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No. 198254
>>198221I think after a more than a year that counts as "moving abroad". You don't have to commit to a place permanently to move there.
I agree though a 6 month study abroad is just an extended stay.
No. 198364
>>198221Despite the fact that I am someone who's done this, I kind of agree with this sentiment. Guess we'll see if we're both proven wrong if more people respond?
>>198220I didn't start 100% alone as I moved with my SO abroad one year ago and we had been planning to move for years. For us, the most challenging thing was finding a flat because it's dangerous (financially) to move site unseen to a place and most places here don't want to rent to people who aren't physically present. We did a lot of airbnb hopping before we found a place.
My advice is to save up as much money as you can before you move, learn the language as best you can if it's different than your native language, and make finding a job/flat your primary objectives when you get there. I know, that sounds like no-brainer advice, but tons of people who came over around the same time as us were totally clueless and it amazed me that people could pack up and move thousands of miles away from home without thinking soundly.
No. 198782
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>>198780Hey anon, me too! Where are you coming from? I'm from California (so not that culturally different, but will be my first time even being in Europe).
>>198364Where did you move abroad anon? How do you like it?
>>198220I've lived abroad 3 times. The first time was only 6 months, so as
>>198221 said, it's not really living abroad, but a lot of people call it that, so I just go with the flow. After that I spent over 2 years abroad in 2 different countries (around 1 year each).
I'll be in the U.K. for up to 1.5 years for graduate school (I consider this living abroad because it's plenty of time to adjust to where you are living). I miiiight leave earlier than even 1 year though, if I can finish my program somewhere else (that's what I want to do).
After/a couple months before graduating, I'm going to job-hunt throughout Asia. I'd love to live somewhere in China, Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong although I'm pretty open-minded (studied Japanese 5 years so will apply for jobs throughout Japan too, and also places like Malaysia and maybe Vietnam).
Once I land a job in Asia, I'm planning to immigrate permanently and settle down (marry, maybe have a kid).
No. 198805
>>198800I'm planning on doing the reverse and moving from Europe to the US soon enough. I plan on trying for the green card lottery and find a job that'd sponsor me at the same time.
The only thing stressing me out though is not having a driving licence yet, as I never needed one where I live and it's extremely expensive to get here.
No. 200552
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>want to move out of my shitty country
>remember I'm poor as fuck
>remember my degree from a uni in my country is as worthy as a supermarket flier
No. 200571
>>198782I moved from the U.S. to the Czech Republic, and I love it. The culture is pretty different (naturally!) but I've loved learning about it firsthand and picking up the language. Plus it's beautiful out here, and I love experiencing seasons/holidays in a different country.
The only thing I'm still struggling with, even after a year, is breaking out of the expat bubble.
No. 200586
>>200581>Our property market is pretty dire though.Yeah, that's the thing I'm mostly concerned with. Otherwise, I think your country is a great place to live!
>>200582All reasons I would love to pack up and move today if I could. The political discourse here is honestly starting to be too much for me. Every day, Trump is fucking up or someone else in government is. I have a young child and certainly don't want to put him through our shit public educational system.
No. 200597
>>200595Where do you live, Montreal?
I went to Quebec for a month and made a decent amount of progress because I was only allowed to speak French to people. I made sure to listen to French music, watch French movies, etc. Just keep surrounding yourself in French, and keep the English to a minimum. It'll get exhausting, but you'll make very fast progress that way.
I found that when I was in Quebec, people could hear my Canadian-English accent while speaking French, but they were still nice to me, even if I sounded slow and stupid, haha.
No. 200598
>>200595I moved to Finland from Northern Ireland, God help me. I've learnt enough to qualify for citizenship but I absolutely cannot even dream of taking part in a normal conversation, I can understand a lot of things and express myself okay when I'm not prompted to talk about specific subjects but it stops there. I don't think I'll ever reach fluency, I'm too old and it's too useless for me to even entertain the idea of bothering to learn it properly.
