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File: 1713167002143.jpeg (71.56 KB, 1050x617, IMG_4531.jpeg)

No. 1964385

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS. Doesn't matter if it's men you hate, men you love, men you are attracted to, men you aren't attracted to, men you personally know, men you don't personally know, men that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men, men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. No pictures of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT do not respond, just report.
>But why?
It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?
If only.
>But what about-
Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

previous thread: >>>/ot/1712524

No. 1964392

Oh to be an Edwardian girl having the time of her life laughing with friends while having your picture taken with a huge clunky slow camera.

No. 1964396

Love you nonnas.

No. 1964398

Love old pics where you can see people's humanity.

No. 1964401

Cute thread pic

No. 1964402

Do you ever use /ot/ threads like a diary? Is so, why?

No. 1964450

Because I have no one to talk to and am dying for intimacy.
Nothing against the thread pic but I wish they would all be torties/calicos, I just like consistency and themes.

No. 1964456

Same. I also wanted a female cat as the pic

No. 1964563

I am tired of my mom freezing every thing. I bought cheese to make cheeseburgers today and she fucking froze them without asking me. Now they are all crumbling and gross, and they obviously wont taste the same. She always finds a way to ruin my dinner/lunch.

No. 1964593

did anyone lose any weight during ramadan

No. 1964629

i wish threadpic was a calico or tortie kitty as before

No. 1964642

File: 1713177877249.jpg (173.53 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Chaton_tricolore-423396…)

agreed. Let's post cats

No. 1964656

File: 1713178397404.jpg (208.74 KB, 1400x788, 0_L_1k3T8tQiY6pDag.jpg)

No. 1964697

File: 1713182542699.jpg (247.07 KB, 1200x800, 1000024505.jpg)

Every fucking time on social media someone points out on a cat video that all calicos are female, all of a sudden everyone in the comments has actually had a male calico. It's very annoying. yes I know male calicos can happen but it's supposed to be extremely rare

No. 1964708

My grandmother had a calico that didn't have any white (is that technically considered calico?) and she called her something that roughly translates as "little lady cat". I'm not in the financial position to get a cat now but I really want one like it when I'm finally able to.

No. 1964719

Nonna, this isn't passing the Bechdel test. But yeah, everyone on social media loves to be the most specialest retard in the room.

No. 1964744

File: 1713185033175.jpg (168.33 KB, 794x529, il_794xN.4322904947_5z25.jpg)

I've been doing some investigating into my family tree and all of my foremothers. It inspired me to talk to my mom about her mom (she died when I was twelve) and if she remembers anything about her grand-maman and maybe even her grand-grand-maman. I want to know everything about them and wish there was a way I could go further back. I wish I could talk to all the women that came before me and find out what they loved, what they hated, their favourite foods, their relationships with other women in the tribe. If your grandmas or great grandmas are still alive nonnas I encourage you to talk to them while you still can, there's so many wonderful and interesting and funny women out there! We're so lucky.

No. 1964792

My only remaining grandparent, my grandma, has dementia of 10+ years. She thinks people in drawings and pictures are real and has full conversations with her baby doll thinking it's a real baby. I wish I had taken more time to talk to her when I was younger before her brain turned into mush.

No. 1964797

File: 1713187204962.jpg (56.64 KB, 653x470, images.jpg)

Like this? That's Tortoiseshell

No. 1964816

Ooh yes that's it! Gorgeous coat.

No. 1964858

Every tortie I've ever met has been a bit tsundere, it's cute. My grandma had one and if she chose to come to you for pets it was the biggest honor, because normally she was a little mean kek

No. 1964877

File: 1713190918375.jpg (163.26 KB, 975x1390, pretty-calico-cat-with-white-p…)

My calico's paws look like little snow boots but her face is half black half brown. she's a sassy lady, I spent two hours running around my yard with string and she was chasing after it. We we're both beat to say the least

No. 1964924

>Real life animals are fine

No. 1964929

Every day every single fucking day I go on reddit to give advice to women who have UTI symptoms but have been gaslit by their shitty doctors into thinking they don't have a UTI. I am not letting another woman go through this shit for as long as I live.

No. 1964936

You are noble for that anon. I go on Reddit and give advice to women who are worried about hairloss because I don't want another woman to have to go through the insecurity and hopelessness I went through when I had telogen effluvium.

No. 1964940

can someone convince me to go for my run? i feel really weak today

No. 1964941

eat some oatmeal and go on a walk.

No. 1964944

File: 1713193205245.png (85.83 KB, 500x412, 1000018567.png)

If you go run now you won't need to run later.

No. 1964951

i had porridge this morning and ate some gnocchi a couple hours ago so i think i will run now
it is 4pm and my last chance! i will go!

