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No. 2000429
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters> Debates over death of the author> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creatorsCriticism of fujos has its own dedicated thread:
>>1959358 previous:
>>1986184 No. 2000435
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What is up with kids these days outright admitting that they are minors on manga porn sites. What is going on with the lack of Internet safety knowledge? I'm not even that much older than her
No. 2000670
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what was the name of that one black female fantasy author(mentioned in a previous thread) who got in trouble by certain wokies, cause she gave her obvious self-insert a handsome white male love interest?
No. 2000693
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>>2000435Kids aren't afraid anymore, sure, there's always been some kids admitting to be kids because they want the attention of the adults, not knowing that they're not getting cool adult friends, they're getting groomed.
But I at least used to be afraid of being trafficked and shit.
I think this also shows how families are more and more detached as the time goes on, that kid probably doesn't even have any hobbies, friends or even family members willing to hear a word from him/her, because it's easier to let the kids just plop on front of a device instead of listening to the kid ramble about some random shit like, idk, huge imaginary monsters or barbie lore.
I can only blame the whole family of these permanently online kids that are willing to post themselves online, and I don't say that it's only the families of the kids that are from the 2000's, the parents the kids from my time fucked up too, that's why we have so much stupid ass autism and discourse on social media about whether some characters should fuck or not, and tards being unhinged as fuck describing elaborate scenarios with the most retarded fetishes.
No. 2001050
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This might be an unpopular opinion but I actually think picrel right. It may not be that normal heterosexual relationships have been socially tabooed, but there is basically a rule for inverting biology but then recreating heterosexuality with m/f, f/f and m/m ships.
No. 2001058
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>>2000724That can't be right? 2006 wasn't that long ago…
No. 2001065
>>2001054This thread is just on a fucking loop, isn't it.
Even posting cute harem leads was at least something.
No. 2001163
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>>2001094Terminally online fandoms and spaces have memed heterosexuality into something uncool, oppressive and lesser than homosexuality and it's an undeniable truth. Why else in certain hyper online fandoms do you get shit like "this couple is not straight they're both bisexuals!" Or "They are totes in a lavander marriage!" ? What about all the heterosexual girls who claim so proudly they're lesbians despite enjoying only yaoi and no yuri? What about all the straight tifs obsessed with being gay mlems and speaking as if they're real gay men while making spergy academic papers on mpreg and the queerness of slash? What about all the fandom-themed cringy anti-straight memes like picrel?
I known it's hard to think that out there there's a fringe online world where straightness is painted as wrong and lesser, but after so many years of this kind of fandom behavior I want to know how so many people who frequent fandoms still deny this happens.
And yes, in the actual real life world, most people don't care. I would argue there's still a huge chunk of homophobes out there and that gay and lesbian teenagers are still bullied regularly, and that's without mentioning how castrating them and sending them on a life of medical horrors through transition is seen as a good and just thing.
But to say that hyperonline fandom kids aren't led on by their peers to think heterosexuality is bad, uncool and gross by doesn't deny any of it. If anything it's just another proof that gendies and kweers are extremely detatched from reality.
No. 2001173
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>>2001170samefag but 'men getting emasculated/being submissive' isn't an uncommon joke in fandom
No. 2001200
>>2001185NTA but
>>2001163 is right.
straights are lame and oppressive while lgbt is a cool club / aesthetic. why do people still deny this happens when TIFs will jump through hoops to be either gay men or "transmac lesbians"? recognizing this behavior is not the same as saying heterosexuals are oppressed irl
No. 2001205
>>2001202The dumbass shit thread would be full of pictures of ducks, not this shit. Not the dumbass shit thread
I know, but who knows nowadays with you freaks flooding every corner of this fucking website.
No. 2001324
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>>2001272I don't know about paedophilia specifically, but Blanchard has talked about the end point for APGs is almost always a form of pseduo-bisexuality
No. 2001342
>>2001252Fwiw, I feel like it's around that time I started seeing youtubers recommending it.
Not anitubers, but commentary channels about how western shows suck, or more left leaning young adult book channels.
No. 2001420
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Artist: draw a tif with her tits out
This comment:
Back in my days it was called "gender bender".
No. 2001447
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>>2001094Unpopular opinion but I agree with you nona. I come across shit like picrel almost every other day that gains much more engagement than stuff like
>>2001163 because many gendies cannot grasp the idea that shipping is meant to be a silly, light-hearted thing that doesn't necessarily mean that you harbor some sort of ill will towards fictional women.
Also, I have noticed that if the most popular ship in a fanbase is a gay ship then it is more likely to get shat upon relentlessly. Forgive me for using entry-level shonenshit as an example but I see a lot of serious discourse around Gojo/Geto from JJK on leddit, /a/, twatter, etc. On the other hand, Asa/Denji is the most popular ship in CSM and I have not seen much seethe over it on any website.
No. 2001460
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>>2001448>no arguments>instant seethe>>2001450I still find the entire seethe around gay ships a little unfair. Kawoshin can be considered semi-canon and scrotes cry about it on evageeks and other sites to this day.
No. 2001464
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>>2001461Thank you for proving my point.
No. 2001469
>>2001447At least with the artists I follow, if the female character has, well, her own character, fujo will draw yume art of her, celebrate her birthday, draw her solo, buy her merchandise, etc.
The thing is if they don't have their own thing going on then it's just a face, there's no "I like her specifically and I want to draw her". It's just too shallow. It's not really a high standard, I see waifu characters get plenty of art simply due to having motives that, while tied to the main character, at least give her some sort of will.
No. 2001471
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>>2001401i love you nonna, finally some sense. shes my fav, but i deeply mourn that theyve retconned her personality/lore to hell and back. there's a lot of proof of this both in and outside the game that i wont sperg on about here, but this dumb fandom
who is less autistic about her than me btw is stupid enough to deny what's plainly obvious and will aggro the shit out of you for bringing it up. in fact, they'll consistently excuse and justify every last writing decision of hoyo's because, as
>>2001391 said, they're being led along by a trail of breadcrumbs unaware there will never be a payoff. the lore theyve spent so much time dissecting will reveal itself to be underwhelming, forgotten, retconned, and overall treated like shit. yes, even "in a patch or two guys just wait!!1!", yes even in snezhnaya. they'll try to distract from their mistreatment of the existing lore by introducing shiny new lore that will inevitably meet the same fate, rinse and repeat. i really wish more people would realize they're being played instead of continuously deluding themselves and others every damn update.
No. 2001476
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>>2001447To be honest, I just find it annoying when the shippers who do remove the woman from the canon ship act as if the woman is a blight on the media the ship originates from. When they see the woman who happens to be near the preferred M/M ship they will, without fail, grasp at any and all straws to paint her as either a
>Harpy bitch karen who is too evil for the main protag. Usually claiming she's "problematic" in some way shape or form (even if the male characters are equally, if not more, "problematic" than her).>Moeshit blob idiot who is too unfeminist for the main protag. Obviously, even in derivative fancontent where you can add more onto a character who may be lacking, it's way more feminist to remove the woman as men are simply superior. I can't tell which I find more annoying. The retards who do this and use these claims unironically or the retards who use these claims to save face instead of saying "I don't like seeing PiV, gay men packing fudge are hotter". Don't forget, once she is removed she is either turned into
>The harpy bitch who seethes at the M/M ship and acts as an aggressor to the M/M ship (and acts a way for the artist to shit on women she deems less than her.)>The moeshit blob cuckold who squees at and worships the M/M ship (and acts as a way for the artist to insert as an observer)It's so fucking annoying.
No. 2001589
>>2001471I just want Lumine and Aether to reunite or at least part ways by the end. With all this background information, unnecessary content, and subpar character growth, everything this game offered doesn't really matter. Hoyo set off to create an open-world gacha game, and they succeeded commercially. Artwise, frankly, it's like a 5 in the storytelling scale. It doesn't help that China will suppress any form of dissent, leaving a stripped-down entity with no positive aspects, like they do with anything promising. If Genshin was made by Japanese or hell Korean devs, the story and lore would improve by the virtue of being more authentic since the government ain't breaking down doors over bad characters being playable or dark themes being mentioned.
God, makes me wish there were buy to play alternatives where the male characters were actually attractive and there was like ten billion of them.
No. 2001605
>>2001548A combination of loneliness, a need to be special, mental illness, and ironically libfem identity politics. So many young girls are being groomed into "queer ace nb lesbians" because deep down, they find the idea of being "privileged monsters" a fate worse than death. Gender ideology embeds individualism to foster the feeling of belonging, which a lot of socially maladjusted girls seek. essentially, being an ace lesbian is the libfem version of being a polilez. Both hate sexual relations with women (becuase in actuality they're straight), both are so deluded that platonic feelings are the same as being gay, and both inherently alienate actual lesbians with functioning sex drives out of so many spaces that it's unreal. These are the same lot who consider eating pussy sexist/transphobic becuase reasons? Admittedly this comparison is apt and some nonnas can correct me, but my time spent on the internet exposed countless strange, often contradictory beliefs. I didn't know about incels, nbees, and asexuals until 2015? Before than, I was happy reading fanfiction and minding my own business.
No. 2001726
>>2001548They're either:
1. 13-17 years old, or under 25 if adults
2. On antidepressants or birth control
3. Have PTSD from CSA or assault
4. Inexperienced with relationships or in-person friendships and think that dating and attraction is like love stories or porn (every "ace person" I've known via fandom are into hardcore smut or have fictional character crushes)
5. Modern polilez who are trying to reconcile wishing they could be lesbians with how they don't want to have sex with women. I dunno if "ace discourse" is still going on Tumblr but I remember people legit argued that having a sex drive or feeling sexually attracted to people is a privilege. Which makes no sense in the context of LGB and women's issues, and even straight women are punished for being openly sexual. But you can legit argue that being a "lesbian" that doesn't want to have sex with women and just wants to have friendships with women is more oppressed than lesbians who are punished for being in same-sex relationships or raped by men/trannies for daring to have a desire that excludes them.
No. 2002116
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That Kotaku hades 2 article has created nuclear levels of fandom sperging KEK
No. 2002120
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I'm convinced the average western vtuber is just a reddit/discord mods who started it to get extra. they are always involved in reddit adjacent discourse
No. 2002123
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>>2002120another classic, once we're done talking about fujo vs yurifag. we need to discuss the effect anime has had on perceptions of female bodies and sexuality. It's worse cause it is now the norm for porn stars to pander to weebs.
No. 2002127
>>2002118>screenshot talking about him harassing women>"the so called tolerant left is trying to cancel me for speaking my mind!"Kek I just know he has to be so ugly if he's hiding his face to post cringe. Putting uwu into his handle and calling himself wholesome is insane
>>2002123That has been talked about but it always devolves into discussing what tropes/traits moids actually like or dislike and that it's unfair that male characters don't get this treatment
No. 2002272
>>2002123>thinned eyebrows, altered nostrils, removal of subtle details that imply anatomical forms, cheekbones are for men only apparently, women are smooth-faced dolls no matter the art style obviously>pouty lipstick added, imperious expression softened>arms and torso slimmed, boobs perked, bowed curve of the spine exaggeratedah yes, definitely about making her not look 'mannish' or 'woke' (she's not but whatever) and not about satisfying your coomrot
(side note, but I think her hair making hearts is very charming)
No. 2002777
>>2002272>(side note, but I think her hair making hearts is very charming)same
nonnie, i find it so cute!!! the past week twitter coomers have been complaining about hades female designs and comparing them with anime characters, the difference is night and day: a tastefully designed character who just happens to be naked vs generic big titty moeblob only made for the coom.
i don't even know shit about hades but some of their female characters were made with so much care, and that care only gets highlighted even more when you put them side to side with soulless no-personality waifus.
No. 2002793
>>2001252The Ghost and Molly McGee
Too many times I've seen pedos draw disgusting "fanart" of Molly,Libby & Andrea and even admitting to finding them attractive.
No. 2002807
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The moid who 'fixed' it is unsurprisingly a shit artist.
