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No. 1962002

Mest fokuserad på Närcon, men andra konvent är fine det med.

>Skall du på konvent?

>Varför? Varför inte?
>Hur är det att vara tjej på konvent numera?
>Vem/vilka paneler skall man undvika?
>Potentiella lolcows på konventscenen?

No. 1962014

>Skall du på konvent?
Tveksamt. Har varit det tidigare, men upplever att det är svårt att vara ensam tjej. Numera mår jag dåligt av att se alla trans-relaterade grejer då jag har trauma kring det, och det faktum att vi behandlas som om det vore 'självklart'

>Varför? Varför inte?

>Hur är det att vara tjej på konvent numera?

Ingen aning, pga alla transgrejer har jag hållit mig undan. När jag var där skulle alla fråga saker där det var väldigt uppenbart att man bara fick tycka på ett sätt. Alternativt, stoltsera med att de hade 'rätt' åsikter. Det var jättesvårt att hitta normala människor.

>Vem/vilka paneler skall man undvika?

'Närconsent' är en indoktrineringskurs i DEI.

>Potentiella lolcows på konventscenen?

Är det sant att snubben som drar i hela NC har en sexbrottsdom mot sig?

No. 1962021

wat ist dis faggotshitten(retard)

No. 1962064

Vad är DEI?
>Det var jättesvårt att hitta normala människor.
Förlåt, men det fick mig att skratta, du pratar trots allt om nörd konvent…

No. 1962092

DEI = Diversity & Inclusion. Hela idén om att olika grupper är mer 'privilegierade' än andra och därför måste särbehandlas eller nervärderas baserat på hudfärg och 'könstillhörighet'.

>du pratar trots allt om nörd konvent…

Jo, det ser rätt kil ut när du säger det. Normala nördar kanske nog passat bättre.

No. 1962502

>Potentiella lolcows på konventscenen?
Andrea ritsu såklart! Transbian man med autism som bytte juridiskt namn till sin favorit yuri-ship. Han brukar hålla i ett av karaoke rummen och vara med pokemon panelen. Han är så vitt jag vet ökänd i yuri-krestsar online.

En fråga dock, skulle det inte vara bra om tråden var på engelska? Många från andra länder kommer på konvent i Sverige tex från Finland.

No. 1962509

>'Närconsent' är en indoktrineringskurs i DEI.
Gud, skulle älska att gå med vänner och roasta allt som sägs! Ännu bättre om man kunde filma och roasta online kek

En sak jag hatar med närcon är att de tar bort gammal info om konvent. Förra närcon vinter (dvs typ 2 månader sen) promotade de ett event i appen där alla uppmanades till att anonymt skicka in historier om "galna" saker de sett/gjort på konvent och de nämnde "sex" som ett exempel. Det var 18+ event men alla barn kunde ju läsa om det i appen, och så tvivlar jag på att de faktiskt kollar allas ålder… men som sagt tas gamla event bort så att all kritik appen därmed också försvinner.

No. 1962562

Det hade ärligt talat varit skitkul om någon kunde filma skiten.

>Nämnde "sex" som exempel

Det var jättetråkigt att det togs bort, tycker inte att barn skall vara på konvent öht, och finner det riktigt äckligt att Närcon verkar vända sig mot dem. Ju mer bevis på att Närcon ej är familjevänligt, desto bättre. Har sett en del av deras utskick handla om saker som 'Så övertygar du dina föräldrar att låta dig gå på Närcon'.

No. 1962572

couldnt this have been in suomillanka

No. 1962583

What makes you look at Finnish and Swedish and think they're the same language or even in the same language family?

No. 1962926

Amerikkalaiset on vammasia mutta det finns ju några av oss som förstår båda språk.

No. 1963691

no mä puhun suomea och svenska og norsk men jeg synes man burde ha denne som en separat tråd. sorry for den sykt sctizo setningen kekk.

uansett, jeg vurderer å dra til sverige for å delta i en con der, alt i norge er så lite.

No. 1964371

>tycker inte att barn skall vara på konvent öht, och finner det riktigt äckligt att Närcon verkar vända sig mot dem.
Jag gick själv när jag var typ 12 och det verkade såklart normalt då, men nu när man ser 10-13 åringar springa runt med tex "bisexual flag" som mantel känns det faktiskt riktigt äckligt… jag menar vilken sorts vuxen gillar att uppmuntra barn till att skicka direkta signaler om sex/sexualitet bland äldre tonåringar och vuxna, utan deras föräldar närvarande eller att de vet om det?

No. 1964382

menar du att jag som svensk ska gå in och skriva i finska tråden då kek Men tycker engelska skulle vara bra för tråden för icke-nordiska personer

>Hur är det att vara tjej på konvent numera?
För det mesta är det helt ok. Har dock blivit sexuellt tafsad på av närcon personal och en besökare (han var såklart trans också)

No. 1964395

>av närcon personal
Va i helvete, jag hoppas du anmälde detta?

No. 1964437

Nej jag vågade tyvärr inte. Händes som att jag inte kunde gå till någon eftersom den man ska säga till är personalen, han var den enda personalen där

No. 1964441

File: 1713170863002.png (43.22 KB, 962x174, yuriship-guy.png)

transbianen ska antingen få fake-boobs eller rotpocket (eller båda?) installerade om 24 timmar, blir intressant att följa detta

No. 1964466

File: 1713171596838.png (111.62 KB, 980x452, andrea-ritsu-addiction.png)

huh visste inte att han hade missbruksproblem. Så han har ADHD, autism och är missbrukare = mentalt stabil nog att få transkirurgi, verkar ju logiskt och helt etiskt…

No. 1964496

>Ju mer bevis på att Närcon ej är familjevänligt, desto bättre.
Varje gång jag ser nån loli-shit som säljs spyr jag inombords.. Saker som yaoi/yuri/hentai borde definitivt inte få säljas öppet heller… boob mousepads och body pillows är också äckliga. Gäller även appen imo, de borde inte tillåta sexuellt material alls.

Ni som ska på närcon/konvent, snälla fota allt olämpligt ni ser som bevis!

No. 1964566

Jag är ledsen att du råkade ut för detta. Ju mer jag läser ju mer verkar de här konventen inte säkra för tjejer.

No. 1964576

Inga smileys, nonnis

No. 1964579

Jag har sett konversationer där någon har försökt ta upp sådana här problem, och använt termen 'AFAB' men snabbt blivit tillsagd 'men transkvinnor då'.

Riktigt tråkigt att det hände dig, btw! Ledningen är svin. Men tack för att du berättade här, iallfall.

Personligen har jag inget emot sådant där, men det skall inte vara tillgängligt för barn. Första konventet jag gick på för länge sedan hade sådant där med en stor '18+' stämpel på, nära personalen så att barn inte kunde komma och bläddra. Har även hört om '18+ dealers room' på Amerikanska konvent, just av den anledningen.

Jag instämmer! Fota allt! Vore kul om vi kunde ha en stor lång tråd om det.

Jag är inte förvånad alls, så här går transvården till. Intressant hur detta skall gå! Har inte vår egna Ritsu en tråd på LC redan?

No. 1964695

>Ju mer jag läser ju mer verkar de här konventen inte säkra för tjejer
Skulle ärligt talat säga att jag känner mig mycket mera säker som ensam tjej på konvent än på tex en musikfestival. Det är inte ens jämförbart, så mycker bättre är det. Det är iaf på närcon förbjudet med droger/alkohol så det hjälper nog en del, det är så många barn/unga där som aldrig skulle våga göra något dumt för de är nördiga neets kek. Personalen är ofta woke-som-fan tjejer så de tar iaf det seriöst om du säger att någon betett sig dumt mot dig. Man får se det lite som en religiös sekt; de har en del riktigt sjukt konstiga idéer, men de är snälla och försöker i alla fall göra det dem tror är rätt (så länge Jesus/woke tillåter det och man inte förolämpar deras religion).
>Personligen har jag inget emot sådant där, men det skall inte vara tillgängligt för barn.
Det är det som är problemet, att det är barn där som ser det. Barn som även uppmuntras utforska och signalera sin sexualitet bland alla vuxna där.
Han kan ha haft en gammal tråd? Tycker nog dock han passar bättre här, som en konvent lolbull

No. 1965141

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Någon annan som får dåliga vibbar från Japan-Jens/Sam Anlér?
Grundare av närcon. Han är enby och polysexuell. Han har minst 1 barn med sin fru och flickvän

No. 1965194

>Har även hört om '18+ dealers room' på Amerikanska konvent, just av den anledningen.
Var på event i tyskland för ett par år sedan, och där hade de själva byggt upp en avdelning som var 18+. Man fick gå till ett separat bord en bit bort där man fick visa sitt leg för att få ett extra pappersband runt armen som man mycket noga fick visa för personalen vid ingången till avdelningen (som hade en extra vägg man behövde gå runt så man kunde inte ens stoppa in huvudet för att se något om man inte hade band). Med tanke på att Närcon har så många byggnader och korridorer så tycker man att det inte borde vara allt för svårt att införa något sånt, men det skulle ju innebära att de skulle behöva anstränga sig och ta ansvar för någonting.
>så de tar iaf det seriöst om du säger att någon betett sig dumt mot dig.
Nah, finns mycket historier där de ursäktat creeps för att de "bad ju om ursäkt uwu" (hände någon jag känner) eller offren själva behövt be om ursäkt för att de försök varna andra för att det anses vara mobbing. Konvent är definitivt mycket säkrare än festivaler, men skulle inte påstå att man är allt för skyddad heller även om man är under 18.
Han kom ju lägligt ut som poly när hans fru var höggravid och hela hans ploy om hur han är könsneutral känns så "hello fellow kids" kek har inte bevis, men hörde för ett gäng år sen om hur han gärna försökte pressa folk till sex efter att han började vara poly. Jag undrar hur hans son kommer bli när han kommer in i tonåren…

No. 1965298

>Var på event i tyskland för ett par år sedan, och där hade de själva byggt upp en avdelning som var 18+. Man fick gå till ett separat bord en bit bort där man fick visa sitt leg för att få ett extra pappersband runt armen som man mycket noga fick visa för personalen vid ingången till avdelningen (som hade en extra vägg man behövde gå runt så man kunde inte ens stoppa in huvudet för att se något om man inte hade band).
Närcon skulle ALDRIG göra det, de är för sex-positiva och vill inte slut-shamea uwu och såklart är ansträngning eller att skydda barn inte deras starka sida.
Tror säkert de har någon form av 18+ regler på papper men man ser ju ändå alltid saker från vendors och artist alley som är sexuella. Speciellt i artist alley, det finns alltid några som har feta bdsm transman gay "bear" bilder till salu, och sexiga anime girls, och så hur många som helst pins och klistermärken med pronomen, pride-flaggor och autism, adhd, schizo etc (ja seriöst du kan köpa "jag har autism" pins som du kan stoltsera med). Önskar jag var journalist för det känns som ett scoop att skriva om ett "barnvänligt" event som säljer sån skit till barn. De har redan lagt ut i appen att någon HBTQ+ förening kommer dit. Jag är såklart inte homofob (bara transfob, sluta skära upp oskyldiga barn tack), men det faktum att det riktar sig till barn på samma event där det definitivt finns och accepteras loli+shota vuxna är äckligt.

No. 1965302

Tyvärr är inte journalister jätteintresserade av närcon, det är för nischat. När det gjordes lite försök på tiktok att cancella närcon för 2-3 år sedan så skickade en kompis vidare informationen till sin kontakt på SVT som tyckte det hela lät väldigt intressant men blev tyvärr inget av det.

No. 1965304

Hans son kommer antigen bli sexpest som han eller göra revolt och bli kristen munk och släppa all kontakt med sin sjuka pappa. Tror seriöst att en pojke som växer upp och får höra att det är helt normalt att som man ha flera fruar/flickvänner att ligga med kommer ge honom sjukt dålig kvinnosyn. Det finns bokstavligen inte en enda kultur i världen där män som har flera kvinnor faktiskt behandlar kvinnor bra, eller ens ok. Det kommer alltid med kvinnoförtryck.
Är så klockrent att han "kommer ut" med att han vill ligga med andra när hans fru är gravid, typiskt troon beteende.

No. 1965308

>När det gjordes lite försök på tiktok att cancella närcon för 2-3 år sedan så skickade en kompis vidare informationen till sin kontakt på SVT som tyckte det hela lät väldigt intressant men blev tyvärr inget av det.
Sjukt coolt att de gjorde det! Jag skulle spinna vidare på det, fortsätt samla bevis och kontakta SVT igen! Ju större närcon blir, ju mer intressant blir det för media att tala om det! Vilken typ av information gavs?

No. 1965420

Wow, är imponerad av att folk försökte, och håller med om att man bör fortsätta samla bevis och kontakta SVT. Använder inte Tiktok så missade helt detta, men är glad att folk försöker iaf.

>Bad om ursäkt
Usch, vad fan är detta för beteende? Förvånar mig inte, men wow… Snacka om pickme-beteende. Eller hjärntvättat woke.

Börjar önska att det fanns ett sekulärt alternativ till NC. Eller att man iaf fick påpeka att de följer någon slags religion.

