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No. 194998
>>194997no I think whether Margot deserves the dragging she's had is still subjective.
No. 195006
Dasha definitely, Onion, Margot, Moomoo, Soren (very, very much so even if he disagrees), Sheena and Ryden, Doe Deere, and anyone else who scams and lies.
I'm torn on some though, I feel like with some people (Luna, toopoor, Mickey, Ember, Aly, etc.) having just threads fuels them and their absurd egos.
No. 195066
>>194997Actual human garbage
>Soren>Margaret>Onion>DashaPeople who I think are pathetic/pity and/or wish would do better for themselves
>Luna>Kiki>Most lesser cows/flakes to an extent, I guess No. 195096
Margaret and Onion are genuinely doomed people.
Margaret, because she's a middle-aged failure with nothing to show for her life aside from the years of pimping her FAS daughter whom she now blames for all her shortcomings. She's too old to change who she is, and she'll die being the miserable piece of leeching shit as she lived. The milk will never end.
Onion, because he has a deranged personality disorder that causes him to act un-empathetically, selfishly, and impulsively–which might have been OK had it not led him to fucking around with minors and the IRS. Now there is an Archimedean screw of consequences that will no doubt overwhelm him. Like Margaret, he can never admit his shortcomings. He tries to hide his deep-seated insecurities behind a whacky, outspoken vlog personality. But all it does is make it so transparent that he is a broken, weak person vying for approval.
He cannot change who he is.
I feel like everyone else is either young enough, or just lack the kind of unchangeable flaws, that Margaret and Onion possess.
To name a few:
Luna is young and most of her personality and hygiene problems stem from being an addict. She could go to rehab and recover, whether that's voluntarily or via jail.
Ash is young and autistic, but she has the rest of her life to lose weight and work on her behavior–which aside from whiney, isn't that offensive.
Momo is fat and egotistical, but her behavior isn't unusual for a woman in her early 20s who happened upon some attention. I'll get shit for this: But I really don't think her lying about boudoir cosplays is really all that egregious of a crime or that milky. JNig did it for years, she just had a flat tummy and plastic bewbz so it was more okay.
Sidenote: I don't lurk the Cyr thread so I can't make a judgement on those clowns.
No. 195102
Onision, Margo and Leighanna Rose (and transwomen and fakebois in general tbh).
>Onision is genuinely a manipulative, abusive asshole. He's left a trail of emotionally damaged women in his path from previous marriages and relationships who have had to go to therapy in order to recover from his abuse. He's seriously negatively affecting the lives of all the teens he judges in his videos. He does all of this under the guise of "feminism!" or "body-positivity!" when it's anything but. His manipulation of his young fans into giving him money is seriously pissing me off. He's guilting them into thinking that he's losing money while he's got three houses (that we know of?), two cars and a basement full of expensive big-boy toys. Even other youtubers don't want anything to do with him. I can't see him as anything other than a psychopath because of his "dark humour" (his obsession with school shootings, his videos all feature someone getting shot or stabbed, telling people to kill themselves and joking about people who self harm…) and his inability to care for anyone other than himself. Lainey seems on edge when she's around him and it looks to me like she's being physically abused (I know there's a debate over whether she likes being with him or not but he picked a young girl who was obsessed with him and fresh out of high school for a reason, they're easier to manipulate) plus he doesn't give a damn about thier two children. He's desperate to get rid of her despite making her completely dependant on him from the age of 17. Now with two kids, no work experience for many years, nothing but an online degree and not a cent to her name, there's no chance of her ever having a normal life. He publically humiliated Shiloh whose music career has been ruined because of it. Nobody could Google Billie or Skye's names without seeing their association with him because he refuses to take any of the videos he's making sweet, sweet money on down.