No. 1964957

File: 1713193912739.jpeg (200.02 KB, 396x467, IMG_9996.jpeg)

Saw this random ad and I’m dying because what the fuck is this supposed to be? To pick up the shit out of your cat’s litter box or something?

No. 1964960

Imagine the tan lines.

No. 1964964

no i gained 7 pounds from stress eating kek

No. 1964966

Kekk, your feet is gonna look like a deep fryer basket

No. 1964974

File: 1713194367046.jpg (45.32 KB, 506x695, 1000024521.jpg)

f a s h i o n
I had a pair of clear sneakers when I was a kid and they were so uncomfortable

No. 1964981

This just looks like sweat central!

No. 1965049

>imagine the smell

No. 1965102

This is beyond ugly and serves no purpose kek

No. 1965244

By at least the end of the 19th century shutter speeds were pretty quick and didn't take more than a few seconds. A camera at the turn of the century would not have been particularly large nor slow and almost as fast as a modern camera.

No. 1965576

File: 1713230780797.jpg (325.93 KB, 1080x1902, FROU FROU.jpg)

FROU FROU'S HERO COVER IS ON SPOTIFYYY I love her voice so much.

No. 1965578

IIRC that exact same artist is the singer behind the old "mmmmm watcha say" meme.

No. 1965580

this is such a great cover… now they just need to get Jennifer Saunders version up and I can die happy

No. 1965602

yay we finally made it to a second thread! With the warm weather my cats are shedding like crazy. thank god they're shorthairs

No. 1965742

God I love her version, it's so good

No. 1965825

File: 1713266197160.png (28.15 KB, 592x192, IMG_20240416_051247.png)

Jail nonny comes out on the 24th of April (soon)

No. 1965839

oh my god jail nonny, I remember her. Hope she's okay.

No. 1965854

kek jail-chan I love you

No. 1965863

Hell yeah jail nonnie. Stay away from the fireworks girl

No. 1965866

we should do fireworks to celebrate

No. 1965943

Who's fireworks girl?

No. 1965967

You had to be there to understand

No. 1965968

We need to celebrate the freedom of a fellow nonna itt

No. 1966055

I remember being in that thread when she was posting. I'll join the celebration

No. 1966258

File: 1713290995524.jpg (31.99 KB, 600x315, 82E76746-CBAC-4A81-9D31-564D41…)

When I was 8, I really loved Angelina Ballerina and wanted to take ballet. My mom just laughed at me because this was around the time I started gaining weight and said I was too fat to be a ballerina. If I ever have enough money in the future, I'd like to take classes. I'll be in my 30s but it's not like I ever wanted it as a career so it's ok.

No. 1966279

Please do it! There's adult classes out there and you can do it for fun

No. 1966998

File: 1713319270905.jpeg (110.75 KB, 640x491, 1713296412693.jpeg)

No bait itt atm I just want to post this because it's cute

No. 1967003

What game is this from? Some harvest moon thing?

No. 1967005

File: 1713319841665.png (219.67 KB, 256x356, Harvest_Moon_-_A_Wonderful_Lif…)

Yeah I think it's this one

No. 1967014

This is so adorable. I love that for you

No. 1967275

Im kinda worried about one of my favorite nail supplies brands. Their main products have been on sale for months and they recently switched from free shipping if you buy over a certain amount to free shipping for US. They did just release a new product like a month or two ago so they're probably not struggling. I just get so paranoid of small businesses shutting down. I'll have to support and make a big order soon!

No. 1967369

can you blackpill me on smoking? I have been around smokers for years and I got addicted to second-hand smoking and now thinking of starting smoking myself as I'm not around smokers anymore and I think it could help me with my binge eating and oral fixation.

No. 1967372

Do you pronounce it COO-pon or CYOO-pon? I say it the first way but I heard someone say it the second way and I can't stop repeating it in my head.

No. 1967379

Smoking does not make you thinner, it does not curb appetite. If you are prone to binge eating you will be prone to chain smoking. It does not make you less anxious or neurotic, it actually increases anxiety through a constant cycle of tiny "withdrawals" between cigarettes that only gets more severe the longer you smoke and the more cigarettes you smoke daily. Smoking a cigarette never feels as good as the first time it hits, so for the rest of your life you're just chasing that initial feeling but you never get it again.

No. 1967380

I can't pick a way, but coo-pon feels most natural to me. I just switch between both.

No. 1967396

Both equally, but when I'm being silly I say coop'n

No. 1967397

Don't become a stinky smoker nonna, I think it's gross when I can smell it on other people

No. 1967406

If you're going to go down that route at least vape instead.

No. 1967494

Don't do this. You'll end up consuming even more nicotine than if you had just smoked cigarettes. Vape addicts use nonstop all day every day.

