriage today, although it's a meaningless tradition now.
Enjoy the destruction of western civilization, largely caused by feminism. Allowing women to have political/social power was the single biggest mistake that caused the most harm to western civilization. Women themselves were happier living in a patriarchal society.
No. 195699
I instantly judge overweight people depending on how they present themselves. If you are overweight and wearing badly fitted clothes or bad hair I will assume you to be a pathetic lazy person that hates yourself but that well presented fat people bravely made the choice to be #bodypositive and it doesn't reflect their personalities. It's classist and a double standard because I don't care about badly presented slim or chubby people but the pattern usually fits
>>195697He fucked it. There was plenty of material in
>>195689 to write a subtlety undermining post but instead of keeping his hate boner in his pants he went off a tangent at the red pill deep end
No. 195720
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>>195705Ding ding ding. I'm sick of parents acting like such fucking martyrs when people have been mothers and fathers for the entirety of our species.
I don't deny that it's hard but you signed up for it, dudes. You're not some beacon of selflessness for doing something that most of the world already did/also does.
There are some amazing parents out there, of biological and adopted kids alike. It's the mombies and daddicts I can't stand.
No. 195730
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>>195729>samefagAnd this shaming of people who don't want to adopt retarded and down syndrome kids - what the fuck?
If I wanted a pet I would adopt a pet, at least a dog want grow up to be a nasty old man who still drools, shits his pants on purpose when angry and can physically abuse me.
No. 195731
>>195705> I don't want to eat someone's leftovers, I want to make my own meal> I don't want to live with someone else, I want my own house> I don't want to wear second hand clothes, I want to buy my own> I don't want to take public transport, I want my ow car> WooOw that's so selfish!!Anon are you barren and jealous of those who can havr kids? Seriously though, we clearly disagree and neither of us will convince the other.
I think it's selfish to have or adopt a kid if you're not committed. I also think people who preach that happy couples raising their own children are selfish, couples whose only obligation to children that they have literally no connection to is coming fron YOUR own moral views, have no concept of what selfishness is.
No. 195734
>>195733Your ideal world wouldn't result in diversity. It would be the exact opposite.
It would take all the races, and all the cultures, and mix them together. They will all be brown muts, racial purity of all races would be destroyed.
Their cultures will be destroyed and replaced by the same capitalistic, consumerist, degenerate western culture that you worship.
White people would quickly become a minority, but I guess they still wouldn't be allowed to have to 2 children? You did say "certain" minorities.
You advocate for the genocide of all races and cultures, especially white people. As ironic as it is, you're anti-diversity. When you die and face judgment God will punish you, along with all the other feminists.
(racebaiting and reddit spacing) No. 195737
>>195736Globally white people are already a small minority.
On a worldwide scale, white people are now an oppressed minority. Non-white foreigners are flooding their land and out-breeding them. They face shrinking demographics in Europe, their native homeland. The feminist/liberal conditioning for white people to accept racial suicide and loss of homeland as a positive thing is an act of genocide.
>>195735That is nonsensical in response to what I wrote. I assume you don't have the cognitive ability to read and understand my post.
No. 195738
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>>195731I don't even like children, but comparing an orphan to leftovers? Sheesh.
No. 195746
>>195742This is proof the female mind is comparable to a lesser animal. Niggers suffer from the same condition.
Extreme short-sightedness, inability to consider or care about long-term consequences.
"Who cares about pollution? That won't really matter for centuries".
>>195743Don't be so sensitive. My point is, if it isn't selfish to want to make your own food when there's already food out there going to waste, why is it selfish to want to experience child birth, creating life with your partner, connecting with a human you both made?
If you want to adopt, go the fuck for it. I disagree with trying to label people who don't want to selfish, rather, the people who having kids with no intention of keeping them are truly selfish.
No. 195751
Why the fuck do I even try using this site on my phone
No. 195755
>>195748You're still comparing orphans to food
Holy shit anon. You can say it's your biologic imperative to reproduce and you're not civilized enough not to give in to it. It's fine. Just fucking accept it's a selfish thing to do.
>b-but my food comparison!If there was a way to easily get leftovers that weren't disgusting/past expiration date I'd happily eat nothing but leftovers.
