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No. 194645
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>tfw i'm the crazy roommate
i can't wait until i can live alone. it would seem cruel to force a stranger to live with me.
No. 194646
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>be me from Michigan
>Boyfriend says hey come to Washington and stop living a shitty life 60+ hours/week and not having a decent wage. Also we movin' in with a roommate
>ok. so I travel over and it's fucking horrible because humidity fucked with my hair and sweat all over but he didn't care
>live with room mate who is also a army guy leaving due to health conditions as a result of serving.
Now that we're caught up, this shit head was horrible. He had no utensils or plates for food so while my boyfriend and I were saving for some dinnerware, he would use them with permission but then leave a mountain of dishes in the sink or return moldy spaghetti-o looking dishes when he felt like it.
He was into D&D and invited his army friends over without permission. He and the others drank a shitton and left puddles of dried beer and sticky cans all over. some of these cans were on my sewing desk (antique Singer). I told my boyfriend and we laid out some rules. He still did it.
Then he got butthurt saying we couldn't let him have guests. We were totally not doing that we just expected himself to clean after himself if he's going to have guests over. He decides to be a neet and literally hole himself in until he wanted food, then he'd go downstairs to the gas station and get a surplus of junk food. We didn't know how bad with was until we cleaned out the room when he left and there was a huge black stain on the floor where we assumed he dropped soda but didn't clean it. He also thought "moving stuff" meant putting all of your junk in a huge fridge moving box and leaving it for us to go through. We found things he obviously stole from the base like foam padding (which can be sold for alot of money), a literal chain link, a small boat anchor, etc.
Later on he decided that he was going to move into the apartment of another friend's but he decided no since who would want that. We had a cat that we rescued from the past manager but this cat was murderous. He took it with him and sometimes told my boyfriend he could only afford to feed it cheetos.
tldr: set rules for everyone on board, make sure your shitty room mate DOES pay rent and accounts for their own utensils, food etc, and when they move out, charge a cleaning fee if they are a slob.
No. 194649
>>194646>sometimes told my boyfriend he could only afford to feed it cheetosGOOD LORD
This is an essential rule all roommate situations should have that goes way too overlooked: if you can't afford or take the time to properly take care of a pet, DON'T GET ONE. I had a roommate who would ask to borrow money for cat food all the time and was late for rent once because her cat randomly got some kind of infection and the antibiotics were beyond what she could afford.
No. 194653
Some people just lack some kind of common sense or suffer from cognitive dissonance or something, I swear.
>stay over at my bf's new apartment with his 2 roommates
>dirty dishes and shit all over the place on random counters and tables
>go into waifu mode and clean everything up, wash the dishes, toss trash, etc
>i don't feel comfortable with such shameless displays of filth, how do people live like this
>his roommate comes home: "oh sorry that you cleaned all of this, I'm not the one who does this but you know"
>later witness him leave dirty, bowls, cups and shit around and toss garbage everywhere
I wasn't even annoyed to do all the cleaning, since it was just for my own piece of mind, but shit like that just baffles me. I'm not even the cleanest person out there either, but I keep my trash contained in my personal spaces.
No. 194659
>>194653>his roommate comes home: "oh sorry that you cleaned all of this, I'm not the one who does this but you know">later witness him leave dirty, bowls, cups and shit around and toss garbage everywhereThis has been the case in literally every disastrously disgusting house I've ever been in. The second someone says they're not responsible for the mess, I just assume they're the main contributor because in my experience that is 100% always the case.
>>194655Wish we could justify living on our own right away, but sadly where we live a 1br starts at $3500. We can afford it, but we're saving for a house, so we have to be as frugal as we can for the next year.
No. 194693
Oh boy, time for a tale of fat-J
>fat J, 20, female, borderline personality, neet.
>Has literally never cleaned beyond moving piles of random junk to a different spot.
Leaves crusty, moulding dishes all over them screams at me to clean early Sunday mornings because there are maggots in her cups.
>Hooks up with locally acclaimed scumbag. He steals cars and deals meth for a living, and he stores a stolen car in our yard for a fortnight. Fat-j demands that i cover for him if the cops arrive.
>Fat-j doesn't like to buy her own groceries, so instead she blows her entire welfare payment on a half ounce of pot, a slab of candy vodka mixers, and new clothes, then steals my food and threatens to stop paying her share of rent if I don't supply her with groceries. I already buy all the cleaning products she refuses to use. She has also sneakily stopped paying her rent by now because she thinks this is a brilliant way to have more spending money.
>wears a size 14-16, only purchases clothing in size 8-12 unless passive-aggressively buying me plus-sized gifts because I am a sad and-chan.
>my boyfriend starts staying over. He supplies food, pot/drinks, and drives fat-J anywhere if she asks. She demands he pay her for use of the shower and toilet and that he supplies groceries, not just the meals he buys and cooks for us all.
>fat-j is a loud masturbator and has no problem with doing this while i have company. I will occasionally be banned from your own lounge room because she is masturbating or sleeping with someone.
>fat-j refuses to take her medication properly, and begins having psychotic symptoms. Conveniently these only occur when I am not paying attention to her.
>she regularly has family fights and will drag me into them. This also happens with friends, doctors, and hook-ups she meets via Facebook.
> fat-j has a cat. It's a rag doll, beautiful little fluffy lady. The cat gets fleas. Fat-j does not buy flea treatments. The cat starts flicking blood on the walls and couch, and is sticky to the touch due to scabs and bites. Begins sleeping in her litter box which is rarely emptied. The cat does not go to the vets. No flea treatment is purchased. The cat remains this way and is put in her room when visitors come so they won't see her. Fat-j threatens me about calling animal control/ASPCA
>Fat-j spontaneously adopts a puppy. it pisses and shits all over the house, she screams at it. After two months she gives it away.
>she decides to use my brand new coffee cups as an ashtray
No. 194704
>>194693In your case I would be a bitch and make her life hell, from your story pig deserves it…
How can you stand her anon?
No. 194706
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I'm glad I met my bf not too long after starting grad school because I had the worst luck with roommates.
The first time, I had to move out of my parent's house quickly because they were moving out of state. It was already the end of fall semester, so I had to find living for spring. I found an ad on CL posted by a landlord looking for a room to be filled at a property.
Two male business undergrads had already been living there for half a year.
I got the biggest room with the walk-in closet.
Apparently the boys were really salty at the landlord and me because I had 'taken' their space that was intended for one of their friends to move into, even though that wasn't my fault.
We bonded over smoking weed for awhile and the first couple months were chill, but then they started doing a range of other drugs (stupid shit like whippets) and they became really messy and crazy.
