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No. 1962018

A thread to discuss the 'boymom' phenomenon, where mothers are often inappropriately attached to their sons which can borderline on incest/emotional incest. Their behaviour is often exhibited by extreme jealousy towards the girlfriends/wives of their sons, unfair treatment of daughters if they have any and just general cringe nonsense.

No. 1962044

We already have the Appalling Parenting thread

No. 1962046

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I love this thread idea anon. I'll start

No. 1962061

Omfg girl if you love him so much why don't YOU marry him? Goddamn OP of those 'rules' just sounds like she's romantically attracted to or infatuated with her son. Wtf.

No. 1962108

The OP seems to be for boymoms who simply hate other women and want an excuse to act out their misogyny but >>1962046 reads as someone with a barely-hidden incest attraction to her son.

No. 1962111

God, the way she talks about him like he's dead. So fucking dramatic.

No. 1962231

>I know he will always love me but I also know he loves her more.
what the absolute fuck, she wrote this love letter like a middle school girl with a crush absolutetly disusting

No. 1962423

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>This boy will forever and always have my entire heart. Gina captured the end of this moment, and I’m SO grateful. When I walked up to hug my baby boy after his game, he immediately picked me up and just held me. It may have been 20 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, I have no idea. But in this moment, time stood completely still. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you @brix_wright but I am thankful every second of every single day for you.
damn… she could've hugged him without doing all that

No. 1962435

Why do they always act in such an incestuous way?

No. 1962445

imagine being raised to believe that this is an acceptable way for your mother to behave towards you only to realize that your relationship dynamic is emotionally incestuous after you become the subject of countless jokes online because mom wanted to relive her youth by posting your photo on instagram like a teenager showing off her boyfriend and accidentally went viral

No. 1962448

if that dude has a gf or will get one in the future shes up for a wild ride kek

No. 1962449

It doesn't just seem like emotional incest, honestly. It's sad.

No. 1962451

Right? This is not a normal interaction. I feel bad for her son.

No. 1962452

honestly same, i bet no guy has even truly loved these women probably not even their own father

No. 1962454

I wonder if that is at the core of boymoms

No. 1962464

Theyʼre so creepy

No. 1962472

New best thread on /ot/

No. 1962479

I was just about to post this, this video always made me feel a visceral type of disgust

No. 1962487

The rules are literally the same cringe as the "These are the rules for dating my daughter." but it feels extremely creepy and incestuous coming from a boymom.

No. 1962493

Ew, why did she feel the need to jump on him like that?

No. 1962501

No. 1962503

No. 1962513

>you'll be his first kiss, his first love
this is psychotic why is this happening

No. 1962514

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I unironically would actually consider most of this abuse, because it's very obvious this is just emotional incest that's going to cause a lot of fucked-up issues to overcome for these kids.

No. 1962516

My mom NEVER wanted a son and I'm an only child so we always laugh at people like this.

No. 1962518

and we haven't touched how shitty they treat their daughters after pooping out moids

No. 1962519

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I don't even get it, having a son sounds way more scary since they could murder you or become a school shooter. Meanwhile mother daughter bonds are so precious without the emotional incest quality.

No. 1962520

>it’s misogyny to dislike and criticize women who choose to birth males who will inevitably abuse, intimidate, and annoying other women and girls in the world and who will likely defend their ugly son no matter what he does to others
Nonnie this isn’t misogyny it’s called not worshipping moids and their handlers

No. 1962521

I hate how everyone adds an obnoxious meme at the end.

No. 1962523

>helping mom scrub up the piss crust from around the toilets because my little brothers would miss the toilet that badly but they never had to wipe it up
>they'd even piss on the heat register next to the toilet and corroded it and made it reek of piss up until their teens btw
>walked around obese wearing tight boxer briefs with their dicks and huge guts bouncing but I got yelled at if I didn't wear a bra or if my shorts were too short
>forced to do my own laundry from age 9 but she still does my adult brothers laundry
>heavy restrictions on me and my curfew and who I hung out with but my brothers could do whatever they wanted
>mom allows little brothers to trash talk her and make fun of her and say shit like she's too fat to wear certain things and she takes it very personally
>she sucks up to their gfs and is super quick to turn on them, is super judgmental even if they are nice

No. 1962525

The final boss of boy moms

No. 1962527

I meant the woman in the OP post, not OP herself, who just seems to hate other women and uses her son as a means to lash out at them, as compared to the other woman who "merely" (lol) has an incestual attachment to her son.

Why is a man narrating this? It must be fetish material.

No. 1962528

I'm facebook friends with one of my high school teachers and it is literally so insane how she posts about her scroteling vs her daughter. She will constantly post about her son's boy scout achievements, reposts corny emotional "it HURTS seeing him grow up!!!" boy mom posts, the "I'm his first love" posts, and compare that to her measly posts about her daughter who she publicly announced had to change schools because she was being bullied… it's "literally my mini me wow", "if anyone wants to buy her girl scout cookies please do".
Like it's a clear lack of emotional connection with her daughter and the weird over-emotional connection with her son, who has told his mother to STOP posting so many pictures of him on her facebook… to which she made a post about it and included pictures of him. It's just so fucking weird. Especially since I know she was sexually abused by her stepfather. So many women who are failed bh scrotes go on to put their sons on pedestals and ignore their daughters who remind them too much of themselves. It's so fucking sad.

No. 1962549

I don't really feel bad for the moid, I just hope she doesn't have any daughters.

No. 1962554

On the topic of girl moms it is so fucking cute when daughters look identical to their moms. I'm lucky enough that I have that lol

No. 1962556

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my nigel had a "boymom" mother and if the scrote isn't the usual lazy psychopath it will be immensely fucked up for them too, here's some of the shit that transpired:
>nigel wasn't allowed to bring girls home, only male friends, as a small child (not that as a teen it was any better)
>wouldn't let nigel get his drivers license and insisted on driving him everywhere, nigel had to borrow a friend's car and learn how to drive in secret.
>sabotaged his chance to go to a fancy private school because self-admitedly didn't want him to live in the dorms one hour away from home,
>neglected nigel's mildly retarded sister, nigel had to testify in court for their dad to get full custody of retard-chan
he went completely zero contact after he hit 18 and refuses to speak to her in any capacity, he's afraid if he she ever got word he's married she would try to hurt me lol

No. 1962558

I think all kids are cute till the age of 12, but obviously boymoms make it beyond wierd and crepey and when they get o adults, it honestly sounds like their mocking their son's, by calling them cute, my father would die inside of his mother was too affectionate with him.