No. 2003656
>>2002123She looks in the face like aphrodite statues which had strong noses and sharper faces. These moids haven't seen a Mediterranean woman in their life. She also doesn't need to be photoshopped on lipstick or makeup, she's supposed to be a beauty goddess who wouldn't need artificial paints.
It's sad that even a sexy character isn't enough anymore for men because she doesn't look like a child, society has truly fallen into degeneracy
No. 2003684
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>>2001272>memed themselves into becoming gay pedophiles>thats basically every male weeb nowadays kekekseems like it
No. 2003688
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>>2003656>It's sad that even a sexy character isn't enough anymore for men because she doesn't look like a childmen were crying because they censored like 1cm of one of their game whores. They just want them to be fully naked. Why dont they just watch porn at that point.
No. 2003694
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No. 2003695
>>2003684What the fuck did I just read…
No. 2003705
>>2003684Fanon Yuuji is always wild, coomerisms or no kek.
Also are you sure a male weeb wrote that? Wouldn't be surprised, but it also reads like an omegaverse-poisoned tif's screed lol
No. 2004459
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Isnt it weird that a lot of female orientated het content keeps focusing on the women? I can tolerate some of it, but some yume content feels more like sexualization of the insert girl, which always seemed weird to me. Even in media for women, it seems like the most of the sexualization is on them.
No. 2004613
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>>2001350think about it this way, there is a difference between a male who is attracted to a boyish/gnc woman and a man attracted to a superficially feminized boy, like the former is straight, the latter is a gay pedophile. the thing on the left side is just a little boy with breasts and that's a fetish that occurs for a pseudo-bisexual male
No. 2004710
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I hate how furfags in fandom have to insert their furry shit into everything, I don't give a fuck about furries and think they're disgusting the only animal characteristics I wanna see are kemonomimis and kemonomimi catboys going into heat. Legit one kept talking about furry shit on a BLVN server, NO ONE CARES.
In general fandom treats furries with safety gloves even though the majority are disgusting moids and expects everyone to be nice to them regardless of how disgusting and annoying they are.
No. 2004796
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>>2004788I'm a yume and completely agree, it aggravates me. Also in the case of animu stuff i never understood why they have watermelon tits because isn't the average cup size in japan a b? Is it a power fantasy thing? Maybe I'm just a seething flatty chan but i'd like if more yumejo content featured petite women such as myself. Picrel is average female oriented smut, we are never escaping the patriarchy.
No. 2005012
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>>2004848See, even yume stuff which is supposed to be 100% for the female gaze can't help but try to appeal to moids, it's over. They can't just draw an attractive guy sexualizing himself for a disembodied (You) on the cover like moids do in their hentai doujins.
Picrel could as well be a hentai doujin or a melontits yume doujin.
No. 2005016
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>>2005012reminds me of how men draw themselves as goofy cartoons like oney while women always draw themselves as big titty coombaits for the moid gaze. This woman couldnt help herself not to be an attention whore pickme even for a supposed serious art podcast. Imagine being a small female indie animator and this is your only form of exposure. No wonder so many women troon out nowadays.
No. 2005021
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>>2005012Genuinely. I was reading this MFM pornhwa supposed to be for women, the guys were cute but most of the panels focused on the
guys oggling on the
girl with them thinking "omg she's so smol and tiny"—instead of, you know… focusing on the guys' bodies, what the female readers
came for.
This is why I stick to erotic audios tbh. It's the only medium untained by the third-person male gaze…
Also they have covers like picrel, kek.
No. 2005033
>>2004459it's been said before, but I think part of the problem is also that most people's understanding of sexual visual language comes from hentai for moids. Instead of figuring out how to depict things in a way that caters more to a 'female gaze', a lot of artists will just default to the visual tropes and cliches they're already familiar with (tbh this is a thing in all art and can be seen in things like symbol drawing and common generic designs). Comic formats, especially the more 'disposable' genres, are also a lot of work and often churned out in a short period of time, which discourages actually thinking any of this shit through, so you just lean on shorthands.
Then you also run in to people who view their/female sexuality in general as revolving around being desired and/or at the mercy of the love interest/otherwise a fairly passive participant whom sex is acted upon. All romance media is riddled with this mindset.
No. 2005034
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>>2005024its so sad, here they look like two different characters from different shows
No. 2005044
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>>2005012I swear to God, someone who knows Japanese should translate the entire picrel. Maybe then Nipponese women doujin artists will get it and stop catering to moids.
No. 2005128
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how do people reach these conclusions?
No. 2005190
>>2005184Lesbian is when a man isn't
abusive so he might as well be a woman, hope this helps.
No. 2005414
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Taken from the scandi convention thread: Andrearitsu got his dick cut off LMAOOOOOO
No. 2005473
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>>2004796Agreed. Picrel is the MC from an indie otome that will be translated to English soon. I've seen other women defending it saying that they have friends who look like this or whatever but we all know that's a cope. At least the other game that was announced at the same time as this one looks fine.
My dislike of this phenomenon inspires me to keep studying art and writing so I can make my own yume stuff that appeals to me, to be honest.
No. 2005478
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>>2005473So gross, literally a decade ago otome protagonists weren't sexualized so why do they look like they're eroge characters now?
No. 2005493
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>>2005478Like I said, it's an indie JPN otome. That's not on the same level as the larger companies who made the heroines in your photo. Massive breasts on the MC is an outlier and not an industry trend or anything thank god. I still wanted to complain about it though kek.
Picrel is a heroine from a game (Radiant Tale) that recently came out and I think she has a good, stylish design without being coomery or too over the top.
No. 2005498
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>>2005493Reminds me a bit of this.
No. 2005512
>>2004459>>2004796>>2005012I'm so sick of this shit
because of coomers we can't have nice things
No. 2005531
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>>2005524Reminds me of those otome where it’s just the guys calling you a fatty over and over again
One of the guys in Otometeki demands that you become a full on ana chan who’s the smartest and most popular girl at school for him to even look at you kek.
No. 2005553
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>>2005473Here is a hentai cg from said game. Who the fuck is the target audience for this? It's not even focused on the man. I remember when i complained abt this in a eroge server filled with pickmes, trannies, and scrotes they all jumped on me for "misogyny" for pointing out this was drawn by a raging pickme (one of them even said i was bodyshaming women with big boobs because she's a fatty chan who boasts about having big tits even tho she's 200 pounds kek) . No actual woman likes unrealistically huge tits unless they're a level 100 nlog or have internet meme-induced pseudo bisexuality (basically the former), let alone straight women. God, even in fictional content made for us WE still must look good for scrotes. I fucking hate it. Sorry for the spergout, but this has been bothering me for a while.
>>2005511How is it troon logic if no one loves men more than trannies?
>>2005514Here's your male validation points for the lurking scrotes that use this site!
>>2005516The oneeshota shit makes me wonder if this was made by a scrote, but the art style is really girly and also drew danganronpa hentai which no moid likes. Not to say that women can't or don't like shota stuff when that's obviously not the truth, it's all about presentation.
No. 2005570
>>2005535I guess anas probably do.
>>2005558Kek yep, in the guy ones the girls are like 'senpai you've gotten a little pudgy over the years' while in the one for girls the guy's are just straight up like 'hey fatty, try not to eat after this exercise fatass'
No. 2005590
>>2005581It's depressing shit, if the women also were rude to the guy I probably wouldn't care as much (though obviously being called a fatass by anime characters isn't great weight loss motivation) but it's that only in the girl's version do you get verbally abused is what pisses me off.
>>2005583It's just a classic example of Japan's misogyny. For what it's worth I've heard the other guys aren't huge assholes like the first guy in the girl's one, but they still made the choice to start out with a guy verbally abusing the player.
No. 2005677
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>>2005671Every now and then they can make some actually complex and interesting characters from the trope, but most of the time they're just an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
No. 2005774
>>2005671Well, it has fallen off since then.
Male tsundere and female yandere, both have been fairly toned down into either jokes, subversion, or bottom trash novels.
No. 2006056
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>>2005473This is the kind of thing they take from moids? i wouldnt mind if they took inspiration from monogatari and gave us a perverted, but cool protagonist but instead we have generic hentai protagonist what the fuck
No. 2006268
>>2005990Don't be disingenuous. I didn't respond with Neuvilette/Furina because that's a
valid het ship without the LITERALLY ME~ attached. And yes it matters because Lumine ships are more about self-inserting than actually looking at two characters for who they are and pairing them together because they'd make a cute couple.
No. 2006321
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this is what fandom brain-rot looks like
No. 2006361
>>2006268this started because someone claimed the genshin fandom oppresses all straight ships which is obviously untrue. not about the validity of ships.
>>2006347Literally all of shipping in all of fandom is pointless. tbh crackshippers, for het and gay ships, are usually all fine. It's the people arguing that only canon ships matter and also "[x/y pair] is totally canon!!" that have been making fandoms cancerous since the Harry Potter days. The "so-and-so is lesbian-coded (and therefore your ship is wrong!)" is just another extension of age old "x/y pair is totally canon" argument.
No. 2006392
>>2006372idc about astarion or how fans treat/portray him, I'm too busy laughing at people who feel catfished by the dumb squid on reddit or are whinging because they can't romance this or that or what they did get wasn't enough or was bad because the character didn't turn ooc during sex kek
More seriously, I really enjoyed the game, but man was its popularity a double-edged sword- it attracted a lot of people new to the genre and unable to separate fantasy nonsense from real-world issues or ideas (not like the genre hasn't always had this problem, but god the bg3 fandom is rife with it and takes a lot of jokes or dumb bits of dnd lore super seriously). Also everyone points and laughs at Astarion's meh looks, but Gortash is way worse imo. Odd though how much of a pet character Astarion is, especially when a lot of the characters have thematic overlap or are just plain more interesting/endearing. Oh well.
No. 2006423
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>>2005493Came to comment exactly this but you beat me to it,
nonnie. Succulent is a JP indie circle that makes weird and twisted plots which may sound interesting in concept but contain quite gross details and thus are quite unpopular among the otome fans I know who play JP otome. I went to the twitter of the main scenario writer of succulent and it was full of moid oriented gangbang hentai game retweets, the anesthetics of this game definitely don't represent your average JP otome, commercial or indie.
No. 2006460
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>>2006441I read both BL and otome myself, and agree so much. I was looking up how many jp r18 otome have been released in the recent years and it's a pathetically low number. Releases used to be more frequent back in the early 2010s, but most of the games were downright weird (for example, asshole rapist LIs and shitty plot functioning on porn logic) or fucked up at least in some way (like the seemingly strong protagonist in Princess Britania being smart one route but in another route putting up with the shittiness of a rapist moid who sells her off as a sex slave in the BE.) or just boring rehashed plots (girl learns she has special power, a bunch of boys like her now etc etc). There was also an overall lack of female gaze, CGs like picrel are not as common as they should be. I feel like the JP companies are lazy af, instead of addressing their userbase's complaints they just gave up on the r18 otomes altogether and now 95% otome on the market is sfw stuff with handholding being the max lewd allowed. The remaining 5% being thr moid tier indie r18 that barely qualify as otome and are just outlet for the writers' fetish.
No. 2006744
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I get the general reaction, but seeing moids get legitimately mad at anime edgyboy joker has been pretty funny, especially when they gave him a choker.
No. 2007057
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>>2006744bishie joker is honestly so fucking sexy
No. 2007073
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The alleged 'reinterpretation' of the hp by wokies is such a fascinating thing to witness. These same consumers who were buying all the merch are going on and on about how the series was actually always bad. I literally listened to breadtuber say that Harry's decision to sacrifice himself was "fascistic"
No. 2007612
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>>2005184any relationships that a terminal wokies loves can't possibly be cis-hetero (cause those are oppressive and mean), so it has to be a queer/lesbian relationship
No. 2007727
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>>2007602Rest in peace
nonnie, ?-2024 for being too based
No. 2007840
>>2007725Race places below gender and orientation in the progressive stack, sweetie
>>2007827If you depict something then that means you endorse it!!!!! At least according to the media literacy fandom.