All of the dishware was mine, so before I moved in the boys were living on delivery and campus food. They scratched up my pots and pans, and would pile my (glass) hand me down cups into the sink and not clean them. They'd get especially agitated when I refused to do sinks of dishes full of THEIR dirtied crap. In retaliation, they started to break my dishes claiming that it was an 'accident' and had I just cleaned their dish piles, the 'accidents' would stop happening. They'd argue because I had two cups in the sink that were mine, that would justify piles of pots caked with mac-n-cheese as my cleaning duty.
I refused. I had an eating disorder at the time, so I knew I wasn't using any dishes to justify washing sinks full of theirs! They were also salty that I only had two or three days of classes a week (um, grad student?) and didn't have a demanding part time job, so they made fun of me for being at home…implying I was lazy somehow.
Before spring break, they had cooked a munchie-palooza and left to go back home knowing full well I had no place to go home to.
I shit you not, they left me a double sink full of dishes and a huge vat that they cooked macaroni in the night before. I did the two cups that were mine from the pile, and put all their dirty dishes into the vat and onto the floor.
But I enjoyed the week and a half of clean living I had while they were away.
Oh man, when they came back they were SCREAMING furious at me. One boy who had always been particularly condescending towards me (constantly high on xannies and had gf problems) started leaving me passive aggressive notes and yelling at me like a parent because I wouldn't clean up after their shit. One day he got so pissy he said that at the beginning they were only acting chill with me and confessed they were salty about me "stealing" the room away from their drug dealer friend.
I got petty and started pinching their weed when they weren't home. That's how much I grew to hate them. Just figured if I was going to be treated like a maid then they'd owe me some free weed.
They tried to give me some sort of faux 'apology' at the end of the year, but it was all bullshit by then. I fucking hate those boys and how they made my first experience from home a hell.
No. 194714
>>194713Even worse when you're a clean person but they treat you like the slob because you won't clean their filth.
I think one time I cleaned the bathroom thoroughly with harsh chemicals (it's gross enough with one boy, but two..) and when I finished the boy sarcastically said "Mmm, chemical smell" like I was supposed to have cleaned with fresh lavender or some other scent to their liking. Like they had never disinfected before and had no idea what the smell was like to not assume I hadn't just sprayed random chemical crap everywhere and it was supposed to smell that way.
No. 194724
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>>194706Second roommate story is about my second year in grad school.
By this time I had given up on slumlords from CL and bit the bullet to go live in a campus townhouse; something I regret doing because half of my grad loan is just from the rent expense of that place.
I still didn't know anyone well enough to ask to room with me so the townhouse staff tried to assign me with other roommate-less people.
The first girl was a complete Stacey stereotype, and as soon as she added me on fb decided I was weird and told the staff she found another person. Which left me with the undergrad male applicant with really bad handwriting.
I was moved in before the semester, so the boy and his parents showed up to move in his stuff after me. Well, his mother was just THRILLED he was rooming with a girl. Almost like she expected something to come of us living together, or something else…
Turns out this guy was equally as piggish and helpless as the previous roommates. His mom was glad I was a girl because she assumed I would cook and pick up after him.
He survived solely on delivery and the campus meal plan; only ever bought real food when his dad would come into town to drive him to the store and buy it for him.
He didn't know how to cook for himself. One night I went on a date with bf and came home to the house all up in smoke. Apparently he took my extra virgin olive oil, heated it to super temp, and placed a frozen chicken breast on the searing hot pan which caused a small fire. I liked cooking for the house because I knew at least the food I'd make would be delicious and there wouldn't be a huge mess after.
He frequently made a dish, which I called "crotch rot surprise," because it smelled like a vaginal infection. He would take a pot of water and bring it to a rolling boil. Next, he'd add ramen and walk away for 10 minutes until it was mushy and overboiled. When he came back, he'd add canned tuna and let rolling boil for another 10 minutes.
This made the entire home stink like fishy vagoo. Worse still, he'd let that mixture overboil and get burnt on the stove making the smell worse. And it lingered for hours.
The final batch of weirdness came when I noticed my asian style bowls, cups, silverware, and other things were vanishing from cupboards. I asked roommate to politely bring down dishes, and he would, but in huge batches that he would sometimes leave for days before cleaning. Rinse, repeat this cycle throughout the semester.
I finally got so fed up after he went 2 weeks without bringing down dishes, that I raided his room.
>pic related is what I sawRoommate had a lap band and actually wasn't supposed to be overeating like he had been with the delivery food. Instead of leaving his room to throw up in the toilet, he started to regurgitate chewed food into the cups (lower left of chair). This picture is after I recovered my dishes off the floor, but clearly you can see how he'd leave half eaten and thrown up food in his room for weeks and not clean it up. It's a
miracle we didn't get bugs, but maybe even the bugs didn't want the shit he was selling.
I took pictures and documented all damages onto a USB stick because I wanted my deposit back and didn't want to be blamed for his squalor.
I guess what irritated me the most about him was that he was in a soft STEM field (biology) and he considered himself this hardcore, super smart ~science~ person and often looked down on me because I was studying the arts. I hate arrogant gatekeepers as it is. Yet the dumbfuck couldn't figure out basic "science" shit like don't put frozen things onto searing hot oil.
No. 194727
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My fiance's little brother is living with us until he goes back to college or shacks up with a Nice, Boyfriend-Free Girl.
I like the kid, but he lives like a little goblin and it's getting exasperating as shit.
He "cleans" his room, and by that I mean
>Relocates gigantic pile of dirty clothes into the bathroom
>Lets dishes pile up on his desk until there's no room and relocates those to the floor until there are no dishes in the house.
>Brings those dishes down to the kitchen whenever it's convenient for him, even if it means letting cups of god-knows-what on the ground until they start to mold over.
>Masks the smell of neet-stank with $15 dollar yankee candles
He'll occasionally vacuum or dust his room, but it's usually when he's bringing over potential waifus.
I've tried teaching him how to at least soak dishes, or do laundry but he's so unintentionally condescending about it and says things like "Oh, I don't do things like this. I never learned how"
How the fuck. It's squeezing a bottle of soap onto a bowl. It's the same shit you do when you drop the clothes onto the floor, but you drop them into a metal machine and hit a button that says "START."
All he has to do is learn the basic fucking necessities of independent living and he's good to go, but he drags his feet and gets outrageously defensive over shit to the point of full-on REEEEEEing over how everyone asks too much of him and he carries the whole extended family on his shoulders.
His big, monumental task is that he occasionally drives his friends to work.
It used to be manageable enough but my fiance recently had an injury at work and is essentially bed-bound for the next month and a half until he recovers, so what used to be an easy enough two-man job has become a nightmarish clusterfuck. September can't come soon enough.
Also relatively minor compared to everything else but he's too lazy to lift the toilet seat up to piss and just pisses all over the seat like some kind of piss gremlin and I'm tired of having to triple check the toilet for gremlin piss. Just lift the seat up!!! It takes 2 seconds!! Fuck!!!!
