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No. 197896
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tfw I was actually in the agriculture club in college and new tons of farmers
No. 197907
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all of these comments make the discord sound nice but i'm from canada
No. 198237
>>197493Lol this discord sucks I went in tried to join the convo and was immediately called hipster trash.
Don't do it
No. 198308
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>>198237I'm the server admin. I'm always on and I didn't notice that happen. What was your name?
>>198246No minors please. This is an 18+ server.
>>198260While California is a wicked vile place, I like to think we are actually pretty nice and welcoming.
Its pretty interesting how all of a sudden there's active shilling against this comfy place.
New an updated invite if you want to see for yourself. No. 198393
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>>198309Hmm. Nothing there. What a coincidence.
No. 198396
>>198237>>198309'hipster trash' is a compliment in california
or is it? I've already lost track of cultural trends in this beautiful yet soulless state
No. 198456
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Fuck this server it's full of dumb memeing autists from /r9k/ who will call you roasties. Don't even bother.
No. 198458
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wow dis sewvew is gweat
No. 198459
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wow i lowv dis sewvew
No. 198461
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Totally comfy server
Worked out way better than any of the meetup/friend finders threads, honestly.
No. 198462
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Friendly to autistic!
No. 198515
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>join discord
>check out the channels
>it's a bunch of weird racist guys, traps and people posting their dicks and hairy nipples
>it becomes glaringly obvious that the group was made by the /r9k/ variety and they've been bumping this thread to shill themselves
Out I go lmao
No. 198604
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>>198603Kek ok.
>what is a screenshot?I mean you can't even spell right.
No. 198606
>>198604That's not even the font used on Discord IIRC.
Imagine being so desperate for drama/relevancy that you'd make fake screencaps just because someone got grossed out by your weird /r9k/ group, left and posted about it.
Anyone can join and see the autism going on in your channels, so I guess it doesn't matter in the end.
No. 198607
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>>198606I'm on mobile. Strike two hun. Want to go for three?
You could have stayed if you were nice. You came in all
triggered for some reason I dobt know. This is a comfy friendly place. I cant have drama like that here
No. 198608
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>>198604>>198607Um…That's an admin.
No. 198610
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>>198608Now who's making fake screens?
No. 198611
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>>198607I'm #0559, and
>>198608 is #7735.
So you didn't even fake a screencap, you just changed your name and icon and then said nonsense to impersonate me. The mod channel screencap you posted also shows that I joined, then left.
Honestly, this is really cringy.
If any other farmers were wondering whether or not to join this shitshow, now you know.
No. 198612
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>>198611The mod chat proves its you! Look when you said these things and your join/leave times! I dont even have access to a computer to edit images. I run the server from my phone whereas we can clearly see you are on a computer and you probably know your way around photoshop. I know you're salty, over what idk, but dont run a good thing for everyone else.
No. 198615
>>198612>edit imagesRight, you didn't edit them because you said all those things yourself after changing your own name/display picture. Conveniently, you also haven't shown the user number behind these totally legit posts insulting people. If they were deleted, both the mod channel and the audit log would reflect that, too.
I don't even know why I'm bothering to respond, tbh. Petty shit like this is why robots are considered cancerous.
No. 198617
>>198612Samefagging, but if you're from outside California, isn't your name supposed to be grey? Black is for mods/admins. Good job.
I'm more heated about this than I should be lmao
No. 198618
>>198615Please dont double post and the modlog only shows leaving and joining. Message purging doesnt log. I took screens at the time it happened because I knew you would do this.
Take a look at your posts. Youre the one being petty. I'm just defending my server against blatant slander. If we did something to offend you then I whole heartedly apologize but idk what could have been your problem.
No. 198619
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>>198617And thats 4 strikes
No. 198621
>>198618>>198619I didn't double-post, I deleted my first post to add some things I forgot to say, and message purging does get recorded within audit logs (whether it's been done by a bot, a mod/admin or the user themselves). When a person leaves a Discord server, their messages usually stay there unless they've been banned/kicked.
Again, if this is as legit as you're claiming, you'd be able to show the number or at least prove that it wasn't just you with a switched out name and icon (which it was).
I admire your dedication to false-flagging, but this is really autistic. You even made an entire fake role just to hide your fuck-up.
No. 198623
>>198622Wew. At first I was just making an offhanded comment about your server being filled with robots and why I left, but now I'm actually really, really glad that I didn't stick around.
Any admin that would pull this shit is definitely insane. I didn't make those posts (because I made a total of one message in that entire server), but I guess you're going to do your best to impersonate and frame anyone and everyone that discredits your server. Keep doing what you're doing.
>inb4 you get home and then post fake audit log screenshots to try and continue the meme No. 198635
>>198634>>198308>>198609You have a very distinctive typing style, tbh, even if you do use a bunch of VPNs to make yourself less obvious.
I just wanted to let you know that. Hiding the thread now.
No. 198645
File: 1500211652486.png (46.46 KB, 643x386, feelskchat.PNG)

I hope no one actually hires this psycho admin to the FBI