No. 2008135
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a scrote getting banned by EA went viral and gamers outside of the sims community are saying the Sims is too puritan. When in reality, the sims is fine with nsfw mods. this scrote probably had a pedo/beastility mod which is not allowed
No. 2008140
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>>2008136of course the usual suspects are acting obtuse. lolicons and zoophiles need to get over the fact that no company wants to be liable legally thanks to their degeneracy
No. 2008157
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>>2006744It should've happened way before why call him clown prince of crime if not making him cute. His korean version was released in 2021.
No. 2008179
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>Retarded children unironically think YBC is shota
No. 2008198
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>>2008184Men cooming to women of any age is fine though
>>2008187One of the actually funny comments I saw was pointing out how they sell YBC at barnes and noble so by their logic they're selling CP kek.
No. 2008208
>>2008198I remember back in 2020, tiktok zoomers making the ybc opening viral, before doing a complete 180 and talking about how
problematic it is.
No. 2008210
>>2008205She's a weeb who has cash so she can buy shit that makes jealous young weebs angry, she reads yaoi which makes the pick mes and fakebois angry and is chubby which makes the ana chans angry.
From what I've seen that's about it. They say she Asian fishes all the time but Asian fishing is a cope term anyway.
No. 2008211
>>2008208A lot of tiktok types in general will do a thing while talking about how said thing is actually bad and
problematicThey did this also with the friendship is witchcraft song.
No. 2008235
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They are doxxing her too over this.
No. 2008245
>>2008235Well, fakebois are succeeding at acting like scrotes in this case.
>>2008240I feel like it's most likely fakebois doxxing her. Moids very rarely care about this type of shit.
No. 2008249
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>>2008227Lindsay's one way super dumb. She got cancelled for comparing Raya and the Last Dragon and Avatar. Both fictional asian-esque universes.
Jenny at least said a mild slur, even if she was parodying a fucking Disney movie and she was like a teenager at the time.
No. 2008263
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>>2008247Men can rape their mothers and shoot up grocery stores and have plenty of people cape for them
Women read BL manga and they get doxxed
No. 2008269
>>2008266It's why I rarely feel sympathy for fakebois these days, just because they took the gender kool aid doesn't mean that they're instantly
victims of grooming a majority of them have god awful misogynistic personalities that only get more intense when they troon out.
No. 2008275
>>2008269a lot of fakebois have untreated BPD they now consider "masculine traits" because apparently being a
toxic piece of hot garbage is a masculine thing (not that they are wrong…)
No. 2008278
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>>2008254It really doesn't
No. 2008305
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Oh and I guess Koreaboos hate her because she likes Japan better or something.
No. 2008310
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>>2008249>>2008281The Raya Tweet was the catalyst, but basically everything went wrong with her, if she ignored it and just let it happen everyone would have forgotten about it but she doubled down and then her stans started fighting for her
eventually some of her "#
problematic" tweets came out, most of them were benign jokes about films she was watching and her dumb takes, tweets like
>there's probably slave play fan-fic of Harriet Tubman and her owner >tweets supporting James Gunn>comments she made about Zack Snyder(during this period the internet was starting to like Zack Snyder cause he casted a black woman as Iris and called out some rightwing podcast for being racist pricks)and other pointless shit, honestly Its her own damm fault, she'd never win the woke crowd cause nothing is good enough for them
No. 2008314
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>>2008278This is the one that made her get cancelled though
No. 2008318
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>>2008305 my fucking sides at this fakeboi's account though.
>2010sas if the most famous 70s BL (kaze to ki no uta) wasn't about underaged boys kek.
No. 2008327
>>2008305>please do some research into yaoi.Hope they will, kek. Also she thinks most korean BLs are not
toxic??? Insane.
>>2008318She literally knows nothing. Maybe she only read 2010s titles, kek.
No. 2008331
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>>2008305Dont want to go full fujo but this reminds me of the "it has to have real love to be bl because there's love in the name" retardation.
Like goddammn, I'm flabbergasted.
No. 2008335
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>>2008324Kek I made this meme>>2008325Like I said, I genuinely don't know how they came up with this fanfiction.
No. 2008337
>>2008318I’m going to fingerblast myself to
toxic yaoi in honour of this post
No. 2008344
>>2008333with how retarded she sounds it wouldnt surprise me if she was born in the 2010s
>>2008335they dont really care about anime beyond a surface level
No. 2008351
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>>2008344>they dont really care about anime beyond a surface levelIt's pretty questionable if they even like anime to begin with, as mentioned I think a lot of these people are Kpop fan fakebois rather than anime fan fakebois.
No. 2008359
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Sometimes i wish i could make sockpuppets to run gay ops. Go into every single normalfag moid into dragon ball and scrutinize him for supporting pedoshit like dragon ball. These retarded fakeboys could be based and harass moids, but they gotta show their female socialization and take down the ''competence''
No. 2008364
>>2008354They said themselves that they're going to continue commenting on all her posts kek
I'm not even sure what they gain from this though, they're literally just giving her more views and publicity which if I were to put myself into their shoes of a dumbass who unironically believes reading yaoi manga is CP then why the fuck would I want to shill someone to the algorithm who talks about reading it?
No. 2008373
>>2008359I remember moids complaining about some show being pedo (loli) while unironically replying with dbz shots.
Anybody telling them that dbz also had loli was just muted/blocked tbh.
No. 2008391
>>2008390that's true. the first video I found of her was
>>2008351. I guess it's all fun and games to her until some actual sicko decides to stalk her using her doxxed address.
No. 2008395
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The only female pedo I've actually seen was Kyary and even then she never actually fucked kids kek.
They're always applying shit that moids do to women.
No. 2008401
>>2008395kyary is an actual
victim herself, she got semi nude pictures of her sold when she was a kid. not to defend her comments but she's one of those people who has been in the entertainment business since childhood so it clearly fucks you in the head.
>>2008398that's a fair point, pedophilia was normalized in her childhood. she is more of a
victim than a perpetrator.
No. 2008402
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>>2008395Oh and the chick who made 12 forever, but she got fired so whatever (also didn't actually fuck kids, was just kinda creepy on her blog).
>>2008398That's true. I still think a lot of her comments are pretty creepy but you do have a point.
No. 2008406
>>2008402yeah they are definetly creepy and gross, but she's a literal
victim herself so its hard not to have sympathy. She was def molested as kid, there is no fucking way she wasnt.
No. 2008412
>>2008373>>2008377I think the reason is that all the "pedo" stuff in Dragon Ball is in the original show and not DBZ and 99% of people skip DB, even those that do watch DB probably skip the parts with Roshi being a degenerate and pretend none of that happened.
GT also has gross stuff with Pan but everyone hates GT so nobody cares about it.
No. 2008415
>>2008406Agreed. Kinda telling that the only Japanese woman who's kinda pedo was also a
Even more eyeroll worthy that they're applying clearly male mannerisms to women now.
No. 2008422
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>>2008416She's pretty obviously baiting their stupid asses and they keep falling for it kek.
No. 2008437
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>>2008422More Kpoppies getting mad that she doesn't stan the correct Asian country…
No. 2008454
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>>2008450At the end of the day they're truly all Mikas kek.
No. 2008469
>>2008467Yeah but most of the people who play those are the same people who play other gachashit like genshin and FGO rather than Kpop fans.
Honestly makes it all the more strange that Kpop fans obsessively hate a lot of weebs.
No. 2008479
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>>2008477>1 hourdear fucking lord they arent even that cute
No. 2008481
>>2008477Okay I'm going to call this a mental illness. Is being a merchandise collector a subtype of hoarder? Because if being a hoarder is a mental illness, I feel like people who give a fuck about collecting
every single thing from a franchise is a part of that mental illness' spectrum.
No. 2008489
>>2008485I meant online, though the popular tourism probably helps boost the hate quite a bit, lol.
Fwiw, I see it on both right and left sides on twitter. Also here, which is why I didn't want nonnas to misunderstand that I was trying to call them out.
No. 2008553
>>2008545I've only spoken to one but she basically blamed the producers for anything she disliked
ie: There was some group she was into and she claimed that they were all talented and good friends (which I find kinda hard to believe but whatever) and that the producers totally screwed them over by not giving them enough to work with so I kind of presume that's how all of them work.
It's not a societal issue it's evil producers!!! (obviously the producers are shitheads, but a lot of the issues are societal based more than anything).
No. 2008598
>>2008545No not at all, it's a common thing to discuss. They are libfems with lukewarm takes and an agenda to promote their fav though, obviously.
Like 10-15 years ago I used to hang out on an anonymous forum of female fans (kpsm if anyone here remembers?) who gradually changed over the years from mostly boy group stans to worshipping girl groups. This coincided exactly with the growth of tumblr SJWs and stan twitter so it was this bizarre thing where they saw stanning male idols as anti feminist and praising female idols for being hot as the height of pro woman activism. You also lowkey knew they all had a secret boy group bias but hated other male groups who were their competition, so you would get shit on for talking about almost any male. I left because I couldn't handle the faux gay moid twitter lingo and the hypocrisy of thinking feminism = hating on one of the few industries where women get pandered to (in the form of male idols) and celebrating female idols for adhering to the most hideously strict beauty standards around.
No. 2008603
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looked this girl up because she sounded based from all the posts with zoomies trying to attack her but supposedly she's a lesbian even when her whole online persona is enjoying BL and explicit yaoi? Okay. She's standing up to some zoomie brainrot but clearly she's not immune to other kinds
No. 2009927
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Can someone please explain to me what's the appeal of this comic? It has a cool artstyle but everything else is very meh. To be fair I barely suffered through the first part because I was too disappointed to find out the main character is yet another piece of shit annoying crazy moid and not a gorgeous creepy weirdo woman. Every ranfren fan I've seen was a TIF kinning him. The plot so far is underwhelming (yes I know it's supposed to be surreal that's not the problem)
Is it even worth looking deeper into?
No. 2009945
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>>2009927The first part isn't the best but it does get better as you go along. However if you wouldn't/don't like David Firth's weird comedy animations you probably won't enjoy it, it's the same kind of "what the fuck is this person on?"
No. 2009957
>>2009927My personal take is that it’s all a lucid dream. Quite simple this, no deeper meaning. I personally find the fanbase pretty cringe but I don’t partake in fandom in general.
It’s a nice webcomic for dead moments at work, for me.
No. 2009994
>>2009973>>2009944She literally doesn't care, that's how. Plus most people with a working brain knew the callout was retarded and because she didn't respond it died out quickly. And it's fairly easy to ignore people if you only have neocities and tumblr.
>>2009985iirc she lost some files and had to remake pages from scratch
No. 2010011
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>>2009994Samefag, also she's been gamedeving so I'm sure that's taking up a good chunk of time
No. 2010022
>>2007073imagine thinking liking a book series affects trannies in any way, shape or form. get bent
>>2007078hah, good
No. 2010035
>>2008135>>2008136kek, what a moron. I have the wicked whims mod on. There is no issue with sex or ranchy stuff in the sims 4 unless you are doing illegal, weird shit.
I swear these morons live on tiktok and not the real world.
No. 2010088
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libfems will really read up about a man who was an abusive POS, who abandoned his wife and sons, was an actual open rapist and who wrote essentially the first-time child-rape erotica where it's mostly stories of children being raped, murdered, and mutilated and actually come away thinking he was a proto-feminist writing women's agency
No. 2010097
>>2010091>becoming a free-sex loving lesbianI frankly don't remember this part of the book
>and leaving behind male chauvinism.And I didn't have this impression either but maybe my intense hate towards the mc is blurring my judgment
No. 2010535
>>2010421You got cancelled
nonnie? For drawing Bad Art(tm)?
No. 2010546
>>2005184it’s either a straight man into lesbians or an ugly woman who isn’t confident enough to acknowledge her attraction to men
that aren’t fictional or celebrities, so she claims the lesbian label as a sort of pseudo-asexuality. i think many in fandom, in kpop fandoms especially, just want to be that mean lesbian meme too.
