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No. 1962046
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I love this thread idea anon. I'll start
No. 1962108
The OP seems to be for boymoms who simply hate other women and want an excuse to act out their misogyny but
>>1962046 reads as someone with a barely-hidden incest attraction to her son.
No. 1962423
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>This boy will forever and always have my entire heart. Gina captured the end of this moment, and I’m SO grateful. When I walked up to hug my baby boy after his game, he immediately picked me up and just held me. It may have been 20 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, I have no idea. But in this moment, time stood completely still. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you @brix_wright but I am thankful every second of every single day for you.
damn… she could've hugged him without doing all that
No. 1962501
No. 1962503
No. 1962514
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I unironically would actually consider most of this abuse, because it's very obvious this is just emotional incest that's going to cause a lot of fucked-up issues to overcome for these kids.
No. 1962519
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>>1962518I don't even get it, having a son sounds way more scary since they could murder you or become a school shooter. Meanwhile mother daughter bonds are so precious without the emotional incest quality.
No. 1962527
>>1962520I meant the woman in the OP post, not OP herself, who just seems to hate other women and uses her son as a means to lash out at them, as compared to the other woman who "merely" (lol) has an incestual attachment to her son.
>>1962501Why is a man narrating this? It must be fetish material.
No. 1962528
>>1962518I'm facebook friends with one of my high school teachers and it is literally so insane how she posts about her scroteling vs her daughter. She will constantly post about her son's boy scout achievements, reposts corny emotional "it HURTS seeing him grow up!!!" boy mom posts, the "I'm his first love" posts, and compare that to her measly posts about her daughter who she publicly announced had to change schools because she was being bullied… it's "literally my mini me wow", "if anyone wants to buy her girl scout cookies please do".
Like it's a clear lack of emotional connection with her daughter and the weird over-emotional connection with her son, who has told his mother to STOP posting so many pictures of him on her facebook… to which she made a post about it and included pictures of him. It's just so fucking weird. Especially since I know she was sexually abused by her stepfather. So many women who are failed bh scrotes go on to put their sons on pedestals and ignore their daughters who remind them too much of themselves. It's so fucking sad.
No. 1962556
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>>1962018my nigel had a "boymom" mother and if the scrote isn't the usual lazy psychopath it will be immensely fucked up for them too, here's some of the shit that transpired:
>nigel wasn't allowed to bring girls home, only male friends, as a small child (not that as a teen it was any better)>wouldn't let nigel get his drivers license and insisted on driving him everywhere, nigel had to borrow a friend's car and learn how to drive in secret.>sabotaged his chance to go to a fancy private school because self-admitedly didn't want him to live in the dorms one hour away from home,>neglected nigel's mildly retarded sister, nigel had to testify in court for their dad to get full custody of retard-chanhe went completely zero contact after he hit 18 and refuses to speak to her in any capacity, he's afraid if he she ever got word he's married she would try to hurt me lol
No. 1962567
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Can we talk about demented shit like picrel too, this is like endgame for them
>About Us
>Mothers of Sons is a group of ordinary women whose sons have faced extraordinary ordeals in our unjust, anti-male legal systems and workplaces.
>MOS offers advice and support for other mothers and fights for fair treatment for all.
>Our sons have fought mighty battles for justice in family, magistrates and other criminal courts that no longer offer men fair treatment.
>Women need no evidence to make accusations of violence or sexual abuse that deprive men of their children, their homes, careers, and futures.
>Some of us have spent our life savings protecting sons from false sexual assault allegations, paying a huge mental and financial toll to prove the charges had no substance.
>Other sons are experiencing discrimination in the workplace or in educational institutions where advancement can be based on gender rather than merit. Some face #MeToo accusations, where unproven allegations can undermine a lifetime’s achievement and cause loss of career and reputation.
>Some of our sons are victims, physically and emotionally abused by their partners – yet they are offered no protection or support and are often disbelieved.
>Mothers of Sons plans to make a difference by:
>gathering wisdom from mothers who have fought to protect their sons
>sharing hard-won lessons learnt from these terrible experiences
>using this website to share our stories and expose what is happening to men and boys in this country
>allowing mothers whose sons are in trouble to use our private forums to learn from women who have fought similar battles
>bringing together powerful women to fight for a fairer world for men and boys.
No. 1962914
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What do you think of Sue Klebold? Does she count as a cringe boymom? No. 1962972
>>1962896I'm pregnant with my first child and he's a boy, you best believe I won't be like these weirdo mothers who act like they're competing with their sons love interest.. jumping into his arms with my legs around his waist like that other deranged mother.
I feel like alot of these women don't have a male love interest themselves so they project it into their sons and put the sons in the position to be their emotional outlet in that way. It goes beyond normal motherly love, it's not a healthy relationship to have for either of them and most of the time the son is raised to think it's fine when it's not.
No. 1962975
>>1962946My exs mother was the same, only child, even his friends said they think his mother wants to fuck them. She treated me really poorly and was a decent chunk of why I left him.
He was well into adulthood but she had access to his bank account, would move money around and take money out, had notifications on her phone to see what the would buy. He bought something and she called him 3 minutes later asking for an explanation. This was to a 22 year old man.
I was visiting and we were going away for a few days so he was using my bag to put his things in, she went through it and repacked his stuff, changed his shirts etc, would have has to touch my underwear and dildo to move then around the bag.
She would go through his bedside bin to check for condoms, i set a trap to see if she would by leaving an empty coke can in the bin at the bottom, went for a shower and checked and the can was gone.
There's so much more, I'm so glad she's not my problem anymore
No. 1962987
>>1962896It's not called the pickme to boymom timeline for nothing, all of these women are former hardcore pickmes, who dated the worst moids and allowed them to treat them like shit and now they cope and try to compensate by finally getting to enjoy "real love" with their sons. So many of them even somewhat admit to this, already anticipating how well they will be treated by their future son while they're still pregnant, saying shit like "Nobody will be able to love you like a son!" and so on.
I honestly don't give af that this is supposedly
abusive/emotional incest towards the sons because in 99% of the cases it simply means he will get treated like a spoiled prince by his mom for all his life (which moids enjoy) but my heart breaks for the daughters trapped in this mess.
No. 1963011
>>1963004A shit ton of anons talk about their bfs or husbands ever since I've been on lc in 2015 or 2016, and even the mentally fucked up ones would regularly post shit like
>I'm a loser hikineet with 10 mental illnesses and I take xanax, I don't know how to make friends or how to get a job? My boyfriend is helping me for literally everything but I want to have a social life besides himas if meeting a guy who's good enough to be a bf isn't more difficult than having regular friends.
No. 1963116
Why could I not think of starting this thread kek
>>1962523That’s disgusting anon. Hope you’re at least gone low contact with them. I feel sorry for your brothers’ girlfriends already
No. 1963122
>>1962567I can only imagine the private discussions:
“He only slapped her twice! It’s not like he gave her a black eye, she’s exaggerating these abuse accusations!”
