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No. 195821
I've done something similar, but to a lesser extent. In middle school, I missed so many days (because depression) that they told my parents I couldn't move on to HS and had to repeat a grade. We decided I'd just stop going entirely (I hated that place, so no regrets), I got a false transcript from this other school that listed me as having perfect attendance and good grades, then applied to a HS I actually wanted to go to. I lied about my former school, where I used to live, some parts of my childhood, etc to anyone who asked.
It could've been messy because there were a few people from my old school at the new one, but I got away with it.
OP, if you go through with this, are you just going to cut everyone off, or are there some people who know and will get to "stay"? If you're claiming to be 17, will you tell people that you're being home-schooled, that you dropped out or that you're going to a local high school? What if they ask about your parents (assuming they're not aware of this)? Do you have a reliable way of preparing fake identification? What happens if someone recognizes your face? In the first place, why are you doing this? Is your current life really that bad?
No. 195830
so you're either gonna go tana mongoose and claim to be a 17 yr old but somehow always going on trips out of state by yourself or pull some hannah montana but as a cosplayer
it's retarded, unrealistic and everyone will catch on
but some tips are getting a new style, learning to change your face a bit, get a new persona too
try to change your race as well, for example if you're a mediterranean girl, learn an accent, tan a bit and say you're brazilian, don't pull some crazy black face though, if in your "first life" you were shy and quiet, learn to be outgoing and wild party girl, also if you have a way of speaking such as saying certain phrases a lot step out of those and you might can learn a new phrase
example would be if you say "oh my gosh" a lot teach yourself not to say it as much and replace it with a new phrases like "well damn"
No. 195890
>>195867Lol seconding this. This is stupid and unnecessary. Also very snowflakey. I would not be surprised if there's already a thread about you.
If you're trying to escape a bad reputation, just start a new alias and be honest. Otherwise you're gonna open up a whole new can of issues. It's gonna be more trouble than it's worth. People will still find you anyway. Just don't do it. Also probably get some mental help, because that sounds like what you really need.
Reminds me of this case, pretty interesting and worth a read: No. 195896
>>195867This is what I thought when I read the OP.
Kek I look forward to reading your thread anon, "the cow who lied about their entire life" hahaha
No. 195898
>>195805As someone who has done something sort of similar to this(I just went by a new name and hung out with people I met online), I can tell you it's definitely not going to go the way you want it to go. I'm assuming you're doing this because you want to essentially irl catfish people and feel like a somebody. If you are, no one is going to treat you any differently than how you're treated now. The only time they'll treat you differently is when they eventually find out that you've lied to them about all this petty shit.
Also as someone who was an actual teenager when I was hanging out with new people under a new name, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR AGE. No one ever fawned over me for being ~kawaii loli jailbait.~ People just treated me the same way they treated everyone else. And if someone did do that, that would be insanely creepy.
If you're just in it for people to treat you like a kawaii loli, just find someone online who is into that shit and keep it in the bedroom.
No. 208401
>>208115>>208108Perhaps there's something omitted by her family? Her mother remarried, perhaps she was unwanted or abused in the new union, or even there was some other unconnected reason and the breakup of her family was the last straw for why she was holding off her escape
I'm just fantasizing to myself to make it more interesting