No. 1967643

I think I want to vape out of FOMO because many of my friends are vaping nonstop like you said and I feel like an outsider, mind you they are in their 20s and 30s vaping and smoking since they were teens and they seem to be in good health.

No. 1968440

File: 1713405634706.jpg (83.78 KB, 735x922, 42f4e070741a43bc77755420c2251d…)

There's a pair of designer shoes that I want but are so hard to find, so I'm gonna attempt to find a shoemaker who takes commissions.

No. 1968455

For once I'm feeling a sense of self preservation. I'll move in with other people, I'm scared about how much more I can spiral if I remain alone all the time.

No. 1968470

That's really cool anon, I bet you'll cherish those shoes once they are made. What's the model you are looking for?

No. 1968846

Wish I was paid for posting because I never stop I never shut up. Or just buy my silence, come on I dare you (100 euro / dollar it's ok I accept both currencies)

No. 1971898

People will judge you for buying puzzles and then go spend copious amounts of money on video games. Your league of Legends Blood Moon skin is not cooler than my Ravensburger puzzle!

No. 1971900

you're cooler

No. 1971902

That's a really good point… I want to buy the boardgames I've been humming and harring about now.

No. 1973908

File: 1713718367200.jpeg (439.75 KB, 750x819, IMG_0067.jpeg)

It actually works(a hidden moid is still a moid)

No. 1973997

what's happening here?

No. 1974000

I wonder if I should report you

No. 1974006

To whom? Satan?(mentioning a moid)

No. 1974024

File: 1713722435387.gif (114.07 KB, 399x370, IMG_0073.gif)

Picrel(sorry jesus)

No. 1974041

It's AI generated pic that made the contours of the women look like what it looks like.

No. 1974047

this is a funny redtext out of context

No. 1974058

Does Jesus deserve the judgement of our farmhands?(HE with a capital H is a moid, ye be judged)

No. 1974061

Yes, jannies need to burn in hellfire for banning our first husbando to walk the earth and teach the world to avoid sin..(our holy husbando is still a moid)

No. 1974078

File: 1713724976059.jpg (113.1 KB, 564x899, isis.jpg)

At least post about female religious figures, you dumbasses.
Posting my favorite goddess.

No. 1974081

File: 1713725130887.png (1.09 MB, 1500x1500, 2s4r385547.png)

I kind of want this Mothra plush, she's really cute.

No. 1974084

KEK jannies

What is this supposed to be?

No. 1974104

File: 1713725993602.jpeg (204.02 KB, 1400x700, IMG_2059.jpeg)

Mothra, one of the Godzilla kaiju monsters (my autocorrect keeps wanting to correct her name to Mother)

No. 1974126

File: 1713726908843.jpg (120.22 KB, 1200x630, fairies-final.jpg)

mothra is so cool. the shobijin are cute too.

No. 1974129

File: 1713727087315.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 660x984, censoredqueen.png)

Here's my fave. All of her depictions have her standing on top of a couple, so had to black out the unnecessary parts.

No. 1974152

smelling burnt toast

No. 1974164

Did you burn your toast?

No. 1974186

File: 1713730406071.jpg (339.42 KB, 413x600, ancient-statue-goddess-artemis…)

Artemis, I love her pose reaching for an arrow

No. 1974194

File: 1713731101641.png (774.77 KB, 1192x1099, latest-1648512354.png)

I always had a soft spot for her. It's pretty amazing that a society that sucked that much for women, could envision and worship such a free female deity.
She is so cute in the game Hades too.

No. 1974254

It makes me very uncomfortable to see AI trained on pictures of little girls because I know exactly what it's being used for in other contexts

No. 1974259

File: 1713734899021.jpg (138.5 KB, 653x538, image.jpg)

I love her (dropped image oops)

No. 1974544

Im pretty grateful I don't have fat hands even though I'm 160-170 lbs.

No. 1974553

File: 1713756973629.jpg (61.29 KB, 710x432, qa9znwt1l4g71.jpg)

Im a big consoomer, but honestly I've stopped feeling shame about it because I genuinely love and use everything I own. Buying new things is awesome because there's so many cool things out there, and besides I worked so hard to be able to do this stuff.

No. 1974558

I love our admin

No. 1974579

No. 1974582

File: 1713760417090.gif (16.68 KB, 408x408, duck-animal.gif)

3 more days till she comes home

No. 1974583

File: 1713760491741.jpg (176.24 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I want to create a sims neighborhood for my house where every lot is a different ethnicity or country so that the neighborhood gives tonal whiplash vibes.

No. 1974584

File: 1713760688926.jpg (68.81 KB, 460x560, lohan.jpg)

I want to ask her if jail was fun, she made it seem pretty alright. Free housing, free food, getting to chill in the yard on break time.

No. 1974587

Just learned about prisonchan, wishing her well

No. 1974590

i wish Sims 4 was open world it would make builds like this so much more fun

No. 1974592

do you feel youthful rn?