“That 17 year old jezebel is the one who took advantage of my son!” (Her sweet baby boy is 42)
No. 1963132
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No. 1963591
>>1962914No, she never defended him and admitted that he did horrific things. No actual boymom would do that.
>>1962935I think bad parenting, and especially bad parenting stemming from the parent's unmet emotional needs, expresses itself in different ways. Boymoms happen when a woman engages in emotional incest with her son because she effectively trapped one male to keep as her own, one who will depend on her and love her for decades until the moment he wises up, if he ever does. But there are men who do this with daughters and, less often, women who do it with daughters. For some reason though, we have culturally accepted boymoms and father's with strange attachments to their daughters as sweet and normal and seem to ignore the other variants of displaced parental affection/obsession.
>>1962949She also attacked and defaced Junko's grave, iirc.
No. 1963651
>>1963591>But there are men who do this with daughters and, less often, women who do it with daughters. For some reason though, we have culturally accepted boymoms and father's with strange attachments to their daughters as sweet and normalThis does make sense tho, a father is supposed to ward off and protect his daughter from trash moids. But nowadays this has gotten more rare and many "dads" no longer give af that their daughters get with
abusive hobos.
Those mothers however trying to "protect" moids from women…that's an absurd world.
No. 1964640
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so this is extremely random, but I recently read Crystal Hefner's biography (I keep meaning to post about it in the book thread but I haven't yet). At one point she leaves Hef and dates Dr Phil's son, Jordan. Jordan ended up being toxic and cluster B (like love bombing her with $10k worth of roses at the beginning of their relationship, courtesy of his dad's black amex card).
But anyway it turns out Robin is a total overbearing boymom. Like when Crystal got a huge surprise for him on his birthday his mom told him and spoiled the surprise. She constantly did shit to sabotage their relationship and Crystal saw a bunch of emails from Robin to Jordan about how he needed to break up with her and even offered to do it for him.
Why am I not surprised kek
No. 1965075
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This woman is really scary.
No. 1965079
>>1965075>"I was his first love"what is she fucking him too then? because nobody is THIS possessive over someone else without wanting to fuck them. she's talking about her son like he
cheated on her.
No. 1965093
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>>1965083Just goes to show that boymoms are some of the biggest narcs. They do emotional incest with their sons because they think their sons (their own children) need to sacrifice, carry weight, and act like substitute husbands for THEM. They hate women that date their sons, because they think their sons' lives should only revolve around THEM. They're even known to seethe when their sons bring home a girl that's too "different", because the boymoms think any woman the sons marry should be exactly like THEM. They pamper their sons or avoid teaching them about chores and responsibilities because they want their sons to always depend on THEM. Boymoms are wildly narcissistic, it's actually scary.
No. 1965107
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No. 1965160
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So I'm guessing she must have said something like 'I love you despite your flaws', which makes his mom flip out saying that he doesn't have any flaws, even though this moid is CLEARLY flawed, not only because he's bald, but also because he just stood there like a retard while his mother was destroying his wedding.
No. 1965189
>>1965186I hope she becomes a
TERF soon.
No. 1965237
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>i just know that X is going to have to go through all kinds of fucked up paul-type shit
i wonder what she’s planning on doing to him jfc
No. 1965295
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No. 1965335
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This made me feel so much embarrassment. She's also wearing white. I remember reading posts about MILs wearing wedding dresses to their sons wedding. It's so weird.
No. 1965373
>>1965113there's a big difference between a
toxic partner and your actual mom, even is she was literally the worst cutting contact with her would give you cold shoulders with your entire family.
No. 1965387
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Video of Chris Watt's mother speaking to him in prison, saying how she doesn't care what he's done. This scrote literally murdered her grandchildren and she still fawns over him. These boy moms are so unhinged and I genuinely wonder what it would take for them to go no contact.
No. 1965389
>>1965266Kek, i agree, she talks with a "blaccent". It is what it is.
>>1965075And she is going to wonder why her son never wants to see her once he gets married i bet.
No. 1965400
>>1965387This behaviour is so common of mothers of sons who commit atrocities. I don't think every woman who defends their son from their crimes do it because they are a boy mom all the time though, in some cases it's because they want to take the opportunity to brush over the fact that they probably neglected their son or was
abusive in other ways. You can tell it's the boy mom mentality when they constantly appeal their sons sentence, are practically begging on their knees in court. video related is a woman claiming that her son is innocent of murder and kidnapping, despite already been convicted, because of the way she raised him, classic boy mom line.
No. 1965535
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Poor OP I would have loved to eat her cooking.
No. 1965983
>>1965535>Gets taken in by son and lovely daughter in law >complains about smell>Throws all of their food outWhy are men so fucking gutless. Stand up for your fucking wife against your putrid mother holy fuck!
This made me seethe a little bit, I couldnt imagine staying with such a limp cock wimpy man.
No. 1966031
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>A grown woman forbidding her 11 year old son from comforting his 5 year old sister, insisting that it would condition him to cater to a "white woman's tears"
No. 1966211
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Avery Woods, TikTok 'momTok' influencer who gained almost 2 million followers in a short space of time due to making videos exploiting her toddler-age daughter by having her in compromising positions and inappropriate outfits.
>Avery Woods went under fire after releasing vidrel (which has since been deleted and reuploaded to censor the child) explaining how she loves her son more than her daughter, in an extremely creepy way.>Other commenters have noted that in her main profile, the subject of the videos are always her daughter, and almost never her son. She would do these weird voiceovers over the videos of her daughter (in a POV like style pretending to be her inner voice) about how fat she is, having to squeeze her fat into a swimming costume and stuffing her 'cankles' into her shoes. Bearing in mind, her daughter would have been an infant.>Many of these videos of her daughter were her in inappropriate outfits that would have several thousands to hundreds of thousands of saves, when other users investigated who would be saving them, a lot of them were grown men and adult content accounts.>Since blowing up from the controversial video in vidrel, she has deleted all of the other fucked up shit and has since made a new account that is much less active. in a nutshell. They will make pedo content by exploiting their daughters to make themselves wealthy while protecting their sons from the same fate.
No. 1966308
>>1966293She's probably going for the same response from a similar audience but I think this has to be rage bait. It's absolutely insane to stop a boy from helping his sister and referring to her crying child as crying "white woman tears" and describing her as having "violence in her heart" for being an upset child. It has to be fake.
>>1966211She however is probably an evil misogynist who wants to exploit her innocent daughter to pedos online and bask in her son's attention because she's a psychopath.
No. 1966549
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>Be me, 20 y/o with first ever 'proper' relationship.
>Go on date with Nigel for valentine's day in a shitty chain restaurant.
>Nice night, general romance shit.
>Nigel's mother walks in out of the blue while we're having dessert and sits down at our table.
>We're both like wtf. I look at him as if to say "Nigel, do something!!"
>He does nothing and we're just listening to her ramble on about her day.
>Offers us a lift home.
>I have a nice romantic evening planned back at mine, candles and all that shit.