If you really want to make that comparison, orphans are the not-disgusting sundae mc donald's threw away because they put the wrong ice cream and they can't give it away for free and are required to dispose of.
No. 195758
>>195755>>195755Curious to know if you think you're parents are selfish for having you?
I would label the people who don't eat the food they buy selfish, like people who have children they don't want are selfish. My comparison isn't to equate food to humans, it was to point out that it's not selfish of someone to want their own anything if they are capable and willing, just because the world already has them.
Selfishness comes from choosing to do something and then passing on the responsibility. Having a kid you don't have any intention of keeping. Making food you have no intention of eating. Clearly the comparison was badly done, but I'm coming off an 18 hour shift so I can't find it in me to give a shit.
>You can say it's your biologic imperative to reproduce and you're not civilized enough not to give in to it. It's fine. Just fucking accept it's a selfish thing to do.Shit, I also socialise and fuck as per my biologic imperative, how selfish of me.
No. 195760
>>195731>"I don't want leftover children someone else didn't want."Lol, even most barren women don't think this low about children. They're people too with feelings just like yours anon. They're not used clothes, or public transport.
Also 'selfishness' isn't to say something is entirely bad. One could argue I'm selfish because I use a gas powered car and live in an apartment and therefore I don't care about the environment because someone else bikes everywhere and lives in a biodegradable hut. Yes, I'm 'selfish' but it's not a crime and it's not uncommon.
Having your own kids to pass down your genetics IS selfish when there are others in need of love and support, but it's not a crime and understandable. You need to calm down.
No. 195762
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>>195746>"Who cares about pollution? That won't really matter for centuries".Lmao we have that dumb fat fuck 45 trying to bring back the damn COAL industry, and you're trying to imply only brown people don't care about pollution and are short-sighted? Fuck you, the difference is us whiteys usually are motivated by greed, whereas brown people are just trying to get by with the resources they have. The former is the greater of the two evils because fatso the clown should know better but chooses to ignore it.
No. 195763
>>195762>and you're trying to imply only brown people don't care about pollution and are short-sighted?That's not what I said. It was just an example of similar logic. She was saying
"Who cares about white people dying? That won't really matter for centuries".
Any female who says this deserves to get thrown into a majority-black city on foot with no cell-phone or money. Like this girl: Cops let her out on foot in a black area of Chicago, got gang-raped by niggers, and jumped out a 7-story window to get away
Any white female promoting the death of the white race deserves to be exiled to chocolate city.
No. 195764
>>195763She's right, it won't matter. And neither will you or your feelings about the white race because you will be dead. It will be up to future generations to decide what's important to them on this planet, and if the white race isn't, then so be it. The same with the phasing out of puritanical religion.
Prepare your ghost anus.
No. 195765
>>195763tbh I agree with your sentiment on the white race but please get your misogynistic male ass out of here
>>195764>It will be up to future generations to decide what's important to themThat doesn't make any sense desu
That's what generations prior probably thought too, and we are the future ones. We have a say on it
My taboo opinion is that eugenics is necessary and people shouldn't be allowed to just breed whenever they want with whoever they want
No. 195766
>>195764>neither will you or your feelings about the white race because you will be deadIt already effects me, it has effected me since before I was born. It's a huge problem right now.
At the current rate, it will be really bad in just 30 years, white feminists wearing hijabs, and I'll probably still be alive.
>>195765I love women.
No. 195770
>>195765>That doesn't make any sense desuMakes perfect sense, it's an uncomfortable truth.
>We have a say it onWho's "we"?
Yeah, you and a vocal minority may think passing on whitey genes is important, but a large portion of our generation don't think so. That's the point, and we're not wrong just because you happen to value it more.
>>195766>white feminists wearing hijabsVery doubtful, fear monger.
No. 195771
>>195770I didn't say you were wrong, just that I dislike it. And I said "we" as in the current generation has a say on it.
tbh the social justice bullshit is going so far I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a second hitler in response to it, this one justified by all the white guilt nonsense and muslim assholes
No. 195778
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People Who Are Concerned Citizens
>feminists will wear hijabs
>children forced to suppress their gender expression
>cuck society
>black people out-breeding white people
>white genocide
>crimes against humanity = interracial breeding
>evil muslims taking over the world
>public stonings for being straight and white
I hate you stupid reactionaries drinking the kool-aid. I'm sure someone reply in a condescending fashion about how librul i am and how I'm dooming all women to sex slavery and uncircumcised dick and all our delicious white culture will be ravaged by african spices and halal meat
fuck you crazy nuts
No. 195780
>>195778Thanks for pointing that out, would have never guessed you're a raging sand nigger liberal.