No. 1974601

I feel retarded that's for sure

No. 1974605

do you belieeeve in life lafter luv

No. 1974607

Is this going to turn into the new dumbass shit thread

No. 1974615

i assumed that was the whole reason it existed

No. 1974617

File: 1713762860440.png (1.14 MB, 1964x1153, Selene_PH.png)

GOD I love the character designs Jen Zee draws. They're all so fun and colorful.

No. 1974642

This thread existed before dumbass was autosaged

No. 1974719

File: 1713775933603.webp (Spoiler Image,122.46 KB, 1000x566, Aphrodite_(Hades_II)_PH.webp)

The Selene design is so pretty! I even like the new Aphrodite design, despite her being nude. It's gotta be the one time in videogames where that feels appropriate.

No. 1974727

maybe it's my own preferences peaking through but i wish she had a softer body, like the classical aphrodite statues have. the anime stylized body just does nothing for me.

No. 1974857

File: 1713791063561.png (380.89 KB, 562x703, Margo Kai.png)

I have always liked Morana/Morena.

No. 1974999

i get sad when i think about piper perri

No. 1975796

File: 1713841583671.gif (901.44 KB, 220x212, IMG_0130.gif)

new lc mascot JUST DROPPED

No. 1975797

When I heard of makeup testing on animals, this is what I imagined as a child.

No. 1975830

Ugly as fuck

No. 1976013

Unexpected response actually

No. 1976041

what are you nonnies favourite quotes from female authors, fiction or non-fiction? they have to adhere to the rules of this thread

No. 1976138

Doesn't April '24 just mean 2024, and not actually the 24th of April? C'mon ladies.

No. 1976152

No. 1976157

File: 1713874110709.jpeg (512.23 KB, 1080x1759, IMG_0132.jpeg)

this one is a g(oldie)(men in bechdel thread)

No. 1976191

Never heard of her before! It's fascinating that rituals involving her has been going on until today, despite christianity.

No. 1976222

File: 1713878703347.jpg (296.53 KB, 804x1000, schamanin_rekonstruktion.jpg)

This woman from my region was worshipped for centuries after her burial:

>The double burial contained the skeletal remains of an adult woman aged 30–40 years and a 6-8 month old infant. Radiocarbon dating of human and animal bone yielded a date of 7000-6800 BC, placing the interment in the Mesolithic period.[4] The woman was buried in a sitting position with flexed arms and legs. The baby was positioned between her legs. The grave was filled with powdered red ochre. It contained an "exceptional number" of grave goods, including 50 pierced animal teeth, and microlith blades stored in a crane bone. The woman has been interpreted as a shaman, based on the presence of a portion of roe deer skull with antlers that was presumably attached to headwear.[2]


No. 1976246

Wait, so that isn't how they test on animals? Jesus christ I feel retarded right now(don't take a moid's name in vain)

No. 1976264

Farmhands: stop trying to make your little autistic quips. It's so tryhard and embarrassing.

No. 1976281

what did janny mean by this

No. 1976334

File: 1713885952356.jpg (44.14 KB, 334x480, 60d0febe975865d26c086e2f9bdccf…)

I hate that Louhi, the ruler of the Northern Land in the Finnic Kalevala epic, gets portrayed as this evil witch character, when she's actually a pretty based leader and the most sensible person among everyone by any standards.

No. 1976345

You’re trying way too hard.

No. 1976363

We're in the Bechdel thread, so not allowed to talk about redacted. And then "Don't take the Lord's name in vain" is a common rule in Christianity. Janny is trying to be funny, emphasis on try.

No. 1976368

Why are you mean girl larping the mods

No. 1976395

Not everyone finds the jannies funny.

No. 1976422

File: 1713890606720.jpeg (71.94 KB, 763x763, IMG_6174.jpeg)

good morning ladies(this alien is male)

No. 1976423

kek jannies

No. 1976543

File: 1713894730132.jpg (132.78 KB, 1080x454, nonnies angels.jpg)

No. 1976714

File: 1713898641405.jpeg (132.19 KB, 750x865, 37A78921-A7E9-4E34-9CEE-4DC6BC…)

why would this be something that would be posted in the lc caps thread? busted out laughing kek

No. 1976963

File: 1713903291900.jpg (21.48 KB, 563x538, cry cat.jpg)

Waiting until my dad goes to sleep so I can smoke a joint and dance in my room(your dad is male)

No. 1977067

File: 1713905232117.jpeg (35.34 KB, 238x720, 61438C17-D4E7-48B8-9EB9-DEF209…)

Francine did it better

No. 1977090

rogu isn’t a man

No. 1977143

File: 1713907005381.jpg (13.76 KB, 256x400, 181398033-256-k520162.jpg)

Having one of those depressing premenstrual days wishing I could go back in time to when this show was on TV in my country

No. 1977351


No. 1977381

File: 1713916248468.jpg (35.98 KB, 475x318, p-7907-eta.jpg)

Have any of you ever kept an aquarium? I kept picrel several years ago. It would always hide under a rock and I rarely saw it, I let it go free.