No. 1965772

>Eller att man iaf fick påpeka att de följer någon slags religion
Tror det kan bli en större grej nu när trans-ideologin börjar bli exposad i media kek
som sagt samla bevis nu, screenshots is appen/discord/hemsidan och ta foton och video på konvent för närcon själva kommer försöka slingra sig ur som hala ramen-nudlar

No. 1965782

>Jag är såklart inte homofob (bara transfob, sluta skära upp oskyldiga barn tack), men det faktum att det riktar sig till barn på samma event där det definitivt finns och accepteras loli+shota vuxna är äckligt.
Det sjuka är att alla (speciellt närcon själva) VET att loli och shota är vanliga fetisher bland vuxna anime fans, och de låter ändå små tjejer springa runt med "trans gay autist bean uwu" tags/pins/flaggor som vuxna män där kan utnyttja genom att vara "snälla" och "validerande" mot tjejerna. Det är groomers paradis för alla barn blir tillsagda att alla på närcon är öppna mot HBTQ, alla är familj, du kan lita på alla, ingen är farlig osv… det finns ingen jävla safe guarding för barn alls.
När jag och mina vänner var 12-15 åringar och gick på närcon kände vi alla till några män som var 20+ som försökte dejta oss (och som dejtade andra tjejer i vår ålder). Inte förän vi blivit vuxna själva förstod vi hur sjukt äckligt det faktiskt var, på den tiden var det mer en lustig grej typ "haha han är sååå gammal som är 22". Ingen annan vuxen i samma kretsar sa något om det heller, ingen försökte stoppa desssa män eller slutade vara vän med dem över det. Jag minns att jag kallade en av dessa män pedo som ett skämt (i vår messenger grupp) och han blev skitarg och letade efter mig hela nästa konvent, frågade konstant alla var jag var osv men jag lyckades gömma mig hela tiden.

No. 1965831

nostalgi kek. jag hade aldrig gått på konvent idag, ända sedan transor blev en stor grej har det varit omöjligt att ha kul som weeb. inte för att låta som en boomer men saknar den gamla konventkulturen och den mysiga sortens autism konventare hade innan. nu är alla bara cp på ett dåligt sätt.

No. 1965852

>ända sedan transor blev en stor grej har det varit omöjligt att ha kul som weeb.
Det har alltid funnits cringe weebs som dem.
Jag har inget emot kpop (utom att de behandlar sina artister som slavar) men tycker kpop har tagit över och förstört mycket på konvent. Kpop stans är normies till största delen, det känns inte som att de borde ta så stor plats när det bokstavligen bara är vanlig pop musik som råkar vara på ett asiatiskt språk (ironiskt nog skrivs en hel del av musiken av svenskar). Och hatar koreas idol-kultur den är sjuk på alla nivåer och borde inte uppmuntras här. Alla vendor rum jag ser som bara har kpop posters och pins är alltid i princip tomma på besökare, förstår inte varför de alltid är där ändå. Har även sett personer i artist alley försöka sälja sina halvdåliga blyertsteckningar av kpop idoler (kopierat från ett foto)… känner alltid typ aww lilla gumman, önskar dina vänner inte var så falska att de uppmuntrat dig till det här.

No. 1965861

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Utan att säga för mycket så har mina vänner hållit i aktivitetsrum på närcon flera gånger, och de är terfiga som fan privat kek har hört många historier om troons som är med i deras aktiviteter efteråt. Men såklart låtsas de vara woke under konventet. Ville bara att alla ska veta att det finns många hemliga terfs på närcon

No. 1966170

tror jag var där live holy shit kek
det var möjligen mitt första konvent någonsin

No. 1966219

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Någon annan som tycker det är sus att närcon har haft "personalbrist" typ 20 år i rad? I bästa fall är de inkompetenta som fan och har inte lärt sig hur man sköter ett konvent fastän de haft 20 år på sig, eller så är det med flit för att de vet att de stackars ungdomarna som blivid lockade att "bli en del av familjen, få gratis mat, så mycket tid till konventet efter ynka små (CIRKA) 6 timmar av arbete, kom och få familjekramar, vi är inte en sekt". De utnyttjar rent av naiva ungdomar med vilje, jag har hört många besökare klaga på det så de vet definitivt om att det är ett problem (som de själva såklart inte ser som ett problem). Alla jag känner som jobbat som panda säger samma sak om att de blev tvungna att jobba ca 10 timmar i sträck (eller mer!) per dag pga av personalbrist.

Vilken annan festival går ut med att försöka locka till sig specifikt ungdomar som personal så här? "det spelar ingen roll om du är ett barn, inte har erfarenhet… kom till familjen…" Hur många tonåringar som aldrig någonsin jobbat innan har mental kapacitet att vara personal för event med 12.000 besökare?

No. 1966233

Va fan, är detta ens lagligt?

No. 1966267

tror de har något kryphål eftersom de är "frivilliga" festivalarbetare och inte riktiga anställda

No. 1966320

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Haha uppcon alltså, minns hur jag försökte klä upp mig som Gothic lolita och någon la ut mig på en ”Lolita cringe” livejournal blogg. Sedan har jag hört allt möjligt om dåvarande weeb eliten som nämnts i yohio tråden som ex Jenzih, seike, bataar, madrevolver (minns inte alla nicken från bilddagboken) osv som flitigt besökte Uppcon. Jordens jävla trattskallar, hela bunten. Det var ett bra konvent, för övrigt, inte ett troon i sikte vad jag minns, men hejvilt tafsande och dylikt.

No. 1966385

kärlek till er oldfags ♥
fyfan ja, kpop tog fan över allt efter ett tag känns det som. vet inte om det är lika stort fortfarande men antar det? jag har aldrig kunnat into kpop och det är också något jag känner bidrog till att den gamla (dare i say, riktiga) konventkulturen typ dog.

No. 1967148

kan inte säga att jag saknar glomps, free hugs och yaoi-paddles kek

No. 1967331

File: 1713359753642.png (397 KB, 946x623, andrearitsu-the-transbian.png)

Transbianen andrea ritsu har skaffat frankenditch nu. Hur lång tid innan han detransar när han inser vilket misstag det var? Eller kommer hans porr-beroende autism låta honom tro att det här var ett bra val tills han dör av någon bieffekt?

No. 1968959

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Han tror seriöst att män får mensverk + någon slags PMS bara av att ta hormoner. Trodde han bara var pornsick men han är ju helt jävla IQ-befriad och hjärntvättad. Verkligen läskigt att han hänger på konvent som närcon runt barn som inte ens har föräldrar med sig. Jag är inte modig nog för att se om hans yuri blog har massa lolis men det skulle inte förvåna mig…

No. 1968981

That Miku looks absolutely disgusted at the idea and she's probably reading some troon's post saying their diarrhea is a period. Sorry not Scandinavian

No. 1969376

some of us want the thread to be in english for a bigger reach so you're good nona

No. 1969614

File: 1713470350712.jpg (505.58 KB, 2048x2048, 20240418_215524.jpg)

Det här är seriöst designen som nordens största konvent valde att använda till sitt senaste konvent, år 2024. Det ser ur som en 10 åring gjort det i paint?! Så jävla skitful att jag dör av skratt, vem fan godkände detta?

No. 1970133

File: 1713480751970.png (91.18 KB, 421x236, IMG_4584.png)

ser ut som en referens till journey? eller har dom bara rippat designen? lol

No. 1970785

File: 1713512197960.jpg (285.01 KB, 1069x1085, Graphic design is my passion.j…)

Ja, men den är så jävla ful och dåligt gjord. Här är ett annat exempel. Det här är hur de väljer att marknadsföra sig wtf även konvents banden/biljetterna matchade detta.

Det finns ingen anledning att ett 20+ år gammalt konvent med flera heltidsanställda, som dessutom håller flera konvent per år och som är störst i norden har sån här skit??
De har ju tillgång till hela artist alley som de kan commissiona, så de kan ju inte låtsas som att det inte finns konstnärer heller. Men de kanske tycker konst ska vara gratis och inte är värt pengarna…

No. 1970810

File: 1713513444168.jpg (159.03 KB, 1080x1332, Ncdiscord.jpg)

(Is English fine? The app is mainly in English)
This närcon staff member is always such a passive aggressive dick tbh.
It looks fine at a glance but there's been many questions about bags being banned in the last month and him being like "why wouldn't it be fine [smiley]" (because there's been fucking bag bans which nc follows you dickhead, that's why) only to then reveal they don't even have the final details so it might actually not be fucking fine is just poor customer service and dripping of passive aggression.

They always do this, they act like they're sooo sweet [smiley smiley] but you can always smell their contempt through the screen.

Every time someone has a complaint staff will defend themselves and make excuses and NOT adress the actual issue. If you're lucky you get a "sorry YOU feel that way".
If you say a general "närcon sucks in this area" they come in immediately like "sorry sweatie, we unfortunately help or improve if you don't say what the problem is…[smiley]" conveniently ignoring everyone who did bring up the exact problems they've been ignoring for at least a decade! I swear I saw one of them blame corona (they held a convention in 2020) for something irrelevant a few weeks back.

No. 1972521

Jag har själv jobbat som panda och känner flera som varit pandor i flera år och detta stämmer inte alls på de områdena vi jobbat på. Jag var i C-huset och de jag känner jobbade främst i städ, men också på utomhusområdena. Jag har aldrig hört någon av dem klaga över sina arbetsförhållanden, och för min del jobbade jag kanske 5-6 timmar om dagen, arbetsuppgifterna var så pass enkla att ett barn lätt klarar av dem och resten av dygnet var helt fritt att hänga på konventet som en vanlig besökare. Helt ärligt låter personen du postade som en bortskämd inkompetent person som inte fattar vad volontärarbete innebär.

No. 1972540

håller med. det finns många andra arbetsplatser för volontärer som är en miljon gånger så krävande som ett konvent.

No. 1974261


Jag tycker att ni båda kan ha en poäng. För flera år sedan så var det en mindreårig tjej som trillade ihop efter 10 timmars arbete, så det kan mycket väl vara eller ha varit ett problem i något arbetslag.

Att Närcon vänder sig till barn i första taget ('Det spelar ingen roll hur gammal du är') är väldigt, väldigt sus. Särskilt när NC, som tidigare påpekats, har pengar och besökarantal till att anställa faktisk personal, eller iaf hålla rollen som Panda över en viss åldersgräns.

>They always do this, they act like they're sooo sweet [smiley smiley] but you can always smell their contempt through the screen.

This is unfortunately the kind of attitude that has kept me from wanting to interact with local nerd communities, running into too many people like this. A lot of people running local nerd stuff act like this, unfortunately. And it's really not nice when con staff does it.

No. 1974654

3 av 3 personer jag känner som jobbat på närcon sa att det sög för de blev tvingade att jobba minimum 8 timmar per dag. En kille fick jobba dubbla pass, så 12 timmar per dag. Han var tonåring och vågade inte säga emot. Det var typ 2-3 år sedan. Tror just han jobbade i en butik ute när det var jävligt varmt för jag minns att han sa att det var det värsta.
>Helt ärligt låter personen du postade som en bortskämd inkompetent person som inte fattar vad volontärarbete innebär
Det är ju just det närcon vill ha, ungdomar som jobbar för dem utan att fatta vad det innebär så de kan få dem att göra vad som helst utan att ifrågasätta det. De lockar tonåringar att jobba "teehee du får gratis mat, pappa-närcon älskar dig vi är familj 4ever" så de tror att det är normalt för unga tonåringar att jobba så mycket. De flesta andra arbetsplatser söker inte volontärer som är yngre än 15 år och lockar dem inte med spel och godis.

Sen är min personliga åsikt att närcon inte borde ha minderåriga volontärer alls eftersom de tjänar pengar på konventet, och de klarar ju aldrig att få in tillräckligt många att jobba där så de borde göra mindre konvent istället.

No. 1974657

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No. 1980559

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Vad/vem skulle få er att gå på närcon, trots brister? Svenska kyrkan kanske, de måste ju dra många besökare eftersom närcon envisas med att ALLTID ha dem där…
Subwoolfer ska komma igen vilket jag tycker är trist, skaffa någon ny artist istället. Plus så har ju sub varit öppna med att en bra deal med maskerna är att de kan (och gör) skicka ut andra randos som spelar rollerna åt dem, det är sällan "riktiga" subwoolfers. Såg förra året och det var playback.

Jag skulle gärna se mer artister från Japan, minns att uppcon med typ 2000 besökare hade versailles som gäster vilket var coolt, borde ju då vara möjligt för närcon som alltid skryter om att de är störst i norden att ha något coolt band med sina 12000 besökare?

No. 1981749

Ungefär det som händer nu. Yngre generationen håller på att bli mer och mer based vad gäller trans, folk håller på att tröttna på transor. Det gör att jag känner att det kan gå att gå, så länge man har en uppgift eller kompisar med sig, så att man kan skratta åt lol-kossorna.

Uppcon var fan bra, minns fortfarande YMCK-conserten. Något av det häftigaste min unga hjärna sett.

LOL vafan gör svenska kyrkan där!?

No. 1981764

De har väl fortfarande inte efter alla dessa år inte lärt sig hur man sköter en budget. Eller helt enkelt så vet de att de kommer få mängder av besökare oavsett så varför anstränga sig…

No. 1981794

>LOL vafan gör svenska kyrkan där!?
Det måste ju vara någon på närconteamet som är djupt kristen, eller har en familjemedlem som är präst typ så de kommer in den vägen. Finns ju INGEN anledning att kyrkan skulle bli inbjudna år efter år annars. Är lite sugen på att gå dit och fråga, närcon själva skulle ju knappast erkänna att de låter familjerelationer gå först i kön men någon där kanske råkar släppa ur sig att deras systerson är med och arrangerar närcon eller så.

Dessutom är ju närcon woke som fan, så att de bjuder in kyrkan som är kända homofober i allmänhet verkar väldigt skumt. Visst är det säkert någon HBTQ del av kyrkan, men ändå. Är ju ändå sjukt att de har religiös propaganda på ett konvent.

No. 1981797

>Ungefär det som händer nu. Yngre generationen håller på att bli mer och mer based vad gäller trans, folk håller på att tröttna på transor
Gud vilken dröm det skulle vara om närcon blev terf-central istället kek undrar verkligen hur många terfs som är där, önskar det fanns någon hemlig signal men som ändå inte väcker uppmärksamhet eller gör det så uppenbart att man blir utkastad. Jag antar att Harry Potter saker kanske är det närmaste man kommer.