No. 1962567

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Can we talk about demented shit like picrel too, this is like endgame for them

>About Us

>Mothers of Sons is a group of ordinary women whose sons have faced extraordinary ordeals in our unjust, anti-male legal systems and workplaces.
>MOS offers advice and support for other mothers and fights for fair treatment for all.
>Our sons have fought mighty battles for justice in family, magistrates and other criminal courts that no longer offer men fair treatment.
>Women need no evidence to make accusations of violence or sexual abuse that deprive men of their children, their homes, careers, and futures.
>Some of us have spent our life savings protecting sons from false sexual assault allegations, paying a huge mental and financial toll to prove the charges had no substance.
>Other sons are experiencing discrimination in the workplace or in educational institutions where advancement can be based on gender rather than merit. Some face #MeToo accusations, where unproven allegations can undermine a lifetime’s achievement and cause loss of career and reputation.
>Some of our sons are victims, physically and emotionally abused by their partners – yet they are offered no protection or support and are often disbelieved.
>Mothers of Sons plans to make a difference by:
>gathering wisdom from mothers who have fought to protect their sons
>sharing hard-won lessons learnt from these terrible experiences
>using this website to share our stories and expose what is happening to men and boys in this country
>allowing mothers whose sons are in trouble to use our private forums to learn from women who have fought similar battles
>bringing together powerful women to fight for a fairer world for men and boys.

No. 1962570

>allowing mothers whose sons are in trouble to use our private forums to learn from women who have fought similar battles
I can only imagine the absolutely fucked up shit that's being discussed in private.

No. 1962595

Okay this has to be the final boss of the pickme to boymom womensphere, these are 100% the type of people who help men rape, kill and bury women.

No. 1962896

I feel like it's rash to judge women who are very passionate about their love for their sons and calling it 'emotional incest' feels like another way to shame women for loving their son, which is natural. I have known older women in my past to have a similar dynamic with their sons that is presented in some of the examples in this thread and I think it's mainly because the women are lonely and in almost every case, the mother doesn't have a partner of her own. (And no, I'm not a boymom.) I think many of you may feel differently when you have a little boy of your own.

No. 1962907

idk, my grandfather obviously loves my dad and his siblings, but she realizes they are grown adults and she won't kiss them or anything, cause she would think's that weird.

No. 1962914

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What do you think of Sue Klebold? Does she count as a cringe boymom?

No. 1962923

I don't think so. How would you react if your son shot up a school? I feel like there's no right way to act after that. She's not responsible for her son's crimes.

No. 1962928

No. 1962930

Can you link to a site that doesn't allow adblock in future.

No. 1962935

>many of you may feel differently when you have a little boy of your own
But why's it always a boy? Why do none of these people ever talk about daughters this way? (Not like that would be better, but the double standard is observable.) Why is the act of having a child and bonding with them not enough and instead there's this weird partner-replacement behavior directed at sons? None of these women ever seem to talk about finally learning what true love is when they have a daughter. Since most of these women are straight or male-leaning bisexual, it makes the double standard even more suspect and why people seem quick to call it emotional incest.

No. 1962946

One of my exes had some kind of mommy issues, and would talk to his mom for a half hour on the phone every night. He would answer his phone if his mom called while we were having sex, and he would fondle my boobs while talking to his mom. It was strange. That's what obsessive boy moms always make me think of. This is your babby boy in 25 years.

No. 1962949

what was the name of the mother of one of the men who raped junko furuta, who defended her rapist son and said that junko ruined his life? she definitely belongs here

No. 1962953

Wow what an insufferable cunt.

No. 1962964

>I think many of you may feel differently when you have a little boy of your own.
Do you know what website you are on? Why are you acting like everyone here is definitely going to have a son in the future?

No. 1962970

>I think many of you may feel differently when you have a little boy of your own.
Nah, it's either a girl or an abortion for me.

No. 1962972

I'm pregnant with my first child and he's a boy, you best believe I won't be like these weirdo mothers who act like they're competing with their sons love interest.. jumping into his arms with my legs around his waist like that other deranged mother.
I feel like alot of these women don't have a male love interest themselves so they project it into their sons and put the sons in the position to be their emotional outlet in that way. It goes beyond normal motherly love, it's not a healthy relationship to have for either of them and most of the time the son is raised to think it's fine when it's not.

No. 1962974

Nta but tbf it's littered with moms and pregnant women on here now, I wouldn't have guessed that the LC userbase would turn out this way 5 years ago.

No. 1962975

My exs mother was the same, only child, even his friends said they think his mother wants to fuck them. She treated me really poorly and was a decent chunk of why I left him.
He was well into adulthood but she had access to his bank account, would move money around and take money out, had notifications on her phone to see what the would buy. He bought something and she called him 3 minutes later asking for an explanation. This was to a 22 year old man.

I was visiting and we were going away for a few days so he was using my bag to put his things in, she went through it and repacked his stuff, changed his shirts etc, would have has to touch my underwear and dildo to move then around the bag.

She would go through his bedside bin to check for condoms, i set a trap to see if she would by leaving an empty coke can in the bin at the bottom, went for a shower and checked and the can was gone.
There's so much more, I'm so glad she's not my problem anymore

No. 1962980

It's because the userbase is ageing. I first found this site when I was a teen and I'm now a legacy user in my mid-20s.

No. 1962987

It's not called the pickme to boymom timeline for nothing, all of these women are former hardcore pickmes, who dated the worst moids and allowed them to treat them like shit and now they cope and try to compensate by finally getting to enjoy "real love" with their sons. So many of them even somewhat admit to this, already anticipating how well they will be treated by their future son while they're still pregnant, saying shit like "Nobody will be able to love you like a son!" and so on.
I honestly don't give af that this is supposedly abusive/emotional incest towards the sons because in 99% of the cases it simply means he will get treated like a spoiled prince by his mom for all his life (which moids enjoy) but my heart breaks for the daughters trapped in this mess.

No. 1963004

I know it's because the LC userbase is aging, I just didn't think that having kids would be the next step in the lives of so many LC users, considering how many are (or seemed to be) socially malladjusted, mentally ill and/or misandrist. Maybe LC users are more normie than I always thought.

No. 1963011

A shit ton of anons talk about their bfs or husbands ever since I've been on lc in 2015 or 2016, and even the mentally fucked up ones would regularly post shit like
>I'm a loser hikineet with 10 mental illnesses and I take xanax, I don't know how to make friends or how to get a job? My boyfriend is helping me for literally everything but I want to have a social life besides him
as if meeting a guy who's good enough to be a bf isn't more difficult than having regular friends.

No. 1963045

I've always found finding female friends to be way harder irl than finding a guy who's good enough to be a bf

No. 1963051

A lot of these boy moms are obsessed with the idea of being the only woman in the household which they think makes them seem more beautiful or feminine by comparison. They see daughters as someone who they have to compete with and who surpass them in youth and cuteness/beauty. They’re obsessed with male attention and approval and like to be “the girl” among a group of men because it makes them feel more special. like those girls who claim girl friendships are just “too much drama!” But really don’t like being upstaged or treated like a regular person instead of the token female

No. 1963061

This pic is so cute, I don’t care if they’re “more work” i will always want a daughter over a son. It’s worth having a child who won’t turn out to be a psychopathic moid and will actually take care of you as you get older. My mom was the only person who took care of my great grandmother before she died while none of her scrotoid sons or grandsons bothered.