>She drops me off and says "Ok anon, say good night to Nigel! He has an early night tonight!"
>I look at him with the most bewildered look which turns into utter contempt as he continues to do nothing.
>Spend the night by myself with all the candles on wondering where I went wrong in life.
No. 1967385
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No. 1967790
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>>1966226I think you may be right nona kek
No. 1967811
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So moms prefer having boys because they like the smell of their farts???
No. 1971855
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>>1967800nta I haven't watched the series(nor do I want too) but a lot of dictators have very similar background of growing up around the lower end of middle class, having physically
abusive fathers and religious mothers whom they would have close relationships with. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Mussolini, Franco e.t.c
No. 1972389
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it brings me much satisfaction to know that many misogynistic pick-me boymoms who believe little girls are inferior end up eating their words (even if they'll never admit it) when their sons grow up and cause them nothing but endless trouble. they spend the rest of their lives cleaning up their retarded son's messes because they raised him to believe he could do whatever he wanted and he became a spoiled selfish moid with authority issues and zero compassion. i hope the relief of not being cursed with the terrible misfortune of having a daughter brings them some comfort when they aren't able to save a penny for their own retirement because they're constantly paying for their scroteling's legal bills or otherwise having to support him financially, meanwhile he'll stick them in the cheapest nursing home he can find once they become elderly (assuming he isn't incarcerated or dead as a result of his lack of impulse control) or steal their social security check for himself while leaving them to slowly fester and starve in their own homes.
No. 1972604
>>1972580Exactly. The same way they will posture over how important Mom is, then use "family first" as justification to treat a gf or wife like shit. And eventually you get:
>"I could never love you as much as I love my mom."The wonderful statement that has left a million women speechless and bewildered. I guarantee that no man who treated his wife halfway decent ever uttered those words.
No. 1975267
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No. 1975405
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I know this is probably satire but they really are like this when you're dating their sons kek.
No. 1976069
>>1975464OFC she's worried about what some literally poor, disadvantaged girl will do to her son's school work, and not that her scrotelet could knock up a girl with no resources and totally destroy her life before it even started.
>>1975949I recently overheard a boomer I know kvetching about how her stepson's girlfriend isn't good enough because she's only getting a community college degree, BUT I also know her stepson has a zero college degree and works entry level jobs. We can really never be good enough.
No. 1980020
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>>1967811maybe she’s referring to male/female socialization. a dude will fart and laugh about it (i feel him saying it smelled wonderful was just a joke), girls will react as she said
No. 1981267
>>1962519Unfortunately, you can get adjacent codependencies from mother-daughter relationships, too, if there aren't proper boundaries. That being said, I don't see the attitude being promoted the same way "boymomming" is. The insistence on NORMALIZING the lack of boundaries is very different, and is a new layer of nauseating. This is how you get moids who expect their spouses to be bangmaids and let their family walk all over them. Unrelated, that picture is so cute and precious!
>>1972631Honestly, good on you nonna. Sucks about your mom, but hopefully your brother realizes what you did for him and appreciates it.
>>1981194I've seen this a lot with narc parents. I imagine it's boymom adjacent, but can be done with either gender and by either parent. I think the ostracization sets up for an easy scapegoat in a
toxic family dynamic.
No. 1982106
>>1981194my best friend's mother is exactly like that. coddled the shit out of her eldest son, paid his rent and vidya and everything, never disapproved of anything he did. and he ended up a basement dwelling weed addict with no qualifications past middle school, who can't keep a job and had a kid with a literal schizo. he was alwo a borderline
abusive to my friend growing and i had to slap his shit a few times to keep him in line (last i checked he was still afraid of me lmao)
meanwhile my friend got yelled at if he got a b+ and they dumped him with my family nearly every holiday.
then she and the dad went all surprised pikachu when my friend packed it all up at 19 to go live in another country and never looked back.
No. 1984318
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No. 1986470
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Allow me to introduce the queen of boymoms and emotional incest, Alicia Silverstone
>During an appearance on "The Ellen Fisher Podcast," the 45-year-old actress shared a few details about her attachment parenting style and revealed that "Bear and I still sleep together."
>The "Clueless" star shares her 11-year-old with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki, and joked that she would "get in trouble for" her comments by critics. "I don't really care," Silverstone laughed off any possible judgements.
>Bear and I still sleep together," she said, noting that she is just "following nature" with her parenting style.
>"If you were in any kind of wild setting where there are animals … if you put your baby over there," she said, pointing away from herself, "your baby is going to get eaten. It's not ideal for the baby to be over there."
>The actress also explained the "elimination communication" parenting tactics she would employ when raising Bear, and shared that she would rarely use diapers when teaching her son to potty train as a toddler. Instead of diapers, Silverstone would "watch his cues" to know when he would need to use the restroom.
>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile. That's when he had to pee."
>Silverstone also explained why she didn't end up having additional kids, sharing that she wanted to "savor every moment" of Bear's life first.
>"I wanted to have more [kids], but then my relationship got messed up, and it wasn't a great time to bring one in," she said. "I didn't want to have one right away because I was so in love with my Bear." "I wanted to squeeze every little moment out of him, so it wasn't until he was like 3 that I was ready to make another baby and then I didn't have a partner, so that's why I don't have four babies."
>In November 2020, The actress revealed that Bear cut his long hair.
>"My baby's growing up (crying emoji)(broken heart emoji) I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe … but did I try to stop him? Not for one second," she shared in an Instagram caption.
>"The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was because he loved it so much!!!" she continued. "He just wanted to try something new. Although I have a feeling he'll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes. (heart emoji)(smiling with Hears emoji)"
No. 1986474
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>>1986470she breastfed him until he was 9 and he has not been vaccinated and according to her has never been on medication in his life
>“He’s never had to take medicine in his life,” she told Page Six of her 7-year-old son, Bear, on Thursday. “He can get sniffles and a runny nose but he’s not down, he still goes to school. Two times in his life has he been like ‘Mommy I don’t feel good,’ and it was only for a few hours and he was back running around.”they also took baths together with her till he was 10
>The Clueless star has revealed she and her son Bear have been soaking up some quality time together with shared baths during the lockdown measures imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. And the actress has claimed that they find the activity ‘nourishing and comforting’. Silverstone explained: ‘My son and I take baths together, and when he’s not with me, I take a bath and that really feels nourishing and comforting.’>Alicia – who has Bear with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki – also said she and her tot have been doing other activities together, including dancing, bouncing on the trampoline and jumping rope. And the duo are focusing on maintaining their vegan diet, as the 43-year-old actress says her mental health is affected by her eating habits>She added: ‘I always bring everything back to diet. When I don’t eat well, I don’t feel well, and then my moods go all over the place.’ Alicia says she turns to fresh herbs, greens, miso soup and ginger tea to keep her body healthy, and for her mental and physical health she takes daily long walks, practices yoga and meditation, and keeps a journal No. 1986477
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>>1986474Her repeatedly kissing her son
No. 1986478
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>>1986477also whatever this is supposed to be
No. 1987377
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>>1986623This was discussed on her thread and it's a reach but she played a role in a movie which involved a romance between the 18 year old main character and her character(who was recently divorced) The main character is a young man who has spent his entire life living as a survivalist in the woods, He's essentially the idealized version of what she likely wants her son to be (and he even looks a bit like him).
