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No. 2009598

Discuss the double standards, hypocrisy, lies and lack of transparency, the disappointments, pretty privilege, the high expectation of appearance placed on women, female influencers and celebrities reinforcing unrealistic standards, etc. through a female lense. This is more of looking on the other side of the spectrum w/o focusing too heavily on male’s appearance.

>no scrotefoiling or trannyfoiling

>no bait
>no derailing which includes no virtue-signaling or half-hearted compliments
>no vendettas
>honesty and truthfulness is a must
>no turning it into a shitshow about ugly moids
>ugly women exist too
>most women are average but the word ugly isn’t too literal it’s made in the pov of how the average woman is made to feel

sister containment thread for ugly scrote discussion:

No. 2009629

The Zendaya thread let's gooooo

No. 2009635

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No. 2009636

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No. 2009637


No. 2009638

File: 1716145464176.jpeg (10.39 MB, 3928x4818, IMG_2659.jpeg)

UK sexiest man 2024

No. 2009639

File: 1716145472411.jpeg (110.74 KB, 1000x750, 5b979275da917f31234abb7a.jpeg)

No. 2009641

File: 1716145533764.jpg (257.74 KB, 1200x1649, Barry_Keoghan_2024_(cropped).j…)

low effort but i wanted to contribute too!

No. 2009642

File: 1716145537513.jpg (96.05 KB, 565x974, 1669755819233.jpg)

No. 2009643

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No. 2009645

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No. 2009647

File: 1716145657931.jpg (197.08 KB, 768x1024, 1657385165835.jpg)

No. 2009648

File: 1716145661409.png (755.53 KB, 1200x675, 5qSWUtKGfpPa3S8zCtL7j7-1200-80…)

mandatory astarion pic, please don't defend him itt.

No. 2009649

File: 1716145685372.jpg (178.42 KB, 768x1024, 1657382307780.jpg)

No. 2009650

File: 1716145688691.webp (65.6 KB, 800x1421, IMG_2661.webp)

No. 2009651

File: 1716145718330.jpg (191.26 KB, 768x1024, 1657386127281.jpg)

No. 2009653

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No. 2009654

File: 1716145759866.jpg (57.74 KB, 602x337, 1000016818.jpg)

Wow the twink death is real.

No. 2009655

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No. 2009656

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No. 2009659

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No. 2009660

There's no way this thread was made with good intentions. Either OP is an ugly man who's mad, or she's a woman who's mad that someone she finds attractive was posted in the ugly man thread.

No. 2009661

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No. 2009662

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No. 2009666

File: 1716145984664.png (1.48 MB, 1600x900, 1656635391133.png)

No. 2009667

I wonder why he looks so bloated because despite everything he still looks like himself. Is it because of alcohol?

No. 2009668

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No. 2009669

nonnie you might wanna delete your comment. The rules say no scrotefoiling. I don't wanna see you cop a ban, even if you're saying what everybody's thinking.

No. 2009671

The op gif goes hard tbh.

No. 2009673

File: 1716146085722.jpeg (529.92 KB, 744x1070, IMG_2664.jpeg)

The psyop has taken over bongland

No. 2009674

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No. 2009676

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No. 2009677

File: 1716146132292.jpg (175.31 KB, 1440x1440, 1000010747.jpg)

florence-chan your thread is finally here!

No. 2009679

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No. 2009680

I appreciate the warning, but I thought in this context it meant not to post pictures of men in this thread because there was a different thread for that.

No. 2009681

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No. 2009684

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No. 2009685

File: 1716146291577.jpg (203.72 KB, 1200x1199, jacob-elordi-655b54a9a0602.jpg)

No. 2009686

File: 1716146301391.mp4 (252.86 KB, 480x480, Ds7qMwD7NYc6muMs.mp4)

No. 2009688

File: 1716146330656.jpeg (84.35 KB, 681x234, IMG_2665.jpeg)

Picrel from /meta/. Looks like this thread was created by the same sped having a spergfest in unpopular opinions yesterday who got banned a bunch of times and tried creating this same thread already (which got locked)

No. 2009690

You're right, some posters here are REALLY determined to psyop her as a hideous beast when there's nothing wrong with the way she looks.

No. 2009692

File: 1716146422859.jpg (187.56 KB, 800x1067, 1657385402019.jpg)

No. 2009693

I thought that was a monkey being prostituted, anon. Spoiler that shit.

