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No. 200137
>>200118I gave up 4chan and reddit for the summer. I ended up coming back because the summer is winding down.
While I don't like 4chan for what its culture is slowly morphing into, I can tell you that any 4chan board (excluding /r9k/, /pol/, and /soc/)is 10000x better than the average subreddit.
I really love /co/ and its pretty much my homeboard, I kindof like /tv/'s subject matter but its a /pol/ colony unfortunately and /fit/ used to be (and it still is) the shit. /fa/ is kindof cool but eh…
But seriously fuck reddit.
No. 200151
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back when I first started using 4chan, I used it for /y/ (no, not proud of that lol). that board is pure cancer tho and is also slow as fuck so now I just browse /ck/, /fa/, and /fit/. my favorite board is probably /tg/, they have a nice community as well, mostly. and uh, aside from those I also go on /gif/ for the obvious.
>Why are we still here, just to suffer?
I was actually routinely using 4chan a couple years back for the /mgg/ thread on /vg/, but then it kinda died when the hype for MGSV did.
No. 200233
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Worst thing I've ever seen is CP (about 8+ years ago), but this week it was a webm of a dog being skinned alive in a /ck/ thread.
I only ever go on /tv/, /ck/, or /an/ but I've been browsing /tv/ less and less lately. /pol/tards are incapable of behaving and refuse to stay in their containment board, instead they bombard every single part of the site with their off-topic "redpilling", even /an/. There’s this one retard that keeps making pit bull hate threads and then spams it with race shit. Animals and goddamn nature is the last place I want to see Cletus sperg about shitskins and white genocide.
No. 200247
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>one of the videos showed an actual death. Holy shit, just reading that made me kinda anxious. I can't fathom how some people enjoy watching this kinda shit.
Anyway, I used to love /x/, especially the nope threads, I could really read that shit all night long. I stopped using it when everyday there was the same type of thread of a fat virgin nerd asking for tips on how to summon a succubus.
Other than that, I would just zap the other boards. /v/ and /co/ were probably the ones I stayed the most outside of /x/. I really don't go there anymore because of the boards already mentioned here like /pol/ and the liking.
No. 200278
>>200233/tv/ has really gone down. I'm okay with the shitposting because it can be funny, but the constant bait threads that easily
triggered the board are godawful.
No. 200314
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>>200233>but this week it was a webm of a dog being skinned alive in a /ck/ threadSaw that same poster throwing a shitfit about asians and their taste for dog. The last bit of that webm about the skinning had nothing to do with dog meat production.
I wanted to reply but didn't want to be dogpiled by someone who was shitposting to begin with. The text that accompanied the skinning process was complete bullshit because it has nothing to do with the way dogs are prepped for food.
It was actually a clip taken from a fur factory farm, and what was being skinned was a type of canid called a "raccoon dog" which is more related to the fox. It was a really popular clip used by PETA and other animal rights activist groups in the mid aughts.
No. 200334
>>200247I used to love /x/. Haven't been back since they kept spamming Elisa Lam threads that one year.
I think the first deletion of /r9k/ and the rise of ponyfuckers and /pol/ really did it in for the site, but I still go. Usually hang around the normie boards like /co/ and /tv/. I've hung around /r9k/ since it began, too. The new one could have been okay if they actually started banning repeated images like depressed wojaks and pepes.
No. 200341
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>>What's the worst you've ever seen of the site?
Honestly I'm so used to the whole gore/rekt threads, the animal abuse in them, car crash threads. It's gotten to the point where I casually look for those threads just to see people die, see how they die, how others react around them. I /guess/ the worst I saw was this webm of a brick falling off a truck, going through a car driving the opposites directions windshield and smashing this ladies skull in. What was worse was the deadly screams of the passengers in the car. I take that back, the worst thing I ever saw was some guy shoving his hand into a dead animal carcass and eating the maggot, and then throwing them up.
>>Boards with the worst communities? Boards with the best communities?
I don't browse many boards, but I have to say /cgl/ and /r9k/ are the shitty ones imo. I only go on the Taobao or Cringe threads on /cgl/, but I do enjoy reading the embarrassing story greentext on r0k, seeing sad whtie boys reee at woman.
No. 200367
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>>200342They still have the best threads tbh
No. 200405
>>200398not sure, wasn't paying attention to handles.
