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No. 197407
Hey guys!
So, there's a lot of threads dedicated to Art and Artists, but none for us farmers to learn more.
I know there are a lot of farmers who are great artists - Onion's and Moo's thread are full of them -, so I figured we could help each other, beginners and pros alike!
Which materials are good/you use, technical talk, color palette tips, inspo stuff, artist recommendations, tutorials etc etc Hey guys!
So, there's a lot of threads dedicated to Art and Artists, but none for us farmers to learn more.
I know there are a lot of farmers who are great artists - Onion's and Moo's thread are full of them -, so I figured we could help each other, beginners and pros alike!
Which materials are good/you use, technical talk, color palette tips, inspo stuff, artist recommendations, tutorials etc etc ❤
No. 197419
>>197418There's a stick thing you can get that basically you lever your hand on so it doesn't touch the page or medium.
Use soft pencils and soft sweeping strokes to get your lines in and then harden the lines you want after erasing the sketchy bits. It also helps to do the base sketch in a pale blue and then trace your own work on a light box for perfect final lines.
No. 197424
>>197418I've seen people put a piece of clean scrap paper under their drawing hand, that seems to help with the smudging.
Also, I'm pretty heavy-handed, and your problems with erasing lines make it sound like you are too. Drawing lighter lines can help. I've learned to be a lot lighter-handed by doing those stupid mechanical drawing exercises. Y'know, draw two dots and then connect them with a single motion; draw a blob and fill it with parallel lines, etc.
No. 197425
I really want to know how to get more recognition for my art online? Which sites are better for posting my art and how can i reach a wider audience?
>>197417I had this problem, just practice a lot and also study the key differences in the faces and anatomy of males and females ( like the width and distance of everything ) I found that "Dawing the head and hands" by Andrew Loomis really helped me draw better males and then I just practiced the anatomy from references. It's very hard and my men still look some what feminine but they've gotten better. Hope this helps
No. 197436
>>197419>>197424Aww thanks, you guys are sweet for replying. (And for not yelling at me for all those typos I made, good lord.)
I will definitely try some softer drawing techniques, I didn't even realize those exist so that sounds great. Thank you!
As for the smudging, I have tried the scrap paper and still wound up smudging it, not sure if it is my lead that is the problem still? I'll look for the stick thing though!
No. 197441
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Gonna post some art feels.
>tfw been in a slump for the past year after making great art gains from nonstop drawing>every new drawing looks awful>old drawings look really good in comparison>too scared to draw new stuff even though it's counter-productiveAlso, on top of that, I just took a class with a super great art professor who thinks I'm basically ready to find internships or do small-scale work and is super supportive. Maybe I was last year, but now I've regressed and lost too much confidence to do anything.
As for good feels, my art got me a talent grant so even though tuition isn't even that expensive, it's still a really sweet deal.
>>197436Do you rest your palm on the paper? I think you need to try a different way of holding your pencil like pic related. If it's still uncomfortable to hold the pencil in the other variations, holding your pencil further from the tip in the typical position will make it harder to rest on your palm.
Also, if you have a drawing board, try propping it up so you draw at an angle and then your hand will find it a lot harder to fall flat against your drawing surface (my pinky tip still rests on the page but it's like less than 3 mm of actual contact).
Sorry if this isn't helpful, but it's worth a try!
No. 197449
>>197436Same anon from before, I'm still trying to remember what the stick is called.
It's just a dowel with a little felt or rubber ball on one end.
You could probably make it if you can't find one.
No. 197454
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>>197407Doooes anyone know of any online resources that specialize in any of the following?
>Shading>Perspective/foreshortening>Figure drawing/daily drawing exercisesAlso, have a tutorial.
And this link: No. 197480
>>197479Thanks, I might switch to water soluble colored pencils in the end.
Do you have any recommendations for good colored pencils in general?
No. 197485
>>197454>>197476Yes! I love croquiscafe! But I also use a looot for my gesture practice. Their pose archive is pretty complete (I usually use naked only)
There's also this one, I use it mostly for hands and feet. it helps!
No. 197489
>>197455OP here, and I am glad! Thank you, anon! :D
However, I noticed I dun fucked up with the thread description, oh well.