Have fun getting bombed then.
No. 195798
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>>195780you sound like a confused and wounded animal
No. 195833
>>195614How much socialization do you currently get? Because I'm reading this and seeing myself when I was more or less a NEET cocoon.
>>194534>which confuses me, I never wear a cross in solidarity with the priests when they molest children or with the nuns after they find murdered babies in a mass grave…why do terrorist attacks inspire pride in these people??lmao are you seriously trying to spin it like that?
>Also, the recent scandal of the Saudi Arabian football team ruining the minute of silence for the two Australian women (obviously because they're women but we can't say that because we can't generalise~) Flip the situation around and imagine how the parties would react if any arab muslims expected people from western countries to hold their equivalent of minute of silence for middle east drone casualties.
>>194464>decades and decades agoThe rest of your post I can sympathize with but this makes me think you're retarded. Western countries have been continuously fucking shit up in the middle east since over a century ago to the very present. And do you seriously not know how so many of these people became radicalized in the most recent decade?
>>194575>>194550>Islam is truly an evil belief >I can't fucking stand IslamAnd there it is, "it's the religion's fault". Y'all are fucking stupid.
I shouldn't fault you guys for having a strong dislike of Muslims after experiencing dozens of terrorist attacks but seeing you guys attempt to justify and embed logic in your own ignorance and hatred here is hilarious and sad. If terrorist attacks ever happen near me and I come to hate muslims I hope that at least I'll know that my hatred is irrational.
>>195634By now I'm thinking this thread is full of 15 year olds who have no idea how people and society work.
No. 195845
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>>195827I think I'm becoming aware of how much time I spend on websites like lolcow, 4chan, and reddit. So many lolshitskin posts everywhere, and any attempt to voice solidarity with non-radical non-violent people is drowned out by people angrily pointing at the huge flood of terror attacks happening in Europe. I suppose my voicing of this criticism on this branch of the internet is considered taboo, because I am also sick of preaching the "understand the other side, come to a compromise" bullshit. I am not compromising with people who refer to other human beings as shitskins, and think that their condescending hatred of other people for not subscribing to their short-sighted beliefs is annoying and pathetic.
>>195833Your last point resonates with me. It's hard to voice the opinion "not all muslims, not all people, not all etc." when you literally have carnage and run over bodies strewn across the news every day. But I still feel that way. The more that we look at these attacks and let it color our perception of an entire group of people, the worse it will be. No, we're not letting the terrorists win or whatever bullshit people spout when these kinds of tragedies happen, but we are subscribing to the same vein of hate they are. No, people who hate Muslims / Middle Eastern people aren't doing the equivalent of ISIS attacks, but the hateful ideology that allows you to dehumanize an entire society is what makes them alike.
Your fear and hate will ruin us. You stupid bastards. The worst part is, they do literally nothing to enhance the communities around them, but complain about how other people have ruined them. Go out there and fucking improve people's lives then - oh wait, you just want to sit around and complain about towelheads all day. You're so smart and cool. Please link me to more conservative wordpress blogs that prove me wrong. They're totally legit.
No. 195872
>>194220I actually completely agree. It is also about economics. A lot of our paycheck goes toward health care for people who choose to be unhealthy. If people started getting taxed when they reached a really high weight, it would force people to be healthier or take responsibility for their health choices. I also think your annual health exam should determine how much you pay for health care. If you got dealt a shit hand in the health department, that's one thing you can't help, but I am so sick of how people who choose to be unhealthy (whether it be weight or overdoing it with drugs/alcohol) just keep fucking their bodies up and take no responsibility for themselves.
I also agree you should have to pass a test in order to get a license to have kids, just like a car. And I think there should also either be a limit on how many kids you can have since overpopulation is such a big problem.
Extra edge: I think we should stop eating beef, pork, and chicken, since it would be better for 1. People, 2. The environment, 3. Our economics, and 4. Animal cruelty.