No. 2010991
>>2008318>glorified rapethese zoomers are so annoying, it's insane. Why dont they get BL/Yaoi is not supposed to represent real life men? Also, it's fiction. who cares
>in the 2010sShe sounds young af. I started reading bl in the 90s and know they had some in the 80s, like Zetsuai, Ai no kusabi, Kaze to ki no uta… etc
No. 2011044
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I feel so bad for actual lesbians who have to put up with retarded shit like this
No. 2011814
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I often wonder how much potential backlash ATLA would have received if it were released today
No. 2011818
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>>2011814Toph being a male in concept, but changed into a girl would make trannies and TRAs headcanon that she's actually a TIM. But the release of Korra showing that Toph became a mother would make trannies outrage because of "trans erasure" and the "lost potential to make Toph represent transwomen" because of Toph having an actual womb.
No. 2011847
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As fandom TIFs age and surgery becomes normalized, is the era of Chatacter X with vagina and titchop scars coming to an end, to be replaced by the era of Chatacter X with mutilated arms and frankenweenie? I've been off xitter for a while but the only other artist I've ever seen draw this kind of stuff was Homie.
No. 2012139
>>2011931What foot fetish shit? I don't really remember anything like that in the show.
>>2011847Probably. It's going to be like that Tumblr trend of drawing everyone as ugly as possible, but all hot guys are now teeny TIFs with necrotic frankerdicks and shitty tattoos.
No. 2012176
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As a het shipper, I thought I disagreed with fujoshi. But it occurred to me that I rarely ship Canon het couples. Instead, I gravitate toward male and female characters who have a strong platonic bond in Canon. That way, you can have a man risking his life for a woman and it's not presented as a grand romantic gesture that is sure to make the woman fall for him, but just a selfless act of Comradeship from one person to another. Because the story need to prove that those characters care for each other with no attraction involved, it makes their relationship feel more organic. And I think that's one of the appeal of bl as well. A main character ofte have more chemistry with their best friend/rival than with their canon love interest because the latter rarely go farther than "I'm attracted to them and I'm doing this so they like me". Platonic relationships need to go beyond that to justify their love for one another.
No. 2012196
>>2012176imo a major problem with both canon romances and the romance genre in general is that the couples are a device/storytelling element first and actual characters second (if you're lucky). This isn't even a problem specific to romance either btw, it's the same reason why the hero or protagonist is often less popular than side characters because they're limited in what they can be because of their role in the story and the tropes and cliches expected for their story's genre. Then they have to be 'relatable' (more so inoffensive/palatable or self-insertable) on top of that, and you just end up with a shallow, bland piece of fiction that barely stands out from anything else within its niche. It becomes homogeneous and dull.
Shipping (or, to move away from romance, odd character team-ups or friendship fics) is fun for people because they can take the side characters, who get to be more interesting because they don't have to carry a cliche plotline for an entire story and exist for the protagonists to bounce off of, and pair them up with each other (or the protagonist). Then they get to explore dynamics and ideas that the canon pairing would never be able to do because it's between two bland characters who look and act how you expect them to, follow plot beats you can see from a mile away and often exist just to prolong the will-they-won't-they stage of the romance, and who you know are in love not because of chemistry but because they read the script and that's how it goes.
You can argue all fiction is like this, but good fiction hides its mechanical parts, which makes it feel more 'organic'.
I'm not a shipper or interested in romance in general, but canon romances that weren't originally planned by the creator are the best imo, because they spring up from an established platonic/antagonistic relationship and have more of a foundation than 'here a boy, there a girl, inevitably they're gonna kiss' kek
No. 2012279
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>>2012187They really do. Too bad kubo is a degenerate-poised tardwife lover so we got the fat slut as the endgame instead. I know that bleach is a sexist manga ran in a sexist magazine, but orihime and ichigo's "romance" is so disgusting that it makes to love ru, medaka box, and other sj ecchislop look less misogynistic in comparsion. Only people i've seen like orihime are a. blindless woke bleachtards who thinks liking one of the most hated women in animanga makes them seem progressive b. fat costhots c. trannies who are all deplorables in their own right. Not even the moids who fap to her like her, probably because she’s not even a character, she’s a hollow, sexist strawman. In fact, orihime is so dogshit that even the scrotes at pierro pushed ichiruki harder compared to the manga, which created the false narrative that ichigo is who rukia would end up with. It's embarrassing how a studio as soulless as pierro who outsources everything bests kubo's original creator, it's that bad. Speaking of rukia, she had absolutely ZERO romantic chemistry with renji, they're just bros who got married and we all know how couples like that end; with divorce. At least their kid looks normal though unlike ichigo and whorihimes disgrace of a moid, i wish i was her doctor so i could give her a sneak sterilization and prevent her from ever reproducing. Fucking hell, i wouldn't be surprised if he was inbred, i mean, whorihime reminds ichigo of his mom, right? Not only that but they both look very similar to each other, their moid son is gonna have a hard time in high school when he finds out his parents are cousins, kek.
People say whorihime was a good character in the beginning, but i couldn't agree less. She's always been all boobs no brain, and for a supposedly intelligent character her moments of that are ALWAYS depicted as a fluke. She was best pre society and even then she acted like a literal kid who had the body of an adult woman. You know those severely autistic people who can only do kindergarten math and use a tablet to communicate yes and no questions? She's basically that. In soul society it only gets worse, now i'm only on ep 50 of bleach as i continue my rewatch so i could be wrong but she's done nothing thus far and this is what trips me out the most with whorihime defenders; they think she's a strong capable wahmen because she did one actually useless thing per arc (the thing being not dying) and because of that her hatred is "misogyny". In the arrancar arc her only purpose was being passed around by aizen, ulquiorra, and nnorita on the hourly. It's whatever though, ultimately kubo has the soul of a black man which is more than evident with his love of fat chicks such as whorihime. Maybe i'll make a bleach gay porn parody where ichigo gets defiled by all the attractive scrotes in the series in various ways.
No. 2012290
>>2012279I'm an ichiruki shipper too but
>whorihimeThis is just unhinged
No. 2012344
>>2012333I don't get why people play ukulele when they can play guitar. Ukulele is basically guitar's retarded younger brother. Surely, it's a great instrument on its own but those enbies play like three chords or so.
The "b-but guitars are not cheap" thing is rubbish. Those people don't get bottom of the barrel ukuleles either and a mid Cort costs maybe slightly more.
No. 2012898
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Unabashed lolifags are super degens, but there’s something extremely funny about people I regularly see on my tl like picrel where they enjoy fucked up shit yet still have to rationalize it with “MUH TRAUMA” “ITS TOTES A NORMAL COPING MECHANISM” or something like that. Like just admit you’re a degen outright instead of all these mental gymnastics
No. 2013738
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>>2012279Not a big fan of her either, but i liked her in the Hueco Mundo Arc. Yes i used to ship her a lot with ulquiorra back in the day. Yes, it was clichê
problematic trash, but it was the closest that kubo came to give her something to do even if it was a reclycled plot and she was characterisaded as a mcguffin. Ulquihime had some chemistry anyway
Beside emoboy cute
No. 2013937
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>>2012279Ship so good that even having the couples canon it is still hated. Seeing people upset at every post of theirs just shows that their canon (ichihime) is pure pointless garbage. What bothers me is how the English voice actors behaved so unprofessionally by calling Rukia "a dead old woman" and fighting with artists on Twitter for posting Ichiruki fanart.
>>2013738Orihime's case is quite sad, because she started out as a fun, sentimental and sweet character for fanservice and over time she degraded to being the worst damsel in distress archetype who only screams the protagonist's name, and her fans are no better, all they know how to do is talk about their huge tits, lots of sexual jokes and more. It's incredible how Orihime is more sexualized than Rangiku by the fandom.
No. 2014107
>>2011814Omg I was just thinking about that yesterday! Especially with respect to Zuko. Would people roll their eyes at his redemption story the same way they’re rolling their eyes at Azula’s? Can you even imagine the nonstop discourse about cultural appropriation because the creators are inspired by real world cultures instead of doing a 1:1 copy past of it.
Americans Indians and Westernised Indians would cry a lot about the name of the show and how it uses lots of concepts from Hinduism but lacks any mention of India. Idk but I’ve been seeing a lot of Western-Indian takes from people that forget they have 3 media industries in their country.
No. 2014108
>>2011823Given how they behaved with Korrasami and Kyoshi becoming a 6’ bisexual yeah probably they both seem very much into the “I support Current Thing”.
They would kneel so much into the whole “the avatar spirit is enbie!” Seriously thank god the show came out when it did.
No. 2014118
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>>2014098The internet was a mistake
No. 2014152
>>2014107>roll their eyes at his redemption storyI think it would still be considered fresh/interesting if atla came out today instead of when it did because, well, you wouldn't have had over a decade of people talking about it and being influenced by it and the show. I like atla, but I don't like how it's the HP of western animation in a lot of ways, as many of the people who sing its praises need to broaden their horizons, like the whole 'read another book' thing with HP fandom back in the day (Hunger Games is similar but less vocal). The show has had a massive impact on western animation/fiction for what it was, as you can see its DNA in a lot of recent media (especially YA books)– though I'd argue that people generally don't pull off the 'zuko arc' so much as just include a vague badboy redemption arc, as much as people will cite the character as inspiration. They kinda miss the moving parts required and just use an archetype and similar surface elements.
>same way they're rolling their eyes at Azula’stbh I don't think she needs a redemption arc, she was a good antagonist and was taken down by her own flaws. Zuko works because he was a less effective villain and had his ideals challenged repeatedly, with his change of heart and eventual redemption being done before the end of the main story. Azula is cool and a good character, but a redemption arc at this point feels too pander-y and out of place with the rest of the story. Maybe if they'd had an extra season and done it back in the day, but it still wouldn't have been necessary and would have likely just softened her character too much. I love a good redemption story, but not every plot needs one and most villains don't either (in canon, anyway), and I'm kind of tired of fandoms pushing for them for every character once one character is having one. You can like characters that are bad/mean/evil kek.
sorry for the sperg, love discussing narratives lol
No. 2014370
>>2014300that book anon is seething about looks like isnt even true ABO because theres no sudden dicks or forced pregnancy, its just about having a possessive werewolf gf that protects you from bullies kek. i fail to see how that is "exaggerated heterosexuality" unless all possessiveness and protectiveness from a fictional girlfriend is considered basically hetero-sex lite. once again some pearl clutching faggot is trying to moralize the most vanilla lesbian sexuality as perverse and
abusive, same old shit. i would understand if it was troonshit or some poly bsdm, but this looks like its the most milquetoast lesbian erotica ive ever stumbled across.
>>2014250>"severe porn addiction"its an erotic novel with probably like 5 sex scenes out of some 80,000 words.
get a fucking grip and stop arguing like a kiwiscrote who adopts their arguments from radfems to strongarm random women into twisting themselves into self-hating puriteens
No. 2014933
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>>2013937I had completely forgotten about when she was first introduced, had a plot with her brother and a personality. I guess the amount of "KUROSAKI-KUN" destroyed my mind as well as her charaterization. Goes to solidate your point,
Still, loved that even as damsel in distress made cute emoboy feel something for the first time in his life. Sad indeed her fate, she had so much potential.
No. 2015171
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>>2015071Anime has been normified since 2020, sorry you only watched crap mainstream stuff.
No. 2015263
>>2015028>>2014107>would people roll their eyes at his redemption story the same way they’re rolling their eyes at Azula’s?I will die on the hill that if Azula were male, she would be loved by fandom.
>>2014125Does this have dicks?
>>2014152>d I'm kind of tired of fandoms pushing for them for every character once one character is having one.That's not why people want to have a redemption arc for her. It's because she never had a chance to be a good person, and it'd be interesting to see that happen.