No. 1988476
>>1986477The way she lowered her voice at "…and do everything with him"…!
This is creepy, right? I'm not overreacting right?
>>1987488And holy shit 9?! I clearly remember the boys in my class in 3rd and 4th grade making jokes about boobs and sexual shit. Even if we didn't completely understand it, we were aware of what it was. This kid is going to be so fucked up
No. 1988478
>>1975267I'm posting multiple times in a row so I hope this doesn't count as spam kek but I have conflicting feelings about boymoms. They can enrage me to the point of wishing someone would blow their precious pookies brains out in front of them… but as a straight woman I also know that the only love close to unconditional coming from males is by fathers and sons. And only if you're lucky. The "love" of a husband would never stop him from posting your nudes on 4chan or beating you to death for a tiktok. They will remarry before your body goes cold. There is no male version of a wife that is only attracted to her partner who devotes her life to him. We desire attractive males to love us in a pure way but it's literally impossible.
Men can marry 20 somethings and start another family at middle age but we're stuck with what we have. A son is like the man you married but skinnier and less retarded. I do understand why boymoms act the way they do and that's why I hate them so much. What they're doing with their sons is like putting a band aid on an open wound. I can see my evil twin in them. God please spare me this fate
No. 1988535
>>1988478>A son is like the man you married but skinnier and less retarded.Why do boymoms always wax poetic about how their scrotelings are a version of her husband yet consistently gloss over the fact that this is her biological child? Like using this logic that thing is a version of her and using it as a surrogate husband is weird.
>God please spare me this fateJust don't have kids and you'll be fine.
No. 1988964
>>1988478This is exactly how moids treat their daughters, too. It's just a weird phenomenon many people seem predisposed to, and I think a lot of relationships go from honeymoon to bandaid babies to basically the parents caring way more about their kids than each other. Whereas cheating on your spouse just gets you a short-lived high basically fully investing in your kids gets you way more fulfillment. Some problems that can arise with that are this weird incestuous shit and/or empty nest syndrome.
>>1988576parent-child relationships are about as close as you can get to unconditional love, it happens even with the most disgusting serial killers. Some truly are unconditional.
No. 1989466
>>1989304>Breastfeed-shamingAnon we're shaming the fact that Alicia did it to her son until he was NINE, not shaming breastfeeding in general. I can't tell if you and
>>1989280>>1989302>>1989321are baiting or didn't read the conversation at all
No. 1989472
>>1989466Shaming someone because their culture dictates a different normality for average weaning age is still breastfeed shaming. You have been proselytised by Nestle shilling their
toxic, bullshit 'follow on milk' and are continuing their detrimental, capitalist crusade by doing this.
No. 1992471
>>1986478this is genuinely
triggering my hollywood pedophilia psychosis especially the specific use of somewhere over the rainbow. i feel tainted by this
No. 1992543
>>1992526jennette mccurdy's mother was sort of like this. she didn't spoil or pamper jennette but she devoted more time and attention towards her than she did jennette's brothers because she was living vicariously through her daughter and was obsessed with the idea of jennette becoming a famous actress. this also meant that jennette was the target of most of her mother's abuse (although she was sexually
abusive towards at least one of her sons as well) and she ended up developing severe mental health issues as a result.
No. 1992552
>>1992543But that wasn't really gender-based per se and IIRC she was fairly normal towards her brothers, it was just that she wanted to live her dreams of being an actress through Jennette. IMO she was the most
abusive to her, I remember that scene from her book where the mother was on her deathbed and the brothers were telling her about their life achievements and when Jennette's turn came up she just told her "I'm so thin now mom" because her mother had developed such a firm mental grasp over her body and self image. I've never heard of a "girl mom" who openly states that she doesn't love her sons as much as she loves her daughters but with boy moms it's so common even Kim Kardashian did it.
No. 1992566
>>1992552yeah like i said she was the target of most of their mother's abuse. the mom did force one of her sons to shower with jennette and stand there while she
molested jennette by performing breast and vaginal "exams" on her and she tried (and failed) to get one of them into acting but it was jennette that she starved and forced into a profession that she had no interest in. the point i'm trying to convey is that when mothers show favoritism towards a daughter it's usually because she is living vicariously through her and doesn't view her as an actual person but as an extension of herself (look at how she dehumanized jennette with that email calling her a fat whore) whereas with boymoms they practically worship their sons and view them as unable to do anything wrong.
No. 1992645
>>1992526I have seen this, and my own mother was like this, but I'm not sure if it counts because she also loathed me, not just my brother.
I don't think boymoms adore their sons because of social capital, I think they love the fact that they finally have one male who will (at least for a period of time), love them absolutely and depend on them and need them. They seem to romanticize this, but it's really just normal child behavior to love their mothers, the boymoms just pervert that. Boymoms are pickmes who can never get that kind of adoration from any other man (I have no way of proving this, but I suspect a lot of boymoms might have issues with their male family members, not just men they date) and they instead obsess over the one man who will love them: their son.
The other anon mentioned Jeanette McCurdy and while she wasn't necessarily a "girlmom" because she didn't seem to adore her daughter the way boymoms adore their sons, I think the rare girlmom might be similar in that she is a narcissist who sees her daughter as an extension of herself and a way to live out her own (failed?) dreams.
No. 1992663
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Another banger from Alicia Silverstone.
No. 1992706
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>>1992663she still open mouth kisses him btw
No. 1992786
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>>1992772Here's her taking about it.
No. 1993465
>>1992729>can't comprehend that something socially constructed could be any other way>just reassert the same thing after being told otherwiseAre you a bot?
In all of MENA and Europe until recently males would kiss eachother on the lips nonromantically. And parents and children still commonly do so in basically all cultures varying by family. I'm a normal Anglo Westerner with a family that actually isn't very close and both my parents kissed me on the lips until I was like 13 or so. There was never anything weird about it since we're not pornsick or puritan, there would be no way to read anything into it. Same with hugs and kissing on the cheek, which btw is also something that's done romantically, are you going to sexualise that too?
Drawn out tongue kissing, i.e. making out, however is weird and doesn't seem like something that exists nonromantically. Kids will do such things because of media directly informing their behaviour, but parents shouldn't encourage it, or rather should control what is being input for their child to copy.
No. 1993553
>>1993465You're just weird, it's also weird that there's cultures in which people believe that kissing your children on the mouth is okay at all.
Kisses on the mouth are the second most intimate physical contact ever, being sex the ultimate intimate physical contact that there could be between two living and breathing beings.
>pornsick or puritanWhy do you have to be on either side in order to find kissing a child on the lips weird? It's a physical contact that they don't need to experience, that's it.