No. 194730
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I lived with my partners family for a few years so I guess I can call them roomies.
The most disgusting people ever.
>A severely small, cramped house with only three 1/2 bedrooms. My partner and I's entire life cramped into one bedroom while his parents laid out junk everywhere(I get it, it's there house so)
>Bf's stepdad had this dirty dog that was like a rat, would constantly knock over the trash can dumping it eveywhere to eat it, go thru my laundry EATING my underwear, shitting/pissing/throwing up on the floor. Stepdad never cleaned it up, one instance purposely STEPPED OVER IT and left the house??? like wtf
>Sink is always overfilled with dishes, fridge scummy and stuffed spilled inside it, bathroom having clothes and trash tucked into corners, toilet stained from human WASTE
>Stepdad never showered, maybe once a week, house reeked of sweaty pits and dog
>There was only really one useable bathroom, the other was in the basement
>Oh god the fucking basement, had to wear shoes, water from outside leaking in, clothes and random junk stacked high, smelled like sewer back up(which actually happened once) toilet wobbly and covered in cob webs, same with shower)
>Whole house had papers stacked high, boxes randomly scattered, dust on everything, dirt in every corner.
>Entire hardwood is stained from years of shit and piss
I spent two years slowly fixing the place up to look nice enough and now since we've moved out they had a kid and it's back the same way again, with a new dog that shits everywhere and a baby that they don't watch and trashes everything.
No. 194731
>>194724I almost puked in my mouth when you described the cups. It would have taken less for me to pack my things and leave regardless of the consequences.
>>194727>Oh, I don't do things like this. I never learned howI hate this excuse.
No. 194755
>>194693Holy shit, where do I even begin is addressing this shit.
First of all, LEAVING FLEAS UNTREATED CAN LITERALLY KILL CATS. The fact she's bleeding and sticky means she's already far past the point where she should have been taken to a vet and if it goes on too much longer, she could actually get extremely fucked up. If I were in your position, I would take the poor thing to a vet myself, take pics, and keep a copy of the vets notes, so that I could use it against that fat bitch later.
Second, you are way, way, waaay too much of a pushover, like dear lord. I get you're probably just trying to avoid conflict with a heavily unbalanced person, but enough is enough. If you don't put this hamplanet in her place, it will only get worse. You have so much shit you can legally hold against her, yet she's saying she's gonna call animal control on YOU? You literally have the power to get her welfare and cat taken away.
Also, if my roommate treated my boyfriend like that, especially after he was so nice, I would destroy them. Get as much evidence of her illegal shit as possible, including the shit with her criminal hookup, and make sure she knows if she doesn't start being reasonable, she's either peacefully moving out or you're going to the cops.
No. 194761
>>194713I've noticed that male roommates sometimes tend to expect the token female to do most/all of the cleaning. This happened with my boyfriend's friend who lived with us for a while. Like… are you fucking dumb? Unless you're paying my rent, I'm not cleaning jack shit up after you. I can play filth chicken like it's an Olympic sport, so he learned not to test me.
The best part was that in their previous living situation, which was just a cesspool, he was the one who bitched the most about how disgusting it was.
No. 194763
>>194755This was years ago now, and I absolutely was a pushover. The threats were more along the lines of 'ill trash your stuff and your teeth because I know it's you'
I did intend on taking the cat to be euthanised once she was sleeping in her litter but was caught with the carry-case.
>>194709 nah he's a chef so he cooked. I washed his clothes things like that in return. We had a good deal going then and still do now. He just taught me to cook sometimes.
>>194704She was pretty bad. We met in rehab and she got a place when she left. A few months later when I was leaving the residential unit she asked me to move in. I needed a place to stay and against better judgement jumped on in.
I did confront her regularly about the cat because that poor goddamn thing was suffering. I did once make a vet appointment but got busted.
No. 194788
>>194787That's what we did in this story
>>194644They just wouldn't hold up their end of the deal. "I'll do them later" is what they'd say, 3-4 days later even. Ultimately deals and agreements aren't any good if the people you're dealing with aren't reliable.
No. 194812
Hello my fellow co/ck/s!
No. 194855
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My experience with a recent housemate is very relevant to this thread.
I live with three dudes, two of them are cool, one is a nightmare,thankfully he has moved out for the summer.
>Overall, he is a slow person. He moves slow, functions slow and thinks slow. Not in a mentally disabled way or anything. If he is taking up space and you want to get past him, he will not move. He expects you to wait for him to finish what he is doing.
>Leaves the taps running,every time, always says he 'forgets' about them.
>Will mooch of your food.
>Takes 45 minutes to get a shower. He does not use a towel. Instead he treads puddles of water all over the bathroom and the rest of the house.
>Always felt that he needed to tell me how my tits made his dick feel.
>Burns shitty cheap incense and stinks up the house. Has never heard of opening windows.
>He hardly ever cooks or cleans but BOY does he love talking about how good he is at it.
>When cooking he will take three hours, he will use 10 spoons to cook soup which he will leave all over the side counters.
>NEVER closes the fridge and freezer doors. Hell, he only closes the house doors half of the time.
>He owns three times the amount of plates as me and the other two housemates combined. They are all always dirty.
>Does not wash his hands, ever. There is a piece of wall in his room he touches a lot when 'thrashing' (featured in pic)
>Forces me into unwanted emotional labor by telling me about the girls he likes. Assuming since I am also a girl I will enlighten him.
>Is into new age shit. Believes in chakras and 'masculine' and 'feminine' energy.
There is so much I can say about this guy, he is amazingly inconvenient.
No. 194882
>>194862He was really sexually frustrated.Like tremendously so, he always tried to bring out sex in conversation all the fucking time. It was like he was unaware of his general creepiness through. He had questionable views on relationships and sex in general but thats another story for another time.
>'every guy masturbates to his female friends lol'>would tell me which clothing made me look more 'shapely' and 'ladylike'>would tell me how it made him all 'hot and bothered' when he once saw me exit the bathroom after showering>admittedly told me that he remembered every time I had worn a sports bra, by date>when we first met he said that he could not take his eyes away from my cleavage because it was just so 'open' and proceeded to pretend that he was getting 'hypnotized' by my boobsHe did weirder shit to girls which he didn't live with. His room was his base of operations. He would have sticky notes up on the walls with plans and reminders to 'ask out' girls.
No. 194892
My current roomie is a sad sexless scum.