No. 1977631

File: 1713924129083.jpeg (413.65 KB, 750x858, IMG_0151.jpeg)

I know this was one of you who donated it

No. 1977651

Thats not fucking true bitch.

No. 1977653

No. 1977726

what is it?

No. 1977756

a bong you use for your coochie basically

No. 1977763

Goodwill has insane finds. My mom got a pretty box from goodwill but when she took it home and it had someone’s ashes inside. She went back to goodwill and returned the ashes, but kept the box. It was a very pretty box and I think she stores jewelry in it. I hope that person got grandma back.

No. 1977767

That's pretty insane, they don't check for that stuff at donation/thrift stores? I don't know if I could keep a box that had someone's ashes in it kek.

No. 1978018

File: 1713950886230.gif (11.66 MB, 640x360, fireworks-anime-idolmaster.gif)

Welcome back to freedom jail nonny

No. 1978020

File: 1713950953718.gif (192.73 KB, 345x285, tua-gom-puffy-bear.gif)

No. 1978269

My favorite cows are active again for the first time in a while I could cry nonnies

No. 1978275

I have less than $30 right now and the urge to order food is so strong. In my defense, I'm busy today and don't wanna cook. Knowing you have more money on the way is so dangerous.

No. 1978291

nona you are broke as a joke, do not order in food. do you have food in the house? eat that. how did your finances even get to this point?

No. 1978412

Ok, I'm making food right now. I makey worst financial decisions when I'm hungry, I probably would've regretted it anyway.
>how did your finances even get to this point?

No. 1978420

what do you mean "Wtf", it wasn't an insult it was a genuine question

No. 1978445

All these expenses kept coming and money just kept leaving my account and there was nothing I could do to stop it

No. 1978448

File: 1713966932876.gif (79.06 KB, 498x467, diwali-sparkles-stars.gif)

Congrats on coming out of jail nonna please report back if you can

No. 1978617

File: 1713974593875.jpeg (141.36 KB, 1080x991, IMG_5609.jpeg)

Just found out I have a day off! I didn’t even know but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m so tired, if I could I’d lay down on the floor and take a nap right now.

No. 1978634

I wanna get my nails done but I've been bad with budgeting this week. Life's so unfair

No. 1978717

I'm so fucking tired of having no friends

No. 1978845

Me too nonnie, me too.

No. 1978881

Just tried the new Starbucks spicy lemonade and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever drank

No. 1978883

What do they even put in it? Tajin? Chili? I dont understand starbucks. They came out with an olive oil coffee a few months back.

No. 1978884

Well I was expecting some kind of syrup to be added but yeah it’s just a fuck ton of chili powder that sinks to the bottom.

No. 1978954

I sampled the pineapple one last week and it wasn't the worst thing I'd tried but it was certainly one of the weirdest. They should've kept the lavender drinks for longer, they were much more appealing. idk who they're trying to appeal to with this one

No. 1979090

File: 1714009260607.jpg (13.53 KB, 250x249, 58688366b8d4e2a2fa94459ee4f715…)

You ever walk into the bathroom after someone has showered and the air is MUSTY? It's disgusting anons, humid and musty.

No. 1979092

That's because Starbucks sucks

No. 1979103

Starbucks is so annoying. They cant just stick to making good coffee, but they can make all these dumb drinks up. I am so glad I left 2 years ago, because it was hell working there.

No. 1979449

Someone give me their favorite subway order. I'm about to order two sandwiches and idk what the second one should be.

No. 1979453

i like the teriyaki with pickles, mayo, lettuce and tomatoes

No. 1979460

File: 1714043000915.jpg (54.17 KB, 783x736, chompchomp.jpg)

I spent the entire night procastinating. Ok gonna eat some burgers then force myself to get to work. Please encourage me, nonnies.

No. 1979464

Work will be fine. It will be a better day than usual.

No. 1979466

That's how we drink it in my country

No. 1979477

File: 1714044478654.jpg (216.64 KB, 668x1002, elsiepicnic.jpg)

It's time for the lolcow potluck! What are you bringing to share nonnie?