I'm not even vegan or straight edge but fuck, there needs to be some rules in place for people to be more responsible for themselves.
No. 195874
>>195872>A lot of our paycheck goes toward health care for people who choose to be unhealthy. Depends where you live. In the US this is not necessarily the case.
For those who are poor enough to need Medicaid and those who are old and need Medicare. Or if you were born unhealthy, you collect disability and SSI from the start. Other than that, no, not a god damn soul pays for anyone else's healthcare unbeknownst to them and it's wrong to be taxed for something nobody else is technically paying for.
I'll agree that we should tax overweight people the day health insurance plans cover gym memberships and subsidize healthy food. Kind of like we do with smokers and alcoholics who want to get better via patches, pills, and therapies.
We're not doing enough as a country to counteract obesity and obviously talk hasn't helped.
No. 195875
>>194563I'm going to sound like a shit person but I think it giving money to homeless people should be illegal, mainly in big cities. I live in the same state as you and it just enables them. I know… a lot about the homeless, unfortunately, since some of my work involves them, and they take advantage of the system all the time. So many turn down housing, job, therapy, and education opportunities on purpose and just keep making terrible choices, fueling their addictions.
Extra shitty of me but I wish cities with a large homeless population would have them culled once a year, put on an island, and have to start their own civilization and hierarchies.
No. 195876
>>195874Not disagreeing with you, but am I crazy or don't we pay a Medicaid tax on each paycheck? I'm now wondering if I confused myself. (I am in the US.)
Also am I nuts or doesn't SSI and disability come from federal funding, which citizens pay for? Forgive me for being a twat, from what I researched in the past I thought that was the case.
No. 195881
>>195872Overpopulation, at least in the west, is not actually true. People in western countries have some of the lowest birthrates in the world, Germany and Italy were even lower than Japan a few years ago. Also, governments use low birth rates as an excuse to ship in millions of migrants. Westerners are actually being encouraged to stop having kids, and it's obviously working, because white people are the smallest demographic in the world.
Proof: opinion: I think there is a legitimate conspiracy to overrun the west with Muslims (I don't have anything against most Muslims, I just think their views are highly incompatible with the west, and they would be better in their own countries - which incidentally, the west won't seem to stop bombing) which leads me to another point - I think fake news and people like Kushner encourage Western leaders to bomb Syria, so that there will be more refugees/Muslims flooding into Europe, causing chaos and resentment.
I genuinely believe our leaders and media are shilling for a race war or even WW3, and are trying to make everyone poor, resentful and angry (They already achieved the former by crashing the economy, and Soros funding BLM and antifa has created plenty of resentment and racial tensions). And shipping in all these migrants is destabilising Europe.
I don't even care if people call me a tinfoil hat anymore tbh, to me the proof is phenomenal.
As someone pointed out, the event that 'solved' The Great Depression was WWII. Who's to say they don't want another war to 'solve' this economic depression.
No. 195882
>>195833If religion is a system of personal believes, and those believes completely conflict with my personal believes, why is it irrational to hate that opposing religion? Especially with violent actions from that religion which is fuelled by their own hatred.
I'm not actually religious, i'd just like to understand your point more. As the year goes on, I am finding it harder to be tolerant.
No. 195902
>>195872You really think people should have higher taxes because they are fat? stfu. Most fat people have underlying mental health issues and the majority are poor. They don't need extra money taken away from them.
FYI truly healthy food costs a fuck of a lot more than cheap junk food. (Please don't go on about how cheap oats and beans are compared to meat. Fruits and vegetables are expensive.)
sage for off topic
No. 195903
>>194618I don't think I did make it seem like that at all, I think I was just pointing out that if you wanted the pregnancy and saw a "sign of life" (a heartbeat in this instance) it would foster attachment. Hence me calling your comment edgy.
Okay, but you could say that about anything. Love is just hormones, fear is just hormones, but both are important feelings within humans that keep life going. Again, you're just doing the "all facts no feelings" thing, and if you have been pregnant yet still feel this way, that attitude probably is ample explanation as to why. So I will discontinue this conversation as we obviously see it differently :) good day to you!