No. 1963098

>will actually take care of you as you get older
The fact that so many people expect their daughters to become their future caretakers is depressing.

No. 1963115

Nonnies this is so cute and sweet it makes me want to cry.

No. 1963116

Why could I not think of starting this thread kek

That’s disgusting anon. Hope you’re at least gone low contact with them. I feel sorry for your brothers’ girlfriends already

No. 1963122

I can only imagine the private discussions:

“He only slapped her twice! It’s not like he gave her a black eye, she’s exaggerating these abuse accusations!”

“That 17 year old jezebel is the one who took advantage of my son!” (Her sweet baby boy is 42)

No. 1963127

No I wouldn't say so. She never defended her son's actions. Plus a lot of her behaviour can be excused because she's clearly still grieving over the loss of her son.

No. 1963132

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No. 1963136

then they go completely insane when their son starts dating because they perceive his girlfriends as competition who are out to steal him away. it's even worse once grandsons enter the picture. being a crazy boymom never ends well for them later in life because they either end up cut off after their son's wives have enough of their bullshit or they raise their sons to be such dysfunctional wastes of space that they're stuck bailing him out of mess after mess until they die.

No. 1963141

The fact that no one expects sons to care for their family is even more depressing.

No. 1963220

Ok how do you join because the milk in there must be a goldmine

No. 1963369

>unless you have a ring on your finger
>If you weasel your way past all these rules and fake your way to a ring on your finger
Something tells me that even if the woman did everything "legitimately", this mother in law would make her life a living hell regardless.

No. 1963513

is it so wrong that I expect my children to care about me? I know some nonas here have bad relationships with their parents but I’d take care of my mom in a heartbeat because it’s what you do when you love someone. It’s not that I would expect my daughter to take care of me just because she’s a woman, it’s that she’s more likely to do it instead of moids who just take and take from their mothers and don’t bother to do anything in return. It’s male entitlement.

No. 1963591

No, she never defended him and admitted that he did horrific things. No actual boymom would do that.

I think bad parenting, and especially bad parenting stemming from the parent's unmet emotional needs, expresses itself in different ways. Boymoms happen when a woman engages in emotional incest with her son because she effectively trapped one male to keep as her own, one who will depend on her and love her for decades until the moment he wises up, if he ever does. But there are men who do this with daughters and, less often, women who do it with daughters. For some reason though, we have culturally accepted boymoms and father's with strange attachments to their daughters as sweet and normal and seem to ignore the other variants of displaced parental affection/obsession.

She also attacked and defaced Junko's grave, iirc.

No. 1963651

>But there are men who do this with daughters and, less often, women who do it with daughters. For some reason though, we have culturally accepted boymoms and father's with strange attachments to their daughters as sweet and normal
This does make sense tho, a father is supposed to ward off and protect his daughter from trash moids. But nowadays this has gotten more rare and many "dads" no longer give af that their daughters get with abusive hobos.
Those mothers however trying to "protect" moids from women…that's an absurd world.

No. 1963658

your post made me realise that my mother provided every once of attention to my older brothers because she married my dad for money and nothing else (she comes from poverty), her father used to physically beat my grandma when drunk and my mom still has his nasty ass portrait near her bed saying "I could never hold a grudge". What a mess

No. 1963791

>I think it's mainly because the women are lonely and in almost every case, the mother doesn't have a partner of her own.
And? Children aren't supposed to be a substitute for a partner, what the fuck.

No. 1963819

What is that caption trying to say..?

No. 1963890

Robin Morgan one of the most prominent feminists of the second wave talked about this experience, From the day her son was born she was incredibly attached to him and loved him deeply because "he was her own creation", she would take him to almost every kind of conference or event but when he turned 12 he didn't want to hang out with her and would rather play baseball with friends then attend a feminist conferences. This seemed to genuinely hurt her because she wanted him to embrace her intellectual and feminist values. but unlike majority of boymoms she later realised that she was projecting her own romantic desires onto him due to her revolutionary "queer marriage", where she was married to a gay man who slept around and she forced herself to like women even though she didn't truly feel that way. They were able to reconcile their differences later and he let her host her radio show in the recording studio he owned.

No. 1963953

unless you also want to pigeonhole your kids into the caretaking career you shouldn't have any expectation of them looking after you in old age. do you think a son or daughter thats spent their entire life working a desk job has the capacity and skills to take care of you when you can no longer take care of yourself? the strain of caretaking for a loved one who may not even remember who they are one day often breeds resentment as well

No. 1964039

I mean take care of as in visit me often so that I’m not lonely and get me a few groceries, idgaf what your career is you can find time to do that if you love someone enough

No. 1964605

Does she count as a boymom?

No. 1964622

Taking care of an child in your twenties is a lot easier than taking care of an adult with dementia in your fifties.

No. 1964640

File: 1713177808726.jpg (130 KB, 1500x1125, dr-phil-robin-mcgraw-4-07607e0…)

so this is extremely random, but I recently read Crystal Hefner's biography (I keep meaning to post about it in the book thread but I haven't yet). At one point she leaves Hef and dates Dr Phil's son, Jordan. Jordan ended up being toxic and cluster B (like love bombing her with $10k worth of roses at the beginning of their relationship, courtesy of his dad's black amex card).

But anyway it turns out Robin is a total overbearing boymom. Like when Crystal got a huge surprise for him on his birthday his mom told him and spoiled the surprise. She constantly did shit to sabotage their relationship and Crystal saw a bunch of emails from Robin to Jordan about how he needed to break up with her and even offered to do it for him.

Why am I not surprised kek

No. 1964646

fucking disgusring

No. 1964688

This is incest.

No. 1964786

that's a lot different than providing full-time care. i've seen what happens when adult children sacrifice their lives to take care of their elderly parents and it can get pretty ugly, especially if they're suffering from dementia. it's not uncommon for caregivers to die from stress-related ailments. it's also not right to expect parents who neglected or mistreated their children to care for them when the tables are turned and they're the ones who are vulnerable. my dad is dead but if he had lived to see old age i wouldn't have lifted a finger to help him.

No. 1964880

people dont realize that "taking care" of their elderly parents is nothing like taking care of a child. if youre loved one is suffering from dementia they will deteriorate faster in an environment thats not providing the right kind of enrichment/engagement. elderly women often suffer complications like UTIs after they lose the ability to clean and care for themselves, and being looked after by someone who has never been trained on caretaking for an adult only increases the odds

No. 1964979

Changing the diapers of my grandma with dementia was so much harder than changing my nephew diapers.

No. 1965017

Read her book. She's never excused his actions though she still loves her son despite what he did.

No. 1965050

>And he whispered in my ear did I get off?
>Then he finished, turned over, and called his mom
>Can’t make this shit up, what the fuck?
I didn't want to believe these lyrics truly would happen but apparently they do

No. 1965075

File: 1713197917004.mp4 (1.83 MB, 240x426, 151351832_452061172603546_7740…)

This woman is really scary.

No. 1965079

>"I was his first love"
what is she fucking him too then? because nobody is THIS possessive over someone else without wanting to fuck them. she's talking about her son like he cheated on her.