No. 1993556
>>1993465I wouldn't say recently and I doubt it's the norm everywhere, but I agree kissing can be platonic. In Medieval England strangers would kiss lips, like a modern handshake. Henry VI eventually banned the practice during the Black Death to prevent the spread of disease. Today, some parents kiss their infant children on the lips though most don't. I've observed parents and kids kissing in Europe, so must be a thing over there at least for some.
US puritanism (if it really exists?) always confuses me because the culture is so hypersexual. It's like the body is for sex and nothing else. That's way more fucked up. I'm reminded of that US woman who jumped on her son after a football game. That would be dramatic and cringey here, but it wouldn't be thought of as incestuous. Americans were freaking out saying she wants to fuck her son and she must have diddled him growing up. They were genuinely worried.
I'd say Britain and Ireland are sort of half way. We're more prudish than many European cultures, no sauna culture etc, but we seem more relaxed than the US. Not sure about OZ & NZ. I think they're more like UK & ROI.
No. 1993570
>>1993554Sleeping and cuddling are also different to kissing.
I don't get why is it so hard to understand that kissing someone that isn't your partner on the lips is weird and uncomfortable even.
Hell, I cuddle with my parents and I used to cuddle with my grandma and my aunts and uncles even.
But kissing on the lips is just something that happens only between couples and that's it.
>>1993556Not everyone here is either from the USA or Europe, in some Latam countries it's weird to kiss your parents on the lips, and yeah, there's hypersexuality too, but that doesn't mean the body is inherently sexual, it's just that kissing on the lips isn't something that kids should be doing with anyone at all, it's an adult thing, like drinking, or smoking or buying a car, it requires a consent that children don't understand the meaning of, so why even bother introducing the idea of kissing people on the lips at all? It's unnecessary.
No. 1993601
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No. 1993909
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Homegrown boymom cringe
No. 1993925
>>1992772Kids are weird and get in appropriate crushes but why would you out your son's embarrassing childhood stuff like that to the entire world. Should have just been a solid "no honey that's not right" and never speak of it again.
>>1993640Moid take. What the fucka mom getting giddy is weird but it's not worse than literal child rape
No. 1993996
>>1993938Ayrt, and it's what i would expect. Women get punished more strictly for everything, after all. That anon's reaction lines up with this, anything a woman does is "more sinister" or something. And of course they're not as bothered by rapes of little girls, i suspect it's because it damages future heir too much, but for females rape is fine, lol. I hate this world.
>>1993961True. Noticed this time and time again. People would think you're lying and trying to ruin moid's life on purpose. I'd honestly be so scared of reaction of everyone if i was molested by a male at a young age, even their mothers frequently don't believe them.
>if you expose a female pedo people will believe you no questions askedI assume it's your real experience? Thank you for sharing. I saw men painting it as if there're plenty of women assaulting children and they get away with it because they're women, when in reality it's just that a female pedo is rarer.
No. 2002411
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i'm horrified by how so many boymoms think it's cute to make jokes about their son's genitalia. i've also seen mothers who think it's hilarious when their toddler finds their sex toys or even plays with them. they're incapable of realizing when something is inappropriate or disgusting thanks to their narcissism and enormous boundary issues.
No. 2002445
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>>2002411reminds me of picrel from a colleen hoover book. she's also quite the boy mom herself considering she was defending her son when sexual harassment allegations came out against him (he was 21 trying to "get pics" aka nudes from a 16 year old girl) and blocked the girl who came out about it
No. 2007287
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this kills the boymom
No. 2029595

>>1966226>>1967790you just haven't seen the things they don't upload to the internet.
But some are stupid enough to.
(spoiler this) No. 2030139
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tHe LoVe oF mY LiFe
No. 2032550
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>>2030139does it count if it's someone elses son?
No. 2033321

>>2032567insta, facebook, tiktok
>>2032607you can go look if you want
(ban evasion) No. 2033327
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>>2033321I didn't ban evade, according to your own records. But I guess you don't want a pic of a mother pashing her underage son, even if its on topic
(continuing to ban evade) No. 2036989
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I don’t get it
No. 2038669
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Imagine having a son and allowing him to speak to you like this. This was taken off a post about those robot vacuums going through dog shit and smearing it all over your house, and this woman posted picrel being like 'teehee, this happened to us once, my son was so mad, teehee'. This puts the cringe in cringe boymom Thread.
No. 2039371
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>>1962018dating the son of a woman with boymom tendencies is a special kind of hell. My nigel's mum isn't a fullblown boy mum but she' enough that it's clearly a fucking stress on my relationship to the level where i'm considering leaving.
She's never EVER been fully content with any of my nigel's exes or partners, even if they were completely normal and adjusted people, she would apply some kind of fucking degrading narrative in her mind and try and project it onto him.
(ie, i'm lazy because i was unemployed during COVID, his ex had a good relationship with their mother, so she had this needlessly negative 'mama's boy' type view of them.)
She literally treated me like a daughter until i started dating him, when i took him out on a date to celebrate him getting his license, she reacted really angrily over the phone because 'you two are too broke to be going out on dates like that!" okay and? it's not your fucking money and it's a once in a lifetime thing.
When my boyfriend started working, i made him lunches for work, when i told her that he's going to work with packed lunches, she told me "well that's what you're SUPPOSED to be doing!" and his other family members were visibly weirded out by her attitude.
Literally last week i took a day off of uni for a class i'm two weeks ahead in because i wanted a self care day, my nigel and i wanted to go to the local mountains together and take his dog.
She was less than enthused when she found out i was coming, but ecstatic that he was taking the dog with him at least! because on top of the boymom shit, she treats the dog like it's a human child with a human brain and emotions.
training it or telling it not to do bad or harmful things is essentially abuse in her eyes.
it fucking sucks ass. i refuse to swallow the shitty in-law pill so this has probably spelled out the end of my current relationship because it stresses me out so bad, and my nigel understands and has offered to talk to her about her behavior but she's just going to treat me way worse if it gets brought up.
No. 2039403
>>2039371I'm very sorry you had to deal with all that bullshit
nonny, at least your moid offered to talk to his psycho mom. Hope things work themselves out soon. xoxo
No. 2039699
I could not imagine having a tard son who will drain you for the rest of your life and can’t even shove that useless blob in a group home because he’s too violent. He just smacks her upside the head and she takes it and the morons on tiktok gladly cheer her on because male autists get to rape, abuse and hit people and people will always make excuses for it. I’m tired of these fucking autists and wish they would get euthanized, they are the main reason on why families and households become so dysfunctional they ruin the lives of others by their parasitic disabled existence
No. 2046064
>>2039702yeah the only acceptable thing for your bf to do in this situation is to either make sure she never treats you like this again or to ensure that she has no access to you and limit contact with her himself as well. It's not your responsibility to 'put up with' a partner's family's crazy behavior and if your bf wants to be in your life he should nip this in the bud himself without you needing to 'talk' to him about it.