No. 195905
>>195603I'm currently pregnant and if I found out my child had a serious disability whilst in the womb, me and my partner have agreed to abort it. I have a mental health problem, and believe I would struggle to be the parent a special needs child deserves. I know that many disabilities are not detectable in the womb though, so if they are born with one we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
>>195634I would love to adopt, but due to mental health problem and history I wouldn't be allowed. Rules on fostering/adoption are pretty strict in the UK.
>>195722I don't think expecting people to pay for their own transition is transphobic, I think it's reasonable. Some people get body dysmorphia because they hate being skinny so much, or having ethnic features or whatever. Most of them still have to pay for it, and I think that's right. It is a cosmetic procedure, at the end of the day.
No. 195916
>>195747One child policy in China resulted in millions of incel men with no possibility to find a wife because there are literally not enough women to wife them. Now they just create a financial incentive for Han Chinese men to move to minority areas and breed them out.
Still, they get tremendously cucked though, because even in a man majority country they're too pussyslaved to not pay women upwards of millions of dollars just to pretend to be their girlfriend.
No. 195981
>>195971I hate it when they call them their 'Miracle Babies'
No bitch, it'd be a miracle if you got pregnant from your SO jizzing in your infertile womb. Doctors literally putting it there for you or injecting you with the proper hormones isn't a miracle.
No. 196235
>>196150One of the many reasons I've since ditched feminism. I was pretty into radical feminism rhetoric for a bit, but a horrid minority really put me off. And I couldn't stand liberal feminism because they've reduced biological women to "vagina/uterus havers" and try to silence us when we talk about FGM, menstruation, pregnancy/abortion, etc.
Also I'm sick of these lies that are perpetuated about "thousands" of trans people being murdered every year. Last year was a record high and it was fewer than 30. It's absolutely an issue–don't get me wrong. But why the shock value and the lies?
Thankfully my trans men friends are incredibly sane and calm and don't scream about being
triggered if anyone near them talks about a period or a penis. I don't have any trans women friends, now that I think about it.
No. 196248
>>196235>Thankfully my trans men friends are incredibly sane and calm and don't scream about being triggered Because they were born and socialized women. Men are the ones who scream the loudest about being
triggered by period and uteruses because they were socialized as men and learned they must be the center of attention wherever they go
That's why I tolerate even Tumblr fake/demiboys. Women may be birches and attention whores on an individual level, but we tend to be better as a class.
I still sympathize with radical feminism a lot, but the supposedly justified man hate is too much. On man-hating I prefer the Tumblr style because they don't pretend like their hate is Based On Real Studies like radfems do
No. 196258
>>195974Hooooooooooooly shit, I remember when they were protesting about ABORTIONS and BC, that assigned male or whatever artist created something similar to what you described, I got so vexed.
Most protesters didn't even put anything on their signs related to fucking gender. It was all related to vaginas and shit.
All they truly care about is themselves.
No. 196259
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>>196258I am so deeply embarrassed of my younger tumblr self because I went so hard for transwomen and defended them above every woman, I was the perfect sex posi trans inclusive queer pro bdsm libfem for years, I even reblogged those idiotic "clitoris is just a small penis" posts and went against all science and common sense for likes and reblogs.
I first started getting "terf" sent in my direction over a post where I shared how horrible I felt being bullied by boys for my leg hair (South European anon) and how the beauty industry with their out of touch fantasy of female body is responsible for so many girls developing issues with our bodies and health. Apparently it was transphobic~ and I should just "stop being a woman if I hate it so much".
Since then it has been a wild journey down a rabbit hole, finding out just how much and how deeply men who call themselves transwomen hate women and hate to hear us speak.
No. 196293
>>196274>>196287I agree with you both. Prioritizing trans women in feminism is prioritizing men in a movement that is supposed to be about WOMEN. Biological women. It
triggers the fuck out of me seeing trans women say not to talk about having periods/children because it ~hurts their feelings. Like, shut the fuck up. You're not a real woman and you never will be and you have no right to speak over real ones.
I used to be such an advocate for them too. I'm done.
No. 196298
>>196293I sympathize with your irritation. I'm a bio woman but I implore people to not let militant and insistent people ruin an ideology that more level headed people can reiterate. At the end of the day people just want representation and acceptance, and those who nitpick and police others, especially those in the little tumblr bubbles that are created, are a really poor example of who should be kept in mind while discussion trans rights.