No. 1965083

I find it incredible that her first thought was that the gift was for her! It's really annoying that her account doesn't exist any more because I'd love to see what other deranged things she's posted.

No. 1965093

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Just goes to show that boymoms are some of the biggest narcs. They do emotional incest with their sons because they think their sons (their own children) need to sacrifice, carry weight, and act like substitute husbands for THEM. They hate women that date their sons, because they think their sons' lives should only revolve around THEM. They're even known to seethe when their sons bring home a girl that's too "different", because the boymoms think any woman the sons marry should be exactly like THEM. They pamper their sons or avoid teaching them about chores and responsibilities because they want their sons to always depend on THEM. Boymoms are wildly narcissistic, it's actually scary.

No. 1965100

What the fuck, poor dude that is some disgusting shit

No. 1965107

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No. 1965113

I feel very sorry for this woman and for the husband since he was likely emotionally abused by his crazy mother but… for fuck's sake, if someone is this horrible to your wife, why aren't you cutting her out of your life!?!? So he was just fine that his mother was wishing death on the mother of his child??? I mean if that's not a good enough reason to cut someone out, wouldn't one be afraid that such threats will then extend to one's child? My mom isn't liked by my grandma/her MIL and while my grandma isn't crazy, I can assure you that her dislike of my mom extends to me (but probably also since I'm a girl). It seems that unless the child really resembles the father or is a boy, MILs will not be kind to their grandkids.

No. 1965115

This is weird as fuck, once the kid grows up he will cut her off or be forever alone.

No. 1965118

I remember this. The husband is a weak scrote for not cutting his mother off after wishing death on her/her family. Talk about gutless.

No. 1965133

>sister is maximum boymom single mom
>calls her daughter "evil" and "manipulative" since she was 7
>daughter has attempted suicide at 14
>son is the golden child and very bright and barely in high school
>he is wanting to be an engineer
>sister has no retirement plan other than living with son
>expects him to buy a house for the two of them when he grows up
>I tell her "his future wife won't want that"
>she goes apeshit
>even her son is sick of her at this point

This is why I'm basically a surrogate mom to my niece

No. 1965139

Bless you nona for coming to your niece's rescue.

No. 1965144

Oh my God it’s becoming like Crystal café why is there a new thread every day on some dumb shit we could discuss in things you hate

No. 1965153

Because we want to discuss the trend of insane boy moms, duh.

No. 1965155

Although there is already and applling parenting thread, this thread has taken off quite nicely and is very active, not sure why you're complaining tbh.

No. 1965160

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So I'm guessing she must have said something like 'I love you despite your flaws', which makes his mom flip out saying that he doesn't have any flaws, even though this moid is CLEARLY flawed, not only because he's bald, but also because he just stood there like a retard while his mother was destroying his wedding.

No. 1965162

Oh my God. She's not even wearing formal attire. She's at her son's wedding in shorts and a tank top and she has the nerve to talk about respect at a wedding?

No. 1965163

I'd be too shocked to react if that happened at my wedding tbh but yeah he should have said something.

No. 1965181

Sorry to post FunkyFrogBait as I know she's quite cringe in general, but I remember watching this video she did about boymoms a while ago and thought it'd be good to share here.

No. 1965186

Despite the theater kid mannerisms and the fact that she's a gendie, she can have really based takes sometimes. I really don't understand how she always defends legit points for women without even mentioning TIMs, and yet claims to be ~enby~ and is dating a weird blob.

No. 1965189

I hope she becomes a TERF soon.

No. 1965198

Cringe? I think she's really funny.

No. 1965215

Some anons just look for everything and anything to complain about. Pull the stick out of your ass. If anons had posted in things we hate you'd complain the topic is taking up too much thread space. Just minimize the thread.

No. 1965237

File: 1713207449432.png (532.96 KB, 1027x864, oh fuck off fatty.png)

>i just know that X is going to have to go through all kinds of fucked up paul-type shit
i wonder what she’s planning on doing to him jfc

No. 1965238

Oh my Christ, I forgot she even named her own living, breathing children that nonsense.

No. 1965252

This is so cute!

No. 1965258

This video of a crazy mother kicking out her son, his wife and kids. His wife is white and she called her a bunch of racist names, called her a stripper and a hoe and is holding their stuff hostage. The son is attempting to defuse the the situation, but tbh the wife is kind of escalating. She also accidently calls her son "my man" at 4:50 which explains much of the hostility towards her daughter in law. I think the son is very used to this behaviour by the way he attempts to calm his mother down and tell her off, very abusive behaviour.

No. 1965266

The wife doesn't sound white lol

No. 1965269

Call me pedantic, but from how incesteous attractions seem to be actually quite common in male relatives, I would prefer to have a child that wouldn't have a crush on his mom, aunt, sister, or girl cousin. So I would want a daughter instead.

No. 1965274

I was really taken aback by how many scrotes on 4chan admit to wanting to fuck their own mothers.

No. 1965295

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No. 1965335

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This made me feel so much embarrassment. She's also wearing white. I remember reading posts about MILs wearing wedding dresses to their sons wedding. It's so weird.

No. 1965337

Is that the mil and the groom doing the dancing?

No. 1965342

This isn't important, but they did the Soldier Boy soo badly.

No. 1965348

Yes. The bride is sat at the back.

No. 1965357

I will never in my life understand moms who dont make their sons sit down at home. Why the fuck you standing up to piss for? Disgusting. I cant think of anything worse than raising a moid. Sorry you had to deal with that.

No. 1965359

WOW and the dance is shit too. How embarrassing. You just know everyone snickered and gossiped at how pathetic that was lmao

No. 1965363

this is %100 incest

No. 1965367

A relative of mine has several boys and the toilet was always disgusting, there was even a discolouration right around the toilet on the floor because of all the years of piss soaking into it. They didn't even flush the toilet or ever wash their hands. Disgusting.

No. 1965372

It's a primarily female image board, most women don't end up as cat ladies unless we choose to be cat ladies. Even the NEETs here have "long distance boyfriends", and a decent population of LC aren't NEETs so…

No. 1965373

there's a big difference between a toxic partner and your actual mom, even is she was literally the worst cutting contact with her would give you cold shoulders with your entire family.

No. 1965378

Good riddance tbh if they're fine with the mom from Hell's behavior

No. 1965380

that post is horrifying, heartbreak??? you weren't dating him, you didn't break up, what the fuck is going on???

No. 1965387

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Video of Chris Watt's mother speaking to him in prison, saying how she doesn't care what he's done. This scrote literally murdered her grandchildren and she still fawns over him. These boy moms are so unhinged and I genuinely wonder what it would take for them to go no contact.

No. 1965389

Kek, i agree, she talks with a "blaccent". It is what it is.
And she is going to wonder why her son never wants to see her once he gets married i bet.

