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No. 197008
>>196996>tweeting simply feels as if I'm screaming into the voidThat's how it usually feels, yeah.
I have a small following and we all just use to talk about daily stuff, share things, rant, whatever. Read timeline, reply to interesting things, stalk your friends' profiles, RT random shit.
It's basically a cleaner, simpler Facebook with a less retarded userbase where you can be more open because you don't need to put your real name and add your real friends. Also your mom is not there.
No. 197047
>>196996>tweeting simply feels as if I'm screaming into the voidTell me about it. I notice a lot of "nobodies" rise out of it by getting crafty with tweets or weird. Google "weird twitter" to understand what I mean. I just don't want to have to carefully create sentences and I don't want to tweet mundane nothings either.
It really is a void if you don't have a following elsewhere. Most people who are big use it because it's easy to contact them and not overwhelm the "celeb" in question.
No. 197051
OP here, thanks anons. So I guess, if you're a normal person, you use it within your circle of closer friends or to interact with famous people? Ok, now it's all more clear for me.
I have only 2 friends close enough to read my ramblings/not be weirded out by my retweets, aaaaand they don't use Twitter. Huh. Though I think I'll still use it, I rescued a kitten yesterday and maybe I'll tweet an uptade each day. It would be nice to come back to it after some time and see the progress, or link it to my friends when they ask how the kitty is. Instagram doesn't seem like the right place, even less Facebook.
>>197048can I ask how do you meet new people through Twitter? You just DM them if they seem interesting for you?
No. 197098
I usually use twitter as a way to scream my feelings and thoughts that are not interesting enough for other people into the void, and i like it as that, wouldn't like to have a big following on a personal account.
I use it as a public "private diary" of my most irrelevant shitposter-tier thoughts.
None of my friends use it, but if yours do, it's a good way to keep up with them in a more relaxed setting than FB or insta.
I also use it to stalk japanese artists, since i find it easier to navigate than Pixivi, rt nice art, follow companies i am interested in, or check up on youtubers i like and occasionally interacting with them.
I think that gaining followers as a personal account is basically impossible unless you change your whole personality to match whatever meme is trending at the moment and keep posting according to it.
I feel like to gain big amounts of twitter followers, you have to have an already established online profile or be incredibly good friends with someone who has it. Also what helps too is to make some kind of creations, be it fanart, edits, music, "relatable" quotes, translating texts from international fandoms (i.e korean, japanese, chinese to eng) or being incredibly funny.
Otherwise, i wouldn't stress too much about followers, if you are interesting enough for someone, they will eventually come. Interact with people you find interesting or tweets you have something to say to, and people will eventually find you.
You can also use every single hashtag imaginable and follow everyone so they follow you and then unfollow them if you are desperate for followers, but i think that that is quite stupid.
No. 197103
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It's nicer in terms of looking for nice fan art, you can easily avoid all the ugly tumblr art and follow Japanese/decent artists that actually draw super cute stuff. I've been debating getting a twitter since it is kinda hard to gain a following, but I really like the site in comparison to tumblr. I guess I'm really gonna have to whore out my fan art , do hashtags work at all on twittter to get noticed?