>One day our neighbors daughter was talking with my bf, shes in 11th grade. Roomie comes out and ask where bf is, then gets all happy when I said neighbor girl.>Tell him she's pretty much underage>"Yeah but… does she have a vagina?? I haven't sex in so long idc">Constantly points out girls who are dressed like sluts in public, how hot they are even if they look underage he will still comment about fucking them>Another instance, at family party and invite roomie. One of the cousins there is 14, she's really tall though. Kept going on about how hot she is, kept trying to talk to her. Remind him shes 14.>Refuses to believe, still goes on about how big her chest is >Also is too afraid to go up to a girl and talk to them, or even get a girls numberI have a disgusting rage for guys who brag about wanting to fuck girls let alone underage ones
>>194882Sounds like he's kinda autistic
No. 195248
"Petunia" my beautiful disaster of a roommate…
>is totally 110% convinced she's destined to be a famous singer
>23, music school drop out, not considering becoming qualified for any other career even as a backup
>biggest bitch in the world like holy shit, she knows it too- says she loves it
>slightly chubby with a 4/10 face, but thinks she's extremely beautiful due to lots of male attention from showing off her big tits as much as possible
>gets off on fucking other girl's dates, new boyfriends, or love interests
>other roommates won't even bring home any guys they like because she flirts with anyone she knows they want
>threatened to kill my bearded dragon if it gets out all the time before I told her if she actually did I would literally break her nose and set all her clothes on fire
>is mean regarding our other roommate's cat, always throws her off the couch, even though there's plenty of room for both of them without touching, and calls her "that thing"
>freaks the fuck out in extremely harsh ways over the tiniest little thing, including shit she also does
>if she does this over something you didn't even do, she won't apologize or acknowledge her mistake, just go "oh"
>getting her to take responsibility for any wrong doing is harder than cutting diamonds with safety scissors, she always has a bullshit reason her shitty behavior is justified
>disgustingly judgmental and hypocritical
>always needs to be naked, even when strangers are over, think it's ridiculous that I insist she not sit on any common furniture without underwear on
>she obviously doesn't abide by this always, because every now and then, I'll come home and find a tiny bit of vaginal discharge on a bar stool or something
>leaves the remnants of joints fucking everywhere and denies they're hers, even though she's the only one who uses paper instead of glass pipes
>insists on singing as loud as possible from her room, especially when people come over
>has her 10 year old sister over all the time without notice and lets her play my vidya without permission, which led to her overwriting multiple save files
>acted like I was being a cruel bitch to a child when I told her she couldn't let her sister use my shit anymore
>eats everyone else's food, hardly buys any groceries and when she does, they're always only for her
>totaled two cars in four months due to being a horrible driver (by her own admission) yet thinks I'm being awful for not letting her borrow my car I just bought for shit she can easily take a bus to do or just let me drive her to when it's convenient for me
>thinks she has the right to cut into my time with my boyfriend because they're childhood friends (like we had plans to see a movie and she didn't understand why we couldn't just do it the next day so that he could hang out with her because she had the random last minute desire to go to some cafe performance a friend was doing- this kind of thing happens often)
>read my fucking diary then blamed me for it because it wasn't the kind with a lock and I "left it in plain sight" (it was indeed in plain sight… on my desk in my bedroom, which she had no business going into while I wasn't there)
>absolute and complete slob, she never cleans anything (but the rest of us do, so the house is nice) and her room looks like a war-torn wasteland
>can't cook to save her life, always sets off the fire alarm, burns things which leads to the whole place smelling like smoke, and has already started four small fires this year
I swear like literally 1/4 of our interactions are confrontational. I hate her so much, but no one else wants to kick her out because then we'd have to move a stranger in and at least this is a predictable kind of crazy.
No. 195259
>>195248>read my fucking diary then blamed me for it because it wasn't the kind with a lock and I "left it in plain sight" Out of all the things on this list, maybe because my mom read my diary when I was a kid and humiliated me, but this
triggers me the most. What a fucking bitch. And you'd think if she was going to be dirty enough to invade your room and read your diary to spy on your feelings, she'd at least extend some faux courtesy and not confront you over feelings that weren't meant for anyone to know in the first place.
She sounds like a diva. How old is she?
No. 195276
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My roommate from 1st year of college. Names are changed for obvious reasons, but since she loves the Fifty Shades saga so much we'll call her Ana. Ana was only seen with her two bffs, Morticia and Felicia.
>First moment we meet she asked me if I could go to another room so she could be with her bff. How the scene was it's also funny, she walked up to me with Morticia and said: "Hi anon, I'm Ana. Me and her are friends, so I want to ask if you could move to another room so we can be together". I was already weirded out, but kept my nice facade and politely declined.
>Morticia and Felicia spend a lot of time in our room, Morticia being very obnoxious and trying to stick her long nose in my business. I remember her really nasal voice saying my name.
>Ana is a clean freak, and makes it clear the first day. Ohshit.jpg
>I'm eating some snack on my bed: "Oh no, you will leave crumbs!"
>I want to clarify that I'm a clean person, and if I make a mess I. Always. Clean. It was also my bed and my part of the room, so why did she care is beyond me.
>I brush my hair: "Oh no, anon, you will leave hair on the floor!"
>At first I was mostly weirded out by her, so I reassured her like you do with kids
>She had diarrhoea often and made a mess in the toilet without cleaning
>Also lectured me for not letting the toilet top down, while she never flushed so everytime I went to the bathroom after her I could admire her pee+methodically folded piece of paper she wiped herself with
>One day she walks up to me and says "Hey anon, I want to ask you a favor…" I already roll my eyes in anticipation. "Your brush, you know…? I want to ask if you could hide it, or take all the hair out of it, because whenever I go to the bathroom I try not to think about it, but I always end up looking at it…"
>More craziness: whenever it was a windy day she "escaped" to the study room (there was one for each floor of the dorm) to her friends because she was afraid of the noise the wind makes against the roll up shutter of the balcony door
>She always complained that I didn't clean up good enough - this was the period where I finally gave out being friendly with that psychopath - even though I showed her that there's a concentration of limestone in the dorm's water, so about two hours after you clean the bathroom some kind of patina forms on the ceramics, and everyone in the dorm but her knew this
>More craziness: one day I got out after cleaning, three hours later when I got back into the room I found her sitting on her bed, all flustered. "Anon… did you open the balcony door before you got out?" "Yes, to change air… why?" "Oh… well… Just don't do it again, because I was scared" I interrupted her because I thought I got what she wanted "Nah, there aren't insects right now" "NO! I was scared that someone might break in!"
We were at the sixth floor, in a super safe college dorm, with thick glass and cement separating each balcony. I laughed in her face.
>Disappeared with the key (every room was double, but only had one key and it was forbidden to make another) and every time I had to call her asking where tf she was
>Obviously, in Morticia and Felicia's room
Oh the memories. I kind of miss her craziness though
No. 195331
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>>194812>Other people browse /ck/Nice.
No. 195598
>>195351>>195268I wish I could, but sadly I'm the only one who wants to. Everyone knows she's absolutely horrible, but everyone else in the house grew up with her and don't feel comfortable throwing her out. My boyfriend is the only other one willing to consider kicking her out, but the other housemates refuse to even hear it.