No. 200408
>>200143/fit/ is the polar opposite of /r9k/. /r9k/ is where people go to wallow in self pity and whine about how terrible their lives are and why it's everybody's fault. /fit/ is where people go to take responsibility for their lives and better themselves.
>What's the worst you've ever seen of the siteBehold. posts of unfiltered autism. This is the kind of person who posts on modern /pol/. I usually go to /an/, /ck/, /o/, /his/, /diy/, /v/ for tf2 threads, and occasionally go to /pol/ for retarded conspiracies.
No. 200410
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>>200233>Pit bull hateSMASHED
No. 200416
>>200409>ask an actual question about programming>get called a retard>ask where I can find more information on a particular topic>told to google it or read a bookIf I knew what to google or what book to look for I wouldn't be here asking you, ya spanner
I ended up ringing my dad and asking him, even he could explain better despite being a thousand in programmer years and having never heard of Python
No. 200448
I only really go on /ic/ (even though it literally made art the most stressful thing ever for me), /cgl/, /v/, and /a/; the latter two mainly for off-topic discussions and the occasional small threads for media I like.
I've cut down on my 4chan usage because of how much /pol/ has incubated an outbreak of constant race/political wank. Talking to some people from 4chan via Discord made me realize how many people seriously drink the /pol/ kool-aid and get wrapped up in the "habbenings". I hear there's sometimes good threads on /pol/, but that's like digging through piles of shit to find a dollar bill when I can just go elsewhere.
Also, I've seen the usual stuff the other anons here have mentioned, but I've gotten really good at avoiding gore or similar stuff.
>>200233Are there still spergs who wish death to every cat whenever they're posted on /an/? I remember that one Russian (?) tripfag (Bugs, something like that) who would boast about running over cats or shooting them with BB pellets.
I get the hatred towards people who let their cats out of the home because of concern for the environment or the cats' own well-being, but man, it's fucking weird to see absolute disdain for an animal species on a fucking animal board.
No. 200453
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>>200408/fit/ has the perfect balance of productivity and tfw no gf
No. 200456
>>200449Hey, it's not like /a/ and /v/ are any much better on-topic. The spontaneous off-topic threads are generally more interesting than if they were on boards they were actually relevant to.
Also, I forgot to mention, but I hate the constant long-running generals on /a/. Even the ones for shows I've seen feel so divorced from the rest of the board or actual discussion of the show. It's like showing up to a friend's family reunion or something.
No. 200478
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>>200472Oh yeah, calling people faggots because they are not ~addicted instantly~ to gore, but I am the one who gotta get over myself.
No. 200481
>>200118>Having a discussion on /co/ about cartoons like steven universe or star vs.>someone has to talk about trump >Go on /x/>Politics everywhere>go on fucking /ic/ or /cgl/>Inevitably, somewhere, someone is going to praise trump/pol/ is literally the cancer that is killing the last good 4chan has. I know people get all uppity about reddit on 4chan so I dunno if i'm gonna face some retarded "leddit" posts for this but honestly, if Reddit had anonymous posting 4chan would be dead by the time moot left.
Also hate having to fill out 500+ fucking captchas to post and I refuse to get a 4chan pass. I understand the necessity but I fucking hate the recaptcha system now that they want you to recognize photos and it gives me a fucking picture asking for vehicles but it's just a picture of some trees and i try to skip it BUT IT WON'T FUCKING LET ME.
I hate 4chan but it's the only place I can be an asshole besides here, and the only reason lolcow isn't satisfying is because it's a much slower site in terms of traffic compared to 4chan (Which is a blessing and a curse)
No. 200487
>>200484 down to whatever browser you're using and follow the instructions, then after you enable it, click the settings button (wrench in the upper right hand corner), scroll down to Posting and Captchas, and check the Use Recaptcha v1.
Or alternatively just click Settings at the top of the page where all the boards show up, click quotes and replying, and check the box next to Legacy Recaptcha if you don't want to download 4chanX.
I mainly use it to filter trips and stupid posts.
No. 200489
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>>200487Thank you so much
No. 200501
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>>200433you're the biggest gaylord in the world, friend. :^)
No. 200529
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I keep getting banned for the stupidest fucking shit. Just an hour ago I was banned for 2 days for posting in an off-topic thread. The piece of shit thing is still up and active meaning I was probably b& because some asshurt janitor was upset that I wasn't licking Trump's taint. This has to be my third ban from /tv/ in the past week.