>Margo used her young daughter as a cash cow to fund her own extravagant lifestyle. Venus never saw any of the money that she earned herself. While Margo was off getting her hair and nails done, buying designer clothes and makeup (essentially spending it as frivelously as possible), Venus was bought fetish items and cheap makeup from the internet and was stuck having her nails done really wonky by her mother. Margo twisted Venus' innocent childhood hobby into something heavily sexualised becasue her idiotic brain couldn't comprehend the "living doll" and Lolita looks as anything else. She tried marrying her off to someone she barely knew just to guarantee their stay in Japan. She tries to ruin the reputation of anyone who crossed her (calling Venus abusive, staging a photo to make it look like she cheated on Manaki, trying to make it seem like a child accidentally hurting her pets was somehow to blame for it, making Venus out to seem like an alcoholic, claiming Venus stole from her, calling Manaki a pedophile even though it was her idea for them to marry, stalking Manaki's house but trying to make it seem like he hit her…) I want to keep the threads alive because I hope that if she hasn't seen them already, that Venus will see them one day and realise that she was right to run away and cut contact. I'm sure she doubted her choice when she ran away first and I remember a period where she posted a lot of depressing Instagram posts. She probably has to deal with Margo's stans constantly and she probably sees all Margo's posts either playing the victim and trying to frame Venus in a bad light or those mopey ones she posts around special occasions trying to guilt her. I feel like maybe if she was able to read how some of us here have been supporting her from the very start and re-inforcing that she was making the right choices all along that it would give her confidence. It's been so long and Margo is still torturing Venus, she deserves everything she gets.
>Leighanna Rose is a female fetishist but at the same time, he holds a deep hatered towards cis women (like all trannies, really). He'll support anything that abuses women (sex trafficking, Islam, targetting lesbian women as a trans person). He fetishises Romani culture (cultural appropriation) even though he berates others for doing the same. He sees "sex work" (sex trafficking) as glamarous and empowering and has previously told one of Ireland's campaigns for helping trafficked women in the country that they just ~don't understand~ what sex trafficking is. He argues that Islam is good for women and that he somehow wouldn't be stoned to death if he lived in a Muslim country. He always finds some way to be able to paint himself as a victim. You're only arguing with him because he's trans and transwomen kill themselves sometimes and it's all your fault. You're an Islamaphobe. He's suffering from pain and mental issues that he diagnosed himself with. He's poor so you should give him money. He also only helps out a gypsy family so that he can feel like he has a job (ofc he's unemployed) and complain about how much hard work it is. He also gets into arguments with everyone over everything and has a tendancy of shitting up every Irish thread on /cgl/. It's pretty much guaranteed that whever he's mentioned, he'll pop up (kind of like the devil). He's been banned from many conventions in Ireland due to his behaviour and most people avoid him like the plague.
Sorry for the wall of text.
No. 195107
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>>195003I think the longer he goes on the more people are interested because his demise always seems JUST around the corner. He's the most deserving but I actually think he's the least lulzy becuase the whole story is almost sinister, this psychotic man child that's been put in positions where he's been able to abuse people. :/
No. 195132
>>195096i feel the same way too. aside from the ones who deliberately hurt people for personal gain, most cows' flaws are pretty human and shared by millions, even by people farmers themselves know. while it's fun to gossip about; being fat, lazy or irritating is not really a crime that deserves the same amount of vitriol as abusing or killing people.
on the other hand, this site is not Osiris weighing people's hearts and punishing those who deserve, it's a gossip board and it's not really rational to expect this to change.
No. 195180
In my honest opinion, none of them universally "deserve" it per se.
I noticed I'm most invested in cows that are closest to me in their attributes and behaviours, and that others do the same.
For instance, my favourite cows are Luna and Onision, and I realized that it's precisely because, at some point in my life, I was at hair's length at becoming like one of them. And it still looms over me.
The judgement and disapproval I throw towards them is exactly what helped me distance myself from becoming like them.
Others do the same. Take the threads about (ex)anorexics like Aly or Ash, for instance, the most interested and vitriolic in them are current or ex anorexics.
And I think this is a good thing. It's like circus mirror we hold up to ourselves, for our own benefit, and for the general benefit of the society.
No. 195190
>>195180Forgot to mention when I posted this, I believe this is also the reason why majority male boards like /cow/ focus on picking apart other males, while while lolcow mostly picks on other females.
The closer you are to it, the stronger you need to push it away.
No. 195219
>>195202They're talking about the 8ch board, anon. Which is undoubtedly majority male.
As far as the subject of this thread goes, here's my list (which is subjective and tbh there are cows and flakes I haven't even checked out yet):
Ryder Armani
Kiki to a certain extent (the spergchan posts really prove how unstable she is and how much she enjoys bringing others down)
I agree with other anons that Luna's not so bad, but I love her threads because it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion
No. 195233
>>195180good point anon. Luna's my fave prob because at her age (I'm 26 now) I was a raging heroin addict. I showered, cleaned my home and worked a job but besides that I probably was just as cunning, sneaky and annoying as she can be.
I'm sure everyone shares at least one similarity with their favorite cow or snowflake!