Anyway, some inspo for you guys. I really love Little Thunder works, and line art especially.
(wish I could embed instagram videos) No. 197524
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>>197418I use an art glove. $5. It works on my tablet/touchscreen for digital paintings and also irl for keeping graphite clean.
>>197474You don't blend colored pencil by physically forcing them to go into one another, theyre blended by using pressure and placing values to render tones and depth. You need art school, or an atelier
No. 197525
>>197523Study color theory. This site helps a lot, and read up on John K's blogspot. He's a racist arrogant dick, but he knows his shit more than anyone in cartooning today.
No. 197526
>>197474How are you blending them? Do you layer light covers, (sweeping the pencil over lightly so there's no indentations or heavy buildup) switching directions until youve built up the right hue/shade?
Do you have any examples of your shading we could "diagnose"?
No. 197527
>>197525I actually study color theory a lot, and usually it's easier for me when doing it digitally then traditionally. I guess I do have to study it more though!
Thank you for the site, I love it!
No. 197612
>>197540I use photoshop because it works really well with my Huion tablet's shortcut buttons, but I also have medibang for drawing. I haven't used the latter much but some manga artists I like use it for their series, which made me want to try it.
I also pirated illustrator and indesign but I don't use them as much as ps.
No. 197675
>>197540I started out with gimp but I've been using photoshop for many years now and I love it. Tried SAI once and boy I sucked at it.
>>197610Agreed, she really knows how to use colours. What's the deal with her though, I know she's been involved in some drama but I never really understood what happened
No. 197703
>>197675Well, aside from drawing awful furry porn (not talking about Floraverse, but older stuff with scat and whatnot), she was okay with like minors seeing her fucked shit, I think she defended bestiality, and also her boyfriend (or husband, I dunno which, she has a weird poly thing going on) also defended the possession of CP. Soooo, yeah..
Posting something else just to stay on topic
No. 197762
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>>197540Krita. It's free and great for painting.
No. 197780
>>197560>>197612>>197675Thanks guys! That makes me feel more confident in my past work haha, I thought maybe it was a no-no or something and was kind of embarrassed to ask other artists IRL, but knowing it's actually very common I feel pretty good about using it again haha. Sorry I'm so new to the whole ~digital art~ scene
>>197762I'll have to look into that thank you!! :)
No. 197787
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How much do live drawing sessions help? They only have it once a month in my city, and it's kind of expensive.
No. 197795
>>197762This looks amazing, what's the artist's name?
Also, I love Krita, but at the same time, it's so heavy and laggy.
>>197540 PS truly is the industry standard, but I've using Mediabang because it's super light and responsive. It's not as complete as PS or even Krita, but it does the job, especially since I've been using a samsung tablet to paint more than anything lately, their app is the best out there, and it's free.
>>197787It's good, it's nice to look at the model from different angles and lighting. But if it's too expensive, maybe an year subscription to this site would be better? It kinda does the job. No. 197803
I'll just drop this here and lots of references
No. 197877
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>>197803Thank you anon, I love you! <3
Does anyone have good tutorials/tips on perspective? I fucking suck at it so much.
Have a woodcut print from ma boi Kawase Hasui.
No. 198408
>>198312If you're gonna buy a monitor tablet, buy a big one. The smaller ones are absolutely not worth it, they will just hinder your progress.
Unfortunately I bought a 13hd Cintiq because I thought it would feel as natural as drawing on paper, nope. In the end I gave it to my sibling and went back to my intuos 4 because of neck and back pain.
No. 198687
>>198312Everybody's talking about Huions now. I'd give it a try, since they are on the cheaper side. I really prefer to work on my Samsung tablet than on my regular tablet, I don't know. I think't it's really about preference. See if you have any friends with monitor tablets and ask them to try it out.
Posting some inspo now. I really really love this guy's work. Wish his videos weren't as sped up tho, I wish I could see him paiting better.
No. 198707
>>198695Yes, furry art really is where the money is lol Just use a different handle or a fake name when doing it.
I guess deviantart and furafinnity are the best places
No. 198733
>>198707Right? Thanks for the tip about a fake name, I don't really want my main art hub to be furry porn but I needs the muns.
I was thinking those two also, just wanted to double check and make sure there wasn't any other places I was missing.