No. 1981799

>Eller helt enkelt så vet de att de kommer få mängder av besökare oavsett så varför anstränga sig…
Bingo. Alla rum som arrangeras är ju av föreningar och utställare som inte har något med närcon att göra, så vad gör närcon själva egentligen? Bjuder in artister antar jag, med sen är det ju artisterna som gör hela uppträdandet. Cosplaytävling också såklart, men det gör ju även små konvent så det är ju inte som att närcon sticker ut och är extra bra på något sätt där. Känns som att de mest sitter och får betalt… medan deras barnarbetare städar och står bakom kassorna där de tar typ 70kr för en bubble tea vilket är hutlöst dyrt.

No. 1982730

Harry Potter merch? Based. Vore kul om man kunde göra någon form av meetup. Någon annan nämnde 'Mamma Mu Meetup' som gjorts förr i världen? Vore kul!

NC själva verkar tjäna pengar på att småtjejer dras dit, vilket gör konventet intressant för snuskgubbar. Vilket NC tjänar pengar på.

No. 1982766

Rundown for English-speaking nonas:

-Sweden has one big, huge anime convetion.
-It's run by a guy who came out as poly when his wife had a baby. He considers himself non-binary. It seems like he's a registered sex offender.

-This anime con is filled with stuff kids shouldn't see. Porny stuff is right smack dab in the middle of the dealers hall. No 18+ room or anything.

-This anime con is marketed towards literal children, there are official documents about 'how to talk to your parents about Närcon' and 'Why your child should go to Närcon'. This also attracts groomers en masse.

-This con attracts young (often underage) female volunteers working up to 10 hour shifts, by selling themselves as a loving family. This con is a for-profit business, so they should be able to hire

-People are comparing it to the previous 'big' anime con of the early 2000's, and lamenting that that one had actual J-rock bands, while this one has mainly local things from Scandinavia and the same things each year.

No. 1983347

>Någon annan nämnde 'Mamma Mu Meetup'
KEK mamma mu
Man kanske får ta något fandom som är så jävla dött att ingen normie någonsin skulle gå på det av misstag

No. 1983379

File: 1714321170219.jpg (240.26 KB, 683x430, seremedy.jpg)

>while this one has mainly local things from Scandinavia and the same things each year.
kek had a flashback to when not närcon but another convention had seremedy as a guest band and barely anyone turned up to watch them. The singer Seike called the audience of like ten to fifteen 14-year-olds shit and said "you suck" on stage. Yohio was in the band too, always in drag.

The singer Seike hilariously claims he dated and fucked a troon as a teenager without knowing she was a troon aka born a male because there is no difference at all between the troon and a real woman with a real vagina. It's very clearly bullshit if you look at the facts of it. For one what fucking teenager in Sweden had access to bottom surgery, long ago enough that the scars had healed and another person couldn't tell, and this was supposedly prior to the trans boom even happened? I don't think it's ever been legal here to do the bottom surgery on minors. And that's disregarding that we've all seen how bad the results look here on lc in the mtf threads.
So either Seike was groomed by some old 40 year old troon when he was a tubro-virgin 18 year old who had never seen a real vagina and that's why he thought it was "totally the same". Or - my personal favorite option - some girl he dated pulled a kikomi-chan and lied to him saying she was actually born a male and he straight up bought the lie and to this day thinks it's true.

Seike also openly consider himself "troende" which means he's a devoted christian, which is fairly unusual in Sweden as most are atheist or religious "on paper" but wouldn't ever call themselves religious nor do they believe in god. I also remember one anon adamantly claiming he was a troon himself and might actually be a woman. I've never looked into it myself but very much kek if it's true.

No. 1983833

Typ… Speed racer? Astro Boy?

Well, at least Yoo-hoo knew how to attract women. I think Seike is a rock star, and they're kind of narcs imo so it wouldn't surprise me if he made it up, but I want to believe in Kikomi-chan.

No. 1983841

jag har glömde mycket av mitt svenska…

nejmennejmennejmennejmenheeeeeeej duolingo.

No. 1984221

you can write in english anon kek it's ok

No. 1984316

>Well, at least Yoo-hoo knew how to attract women.
Nah, he could attract 10-12 year old girls, not women. I was dragged along by a younger sister and cousin once to a Yohio concert, I was 16 and let me tell you I was by far the oldest person in the audience (apart from parents)

No. 1985206

Anyone see any panels that might be fun to go to? There's a 'Human Pixar Cars' panel going on.


This is good milk, anon. Much thanks.

No. 1986199

File: 1714499215403.jpg (290.27 KB, 972x2170, 20240430_193611.jpg)

I'm a pearl clutcher I know… but having 18+ events at närcon just bugs me so much. They even literally advertise for their own staff to be be minors and professional themselves on being "safe" so it doesn't seem appropriate to have any kind of 18+ event to me. This one is just an auction for coomer shit merch, but last time it was personal sex-stories being told. This isn't advertised anywhere on närcons website or social media so how are parents supposed to make safe guarding choices for their kids when they're aren't even aware they're sending them to a place that secretly has 18+ events? I guess it's because I as a young female teen was preyed on at conventions so now I'm kind of questioning anything sexual being present at all.

No. 1986466

someone in the app literally had a warning about 'pls check so everyone is 18 at 18+ panels' because apparently, someone running an 18+ panel had just not checked and despite knowing there was minors in the room, ran the panel anyway.

No. 1986495

Är inte Seike troon själv? Ftm

No. 1986870

>someone running an 18+ panel had just not checked and despite knowing there was minors in the room, ran the panel anyway.
Exactly why being a "pearl clutcher" is actually warranted at närcon, they really don't care about kids safety. Or safety at all tbh. Every year the same thing happens, after the initial boom and check-in staff becomes REALLY lax with checking the wristband-tickets of visitors. People just walk in and out and plenty of them don't have their wristbands visible at all. Me and friends have been in long sleeved cosplay multiple times and they just let us in becuase they assume any cosplayer must be a paying visitor. And realistically what is a pair of shy 16 year old volunteer girls gonna do if a creepy grown man with fake weapons (what if they're not fake?) just confidently walks in, they're just gonna let him pass. It's not like they get paid anyway, why would they care to do a good job?
Anyone who lets minors into a 18+ event should get kicked out of närcon immediately. There has to be actual repercussions when it comes to the safety of minors, even if all they did was to let in a 17 year old. Because what they fail to mention is the gross predatory men at 30+ was also in that room waiting for naive younger girls like her to prey on, the room isn't a neutral space.
Present your evidence anon, otherwise it's just speculation on a gossip board. But to add to the gossip Seike is ugly enough that if a girl looked like that she defintely would troon out so I can see it kek

No. 1987112

I agree with this. Having lax standards around minors attracts predators, which in turn makes it harder for decent people to hang out.

I miss yaoicons. I wish we could still have yaoicons without having to cater to fakebois.

No. 1987901

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I hope his newly butchered rot pocket gets infected. Pornsick piece of shit.
>Having lax standards around minors attracts predators
This guy is a prime example of it, I've seen him ask female cosplayers to reenact yuri-shit with him for photos with my own eyes. Don't know their ages, I'm sure he didn't either, they could have been minors for all either of us know. (Didn't know just how pornsick he was at the time though, I only found out afterwards)

No. 1992359

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I'll keep the english streak going, hope that's ok.

This is a list of pretty minor complaints, but me and my friends have been in a few of närcon's own activities run by staff and they always seem to miss the mark they were aiming for.

For example last year we did a "pokemon/pokedex hunt" or whatever they called it (one friend is big into pokemon, I like it ok too but haven't played the last gen) but we quit almost right away because the way you collected pokemon (tiny stickers) was by doing other random shit for närcon staff like answering questions about popular anime or sing a song, nothing pokemon related. Like ok? That's like going to a "naruto karaoke event" and one single song is from naruto and the rest is other shit. Why the fuck would we join an activity if it's not what is advertized? Just call it an "anime hunt" or something then?

And another activity that also happens to be related to pokemon is the 2 times we've joined their pokemon drawing competition (again, friend is big into it). You had to make up your own pokemon so we all did it for fun. The närcon staff did their judging in the corner so we could see and hear them pull up pokemon on their phones because 2/3 of them didn't even know basic gen 1-2 pokemon. I mean it's one thing to not know the latest gen (I don't kek), but ones that came out in the 90s? What are you doing judging a competition on something you lack even basic knowledge of?! In the end both times very shitty drawings by the youngest kid partaking won, like come on- don't patronize the kid and respect the other people who take part seriously.

At one point we also joined a "team quest" which took all day and was based on which team did it all first. The kicker was at a few points we had to rely on getting the next quest from the staff who held the event, and she just fucked off for a couple of hours to host a different event - meaning some teams got several hours to do more quests while the rest of us could do nothing but wait. And once one team won she dropped the event through a text message, so noone else got to complete it for fun. We never even got to know who won or what the prize was. We had spent hours on the quest at that point.

The way they run things all around is so amateurish and doesn't respect the time or effort of people who join. I've given upp on närcons own activities, only doing things hosted by associations from now on. That's like 90% of the con anyway so it shouldn't be too big of a loss…

No. 1992437

NTA but, there's no proof as no nudes have been spread but Seike's actual close friends have told that Seike is intersex and had some sort of surgery. I was also told from a friend I trust that even knows Seike's family that Seike has PAIS but honestly since it's basically impossible to prove without medical papers or nudes it's as good as pointless gossip. Seike does obviously have the FTM frog voice.

No. 1992726

>Seike's actual close friends have told that Seike is intersex
KEK I bet that is a god damn lie. All PAIS people are male though. It's a bit off topic other than being related to the Seike gossip, but this troon called Dalea Rundblad has PAIS (though he has lied in some interviews and claimed it was CAIS instead. P = partial, C = complete, so it makes a huge difference). Dalea just sounds like a regular troon trying to sound more feminine.

No. 1992749

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Seikes real name is Louie Hartman. Odd name for a swede so either he has foreign background that he never mentions or his name was something like Loise or Lovisa so it was an easy switch. He's also mentioned being a victim of sexual assault, never seen him mentioning his dad at all but often fawning over his mother (who was an amputee and passed away from cancer this year) and talking about how mom was "treated poorly and faced betrayal". If he's a tif it sounds like a classic CSA turned tif story from an abusive dad - but this part is only speculation.

No. 1994136

>or example last year we did a "pokemon/pokedex hunt"
>other random shit for närcon staff like answering questions about popular anime or sing a song, nothing pokemon related
oh damn I think me and my boyfriend had did the exact same thing happen, and the first 2 stickers were a mr. mime and a jinx i think? We left the room and I asked if he wanted to look for more and he said "nah, I thought it would be a pokemon game" (he's a gamer who is not that into anime) so we threw it in the trash immediately instead. I would have kept the sticker but they made you put it on a paper so it was already used up.

No. 1995153

His ex bandmates aren't the nicest of people and several of them spread rumors. That's how I heard about him being intersex but obviously I have no way to confirm it's true. It's possible some people also thought intersex is the same as trans and a horrible case of broken telephone happened, since it was a few years ago at a time when people were even less knowledgeable about intersex.

No. 1996479

The infamous transbian andrea ritsu has been making "surgery updates" videos in case anyone cares. He's mentioned something about a follow up surgery despite the surgeon saying it all looked good before kek they always lie to their faces

I've been half keeping an eye on him to see how bad it gets. As we all know surgery makes troons more likely to kill themselves, or to die from complications so I'm kind of expecting him to die sooner or later. Would be hilarious if he peaks from complications but since he's an autist coomer and not a hsts I don't think he will (unless maybe the lack of coom gets too him?)

No. 1996489

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So one surgeon came in and told him the truth that his """vagina""" looks wrong and he thinks the others who lied to him and said it looks fine were the ones telling the truth. Also his surgeon fucked off on vacation to south africa the day after the surgery kek they really give zero shits about troons health

No. 2005405

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update on troondreas rot pocket

No. 2005409

what??? Holy fucking shit I didn't know what he'd been up to for a few years now and now he's gotten the chop??? I'm cackling lmaoooo this is cathartic. Hated this motherfucker butting into womens spaces on Twitter so much

No. 2005434

if it's such a life threatening emergency and he's about to bleed out how is he capable of livetweeting everything the entire time?

No. 2005665

uppcon var bra på att bjuda in band ändå, Minxzone och ymck, trevliga japanska band som spelade och hade meet&greet med merch osv superkul för alla.
garvar alltid när jag minns seremedy på uppcon och att de höll på att filma nån tour/gig-vlog för att hypa bandet som om de var the next big thing.
Synd att inte livejournal är så välarkiverat för var så mkt drama om jfashion- och vkeifolket från den tiden. hörde redan då att seike var ftm och hette nåt vanligt svennetjejnamn innan.

No. 2042267

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Aww man we were SO close to getting to see a lolcow irl! Do you nonas have a dream lolcow that could come to närcon/other local con?

No. 2042394

You are very free to take me or nail technician with a grain of salt, since nothing I say can be proven. But when it turned out the nail technician I was visiting for a while used to be in the Swedish jrock scene we talked about some people that we either knew in common or knew of that are still active or semi-active in the scene so Lou was one of the names I brought up and without a beat she casually said "oh, yeah. I used to know him as Lovisa way back then, how the times change" before moving on.

No. 2070597

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Nonas who are going to närcon this summer, would you be up for a secret LC/terf sign?

I'm not sure what it would be tho, would have to be subtle enough that people don't ask what/where it's from, but noticable enough that the rest of us can spot it. Maybe a bracelet/ring of a certain color combo or theme or something?

No. 2070600

>Maybe a bracelet/ring of a certain color combo or theme or something?
How about cow print?

No. 2070602

Anything cow related or a drawing of Elsie

No. 2070605

cute, but where would you get that since cow prints aren't super common? and also I think it would have to be a designated item (like a bracelet) or you'd have to wonder every time you saw a cow item if it was intentional or not

No. 2071083

Harry Potter pins?

No. 2071837

I'd be down for that

No. 2072174

By pin, do you mean acrylic/metal pin, or a badge?
Easier for me to do a badge.

