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No. 201065
>>201059yeah same lmao. i've made my bf dress up in skirts and panties for this exact reason.
the only thing that bothers me about this meme these days is that people are starting to be more open about sexualizing actual little boys (i.e shadman) and it freaks me out
No. 201122
generally attention whores. I dated one and he absolutely milked the hell out of it to get as much attention for being ~special~ as possible. Met a bunch of his friends and they were the same. In fact I've never met a "trap" guy who seemed mentally sound. It's a complete mockery of both cis women and MtF women.
>>201101agree with this, there is a world of difference between the two. A lot of traps use it as a fetish/for attention and lumping it in with actual trans people just paints a terrible image of the trans community
No. 201132
>>201131Fragile masculinity, idk.
>>201021It's stupid. I think most people say that as a joke, though.
No. 201133
theyre disgusting, what do traps do when they get older and are no longer "young and cute" do they transition?
>>201122How did you end up meeting him? Was he upfront about being a trap?
No. 201184
I know someone who recently got into the whole trap shit and lately has started to post pics of his scrawny shapeless man legs on the ugliest stripped stocking you'll ever fucking see and of course, plaid red skirts.
At this point, I have told him how much of a shameless fag he is almost daily but he just brushes it off or someone comes to defend the meme.
Y'know, is just a joke bro.
No. 201207
>>201183On facebook he has a nickname, not his real one. In real life his weirdo friends call him by a girl name and most people who know about it just try to not use his birth name, but I'm not sure he's really out to many people so I think most people use his birth name.
He's got "headmates" so sometimes you have to call him something different too lol.
No. 201216
>>201204Any ugly skinny nerd putting on thigh-highs thinking they are an anime trap… and equally ugly men encouraging it. What's so appealing about a concave, acne-covered hairy ass?
At least you have better luck with Asian femboys looking less repulsive. 男の娘 and Asian cosplayers usually put more effort, but now so many of them are taking hormones to look more feminine than the others and getting little tits, despite still calling themselves boys. And then fakebois pretending to be male traps. Ugh…
No. 201227
>>201223A lot of fakebois (girls pretending to be men) like to dress up in girly clothing and claim to be traps to be special and get male attention.
The boypussy meme is so repulsive because it's nothing more than misogynistic bullshit, men imagining kawaii girly boys being submissive and ready to pleasure them at any given time because actual women are too scary to them. In reality most actual "traps" are just convenient photo angles and tons of photoshop.
No. 201253
I used to have a fetish for them, I'm bi and love androgyny so it's the best of both worlds, but they tend to be younger guys so I'm growing out of it as I get older. 30 year old men can't really do the kawaii trap thing.
>>201233This is probably why I'm not so into them now. Also the ones that put on that fake embarrassed innocent act and want you to be their mommy dom, gross.
No. 201289
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No. 201300
>>201250Yes, basically.
They just want to look like their yaoi shota hawties uwu
No. 201301
>>201269B-But anon! It is has a dress on then is not a man thus not gay!
Isn't that how it works??? Didn't tumblr said gender was ~fluid~
No. 201438
>>the attitude i get from these guys is like "HAHA women look how obsolete you are now that a MAN can do your job better than you"this. this is the only thing that rubs me the wrong way about it, i don't give a fuck what you choose to wear but some of these men are truly delusional in thinking they look anything like a cis girl, much less any better than one. you're still a dude in panties
it's also such an inherently transient thing, the window for looking cute as a trap is so incredibly small before they just start looking like creepy men in drag
No. 201446
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>>201427pretty much
it annoys the hell out of me when they find some rando girl, a lot of the time unnaturally pale, slim and covered in makeup like anzu, rose, katya, etc, and make a huge trap meme out of them, so much to the point where if anyone makes a comment about them some trap-chaser would "remind" you they're a trap and they will often get away with so much shit a normal woman can't get away with without being bashed (acne, razor bumps, wearing lots of makeup, crappy hair, anorexia, being flat,being basic etc etc) it's not that traps are physically more attractive than a woman, it's that they are so set on what they look like that they don't see them for what they are
another thing i want to bring up is that a lot of the people in the community are pedo as fuck, they will post pics of little girls, call them traps or talk about how they need to be made traps at a young age
No. 201763
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reminds me of that episode of fairly odd parents when AJ and chester didn't have girlfriends so they just turned chester into a girl
No. 201994
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Ngl there are some who are pretty cute. I'm bi and have a big thing for small, thin, pretty men and I'm really into the few of these guys who can actually pull it off.
That said, I totally agree with
>>201191. A lot of these guys are just straight up fetishists or misogynists. Recurring trend among ugly wannabe traps is that they're wierdass looking men who can't get a girlfriend while presenting as male, so they become a ~*kawaii anime trap*~ and settle for hooking up with other traps. It's basically a circle of men who convinced themselves they're better at being women than actual women, and are willing to go gay to prove it, lmao
No. 202461
I used to browse /r9k/ a few years back because I liked reading all the sad stories. After it went to shit around about 2014-2015, there were way more "trap" threads. A lot of these threads were pretty explicit about recruiting, saying it was much easier to be a woman, that if you took hormones you could be a cute girl and have female privilege, that guys didn't demand you have social skills and you would be able to find somebody to love you and support you financially. These threads blew up, and a lot of people started posting pictures of themselves and posting progress on HRT. Men who wanted to have sex with teenage trans girls encouraged teens to transition and attempted to get their contact information.
Trans activism has sort of worried me ever since. It doesn't bother me when people attempt to erase gender norms altogether, but telling people that gender identity is congenitally determined, immutable, and will cause intense dysphoria if you don't transition when you're young scares me. It seemed like some trans people were at least partially interested in feminization fetishism and social benefits, and it seemed like that sort of thing was plenty capable of spreading. Considering transgender suicide rates, it seems like transitioning "going viral" could set off a suicide epidemic. Also, I feel intense loathing for the people trying to convince isolated young men to transition for sexual gratification.
At this point, I'm unsure if it was a good idea to make trans identities a front in the culture war before scholarly consensus emerged on their nature and origin.