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No. 202513
>>202495When I was a kid I used to go to a school with Special Ed and thanks to the integration all classes had to have at least one kid from the program.
We got the Low functioning Autistic kid.
It was hell.
No. 202830
>>202816Oh, gotcha. It was actually my first guess (fellow potatofag here) but the "I wouldn't keep it" threw me off.
I've been listening to a lot of radio during my commute and Ray D'Arcy talks about it quite a bit/interviews people with disabled children etc. The parents usually have to pay extortionate fees to keep their low-functioning children in a home just to get them out of their hair and the staff are known for tacking on additional expenses onto the already hefty bill. They've interviewed parents of people with autism and DS, they all unanimously say it destroys lives and marriages but muh 'every life is precious' and 'poverty is noble' so actual accounts of people who're going through this don't count.
No. 202952
>>202787That sounds really depressing. You should realy try to call adult protective services (or CPS depending on her age) and inform them (I think you can do it anonymously).
At the same time, when DS people are taken into care homes they can be vulnerable to abuse. But if you think she is in danger, you should tell someone.
No. 202954
>>202830What about the 'actual accounts' of families with kids with disabilities, who are happy and coping?
Or do you just choose to exclusively listen to pro euthanasia, mainstream media, depopulation agenda garbage? You sound brainwashed.
No. 203343
>>202954That happiness may be a lie in the long run.
I used to have an extremely anti abortion Christian aunt that ended caring of her DS son after the husband tailed off.
She would preach her love for the kid at every second, was part of an assotiation of parents with DS children to help them get jobs, saying she was perfectly fine and happy with her life, had a great job and enough money to pay for the treatments and such.
Last year she killed herself, after 20 years of endeavor.
She told no one of her recent struggles and that kid forgot about her already.
Stop being so fucking vain life is not black and white.
No. 203631
>>203516Abortion is literally eugenics. If you're openly pro abortion then you should openly admit you're pro eugenics too.
Everyone knows abortion disproportionately targets black and disabled babies.
No. 203668
>>203631>disabledGood, we need that kind of eugenics. I don't see how anyone with a rational mind would oppose ridding the human species of disabled individuals altogether.
>blackLower class economically, pregnant more often. More black people aborting doesn't mean less black people all around. Just means black people having better chances to rise from poverty because they don't need to feed twelve babies by the time they're fifteen and can actually get some education and build a career.
But this is bait of course. If you really opposed abortion you'd talk about richer, smarter and more educated people opting out of having kids and aborting if they're preggo while poorer, dumber people are too retarded to realize they shouldn't breed
8/10 Tumblr impersonation, you were obvious but still did such a good job i had to respond
No. 203761
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>>203668>mfw pence and trump defund PP and all thots who get abortions are criminalizedThe masses are waking up.
No. 203972
>>202954These families may appear to be 'happy' and 'coping' but either their child's disability isn't too extreme or they are getting enough outside support to be able to cope, but it still takes a toll and most of these things come at a price.
My sister is severely autistic, low-functioning, non-verbal with some other intellectual disabilities thrown in. My family is solid, but my parents have had to sacrifice much of their life for the past 34 years. I think deep down my parents are very angry, resentful and full of regret about the things that have happened to them and my sister.
It's not easy and coping takes a great deal of strength and willpower to overcome with a lot of anguish. I admire my parents strength and character to have never really faltered in their position, but I do not wish this struggle upon anyone and can understand if people had the choice to abort why they would.
If my parents could have had a diagnosis of my sister in the womb, and knowing what they know now, they probably would have aborted. My sister's quality of life and the trauma she experiences without a voice is just so horrendous to consider.