No. 2072279

I suggest anything pin-like so a badge is fine too, but perhaps placed in such a way that we all get that it's intentional? Where would be an unusual, but not too unusual, place for a pin? Jacket sleeve? Or we could simply place it upside down or sideways or something.

No. 2082561

Idk where else to post this, but I'm in NärCons creative discord and some of those people are straight up stupid. They were discussing business cards and how "disrespectful" it is to just take one without buying anything. Are they for real? Business cards are literally meant to be free advertizing for you, you should be fertilizing the ground with it to get people to notice you! Yet they act as if it's a precious sellable product and taking one is bad?!
And it doesn't even seem to be newbies, it's people who have spent time, effort and money on selling at many cons. Imagine being so cheap you don't want people to take your fucking business card for free, I just can't stop cringing over how immature they are

No. 2082610

lmao the entitlement. someone taking a business card means they are interested in looking more into your wares or work but they are perhaps for some reason unable to at the moment (lack of funds, seller doesn't offer what they're looking for at the moment, etc.), it's not fucking science to figure that out. Best part is that they are probably doing the same thing and not even thinking about it.
Having worked with a lot of artist alley/small store sellers they are usually very entitled and "too disabled" to work but still fully capable of travelling to various occasionally over stimulating and stressful events in the country to sell their stuff.

No. 2091062

I suggest pinning it on the top of our shoulder, and a bit sideways. So that it's not 'straightly pinned'.

Is it ok to use badges that do not have the HP logo on them? Such as 'Bertie Botts' or a house logo? Or is that too wide?

No. 2091093

File: 1721048487236.jpg (125.69 KB, 951x1000, s-l1200.jpg)

Any pin as long as it's obvious it's HP related
>I suggest pinning it on the top of our shoulder, and a bit sideways. So that it's not 'straightly pinned'.
Let's go with this!

No. 2091234

Those of you nonnies that manage to find each other, please post how it went! If enough of you find each other maybe it'll be worth going to närcon next year

No. 2091272

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several of these made me kek

No. 2091335

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why are group 8 like picrel? calm down you're named after pasta

No. 2091339

These people would be eaten alive in an actual corporate environment.

No. 2103382

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I have to share my first day encounter at närcon with you nonas. I hope blogging is ok kek
I'm helping my friends at närcon this year (not staff) and today was the setting up day before visitors even arrive. They have free food if you work there (really shit quality, cannot stress enough how shit it was). They have long tables in the dining hall so you just grab any available seat, we made the mistake of sitting down next to a lone moid.

We were talking to each other while eating the shitty food, the moid sitting quietly next to us. Then all of a sudden he brings out his phone and puts it in front of us. He said something, which in hindsight was probably "you look like you like music" and he was like "I made this". His phone has really shit electronic-y music playing and a video of what I would describe as "early youtube" clips. Not of youtubers, but "viral" videos before viral videos was a thing. "I sell these, I made them." He brings out a white CD case, with a drawing of a poorly made anime girl which he said he drew himself (just black lines on white paper, picrel is from google just to show roughly what it was like kek). The other side had a poorly drawn dragon in similar fashion. My friend said "Cool, but I don't think we're interested!" and we all went back to talking. The moid didn't want to give up, he kept shoving the phone in front of us every minute or so with his music and random clips going "this guys is lifting a whole truck" or "this is the fastest car in the world" or some shit while asking "maybe I could get a few coins for it…?". Excuse me who the fuck are you, we are in the middle of eating and we already said we don't want your shitty CD?! He was clearly mentally disabled in some way, but my own group consisted of 2 autists and 1 adhd person and we were still all weirded out by him.
Now let me remind you what I said at the start - this guy is not a visitor, but is working at närcon in some capacity. I can't imagine what he does, he had zero respect for personal boundaries nor did he have anyone "looking after" him.

I have a feeling if I posted this in some närcon staff chat there would be many people going "oh THAT guy" because there is no way this was the first time he bothered people.

No. 2105340

It's honestly depressing walking through artist alley and seeing that at least half of sellers have some variation of gender flag stuff… it's like going into a church!
I can't imagine they actually sell though, it's just their version of having a picture of mary and baby jesus - a signal so people know they're a good little woke ally

No. 2105348

Nooo I met that same guy while working there two years ago!!! He did the same thing and then started pressuring me to buy his fucking CD. And when I said no he tried bargaining with me and lowering the price and he would NOT leave me alone. It’s insane how he’s still allowed to work there and make other staff so uncomfortable.

No. 2105467

Holy shit I've seen so many hulking troons here already.

No. 2108574

I don't know if he was närcon staff or other but yeah wtf, he should be banned for bothering people for years. I bet they just think "poor autist, this is his only chance at a community…" or something but he was really just an unskippable ad trying to force you to buy his shit in the middle of eating a meal

No. 2108581

Same, in a way it was "refreshing" because seeing them irl makes it so painfully obvious that they're male. It's like "oh wow you really CAN tell 99% of the time".

The most tragic part was seeing a bunch of obvious tifs with ugly beards and froggy voices, the skinniest one I saw was still fat but most straight up obese. One panda was an obese tif with a beard who still had a high feminine voice, I almost felt bad for her but at the same time she put her self in that position. She's probably one of those non-brainy they/them tifs who microdoses to get "some" of the effects.

No. 2108612

File: 1722169638159.jpg (738.13 KB, 1017x2326, Liar-liar-trans-on-fire.jpg)

Tried to sneak some pictures of cringe in artist alley. I think it's hilarious when troons make accidentally accurate shit like this! Why yes you are all a delusional mess sitting in a burning house, pretending it's all fine while you head to your doom because you refuse to see reality around you and get out.

No. 2108664

File: 1722171047148.png (2.21 MB, 1944x1222, skäggigadamen.png)

This artist alley woman with a testosterone addiction sold super cringe stickers that said like "a transperson pissed here" so her male sexual offender counterparts can make sure women know their place and that men can always enter their women-only private rooms too by vandalizing the place with stickers. Checks out though, you have to REALLY hate females to troon out.

No. 2108670

Samefagging, you'll be very unsurprised to learn that she also makes a lot of "pussy art" and has both posted nude pics of herself and is selling drawings of said nudes. She's the exhibitionist kind of troon.

No. 2109131

Did any nonnies manage to meet up?

No. 2109156

I did but she smelled really bad I guess she wasn't wearing deodorant so I had to cut the meet up short

No. 2109165

I met up with another lc anon that I already knew before the con, idk if that counts but we had a great time together and giggled at troons behind their backs a lot

No. 2109168

Nonas I saw this troon live at narcon, he looks and acts exactly the same after all the surgeries. Still no teeth. He cosplayed a female character from pokemon but my boyfriend assumed it was a male character because of him kek
He always cosplays female characters but i don't think he's ever even worn any makeup for it. He's such a weirdly low-effort troon yet he had his dick inverted all the way, it's so strange.

No. 2109206

Some troons insist they want to pass without make up, so as to be on the same level as cis women

No. 2109236

Some men have one or two "feminine" qualities about them but this creepy guy has literally no single feminine part about him so he'll never get there. Not sure he actually cares about passing since he just uses his male voice all the time tho

No. 2109403

Someone was selling 'punch a terf' stickers in AA.

Is this even legal? I thought encouraging violence was illegal in Sweden, regardless of the characteristics of the target.

No. 2110416

Did you get their name? You could report them over it, im sure they've posted it to social media so you can use it as proof

No. 2111553

Would I still be able to do that and remain anonymous?

No. 2111568

You can give the police an anonymous "tip", which is better than nothing.

No. 2111577

Please give the police a tip nona, don't let these misogynist genderist get away with it. They always whine about feeling unsafe yet they make others feel unsafe with threats of violence.

No. 2111582

I even think the "a trans person pissed here" sign is threatening tbh. They're only saying that because real women are uncomfortable and they're mocking them for being scared of male violence. I've seen nonas make terf stickers on here and I'm considering doing the same but literally just to put them over any troon stickers I see.

No. 2111587

File: 1722331051786.jpg (454.66 KB, 922x848, Troonpisser.jpg)

This one right? I'm actually dying laughing over them having the trans snail from the meme mocking troons, way to self-own kek

No. 2111589

I'd love to put some Swedish terve stickers over their english trans nonsense when I see it, so I'm considering making some too. How are you planning on making them?

No. 2111590

File: 1722331435273.png (419.57 KB, 827x591, 1b54b4_f6e165efeb9f488f9e2f3a4…)

Some nice sticker ideas here

No. 2111742

File: 1722344849239.png (49.36 KB, 2560x1536, 1716371429917.png)

Redbubble has sticker sheets you can buy and then cut them out yourself for relatively cheap, especially if you can cram like 50 stickers onto one paper and make them different designs. They're vinyl iirc so they're pretty durable too.

What you do is you make a sellers account, enter your bank details and such and then upload products but keep them hidden from the public. You can still order from yourself but no one else will be able to see or report the design kek

Love it, though some of those are so sarcastic they will be read as pro-trans by a lot of people I think, especially in a non-english speaking country where nuance gets lost in translation easily. I think having a progress flag with text involving "child mutilation" would be pretty good, perhaps "We proudly mutilate children!" or "Join the child mutilation cult today!". Maybe directly targeting parents: "Your child was born WRONG! CUT OFF their body parts to save them! #transkids". But all translated to the local language. Picrel is pretty good too, though I think putting up anything depicting a swastika might be illegal in a lot of places so you'd have to be extra careful with those kek

If any fellow swede's got suggestions for good phrases in swedish please share!

No. 2111748

>If any fellow swede's got suggestions for good phrases in swedish please share!
Kanske typ "könsstympa din dotter och kalla henne din son #trans"
"Om en kirurg skär av din sons penis, blir han då en flicka? #trans" Ganska groteskt men det måste det ju vara för att folk ska fatta vad det faktiskt handlar om. Tycker också att "trans" bör vara med då inte alla normies känner till vad flaggan betyder.

No. 2122065

Anyone else think that the närcon "cosplay parade" is odd? I think in the beginning it was literally just a parade for fun for nerds, but that it later became a pride parade, except they don't acknowledge it IS a pride parade despite waving big rainbow flags at the front?

It just seems a little insidious to make kids unknowingly parade for sexual rights, and to associate sexual rights with cosplay/nerd culture.

Also noticed the were waving a rainbow flag and NOT the progress flag, which is interesting given how woke and troon-loving they are.

No. 2133104

They called it a 'Nerd pride parade' when they had it at SFbok a few years back.

Also there is a bunch of drama about the NC discord server for the AA in the Crafting thread here on LC, heads' up

No. 2133877

File: 1723548039968.png (1.91 MB, 1080x1920, NCLC.png)

Some prime drama going down in the NC AA channel.

1. In 'Questions for the admin', someone posts images of things that are straddling the line for a convention that bills itself as family-friendly (and markets itself actively to minors with newsletter titles like 'How to convince your parents to let you come to Närcon'). She has been instructed to do this by another con worker.

2. Discussion is had. Mods respond with things like 'children have a sexuality' and 'We are volunteers doing this in our free time'. One of them claims to be 'interested in analysis of discussion techniques'. Mod explains that this kind of thing has to be adressed in person in order for them to stop it during the convention itself.

3. The next morning, another mod comes out and singles the initial complainant out for posting NSFW in the AA server. He writes a threatening note and pings her by username. Again, she was instructed to do exactly this by someone else working at Närcon.

4. When this is pointed out by her and other artists, the mods ban her from the server.

No. 2133885

>Mods respond with things like 'children have a sexuality'
So they are getting more and more outspokenly pro-pedo. When will any actions be taken against them?

No. 2133886

You forgot the part where a not mod, but self-admitted worker at närcon said nearly literally
>"yes there are almost definitely pedos at närcon, but we can't stop that so we won't even try!"

No. 2133888

This is for the swedenonas, guys did you know?
"NärCon" is actually short for "NÄRKONtakt med barn för vuxna pedofiler"

No. 2133908

Fan du har rätt. Hela skiten är grooming.

No. 2133927

Did you get a screenshot of that? I think it's worth making a master post about this on social media and try to get it going. I can talk to my friend and see if he is still in touch with his contact at SVT, since they were interested in making a segment about Närcon last time there was drama about this shit but nothing came of it (probably because there wasn't enough information at hand and was mostly claims from tiktokers). We need to get more eyes on the fact that Närcon isn't the safe place for children they market it to be.

No. 2133931

>I can talk to my friend and see if he is still in touch with his contact at SVT, since they were interested in making a segment about Närcon last time there was drama about this shit but nothing came of it
omg please fuck yes that would be so much fun and finally expose that shit

No. 2133939

Gotta need a lot more proof though, so if nonnas has screenshots, photos and other stuff you might have at hand that will not identify you please post them! Even if nothing comes out of it again, at least we will have everything archived and easily accessible the day shit finally hits the fan. Hopefully before something drastic happens…

No. 2133954

Nta and no caps etc to contribute but I'm rooting for you. Get those pedos.

No. 2133960

File: 1723552816709.png (431.39 KB, 1382x1549, memescreen.png)

I just screenshotted the entire post that the mod made and where he explains that he is responsible for C-huset, the place where the bodypillow was found. Incidentally, C-huset it also where there was an actual 18+ section.

So you know, this guy is the kind of guy that should definitely know what is 18+ and what is not.

Any other stuff that is useful to have?

No. 2133971

damn I assumed it was a woman, but that explains the "pedos aren't a big deal" attitude, tho it's närcon so they're also likely just a female troon (which also explains the pedo thing tbh)

also I could have sworn "svalan" said that the staff involved in the convo wasn't part of arranging närcon or something like that, but all the pro-pedoshit people were like "hello i'm the head person responsible for this area" so that was clearly a lie to save face then

No. 2133976

File: 1723553752096.png (4.07 MB, 1858x1814, eskil_myrenberg.png)

Found Mr. "There are guaranteed to be pedos at NärCon" on insta

No. 2133981

För minderåriga…?

