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No. 19921
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"Cosplay Bullying
I've decided to speak out about this growing issue in the Cosplay community. There seems to be a problem that's getting more and more intense with Cosplay bullying. I'm speaking out about it because a good friend of mine; she does Narusuke (NarutoXSasuke half and half) Cosplay. She has been for about a year now been getting hate for her Cosplay. Someone has been bullying her and putting her down for it and it is not okay! Her Cosplay is unique and different. It's also super creative and should be praised; not put down. The things people have said about/to her are extremely hateful and rude.
Cosplay is for everyone!!! Stop being an elitist and learn to respect and appreciate someone else's Cosplays. I've made the shirt to my Shikamaru as well as the shirt, screw, and lab coat for my Stein. I've never gotten hate for them; only positive feedback. So why bully someone who decides to put two characters into one costume? Just don't do it! If you don't like the Cosplay or are jealous because you couldn't come up with that kind of idea or don't have the skills to create something like that then keep your thoughts to yourself! You are only hurting someone who is doing something they love. And it's not just her; there are body shamers mixed in with all of this hate. People that put down heavier Cosplayers or thinner Cosplayers."
No. 19922
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"My friend enjoys Naruto and loves to do Narusuke. She's different yes, but that doesn't mean she's an awful person. It's absolutely the opposite. She's a super cool and fun individual. This Otakon, someone took one of the Naruto photos of the NarutoXSasuke pairing and did an edit; she was blacked out and "Loser" was added above her image. It was then apparently posted to tumblr. This is extremely unacceptable! She's been told prior to Otakon not to show up at the Naruto shoots, that she took the spotlight away from other Naruto Cosplayers, and many other hateful things. I don't know who these individuals are that said/did these things but they obviously have a vendetta against those who are different and more creative than they are. She's been through so much over the past year and this hate has to stop!"
No. 19925
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No. 19927
>>19921>>19922Why do these people make the most unflattering faces? If you want people to look at the picture and be all like "Hey, this is just a kid having fun." then post some god damned good pics.
In other words, if people criticize the cowplay then that's in their right. Limo it looks horrible. To each of their own I guess.
I wouldn't want her in any shoots neither. Probably if I was keeping the pictures, maybe.
No. 272946
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No. 272947
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No. 272962
>>272948Dude, this is 2 years old. No one gives a fuck about that cringy cosplay anymore. Even 2 years back no one cared.
Learn to sage.