Not reading those tumblr/reddit discussions or reading click bait articles help. Those are always more about sassily pandering to those who already believe it, rather than trying to honestly persuade with reason. They aren't thick academic textbooks, they just condense rushed conclusions from skimming them down into little sound bytes that become mantras for people who actually do little for their cause other than rant about it online. Don't let those nuts taint good causes. Don't feel defeated by it.
No. 196302
>>196274My taboo opinion is I think pretty much all trans people are mentally ill. I don't think they are lesser or disgusting or anything, I just genuinely think they meed psychological help. Instead they are encouraged to pump hormones into their bodies, mutilate themselves and go on a futile plastic surgery filled quest, which I think is cruel and most will never be fully satisfied with themselves even after decades of surgery.
Also I don't think parents should be allowed to influence their children in becoming trans. I saw a video about a teenager who had been on hormones since childhood thanks to his parents, and he wanted to become female. Then when he went to the doctor to see about having a vagina made, the doctor told him the hormones had shrunk his penis too much and it was too short for them to make a vagina out of. And he was devastated. It makes me angry to see so many parents deliberately fucking up their kids lives.
No. 196314
>>196311I don't want to come off as rude, I'm not judging you in any way, I just want to understand someone elses view on it, so I hope you don't take it the wrong way.
But I have some questions.
If they don't want to suffer, shouldn't you support their decision or try to understand and sympathize? Don't you think it's a little selfish to want to keep someone alive like that? Because in the end, it's not about your feelings, it's about their suffering. We put down animals so they won't suffer. Why can't it be the same for consensual humans?
No. 196316
>>196314It is selfish. I 100% agree. And i feel like a hypocrite as well. But I think I could make a difference and help change their outlook. I'm not saying I'm God's gift to the world but I would get them help.
Honestly I think they should just go the jigsaw route. Does this person have any family and friends who would care if they die? No? Okay murder them. If not get them help. Idunno
This shit is probably why I got a C- in bioethics lol.
No. 196439
>>196433That's why I said "and you know it"
Not every post has to be a contrarian reply
No. 196462
>>196453Tax breaks don't count as spending despite having almost identical effect.
Not just for the big thing, evil multinationals, either. If I form an LLC, give ten percent to a family member, and use it to pay for meals every time I go out, that's a tax break for every dollar. And the IRS is none the wiser for a long, long time.
No. 196528
>>196520I wholeheartedly agree, and I'm an immigrant. I come from a place where the average annual salary is €2400 (in the local currency, ofc), we're not in the EU, our diplomas aren't recognised anywhere else in Europe yet I somehow managed to emigrate, get a good education and settle down abroad legally. Getting my paperwork was damn difficult and cost me ungodly amounts of money, I actually worked hard and studied English + the local language for years before moving abroad, and getting into any school was super hard because I didn't have an IB diploma (expensive and unavailable in my home country) so my options were
very limited.
To see someone just piss all over my effort and claim they have a right to stay in country X because muh children/they're gay/they're poor makes me so angry. I have lots of sympathy for refugees who end up in that country unwillingly, like victims of sex trafficking who manage to escape. But when you pass 20 perfectly safe countries on your way to your dream holiday destination, including my little shithole which continues to selflessly provide for refugees and build shelters despite the locals all but starving and gypsies leeching off the broken benefits system, you're obviously not going there because you're unsafe, you're going there for your own benefit.
No. 196536
>>196533>difference between a ruptured appendix and crampsYou'd have to be a mouthbreathing idiot to not notice the difference. It's not something that needs teaching.
When you have appendicitis (aka it's infected but hasn't burst) you'll be in blinding pain and vomit your ass off. You can't even walk. When your appendix bursts it's that but worse. Trust me, you'll
No. 196537
>>196533Same. Learned what gaslighting is too. They can be a bit reactionary but there's good advice
>>196525I think it's funny all those people on food stamps vote Republican. And the term for it is welfare queens.
I am so glad hearing about old poor racist people dying because they got their medicaid slashed. It sucks that innocent people have to suffer but every time I see a news story about "I got my disability aid taken away and I regret voting for Trump" it's just sweet poetic justice.