No. 2133990

Everything and anything that might incriminate NC and it's staff! No matter how small! Doesn't matter if you post anything that is a bit on the older side that you've been sitting on - it will just point out a continuous pattern of staff and administration not valuing the safety of their underage visitors.

No. 2133996

samefag, sorry to put all the work on all you other nonas. I haven't really been in the Swedish convention world for many years, and last couple of times it's been strictly professional through the association I was in (though NC did mess up our planned activities and treat us like shit, but that is a whole other matter than the one at hand). So I'm not really as deep in this as some other of you are.

No. 2134014

File: 1723555889270.jpg (923.09 KB, 2198x1782, ddddd.jpg)

Närcons official app has minors going 'I'm 13, wanna meet?' and these things are not removed. Note the datestamp. This had been up for 2 days and 20 hours at the time of posting.

No. 2134038

Request to all nonas to post all old tiktoks about närcon you can find, I don't have tiktok myself

No. 2134040

Seconding this, I don't have tiktok either.

No. 2134043

>(though NC did mess up our planned activities and treat us like shit, but that is a whole other matter than the one at hand).
Please share nona! My friend was there in an association this summer and he had some complaints too. Name and shame any staff member you know the name of too, like pedo-apologist Eskil

No. 2134053

They openly encourage it, they have a "meet new friends" channel on discord and the introduction thread is full of kids going "hi i'm like 14 and have a bunch of developmental disorders such as autism and adhd that make me easy to manipulate". They have some rules like "ask in public chat before sending a DM and wait for a reply" but literally nothing is stopping a pedo from just messaging kids and being like
>"hi let's be friends"
>"oops omg forgot to post it in the public discord first so sorry!! hope it's ok, i just forgot, i'm a dummy teehee"
and that's assuming anyone actually knows about that rule, I only saw it for the first time today.

Realistically if you can't keep the minors safe from pedos you can't allow them in your space. Period. They have more control in their own app and could use that to create a safe spaces just for minors that they closely monitor, if they wanted to.

No. 2134057

Can someone please screenshot this?

No. 2134104

and what do you think should be the solution for this? are they supposed to ban everything you consider to be inappropriate? and just to be clear i don't mean to sound argumentative at all but am asking genuinely. i mean when it comes to weeb culture there's a lot of characters in completely sfw animes or games etc that are appropriate for kids but would still get lewded and put on bodypillows etc no matter what you do. should any of those items not be allowed to be vendored or take place at the con/around minors even when they're completely sfw because they can be considered lewd still? should the con get a screened off 18+ section like a porn section at a video store for nsfw stuff and if so where should the line be drawn between nsfw and sfw? i just don't see how there could be a completely "safe" space for minors that is adequately monitored and secluded at an anime convention. at the same time banning kids completely, or anyone who's 18 and younger, seems to be out of the question because they make up probably more than half of the target audience for weeb cons. while i think >>2133960 sounds extremely creepy in his wording and overall seems like a sus person i have to say i agree with a lot of the points or rather the questions he asks in regards to this issue

No. 2134491

File: 1723583155807.jpeg (208.01 KB, 1179x460, IMG_1781.jpeg)

people speaking up against the svalan mod are being banned so others can’t see what they said. svalan also demands anyone with questions about the nsfw issue private message mods instead of asking/criticizing in the open, they really want to silence this.

No. 2134581

File: 1723586967049.png (35.65 KB, 1190x128, svalan.png)

Svalan is so high on mod powers that he banned multiple users AND then publicly admits they didn't break any rules, and then publicly admitting he knew he could have just timed them out. He wanted to ban them to get rid of theirmessages calling him out, what a shithead. He is currently moping around too lmao he is so two-faced what a skunk

No. 2134585

File: 1723587090440.png (96.38 KB, 1644x398, chokeonadicksvalan.png)

Proof of him admitting it with a winky smiley and pretend to be shocked face.

No. 2134620

this pos is apparently 35 living with a 21yo woman. creep.

No. 2134677

He started working at närcon 2013, she in 2018.
She would have been 15 in 2018, and he 29. While they've only lived together for a year they most certainly first met when she was 15-16… so this Svalan guy IS a pedo creep for real.

No. 2134948

I mean I understand what you're arguing but I think butt/booby mousepads/body pillows fall into the nsfw category because even if the art is a fully clothed person the intention is what matters. Those items in question are basically used for mastubating (God, do I miss old con days when you were immediately shamed for having a body pillow ironic or not). Like you can claim that you have perfectly g rated intentions buying a Sailor Moon mousepad, but most people them for something not so much. If it was just something in a grey area like a bathing suit print, it'd be harder to figure the line. But body pillows and titty mousepad? Those shouldn't be in an all ages AA.

No. 2135153

File: 1723633651902.jpg (10.12 KB, 236x314, 8eb827148d22195a6e90779f4f241c…)

>what do you think should be the solution for this? are they supposed to ban everything you consider to be inappropriate?
Literally yes? This is generally easy to do and is done in pretty much all other child friendly spaces everywhere, it's not a new groundbreaking idea.

>weeb culture there's a lot of characters in completely sfw animes or games etc that are appropriate for kids but would still get lewded and put on bodypillows etc no matter what you do. should any of those items not be allowed to be vendored or take place at the con/around minors even when they're completely sfw because they can be considered lewd still?

Should disney allow to sell blowup sex dolls of disney princesses? No. Will people stop making those blow up dolls. Also no. Does this mean disney has to or should sell sfw versions of blow up dolls? No.
I really do not see where the issue is, it's not that complex but people suddenly lose their minds when it's anime. Body pillows are essentially a "sex toy" the same a blow up doll is, and therefor not appropriate around kids even if you make a sfw version. All adults still know what it really is.

>should the con get a screened off 18+ section like a porn section at a video store for nsfw stuff and if so where should the line be drawn between nsfw and sfw?

If they want to insist sexual stuff has a place at närcon, (which then still doesn't have to include literal sexual-acts-porn or loli/childporn), then yes they should make a 18+ section because the current method of having it be the wild west clearly is not working. Most of society frankly already agrees roughly what is and isn't 18+, hence why the label is so often used and everyone already knows what it means. So I really don't think it would be an issue.

Or, they do the opposite have a smaller 18- section of närcon that kids aren't allowed to leave. But I doubt that would happen. You CANNOT run an event for kids if you can't guarantee their safety is the highest priority. If it's not you simply can't run the event for kids at all. If they miss something inappropriate the reaction should be "oh shit we fucked up and will deal with it right away" not "well pedos are welcome since we can't read thoughts to ban them anyway so it's fine".

If you have rules and you don't uphold those rules, you do in fact NOT have rules.

No. 2135177

100% agree with everything anon said. Selling sexualized items is not a human right nor a philosophical question.
I've mentioned it before ITT, but putting up a strict 18+ section out of kid's sight is not that hard. In a german convention I visited they had a separate counter where you showed your ID/passport and got a specific ticket (one of those paper festival bands they put around your wrist) you showed the worker at the entrance to that section. They had also sorta put up a wall between the entrance and the area, so even if someone underage would try to sneak a peek they wouldn't see anything except for the couple of sfw anime artworks they had put up as decoration.
Hell, if the NC staff would use their brains for once it could be a good business opportunity: have adults pay 20kr as an entrance for the ticket and they can buy all the uncensored yaoi they want.

No. 2135428

File: 1723653032723.jpg (95.26 KB, 800x952, knife_moomin_by_the_sweetheart…)

I just have to mention that the directly responsible staff member Sora (who claimed they're in charge of what is 18+ or not) response to all this said
>"if we banned the titty-mousepad then we'd have to ban half of artist alley too" (implying that therefor they can't ban it)
Which first of all isn't even close to true. I was there a as a visitor and looked at literally every single artist's booth. Most AA sellers did not have anything that looked anywhere near sexual, at all. If they did it wasn't shown nor advertised in 99% of cases so nobody would have known. There's usually only a handful of people with a spicy album you can flip through if you want. Most people in AA know what 18+ means and do not have or show it. The few who do show it usually either 1. sell mostly 18+ stuff or, 2. have like 1-2 prints that cross the line and the rest is fine. (C-huset and vendors is another thing…)

So I cannot stress enough how painfully easy it was to spot the frankly few inappropriate drawings in AA, especially the giant ass-sign which you could see literally from across the street, staff claims they somehow missed it… but also that it was totally allowed anyway since it's not sexual. Until the other mod said it is sexual and went ban crazy on the people who raised the alarm. Butt anyway…
There really aren't that many AA sellers that do 18+ stuff, and the ones who do are usually the same people, like the person with the ass-sign had a lot of such things while the next had none. So for most people not showing 18+ images is super easy and they'd only have to remove 1-2 prints at most. If they're an "18+ only" artist then applying to a family friendly event was retarded to begin with and they only have themselves to blame.

Honestly the ONLY sexual thing you see regularly on half the tables are retarded troon flag shit that promotes castration and mutilation of kids for adults fetishes, and we all know närcon has their head deep into the woke-ass ideology so that wasn't even a thought in their head when they made the comment.

No. 2135689

File: 1723661061002.png (67.58 KB, 514x221, thomas_svalan.png)

Unless the photo is from some series (which it might be) this is potentially what the dickface mod looks like. the facebook is completely empty though

No. 2135852

File: 1723665072281.png (156.21 KB, 710x803, narconmodsbelike.png)

Are nonas down for silly memes like this or does that distract from the topics at hand?

No. 2136893

File: 1723709889508.png (457.22 KB, 600x400, cat-with-swallow.png)

I for one like it kek
I told my gossip-loving friend about the narc mod and she said there should be a cat army uprising to attack him since cats hunt birds and I love that idea

No. 2137101

File: 1723727069467.png (629.52 KB, 1087x613, svalan_seeing_a_teenage_girl.p…)

No. 2137104

File: 1723727204267.png (539.01 KB, 1087x613, narc_mods.png)

No. 2137111

File: 1723727365058.png (686.17 KB, 736x1105, narcon_feedback.png)

No. 2137118

File: 1723728082787.png (122.75 KB, 1050x829, new_narcon_logo.png)

thank you for inspiring me kek

No. 2137121

File: 1723728296103.png (122.79 KB, 1050x829, new_narcon_logo_white.png)

white version too in case anyone wants to use it

No. 2137137

File: 1723729068446.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1080, fuck_svalan.png)

bless your friend

No. 2137183

File: 1723731253102.png (905.65 KB, 1080x1500, närcon2015.png)

Would love if nonas could help find old (recent too) criticism of närcon to prove they've been told time and time again about their problems but refuse to listen. Going through this one right now so here's a shitty edit. Also in the future if we make it to a second thread we could put the links in the intro maybe?


No. 2139409

I'm dying over these, this is so perfect nona

No. 2139609

File: 1723848588252.webp (108.7 KB, 640x640, turnip-thief-found-it-on-v0-gg…)

Catching up so sorry if it's been posted already, but I noticed that "afternoon fika" who is a pretty well-known kawaii artist in swedish con-artist circles joined in to shut the banned users up even cross-servers. At this point she is just silencing people for her own personal reasons because she knows the närcon mods look collectively bad due to this drama and she doesn't want the bad press for herself.

I actually never realized she was a mod both in the närcon discord and the nordic artist alley discord. Kind of fucked up how much power she has in the nordic con-world by doing that, and people who seek out those positions of powers tend to do so for nefarious reasons. I used to feel like afternoon fika was the one you could point to and go "see we have good wholesome kawaii artists too" but now that I've seen first hand how she silences people I'm suspecting it's a very curated image and they've simply been silencing and banning any criticism. I bet there's more dirt on those hands, it's always the people who make the cutest art and pretend to be "wholesome beans" who have the nastiest personalities irl

No. 2142097

>it's always the people who make the cutest art and pretend to be "wholesome beans" who have the nastiest personalities irl
"Wholesome bean" act is so accurate, I actually bought one of the afternoon dino plushes for my nephew and they said something like "gotta give the baby a new home huh?" and I nearly put the plush back lmao
I know I'm literally a sperg at närcon which is sperg central but still I don't like being spoke to like I'm a retard

Funny how spaces like that proudly act like they're "inclusive" yet they either have no compassion for disability or they treat you like you have the mind of a child.

No. 2143198

I'm not a huge fan of how she shut it down either, and I also find the 'uwu wholesome' to be diabeetus worthy.

That said, I think she might fear repercussions from NC's staff if she allows people to talk about it on her server, since NC seems to be too big to fail at this point.

No. 2143222

File: 1724059165811.jpg (9.21 KB, 227x222, images (2).jpg)

>t's always the people who make the cutest art and pretend to be "wholesome beans" who have the nastiest personalities irl
honestly these kawaii types are ready to stab you in the back any moment they can get

No. 2143239

Most likely needless to add since this is obvious if you entered any part of the kawaii space or j-fashion circles, but also most people with the ott kawaii aesthetic that set up stores at conventions are super fucking toxic. A few of them have no issue with trying to sabotage your career or spread rumors if you stop kissing their asses for even a moment. The way they turn from these "wholesome bean uwu" personas into these absolute psychos is almost scary, like Batemans covered in pink bows and glitter.

No. 2143240

>I also find the 'uwu wholesome' to be diabeetus worthy.
I've seen her do actual keyboard smashes unironically in 2024, like jesus christ grow up already womanchild. I hate when mods/people in charge in particular do the "sweet and innocent heckin' bean uwu" facade, it's actually repulsive and makes me lose all the respect for them. Even if you are genuinely that kind of cringe ass person irl you still have to act like a respect-worthy "leader" if you're taking on that roll. Or people will literally not respect you or the rules, as is the case with her.

Her art is cute but it's so generic, I think she's just lucky to be the only person in sweden who does that type of generic kawaii as a brand. Most artists here prefer drawing characters and are afraid of being seen as "simple weebs". I legit think her skill level is too low to draw anything else though.

No. 2143241

>most people with the ott kawaii aesthetic that set up stores at conventions are super fucking toxic. A few of them have no issue with trying to sabotage your career or spread rumors if you stop kissing their asses for even a moment.
I fully agree, but if you have specific people in mind please do share nona!