No. 1965400

This behaviour is so common of mothers of sons who commit atrocities. I don't think every woman who defends their son from their crimes do it because they are a boy mom all the time though, in some cases it's because they want to take the opportunity to brush over the fact that they probably neglected their son or was abusive in other ways. You can tell it's the boy mom mentality when they constantly appeal their sons sentence, are practically begging on their knees in court. video related is a woman claiming that her son is innocent of murder and kidnapping, despite already been convicted, because of the way she raised him, classic boy mom line.

No. 1965418

She is so damn annoying. I hate that she has kids who is going to grow up a super narcissist.

No. 1965423

That shit made me so angry. lmao

No. 1965535

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Poor OP I would have loved to eat her cooking.

No. 1965715

>due to her revolutionary "queer marriage", where she was married to a gay man who slept around and she forced herself to like women even though she didn't truly feel that way.
the second wave really was something.

No. 1965900

Please tell me this is just one of those satire accounts

No. 1965901

when the MIL gets old she is going to expect this poor woman to wait on her hand and foot. if she's this terrible now just imagine what a nightmare she'll become when her mind starts to go and she loses what few filters she has.

No. 1965902

CPS now

No. 1965913

The judge sounded so tired as soon as she started to speak, I wonder if these boymom appeals happen often.

No. 1965931

i imagine judges encounter them frequently. i get that it must be difficult for a parent to see their child imprisoned but boymoms are perversely heartbroken when their sons are locked up because they have to live with the knowledge that the only moid who will ever love them is going to rot in a cell and be cannibalized by other moids because they raised him to believe that he could do whatever he wanted without consequence.

No. 1965983

>Gets taken in by son and lovely daughter in law
>complains about smell
>Throws all of their food out
Why are men so fucking gutless. Stand up for your fucking wife against your putrid mother holy fuck!
This made me seethe a little bit, I couldnt imagine staying with such a limp cock wimpy man.

No. 1965984

Hope the mother gets alzheimer's and the OP feeds her curry every day

No. 1966018

No. 1966031

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>A grown woman forbidding her 11 year old son from comforting his 5 year old sister, insisting that it would condition him to cater to a "white woman's tears"

No. 1966038

I refuse to believe that isn’t ragebait

No. 1966209

Imagine letting tiktok memes determine how you raise your kids. I bet when her daughter inevitably cuts her off she'll be producing plenty of "white woman tears" of her own.

No. 1966211

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Avery Woods, TikTok 'momTok' influencer who gained almost 2 million followers in a short space of time due to making videos exploiting her toddler-age daughter by having her in compromising positions and inappropriate outfits.

>Avery Woods went under fire after releasing vidrel (which has since been deleted and reuploaded to censor the child) explaining how she loves her son more than her daughter, in an extremely creepy way.

>Other commenters have noted that in her main profile, the subject of the videos are always her daughter, and almost never her son. She would do these weird voiceovers over the videos of her daughter (in a POV like style pretending to be her inner voice) about how fat she is, having to squeeze her fat into a swimming costume and stuffing her 'cankles' into her shoes. Bearing in mind, her daughter would have been an infant.
>Many of these videos of her daughter were her in inappropriate outfits that would have several thousands to hundreds of thousands of saves, when other users investigated who would be saving them, a lot of them were grown men and adult content accounts.
>Since blowing up from the controversial video in vidrel, she has deleted all of the other fucked up shit and has since made a new account that is much less active.

Boymoms in a nutshell. They will make pedo content by exploiting their daughters to make themselves wealthy while protecting their sons from the same fate.

No. 1966226

When you want to fuck your own son. Kek.

No. 1966237

I'll take my ban for a-logging: fuck this bitch. Fuck you. Fuck you for deliberately conditioning empathy out of her son. Cuntress.

No. 1966293

I remember when this was posted a few weeks after another liberal white woman posted a tiktok saying how she would raise her "cis white male" son to be a good person and gave him some books on consent and racism (he was a baby btw) this got some conservatives online mad but it got a bit of appreciation from black and left-wing twitter and I guess she wanted a similar response.

No. 1966308

She's probably going for the same response from a similar audience but I think this has to be rage bait. It's absolutely insane to stop a boy from helping his sister and referring to her crying child as crying "white woman tears" and describing her as having "violence in her heart" for being an upset child. It has to be fake.

She however is probably an evil misogynist who wants to exploit her innocent daughter to pedos online and bask in her son's attention because she's a psychopath.

No. 1966549

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>Be me, 20 y/o with first ever 'proper' relationship.
>Go on date with Nigel for valentine's day in a shitty chain restaurant.
>Nice night, general romance shit.
>Nigel's mother walks in out of the blue while we're having dessert and sits down at our table.
>We're both like wtf. I look at him as if to say "Nigel, do something!!"
>He does nothing and we're just listening to her ramble on about her day.
>Offers us a lift home.
>I have a nice romantic evening planned back at mine, candles and all that shit.
>She drops me off and says "Ok anon, say good night to Nigel! He has an early night tonight!"
>I look at him with the most bewildered look which turns into utter contempt as he continues to do nothing.
>Spend the night by myself with all the candles on wondering where I went wrong in life.

No. 1966553

This is so gross. How brain dead is this bitch to coddle her son like this?

No. 1966555

Raising a future serial killer

No. 1966565

So not only is her MIL extremely racist and a shit person, her husband just takes it? Wow. horrible. I would throw her ass out on the street and him too. They're both shit. I feel so bad for this woman

No. 1966570

Kek, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you can look back at it now and laugh. Boymoms are insane. She probably has a tracking device on his phone

No. 1966573

KEK. She did. She had him on 'findmyfriends' and would flip out when he turned it off.

No. 1966600

this is a case where the kid actually seems to be a decent person, in spite of what his mother's parenting.

No. 1967011

This is just psychotic. The whole reason fathers hate boyfriends is because they know when the "boyfriends" are just useless shitty scrotes who will fuck up or ruin their daughters' lives. 98% of girls and women are not that kind of person. The worst kind of woman the average scrote will encounter is just a dumb woman who goes along with his horniness and gets knocked up due to stupidity.

No. 1967098

Can these tradthots from Twitter and tumblr infesting lolcow please just stay in /snow/

No. 1967205


This thread took a dark turn.. does she still have custody of her daughter after all this?

No. 1967223

No different from a retarded tradthot saying her son shouldn't comfort his sister because something something feminist tears. Pickmes of all races, creeds and political backgrounds will find a way to attack little girls and other women. I swear it's a brain condition.

No. 1967229

this video isn't really anything (except the part about wanting to be a boymom – weird) but that greentext is horrifying.

No. 1967231

ruby franke moment

No. 1967385

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No. 1967401

Reminds me of my exes mom told him it was abnormal he dated me bc i didnt look anything like her and boys are normally attracted to women who look like their mom

No. 1967412

Yeah bc dads do it bc they know teen boys aint shit, boy moms do it out of seething jealousy that some wench is stealing her sonsband. No girlfriend is going to abuse her poor son, but a boyfriend most likely will abuse his daughter.

