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No. 198507
>>198506What is krautchan?
Other boards than /int/ look like they are in German.
No. 198517
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1. yes I am male
2. yes I do have penis
3. yes I do post on the krautchan
gf candidates can make their voice heard below this post(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 198519
It's a bunch of forever alone german manchildren and russian closet faggots who hope to find GF here that is like them insofar they wish to discuss the industrial output of the ottoman empire during WW1 instead/during coitus.
I would not recommend BFization of Bernd. I have been trying to educate Bernd for years on how to correctly treat GF but he is not listening - GF is not for talking to, GF is for shutting up, with dickings. It may however be possible to extract some small amounts of money from some of them. If that is your thing, you may want to create a reverse embassy thread here: Misogynist swissball
No. 198521
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Reporting in.
Hello where is the serious discussions?
No. 198533
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>>198531I'm a shy cow and I'd want to meet a cute chan lurker.
He could be NEET and play video games if he wants but he'd have to be funny, deep and live his life fully. Like living in the woods and making everything himself, or being really into martial arts, history or philosophy, well, interesting things for himself, not just to look good from the outside.
How would you proceed? Plz halp.
No. 198537
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Krautchan's culture is basically what you would get if you mixed /pol/, /lit/ and /int/ together. It has some very abstract and obscure memes.
How is the culture in here? Do you have specific menes?
No. 198540
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y-you too
No. 198551
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Why is this board so slow? Also where are the serious discussions?