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No. 19810
>>19805True. The trend right now is the choker, black lipstick, basic bitch look.
I think a lot of the guys usually turn hipster. To be completely honest I swear scene/emo is not a phase. Some parts stick with you like a ghost.
No. 19859
>>19804we all are hipsters though even the normalfags. Although I can tolerate some normalfags because they sometimes actually have better fashion sense if they aren't 100% influenced by the kardashians/jenners than the ex-weaboos.
No. 19876
>>19864guys are still hipsters, but with blue streaks and beards ;_;
hipster phase will last for at least 20 years.
No. 19917
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There are still a lot of scene girls with scene hair. Just look at the comments on any LedaMonsterBunny photo. Its just that they've crossed over with being weeaboos/~kawaii~ now. but they still have the scene hair. i think for awhile scene was called "fashioncore".
No. 19918
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>>19917see leda for reference
No. 19968
>>19917The hair was the best part of the scene aesthetic. And make-up.
The rest was trash imo, but then again taste is incredibly selective.
No. 20009
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>>19954vanna venom was my favorite scene queen, her hair was nuts. last i checked she became a hipster.
No. 20011
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>>20009She used to go by Vanna Jordan/Vanna Jayy/Vanna Joyy. I wonder what happened to all these scene kids and how they live life with thousands of their pictures posted online. There are still Vanna Venom fansites.
No. 20013
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>>20011there used to be a blog that showed scene kids before/after, its gone now sadly
No. 20017
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>>20013hannie dropkick became a gyaru, that sorta counts as going kawaii
No. 20130
>>20017Hannie now changed and has become a hipster.
Kawaii is dead.
No. 20176
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>>20130damn really? her scene style was eh, but she made a cute gyaru
No. 20177
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>>20176she really used angles to her benefit
No. 20203
>>20176Meh Japanese style is stupid I'm glad she is now doing Western styles. I'm not going to post her instagram because it's private now suddenly, and probably for a reason. But she doesnt call herself Hannie Dropkick anymore btw.
>>20177well thats why short people cant model
No. 44627
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Anyone remember Kelly Killjoy?
She still "models" for AlexAddicted
(this is her now, she went hipster)
No. 44641
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>>44615I hated scene back in high school and wished it would go away once everyone grew into sensible adults, because no one would take you seriously in college or the professional world if you go around self-posting a thousand crazy MySpace angles like the self-absorbed bitches they were. Ugh
So that this is one of the trends that stay in high school only. Case in point:
>was at a friend's wedding not too long ago,someone I knew from high school. I saw her now sister-in-law there, and she had the whole scene shit going on. She's still in high school, and she was the only one 18+ that was scene at the wedding. Everyone else looked 'normal', or even classy.I view it to be such a juvenile style, and back then I thought it was just a rip-off of the Japanese visual kei aesthetic, lol.
No. 44938
>>44641I was jealous of the freedom they had to express themselves, tbh. I wasn't even allowed to dye my hair brown (naturally blonde) until I graduated hs. Needless to say my college years have been me trying to make up for that a little bit by trying to mature up a sort of scene/emo/whatever look because I never got to experience it.
I still enjoy vkei style, though. It's fun to look at and is relatively creative.
No. 49609
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I found it really strange that so many people in jfashion were once scene kids, I assume it is because jfashion can be more mature while still attention whoring on social media.
I was sort of a toned down emo boy in highschool, and most of it has continued into my 20s.
Anyone I had met into it was nuts about screamo and dying their heir and getting piercings. I just wanted to be a sad greysale blob with anime hair and listen to emo pop all day.
No. 49645
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>>49621it's so annoying how she never acknowledges how thin she is
>>49643>>49644you don't need chest deformities to have marfans… her hands do look especially big in some pics
No. 49652
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>>49645They also look really tiny in some pictures. I think
>>49646 is right. They only look big when they're stretched across her torso.
No. 49656
>>49654 I agree, the "understated" style that makes it look like you didn't try, but you tried a lot and you do care, but it looks like you don't care and that you hardly have to put in effort with your style to look good.
Kind of like how a classic white cotton tshirt and jeans looks good on anyone (if you have a good body though.)
No. 49659
>>49654idk, man. minimalist fashion is really difficult to pull off unless you have an extremely good body/facial features already. I can't see it becoming mainstream. there are some people who already dress like this, but you have to have a good 'canvas' for it to be flattering…and the majority of people, quite frankly, don't. fashion is supposed to make you feel good about yourself, accentuate your nicest features & conceal your biggest insecurities. otherwise people won't buy it, no matter how 'trendy' it is.
If I had to predict upcoming trends, it depends on the 'urban tribe'. Subcultures like punk are goth aren't going away anytime soon, but they do evolve: my bet for the next trend would be 'dystopian goth'–lots of distressed, tattered and/or bleached pieces, chunky futuristic jewelry, etc. combined with cybergoth elements like platforms and dreads, but in sepia tones, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, some kind of inverse-spectrum updated-romantigoth cross between dracula's brides and the nymphet/living doll look.