Honestly most boymoms' sons will either end up going low/no contact with their moms because they want a long term partner in their life or they will remain single for life because no sane woman puts up with this.
No. 2051337
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This text with the zoom in of her son grabbing her tits tf
No. 2051367
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>>2051337i googled this woman and when she was 18 the father of her first baby stabbed her and her mother
No. 2051450
>>2051386holey fucking hell I am so sorry.
No. 2051514
My ex's mom is boymom. The father is there and he's involved in his life, they're both quite overbearing, but the dad's relationship with his mom is not the best. Dad used to have a drinking problem and he seems like a narcissist (he's pretty emotionally immature). Ex's mom would often complain to ex about him and found in him (ex) the emotional substitute so to say. She probably still calls him a "little bug" and a "baby". When he didn't want to do something they (especially mom) wanted him to do, she pretended she felt ill, and constantly manipulated him in this way. She didn't like me. Lol. His parents thought I was a bad influence, probably because he got a little bit rebellious (but not for long). It actually wouldn't even cross their mind that their son could have will of his own, he's only an object of someone's manipulations by default. It was incredibly frustrating. Mom was mostly friendly to me though, he would just retell to me the things she said. For example, when we started living together, she was unhappy we rented a place closer to my parents' house and not theirs (which wasn't even intentional), even though he would visit every weekend. It's like it was some power play where I "won", and there had to be a compromise made where we would move to a place closer to theirs some time later to make it "fair". And after some time, she started asking when he's going to come back home, like it was just a temporary thing and nothing serious. She wanted him to call her daily and when he didn't do it as often as she wanted his dad would guilt-trip him saying she was crying (and she probably was). When he visited his parents, he'd always come back with food - nothing special like a cake or something, the simplest food you can imagine, as if we couldn't make it ourselves (and I didn't feed him properly), and my ex didn't see anything wrong with it. There were many little things that clearly showed she perceived me as some unwelcome outsider even though she was fake nice to me in person. Honestly I don't expect partner's parents to love me but it was quite shitty. You just know they don't care whether you live or die because only their small family unit is all that matters and everyone else is superfluous. It's extremely shitty to ex too because even though he surely is old enough to try and change something about it, they still kind of broke him for their egocentric purposes but they're not immortal. And it's not normal for a grown-up person to be so attached to his parents. I don't know how he's doing now though.
No. 2053092
>>2051386I'm very sorry
nonny, may she rot
No. 2058895
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Is it me or is this a fucking weird thing to say about your 15 year old son who was stabbed to death? No. 2060243
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These women would have sex with their sons if they could
No. 2062908
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Saw this screenshot on twitter, knew i had to post it here. She was getting roasted in the comments lmao.
No. 2062910
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>>2062908this is her doubling down.
No. 2063109
>>2039699They need to bring back asylums for males like this, and steer them towards institutional care instead of public schools. I know somebody with a son like this, and he has absolutely ruined the lives of everyone related to him who didn't cut contact eventually. The women all have severe cockholm syndrome. They don't even stop him from sexually harassing women in public, so it seems like he'll finally get his ass whooped by a cop or angry boyfriend some day soon. OFC he can't go to a group home, because they would expect him to behave and not actively make squalid messes.
>>2051514>You just know they don't care whether you live or die because only their small family unit is all that matters and everyone else is superfluous. One of my exes fully leaned into this. He's going to die mad and alone.
>>2051372The sad thing is even if your mom is sane, this happens to a lesser degree. The girl is responsible, disciplined, held accountable, and the son just isn't, and then they expect all the good from the girl to absorb into the moidlet by osmosis.
No. 2063126
>>2063109>cockholm syndromeSorry I laughed
nonny kek
No. 2073095
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this girl has some other cow quality posts but i think i’ll save those for the personal cow thread kek
No. 2076884
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No. 2076890
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>>2076884>i gave it my all for 3 years>3 yearsfucking hell, poor kid
No. 2092912
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No. 2093008
>>2059046A child can kiss their parent on the cheek, which you'd know if your mom loved you enough
>>2058895Stop bullying grieving mothers cockbreath, nothing about what she said is weird
(infight bait) No. 2192894
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No. 2317106
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>>2076884>, always has to insert herself into conversationsLate but, there it always fucking is. They physically cannot help but out themselves. Just the mere fact that her daughter being invovled with a conversation is a negative makes me not trust anything else she said. Three years, she gave it her all for three years if three years is all it takes for you to break down and hate your own child then I don't know what to tell you other than she's fucking retarded and should've never had children, especially a daughter, in the first place.
No. 2337972
>>2076884>selfish, rude, never happy, difficult, argumentative, unkind, a challenge>I don't want to be her mom anywhere, the work is nowhere near worth itImagine being a vulnerable little girl and having your mother speak about you this way. This hurts my heart so much, this woman doesn't love this little girl and is doing everything in her power to misunderstand her behaviors and intentions meanwhile the son can do no wrong–as if little boys don't have meltdowns and aren't selfish and needy too.
What's likely going on is that the poor girl notices how favorably the mother treats the boy and she is likely acting out for any kind of attention or affection. This person sounds like an absolute narcissist and she sounds a few steps away from wanting to fuck her "favorite person" so damn creepy!
No. 2337982
>>2337972One year later this mom is going to call her daughter the narcissist and as you said, purposely misinterpreting everything she does as the worst possible scenario. Next she'll say the girl has NPD and ASPD just to gain martyrdom for being the poor oppressed mommy of an evil child kek.
All children are selfish and rude, they're children, they don't understand stuff and just wanna grow and survive. I know this argument is often parroted by normies who advocate for keeping vegetable children but you birthed it, you love and take care of it applies here.
No. 2341053
>>2341048I mean they are set up that way. Think about it: Imagine if you were a dumb moid and your primary and first interaction with a woman is someone who constantly coddles you, serves you, and never holds you accountable for anything. Keep in mind also boymoms at their core are pickmes who have no issues talking shit about women. The boymom sons are just set up for failure because their moms set it up that way by design due to the fucked up emotional incest they imbue on their spawn.
A strong father figure is important to a degree, but just having good adult caregivers regardless of sex is far more important than having some traditional nuclear family.
No. 2341063
>>2341048Samefag sorry, lacking a father figure compounds the issue in a unique way too. Your parents are supposed to be role models for how you engage with romantic relationships later in life. So lacking a father figure means that boys don't grow up seeing a man loving, caring for, and spoiling the daylights out of their wives like men are supposed to do. It tends to make those same moids very resentful when they grow up and seek out women and those women expect to be treated right. The way the moid sees it: nobody treated his mom right growing up. She was superwoman.
She managed the household by herself and had enough energy leftover to spoil him rotten and make him feel like a pampered princeling, so how dare this entitled broad demand he act like a decent man just because he's dating her? Who does she think she is? This leads those same moids to devalue their wives because they refuse to grow up and recognize that their home situation was not ideal and left them bereft of important life lessons.