No. 1979481

File: 1714044667289.jpg (211.07 KB, 736x1104, 2c2521818fb5b052972132fb346cb7…)

I'm not the best baker but there's a chocolate chip cookie recipe that I'm pretty good at making and is delicious so I say that

No. 1979482


No. 1979487

share the recipe nonie

No. 1979488

File: 1714045241513.jpg (537.04 KB, 1077x1077, sandwiches.jpg)

Gourmet sandwiches that I did not make myself kek (with vegetarian options for vegetarian nonacitas)

No. 1979491

File: 1714045429192.jpeg (117.31 KB, 1500x1000, MSL-332890-HowtoSmokeFish-hero…)

smoked whitefish

No. 1979493

File: 1714045766253.jpg (144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

It's Tasty's chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe. Do not chill for 30 mins if you want the best texture, let them chill for a few hours or 1 hour minimum.

No. 1979495

No. 1979501

File: 1714046528000.jpg (173.18 KB, 1066x1600, IMG_8352.JPG)

ok but you have to get them cut into cow shapes like this

No. 1979507

File: 1714047105740.jpg (172.18 KB, 1160x1637, orzo-salad-1.jpg)

I made orzo salad for my lunch this week and it was really yummy. I will make a big batch to share with you nonnies.

who's bringing the milk?

No. 1979517

I'll see what I can do lol
Yes, we need milk for those cookies

No. 1979575

File: 1714052365034.jpg (34.68 KB, 640x480, 1000020048.jpg)

I'm bringing minilunches so I can talk about them for 2 hours.

No. 1979576

What's a minilunch

No. 1979592

The most delicious bakery good you will ever eat, very soft, it's a slightly sweet bread filled with ham and cheese, it goes well with any coffee and it's perfect for a simple breakfast.

No. 1979928

Aren't these called stromboli or are stromboli required to have more pizza-style ingridients?

No. 1980600

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No. 1980601

So cute

No. 1980603

>Her offenses range from theft to terroristic stalking
She seems kind of fun

No. 1980617

stacy shit

No. 1980670

File: 1714129425820.jpg (326.66 KB, 1049x1039, 1710555408974.jpg)

I'm seething rn nonnies. Someone I was playing online scrabble with just put the word 'gaijin' and it fucking went through. What the hell? First of all weeb and cringe, second of all the game is set to ENGLISH so why does it accept all these stupid non-words?? I don't mean to brag but I fucking slay at scrabble and will be steamrolling a game and then my boomer facebook fishing pic ass opponent will play some ludicrous bullshit like 'iched' or 'zex' or 'ita'. Please do tell me what any of that shit means. Yeah you were just looking at your letters and went oh I better play the commonly used English word 'gaen'???? I don't doubt that these are in the dictionary somewhere but you and I both know you've never used those words in your life! You are googling that shit or trying any random configuration of letters until something sticks like a cheating coward!! And you get rewarded for it with those sweet sweet multiplier points so you continue to do it.
Sportsmanship is dead.

No. 1980674

Sportswomanship, nonna.

No. 1980678

She’s so beautiful and happy… I think women should have get out of jail free cards if they really enjoyed doing the crime

No. 1980691

When I play scrabble irl I insist on a house rule that you have to be able to define the word you play.

No. 1980698

I guess gaijin is now a loan word like sushi and futon.

No. 1980701

But wtf does it even mean? Non Japanese person? Why do we need a word for that

No. 1980704

I think it just means foreigner (and in this case female ones only)

No. 1980716

Yes it means foreigner/outsider, I'm not sure why we borrowed it but it has its own entry in the dictionary now apparently.

No. 1980734

Yeah that makes a lot of sense, you don't even need to know the exact definition as long as you have some ballpark idea imo. I guess there's always going to be scrabble autists who purposefully learn those short rare letter words for the sake of the game, but that's fine with me, on par with chess autists who memorize specific strategies.

No. 1980806

Reading J. K. Rowling's tweets is the only thing keeping me sane and happy right now. She gives me so much hope and is very funny every once in a while. Love her.

No. 1981272

remember to make a wish when you sneeze

No. 1981277

manifesting becoming a billionaire so I can dunk on trannies and spend my millions giving to feminist orgs, various charities and funding terf rallies(This comment did not pass the bechdel test)

No. 1981435

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>ironically classically colonizer

what? KEKK

No. 1981506

does anybody have any chapstick

No. 1981532

I have at least three spare sticks that you could borrow

No. 1981666

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My biggest fear (besides somehow driving into a body of water) is that one day I'll be driving on one of these bridges and it will open

No. 1981671

they don't just pop open, they're usually pretty slow so i think you'd have time to react

No. 1981747

When they start to open they close off the road for a moment before they begin the opening process so that the bridge is cleared out. It's not like they'd pull a prank on people like that. But I'm one to talk since where I live we don't have those.

No. 1981818

I did not understand anything in this picture, is it AI generated?