No. 1967427

idk a lot of fathers seem incestual too

No. 1967430

I mean yeah, but thats not the protective fathers who dont want their daughtera dating a bum, like incestual fathers pimp their daughters out to their friends and daf if they get raped by other men

No. 1967431

A coworker of mine is autistic, early/mid 20’s and his mom also worked at the same store (different departments). A group of us would all hang out on breaks or after work. I assumed he was living with her because he was in college at the time but one night at the bar we were talking about dating/relationships and his mom said no one will ever be good though for her son and she was a proud tiger mom. He was sitting right next to her. Kek sorry little autismo I hope you’re living by yourself now (survey says that’s a lie).

No. 1967434

ok but dads that care a little too much about their daughter's virginity are weirdos

No. 1967600

Still usually bc they know teen boys will coerce girls into sleeping with them and dumping them, or some weird religious things. Two things can be correct at once. More men commit incest towards their daughters, while moms who are overly protective over their sons view their sons as a replacement husband, while fathers who are protective over their daughter do it bc they too have been teen boys once.

No. 1967790

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I think you may be right nona kek

No. 1967796

Idk if anyone has seen Hitler's Sex Life on Netflix but Hitler's mother was also a massive boymom and he worshipped her.

No. 1967800

Give us a run down? I don't have Netflix.

No. 1967811

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So moms prefer having boys because they like the smell of their farts???

No. 1967832

sanest boymom…

No. 1967894

Kek the hell

No. 1971768

please be fake what the fuck

No. 1971850

This one seems fake/satire

No. 1971855

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nta I haven't watched the series(nor do I want too) but a lot of dictators have very similar background of growing up around the lower end of middle class, having physically abusive fathers and religious mothers whom they would have close relationships with. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Mussolini, Franco e.t.c

No. 1972389

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it brings me much satisfaction to know that many misogynistic pick-me boymoms who believe little girls are inferior end up eating their words (even if they'll never admit it) when their sons grow up and cause them nothing but endless trouble. they spend the rest of their lives cleaning up their retarded son's messes because they raised him to believe he could do whatever he wanted and he became a spoiled selfish moid with authority issues and zero compassion. i hope the relief of not being cursed with the terrible misfortune of having a daughter brings them some comfort when they aren't able to save a penny for their own retirement because they're constantly paying for their scroteling's legal bills or otherwise having to support him financially, meanwhile he'll stick them in the cheapest nursing home he can find once they become elderly (assuming he isn't incarcerated or dead as a result of his lack of impulse control) or steal their social security check for himself while leaving them to slowly fester and starve in their own homes.

No. 1972437

This isn't even a joke. My own brother wouldn't take a few days off from work to visit our mother in hospice on her deathbed, and he was uhauling his own shit into her house so he wouldn't have to pay his own rent anymore. And she did everything recommended to raise an empathetic son. It doesn't work, the vast majority just don't have empathy at all after puberty.

No. 1972513

Women who say “girls are dramatic” are unfortunately not a minority. When they say that it’s enough for me to know they’re emotionally immature and can’t regulate their own emotions, probably unfit for being a mom and shouldn’t have given birth at the first place. A woman who can’t regulate their emotions doesn’t know how to teach a toddler to regulate hers.. besides, I don’t think girls are harder to raise, people just let their mini moids get away with everything and don’t bother to teach them emotional regulation and maturity because boys will boys mentality

No. 1972530

The fuck. For context, Watts didn't just murder his whole family. He was cheating on his wife who was pregnant at the time, and she was beginning to suspect that the affair was happening. He strangled his wife, put his still-living kids in the car with her corpse, drive them to where he buried her in a shallow grave, then strangled them and dumped their bodies in a crude oil tank. Imagine doing that to your toddlers, who still loved and trusted him at the time. The wife's family asked the judge not to hand down a death sentence because they wanted Chris to have to live with what he did and rot in jail for the rest or his life.

No. 1972532

One of my aunts has a daughter and a son. The daughter is older, and the son is younger. When he would act like a little shit, sometimes the girl would ask her mom to tell her brother to stfu and sit down. But her mother would brush it off half the time and use the exact phrase: "boys will be boys". Teenage me thought, "shit if boys will be boys, maybe I don't want a son".

No. 1972534

Please tell me you're not still seeing this spineless loser.

No. 1972560

KEK they really think boys are easier to raise because they just don't even bother parenting them.

No. 1972580

What I've noticed is that a lot of these moids will posture about being protective over their daughters/sisters etc and then treat the women they're romantically interested in terribly.

No. 1972604

Exactly. The same way they will posture over how important Mom is, then use "family first" as justification to treat a gf or wife like shit. And eventually you get:
>"I could never love you as much as I love my mom."
The wonderful statement that has left a million women speechless and bewildered. I guarantee that no man who treated his wife halfway decent ever uttered those words.

No. 1972631

My mom would complain my whole childhood that her mom(my grandma) was a boymom and favoured her sons, while simultaneously being a much bigger boy mom than my grandma could ever dream of being. Like my mom didnt even interact with me for like 5 years after my brother was born and she has massively stunted his development. Like I remember her screaming bloody murder at me bc I told her that she should let him learn how to use a knife and fork and not cut up his food for him. My brother was 12. TWELVE YEARS OLD AND MY MOM DIDN'T WANT TO LET HIM CUT HIS OWN FOOD. And yet, constantly whine how unfair her childhood was. The irony.

(I have been the one to train my brother to do dishes/take out the trash/clean his room/wash his clothes etc behind our mothers back, so thankfully he isn't totally useless now as an adult, but my god, if I hadn't, my mom would probably try to wash his ass as an adult)

No. 1972650

>shit if boys will be boys, maybe I don't want a son
Yet they always get so offended when other women say they don't want sons. Boymoms have this superiority complex where they act like raising moidlets is somehow both easier and harder than raising girls depending on what is the more convenient argument. Boydads and wannabe boydads also need more hate tbh, any man who expresses disappointment upon finding out he has or is having a daughter needs to be castrated.

No. 1972757

Today I shrieked with joy when I found out my friend is having a baby girl. I am not quiet about my preference for girls. It still wouldn’t counteract the crazy boy moms tho kek

No. 1972760

My maternal grandma had a strong preference for her only son and her male grandchildren. I was the only granddaughter in the family yet she was visibly more joyful when my male cousins were around. My mom always talks bitterly about how she favored her brother over her.

Guess who took care of my grandma in her old age and who ended up in prison

No. 1974761

He should have had the death penalty. He literally has no remorse as seen in his interviews in prison. He brags about stupid women sending him love letters. He shoved one of his daughters in the oil tank so hard her shoulders had dislocated. Records show she was still alive when he did this. He deserves to be tortured and die a horrible, horrible death.

No. 1974766

Kek no we lasted 8 months and it was 5 years ago.

No. 1975267

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No. 1975287

Okay Norma Bates

No. 1975380

Where did you find this from? I went to look at the account and it seems to have been deleted.

No. 1975383

fucking creepy how they project what they wish their husbands were actually like onto their children. like switch out boy for man and you can't tell me this isn't some romantic fantasy relationship she wishes she had with her man

No. 1975405

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I know this is probably satire but they really are like this when you're dating their sons kek.

