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No. 202225
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Stevie Floyd! I'd love to get tattooed by her some day
No. 202227
File: 1502948633890.jpg (296.58 KB, 1244x812, 30b260be-243c-42f5-8e1f-0e4384…) like Jinx88kc, her style is really cute. Kaneoya Sachiko and kanekoshake are good too.
No. 202234
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Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. I like the way he renders his work for his work in Gundam the Origin.
Some of my other faves are James Jean, Valerie Chua, Joao Ruas, Rockwell, Leyendecker, and Junji Ito.
No. 202253
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Natsume Ono and Yumi Tada
Yoshitaka Amano
Bill Sienkiewicz
Ayami Kojima
Way too many others but most of them are mangaka or miscellaneous pixiv users
No. 202267
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madoka kinoshita is p good
i like watching her painting videos because they are quiet and you can hear all the tape/brush sounds
No. 202277
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Sachin Teng recently became a favorite of mine. Her work is so busy and lively, I dig it.
No. 202283
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her acrylic stuff is really cute and her lines are really clean,the only problem I have with her is that she always draws the hair way too big
I fucking love Kira Imai's art
Her style is so soft and feminine
No. 202290
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Awesome thread idea anon! Im gonna dump so artists that I like
I'll start with my absolute fave- Takato Yamamoto, I have one of his artbooks signed and I love it to death
No. 202291
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>>202290Tomer Hanuka- I adore the colours he uses, he often sticks with the exact same pink and blue hues in all of his peices which I really like. I had a hard time choosing what peice of his to show bc I love it all so much
No. 202292
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>>202291Marc Davis- Animator and imagineer for disney, pic related is some of this concept art for the haunted manstion ride in disneyland
No. 202293
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>>202292Cameron stewart- His stuff can be a little plain sometimes but I love his style and the way he lines. He was responsible for the batgirl redesign in 2014
No. 202295
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>>202293Becky Cloonan- I found her art via the killjoys graphic novel back when I was MCR crazy and I fell in love with her style, its strong and dark whilst still being soft and feminine. Plus she seems like a cool person
No. 202296
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>>202295Kaneoya Sachiko- she draws alot guys in pain or getting beat/tied up and judging by the kink thread it seems a lot of farmers would enjoy her work lmao
Thats all I have I think for now
No. 202307
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>>202296damn anon, thanks for the rec. I'm totally into it.
No. 202308
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Kim Jung Gi. It's fun watching him draw straight from pen in his videos. Shows that x years of observational drawing would help you get better in drawing from your imagination.
No. 202309
>>202296i always thought the artist was some random jap guy with a weird furry fetish.
but yeah i got turned on over the years everytime i came across a pic of one of the beat up guys she draws
No. 202315
>>202308> x years of observational drawing would help you get better100% agree that observational drawing will improve anyone's work. Still Kim Jung Gi is on a whole new outlying level in just how well he's able to construct things in his mind, whether or not that's entirely his own super dedicated practice (50 pages a day in highschool) or a photographic memory in play. There's so much unfounded speculation online about autism to the point that this interviewer admits being surprised when he acts normally irl me cry that I will never be him
No. 202335
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Akihiko Yoshida. He's one of my faves and he inspired me to draw more concept art of my characters.
>>202267Not much a fan of her style but I like how she executed her paintings.
No. 202341
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Jakub Rozalski
i like military themes and giant machines
No. 202363
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Jakub Rebelka is great.
No. 202367
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No. 202518
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Kuua Oyasumi has a neat style
No. 202571
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Miles Johnston. I am in love with his graphite works.
No. 202578
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Soejima Shigenori, his Personal 5 artwork is among his best since it's so lively and bright. But I've always loved his artwork, and I've always loved how Persona 3 and 5 all have different types of artstyles. 3 has a more watercolor artsyle, 4 relies more on thin lines and super bright colors, and 5 is very comic booklike. Not many people realize this I think, though.
No. 202580
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>>202578Speaking of, Kazuma Kaneko is great too. He might actually be my favorite, his style is so iconic ♡♡
No. 202592
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Sakizo. Some of her work does get samey, esp faces, but I just love all the details she puts in.
No. 202866
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May Ann Licudine/Shardula
I am in love with her whimsical artworks and I'm glad she got featured on Gallery Nucleus.
Idk it it's me or she doesn't get enough recognition in her own country bc I almost never saw her have an exhibit there.
No. 202930
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J. C. Leyendecker
No. 202975
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>>202930he drew beautiful men, i can understand the rumours
No. 202980
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Tracy Butler. I really like her Lackadaisy comics.
No. 202981
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madeofsparrows on twitter.
No. 202982
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Pepperonccini. I really adore her fully rendered digital works.
No. 203174
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Tatsuyuki Tanaka
No. 203644
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>>203174Holy shit yes! I just bought one of those comickers books to see if it has any information about how he draws, everything he does looks amazing.
No. 203674
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fuyuno (ふゆの) on pixiv has some of the most beautiful stuff ever.