>but it still wouldn't have been necessary and would have likely just softened her character too much.And this is why I don't want one for her. A good redemption arc would keep are asshole just with some semblance of morality and she keeps her sadistic impulses in check when dealing with good people. But any redemption is probably going to have her be nice and kind and shit so I don't want one.
No. 2015348
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I used to think this comic was kinda based until I found out that the context is someone drawing Sofia the First porn. God damn it.
No. 2015592
>>2015465Googled and can already tell from image search alone that the most
toxic people alive love to make these bitches their pfps. Like lain
No. 2015614
>>2015592animecore zoomers have nothing to do with the show
>>2015597There's been a couple separate ones, I could tell the difference by the way they baited/sperged. I don't think people wanting to get a lazy reaction put that much work into it. Still sad.
No. 2015727
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Feels like the other side of coin, but still liked way more than that sexist edit
No. 2016531
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wokies now get offended over skin tones of real people
No. 2016533
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>>2016531and this is who the baby is supposed to be. The actress is actually Puerto Rican, but she looks ethnically ambiguous
No. 2016725
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>>2016531The OUAT fandom is a depressing state where its just swanqueen truthers and people who hate on the actor who played mary margaret because she made a pro-Israel post a few days after the attack.
No. 2016828
>>2016725I’ve seen that hashtag quite a few times over the years and someone is always mad about it.
OUAT also fell off after s4 or so. I’m sure the fandom is small but still crazy.
No. 2017208
>>2017179But consider this, she will still be like that without internet access, but just unable to make it public. If you pick proship, she’s gonna be the person buying erotic splatterpunk books about women being raped and brutalized, but tell you that it’s fine because it’s not real. If you pick antiship, she will verbally abuse the librarian for daring to have Twilight because it romanticizes abuse and
problematic age gaps. Which one is it,
No. 2017213
>>2017039Anti if she's a kid. I don't actually care about "
problematic" stuff existing online but I'd be concerned if my underage daughter was online wking porn artists kek. If she's an adult I don't care
>>2017130I feel like they both troon out a lot just because fandom people in general tend to be gendies
No. 2017641
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No. 2017817
>>2017105Unironically being "
problematic" and not caring about fiction is the most normie thing ever
No. 2018011
>>2017986Reminded me of when some degenerate shit artist went to prison for drugs/abuse and people seriously expected criminals to care that he drew shit on the internet.
They did not care. They're criminals.
No. 2018310
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Interesting, I think this says something about fandom brain rot
No. 2019330
>>2018310fandomtards will revive terms like yaoi and fujoshi from their "unwoke/
problematic" ways in their attempts to larp as old anime fans but not bishie
No. 2019925
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>>2006615perhaps, but we also have tales like this being made unironically, so it's hard to tell.
No. 2020428
Hate how despite fandoms for the better part of most of the 2010s going on and on and on about strong badass female characters they will never put half as much energy into either creating or caring about female characters.
I know it’s really silly but it makes me upset how at times it feels like no one wants to create well written, interesting, or charismatic and powerful female characters without some kind of caveat.
I sometimes think about how when given the opportunity to write the female character people wrote essays about on tumblr they instead write BL. I know it’s stupid but I seriously expected cool and dynamic female centric stories on webtoon instead of….BL and romance
No. 2020456
>>2020428Ironically I've seen the same thing but with
>wah why story remake woke>make your own lol>never makes own storyLike the people who complained both ways ended up not making any new stories or the 3 right wingers that did weren't good storytellers so it sucked anyway
No. 2021162
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>>2021096>>2020470Yeah why not create something then. I really thought that with webtoons we'd be seeing all the cool female characters tumblr daydreams about back in the days but instead people just kept romance/BL.
This aversion to creating anything with female characters just puzzles me. I'm not just saying why don't they appreciate generic female character btw.
Idk why but following the JJK spoilers I just felt like no story that centers a female cast or character will ever get this much love. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic
>>2020616I differentiated them because on here people treat them like they're different genres, at least based on all the fujo/anti-fujo slap fights When I said romance I meant het romance. GL isn't even on the table anyway at least with Western fangirls.
>>2020476Because fanboys famously resent and ignore male characters because they're also mostly straight men.
>>2001484I'm going to be honest after jumping to different platforms it feels like nonnies here are more ready to hate on female characters or weirdly justify their hatred or ambivalence to them. I feel like it's become more common to criticize writers except for here apparently.
No. 2021184
>>2019822>>2019814sage for incoming sperg blogpost you name it
I got into fandom around 1999 and have been a passive participant since. While fandom space has changed over time I'll say that it's always had a presence of people with a "holier-than-thou" attitude because it majorly consisted of losers and nerds and some of them would grasp at any chance to seem better than others. The evolution of social media has amplified this though.
Anyway, my personal gripe with fandom nowadays is that everyone is projecting their personal experiences onto EVERYTHING they consume of media. Not just that, but the notion that what you consume has to be morally correct and not contain any "
problematic" themes is so, so tiring. I am tired of "takes" because most people don't know how to separate real life from fiction at all anymore and I am not even talking about the rampant pedophiles within the anime community.
It's just so tiring to be in a space that is supposed to be fun only for people to project everything else onto it. Please, let me dine in peace.
No. 2021200
>>2021162There are fanboys that hate male characters and rather they not exist at all. Iirc when a male mc was announced for Blue Archive's anime adaption, there was seething due to having him near "their" women/the women not just liking each other and they considered him too handsome to self insert into.
This isn't rare, if you added a guy to bocchi thr rock they'd probably get pissed at that too.
No. 2021217
>>2020428Anime and manga as industries are dominated by male gaze crap that seeps into every aspect of the storytelling, characters, and presentation, even to the point that some stories written by women fall prey to the sexist tropes laid out by the genre. Women who care about women-focused stories simply aren't in shounen fandoms.
It's an issue worldwide that media that is male-oriented is seen as somehow gender-neutral despite having an obvious and heavy male focus, not only in terms of characters but the mentality of the writer, tone, themes, dialogue, etc., meanwhile media that focuses on women is seen as only being for women.
But most average adult women are too busy consuming media actually designed for us to really care if some shitty Nipponese cartoons made for teenage boys and weird loser men feature fair depictions of us or not. If you want to see more women talking about women instead of spending their time obsessing over cartoon boys, step back from anime and similar fandoms catered towards manchildren (video games).
No. 2021220
>>2021096I've seen people that like and draw female characters as much as they do men, they buy merch for them, celebrate their birthdays, buy dolls of them and dress them up, even take them out to eat and have photo shoots.
Issue is they like them the
same way they like male characters, which means they're not particularly "good", or "strong" female characters, like the horse girls that are popular with women.
Also aren't there still characters like Rika, who is the most popular pokemon character for women?
No. 2021268
>>2021228For some reason these two seem like much more consistent characters than other secondary characters in this series. Maybe because their backstories give us a lot of information on the setting and context of everything going on, while other important characters are either not brought up again in a meaningful way after dying or getting injured
like Nobara and I would have said Todo but I guess that doesn't apply anymore now, or they're just here to look cool and strong. I've seen some people saying it's thanks to the previous editor who gave better limits and advice to the mangaka until he got replaced, others saying the mangaka like Gojo and Geto more than other characters, or that they're so popular he sometimes focuses more on them for money, etc. Who knows.
No. 2021285
>>2021228Gojo isn't a strong character, it's the idea of his concept (power, aesthetic, personality) that's 'compelling' and Geto is barely anything in the grand scheme of things but is popular for similar reasons plus being a major shipping option for Gojo. I highly doubt either character would have similar fandoms if they were the exact same but female, since so much of their popularity with female fans is as a pretty fandom bicycle and one of his regular riders. Moids might like it but who cares about them.
Personally, both characters aren't that interesting, nor do they really stand out among any other series' characters who share similar traits. Hell, Gojo was one of the dullest parts of jjk imo, and his last big fight was one of the most boring stretches of the manga in a while. jjk in general has some interesting concepts for its genre in the beginning, but a number of choices has led to very little of any of it being developed or paid off as well as it was originally set up.
>>2021204Same, and I hate how 99% of the time any fic content for female characters I do like has them hollowed out and softened to make them into palatable skins for self-insertion (even stuff without shipping). I have similar bad luck with male characters though, so maybe my picks are just prone to excessive warping in fandom kek
No. 2021304
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>>2021228No, and that's the point. In a series like JJK where the plot is abysmal and every single character is written like absolute assblasted shit, most female (heterosexual) fans will latch onto, you guessed it, the males. Why? All because of one simple reason. Because MAPPA made Gojo look kinda fuckable.
I'm really tired of this women-on-women hate for not "appreciating female characters" like they do the male characters. Men aren't getting any sort of moralfagging of this nature when they throw massive ape chimpouts when their animanga and eroge protagonists dare not be fat, ugly, a loser and a virgin. Leave heterosexual women alone with their mid-ass blorbos of the week for fucks sake.
No. 2021334
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>>2021326This is gonna be controversial but when I think of well-written female characters I always think back on the female characters in ASOIAF (in the books only, NOT the series in any shape way or form). Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Catelyn, many of the Targaryen women in Fire&Blood and to a certain extent even Cersei and Daenerys (though these are oversexualized at points and objects of GRRM's lesbian coom fetish). I'm still pissed at what they did with all of them in the GoT, in the books they're one of the most complex and interesting non-sexualized female characters I've ever come across in fiction. Sansa especially.
No. 2021350
>>2021326>>2021346I think the point is that you don't need a good reason to like a male character, something as simple and meaningless as "he's hot lol" works. If anything, people will side eye you for saying you like them because they're deep and complicated.
Meanwhile with female characters you need to justify it, mention how it might be a weird thing to say, mention how you dislike any sexualization, etc.
No. 2021355
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>>2021304>>2021326this topic annoys me so much. in the early days of fandom, female characters were brutally bashed for getting in the way of yaoi ships and were clearly misogynistic about it. As someone who's been in fandoms for over a decade now, this is not much of a thing anymore. misogyny in fandom still exists but it's genuinely not as bad as it was 10 years ago. instead the conversation's now moved to women and trannies accusing women of misogynism now for not creating enough fancontent. there are plenty of yuri and even het ships in fandoms dominated by women but that's "not good enough" because there are still usually more yaoi ships and even here you have anons sperging about how they're totally oppressed for liking het ships. there's plenty of fanart and twit threads and whatever of female characters even in shounenslop too but that's again "not good enough" because women still generate more content and discussion for male characters. I feel fairly confident in saying that women creators probably even create the majority of yuri fanworks in fandoms like madoka magica but that's also not good enough for whatever reason.
meanwhile how often do we see males create any sort of fan content at all?? let alone yaoi or even fanart of males?? the vast majority of content by male creators is ai slop of waifus, badly proportioned hentai of waifus, and crossover harem shit of their self-insert banging waifus. further, when males hate a character (usually liked by women) they have actual meltdowns such as bullying developers into changing or censoring stuff including even in other fandoms somehow.
but nobody cares because the expectation for men is, as usual, nonexistent. instead the 'real' big social issue generating endless discussion in fandom is once again how women creators aren't performing enough.
No. 2021371
>>2021364ayrt it's not about there being no strongly written female characters, it's that giving an example that won't be nitpicked or found wanting can be very difficult because female characters are often judged more strongly than male characters. Not just here either, I see it around a lot and have encountered it in more academic settings too– have had to sit through people discussing characters like Lolly Willowes as being NLOGs… could feel my brain cells dying kek.
For the record though, I also enjoy Arcane's female characters, they're a lot of fun. Both looking forward to and kinda dreading the next season lol
No. 2021423
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>>2021412shit taste, wide girls are the best
No. 2021426
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>>2021413i still cant believe people simp so much for this dude when he looks like an absolute retard half of the time. lets not even talk about geto and his disgusting monkey ears
No. 2021450
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>>2020428I think picrel describes what you mean
No. 2021451
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>>2021447youre right actually, doesnt his beauty make you horny? daddy gege really be out here saving us with his hot men fr
No. 2021455
>>2021334agreed. it galls me to praise a moid and the books aren't perfect but a lot of his female characters are great. cersei and asha greyjoy were two very interesting ones in how they differently reacted to being women with some power in a misogynistic culture.