>>195259She's 23
No. 196835
>>196825Most neets can't afford to pay all their bills all the time, plus neets tend to be frequently on the disgusting side. 24 hours a day to clean doesn't mean they do. Instead they collect filth and masturbate in everything.
If they aren't looking for a job or something productive they are almost guaranteed to be human filth.
No. 196866
>>1968251. Income security. Employment=money and Student=loan money or parental assistance. You're less likely to fuck them over or be a mooch.
2. NEETs tend to have filthy and self-centered habits–you could be an exception, but other people don't know that and won't realistically risk taking you in to find out.
3. Some people are in fact embittered by the fact that you are home most of the time, and they get indignant that they must be burdened by responsibilities like work and study.
My ex undergrad roommates were sour as fuck towards me, a graduate student, because I only had classes twice a week and worked part time. They felt indignation that they would have to wake up early for classes and their intern jobs, while I would get to sleep in most days.
They expected me to become
their house maid because they couldn't stand knowing I had free time, even though I had fucking earned my lot (but it was also me vs. two messy dudes, so).
No. 197050
I had a NEET roomie. He was actually cool at first, he was on disability and at least tried to get jobs. But couldn't keep them much longer than probation periods. He had Asperger's, thought he was going to be this amazing video game designer but was pretty shit with no original ideas. Problem? He was filthy, and ended up finding teenagers to bring back to the house and do drugs with. He was 25, but not mentally… One night I left my room around ten to ggomake some tea, but passed six or so of his "friends" he ditched in the living room so he could go to sleep. They were all on acid, on a weeknight. None of us were ever introduced, they were all strange men to me. He did not keep friends long, or get invited out much. So he was the type to glomb on to whomever came over. You have a guest? He's constantly hovering. Awkwardly. Literally he would just stand on the other side of the room and stare, laugh, etc. Invited himself out if he heard anybody making plans in the house. He also had severe anger issues. If he thought nobody was home he would scream and thrash his computer desk like the world of warcraft kid with the remote but for real… Did I mention 5/7 of us roomies were working, 20 something females? No? Well he hit on every new female he would meet, all the time. We ended up wandering the house clothed more than before he moved in, and all our female friends slowly stopped coming over entirely. I could go on. So glad I moved away from that.
No. 197139
>>196866>They expected me to become their house maidI had this but it was because the flatmate had a crazed hippie saviour complex and viewed everything she did as some momentous plot to save the world's ecosystem. The rest of us studied arts so to her our time was less important and even when the mess was hers she would outright say she didn't have time to clean because she was at however many protests that week. After a couple of months her festering dishes led to a mouse infestation and we kicked her out, and then the mice left.
Hippies with dreads, not even once.
No. 197251
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So in college I was in a double room with a bathroom that connected to a single, so altogether it was us three girls. My roommate was okay, my suitemate was a crazy fangirl. But I hung out with her because why not. Anyways one day she begs me to go with her to the kitchen to make food so I figure why not, grab some ramen, and we go off through her door. I tell her she should grab her keys in case the door locks but she props it open. Well, we come back with hot food aaaaand the door is locked. We are locked out. She's panicking and I'm like, fuck this I'm gonna go eat my ramen so I go eat it in the common room. Our RA wasn't around apparently so she went and found another. Did she tell me she found one? Nope. She waited until I was done eating and returned back towards the room. She kept the RA and the maintenance guy waiting for me. BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T UNLOCK HER DOOR. I was like "What the fuck, just unlock yours and I'll pay for half." But she was refusing. She was completely refusing to pay. So I paid like a dumbass because I wanted back into my room and despite me asking for weeks she never gave me half of the money back despite us both being locked out.
But I got revenge. My roommate hadn't heard the story and when she found out she was soooo mad. Now our suitemate had this problem with assuming we'd always be around to let her in and she'd always come in through our door and whatnot. So one day she left her keys in the room because she thought we would be there. Nope. We left for a trip like an hour away. She got there and was like "Guys, when are you gonna be back?" And we said we didn't know. So she took her laptop into the common room to WAIT FOR US TO GET BACK. We stayed away for like two more hours and she texted us the entire time. She sent crying faces and guilt-tripped us and sent us Snapchats of her being sad. It was fucking hilarious. We made our way back to the dorm where she was still in the common room. And we went into our room and locked our side of the bathroom door and we watched out the peephole for signs of her. I even went and peeped into the common room to verify she was there, and of course she was. She texted us again saying her laptop was gonna die. Finally after like four hours total she gave up and got an RA to unlock her door.
She came into her room and marched through the bathroom and tried to open the door. When she found it locked she went to the bathroom and that's when my roommate and I put our coats back on and acted like we were coming back just then. She pounded on the door upon hearing us and was like "Did you guys JUST get back?!" "Yep." "BUT I JUST PAID TO HAVE MY DOOR UNLOCKED UGHHHHHH" "You should've done it hours ago." "UGHHHHH" We had been back for like 45 minutes at this point.
And that's what you get for being a little bitch and not paying your half. She never found out.
Pic related is a picture I took while waiting for her to return.
No. 197254
great story anon. this made my night.
No. 197256
>>197139Oh man, you had the whole STEM vs. Arts dynamic too? That's rough.
My roommates were business majors (lol, drug using ones) and they always looked down on my grad studies because I did a lot of literature. Nevermind the fact that I was reading upwards of 6-8 books a week and writing critical essays on them. Some of them I actually published.
Meanwhile their classes were easy 101s, so they often popped pills and did grav bong rips at 8am before going to them.
But just because I didn't have classes everyday, even though my classes were 2 1/2 hours long a piece to compensate on the days I did, they made fun of me for "having too much time"–which eventually turned to bitterness when I wouldn't clean their messes, do their dishes, or otherwise make myself 'useful' to them.
On the other hand, I made a lot of mistakes because I trusted them at first.
I think I criticized one of my own courses as too easy to them. They later used this as ammo against me when I wouldn't do something for them, "YOUR CLASSES ARE A JOKE ANYWAY, DO THE DISHES IN THE SINK ANON!!"
Hippies with dreads and drug-addicted business undergrads, not even once.
Same boys from
No. 197264
>>197256Most (male, funnily enough) business majors are under the impression that they'll be day traders and fancy consultants swimming in money. They're usually no different from STEM neckbeards who think their shitty programming degree will automatically land them a job after graduation.
What nobody tells them is that most business fields (from accounting and finance to management) are fiercely competitive and you need a good GPA to get anywhere. They're usually the ones throwing tantrums when they can't get a job post-grad because of Big Business handing out jobs to 'women, muslims and blacks'. No, it's cause you suck lol.
No. 197288
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>>197264You reminded me.