No. 1981958

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Whenever anons complain about people misusing the meaning of a word or not knowing a big fancy word existed I feel bad because I'm one of those retards despite being a native english speaker. I learned a lot of new words after spending time on here that were supposedly already common words? (I never saw them used in real life)

No. 1981962

close anon, it was written by an autistic person kek

No. 1982884

I'm sad and I'm gonna drink. What should I do in the meantime to pass the time while I'm drinking? don't worry nonas it's just hard cider

No. 1982901

why is the site always active when i'm asleep then dead when i'm awake

No. 1983219

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There's been so many things I want to discuss on here that don't fit in any threads, and with our catchall thread dead there's nowhere to really put it.

No. 1983319

Watch reality TV from the early 2000s. I know you're not drinking any more but maybe keep it in mind for next time. It's so ridiculous, I always crack up at the fake ass lines and retarded scenarios.

No. 1983468

If I put alcohol on a small piece of paper towel and leave it on my open pimple, do you think it will dehydrate it and make it heal quicker? Like a ghetto pimple patch.

No. 1983521

i do that when it leaks too much sebum to put on a hydrocolloid patch. works great

No. 1983604

if youre someone who doesnt suffer from any medical issues or disabilities at all, please be aware of how blessed you are. i was in perfect health for 17 years, and then one day i just started having seziures out of nowhere. my life changed overnight and i haven't stopped having seizures ever since. it is horrific and painful and if theres anyone here who really is just in perfect health then please enjoy it and embrace it

No. 1983638

Hugs nonna. I hope you're okay right now

No. 1983640

I agree. The dumbass shit thread should come back, even if it had another name

No. 1983714

i think we could use this one as dumbass shit as long as we dont mention moids(This comment doesn't pass the Bechdel test)

No. 1983940

the most unattractive people are always autistic

No. 1983949

I feel called out

No. 1983953

Well, I ain't autistic, check mate sis

No. 1983959

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i like collecting the lolcow banners like trading cards

No. 1983962

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I like this one

No. 1984047

i miss dumbass shit so much

No. 1984062

anyone tried blogging? like on "return to old style internet" sites like livejournal/dreamwidth/bearblog? or anyone already blog on these actually?

No. 1984076

There is an old web/personal site thread here somewhere. I personally don't maintain a blog because I always end up oversharing and saying something mean. I have a dreamwidth but haven't touched it in over a year because I posted a series of really embarrassing manifestos lol. I always think about starting a blog dedicated to my ttrpg world and posting little short stories about my ocs.

No. 1984082

I wanted to but I don't want to overshare. I'm thinking about maybe trying to go back at blogging but I'll make up a character. I really wanted to customize my barbies and make a story for them so I guess I could do that with a blog and post pics of them as if they were blogging, it is kinda silly but it would be better than sharing my boring ass life kek and it sounds fun even if it's pure autism. Makes me think of the old days when people would roleplay on livejournal

No. 1984179

I've thought about it but it's not like I'd have an audience for my mundane shit.

No. 1984228

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We have so many banners now, it's amazing. I just keep seeing new ones. I like this controversially wholesome one.

No. 1984283

I stopped smoking weed for one day because I was too tired and I had the best sleep I've had in ages plus my heartbeat isn't nearly as noticeable. And here I was thinking I needed it to fall asleep kek

No. 1984383

Yeah we need a catch-all thread.

No. 1984441

Having bad handwriting literally makes me feel like I'm at the lowest caste of society, like an Indian unforgivable or untouchable or whatever they're called

No. 1984626

This is/should be the catch all thread.

No. 1984646

It can't be because of the rules.

No. 1984997


No. 1985018

Kek I'm ashamed of my bad handwriting too.

No. 1985068

I was trying to start one from the perspective of my fictional character allegory to create a story of sorts but I sucked at posting content everyday so I stopped

No. 1985093

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What do you people even write? I haven't touched these things in years.

No. 1985095

Not either of those anons but I have several penpals and also keep a diary and my handwriting is the bane of my existence kek. But do you not even write birthday cards? Grocery lists?

No. 1985096

nta but notes, lists, reminders (it's easier for me to remember on paper right in front of me than on a phone) paper forms that require filling out

No. 1985124

I use my phone or pc for this. Grocery lists, movies i want to watch, ect. I don't have anything "big" to write, but if i did i would do it on my pc i think.

No. 1985202

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for once I had a good experience on here and I’m shocked that I actually had fun in a thread for once kek. off topic thought but why do I keep seeing so much overweight women especially on tiktok? there’s one extreme of stunning skinny women and then the opposite where they’re big as fuck, or maybe i’m just bouncing from the normie women side and the ones who were in the lgbt club in high school and as a grown adult somehow like hazbin hotel? idk where those fatties are getting confidence from, almost none of them would be facially ugly if they lost the weight and would mog me but they love remaining fat and it angers me

No. 1985208

I hate this gif so fucking much

No. 1985210

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it’s funny to me because she looks stupid (like me)

No. 1985222

I handwrite notes for my college classes and I also write original fiction for fun. I prefer doing my outlines/ideas/draft zero on paper. You'd think someone who writes all the time would have better handwriting but nope kek

No. 1985225

No it’s funny. >>1985202 ignore the hater

No. 1985232

>and I’m shocked that I actually had fun in a thread for once kek.
Which one?