>>2021448nayrt and grrm definitely (over) uses historical parallels but even so the chracters' psyche is interesting, not just the events
No. 2021460
>>2021451Thank god the character designs for the second season looks better. And to answer your question, I said that because one of the characters in the manga describes him
or rather Kenjaku piloting his body as pretty and having delicate features so it's canon that he's supposed to be hot but he looks good only like half (?) of the time.
No. 2021463
>>2021446I'm not going to like something just because it has 'for girls!' slapped on it lol. If you enjoyed it then power to you, but it has nothing that appeals to me when it comes to fiction, sorry. Besides, you should never accept crumbs, life's too short for that.
>>2021457your dedication sounds very sweet anon, and I'm glad you found a quality fandom niche to hang out in– those can be pretty hard to find these days, even in small fandoms.
No. 2021477
>>2021459I’d rather not say, since the fandom is so small that looking her up on Google images pulls up my own fanart. I’ll say it’s a battle shounen series from Weekly Shounen Jump and leave it at that.
>>2021463Thanks nona. Truth be told there are still some annoying zoomers in the fandom who reduce her character to dommy mommy peg queen or troon her out, but it’s small enough that it’s manageable to avoid them, and these aspects are entirely absent from the eastern side of the fandom thankfully. I’m objectively the person who makes the most content for her in the EN side so people haven’t given me too much trouble as of yet. Recently met another EN speaking fan of the series who understands her character without shoving in dumb fandom memes and headcanons and it feels fantastic.
No. 2021488
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>>2021382I've brought up my favorite franchise "for moids" on this topic before, many threads ago, because I said that if you want focus on female characters then you should play, read or watch series that actually focus on them, so I'd have no problems bringing up female characters I actually like whether they're from Sakura Wars or not. I also brought up my favorite recent hetero couple in like the previous thread, if we talk about similar situations.
I'm pretty sure on /m/ I got somebody to complain about Sakura because it's for moids, but at that point idgaf. I think some nonas just want to complain and infight without even really knowing what they're talking about because all they read or watch is fotm or shonen classics (which are always going to focus on male characters because of the target demographic). The truth is that this attitude will only make discussion about female characters more and more rare because women are too timid to go against public opinion. I don't care if I get called a moid again because lolcow anonymous user n. 38476 needs to tell me that liking something she doesn't like is a sign I'm totally a scrotum haver.
Also I've read that being unable to stand people with different taste in things than you is a sign of female autism, so make of that what you will.
No. 2021491
>>2021452people pay lip service to supporting female creators but then nitpick and cancel them for every single thing. see: the fandom hatred for JKR, vivziepop, omocat. meanwhile male creators can and often do 100x worse but are still praised or defended. see: one piece's women held up as paragons of great writing and gooseworx getting held up as a woke and unproblematic queen despite being openly degenerate. the only male creator that's somewhat disliked now, that I recall at elast, in the enligsh speaking fandom at least is the creator of rurouni kenshin and even then I've seen fans going "but but but you have to separate the art from the artist!!" which somehow never seems to apply for Harry Potter.
Women streamers were attacked and bullied en-masse for daring to play Hogwarts Legacy. Meanwhile plenty of male manga artists continue to associated with the kenshin creator and face almost no drama for it.
No. 2021500
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>>2021382i mean is there someone who actually hates her?
No. 2021505
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>>2021382I have before if we’re exclusively talking about animanga here
>>2021391Do it anyway, mine is a pseudo-loli kek. (I think she’s just petite but others might call her a loli)
No. 2021511
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>>2021355I saw a post describing this type of thing today but for pokemon waifufags…
No. 2021512
>>2021382I tried to once on a different thread and someone called me chris chan for some reason? yeah definitely not
>>2021500one of my ex online friends used to complain all the time about how much she hated rainbow dash because she thought she was selfish and rude or something. that friend turned out to be a huge piece of shit herself kek
No. 2021517
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>>2021506I swear I’ve talked to the same 1 or 2 anons about this multiple times but I couldn’t agree more. Im not the most into military stuff but I’d kill for that type of setting with cute boys. Hell Perrine would actually probably be my #1 husbando if she were a male but I love her as is
No. 2021520
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>>2021505my favourite female anime character will forever be saber
No. 2021522
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>>2021433You'd be surprised, I got a straight guy to play Hashihime.
No. 2021531
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>>2021520No offense anon but she's pretty boring, she does look mad sexy in the suit though I won't deny that.
No. 2021534
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>>2021526That's another anon lol, I like pic related.
No. 2021543
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>>2021382Gotta love girls with imaginary friends on the austism spectrum.
No. 2021567
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Is anyone else frustrated when their favorite work of fiction has barely any fandom at all? Pic related for me. I just want ot3 content between the main characters damnit. I'm also frustrated that if I make any content related to it, it will get no engagement.
No. 2021583
>>2021581its called
dream girlfriend yes, its a cringe game
No. 2021586
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>>2021382Here I go. I know the reputation 2hu has but she's been special to me for a very long time.
No. 2021592
>>2021567It got nendoroids pretty recently.
Not a fan myself but I have some friends who are into pandora hearts, main one ships Gilbert with his brother and despises Oz and Alice though.
No. 2021684
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This is from an engagement bait acc but I’ll take this opportunity to say if a woman likes these games besides the non gooner hes a tranny
No. 2021687
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>>2021355Love how you skipped over why yaoi got so popular in western fandom, to pretend that they're being allies or that their ships are morally superior. Now women rarely even create original stories that center on women
>>2021382 I'd go to literally anywhere else to appreciate her. She'd get called a pick me or someone would find some kind of flaw. Seriously only come here if you want to enjoy male characters. Every single female character is either not good enough or created with coomer thoughts in mind.
On the other hand if you wanted to hate on a female character (or really just characters in general), LC is actually amazing for that. I don't want to fall into this trap of praising any female character because she's a woman like
>>2021199>>2021457> Be the change you want to see in the world, do it for her.I do but I feel so demotivated at times because as this thread keeps proving no one cares about female characters much. I was just thinking if we could have something as sensational as any shonen but it centers on women. Again looking at webtoon and OC media created by the the same type of people in fandom circles it feels no one wants to even try.
No. 2021688
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>>2021684The "ideal girl" that moids fantasize about is just a delusional man
No. 2021713
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Well, it's not like Shounen Jump isn't trying, though their female protagonist titles tend to be more sol than shounen.
No. 2021722
>>2021715Ruri Dragon, Akane-banashi, Blue Box.
Honestly Ruri Dragon is very cute and has a nice mother daughter bonding story.
No. 2021735
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>>2021382Hexadecimal is without flaw.
>>2021355Korean moids deserve the rope. Animal torturers deserve the rope.
>>2021457I just wish I could anonymously talk to other women about female characters more. Moids will always inject themselves into the conversation outside of small sites like here, but here there's so many nlogs who want to shit down normal anons' throats for daring to like female characters.
No. 2021739
>>2021567I understand your pain. I’d love to see more content and engagement with my sort of dead fandom but really, I think this may be for the best. The leftovers in my particular fandom tend to be either weirdo gendie self inserters or those that like to argue about which version was better and literally nothing else, I don’t think I’d like to see an influx of that.
>>2021713I’ve read a few chapters of the dragon girl, I’ll have to get back to it. I’ll try out the other two as well.
No. 2021754
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>>2021713Shounen Jump does has a battle shounen with a legit female lead, actually. Undead Unluck has a hyper moidy first handful of chapters but afterwards, the female lead gets ton of development and becomes the full on main protagonist. She stops getting sexualized, she starts partcipating in fights hands-on, and it made me feel a bit giddy like a little kid. It's not for everyone, but it was one of the most pleasant surprises I've read in ages.
No. 2021791
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>>2021684Kek at the actual guy in the replies
No. 2021805
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>>2021800>All the way throughYeah…you got me there…
No. 2021812
>>20216871. lolcow isn't the entire world or even a good representation of fandom as a whole
2. nobody has ever shit on homura that's actually watched the show. 3x3s in the anime thread a while ago proved how loved she is amongst the weebs here.
3. only characters that get called pickmes or coombait are actual pickmes and coombait, e.g. the one piece girls
>Again looking at webtoon and OC media created by the the same type of people in fandom circles it feels no one wants to even try.>Now women rarely even create original stories that center on womenthis is complete whiny bullshit, have you actually tried looking for content. read gl webtoons, read webtoons in general (pyramid game was popular for a while), etc. you can't enter fandoms like jjk or whatever shonenslop and expect a significant portion of people to gaf about women outside of a coom context
No. 2021815
>>2021804Pretty sure these
>>2021713 were all written by women.
No. 2021822
she gets fucked by large bugs as well. One of my personal cows who’s a massive pickme that’s been into eroge since she when was in middle school tried to convince me that it’s actually a totes feminist masterpiece to describe how pregnant women are treated. Fucking kek.
No. 2021828
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>>2021822I ship her and the 'real eroge fan' guy.
No. 2021840
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>>2021837Their fave could also be baraki though
No. 2021848
>>2021837KEK I hate roidpig ukes I would never play NTY.
>>2021840 is right, baraki is my favourite
No. 2021853
>>2021848Don't feel about it
nonnie, he only did programming shit for it and didn't actually write or draw anything for baraki (he actually did write a route for NTY though)
No. 2021858
>>2021687>Now women rarely even create original stories that center on womentop of my head right now. MLP. Witch Hat Atelier. Apothecary Diaries. Otoyomegatari. Yona of the Dawn. Chihayafuru.
Maybe you need to look around more. I think there are perhaps less anime adaptations of manga starring women than before, particularly of shoujo manga, but you're nuts if you want to blame women in fandom for that.
No. 2021862
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>>2021821I mean I have spicy faves too but I don't want to subject anons to my pure retardation about her. I love unhinged alien women.
>orihime or sakuraOrihime and Sakura are
victims of horrible moid writing more than anything. There'd be a thousand times less hate for them if they were allowed to be useful.
No. 2021865
>>2021858The GOAT Ikoku Nikki is also getting an anime
soon and along with Madara Moyou no Yoi they are two recent examples of series by BL artists that focus on female characters.
No. 2021866
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>>2021382I have multiple, thinking about them make me wanna giggle and kick my feet
No. 2021893
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>>2021866And those are only my absolute favorites, I have way more
>"th-theyre gonna bash me if I post mine"You bitches are WEAK
No. 2021898
File: 1716765218299.jpg (2.57 MB, 3264x3264, evil_bitches.jpg)

>>2021893A while back I tried to do one for main female villains but I struggled
I don't even like all of these characters too…
No. 2021916
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>>2021874Are we 3x3 posting now?
No. 2021924
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>>2021382i love the female side characters in tf2 but i'll never forgive scrotes for what they did to ms pauling. moids can't comprehend a female character without making her the designated sex object of an entire fandom.
No. 2021928
>>2021382/m/fag so i definitely brought most of them up in there.
cba to make a collage but
>minerva mcgonagall>azula>asha greyjoy (from asoiaf NOT got)>cersei lannister (same)>shiv roy No. 2022129
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Welp, it happened again. I saw a interesting video essay on a niche horror visual novel I like and then boom - tranny voice. I know it keeps happening and I never learn my lesson but still, for the love of god, can there please be more cis woman or even cis men doing videos on these subjects. I'm so tired.
No. 2022306
She died way too early.
No. 2022419
>>2022373ayrt i love book jaime, his pov chapters are so good. love how the lannisters are such a hot mess.
tyrion is an interesting character but the fandom kinda ruined him for me, and i haven't even watched got.
least favourite character is jon snow btw lol.
No. 2022437
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>>2021932>>2021382Surprised not seeing more Revvy, since she is pretty much the "badass anti-hero" archetype just gender bend.