>Freshman roommate is an electrical engineering major>Drunk/high all the time>wooow why do I need to know trig or derivatives calc is gay I'm never going to need to know this>gf writes all his papers>Drops courses until he has the minimum amount of credits to stay enrolled full time>2.5GPA in the first semester>Habits get three times as worse in second>Has to retake freshman year>takes out 25000 dollar loan on barely used brodozer>Still convinced he's going to have a job paying 90k/yr straight out of college >mfw the whole time No. 197570
>>197550Tbh if the guys are shitty, they'll think you're the annoying girlfriend no matter what you do. It sucks but that's the way it is most of the time.
But for actual advice, give him space and don't call/text 24/7, don't come over without knowing if he's there or not / don't show up unannounced, be courteous if you're staying over, don't try to clean up their space or mess with their stuff, don't be nosy but be polite. General common sense stuff.
No. 197576
>>197570>Tbh if the guys are shitty, they'll think you're the annoying girlfriend no matter what you do.I was going to post saying something along these lines, but basically this.
Unless these are well-adjusted dudes (ones who mass room together usually aren't..), then I'd say just be a decent person and don't worry. But chances are, they're going to find something about you to bitch over because they'll feel you're encroaching onto their friend and, vis a vis, their own lives. Also I've found guys are super judgey and are not socially conditioned to be subtle or quiet about their judgements like women are. Basically if they start dropping massive cues that you're not welcome in some way, have a talk to the bf. If it gets bad enough and bf won't tell them to fuck off, then the relationship ain't worth it.
No. 201790
This wasn't my roommate, but a girl who lived next to me in the dorms. I managed to snag a room in one of the co-ed,single room dorms my sophomore year and was grateful because I didn't want to deal with anyone in my space. However, I wasn't grateful for my next door neighbor. First thing I noticed was how big she was. She was the size of two moomoo's put together, with badly dyed pink hair. I wasn't gonna hold her appearance against her, but her size definitely made her stand out at my uni's campus.As the semester settled in, I would hear loud ass, high pitch squealing in Japanese coming from whatever shitty anime she was watching in her room. The walls were thin so it really pissed me off when I would hear it at 2am. I left a note on her door asking her to keep her shit down at night. I suppose she would turn it down on future occasions, but I could still here it.
What really bothered me was her hygiene. My hall was co-ed, but the bathrooms were not. There were only 3 showers so you eventually would run into every girl from the floor in the bathroom. But not this girl. I never saw her shower once. The only time I'd see her in the bathroom is when she was throwing away her pads in the trashcan, and not in the designed receptacles in the stalls. They fuckin REEKED. The whole bathroom and hall by the bathroom would smell like decaying flesh mixed with rotten fish. My RA and cleaning staff asked whoever was doing it to stop, but the nasty bitch never did.she never washed her hands after throwing her pads out either.
Back to the no shower thing. I know for a fact she didn't because she smelled so fucking bad. We shared a class time in the morning, so I would make sure I was always 15 minutes early to leave so I wouldn't have to share an elevator with her. I did once and I almost died (I lived on the 12th floor; it was a long ride). Her room started smelling terrible too. People would visit my room and comment on the smell entering because they thought it was me. It got so bad that there were swarms of gnats by her door.I had to stuff towels below my door so gnats wouldn't come underneath into my room. My RA tried intervening again by telling my whole floor we had an "infestation" problem and everyone should do their part and clean their rooms. Obviously the nasty bitch didn't care because she didn't do anything. I finally got fed up and sprayed a mixture of bug spray and air freshener on her door and underneath it while complaining loudly about dirty fat bitches. It must've embarrassed her enough to fix the problem because a few weeks later, all the bugs were gone and the horrendous smell wasn't as strong. She still continued to throw her pads in the trash can, even though the smell had staff concerned someone died in one of the rooms. She still stunk too.
I think she made me start to hate most fat people.
No. 201799
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>>201790people who are so beta that they don't confront the completely unacceptable person ruining their living experience.
No. 201959
So about four days ago I moved for the second time this year. The first time was in May. I got pretty desperate because I am in university and the flatmate I was sharing with decided that she wanted to move in with her boyfriend. At the time, moving out on my own wasn't feasible, so I was looking into flat share situations. I found this one flat that seemed like a dream come true; spacious, bright, close to university etc. And the girl who lived there already (the landlord's daughter) seemed nice enough. Shy and sheltered but that's about it. Plus she was going to be away until July anyway so I would have the flat to myself for a while. Anyway when she came back I should have clicked that something about her was … off. She had this weird wide-eyed psycho stare and it seemed almost painful for her to talk to me. Then out of nowhere she started throwing my things in the bin. It started off fairly small, boxes that I had left in the kitchen, a hair product sample. Then she threw out the warranty I had for one of my kitchen appliances. Then she threw out a bag of books that i had put aside for a friend. Then she started throwing out my plates and mugs whilst I was away. Thankfully I had allowed my boyfriend to stay in the flat whilst this happened, and he gently suggested that hey maybe we should ask anon if she wants her stuff throwing away before we put it all in bin bags. Wide-eyed psycho stare. Ten minutes later, she gets her older sister to come over, calls her dad, and forces my boyfriend out of the flat. It was 11pm and he lives miles away. The final straw was when I came back. My house keys had been left with my flatmate after they were taken from my bf, and she handed me a set of keys that… didn't unlock any of the doors in the flat. I asked her where my actual keys were and she claimed that she didn't have them anymore. I was completely at her mercy in terms of when I could enter and leave the flat. It had started to feel like one of those slow-build psychological horror films. I made my arrangements and moved out a week later.
No. 201966
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>>201959jesus christ anon she sounds like a controlling psycho
you gotta get outta there
but why would she throw away your things?
if her dad is the landlord, you can't talk to him about it? cause that shit is unacceptable
No. 201983
>>201966Don't worry I am out, I live alone now!
I was veeeery apprehensive about bringing it up with her dad cos I knew that he would probably take her side without any physical evidence. She was obviously a very sheltered girl who daddy doted on since she wasn't contributing to rent, had no job, and had the only bedroom with a lock and an ensuite. Not really relevant but on top of all that she was a weeb. Not exactly an indicator of psychotic behaviour but remaining a childish weeb after you turn 18 feels like a red flag
No. 242985
>>242966I tend to agree.
However if she knew from the beginning that no friends were allowed she couldn't just go back on that rule just because it's strict.
Plus she was desperate and facing homelessness. Between sleeping outside or paying out the ass to stay in motels, I would deal with dumbass rules like that for my own sake.
Beggars can't be choosers.