For normcore, I think that vintage fashion is slowly seeping back in. Brands like Anthropologie are emphasizing a 'mature twee' style at the moment. Girlish but not cutesy silhouettes & motifs seem to be on the rise, while for men it'll be a competition between a clean-cut 'urban' style (track-suits, sneakers, etc) heavily influenced by Kanye West, with an emphasis on branding, or a modern take on the teddy-boy trend that enjoyed popularity briefly in the 50's. The younger crowd, teenagers and such, will take their influence from K/J-fashion trends like ulzzang/K-pop looks. Fashionable boys will start leaning towards androgynous, faux-haute stylings such as those adopted by Haku, while girls will be influenced by the 'ironic 90's' looks that you see circulating on tumblr currently.
No. 49660
>>49654>>49659I see normcore gaining more traction. Just 5 years ago you would've been made fun of hardcore for pairing NB shoes/regular tennis shoes with an outfit but now its considered very trendy.
So I think minimalism with strong statement pieces will be very in. It'll combine the special snowflake look with a structured style. e.g loose white shirt, cropped pants, tennis shoes all in neutral tones and then a weird bag, or pastel hair or an exaggerated necklace. Even though that is a thing now, I think it will grow past the fashion blogs into regular streetwear.
No. 49663
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Will we be looking back in 20 years' time and laughing at people wearing these types of patterned/harem pants?
I usually err on the more conservative side of fashion and held out on buying these types of pants for a long time. Really hard to find any that don't balloon out (but the fatties must be happy for the baggy fit.) But I must say these types of pants are as comfy as fuck. I just wear them with sandals and a plain singlet to tone them down.
The pants with the low crotch at the knees make people's legs look fucking stupid though - as if their legs are 15 inches short. I wouldn't wear those.
No. 49669
>>49656>>49660Exactly. Minimalism with an emphasis on shape, with a hint of whats left over from the hipster trend (tattoos, piercings, possibly weird hair).
Think American Apparel model with body modifications. No need to be traditionally attractive just like the hipster trend, you pick out pieces that compliment you physically while being simplistic.
The only issue I see with my prediction is the fact that a lot of people don't know how to dress for their shape or just buy whatevers trendy, despite it not suiting them. Still, I think it's definitely a big possibility.
No. 49713
>>49660normcore just looks lazy to most people imo.
>>49669Isn't American Apparel supposed to be going out of business, though?
No. 49730
>>49728Wow, maybe it'll actually happen this time (especially considering how long they've been around and all the other businesses going under).
Makes me wonder if a place like Forever 21 would ever go under.
No. 49734
>>49730well, f21 is one of the 'fast fashion' retailers that have contributed to places like AA's downfall. although their garments are cheaply manufactured, they at least keep up to date on new trends.
the core issue imo is that American Apparel mostly sells 'basics', which don't change that much from season to season. customers don't see a reason to return because they don't see a notable difference in stock, and what they do sell can be found in a multitude of other stores at a lower price. unless you're buying for the brand name, there's not much motivation to shop there regularly. they need to change their 'image' for something that's got more mass appeal if they're going to survive.
if minimalist fashion did become the next 'scene', I think it would only increase the demand for unique garments/accessories. after all, nobody wants to show up to a party and be caught wearing the same outfit as every other girl there.
No. 49791
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The plain, toned down version of goth/punk(or at least tumblr's interpretation)/emo/scene is already all over the streets and closets of girls everywhere. it's called "soft grunge", basically the casual, sportier street wear version of nugoth's formal. Both now largely feature 90s nostalgia influences.
On the other end of the spectrum, there's that creepy nymphette look that former romantigoths, weebs, scenequeens (or simply more feminine dressed girls) have started to adapt to.
No. 49796
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>>49791I think it's cool how trends can come back, but in a different way and different interpretation. In this case, grunge and goth from the '90s, but a more recent interpretation.
I also think the pastel goth look is pretty cool.
No. 49809
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>>49798That's murderotic/Angelica Sehlin.
She used to run a personal/health blog, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, the lot, but then her boyfriend whom she blogged with suddenly broke up with her and she had a mental breakdown and deleted EVERYTHING.
She still keeps a small personal Tumblr where she doesn't upload any pics but occasionally makes text posts and they're very sad. Her life has gone to complete shit.
No. 49869
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
No. 49875
>>49809Angelica is sweet and I've been reading/following her blogs for years, just like you it seems.
To me she always came off as a loving (and intense) human being. Really sad she deleted everything but I can see why. Idk. Something about walking in someone shoes and stuff.
>>49850>>49869Come on.
No. 50516
>>50512Because she's spoiled rotten and gotta show off dem bones.
With the crazy amount of money her parents spend on her, it makes me feel like she might not have much time left. I'm talkin' trips to Disney World and $10,000 worth of edgy stripper heels. I don't know what her deal is.
No. 50582
>>50569I would rather wear high waisted pants than jeans that show bum crack with you bend over to pick something up off the floor.
Kinda sad that the '90s trend will be fading out soon.
No. 50584
>>50569I think the instahoes will go towards the low-riding jeans/2000s video girl look.
it seems to me that the more hipster/alternative girls are reaching towards a more 70s flower child aesthetic.
No. 55564
>>50569Nah, I WISH the 2000s Paris Hilton shit would come back, but right now they seem to be going towards the mid-late 90s thing with baseball caps and berry lips.
As for the "alternative" right now it seems to be the Tumblr tranny dyke look like someone else mentioned.
No. 56016
This style looks cute. But I genuinely like '90s fashion and this seems a bit like that…
No. 59321
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>>49809I thought she deleted a lot, but she still uses her Instagram, just under a different name. It's still public