No. 2022516
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>>2022129Somewhat similar but I really don't want Witch Hat Atelier to get adapted. I just know that the fandom will be annoying and I try not to be judgmental about the mangaka but I just keep getting weird vibes from her that will make the fandom surrounding the manga (and future anime) really annoying.
You can already see pockets of that now with the manga
No. 2022525
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>>2022516I know it's very selfish I me I should obviously want it to be popular and everything but I like it's position as this super high quality manga that people respect but it's not mainstream
No. 2022666
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>>2021928samefag can't belive i forgot to mention kerry weaver smh.
>>2022426word. moids love him bc hes a blank slate for them to insert themsleves into (powerful guy with cool wolf but 0 personality). i hate how everything is about him but hes such a cardboard cutout of a character. sasuke ass mf.
there's so much m/f shipping fanfic about him too. i guess it's because he's such an empty character, he's perfect as the bland romance lead for easy projection.
asoiaf has so many interesting and complex character, it's a shame one of the leads is such a nothingburger. Ome ppl will day "oh that's bc hes young" but sansa, arya or daenerys are younger than him and have a well developed personality. he's just a boring ass gary stu
doesn't help taht his chapters are all at the wall which is the most boring setting.
>>2022380you're so right. shiv's actor sarah snook mentioned that in an interview, that shiv is held to much higher standards than the moid characters despite every charcter on the show being a piece of shit in their own way.
imo it's even more annoying when the same fans who shit on shiv baby kendall, despite him being the one who deliberately turns himself into a copy of their shitty father. it's so obvious in the finale and yet people act like shiv is the worst kind of evil for not siding with him.
it's the same with asoiaf/got, people act like cersei is literally satan then turn around and worship evil moid characters like ramsay or littlefinger.
No. 2022753
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>>2021924omg nona I have such a crush on The Administrator, I love evil old women
Admin/Pauling is my OTP kek it sucks that tf2 is yaoibait because none of the fans care about them even though they're actually interesting characters by tf2 standards
No. 2022776
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>>2021382fuck it rate my 3x3 favourites
No. 2022787
>>2022781i just looked through the thread, is this yours?
>>2021998, because i fucking love when people love both madoka and ahiru.
No. 2022799
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>>2021916get on my level, i am going to get stoned for most of these
No. 2022804
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>>2021916here is one for vidiya
I don't watch anime or read manga much anymore to have a 3x3 for either
No. 2022814
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>>2007073Imagine promoting Cassandra Clare's works, just to dunk on Rowling.
No. 2022824
>>2022815>Does she do something in the later seasons people hate her for or is it just misogyny?It's both. You'll see why.
I also didn't like her on my first watch because I was
so anxious about Walt succeeding and blind to his absolute total psychopathy. It was only upon a rewatch that I realized she's an incredible character.
No. 2022835
>>2022833I hate the manga so much,
nonny. I wish there was a manga based on the anime. the anime culled the lolishit, it's amazing.
No. 2022855
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>>2022826I also made a videogame one
>>2022850a lot of series I consumed as a teen are heavily criticised nowadays but I still feel nostalgic about them even if they're moidslop. also something can be criticised and enjoyable at the same time, especially anime, even IPs made by women are not safe from moid influence. if you think something is morally reprehensible just don't support the artist or give the fandom any attention.
it does annoy me that IPs supposedly made to cater to women still have to cater to men otherwise "it won't sell" but IPs made to cater to men do 0 effort to cater to women.
No. 2022877
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>>2021382I have a lot of female characters that I like, but my favourites tend to cycle every now and then.
No. 2022932
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>>2022908What counts as loli is determined on a case by case basis by artstyle, Madoka does have a loli in it, but she's noticeably smaller than the rest of the cast, they're not loli but also not adult.
No. 2022936
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>>2022922it still looks like lolibait for moids to me or why is it necessary to make so much beach artwork of them? (even bikini figures)
No. 2022941
>>2022934>againKekkkk this website I swear
>>2022936Yeah the merchandise is scrotey but the actual show is shockingly chaste.
No. 2022948
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>>2022936Meh, this isn't even that sexualized of a figure (it's literally just a swim suit, which stuff like Azumanga also had figures of). Even when they did 'bunny figures' for Madoka it was just frilly dresses with bunny ears as opposed to playboy bunny suits.
No. 2022953
>>2022946Lots of franchises go crazy with the merch and gacha collabs despite having little to no fanservice in the show, it's not all that uncommon.
It's just a matter of being greedy and trying to squeeze as much money as possible from a product.
No. 2022954
>>2022951Yeah I'm not sure why Asuka and Rei get a pass (who were in almost everyone's 3x3s) but Madoka characters don't.
I say this as someone who has Madoka and Asuka in their 3x3s as well.
No. 2022963
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>>2022957Gainax wanted the sweet sweet otaku bux
No. 2022968
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>>2021917She's better than 99% of other yanderes because she has an actual backstory and character development. Detective Kaworu is overrated anyways, has none of the charm or appeal of the real Kaworu.
>>2022826Rebecca is great, easily one of the best parts of Edgerunners.
>>2022908>>2022901>teenagers>look like teenagers>not sexualized>"loli">>2021916No category because it would take too long.
No. 2022970
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>>2022966Ironically these are pre rebuild, but agreed those movies are a trash fire.
Fuckin hate Mari for stealing Misato’s spot.
No. 2022981
>>2022968>She's better than 99% of other yanderes because she has an actual backstory and character developmentBackstory yes but I feel like character development is kind of a stretch, it's more like Yuki just accepts that his girlfriend is fuckin nuts and she never really changes.
>Detective Kaworu is overrated anywaysHe's hot and got to have an onscreen kiss which is more than most homos in anime can say.
No. 2023006
>>2021998No way, the girl from Kimi to Kanojo! She's an elite yandere, the meta angle in that game was so cool and they did it like 10 years before DDLC
>>2021893Princess Carolyn is legit one of the only BH characters that I liked. I loved how grounded yet sad her arc was.
>>2021912Ngl I have a soft spot for Yuno due to nostalgia and the fact she's just so unapologetically insane kek. She also has the benefit of being the only interesting character in the show.
>>2022968Lord Dominator is such a based choice.
No. 2023008
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>>2023003Gendo and an old man stripped too by the way
No. 2023022
>>2023019Does that make her
>>2022932 a super loli?
No. 2023034
>>2023025If they're all loli, why is she treated differently than the others?
Guess shes the mentally challenged one.
No. 2023053
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>>2023038I still think yuri women like her and pic are cute.
No. 2023084
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>>2023042no fanservice. sure. let's also not forget that one other far too long sequence in the OP. and in before "it's ironic!!! it's just referencing other magical girl scenes"… it's really not in the same league as sailor moons ribbon transformation sequences.
I like madoka too but it's moeslop that has a very good story, compelling characters, and that incidentally also appeals to women. however, doesn't matter if we like it. we were absolutely not the target audience. moids were.
No. 2023104
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>>2023100she's right in that men are the target audience but i don't agree with it being moeslop. and you're right in that one joke scene doesn't represent the show in its entirety, madoka's pretty low on fanservice
No. 2023105
>>2023084Can you at least post something from the actual show?
You know, the stuff people were there to watch.
No. 2023110
>>2023084Blink or miss it parody in the opening barely counts as loli fanservice, anon.
>not aimed at usThere's barely anything not half-assed and lazy aimed at women anymore. Madoka has a compelling story and I'm not being forced to look at boobs and ass every few moments to get to the meat of the story, I'll take it.
No. 2023118
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>>2023107He fucks jailbait girls and Zoroarks though
No. 2023127
>>2023122>ccs and sailor moon also got pretty darkPeople claim this, but it's always a stretch to me it only gets as dark as like a more child friendly Disney film (and even then there's darker stuff in other Disney films)
>as did utena and princess tutuI feel like these are fair comparisons but they're meant for an older audience compared to sailor moon and CCS which are pretty clearly meant for kids.
I did enjoy Mahou shoujo site for the evil oniichan though, best character.
No. 2023154
>>2023134i swear some of the posts itt are tumblr tier.
>prove you like female characters! >no not these ones they're not from the correct media! >no not that one! she's not well written!>no not that one either! i don't approve of her design!>you're allowed to like that one but you're not enjoying her the right way!this thread was supposed to be for commenting tumblr/twwitter fandom drama, not creating our own retarded discourse over wht's
problematic uwu
No. 2023182
>>2023174Nonna, they didn't call Shinji shota, they said he was shotabait because moids that are into him are pedos.
Also shota and loli are just plain different, hasnt this been discussed to death when it comes to characters like Scaramouche and Ceil (who is canonically taller than Shinji)
No. 2023205
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>>2023198The clearly meant to be "straight shota" relationship between him and Mikoto did.
No. 2023216
>>2023174I'm one of the anons who said Shinji is a shota and I also believe that Madoka is a loli.
>>2023198It did. Why do so many anons here think that lolis/shotas need to look like toddlers?
No. 2023219
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>>2023214Shinji is 148cm
Madoka is 152cm
They're pretty close in height but she's slightly taller.
No. 2023226
>>2023221Loli and shota are also character tropes though.
I think it just comes down to sexual dimorphism though, since women are shorter a short female character isn't usually considered to be a loli while a short male character is usually considered to be a shota since they're less common.
No. 2023232
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>>2023227Tareme eyes makes you a shota confirmed
>>2023230What about Mami?
No. 2023247
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>>2023244I don't know if any of them are gonna beat Shinji there.
No. 2023248
>>2023241Shota ≠ shotabait ffs.
Just means that if you're searching for it, you're going to get a lot of him as a shota. Don't go victimizing yourself over liking a character that has a scene like
>>2023205 No. 2023255
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Fwiw, here's Madoka compared to her adult mom.
No. 2023267
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>>2023264Please don't bully the iconic homos Karl and Shaun.
No. 2023279
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>>2023263yeah definitely not a loli…
No. 2023287
>>2023283If you're going by body type, you should compare it to the adults from the same show.
Shinji's body type should be compared to that of an adult man while Madoka to that of an adult woman.
No. 2023294
>>2023286We shouldn't but if people are going to complain about some characters being loli/shota, you should be consistent.
How did this argument start again, anyway? Someone liked Madoka?
No. 2023303
>>2023275would you consider kaworu a shota or are his eyes not round enough?
No. 2023305
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I'd rather go back to posting female characters we shouldn't like but do.
Her face may be alien tier and fanservicey as hell but she was actually pretty likable. The show ended up being more popular as fujobait for Japanese women anyway because the female faces were all too alien for most moids kek.
No. 2023312
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>>2023305sadly shes stuck in an shitty game, shit happens too often
No. 2023340
>>2023315That's just a reason to encourage guys to go ana.
>>2023320I don't touch moidshit.
No. 2023348
>>2023336Calling a character a shota doesn't mean you can't enjoy them or fucked up fiction lol.
Ceil is a shota, everyone agrees he's a shota, most would not care if you enjoy him.
No. 2023358
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>>2023351Old man is on the page after Gendo
>>2023352On LC yes, we're all kinda stuck in 2013 shota taste wise.
No. 2023384
>>2023375>statistics prove women cant be pedophiles>reee they are pedos because i say sothe average woman is into ''bad boys'' that doesnt mean women are into
abusive men. Women arent like men, they are complex beings that dont think with their pussies and arent inherently evil.
No. 2023385
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>>2023375>why do lolicons and shotacons get upset when they are called pedophiles?Because I want to see a shota with a handsome older man, I don't want to fuck a shota myself.
No. 2023391
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i want to fuck a shota myself too though No. 2023393
File: 1716848083624.png (310.97 KB, 875x862, 65569162_p0.png)

>>2023389Sensei waited 15 years while his shota was in a coma, he's a very romantic person.
>>2023391I respect but I do not relate
No. 2023406
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>>2023394Takemiya Keiko. It's August and Gilbert from Kazeki
>>2023397Are you interested in canon pairings or just ships?