Some small part of me misses when bans messages were personal, at least then you'd get a laugh out of it.
No. 200533
>>200529I got a warning for making an adult request thread in /co/ even though I made a discussion thread.
Fucking sick of them hiring janitors that can't be objective
No. 200538
>>200533>>200529Theyre just shit in general; ones here too.
>>200461Such a circle jerk, vg.
No. 200662
why does nobody go on /t/? there' good shit there!
>>200637>polska boardshello fellow cebula
No. 200664
>>200639Are you me? I went through the same thing, minus the MSN and crush parts.
I also didn't keep the belief that all men are pedophiles, but I did believe for the longest time (I was also 13 and I'm 21 now, and only now I'm starting to accept otherwise) all men wanted a submissive gf who'd suck their cocks all day and be up to sex whenever. Not a real partner. It screwed up all my relationships, as I'd pretend to be just that and secretly resent my boyfriends for not "letting" me be myself.
No. 200665
>>200639>>200664fellow anon here who as a prepubescent child browsed 4chan and sent pics of myself to e-creeps.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who willfully but unknowingly fucked myself up.
No. 200714
>>200694It's really hard to get banned unless the mods are being faggots.
I once got banned because some mod had a crusade against the ( ° ʖ °) emoticon and banned everyone who used it for a day. And that's the last time, over 4 years ago.
No. 200725
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I never frequented 4chan much, so I really haven't seen anything too bad besides skimming gore threads out of curiosity and immediately clicking out. Now I mostly browse /x/, /fa/, /cgl/, and /r9k/ out of boredom, and /vp/ and /tv/ for specific releases.
I fortunately only discovered 4chan after my brony phase ended, otherwise I could easily see myself being on /mlp/ constantly.
/vp/ is shit a lot of the time, but the community excitement leading up to a new game is always the best time I have on 4chan. I find myself still coming back to the site because of occasional funny or interesting threads, but sometimes /r9k/ makes me want to kill myself.
>>200665Damn am I glad I didn't discover 4chan while I was super young. That is fucked, and I'm sorry you guys got involved in that stuff.
No. 200750
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>>200726I go to /f1/ occasionally.
No. 200751
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>>200750Behold my edginess
No. 200816
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Robots may be shit but they make the best memes.
No. 200822
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>>200821Everybody supports Chad.
No. 200831
I have periods where I browse more one board or another. Right now I've been browsing more /a/. But I also go on /co/ (just for cartoons,not cape shit), /adv/, /r9k/ (yeah…), /his/, /v/ (you can notice it's full of teenagers and newfags but I still find some threads entertaining) and the occasional porn board.
I mainly dislike /b/ and /pol/. Other boards are alright, but I hate how better some could be/have been, like /x/, and /tv/. I really wish I could stop spending so much time on image boards, though. You can never answer "shitposting" when someone asks what you've been doing, and always come off as boring.
No. 200907
>>2001184chan made me despise weebs and I am a weeb
Also I hate gays and traps now because of how hard they attention whore there
No. 200947
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>>200816True, if you take it as a parody those "The virgin X - the chad X" pictures are pretty fucking funny. They even do it on /a/
No. 200953
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I spent a lot of time in high school lurking /cgl/ and pre-/soc/ /r9k/ (when it was robot9000 not robot9001) the greentext threads were pretty funny. After that I spent time on /int/ and /ck/. /int/ got too annoying with tfw no gf shit and the /pol/ stuff. I just go on /ck/ now, though I miss the Ja/ck/ threads. I contributed a lot to those for some reason.
And /gif/ for the obvious.
No. 200955
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I can't get enough of these.
No. 200959
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>>200955>>200822>>200819>>200818>>200817>>200816fuck why are these so fucking funny, maybe it's witnessing their escalation. more anon?
No. 200974
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No. 200976
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>>200974This one was most likely made by a Gatsufag since Griffith would actually be the Chad considering what happened, but whatevs
No. 201450
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>>200976>This one was most likely made by a Gatsufag since Griffith would actually be the Chad considering what happenedGriffith lost his mind when his friend wanted to pursue his own dreams, fucked the princess because he wanted to have control over something again, and then had all of his friends murdered and sometimes raped by demons because they dared to save him from his own fuck ups.
