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No. 201368
>>201327Yes, exactly. Thank you.
>>201318The difference is that because straight men aren't attracted to other men, they allow themselves to form a proper relationship with them. Their relationship isn't built on the hope that one day they're going to get in the other's pants. They don't think things like "but I wonder what it would be like to fuck Steve…hmmm…" that they would think around a female "friend".
When someone is attracted to another person, they do everything in their power to seem friendly and interesting instead of just being open and honest. It creates a really superficial relationship, it's not true friendship. You can't be friends with someone who is constanty creating a persona with the sole purpose of fucking you.
>>201325it has everything to do with the topic
No. 201380
>>201290Don't marry this child please it will be a fucking disaster.
The moment he's dictating who you can spend time with that's game over
No. 201391
>>201388"Find what you love and let it kill you"
Can you love?
No. 201406
>>201402>>201385agree with these two anons. if any of my close guy friends have developed feelings for me i wouldn't know. i'm reasonably attractive and have gotten a lot of attention from the opposite sex, but almost none of my friends have ever made a move on me after we developed a closer friendship. it's just a matter of picking decent human beings to hang out with.
i don't think you're a thot tho
>>201402 i've grown up with mainly guy friends because my interests and personality are seen as more boyish. i've made myself look more feminine but my major is predominantly male, so it's still difficult to find girl friends.
No. 201413
>>201410fair point, i guess it really depends on the type of people you're with and how attracted to them you are
tbh i think most cheating happens from alcohol/drugs anyway, most 'moral' people probably wouldn't
No. 201416
>>201409>there's been a lot of hate towards women who have mostly male friends.I mean, if you're a woman in say STEM, it's understandable that most of your friends are going to be men because it's a fucking sausage fest. I've never seen a lot of hate directed towards women like that. The issue is when they say shit like how they're friends with men because women are drama, because then it's pretty obvious the guys are just tagging along with the hopes they'll get to spit roast her.
I've actually seen quite a few women try to play that up thinking it makes them "not like the other girls" but it just makes me run for the hills instead.
>>201413>tbh i think most cheating happens from alcohol/drugs anywayI've seen numerous cases of people cheating without any substances being involved. At most they just reduce your inhibitions, I drink heavily at times but it's never been something I've worried about.
No. 201419
>>201409i've def seen the hate but i've also known a lot of girls who act like what
>>201416 mentions. i try to be careful when i talk about the discrepancy in my friendship ratio. i make it more of an issue that there's not very many girls around rather than girls not being very fun or because i lowkey hate other women.
the "not like other girls" girls are usually easy to pick out. how do her guy friends treat her? as an actual equal or do they dance around her? has more than one of them dated/slept with her? does she change negatively when there are other girls around? does she act stereotypically feminine even though she insists otherwise? i had one in my last mixed friend group, she would never want to hang around the other girls and just had the guys do her favors/drive her around.
No. 201420
>>201416>The issue is when they say shit like how they're friends with men because women are drama, because then it's pretty obvious the guys are just tagging along with the hopes they'll get to spit roast her. It boggles me how someone can have the persistence and drive to complete a degree in STEM and end up in a respectable institution, yet not only look in front of their face for romantic/sexual relations, but be so myopic about it.
I know people have many variances in personality, but it seems like that kind of short-term pursuit would negatively affect such individuals outside of just that, especially in academia where temptations are plenty.
No. 201428
>>201416Women in STEM are usually the ones who DON'T spew that bullshit because they get to see the petty side of men as well on a daily basis. Hell I'm a woman in STEM and I'd kill for another woman in our work group. The "I only hang out with guys because there's less drama" girls (Seriously they need their own definitive term) Are the queen bees who have a swarm of desperate men around them, only there because they want to fuck her so they suck up to her until she gets a boyfriend. That's when they all bail. And that's why they think "men are less drama" because they put up an act around her to please her.
Regarding the original topic of can women and men be friends, I think yes - I have plenty of male friends. And everyone SHOULD have friends of the opposite gender, it broadens your views. However I can't deny that it gets hard, in my experience men often think you're into them if you're so much as casually polite to them and start behaving inappropriately, or they have a very jealous girlfriend that doesn't like their man speaking to other girls. I've lost so many good male friends because their insecure girlfriends didn't like "competition" despite us being friends for years before their relationship, and made so many awkward moments when a guy confesses to me and I don't feel the same way. Both genders should really act to stop the "women and men can't be just friends" meme.
No. 201429
>>201420>It boggles me how someone can have the persistence and drive to complete a degree in STEM and end up in a respectable institution, yet not only look in front of their face for romantic/sexual relations, but be so myopic about it. Because many men in STEM have little to no experience with the opposite sex and have no clue how to operate around them. So a moderately attractive woman throws a bit of attention at them and they go brain dead. Like I'm trying to be pretty active with colleges Engineering club and other sorts of activities in an attempt to build contacts and I can count the number of women I talk to each month through that stuff on one hand.
If I'm going to meet a woman it's going to be through online dating or some other club, or shit like that.
>>201428>Women in STEM are usually the ones who DON'T spew that bullshit because they get to see the petty side of men as well on a daily basisJunior year and on, I would agree with you. At that point the only people left are people who are actually interested in the field. Freshman year though? I saw quite a few women who thought they could latch themselves onto some nerd and have him carry her forward like back in Highschool. Then your great filter classes put a curb stomp to that notion. That's my experience anyways.
>he "I only hang out with guys because there's less drama" girls (Seriously they need their own definitive term)I understand the sentiment but this kind of echoes the whole "nice guy" thing to me. The issue isn't nice guys but "nice guys" and blah blah blah. I'd like to just call them all cunts but I doubt that'll catch on.
No. 201442
>>201290This seems like one of the fundamental differences between men and women. Women are much more capable of being strictly platonic than men. Your boyfriend dislikes the idea because he knows well that every one of those male friends who isn't gay or asexual is going to want to fuck you. It doesn't mean that men can't be 'real friends' with you, but the general rule is that whatever the relationship is, he wants to have sex with you.
If you want to know how men would act if they weren't inhibited by women's relative lack of sexual interest, look at gay relationships. It's not unusual for them to have 100 different partners per year.
No. 201486
What do u think about your BF having female friends?
Can u be ok with the fact that him will hangout with one woman, to eat, having fun, putting photo on instagram with her and a beautiful legend like: "special time with my best".
You'll call him to come to your home and he'll answer: "oh, I can't, today I'll in the starbucks with Lisa"
I'm pretty sure no one will like this. I'll be jealous.
A friendship between straight man and straight woman will never be the samen than man-man or woman-woman friendship.
A man go to his friend's bedroom drink, talk, watch some sports and etc, but, a girl will not do the same.
So, one thing is u talk with your friends on the campus other things is you hanging out with them.