No. 243012
>>242966(Deleted and reposted because my initial post was impulsive and I realized it was more douchey sounding than I want to be)
We told her this before she moved in, we didn't spring it on her when she was already locked in. It's our home. We weren't looking for a roommate. We were allowing her to move in at a far lower rate than we could have gotten to help her out, as well as keep it under our control. We don't even have friends over who we don't know very well, so why should we let her bring randos we've never met over? I have extreme anxiety when it comes to strangers in my home, so I don't understand why I shouldn't feel comfortable establishing boundaries I feel necessary to someone with highly discounted rent. If we were charging her 1/3, there'd be some validity to your argument, but yeah, when you're paying 1/5th, you're not entitled to the same kind of privileges. I didn't mention this before which maybe I should have, but we live in a particularly expensive part of San Francisco, so the difference she's paying due to our discount is over a fucking grand. And we didn't charge her at all for utilities or internet. So yeah, reevaluate your stance on whether this is really that unreasonable now that you have that information.
Also, not that this should even have to be said for justification, but her close friends group were mostly degenerates. Most of them had been to jail for charges related to drugs and stealing. And by drugs, I don't mean shit like smoking weed, I mean shit like selling cocaine and possession/distribution of opioids. I have a lot of empathy for drug addicts, but do not feel comfortable having them in my home at all. My husband and I both have very dark experiences with addicts and for the safety our homes and mental health, we will not risk allowing them into our home.
Speaking of belongings, my husband and I are lucky enough to be able to afford a decent amount of nice things. If someone were to rob us, we're looking at literally hundreds of thousands worth of shit stolen if you include our cars. Not a risk I'm willing to take just so she's not minorly inconvenienced.
Plus, even if this were actually unfair, complaining to my mother in law, who she's well aware I have a complicated relationship with, is still crossing a major boundary worthy of being thrown out over.
No. 243015
>>243012I think it's safe to say she took advantage of the situation and your hospitality. She's upset because she didn't get everything her way and that's hella immature given the position she's in.
By the by, what did your bf have to say about all this? Sounds like he should be stepping up and taking responsibility for telling her to get out.
It irks me that for whatever reason you're being painted as the control freak when really your bf should be equally willing to tell her to go.
No. 243017
>>243012Who the fuck invites people over when you’re being put up on the cheap and saved from the streets?
It’s not her house, she has no rights to bring people in. If she isn’t grateful for being given such a huge boon she should get the fuck out and go stay with one of her friends. She is in no position to complain and going and bitching to your MIL is straight up selfishness and immaturity on her part.
Fuck this situation anon, and fuck people saying you’re mean to her. You gave her a place to be safe, food, Internet, hot water, electricity, and a place to sleep. Anything other than gratitude is being a total brat.
No. 243022
>>243015The relationship between them is very complicated. This girl and my husband actually didn't speak for almost three years because when we first got together she was psychotically jealous and cruel toward me (like, mocked two deaths of people close to me to my face level horrible). I had very little interaction with her before he pulled the plug on their friendship due to her crazy bullshit.
She finally apologized shortly before we took her in and it really seemed like she took full responsibility. We accepted her apology when we usually wouldn't for something that extreme, because at one point she went through a very horrible thing that I also had, but her situation was even worse. So yeah, I wanted to give her a pass due to sympathy.
The second he found out she was discussing me to MIL this way, he confronted her. At one point, he even burst into tears telling her how he didn't understand how she could keep doing this shit to me, which hurt him just as much if not more. Now she's painting me as this horrible girl coming between her and her best friend by seducing him into thinking she's the devil. Easier making it my fault than accepting her awful attitude toward me is hurting one of her only good friends I guess.
He says he's not talking to her anymore after she moves out. He's also been silent around her ever since this started, despite her trying to act like nothing happened with him. She even tried hugging and kissing him on the cheek the other day and he flat out told her not to do that.
No. 243027
I'm really sorry that you both gave her a second chance, people like her don't deserve them.
Anyway, she does sound psychotic and still might even have romantic feelings for your husband. The cynical side of me tinfoils that this was part of her plan to try to get close to your husband again. But he seems loyal, thankfully.
I don't know what else to say other than you're completely within your rights, and I hope after the dust settles you don't ever have to deal with her ungrateful ass again.
No. 243033
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She's moving out at the end of this month and I can not wait.
>roommate is friend of a friend
>she prides herself on being a good cook
>"washes" dishes but there's obviously still shit stuck to them
>other roommate and I would regularly have to rewash
>dish rack would get dirty super quick
>once rinsed a bowl and all this soap came out
>bitch and you work in a restaurant kitchen, how have you not poisoned anybody
>we finally talk to her about it
>she blames her mom
>we try to get rid of the dish rack and just let things dry on a towel
>towels get dirty instead
>we buy kitchen spray to wipe off counters/stove
>still always oil everywhere whenever she leaves the kitchen
>tell her about it
>she gets embarrassed and changes the subject every time
>claims she's quiet
>is one of the only people who still calls people
>shouts into the phone
>is a dinosaur in the hallway
>talks to roommate and I like a screeching autistic retard
>her LDR boyfriend comes back from Florida to live with her
>he's now living here rent-free for a month
>shitty roommate never tells us until he's already here
>roommate and I tell her that it'd be great if she threw like 50 extra for his stay
>my roommate (also landlord) pays for all our utilities
>bitch says "yeahh," embarrassed, and changes the subject
>this girl is late on rent every month
>everyday fucking abuse comes from her room of her just railing on bf for small shit
>roommate and I don't actually mind him because he's chill and doesn't take advantage of our apartment
>feel sorry for this guy
The only reason we're not flipping out on her is that she'll be gone very soon.
No. 243041
>>243032It's like we end up becoming maids, moms, and slaves. The male roommates retaliate if they feel you aren't doing the part enough to their liking.
I had (what I thought) were cool male roommates I didn't know. The landlord put the room up for sale during winter break because they had failed to find a roommate in time. I moved in halfway through the year–what I didn't know was that they were salty at the landlord and at me because they wanted their pal in the room I took. But too bad.
We bonded at first, but I wound up doing a lot of the cleaning because they were typical men. If they didn't take initiative to clean, or didn't always do their dishes, I let it slide.
As the quarter grinded on, I myself didn't always feel like cleaning the gross bathroom, or tackling the double sink full of collective dishes.
They accused me of being "lazy" even though I produced less dishes than them and generally picked up after myself. After awhile they'd purposefully break my dishes as a punishment for being their turn to do them thinking that would manipulate me into doing it all the time. They'd claim it was "accidental" but they broke my stuff all the time. Almost all the cookware and dishes were mine btw, they had nothing when I moved in.
Things grew even more tense.
Before spring break, they got high and made a bunch of munchies. They used this giant vat and a bunch of other dishes that they piled into the sink and left for me to do.
I'm not a doormat, so I put their dishes into the vat and left it on the kitchen floor for them to do when they got back. I did the dishes that I needed or that I had left.
Those two weeks were very clean.
When they came back the one male had a shitfit at me, "R U FOOKIN SERIOUS U DIDNT DO THESE DISHES!!!!"
Told him to fuck off and stop yelling at me like a parent to a kid, and he had the audacity to scream "I'LL YELL AT U BC U ACT LIKE ONE!!"