That's not alpha behavior, that reminds me more of an insecure and jealous beta if anything.
No. 201504
>>201450>His own dreamsMore like "I want to impress Griffith senpai because he said I'm not his equal desu".
>>201405They are ultimately two sides of the same coin, whoever praises one and crucifies the other needs to read the mango again.
Sage for taking the bait
/a/ get out of here No. 201618
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>>201511>holds no grudges>first action when rescued was to try to strangle Guts, but is unable to because they cut all of his tendonsBesides, Griffith probably has a whistle for a fart too considering all the dudes he sold himself to.
>>201504> whoever praises one and crucifies the other needs to read the mango again.Blow me having all your friends murdered and raped by demons is objectively wrong.
No. 201649
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Another great one
No. 201666
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No. 201792
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No. 201816
>>201794On the other hand, /a/ and /tv/ are a shitposting mess and everyone there seems to be either underage or autistic. Maybe it's because I'm too used to lolcow now, where if you sperg you get banned, but the quality of posts on those boards is really "lmao kys pleb cuck jew normie" (kek @ saying "normie" on 4chan anyway, that is the normiest board existing) and damn. I used to go there for certain threads to look for spoilers and stuff, but it's all gone to shit. You get far better discussions here.
Ironically enough, on fujo boards I see less spergfests. Maybe it's because robots, /pol/ and average internet edgelords don't go there
No. 202254
>>201794This. I told a fat girl on /cgl/ who was complaining about lolita not fitting her that she should consider losing weight and I was actually banned.
No joke.
No. 463454
>>200118was going to talk about this in the vent thread but now I found this.
2 years later and it has gotten worse
>What do you usually use it for?I used to be regular on /a/, /vg/, /ic/, /cgl/, /tg/ sometimes /x/, /ck/.
And /b/, having some randomly themed threads once in a while.
back when it wasn't only porn and racebaiting shit was actually pretty interesting at times.
now I only go there for occasional drawfagging.
>Why are we still here, just to suffer? I've been lurking since 2007 and frequently used 4chan since 2011. It was my favourite place on the internet because I like imageboards and a lot was going on there.
It has always been shit but now it has become unbearable.
maybe if mods would consequently ban all /pol/posting on other boards it could get better, but somehow I don't see that coming.
>the worst I've ever seenenough, but thanks to this I've also became good at avoiding that shit.
>>200953>Ja/ck/ threadsfuck
No. 463551
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>What's the worst you've ever seen of the site?
Maybe gore or scat spam. I never click on dodgy gif or webm. CP spam is for dying imageboards, and I usually leave the boat when it happens. I don't actively seek to see those things, and thankfully I don't remember in details.
>What do you usually use it for?
It's one of the main source of cool or funny images I have. Also of course discussion related to what I like, slices of life and useful resources.
>Where do you usually hang out?
/g/ because I enjoy reading people (bitching) about programming languages and development in general. Also /diy/, /fit/, /fa/ and less often /ck/. /tv/ as of last week
>Boards with the worst communities?
/g/, they really can speak only in memes and racist slurs, as well as being a land for poltards and robots. /mu/ is so shit I don't even bother lurking for the sharing threads.
>Boards with the best communities?
/diy/ is alright, surprisingly, not unlike /out/ (I don't go there anymore, It makes me depressed to read about things I can't do)
>What pulls you back to 4chan?
I'm addicted to the constant stream of activity combined with the anonymity. If it wasn't for that I'll only visit the smaller quality boards I like.
>Why are we still here, just to suffer?
I'm weak, lazy, and need my instant gratification. You and I need clear goals and a pomodoro timer. Good luck.
No. 463796
>What's the worst you've ever seen of the site? Finding threads where guys post nudes, candids and dox of their girlfriends, female friends and even female relatives has permanently changed how I see guys who use chan boards forever. I know it's easy to become desensitized to extreme content online but these are real people from their daily lives who trust them, and they betray those girls just to get their dicks hard.
Like everyone else I saw gore and cp on /b/ as a kid but fortunately it didn't stick with me unlike some fictional guro manga that instead left me with borderline traumatic flashbacks.