No. 2341101
I had a couple of friends have babies recently and they are definitely going to be boy moms. I am thankful they didn't have girls to transfer their neuroticisms onto and shudder to think if they have girls if they try for more. They're the types of people with inflexible principles and ideals ergo the types of parents who get extremely upset when their children do not grow into being who they want them to be–which is bad enough for any child, but I find it tends to be worse when girls don't conform to their expectations a la
No. 2346881
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Fresh off r/mademesmile lmao.
No. 2347207
Hate to make a long blogpost, but its here if anyone wants to get a peak into a boymoms messed up psychology, and the damage it can do to a daughter.
Should I bother trying to convince my misogynist mom to not hate our own sex, or would it be in vain? I had a goal in mind to accomplish this, so that when International Womens Day came around, mom wouldnt mock or bash it. Any advice/tips/arguments that would appeal to her?
This week, I was happy because I finally got to spend quality time with mom while going out, without her manchild son hovering around listening or interjecting. Mom started talking about seeing the 4B movement mentioned on social media, and I mentioned how men hate women, we agreed men are getting more dangerous etc.
Then mom comes out with, "I was wondering when men were going to turn on these modern feminist bitches", saying how women are so meeaann to men, and basically women have it coming. Mom made a fist kinda near me but not directed at me, saying that she hates women who try to do mens jobs like firemen policemen etc. That women dont have the strength men do, who do these women think they are trying to do a mans job, etc. Mom also said she hates "whoo-ores" the most too. I said I wish she would hate the men who rape and murder women, and she said she does. Doesnt feel like it. I also pointed out how men are way more whorish, then the topic changed.
Feels like a kick in the gut, to know that if any moid abuses me or worse, mom will think I deserve it. Mom denied that she thinks I personally deserve mens abuse, she just meant women in general..gee, thanks mom.
About 4B, mom said life would suck without men (HAHA), how she hates dykes (shell probably accuse me or question me if I am one, even though Im straight, if I keep explaining mens true nature and why I support 4B). Mom brought up how women are so fucked up now (meaning, not feminine, shaved heads or blue hair, tattoos, and meeeannn to mens feewings). I said maybe its a result of trauma or abuse from men (not that a woman needs a reason, baby steps..). She said, oh I never knew that, so maybe something clicked?
This convo brought forth a repressed memory of when I wanted to be a policewoman when I was 5, due to TV influence. Mom crushed this dream of mine. I dont want to nowadays for other reasons, but still. Mom told me that job was for men only, and shamed me, so did my older brother. When I was like 11, I wanted to play drums and guitar, but mom said that was for boys only, same with martial arts (would have helped, I got bullied a lot). Yet mom praised my female cousin when she learned these instruments. Mom praised a stacy bully of mine, when she was in the newspaper for winning martial arts awards (mom also complimented the stacys natural beauty, features I dont have, etc). I wonder if these crushing moments of my various interests/dreams made me into the loser NEET that I am..
Again, hearing this from my own mom is soul crushing, esp as Im very introverted, afraid to go outside on my own due to moid danger, and have no friends. I grew up with DV so youd think mom would know better, but no, her battered housewife mentality is probably permanent.
For example, when trying to enjoy my remaining time with my beloved soulcat who ended up dying soon after, mom made sure to tell me then, that a moid bashed his gf with a hammer in their car. Then she excused it, saying maybe the gf cheated. I was so mad, said thats no excuse, and didnt want to ruin the moment with my furbaby, but Ill never forgive mom for that. Yet another time, mom was mad that a "bitch" stabbed a man, emphasized the word man as if men are holy or something. I said maybe he cheated, she said thats no excuse. When theres SA mentioned in the news, mom always says things like it "supposedly" happened, "I wouldnt put myself in that situation in the first place", or "why was she out then anyway? Stupid".
Recently, mom said how she cant say no to men, esp my manchild brother. My brother is in his late 30s, yet he commands mom at all hours to make him a full meal, a snack, tea, clean up dog shit, or do his laundry. The manchild only recently stopped telling mom to do his laundry past 12am. Mom usually stays up and even irons his clothing, later complains to me about it. When the manchild asks her to do xyz for him, mom drops everything, incl if we were having a private convo or she was helping me with something. As they leave, my brother glares at me before he turns around and walks away, so he can rat me out if he sees that I have a negative facial expression of annoyance. If I do and he sees, they both guilt trip me, accusing me of hating them both, when I just want my mom to stop hating herself and for my brother to leave us alone. When my brother commands mom to do whatever, he thinks hes a nice guy because he says "you dont have to do it right now". Mom then leaves me to wait while they have entire convos, so I just give up and do a hobby alone.
My brother orders mom around daily, to the point it almost feels like elder abuse. Its a subtle daily exhausting effect, not obvious extreme stuff like hitting. Mom neglects her own health issues, and I worry that my brother will compound them into something serious one day. Mom complains to me in private that shes tired, sometimes has to pretend shes sleeping, hiding in her room with her light off, so that he leaves her alone, sometimes even that doesnt work. I tell mom to just say no, she should be enjoying her life. Mom replies that she cant say no to my brother, because she doesnt want him to be mad at her (he still seethes about being bullied in elementary school. It feels like he has lots of repressed anger hes just waiting to explode on an easy target). Meanwhile, the manchild never has to do dishes, laundry, clean up after his dog shitting in my outdoor cozy area I built in the summer heat….
Not trying to make excuses for myself, but I cant help but wonder how much better I couldve turned out as an adult, if I had a mom who wasnt misogynist. How many happy memories there couldve been, how much of a stronger bond we couldve had..I wouldve been encouraged, not shamed, when I said to her that I wanted to practice guitar, drum, soccer, martial arts, and other stuff mom said was for males only. When I try to learn this stuff myself as an adult, it just brings out inner sadness and I end up crying, it feels pathetic. Some of it costs money too. Currently saving up to move out, but it wont be for a long time, due to the very expensive housing and CoL.
I think my moms misogyny was because her mom, my gma, routinely made my mom the black sheep of her siblings for not being blonde/blue. When mom spoke up against her moms abuse, my gma would tell my gpa to shout at mom until she cried. Mom recounts these shouting fits with fondness, always telling me how grandpa was such a "nice guy", because he didnt use physical abuse. Plus gpa was an allied war vet, so hes basically an angel (HAH), so no one was allowed to question him or criticize him. Mom only blames my gma and apparently all women for these abuses, while excusing her dad and all men.
Growing up, mom told me the decline of the west was due to "those liberated feminist bitches ruining everything". Mom almost always refers to women as "bitches", even an icon on a sign. I used to be a pickme antifeminst, and mom praised me for this, the more misogynist I got. I was brainwashed, but even then, I wondered if there was a limit to my misogynist ramblings at which point mom would stand up for women. There were a few times she did, but always returned to her usual misogynist self. Now Im in my 30s and only recently stopped being this way. Thank God for the internet helping me come to my senses.