No. 2023424
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>>2023400sad. the discussion of female characters was actually interesting for once but of course it's right back to what anime moids it's acceptable to like. like clockwork.
i don't know why we even have this thread anymore when it's always the same two infights over foojos and/or lolishota. over and over and over. you'd think people would have run of arguments at some point but it seems anons love nothing more than rehashing the same shit.
No. 2023440
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>>2023433don't kill yourself nona his son never got to grow up you can still enjoy him
No. 2023445
File: 1716851162405.png (133.01 KB, 583x767, and osomatsu fans fuck dolphin…)

All I'm sayin is female shotacons don't fuck kids
All furries do fuck animals though.
No. 2023447
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What's your opinion on tiers for power levels?
No. 2023453
we need to talk more about the link between shotas/shounens and TIFs kinning and projecting on them
>>2023436well i think it's because of their body type? and because there were actual instances of asian shotacons calling real kids shotas and gushing over them? not all shotacons are pedos but some shotacons are. just like not all lolicons are pedos. some people like you might see lolishota as a completely different fantasy concept, unrelated to real kids, but you can't blame people outside of the community for thinking you might be a creep because for any normal person it looks very weird
No. 2023456
>>2023448If you're delusional to the point of thinking that you're a man when you have a vagina then you're delusional enough to think that fucking dogs is a good idea.
>>2023447Only Latino shounenfags like these.
No. 2023458
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>>2023436Just ignore it, complain anymore and you’re gonna sound like those fanpol proshippers who jump through the craziest mental dynamics just to say they’re a degenerate. Most of the people calling shotacons pedos or what have you are tumblr/twittertards who still subscribe to the dogma that women are anywhere near the degeneracy of moids, even at our worse.
No. 2023467
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>>2023463Still loling at moids seething when people said they're glad he's dead.
No. 2023470
>>20234641. That's not shota, it's RPF
2. I find it very hard to believe they're actually going to fuck kids and that the majority of the stranger things fandom is over 18
No. 2023476
>>2023461I remember reading on twitter some moids blaming fujos for characters like Bridget and Vivian being trannified which is ridiculous, completely fem otokonoko characters like that are very rare, at least in modern bl.
Old fashioned uke were girly for sure, but not never like that and especially not now.
No. 2023477
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>>2023474Keeeek nonna my fucking sides
No. 2023497
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>>2023487They're still pretty different from characters like Vivian, Bridget, or even Astolfo. Like pic related looks like a dude and in cases where there's a character that looks like a girl, more than likely they won't have the otokonoko personality.
At least, to the point that imo it's just blaming fujos because fujo bad.
No. 2023504
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Anyone notice that LC has way more visual novel fans compared to other parts of the internet
No. 2023508
Keeps the normalfags out though so I ain't complaining.
No. 2023579
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>>2023576It's hard to get food when you spend all day in a sewer jacking off.
No. 2023590
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>>2023583Samefag but Isis is also an extremely well-written female character, and in a BL on top of that. Such a shame that the author let her cocklust for FG distract her from everything that made the story good.
No. 2023591
>>2023588To be fair with /jp/ it comes with the purpose of the board though (that and creepy idolfag and 2hu threads)
But yeah that's pretty accurate, even normal weebs shun us VNfags.
No. 2023637
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>>2023570Honestly the threads here move so slow when I go back to read some of my own older posts in /m/ I couldn't tell if I was talking to myself, I don't discuss webtoons anywhere outside of the comments of the chapter/series itself on batoto because when I did irl people pointed out I only ever complained about ones I got upset at
No. 2023685
>>2023661NTA but the author has a penchant for chimping out on twitter over people hating on this moid character (very likely to be Zeus) who raped Seth (but not really she claimed on twitter and Seth is worse than Foreign God actually because Seth is a murderer!) and just ruins the pacing. She makes excuses for why her characters acted retarded, and gets mad when people say they hate the Greek moid, of whom she has this weird obsession with shilling (he's not the main love interest.) Pacing in general went to shit in season 2 all for the Greek retard, and all the sex has been rape. She insists that Ennead is a harem BL even though it was never advertised as such. Turned off a lot of people. It's tiring as hell but it's funny to see her act out.
Oh once, she cried about how she just wanted to make character goods of the two leads, Horus and Seth, and maybe Osiris, but because Anubis became popular the company basically made her make a design, giving her even more work. And she also apologized why there was no goods for the Greek moid because the company didn't want him (implying he's not popular). Then she went into some fucking tangent about not making money on the character goods she designed, which prompted people in the fandom to make QRTs and other posts about "Well if she doesn't make money, I won't buy anymore."
A few days later she deleted the tweets and stated that in a post. She didn't say exactly why but anyone who isn't retarded knows she got in deep shit with Mofun or Seoul Media Comics for saying negative things and not making money.
No. 2023799
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>>2023570Webtoon scene is constantly generating hilarious drama and a lot of webtoons are very fun and entertaining. I really think the resistance is a combination of the sheer quantity of bad ones to wade through, the fanbase being mostly Tiktok girls who like Kpop, and a knee-jerk resistance to new stuff. I talk about webtoons a lot here but I feel like it's just me and 3 other anons kek. So I worry about becoming too recognizable because my favorite series are pretty consistent.
No. 2023805
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>>2021916I love my sheltered girls discovering a bigger world.
No. 2023808
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>>2023504Based VNfag farmers ily all
No. 2023852
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>>2023845Do you think we could fill up a whole list of suit evil/morally grey guys or nah
No. 2023859
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>>2023854Sayooshi, VN is trash though (in spite of having a mega hottie protagonist) don’t bother.
>>2023857Salarymen just wanna kill people, haven’t you seen American Psycho?
No. 2023863
>>2023861He’d want to murder Yashiro as well for being a child murderer and a pseudo pedophile
Hitomi is prooobably harmless though if properly tard wrangled?
No. 2023865
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>>2023852Don't forget the king
No. 2024522
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>>2016578>>2016531It's gotten really weird, like there's a trend among pro-Palestine artists of drawing a Palestinian Jesus and depicting him as basically an Afro-Arab. The strange part is that they've seen probably hundreds of pictures showing what actual Palestinian look like, but their fandom's distorted perception insists on portraying him as black
No. 2024529
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>>2024522and here's what palestinians look like irl
No. 2024685
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>>2024560NTA but wolfythewitch on Tumblr. Despite being a troon I respect her genuine Jesus autism and she has some really well-done art. OP is talking about Palestine for some reason but AFAIK she was doing the Jesus stuff long before Palestine became a big talking point again.
No. 2024716
>>2024522Gendies tend to be more racist than they like to believe, they think
>middle East = brownAlthough I don't mind it since we really didn't knew what color Jesus was
most likely olive but transing chirst almighty?…thats just offensive and I'm not even chirstian
No. 2024850
>>2024374See this post
>>2023685She also has such little disregard for Horus, the true romantic interest. I swear she's too cowardly to drop him in favor for FG.
No. 2025563
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>>2024716Jesus was (supposedly) born in Nazareth, which was predominantly Jewish under the Roman empire. The Bible was literally originally written in Hebrew! A lot of Twitter/Tumblr "activist" types don't seem to understand that the Jewish tribes were literally the first human civilization to live in what is known as Israel today. They were gradually supplanted by Arabs and other groups over time, but there was an influx of Jews back into the areas during the pogroms in Russia in the early 20th century.
From the perspective of Twitter retards (whose historical knowledge apparently only extends back 200 years) the Russian and the eastern European Jews fleeing pogroms where White™ and the people living there in the 1800s were predominantly Brown™, so they graft the logic and politics of American First-Nations advocacy onto the Israel-Palestine conflict. The latter is a complex thing they don't understand, so they pretend it's equivalent to an American thing they
do understand. Their logic of whoever got first dibs on the land deserves it kind of breaks down in this case, because both parties in this case have credible ancestral claims to the area. So they obfuscate that by defaulting to the side of whoever they think is "more" non-white. It's really not surprising that they apply the same ethos to fanart, even Bible fanart.
I really hope this doesn't count as being overly political, please no b& farmhands Here's a Caravaggio painting bc it looks cool.
(Politics sperging) No. 2025616
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>>2021382L to R: Rogue (X-Men), Misato (NGE), Fuu (MKR), Cersei (ASoIaF), Nynaeve (WoT the books, the show sucks thanks to Amazon), Vin (Mistborn), Aeris (FF7 original), Trinity (Matrix, the first one is the best but I can appreciate her and Neo’s arc but don’t really care for the rest of the trilogy), and Rapunzel (Tangled).
I enjoy other characters as well in the respective series mentioned above but won’t sperg about it kek.
No. 2026030
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>>2024522>>2025563The thing is, according to their own logic they should be using depictions by Levantine/Syrian Christians(picrel is from Lebanon. but they never do so.
No. 2026283
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>>2026272>I forgot Togami Fuck how could I forget the oy vey money man
But yeah I feel like him and Laito fit
No. 2026482
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>>2026389I'll Sca This Damned Family
No. 2027194
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>>2027137I hate hibari kun with a burning passion. It could have been a cute girl or a cute boy but noooo they had to make him a troon. When he's not cosplaying as buffaloo bill he's actually really cute and would have been excellent husbando material.
No. 2027252
>>2027194>would have been excellent husbando materialI've honestly wondered if fic where canon troon characters detransition exists (besides TIF's forcefem fetish). I feel like that's something even proshippers wouldn't defend, even though I notice a lot of them support the right to make gay-to-straight fic, RPF of real minors, and racebending
POC characters.
No. 2027291
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No. 2027294
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>>2027291kek same person btw thinks it's ok for children to read porn
No. 2027297
>>2027252Probably the closest is twink death.
Rare, but I've seen a few pics like that around.
No. 2027301
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>>2027294samefag sorry but jesus christ
No. 2027303
>>2027291Gendie koolaid
victim but this is a perfectly harmless take. Literally who gives a shit through what lenses someone reads some fiction? What a thought crime, egads.
No. 2028226
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>>2027303>Who gives a shitThis is the fandom thread. It's not that serious
>>2027301SO Japanese fans call aggressive fans/antis Yakuza
No. 2028260
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>>2028226Went to find that thread and saw this tweet linked and I'm just shocked that this discourse made its way over to Japanese fandom. I guess I shouldn't be, but wow. The power of seething teenagers on the internet should never be underestimated.
No. 2028343
>>2028260It blew up so much antis were scrambling to remove DNIs from their bios kek. A bara artist they shill a lot as "good and wholesome rep" retweeted it too, 99% sure it was Tagame but I can't remember fully.
I don't understand how people don't realize this whole "liking a
problematic ship means you condone that dynamic irl" mindset is adopted primarily by Westoids (and Westoid adjacents). Pretty much all Asian artists are proshippers but if you say that they accuse you of claiming incest/pedophilia is a part of Asian culture when people are just talking about fandom mindsets.
No. 2028367
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>>2028343This. I find it hilarious how the vast majority of antis are weebs when japan hates their guts. They choose Ken Akamatsu, Love Hina's author, to help them protect freedom of speech in manga from western influences.
No. 2028462
>>2028453Agreed, most degenerate furry artists seem to be women but whenever there’s an announcement of a furry getting outed for
dogfucking, zoosadism, etc almost always a man. Same in fandom spaces. Women will make stomach churning content and disturbing m/m doujinshi… but it’s mostly only men you see arguing for actually lowering the age of consent and going “akshually it’s hepebophilia”
No. 2028500
>>2028492Looking it up, I'd say Tom from Finland looked stronger while Tagame was shorter and fatter.
Maybe he's got fat strength though, idk.
No. 2028545
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>>2028481>Hilnama got abused by her own father, so she asked to her sil to take care of her because she doesn't want her parents to be aware of her treatment>She also asked to see her colonoscopy for references to her erotic drawingsBased
No. 2028943
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Time and time again I’m reminding of how much I hate moids. This did not happen and I’m sick of people pushing this narrative because it creates more pickmes defending the oversexualization of women
No. 2029107
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>>2028943marias original outfit is trashy (which is the point) but calling it oversexualized is crazy