>What do you usually use it for? Where do you usually hang out? Boards with the best communities?The boards with constructive hobbies always seemed the most well adjusted, but that's not saying much. I was a regular /cgl/ user before moving to lolcow. I miss the seagull memes and feeling like I belonged to a community with shared interests but the ban on any kind of criticism and the increasingly young userbase just pushed me out of it.
I also used /ic/ but got fed up when it became full of sad tfw no gf posters who spend all their time ranting about Sakimichan instead of drawing, and enjoyed /x/ until it dried up. I liked the comfy Animal Crossing generals on /vg/ but now even they are just overrun with anons posting about wanting to fuck either the villagers or specific Animal Crossing user avatars.
>Boards with the worst communities? The boards I like are bad enough, 4chan is
toxic to the core and breeds such terrible levels of misogyny, political cruelty and racism that sometimes it feels like a bad joke. Imo regular users of /pol/, /b/ and /r9k/ should automatically be assigned psychological interventions, and /adv/ should just be nuked because it's just full of psychotic failed PUAs teaching naive depressed NEETs how to fuck up their own lives too.
>What pulls you back to 4chan? Why are we still here, just to suffer?I only go there if there's a new release or breaking drama that I can't find information on anywhere else, I never want to go back to posting there regularly. The broken ass Captcha make posting from my mobile so unnecessarily difficult too, even when it works it asks me to identify American stuff I don't recognize. I will always appreciate that it was my gateway to anonymous posting though, I love the honest moments that happen between anons when they're free of updoot farming.
>>463719That's the worst thing I've read today thanks
No. 466090
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>What's the worst you've ever seen of the site?
Ah you know, cp and gore. It's been a long time, thank God.
>What do you usually use it for?
wasting my valuable time, reading to fall asleep
>Where do you usually hang out? Boards with the worst communities?
/ck/ is comfy and funny.
the guitar general in /mu/ is horrible. I used to post a lot in there but a few attention-hungry dudes ruined what used to be a chill hangout of guitar shitposting. I enjoy soundcloud and bandcamp threads, they inspire me despite being young male dominated. /lit/ and /his/ are dumb af but can be comfy on a good day.
>Boards with the best communities?
/ic/ is nice, I don't really make visual art but it's comfy.
>What pulls you back to 4chan?
Until I find a more active chan, that stupid place feels like home.
>Why are we still here, just to suffer?
No. 467641
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>>467634NTA but x/ is also my main. Yes its a shitfest but if you stick around you'll notice some answer are actually based on esoteric lore and refer to actual stuff you can research further and its not just a random squizo even when the concepts are wild. Also keep an eye out for interesting books and obviously don't go in with the mindset you have to believe and get an epiphany of every single thing or debunk everything like a fedora atheist, some ideas are just interesting to wonder about and thats it.
I would not recommend it as a board to go often but it can be pretty fun once in a while even with all the larping and chaos. I am not sure there are many places like that, even conspiracy podcasts have shitty communities.
To give an example, i´ve fell into a bit of a rabbit a while back and read Passport to Magonia, daimonic reality, Operation Trojan Horse and crytoterrestrials because i saw then recommended in some fae threads some time ago, the topic is very interesting and inspiring to me. That just one thread between all other shitty threads made it worthwhile.
I also like old jrpgs so i go on vr/ as well.
No. 467695
>>466090Is there any browser add-on that would help me browse /lit and /toy without worrying about seeing gore or cp? Either specifically for imageboards or that can be used on a specific website. I wish lolcow had more active users so that we could talk more on the topics, but doubt that it will ever change and I somehow cannot get into browsing subreddits.
I've never been browsing 4chan as I do not want to see disgusting shit, but I know that some threads might be interesting and useful.
No. 467700
>>467695Those boards are too slow for people to really spam crap, I don't think you'd really have to worry. They're blue boards so posting even normal porn is against the rules.
But you can hide all the images if you're really paranoid.
No. 467921
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>>467695Even x/ is a blue board, meaning any gore or porn gets you banned and the post erased. Even the "cursed" image threads on there feature no gore .
Just don't go into b/, r9k/ or pol/ and it should be okay. 4chan as a whole is nowhere near as evil as it is portrayed in the media, most racy thing you'll find on most boards is salty people calling each other faggots and using no-no slurs
No. 468608
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>>200118>What's the worst you've ever seen of the site?Someone in /ic/ mistakenly posted their forensic science homework of a chopped up body instead of a tutorial on hands.