Once I get the passport I'm fucking off to the UK with my bf, I only needed it for visa-free travel anyway.
I think the best way to learn a new language would be to slowly dip your toes in and gradually increase your exposure to more complex topics as you go, but for some languages it's just too bloody difficult. Everyone here speaks English to varying degrees of success, I've had to Americanise my accent quite a bit in order for people to understand me in the first place, most people just don't have the patience to listen to my Tarzanese Finnish and straight up refuse to talk to me in anything but shitty English so I can't really practise with anyone. I've heard the same from people who live in Sweden. Unfortunately I'm 2poortherner for lessons so it can't be helped.
No. 200635
>>200595I've been using apps and talking to friends who are native speakers of the language here. I'm going to get a tutor soon, but so far I've just done self study. It's good to practice everyday, but I can only do a little bit at a time before I feel burnt out.
I know it's common advice, but I've found that watching films helps. Most movies here are in English with the native language subtitles, so it's nice to recognize verbs I already know and pick up some new vocabulary.
No. 202581
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Ever since i moved abroad i'm depressed as fuck. I moved after college, i have a stable job and a solid income but i miss my family and friends every day. It's very hard for me to make new friends because i miss my old ones. It just feels like my life is going nowhere at this point.
Anyone in the same situation?
No. 202671
>>202614That's because people think moving abroad will magically cure their depression, so many do just that. At first it seems great, but then they revert back to their old ways when the novelty wears off and they realise they'll have to start all over again from zero.
Lots of people from relatively wealthy countries like America move abroad and then proceed to mope and complain when they see that they'll never be welcomed as locals and that people in their host country have wildly differing opinions. Then they turn to their ~expat~ (never immigrant of course, that would make them the same as the 'great unwashed', and not the entitled manchildren on a ~cultural trip~ that they are) circles and bitch about narrow doorframes or whatever it is they think should be made the same as in America. Then they pack up and leave and write angry blog posts on the Internet because Europe wasn't their very own personal fun fair like they thought it'd be.
No. 202687
>>202668I've thought that and he's looked into jobs/housing over here.
I think he's concerned about the political situation here as well as the cost of living, plus he doesn't have a college degree. He did A-levels and an apprenticeship, has certs, I'm biased, but he's a qualified guy for his field. I just don't know how that'll translate to the US job market with how bad it is.
He doesn't make a ton of $$$ but does live at home and as such has plenty of disposable income; however, he makes a lot of it selling stuff on eBay. He's got so much stuff that moving it to the US will be really difficult. At the same time we've both talked about not having to settle permanently in one country right now and can move later so…
No. 202728
I've lived in Belgium, Netherlands, Poland as a foreigner.
- Life is more interesting when you're moving around. One good way to get to 50 years old and wonder where all the time has gone is to slip into a routine in your hometown and do fuck all for your entire life.
- Everyone will be interested in you simply due to your nationality. You'll usually be considered more attractive too.
- Everything is different, and if you're interested in new languages, foods, etc… You'll have a fun time discovering new stuff.
- The major one is don't move far from home to try to escape yourself. I've known many people who have done something along those lines, and it never works.
- Even if everything is different, everything is still all the same. People are just people wherever you go and you'll still experience all the petty drama and bullshit you get back home. Maybe this one sounds obvious, but there are people with strange ideas of foreign countries and the people who live in them.
- Work is hard to find if you don't know the local language. Harder than you think, even for shitty factory jobs you still need the local language. And unless you have a specific interest in it, learning a language is a huge boring grind.
No. 202730
>>200595Don't depend too much on other people. You don't magically pick up a language just because you live there. You do learn some new things easily such as the food labels at the supermarket, but on the whole, you're gonna be on your own.
General rule is to study every day for as long as you can. And when you're sick of it, keep studying anyway. One hour per day should be absolute minimum. Don't rely on a class to teach you. If you do go to a class, that should be used as a time to clarify what you've already learnt. Just keep doing it and doing it, and when you get to the point where you can start reading random sentences and understanding simple conversations, you're past the worst point.