No. 2143247

this made me gasp and kek out loud
ok but svalan being into teens is actually really gross. if i was running a workplace of any kind and my 30+ male worker started dating a teenage recruit i'd be like fuck no get out and never come back, and that's disregarding this närcon workplace is centred around kids and teens working there
>I think she might fear repercussions from NC's staff if she allows people to talk about it on her server, since NC seems to be too big to fail at this point.
I think in that case it's her own fault for choosing to suck närcons dick so hard in the first place. Also it's so fucking spineless to fear NC repercussions so you let NC inflict those repercussions onto smaller innocent artists (I think some of them were literally minors/kids as well) while you sit on your high and mighty ass pretending all is fine.

No. 2143258

Om problemet kvarstår nästa år (förmodligen) så föreslår jag att nonnisar som går dit tar med sig dessa i form av klistermärken och dekorerar deras lokaler.

No. 2143260

File: 1724063076718.jpg (241.66 KB, 1440x1440, 356668347_733620565438286_6064…)

Can we talk about the fact that afternoon fika and others are now able and allowed to pay their way in as vendors instead? I know afternoon fika is a big advocator of this since they profit on it a lot. It's not the fact that they're moving on from being small artist into being a big business, it's that they're allowed to do that while still acting like it's pretty much artist alley.

All the while närcon is saying they want "more variety" at närcon, yet they allow the artists who already have 100+ spots and an entire building to themselves to also take over C-huset and take up all the rooms so fewer and fewer associations can come and host activities. Not to mention afternoon fika was already one of the invited big artists at närcon so they never had to fight for a table in AA anyway. It seems unfair to me. It's also extra annoying and confusing because afternoon fika claims to only really room with "other talented artists" but leave out that they regularly room with "kawaii vendors" who are not artist at all. It really muddies the waters when they openly mix artists and vendors like that and they won't even admit to it.

And on top of that some big artists now sell both in c-huset AND in artist alley at the same time. They just have a friend sit in one of the places. I think that's not allowed in AA (because you have to sell "your own" stuff) but I guess as long as the friend is the one in c-huset that's not even against the rules since that's not AA. Also seems very unfair. And since those "made by you" rules aren't even in c-huset people can sell whatever they want and pretend it's made by them, it's not against the rules. They've just opened up to a big ugly mess by allowing this.

i would fucking die laughing if i saw those around nc

No. 2143341

I wish I could but I would end up outing myself, but I definitely think most of the kawaii vendors that aren't in AA have similar types of personality issues
Svalan isn't the only ones into teens, a handful of the more prominent staffers have history of dating teens (we are talking 17-18 year olds still in school) when they were in their mid-to-late 20's. I don't remember the names of all of them, but I don't think it's much of a surprise for anyone anyway
Problemet har kvarstått i säkert tio år, röstar för att nonnisar gör klistermärken redan till NC vinter kek vore helt perfekt om det fanns möjlighet att göra stickers av deras försvar av pedofiler också. Låt folket veta vart arrangörerna står

No. 2143600

Oh nona please share! I think they wouldn't be able to trace it back to you even on the off chance that they read here
>Svalan isn't the only ones into teens, a handful of the more prominent staffers have history of dating teens
Incredibly unsurprising yet disgusting of them. Even if you don't remember their names, I think it would be great if we could name more närcon pedos here in the future as they obviously like to hire like minded people.
>Låt folket veta vart arrangörerna står
Lägger till på svenska jag också då kek tänk på att även om ni inte vågar riskera något under närcon eller på närconområdet så finns det alltid lyktstolpar och annat runtomkring… dessutom blir det då svårare för närcon personal att kunna se och ta bort alla om de även är utanför området!

No. 2143610

Ska bara hålla med andra nona och säga att detta problem har funnits sedan närcons början och de kommer inte göra ett skit för att skydda barn bättre. Kör på klistermärken nonisar, ju fler som gör det desto bättre!

No. 2143617

Never thought about it before but you're right that they can freely ignore all the AA rules just by paying their way in huh. Närcon has always been more lax with vendors than in AA to begin with.

I don't trust the "artist alley" in c-huset, it's not even labelled as such on the map so I always assume they're vendors pretending to be artists (which I've definitely seen happen). Don't know why they thought mixing the two would be a good idea.

No. 2144800

>så finns det alltid lyktstolpar och annat runtomkring
Det låter som en jättebra idé ju! Då skulle också tex. föräldrar som inte gått in på området se klistermärkerna. Ännu bättre om de skulle kunna ha en URL till en sida där info om de skumma aspekterna av Närcon är samlad.

No. 2144818

>Ännu bättre om de skulle kunna ha en URL till en sida där info om de skumma aspekterna av Närcon är samlad.
Länk till lc är nog inte idealt KEK om någon nona vill ta på sig jobbet att fixa en sån sida så visst, men fram till dess så får det duga med vanliga klistermärken. Dock skulle det vara bra att ha fler designer som >>2143341 sa kan man ju tex ha citatet från nc personal om att det finns pedos på närcon

No. 2144820

>tänk på att även om ni inte vågar riskera något under närcon eller på närconområdet så finns det alltid lyktstolpar och annat runtomkring
jag åker in till lkpg med jämna mellanrum då jag har vänner där, jag kan möjligen sätta upp saker mellan konvent också. bara utomhus men ändå något

så var kan man köpa egna billiga klistermärken?

No. 2144826

request to nonas to make a similar logo but in english! you could make it "narc" like narcissist with a tagline about pedos maybe?

No. 2144908

File: 1724154435083.jpg (32.22 KB, 500x375, nosey-puppy.jpg)

>I wish I could but I would end up outing myself, but I definitely think most of the kawaii vendors that aren't in AA have similar types of personality issues
Ok so we already know of afternoon fika and I'm just gonna list some names of vendors and you can say if it's one/some of them or not kek: amai, AmiGosh, kawaii neko, Linkitty art, melty chocolate moon, neon heart, bitter & sweet, milkybon, söpö

No. 2144942

Utanför con-området och i Linköping och inte under con-säsong låter prima, främst för att det innebär att konventsfolket inte har anledning att vara framme och ta ner dem, men också för att vi når ut till fler folk då. Föräldrar. Lärare. Folk som har anledning att värna om barn.

Jag föreslår en Neocities, med en e-postadress från Cockmail.li

No. 2145053

Anyone going to närcon södertälje, 5-6 october? If so please take pics or video of any and everything inappropriate you see and post it here! Body pillows, figurines, general coom material. I think we should make real efforts to document it all

No. 2145574

fuck I did write a post about some of them but removed it, melty chocolate moon have goons everywhere and I don't wanna deal with that shit stirring fatass and her screeching voice, even if my personal experience is because I've worked at a stall close to hers at a smaller event and what I've heard/seen from others that have been directly linked to her. just know that she and neon heart are absolutely insane and not worth getting involved with.

No. 2145654

>fuck I did write a post about some of them but removed it
nooooo I missed it! Please post it again!

I've heard some old drama about neon heart before though I never got the details. I did get suspicious when she suddenly changed name from pastelbat or whatever it was before, definitely felt like she was hiding something from her past. Why else abandon your big following just to try to build it up again under a different name? Would have been one thing if she had changed her audience from kawaii to "sad beige mom" or whatever else is trending but she literally did the exact same stuff so there was no reason to change it…

And I was suspecting melty would be one of the names kek
They've both been at so many cons for so many years I really think even if you told some more it would be impossible to figure out or prove it was you. You can always just share what you heard and not your personal experience if it helps you feel safer!
And they'd both have to out themselves as lolcow readers to call you out to begin with, which is a death sentence in today's woke world kek

No. 2146902

I just don't wanna risk putting my friend at risk when I was just helping her store during the weekend I had the displeasure of having my personal experience with melty chocolate moon even if it was a while ago, I have heard stories of how she can harass staff in attempts to get people she don't like banned, don't think she has succeeded in actually getting it done but I don't like the thought of having rumours spread about her. but I'll try to keep it as non-personal as possible: the lolcow thread on pastelbat/neon heart is pretty much spot on, she also has a history of weaponizing her suicide baiting to get what she want. heard through others that melty chocolate moon is a notorious drama starter that pulls the race card whenever she gets the chance while doing this wholesome bean character, the entire weekend I was in close proximity of her she spent hours talking shit about others while in the same breath blow smoke up her own ass about how nice and sweet of a person she herself is. you'd think she was the most special and kawaii entrepreneur that everyone unjustly want to ruin because she's too kind for this world, but it is clear if you are forced to listen to her for an extended period of time that she is just a narcissist with a persecution complex. I think she accused practically every other aa artist and vendor of copying her as if her annoying af voice didn't cut through practically everything when she was talking to her way too young buddies
tl;dr: fact check everything that comes out of the mouth of those two psychos

No. 2147010

>I just don't wanna risk putting my friend at risk when I was just helping her store
Would be extremely rude and stupid of them to accuse your poor friend of anything just because her friend happens to go on a gossip board many years later, that's fully out of your friends control
>the lolcow thread on pastelbat/neon heart is pretty much spot on
Oh I had no idea she had a thread! Happy reading for me later!

No. 2147398


Någon har tydligen redan gett sig på detta. Kan någon skapa en temp-tumblr och skicka vidare materialet i den här tråden?

No. 2147615

File: 1724270068548.png (74.43 KB, 1000x1000, närcon_pedos.png)

Här är ett till klistermärke ni är fria att använda

No. 2147624

File: 1724270787278.png (78.04 KB, 1651x488, närcon_pedos-2.png)

Ännu en

No. 2148368

Has anyone ever been banned from Närcon? Like not just from the AAs, but from participating at all? If yes, on what grounds?

No. 2148419

A male photographer who regularly held lectures at närcon (maybe he still does) talked about how he got a "feminist" banned because she kept making threats to him for being sexist by taking objectifying images of cosplaying women. It sounds dubious until you see the photos she complained about, which were a pretty modest disney princess cosplay that only had a bit of cleavage and were taken at the request of the cosplayer. Still, that was HIS side of the story and he had raunchier photos taken (still at the request of the cosplayer/model though). Still, NärCon calling itself openly feminist while the only person I know of to be banned was a feminist banned for holding feminist views is not a great look for them.

It's the only case I know of, NärCon certainly don't ban vendors or AA artists for breaking rules and they work hard at silencing anything bad that happens.

No. 2148554

File: 1724334410930.png (42 KB, 894x486, floofyfluff_afternoonfika.png)

Told my friend about afternoon fika and she said it was weird someone working at a preschool sided with the pedo-con against keeping kids safe, so I had to look it up and yeah at least she's did, picrel from her tumblr. That kinda makes it even more fucked up

No. 2150405

File: 1724435243478.png (7.48 MB, 2560x2121, afternoon_fika.png)

It just hit me who all those fake nice kawaii con people like afternoon fika reminded me of and I had to do the edit!

No. 2150497

Holy shit, nona, I love you so much. This is perfect. Just perfect. Top kekked.

Does anyone have more dirt on this lady? It feels like there should be more than there is, maybe it's kept down by her running so much though.

No. 2150567

There probably is more. Honestly anyone who has been in the con world, specifically närcon, for as long as she/they have (referring to both Ida and her gf Caro) knows that they're run by pedo-sympathizers so to align with them is highly questionable in of itself. I can't imagine aligning with people like that even for money, they do it for free because it gives them the power to silence people and it benefits their business.

They saw the whole convo of people being mad that loli and sexual content is allowed, they kept their mouths shut when mods said pedos are at närcon and they do nothing about it, they kept their mouth shut when people were banned for just asking about safe guarding for kids. But they stepped in and answered something else instead so we know they were there following it. They know all the sexual and loli pedo stuff is going on too since they saw those posts. So at best they pretend they don't see it because it benefits them financially if people don't know how unsafe närcon is for kids. At worst they're also pedo-sympathizers themselves. And given that Ida has worked in a preschool like >>2148554 said, that's just super freaky and sus. I get it if a naive female 18-20 year old who has never dealt with kids is like "loli isn't that bad for kids" but when you've actually been responsible for kids well-being you know how innocent and vulnerable they are and how important safe guarding really is. To throw that aside for money and power is the highest level of disgusting, they truly have no morals.

No. 2150573

samefagging but I just noticed the fact that she is holding a teacup and is thus about to "fika", god that is so spot on

No. 2150650

File: 1724444574790.png (69.74 KB, 1120x336, tumblr.png)

Love that a blog is going! Gonna submit every god damn sexual piece I find at närcon next year there (assuming the blog is still active and not taken down by närcon) and I hope all nonas do the same.

Picrel was news to me. I was wondering why the mods were always immediately sucking each others dick so much right away, as soon as someone came in they were like "Mod A and B are so nice and so great, they're lovely people heart emoji"
Ma'am they're literally talking about loli shit being sold to kids?! And they're siding with the pedos and not the kids?!?! But now that I know she (I assume) is dating the pedos-guaranteed-mod it makes so much more sense.

I think it's an intimidation tactic. Instead of joining in the conversation they let everyone reading know that they fully support the pedo-mod, that you're not just going up against one person, but all of them. That no matter who you talk to there, they'll all disagree with you and side with the other mods.

No. 2150654

File: 1724444734476.webp (786.07 KB, 1600x900, pandas.webp)

Närcon has this picture of their panda staff up with portable toilets on their website, it made me kek so hard. Even närcon knows they only hire shit people

No. 2152281

>Can we talk about the fact that afternoon fika and others are now able and allowed to pay their way in as vendors instead?
>It really muddies the waters when they openly mix artists and vendors like that and they won't even admit to it.
Yeah this fucked me up! I was looking at the "artist rooms" in c-huset and naturally assumed they were all artists/designers in there, I swear I even heard one of the vendors saying "yeah, we're all artists in here" to another buyer at some point (though I think that was an actual artist who said it but who knows). I thought about buying something to support one of them when I spotted some very clearly bought items on their table (like game characters and sanrio) and it dawned on me that it wasn't their art at all. Or at least some items weren't, but it was impossible to tell which was which now.
Some of those rooms had "handmade" pottery and I don't know if it was made by them or if they bought handmade pottery to resell so I didn't want to buy anything in case it was a "scam". NärCon is naturally not going to make any coherent rules about it either because they give 0 fucks.
KEK on point

No. 2153354

If Rowling wrote HP in 2024, then Umbridge would definitely have a kawaii animu room like that. So many nasty types hiding behind that aesthetic.