>What do you usually use it for? Learning stuff, pirated resources, and giving advice
>Where do you usually hang out? Boards with the worst communities? Boards with the best /lit/, /adv/, /IC/ and /ck/. It's from worst to best. The ones further right simply bring up politics less making them better.
>What pulls you back to 4chan? Why are we still here, just to suffer?/IC/ is sadly the best art community I know. I've tried art discords and they always make me rage quit over how dumb they are. IC's stupidity doesn't bother me as much for some reason. Lit for chart threads, CK for cooking, and ADV cause I like helping people
No. 471561
>>471560The way men talk about their own family..
Who calls their mother a ''ugly western pig'' just be happy she birthed a piece of shit like you.
No. 471577
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On 4chan I usually only visit the cis lesbian thread on /lgbt/, my country's thread on /int/, and the generals of the few anime/manga/vidya stuff I like on /a/ and /vg/. Occasionally I visit /x/ too, although it's not as fun as it used to be.
No. 472334
4chan's pervasive pedo culture exists to this day
You won't find it on boards like /x/–but all of the most traffic heavy boards (/tv/, /pol/, /v/, /mu/, even /co/) is absolutely something that you'll run into
No. 472338
>>472334And to follow up on this, the edgy pranks that get media attention aren't relegated to /b/ (which is mostly just porn and stupid and/or racist questions now)
Plenty of shit from /v/, /pol/, and /r9k/ gets plenty of media attention
No. 472657
>>472352Not really furrys, but that horse thread sure is full of guys who would love to fuck a horse.
I just go for the cute pictures of peoples dogs and cats.
No. 491437
>>477458The monkey soup… I saw a screenshot from that video as OP picture in a /int/ thread. Thank fuck I looked away.
I'm sorry that you had to witness something like that and even CP, anon. Thankfully I've never come across CP so far and I hope I never will. I don't browse 4chan often and when I do, it's the more "normie" blue boards.
No. 491596
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/a/ and /tv/ and my main boards. sometimes /int/. When it comes to board culture /tv/ has it pretty bad. The good thing about /a/ is the rule of 3DPG so you won't see all that much of misogynistic drivel like on /tv/. I think the anonymity is the best thing about it. You get some interesting insights…
I don't really know why I keep gravitating back to. Especially since they not only strenghtened my internalized misogyny but I don't think I'll ever be able to ever trust a man after a decade on that image board. And should I ever get into something like a relationship I know better than to send nudes. kek
No. 493085
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I wish I could go back before it went to shit
No. 493126
>>493124It was TOTALLY different. I know people love saying 4chan was always shit, but before /new/ bought all the legit sexists and racists, 4chan as a whole, was less
toxic as funny as that sounds.
No. 493164
>>493126Pretty much this. It was still contrarian in its own ways but at the same time, a majority of posters didn't take shit as seriously as they do today. More natural? Not sure how to put it. /new/ and /pol/ really opened the floodgates for a lot of bullshit and moot should have never brought it back after nuking it the first time. Same with /r9k/ after it became a gangbang of whining, stuff seemed to progressively get worse over time.
As fucked as it is, I miss the kinda humour from back then, as edgy as it was lol. Memes and stuff like that weren't inherently forced and you could actually find good discussions and new topics to dive into. Seems like the same shit ad infinitum these days while everything else gets banned or ignored. I only go on /ck/ nowadays and even there people still start arguments over unrelated shit, it sucks.
No. 493222
>>493124It was pretty much the same as it is now. The main difference being that today there is political talk in almost every thread. Back then there was constant CP spam instead and it would sometimes stay up for hours even on a busy board like /b/.
>>493126>>493164All those people were there and thriving long before /new/. They were calling Obama a nigger and hoping he would get JFK'd before he was even elected. Even with that said it was definitely less politically motivated, but they still didn't miss a chance to shit on jews, blacks, and gays, in between the Habbo Hotel raids and Battletoads prank calls. The increase in political talk wasn't anything to do with /new/, or /pol/, either. They worked pretty well as containment boards. Politics just started to become evermore inescapable around 2012ish onward. 4chan just followed that trend.
I will grant you that the /r9k/ incels did increase the overall sexism when they took over that board and started contaminating others.
No. 493851
>>493124That's from /co/ the board with the nickname /co/mblr.