No. 1975464

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I love how everyone in the thread is roasting the shit out of her kek.

No. 1975466

as opposed to little girls who can't talk, throw up and can't eat or go to the bathroom by themselves

No. 1975949

Does any anon have experiences with boymoms irl? One of my mum's best friends who we saw every week used to be one, until she divorced and got a better boyfriend kek
the son turned out normal anyway thank God but I'm surprised how little it took to fix it

No. 1975980

Yes, my fiancé's mother. When she found out he lost his virginity to me, she thought I was some seductress stealing her innocent son from her (he was 23 at the time…) It got so horrible it was to the point that she was calling him over and over until he answered and demanded he drive to her house (a 20 minute drive) to fill up a glass of water and give it to her to drink. Outrageous kek. He's put up boundaries now and she resents me for it. It's because of something called "emotional incest" They basically put all their emotional needs onto their son. Almost like their son is a stand-in husband for them. Their son getting a romantic parter is a huge emotional threat to them. But when they themselves find a reliable partner, it will usually remedy this.

No. 1976069

OFC she's worried about what some literally poor, disadvantaged girl will do to her son's school work, and not that her scrotelet could knock up a girl with no resources and totally destroy her life before it even started.
I recently overheard a boomer I know kvetching about how her stepson's girlfriend isn't good enough because she's only getting a community college degree, BUT I also know her stepson has a zero college degree and works entry level jobs. We can really never be good enough.

No. 1976306

Wtf… so her son is actually being a decent person and trying to cheer up his younger sister when she’s upset and she punishes him for it? This has to be fake right? That’s fucked

No. 1976418


No. 1976511

Yeah I was in a short relationship with a scrote who had a 'boymom'. She was fucking insane. He told me once that they'd always be naked around each other and sometimes shared the same bed. As adults. Kek.

No. 1976522

No. 1980020

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maybe she’s referring to male/female socialization. a dude will fart and laugh about it (i feel him saying it smelled wonderful was just a joke), girls will react as she said

No. 1981194

My Nigel's mom is like this but only towards her other son. She's always coddled BIL and all she has to show for it is a son who never moved out of her basement, has 2 kids by 2 baby mamas (and working on the third rn), punches holes in her walls and destroys doors when he gets mad, and screams at her when she tries to do things like take his kids to Disney. She neglected Nigel as a result but at least he's a functional adult. She could kinda care less about me, but seeing what all of BIL's girlfriends deal with, I'm fine with that lmao

No. 1981267

Unfortunately, you can get adjacent codependencies from mother-daughter relationships, too, if there aren't proper boundaries. That being said, I don't see the attitude being promoted the same way "boymomming" is. The insistence on NORMALIZING the lack of boundaries is very different, and is a new layer of nauseating. This is how you get moids who expect their spouses to be bangmaids and let their family walk all over them. Unrelated, that picture is so cute and precious!

Honestly, good on you nonna. Sucks about your mom, but hopefully your brother realizes what you did for him and appreciates it.

I've seen this a lot with narc parents. I imagine it's boymom adjacent, but can be done with either gender and by either parent. I think the ostracization sets up for an easy scapegoat in a toxic family dynamic.

No. 1982087

This is so fucking infuriating. 13 years old and already acting like this and the mother actually defending this useless fucking scrote. He's only going to get worse with age. What a waste of oxygen.

No. 1982101

Those do seem like bad kids but how can you stand to watch this channel do you have brain damage?

No. 1982106

my best friend's mother is exactly like that. coddled the shit out of her eldest son, paid his rent and vidya and everything, never disapproved of anything he did. and he ended up a basement dwelling weed addict with no qualifications past middle school, who can't keep a job and had a kid with a literal schizo. he was alwo a borderline abusive to my friend growing and i had to slap his shit a few times to keep him in line (last i checked he was still afraid of me lmao)
meanwhile my friend got yelled at if he got a b+ and they dumped him with my family nearly every holiday.
then she and the dad went all surprised pikachu when my friend packed it all up at 19 to go live in another country and never looked back.

No. 1982121

I wrote upthread about my exes mom who was upset that he dated me bc we looked nothing alike and boys normally are attracted to girls who look like their mom. She also got upset that he gave me flowers bc he had never given her any. Also I've never seen her as happy as when his coworkers thought he was cheating on me with an older woman(her), I guess on the plus side I've never seen him more grossed out. She would also constantly cry to him about all her failed relationsships with men half her age. Also she got extremely upset bc I said his sister looked more like her and he looked like his dad, bc she was convinced he was her twin…they really didn't look alike. I guess that why hos coworkers thought it was his mistress and not his mom…as well as her clinging to his arm and flirting with him. Oh and ofc he was a horrible misogynist who had a massive negative complex about his mom, simultaneously hating her and being codependent with her.

No. 1982189

kek I was going to say isn't the guy who heads that channel some kind of alt right shill? I stumbled across one of his videos once and it was an immediate red flag

No. 1984318

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No. 1984321

>Also I've never seen her as happy as when his coworkers thought he was cheating on me with an older woman(her)
Wait what? They thought he was sleeping with his mom, much to her delight?

No. 1986470

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Allow me to introduce the queen of boymoms and emotional incest, Alicia Silverstone

>During an appearance on "The Ellen Fisher Podcast," the 45-year-old actress shared a few details about her attachment parenting style and revealed that "Bear and I still sleep together."

>The "Clueless" star shares her 11-year-old with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki, and joked that she would "get in trouble for" her comments by critics. "I don't really care," Silverstone laughed off any possible judgements.
>Bear and I still sleep together," she said, noting that she is just "following nature" with her parenting style.
>"If you were in any kind of wild setting where there are animals … if you put your baby over there," she said, pointing away from herself, "your baby is going to get eaten. It's not ideal for the baby to be over there."
>The actress also explained the "elimination communication" parenting tactics she would employ when raising Bear, and shared that she would rarely use diapers when teaching her son to potty train as a toddler. Instead of diapers, Silverstone would "watch his cues" to know when he would need to use the restroom.
>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile. That's when he had to pee."
>Silverstone also explained why she didn't end up having additional kids, sharing that she wanted to "savor every moment" of Bear's life first.
>"I wanted to have more [kids], but then my relationship got messed up, and it wasn't a great time to bring one in," she said. "I didn't want to have one right away because I was so in love with my Bear." "I wanted to squeeze every little moment out of him, so it wasn't until he was like 3 that I was ready to make another baby and then I didn't have a partner, so that's why I don't have four babies."
>In November 2020, The actress revealed that Bear cut his long hair.
>"My baby's growing up (crying emoji)(broken heart emoji) I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe … but did I try to stop him? Not for one second," she shared in an Instagram caption.
>"The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was because he loved it so much!!!" she continued. "He just wanted to try something new. Although I have a feeling he'll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes. (heart emoji)(smiling with Hears emoji)"