No. 2153551

File: 1724587273123.png (374.02 KB, 620x540, narcon_says_no.png)

Damn that is actually true, Umbridge would also go by a japanese nickname like "Umi-chan"
>I was wondering why the mods were always immediately sucking each others dick so much right away, as soon as someone came in they were like "Mod A and B are so nice and so great, they're lovely people heart emoji" Ma'am they're literally talking about loli shit being sold to kids?!
It really feels like a mean bully clique in high school. Can you imagine going into a store and complaining about their broken product, only for their girlfriend who also works there to jump into the conversation saying "omg Steve is such a nice coworker, we all love him so much here!" it's highly unprofessional and distracting at best.

No. 2154978

>Mean bully clique
This makes me wonder how many other cons are run similarly. I recall trying to help a friend sell at Kodachicon at some point, but they wanted me to fill out a very condescending quiz showing that I accepted Gender Identity as Our Lord and Saviour, so I backed out.

This year, it took them forever to send out acceptance and rejection mails to the AA, according to another buddy.

No. 2155294

A lot of them, surely. Cons offer an opportunity for repressed nerds to play out their power fantasy without having to work for the credentials. And a lot of nerd spaces have become twitter activism spaces first and foremost, NärCon being a clear example of it. Instead of allowing relevant lectures at NärCon they seriously have things like "lecture on fatphobia", "living with autism" and "being trans". It's held by smug people who want social credits for being a good woke person, full of shallow twitter talking points and pseudoscience and lies. (I should know, I've been to plenty with my friends to make fun of them afterwards!). And nobody goes to learn anything there, they go so they can nod in agreement "yes it's totally fatphobia that people post gym selfies because it makes me feel bad for being unfit and fat". There's no reason for NärCon to keep allowing irrelevant things like that but they keep doing it to look "inclusive".

No. 2155505

File: 1724701927049.jpg (1.06 MB, 1017x1879, PAstel.jpg)

Found this in the Crafters thread, isn't this MeltyChocolateMoon?

No. 2155531

Pretty sure that's one of her staples kek

No. 2155649

File: 1724710842679.png (2.92 MB, 2068x1312, samplesmaplesample.png)

>isn't this MeltyChocolateMoon?
I checked her site, and yeah those are all her pins kek. She needs to sort her site out some products only have these images saying sample, you can't even see the product

No. 2155825

These are so generic and uninspired. How sad. If I'm buying something at a con I don't want it to be just like any uwu pin I can buy at some teenie bopper store.

No. 2156170

Afternoon Fika mod has not stepped down with a heartfelt apology.

I think this was the right decision to make under the circumstances. This has to be the first time I've ever seen someone realise that her 'safe space' is actually anything but.

That said, the banned members are still banned. For NC to undo this fiasco, the banned members need to be unbanned and an apology issued.

At least it's good that she apologised and distanced herself. Hopefully, this will create less of a conflict of interest for her moderating the AA server. I don't know, of course, but at least she's damage-controlling in a mature way.

No. 2156193

Post screenshots as proof then, we're not all in the creative discord just the regular one

No. 2156216

>Afternoon Fika mod has NOT stepped down with a heartfelt apology.
Huh did she step down or not?

No. 2156842

File: 1724788669186.png (248.01 KB, 1644x709, afternoonfika_apology.png)

Here's the afternoon fika post. I wasn't aware she was the actual creator/owner of the discord, in that case she could have kicked the other mods out and un-banned the banned users, but she decided to jump ship instead.

What do nonas think the odds are that she found the lc thread and panicked?

No. 2156874

Either she found it or someone cowtipped

No. 2157604

She may just be covering her own ass but it's funny that she gets to call out the mods to distance herself and step down in public when svalan banned several users within minutes just for saying the same. He must be seething that he can't ban her too kek

It's definitely a bad look for närcon to even have their mods quit over this shitshow. No matter what she's like behind the kawaii mask she's still a big name leaving them behind and doing so in public.

No. 2159487

I have a crazy tinfoil conspiracy theory that närcon found out about the "närcontakt med barn" images and that's why they deleted all the images in ot specifically. But it's more likely a troon doing it for that reason to hide images of himself in the gender ideology thread - though it could be the very same guy kek

Requesting everyone reposts all the lost images and screenshots so we still have the evidence here

No. 2159557

File: 1726044491822.png (359.03 KB, 1280x1007, tumblr_0e2cf08e015c1133e57b283…)

Someone put up the images on Reddits r/Sweden sub and asked if these pictures were appropriate, and what the users thought about the mod's response. Users reacted like so:

Also, the user who posted the images got banned shortly after. We know pedos protect each other, and given the track record of Reddit mods….

No. 2159560

File: 1726044584822.png (266.84 KB, 1280x950, tumblr_726a807a52edd4f16bc19cb…)

More Reddit reactions.

No. 2159609

It's seriously getting REAL suspicious that any place that posts negatively about närcon gets the person banned and the images taken down immediately. It's actually scary. I'm starting to think they run some kind of a paedophilic circle knowingly and that's why they're acting like this. I mean why the fuck would you ban whistle-blowers for saying "hey these images seem inappropriate for kids", it's such a massive overreaction unless you're hiding something serious.
Normal people would go "oops that's an oversight by us, we'll make sure this doesn't happen again in the future"

I really think uppdrag granskning should get involved, I feel like these visitors accidentally scratched the tip of an iceberg and the higher-ups at närcon are panicking.

No. 2159618

Sorry for samefagging but nona who posted the sticker designs, please post them again as I really want to get some made! And other nonas too if you wanna make more, I have no art skills myself lmao

No. 2159633

I am not that nona, I have them but cannot repost since they 'already exist in this thread' even after I rename them.

No. 2159637

huh I didn't know what was a thing. What if you merged them all into one new image?

No. 2159645

File: 1726048670260.png (542.31 KB, 1333x2950, Screemshatsu.png)

I agree. What makes this even more suspicious, is that the thread can still be found, but the moderator deleted specifically the comments.

Removing posts and comments have to be done manually, meaning that the moderator specifically went in to punish this user.

No. 2159690

Alltså vad skönt att se normala jävla reaktioner på Reddit. Men menar du att OP blev bannad för att ha postat om Närcon?

No. 2159702

Just screenshot the image and post that. I did it and it worked

No. 2159706

File: 1726052500445.png (54.1 KB, 1356x434, Peddit.png)

Vi har ingen annan information om denna person, samt att bilderna togs ner av Reddits 'filter' men uppenbarligen såg ju folk bilderna innan de togs bort.

No. 2159710

File: 1726052691026.png (382.11 KB, 1646x1169, nc.png)

No. 2159848

Thank you nona!
>Removing posts and comments have to be done manually, meaning that the moderator specifically went in to punish this user.
Absolutely wouldn't surprise me if närcon has mods planted on big sites like reddit specifically to control the narrative around närcon.
Or, that chronically online närcon mods are also mods on reddit and chose to remove posts that made them as individuals look bad.

No. 2159851

När reddit har normalare reaktion än din konventspersonal, då vet du att du fuckat upp rejält.
Det verkade som att det var samma bilder som lagts upp överallt på titty mousepad och loli-kudden, de bilderna kan ju omöjligt strida mot reddits regler när de tillåter ren porr på sidan?

No. 2160315

Det var ett tag sist jag var på Sweddit, men de bilderna borde inte vara utmanande med tanke på vad som visats innan på den subredditen.

No. 2163881

The men working at närcon must be pedos. I honestly cannot see any other explanation to why they'd silence people simply for asking about if something is inappropriate for kids in a polite manner. That Eskil guy reduced pedos to "people with pedo thoughts" to make them seem innocent, like having urges to sexually molest and rape kids is normal and not that big of a deal.

I've been telling everyone at work lately, including some men who enjoy making crude jokes normally and they've made disgusted faces when I describe the situation. They were very adamant that no man would act that way unless they're a pedo, and they've all woved to never let their own kids go to närcon. If men call another man a pedo I'm inclined to believe them, they've heard the locker room talk and know what men like that are really like in private. It's been a surprise to hear how incredibly reasonable normie men have been about the situation. Weeb men truly are cockroaches.

No. 2163898

You're doing great work, talking about it irl. We should all do it. And of course they're pedos, no normal people talk like they do. Normal people would be concerned about children's safety at their con.

No. 2163916

I for one am definitely telling everyone I know! Most people enjoy a good gossip, and when you tell men about it you can even frame it as "hey can you judge if this is sexual or not?" and they're all ears right away. So far not a single person has come out thinking favorably about närcon, some changed their mind from thinking it was a good wholesome convention to realizing it's an unsafe pedo-haven.

I'm considering printing infographics and handing them out at schools, but I'm too much of a chicken to do it all alone so it probably won't happen. I also don't have a printer and ordering prints just for this or printing them at like a public library would be kinda awkward lol

No. 2165169

I was talking to someone who works at a preschool and it's incredible how seriously they take making sure the space is safe for kids and it made me even more disgusted with närcon.

Pisses me off that pedo-Eskil was saying "kids at that vulnerable age don't go around alone närcon anyway" when many-wives-Sam Anlér is literally in a video on the nc website with a toddler saying parents should let their kids go there alone and it's been there for at least 7 years now. And I've literally seen kids go alone every time I've been there, very few parents go with kids and they know it. We all know it. They lie so boldly into visitors faces it's appalling.

No. 2165185

Thank you for doing a great job! This also shows the importance of creating a huge callout post on other social media about this with all the proof so more normies can see what's going on! Maybe it will also make others come forward with their experiences with either pedophiles at NC, the cp that has a history of being sold there, and the way staff defends their pedo visitors and punishes those that are trying to bring this to the staff's attention.

No. 2165336

File: 1726409083785.jpg (117.61 KB, 500x557, dga8vu4-8a65b753-da9d-47a6-af8…)

I think anyone who has their own photos of anything even slightly sexual or weird from närcon should send in tips to news magazines/websites. Especially if they're small and local to where you live as that increases the chances of them actually writing something about it. Even if one single tip isn't very interesting to them I imagine if they get a couple here and there after each närcon and they suddenly sit on 20 different instances of it they suddenly have a big scoop.

I think for the local magazines you can just mention you're a local who suffered because of närcon. For me it would be "Small Town's citizen speaks out about being sexually harassed as a teen at child friendly närcon, now she's warning parents about it". Maybe even type it up like an opinion article and ask if they'd be willing to publish it. Idc if this seems unhinged, they admitted that pedos go there and they invite kids, this is not something to be taken lightly.

No. 2165416

>they admitted that pedos go there and they invite kids
Which is exactly why having a shareable post with all the screenshots as proof, which will also give people space to give a testimony without having to go all the way to the newspaper to do it and it will also reach out to more people a lot faster. However, it doesn't have to be one way or the other - word needs to get out either way.

No. 2165468

>word needs to get out either way
Yeah I think talking about it casually with all your friends who are into games and anime is a good start. It already feels like everyone kinda knows and hates närcon behind the scenes. I've walked into many associations shit talking staff at least one time per convention basically.
I've been in association rooms doing their activity, the association staff were casually talking about närcon staff sucking and a guy who happened to be wearing a shirt the same color as staff walked into the room and they all instantly shut up. As they saw he wasn't staff they actually said out loud "oh good, you're not staff false alarm! Anyway närcon sucks…" it was quite funny to watch, and weirdly it's happened more than once by different associations.

It's sad that so many images here got lost (still hoping they can be recovered but not really counting on it) but the fact that >>2111742 didn't get deleted is so funny

No. 2165481

tbh being association staff and spending the days talking shit about närcon is some of my most cozy and wholesome memories of attending nc as an adult kek in my mind I remember it having some sleepover-vibes but I know in reality I hated every. fucking. minute. and couldn't wait for it to be over. But at least back then what all we would complain about was the ineptitude of the entire fucking staff and rolling our eyes närcon's attempts at being tongue-in-cheek funny about their own cringiness but it instead coming out as self-serving, not something so serious as what we're talking about ITT.
I hope the anons that posted the old screenshots comes back soon and repost them.

No. 2165648

>spending the days talking shit about närcon is some of my most cozy and wholesome memories of attending nc as an adult kek
Me too kek I've bonded with so many adult visitors over complaining about närcon. That moment when you've just said something bad närcon did to a new person and the other person leans in, half whispering "I'm sorry for saying this but…" and then they go on a super long rant about a shit load of bad things they've experienced at närcon but clearly never before had gotten to share with anyone lmao there's this light in their eyes when they realize they can finally talk about it all freely

I think närcon staff knows most visitors are walking time bombs like that, they all could expose them if they knew they were allowed to talk and that's why närcon shuts down even minor complaints the second they see it and refuse to ever talk to anyone in public spaces.

It's like how old school youtubers know they made skits in black face saying the n-word left and right and were making fun of retards, now they live in constant fear of someone digging up their old material and getting them cancelled. I think japan-jens and the regular staff crew is the same, he's been allowing hentai and pedo-material around kids for 20+ years because it was "fine" (it wasn't really) back when he started so he can't back down (doing so would be admitting he was wrong for doing it before) so now that times have changed he lives in constant fear of someone exposing it.