No. 2347223
>>2347207Your mom sounds like a coping retard. Like she has trauma but instead of snapping out of it and developing some self respect she'd rather wallow in self pity and then ruin the lives of her children.
At least you are snapped out of it. I would just stay the fuck away from her. Older pickmes can only fix themselves.
No. 2347247
I'm in a very contentious legal battle with my abusive ex (was a long marriage too, got married young). He is the oldest of two boys. He committed numerous serious felonies against me, of which I have proof, including his own written admissions. I don't really know what his parents know, though he claims he told them everything. I believed it at the time (was in shock) but now I doubt it. I know his dad attended the meeting with his supervisor where he got suspended, but I suspect daddy wasn't there the whole time, because wtf.
We are talking about a religious leader stealing my retirement savings and several hundred thousand dollars of marital funds to spend on camgirls.
Have my ex-inlaws reached out to me at any point? Asked if I am safe? Supported me in any way? No. Who is bankrolling my ex's non-cooperation with the legal proceedings (alimony, asset division) and forcing me to waste money getting court orders bc he can't comply with a simple request to share income from the past year? (I managed to get 95% of the financial stuff myself). That's right - mommy. He fled the country where we were residing together and his parents are housing him while he continues to abuse me. He is refusing to work despite having advanced postgraduate degrees I helped finance by working full-time. He's decided to "go back to school."
His mom forged my name on some documents, btw. I have the right to sue her or bring that to the police. My ex added his mom to every joint account we had. Without my permission. While he was stealing and abusing me, he was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from mommy, whose debit card always worked even though he denied me access to my cards.
never trust a boymom.
No. 2347351
>>2347207I am so sorry for what you are going through, anon. I think a lot of women in your mom's position do this to feel a sense of power. Her very stance on these issues shows you that she is incredibly aware of the unbalanced power dynamics between men and women, and she wants to ally herself with the winning side(men). Things that have helped me in the past, when dealing with women like this, is to encourage them to come to their own conclusions in a non-argumentative way. It kinda seems like you have already attempted that with her though. Her thoughts and opinions seem very extreme, and even if you were able to make her shift in the right direction, I doubt you will be able to actually meet in the middle. I hate to be the one to say it, but I feel like you already know what the majority of the replies will be - you need to stop sacrificing your mental health and energy on changing her, and focus on moving out and creating a healthy distance between you two. There is a mourning process to this that you shouldn't fight, you will mourn the mother you never had, the mother you wished you had, the mother she could've been to you, the mother you deserved etc. At this point, it would be easier to find support from other older women in your family, or in your life, instead of relying on her to be the person she never will be. It is okay to have empathy towards her and her upbringing, but she lives in a day and age, where she is free to educate herself on these issues and think for herself. If she refuses to do so, that is absolutely on her, and it is impossible to help somebody that does not want your help. I wish you all the best, nonna.
No. 2347352
>>2347207I like how the bad for women is different from the bad for men.
>Male abusers and rapists are bad.>Women minding their own business and enjoying their lives without harming anyone are bad and deserved to be beaten by men.Your mom is a certified retard.
No. 2350307
>>2347207>sounds like elder abuseWhich is exactly what she deserves. She can enjoy her foetid bedsores and her piss soaked mattress when her time comes.
You’ll get out of there soon
nonny, I believe in you.
No. 2351525
>>2350307>>2349506>>2347352>>2347351ATAYRT. At first I thought maybe some of these responses were going too far, but now maybe not. I truly appreciate your support nonnas, its refreshing to see some sanity.
Was running errands when the boymom did another sexist rant saying "these elderly widow bitches are the worst", about our neighbors. Just because they like to talk, and once gossiped about our property not being fixed, ever (my brother never fixes things, only does useless truck remodeling). I calmly replied, the worst are the men being threatening and breaking into places nearby. Mom got mad at me for not also being sexist and hating our female neighbors.
This convo started because the other day, when a moid (possibly hired by a neighbor for manual labor), repeatedly harassed and intimidated us and other neighbors, revving his engine, acting like he wants to drive into our home. This happens once in a while, at random hours of the night, for about half an hour, random days. He/another moid doing the same behavior damaged some of our lawn.
So naturally my mom blames the woman neighbor for "putting him up to it", and wants to throw water on her sidewalk so it freezes, to punish her. I calmly tried to talk her out of it, saying the man should be blamed for his actions. Mom started getting angry at me, as if I was defending the neighbor, who she called her enemy lol. I was tired of this. I was angry back at her, but wasnt rude, just walking fast and avoiding talking to her.
Now the boymom is claiming Im the one who was angry, and is avoiding me, while ranting to her son who agrees with her sexist rant.
I cant do this anymore. I want to make a fucking snack but theyre both in the kitchen. Why does moving out have to be prohibitively expensive.
No. 2351552
When I was around 4, my older brother enjoyed antagonizing me to the point I would push or pinch him. Then he ran to our boymom and told on me. Mom told him to hit me back, as if hes an abused victim. I just remembered this the other week, and it bothers me daily. Years ago, my brother randomly mentioned me doing this, in front of the boymom and other family members, to make me look bad and him innocent. Disturbing that he still seethes about it when hes almost 40.
Years ago, I was having health issues, was vomiting and couldnt keep most foods down for a long time. I didnt know what it was. I assumed it was a bad flu (it was serious, I ended up needing an ultrasound). I asked mom where the humidifier was. She told me, then asked why, I said why. Then mom refused to let me use the humidifier, because "that belongs to [brothers name]". The humidifier wasnt even in my brothers room or anything, it was in the hall among other clutter, so I thought anyone could use it. This betrayal was shocking to me, as she was usually good at helping me with health issues. Sadly, the humidifier was later taken apart for cleaning, and some of the digital chip parts were lost, so now no one can use it. Oh well.
No. 2376155
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No. 2376503
>>2376155Hate saying this because grown women should be allowed to wear whatever tf they want, but her skintight dress has a waistline cut out and opens up nearly to her crotch. That's beyond inappropriate for a mother of the groom dress.
>>2376162I really want to think she was trying to match with his bow tie, but it's such a weird choice of dress overall (to say nothing for kissing him full on the lips at his wedding) that any benefit of the doubt just seems wasted.
No. 2378396
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No. 2379381
>>2378396Where did this come from? Would CPS agree to that?
This is so scary. There are women that actually HAVE been killed by their mothers in law. No. 2380820
what the fuck who even records this even as a “joke” im so glad my parents don’t know what the fuck tiktok is and would never even walk around filming me for views
No. 2391632
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No. 2399728
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Fresh from the farms: boymom nona has a melty because others think Barron Trump is a future degen for upskirting his mom, slapping his nannies and torturing animals. According to her, this is completely normal for boys and they're "bullying" him.
No. 2399876
>>2399728This was honestly fine until she added the "especially little boys" part. Always leaving some extra room for boy children misbehaviour.
>>2399787Didn't look it up but if it's from the Grimes thread they may be talking about X Ass Cyborg 420 or whatever the fuck Elon called his spawn