No. 196538
>>196536People have literally chalked up the pain that comes beforehand to severe cramps, and suffered having their appendix ruptured subsequently. It usually starts as an ache at the middle of the stomach, then travels to the lower right side. It worsens over time, especially when you cough.
Just because it never happened to you (or your pain got much worse over time, which may literally have been because it was initially ignored), doesn't mean it's the same for everybody else, anon.
No. 196542
>>196538>it never happened to youIt has, and it took the doctors 4 months to finally do something about it, but it still feels nothing like cramps and doesn't even come from the same spot. That's precisely why I am saying this. Furthermore, if you experience that kind of pain in any situation, you go see a doctor, cramps or no cramps.
I don't need your lecturing me to know what it feels like, thanks.
No. 196544
>>196542I meant the sort of pain previously described never happened to you, not that you never had your appendix ruptured, jfc. There's also
>(or your pain got much worse over time, which may literally have been because it was initially ignored)but okay. Get your panties out of a knot.
No. 196551
>>196525This 100%
old coworker told me his neighbor on food stamps would sell what he had left for drugs. Offered it to him many times.
Honestly I'm for people needing a drug test before getting welfare, food stamps or any of that shit.
I see the "poor people/drug users deserve food" post float around on Tumblr but it's more than that.
No. 196562
My point being it was a huge waste of money.
No. 196571
>>196528Bless you anon. Nobody is ENTITLED to live in their country of choice. I do believe we should help people be safe if they're in mortal danger but beggars can't be chosers, you don't get to pass through lesser rich european countries and still act like victims because you're denied residence in the UK.
Not all cultures are equal and open-minded. I also plan on immigrating to another country with very strict visa laws and I'm working very hard to conform to everything they want. I don't plan on making them bend backward for me once I get there even though I don't agree with a lot of things (mainly how much religion is present in the government)
No. 196611
>>Not all cultures are equal and open-minded. I also plan on immigrating to another country with very strict visa laws and I'm working very hard to conform to everything they want. I don't plan on making them bend backward for me once I get there even though I don't agree with a lot of things (mainly how much religion is present in the government)Where are you planning on immigrating anon? I'm guessing it's a Muslim-majority country?
I'm also planning to immigrate, and get annoyed that fakeugees are able to just skip/fly right over to a ridiculous amount of western countries with tons of assistance along the way (housing, food, and most importantly, people willing to hold their hands through everything). Personally, I think there should be more resources for people who wish to immigrate abroad…but that should include immigrants learning/accepting the local culture and language and being deported if they commit certain crimes (not like traffic violations lol but violent crime).
I'm from the U.S. and planning to immigrate to Southeast Asia. I know it's uncommon for people to want to immigrate OUT of the U.S., but the country is really falling behind rather than moving forward. With the current opiate crisis and white people slowly becoming a minority, I fear things will only get worse (to clarify, I don't care if white people are a majority or a minority but I think it will cause a lot of tension and conflict). I personally love most of the Mexican immigrants (legal or not), but we have a large number of illegal immigrants from places like Columbia and Venezuela running violent gangs or dealing drugs/trafficking young girls.
Where I am looking at, it's ridiculously difficult to gain permanent residency, and immigration is one of the primary reasons I am going to graduate school (got to get those points). With that said, these countries are much safer overall and the lack of safety in the U.S. is one of the primary reasons I'm leaving the country for good. I'm planning on going to graduate school TWICE if necessary in order to secure my spot abroad. It sure would be lovely if I could just skip on over though lol
No. 196631
>>196624I live in a wealthy area actually, but the development is very slow, buildings old and decrepit despite house prices going up. I've lived in other parts of the U.S., but am tired of crazy people screaming on the street/drug addicts/gangsters. There are apparently thousands of used needles that teams work on removing from the beaches. It wasn't like this when I was growing up. I mean, these issues existed, but it's gotten 5x worse and I've met a lot of people of all ages who are upset about how things are going. I've lived in poorer areas (and not even THAT poor) and literally 1/2 the people I knew became victims of crime (rape, violent crime, muggings, car theft etc). A lot of people claim that U.S. crime rates appear higher because more people report crime, but barely anyone I've met has reported what's happened to them.