No. 2169959

File: 1726697581849.jpg (96.39 KB, 1080x1589, 20240913_165448.jpg)

This was posted in a discord I'm in by someone who knows one of the banned people, this was the reply to said banned person that she got a whole month after getting banned. David Fallgren is one of the top organizers at närcon iirc. He is apparently super happy and content with the mods acting like retards, sperging about pedos and banning members over non-existing rules in a discord that didn't even belong to närcon at the time as it belonged to that afternoon fika girl. And he says they're happy with the rules at the events, aka allowing the pedo content that started all this.

I think I might have some of the earlier screenshots saved, so perhaps I can repost them at a later date.

No. 2170435

Yet another confirmed pro-pedo working at närcon.
How the fuck does he claim he read up on the issue and still did not apologize when the svaltard even admitted he banned these kids for not breaking any rules? He must have gone straight to svaltard who then wormed his way out of it by lying again

No. 2190637

So how are we feeling about Närcon Expo? Is it just a way to run the Närcon, but more as a market so they can make even more money from vendors?

No. 2190784

I assume so yes. It seems like it's like regular närcon but they have to do even less themselves and get even more money. To be fair the events närcon run are usually pretty shitty, it's always the visitors + associations events that are actually fun and well run, but that's because närcon refuses to take any criticism whatsoever and never improve.

If any nona is going I'd love to see photos of the cringe, I live too far away to justify going

No. 2190786

File: 1727881803787.png (1.43 MB, 2244x524, närcon_creative.png)

It's kinda fucked up that all this time närcon advertised the creative discord as THEIR discord but in reality it didn't belong to them, afternoon fika created it for people who sell at närcons artist alley, and that's why it's borrowing their name

No. 2190850

Free idea, create a discord called NärCriticism and let people go wild with their närcon stories without risking getting banned by raging pedomods kek

No. 2206569

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Just putting this here since it's relevant to how NärCon staff doesn't give a single shit about child safe guarding

No. 2219648

I think that might not work, :( People would want to bring up how the trans stuff has impacted them, and that would make Discords mods ban the server.(no emojis)

No. 2220851

Then just don't bring up troon stuff up and let it be more normie focused to begin with. Instead of saying "troons keep sexually harassing me at nc" you can say "certain people keep sexually harassing me" and if you have names/pics and people can see they're troons they'll still know about it.

No. 2220904

Allegedly närcon is currently trying to save face from the backlash by letting some banned users back because they got tired of them complaining, they're calling it a "misunderstanding" and shit despite all the staff agreeing the bans were justified before as if people are dumb enough to buy that kek
I only know this from a friend of a friend though, so take it with a grain of salt until you see anyone actually get unbanned.

I left the närcon servers long ago and I'm not touching that pile of stinky poopy pedos ever again, so if it was me I wouldn't even want to get unbanned kek

No. 2229088

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Ska någon gå på comic con? Ni som gått hur brukar det vara? Funderar på att gå själv men tvekar något enormt av någon anledning

No. 2229105

Upplägget är mer eller mindre som en standard mässa. Större delen av utrymmet är täckt från topp till tå av av bås som säljer grejer, förutom ett bås där det sker live podcasts då och då.
Om du bara ska gå som en casual besökare och inte cosplayer, så rekommenderar jag att du kollar vilka gäster som kommer och schemat för aktiviteter. Det är väldigt värt det om man har ett fast mål för vad man vill göra där (tyckte Mads Mickelsens Q&A för några år sedan var väldigt rolig) eller har barn, men vill man bara gå för sakens skull så är det inte riktigt värt det imo för då är man vanligtvis rätt klar med eventet inom max 3 timmar vilket inte är värt biljettpriset.

No. 2229169

Har hört för många som klagar på att comic con bara är extremt giriga vilket betyder att allt är dyrt och det fick mig att inte vilja gå. Iirc tar de mer betalt för biljetter ju längre du väntar med att köpa, vilket jag tycker är en vidrig taktik. Man ska inte behöva impulsköpa biljett ett halvår tidigare för att få ett rimligt pris och man ska inte bli straffad för att man köper biljett så "sent" som samma månad när det uppenbarligen finns biljetter kvar.

Förutom det är jag lite lockad av comic con för att det känns som det är lite mer mainstream och lite mer riktat mot vuxna. Närcon (som är det enda jag kan jämföra med) är en sån pedofest att det skulle vara skönt att slippa den delen. Samt att comic con globalt/allmänt har lite bättre rykte och har riktiga kändisar tex stora internationella skådespelare. Närcon har typ bara svenska youtubers som inte ens är relaterade till konventet, och någon enstaka japansk d-kändis som ingen någonsin hört om men vi förväntas vara imponerade av enbart för att de är från det heliga weeb landet Japan.

No. 2229874

Is it weird that I feel bad for female employees at närcon? They work for a dude who wanted to fuck other women than his wife so he's now "poly" with girlfriends as well. And they've been memes into thinking that's not an abusive toxic relationship. No wonder their male staff is basically all just pedos and sex pests. I'd be so ashamed to ever have been associated with närcon if I were them

No. 2229904

Said dude is also so narcissistic that he held a lecture about his own depression at his own event kek I think he even did it for a couple of years, but I might remember that part wrong.

No. 2230097

Oh my GOD I would have loved to go to that with my friend so we could laugh about it afterwards! That's so pathetically hilariously bad!

Also just noticed all the lost images came back to the thread! Yay!

No. 2233048

The AA server is currently experiencing a raid. Which one of you girls did this?

No. 2233057

I'm a discord noob, what does a raid mean there?

No. 2233059

That's so interesting though, I thought lolcow was the only place that openly resents närcon so I wonder who actually arranged it since it wasn't any of us. Sad I didn't catch it, did you get any screenshots?

No. 2233111

Sadly not, but at least one was called 'Chigga please' and had a black finger icon making the fuck you sign.

I hope people are getting fed up. I recall hearing some people disgusted with a very brave man who wore a Sweden Democrats hoodie all around NC summer. While I'm not a fan of the Sweden Democrats, I do enjoy seeing people be openly provocative towards the uwu too sensitive twanz snowflake crowd. The fact that someone tried means a lot to me, even if I don't agree with his politics.

He might not even have voted for them, and may have just worn it for the sake of agitation. Given the current state of Scandi nerd culture, it wouldn't surprise me.

No. 2233160

>but at least one was called 'Chigga please' and had a black finger icon making the fuck you sign.
That's very male coded, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some sweaty gamer bros somewhere plotting against närcon. They seem pretty detached from the rest of the "uwu anime" parts of närcon to begin with.
>I do enjoy seeing people be openly provocative towards the uwu too sensitive twanz snowflake crowd
Oh kek hadn't heard about that. I also dislike SD but the fact that it's seen as disgusting to have a diverse political opinion is so ridiculous, especially when it's literally just wearing a shirt. Not to get too political but I've never seen anyone who supports SD say/do anything as heinous as supporting child sterilization and mutilation of their bodies and genitals the way they openly do to "trans" kids. Neither group is good imo, but TRA are arguably more evil at the core.

I'm glad people are starting to stand up to närcon a little bit. I hope he can get some friends to join him wearing provocative shirts next time kek

No. 2233169

Svalan has been extra "pwease like me uwu, i'm sooo nice and innocent" lately and it's so disgustingly fake and gross to watch. He's still a power abusing pedo who can't admit to being wrong. Even in his so called "apology" to them he just wrote "I could have acted differently" and refuse to say the words "I fucked up" so it's clear he doesn't think he did anything wrong and the unban wasn't something he wanted. My theory is that some higher ups yelled at him and that's why he was forced to let some of the banned users back. So now he's tip-toeing around trying to make people like him by being fake nice.

No. 2233176

I know this is a bit old but
>I just have to mention that the directly responsible staff member Sora (who claimed they're in charge of what is 18+ or not) response to all this said "if we banned the titty-mousepad then we'd have to ban half of artist alley too" (implying that therefor they can't ban it)
this is so fucking rude to everyone selling in artist alley. They're saying all (half at least) the artists there are degenerate coomers who just CANNOT draw anything but sexual coomery porn! I've had several friends sell there who are strictly against making porn and/or who are victims of sexual abuse so to imply they are the ones being sexually degenerate in public and innocent närcon simply can't stop it is just infuriating.
And like you said
>I was there a as a visitor and looked at literally every single artist's booth. Most AA sellers did not have anything that looked anywhere near sexual, at all.
it's not even that common to begin with. Sora must be a huge coomer who only pays attention to coom art, which isn't surprising as they're working for närcon.

No. 2233726

File: 1730415213337.png (160.71 KB, 1686x512, närcon_roles.png)

Is it just me or is it weird as fuck to use pride flags for this? What the fuck is lesbian about wanting community updates, or bi about organizer updates? I guess the flags are so overused they finally lost all meaning and symbolism huh

No. 2235793

I'm still curious who the raid was from, did anything else happen in the server or any hints that they think they know who did it?

No. 2256856

I have the NärCreative discord muted but checked it out of curiosity for the first time in months. Is that pedo guy Svalan the main owner/head mod now? I assume since >>2156170 this happened and the afternoon girl left and it now looks like he's the head of everything?

So you have a guy who's a massive pedo dick act like a dick, and then after he single-handedly causes the biggest "scandal" they've ever had they make him the head of the server? NärCon could not be shoving shit down their own throats faster.

In other news they finally switched to application instead of first come first served for artist alley. I'm curious to see if it means more or fewer woke artists get in or if we'll see specific styles favored. I'm guessing more porn/erotic artists will get in since the NärCon staff in charge of artist alley are confirmed degenerate coomers.

No. 2258693

I do wonder if the application thing will allow for people who don't virtue-signal aggressively.

I've heard Confusion for example is massively fucked up with how they always select mostly the same people year after year, and outright refuse people who don't write things like 'BLM' or 'Free Palestine' or have pronouns in bio.

No. 2258727

>I do wonder if the application thing will allow for people who don't virtue-signal aggressively.
I honestly think they'll vet out anyone who isn't a massive virtue signaler. I can imagine them having some internal rule that they won't pick anyone without pronouns in their bio. Firstly because that's a "terf and nazi dog whistle", and/or secondly because they're deadly afraid they'll misgender the person by accident when they don't have the pronouns written down.
As someone who likes to laugh with my friends about woke shit we see there at least it will be gold-mine for that! It's just too bad it will be at the expense of art. I'm considering starting to upload deranged sexual shit I see at conventions online, but idk what sites scandinavians even use? Reddit? Tiktok?

I'm sure that useless person called Sora who have been in charge of artist alley is going to be one of, if not the only person, picking who gets to come. Sora is the one who thinks squeezing drooling anime girls boobs is a child friendly activity, so I imagine the coom levels will increase by a lot. I've been to närcons artist alley with a bunch of normies and they were disgusted with the amounts of sexual shit they saw as is. The problem is nobody with morals would ever apply to work for närcon so they're left with degenerates all around.

No. 2258792

Please make a Neocities! I've seen stuff criticising NC get taken down on Reddit, likely due to tranny crossover.

You could make a QR code leading to the website, and sticker it around NC area, or even send to the people who rent out the area.

No. 2258813

>In other news they finally switched to application instead of first come first served for artist alley.
I'm not a regular with the art stuff, but can they guarantee the people picking won't just pick their friends every time? Have they publicly listed who the judges are? Närcon is relatively small and tend to play the "we're family uwu" card. It's gonna be a situation of the person being damned if they don't pick their friends, and damned if they do and others find out they played favorites.
Usually in this scenario you're not allowed to even apply if you have any close connection to any of the judges, but there is no way in hell närcon would actually be fair and do that.

No. 2258834

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They have some weird new rules now.
5 tables are reserved for "professionals" for the highest price, and 5 for "rookies" for free. The rest are for "community" who are not professional artists. Except they aren't, because you're allowed to submit to all 3 categories at the same time. You're encouraged to lie about if you're a professional or not? Confusing choice.

Here are the judges listed:
"Linnea of Feefal Art (https://www.instagram.com/feefal/)
Sora Naglitsch, long term Artist Alley organizer at NärCon
David Fallgren, Main Organizer of NärCon Sommar"

So anons were right that Sora the coomer is a judge. David is also a known degenerate närcon leader. Both woke cultists of course. Feefal is a semi-famous artist who usually gets invited to an automatic spot at närcon just for being famous. No idea if she's in the cult or not as I don't follow her.

They finally added
>"AI art in any shape or form is not allowed in the Artist Alley."
which is about fucking time! I know certain närcon staff AI bros are seething over it kek

No. 2258841

File: 1731507870958.png (545.47 KB, 1086x1020, feefal.png)

2021 so a few years ago, but feelfal appears to be pro-troons too

No. 2258849

Also, they've clarified that there is no age limit to who gets to sit in the AA, so it's possible that a minor may sit next to a squishy boobie mouse pad or a banner of ass.

No. 2258889

Jesus on a pogo stick, why can't they think about child safe guarding for even 5 minutes? They could put an actual child next to someone selling loliporn to actual pedos, you know the pedos who närcon even admit are GUARANTEED to come to närcon

No. 2277457

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My online friend applied to have a room activity thing at närcon winter, and the tickets for the con were released the other day so I figured I'd ask if he got in since I'm only going if he'll be there. It's quite a bit for me to travel there so I don't wanna waste time and money on a hotel and travel unless I get to see friends. My friend let me know närcon doesn't even let people who are hosting a room or activity know beforehand if they actually got in or not. I find that so insane, how are they supposed to plan then? And how can närcon sell tickets without even confirming with the people holding activities that they'll be there?!
I guess they're so used to doing things with minimal effort in the last minute that they assume that's how normal people operate too…?

No. 2277594

It's to make sure they sell the tickets to people regardless, I guess. Like, you are only allowed to be part of the lottery if you'll show up regardless.

No. 2277891

That's so greedy, but I'm not surprised

No. 2299135

Any milk on Jpopcon?

No. 2350234

They took forever to send out the invoices, and now the vendors have discovered that tables were not included, whereas they seem to have been included in previous years.

No. 2350276

nta but damn that's shady. they should all be passive aggressive and put all their goods on the floor so visitors all talk about how shit jpopcon was this year

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