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No. 196422
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>>196419what happens on liveleak?
No. 196480
the internet just made all the filth and cunts visible through the safety of anonymity.
No. 196493
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>>196425another anon posted this in another thread about freedom of speech, and i'd like to second them.
i agree with other anons in that the internet did not make us more vile as a species, it just enabled us to distribute the evidence easier. we've always loved violence as entertainment, don't forget about arena fights and public executions. kicking and punching each other for the hell of it has always been and still is a very legitimate and respected "sport", widely broadcast and viewed by all ages, meanwhile exposing children to sex is seen as a very "scarring" experience. our culture as a whole normalizes and values violence, and our (especially anonymous) behaviour on the internet is just a facet of it.
but also i agree with the OP somewhat, because recording, displaying and reveling in violence had never been easier and i think there'll be repercussions for it.
No. 196517
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thanks for the replies,
>>196413>because recording, displaying and reveling in violence had never been easier and i think there'll be repercussions for itI think this was my point, I'm not trying to say we should censor the internet at all.
>we've always loved violence as entertainmentI'm scared about the increased level of this in a world that seems so fragile at the moment, and the normalising potential of it.
I have no doubt a lot of people post ironically as part of 'meme culture' but it still generates an environment in which you can't tell who's serious and who's not, and the seriously degenerate and insidious bigots get a free pass, a pat on the back, and a legitimisation of their worldview.
the whole post-truth thing where you feel like the masses could be manipulated into any state imaginable no matter how vile is just scary tbh.
No. 196518
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also lets be clear,
we're not talking violence as sport or curiosity in death we're talking
to videos of people begging for their lives before their murder and people clawing blindly at their mangled faces in the midst of a car wreck
No. 196539
>>196518Yet the world's more peaceable than it has been in a long, long, time. A quick glance at most of history, since preagrarian times, make all the cartel, faveloid, and ISIS videos I've seen look tranquil.
I think that those have been given lives of relative peace and prosperity - which is more of the world than people realize - feel cheated at not being able to hate anymore. Some part of us needs it. So they vent anonymously and cheaply, which is still better than what people were doing to each other since before the first cities were founded.
1984 shouldn't have been an instruction manual and all.
No. 196545
If you give people the freedom to post and discuss what they want, some of those people are going to post and discuss awful shit. This is part of the human condition. Thousands of years ago people used to pay to watch lions tear people apart, or watch slaves fight to the death. A lot of people, given freedom and anonymity, will act like complete shitheads.
If you take away their freedom to post and discuss what they want, you have to have massive state power in order to enforce that. You have to have a huge bureaucracy of censors and various armed goons to enforce the censorship regime. The best case scenario is East Germany, and the worse case scenario is Maoist China. You still haven't changed people though. They're the same skinny hairless monkeys that cheered when the lions crunched bone. Except now you've got a massive state watching everything you do, which is both willing and able to crack down if you or anyone else steps outside the line. That massive state is starting to reconstitute itself in Germany right now: is very uncomfortable. But I'd rather have a bunch of impotent weebs on 4chan posting gore videos than potentially get arrested for posting an illegal opinion.
No. 196547
> there are always women hate threads, with posters reveling at literal decapitated pics of women and saying they deserve it.
Women created these men by denying them sex. If a girl at least pity-fucked them, they wouldn't be saying these things. (Although in the case of race mixing it's different, "you burn the coal you pay the toll". I rejoice when white girls who fuck black guys get what they deserve for destroying civilization)
There is some valid reasons they are mad at women though, have you actually listened to what they have to say? Women are completely out of control in the western world, they have destroyed the family structure, they have destroyed marriage, they have made cheating rampant, they have created the degenerate dating/pickup culture we see (Tindr/PUA), they have voted to import third-world immigrants, they're just out of fucking control.
There's simply more single guys than there is single women, and females are extremely picky, THEY are the ones who select which man gets to have sex.
This leaves a large portion of men unable to get a girlfriend or sex without directly paying for it, usually because these guys are financially disadvantaged and/or ugly.
The reality is that life isn't fair, if they want a girlfriend they have to make more money, and most of these guys wouldn't have a problem with that if society was up front about it, but society wants to pretend that 99% of long-term relationships aren't prostitution.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 196557
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>>196547No woman wants to have sex with you because you are hideous, useless, and offer nothing of value to society.
Please do the world a favor and neck yourself. All you do is waste space and resources. Do it. Kill yourself. Do it quickly, you ugly faggot.
No. 201905
>>196480>>196420>The internet didn't make these weirdosI completely disagree, there's already legitimate studies showing that online porn can lead people to seek out harder and harder things than they would originally want and there's plenty of anecdotal evidence even in threads here about how 4chan has led anons to edgier territories.
I myself was as a typical preteen just curious about crime scenes who ended up completely desensitized, looking at snuff and gore for hours by myself just because I could and feeling nothing and trying to get off to guro because that was the norm in those kinds of threads. If I had stayed isolated/NEET then who knows where it could have continued to? Yes, there was a starting point already within me and isolation was an external factor, but it would have never gotten that far without the toxic atmosphere of /b/ etc. I'm now haunted the brutal things that I saw.