No. 203680
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si_ku is another good one
No. 204487
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Q Hayashida is an absolute legend. Too bad her stuff is so obscure.
No. 205678
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Favorite pixiv artist atm is tofuvi. I love this aesthetic so much
No. 234907
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Annie Stegg Gerard is my current favorite. She posts a lot on deviantart and it's astonishing how much she improved since 2003.
No. 234908
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Annie Stegg's painting from 10 years ago.
No. 234910
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one of her recent paintings
No. 256057
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im not sure if this thread is dead or not but i rlly love amsbt No. 256075
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Zdzisław Beksiński
No. 256252
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>>256075Beksiński is of my favorites.
Recently I've been enjoying the work of Emilio Villalba, pic related
No. 256280
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i probably adore anatola howard's art more than anyone elses, especially her comics
No. 256288
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Nobody does sexy/fluid/effortless anime art like rvsa
No. 256289
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i really like millionfish
they do a lot of mgs fanart. they use nice color palettes and abstract imagery in a lot of their stuff too
No. 256290
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>>256289sage for samefagging but picture attached is a better representation of how they use abstractions in their art
No. 256298
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>>256290>>256289Alongside MGS, they do excellent Star Trek fanart too! (Seeing millionfish mentioned anywhere gets me excited, haha.)
No. 261316
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James Jean
No. 261318
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James Jean (pt2)
No. 261357
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rickeytickey on tumblr, really hard to show off how cool his stuff is with just one pic tho. he does some really cool work, i've been going back to it for inspiration for like 3 years now
>>202253late ass reply but seconding natsume ono & yoshitaka amano, own books from both. good taste
>>256289these are all very cool, thanks for sharing! their comic work is really beautiful too
No. 262138
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totally gonna dump some of my favorites rn
This one is by Dromsjel
No. 262140
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No. 262141
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>>262140ivanalifan on instagram, I love how he paints textures in such an interesting way
No. 262142
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>>262141madanmar on instagram, interesting use of color
No. 262143
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>>262142Marta Nael
doesn't post on her page anymore, but you can follow her fb profile (on which I took the screencap)
No. 262144
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>>262143Surrealism , Nathalia Suellen
No. 262146
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>>262144ya.hime on instagram,
jasmin Darnell on Facebook
her stuff reminds me of Kira Imai's artworks
No. 262147
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>>262146Tomasz Alen Kopera is incredible. He mixes nature and people so beautifully in his art, it's really poetic.
No. 262148
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>>262147Iris Scott, she paints with her fingers
No. 262152
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>>262149Finally, Pascal Campion does some cute stuff. /end dump
sorry for spamming anons
No. 262183
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Abigail Goss / memedokis has a cute, cartoon style. I found her through her magical girl fanart.
No. 317548
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Ayami Kojima
No. 317551
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sara kippin
No. 317560
>>317551Flat, no detail, awkward lumpy shapes.
Self post or just bad taste?
No. 317588
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Dropped image
No. 317589
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Miles Johnston
No. 317592
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And finally Likrotable (who I suspect is a farmer but that’s just my tinfoil)
No. 426756
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I don't know if this is the right thread (i can't find any other one and the last photo uploaded here was 7 months ago??) but here ya go, my favorite artist
No. 427133
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Shinichi Sakamoto, he has a short documentary about innocent on YouTube, Not really digging his style in Rouge but his style in the older volumes is so intricate and amazing. The amount of referencing he does with his team is admirable
No. 427150
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You should go check on him. I read every comic so far, he gives some Senkiewiczhowdoiwriteit vibe
No. 427194
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I'm glad someone necro'd this thread. There's too much negativity around art on LCF, it's a nice change of pace to talk about art we actually like lmao
Anyway, I really love Ayami Kojima's art.
No. 427196
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Nick Robles also needs more love. He's a new penciler+inker at Marvel.
No. 427402
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I have too many, so there are my choices; Gigi Cavenago
No. 427403
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Guido Buzzelli
No. 427404
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Winsor McCay
I am having troubles finding a really beautiful comic I once read; it was mute but with a beatiful pace. It even won a certain prize, fact is, it talked about a blonde boy who was looking for stuff by the sea shore and found an old camera with a roll in it. He develops it and finds out other people took photos of themselves with a photo of the previous owner. Last, he returns the camera to the sea.
It was truly beautiful but I can't find it
No. 427419
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Chris Ware, dude's a god w isometric shapes and visual/architectural design. Check out his graphic novel, Building Stories. It's really beautiful especially if you're into minimalism and homely stuff
No. 430130
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absolutely love yue wu @yung_n_dum_ on ig. she brings back that 80's/90's anime style but with a modern and fashionable twist. it's super cute!
>>429126pc 98 graphics really do have this dated charm to them, especially since the system was super high tech at the time. it's a shame it's wasted on mostly eroge
No. 430142
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David Dees in a 'so bad it's good' way
No. 430204
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I love Fuyuko Matsui. Her art is so perfect it's like it was made for me. Not a lot of it is available online, I'm considering buying one of her art books but they're really pricey.