Basically, I just want to move to a country with social norms where things are moving upward rather than downward. I've lived in "developing" countries before (moving to my 5th country in 2 months), but if you are in the upper-class (easy if you are an educated white person) life it is 100x better than being middle-class American. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, party, etc. so hell, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore seem like good options even on a social level (plus the people I've known from these places are pretty "typical Asians" ie. like Korean dramas, weird blood type/health things, less jaded etc). I'd love to move to East Asia as well, but I'd rather live somewhere like a Muslim Asian country than here at this point. I know they have issues, but I'm more willing to accept "Asian" and non-Saudi "Muslim" issues than American ones.
Thank you very much for your warm message though anon. It's rare to see on anon boards, but I really appreciate it!
No. 196674
>>196631I completely understand your sentiment on wanting to emigrate. As a second generation HK-Chinese American my mom thinks it's completely crazy for me to move abroad lol. I'm considering moving to Taiwan or Japan, but Malaysia or Thailand sounds nice too.
Like you, I'm from a upper-middle class/ wealthy area, but cost of living, crime and population density is rising. It makes me sick to hear about the traffic and injuries caused by car accidents from my friends that live in car-dependent areas like San Jose or the San Fernando Valley :(
No. 196675
>>196631even Canada would be a step up. Germany? France?
tbh I feel like the american continent will sooner or later sink down as a crime hot spot in anarchy. At least I dont know where else the development would be leading to.
Just the stupidity of people over there. Just yesterday Ive read an article that a 3 year old suffocated because of a plastic bag their parent put on their head for treating lice with mayonaise. Another 1 year old had a small feather removed from their jaw, that they seemingly swallowed and got stuck and the body tried to reject it afterwards. Where I live people would never even think about leaving their child
out of sight and even then the least dangerous things (like little things that can be swallowed, cords etc.) are all completely thrown out of the apartment before birth or safely packed away. This would not happen here, or at least not at this kind of rate.
And Im not even blaming US-Americans for being "stupid". Theyre mostly just uneducated twats because of the education system. I would never even want to live there. (because of that and because horror movies made me automatically associate the US with bad stuff happening)
No. 196677
>>196310>>196639tbh I think this subject is to big to discuss in another thread and would need it's own thread.
While saying that let me leave a short documentary about this issue. Ive watched it some time ago and think it's very good.
Imho terminally ill, with pain and no chance of ever getting better or healthy again should be able to leave in peace. We even euthanize our pets when their terminally ill and in pain. But not our loved ones?
Still there is a twist in this story. What about old people? Will old people just "want to die" because they have the possibility? Because they feel obliged to? Because they feel guilty when they dont do it? Even family members can sometimes "want" loved ones to
finally die becaue they can bare it no longer.
And then what about disabled people? What about mentally ill?
No. 196681
>>196677I remember this documentary. To be honest, the way this person was acting and dragged it out seemed so utterly cruel to their family. I completely agree with it being legal but I think in situations like these, there are clearly other issues going on that are not being treated correctly so it does feel inappropriate like this. The amount of pain the family looked like they were going through broke my heart. Ultimately, people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their lives, but I think there should be a base layer of education and exposure to new things first, as opposed to the typical "Talk about your feelings and try some stabilizing drugs" thing. Maybe more programs that offer getting away and finding perspective, teaching something so people feel more accomplished or skilled, and have the opportunities to connect with others and feel some hope again.
sage for personal feels
No. 196695
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>>196302You're right, Blergh White posted pic related.
No. 196757
>>196677Honestly I don't see how peacefully terminating one person's life is any different than leaving them in palliative care with only morphine and starving them to death or waiting til they die of their sickness.
My grandpa died of Lou Gherig disease and not only it broke his spirit (he was a very handy man and his passion was tending to his plot of farm), his medication turned the sweetest man into an horrible person (saying horrible stuff like we should die instead of him lel) but in his last days he looked like a fucking mummy and all we could do was be besides his bed and wait for his death while he was wailing in pain.
At one point he lost the ability to talk or move anything at all so how is this even a qualifier of human life ? Imo it should be treated like abortions, don't do it if it doesn't align with your ethics/religion but let people take their own life peacefully and in dignity.