No. 1986474

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she breastfed him until he was 9 and he has not been vaccinated and according to her has never been on medication in his life
>“He’s never had to take medicine in his life,” she told Page Six of her 7-year-old son, Bear, on Thursday. “He can get sniffles and a runny nose but he’s not down, he still goes to school. Two times in his life has he been like ‘Mommy I don’t feel good,’ and it was only for a few hours and he was back running around.”

they also took baths together with her till he was 10
>The Clueless star has revealed she and her son Bear have been soaking up some quality time together with shared baths during the lockdown measures imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. And the actress has claimed that they find the activity ‘nourishing and comforting’. Silverstone explained: ‘My son and I take baths together, and when he’s not with me, I take a bath and that really feels nourishing and comforting.’
>Alicia – who has Bear with her ex-husband Christopher Jarecki – also said she and her tot have been doing other activities together, including dancing, bouncing on the trampoline and jumping rope. And the duo are focusing on maintaining their vegan diet, as the 43-year-old actress says her mental health is affected by her eating habits
>She added: ‘I always bring everything back to diet. When I don’t eat well, I don’t feel well, and then my moods go all over the place.’ Alicia says she turns to fresh herbs, greens, miso soup and ginger tea to keep her body healthy, and for her mental and physical health she takes daily long walks, practices yoga and meditation, and keeps a journal

No. 1986477

File: 1714513489314.mp4 (1.66 MB, 296x640, Rno1zbK.mp4)

Her repeatedly kissing her son

No. 1986478

File: 1714513609872.webm (3.96 MB, 576x1024, 1658427806526.webm)

also whatever this is supposed to be

No. 1986482

>they break up with you
ma'am what the absolute fuck

No. 1986492

….I'm speechless. He's a cute kid and I get that moms love their kids and all…. but what the hell is this and why?

No. 1986523

all of this is straight up paedophilia and incest. Absolutely insane, the way she open mouth kisses him and grabs his chest is revolting.

No. 1986623

Why is she looking at him LIKE THAT??? Does she actually wants to fuck that poor boy??

No. 1986777

>but what the hell is this and why?
That's actually quite easy to explain. Alicia Silverstone was a child actress who endured sexualization and objectification her entire childhood. As she grew older she was mocked by the media being labeled as fat. later on she became a prominent activist for PETA and made veganism a significant part of her identity (which it still is). she experienced a failed relationship but through that she became a mother and this woman who had never experienced a healthy relationship before, finally found a being who offered her unconditional love and and this is the eventual outcome.

No. 1987244

Breastfeeding until 7 is practised in many other cultures and weaning age of humans is 2-7 years anyway. 9 is going a bit far. Most of these things aren't that big of a deal tbh.

No. 1987295

>Breastfeeding until 7 is practised in many other cultures
lmao where did you hear this from? Sounds like a boob nazi fantasy

No. 1987304

Turning your nose up at breastfeeding a child past the 'normal' age is because you have been influenced by Western propaganda to sell more nestle 'follow on milk' thats shite that's bad for your baby. Breastfeeding should be until your baby is at least 4.

No. 1987370

no it should Not and the only reason trads say that is because they have a weird pedo fetish. babies don't need to eat nestleslop, they need to eat nutritious healthy solid food to develop a proper palette and immune system, not to mention facial muscles and structure.

No. 1987372

4 and 7 is wildly different

No. 1987373

>women who breastfeed to the recommended age (2-4) are pedos
please be scrote bait

No. 1987375

I think the anons seeing pedophilia everywhere are fucking pornsick.

No. 1987377

File: 1714593578174.png (1.52 MB, 1891x1080, NKj7Xbp.png)

This was discussed on her thread and it's a reach but she played a role in a movie which involved a romance between the 18 year old main character and her character(who was recently divorced) The main character is a young man who has spent his entire life living as a survivalist in the woods, He's essentially the idealized version of what she likely wants her son to be (and he even looks a bit like him).

No. 1987378

They are learning how to read at that age.

No. 1987381

ot but that kid looks like danny gonzalez

No. 1987384

>nestle 'follow on milk
Anon, you shouldn't stop breastfeeding past a certain age to give them formula. You should stop to give them regular food.

No. 1987399

>babies don't need to eat nestleslop, they need to eat nutritious healthy solid food
solid? anon their teeth aren't grown in yet

No. 1987405

If your kid doesn't have teeth by 4 or 7 you have wayyyyy bigger issues kekk

No. 1987408

Kids get a full set of teeth by age 3, not fucking 4. There is zero reason to be breastfeeding past 3.

No. 1987438

If you're breastfeeding by the time a child has all their teeth and can speak in full sentences then you're doing it for your own emotional benefit and nothing more. Breastfeeding into middle childhood is downright emotional incest.

No. 1987488

>Most of these things aren't that big of a deal tbh.
>"There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Alicia continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile.
Thinking that your own kid is flirting with you isn't weird? And what's with the chest fondling in this video >>1986477

No. 1987503

why are you all arguing about breastfeeding ages when this woman breastfed her son until he was NINE. not 4, not 7, fucking 9. kids that age, who are that close to the double digits are not babies or toddlers

No. 1987504

>Breastfeeding until 7 is practised in many other cultures
Which cultures?

No. 1987506

probably the same cultures that practice child marriage kek. but hey it's their ~culture~ so we aren't allowed to judge

No. 1987508

I took a class in college that discussed childbirth/associated stuff and a classmate said they babysat for someone who breastfed her son until that age, she said it was insanely awkward.

No. 1987534

No way in hell. I've never heard this. Mothers stop that at 2 usually. Up to 7 is actually vile. Didn't that actress from the big bang theory do that shit too? The one who dated Sheldon in the show.

No. 1987536

so gross! I had a discussion with a coworker today and I told her I'm so excited for my first child to be a girl. She said 'yeah, girls are okay, but my son–" and went on. i droned out. Like the fuck is wrong with boy moms?!

No. 1987545

My grandma (rest her soul) was a huge boy mom. She had two older daughters (my mom and aunt) and her youngest was the son. He was already in his 30s when I was a young teenager, but she waited on him hand and foot. Went downstairs to get him take out, do his laundry etc. She ended up falling in the street and hurt herself so bad she couldnt walk. In her last days, he never saw her once at the hospital. I dont even remember if he attended her funeral. I hated him for years because she did everything for him and he still treated her like that. I hope boy moms learn that if you treat your sons like kings, they will still turn on you.

No. 1987546

It's not, Guinea-Bissau culture breastfeeds the longest than any other culture and the most it's normal to go to is 2-3 yrs old. It was creepy pedo parents that kept pushing the idea that it's normal to breastfeed until 7 no one outside of disgusting pedos would even think about that

No. 1987562

Mayim Blaek or w/e yeah she did. They like tocall it attachment / natural parenting. Something hippie like.

No. 1987576

It's actually super sad. It's like she's being overly affectionate with her own son a result of her own childhood traumas in hollywood. None of it is healthy of course, and I wonder if he'll even be allowed to date when he's old enough.

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