Lost his fucking mind because he thought he was gonna come back to me having done his chores lmao. And to be clear, I would have done them if it were a few things, but fuck no. He even left an aggressive note on my door.
This lunatic made me cry and I hated them both from that point forward.
So here's the kicker:
When the two guys moved out, I was planning on talking to the landlord to sign another lease. The landlord didn't want me there anymore because he wanted to find three fresh bodies and he thought finding two more with me there would make things difficult.
But before I could move out, he tells me I have to deep clean the entire apartment from top to bottom. He also expected me to buy the advanced cleaning chemicals for the job on my own dime.
It wasn't fair. He didn't ask those fucking boys to clean the apartment and I had only lived in it for 4 months. I had to get my parents and police involved to get the slumlord to give me the deposit back because he was trying to bully me into doing unpaid labor.
That whole experience was unbelievable.
No. 243044
>>243041Oh god, how fucking gross. Good for you for not taking that shit, anon!
>>243032I lived with a misogynistic neckbeard once. He was a horrible person. Took sexual and emotional advantage if this mentally ill girl to the point of her needing to be sent to a psych ward. When myself and a couple other people told him flat out he was predatorial toward this girl, he twisted himself into the victim because she "wouldn't leave him alone". She was drinking the kool aid too much to realize what he was doing to her and since she was an adult, nothing could really be dine without her cooperation.
It was horrible and I could never trust a male roommate after that.
No. 243045
>>243032I had a male roommate tell me he wouldn't do any cleaning in the bathroom because, and verbatim, "I don't make a mess in there like girls." Do you piss, shit, shave, and shower in there? Then you make a fucking mess. Cue a year of cleaning soap scum, piss under the seat, and unclogging drains filled with his pubes.
The fucking worst.
No. 243050
>>243045Men are just sloppy, arrogant, victim complexed people, there's literally no living with them unless he's a sub fuck toy
I srs haven't heard one case of a male/female roommate that didnt turn out a storm, its all the way from making messes everywhere and expecting you to clean it up all the way to rape and manipulation, just don't do it, even if you "trust" him
No. 243089
>>243045Did you tell him to fuck off? I had a male roommate who expected me to play maid for him and I made it clear that unless he wants to pay my rent, I'm not cleaning up after him and he needed get over his sexist bullshit.
>>243041>breaking your shit all the timeDid you ever call them out on what they were doing? They're lucky you're so docile, I would have gone terrifyingly psycho on them.
No. 243128
>>243089He’s certifiably crazy. He called the police during an argument once. They showed up and were like “wtf???”
He’s a rich white boy who thinks authority should always back him up. He didn’t realize police where going to show up in the middle of the night and see a hysterical crying man-child and a composed yet a little afraid white woman.
Anyway, I didn’t bother saying anything after that. Not worth the drama. I’d rather clean a toilet than deal with the police.
No. 243131
>>243089>Did you ever call them out? Hell yeah sister.
That's how I found out they were doing it to try to manipulate me. They said, "Maybe if you did these dishes they wouldn't get broken!" And if they weren't doing it on purpose while washing them, they'd find other sneaky ways. Like if I left a glass cup in the sink for the day, they'd come through with heavy plates and pans and set it on top of the glass and slammed something atop it until it shattered. That was even more annoying because then I couldn't even prove they did it maliciously, other than the fact that the breaking happened all the time.
They'd pretend dishes in the sink were mine when they weren't. I actually had a stomach disorder at the time so I usually couldn't eat anything more than cups of jello, soup, and a small slice of pita. They would try to say I had used pots, but plates, utensils, and shit that I clearly didn't dirty because I wasn't eating.
Anyway, it was two against one always. And I didn't want to run to my mom and dad for everything. It sucked.
No. 243172
>>243131Holy fucking shit, what assholes. I hope they ended up with psycho girlfriends who destroy their shit in arguments.
>>243128If that were me, I would have gone into damsel in distress mode and told the officers I was afraid for my safety because he was clearly unstable and hostile toward me. Not bad enough for them to arrest him, but enough to scare him into behaving.
No. 243208
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>>243049Reminds me of my one roommate who would pick his nose and wipe his nasty boogers on everything in the restroom. Lets call him G
>brushing my teeth and notice a nasty brown-green smear on the wall next to the mirror>immediately know who this is cause I see him digging for gold in public all the goddamn time>talking to my other roommate but see G walk out of his room and confront him about it>tells me he doesn't know what I'm talking about>a few minutes pass and I hear running water in the restroom>snot is gone>think this was the end>it wasn't>over the next few months G would proceed to wipe his snot over increasing sporadic spots in the restroom for me and my other roommate to find and bitch about>probably sees it as some sort of sick game>volume of crusty wall snot increase until finally it seems to stop>one day I'm cleaning up and I go to dry my face off on the little hand towel I keep right next to the sink>I pick it up and see the other side>its red>the whole fucking towel is red and spattered with nasty blood covered snot>hundreds of them >the entire towel is a crusty bloody mess and he's been using the thing to blow his nose>finally lose it and tell G that if he doesn't stop this and replace the towel I'll bring it up to the landlord along with all the other shit he's done>finally it stops>clean restroom for months>then I get hit with the flu and get really sick so I stay with my parents for a week>come back and take a shower>go for my shampoo and notice that the ENTIRE CURTAIN is covered in a weeks worth of snot and is slowly running down the curtain wall in an enormous glacial formation>other roommate didn't notice this since he wears glasses and cant see shit in the shower>only about a month and a half of finals so when I bring it up with my landlord he doesn't really careThis was only the tip of the iceburg, he had his mother come in every week to clean his room for him and cook for him, and the only reason why we didnt bring the hammer down on him early on was because he paid for everything he took and because it didn't seem like he really knew how to live with other people. He was a pretty nice guy outside of his nasty antics but holy Christ that shit drove me nuts.
No. 243209
>>243208Holy fuck, this story.
>living with menNot even once.
No. 243382
>>243360When we first met he would avert his eyes and dig his finger into his nose right in the middle of the conversation whenever I looked him in the eye. I'm not sure if it was a stress response, or if that was just something he was used to and was never reprimanded for. I think he just didn't know how to live with other people, his mother did everything for him. We had communal eating utensils and plates, and the typical "you eat off it you clean it" rule that was generally followed. Well one day I decided to go for a bowl of mac n cheese and like a fucking idiot I didn't look at the bowl itself because every other roommate I've had knew how to clean their dishes. When I went to go eat I got a mouth full of disgusting mildew and god-knows-what.
Turns out G's idea of "cleaning" dishes was to rinse whatever he was cleaning with water and then use his fingernails to scrape the shit off and then put it back into the stack without drying it off. He would also do shit like bend all the utensils out of place, half of our forks looked like rakes by the end of the semester.