It's a complicated subject because I believe in freedom of speech, but just denying the risk of harm that can come with freedom seems too unequivocal as
>>196493 and
>>201177 say
No. 201960
>>201905>there's already legitimate studies showing that online porn can lead people to seek out harder and harder things than they would originally wantI will vouch for this, online porn, manga in particular has ruined me. >standards for both women and men are ruined
>my ability to get visibly excited is diminished>my need for instant gratification that comes from masturbating to hard porn has leaked over into regular sex so I feel the need imagine worse and worse shit>i went from reading light masochist stuff to needing intense body modification manga to even get excited>i will have cravings for particular manga that excited me>i constantly get off to my boyfriends dick that was disfigured/scarred from his botched childhood circumcision and fantasize about him being circumcised again>I sometimes will look up disgusting medical videos that highlight the real life procedures for the body modification porn I get off toShit is real and I am fucked up for life.
No. 201970
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god bless you anon, finally someone said it
then the second someone is like "you know I really don't want to see someone guts ripped out" they get hate
I believe it has to do with the glorification of psychopaths and people who have violent, bloody, fetishes
men who are psychopaths but are handsome women tend to have a "fix it" complex over, like they want to save and help them
so a lot of men see how much attention male psychopaths get, and start either having their own self induced psychopathy or just pretend to be psychos
for women, with films such as american horror story, artists like emilie autumn and stuff like that, female psychos are seen as ~cute but creepy succubuses who are kinky~ and thus as goes for men, women will pretend to be psychopaths as well
funny how you see this a lot in america, uk and russia, where being a psychopath is seen as a plus if you're average looking and people will often see you as more attractive if you're "crazy" even if you're average looking, people want to make themselves seem interesting, and instead of finding actual interests they want to make themselves become a ~mysterious psycho with hard life~
where as communities or places where psychos are seen as ugly, unattractive, and to stay away from, not as many psychos there who love gore and cutting
No. 201971
>>201960I get what you mean, when I was like that, I just stayed away from gore sites, and 4chan
light masochism is fine, but giving your brain a detox can help a lot
No. 201974
>>201970sage for samefag but I wanted to add I feel like people become psychopaths subconsciously as well because it's seen as a "forbiddenly attractive" trait
to put it in simpler terms think of when it was seen as "cool, hot, and different" to be a girl gamer, later then there was a huge rise in girls playing video games, as well as video games being much more popular as well and being advertised everywhere
sometimes the girls who followed this trend would subconsciously or consciously condition themselves to enjoy video games, I'm not doubting that they don't enjoy it, but we all know there wouldn't have been a huge spike in video games if it wasn't for the gaming trait being seen as attractive
for men, they see that girls like this and start conditioning themselves to be more interested in video games to attract the girls that like it and they're more open about their own interests
No. 202010
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>>201970where's that street anon, in England?
I'm just so scared the world will turn to shit and literal public torture of dissidents will become normalised, even snapchatted.
On really bad days I feel like it's all part of a big plan and that that really
is the direction it's going in, intentionally.
(srsly compare buffy I watched as a kid and AHS now)
No. 202032
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>>202010>>202010Not sure, it was in my aesthetic folder
and yeah, I believe there is conditioning in the media to make people think that crazy is the new cute and trendy
while the reasons people become psychopaths may differ, we all know that if it wasn't for people like emiliee autumn, nicole dollanganger, columbine fans,ahs, tumblr ~psychopath teehee~ aesthetics, the huge rise in psychopathic behavior with gore, violence, etc wouldn't have rose like crazy
for the different poc communities it's about the same, with rap glorifying violence and being a violent person in general will give you street cred and seen has socially higher, less people mess with you so it's no surprise they have violence as well
No. 202034
>>202032> we all know that if it wasn't for people like emiliee autumn, nicole dollanganger, columbine fans,ahs, tumblr ~psychopath teehee~ aesthetics, the huge rise in psychopathic behavior with gore, violence, etc wouldn't have rose like crazyi really disagree. mentally ill or not and regardless of upbringing, edgy violent media has been popular for fucking ever, especially for a certain stage in development. Think of classic edgy middle school phases in the 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s. They all have their own little distinct tropes with common themes. Many people are interested in violence for one reason or another and while media may exacerbate it, i really don't think that these kids wouldn't come up with being into violent imagery if it wasn't for the famous person of the month.
No. 202605
>>202135I found this kind of appalling.
IQ is a basic estimate of the ability to remember details and recognize patterns. The ability to identify and respond to problems is extremely important in society, and IQ relates pretty strongly with income, a rough proxy for one's ability to make oneself uniquely useful. IQ probably isn't perfect, but it's easily the best estimate of intelligence we have available, and it's pretty ignorant to dismiss it because it was developed in the last century.
Survival of the fittest really doesn't have much of anything to do with virility, fertility, or physical strength anymore- God made men, Sam Colt made them equal. Just about every man with functioning testicles can get a woman pregnant. Health is a more legitimate concern, but medical science does a great deal to obviate that as well. Obviously there are positive traits other than intelligence, but intelligence is still really important.
>>196413The Internet and digital entertainment make it easier for people to isolate themselves and grow callous. It definitely seems to hit men harder than women, too.
I think there should be public health measures that baby people into maintaining friendships, at least if they're young. Developing relationships and healthy interactions with the opposite sex should also be encouraged so you don't wind up with as many red pill types.