Because of the subject matter of mainly kids cartoons and superhero comics it's not as 'hardcore' as some other boards. Though still 4chan.
No. 493860
>>493124I was there, never on /b/ or any of the other famously shit or porn boards, and tbh it was absolutely not nicer/more/stable/etc.
>>493222 was my experience – sure, I spent time there because there was genuinely some interesting discussion, solid humor, and interesting new avenues into stuff I liked on /a/ and /co/ but getting to that always meant wading through an ocean of lololol AIDS lololol tits or gtfo lololol jews did WTC. Let no one ever tell you that there was, idk, a kinder, gentler 4chan. I have some good memories, but it's also the place that gave me 10,000 new ways to hate myself as an unfuckable spic bitch.
Weird note: a kid from my school tried to fuck over a teacher at our hs by using /b/ as his personal army. He was hugely mocked, but I'll never forget that /b/ flooded the teacher (who was a good person, he was just a shit) with gore, porn, stalkery shit, photoshops, etc, just because they could and dangling a woman they could conceive of as a heinous bitch they could traumatize was something they salivated over.
/co/ storytime did get me into a lot of favorite comics though.
No. 499352
>>499300>>499248So lucky
I've been hunting and never came across a good server
It's all QT when all I want is LB
No. 499452
>>499248Most of them are pretty good for 4channers standards, yeah, but some of them speak like actual /r9k/-/pol/ scrotes. I've seen them talking in such a disgusting way about women, and there's no hope in getting rid of them because they're oldfags. If one of them didn't post her mug constantly, I would've thought that she was an actual incel guy.
Be careful with whom you befriend.
No. 500967
For years I was a tripfag on a /fit/ oversharing personal info and cringy spergy shit.
I can't set foot in any body building or steroid related community without someone eventually recognizing me and bringing it up.
Can't really blame 'em, though, lately I've been doxxed and come close to real life issues a little too much for comfort and have realized the rampant attention-whoring isn't worth much and I really should've gotten help for my mental health sooner. Deleted what trace of my online identity I could off the internet, but the 4chan shit is a little harder to scrub.
Oh well, live and learn. I made some close friends from there who I hold really close to heart and still talk with.
Outside of that, can't say I think any of the boards on 4chan presently are salvageable or even have been for years. I used to really enjoy /cgl/ and /x/ though, and I've had an on/off love with /a/. /ck/ used to be decent as well. R9k really did ruin the site, but I think it just expedited it's downfall… would've been inevitable given the current online culture change anyway.
We all grow older and the new generation takes over, or it dies down and becomes abandoned. Shame the good things of old couldn't be more prevalent still, but the people who remember and created those things have mostly moved on… so what can we expect from it, really?
No. 503252
>>503251That's why you use a fake name and fake location.
But you're right, it's really not worth it, especially if you have a job already.
No. 503274
>>503184They're all broke. Most are NEETs and the only reason why some have a little money is due to government welfare for their mental and physical disabilities. Maybe mommy and daddy give them a failure to launch allowance while they let their adult sons freeload in their basements. A few might be some loser students.
Why the fuck are you chasing men with no money and all the risk? And if it's not about money, then honey there ain't nothing to boast about being the object of lust for society's stock of rejected failure men. You can do better. If anons are right and if you put in the emotional labor only to net maybe $100 a week in cash, that's like working for $2.50 an hour! Sis, hamburger flippers make more than that and put up with less shit!
No. 503300
>>503284Girl you get like NO pay! Lol. You're better off as a McDonald's employee.
Go through established camgirl or sugaring platforms, pandering to the lowest bidders on 4chan will get you nowhere.
No. 503464
>>503445In whose eyes? Twitter sugar babies? It
is possible to not give a fuck about what they think. Besides most normal, hardworking people aren't going to look down on you for having a mcjob. Minimum wage is how everyone got started.
No. 503482
>>503433Do you have any idea how emotionally draining and demanding robots are? You'd be talking to them over the entire week which might as well be hours for a part time job. At least people who work irl jobs get a day or two off. You'd never get any downtime, esp on weekends.
>>503445I have no idea where this platitude came from, but it's pretty universal that almost everyone looks down on sex work. Whereas with retail or fast food yeah you get a few ignorant people who act like they're above you, but for the most part everyone has had or knows someone who's had these as starter jobs. You'd have something to build from on your resume to boot.