No. 2009695

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No. 2009696

File: 1716146500028.webp (45.07 KB, 800x1028, IMG_2666.webp)

You already have the celebricows thread to sperg about Florence Pugh. No need for two threads for the same thing

No. 2009697

File: 1716146501553.png (1.3 MB, 882x1615, 1674889356790.png)

Sorry nonas

No. 2009699

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No. 2009701

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No. 2009702

File: 1716146685462.jpg (20.2 KB, 452x484, FvV-oQmWYAEQTiO.jpg)

No. 2009704

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No. 2009705

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No. 2009706

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No. 2009707

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yeah this is a troll, deleted this real quick when it got called out in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 2009709

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No. 2009712

File: 1716147009825.jpg (18.7 KB, 768x432, 1000010748.jpg)

how could you guys forget mr. dream? i still find it funny how his fans thought he was hot only for him to look like this..

No. 2009714

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Dakota Johnson has a head like a circumcised penis

No. 2009715

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No. 2009716

Kek this sounds like a moid, they've been collectively seething about runway models for the past 10 years.

No. 2009718

File: 1716147084189.jpg (225.2 KB, 1600x902, l-intro-1615569205.jpg)

Margaret Qualley has always been my personal lady version of Killian KEKKK

No. 2009719

I actually didn't delete this myself, mods went through and deleted my post history. I stand by what I said and I'll actually post it again kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2009720

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No. 2009721

>most women are average but the word ugly isn’t too literal it’s made in the pov of how the average woman is made to feel
this makes it sound like it's a thread about women living under harsh beauty standards but then the idea of it even being a sister thread wouldn't make any sense since the idea of the ugly psyop thread in the first place is to highlight how there's little to no beauty standards for males

No. 2009722

How is it masculine to talk about runway models?

No. 2009725

File: 1716147200660.jpg (292.82 KB, 800x400, 38-Blog_MalePatternBaldness_Ju…)

Solve your baldness first

No. 2009727

>ugly women exist too


No. 2009728

in all seriousness, the original idea for the thread doesn't seem too bad, besides the retarded bait. perhaps it could be discussed in dealing with being ugly or whatever this thread is called. dunno what's taking admin so long to permanently ban this troll since it has been shitting up multiple threads and unpopular opinions for hours now.

No. 2009730

Enjoying the only female attention you’ve ever received in your pitiful life?

No. 2009731

File: 1716147267246.gif (2.58 MB, 220x226, IMG_0739.gif)

>wants to not talk about men as the main topic
>thread gets spammed from a bunch of spergs trying to shut it down

You bitches truly can’t be helped. I hate how insufferable this website has become, it’s just like entire 4chan boards integrating the entire ideology of /pol/. Let me talk about this shit wtf

No. 2009732

File: 1716147272134.jpg (33.15 KB, 486x650, hbhj6.jpg)

>pointy elbows, 2/10 would not bang

No. 2009733

why would i be bald
i dont have

No. 2009735

File: 1716147291263.jpeg (172.45 KB, 801x1200, Trash-Taste-High-Res-27-.jpeg)

hotties s/

No. 2009736

File: 1716147295918.gif (211.74 KB, 300x100, 1000015783.gif)

I dont know why she keeps coming back to make this thread if she's supposed to be banned for her retarded bait. Making these "ugly woman psyop" threads and shitting Unpopular Opinions the fuck up when there's no ugly woman psyop in society, when we already have threads meant to pick apart celebrity women's looks, and when she keeps getting BTFO'd for her dumb bait just makes her look unhinged, obssessive, spiteful towards the anons who shit on ugly men, and very capey for scrotes with that "if we can have an ugly man thread, there should be one for women just because!" bullshit. There's already those retards who could NOT stop sperging about how ugly they think Florence, Anna Taylor, and Adrianna Lima are soooooo ugly, and didn't some of them had to get banned for it? Didn't one of them turn out to be a tranny? Such fucking unhinged and honestly jealous-looking behavior. A woman being ugly should not bother anyone this much, unless something isn't right with your head. And isn't that anon supposed to be banned RIGHT NOW, or was it already lifted?

No. 2009737

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No. 2009738

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No. 2009741

>I-I just want a thread that doesn’t focus on moids!
Cry about it, retard

No. 2009744

I just meant that sperging about how "models are all ugly/fat now" is kind of a moidish talking point. I'm not defending talentless nepo babies in the industry with unremarkable looks, but pretty much every talking head online has at least one video seething about models not living up to their standards. Anyway I'll stop derailing now.

No. 2009745

File: 1716147440432.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.45 KB, 938x1200, Fto53C3XgAEvf7Q.jpg)

Why do you faggot white moids start LARPing as black women as soon as you're faced with the slightest disagreement? You do not have an inner black woman, you are a europid with gynecomastia and a loose bootyhole

No. 2009746

Being obsessed with men sounds like a shitty way to live(ban evasion)

No. 2009747

it's a man nonnie, his unwashed balls reek even here

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