No. 1985233

Yeah she looks retarded as fuck

No. 1985235


No. 1985239

I write almost everything down because I hate screens. I do have some digital notes but nothing important.

No. 1985277

ugly man psyop nonnyyy
nonnabella ♥(do not mention men itt)

No. 1985298

Don't spend mental energy on this, fat women just existing without hating themselves shouldn't plague your mind, this isn't the Shayna thread.

No. 1985319

I don’t, it just catches my attention so much kek like holy shit the algorithm loves to boost female fatties

No. 1985358

rattle rattle rattle it's your own problem if you're triggered by fat women this isn't mpa

No. 1985365

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moids who developed their childhood crush off of fucking cartoons just by jerking off to them with their disgusting little dicks need to die(don't mention moids)

No. 1985567

I mean, that's a massive downgrade, I'd be pissed too

No. 1985727

BPD ANTHEMS LET'S GO wanted to post the official video but there's a [topic redacted] in it

No. 1985729

I actually like Velma. I like how everyone is an asshole and it devolves into a shitty self insert fanfic where velma gets her own harem. It's on the same level as drawn together and people that get offended at it are terminally online losers who need real problems, or dare i say, snowflakes.

No. 1985731

>shitty self insert fanfic where velma gets her own harem.
Kek what?

No. 1985734

yeah, the whole gang ends up in love with her at the end. I forgot S2 was out, going to give it a binge watch.

No. 1985783

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I just found out one of the chubby bunny ladies, Tammy Slatin, is a lesbian (bisexual?) whaatt

No. 1985887

I remember several years ago my two younger nieces challenged me to do the "chubby bunny challenge" and I was like "wabby babby what???" and they had to repeat it for me several times and that's the first time I felt old and out of the loop kek

No. 1985893

Wtf is the chubby bunny challenge??

No. 1985896

cant tell if underage or boomer

No. 1985905

Learning about bank heists is my favourite past time. I almost feel sad they don't happen anymore.

No. 1985907

Not a boomer or underage, I just don't remember what tf that is

No. 1985910

I only know of it as a game where you fit as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible, while still being able to say the words chubby bunny. But it's an older game, so I don't know how that women is involved.

No. 1985913

I learned about this one person that robbed a bunch of banks in recent years without even using a real gun. It’s a crazy story but I don’t want to break the thread rule.

No. 1985914

They definitely happen. If you're talking about heists in general, $14.5 million in gold bars was heisted from an airport in Canada last year. Or if you're only talking about banks, my state had an unsolved bank heist where the robber got away with $40,000 two years ago and the police have zero leads.

No. 1985924

>my state had an unsolved bank heist where the robber got away with $40,000 two years ago and the police have zero leads.
damn that sounds cool. I thought bank robbers moved onto hacking and shit.

No. 1985938

You're correct in that is much more common nowadays. Robbing a bank is unlikely to net you much money for the potential jail time, and it's one of the most solved crimes. Much safer to instead scam the elderly into buying you gift cards or to commit white collar crime.

No. 1985946

>I don't know how that women is involved.
Amy and Tammy Slaton were doing the chubby bunny challenge and went viral for their fat foreheads. Then years later (like 2020?) they got a show on TLC and lost weight

No. 1985954

That makes sense, thank you. Ironically I knew she wasn't straight because I remember her coming out as pansexual and everyone making jokes that wanting to lick the pan clean does not mean you're pansexual. I'm glad she's doing so much better now, I saw she's lost over 400 lbs.

No. 1985957

I want to buy a bubble machine and leave it on as i take a bath

No. 1986167

Bully me into studying please

No. 1986179

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Study, dummy. Or you are going to be here in your 30's.
Now's your turn, bully me into drawing.

No. 1986233

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You better draw or otherwise you're going to end up like me: quit drawing and regretting it years down the line. Don't be like me!!

No. 1986403

that shayna banner of her putting a bag on her shoulder and awkwardly looking into the camera like a fed has a weapon laser pointed in her home ready to pull the trigger is so fucking real

No. 1986562

This wouldn't affect me because Velma isn't a schooby doo show or canon. I don't even know what to call this show other than the creators insecurties animated.

No. 1986857

We need a lolcow audiobooks/videos where it's just people reading through /snow/ threads so I can listen while multitasking.

No. 1987881

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I think Mexican food and Italian food are super similar in the sense that they both repeatedly use a lot of the same ingredients in different formations.

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